
SiDihi MadsRH10:20
SiDiMadsRH: i got the arrows problem fixed, and also the dark grey stripe appearing when scrolling on the slides10:21
MadsRHOh, here :-) I've added more icons. I'll find a link for you10:21
SiDibut for the text over icon there's nothing i can do :x10:21
MadsRHOkay, so any suggestion for a solution?10:22
SiDibtw, most icons have different look and feel, and different sizes10:22
SiDiif you put icons slightly more little (like the Help one) it should pass10:22
MadsRHright (didn't want to post the link before the upload had finished)10:22
SiDithat's not really a "solution", but with the position absolute layout we cant do much10:22
MadsRHaka smaller?10:22
SiDiyeh, the help one is smaller10:23
SiDiand btw, you got gossy / tango-ish / realistic icons melted10:23
SiDiyou need to keep only 1 kind of icons :P10:23
MadsRH+1 I'll look into that10:24
MadsRHproblem is, we don't know how many letters it takes to describe Open office in Chinese10:25
MadsRHso the text might be much longer and still be on top of the icon10:26
MadsRHSiDi -> The Tango icons that needs replacement is Empathy and Installer, but what about the ubuntu-logo? Should that be replaced as well?10:29
SiDiinstall / accessibility / empathy / ubuntu logo10:31
SiDiand maybe even evolution10:31
SiDibtw MadsRH, the slide "engine" and the slides are separate things, right ?10:31
SiDii could technically make a package with xubuntu slides ?10:31
MadsRHYes, derivatives might want to do that10:33
MadsRHslide "engine"?10:33
SiDii mean the scripts that make it run =p10:36
SiDiDo you have some xcf for the current icons and background that i could steal from you ? :)10:36
MadsRHSorry no I don't. Would it be really hard to use SVG?10:37
SiDioh if you have svg its even better :D10:38
SiDii dont like gimp much10:38
MadsRHOr perhaps use smaller 128x128 icons?10:38
SiDioh you mean for the slides10:38
SiDiwe can use smaller icons yeh, but not too small :)10:38
SiDithe problem is that since the icon is put in position absolute i cant make it go "below" the text10:39
MadsRHRight now I've scaled a SVG to about 200px, large SVG icons looks really good10:39
MadsRHBut it would be easier to replace icons? although some slickness is lost10:40
SiDiicons of the size of the help one will be ok for all the slides in english10:40
MadsRHOkay, we could try that. I'll resize them all, unless we should pursue another solution like standard 128x128 PNG or SVG files for easy replacement10:42
SiDibut it wouldnt look sexy :D10:44
SiDicould you make an xcf template with a random icon so we know how to obtain the same effect ?10:44
SiDior some instructions, for the opacity of the bottom part, etc10:44
MadsRHsure, but I'm not sure how to do this for SVG files.10:46
knomeSiDi, MadsRH: did you already solve the problem mentioned in the mailing list?11:01
SiDiknome: arrows problem is fixed11:02
MadsRHknome -> SiDi is currently work on it11:02
SiDitext over icon is unfixable without some changes that give non-sexy results when loading new slides11:02
SiDiMadsRH: did you receive the file i posted above ?11:03
knomeSiDi, tell me if you need help11:03
SiDii need help from the webkit devs :p11:03
MadsRHknome -> perhaps I should let the mailing list know that, so no one will waste time looking at it11:03
SiDibtw MadsRH wont this use gecko for release ? Or will they REALLY add webkit to the CD just for the slideshow ?11:04
knomeMadsRH, yeah i suppose so11:04
MadsRHSiDi -> I think Webkit is already uploaded to Karmic.11:04
SiDithats crazy11:05
MadsRHSiDi -> Yes, I got your file and I'm looking at it now! btw http://files.getdropbox.com/u/175241/images.tar.gz11:05
MadsRHnot resized yet though!11:06
MadsRHSiDi -> and here's tutorial for the reflection http://binnyva.blogspot.com/2006/12/creating-reflections-for-logos-in-gimp.html11:06
MadsRHit doesn't add the shadow, but besides that is how it's done11:07
SiDiknome: we do a xubuntu slide show ? :D11:08
MadsRHSiDi -> there's also a plugin, but I can make it work! http://code.google.com/p/gimp-reflection/11:08
knomeSiDi, meh :P11:08
knomeSiDi, not sure11:09
MadsRHSiDi -> Fantastic work! madsrh-layout_fixed looks great. How do I create a new branch?11:12
SiDibzr commit -m "Foo"11:13
SiDibzr push lp:~madsrh/+junk/mynewbranch11:13
MadsRHI've never done this. I get: bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/home/mads/".11:14
SiDifrom inside your branch :)11:16
SiDifrom inside madsrh_layout11:16
MadsRHof course :-[11:16
SiDibzr commit -m "New layout" && bzr push lp:~yourid/+junk/branchname11:16
MadsRHSiDi -> I get all kind of errors! :'(11:20
SiDiMadsRH: ive got a branch ready but cant push it due to firewall11:22
SiDii'll send it to you via a tarball11:22
SiDiwhats your LP id ?11:22
SiDii suppose you never identified to LPso you cant push11:24
SiDihttp://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/latest/en/mini-tutorial/index.html#publishing-your-branch-with-launchpad MadsRH11:24
SiDido the identification part, then push to launchpad, there are examples of push here11:25
SiDithe tarball contains a branch ready to be pushed11:25
MadsRHSiDi -> Fantastic! But this will require some time for me (because I'm so stupid). Because I also get bzr: ERROR: https://launchpad.net/%7EMadsRH/%2Bsshkeys is permanently redirected to https://launchpad.net/~madsrh/+sshkeys11:28
SiDiwhen pushing ?11:29
SiDii dont know what it means :P11:31
SiDiAre you sure you have your private key in this pc ?11:31
MadsRHPerhaps I can e-mail the files to Dylan McCall and have him upload it? I do think that would be better11:32
SiDihehe if you want11:32
SiDiim gonna take a shower, see you later :)11:33
MadsRHSiDi -> Someday I will learn about branches, pushing and pulling11:33
MadsRHSiDi -> Thanks again11:33
SiDiyou're welcome ;)11:35
=== ryanakca_ is now known as ryanakca
MadsRHHi. Does anyone know where I can find a SVG version of the Empathy logo in a non-Tango version?16:18
MadsRHMadsRH -> I should ask this question in the Artwork channel ;-) Sorry for the noise16:23

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