
linuxguy2009 trism: installing debs arent hard either BTW.00:00
jejedikitty : i have a french version, i'm in the sound settings is it  good?00:00
Drknezzwweasel: glxgears is aid by the cpu, a good frame rate doesnt mean a good card/drivers00:00
trismI'm not saying they are00:00
trismbut then you need to update manually, hurray00:00
kitty_does it have an option for you to choose the output device?00:00
kitty_if not then no00:00
jensjennyHi! Kindly visit my site at www.jensporn.com Thank you! :)00:00
wweaselDrknezz: How could I tell whether my graphics card has hardware acceleration working?00:00
melinuxCan an update been "undone"00:00
Drknezzwweasel: glxinfo | grep direct00:00
Drknezzwweasel: if it says "no" then you need drivers00:01
linuxguy2009 trism: The non free plugin in the repos is downloaded from adobe as well so dont much matter,00:01
DaZdoes glxgears work without? <:00:01
wweaselDrknezz: "direct rendering: Yes".  I suppose so?00:01
Drknezzlinuxguy2009: that DEB is just a wrapper script00:01
raulhlinuxguy2009: libnspr4-dev i get an error saying that is not a satisfiable dependancy00:01
Drknezzwweasel: you're ready for compiz/KDE4 FX00:01
linuxguy2009Drknezz: Sorry i have no clue what you speak of.00:01
wweaselDrknezz: But apparently not for the games I'm trying to run...must be another problem...00:01
jejedikitty : yes00:02
NantoRokuseikenanyone here using dyn dns?00:02
raulhgod i love it when amatures give advice on things they don't understand.00:02
wweaselDrknezz: Thanks for your help!00:02
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sebsebseb!noob |  raulh00:03
ubotturaulh: Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.00:03
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linuxguy2009Drknezz:n Helps when you speak in complete sentences.00:03
kitty_jejedi try switching from pulse to alsa and the test output and hitting the test buttons to see if the sound is working from there, if not, i'll not beable to help you00:03
DaZsebsebseb: fail00:03
raulhSebsebseb i never said noob, so stfu kid.00:03
trismraulh, like I said, just install flashplugin-nonfree in the repos00:03
trismit'll install the deps for you00:03
sebsebsebraulh: true, but there isn't a specific one for amature00:03
raulhTrism, it doesn't read it on the repo's00:03
sebsebseb!language |   raulh00:04
ubotturaulh: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:04
jejedikitty : the test buttons give me no sound...00:04
thiebaudesebsebseb, thanks00:04
linuxguy2009raulh: Lets keep it respectful here please.00:04
jejedikitty : for alsa ans pulseaudio00:04
Drknezzlinuxguy2009: it means the deb actually downloads and unpacks the tar.gz from adobe00:04
Drknezzwweasel: you there?00:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dontabusethebot00:04
linuxguy2009Drknezz: Yeah I know. Its a metapackage.00:04
wweaselDrknezz: Yes.00:04
sebsebseb!ot |  DaZ00:04
ubottuDaZ: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:04
Drknezzwweasel: try deactivating all kinds of effects when you're about to run a game, it helps a lot00:05
sebsebseb!botabuse |  DaZ00:05
ubottuDaZ: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".00:05
linuxguy2009Metapackage is a deb that doesnt contain any files, it simply points the system to the actuall group of packages that are required for installation.00:05
wweaselDrknezz: Thanks, I'm actually running with all visual effect disabled.00:05
Drknezzwweasel: weird00:05
Drknezzwweasel: do you have integrated graphics?00:06
wweaselDrknezz: Yes.00:06
cosmic_kahi anyone know how to use iPhone 3g s as an external hd. I only have hardy and an iPhone no ther os involved00:06
benno_fra_dkTrying to connect bluetooth gps antenna. Every attempt to communicate returns "invalid exchange". Please help?00:06
DaZwweasel: without effects doesn't mean without compositing :f00:06
raulhdoes anyone know how to get the restricted driver display to display my 8600gts driver?00:06
wweaselDaZ: Compiz is disabled.00:06
Drknezzwweasel: :S not to offend you man, but a normal, cheap 7300 can crush every linux game out there (except nexuiz XD)00:06
ubuntui have a question about pidgin and irc...  can pidgin actually connect to a specific #channel?00:06
wweaselDrknezz: None taken. It's a laptop.00:06
raulhDrknezz: my 6100 can run nex.00:07
linuxguy2009cosmic_ka: if there like older ipods you just plug it in and copy files to it.00:07
wweaselDrknezz: And my only PC.00:07
Drknezzwweasel: :O00:07
sebsebsebubuntu: I woudn't recommend Pidgion for IRC, better  off using Konversation and maybe Xchat00:07
sebsebsebubuntu: and if your up for it IRSSI in the termianl after configuring it00:07
Drknezzraulh: lol, but i dont think on MAX graphics00:07
raulhyes on max.00:07
ubuntuusing xchat right now... but was curious00:07
wweaselcosmic_ka: It's not like older iPods. The long and the short of it is that it's very locked down and can't be used as an external HD.00:07
sol93ubuntu: yes, it can. you have to "add" a chat00:07
linuxguy2009ubuntu: You can add channels to the main buddy list they are listed under the Chat heading as opposed to Buddy or whatever.00:07
Drknezzraulh: NICE00:08
loonyphoenixHi all! I have a question. Is Karmic REALLY unstable? I'm considering trying it out.00:08
sebsebseb!karmic |  loonyphoenix00:08
ubottuloonyphoenix: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+100:08
linuxguy2009loonyphoenix: Karmic is still in testing yeah.00:08
boss_mcloonyphoenix: karmic WILL BREAK00:08
Drknezzsebsebseb: really fast00:08
wweaselcosmic_ka: If it is jailbroken you can install OpenSSH and transfer files over SSH.00:08
thiebaudeloonyphoenix, yep , it still is in developement00:08
raulhok, now back to my question >_> how can i get the Propriatary drivers to show up?00:08
sebsebsebDrknezz: yep00:08
Drknezzsebsebseb: xD00:08
ubuntuok.. now i see it.. thankyou00:08
Stralyticloonyphoenix: i always run ubuntu+1 on my laptop and things break quite regularly... that's half the fun00:08
loonyphoenixOK, I get it :)00:08
sol93ubuntu: main window, menu "Buddies", "Add a Chat"00:08
raulhusually it would be up on top right, but it's not there this time.00:08
sebsebsebDrknezz: :d00:08
wweaselcosmic_ka: But you should know that SSH file transfer to the iphone are extremely slow.00:08
benno_fra_dkTrying to connect bluetooth gps antenna. Every attempt to communicate returns "invalid exchange". Please help?00:09
cosmic_kais there any way to do it without the jailbreak?00:09
loonyphoenixStralytic: Do vital things break for you, like Xorg etc?00:09
trismSystem/Administration/Hardware Drivers raulh?00:09
arandloonyphoenix: ...and discussion should be in #ubuntu+1 (sorry to sound a bit aggressive)00:09
cosmic_kadon't want to void my warranty00:09
raulhTrism: it's not there ;(00:09
linuxguy2009cosmic_ka:  Does the ipod/iphone not get mounted as a drive like the old ipods?00:09
loonyphoenixOk, ok.00:09
benno_fra_dkTrying to connect bluetooth gps antenna. Every attempt to communicate returns "invalid exchange". Please help? Working on hardy server in console.00:10
ElizeuBoa Noite pessoal00:10
Elizeualguem a fim de tc ??00:10
wweasellinuxguy2009: No, it doesn't.00:10
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Xodiac13I have been looking at ubuntu utlimate gamers edition which one is based off of ubuntu 8.1000:10
raulhtrism: would a software update maybe help?00:10
linuxguy2009man that bites00:10
Stralyticloonyphoenix: yes, vital things break00:10
Xodiac13there is 2.0 to 2.2 and i want to make sure its ubuntu 8.1000:10
wweaselcosmic_ka: Whether or not jailbreaking voids your warranty is debatable, but when you connect it, does it recognize it as a media device and show you the pictures you've taken with the camera?00:11
raulhIt technically does void it if you take it in, but if you restore it, they will never know.00:11
cosmic_kaI'll try it again00:11
Stralyticloonyphoenix: vital things break less often closer to release date though00:11
trismI don't know, I dunno what you're trying to do00:11
Xodiac13does anyone know if ubuntu utlimate gamers edition 2.2 is ubuntu intrepid00:11
cosmic_kahow do you restore it?00:12
wweaselcosmic_ka: Through iTunes.00:12
solexious|netbkHow can I check what package sources don't have keys?00:12
raulhSHOOT, i accidently installed ubuntu with not enough space for updates, does anyone know how to resize the filesystem to be bigger?00:12
cosmic_kacan I install iTunes with wine?00:12
wweaselcosmic_ka: You can't sync with the iPhone with iTunes in wine.00:12
mhilmiDoes anyone know if theres a PPA package for Boost libraries? apt only has 1.35?00:13
Xodiac13wweasel: do you know if ubuntu ultimate edition 2.2 is based off of ubuntu intrepid i know 2.0 is i just want to make sure my video will work00:13
VCooliosolexious|netbk: trying to add third party repos?00:13
trismyou can do it from gparted on the livecd00:13
wweaselXodiac13: I don't know anything about it. You ought to ask everyone, not me specifically.00:13
solexious|netbkVCoolio, I have in the past without adding they00:13
Xodiac13wweasel: k do you know if you have to pay for it00:13
wweaselcosmic_ka: In fact, the only way to sync with the iPhone from within Ubuntu would be to run a virtual machine in Virtual Box.00:13
linny2.2 is jaunty00:14
benno_fra_dkTrying to connect bluetooth gps antenna. Every attempt to communicate returns "invalid exchange". Please help? Working on hardy server in console.00:14
boss_mcXodiac13: it's Jaunty from 2.2+ (according to the website)00:14
Xodiac13linny: and 2.0 is intrepid right cause i need that one00:14
solexious|netbkVCoolio, the keys, but as there all launch pad its hard working out the apt error telling me its missing keys00:14
wweaselXodiac13: Again, I don't know anything about your question. Please don't direct your questions directly to me - direct them to everyone, and someone who knows something about what you're taking about will respond.00:14
linnyXodiac13: dunno 2.o isnt on thier website anymore00:14
VCooliosolexious|netbk: on launchpad they all have keys now00:14
VCooliosolexious|netbk: you need to import them00:14
Xodiac13linny: do you know if you have to pay for it00:15
cosmic_kaguess I will try with vbox00:15
linnyXodiac13: no oc not00:15
linnyits free00:15
solexious|netbkVCoolio, Yes, I know, my question was to tell if and what I do have keys for, and import those I dont00:15
Xodiac13linny: k and is there a difference between 2.0 and 2.100:15
wweaselcosmic_ka: This page will tell you what I've told you and more: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone00:15
Xodiac13linny: 2.0 is a lot bigger than 2.100:15
boss_mcXodiac13: all this info is on the website00:15
Xodiac13boss_mc: can you please direct me to the site00:16
VCooliosolexious|netbk: right; there is a script on ubuntuforums that does that for you00:16
boss_mcXodiac13: http://ultimateedition.info/ultimate-edition-2-3/00:16
linnyXodiac13: dunno i dont see a 2.1 on thier website either and that prolly means no longer supported you should install vanilla ubuntu00:16
Xodiac13boss_mc: thank you00:16
solexious|netbkVCoolio, aaah, thats fab!00:16
boss_mcXodiac13: google would have found it for you00:16
Xodiac13linny: can you direct me to the vinalle ubuntu00:16
Xodiac13boss_mc: sorry00:17
linnyXodiac13: now your having a lol00:17
boss_mcXodiac13: vanilla means plain00:17
boss_mcXodiac13: so ubuntu.com does the job00:17
Gumbyhi all.  anyone here running ubuntu and have issues with popping and crackling when using the audio output of hdmi ?00:17
linnyXodiac13:  try ubuntu.com ?00:17
Xodiac13linny: i just want to try something different00:17
cooper77zhi, what's a good program to use to convert my home video dvd+r disks to quicktime?00:17
linuxguy2009Oh I never read this before. Is the ubuntu server edition essentially the same as desktop edition but has gnome stripped away?00:18
linuxguy2009That true?00:18
linnyXodiac13: well these ultimate editions are only ubuntu with programs pre installed its all available in vanilla ubuntu00:18
VCooliosolexious|netbk: don't know where I found it, you may search ubuntuforums, but here it is: http://pastebin.com/f5c95f0de00:19
Xodiac13linny: o oops lol i am downloading it right now i just want to see how it is, is it better performance and all00:19
sebsebseblinuxguy2009: yeah no GUI, also a special server kernel00:19
cooper77zlinuxguy2009: I don't think so, the server is way faster for my machine.00:19
linnyultimate will likly be poorer as its more bloted00:19
linnybut its arugeable is suppose00:20
sebsebseblinny  Xodiac13    ultimate is not offical, so best to avoide it really00:20
solexious|netbkVCoolio, Thank you very much :)00:20
Xodiac13sebsebseb: o uh is it any good though do you know00:20
arandlinny: more features are not neccessarily worse...00:20
=== Odin is now known as Guest65106
Name141I am assuming http://linux.dell.com/files/ubuntu/jaunty/iso-images/ubuntu-9.04-dell-reinstall.iso would be the dell ISO?00:20
linuxguy2009sebsebseb:cooper77z:  Hmm that gives me ideas. Ill have to check the size of the server iso and see if that will make for a better base for a custom ubuntu CD/DVD. If its a lt smaller then that leaves more room on disk for all the apps I want. sweet00:21
linnylinuxguy2009: while correct it doesnt have a DE it has extra software designed for servers if you want a base install wo a DE you should use the minimal cd00:21
sebsebsebXodiac13: I  virtual machined loads of stuff can't remember if I did ultimate, did  a few distros  that were Ubuntu or Debian based though and such, better to use  the proper ones though00:21
cooper77z ?what's a good program to use to convert my home video dvd+r disks to quicktime?00:21
linuxguy2009linny: Oh well thats even better.00:21
binarymutantcooper77z, mplayer00:21
linnyarand: i understand this but i was saying if he installs an old version of ultimate he gets no offical support if he installs ubuntu then the pacages he needs he does00:22
sebsebsebyep this channl isn't for ultimate support00:22
linuxguy2009linny: The minimal CD isnt maintanied by canonical is it? Its 3rd party?00:22
Xodiac13sebsebseb: does it still do updates though00:22
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linny linuxguy2009: yes it is00:23
binarymutantsebsebseb, you could always pay for the real support :)00:23
arandName141: I think dell does not supply the exact iso they ship, because it includes things like flash etc. which due to licencing they can't distribute freely, the iso they keep for download is a version with all their mods but with the "non-free" stuff stripped away...00:23
cooper77zthanks binarymutant :)00:23
sebsebsebXodiac13: probably uses the Ubuntu repos  or  something similar, but  better to use proper Ubuntu really00:23
SkiingPenguinswhere can i get help with getting my applications button back on my panel?00:24
Xodiac13sebsebseb: will i regret it lol00:24
VCooliosolexious|netbk: for reference and credits, and maybe it's updated: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=105609900:24
sebsebsebXodiac13: you won't be entitled for Ultimate support in here, if you get ultimate00:24
sebsebsebXodiac13: this channal is for Ubuntu support,  not distros that are based on it, as well00:24
owen1what is the different between .bash_profile, .profile and .bashrc ?00:24
WIGGMPk1Is it possible (relativly easy) to switch from a fakeRAID setup (controlled by BIOS Intel Matrix Storage) to a dmraid setup controlled by Ubuntu without loosing everyone on my hard drives?00:24
linuxguy2009linny: Oh ok i remeber that one now. Thats like a network install CD. Not great IMO for a custom spinned CD.00:24
Xodiac13sebsebseb: not good i am going to try it and if something happens im going straight back00:24
sebsebsebXodiac13: it's not worth it00:25
sebsebsebXodiac13: hang on a sec00:25
linnylinuxguy2009: call it what you like its ubuntu base install a nice clean base ideal for a custom build00:25
linuxguy2009linny: Isnt there stuff that it MUST download in order to install at all.00:25
OttifantSirI'm using Webmin 1.480 on Ubuntu 8.04.3 Server and have tried to install a printer through the GUI (maybe not correctly set up) and connect to it from a laptop running 9.04. I tried going through the "error solver" in Printers, and here's the output after it failed: http://paste.ubuntu.com/244914/00:25
linuxguy2009linny: Or am i mistaken?00:26
jacko9any c++ programmers here?00:26
linnylinuxguy2009: youy know ive used it loads and i couldnt tell you 100%00:26
sebsebsebXodiac13: yep   not really worth it,  you can  get  most/all of it's programs in standard Ubuntu,  also usaully it's better to use real Ubuntu rather than one of these distros that is based on it00:26
jlarochei have a laptop running ubuntu 8.04 and I am selling it to someone. I have removed all my information from it, but want to give them my user setup. Long story short, how do I change my username? I went into users and groups but it does not let you chenge the users name in there00:26
linnyit would be pretty pointless if it did need networking00:26
sebsebsebjacko9: #c++  I think  and there's  #proggramming00:27
Xodiac13sebsebseb: dang00:27
linuxguy2009linny: Ok thats cool. Maybe Ill have to check it out. if it doesnt require absolutely that any packages MUST be downloaded to install then its perfect for this use. Thanks.00:27
mhammerI tried out linuxmint but I did not like it at all00:27
sebsebsebmhammer: yeah mint hmm00:28
sebsebsebXodiac13: well give it a try if you want, but your probably better off with standard Ubuntu really00:28
mhammersebsebseb:  imo mint was much slower than ubuntu00:28
th0rjlaroche: define a new user and make sure he is a member of all the groups you belong to. That should give him all the permissions necessary00:28
jacko9sebsebseb, you see, i would like to know if any C++ programmers prefer to program in ubuntu, rather than windows00:29
Xodiac13sebsebseb: i have a question i keep having to go back to xp on my laptop i have ubuntu on my desktop but i cant get my video to work i am trying to find ubuntu version that will work with my laptop its fustrating im almost windows free00:29
Xodiac13sebsebseb: what version of ubuntu will work with a radeon x120000:29
linny Xodiac13: if we are recommending ubuntu derivatives my vote goes to crunchbanglinux00:29
sebsebsebXodiac13: oh ati?00:30
Xodiac13sebsebseb: yeah the desktop i am on now the video works great its a radeon x20000:30
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linny Xodiac13: google  crunchbanglinux00:30
Xodiac13linny: k00:30
sebsebsebXodiac13: works where? in XP?00:31
blaz_owen1: .bash_profile is executed for log-in shell only (when you login) while .bashrc is executed for every shell (when you open a new terminal window)00:31
sebsebsebjacko9: of course :)00:31
=== Hairybeetle is now known as Tetracomm
Xodiac13linny: uh what am i suppose to see it just keeps on saying something about drivers is it a distro00:31
sebsebsebjacko9: Linux is  the  prefered platform  for a lot of "proper" proggrammers00:31
owen1blaz_: thanks00:31
Xodiac13sebsebseb: no i have a desktop that i am on now with ubuntu 8.10 and works great but i am trying to get it on my laptop with xp00:32
SkiingPenguinswhere can i get help with getting my applications button back on my panel?00:32
jlarochethor - its not about the permissions, its about the customizations. I don't have to have to remake all those customizations for a new user. It would seem that I should be able to change my current users name, but the field is greyed out00:32
sebsebsebXodiac13: oh right well this channal is not for Windows support   go to ##windows for that,  oh yeah and maybe get rid of XP  from the lap top :) even better00:32
Xodiac13sebsebseb: i cant get my video card working on the laptop it has a radeon x120000:32
linnyXodiac13: i beg your pardon00:32
Xodiac13sebsebseb: no i mean what distro will support my card00:32
=== Guest7240 is now known as loopye
linuxguy2009SkiingPenguins: go in your applications menu and right click any app and you can add it to a panel00:33
DaZXodiac13: every or none00:33
SkiingPenguinsbut it isnt there to go in00:33
Xodiac13linny: i really dont know what your talking about00:33
ctmjr!panels| SkiingPenguins00:33
ubottuSkiingPenguins: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »00:33
VCoolioSkiingPenguins: only apps or also places and system?00:33
SkiingPenguinsnone of those00:33
Xodiac13DaZ: ni e00:33
linuxguy2009SkiingPenguins: So your missing the applications, places and system menus?00:33
SkiingPenguinsbut the clock is still on it00:33
linuxguy2009SkiingPenguins: you need to right click the panel and add an applet and choose gnome menu bar00:33
loopyehello people00:33
SkiingPenguinsalso the stuff on the bottom panel is gone so i have to use alt-tab00:33
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VCoolioSkiingPenguins: same as above only add window list00:34
jlarochethat is reasonable right?00:34
sebsebsebXodiac13: don't know00:34
sebsebseb!ati | Xodiac1300:34
ubottuXodiac13: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:34
Xodiac13sebsebseb: okay00:34
SkiingPenguinsokay now there is just a ubuntu logo button.00:34
josh____is this the actual irc for ubuntu?00:34
linnyXodiac13: nvrmind have you tried envy-ng i know its not supported but its reported to work for your card00:34
sebsebsebjosh____: no it's the channal for Windows00:34
=== bruenig is now known as self
linuxguy2009SkiingPenguins: not the main menu, the menu bar. Read carefully.00:35
Guest40176I just install a iso of linuxMint'from my ubuntu linux.9.04 and i try to brurn it to a cd/dvd...........can anyone plese help me out00:35
sebsebsebjosh____: Ubuntu Windows :D  yeah it's for Ubuntu00:35
Xodiac13linny: ive tried something like that but when i try to enable compiz to test it my system froze00:35
josh____well I didnt know if quassel was the main irc for ubuntu00:35
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sebsebsebjosh____: it's new, came with 9.04 by default, wasn't in previous versiosn00:35
josh____only had ubuntu for week so was just askin00:35
sebsebsebjosh____: Xchat is pretty populater, but I prefer Konversation :)00:35
linny Xodiac13: your card probly isnt capable of doing 3d accelaration like that00:36
SkiingPenguinsokay now i need the button for switching between desktops... what is that called?00:36
VCoolioSkiingPenguins: pager00:36
OttifantSirI'm using Webmin 1.480 on Ubuntu 8.04.3 Server and have tried to install a printer through the GUI (maybe not correctly set up) and connect to it from a laptop running 9.04. I tried going through the "error solver" in Printers, and here's the output after it failed: http://paste.ubuntu.com/244914/00:36
raulhanyone know how to update ubuntu00:36
linny Xodiac13: i think the best you can hope for is 2d00:36
jondavisso can anyone help me out00:36
linuxguy2009SkiingPenguins: look through the applets there all listed there. window list00:36
=== self is now known as bruenig
raulhi accidently closed the noification window.00:36
VCoolioSkiingPenguins: the applet is "workspace switcher"00:36
sebsebsebXodiac13: Xchat is popular, but Konversation is better really :)00:36
linuxguy2009SkiingPenguins: windows list, desktop swicther etc00:36
josh____yeah i like ubuntu. was debating from going from vista back to Suse, but wanted to try this00:36
Dr_Willisraulh:  use the package manager tools. or 'sudo apt-get update' 'sudo apt-get upgrade'00:36
raulhthanks dr willias00:36
Xodiac13linny: lol what do you mean its like a older / newer card i think its because its integrated00:36
sebsebsebjosh____: yeah Suse is a bit hmm00:36
SkiingPenguinsokay, THANK YOU... yay my ubuntu looks halfway normal again!!!00:37
=== Azeem is now known as moymoy
josh____well...i havent really liked debian so thats why i used suse before00:37
jlarochedoes anyone know if it is possible to change the current user's username in ubuntu 8.04?00:37
josh___anyone here use ubuntu tweak? Recommend it?00:37
linny Xodiac13: x1200 is old isnt it ? arnt all atis HD series now ?00:37
raulhOh, one more question is it possible extend my ubuntu partition?00:37
sebsebseb!debian |  josh___00:37
ubottujosh___: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!00:37
jondavisdoes anybody know how to downlound a iso of linux mint .i have tryd to burn it from a cd/dvd00:38
linny Xodiac13: i bought a HD2600 bout 2 years ago and it was cheap then00:38
sebsebseb!tweak |  josh___00:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tweak00:38
Xodiac13linny: okay nm it is old but then shouldnt ubuntu be able to work 3d with it00:38
raulhis it possible extend my ubuntu partition?00:38
sebsebsebjosh___: no woudn't recommend it00:38
sebsebsebraulh: make it bigger?00:38
SkiingPenguinshow do i move the window switcher? i cant move it over on my panel.00:38
raulhyes it only has 2.1gb00:38
raulhwhich isn't enough for even updated :(00:38
sebsebsebraulh: ok and how much unallocated space do you have?00:38
linnyXodiac13: its not ubuntus fault its the proprietary drivers00:39
sebsebsebraulh: yeah just resize it on the Live CD00:39
jlarochedoes anyone know if it is possible to change the current user's username in ubuntu 8.04?00:39
jondaviswell can anybody help me .i just ask yall some ?????00:39
VCoolioSkiingPenguins: click "unlock" first, or do that on the applet you want to move it over00:39
raulhok i'll try that i'm going to do it now.00:39
Xodiac13linny: oh yeah its because ati is day dreaming right?00:39
raulhwrong window sorry.00:39
linny jondavis: ask away00:39
Xodiac13linny: and they dont have the drivers for it00:39
SkiingPenguinsthanks, yall are lots of help :)00:40
Dr_Willisjondavis:  you just go to the linux mint web site and download it.. then right click -> burn. normally00:40
Dr_Willisjondavis:  if you are using ubuntu.. i would just learn ubuntu. and leave mint alone00:40
jondavisi have tryd to brun a iso of linuxMint to a cd/dvd......and i am trying to run it on a ubuntu linux 9.0400:40
linnyXodiac13: ati do rls linux drivers for thier cards but they arnt as well developed as their windows counterparts im not sure about the drivers for older cards either00:40
Dr_Willisjondavis:  you are not making sence.. did it burn sucesuffy? You dio realize you INSTLALL mint as you instlled ubuntu. its not a program.00:41
Xodiac13linny: o okay thank you00:41
jondavisi tryd to brune it to a vd00:41
jondavisbut i need linux mint00:41
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Dr_Willisjondavis:  you need to start making more sence.  Ubuntu should be able to burn an iso file to disk quite easially.00:42
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.00:42
moymoyjondavis: what are you talking about? you can burn iso's in ubuntu00:42
ubottuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto00:42
linnyjondavis: if you are using ubuntu now just click the iso and it will open brasereo then insert cd and presto00:42
Dr_Willisactually clicking on the iso MIGHT 'mount' it..00:43
jondavisi did00:43
Dr_Willisi right click and select burn.00:43
jondavisbut it is not working00:43
Dr_Willisjondavis:  then clarify whats not working EXACTLY.00:43
bazhang!enter | jondavis00:43
ubottujondavis: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:43
FatsoJetson{eirehi guys was just wondering if its possible to use an old pda as a monitor for ubuntu. look onlie but its sketchy00:43
linnyDr_Willis: O :) i dont actully use gnome so i forget :)00:43
Dr_Willisis the burn not working, is the burnt disk not working...00:43
jondavisi have burn a iso of linuxMint 7 to a cd but it is not working00:44
jondavison ubuntu linux 0.0400:44
bazhangjondavis, define not working00:45
linnyok what exaxtly do you mean by not working ?00:45
Dr_Willisjondavis:  clarify what you mean by not working.. You reboot the pc with the disk in the drive and it fails to boot properly?  the fact you are on ubuntu seems  to be irellavant.00:45
jondavisyes i have00:45
OttifantSirI'm using Webmin 1.480 on Ubuntu 8.04.3 Server and have tried to install a printer through the GUI (maybe not correctly set up) and connect to it from a laptop running 9.04. I tried going through the "error solver" in Printers, and here's the output after it failed: http://paste.ubuntu.com/244914/00:45
Dr_Willisjondavis:  'yes i have' is not really an answer...00:45
jondavisi have reboot00:45
bazhangjondavis, dont use the enter key as punctuation. Put everything on ONE line.00:46
jondavistry to make ubuntu linux into linux mint 700:46
ojiihi all, how do i remove rsa keys from known_hosts?00:46
linny jondavis: is your boot sequence set to boot from cd ?00:46
jondavisi did00:46
Dr_Willisjondavis:   you DONT 'convert' ubuntu to linux mint.. You boot the mint cd and install linux mint.  its a different operating system.00:46
blaz_owen1: i must admit i don't understand it very well;) Usualy one logs in using GDM - not sure if .bash_profile is executed by GDM!00:46
jondavisi know alll that00:46
Dr_Willisjondavis:  if the mint cd is failing to boot  - then it proberly gave some error messages. and you either 1) had a bad iso file. or 2) some sort of issue with the burn.00:46
owen1blaz_: np. i am using text-based login.00:47
jondavisyes it did all that err00:47
blaz_oh! me too00:47
jondavishow can i format ubuntu linux.9.04 to linux mint 700:48
Dr_Willisjondavis:  i tend to use unetbootin to put iso files on a bootable flash drive. makes for a faster install media.   I would suggest checking the md5sum of the iso. and either reburn if its correct. or use unetbootin.00:48
mohdguys what backtrack channel named ?00:48
Dr_Willisjondavis:  you dont 'format ubuntu' you format a filesystem.00:48
linny jondavis: set your bios to boot from cd insert the cd and boot from it00:48
bazhangjondavis, you can't. you need to install mint over it. please stop repeating the same question00:48
jondavis\i dont know how i am a newbie to al this00:48
bazhangmohd, #remote-exploit00:49
Dr_Willisjondavis:  if you got ubuntu installed.. then i suggest you spend some time learning Ubuntu and linux basics.00:49
Dr_Willisjondavis:  you gain very little by using 'mint'  and techincally we DONT support mint in this channel.00:49
jondavis]ok so tell me what is better then00:50
Dr_Willisjondavis:  use Ubuntu.. ive said that 3+ times now.00:50
Dr_Willisdont use mint.00:50
bazhangjondavis, please take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic ; dont take polls here00:50
gamerchick02jondavis: there should be a mint channel to get help in00:50
zenwrylyHow does one sign a document with multiple sigs?  I'm trying to follow http://www.debian-administration.org/users/dkg/weblog/4800:51
FatsoJetson{eirei was under the impression mint was a very good os00:51
shane8002jondavis: ive used over 15 linux distros there is none better than ubuntu i promise00:51
kinataI'm having a problem installing 9.0400:51
linnyi prefer polos to extra strong mints what does everyone else think ?00:51
shane8002unless your looking for something very specific00:51
jondavisdr_willis..then how do i learn a lot about ubuntu then.thing's like hacking ubuntu and a lot more00:52
Dr_Willisjondavis:  read, read, read, read... hang out here.. and read....00:52
linnyjondavis: giyf00:52
Gnus2meHey all00:52
jondaviswhat is gify00:53
Dr_Willisjondavis:  print out documments/articals, put them in the bathroom.. eat lots of fiber...00:53
bazhanghttp://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/ jondavis read that first00:53
sebsebseb!details |  kinata00:53
ubottukinata: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."00:53
blaz_but is 'hacked' ubuntu supported here?;)00:53
linnyjondavis: Google Is Your Friend00:53
linnyoh noes haxxors00:53
sebsebsebjondavis: http://www.linuxtoday.com can be your friend00:54
jondavisthere are a lot of book that r not free00:54
Dr_Willis!training | jondavis00:54
ubottujondavis: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com00:54
Dr_Willisjondavis:  so? theres lots of free books also...00:54
bazhangjondavis, the book I linked you is free. please read it.00:54
sebsebsebjondavis: so much more to Linux than just Ubuntu, so the site I just gave, is great00:54
kinataThanks...upgrading from 8.10 to 9.04. Distribution Upgrade seems to be stalled at the last file, 1296 of 1296. It's been stalled there for ~two hours.00:55
linnylinuxcommand.org is good for command line basics00:55
Starpilotwere would I go when having troubles with disc burning, brasero after upgraded to jaunty?00:55
jondavisnot where i can read all the books00:55
Dr_Williswas that a question or a statement?00:56
jondavisi need to know everything about linux/ubuntu00:56
Dr_Willisjondavis:  then you have to go read and learn...00:57
ceil420so how can i install the ati driver if there's no /etc/X11/xorg.conf (in Kubuntu 9.04)?00:57
Dr_Willisjondavis:  linux is one thing.. Ubuntu is a specific Linux disrtobution.00:57
Dr_Willis!linux | jondavis00:57
ubottujondavis: Linux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux00:57
linnyceil420: what card do you have ?00:57
ceil420linny, integrated HD 320000:58
jondavisgive me a site that has free all info .and also linux is linus/ubuntu00:58
ceil420i got the driver, i just can't install it without an existing xorg.conf :x00:58
bazhangjondavis, I gave you a link00:58
linnyi think you need to sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx00:58
sebsebsebjondavis: no   GNU/Linux yes :)00:58
* ceil420 tries00:58
bruce89Linus does have a rather large part in it I suppose00:59
sebsebsebjondavis: you have been given some rather good links, check them out00:59
linnythen do sudo aticonfig --initial )other options if necessary )00:59
sebsebsebbruce89: oh your in here :D00:59
ceil420installing kernel stuff and i386 patch too :)00:59
ceil420linny, cheers o/00:59
bruce89sebsebseb: not long now00:59
ceil420wish i had a default xorg.conf to fall back on, though..00:59
Pupuser402-1i am unable to boot gnome00:59
Dr_WillisPupuser402-1:  but puppy works.. so you do have the system set to boot from cd Properly it seems?01:00
Dr_WillisPupuser402-1:  you mean your Installed ubuntu system fails to go TO gnome.. or the cd fails to boot? or the installer fails?01:00
Pupuser402-1Unable to enumerate usb device on port 2 ?01:00
ceil420linny, ceil@pandora:/etc/X11$ sudo aticonfig --initial01:00
ceil420Warning: Could not find configuration file01:00
ceil420it's askin' me to copy configuration file template to /etc/X1101:01
linnyceil420: aticonfig --initial creates one and backs up the old one01:01
Pupuser402-1Dr_Willis, Installed fine01:01
mhilmiIs there any way to force Synaptic to install a package despite it bitching about non-existant depedancies?01:01
kinataubottu: Thanks...upgrading from 8.10 to 9.04. Distribution Upgrade seems to be stalled in Getting New Packages at the last file, 1296 of 1296. It's been ~two hours.01:01
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:01
Dr_WillisPupuser402-1:  try unpluging any extra usb gizmos you may have. ive seen that 'message' befor but my systems still booted.01:01
ceil420linny, there is no old one, that's the problem01:01
linnyjust create a blank one then01:01
raulhdoes anyone know how to make ubuntu's partition bigger? i have about 2.5gb of unallocated space.01:01
Dr_WillisPupuser402-1:  I recall a bluetooth dongle giving me an issue  once on one machine.01:01
ceil420linny, just touch xorg.conf?01:01
ceil420that do it?01:01
raulhi tried using the live cd, but i couldnt make it bigger.01:01
mhammerraulh: use gparted01:01
Pupuser402-1Dr_Willis, I only have keyboard and moude01:01
Dr_Willisraulh:  boot live cd. use 'gparted' but BACKUP your imporntant data first01:01
mhammerraulh! gparted!01:02
ceil420linny, groovie, seems to've worked. gotta restart now, yeh?01:02
raulhno important data it's a new parition01:02
Dr_Willisraulh:  you could just make a partition on the 2.5gb unallocated and use it as some storage area.01:02
raulhno willis01:02
raulhi need to install updates on /root01:02
raulhtheres 3mb of free space on ubuntu... so i can't even run firefox because the Cache crashes firefox.01:02
Pupuser402-1Dr_Willis, I also disabled usb in the bios to test01:02
Dr_Willisraulh:  some issues with resizing can be it can alter the UUID of the partition. Jot that down beforhand.  Just in case.01:02
Dr_Willisraulh:  boot live cd then andhave fun with gparted.01:03
raulhIT doesn't let me make it BIGGER.01:03
raulhit only let's me resize to make paritions smaller.01:03
=== mohd is now known as outlife
Starpilot were would I go when having troubles with disc burning, brasero after upgraded to jaunty? what channel?01:04
Dr_Willisraulh:  thats proberly due to how your partitions are laid out. If you have unallocated space thats  sevarl partitions away - you have to do some moveing/resizing of the in between partitions.01:04
linnyStarpilot this one01:04
Dr_Willisraulh:  also you can only have 4 primaries.. and if trying to get space from a 'extended' to a primary - it can also be tricky01:05
raulhit's and extended parition yea..01:05
raulhit's just that i can't delete that extended because if i do, winows xp will SURELY be deleted from grub loader.01:05
raulhwhich i dont want  :$01:05
mhammerdoes anyone know if it's true that banshee will replace rythmbox in the next version of ubuntu? imo this would be a big mistake01:05
Starpilotok but you guys look way too busey. I'll try another time. thanks01:05
fg56lxI'm having a problem with sound. When ever I listen to any music (on any media player) or watch any video (even youtube) the sound starts to skip and jump around. What would cause this, and how could I fix it?01:06
raulhalso how do i unmount paritions higher then "6"01:06
raulhit keeps telling me that.01:06
george2515hay peeps anyone familiar with tv card install?01:08
Dr_Willisraulh:  i normally use a live cd - that way everything is unmounted allready01:08
raulhit's not.01:08
raulhWillis: i did use the live cd, and it told me i needed to unmount it.01:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about unmount01:09
moose55is there a way to resize the partition to dual boot Vista without an Ubuntu LiveCD or bootable USB?01:09
raulhnot on windows..01:10
trismraulh: umount /dev/path_to_device_here ?01:10
raulhok i was using unmount, thanks trism01:10
moose55im on ubuntu 9.04 and i want to dual boot windows vista01:10
jthomas1hey guys how do i set up a multi-monitor system01:11
raulh"please unmount any logical paritions having a higher number then 6"01:11
Dr_Willismoose55:  vista can resize ntfs partitions.. it does a better job of it then Ubuntu does.01:11
Dr_Willisraulh:  and what was the umount command you used? what does mount show mounted? You are really MUCH better off using this tool from a live cd.01:11
sheitany help getting flash 64bit to work on ubuntu...01:11
moose55but the vista doesnt allow you to resize with the installations cd01:11
raulhI AM ON A LIVE CD01:12
FloodBot2raulh: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:12
Dr_Willisraulh:  then what does mount show mounted?  you must of mounted some things.01:12
raulhi didnt mount anything01:12
Dr_WillisHmm..  perhaps the swap file is in use..01:12
echosystmis there any way to get nice framebuffer consoles like arch or zenwalk?01:13
echosystmi like having the logo at the top01:13
Dr_Willisechosystm:  yes.. and they are more of a hassle then they are worth. :)01:13
echosystmand then the buffer cleared once its ready for login01:13
raulhi turned the swap off, so that couldnt be it..01:13
echosystmwhys that Dr_Willis01:13
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic01:14
Dr_Willisechosystm:  they can slow down the console., they can cause issues with  getting TO the console when they conflict with various X drivers.. and really now a days not many people even use the console.01:14
Dr_Willisso you rarely even see the fancyness01:14
Dr_Willis!framebuffer |  echosystm01:14
ubottuechosystm: Information about changing your framebuffer modes in GRUB can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer#grub01:14
Spykemccis it ok ?01:14
WIGGMPk1The start page for firefox shows a Google search box, but when you search it doesnt show Google results. For example, if you go to google.com and search "dell stock" the first result is from google showing the trend and closing price. But if you search it from the Google box on the ubuntu start page, the first result is from moneycenteral.msn.com (is there a way to change the functionality of the ubuntu start page?01:15
trismWIGGMPk1: Why not just use the search box in the corner?01:16
newserhello, I have a NAS HDD which I used to access via Network - Windows Network. Is there any other way to access the files? I think it used something called samba01:17
WIGGMPk1trism: thats definitely an option.. and it works well. but im still curious about the original question..01:17
Dr_Williswhy not just set your start page to be google :)01:17
Dr_Willisgoogle targeting differnt searchs for different 'start pages'01:18
trismWIGGMPk1: I always immediately change my start page, so I wouldn't even know how to get back there01:18
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.01:18
WIGGMPk1trism: well it does have a 'reset to defaults' button in firefox.. I like the ubuntu start page.. I think its pretty sleek01:18
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)01:18
NetEchois there anything I can use in Ubuntu to pull pictures off a Blackberry Curve 8330 CDMA?01:19
trismWIGGMPk1: right, well, I checked it and it just makes a request to google's custom search engine01:21
trismWIGGMPk1: I suppose you could always make your own if you wanted01:21
kerm|tNetEcho: email them to yourself?01:22
Pupuser402-1Dr_Willis, I unplugged all usb and same error ,,unable to boot at all01:22
NetEchokerm|t I can't get to the pictures when I hook up the blackberry, its my uncle's whos in town for my sister's wedding and we're trying to pull a whole whack of pics off it01:22
psywipeddoes anyone know of a good windows file shredder01:22
Dr_WillisPupuser402-1:  is this a laptop or desktop? its possible you may need some  boot options.. and its also possible its crashing just after that 'usb' message..and that message is not imporntant.01:23
WIGGMPk1trism: make your own?01:23
Pupuser402-1Dr_Willis, Its a p4 desktop01:23
matt----------.server irc.lightning.net01:23
WIGGMPk1trism: im not sure I follow ya01:24
dthackerwhat is the command to rerun config for xserver when you've changed monitors or video cards?01:24
trismWIGGMPk1: http://www.google.com/coop/cse  ...all the ubuntu start page does it make a request to their own created there01:24
QuiznosX -configure is how i do it01:24
Quiznosthen find the ~/xorg.conf.new01:24
Quiznosand rename that into etc/X1101:25
Quiznosdo as root01:25
* WIGGMPk1 sighs01:25
trismWIGGMPk1: personally I would just make my homepage google, less hassle01:25
dthackerQuiznos: Fatal error Server is already active01:25
Quiznosyea, gotta stop it to conf it01:26
dthackerQuiznos : reboot?01:26
Quiznoswhat's your current runlevel?01:26
WIGGMPk1trism: thanks for the info.. Ill investigate this option.. I understand the google homepage or google toolbar, but I have some serious OCD lol. I appreciate your time01:26
dthackerQuiznos: how can I find my current runlevel?01:27
Quiznos /sbin/runlevel01:27
echosystmum wtf01:27
dthackerQuiznos: N 201:27
echosystmi downloaded ubuntu alternate hoping to install a commandline system01:27
echosystmbut the option isnt there01:27
Quiznosok; switch to tty101:27
echosystmwhat cd do we use now for commandline installs?01:28
Quiznosdthacker are you using a console irc client?01:28
newserhow or where can I configure samba? I'm new on networking01:28
trismechosystm: the server cd?01:28
Flannelechosystm: the alternate CD01:28
dthackerQuiznos: that's in the terminal program under gnome.   I don't thing I can switch to tty101:28
Quiznosheh tagline01:28
echosystmi have the alternate cd Flannel01:28
Flannelechosystm: You choose it from the f5 menu (or f6?)01:28
Flannelechosystm: Then you can install a command-line system01:28
Quiznosdthacker see if you have irssi or BitchX01:29
dthackerQuiznos: I'm using xchat01:29
psywipeddoes anyone know of a good data file shredder01:29
Flannelechosystm: They removed it from the main menu because "install from the command line" and "install a command line system" are too close of verbage01:29
Flannelpsywiped: shred01:29
Quiznosdthacker yea but x11 has to be stopped so you wont be able to use xchat01:29
Flannelpsywiped: (you already have it)01:29
dthackerQuiznos: it's ok, irc is on another machine01:29
Quiznosdthacker ah good; contiuing;01:29
OttifantSirI'm using Webmin 1.480 on Ubuntu 8.04.3 Server and have tried to install a printer through the GUI (maybe not correctly set up) and connect to it from a laptop running 9.04. I tried going through the "error solver" in Printers, and here's the output after it failed: http://paste.ubuntu.com/244914/01:30
Quiznosdthacker ok; switch to tty1, killall xorg (or use ctrl-alt-bkspc)01:30
BlasenMichafter doing an update my display is stuck in 800 X 400  how can I get the dimensions changed?01:30
psywipedis there a version of shred for windows?01:30
Flannelpsywiped: erm... So, you want a windows secure delete thing then?01:31
reya2761How can I give permissions to a directory so no one can see but can still access the web pages within the specified directory?01:31
Quiznospsywiped you could compress and encrypt then delete01:31
=== rajesh is now known as Guest35095
dthackerQuiznos: no process killed.01:31
Quiznosdthacker ctrl-alt-bkspc within X1101:32
BlasenMichanyone know how to correct display probems?01:32
josh____can someone tell me where i go to set up samba?  im trying to get connected to my windows pc so i can print things01:32
Flannelpsywiped: Why not just ask that in the first place and save everyone time?  (also, you should ask that question in #ubuntu-offtopic)01:32
reya2761I tried doing chmod 770 /var/www/<directory> but can't see the pages through the browser01:32
dthackerQuiznos: no effect01:32
Dr_WillisOttifantSir:  why not use the cups web interface?   webmin can be a bit.. flakey...01:32
Flannelpsywiped: https://ssd.eff.org/tech/deletion recommends  "Eraser"01:32
bobwhoopsWhat are possible reasons why an init script wouldn't work at startup but would if you ran it manually? Anything besides dependancies? I know it's being called at startup but it's not working01:32
Flannelreya2761: Are they owned by www-data?01:32
Quiznosdthacker kill the damn thing :)01:32
Guest35095josh: try apt-get install samba01:32
dthackerQuiznos: reboot?01:33
reya2761Flannel: I don't think so01:33
Quiznosdthacker is a [xkg]dm running?01:33
Guest35095josh:search your win pc in network places01:33
OttifantSirDr_Willis: I can't access it. If it's on server-ip:631 it won't connect01:33
reya2761Flannel: should they be?01:33
Flannelreya2761: Then that's why.  770 means that group, and owner have read, write, execute permissions, and everyone else can't do anything.01:33
Guest35095and access the folders01:33
Flannelreya2761: Well, you don't want the execute bit set on regular files to begin with.01:33
BlasenMichwhat is command to correct display problem - is stuck at 800 X 40001:33
josh____i know samba is installed, but is there like a samba icon i can open up to edit configurations?  or can i onoy do it with a gedit thing?01:34
reya2761Flannel: ah ok but then others like regular user will be able to see it through their web browsers right01:34
Flannelreya2761: And through the filesystem itself, yes.01:34
dthackerQuiznos: ps -ef | grep xdg returns nothing01:34
Quiznosdthacker ok; which server is running?01:34
Quiznosdthacker that was a regex for you01:34
echosystmdoes ubuntu mount with noatime by default?01:34
Flannelreya2761: If you want to prohibit them from reading through the filesystem, and keep it so they can only read it through the browser, you wwant to make them owned (or at least group) of www-data01:34
Quiznosdthacker ps fax | grep -i 'x11|xorg'01:35
reya2761Flannel: ok so it should be sudo chgrp -R www-data /var/www/<directory> right?01:35
Flannelreya2761: Sure01:35
trismechosystm: judging by my fstab, no01:35
Flannelreya2761: and I'll repeat for emphasis: you don't want regular files to be +x, only the directories (for setting this recursively, see +X (not +x) in chmod)01:36
dthackerQuiznos: /usr/X11R6/bin01:36
psywipedFlannel i did ask that first but no one answered01:36
BlasenMichmy monitor won't display anything higher than 800 X 600, how do I correct this?01:36
Quiznosdthacker that's the dir, not the server name01:36
Quiznosdthacker join #Flude and dump the output from ps fax there01:36
trismBlasenMich: only 800x600 listed in System/Preferences/Display ?01:37
dthackerQuiznos: I don't have chat configured on the machine I'm working on.   Let me get a tty going01:37
Flannelpsywiped: Well, you should be asking about non-ubuntu things in #ubuntu-offtopic, this channel is just for Ubuntu support.01:37
reya2761Flannel: don't get it, so you mean X= execute?01:37
Dr_WillisOttifantSir:  you may to edit the cups config to allow remote admin. or just ssh -X into the remote vox and run a browser locally. of course you could ssh in and run the gnome cups manager tool01:37
BlasenMichit will go lower, but not what I want01:37
trismBlasenMich: do you have the right drivers for your card installed?01:37
BlasenMichjust used the default01:38
reya2761Flannel: Does 770 have execute permissions?01:38
Flannelreya2761: If you want to add group execute to things like folders recursively, you only want them set on things that already have them set for the owner (not regular files, just the directories) you can use g+X in chmod to do so (which is different than g+x)01:38
Flannelreya2761: Yes.01:38
Flannelreya2761: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions01:38
BlasenMichsomeone once gave me a line for the command line to correct01:38
OttifantSirDr_Willis: Can I use the Gnome CUPS manager on a headless server?01:38
Dr_WillisOttifantSir:  well if you have the proper stuff installed and you 'ssh -X remote box' the programs appear locally.. so yes. :)01:39
OttifantSirDr_Willis: So...... ssh -X and then just open Printers in the menu, or..... append more to that command line?01:40
Dr_WillisOttifantSir:  you ssh in , then you run whatever commands you want..   nothign to do with your 'menus' at that point01:41
cellofellowOttifantSir: no, ssh -X then run `system-config-printer`01:41
Dr_WillisOttifantSir:  thats IF you have the  tools installed..  which is proberly not on a default server setup01:41
jlarochei was trying to change my username via instructions found on this website http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4968235 but now I am receiving a User's $HOME/.dmrc file is being ignored error. I have no other user names and can not get into my system. Any help would be appreciated.01:41
Dr_WillisOttifantSir:   you may want to check out the cups.org site for how to   confgure printers via the command line also.01:41
Dr_Willisjlaroche:  just delete the file... its just a 1 line file that has the last login/desktop setting..01:42
Dr_Willisjlaroche:  it will get remade next time you login01:42
Dr_Willisok.. its 2 lines.. :)01:42
dio_what is the best program to rip dvd on ubuntu01:43
Dr_Willisdio_:  i use dvdrip01:43
dio_does it work in the states01:44
Dr_Willisdio_:  why wouldent it?01:44
jlarocheDr_Willis - it won't let me log in, that error message is followed by a "Your session only lasted less than 10 seconds. Iff you have not logged out yourself, this could mean that there is some installation problem or that you may be out of diskspace. Try loggin in with one of the failsafe sessions to see if you can fix this problem."01:44
jlarocheDr_Willis - it then goes back to the login screen01:44
Dr_Willisjlaroche:  if that file is the problem. login at the alt-ctrl-f1 consoles and  delete it.01:44
dio_just anyting in the states is made diferent for DVD you cant watch them if you dont have restricted software install01:45
Dr_Willisjlaroche:  then alt-ctrl-f7 to  get back to the login screen.. its possible you got some other permissions issues going on.01:45
Dr_Willisdio_:  'in the states' ? hmm.. never noticed..  I  think that applies to other countries as well..  ubuntu keeps the restricted stuff... restricted..01:45
Dr_Willisdio_:  install the decss stuff if you want i guess01:46
jlarocheDr_Willis - how do i change permissions to a folder in shell so that I have full permission over it01:46
dio_but dvd from europe work perfect01:46
Dr_Willisdio_:  ive never seen/heard of different ubuntu releases from different countries..01:46
B1OShow do i fully uninstall and remove everything to do with beryl?01:47
Dr_Willisand the dvd factoids dont mention that from what ive seen...01:47
artillerytxhow do you change a users root directory01:47
Dr_Willisdvdrip is just a fancy script thats a front end to other tools. i recall...01:47
dio_no region1 dvd in the states encrypted01:47
Dr_WillisB1OS:  beryl? or compiz?01:47
B1OSDr_Willis: beryll01:48
Dr_Willisdio_:  never noticed.. i pop in dvd's and rip them to avi.. then put them back in their cases and safely away.. do what you want I guess...01:48
Dr_WillisB1OS:  how did you install beryl stuff anyway?01:48
dio_let my try  dvdrip01:48
OttifantSirDr_Willis: It would seem something isn't right with apt-get on the server, perhaps it's Webmin interfering. I don't know. I can do apt-get update, but not install or upgrade.01:48
B1OSDr_Willis: apt-get if i remember correctly01:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dvdcopy01:49
EvilPenguin|how come i cannot write or config the xorg.conf file?01:49
EvilPenguin|i try to save the X confiuration file01:49
B1OSor aptitude01:49
EvilPenguin|and it wont let me01:49
Dr_WillisOttifantSir:  thats may be a little harder to troubleshoot then.  webmin is really somthing you should get away from..01:49
simonzillEvilPenguin|: did u sudo?01:50
BlasenMichwhere can I find a driver for a SAMSUNG 900 DF monitor?01:50
Dr_WillisB1OS:  theres no beryl stuff in the repos that i knwo of.. its been merged into compiz. so what did you install exactly? perhaps theres some confiusion going on.01:50
EvilPenguin|simonzill im using NVIDIA Xserver settings01:50
Dr_Willis!find beryl01:50
ubottuFile beryl found in live-helper, ttf-larabie-straight, ubuntustudio-icon-theme, wmcube, xubuntu-artwork01:50
simonzillEvilPenguin|: sudo nvidia-settings01:50
simonzillEvilPenguin|: in terminal01:50
Dr_Willisgksudo nvidia-settings :)   is more proper...01:50
Dr_Willisor was it gksu01:50
EvilPenguin|thank you simonzill01:51
simonzillEvilPenguin|: np m801:51
canthus13artillerytx: It's in the user settings.01:51
dio_what is rar not found?01:51
Dr_Willisits a little annoying the nvidisa-settings tool dosent ask for root access.. but it Can be used as a user.. .. so its just somthing to watch out for01:51
EvilPenguin|simonzill: that will make it so the X server will stay as i please?01:51
dio_in ddvdrip01:51
canthus13artillerytx: Go to system > administration > user settings > Avanced01:51
Dr_Willisdio_:  rar is an archive utility.. install the  unrar packages perhaps.01:51
lapniackwhat is the best approach to administering a monitorless ubuntu server from  a windows machine?01:51
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free01:51
simonzillEvilPenguin|: yeah if you saved the settings01:51
B1OSDr_Willis: when i run "wget -q -O - http://linux.dell.com/repo/firmware/bootstrap.cgi | bash" it keeps trying to connect to the beryl project and sloeing things down and i need to get rid of it01:52
dio_rar command in dvd rip01:52
EvilPenguin|ok cool. Yeah i did01:52
DiViN3hello there01:52
DiViN3i need a big favour01:52
simonzillEvilPenguin|: then it will be as you wish all the time :)01:52
Dr_Willislapniack:  vnc is  a way to get a desktop. or use the shell/putty/ssh, or xming and get an remote X desktop.... or perhaps try ebox.01:52
OttifantSirDr_Willis: Any suggestions on a GUI to manage a server, except ebox and webmin? ebox is even worse than Webmin is, and I'm not well versed in all command line performance, so.... without something graphical to start on, I'm basically going to have install a full desktop, and that's not what I want to do.01:52
DiViN3my resolv.conf file got corruptted so how do i fix it as my server is not resolving any hostname01:52
lapniackcool htanks Dr01:52
Dr_WillisOttifantSir:  learn the command line.. just do it.. :) or install  a desktopp and use vnc/xming/ i guess01:52
EvilPenguin|simonzill: check your PM please01:53
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox01:53
DiViN3Dr_Willis : could you help me plz its urgent01:53
reya2761Flannel: I messed up big time, how can I remove all permissions from a directory?01:53
Flannelreya2761: "remove all permissions"?01:53
Dr_WillisDiViN3:  depends on the issue... and i am due to go to work soon.01:53
Dr_Willisreya2761:  you dont 'remove' them - you set them to what you need them to be.01:53
Juan_a_Dayhello, can someone tell me why when I use firefox my computer begins some kind of process on background that consumes lots of CPU and disk access ? Even if I am not doing anything at all on the browser ? is that normal ? or is it possible that someone is sniffing my information ?01:53
reya2761Flannel: well meaning so no one can see it from web01:53
Flannelreya2761: Who owns the files?01:54
DiViN3Dr_Willis : my resolv.conf got corrupted so i cant seem to do any update as the hostname are not resolving01:54
=== jon is now known as Guest25786
Flannelreya2761: (your answer will be in the format of owner:group)01:54
reya2761Flannel: don't know I guess the admin does or main user01:54
generallalguem fala portugues brasileiro01:54
Guest25786is there a way to run linuxMint 7 onto ubuntu linux9.0401:54
reya2761Flannel: www-data01:54
Flannelreya2761: ls -l /path/to/files/01:55
ocdhi guys what is a good alternative to microsoft expression web01:55
FlannelGuest25786: What?01:55
kitcheJuan_a_Day: firefox takes tons of resources to use01:55
reya2761Flannel: did that and a bunch of directories and flies came up01:55
gbear14275anyone know where I could find install media for a paravirutalized ubuntu domU01:56
reya2761Flannel: with a bunch of permissions01:56
Juan_a_Daykitche: which one should I use instead?01:56
Flannelreya2761: Right, theres two columns near the left side (well, third and fourht columns) are owner and group, who are they?01:56
Guest25786is there a way to run the linuxMint 7 on ubuntu linux 9.04.I have burn the iso but it is not working01:56
Guest25786the way it should be working01:56
reya2761oh one sec01:56
DiViN3Dr_Willis : so you have any idea how i can resolve this issue....plzzzzzzzzzzz01:56
FlannelGuest25786: You don't run one on the other (except for virtualization, which isn't what you want), also, Mint isn't supported here, you should ask the mint people.01:57
Juan_a_Daykitche: should I use Chrome?01:57
etherealityApplications (e.g. tomboy) return errors during routine operation in terminal; what can I do to help correct the problems causing them?01:57
reya2761Flannel: does not say  only --- and a number01:57
Flannelreya2761: Please pastebin the output if you don't mind01:57
Flannel!paste | reya276101:57
ubottureya2761: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic01:57
lapniackhey Dr i see some bugs.... do you konw if ebox works wiht 9.04?01:57
dio_juan-aday try using opera01:57
reya2761Flannel: oops, ok it says administrator and www-data01:57
Guest25786yall should know yall are linux people01:57
newserhow can I configure samba to work with a local area network?01:58
FlannelSpykemcc: Is there something we can help you with?01:58
reya2761Flannel: for everything on that list01:58
Dr_WillisDiViN3:  -->01:58
Dr_Willispastebinit  /etc/resolv.conf01:58
rightsprocketHello everyone.01:58
Dr_WillisDiViN3:  make a new one.. its a rather simple file01:58
nickrudDiViN3, if your hostname is not getting resolved, it's most likely /etc/hosts01:58
Flannelreya2761: Right, so in order to make it so apache won't serve them: chmod -R g-r /path/to/folder01:58
ocdfuck u guys01:59
ocdmuther cunt fuckers01:59
rightsprocketI am adding packages to my Ubuntu VPS 8.10 but noticed my sources list was set to 8.04 hardy.01:59
FloodBot2ocd: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:59
reya2761Flannel: let me try that01:59
nickruddang, no chanserv01:59
Juan_a_Daykitche: Ok I'll try Opera, Thank You01:59
reya2761Flannel: trying to start from scratch here01:59
Guest25786is the a way to format my hardDrive to any os that i want01:59
Flannelreya2761: What do you mean from scratch?01:59
FloodBot2Spykemcc: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:59
Guest25786like linux01:59
rightsprocketShould I just leave it that way or changes my sources to 8.10.  I am concerned because I have already installed a bunch of packages.01:59
FlannelSpykemcc: Please stop that.01:59
nickrud!hostname | DiViN301:59
ubottuDiViN3: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at System > Administration > Networking on the "General" tab01:59
DiViN3Dr_Willis: its still the same02:00
Retro198909having problems with my pioneer dvd burner02:00
reya2761Flannel: right now the directory is listing all the sub-dir and files and everyone can access them, and I don't want that. Which means I messed up somewhere02:00
DrKirreHuzzah!! I figured out how to get here!02:00
Guest25786hello is there any way to format my harddrive02:01
Retro198909I need help with my pioneer dvd burner02:01
BlasenMichany one good with configuring monitors?02:01
Retro198909dvd burner not seeing cd or dvds02:02
DiViN3Dr_Willis : i m getting this error ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached02:02
Retro198909can anyone help me?02:02
reya2761Flannel: what I did was install Adobe coldfusion and I need to access the admin but not allow anyone to browse the CFIDE directory which has all the core ColdFusion Files02:02
DrKirreSorry Retro.. were this Windows, I could help with ease. Sadly, I know little of Linux.02:02
=== Guest25786 is now known as hotguy300
* patman21 hotter-than-hotguy30002:03
Retro198909it seems my dvd burner does not see any cd or dvd02:03
DiViN3Flannel : can you kindly plz help me02:03
DrKirrePerhaps, though, it's a drivers issue? Mayhap finding and installing the latest ones, if you haven't already done so, could fix your troubles.02:03
hotguy300 is there a way to fourmat my harddrive to any linux os02:03
spOdoes ubuntu have anything to auto mount usb drives?02:03
spOthat yo uguys use?02:03
DiViN3Flannel : i cant seem to get my server to resolve any hostname02:03
DrKirreSpo, it seems to automount automatically fo me.02:03
echosystmhow can i check the timezone and locale?02:04
ubottuDNS is an acronym for Domain Name System, and is an internet system used to translate names into IP Address.02:04
hotguy300can yall ples help  me02:04
nickrudreya2761, you should do that in apache, add an .htaccess file in the top level web directory, and add the line  Option -Indexes02:04
th0rechosystm: date in a terminal02:04
DrKirreSorry Hot, nothing I can do for that.02:04
spOdrkirre, you couldn't check your packages for which ones that you have install that say mount?02:05
DrKirreOh yeah, I can do that! One second.02:05
tom2Can someone help me with an audio problem?02:05
reya2761Flannel: ok so I went back and set it to sudo chmod -R g+x /var/www/CFIDE but now when I try to login to the admin I get a OS prompt on Ubuntu/Firefox saying do I want to save index.cfm as a bin file02:05
lapniackgoogle partition ubuntu and mayhbe get gparted...02:05
nickrudechosystm, system->admin->time and date02:05
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josh____is there a samba channel?02:05
thug4lifewhen someone gets time may i get some help?02:05
Flannelreya2761: You don't want regular files to be executable.02:05
reya2761nickrud: oh where can I find this .htaccess info02:05
DrKirreI have.. 'mount'02:05
nickrudjosh___, #samba iirc02:05
DrKirreExactly that.02:05
reya2761Flannel: right02:06
echosystmi mean from commandline nickrud02:06
nickrudhttp://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/core.html#options reya276102:06
josh____.htaccess you doing drupal?02:06
hotguy300this people r verry rude in here02:06
echosystmi need to confirm my timezone and language settings02:06
nickrud.htaccess is apache, not just drupal :)02:06
Flannelreya2761: What you just did was set *every* file +x inside that directory02:06
sebsebseb!details |  hotguy30002:06
ubottuhotguy300: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."02:06
lapniackhotguy   use google02:06
DrKirreAh! Tom, are you having the issue wherein you only have sound from one speaker, and perhaps cannot use headphones?02:06
hotguy300you not get help from this people02:06
echosystmdate doesnt show the timezone02:06
sebsebseb!google |  lapniack02:06
ubottulapniack: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.02:06
Flannelhotguy300: What do you mean "to any linux OS"02:06
sebsebseb!patience |  hotguy30002:06
ubottuhotguy300: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.02:06
reya2761Flannel: ok I'm completely lost now02:06
Flannelreya2761: How so?02:07
nickrudechosystm, sure it does (on jaunty, just looked (again))02:07
rightsprocketSorry to ask again but does anyone have advice if you were using the hardy sources list on an intrepid install?02:07
DiViN3sebsebseb: can you kindly help me , i am having problem getting my server to resolve hostname02:07
tom2If someone could help me, I would really appreciate it02:07
reya2761Flannel: the permission thing is confusing, just need to get the hang of it02:07
sebsebsebDiViN3: no not my area02:07
hotguy300i need to know if i can downlound linuxmint7 from ubuntu linux9.0402:07
nickrudDiViN3, do you have a router?02:07
=== Befolked is now known as Arv3n
sebsebsebhotguy300: Mint is based on Ubuntu, and you can't get support for it here,  and  it's better to use proper Ubuntu really02:08
Flannelhotguy300: You can download files from the internet, yes.02:08
BlasenMichany gurus on monitor issues?02:08
DiViN3nickrud: yes it has a router02:08
nickrudDiViN3, do you know it's address?02:08
Flannelreya2761: Read that wiki page I gave you, it might shed some light on it02:08
thug4lifeim using ubuntu 9.04 on the ps3 its running but im trying to get my directly connected cable modem to work with ubuntu (the cable modem works in the ps3 os) and to get the resolution set but its saying fbset isnt install where do i get this at?02:08
nickrudDiViN3, I'm assuming it's a cable/dsl modem as well, and provides dns02:08
reya2761Flannel: I will do, thanks for all your help02:08
DiViN3nickrud:not sure02:08
zvacetrightsprocket: it is notgood idea to use one sorce list to different version.You can replace all hardy to intrepid in your source list and sudo apt-get update02:09
BlasenMichany gurus on monitor config?02:09
Dr_Willisthug4life:  fbset is a command you can install via the package manager.02:09
Joelitohi all, is there a program in ubuntu to read with voice my text documents?02:09
hotguy300so r u telling me that ubuntu is much beter.someone had tould me that ubuntu hould your hand a lot02:09
rightsprocketzvacet Thanks!!!  I figured that02:09
DiViN3nickrud: yes it was dsl router as i can remeber02:09
sebsebsebhotguy300: well Mint does even more so02:09
rightsprocketzvacet Server was not setup by me.02:09
Dr_WillisJoelito:  'festival' is a text to speach 'server/tool'02:09
Dr_Willis!find fbset02:09
ubottuFound: fbset02:09
tom2Can somebody please help me with an audio problem? Can't seem to get audio working on with my laptop speakers but it works just fine with headphones. If someone could get back to me I would really appreciate it.02:09
nickrudDiViN3, try pointing your browser at , .0.1, .1.254, .0.254 . Probably one of those will give you a webpage. Put that address in /etc/resolv.conf02:09
rightsprocketzvacet Are sources list processor specific?02:09
hotguy300so what is better then02:09
HowardTheDuckWill Karmic Kapture come with FireFox when it comes out02:10
sebsebseb!best  |  hotguy30002:10
ubottuhotguy300: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.02:10
thug4lifedr willis ok but when i do the command at the termanil it says it dont exsit02:10
Dr_WillisHowardTheDuck:  yes..02:10
zvacetrightsprocket: it is good that you find the way02:10
JoelitoDr_Willis: I will try festival02:10
sebsebsebhotguy300:  no don't get and ask bestbot, it will say Ubuntu is best02:10
DrKirreTom2: I have that issue, only in reverse. Perhaps we could trade!02:10
Dr_Willisthug4life:  sudo apt-get install fbset02:10
HowardTheDuckI heard Ubuntu is going with Opera02:10
=== Shortguy109 is now known as DeathMetalDean
sebsebsebhotguy300: go and ask above,  anyway point is there isn't really such a thing as best, it's up to you to decide what you think is better for you02:10
Dr_WillisHowardTheDuck:  i find that unlikely.02:10
thug4lifei did that it says the pacage dont exsit or something like that02:10
sebsebsebHowardTheDuck: Opera is an option, but Firefox will remain the default for now02:10
tom2Dr Kirre: I wish it was that simple haha02:10
Dr_Willisthug4life:  'sudo apt-get update' 'sudo apt-get upgrade' try again.02:11
HowardTheDuckwhich one plays youtube the best02:11
HowardTheDuckits mucho laggy02:11
HowardTheDuckWill Karma fix that02:11
zvacetrightsprocket: do you mean 32 or 64 bit no source list is not procesor depšending02:11
DiViN3nickrud: i have tried that and also the opendns ip also but its not working02:11
jlarochehow can one change their home folder in ubuntu?02:11
Dr_WillisHowardTheDuck:  blame adobe.  i doubt if its the browsers fault.02:11
sebsebsebhotguy300:   pm  me if you want, since I can see things going  off topic02:11
FlannelHowardTheDuck: #ubuntu+1 for Karmic support/discussion/etc, Thanks.02:11
thug4lifeif it has to use the internet to get the updates i cant get online with my ubuntu on the ps302:11
rightsprocketzvacet amd6402:11
DrKirreTom2: As do I.. but ah, do you get from a single 'phone as well? Or do you get stereo sound form them?02:11
Dr_Willisjlaroche:  you wish to change the usres home directory from /home/USERNAME to what exactly?02:11
echosystmhow do i check what language i have installed? anyone?02:11
DeathMetalDeandoes anyone know why when I try to use archive manager on a tar.gz file it says gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file tar: Unexpected EOF in archive tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now02:11
DrKirreEchosystm: That's fairly ea02:11
hotguy300then yall tell me what i can do witch ubuntu linux9.04.there are a lot of thing that i need it to do that i cant do witch windeos vista02:12
hotguy300like hacking02:12
Dr_Willisthug4life:  fbset is just a tool to change the framebuffer resolutions.  I know nothing of PS3 ubuntu  - they got their own support channel/web sites i think.02:12
nickrudDiViN3, this problem survives a reboot?02:12
tom2DrKirre: I get stereo.02:12
hotguy300and more02:12
sebsebsebhotguy300: hacking???02:12
DrKirreEcho: That's fairly easy. Look up into your help files. If you see it written in english, your language is english. If it's all crazy moonspeak, it's other. ^.^02:12
hotguy300not cracking02:12
th0rDeathMetalDean: that means you got a bad download, the tar is  not intact02:12
sebsebsebhotguy300: hacking as in proggramming ok02:12
Raidsonghacking as in program creation?02:12
DiViN3nickrud: yes i can reboot the server n get it back online02:12
zvacetrightsprocket: version doesn´t depend of procesor but on ram I use 32 bit version on amd 6402:12
DeathMetalDeanth0r: but i made the file.02:12
jlarocheDr_Willis - i changed my username but apparently my new username is linked to my old username's home folder. I want the new homefolder to be the same as the new username02:13
DeathMetalDeanth0r: and sent it between laptops using giver02:13
Dr_Willishaagar:  'hacking' is a meaningless term now a days.. (it means too many diffent things to different people to have any real meaning) :)02:13
DrKirreTom: Lucky! I only get sound out of the right side of my speakers. Really irritating, considering I'm a media nut, and without the ability to listen to music... bleh02:13
hotguy300open source hacking02:13
sebsebsebhotguy300: this isn't really a channal for  your kind of questions, feel free to pm me02:13
th0rDeathMetalDean: ok02:13
thug4lifecan i use my windows based pc to download the fbset onto a flash drive and install it that way into ubuntu?02:13
nickrudso when you reboot you're fine, as I read that. What causes it to stop resolving, or what happens about the same time02:13
Dr_Willisjlaroche:  how did you change your username?  and why.02:13
tom2Dr Kirre: I know what you mean....02:13
sebsebsebhotguy300: Ubuntu can do a lot,   but it's not fair on other users,  to  babble on about what it can and cannot do in here02:13
DiViN3nickrud: is it ok if i get to u in pvt plz02:13
LogicalDashI am trying to backup my home directory to a tar file on a DVD-RAM. The computer keeps trying to write faster than is possible to this medium and I kept having to manually re-continue the process. Still, it seemed to be working OK, but now the file has an Unexpected EOF in it for some reason. Can I fix this? It'd be okay to just chop off the offending data...02:13
Dr_Willisjlaroche:  sudo mkdir /home/newusername  and 'sudo chown username.username /home/username 'it to be owned by the new user  for starters i guess..02:14
jlarochesigh.... Dr_Willis - i changed my username using the methods outlined here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=496823502:14
DrKirreVan Canto is meant to be heard in stereo darnit! Alas, such02:14
Retro198909pioneer dvr-117 dvd burner not working on 9.0402:14
jlarochegood... thank you02:14
DrKirre...why does that keep happening?02:14
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DeathMetalDeanth0r: shud i try making it a zip file or something and sending it?02:14
nickrudDiViN3, better to stay in main line, mostly because I am rusty as all get out. Haven't been doing much but running linux the last few months, not troubleshooting anything and extra eyes are always wise02:14
tom2I am just hoping someone can help me.02:14
Dr_Willisjlaroche:  i hope you properly changed the commands to be the new/old users names.. and  not 's_old_newg' like the examples show02:15
DiViN3nickrud: ok but kindly tell me in  step by step for wat i should do02:15
Flanneljlaroche, Dr_Willis: if you're already using the old home, all you have to do is modify names, not permissions, log in to the recovery console, usermod it to change the home, and mv the folder.02:15
thug4lifewhat are the channels name for help with ubuntu on the ps3 im sitting here with a 500 buck brick as it wont get on the internet and it got really big black borders and cant even get back into the ps3 os so its a brick02:15
nickrudDiViN3, first: when you reboot everything is fine, yes?02:15
DiViN3nickrud: yes i can login via ssh & webmin02:16
Dr_WillisFlannel:  if he has  an existing home..    im not sure what all commands hes done. but the url he gave just alters /etc/passwd and /etc/groups02:16
jlarocheFlannel - i can get in my system again02:16
nickrudDiViN3, that's not the question I'm asking. Your server can resolve addresses after a reboot?02:16
Dr_WillisOh wait there it uses usermod :)02:16
DiViN3nickrud: no02:17
jlarochei just want to have the new username correspond to the home folder02:17
nickrudok, we're getting somwhere :)02:17
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Dr_Willisjlaroche:  look in /home/ the users directory does exist? thats one thing to check.02:17
Crash1hdIm having trouble running the following code http://paste.ubuntu.com/245076/02:17
nickrudhow does your server get it's network address? dhcp? static?02:17
burntresistorim trying to edit and save a ect/.conf file and its saying i dont have the permissions , what do i need to do02:17
Crash1hdIm getting No such file or directory02:17
Crash1hd??? anyone any idea?02:17
B1OSDr_Willis: when i run "wget -q -O - http://linux.dell.com/repo/firmware/bootstrap.cgi | bash" it keeps trying to connect to the beryl project and slowing things down and i need to get rid of it02:18
Dr_Willisjlaroche:  if it exists thats step 1 done.. Now to double check  /etc/passwd and /etc/group and /etc/shadow is the next thing.02:18
jlarochein /home/ my old username is there and my username is not that name anymore02:18
thug4lifeanyone know if any irc channels offer help for the ps3 version of ubuntu?02:18
DiViN3nickrud: its a dedi server with 64 ips so i have no idea if its a static or dhcp02:18
Dr_WillisB1OS:  no idea on that. Beryl hasent been in ubuntu for a long time.   as far as i know beryl is dead.02:18
jlarochein /etc/passwd my home dir is linked to my old username's home dir02:18
nickrudso it's a remote server you're renting from someone02:18
DiViN3nickrud: is ther any way to find out02:18
Dr_Willisjlaroche:  so there is no /home/CURRENTUSERNAME ?02:19
DiViN3nickrud: yes02:19
B1OSso i could try: sudo aptitude remove beryl beryl-core beryl-manager beryl-plugins beryl-plugin-data beryl-settings beryl-setting-bindings libberyldecoration0 libberylsettings0 libemeraldengine002:19
Dr_Willisjlaroche:  but you have sort of 'half way' switched to the new username?  you are logged in as the new username?02:19
echosystmwhere are daemons set in ubuntu?02:19
jlarochein etc/group everything is the new username02:19
nickrudDiViN3, put a copy of /etc/network/interfaces on a pastebin. That's the file that describes how your networking is set up02:19
sjlkghi, running a netbook with jaunty nbr and external monitor, i can't get it to mirror the screen at a resolution other than 800x600. any ideas?02:20
Dr_Willisjlaroche:  so make a /home/newusername dir and make it owned by that user perhaps? if im understanding you right.02:20
BlasenMichany monitor gurus in the house?02:20
jlarochein shadow the name is my new username02:20
Dr_Willisjlaroche:  so all the /etc/ Files check out..  just no /home/NewUserName directory?02:20
mohdsika hi02:20
jlarocheand then go into users and groups and switch the home dir to that new dir?02:20
Sikaenta fin ya ragil , git ml bld emta02:21
Dysaniak(Howdy guys)02:21
Flanneljlaroche,Dr_Willis: mv it from the recovery console.  And then use usermod to switch where the OS is looking for the homedir, then init 2 and login.02:21
Dr_Willisjlaroche:  I would just make the new users home dir by hand (with sudo mkdir, and sudo chown whatever) and then copy all the old files from the old users dir over.. and fix their permissions.. or do like Flannel  says.02:21
jlarocheall this work to change a username02:22
Dr_Willisjlaroche:  i always just add a new user. :) then move stuff over...02:22
DysaniakI need some directions to the Sessions Preferences Tool.02:22
jlarochethis is crazy!02:22
DiViN3nickrud: i have sent the pastebin to ur pvt02:22
Dr_Willisjlaroche:   Im betting you did one of those commands wrong in the url you gave.02:22
Flanneljlaroche: It's not a whole lot of work.  Four commands or something.02:22
Dr_Willisjlaroche:   the usermod -d /home/new  -m old    command SHOULD of made the new home dir..02:22
Dr_WillisFlannel:  exactly 4 commands from the url he gave...02:22
echosystmanyone? where do i specify what daemons to load on startup?02:22
echosystmgoogle is giving me sweet fa02:23
Flannel!bum | echosystm02:23
ubottuechosystm: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto02:23
Dr_WillisI never can rember update-rc.d  command.. its so.. oddly named. :)02:23
nickrudok, DiViN3 that looks good. run   aptitude search resolvconf   to see if the package is installed. You should only get one line back, paste just the one line here.02:23
buckwildhow do i dual boot with windows on a separate hard drive?02:23
Dr_Willisbuckwild:  have the proper entry for the windows disk in menu.lst02:24
DiViN3nickrud: nothing popup02:24
Dr_Willisbuckwild:  thats how i do it all the time.. OR i just tell the bios to boot the windows drive.. and bypass grub totally02:24
nickrudDiViN3, you sure you spelled resolvconf correctly? no e?02:24
DiViN3nickrud: i copy n pasted wat you gave02:24
buckwilddr_willis:  How do i do the entry in menu.lst?02:25
JoelitoDr_Willis: Anyway to change the voice of festival guy :\02:25
Dr_Willisbuckwild:  i edit  my /boot/grub/menu.lst by hand. it has an example in the start of the file for a windows install on the first hard drive.02:25
Dr_Willisbuckwild:  backup your original.02:25
nickrudthat's not good. resolvconf is the package that sets up your nameserver correctly. it should be installed, and if not it should be available if your sources are set up correctly.02:25
Dr_WillisJoelito:  this is linux.. the thing proberly has 1000 settings.. Ive no idea what/where. :) id have to read teh docs.02:25
buckwildI'll try that thx dr. willis02:25
JoelitoDr_Willis: ok, will do02:26
nickrudDiViN3, run sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude search resolvconf   (on the server)02:26
Name141arand: OK , but will it be exactly like the ISO when I add the "non-free" stuff?02:26
Name141oh, he left.02:26
Juan_a_DayHello, Me again, I installed the last version of Opera, but I cannot see videos from youtube, I've already reinstalled adobe-flash, can someone tell me what is happening?02:26
Blackice420me 202:26
Blackice420but videos work on firefox02:26
trelaynehi all, I would like to shared my  wired internet-connected  laptop A  to another laptop B via their respective wireless nics. I understand this can be done by creating an Ad hoc SSID   on  machine A. BUt does anyone have any pointers to resources with good instructions on this?02:27
BlasenMichanyone know how to correct drivers for video?02:27
Dr_WillisHmm.. tht 'bum' tool is handy.. :)02:28
echosystmi have to install a tool just to get ubuntu to load a daemon on startup?02:28
echosystmthats crazy :/02:28
nickrudechosystm, depends on the daemon02:28
echosystmhal and fam02:29
Dr_Willisechosystm:   you could learn the init system.. and those should be set up by default when you install them.02:29
nickrudechosystm, those are daemons, yes.02:29
nickrudand init is the system that loads daemons02:29
Dr_Willishal starts when X starts up I thoght..  or am i confused...02:29
echosystmx wont automatically invoke hal afaik02:29
HowardTheDuckhow do i make youtube perform better in fullscreen?02:29
Dr_WillisIve never had to  tell a service to statrtup when i apt-get install the services..02:29
echosystmit doesnt on other distros at least02:30
nickrudI've lost track of all that myself, which is why extra eyes are necessary02:30
Dr_Willismay be its gnome starting it up.02:30
DiViN3nickrud: pastebin in ur pvt02:30
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Sikacan i ask help in xp ?02:30
Juan_a_DayCan someone help me. I cannot watch any video on opera02:30
Dr_WillisSika:  you may want to try ##windows02:30
nickrudah crap of course you can't update. one moment02:30
Blackice420get firefox02:30
buckwilddr_willis: what do i put on the root line?  the example shows (hd0,0)02:31
nickrudDiViN3, just to be clear, this is a dedicated server where you have complete root access, right?02:31
echosystmwhats this "skip starting firewall: ufw (not enabled)" stuff ?02:31
Juan_a_Dayblackice420, I've got firefox but it wastes tons of resources02:31
DiViN3nickrud : yes i have full root access02:32
DidrikAnybody who have had the same problem and fixed? I start VideoCut and load a file. I get this error "Floating point exception" and it crashes02:32
Blackice420juan_a_Day u and me both has the same problem02:32
BlasenMichi am trying to get my monitor to display higher res than 800X60002:32
nickrudDiViN3, and what version exactly? jaunty, dapper, etc?02:32
Sikatnx dr02:33
nickrudok. try this first, on the server. ls /var/cache/apt/archives/resolv* , do you see a resolvconf* package?02:33
Juan_a_DayBlackice420: hum, is there any other place to find out the solution?02:33
Blackice420i was think bout rm then apt-install02:34
ArrPirateCould someone help me please? I did a fresh install of Ubuntu and installed the restricted nvidia drivers like i always do and this time it detects my monitor's resolutions wrong. I was given a link to the wiki about setting resolution in xorg.conf but it doesn't seem to be working for me. This is the xorg.conf the nvidia-settings thing wants me to use but I don't know how t oget it to show the resolution I want, which is 1280x1024: http:02:34
buckwildcan someone plz assist me in adding windows to grub?02:34
makei need to delete grub.how to use grub command to delete mbr grub info?02:35
LogicalDashbuckwild, try running update-grub02:35
LogicalDash(with sudo)02:35
ArrPiratemake: You don't delete grub, really, you just overwrite it with something else02:35
buckwildlogicalDash: what does that do?02:35
nickrudDiViN3, did you see my last? I forgot to use your nick02:35
LogicalDashbuckwild, it autodetects the operating systems you have installed and updates the grub menu to fit...02:35
ArrPiratemake: For example, you could use a windows XP disc, go into recovery mode, then use the 'fixmbr' command02:35
buckwildEven if windows resides on another drive?02:36
DiViN3nickrud: i am using 9.0402:36
ArrPiratemake: if you actually delete grub, no operating system will load on your system.02:36
makeo tchank02:36
nickrudok. try this first, on the server. ls /var/cache/apt/archives/resolv* , do you see a resolvconf* package?  DiViN302:36
DiViN3nickrud : ls: cannot access /var/cache/apt/archives/resolv*: No such file or directory02:36
nickrudDiViN3, what we're gonna do is get resolvconf onto your system one way or another02:36
tonsofpcsis there a way i can set pidgin to single-user, user must login upon start, don't save anything mode?02:36
* ArrPirate has been trying to get her resolution problem fixed for around the past 12 hours.02:37
nickrudDiViN3, ok, go to http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/all/resolvconf/download , get a copy and move it to your server02:37
buckwildLogicalDash:  will this work if windows is on another drive?02:37
kpkudisudo mpd02:38
kpkudiunable to bind port 6600: Address already in use02:38
kpkudimaybe MPD is still running?02:38
danlis there any way to get karmic package into jaunty?02:38
FloodBot2kpkudi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:38
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artto find another OS     sudo apt-get install os-prober02:38
kpkudihttp://paste.ubuntu.com/245088/, i cant figure out mpd02:39
LogicalDashbuckwild, no idea02:40
rdakinquestion: how do I manually install a package after i download it? I have to do this because I'm doing it form he live cd, and when I enable multiverse sources they don't like to install (no disk space)02:40
rdakini'm hoping I can install maually02:40
rdakinspecifically hfsprogs02:40
ArrPirateI'll be back if this last attempt fails02:41
buckwilddoes anyone know if update-grub will detect windows on a separate hard drive?02:41
makevsftpd how to set files mask?02:41
banditoshi guys02:41
banditoswhat do i need to set up a simple upload download webserver ?02:42
banditosthat is secured by https02:42
banditos ?02:42
Raidsonga server02:42
buckwildwhen i have both drives connected, my pc defaults to windows and does not give me the option for ubuntu can someone assist??02:42
StupidWeaselI recommend lighttpd banditos.02:42
danli would like the znc-extra package from karmic, think it will install in jaunty?02:43
Raidsongim sure someone can02:43
=== jon is now known as Guest36916
Guest36916does anybody know how to get source codes to anythings that ubuntu linux has02:43
Guest36916i am a beginner programer02:43
StupidWeaselsudo apt-get source [package]02:44
StupidWeaselyou'll have to make sure the source code repositories are enabled, easiest way to do that is: System > Administration > Software Sources02:45
Guest36916ok whe i do that what do i say02:47
Azodonmsg nickserv identify 127693abc02:48
Dr_WillisGuest36916:  clarify what you are trying to do.02:48
Guest36916i am trying to get any source codes that i need or what to have02:50
Guest36916i am a beginner programer02:50
Guest36916so i can make my ouwn02:50
wolf23Help please, how could i remove drm from .wmv video file?02:50
Dr_WillisGuest36916:  you will need the 'build-essential' package to isntall the developer tools.. then you proverly should pick a language to learn first.02:50
Guest36916ok how02:50
Dr_WillisGuest36916:  so you have NO programing experience in any language at all?02:50
Guest36916i need the code02:51
* StupidWeasel lets Willis handle this ;302:51
Dr_WillisGuest36916:  'need the code' is vague..  need the code for what?02:51
Guest36916for a programe02:51
Guest36916like e mail02:51
Dr_WillisGuest36916:  a program.. ... what program? :)02:51
Guest36916to make my own02:51
Dr_WillisGuest36916:  you need to learn some linux basics I think.02:51
Dr_Willisand pick a programing language to learn first. I suggest Python.02:52
Guest36916i tould u e mail02:52
Guest36916like firefox02:52
banditosStupidWeasel:  thanx02:52
DidrikEmail like firefox02:52
Dr_WillisYou are not going to go from 'knowing nothing' to 'changeing firefox code' in 4 min.02:52
Guest36916i will work on python02:52
Dr_WillisGuest36916:  i suggest you go hit the varioys 'learn python' web sites. and learn how to do some little python  programs.02:52
don_I am new to IRC and would like to join Leo Laporte's #twitlive channel can anyone tell me how to do it?02:52
StupidWeasel/join #twitlive02:53
Dr_Willisdon_:  /join #channelname02:53
StupidWeaselsimply type that =302:53
Dr_Willisor click ion the #whatever  In most clients02:53
Guest36916there is not much on python info02:53
Dr_WillisIF that channel is even on this irc network02:53
Dr_WillisGuest36916:  you are wrong.. python is HUGELY documented.....02:53
DidrikAnybody who have had the same problem and fixed? I start VideoCut and load a file. I get this error "Floating point exception" and it crashes...02:53
Dr_Willisyou just havent looked very miuch if  you just spent 10 sec looking.02:53
FlannelGuest36916: http://www.diveintopython.org/  http://docs.python.org/tutorial/02:53
Guest36916not for what i want to do in python02:53
Lunisoh lawd, someone said python isn't doxed?02:53
StupidWeaselMmm yes, it's actually an excellent language to get started in.02:54
Dr_WillisGuest36916:  you are failing to state  what it is you really want to 'do'02:54
StupidWeaselLots of documentation & tutorials.02:54
Dr_Willis'learning to program' => learning python is a good start.02:54
Guest36916 i want to bui;ld a e mail program02:54
Dr_WillisGuest36916:  find one written in python then. I imagine theres several02:54
Guest36916for school02:54
FlannelGuest36916: Mind taking this discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic?  It's not really appropriate for this channel.02:54
Dr_WillisSo.. we are doing Homework for you then?02:54
Guest36916there is no info on how to build a e mail program in python i have look02:55
Dr_WillisGuest36916:  i find that hard to belive.. since you hjsut started looking 2 min ago.02:55
Guest36916i have look for 6 mouths02:56
Lunisso... I have some packages that are a version higher than the one available in the current repositories...what can I do to make sure all installed packages are the same version as the packages available in the current repositories02:56
FlannelGuest36916: Again, this is offtopic for this channel.  Please take it elsewhere.02:56
Guest36916no i wll not it is for anything02:56
trakcyiaI attempted blacklisting ath9k by adding 'blacklist ath9k' (without quotes) to the blacklist file but it did not stop ath9k from loading02:56
CrimsonIdolUpdate Manager says it can't update some packages and that I should do a partial upgrade... why is the wording of that throwing me off?02:57
Dr_WillisWell its time for me to head to work.. after that waste of 10 min. :)  Good luck all.02:57
EvilPenguin|do i need to install any drivers to avi files02:57
EvilPenguin|to make them better?02:57
Dr_WillisEvilPenguin|:  drivers are not for avi files..02:58
EvilPenguin|yes i know this02:58
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Dr_WillisEvilPenguin|:  you may want the w32codecs for your media players to allow them to play more types of files02:58
Dr_Willisbut thats not going to make them 'better'02:58
LunisEvilPenguin|: might want to explain what you mean by "better" and why you're trying to achieve it02:59
Dr_WillisLunis:  ya know! better!02:59
Lunisoh! of course!02:59
Luniswhy didn't i realize that02:59
Dr_Willisvlc dosent use the w32codecs packages - lasti checked into it. :)02:59
EvilPenguin|Dr_Willis: will you check your pm please02:59
Dr_Willistheres no need to msg me either EvilPenguin|02:59
RoeyI have a Logtech QuickCam 9000 and have installed Skype on 64-bit Intrepid.  I do not think the mic is working.  What can I do?02:59
Dr_Willisi dont check pms much :P02:59
Roeyhey Dr_Willis :)03:00
LunisEvilPenguin|: fyi it's considered bad manners to PM anyone without permission03:00
Dr_Willisand its 2 min till i leave for work.03:00
EvilPenguin|yeah i know03:00
EvilPenguin|im not a n00b03:00
Dr_WillisRoey:  ya got 2 min.. Shoot! :P03:00
LunisEvilPenguin|: just explain what you mean by "better"03:00
EvilPenguin|i didnt say better03:00
EvilPenguin|lets just get off that topic to the other problem i have03:00
Lunis(08:57:58 PM) EvilPenguin|: to make them better?03:00
RoeyDr_Willis:  alright, so I have a Logitech QuickCam 9000 on Intrepid/amd_64.  Mic isn't working (at least not in Skype).  What can I do to diagnose the problem?03:00
EvilPenguin|when i have VLC loaded with a playlist, when i change the avi file, it moves the screen03:00
Dr_WillisRoey:  never used a usb mic. no idea.  be thankefull the webcam works. :)03:01
Dr_Willisbye all...03:01
EvilPenguin|Lunis: did you see03:01
EvilPenguin|Lunis: when i have VLC loaded with a playlist, when i change the avi file, it moves the screen03:01
Lunisisn't the built-in mic a miniature sound card in the web cam? similar to usb headsets?03:01
RoeyLunis:  don't know03:02
DidrikAnybody who have had the same problem and fixed? I start VideoCut and load a file. I get this error "Floating point exception" and it crashes...03:02
RoeyThe articles I read mention it works out-of-the-box.03:02
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freemen i need help03:02
freemen i need help03:03
LunisRoey: i would see if there's a new sound device since you've plugged it in03:03
shane8002post your question then03:03
Lunisfreemen: just ask03:03
RoeyLunis:  one moment then03:03
LunisEvilPenguin|: do not PM without permission, this is the second time you've been told03:03
EvilPenguin|then answer my question aboce03:04
freemen i cant log in to massinger in emesene03:04
CrimsonIdolWhat's the deal with a partial upgrade?03:04
EvilPenguin|dont start helping a person, and then void off03:04
EvilPenguin|== fail03:04
FlannelEvilPenguin|: People here are volunteers.  Please don't be rude.03:04
LunisEvilPenguin|: note that no one has to help anyone. this isn't a Person X decided to help Person Y, it's People in room X chip in whatever help they may have for Person Y's problem03:05
EvilPenguin|and as i am, i understand IRC rulez (bla bla bla_ but { you dont to treat me like one }03:05
Roeyah! ok, Lunis, it works03:05
blognewbhello what's the difference between "A" and CNAME?! :S oh no03:05
CrimsonIdoland does it really mean partial update instead?03:05
RoeyI configured Skype to use it.03:05
banditosStupidWeasel:  i got lightttp running ? how can i create the uploading downloading space ?03:05
LunisRoey: huzzah!03:05
EvilPenguin|really now Lunis03:05
* EvilPenguin| high five Lunis 03:05
RoeyLunis:  indeed!!!!03:06
Roeythank you so much03:06
Lunisblognewb: A is record to IP, CNAME is record to fully-qualified domain name03:06
LunisA would be example.com pointing to
LunisCNAME would be www.example.com pointing to example.com03:06
Lunislast 2 lines @blognewb03:07
StupidWeaselBy default it is /var/www I believe banditos. You should read the lighttpd configuration guide - It will be much clearer then I can ever be.03:07
nick125I've got a quick question: What's the easiest way to get GDM to run in VNC? I'm setting up a GUI Xen VM on my server.03:07
LunisRoey: no problem, i'm glad i got this one right xD03:07
blognewbthanks Lunis03:07
FloodBot2Roey: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:07
Lunisfreemen: we'd need to know a little more really03:07
StupidWeaselbanditos: http://redmine.lighttpd.net/projects/1/wiki/TutorialConfiguration =303:07
ocdi cannot find the directory for gimp where is it03:08
Luniswow, that's the first ever hug i've ever gotten in my 10 years of IRC for helping in a support room :D03:08
wolf23helpers when opening a .wmv file -> this file has been encumbered with drm encryption , it will not play in mplayer03:08
StupidWeaselI'd hug you Lunis, but my hands would probably wonder :O03:08
ocdwhere is the gimp directory located in ubuntu03:09
ocdor how do i install new fonts for it03:09
styolhmmm... im trying to reinstall ubuntu via flash drive with the appropriate reinstallation iso from dell (for a dell mini 9 netbook) and when it goes to erase and create the partition, it spams the screen with "Failed to partition the selected disk: This probably happened because the selected disk or free space is too small to be automatically partitioned." and im not sure what to try next, should i try and format the drive first via recove03:09
Flannel!fonts | ocd03:09
ubottuocd: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer03:09
LunisStupidWeasel: get a #room xP03:09
StupidWeaselheh heh03:09
ocdno how to install fonts in gimp03:09
Lunisocd: while that's true, i have a cheap h4x... install fontypython03:09
makei need to change /etc/passwd file.but don't to write??03:10
LunisGIMP reads it's fonts from the system's loaded fonts03:10
Flannelocd: You install them to Linux, read the wiki page.03:10
Flannelmake: what are you trying ot change?03:10
makevi /etc/passwd...03:11
Flannelmake: No, no, why are you trying to edit that file? What do you want to change in your system?03:11
wolf23guys no one knows about this problem? -> this file has been encumbered with drm encryption , it will not play in mplayer03:11
boss_mcmake: remember to be superuser, (sudo vi /etc/passwd)03:11
Lunismake: you shouldn't really need to hand-edit /etc/passwd, as it can hose your users and in turn your system if anything fails catastrophically03:11
boss_mcmake: but you shouldn't need to edit it03:11
Flannelboss_mc: There's no reason to hand-edit passwd03:11
Flannelmake: No, stop.  What are you trying to change in your passwd file?  there are better, safer, faster, easier ways to do it.03:12
Lunismake: what are you trying to accomplish? i bet someone can point you to a GUI to do it :)03:12
Luniswolf23: might try a google search for "linux remove wmv drm"03:12
Luniswolf23: no promises, just an idea03:12
Lunisoh snap, just realized i came in here for help03:13
danlhow bad of idea is it, to start installing packages from karmic?03:13
wolf23Lunis, there is many, but i dont know how :(03:13
boss_mcdanl: karmic WILL BREAK, especially in conjunction with jaunty03:14
DiViN3Flannel: could you help me plz03:14
dementorcan i listen muzic  to a bluetooth handsfree  device?03:14
Flanneldanl: Are you upgrading to karmic? or what packages are you hoping to install?03:14
Lunisi need to automagically downgrade any packages that are higher versions than what's available in the repos03:14
boss_mcLunis: are there a lot?03:14
danlboss_mc: but i need libstdc++6 4.4 or higher03:14
FlannelLunis: I don't know of an automatic way to do it, but you can use your apt_preferences to force them to downgrade easily enough.03:14
Flanneldanl: That's not going to be a happy backport.03:15
DiViN3Flannel: i have problems geting hostnames resolving in my server...any idea of solving it03:15
Lunisdanl: i used it to install bleeding-edge Empathy, and it worked ok. 'course now i have a few packages i want back to an older version03:15
mikegriffinhello, playing with dual display for a laptop in gnome, how can i make the panels stick to a specific screen, as it has chosen the external monitor03:15
boss_mcLunis: you can do it in synaptic too (package->force version)03:15
Luniswell i'm hoping for something that can at least sort out what _is_ still higher version that latest in repos03:16
danllibstdc++6 4.4 package says it needs gcc 4.4 which means a lot is going to have to change03:16
tamewhen i try to access a shared folder on ubuntu from another machine, i am asked for a username and password. what username is it looking for?? i have tried everything and i even have "allow guest" enabled03:16
Senesencegparted stalls on scan. Checking the logs, I notice Buffer I/O errors on dev sda  -> What should I do?03:16
Flanneltame: Via samba?03:16
=== franck_ is now known as franckz
th0rtame: have you defined a samba password (smbpasswd)03:17
tamehave not defined a samba password03:17
tamethere was nothing about that in the setup03:17
nickrudFlannel, remember DiViN3 's dns problem? I've ssh'd in and ensured that interfaces was set up correctly, that resolv.conf was properly filled out by resolvconf when networking is started, but still no dns. Any suggestions?03:17
th0rthat's what I get paid the big bucks for03:18
boss_mcdanl: you could try to compile it yourself but I think you'll struggle...03:18
danlall this for znc :(03:18
boss_mcdanl: or install karmic in a virtual machine for testing03:18
tameth0r, havent setup samba password. wasnt aware i had to do so03:18
th0rtame: might want to give it a shot03:19
Flannelnickrud, DiViN3: No idea, sorry.03:19
tameth0r, is there info about how to do this?03:19
Flannelnickrud, DiViN3: does it work on a liveCD?  (Or some other machine? can we verify it's a problem on his computer, and not elsewhere?)03:19
th0rtame: I am sure there is, but haven't need it in a long time so don't know exactly where03:20
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.03:20
jduany reason the background might fade after time but not gnome-panel?03:21
tafadzwaI wanted to ask if apache tomcat will work without having to install apache203:21
josh___tomcat is seperate from apache203:22
josh___separate rather03:22
DiViN3Flannel: its not on livecd03:22
thug4lifewhere can i download fbset at?03:22
FlannelDiViN3: It's not a problem on the liveCD?  interesting.03:22
tafadzwaMy question is what is best to run as a developmental webserver for php03:23
FlannelDiViN3: What differences to those files are on the livecd/your install?03:23
Flannel!lamp | tafadzwa03:23
ubottutafadzwa: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)03:23
th0rthug4life: you can get it in the repos or from packages.ubuntu.com03:23
Flannelthug4life: sudo apt-get install fbset03:23
DiViN3Flannel: seriously i have no idea of the diff03:23
tafadzwaokay - so I don't need tomcat03:23
tafadzwaI will uninstall it03:23
tafadzwathanx guys03:24
Flanneltafadzwa: nope, no tomcat03:24
SenesenceI'm trying to use gparted, but it stalls on scan -> Can anyone help me out?03:24
scribawfhow do I find the Ubuntu version I'm running03:24
sebsebseb!version |  scribawf03:24
ubottuscribawf: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »03:24
th0rSenesence: sounds like the drive might be bad03:24
scribawfthank you03:24
sebsebsebscribawf: np03:24
sebsebsebleo_: with?03:24
Senesenceth0r: How do I make sure?03:24
echosystmguys, i can't reboot from xfce using hal03:25
th0rSenesence: well, if gparted works for other drives....03:25
echosystmthe policykit says "admin" is the user group to add to03:25
echosystmbut im wondering what other permissions "admin" has03:25
leo_nothing ,i just want to get the command information03:25
Lunisblah. paid a ton of money for this font, then the client bailed on the project. thought i would get use out of it as my main system font, but the < and > are replaced with up and down arrow glyphs03:26
zenwrylySo I've set up my PPA, built my package locally with dbuild and then did dput.  It all looks like it ran successfully, signatures and all, but I don't see anything on my PPA page.03:26
jduechosystm, basically sudo rights03:26
thug4lifeflannel it says reading package lists....done building dependency tree reading state information...done e: couldnt find package fbset03:26
zenwrylyat the end I see "Successfully uploaded packages.\n Not running dinstall.", is that last bit a problem?03:26
Senesenceth0r: Ubuntu is installed on this particular disk, and it does work, so wouldn't that mean that it's not all bad?03:27
echosystmjdu, do you know what the best way is to set up hal for pwoer management?03:27
th0rSenesence: ok03:27
jduechosystm, no.  What type of power management, though?03:27
echosystmi just want to be able to restart/shutdown from xfce03:28
echosystmnothing else03:28
echosystmeven when i run xfce as root, hal returns "no"03:28
dahliaare there any gui tools for setting up nfs shares in ubuntu desktop 9.04?03:28
jduechosystm, interesting, I think I saw instructions for that in an arch wiki03:28
echosystmwait, sorry root does work03:28
th0rdahlia: swat03:29
echosystmyeah, arch has a group specifically for power though03:29
echosystmi dont like having these permissions overlapping with other things03:29
dahliath0r, I thought swat was for samba?03:29
th0rdahlia: don't you need samba for nfs shares?03:29
th0rdahlia: been a long time since I set it up last03:29
dahliadunno, never did before03:30
thug4life Flannel: it says reading package lists....done building dependency tree reading state information...done e: couldnt find package fbset03:30
Flannelthug4life: alright, please pastebin the output of sudo apt-get update03:31
thug4lifeFlannel how do i do that im a linux newbie sorry03:31
DiViN3flannel : i am facing >>> rndc: connection to remote host closed03:31
Lostinspac_46I want to know how to open .pyc and .so files.03:32
jduechosystm, out of curiosity, how did you setup your system, for this problem to occur?03:32
KE7TMAdoes anybody know how to add another ip address to an already active network interface?03:32
Flannelthug4life: run `sudo apt-get update` in a terminal, and then copy/paste the output to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ , hit submit, and give us the URL03:32
thug4lifeok so i have to have the internet connected to my linux for that to work?03:33
arooni-mobile___hi folks;  i got rid of my task bar on the bottom and when i try to add it back theres nothing there;  what should i do now?03:33
KE7TMAright click on it03:33
KE7TMAthere are a bunch of things you can add to it03:33
jduechosystm, have you seen http://www.xfce.org/documentation/4.2/manuals/xfce4-session   the Shutdown/reboot section03:33
scribawfKeep receiving a pop-up of electricsheep needs updateing, but go to site and only see Intrepid & Hardy and how do I upgrade electricsheep?03:34
arooni-mobile___KE7TMA, how do i add currently running programs/03:34
Flannelthug4life: Ah, if you have no internet connection, you can't get things from the repositories.03:34
Flannelthug4life: Did you install from the Desktop CD? or from the Alternate CD?03:34
nickrudFlannel, was away. No, this is a remote dedicated server.03:34
KE7TMAwindow selector03:34
KE7TMAthat's your basic "task manager"03:34
arooni-mobile___KE7TMA, i can right lcick but how do i add currently running progs03:34
KE7TMA"add to panel"03:35
KE7TMA"window selector"03:35
KE7TMAdoes anybody know how to add another ip address to a network interface?03:35
thug4lifeit was the alt cd i put it on my ps3 and i only have a wired connection to the internet that i must swap ehternet cables03:35
Flannelthug4life: Alright, if you've got the alternate CD, we can work from that.  Which version of Ubuntu is this?03:36
raulhhey guys, anyone know about getting the nvidia 8600GTS working on ubuntu???03:37
Flannelthug4life: fbset is on the CD, so stick the CD in, sudo apt-cdrom add, and then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install fbset03:37
thug4lifeFlannel: 9.04 i wanna switch the resolution cause im running this on a 51 inch hdtv but using the rca cables03:37
SenesenceHow can I determine the overall state of my hard disk (what's its average remaining lifespan, for example)?03:37
raulhsenesence: lifespan... i wasn't aware hard disk's had a life span..03:38
Senesenceraulh: Neither was I, but that's what I have been told. They don't?03:38
wolf23Lunis,  are u there?03:39
raulhive had a hdd for about 16 years lol.03:39
Luniswolf23: i am now :) what's up?03:39
Datzdoes anyone know if there was a recent samba update for ubuntu?03:39
raulhnon SATA, and its never gotten any slower, so i don't really know what to tell ya.03:39
styolsomebody shoot me... http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/5885/quickshottrjnl.png03:39
Luniswolf23: sorry, I don't accept PM's, they're automatically rejected. what do you need?03:40
wolf23Lunis,  i open here --> http://www.iskysoft.com/article/remove-wmv-protection.html03:40
jduSenesence, to some extent, you can use S.M.A.R.T. to test whether it is ok.03:41
wolf23and there is Extract your license keys. You can do this with drmdbg <-- where should i find this?03:41
Luniswolf23: no clue. give me one second03:41
DatzSamba recently stopped working on my setup where it recently worked. Can someone help me with this?03:41
raulhso does anyone have a clue about 8600GTS drivers for ubuntu?03:42
osirismy guess is install them03:42
Senesencejdu: What's the package name?03:43
raulhblaaaaaa, anyone :(?03:43
jdui believe smartmontools03:43
jduthere is also hddtemp03:44
KE7TMA# Andy's try at a secondary interface03:44
KE7TMAauto eth0:103:44
KE7TMAiface eth0:1 inet static03:44
jdufor temperature readings, if you want that03:44
FloodBot2KE7TMA: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:44
styolraulh have you google searched "ubuntu 8600GTS" ?03:44
styoland nothing there works?03:45
raulhthere's nothing on the 8600 series.03:45
KE7TMAdoes anybody know how to add another network interface03:45
thug4lifeFlannel it still didnt find that package03:45
raulhi am also on hardy..03:46
Flannelthug4life: odd. Well, the package is on the CD, so if nothing else, you can just go grab it.  Do you have the CD listed in /etc/apt/sources.list? (and not commented?)03:47
Luniswolf23: sorry i'm not having any luck. good luck on your quest03:47
styolraulh http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080618120409AALpvxD03:47
th0rKE7TMA: have you tried just using ifconfig to define it temporarily?03:48
thug4lifeFlannel: it said the ect folder couldnt be found it may been recently deleted how its on a cd r03:48
KE7TMAperhaps i should03:48
Flannelthug4life: Erm.  If the /etc folder is deleted, something is wrong with your install.03:48
raulhstyol, im going to try sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx, before i try anything else, but first i'm gunna let the update finish up.03:48
Flannelthug4life: I suggest reinstalling.03:48
wolf23Lunis, oh you dont know about the site i gave you now?03:48
skypilothey, how do i mount a SMB share so i can access it with exaile?03:49
th0rKE7TMA: it would give you a chance to experiment and work out the details before trying to define it in /etc/networks03:49
styolraulh alrightie03:49
Clouse:( I can't get the Darklooks theme to "stick" in 8.10, anyone?03:49
buckyKE7TMA: did you sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart ?03:49
th0rskypilot: fusesmb?03:49
thug4lifeFlannel: i just got done installing it bout 2 hours ago03:49
KE7TMAi rebooted03:49
skypilotth0r, thanks, checking it out now03:49
Luniswolf23: basic idea is that you need to do it from windows, that's the best that i can gather...and i'm also busy now, sorry03:49
buckyKE7TMA: start with auto eth0:0  for the first alias03:49
Flannelthug4life: How'd you delete /etc in that time then?03:50
wolf23lunis yes i have windows xp open now, just tell me what does mean this --> Extract your license keys. You can do this with drmdbg03:50
bucky!enter KE7TMA03:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about enter KE7TMA03:50
thug4lifeFlannel: i didnt delete it it saying its not on the cd-r03:50
bucky!enter | KE7TMA03:50
ubottuKE7TMA: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:50
Flannelthug4life: right, /etc/apt/sources.list is on your harddrive, on your install.03:50
KE7TMAi must say "auto eth0:0" even if is going to be manually configured?03:50
Luniswolf23: i have no clue03:50
buckyKE7TMA: and don't forget auto eth0:0 if you want it on the reboot03:51
buckyKE7TMA: this is all very faq and doc on googl03:51
thug4lifeFlannel: on the cd-r there is a ect folder but when i click on it it says it was deleted but u cant delete stuff off a cd-r its impossible03:51
KE7TMAi read the faq and doc on googl03:51
KE7TMAdidn't work03:52
Flannelthug4life: You don't care about the etc folder on the CDr, we just want the one on your harddrive.03:52
buckymine works03:52
sebsebsebwolf23: I thought   Windows support was off topic in here03:52
markot06I cannot launch any Open Office apps, either from the Applications menu or the terminal window (which creates processes but has no visible effect on screen). Please help.03:52
ClouseAnyone else having issues with themes not applying properly?03:52
Lunissebsebseb: no he wanted to do it from linux but we couldn't find the tools to do it that way03:53
thug4lifeso how dod i get to the place where my drives are shown like how windows got my computer03:53
raulhstyol: i think sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx worked.03:53
sebsebsebLunis: yeah what's he doing  braking DRM?03:53
Lostinspac_46I would like to know how to open .pyc and .so files.03:53
Flannelthug4life: less /etc/apt/sources.list03:53
Lunissebsebseb: does it really matter?03:54
KE7TMAi pasted my network setup into the paste.ubuntu site03:54
sebsebsebLunis: i'll take that as a yes then03:54
thug4lifeFlannel: do i type that in the ternmail window?03:54
g_how do I compile c++ programs?03:54
Flannelthug4life:  yeah03:54
g_for windows03:54
Flannelg_: Try ##C++03:54
KE7TMAthe config looks good, but an "ifconfig" does not show the interface as being up03:54
spOdo modules in ubuntu usually auto load?03:55
Lostinspac_46thug4life: Places>fileSyatem03:55
Lostinspac_46file system03:55
Lunissebsebseb: your question was confusing, sorry. yes, he's trying to remove DRM to watch videos (i believe) from Ubuntu03:55
thug4lifeFlannel: oh ok i was looking for something like my computer that lists the drives or ubuntus version of my computer i didnt know it didnt have one03:55
g_<Flannel> link?03:55
Flannelg_: /join ##C++03:55
libtechis it normal to get longer battery life in windows xp than ubuntu?03:56
Lunislibtech: battery life doesn't really have anything to do with XP vs. Ubuntu, it's a matter of what you have running on either OS03:57
sebsebsebLunis: braking DRM hmm03:57
Lunissebsebseb: pretty sure you mean "breaking" :)03:57
thug4lifeFlannel: it says after i typed less /ect/apt/sources.list it says no such directy found03:57
Flannelthug4life: it's /etc not /ect03:57
sebsebsebLunis: sure, and I am pretty sure that DRM isn't really  meant to get broken03:57
libtechi basically run the same apps in both OS03:58
thug4lifeok i see that now my bad sorry03:58
Lunissebsebseb: i beg to differ, but that's the part that doesn't really matter03:58
Senesencejdu: Ok, I ran smartctl on my disk, and there was a fair number of erros listed. Now, the Ubuntu installation that's already installed on that disk still works, so I assume that the disk is "half-broken".....is that possible?03:58
sebsebsebLunis: in fact breaking DRM is sort of like piracy03:58
Lunislibtech: i would check your power settings. i think XP is a little more stingy by default03:58
sebsebseb!piracy |  Lunis  wolf2303:58
ubottuLunis  wolf23: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o03:58
sidneycan someone tell me if this is the correct command to mount a drive   sudosudo mount -sdb03:59
Lunissebsebseb: ooh i bet you've just been waiting to do a bang command all day, right? :P03:59
sebsebsebFlannel: this is all under your nose, see above03:59
th0rsidney: nope03:59
raulhhmmm, i still can't get 8600GTS to work, any advice?03:59
allquixoticAnyone know of a well-supported USB 802.11n adapter that is __not__ based on the Ralink rt2870?04:00
thug4lifeFlannel: ok it listed a whole bunch of stuff now what04:00
VossHow about wearing pirate hats and parrots on your shoulder and saying arghhh a lot while using ubuntu?04:00
mazda01hey guys, i am using mythbuntu and xfce4-panel is using almost 21mb of memory. any thoughts?04:00
Flannelthug4life: The first few lines should mention a CD, does it?  Are there # at the beginning of all of the lines?04:00
KE7TMAisn't linux basically pirated from AT&T anyway?04:00
LunisVoss: I hereby nominate you for IRC quote of the century. I'm literally LOLing right now04:00
raulhlinux, pirated? are u dumb or something?04:00
FlannelKE7TMA: No.04:00
Lunisraulh: slow down, it's just a joke xP04:01
raulhlinux is open source.04:01
KE7TMAno huh04:01
Lunisoh dear, afk burn notice is on04:01
raulhisn't on here :\04:01
Lunisdamn, never mind, it's a re-run04:02
JohnCDI1anyone know anything about ssh04:02
raulhlol only thursdays are new eps04:02
Zxcvbany idea how long a full kernel compile should take on a 1.6ghz atom n280?04:02
raulhonly 2 left for the season.04:02
FlannelLunis, raulh: Please take non-support discussions to #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks.04:02
VossLunis, I only some hot girl reads that and decides she must meet me ;-)04:02
Flannel!anyone | JohnCDI104:02
ubottuJohnCDI1: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?04:02
raulhjohnCDI1, what are you trying to do??04:03
echosystmis anyone here using xfce?04:03
th0rJohnCDI1: what do you need?04:03
jduSenesence, sorry for not responding.  it is possible that there would be problems with the disk and ubuntu would still work fine.04:03
spO  what is fusion?04:03
jduSenesence, you don't want to trust smart a 100% though.04:03
allquixoticJohnCDI1, I believe the answer to your question is "yes" ;-) I know more than nothing about ssh; hence, someone knows something about ssh; hence, the answer to your question is 'yes' :)04:03
JohnCDI1ive got it up and running and can login but when i use the scp command to do from remote machine to local i get 100% readout saying the file was transferred but when i go to look for it i find nothing in the directory i assigned04:03
VossJdu, I would strongly recommend making a new disk04:03
jduSenesence, probably Voss is right04:04
raulhjohn it might have to do with the Server. IE: the console/phone/etc/ running the SSH server.04:04
jduyou don't want to trust chance with your data04:04
thug4lifeFlannel: yes it has # deb Cdrom04:05
JohnCDI1hmm its just laptop to desktop both running ubuntu and it was just a text file04:05
SenesenceJust to confirm: You're telling me that this, plus the fact that gparted stalls on scans, means my disk is dying?04:05
dahliaso is samba now the recommended way to share file systems between unix systems?04:05
mazda01hey guys, i am using mythbuntu and xfce4-panel is using almost 21mb of memory. any thoughts?04:05
Flannelthug4life: Do any of them *not* have a hash infront of them?04:05
raulhJohn: try sending it to a already created directory, it might have to do with CHMOD's aswell.04:05
sidneyI have a second drive ext3. this forum gives this command to mount it  sudo mkdir /media/storage04:05
ctmjrspO: fusion as in compiz-fusion or fusion as in science?04:05
VossSenesence get what you can off the hard drive now, and get a new hard drive04:05
Lunisdahlia: it's per-person. i like ftp myself :P04:05
thug4lifeFlannel: u mean in front of the #04:05
jduSenesence, I don't know.  stalling on scans might mean a bad floppy drive or something.04:06
myselfis there a way to make it so you can keep stuff copied in the clipboard after closing a program that you copied it from?04:06
jduSenesence, you'll have to decide for yourself.  but if tools designed to detect problems complain, well...04:06
dahliaLunis, I mean I dont see much support for nfs and a lot for samba... so I assume everyone is using samba these days?04:06
raulhmyself: even if you close it, it stays on clipboard.04:06
jduSenesence, really, it's not my area of expertise; I suggest getting a second opinon04:06
Flannelthug4life: No, I mean the # itself.  Doany of the CDrom lines not have a # with them?04:06
myselfraulh it doesn't04:06
Senesencejdu: I disconnected the floppy, disabled it in bios, so that should not be a problem (also the buffer I/O errors are on the sda drive specifically)04:07
raulhyes it does, i just tried it.04:07
myselfnot for me04:07
myselfi close Evolution Mail for example and i dont have it copied anymore04:07
Vosssen, SATA or ide?04:07
raulhWhat did you copy..?04:07
Lunisdahlia: personally i think that's because there's more demand for samba because of the amount of people networking at home between linux and windows boxes. i love nfs and i hate samba04:07
myselfi dunno04:07
SenesenceVoss: sda, so sata I guess.04:07
raulhlol you probably copied an object, which you can't paste.04:08
thug4lifeFlannel: there isnt no / in front of the #04:08
raulhanyway idk what to tell ya, ill brb i have to restart X04:08
VossSen, change it to a different SATA port and if its still giving you IO errors get your stuff off the drive ASAP, If it stops giving errors you have have a bad SATA connector on your motherboard04:08
Flannelthug4life: that's not what I asked.04:08
raulhhmm alt+ctrl+backspace isn't restarting X o.o04:08
Lunisraulh: doesn't for me either i noticed the other day04:09
=== Odin is now known as th0r
Flannelthug4life: Do any of the lines that have "deb cdrom" in them *not* have a "#" infront of that?04:09
raulhOH it might be because i just updated my system.04:09
raulhanyway i'm going to restart, cya soon.04:09
SenesenceVoss: So it could be SATA cable, and/or the SATA port on the mobo?04:09
blognewbHow do you set the PuTTy window always on top?04:10
VossSen, possibly, did you change something recently hardwarewise?04:10
thug4lifeFlannel: sorry i mis read you04:10
webb_bwhat does everyone think about sirc   irc client04:10
SenesenceVoss: No, but this is a fairly old rig.04:10
VossSen, or did you recently have a problem with the power supply?04:10
Lunisblognewb: that's dependent on the window manager i think04:11
Flannelblognewb: there's a menu option for it (a checkbox somewhere in settings)04:11
thug4lifeFlannel: no all 3 things with ded cd rom all have a # at the begining04:11
SenesenceVoss: No, this has essentially just happened out of the blue.04:11
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Flannelthug4life: Alright, hit q, then sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list, then remove one of the #, then ctrl-O to save, ctrl-X to close.04:12
dahliaare there any tools for setting up nfs? I dont even have an /etc/exports file04:12
thug4lifeFlannel: sorry most of my screen is cut off yes there is one with out the #04:12
VossSen, like I said try hooking it to a different sata port and if your still having problems , get your data off and replace the drive04:12
JPSmanI got a complete noob question.  I unexpanded one of my panels using panel properties, and now I cant get back to panel properties because it un-expanded...how do I get to the panel properties when I cant right click on some free space on the panel?04:12
SenesenceVoss: Ok, thanks for your help.04:13
Senesencejdu: Thanks for your help, and time.04:13
Flannelthug4life: Alright.  Then you should have it showing up as a repository.  One question though, why are you looking to install fbset in the first place?04:13
blognewbFlannel: there's none! :(04:14
thug4lifeFlannel: it says deb cdrom: [ubuntu 9.04 _jaunty jackalope_ - release powerpc+ps3 (20090421)]/ jaunty main restricted04:14
TheShahFactoranyone familiar with libfakekey04:14
Flannelblognewb: in PuTTy?  Window > Appearances > Ensure Window is Always on Top (or something like that)04:14
Lunisblognewb: are you using gnome with metacity>04:14
ctmjrJPSman: did you try different spots on the panel the edges might work if not04:14
Flannelthug4life: Is there one that ends in "universe" by any chance?04:15
JPSmanoh god duh thank you ctmjr04:15
Lunisblognewb: because you can right-click on the title bar and set a window to always-on-top04:15
blognewbLunis: Flannel none both :(04:15
ctmjrJPSman: your welcome04:15
Flannelblognewb: I'm staring at it right now.04:15
raulhhow can i install wine through the terminal will sudo apt-get install wine work?04:16
Flannelraulh: Yes04:16
thug4lifeFlannel: to awnser your question im using a 51 inch hdtv and the text is really bad and has black borders04:16
sebsebsebLunis: looks like  I may have been a little wrong,   th0r  ...04:16
Flannelthug4life: Right, but that's terminal text.  Don't you want a GUI on this thing?04:16
Shunde黑客破解苹果键盘固件 可远程控制电脑  http://news.mydrivers.com/1/141/141071.htm04:16
raulhgod i love good frame buffer when scrolling down sites >_<04:16
MT-Shunde: this is an english only channel04:17
thug4lifeFlannel: yes i want the gui but even in the gui the text is blurry and unreadable04:17
FlannelShunde: Please help keep this channel on topic.  Ubuntu support only.04:17
Lunissebsebseb: huh?04:17
Flannelthug4life: framebuffer stuff doesn't change the GUI stuff.04:17
blognewbFlannel: http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/7540/dellcsf.jpg04:17
raulhwhat is that 3d Desktop environment called?04:17
thug4lifeFlannel: oic04:17
Flannelblognewb: Behavior04:17
ShundeI can't speak the sentence with english04:17
Flannelblognewb: Not Appearance04:18
blognewboooh you said appearance04:18
ctmjr!cn | Shunde:04:18
ubottuShunde:: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk04:18
sebsebsebLunis: th0r told me something and so on from there04:18
Flannelblognewb: Ah, so I did.04:18
blognewbi don't have my mind right now :>04:18
Lunissebsebseb: ah, okie ^^04:18
thug4lifeFlannel: so how can i get the text more readable on my 51 inch hdtv im trying to get it set up so my wife can use the ps3 to do internet stuff so i dont have to give up my windows pc04:19
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sebsebsebLunis: apparantly it's against the EULA, but maybe not illegal04:19
Lunisblognewb: oh you're not using linux xD that explains why right-click didn't work04:19
sebsebsebLunis: well yes it will be against the EULA04:19
thug4lifeFlannel: and also get rid of the black borders04:20
Flannelthug4life: you'll probably want to install some graphics drivers or something. You might try #ubuntu-ps3, they'll know more about the ps3 than I will.04:20
raulhdoes anyone know what the 3d Desktop environment thing is called??04:21
thug4lifeFlannel: ok thanxs for the help and sorry to have bothered you04:21
Flannelthug4life: No worries.  Sorry I'm not familiar with the ps304:22
Lunisraulh: "3d desktop enviroment" on google reveals Project Looking Glass and lg3d as the first two results04:22
ctmjrraulh: you mean  compiz?04:22
libtechraulh: compiz-fusion?04:22
raulhyyyyyyyyes thank you.04:22
thug4lifeFlannel: thats fine at least i didnt try to put ubuntu on my old windows based pc04:22
Flannelthug4life: That'd probably go a lot smoother.04:23
thug4lifeFlannel: lol i didnt think it would even work being it has an amd athlon 64 3500+ cpu04:23
arooni-mobile___is there a way to change my default browser to firefox 3.5 on jaunty?04:23
ClouseHi there all I have made and new user and am currently trying to copy all files on my desktop form the old account to the new one, how ever this is proving rather hard, does anyone here know how to do *.* to copy all files is an given directory?04:24
thiebaudearooni-mobile___: firefox 3.5 is in synaptic04:24
arooni-mobile___thiebaude, i already downlooaded firefox 3.5 but now what?04:24
arooni-mobile___thiebaude, through synaptic04:24
bastidrazorClouse, just copy the directory.. cp -Rp directory04:24
Flannelthug4life: Oh, that'd run fine.  How much RAM does it have?04:24
ClouseI have googled and looked in the cp man but unless I am missing something (which I propblerbly am) nothing.04:25
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thug4lifeFlannel 2 gigs of ram with an nvidia geforce 8500 gt 512 mb pcie card04:26
Flannelthug4life: Psh, yeah.   That'll run really nicely.04:26
thiebaudearooni-mobile___: it should be on your menu under Internet, shiretoko04:26
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Flannelthug4life: that's better than my desktop.04:26
libtechnot mine04:26
g_Can I compile c++ programs for windows on linux using wine?04:26
Flannelg_: Just use gcc04:27
Clousebastidrazor: Thanks, but I only want the files I can see and not the system files hiding.04:27
Flannelg_: look into mingw and "cross compiling"04:27
thug4lifeFlannel: its 3 yrs old the 939 socket cpu is out of date04:27
mazda01xfce4-panel is using 21808 virtual memory. this has got to be a huge memory leak. any thoughts on how to fix if I even can?04:27
g_Flannel: Do you know if wine will work to save me the trouble04:27
Flannelthug4life: Just because something is a few years old doesn't mean it stops working.  That's a perfectly good computer.04:27
g_the trouble of cross compiling04:28
Flannelg_: I have no idea if wine will work, but I do know that trying ot go through wine would be more difficult to do.04:28
samdhi, i have a old computer with ubuntu server, it is connected wirelessly to the network, but if for some reason, the router goes down, or the connection broken, ubuntu server wont autommaticly reconnect, is there any way the server will auto-reconnect in case the connection is broken?04:28
libtechmazda01: deallocate teh memoryz04:28
thug4lifeFlannel: yea it is just cant run newer games as they need a dual cpu04:28
mazda01libtech: what does deallocating the memory mean?04:28
mazda01libtech: it seems to keep rising the longer the machine is on. since this is my main file server and mythtv backend, this is unacceptable04:29
libtechreturn it to the heap04:29
mazda01libtech: i don't know how to do that?04:29
cbcbillinghello all04:30
cbcbillingcan anyone help me fixing usplash04:30
cbcbillingi tried to install ubuntu start-up manager04:30
cbcbillingand installed the finger print usplash theme04:31
cbcbillingafter rebooting system hanged04:31
cbcbillingplease help me04:31
CaptainCrooki've messed up in my menu.lst some of my uuid lines any way to recover it?04:32
sidneyOk i got the drive mounted but it has a lock beside it in gparted and i cant drag a folder to it04:32
blognewbZOMG my postfix is working04:33
LunisCaptainCrook: as long as you didn't fudge up the default settings, just run "# sudo update-grub"04:33
cbcbillinghelp please04:34
RaenirI'm trying to install EVE-Online on Ubuntu (8.04 I think) anyone know if theres a proper channel for it?04:34
CaptainCrookLunis: in fact ... i've combined 2 menu.lst file in one... and deleted the original one04:34
LunisRaenir: here is as good as anywhere04:34
LunisCaptainCrook: you should never mess with menu.lst since it's auto-generated04:34
RaenirAlso does Ubuntu have something like Itunes?04:35
LunisRaenir: quite a few things04:35
LunisRaenir: songbird is your best bet04:35
mazda01libtech: what can I do to solve this issue? do I even really need the xfce4-panel? could I just add launchers to the desktop?04:35
LunisRaenir: there's also Quod Libet, Exaile, Amarok, Rhythmbox, Banshee, and others, but Songbird is the most iTunes-like04:35
cbcbillingcan anyone help me fixing usplash on root?04:36
CaptainCrookLunis: yeah but better when manually arranged... is there any way to generate uuid lines? where those come from?04:36
Raenirsongbird also work with managing my ipod?04:36
LunisRaenir: through a plugin, i'm pretty sure it does04:36
LunisRaenir: but don't quote me04:36
LunisCaptainCrook: manually editing menu.lst on Ubuntu is asking for trouble. UUIDs can be found in /dev/disk/by-UUID (i THINK)04:37
CaptainCrookLunis: allright thanks04:38
ctmjrmazda01: there ia a mythbuntu channel they might be able to help you, and yes you need some form of a dock on your desktop04:38
raulh1how do i setup compiz fusion?04:38
Raenirkay' how do I browse to my windows ntfs folders when Im in the explorer like window04:38
LunisRaenir: Ubuntu should auto-mount it04:38
Lunisor them, rather04:38
Raeniroh wait the one im currently in lets me nvm04:39
chrislabeardhow do you remove a program again04:39
raulh1go into add/remove programs04:39
chrislabeardapt-get remove application04:39
Raenirsometimes I'm asked to explore and doesnt show the others04:39
ctmjrchrislabeard: depends on how you installed it04:39
CaptainCrookLunis: is there any way to know witch one point to witch partitions?04:39
chrislabeardapt-get install04:39
mazda01ctmjr: i tried to join mythbuntu channel but nothing came up. are you sure there's a mythbuntu channel? are you talking about ubuntu-mythtv04:40
LunisCaptainCrook: probably04:40
RaenirAnyways, bback to EVE-Online04:40
chrislabeardctmjr: so if i use apt-get install i use apt-get remove04:40
RaenirHow do i get it to work on Ubuntu, CCP doesnt seemt o have a linux client anymore04:40
CaptainCrookLunis: hehe... i see... allright gonna try them all...04:40
ctmjrmazda01: hold on will double check04:40
TeachableMomentim running my computer headless and the display is stuck at 640 after the latest kernel update04:40
ctmjrchrislabeard: yes04:40
deexannihilateDoes anyone know how to make an Acer Aspire One D250 run off of cable? I've been oh here a few times with no success and am hoping someone can help out!04:41
TeachableMomentI want it back to 1024!04:41
Raenirso im trying to fool around with line but when I try to run it from my C drive (the version already installed on Vista) it explodes04:41
RaenirWine* not line04:41
raulh1anyone want to help me get compiz-fusion running?04:41
=== jason is now known as Forza4Life
Tiki218Having trouble running Wow (wotlk) on ubuntu 9.04 (64bit).  When i run it through wine I get to the login screen and then it just locks up.  I've got a geforce 9800gx2 video card04:42
deexannihilateAlso, does anyone know if I can use an ipod as memory stick since it has storage capability?04:42
raulh1put it in Disk mode :)04:42
ctmjrmazda01: your right it is #ubuntu-myth there is also a mythtv-users with a lot more people in it04:43
deexannihilateraulh1: how do I go about that?04:43
raulh1hold the middle and the menu buttons04:43
raulh1then hold select and play after the logo appears.04:43
mazda01ctmjr: i probably need to find out if there is a xfce channel as the problem is with xfce4-panel command04:43
raulh1Does anyone know how i can Fix the whole firefox laggy, scroll bug?04:43
addison_huh, only getting 60k down from the repos... :(04:44
deexannihilateraulh1: what is select?04:44
raulh1the middle button lol.04:45
ctmjrmazda01: that one is #xubuntu04:45
bigdog_can anyone check out these lines and tell me if something fishy is going on lines 311,331,405,347,388 http://paste.ubuntu.com/245216/04:45
deexannihilateraulh1: ok. it goes back to what appears to be the regular programming. is this correct?04:45
raulh1blaaaaa! the laggy scroll in firefox is bugging me :(04:45
raulh1no it should tell you "in disk mode"04:45
deexannihilateraulh1: got it04:45
eboyjrHey people :) Did 9.04 64-bit always come with a stable version of ext4?04:46
raulh1yeah hope that works, to take it off diskmode, just hold select+menu, and it will boot into the ipod firmware04:46
deexannihilateraulh1: so, if I wanted to put remix 9.04 on it, i'll be able to use it at startuo to run"?04:47
chrislabeardctmjr: and if installed using aptitude is it aptitude remove ?04:47
raulh1I don't know about that, in theory, ofcourse.04:47
RaenirOkay this is weird04:47
deexannihilatealright. it is worth a shot!04:47
deexannihilateraulh1: thanks!04:47
Raenirwhen I try to play a song in Songbird or ANY other Linux music player it doesnt play it sticks at 0:00 no sound and doesn't move04:48
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ctmjrchrislabeard: yes it is always best to uninstall a package the same way you installed it04:48
raulh1Deexannihilate: np04:48
=== raulh1 is now known as raulh
RaenirI am trying to play songs off of my ntfs HD04:48
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RaenirAnyone know what my problem is?04:49
LogicalDashSuppose I copy a tar file to a DVD-RAM using dd if=myfile.tar of=/dev/cdrom. Will I be able to read the resulting disc?04:49
raulhsorry Raenir, i didn't see what you ask, what's wrong?04:49
RaenirNone of my songs from my ntfs drive are working04:50
att0I installed Ubuntu server 9.04 and I went ahead and installed ubuntu-desktop so I could have a GUI. Now I want to remove ubuntu-desktop, but when I try, it says it will only free 52kb. How can I fully uninstall ubuntu-desktop?04:50
Raenirthey stay at "0:00"04:50
raulhcan you read from the NTFS drive?04:50
RaenirI can see it and browse the folders04:50
raulhhmmm.. try to open a text file or something from it.04:50
eboyjrShould I use ext3 or ext4?04:50
raulhext3, from personal experience never used ext4.04:51
B1OSi wanted to install vsftpd and it says this: "0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 5 to remove and 0 not upgraded." Does that mean i already have it? or what?04:51
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Raeniryup just opened a text file04:51
Raenirworked fine04:51
raulh1 newly installed, means you installed it B1os04:51
LogicalDasheboyjr, I have had no trouble with ext4, the main thing to worry about I've heard is that some applications that rely heavily on timestamps and the like might not work the same between the two filesystems.04:51
raulhRaenir, what are you using to play them/04:51
B1OSraulh: what does it remove?04:51
dassoukilsusb sees my webcam, but i can't seem to open it with camorama or cheese04:51
raulhit says TO remove, i hasn't remove anything.04:52
LogicalDashdassouki, what webcam?04:52
RaenirIm trying everything04:52
Raenirtried songbird04:52
eboyjrLogicalDash: Oh wow okay that seems fine.. they are just timestamps. I hope FSpot doesn't use it like that04:52
Raenirtried ryhmbox04:52
Raenirsongs stay at 0:00 and dont play04:52
dassoukiLogicalDash: Bus 002 Device 002: ID 174f:6a33 Syntek Web Cam - Asus F3SA, F9J, F9S04:52
LogicalDasheboyjr, no, there are some other fairly significant changes between the filesystems, it's just that you won't see them as long as your programs don't use them04:52
ctmjr!mp3 | Raenir04:53
ubottuRaenir: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:53
Raenirit sees the files, it loaded the files it just wont "play" them04:53
Tiki218Raenir,  did you install the Ubuntu Restricted Extras Package.  That should alow you to play .mp3 and such04:53
raulhUhh. i don't know.. ill try to see if i get the same error.04:53
LogicalDashdassouki, ah, go into your BIOS and make sure that the webcam is turned on.04:53
B1OSraulh: then why does it say "After this operation, 2413kB disk space will be freed."04:53
raulhit's probably removing old, out-dated dependencies.04:53
eboyjrLogicalDash: Thank you! I heard ext4 was faster. I have already selected it accidentally anyway :P04:54
RaenirI thought I installed the package04:54
Raenirill go double check04:54
Tiki218the other packages to look at are gstreamer packages under the sound&video tab in the add/remove applications04:55
Tiki218i have both installed and can listen to music from my ntfs drive04:55
raulhdoes anyone know a solution to my scroll problem? firefox is really laggy, frame lag when i scroll down all pages.04:55
dassoukiLogicalDash: it is :D04:55
dassoukiLogicalDash: it works when i boot into windows04:55
Raenirk installing packages04:55
RaenirAnyone know how to get EVE Online to work on Ubuntu? I tried running it off from the NTFS drive and it exploded04:56
Raenirusing Wine04:56
att0How can I remove ubuntu-desktop and all dependencies?04:56
Raenirfor games and applications that need wine to run do I need to reinstall them onto Ubuntu?04:56
RtFMraenir yea i got it working04:56
LogicalDashdassouki, you might have better luck if you use the alternative Linux kernel from array.org04:57
raulhomg this scroll lag is driving me insane i can't find a fix..04:57
RtFMRaenir im not sure if you do but i know you need to run wine in windowed mode04:57
LogicalDashdassouki, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/26912304:58
RtFMRaenir you also need to run it from the exe04:58
dassoukithanks LogicalDash04:58
LogicalDashdassouki, you're welcome!04:58
Raenirwine needs to be "run"?04:58
RaenirI dont see the option to run wine04:58
RaenirI see it under applications with 4 options "notepad, browse C:\, configure, and uninstall04:59
lstarnesRaenir: it's run through the terminal04:59
raulhok, so i narrowed it down when i use the scroll bar and hold and drag it doesn't lag but when i use my mouse it lags could it be because it's a wireless mouse??04:59
LogicalDashRaenir, you wouldn't run it explicitly if you're working in the window manager, you'd open Windows executables "using" WINE04:59
psychcfHas anyone had any problems with slow video playback?04:59
spOwhat does Ubuntu usually use to automount usb drives?04:59
lstarnesRaenir: also, anything opened with wine's file browser would probably be run throigh wine05:00
LogicalDashRaenir, this actually does tell the computer to run Wine on the executable, fwiw05:00
raulhpsychcf, do you have appropriate graphics drivers?05:00
psychcfraulh: yep, latest nvidia drivers05:00
LogicalDashsp0, FUSE05:00
psychcfit'll slow down, then stop, then play back any frames that it missed05:00
psychcfand it does that over and over again05:01
raulhI never have expirianced laggy video, it could be your graphics card, because i remember my old pc would do it, but after i upgraded it i had no problems05:01
psychcfyeah, but this is a fairly new computer05:01
Raenirk, how do I run wine in the terminal?05:01
raulhAHA eat that ubuntu.05:02
raulhit was the Effect's making firefox's scroll laggy.05:02
lstarnesRaenir: it depends on which file you need to run05:02
LogicalDashRaenir, usually just "wine <path to Windows exec>"05:02
Tiki218when i run World of Warcraft (Wotlk) through Wine I can get to the login screen and then it locks up on me and i can't do anything.  does anyone have any ideas/05:04
LogicalDashTiki218, you might have better luck in #wine05:04
raulhon rythm box05:04
raulhhow do i stop it from searching for songs through all my paritions05:05
rianhi all05:05
raulhit's lagging the hell out of my pc..05:05
riancan i join?05:05
df747jetCan I shrink an "extended" partition in gparted05:05
LogicalDashrian, what do you want to join?05:05
raulhDf747 i tried that earlier, and all it did was kill ubuntu, and kill windows05:05
rianjoin into this topic05:05
LogicalDashdf747jet, try it and find out?05:05
raulhi don't reccoment it df747jet.05:05
LogicalDashrian, how do you join a topic?05:06
wizzo50rian: There is more then 1 topic going on05:06
df747jetdoh, because I wanted to try hackintosh05:06
Raenirhow do I copy and paste a files path05:06
rianthis topic.... what u talking about?05:06
raulhwtf rhytm box just crashes when i open it..05:06
rianowh.... okay!05:07
uchihazombiedoes anyone here play smash bros brawl?05:08
RaenirHow do I copy and paste the absolute file path of a file/folder?05:08
holsteini want to force a password promt on certain desktop settings05:08
RaenirBecause all I see are "tabs" and not the path05:08
blognewbhey guys! how do i delete a wget gz file that i did?05:08
holsteinwallpaper, panels05:08
raulh!OFftopic | uchihazaombie05:08
ubottuuchihazaombie: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:08
riancan i ask something dor someone about video converter?05:08
df747jetcan I move unallocated space out of an extended partition and merge it with primary unallocated space?05:08
lstarnesrian: you don't need permission to ask05:08
riani trying to convert mpeg file to mp4 using mmc, but it didn't work05:09
LogicalDashrian, it helps if you tell us exactly how it didn't work05:09
RaenirI should point out that its WINE that crahses when I double click on the EVE exe05:09
riancan someone tell me better one than mmc05:09
coz_rian,  tryu handbrake05:11
rianit's work when i convert it. but when i moving it to my ipod, my ipod can't read the file.05:11
LogicalDashrian, that sounds like it might be a problem with the software you are using to move stuff to your ipod05:11
blognewbHow do i undo a wget somefilegz ? i accidentally placed the wrong link :(05:11
LogicalDashblognewb, delete the file?05:12
blognewbLogicalDash: sorry how do i delete it?05:12
LogicalDashblognewb, rm <filename>05:12
wizzo50rian: Use AVS4you05:12
=== Guest24071 is now known as whoami
gbear14275whats the best tool to safely modify fstab?  I'm trying to make a partition mount on boot.05:13
=== psywipedtri is now known as psywiped_
rianowh... i just using my ipod USB port to connect it05:13
coz_gbear14275,    gedit?05:13
RaenirWhen I try to run EVE with Wine I get05:14
Raenirraenir@raenir-desktop:/media/TagnikZur/Program Files/CCP/EVE$ wine EVE.exe05:14
Raenirerr:ole:CoGetClassObject class {9a5ea990-3034-4d6f-9128-01f3c61022bc} not registered05:14
Raenirerr:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {9a5ea990-3034-4d6f-9128-01f3c61022bc} could be created for context 0x105:14
Raenirfixme:heap:HeapSetInformation 0x8d0000 0 0x33fcbc 405:14
Raenirerr:alsa:ALSA_CheckSetVolume Could not find 'PCM Playback Volume' element05:14
coz_rian,  an application named   handbrake will convert it and it is free although you might have to compile it05:14
FloodBot2Raenir: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:14
spOwhat is FUSE?05:14
gbear14275coz_: was hoping more for something that actually made it so I didn't have to input fstab values by hand05:14
LogicalDashrian, ipods are weird, they expect the files to be organized in a very specific way. There are applications to help with that...05:14
LogicalDashsp0, it's the Something Userspace File System :)05:14
coz_gbear14275,  oh mmm  let me think05:14
coz_gbear14275,  if no answer here try  #linux channel05:14
ctmjri can set my clock to the correct time with date, but when i reboot it is behind 4 hours the bios time is correct any ideas?05:14
rianthanks Dash.05:14
=== psywiped_ is now known as psywipedtri
Raidsongis your computer demonic in any way?05:15
RaenirI pasted my thingy into the pastebin05:15
LogicalDashrian, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPod05:15
riani had using SONY iPod.05:15
LogicalDashrian, SONY iPod?05:15
Raenirbut not sure what to do now or how it solves the problem of flooding05:15
RaenirI think thats the url of the message05:15
raulhhey guys how do i uninstall Flash player?05:15
=== psywiped is now known as Guest81586
LogicalDashrian, I thought only Apple made iPods...05:16
rianOMG! thank u!05:17
raulhlogicaldash, you're right, rian has been randoming since he joined if you didn't notice.05:17
LogicalDashraulh, I assumed he was just communicating poorly05:17
holsteinhow do i force a password prompt for gnome panel settings?05:17
raulhLol i did too until he say a few stupid things.05:17
deexannihilateraulh: it is actually working so far!05:17
raulhi'm glad it worked Deex, i just don't remember what i told you to do D:05:18
deexannihilateraulh: about the ipod as a memory card lol05:18
raulhOOH lol yeah disk mode.05:18
=== psywipedtri is now known as psywiped
neetalshello everybody05:19
raulhglad it worked man. that's what i used to do back when i had my 1st gen ipod.05:19
neetalsi need some help in compiling a software...05:20
lstarnesneetals: what are you compiling?05:20
=== psywiped is now known as rtfm
deexannihilateraulh: wo-man! me too05:20
neetalsi am compiling mediatomb and mysql support is not being configure05:20
lstarnesneetals: you might need one of the development packages for mysql05:20
=== rtfm is now known as psywiped
gangilHi , I have 8.10 installed , If I now install 9.04 using live CD , will all my packages and data be safe or not???05:21
holsteingangil: no05:21
lstarnesgangil: it will probably have to overrwrite your existing data05:21
raulhgangil: i dont think you can do that.05:22
lstarnesgangil: you can upgrade through the package manager without the cd05:22
neetalswhere can i find the development package for mysql ?05:22
gangiland if I upgrade thru package manager , the data and packages are safe , right?05:22
lstarnesgangil: they should be05:22
holsteingangil: your data is safe05:22
raulhHas anyone ever heard of a taskbar sort, of media player for ubuntu?05:23
rianhi i'm sorry, i have a little confuse. it's a new things for me. that's a walkman. hahahahaha!!!!05:23
gangilok, thank you all :)05:23
holsteingangil: some software may change in the upgrade that you might miss05:23
raulhWOOOW opera is terribly slow on ubuntu o.o05:23
=== nabeel is now known as Guest64612
* holstein needs to force a password promt for desktop settings05:24
freemeni need to donlwd torant05:24
freemen how05:24
freemen hello05:24
raulhfreemen: www.englishdictionary.com05:24
tonyglez_get a bittorrent client05:25
raulhi really didn't understand what you said.05:25
freemen i need to donlud torant05:25
gangilfreemen: there is a transmitter bit torrent client , preinstalled in your system05:25
holsteinfreemen: click on the thing, and it should just start transmission05:25
=== tyler is now known as Guest16216
freementhank u all05:25
gbear14275i cant get wine off my applications menu...  where are those files stored?05:26
* gangil needs to find a fast internet connection , my net is terribly slow :(05:26
tonyglez_i know this question has been asked a million times before. but i searched all the forums and i couldn't find a concrete answer to my problem05:26
lstarnesneetals: the package you need is either libmysqlclient16-dev or libmysqlclient15-dev05:26
holsteingbear14275: you can edit the menu items05:27
eboyjrThis may be a really random question. :P After I run 'sudo hp-setup', can I uninstall qt?05:27
holsteingbear14275: basically hide wine menu if you want05:27
tonyglez_my problem is that when i try to shutdown my system, it simply won't shutdown05:27
gbear14275holstein: how?05:28
blognewbCurrent User05:28
holsteingbear14275: just go to >system >preferences >main menu05:28
raulhwow someone's trying to crash people on this room05:29
bastidrazorholstein, right click on applications and edit menu05:29
wizzerwho is this fllodder05:29
LoafersHe did it to the entire freenode05:29
JohnCDI1someone who's an idiot05:29
wizzerFlloder001 my bad05:29
raulhtrying to crash people.05:29
lstarneswizzer: just ignore it.  It was removed from the channel05:29
raulhdont accept anything.05:29
=== Enissay_ is now known as Enissay
wizzerok i did thanks05:29
=== whoami is now known as koolhead1
koolhead1hi all05:30
EvilPenguin|can somebody help me with mounting a drive with fstab?05:30
levanderIs there any easy way to find out what mother board you have without opening the case in Linux?05:30
happyaronhi, please which command can show the distro's name, for example after I run it in a shell it can show 'Jaunty'?05:30
raulhif i use wget http://de.dataghost.com/ipl/dg-installer/dg-linux-installer-20070311.tar.bz2 to download, where does it get saved?05:30
holsteingbear14275: quicker would be bastidrazor's suggestion, just right click, and edit menu05:30
jiohdianyway to repair a rar file with bad crc without par files?05:31
=== psywiped is now known as psywiped17
coz_raulh,   do that command in terminal after  you do   cd  Desktop05:31
S_AHi! I am getting issues with Network Manager (Jaunty). It is not enabling network although I configured network properly. If I make network up from command line, it work but not woth network manager.05:31
coz_raulh,  then the file will be downloaded to the desktop05:31
raulhi already downloaded it05:31
=== psywiped17 is now known as psywiped
raulhwhere does it get saved too05:31
raulhnvm, home folder thanks anyways.05:31
gbear14275so i guess a follow on would be... if those wine programs are no longer installed... why do they keep showing up?05:31
holsteingbear14275: or alt-F2 alacarte05:31
coz_raulh,  ok then do a search for the pacakge name    it is most likely in home directory05:31
blognewbhi guys im in deep trouble :( "sudo: /usr/local/sbin/nginx: command not found" how do i install that? :'(05:32
happyaronhi, please which command can show the distro's name, for example after I run it in a shell it can show 'Jaunty'?05:32
lstarneshappyaron: lsb_release -a05:32
coz_happosade,   lsb_release -a05:33
raulhit's not a valid command...05:33
tonyglez_all i know of is 'uname' but that won't show 'jaunty'05:33
holsteinany ideas on forcing a password promt for gnome panel settings?05:33
Raenirshould I watch out for random files random people give me?05:33
lstarnesRaenir: as a general rule, don't accept anything that you aren't sure about05:33
lstarnesRaenir: the person sending it was banned05:33
jiohdianyway to repair a rar file with bad crc without par files?05:33
coz_Raenir,  if you didnt ask for it done accept it05:34
Raenir*clicks cancel*05:34
eboyjrWhen I go to Shutdown the computer and confirm, it seems like it just kills the programs without warning. Shouldn't it destroy() all windows first?05:34
coz_eboyjr,  not sure I understand your description05:35
spOdo usb drives auto mount in the Gnome desktop environment for you? I am having trouble with automount.... What handles this exactly?05:35
tonyglez_<happyaron> : try "lsb_release -a"05:35
CaMasonMorning all. Does anyone know if I cam compile two versions of PHP5 without causing conflicts?05:35
eboyjrcoz_: It is so instant... almost like the programs don't get a chance to tell you that you have unsaved changes or something similar.05:36
coz_eboyjr,  mm  generally if you have unsaved data it should warn you ...if not then everything will shutdown05:36
[criipt]!find wx-config05:37
ubottuFile wx-config found in kdevelop-data, wx-common05:37
eboyjrcoz_: Okay thanks.. Oh i should test it05:37
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coz_eboyjr,  well yeah start up text editor and type some thing in there then shutdown05:37
coz_eboyjr,  if it askd to save  then you are fine05:37
eboyjrcoz_: O I C kewl thank you05:38
RaenirOkay wine has exploded05:38
Raenirsays "Unable to elevate error 1"05:38
coz_eboyjr,   interesting thought... I have not tested this   yet  specifically to see05:38
coz_eboyjr,   I will today though05:38
coz_eboyjr,  if ubuntu does not do this then its a bit screwy :)05:39
=== circs is now known as Circs
eboyjrcoz_: Yeah haha well Ubuntu is too efficient at managing windows when its closing time haha05:40
holsteinhey guys, i would like to have ubuntu promt me for a password before changing desktop backgrounds, or gnome panel settings, any ideas?05:40
Thorn Can someone help me with my audio issues?  You can read about my problem here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=122692205:40
lstarnesholstein: I don't think that's possible05:41
psywiped!ask | Thorn05:41
ubottuThorn: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:41
lstarnesholstein: password prompting is generally only done for programs that need root access05:41
holsteinlstarnes: when i close my windows they catch on fire, and i can't get a promt?05:41
coz_holstein,   change the animation in ccsm if this is compiz05:42
njsholstein: I believe the term used for that sort of thing is "lockdown", have you tried googling on that?05:42
raulhdoes anyone know how to Read what "parition" my ipod is listen on?05:42
lstarnesholstein: it doesn't really make sense to require a password for personal settings when it requires a password for logging in05:42
holsteinnjs: i'll try lock down, thanks05:42
ThornI have audio problems.  Read about it here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1226922 Help me.05:43
coz_holstein,   also I have not found one incident where any animation in compiz had interfered with prompts05:43
lstarnesholstein: if you're worried about others changing your personal settings, give them separate accounts and lock the screen on yours when you aren't at the computer05:43
njslstarnes: people often want this for things like public terminals05:43
holsteincoz_: just being sarcastic05:43
lstarnesholstein: there might also be methods for doing exactly what you mentioned, but I personally haven't seen or used any05:43
coz_holstein,  oh  :) ojk05:43
Raenirapparently setting wine to Win98 mode made it work05:44
luis_hola gente, ahi alguien que hable español ¡¡¡05:44
Flannel!es | luis_05:44
ubottuluis_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.05:44
holsteinlstarnes: i'm setting up some semi pulic computers, and i'm trying to do it simple05:44
ThornI have audio problems.  Read about it here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1226922 Help me.05:44
holsteinlstarnes: with only one user account05:44
lstarnesholstein: oh05:44
luis_ok graciaaaas flannel05:44
holsteinlstarnes: might have to change strategy though05:45
Grant-Ais this anything to worry about?05:45
lstarnesholstein: try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=80198105:45
RaenirHow do i check what version of Ubuntu I'm using?05:45
njsanyone know why (with intel video drivers, current Jaunty) all my 3d rendering would seem to be going through the X server (it's laggy and top reports the X server chewing up CPU whenever I have stuff rendering, but glxinfo says "Direct rendering: yes")05:45
=== Caplain_ is now known as Caplain
lstarnesRaenir: lsb_release -a05:45
RaenirI assume its 8.04 but when i went to update manager it says I'm completely up to date05:45
lstarnesGrant-A: just ignore it05:45
lstarnesGrant-A: it was banned05:45
ThornI have audio problems.  Read about it here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1226922 Help me.05:45
Grant-Ayes, but was anything actually transferred to my system?05:45
Raeniryup hardy heron05:46
ctmjr!intel | njs05:46
ubottunjs: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.05:46
lstarnesGrant-A: not unless you actively accepted it05:46
Raenirkay how do I update to new ubuntu? 9.10?05:46
Grant-Ahow would I know if I did or not?05:46
Grant-Awhich window/tab would it be in?05:46
lstarnesGrant-A: most client never accept things like that unless you explicitly tell them to05:46
ThornI have audio problems.  Read about it here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1226922 Help me.05:46
holsteinlstarnes: thanks05:47
stovicekGrant-A: your client specifically said it aborted receiving of that file, so no, you didn't get anything05:47
njsctmjr: awesome, thanks -- google wasn't finding that05:47
RaenirHow do I update ubuntu to new ubuntu? Update Manager says Im uptodate05:47
coz_Thorn,   open terminal  type    alsamixer   see if anything is muted or volume is off05:48
Grant-Aok, thanks! :)05:48
lstarnesRaenir: there's a setting in system > administration > software sources05:48
Thorncoz_: nothing is muted05:48
lstarnesRaenir: by default, 8.04 will only display upgrades to newer LTS releases05:48
coz_Thorn,  is it recognizing  your audio/05:48
coz_Thorn,   it should list the name of the card or chipset  right there05:49
Raeniraha is 9.04 and 9.10 not stable yet?05:49
jeraldHow do I su to root? When I type "su" into terminal, it asks for a password, and I don't think I have one set. How do I fix this?05:49
ctmjrRaenir: 9.10 is not ready yet05:49
lstarnesRaenir: but there is an option in the software sources application  for changing that05:49
lstarnesRaenir: 8.10 and 9.04 are released05:49
DWonderlywhen is 9.10 going to be up?05:49
lstarnesjerald: sudo -i05:49
Thorncox_: My audio worked fine a few days ago.  I updated the headers, it stopped working.  The hardware is still recognized.05:49
lstarnesDWonderly: october 200905:49
lstarnes!sudo | jerald05:50
ubottujerald: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)05:50
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+105:50
Raenirwhich setting do i change?05:50
coz_DWonderly,    9.10   9 = 2009   10 = october05:50
Raenirright now i think choices are Long term support releases and normal releases?05:50
lstarnesRaenir: look under "release upgrade" in the "updates" tab05:50
Raenirso i switch to normal?05:50
lstarnesRaenir: yes05:50
Thorncoz_: My audio worked fine a few days ago.  I updated the headers, it stopped working.  The hardware is still recognized.05:51
jeraldlstarnes, is that how it works on 9.04? Last I knew you could su to root without having to do sudo -i05:51
oldude67can someone suggest and easy how to on samba or remote access so i can use the wifes printer and be able to take pictures off of her hard drive?05:51
jeraldI am still rather newish to Ubuntu, I go back and forth between Windows XP05:51
coz_Thorn,  ok then I suggest going to the  #alsa  channel to be sure  if not there  try  #linux   either or both should help.,.. I am not real up on audio05:51
lstarnesjerald: sudi -i is preferred over su05:51
lstarnes*sudo -i05:51
Weedyany idea why programs like htop, powertop, and ibam can't get battery information on my eeepc?05:51
jeraldlstarnes, is it considered more stable/secure to do a sudo -i?05:52
lstarnesjerald: yes05:52
jeraldThen I won't question it05:52
jeraldIn Places, when I go to Network and try to view a Windows network, it won't let me. Do you know how to fix this?05:52
Marinei am having the hardest time installung ati drivers for an X1800XL i'v used envy and installed the proprietary drivers on my own. has anyone had any luck with this card?05:53
MK13I have install FreeBSD and now the FreeBSD partitions/slices show up in places which is really annoying since it adds 5 items, is there any way to remove them?05:54
=== jerald is now known as prappl93
prappl93When I open Places, Network the only thing it shows is Windows Networks. I open Windows Networks then I see the list of networks, I try to view them and it acts like it is loading, but then it shows nothing. Is there a way to fix this?05:55
icarushi i would like to setup some sort of bandwidth distributing system what do i need to do?05:56
icarushow do i set up a system that would distrubate bandwith eveanly between computers on a wifi network05:58
AeposHey, guys.05:58
AeposI have a really urgent question.05:59
icarusso do i but no one cares...05:59
koolhead1shoot plz.lemme see if i can help05:59
bobwhoopsHow can I get wireless to connect before I login?06:00
prappl93icarus, if someone KNEW your answer, they would have answered by now. I am sure that someone is researching it through some database... I am not sure.06:00
lstarnesicarus: it's possible that nobody here knows how to do that06:00
prappl93Bobwhoops: right click your connections thing and hit Edit Connections06:00
prappl93Select the connection you want and hit Edit06:00
coz_icarus,  if there is a situation  you need solved and cant be answered here at this time try #linux channel06:00
nick125icarus: You could look into QoSing.06:00
psywipedicarus wifi routers do that automaticaly06:01
prappl93Then check Connect Automatically06:01
AeposIs there any way to isolate all processes but the bare minimum, so its performance isn't degraded by unnecessary background processes?06:01
psywipedicarus thats also not a ubuntu question06:01
AeposI mean.06:01
AeposWow, worded horribly.06:01
raulhAepos, if you're looking for performance try DSL?06:01
psywipedAepos you just broke my brain06:01
AeposI mean. Say I have an application that I want to run, but I don't want its performance to be degraded by background processes...06:02
coz_Aepos,  you want to turn off some processes?06:02
icaruspsywiped, i see no reason why that is not  a ubuntu queston06:02
prappl93bobwhoops, did you get it set?06:02
AeposYes, but how do I know which ones NEED to be running and which ones don't?06:02
coz_Aepos,  ok you could google     ubuntu  processes   or    ubuntu  sysv-rc-conf06:02
Datz1hello, when attempting to install samba "sudo apt-get install samba" I get "subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1"  Is there a command to fix this?06:03
lstarnesAepos: it depends o which functionality you need06:03
AeposI just want to get the best performance out of an application as humanly possible.06:03
AeposA single application.06:03
lstarnesAepos: a graphical application?06:04
coz_Aepos,   you will most likely have to search for some of the processess running to get a clear indication if they are needed or not06:04
lstarnesAepos: which one?06:04
AeposA game.06:04
lstarnesAepos: which is?06:04
AeposRegnum Online?06:04
AeposWe're at a loss of MMO's.06:04
AeposI'm just trying to entertain.06:05
lstarnesAepos: is that the absolute only think you want running, excluding all other applications?06:05
AeposI've heard of tools that will isolate a process so that all of the processor's power is devoted to running it.06:05
bullgard4[Ubuntu 9.04] PulseAudio Manager > Sample Cache plays back wrong sounds with me. How can I correct that?06:05
lstarnesAepos: are you never going to be running anything else?06:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about eggdrop06:05
RaenirI have install-wine-deps.sh how do I run it in terminal?06:05
AeposNot while it's running, no./06:06
lstarnesRaenir: sh install-wine-deps.sh06:06
Raenirim trying "sudo install-wine-deps.sh" but says command not found06:06
Raenirhow do I isntall/run it06:06
lstarnesAepos: you could just change its nice rating through the system monitor06:06
AeposIts... nice rating?06:06
prappl93My computer won't view Windows Networks, it lists them, but when I go to open them, they don't load. Could some one help me fix this?06:07
lstarnesAepos: its scheduling priority06:07
AeposAwesome. How do I open the system monitor?06:07
lstarnesAepos: the lower the rating, the more processing time gets allocated to it06:07
Exhaheprapp193: Samba will solve that problem06:07
lstarnesAepos: system > administration > system monitor06:07
prappl93I have Samba installed recently, do I have to restart for that to take change?06:07
lstarnesAepos: you could also stop any services that you don't need06:07
AeposAlright. Turning other processes' scheduling priority up will help, right?06:08
Datz1hello, when attempting to install samba "sudo apt-get install samba" I get"subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1"  Is there a command to fix this?06:08
icerootRaenir: chmod +x install-wine-deps.sh && ./install-wine-debs.sh06:08
lstarnesAepos: just worry about changing the nice rating for the game06:08
=== M1K3 is now known as MK13
Exhaheprapp193: make sure the proper workgroup is listed.. a reboot I think is required after completion of install/configuration06:08
AeposAnd I can halt un-needed processes without any harm done, eh?06:08
Raenirk i "installed" it06:08
lstarnesAepos: it depends on the process06:08
AeposAlrighty, thanks.06:09
prappl93Exhahe, how do I set up Samba... I have it installed, but dunno how to config it06:09
lstarnesAepos: you can't exactly halt a process06:09
AeposPause it?06:09
lstarnesAepos: you can end one though06:09
AeposThat's fine, too.06:09
lstarnesAepos: but use extreme caution06:09
lstarnesAepos: if you don't know what something does, assume it does something vital06:09
Exhaheprapp193: after installation edit /etc/samba/smb.conf   .. I'm not a pro.. but all I did was put in the proper workgroup in the file and rebooted.. everything worked perfectly after that06:10
Raenir"The program EVefile.exe has encountered a serious problem and needs to close"06:10
Raenirwhen im using wine on WinVista mode06:11
prappl93Exhahe, but there are two networks that our house has set up that I want to hop back and forth between, does that mean that I will have to mess with it when changing between them?06:11
Exhaheprapp193: >.<  I don't think I can answer that correctly..06:12
Datz1hello, when attempting to install samba "sudo apt-get install samba" I get"subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1"  Is there a command to fix this?06:14
prappl93Datz1, do a "sudo apt-get install samba4"06:14
lstarnesDatz1: it depends on what is causing the post-install script to fail06:14
Datz1thanks guys will try06:15
prappl93I just installed Samba a few minutesish ago and I typed in samba into terminal and it said to install it using "sudo apt-get install samba4"06:15
Datz1can't find that package06:16
blognewbhi im trying to install nginx in 9.04 but it's giving me this error: sudo: /usr/local/sbin/nginx: command not found what do i do?!?!? :(06:16
Datz1lstarnes: Do you want output?06:16
prappl93Datz1, what version are you on of Ubuntu06:16
lstarnesDatz1: if it's more than 1 line, paste it to http://paste.ubuntu.com06:16
Datz1lstarnes:  http://pastebin.com/m20dcce8506:17
lstarnesDatz1: apparently the script failed because samba couldn't start06:18
Datz1lstarnes: I did "sudo apt-get remove samba" earlier because it wasn't working and no one would help. :(06:18
Datz1lstarnes: any solutions you may know of?>06:18
bluelotusany ideas on how to optimize dijkstra's algorithm?06:18
lstarnesDatz1: figure out why it failed to start06:18
blognewbHi! "you need to add /usr/local/sbin to your environment path." --> how is this done? :S06:18
Datz1lstarnes: That doesn't seem like a solution. xD but ok06:19
Datz1lstarnes: any clue on how to go about that?06:19
lstarnesblognewb: what is your current $PATH set to? (if you don't know, echo $PATH)06:19
lstarnesDatz1: check for errors in /var/log/samba06:19
prappl93lstarnes, could Datz1 have problems because they aren't running from ~ or does that matter?06:19
lstarnesprappl93: that shouldn't matter06:19
blognewbhi lstarnes /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/games06:19
prappl93I know on Windows everything is critical as to where it is from....06:20
blognewbis that wrong?06:20
lstarnesblognewb: does that account have root access?06:20
blognewblstarnes: yes06:20
lstarnesblognewb: which version of ubuntu are you using?06:20
blognewblstarnes: ubuntu 9.0406:20
prappl93Datz1, what version of Linux are you on anyway06:20
prappl93Well, Ubuntu06:21
deleuzerhi, I'm getting this error when I try to update any idea why W: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/linux-image-2.6.24-24-generic_2.6.24-24.55_i386.deb06:21
deleuzer  404 Not Found06:21
Datz1prappl93: 8.0406:21
prappl93Datz, are you on an LTS version?06:21
lstarnesblognewb: where are you getting that message from?06:21
lstarnesprappl93: 8.04 is an LTS version06:21
Datz1prappl93: I believe so. How do I check06:21
Datz1ok, yes06:21
blognewblstarnes: from ~/sources/nginx-0.7.6106:22
blognewblstarnes: ~/sources/nginx-0.7.61 $ sudo /usr/local/sbin/nginx06:22
lstarnesblognewb: why are you compiling ngnix from source?06:22
prappl93Ah. lstarnes, could datz1 be getting these problems from his LTS version?06:22
mataks_how to resume downloaded file when using "wget"06:22
blognewblstarnes: im trying to test nginx06:22
raulhso can anyone help me install compiz-fusion?06:22
RaenirAnyone here got EVE working with WINE?06:22
lstarnesprappl93: I doubt ut06:22
lstarnesblognewb: there's a package for it in the repositories06:22
bullgard4[Ubuntu 9.04] PulseAudio Manager > Sample Cache plays back wrong sounds with me. How can I correct that?06:22
blognewblstarnes: i was actually following this, and got the latest release http://www.guvnr.com/web/web-dev/install-nginx-not-apache/06:23
ExhaheEve Online?06:23
blognewblstarnes: did he make any mistakes?06:23
lstarnesblognewb: use the version in the repositories instead06:23
mattwj2002hi guys06:23
mattwj2002I have a question06:23
Raeniryes EVE-Online06:23
koolhead1what is the shortcut for lock screen in ubuntu06:23
lstarnesblognewb: you could try export PATH = $PATH:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin06:23
blognewblstarnes: oh my how do i delete this current one then?06:23
lstarneskoolhead1: ctrl+alt+L06:23
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz06:23
deleuzerRaenir, why do you want to run eve?06:23
koolhead1lstarnes: cool06:24
mattwj2002why is my wusb54g so slow in ubuntu?06:24
ExhaheHaven't tried since they stopped support for Linux.. I just came back to Ubuntu when I get FFXI running..06:24
mattwj2002I know it is usb and how can I check what usb speed it is running at?06:24
lstarnesblognewb: you could still use the version that you just installed, but it's not going to be updated automatically for security patches and it can't be managed through the package manager06:24
Raeniruum because I like EVE? And I'm currently paying to play EVE?06:24
Raenirwhy wouldn't I want to run EVE?06:24
blognewblstarnes: oh really? wow06:24
ExhaheIt's a great game.. until you start getting into the 30+ day trainings06:25
makeRaenir i use wine to run EVE.but slow....slow06:25
blognewblstarnes: what is your advice? how do i clean this current install up and use the one in the repo06:25
deleuzerRaenir, I thought you were talking about the anti-plagiarism software06:25
lstarnesblognewb: depending on how it was installed, it might be possivle to use sudo make uninstall06:25
RaenirI seem to be getting "program has encounter a serious error and needs to close" and promptly explodes06:25
lstarnesblognewb: you can install the repo version with sudo apt-get install nginx06:26
codeshahI need to install PHP 4 on ubuntu 9... since an app I am debugging is using that06:26
mattwj2002anyone know?06:26
lstarnesblognewb: in 9.04 it's version 6.3506:26
mattwj2002my transfer speeds are really slow06:26
txmale4969i cant update ubuntu i get some cd rom error06:27
blognewblstarnes: then it will update itself?06:27
txmale4969talking to me?06:27
blognewblstarnes: you mean i can apget install without cleaning the one i have first?06:27
lstarnesblognewb: it will be updated whenever a major bug or secuity vulnerability is found in the packaged version06:27
deleuzertxmale4969, look in System >> Administration >> Software Sources06:27
lstarnesblognewb: you can, but things in /usr/local typically get preference over /usr06:28
deleuzertxmale4969, you probably have the cd listed as a source06:28
lstarnesblognewb: 9.10 currently has nginx 0.7.59-1 and might have a newer version when 9.10 is released06:28
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mattwj2002anyone hearing me?06:28
deleuzermattwj2002, I hear you but have no idea...what are you trying to transfer?06:29
lstarnestxmale4969: you can fix that by going into system > administration > software sources then looking under the "third-party sources" section for the cdrom entry06:29
Datz1prappl93, lstarnes : you guys have any ideas?06:29
mattwj2002just some files using samba06:29
txmale4969ok ill look in a second06:29
lstarnesDatz1: not unless I knew what was causing it to fail06:29
mattwj2002I am getting less than a 1 Megabyte per second06:30
prappl93datz, I am rather noobish to Ubuntu, I just know bits and pieces of it sofar06:30
deleuzermattwj2002, is it only a samba problem or is it global?06:30
lstarnesDatz1: have you looked in /var/log/samba/log.smbd ?06:30
mattwj2002I think it is global06:30
txmale4969nope just archive canocical and wine hq06:30
blognewblstarnes: should i delete this faulty install first?06:30
mattwj2002because it works fine if I use my hard wire nic06:30
lstarnesblognewb: it doesn't seem like it's actually faulty06:31
lstarnesblognewb: but that would probably be best06:31
deleuzermattwj2002, what about ftp?06:31
pectoraluuuuuuug who is actually at the riviera right now06:31
raulhanyone know how to use "emerald-theme-manager06:31
pectoralDont bother06:32
deleuzertxmale4969, I'm having a similar problem...not sure what the deal is I get a 404 error06:32
godmodegrafixHello, World!06:32
mattwj2002let me try http06:32
zweibackNew to Ubuntu, Im having trouble with sound in flash player.   HD AIntel sound card06:32
pectoralunless you like spending your time playing around with your ui alld ay06:32
txmale4969i get this when i update06:32
mattwj2002that would be easier06:32
JohnCDI1i know this is a really dumb question but im trying to download a file how do you type the file name correctly if it has spaces to get it to recognize06:32
deleuzertxmale4969, can you paste the error?06:32
pectoralso i take it nobody here is at defcon. Great.06:33
godmodegrafixjohn: you have to quote it06:33
lstarnesJohnCDI1: type the name of the file in quotes (e.g. "filename")06:33
mattwj2002see even my Internet connection is faster than this06:33
txmale4969Failed to fetch cdrom://Ubuntu 9.04 _Jaunty Jackalope_ - Release i386 (20090420.1)/dists/jaunty/main/binary-i386/Packages  Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs06:33
txmale4969Failed to fetch cdrom://Ubuntu 9.04 _Jaunty Jackalope_ - Release i386 (20090420.1)/dists/jaunty/restricted/binary-i386/Packages  Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs06:33
txmale4969Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.06:33
FloodBot2txmale4969: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:33
Datz1lstarnes: let me check06:33
godmodegrafixyes but single quotes are better than double quotes06:33
lstarnesgodmodegrafix: why?06:33
godmodegrafixthat is.. if you're trying to e literal06:33
deleuzertxmale4969, what do you see in the third party software under sources?06:33
Datz1lstarnes: There is no such dir06:34
godmodegrafixlstarness, maybe "better" is not the right word...06:34
raulhafter i install emerald, how do i install the themes if i have them downloaded?06:34
Datz1lstarnes: I deleted that dir after I removed samba the first time.06:34
txmale4969two archive canoical and two wine hq entries06:34
lstarnesDatz1: it should've recreated it06:34
deleuzertxmale4969, under the third-party tab?06:34
godmodegrafixi got an issue with gcc06:35
Datz1lstarnes: should I create /samba/smb.log?06:35
godmodegrafixgcc wont find any of the files im trying to compile06:35
millertimeHi I am having trouble installing ubuntu on a second machine, its a dell inspiron laptop and everything gets an OK message but I get the following message: Info: Task hid2hci: 3973 blocked for more than 120 seconds06:35
millertimeecho 0 > proc/sys/kernerl/Hunt_task_timeout06:35
lstarnesDatz1: it's /var/log/samba06:35
lstarnesDatz1: you probably don't need to create it manually06:36
mattwj2002yeah http is pretty slow too06:36
deleuzermattwj2002, could it be a firewall issue with your router?06:36
mattwj2002anyone know how to tell what version of usb a device is running at?06:36
Datz1lstarnes: well I guess it's not creating the dir06:37
deleuzertxmale4969, do you see the cdrom check box at all?06:37
mataks_how to resume downloaded file when using "wget"?06:37
txmale4969no deleuzer06:37
mattwj2002wireless works fine on all other systems on my network06:37
=== mataks_ is now known as mataks
raulhblah, ive got Beryl red theme in emerald how do i apply it?????//06:38
lstarnesDatz1: it's possibly something else06:38
godmodegrafixis there a way to upgrade firefox from 6.06 LTS desktop edition.. to the newest firefox? i want to install the stumbleupon addon but i cant06:38
lstarnesDatz1: try sudo invoke-rc.d samba restart06:38
billybigriggeris anyone aware of a way to view real time disk access in a bootchart like way?06:38
lstarnesgodmodegrafix: you should probably upgrade to a newer version of ubuntu06:38
billybigriggeri just want to view and record my disk access, read/writes06:39
godmodegrafixi know i already registered for the live cd's...they should be here soon, but i want to do use it in the meantime.. i hate having to boot windows just to use stumbleupon06:39
Datz1lstarnes: stoping samba daemons ok starting samba daemons fail06:40
nooboI have a question that I couldnt get results for on google...if I plug in an external hard drive and there happens to be viruses on it...a ton of viruses...those viruses wouldnt run on ubuntu automatically would it?06:40
godmodegrafixyes they would06:41
nooboI know it had .virut on windows that might be on it...but I dont know if there's linux-based viruses on it as well...06:41
FloodBot2godmodegrafix: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:41
JohnCDI1this is what im doing exactly scp user@ipaddress:/home/user/bands/"bandname - bandtrackname.mp3" .06:41
lstarnesnoobo: they shouldn't06:41
lstarnesJohnCDI1: that's not it06:41
lstarnesJohnCDI1: you need "'s around the whole path06:41
noobook, even if it is a linux based virus it probably wont transfer over?06:41
txmale4969anyone knwo a good site to help explain installing ubunto themes?06:41
lstarnesJohnCDI1: scp "user@ipaddress:/home/user/bands/bandname - bandtrackname.mp3" .06:41
lstarnesnoobo: it shouldn't be run automatically06:42
zweibackI configured flash for jaunty,  video works but not sound. Any suggestions?06:42
noobook thanks, one last noob question (sorry :x) but can I virus scan my external hard drive before my computer really opens it up?06:42
lstarnesnoobo: you would most likely need to mount it first06:43
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noobohow would I do that?06:43
lstarnesnoobo: it would usually be mounted when you open it06:43
noobook thanks06:44
deleuzertxmale4969, can you run "gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" and post the results to http://paste.ubuntu.com06:44
lstarnesnoobo: otherwise, find out what its device node is and what mount point you want, then open a terminal and use sudo mount /dev/device-node /path/to/mount-point06:45
noobook idk about the mounting/unmounting thing but the computer found  the drive immediately06:45
noobo...I dont really know what mount/unmount means yet...sorry I'm a noob on retard level :x06:45
raulhive seen this alot ". Edit /etc/apt/sources.list and put this line:"06:45
lstarnesnoobo: where /dev/device-node is the path to the device's node, and /path/to/mount-point is the path to the mount point06:45
raulhhow do i edit the sources list...?06:45
JohnCDI1i still get the same error to where it names every word of the band track name as no such file or directory06:45
lstarnesnoobo: in linux and unix, mounting refers to attaching a filesystem, drive, or partition to a directory so that you can access the files in it06:46
lstarnesraulh: alt+f2, gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list06:46
bluejeansraulh, open /etc/apt/sources.list as root in a text editor06:47
raulhthanks guys.06:47
Datz1lstarnes: I created dir /var/log/samba/ and a log file was produced indicating:   Unable to open configuration file "/etc/samba/smb.conf06:48
noobook...well as soon as I plugged it in for the first time it still opened up and I can see the files just fine...so I guess I dont have to do that...06:48
blognewbhi again lstarnes how do i check if the dir "/usr/local/sbin" exists and how do i peek inside it?06:48
lstarnesblognewb: ls /usr/local/sbin06:48
iceroothow to mark (and copy a text) on the shell (the real one ctrl +alt + f1, not in a terminal)06:49
lstarnesDatz1: what is in /etc/samba/ ?06:49
millertimeI'm having trouble installing jaunty on a secondary machine can anyone advise me?06:51
millertimehere's my thread on ubuntu help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=122995606:51
godmodegrafixyay! i got stumleupon to work :)06:51
zweibackI configured flash for jaunty,  video works but not sound. Any suggestions?06:51
Datz1lstarnes: no samba dir in /etc06:55
Datz1Datz1: I'll have access to the GUI later. I'll just check with the package manager to see if I can repair the package. :)06:55
lstarnesDatz1: try reinstalling samba-common06:55
noobothanks for the help, lstarnes :)06:56
deleuzerzweiback, are any other apps using the sound device?06:56
Datz1lstarnes: same problem06:56
zweibackdeleuzer: Im not sure06:57
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JohnCDI1istarne: scp "user@" . is exactly what im using06:57
cxoLooking for a way to convert many jpgs into one pdf file. Using convert is too memory intensive and crashes the system with more than 100 files06:57
lstarnesJohnCDI1: and you still get the same error?06:57
JohnCDI1yes it still says no suck file or directory06:58
deleuzerzweiback, do you have any other sound issues?06:58
lstarnesJohnCDI1: are you copying the file to the other computer, or from it?06:58
josht /quit06:58
JohnCDI1DLing from it06:58
zweibackdeleuzer: no sound in flash, works in vlc06:58
lstarnesJohnCDI1: what is the file's name?06:59
zweibackdeleuzer: just got up and running this after noon06:59
JohnCDI1Less Than Jake - Science of Selling Yourself.mp3 that is the exact syntax of the file im trying to copy06:59
deleuzerzweiback, fresh install or upgrade?06:59
lstarnesJohnCDI1: you are mising the spaces06:59
deitarionHow do I operate the /etc/alternatives system? (I spend most of my time on Gentoo where the equivalent is the `eselect` tool)06:59
JohnCDI1ive tried it both ways06:59
JohnCDI1with the spaces07:00
JohnCDI1and without07:00
JohnCDI1same error both times07:00
FloodBot2JohnCDI1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:00
zweibackdeleuzer: fresh install07:00
lstarnesJohnCDI1: did you do both with the "'s?07:00
lstarnesdeitarion: man update-alternatives07:00
deleuzerzweiback, check this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=113038407:00
draperdt_hi, I need some help with syntax. I need to copy last few lines from a file from my current partition and append it to a file in another partition on the same disk.....:(07:00
deitarionlstarnes: Thanks. I tried `man alternatives` without success.07:00
lstarnesJohnCDI1: are you also using the correct paths and case?07:00
blognewblstarnes: hi if i chose aptitude to insall nginx will it upgrade to a newer version automatically?07:01
lstarnesdraperdt_: how have you been attempting to do it so far?07:01
lstarnesblognewb: no07:01
blognewb*when a new one becomes available07:01
lstarnesblognewb: it only updates when it is necessary to fix a security vulnerability in the packaged version07:01
JohnCDI1yea im thinking its gotta be something simple im missing that i keep forgetting to add07:01
draperdt_So far what I can do: I open two terminals and I tried right click using vi but it dont work :p07:02
lstarnesJohnCDI1: are you sure that it's /home/user on the other system?07:02
JohnCDI1yea im sitting next to it07:02
lstarnesdraperdt_: how many lines do you need to copy?07:02
lotsolulzlol http://www.stuuffs.com/musics/2009/ukranian-band-covers-katy-perry-hot-and-cold/07:02
zweibackdeleuzer: thank you07:04
draperdt_last 6 lines. Its the menu.lst from one of the grub and I need to append it to the new fedora I installed. Right now I am still using ubuntus grub but I cant make it to go into Fedora. It keeps saying File not found.07:04
deleuzerzweiback, np07:04
JohnCDI1istarne:i can connect and ls that directory and it will show the file and name right there then i try to scp it and every different way ive tried it gives me every single name of the file as no such file or directory07:05
DarkEyesDCC SEND startkeylogger 0 0 007:07
thug4lifedoes anyone know what video files will play on ubuntu 9.04?07:09
thug4lifeok guess not07:11
JohnCDI1what video type in particular are you trying to play07:11
blognewbhi lstarnes what do you think went wrong why it can't read my nginx?07:11
thug4lifewell i got avi and mpg and mpeg music videos07:11
lstarnesblognewb: what error are you getting?07:11
Datz1thug4life: get vlc player, then most all file will play.07:12
JohnCDI1if you're looking for a player that supports a wide variety of file types already available i would look into vlc07:12
blognewblstarnes: sudo: /usr/local/sbin/nginxsudo: command not found07:12
thug4lifeso that totem movie player is garbage then?07:12
bylzzoops wrong channel07:12
lstarnesblognewb: it should be /usr/sbin/nginx if it's the packaged version07:12
sammyFbylzz: there is a good channel for THAT?07:13
lstarnesblognewb: also, the packaged version should start automatically upon being installed07:13
bylzzsammyF: no was the wrong tab tbh :)07:13
blognewblstarnes: i compiled, installed the nginx inside ~/sources/nginx-07....07:13
DaZsammyF, #spam? :f07:13
deleuzerthug4life, it's not garbage...just selective07:13
lstarnesblognewb: you didn't use the packaged version?07:13
blognewblstarnes: i used wget then did a "tar" inside ~/sources/nginx07:14
thug4lifeoic it was just what was pre installed thats why i asked07:14
sammyFDaZ: lol07:14
bylzzIve encounted something wired, when I use bluetooth for my keyboard my music lags on fast input on the keyboard07:14
blognewblstarnes: exactly like this http://www.guvnr.com/web/web-dev/install-nginx-not-apache/07:14
blognewbonly using 0.707:14
trece8hi, firefox looks like it's reloading all its tabs all the time, and when doing Ctrl-T, it maintains the last URL written and what you type starts writing in the end of the URL, any idea?07:14
lstarnesblognewb: it's recommended that you use the version in the repos07:14
thug4lifei just installed ubuntu today onto my ps3 so im getting used to it07:15
lstarnesblognewb: /usr/local/sbin/nginx didn't work, right?07:15
rageHello, I have ssh access to a Ubuntu machine and I wish to tell if it using DDR2 or DDR3 memory, what is a quick and easy way from a shell?07:15
blognewblstarnes: yeah :( but i followed everything right07:16
blognewblstarnes: pplus that dir exists, i checked07:16
lstarnesblognewb: did you run make and sudo make install?07:16
blognewblstarnes: yeah should i try it again?07:16
trece8how do I erase all my firefox preferences?07:16
lstarnestrece8: remove ~/.mozilla/firefox07:17
thug4lifeits pretty nice on the ps3 except that if i dont do anything for a few minutes the screen goes black07:17
ragetrece8: Open your home in nautilus, press ctrl-h to show hidden files, and remove the folder .mozilla/firefox07:17
trece8thanks lstarnes, anyway do you know if that "inserting at the end" in the url happened to you?07:17
lstarnestrece8: I don't know what you're referring to07:18
thug4lifenow to see if ubuntu will read my 4 tb drive07:18
trece8it got fixed07:18
trece8it's kind of a bizarre error07:18
trece8I'll never know how it happened, now it's all OK (but I have to reconfigure all over again)07:19
moymoythug4life: there are such things are 4TB drives?07:19
b0nnI have a box with NVidia TVOut, I upgraded it recently and now the xserver refuses to start07:19
b0nnany idea how to troubleshoot ?07:19
thug4lifeyea its a dual external drive it has 2 2 tb drivews in it07:19
JohnCDI1well i give up07:19
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thug4lifeit cost me 700 bucks for it07:20
cxoJohnCDI1, you need petrol07:20
godmodegrafixand some meth07:20
zenwrylyWhy isn't there an $EDITOR environment variable set to use the /etc/alternatives/editor?07:21
thug4lifemoymoy goto westeren digitals website they got them there only 700 bucks07:21
lstarneszenwryly: I don't know of anything that actually checks that environment variable07:21
trece8western digital drives tend to be not reliable over time07:21
zenwrylylstarnes: I run into it all the time07:21
moymoythug4life: lol not interested for now.. i have a 1TB internal.. and i won't fill it up for a while07:22
aaronhey there i have a question can someone help me to bring my sound card up please I'm running a Compaq Presario F70007:22
trece8i'd go for samsung or something like that07:22
deleuzerrage, this might give you what you need "sudo dmidecode --type 17 | more"07:22
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP307:22
thug4lifei was told there better then seagate and maxtor i know maxtor drives are garbage had mine replaced 5 times already cause the smart failed in them07:22
zenwrylylstarnes: *dch* does fro crying out loud07:22
lstarneszenwryly: if you need to use it, you could export it yourself manually or by setting it in your ~/.bashrc07:23
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution07:23
trece8yes, but I think samsung is better than western digital. Western Digital used to be good, then sometime 2 years ago it went to awful07:23
trece8I have seen WD drives break down in less than 1 year07:23
lstarneszenwryly: I don't know anything about dch07:23
zenwrylylstarnes: yes, I know tht.  The questuion is, why doesn't ubuntu do it by default07:23
zenwrylylstarnes: dch=debchange part of devscripts07:24
zenwrylylstarnes: used in building packages07:24
thug4lifemoymoy i already have 1tb filled lol it didnt take me long to fill it07:24
moymoythug4life: personally, i like hitachi, i've heard good things about them .. though everything i've used seem about the same, nothing's failed on me before07:24
trece8thug... I can't fill even 20Gb07:24
clouseAnyone have trouble with the windows colour of a given theme not showing in 8.10?07:24
moymoythug4life: it really depends... if my internet were faster, mine would be filled too.. but i only have the average joe's DSL connection07:24
thug4lifethen ur doing something wrong lmao07:24
trece8I don't know, but if you fill more than what you can actual see, hear, code, use, read and watch... you have problems07:25
zenwrylylstarnes: subversion does as well07:25
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lstarneszenwryly: I don't know if debian does that by default07:25
zenwrylylstarnes: using EDITOR is *hardly* fringe practice, it's fairly common practice07:25
thug4lifei only download at 579 kb/s and thats a cable modem thats sopossed to get 5 mb/s07:25
trece8no, it's 5Mbauds/s07:25
trece8not bytes07:26
thug4lifethe cable company tech guy said 5 mb/s megabytes07:26
trece8then he's dumb07:26
lstarneszenwryly: it's not necessarily a standard though07:26
ClouseOK finerlly found a thread on this and Darklooks theme is broken07:26
lstarneszenwryly: and you could easily export that variable when you need to07:26
lstarnesleave: what are you trying to do?07:27
moymoytrece8: so 5 Mbps comes out to about 640KB/s?07:27
Flannelzenwryly: I think sensible-editor is the debian alternative (which honors $EDITOR by default, I believe)07:27
lstarnesleave: /join #ubuntu-cn07:27
trece8exactly, moymoy07:27
trece8about that.07:27
trece8It's not MegaBytes nor MegaBits07:28
moymoytrece8: that's about 5 or 6 times faster than my connection07:28
leavejoin in ubtntu china07:28
zenwrylyFlannel: hmm, not on my two ubuntu systems.  Know whee this is done so I can see if I did anything that changed it?07:28
thug4lifeit takes me 5 minutes to download 100 mb :(07:28
trece8moy, i was just telling that cable connections of 5Mb/s are not of 5MB/s07:28
Flannelzenwryly: What's not on your systems? sensible-editor honoring $EDITOR?07:28
moymoytrece8: oh god.. 5 MB/s would be amazing..07:28
trece8Hey, I do remember days in 1999 downloading at 5Kb/s07:29
leave3q lstarnes07:29
trece8don't complain :P07:29
trece8you can get 10MB/s but in intranet I think07:29
moymoytrece8: well i still feel like i'm way behind the curve.. =]07:29
thug4lifeyea but 5 minutes is to long to wait to download 100 mb07:29
trece85 minutes too long? LOL07:29
moymoythug4life: not at all for me..07:29
trece8if you download a WAV file07:29
thug4lifebut of course im using windows to do my downloading07:30
trece8it's faster than listening to that07:30
zenwrylyFlannel: oh!  I see.  Hmm.  I'm thinking the other way around.  I have update-alternatives set /usr/bin/editor for my favorite, I was wondering why one of the startup or login files doesn't export EIDTOR=/usr/bin/editor to integrate it with alternatives07:30
thug4lifeit took me 15 to 20 minutes to download the ubuntu iso07:30
trece8moymoy, one thing to get envious:  In CERN (the collider) the factor that is critical to transfer speed aren't the wires. It's the read/write speed of the drives07:30
zenwrylyFlannel: what does sensible-* get us over the above?07:30
moymoythug4life: trece8: should we perhaps move our conversation to offtopic?07:30
trece820 minutes? LOL... it's nothing07:30
linuxim making about 3300 b/s to 13.0 kb/s for a package install lol07:30
trece8yes, we should07:31
thug4lifehow do we do that?07:31
lstarnesthug4life: /join #ubuntu-offtopic07:31
moymoytrece8: the bottleneck were the drives.. so max was 3GB/s?07:31
Flannelzenwryly: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-select-per-user-editor-in-ubuntu-810-intrepid.html  You can set it system wide (or on a per-user basis), you could include an export in your bashrc easily enough.07:31
trece8I don't know, my boss works there, I didn't really ask for numbers07:32
zenwrylyFlannel: ah, yeah, per-user, that makes sense07:32
zenwrylyFlannel: thanks07:32
Flannelzenwryly: It also makes it integrate nicely with the package manager.  When you add a new editor, it shows up in the list, etc (the sensible-* that is)07:32
kinataHi...having some difficulty with Distribution Upgrade from 8.10 to 9.04. The process seems to be stalled in "Getting New Packages" at file 1296 of 1296.07:32
alloyHow do I tell what nvidia-glx package I need?07:33
alloy97, 71, 180 or 173 ??07:33
millertimeI'm having trouble installing jaunty on my secondary laptop, can anyone help?07:34
Flannelalloy: read the descriptions of the pacakges, and they should list cards (or at least families)07:34
zenwrylyFlannel: yeah, thakns that's exactly the information I was looking for.  Makes a lot of sense now.  Since I have a single user system I can just was well make /usr/bin/editor my favorite and export EDITOR to it and I have a global default, while other systems can change it per-user gracefully07:35
aaronhey there i have a question can someone help me to bring my sound card up please I'm running a Compaq Presario F70007:35
linuxwhoa i feel like im on dialup connection today :(07:35
moymoylinux: give us some numbers07:36
jauuhi it seems that ubuntu does strange thing to my keyboard leds, does someone knows how i can fix my leds ?07:36
linuxupdate manager is running on low end about 3300 B/s and hi-end about 17 K/s07:37
moymoylinux: oh, that's nothing to worry about if you're at AT&T customer... because it happens ALL THE TIME! =[07:37
godmodegrafixhahaha its true im on a network running through att07:39
linuxmy cable network is AT&T?07:39
godmodegrafixis it?07:39
moymoyAT&T doesn't do cable .. only dsl i think07:39
moymoybut wow.. i've never heard of cable being that slow07:39
moymoywhat are you on? .. and godmodegrafix, you have horrible slowdowns too?07:40
linuxno im using cable internet not AT&T07:40
godmodegrafixyeah im on dsl..07:40
godmodegrafixi get them ALL THE TIME07:40
godmodegrafixi think it might be cause of the crappy ass router my neighbor has lol07:40
linuxAs soon as this update is done im gonna reboot see if that helps on the connection in about 1hr to 30 min lol07:41
godmodegrafixi remember i used to have cable a few months back, and wow it was beautiful.. my top download speed would go up to 750/kbs more or less07:42
induswhat is that about cable?07:42
moymoyi have this problem with AT&T all the time.. and so i call them and they end up rebooting all the equipment responsible for my line and my connection is back to normal07:42
rianwhy some theme from gnome-look.com didn't match with my ubuntu. i using interpid07:43
moymoyindus: we're talking about how are ISPs get slowwwww07:43
moymoyrian: what do you mean "didn't match"?07:43
riancan someone tell me?07:43
indusmoymoy: not mine,even though speeds in our country are  slower than most western07:43
linuxindus i was saying my cable is running about 3300 B/s to 17.0 Kb/s07:43
moymoyindus: what speeds do you get?07:43
indusmine is 2 Mbps so lets say 256 kbps07:44
godmodegrafixthats super slow for cable.. ive never heard of that07:44
indusmine is adsl07:44
induscome in off-topic07:44
rianit can't work when i install it.07:44
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linuxof coarse it could be the wireless connection but it says running at 71%07:45
moymoyrian: that's because some themes on gnome-look are for emerald and other window managers... look for the "Metacity" themes.. Ubuntu uses Metacity by default07:45
linux25 more min to go lol07:45
godmodegrafixim such a linux noov07:46
godmodegrafixnoob :(07:46
rianbut some theme from metacity can't work too07:46
godmodegrafixdo you guys prefer to use Vi or Emacs??07:47
moymoylinux: if i were you, i would've given up long ago07:47
godmodegrafixwhats better for a beginner???07:47
moymoygodmodegrafix: nano07:47
linuxyeah but its update manager07:48
moymoygodmodegrafix: for editing text right?07:48
moymoylinux: i always cancel while downloading.. i just never cancel while installing .... that's BAD07:48
godmodegrafixmoymoy, yes! for scripting and programming07:48
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linuxlol 4556 B/s told me i got 1 hr and 30 min to go07:49
acasa Good morning all07:49
om26ervideo flickers in vlc player if comiz is enabled07:49
moymoygodmodegrafix: i like to use nano... but usually use gedit because it highlights and such07:49
acasaI have a bit of a problem07:50
moymoyom26er: i've stopped using compiz a long time ago.. too many problems with video playback and such for me.. never knew how to fix them.. nobody knew07:50
godmodegrafixis gedit a stand alone program, or does it run through the bash?07:50
linuxaccording to download im almost 3/4 done07:50
LiraNunagodmodegrafix, gedit is a part of the gnome desktop07:50
acasaCANON PIXMA IP 1500 is my printer but i dont seem to find a driver for hear07:51
om26ermoymoy: so disable compiz and enable metacity compositor07:51
godmodegrafixliraluna, haha youre right..07:51
godmodegrafixim stupid :(07:51
acasaWath can i do07:51
vishalHi I want to change the resolution of my screen from 1280x768 to 1024x768 but if I use the diplay tool in ubuntu it does not fully work it changes the resolution but the new output does not occupy the full screen there are empty spaces on the left and right side07:51
LiraNunaacasa, I have the exact same printer, there are commercial drivers for it :/07:52
indistyloDMC ??07:52
indistyloDelhi Muncipal Corporation ?07:52
moymoyom26er: you can try.. i realized that the problem wasn't compiz.. it was compositing in general.. because i disabled compiz, it worked, i enabled xcompmgr (old X compositor) and choppy video came back, see how metacity compositing goes.. and i bet you use NVIDIA right?07:52
acasahi , so were can i get that driver07:52
acasai use xubuntu07:52
acasai am new at linux07:53
acasahelp please07:53
om26ermoymoy: no. intel\07:53
ClouseDoes anyone here use the Darklooks theme?07:53
godmodegrafixgo to the website07:53
indistylo@acasa: wht problem u r facing with drivers??07:53
vishalHi I want to change the resolution of my screen from 1280x768 to 1024x768 but if I use the diplay tool in ubuntu it does not fully work it changes the resolution but the new output does not occupy the full screen there are empty spaces on the left and right side07:53
godmodegrafixacasa, search for the drivers through your printers website07:53
LiraNunaacasa, google for Turboprint, I can't help you any more07:53
moymoyom26er: oh.. hmm i have no idea.. maybe you can try installing the UXA or whatever people are talking about..07:53
Guest2583vishal: you need to adjust your monitor from monitor menu. look for buttons on your monitor.07:54
baheerHello all07:54
om26ermoymoy: yes uxa is active07:54
baheerhow can I control remotely a computer07:54
baheervia Internet07:54
B1OSwhat is FTP server is better out of ProFTPD or vsftpd ?07:54
linuxacasa: u can use irc chat #ubuntu07:54
moymoyom26er: is video fine without compiz?07:54
baheerwhich that compute has installed Windows Vista07:54
baheerand I have ubuntu?07:54
tuxwulfAfter installing Ubuntu my hardware clock is set to UTC = GMT?07:54
om26ermoymoy: yes absolutely07:54
vishalGuest2583: I am using a laptop how there are no buttons for adjusting it :(07:54
baheerany one can help me?07:54
Flanneltuxwulf: That's the default set up for Linux, yes.07:55
godmodegrafixbaheer, why?07:55
computerbaheer use freenx07:55
tuxwulfFlannel > So the OS adjusts for my sopecific timezone, then?07:55
Flanneltuxwulf: correct.07:55
moymoyom26er: do you have to live with compositing? flashes with metacity compositing also?07:55
Guest2583vishal: then you're using the wrong res. or your drivers are not installed.07:55
acasawell i dont seem to find the apropiate driver for CANON PIXMA IP150007:55
Flanneltuxwulf: Theoretically, multiple users on your system could be in different timezones, etc.  Which is why it's done that way (well, one of the reasons)07:56
netwrkspiderFlannel, pls can u guide me abt HTTP-TUNNEL07:56
om26ermoymoy: desktop looks cool07:56
vishalGuest2583: I am having a wide screen laptop I know I need to use the modeline in my xorg.conf07:56
tuxwulfFlannel > Ok. It sounds like a good idea really. Thanks!07:56
vishalbut I can't seem to get it to work07:56
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vishalGuest2583: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/7896807:56
netwrkspiderFlannel, How to configure http-tunnel on my ubuntu 8.1007:57
moymoyom26er: lol compositing.. very double edged.. i have an NVIDIA 8600 GT card.. and i still get choppy video playback with compositing enabled07:57
acasaso i try to install the driver for this printer but i dont seem to find it anyware07:57
computerbaheer see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX07:57
message144Does anyone have a suggestion for the most preferrable ubuntu-friendly mp3 player (and prefferably plays OGG/Vorbis as well) ?07:57
ClouseHow to show Home folder on desktop?07:57
om26erwhen metacity compositor is on. top gnome panel disappears sometime any1 know the cause and solution07:57
netwrkspiderclouse, jst cr8 shortcut07:57
acasai reapet i am new to xubuntu07:58
blognewbhi lstarnes i found a similar case with mine: http://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/191299 ..should i do the last line of the last post in that thread?07:58
linuxstill waiting......................................................almost there................................................geez this is fun..........................................07:58
ClouseOf course silly me07:58
godmodegrafixso... what's everyone wearing?07:58
tuxwulfA tie.07:58
godmodegrafixi knew that07:59
godmodegrafixall this talk about ubuntu is turning me on :(07:59
acasaso i see now healp for me thys morning07:59
Flannelgodmodegrafix: erm, please keep this ontopic.07:59
Clousenetwrkspider: And how do you go about doing that?08:00
blognewbhi.. how do i check the contents of a certain dir in bash?08:01
computerany1 need help? ask away...08:01
message144blognewb, "ls"08:01
godmodegrafixuse the ls command08:01
om26ermoymoy: if i disable fullscreen controls in vlc there is no problem.08:01
vishalGuest2583: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/7896808:01
linuxguy2009I have an odd question. What would be the purpose for yum to be listed in the repos of a deb based repos like Ubuntu? Is it an option to install rpm packages onto a non rpm distro or something else?08:01
godmodegrafixgood question linux guy!08:02
godmodegrafixi dont know the answer to it though..08:02
acasaSo CANON PIXMA IP 1500 not found - problem - help08:02
linuxguy2009godmodegrafix: hehe I just find it strange. Ima have to google this. i have to know.08:02
moymoyom26er: the OSD?08:03
moymoyom26er: i use mplayer, so no fullscreen control.. but i do get video tearing with compositing enabled08:03
godmodegrafixyeah i understand what you mean.. rpm is for fedora based distros right?08:03
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psycho_oreosrpm is more like redhat based distros08:04
psycho_oreoswell yes and no08:04
godmodegrafixthanks for clarifying that!08:04
psycho_oreossuse isn't part of redhat yet it uses the same package manager08:04
psycho_oreosso does mandriva08:05
psycho_oreosyellowdog, etc08:05
sternahi, there are kernels in archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/08:05
sternahow are they built?08:05
sternamodules are within the single deb08:05
sternai only ask because i need to rebuild one of those08:05
linuxguy2009Turns out that its there for people migrating from fedora and such to still have a familiar way to install packages. Thats neat. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromLinux/RedHatEnterpriseLinuxAndFedora08:05
psycho_oreossterna, probably using a fakeroot08:05
Guest2583vishal: you'll have to wait for more than just twenty minutes to get help on launchpad. good luck.08:05
ClouseOK so I really cant workout how to have my home folder on my desktop08:05
godmodegrafixthat's interesting linuxguy!08:05
sternapsycho_oreos: would it be wrong to do it using make deb-pkg?08:06
godmodegrafixi didnt know that..08:06
ClouseI think it was there by default in 9.0408:06
sternapsycho_oreos: debian/ directory in the source tree is empty :P08:06
psycho_oreossterna, don't know, never done it before and had constant thoughts about it08:06
godmodegrafixclouse, what do you mean?08:06
sternawell, i'll try08:06
godmodegrafixi just dragged and dropped my home folder to the desktop08:06
shutter1can someone guide me through something? i'm trying to set up my htc touch diamond to work on hardy. found a post/tutorial and need a little help to understand a step08:06
psycho_oreosbut fakeroot gives you root like environment to build whatever you need without requiring root priviledges08:07
linuxguy2009godmodegrafix: Yeah i thought so too. Now Im wondering if apt-get or synaptic is available in a non deb distro as an opposite luxury to users.08:07
shutter1little illiterate and i don't understand what a particular command does08:07
Clousegodmodegrafix: I just want my home folder icon on my desktop.08:07
godmodegrafixclouse, i know! that's what i did..08:07
psycho_oreoslinuxguy2009, there was apt-rpm for rh pkgmgr, now its replaced with yum08:08
godmodegrafixi went to the 'places' option my desktop bar, and dragged and dropped it..08:08
Clousegodmodegrafix: But I can figure out where to do it08:08
Gaduwhere can I get an ubuntu install disk that doesn't come with desktop environment? or is ubuntu server the only option for that?08:08
linuxguy2009psycho_oreos: Its really interesting to see how linux distros are so much alike and so different and how much customization can really be done. Its endless really.08:09
godmodegrafixyeah! it's good and bad at the same time..08:09
psycho_oreoslinuxguy2009, slackware as apt-get `handle-a-like' frontend known as slapt-get.. gentoo uses emerge. arch linux uses pacman (which I have never tried)08:09
linuxguy2009godmodegrafix: yeah very powerful stuff08:09
psycho_oreoslinuxguy2009, that's the power of open source and differing tastes :)08:09
godmodegrafixive yet to harness the power of linux though..08:10
linuxguy2009psycho_oreos: Yeah its really quite amazing.08:10
godmodegrafixi always learn something new here!08:10
psycho_oreosharnessing it would be learning things through CLI, that's where things get rough but fun08:10
godmodegrafixwhat's CLI?08:10
psycho_oreoslinuxguy2009, hehe08:10
psycho_oreosgodmodegrafix, command line interface08:10
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal08:10
linuxwhew!!! after about 1 hour of downloading im done downloading package update manager08:10
PolitikerALTGadu: You can use the alternate installer CD for installing a desktop system too08:11
godmodegrafixnow i know!08:11
psycho_oreosI don't understand why there's two separate downloads.. the alternative one can be used as livecd anyway lol08:11
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GaduPolikiterALT: will that install the base system but no desktop environment?08:12
linuxfinally time to restart08:12
psycho_oreosGadu, it should install desktop environment unless you chose the server version08:12
linuxguy2009Gadu:  alternative CD is a text based installer thats all.08:12
GaduPolikiterALT: I prefer to choose and setup my desktop environment myself08:12
myselfthats cool Gadu08:13
FlannelGadu: With the alternate CD, you can choose to install a CLI-only system08:13
myselfhey how long does it take for a nick to expire on this network08:13
jussi01!minimal | Gadu08:13
ubottuGadu: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD08:13
indusGadu: its just easier i feel with the alternate installer, it doesnt take resources like the live cd,so if you know what you are doing,its great08:13
linuxguy2009Flannel: Now there is something I didnt know you could do. Never tried the ubuntu alternative cd.08:13
psycho_oreoserr desktop (my bad) can allow you to install but with ubiquity08:13
Gadujussi01: sweet08:13
godmodegrafixis KDE different that GNOME?08:14
Gaduexactly the kind of thing I was looking for08:14
psycho_oreosgodmodegrafix, layout is different08:14
phat_codeanyone how to make xchat stop beeping everytime i type lol08:14
psycho_oreosprograms and stuff are generally different08:14
indusphat_code: did you check in preferences?08:14
indusphat_code: edit>prefs08:14
psycho_oreosgnome uses terminal but in kde its known as konsole for example08:15
psycho_oreoshowever, generally they are cross compatible08:15
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moymoyi like gnome-terminal because you can copy and paste from it08:16
phat_codehttp://img26.imageshack.us/img26/5800/exampledxf.png also how do i fix the text in the terminal window08:16
moymoyand open links08:16
Clousegodmodegrafix: So any ideas on how to get my home folder icon onto my desktop08:16
tuxwulfDoes GMT/UTC adjust for DST?08:16
Flanneltuxwulf: UTC is constant all year round, your timezone adjusts08:16
godmodegrafixdrag and drop from 'MY PLACES"??? idk.. that's how i did it08:17
moymoyClouse: what exactly are you trying to do?08:17
tuxwulfFlannel > So the OS adjusts for DST. Good....08:17
psycho_oreosphat_code, try going into Edit > Preferences08:17
linuxguy2009I just looked in a certain rpm based distros repos and you can install synaptic for rpm package management. I guess thats like a mirror opposite of installing Yum in ubuntu which is deb based. I see that some functionality is lost however, no synaptic "generate download script" functionality. hmm08:17
psycho_oreosdunno what would be exact option in ubuntu but I'm sure you'll find it08:17
akscii want to have the webform be submitted only once by a particular user account but i want to allow him to edit his submission! how do i configure it!!!08:17
blognewbwhat is the dir\w counterpart in bash?08:18
psycho_oreoslinuxguy2009, yeah they operate different, yum looks quite similar to apt-get but the way they display various stuff is different.. imo I find yum is very slow compared to apt-get08:18
Flannelblognewb: "ls"08:18
lstarnesblognewb: what does dir \w do?08:18
Clousemoymoy: Really simple, currently there are no icons on my desktop in 8.10 and I would like to add my home folder to it.08:18
godmodegrafixlinuxguy, would it be convenient to use deb based pkgmngr on a rpm based one?08:18
linuxguy2009psycho_oreos: ah interesting08:18
psycho_oreoslstarnes, think its for "folders" as they called it08:19
HerbMonkhas anyone found a fix for the ati radeon x1200 graphics problem in 9.0408:19
moymoyClouse: do you want your home folder AS your desktop?08:19
lstarnespsycho_oreos: I know what dir does, but not its \w switch08:19
psycho_oreoslinuxguy2009, yum's source code is python which is different to apt-get which most likely has C source code as base08:19
blognewblstarnes: i mean list down the files and subfolders inside that particular dir?08:19
godmodegrafixls -108:19
blognewbthat's what dir \w does iirc...08:19
lstarnesblognewb: ls usually does that08:19
psycho_oreoslstarnes, no no, dir /w I think shows only "folders"08:20
message144blognewb, the equiv of dir /w should be "ls -hal"08:20
blognewbwell i am dumb sorry08:20
message144psycho_oreos, /w is widelist format, which i think is one entry per line08:20
blognewblstarnes: i got it working btw08:20
godmodegrafixi didnt know ls -hal was an option08:20
shay26Hello , does it possible to enable the "Remote desktop" service on ubuntu from remote ssh access ?08:21
baheer_how can I remote desktop from Ubuntu to Windows Vista?08:21
psycho_oreosmessage144, just checked it on my windows boxen its not ls -l :) not in list format, its in column of three08:21
linuxguy2009godmodegrafix: Well it would be convenient if you were used to a certain distro and found it hard to remeber new ways of package management and other things or just convenience. Just goes to show how amazingly configurable linuc is at teh core.08:21
godmodegrafixlinuxguy: indeed..08:21
fireballhey all08:22
Clousemoymoy: No I just want a link to my home folder on my desktop08:22
fireballplease help, nautilus's file etc bar has dissappeared08:22
moymoyClouse: i see08:22
HerbMonkI'v been all over the net trying to find a driver fix for the amd x64 ati radeon x1200 graphics driver problems 9.04 seems to be having08:22
godmodegrafixhave anyone of you guys used Yakuake before?08:22
HerbMonkcan anyone point me in the right direction08:23
HerbMonkyes yakuake is sweet08:23
linuxguy2009Im thinking of buying a book from amazon that is distro independent and shows lots of the workings of linux at its heart. I want to learn all i can about Linux but keeping distro specific information excluded until I actually want to learn a certain distro.08:23
moymoyClouse: go to terminal and type `ln -s ~/ ~/Desktop/Home`08:23
godmodegrafixmoymoy: what does that command do?08:23
message144godmodegrafix, creates a softlink08:24
fireballplease help, nautilus's file etc bar has dissappeared, cannot view hidden files etc08:24
lstarnesgodmodegrafix: that links ~/Desktop/Home to your home directory08:24
moymoygodmodegrafix: does exactly what he asks.. puts a link to his home folder onto his desktop08:24
linuxguy2009one very cool thing I learned today was in the terminal you can press "tab tab" to get a list of every CLI tool available to you. hehe simply awsome08:24
indusgodmodegrafix: like a shortcut08:24
lstarnesfireball: what method are you using for starting it?08:24
godmodegrafixthats cool!08:24
bluegoonlinuxguy2009: the linux bible is a pretty neat book for getting into linux ive found.08:24
psycho_oreosls -ax looks probably in some ways similar.. it won't show folders/directories with brackets around it08:24
indusi wonder why they dont place a home folder icon on desktop by default08:24
fireballmenu, app launcher, etc08:25
linnylinuxguy2009: linux command.org is also good for command beginners08:25
linuxguy2009bluegoon: Thank you very much for the recomendation. That is definetly one I am considering.08:25
Clousemoymoy: Thankyou, worked great!08:25
linnylinuxguy2009: sorry linuxcommand.org08:25
moymoyClouse: no problem =p08:25
lstarnesfireball: try alt+f08:25
=== Max_ClinkApps is now known as xamjg|away
linuxguy2009linny: great thank you.Sure there is something there for me to learn.08:25
bluegoonlinuxguy2009: yea its pretty huge too, lots of handy info.08:26
bluegoonlinuxguy2009: also the RHCE courses would be a good idea.08:26
lbray785does anyone know how to get flashplayer plugin to work with ubuntu i have tried for hours now and cant figure it out08:26
fireballmade no differece08:26
psycho_oreoslbray785, after you installed it did you restart your favourite web browser?08:26
induslbray785: what aversion of ubuntu 32 or 64 bit08:27
linuxguy2009lbray785: synaptic non-free flashplayer or manually instal by visiting adobe.com and download the deb package for 8.04+08:27
indus*version :)08:27
HerbMonksudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree08:27
fireballGLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_ref: assertion `object->ref_count > 0' failed08:27
linnybluegoon: linuxguy2009: im currently doing the LPI certification they start of very basic but are highly regarded non distro specific certificates08:27
HerbMonklbray785 that should do the trick08:27
lbray785i have tried this and it says the architecture is wrong or something of that matter08:27
fireballis the error from terminal08:27
lbray785no hang on ill try again08:28
godmodegrafixi get the dependencies not met error08:28
HerbMonkdo you have all your repositories installed08:28
linuxguy2009linny: Ah very nice. Non distro depcific learning is great cause it can be carried to any linux system.08:28
lstarnesfireball: what about nautilus --no-default-window?08:28
induslbray785: whats athe output of uname -a08:28
indistylovisha tu h ya gya?08:28
indistylovishal tu h ya gya?08:28
linuxguy2009lbray785: 32bit or 64bit ubuntu install?08:30
HerbMonksorry wrong window08:30
fireballno nautilus there atall08:30
IledenHi! I can't get the open-source "ati" driver to load using xorg.conf. An Ubuntu guide claims this should be possible for my card, and I've followed the guide's instructions. How do I troubleshoot the issue?08:30
lbray785not sure exactly08:30
Samus_AranI'm on a fresh install of Ubuntu 9.04 and if I try to "xinit -- :1" why do I get "X: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting" ?08:30
induslbray785: type in a terminal  uname -a08:31
HerbMonkIleden I'm having the same problem08:31
lstarneslbray785: if you're not sure, go into a terminal and type this: uname -m08:31
shay26Hello , i installed ubuntu 9.04 on my home computer , i am now at work and i would like to use my computer with vnc , the problem i left my router settings to allow only ssh port open for my computer , does it possible to use vnc on the same port of ssh ?08:31
nevynSamus_Aran: by default only root can run X08:31
indus!who | lbray78508:31
ubottulbray785: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)08:31
linuxguy2009(03:28:44 AM) indus: lbray785: whats athe output of uname -a08:31
Samus_Arannevyn: why is that ?08:31
frogzooSamus_Aran: just do /etc/init.d/gdm start08:31
Samus_Aranfrogzoo: this is not related to GDM.  I want to load a secondary X server ...08:32
frogzooSamus_Aran: ah, can't help soz08:32
IledenHerbMonk: have you also done everything in this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver08:32
Samus_Arannevyn: how can I add local users to be allowed to start Xorg ?08:32
HerbMonkLinuxguy2009 Linux Psychosis 2.6.28-11-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 17 01:58:03 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux08:33
nevynSamus_Aran: reconfigure xorg-common I think08:33
frogzooSamus_Aran: I expect google will turn up something08:33
indusSamus_Aran: nevyn i dont think thats possible, or recommended even08:33
HerbMonkIleden I'll look into it08:33
gorgonzolahello, i have a terrific idea for a workaround for this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fglrx-installer/+bug/369042, but i need help implementing it. anyone here up for the task? some knowledge of acpi/hal required...08:33
linuxguy2009HerbMonk: What are you talking about?08:33
lbray785linuxguy2009 it is linux ubunto 2.6.28-14-generic #47-Ubunu SMP SMP sat jul 25 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/linux08:33
frogzoogorgonzola: maybe #ubuntu+108:34
gorgonzolafrogzoo, ok, i'll ask there then. thx08:34
HerbMonkLinuxguy2009 ... I'm having the same problem as lbray78508:34
induswhere is uname -a from lbray78508:34
Samus_Aranfrogzoo: I've been on Google the past bit, but it's finding a lot of unrelated Ubuntu forum postings so far08:34
Guest2583so far, ubuntu is the best user friendly distro by miles! Cheers Ubuntu!  =)08:34
HerbMonkati radeon x1200 = fed up drivers08:34
indusdamn i have little patience08:34
linuxguy2009HerbMonk: Whats the problem exactly? In english?08:34
Samus_Aranindus: of course it's possible and recommended.  an X server is just a graphical interface, and there is no limit to how many of them can be loaded at the same time08:35
HerbMonkmy graphics card is not being recognized by ubuntu 9.0408:35
=== Diehardy is now known as BTK_GreenRiver
linuxguy2009 HerbMonk: ATI?08:35
Samus_Aranindus: I've been using X since XFree86 3.3.x and using multiple X servers for almost the whole time08:35
HerbMonki'v got crappy frame rates and no 3d exeleration08:35
HerbMonkyes ati08:35
HerbMonkamd x6408:35
linny HerbMonk: what card ?08:35
Samus_Aranjust not sure why Ubuntu is locking down the X server08:35
linuxguy2009 HerbMonk: Sorry to say I have zero experience with ATI cards at all.08:36
HerbMonkVGA compatible controller [0300]: ATI Technologies Inc RS690M [Radeon X1200 Series] [1002:791f]08:36
indusSamus_Aran: why has X been implemented as a network server by design i would like to know08:36
IledenHerbMonk: i did the xorg.conf editing as the guide said, but it didn't help. 'lshw -C display' reports the display as "UNCLAIMED". I assume it should read something else when it's working08:36
Samus_Aranindus: most distro allow the user to launch X out-of-the-box, including Arch Linux, Slackware, Knoppix and most others I've tried08:36
linnyi would try envy-ng08:36
Samus_Aranindus: the default is to allow local only, and not networked clients.  you need xhost to allow network clients08:36
HerbMonkIleden yea mine said the same thing08:36
BTK_GreenRiverHey y008:36
indusSamus_Aran: hmm x host08:37
linny HerbMonk: i would try envy-ng i know its unsupported but its reported to work withthat card08:37
indusHerbMonk linny ya worth a try08:37
IledenHerbMonk: also my Xorg.0.log reports onw problem "(EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)" - i'm wondering why it talks about NVIDIA not ati (my previous card was nvidia)08:37
indusHerbMonk: i was addressing the user linny :)08:38
linnyHerbMonk: google envy-ng08:38
HerbMonksorry bro08:38
jonex_my wireles doesnt work with my router...... but it works with another router! :S08:38
nevynIleden: did you install the nvidia drivers?08:38
indusIleden: you might need to completely remove the nvidia modules08:38
linuxguy2009lbray785: Whats up you need help?08:38
indusIleden: sudo aptitude remove --purge nvidia*08:38
Iledenindus: ok. how do i... right, thanks! :)08:39
lbray785HerbMonk: thanks for the entry that solved my problem08:39
linuxguy2009lbray785: If its for the same thing as HerbMonk, I have no experience with ATI cards at all.08:39
Samus_Aranindus: if your question was serious, X was designed as a network server so that a more powerful server can ... well, serve.  if you want to see X serving put to great use, check out LTSP.  I've used that to power a computer lab of 20+ 486s with a single powerful multi-CPU box, works great08:39
Iledenindus: reported no packages matching nvidia*08:40
indusIleden: hmm08:41
Iledennevyn, indus: I had non-free nvidia drivers installed with my previous card and when it broke down and I replaced the card, they weren't in the drivers list anymore. i've done nothing to remove them, since I don't know how.08:41
* richardcavell wonders why some people's names are in [brackets]08:41
linuxguy2009gnight/gday everyone.08:41
frogzoorichardcavell: [] are allowed characters in nick names08:42
hyakuheiAnyone know a good resource for info on setting up a Mirror-On-Demand repository on my local server?08:42
indusIleden: well,just open up synaptic and choose completely remvoe nvidia-glx or something08:42
HerbMonkyour welcom lbray78508:42
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories08:42
=== richardcavell is now known as [richardcavell]
frogzoohyakuhei: there is a ubuntu help page covers it - try google08:43
* [richardcavell] is cool now with brackets around his name08:43
Samus_Arannevyn: it was "sudo dpkg-reconfigure x11-common", and it has the option for local console users (which most distros default to)08:43
indushi [richardcavell]08:43
[richardcavell]hi indus. I'm looking good now with brackets08:43
linnyi wish i had brackets :P08:43
indushow do you get those08:44
Samus_Aran[richardcavell]: you'd be even cooler with an underscore between your two names, and no square brackets.08:44
godmodegrafixi have 2 brackets08:44
indusaargh its diffucult to type nicks with fancy brackets08:44
=== [richardcavell] is now known as [[Richard_Cavell
=== indus is now known as brackets
psycho_oreostype the first few characters of their nickname and presss tabl :p08:44
=== brackets is now known as induswithbraces
=== [[Richard_Cavell is now known as [Richard_Cavell]
linnynow hes just showing off i vote for limitations on brackets , can i get my motion seconded08:45
Iledenindus: ok... synaptic does show some nvidia packages installe. are all of those safe to remove, including nvidia-180-kernel-source?08:45
=== induswithbraces is now known as indus
godmodegrafixi third it08:45
jonex_why my wireles doesnt work here...if i go other place it will08:45
indusIleden: yes remove them08:45
* [Richard_Cavell] thinks everyone is jealous of his brackets08:45
message144indus, not as difficult as with lots of L, i, and 1 chars in the nick08:45
godmodegrafixits working if youre on08:45
indusmessage144: worst is the guest nicks, oh god its so difficult to help08:46
=== message144 is now known as lIl1llII11
indusIleden: its probablythe kernel module thats causing the issue ,nvidia.ko is the file actually08:46
* Samus_Aran is now known as guest66608:47
indusSamus_Aran: :)08:47
sternahow do i make-kpkg without building a xenu kernel?08:47
=== lIl1llII11 is now known as message144
sternabecause right now it's making me a xenu kernel if i do kernel_image08:47
ubottuYou should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead. See also « /msg ubottu Guidelines »08:47
sternaand i don't need it08:47
Samus_Aranmessage144: Microsoft should be shot for not only creating a group of fonts wherein | I l and 1 are all identical -- but actually setting their OS to use this horrid font by default in some of their UI08:48
jonex_help with my wireless08:48
godmodegrafixjonex, whats the problem?08:49
Samus_Aranjonex_: which wireless chipset ?  which interface (usb, pci, pcmcia, etc.) ?  have you tried any 3rd party drivers yet (madwifi, ndiswrapper, etc.) ?08:49
tuxwulfWhich wwebmailer would you recommend?08:50
indusjonex_: we shall need the output of lspci08:50
indusjonex_: in a terminal type the command lspci08:50
danxubwhy am i seeing activity on my eth0 through wireshark when i'm not doing anything internet/network related08:50
jonex_0c:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g (rev 01)08:51
godmodegrafixyouve got a cracked box08:51
Samus_Arannight all08:51
jonex_indus: 0c:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g (rev 01)08:51
indusjonex_: which version of ubuntu?08:51
nevyndanxub: what sort of packets are they?08:51
jonex_indus: ubuntu Studio 9.0408:51
danxubone second i'll look08:51
indusjonex_: did u check under administration>hardware drivers?08:52
danxubARP ?08:52
jonex_indus: my wireless only for Ubuntu stuff like ubuntu forums and Xchat... for the regular web surf08:52
jonex_it stays loading08:52
indusjonex_: go to main menu >system>administration>hardware drivers08:53
HerbMonkjonex what version of ubuntu do you have08:53
nevyndanxub: arp is just chatter.. unless there's a lot of it.08:53
jonex_HerbMonk: Studio 9.0408:53
indusjonex_: do u see something under hardware drivers08:53
nevynlike more than 1000/second08:53
jonex_indus: its activated08:54
HerbMonkjonex try going into your wireless mannager and clearning out any saved data08:54
danxubits steady08:54
HerbMonkthen reconnect08:54
indusjonex_: paste the output of lsmod08:54
godmodegrafixmortal combat!!!08:54
message144danxub, i wouldnt be worried about ARp08:54
indus!paste | jonex_08:54
ubottujonex_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic08:54
HerbMonksomtimes ubuntu will get confused if you have more that one wifi place saved08:54
indusjonex_: did u try using that network icon on panel?08:55
danxubok where can i learn more about arp irc and tcp08:55
danxubwhats the difference between a tcp red and tcp gray08:55
jonex_yea i tried everything i think08:55
myselfhey where can i find the APPLICATIONS-->WINE--->PROGRAMS actual folder so i can manually delete the stuff from there, the menu editor wont let me delete the stuff, where is that directory actually located on the drive08:55
indusjonex_: just give taht lsmod output08:55
testiHow can I print photos?08:56
HerbMonkjonex are you sure your using the right wireless key?08:56
indusmyself: its hidden folder .wine08:56
linnymyself:  try somwhere in ~/.wine/08:56
indusjonex_: ok i go for lunch back later08:56
=== Vincent is now known as Guest86637
danxubis there a program like wireshark that uses less system resources08:57
* HerbMonk be right back using the bathroom08:57
testiHow can I print photos? f-spot and photoprint fail entirely.08:58
message144danxub, tcpdump08:58
lb_I got a question about ubuntu server: I am in GNU screen currently and its status bar shows what is maybe CPU load, CPU speed, amount of free RAM and HDD usage. Then there is this entry:  3!!. What could that mean?08:58
Iledenindus: display still unclaimed after reboot. the error at Xorg.0.log went away08:58
testif-spot says "too many failed attempts" and photprint gives me blank pages instead of photos08:58
jonex_HerbMonk: it's connected cuz i can access XCHAT08:59
message144lb_, that is probably the screen session ID08:59
jonex_HerbMonk: and Ubuntuforums08:59
myselfindus no i mean the actual menu08:59
myselfindus i mean the menu, not the physical files, the shortcuts in the menu09:00
Dekkojoin #winehq09:00
myselfits not winehq09:00
myselfim just looking for how to delete stuff fromthe applications menu09:00
mangosporkWhere can I find a prebuild of a Ubuntu Kisok?09:01
grawitymyself: Have you tried 'alacarte'? (It's the graphical menu editor.)09:01
myselfgrawity where do i do it manually, that wont let me delete stuff09:01
myselfbut lemme see if i sudo it09:01
Iledenindus: Hey! the card appears to be working now! 'lshw -C display' still reports "UNCLAIMED" though...should it?09:01
myselfsudoing it just does root09:02
=== EruditeHermit_ is now known as EruditeHermit
lb_message144: Thanks for the reply. "screen -ls" shows this though:  2794.pts-0.<compname> - it is not the number of the active window, either (I have only opened one). When I fire up another screen, it shows the same number09:02
mangosporkI'm doing a project for my school, they want kiosks instead of comptuers practically. So, I'm here to ask you guys. How can I make an automated install of ubuntu, completely anti-user with firefox on autostart.09:02
grawitymangospork: that's a school I really wouldn't like to be in :o09:03
myselfhow do i manually edit my applications menu i mean with the actual folders in nautilus09:03
myselfwhere is the directory located09:03
grawitymyself: ~/.local/share/applications/09:03
mangosporkgawity: Neither would/do I, but they need help.09:03
myselfthank you09:03
mangosporkThe sucker I am? I'll help them.09:04
=== rwhitby` is now known as rwhitby_
grawitymyself: And /usr/share/applications/ too09:04
myselfokay cool thank you grawity09:04
myselfi found it09:04
blognewbhey guys is there an "esac" word?09:04
grawityIt's kinda weird talking to myself...09:04
grawityblognewb: 'esac' in bash means the end of 'case' statement.09:05
godmodegrafixi always touch myself09:05
blognewbline 6109:05
dprostranCan someone please give me a recent version of how to install nvidia 8800gt graphics card drivers? not something from 2 years ago.09:05
Flannelblognewb: esac is case backwards, that's how bash does closings09:05
blognewboh ok thank you! i thought it was a typo09:05
grawityblognewb: You'll soon encounter if/fi too.09:05
blognewbgrawity: lol that's funny09:06
mangosporkWhatever, thanks for your giggles.09:06
mangosporkCiao, I guess.09:07
=== Shamoun_ is now known as shamoun
=== frogzoo1 is now known as frogzoo
IledenHerbMonk: my display card issue was resolved my removing a previous driver that messed something up.09:17
Name141How do I make a USB flash stick with the ISO in Windows?09:17
=== kb is now known as Guest71044
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash09:18
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent09:18
makewhat is CTCP VerSION??09:19
jonex_who know about innerHTML?09:19
Flanneljonex_: try ##javascript09:19
lstarnesmake: ctcp version is a mechanism used to determine which irc client and what version of that client are being used by someone on irc09:20
KoolDis there a way to run nano as root after it has been opened with a differ uid???09:20
makethank ..09:21
grawityKoolD: No.09:21
lstarnesmake: on this network, freenode-connect uses it to block trojans and other things09:21
ce_sexypilpres 200909:21
KoolDgrawity:what about vim???09:21
makevim use keyword F109:22
grawityKoolD: Once you open an editor (or any other program), its uid cannot be changed -- you must restart it if you want to run as root.09:22
ClouseI can't see the rinter icon in the Administration09:24
error404notfoundIf i run "apt-get install openoffice.org" on a 64b ubuntu, the install OO.o will be 32b or 64b?09:24
Name141this doesn't help09:24
frogzooerror404notfound: 64 of course09:24
moymoyerror404notfound: run it and see ;)09:24
Clouse Opps, take two,I can't see the Printer icon in the Administration under System, any ideas?09:24
makeerror404notfound 64b09:24
error404notfoundfrogzoo, same case with other applications like flash plugin and etc?09:24
moymoyClouse: go to terminal and type `alacarte`09:25
frogzooerror404notfound: yes09:25
error404notfoundfrogzoo, moymoy, make, Thanks :P09:25
lstarneserror404notfound: almost everything does that09:25
error404notfoundlstarnes, thanks09:25
lstarneserror404notfound: some programs don't have differences between executable versions in 64 bit or 32 bit09:25
error404notfoundlstarnes, hmmm...09:26
makeerror404notfound flash plugin download adobe.com.intall to use. i09:26
lstarneserror404notfound: also, some in the 64 bit version are 32 bit, but have a wrapper or compatibility libraries for use with 64-bit09:26
Clousemoymoy: Not there ether.09:26
error404notfoundmake, hmmm, the deb file? i thought installing deb was discouraged when we have it in repo.09:26
makeerror404notfound i ubuntu use tar.gz to install09:27
error404notfoundmake, source code?09:27
lb_message144: I think I have figured it out: it looks like that number was the number of unapplied security updates09:28
error404notfoundmake, i assume you like source code installs.09:28
message144lb_, ive never heard of gnu-screen doing that.09:28
message144lb_, did you apply the sec updates and see if it still says it?09:28
message144could be a custom ubuntu build of screen09:29
lb_message144: Yeah, I did and now it says "(@)"09:29
moymoyClouse: what?09:29
ShapeShifter499I had recently updated my linux(Ultimate Edition 2.3 AKA Ubuntu 9.04) and I lost the airplane animation in compiz, why is that?09:30
godmodegrafixthe airplane flew away09:30
WIGGMPkis it possible to change the location of the notification window in Jaunty?09:30
indusWIGGMPk: well,there is a tool to change it,but it doesnt change it though09:31
makeerror404notfound sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree09:31
indusWIGGMPk: install notify-osd and try09:31
WIGGMPkindus: that package is the window if im not mistaken09:31
=== jared is now known as Guest40570
WIGGMPkand its already in Jaunty indus09:31
Clousemoymoy: No printer icons there ether09:31
ShapeShifter499well anyone know why?09:32
indusWIGGMPk: ya type that in terminal and check?09:32
lb_message144: screen gave me four "theme" options to choose from when I ran it on that machine the first time earlier today. This is how it looks: http://i27.tinypic.com/35l6psn.gif09:32
fahadsadahShapeShifter499: All graphics drivers installed, and the airplane enabled?09:32
WIGGMPkindus: no command09:32
Guest40570hey guys, can anybody help me how to install VIM with Python Support ? I have been trying things like adding: --enable-python="yes"  --python-config-dir=/usr/lib/python2.409:32
indusWIGGMPk: i vaguely recollect using it once,but notification didnt change09:32
indusWIGGMPk: i believe its not istalled09:32
grawitymessage144: This thing lb_ has is called 'screen-profiles', if I remember correctly.09:32
indusWIGGMPk: you need to install it,or maybe i forget the package name09:33
Guest40570i am running an old version SLES 9 on another machine09:33
WIGGMPkindus: yes it is.. but to humor you, ill try to install it09:33
indusi like humour :D09:33
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:33
lb_grawity: Now that you say it, there is actually a dir called ~/.screen-profiles. There is so much inside that I haven't bothered looking through it yet, though :)09:33
WIGGMPkindus: notify-osd is already the newest version.09:33
indusWIGGMPk: well,hmm that should work in terminal then09:34
ClouseMan this is annoying09:34
indus!info notify-osd09:34
ubottunotify-osd (source: notify-osd): daemon that displays passive pop-up notifications. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9.11-0ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 142 kB, installed size 780 kB09:34
ShapeShifter499I had the airplane enabled but after the update it stopped working so I looked a the compiz manager and that option just disappear09:34
indus!info libnotify09:34
ubottuPackage libnotify does not exist in jaunty09:34
makeIs there a way to speed up flash09:34
ubottuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX09:36
=== Guest40570 is now known as jaret
=== jaret is now known as jared
ShapeShifter499now why is that??09:37
brandonMy eyes burn , can someone please help me it involes gaming09:37
indusbrandon: what is it09:37
=== jared is now known as jaret
=== MadMax is now known as Guest90749
message144brandon, your eyes burn... from having to look at KDE all day?09:37
WIGGMPkindus: its interesting because I remember seeing the tool in Preferences when I first installed Jaunty09:37
godmodegrafixRIP COD409:37
indusWIGGMPk: yeah,now its not in preferences?09:38
WIGGMPkindus: not since the 2nd time I had to reinstall09:38
infidhow can i tell ubuntu to scan for wireless networks?09:38
brandonNo from surfing and reading info on how to view games09:38
godmodegrafixwho can help me with gcc?09:38
makebrandon the EVE game i use wine play.but slow....09:38
WIGGMPkindus: what do you mean by scan?09:38
fahadsadahgodmodegrafix: Don't ask to ask, just ask.09:39
indusWIGGMPk: try install notification daemon maybe09:39
brandonI'm trying to play wow , i installed it but i cant see the game09:39
indusbrandon: which game09:39
indusaah wow09:39
godmodegrafixim having trouble trying to open a file on my desktop with gcc, i havent added or played with the dir's...09:39
indusbrandon: how did u install it09:39
brandonWorld of warcraft09:39
WIGGMPkindus: its going to conflict with notify-osd which is also a daemon..09:39
makebrandon wow use wine..very good09:39
brandoni used wine09:40
fahadsadahgodmodegrafix: GCC is a compiler - try it from the command line.09:40
WIGGMPkindus: try kismet if you want to scan for wireless networks09:40
indusWIGGMPk: well,actually i think we cant change it09:40
makebrandon try use cedega play wow09:40
godmodegrafixfahadsadah, that is how im running gcc, but when i type gcc small.c09:40
indusWIGGMPk: wireless? i didnt ask about that .Some other user maybe09:40
brandonDon't u have to pay for that?09:40
godmodegrafixWarning: include(layouts/) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home2/thelosan/public_html/wp-content/themes/gazette/home.php on line 1609:40
godmodegrafixWarning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening 'layouts/' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home2/thelosan/public_html/wp-content/themes/gazette/home.php on line 1609:40
godmodegrafixgodmodegrafix@godmode-laptop:~$ gcc small.c09:41
godmodegrafixgcc: small.c: No such file or directory09:41
godmodegrafixgcc: no input files09:41
indusbrandon: if you installed from a tar file, you need to go int othat folder and type the executable name09:41
fahadsadahgodmodegrafix: You're trying to compile PHP with GCC?09:41
godmodegrafixthere we go..09:41
iceblockhello everyone09:41
godmodegrafixno C09:41
WIGGMPkindus: whoops09:41
iceblockI made it09:41
godmodegrafix" C "09:41
computerdoes ubuntu come with SSH by default?09:41
infidcomputer yes09:41
ikoniacomputer: the client is installed by default09:41
grawitycomputer: SSH client, yes.09:41
fahadsadahgodmodegrafix: Does the file exist?09:41
godmodegrafixyes it's on my desktop09:41
grawitycomputer: The server is in the 'openssh-server' package.09:41
computerso freenx is safe to use?09:41
brandon:"" am i  going to have to reinstall it again09:41
fahadsadahgodmodegrafix: gcc Desktop/small.c09:42
zweibackIm having trouble with flash - just installed jaunty fresh today09:42
godmodegrafixyes it worked!!09:42
=== BaconCat is now known as NotAmusedCat
computerso freenx is safe to use? so freenx is safe to use?09:42
fahadsadahgodmodegrafix: By default, terminals open in your home directory. The Desktop is a folder, inside your home dir.09:42
fahadsadahYou could also have done:09:43
fahadsadahcd Desktop09:43
fahadsadahgcc small.c09:43
=== NotAmusedCat is now known as AmusedCat
infidhow can i tell ubuntu to scan for wireless networks?09:43
godmodegrafixsee my mistake was always putting a "/" in front of desktop09:43
computerdoes ubuntu come with SSH by default? so freenx is safe to use?09:43
* zaggynl falls over09:44
zaggynleasy on the question marks there09:44
zaggynlyes ubuntu has openssh09:44
computerso freenx is safe to use?09:44
fahadsadahcomputer: Why would it be any more/less safe with/without SSH?09:45
YangGuodongI want to make a video using some pictures, what tools can i use in Ubutnu09:45
brandonWhat do i have to do?09:45
daniellehello, new user here, just dropping in to say whats up i love ubuntu09:45
Slurpeeanyone ever install ImageMagick ?09:45
mraywhat is going wrong if starting an application tells me that:09:46
mray"libxcb-render-util.so.0: invalid ELF header" ?09:46
brandonHello danielle09:46
brandonknow anything on how to see world of warcraft09:46
godmodegrafixgreetings earthling09:46
fahadsadahHow can I get an Ubuntu hostcloak?09:46
Flannelfahadsadah: Are you an Ubuntu Member?09:47
brandonI'm in the folder but im not really sure what they asked me to do09:47
YangGuodongI want to make a video using some pictures, what tools can i use in Ubutnu?09:48
brandonits close to 5am and ive been trying to figure this out since 2pm yesterday , no sleep yet o.O)09:49
mrayYangGuodong, look for pitivi, the newest version09:49
fahadsadahFlannel: Define member, please?09:50
Flannel!member | fahadsadah09:50
ubottufahadsadah: Want to become an Ubuntu member? Look at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember09:50
brandonim 20 and i feel like crrying lol09:50
error404notfoundcan someone help me where can i find /usr/lib/openoffice/share/registry/data/org/openoffice/Setup.xcu mentioned on http://code.google.com/p/openmeetings/wiki/InstallationDebian under jaunty jackalope.09:50
fahadsadahFlannel: That concept wasn't here before...09:50
godmodegrafixgodmodegrafix@godmode-laptop:~$ gcc Desktop/small.c09:51
godmodegrafixDesktop/small.c:1:20: error: studio.h: No such file or directory09:51
godmodegrafixDesktop/small.c: In function ‘main’:09:51
godmodegrafixDesktop/small.c:6: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function ‘printf’09:51
Flannelbrandon: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WorldofWarcraft  That'll get you going with WoW09:51
FloodBot1godmodegrafix: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:51
makebrandon use cedega to play the world of warcraft.or winedoor to play wow09:51
Flannelbrandon: (WoW works just fine in wine, don't let anyone tell you otherwise)09:51
mrayi have good experience with "playonlinux", wich is wine based.09:51
brandonI did use wine09:52
error404notfoundi am also trying to install flash and i get http://pastebin.com/m77e3c94f09:52
brandonI installed it and did all patches but its not letting me view it09:52
mray"playonlinux" installs a perfect wine installation with its own settings for each game - works easy and is setup easy. try that.09:52
brandonI have a feeling that I probably instaled directx wrong or something09:53
tamingsarihi guys,can you help me,i need to transfer my data from ext1 to ext2. but have a problems...hdd ext2 just mount to read only, so i can't transfer my data...09:53
brandonPlayonlinux dont work with wow wotlk epac09:53
Flannelbrandon: That wikipage goes through a number of common problems.  If you're still having trouble, try asking in #winehq, they're up-to-speed on wine problems/etc, and should be able to help you.09:53
brandonokay thanks ill go there cuz i ve been searching for 10hours09:54
make_brandon try winedoor.09:54
brandonsite is offline09:55
brandonfor windoor09:55
induserror404notfound: ya can u please repeat?10:02
error404notfoundindus, i am also trying to install flash and i get http://pastebin.com/m77e3c94f  AND can someone help me where can i find /usr/lib/openoffice/share/registry/data/org/openoffice/Setup.xcu mentioned on http://code.google.com/p/openmeetings/wiki/InstallationDebian under jaunty jackalope.10:03
induserror404notfound: why dont u try the new flash 64 bit? a new version was just released july 30th10:04
ikoniaerror404notfound: try removing flashplugin-nonfree,10:04
ikoniaindus: why would you suggest beta products ?10:04
error404notfoundindus, and i would have to install using source then?10:05
ikoniaerror404notfound: also remove the flash files in /var/apt/cache10:05
indusikonia: because it works very well for a lot of people10:05
ikoniaerror404notfound: /var/cache/apt sorry10:05
error404notfoundikonia, doesn't work that way alone, you will have to remove flashplugin-installer as well10:05
indusikonia: its an alpha still actually10:05
error404notfoundikonia, for that "apt-get clean" or "apt-get autoclean" would work :D10:05
ikoniaindus: ok - then why suggest alpha softrware to epople randomly10:05
ikoniaerror404notfound: if there is a problem with the configuration I've seen apt-get clean miss packages, hence why it may have been worth checking10:05
indusikonia: but people have documented that (and also my experience) it works much better than the crappy nsplugin fix10:06
ikoniaindus: ok - so if I documented that it didn't does that make it fact ?10:06
indusikonia: error404notfound i would say it works beautifully10:06
indusikonia: if there is an official alternative which isnt better, then whats wrong in recommending a native 64 bit?10:06
error404notfoundindus, but that would mean source code install?10:07
ikoniaindus: how do you know it's not metter ?10:07
error404notfoundguys don't fight, please?10:07
indusikonia: nvm, you can suggest your fix10:07
ikoniaerror404notfound: yes, you'd have to use the adobe installer (which isn't different from what the ubutu package actaully does) but it would be outside the package managers control10:07
error404notfoundikonia, and i dont like that, one have to do manual upgrades of such packages...10:08
induserror404notfound: there is no installer, create a folder under .mozilla called plugins in home directory,move the libflashplayer.so there10:08
ikoniaerror404notfound: yes, I agree it's not a good idea10:08
error404notfoundindus, i am on a server install, so ideally no .mozilla10:08
indusflash is a unique case10:08
meteor``IM getting this whenever I try to install any software from add/remove panel -> http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m6d26968810:08
error404notfoundikonia, so what do you suggest? i have tried all launchpad solutions10:08
induserror404notfound: aah server10:08
meteor``I get the same when tried to sudp apt-get upgrade.10:09
GoogleDidntHelpI have a Truecrypt partition which I badly need/want to make a backup of. I cannot burn the data to a disc normally as the backup would be plain text. Is there a program that can backup a partition in 4.3GB chunks so my 4/5 backup DVDs contain 1/5 of the encrypted data?10:09
KeifferHi. I have a little problem understanding my network topography. Is anyone willing to help?10:09
ikoniaerror404notfound: not aware of a launchpad solution to be honest, I assume you have a desktop running on your server install ?10:09
fahadsadahKeiffer: OK.10:09
grawityGoogleDidntHelp: 'dd' can copy the partition to a big file, assuming you have enough space.10:09
grawityGoogleDidntHelp: Copying chunk by chunk is also possible10:09
error404notfoundikonia, why would i? i am just trying to install openmeetings10:10
Keifferfahadsadah, can I private you? it\s not reallz a ubntu discussion10:10
GoogleDidntHelpgrawity: I don't have enough space to do a full copy anywhere, my only option is four or five DVDs10:10
ikoniaerror404notfound the viewer has dependencies on the desktop I believe (not fact)10:10
meteor``IM getting this whenever I try to install any software from add/remove panel -> http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m6d26968810:10
error404notfoundikonia, i would humbly disagree...10:10
meteor``and the same whn i try to sudo apt-get upgrade10:11
grawityGoogleDidntHelp: Would a DVD fit to the _un_encrypted partition?10:11
ikoniaerror404notfound: as I said "not fact"10:11
error404notfoundikonia, hmm, trying the deb and then the source installer from adobe i guess10:11
GoogleDidntHelpgrawity: dd count=xxx if=/drive of=/driveimg then dd count=xxx offset=xxx if=/drive of=/driveimg?10:11
induserror404notfound: why do u need flash on a server install?10:11
error404notfoundindus, openmeetings require that...10:11
ikoniaerror404notfound: not tried running the "flashplugin-installer --configure"10:12
induserror404notfound: ok10:12
GoogleDidntHelpgrawity: The encrypted partition has about 15GB of free space.10:12
error404notfoundikonia, nope...10:12
bullgard4Seamonkey: Klicking on Menu 'Bookmarks' > 'Bookmark this page' will create an bookmark of the current web page. In what directory can I retrieve it?10:12
grawityGoogleDidntHelp: Yeah, like that.10:12
ikoniaerror404notfound: maybe worth it ?10:12
sobersabrehi, I am getting: Failed to fetch http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/jaunty-updates/Release  Unable to find expected entry  main/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)10:12
sobersabreDoes anybody else get it too ?10:12
error404notfoundikonia, trying10:12
ikoniaerror404notfound: may just give you a bit better info, it may not10:13
induserror404notfound: in case ikonia's idea wont work, you can try the 64 bit flash directly,works good for me http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/libflashplayer-
meteor``the only thing left now isa fresh install :/10:14
error404notfoundindus, and you install it with "./configure && make && make install" ?10:14
GoogleDidntHelpgrawity: thanks for the help.10:15
theatrosobersabre, try a mirror if you need to update asap10:15
ShapeShifter499can someone help?10:15
induserror404notfound: nothing to intall, you have to move the libflashplayer.so file to a folder called plugins in .mozilla, but you said your case dont have a mozilla plugin so <gulP>10:15
ShapeShifter499I had two options(upon others) that where labeled "animations" and "animation add-ons" and after updating/upgrading my ubuntu with the "update manager" the second option "animation add-ons" is now missing, I didn't loose any function except for the airplane one10:15
sobersabreI am using mirrors AND the official canonical site.10:15
sobersabrebut why does the off. site fail !?10:15
ShapeShifter499why did I loose that option?10:15
induserror404notfound: probably what ikonia says then,with the official package_ reconfigure flash?10:15
sobersabreanother one is: Failed to fetch http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/jaunty-backports/Release  Unable to find expected entry  main/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)10:16
ShapeShifter499oh and this is in compiz10:16
sobersabretheatro: any ideas ?10:16
sobersabreshould users NOT use the main server at all ?10:16
theatroI dont know10:16
babbio_how to use T-Mobile's Web'n'walk USB modem with ubuntu 9.04?????10:17
indussobersabre: i always use main server.why?10:18
VSpikeIs it possible to run 9.04 with FF 3.5 as the only FF and as the default browser?10:20
grawityVSpike: Yes10:20
indusVSpike: yes you can uninstall old ff10:21
VSpikeindus: yeah, I've done that - i just noticed that the new FF doesn't satisfy the firefox metapackage10:22
indusVSpike: aah hmm how can u tell?10:22
VSpikeindus: In fact the description for the firefox package says "This is a meta package that will point to the latest firefox package in ubuntu. Don't remove this if you want to receive automatic major version upgrades for this package in future." And yet FF 3.1 and FF 3.5 are available in the repo!10:23
VSpikeindus: partly because it got removed when I removed FF 3.0 and also because the description for "firefox" says "Depends: firefox-3.0, firefox-3.0-branding"10:23
indusVSpike: ya iam not sure why it says so, its misleading, there are only security updates no upgrades10:23
babbio_ how to use T-Mobile's Web'n'walk USB modem with ubuntu 9.04?????10:24
godmodegrafixim trying to mv libflashplayer.so into /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/ but it says i dont have permission to do so.. what can i do?10:24
indusVSpike: well,iam not sure10:24
VSpikeindus: the executable is now /usr/bin/firefox-3.5 instead of /usr/bin/firefox - how can I make sure that everything that launches a web browser will find the new version?10:24
indusVSpike: hmm well, that wont happen i believe10:25
VSpikefahadsadah: I though about that, but it's likely to break other packages in future10:25
VSpikeindus: I'll try the alternatives system10:25
indusVSpike: uhnn ya sudo update-alternatives --configure?10:25
indusVSpike: good idea ill try that too10:26
VSpikeindus: sudo update-alternatives --set x-www-browser /usr/bin/firefox-3.510:27
=== Pupuser402-1 is now known as idzme
BeeBuuanyone can tell me what is the asterisk version in ubuntu 9.04? please using command: apt-cache show asterisk10:28
lstarnes!info asterisk jaunty | BeeBuu10:29
ubottuBeeBuu: asterisk (source: asterisk): Open Source Private Branch Exchange (PBX). In component universe, is optional. Version 1: (jaunty), package size 2400 kB, installed size 6520 kB10:29
BeeBuuubottu: thanks,it still 1.4.XXX.10:31
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:31
BeeBuulstarnes: thanks.10:31
BeeBuu!info zaptel jaunty10:32
ubottuzaptel (source: zaptel): zapata telephony utilities. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.4.11~dfsg-3ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 293 kB, installed size 1104 kB10:32
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY10:32
BeeBuuwhat a great bot~~10:32
=== patrick is now known as Guest4410
benno_fra_dkTrying to connect bluetooth gps. every attempt to communicate returns "invalid exchange"10:34
linduxedshould i use luks or dm-crypt?10:34
=== phlegx_systems is now known as adac
KoolDcpu-freq scaling is not working as it should...When i plug in the ac adaptor the governor changes to performance but the frequency still remains at half the full value even though the cpu usuage is 100%10:38
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
MacMan_ithello people. I need some help reinstalling grub on my system.10:40
MacMan_itbooted from a CD, chroot-ed into my system, did grub-install --recheck /dev/sdb10:40
MacMan_itI get: "The file /boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly". Ideas?10:40
jakob_Hi i have a problem i cant start gdesklets on ubuntu 9.04 when i start it a warning message shows up that says that the file or catalog dont exsist so whats my problem and how do i fix it?10:40
benno_fra_dkIs your hd /dev/sdb?10:41
MacMan_ityes it is10:41
benno_fra_dkMacMan_it: Is your hd /dev/sdb?10:41
MacMan_itbenno_fra_dk: yes it is10:41
VSpikeI'm getting really wierd display artifacts in firefox.  I get the same with or without compiz, and in 3.0 and 3.5, and with all add-ons disabled.10:42
VSpikeThey manifest as black areas in the page or on the status bar. I get the same in the add-ons dialog too.10:42
benno_fra_dkMacMan_it: 2 disks, first holding win, second holding linux?10:42
jakob_Hi i have a problem i cant start gdesklets on ubuntu 9.04 when i start it a warning message shows up that says that the file or catalog dont exsist so whats my problem and how do i fix it?10:43
angelhow to control and monitor windows clients from an ubuntu machine?10:43
MacMan_itbenno_fra_dk: both win and Linux are on sdb. sda is a new hd I added later. it's sda because it's on a different SATA controller10:44
MacMan_itsdb is on the mainboard hd controller10:44
benno_fra_dksdb is IDE10:44
VSpikeangel: can you explain the question more?10:44
MacMan_itbenno_fra_dk: both are SATA10:44
angelVspike: I want to have full control over clients, I want to monitor what they are doing , and which software and applications they use like a remote desktop10:45
benno_fra_dkhave you tried from the grub prompt?10:45
MacMan_itbenno_fra_dk: no I'm not familiar with its syntax. what do you suggest?10:46
=== flashkidd_ is now known as flashkidd
benno_fra_dkFirst you just enter grub from a console. Then you do something like root(hd1), setup(hd1). Its explained somewhere - I'll find it for you in a sec...10:48
bohnehi, is there somthing like konqueror available for ubuntu?10:48
MacMan_itbenno_fra_dk: ty mate10:48
rskibohne: konqueror is available for ubuntu10:48
grawitybohne: It is in the package 'konqueror'10:48
benno_fra_dkMacMan_it: try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto, then follow the links at the bottom...10:50
=== koolhead1 is now known as whoami
=== wook3 is now known as kili4n
whoamiindus: hey10:51
kbpI run Ubuntu Server, after restart it, it fschek something, then now I type ping but it keeps pinging (which is itself). Does anyone know what is going on?10:51
pradeepcan update kde 310:51
MacMan_itbenno_fra_dk: thanks. btw I tried "find /boot/grub/stage1" from the grub prompt, I got " File not found"... is it bad?10:52
grawitykbp: Can you pastebin the output of 'ifconfig eth0' and 'route -n'?10:52
pradeepcan update kde?10:52
=== Piet_ is now known as Piet
whoamiindus: wassup10:52
rskipradeep: yes you can has upgrade10:52
induswhoami: fine thanks10:52
pradeephow ?10:52
=== kili4n is now known as kiho
indusMacMan_it: you in the grub prompt now?10:53
rskipradeep: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install kde10:53
MacMan_itindus: yes10:53
indussudo grub?10:53
MacMan_itindus: I did sudo -s before10:53
MacMan_itindus: then just grub10:53
indusMacMan_it: find /boot/grub/stage110:53
induscheck syntax10:53
pradeeptahx working!!!!!!!!!!10:54
=== whoami is now known as koolhead1
MacMan_itindus: looks fine to me, anyway I did try root (hd1,5) and then setup (hd1) and it said succeeded... done10:55
MacMan_itI'll try to boot it now10:55
indusMacMan_it: so what is the problem?10:55
safruhanihi, how can i upgrade only a package; such as firefox-3.010:55
safruhanii've added the 3.5 repositories10:55
safruhaniis it possible to upgrade it?10:56
rski!ff 3510:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ff 3510:56
kbpgrawity: oh I think it doesnt work at all! I used the server to open pastebin to paste it but cannot access the webpage10:56
rski!ff 3-510:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ff 3-510:56
lstarnessafruhani: firefox-3.5 is a separate package10:56
lstarnes!ff35 | safruhani10:56
ubottusafruhani: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY10:56
benno_fra_dkMacMan_it: Booting?10:56
kbpgrawity: so prob it doesnt connect to router...10:56
kbpgrawity: dw let me check10:56
MacMan_itbenno_fra_dk: I get the grub prompt... :-S10:56
safruhanilstarnes: beside firefox, how can i upgrade only a package; using apt-get upgrade package_name ?10:57
benno_fra_dkthats a good thing - grub is installed and booting10:57
lstarnessafruhani: apt-get install package-name10:57
safruhanithanks a lot10:57
kbpgrawity: dw it works now, the cat5 cable was stripped off a little bit lol10:57
kbpgrawity: thank you10:58
benno_fra_dkMacMan_it: you can get the prompt from there and then try to boot your system. Maybe indus can tell you how? I forget.10:58
indushmm what10:58
benno_fra_dkindus, MacMan_it: Well, if you boot and get grub running, you can go into the prompt and manually boot your drive. Do you remember the syntax?11:00
richardcavellMy feeling is that Firefox 3.0.12 is more stable and more compatible than 3.5.1.  Anyone else agree?11:00
indusMacMan_it: benno_fra_dk ok mac you were trying to repair grub i believe, now what is it you would like?11:01
MacMan_itindus: I'd like to have my boot menu back ;-) instead I just have the grub prompt11:01
indusMacMan_it: ohh11:01
indusMacMan_it: you mean reboot takes you to grub prompt11:02
MacMan_itindus: yep. sorry if it wasn't clear11:02
indusMacMan_it: did u mess around with the menu.list?11:02
indusMacMan_it: did u run the final step setup (hdx)11:02
indusMacMan_it: try this , update-grub?11:02
MacMan_itindus: I didn't touch menu.list. I did setup (hd1) and it said success. I will try update-grub now. I just have to boot the live distro again11:03
AlvinwareHow to prevent pidgin auto closed?11:03
indusMacMan_it: how manyh hard drives u have11:03
Devil_killsplease give me the some solution for "Site_NuKe" attack on apache11:04
Devil_killshow to protect my web server11:04
Alvinwareindus, How to prevent pidgin auto closed?11:04
Devil_killsi use ubuntu 9.04 server edition11:04
benno_fra_dkHelp! Trying to connect bluetooth gps. every attempt to communicate returns "invalid exchange". Setting encryption=disable does not fix. (Ubuntu-server, Hardy)11:04
MacMan_itindus: 2 hd. both sata. sda is a hitachi and is connected to a pci controller. sdb is a maxtor and is connected to themobo controller11:04
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indusAlvinware: whats auto closed?11:05
MacMan_itindus: OSs (XP and kubuntu 8.04.3) are both on the maxtor11:05
Alvinwareindus, When i joint the yahoo chat room, and i chats, and then it suddenly closed, the pidgin.11:06
indusAlvinware: aah chat rooms, stay away from them :)11:06
jlamsensAnyone knows what's the best way to make clear to the Ubuntu package maintainers, that it is advised to include a more recent version of a package in the official repository ?11:06
indusAlvinware: try starting pidgin from terminal, then go to that room and when it crashes, check the error11:07
acasaI am back11:07
Alvinwareindus, Just now it closed.11:07
Alvinwareindus, what happen?11:07
acasaCANON PIXMA IP 150011:07
acasaXUBUNTU new user11:07
acasai can seem to find any driver11:08
indusMacMan_it: give me a 1 min11:08
acasahellp me pleas11:08
indusAlvinware: run pidgin from the terminal11:08
MacMan_itindus: np mate take your time. thanks.11:08
babbio_i can't use my T-Mobile Web'n'Walk stick IV on ubuntu 9.04....could you help me please????11:08
Alvinwareindus, how?11:08
psycho_oreosacasa, any driver for what?11:08
indusAlvinware: main menu>accessories>terminal11:09
Alvinwareindus, command?11:09
acasaFor CANON PIXMA IP 1500 printer11:09
solorvoxhey all, is there a way to install desktop alternative CD as a server edition?  I'm on a restricted (3GB/mo) ISP and would like to setup a server without downloading another 800MB. :)11:09
cyberghoser1acasa, http://www.driverfiles.net/Printers/Canon/PIXMA-iP1500/download/page,sh,39297,430,12,.html11:09
Matthaihi, I restarted my machine and sound suddenly stopped working.. any idea how to reinstall it?11:09
indusAlvinware: pidgin11:09
Alvinwarei try it.11:10
fotoflois tehre a newer version of this post (HOWTO: Nightly Backup Via Rsync) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=639979   ?  it seems like its riddled with problems (according to the comments)11:10
indusMacMan_it: i want to see the result of find grub stage 111:10
psycho_oreosMatthai, trace back to what you installed last11:10
psycho_oreosor whatever you did last that made it not work11:10
psycho_oreosor use a cli based media player11:10
psycho_oreoslike mplayer11:10
Alvinwareindus, why did you said stay away from chatroom (Yahoo)?11:11
acasabut thys link is for windows11:11
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cyberghoser1acasa, you need to download the zip and use ndiswrapper11:11
MacMan_itindus: 1 min please11:11
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cyberghoser1no problem :) good luck11:12
jlamsensAnyone knows what's the best way to make clear to the Ubuntu package maintainers, that it is advised to include a more recent version of a package in the official repository ?11:12
psycho_oreosumm isn't ndiswrapper for network devices?11:13
jrib!bugs | jlamsens11:13
ubottujlamsens: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots11:13
indusjlamsens: well, probably the ops will answer that better,but.....11:13
cyberghoser1psycho_oreos, hmmm maybe(isos)11:13
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MacMan_itindus: find /boot/grub/stage1 from the grub prompt returns: Error 15: File not found11:14
psycho_oreoscyberghoser1, I had a gut feeling it was only for wireless cards.. I just double-checked wikipedia and it seems to have second my thoughts that it isn't for other devices apart from network cards11:14
meteor``!info aptitude11:14
ubottuaptitude (source: aptitude): terminal-based package manager. In component main, is important. Version (jaunty), package size 1473 kB, installed size 9676 kB11:14
Alvinwareindus, What's the reason that i have to run pidgin from the terminal?11:14
cyberghoser1psycho_oreos, then u are right actually he need other way indeed :P11:14
indusAlvinware: it will give you error messages etc when it crashes11:14
indus!aptitude | meteor``11:15
ubottumeteor``: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies (on Dapper and earlier, however, only aptitude keeps track of unused dependencies). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide11:15
Alvinwareindus, It'll display in the terminal?11:15
jlamsensindus: isn't that only for bugs "in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives" ? I want a more version of puppetmaster/puppetclient (that contains a lot of bugfixes) to be included in the repo. That is not a bug no ?11:15
indusjlamsens: you need to report on launchpad11:15
indusjlamsens: its the only way to get the devs to agree11:16
Matthaipsycho_oreos, actually I just pulled out my USB key and restarted machine by pulling out electricity11:16
indusjlamsens: its a wishlist but you can file as a bug , they will change it to wishlist when deemed appropriate11:16
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Alvinwareindus, But i have closed my terminal already.11:17
ubottuThe "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the  command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | Manpages online: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/11:17
mathieui06:30:02 [Freenode] DCC aborted receiving file phear468.m00 from Flloder00111:17
mathieuiI lol'd11:17
psycho_oreosMatthai, and you didn't install any new stuff like pulseaudio? maybe you stuffed up the driver *rare case*11:17
indusAlvinware: closed? why?11:17
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Matthaipsycho_oreos, no11:17
Alvinwareindus, It'll display the error massage in the terminal?11:17
MatthaiI had some problem with crypto USB and therefore restarted machine11:17
Matthainow sound is not working11:17
jlamsensindus: thanks, I'll try it11:17
Alvinwareindus, crash mean hardware problem?11:18
indusAlvinware: no software11:18
adam_can any one help why my flash player works one minute and then it does not?11:18
cyberghoser1Matthai, did you check all sound properties that nothing is muted?11:18
indusAlvinware: or could be incompatibility with some hardware11:18
indusAlvinware: just run pidgin from terminal ,and see if it crashes again11:19
indusAlvinware: go to that room and check11:19
Alvinwareindus, could it be some one doing it in remote?11:20
Matthaicyberghoser1, actually, I have internal loudspeaker, which is working, but external is not11:20
randy2009I want user 'nagios' to execute a script, the script contains a command that needs sudo acces. Problem is i don't wanna give user 'nagios' sudo rights. If i add the script in sudoers file with user nagios. User nagios can edit the file (because of sudo access) and execute it as root. How do i solve this problem?11:21
Alvinwareindus, could some one shutting my pidgin remotely?11:21
cyberghoser1Matthai, so when u play for example a video in youtube hulu etc you hear the sound from it?11:21
geirharandy2009: No, sudo only grants access to run it. The file permissions restrict access on who get to write and read it11:22
grawityAlvinware: It probably simply crashes.11:22
jaymacdonaldHow do I sudo root firefox11:22
Alvinwaregrawity, but it occurs again, and agian.11:22
grawityAlvinware: Well, Pidgin is very unstable here too.11:22
grawityAlvinware: Try running 'pidgin' from a terminal -- when it closes, you'll see why.11:23
geirharandy2009: Just make sure you give the user access to only run that command (i.e. don't add it to the admin group)11:23
Alvinwaregrawity, so what's the stable chat client for ubuntu?11:23
grawityAlvinware: Empathy might be an alternative... (Having an empty contact list, I use neither.)11:24
jaymacdonaldDoes anyone know of a LogMeIn.com equalivilent for Ubuntu/Linux?11:24
randy2009ok thanks geirha, i'll try it11:24
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indusAlvinware: i dont think so, but its possible11:25
Alvinwareindus, possible?? then linux not better than wins.11:26
indusAlvinware: i cant tell you that11:27
randy2009geirha, when should i put the command wich requires sudo in another script (thats what other people told me to solve it)11:28
indusif you visit some hacker room ,its possible11:28
lstarnesAlvinware, indus: it's very unlikely that it is being done remotely11:28
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit11:28
indusMacMan_it: hi iam waiting11:29
cyberghoser1Alvinware, can you reproduce it and launch pidgin from a terminal? then take a screenshot and post it to imagebin i want to see that11:29
indusMacMan_it: ill be back after 10 min11:29
MacMan_itindus: ok see you11:29
jaymacdonaldDoes anyone know of a LogMeIn.com equalivilent for Ubuntu/Linux?11:29
grawityjaymacdonald: Would VNC be okay?11:29
jaymacdonaldgrawity: VNC not really, it needs to work behind a corporate firewall11:30
itai_help! one of my partitions got formated into NTFS (by Win7) , does Ubuntu have any recovery software i can save those files with? (i run a dual boot ubuntu/7)11:30
cyberghoser1jaymacdonald, wippien is good enough11:30
jaymacdonaldcyberghoser1: Just Googled that, would that work behind a firewall?11:31
cyberghoser1jaymacdonald, its just like hamachi http://wippien.com/linux.php11:31
nubaehow do I get PPA packages to have a higher priority on install than official repos?11:32
nubaeie... if package has same name11:32
jaymacdonaldcyberghoser1: Ok, thanks11:32
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jribnubae: it's good form to use dch -i to increment the package version and append a suffix like "~nubee".  Then it would work automatically.  Otherwise, /msg ubottu pinning11:33
MacMan_itnubae: you may want to look at chapter 3.10 from this doc: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-apt-get.en.html11:34
egon_ruudaWhat does the i/o errors on fd0 at boot time mean? Faulty partition?11:34
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egon_ruudaalso i removed kde on my system and installed ubuntu-desktop, and now i got no sound.11:36
obhk_my computer often freezes when I look at large pdf files, it's very annoying because the only thing I can do then is restart. Can't I assign a maximum cpu usage or something for that program?11:36
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Lenin_Catcan you run fluxbox under gnome instead of metacity?11:37
moymoyLenin_Cat: you run Fluxbox by itself11:37
grawityLenin_Cat: I'd say "try it and see"11:37
MacMan_itobhk_: maybe your cpu is running too hot?11:38
szczymhelo, could some one help me with 3d effects ? i have jaunty on imac, radeon x1600 and it was working but i installed new drivers from x-swat and now i dont have _any_ composite. Even moves plays bad...11:39
Alvinwareindus, i got the error, but it didn't closed the pidgin, E: shm.c: mmap() failed: Cannot allocate memory.11:39
Lenin_Catmoymoy, its a window manager, it should be able to11:39
obhk_MacMan_it: it's only on large pdf files, I've had the problem a very long time already11:40
grawityAlvinware: You might be out of memory... try free -m11:40
grawityLenin_Cat: Not all window managers work with everything.11:40
grawityLenin_Cat: See ICCCM11:40
Lenin_Catok, how about open or blackbox11:40
szczymwhen i tray to switch on effects, it says cant turn on.11:40
grawityLenin_Cat: Just try it.11:40
Alvinwaregrawity, no i got 3 gb.11:40
MacMan_itobhk_: have you tried a different pdf reader?11:40
Lenin_Catgrawity, I did11:40
moymoyLenin_Cat: i wasn't asking a question. i was suggesting you to run it by itself11:40
obhk_MacMan_it: evince, kpdf and adobe11:40
Lenin_CatI have, but I found no manager drop in cpu/memory use11:40
MacMan_itobhk_: could it be a video hw driver issue?11:41
grawityMetacity is light. (If you want even lighter, try Xfwm.)11:41
Lenin_Catinstead 1% I get 0%11:41
Lenin_Catgrawity, can I install that without install xfce11:41
grawityLenin_Cat: Yes.11:41
moymoyi like pekwm11:41
grawityLenin_Cat: Also, both Metacity and Xfwm have compositing, if you want that. (No Compiz-like effects though.)11:42
obhk_MacMan_it: it might, because it seams to not to be related to one program.  The main problem is that once it freezes, I can't get my computer to do anything else then restart11:42
Lenin_CatI dont use compiz11:42
MacMan_itobhk_: what video card do you have?11:42
Lenin_Catgrawity, I cant find the package xfwm11:42
grawityLenin_Cat: It's xfwm411:42
grawityAnd it _does_ work with GNOME.11:42
acegikmooh dear, I'm getting a bus error while trying to run apt-get. it hangs on building dependency tree and then prints "Bus error"11:43
obhk_MacMan_it: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)11:44
MacMan_itobhk_: oh ok, I've never used intels, so I can't give you a specific suggestion. you may try to find a more recent driver, or maybe it's just a matter of xorg settings...11:46
MacMan_itobhk_: sorry I can't be more helpful11:46
obhk_MacMan_it: ok, thnx11:46
xsdHi,is it possible to install java sdk and netbeans via synaptic ? I don't wan't to use sh ,chmod,etc thanks11:47
bohnehi, is there a powerful terminal application with bookmarks?11:54
grawitybohne: what do you mean 'with bookmarks'?11:55
NqqmNetheyy...anyone who run sxe 7.8?11:55
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xsdthanks Roland,solved11:55
bohnegrawity: i have to manage a lots of servers, i want to bookamarks the connections11:56
grawitybohne: The terminal emulator is completely separate from the shell.11:56
grawitybohne: You could add the servers to ~/.ssh/config11:56
tim__bis there somewhere an option to set which monitor/display to use for gnome-panels in twinview mode?11:57
bohnegrawity: yes i have the key already there, but i don't want to type the server address every time11:57
spaetzbohne: that's what he meant too11:57
spaetzHost a HostName my.long.host11:57
spaetzin .ssh/config11:57
GoogledidnthelpI need help getting the proper drivers installed for my computer. I have an HP TouchSmart IQ770 and I've tried the restricted drivers and Envyng, both install the drivers jjust fine (seemingly) but when I perform the required reboot I get a box that says Ubuntu is running in low graphics mode and that the nvidia device could not be initialized. Any ideas?11:57
grawitybohne: For example:11:58
grawityHost server111:58
grawity  HostName server1.blah.blah.com11:58
grawity  User joe11:58
grawity  Port 123411:58
FloodBot1grawity: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:58
FloodBot3grawity: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:58
grawityHeh, bots are desynced a little11:59
jpdsgrawity: Probably netsplits fault.11:59
bohnegrawity: aha ok thanks11:59
myselfmy fannie smells like a busted lorrie11:59
bohnegrawity: but i will have to type in somthing like open server1?11:59
grawitybohne: Yes.12:00
grawitybohne: What clients are you using -- ssh, ftp, telnet?12:00
Andycapswhat is the best private tracker for HD stuff - 720p-1080p12:00
grawityAndycaps: Do you mean the software, or the website?12:00
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Andycapswebsite ofcourse12:00
grawityAh. Try asking in #ubuntu-ops12:00
bohnegrawity: i need to see them in a list because i'm not able to have names present (even short names=12:01
AndycapsAh well, i just realized i was on the wrong channel12:01
bohnegrawity: i installed konsole because i know it from kubuntu, but12:02
bohnegrawity: konsole and konqueror, do they consume lots of ressources because they need to load kde libs?12:02
grawitybohne: I don't know.12:03
grawityBut probably yes...12:03
Andycapshmm, has anyone had experience with bonding module?12:03
XeniXXHello all i have windows / ubuntu installed and grub12:04
XeniXXi wish to re install windows12:04
XeniXXhow i can restore grub after ?12:05
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:05
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credobyteis it possible to remove NetworkManager applet ( while not removing Notification area ) ?12:10
R1cochetwhen i run 'gdmthemetester <environtment> <theme>' or 'gdmflexiserver --xnest' a window opens and the gdm login comes up but once i click on the window it expands to a resolution larger than my actual screen resolution12:12
judgenHmmm alsa seem to work, but i get no sound with pulse.12:12
R1cochetis there a way to get the window come up at a set resolution and not expand once i click on it?12:13
web5|org|uahow to FIX usb-flash MOUNTING(auto). (I tied edit some option for mount, and now it don't want mount !)12:16
indusweb5|org|ua: what do u mean flash mounting12:17
sHyLoCk_does yahoo workl with kopete?12:17
indussHyLoCk_: yes12:17
sHyLoCk_i cant seem to connect12:17
indussHyLoCk_: webcam works,dont know about sound12:17
sHyLoCk_ny special tweak needed?12:17
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web5|org|uaindus: when i plug my flash-usb, doesn't auto-mount in system !12:17
indussHyLoCk_: well,use only the username before the @ symbol,dont use full name12:17
sHyLoCk_plain chat would be fine for me..i just cant get it connected12:17
LyraHello everybody, I have a question about power management in 9.04. I'm having a problem with overheating and I've read that a good solution is to adjust the cpu frequency, but the information in the forums that I got didn't work. It said to adjust a setting in gconf-editor that didn't exist.12:17
indusweb5|org|ua: ubuntu 9.04?12:17
web5|org|uaindus: yes12:18
induslyra that is not a 'good' solution12:18
Lyraok, whats a better solution?12:18
Lyrathey said to set the governor from ondemand to conservative.12:19
induslyra you can try this > add the frequency scaling applet on gnome panel, and from there you can select conservative12:19
toyimpIs there a way of setting up the update manager to not check for kernel updates?12:19
induslyra but i suggest you take a look at the cabinet for dust12:19
indusprocessors are designed in a way to not overheat at peak capacity, the heat sink fan cmbo should take care of it12:20
Lyrano dust, its a laptop.12:20
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web5|org|uaindus: i think i found solution12:20
induslyra how do you know its over heating? any crashes or shutdowns12:20
indusweb5|org|ua: hmm what one12:20
bohnehi, another question from an kubuntu user, kubuntu restores the state of all application running at the last logout and recreates them on startup, is this possible with ubuntu?12:21
Lyrayes, i can feel the laptop getting really hot and it will just shutdown12:21
web5|org|uaindus: reinstall12:21
induslyra send the laptop for service !12:21
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web5|org|uaindus: system mean12:21
Dr_Willisbohne:  thats a setting in gnome to save the session.. yes..12:21
induslyra no other option12:21
indusweb5|org|ua:  lol reinstall?12:21
indusweb5|org|ua: whats the output of mount12:21
credobytetoyimp: lock it via Synaptic12:21
web5|org|uaindus: not best way, but don't know other yet12:21
Dr_Willisbohne:  system -> prefs -> startup apps -> options tab.12:21
bohneDr_Willis: thank you12:22
moymoyweb5|org|ua: indus isn't have any problems, i don't think12:22
Lyrawell, if I prop up the computer so that the intake has more space between it and the table, this tends not to happen12:22
indusmoymoy:i dont understand12:22
web5|org|uamoymoy: i'm not wo lucky )12:22
web5|org|uamoymoy: i'm not so lucky )12:23
Dr_Willisive seen fluff and fur.. and stuf get into laptop fans befor.12:23
indusweb5|org|ua:does moymoy know your problem?12:23
moymoyindus: lol just thought it was weird he was suggesting you to reinstall (something)12:23
toyimpcredobyte, thanks. If I can't figure out how to do that I'll ask =)12:23
web5|org|uaindus: ok, one moment, i show my problem12:23
indusmoymoy: i too have problems :)12:23
indusmoymoy: but no one can solve it12:23
credobytetoyimp: find your current kernel, open Packages menu and choose "Lock version" - nothing too hard :)12:23
moymoyindus: sounds like Einstein12:23
moymoycredobyte: toyimp: and if you use aptitude, you'll have to lock it in aptitude also12:24
indusmoymoy: ever since i installed 9.04 my dvd drive wont work.,i shifte dto karmic and it still wotn work12:24
ubottuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.12:24
toyimpcredobyte, moymoy, okies. Thanks guys!12:24
credobytemoymoy: no, in aptitude you need to hold it ( instead of "locking" )12:25
indusDr_Willis: is that for me?12:25
moymoyindus: yeah.. is it on IRC all day?12:25
R1cochetwhen i run command `Xnest :1 -geometry 640x480' i get: fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server ":0.0"12:25
moymoycredobyte: you got me ;)12:25
indusmoymoy: i didnt understand12:25
moymoyindus: oh.. i was reading the ubottu thing that was in response to your DVD drive "not working"12:26
Dr_Willis'it dont work... make it work' - > is a tad vague12:26
Dr_Willisit doset play dvd movies is a much different problem then it not reading data disks.. or it not burning disks...12:26
indusmoymoy: Dr_Willis:well, i guessed since scott james remnant of kernel team is probably working on it12:26
indusDr_Willis: its not detected by the ubuntu kernel12:26
Lyraindus: so if I adjust the position just a little it pretty much alleviates the overheating problem, but it makes it very uncomfortable for me to type. I think that a minor decrease in heat production would solve it altogether.12:26
induslyra no i suggest you get it serviced,dust does get into all things12:27
induslyra i had a laptop shutting down on me like this12:27
credobyte%C3so, does anybody know a way to remove NetworkManager tray icon ?12:27
LyraBut I've already blown out the fan with compressed air.12:27
induslyra well, you can try that conservative option but it will just slow down firefox and other stuff12:27
moymoyLyra: are you putting the laptop on your lap?12:27
calwighello guys, one simple question, how can i change my mac address manually (tried macchanger doesnt work) or code it into a file? using ubuntu 8.04 and I would accept any advice in any way :)12:28
Lyrano I'm putting it on a little table12:28
induslyra use a laptop cooling mat if possible12:28
induslyra or increase gap between table and laptop12:28
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indistyloindus what happen ?12:28
Lyraindus, I do that, but it puts the keyboard at a funny angle and makes it uncomfortable12:29
indusindistylo:nothing iam fine thanks12:29
induslyra what processor is it12:29
Lyraand firefox run super fast anyway, a little decrease in performance probably wouldnt be that noticeabl12:29
indistyloE=mc^2  ok indus ..i thought u r having sm problem :)12:29
Lyraturion x2 6412:29
Dr_WillisLyra:  they have those 'cooling racks' you put cakes and cookies on . that make good air-flow helper tables for laptops. :)12:30
induslyra hmm thats a nice proc12:30
Dr_WillisLyra:  i always use thise little  Fan-cooling-pads for my laptops.12:30
induslyra i suggwst a service immediately12:30
Lyraits not bad which is why I think toning down the frequency governor wouldnt impact performance much12:31
boostim taking an error message at opening ubuntu 9.0412:31
indistylo@boost : Hi ...n welcome12:31
induslyra yes you can try of course12:31
credobyteulimit - does this command exist in bash ?12:31
boostaborted because junk in compressed archive12:31
boostinvalid compressed format err=112:31
boostunable to mount root fs on unknown block (0,0) diyor12:31
Lyrasince I'm not using it for anything intensive like gaming12:31
induslyra did you add thte cpu freq scaling applet?12:31
Lyraor multimedia12:31
Lyrajust websurfing12:31
induslyra also, cool and quiet enabled in bios i believe12:31
indusyou need to add two applets so u can control both cores12:32
indusDr_Willis: so any idea about my dvd drive?12:32
indushow to make kernel detect a device12:33
credobyteindus: model ?12:33
Lyraindus, sorry I dropped connection for a second12:33
Dr_Willisindus:  so in short ' the kernel dont see it'  -  older kernels did?12:34
indusDr_Willis: moymoy credobyte its samsung dvd combo drive, error message in dmesg libata1 soft failed device not ready12:34
indusDr_Willis: moymoy credobyte dmesg libata1 soft reset failed device not ready failed due to hardware bug, retry pmp=012:34
indusDr_Willis: credobyte moymoy its an amd chipset bug amd 690 g12:35
indusWorked in hardy and intrepid12:35
indusi have to file a bug for karmic too cos it wont work there either,i want it fixed in karmic12:35
indusalready filed for 9.0412:36
indusok iam done :)12:36
=== You're now known as ubuntulog
LyraSo anyway, how would I go about changing the governor in gnome panel?12:37
indushow do i register a nick12:37
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induslyra right click on panel,add the cpu scaling applet twice12:37
induslyra then right click on applet and change12:38
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Lyrayay! thanks ^.^12:39
Slart!register | indus12:39
ubottuindus: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode12:39
induslyra whats the output of cat /proc/acpi/cpu/thermal_zone12:40
Dr_WillisHe must of overheated.. :)12:40
=== wabineo is now known as wabineo_
induswho me? yeah maybe12:40
=== wabineo_ is now known as wabineo
Pici!nickspam > wabineo12:41
ubottuwabineo, please see my private message12:41
induslyra if you install gkrellm package you can check cpu temperatture12:42
induseven though it always shows my cpu temp as 40 which is a bug12:42
jussi01hi all. in gimp, I have a selected area that I want to be transparent... how do I acheive that?12:42
ikoniajussi01: the selected area - not the unslectd area ?12:43
indusjussi01 need to ask in #gimp?12:43
moymoyindus: i think it's `/msg nickserv register password` and it registers your current nick12:43
ikoniaindus: register information is in #freenode please12:43
indusyes thanks12:43
indusikonia: no need of saying please all th etime :)12:44
jussi01ikonia: hrm, I used the wand to get the selection. its a little weird12:44
ikoniaindus: just being polite12:44
ikoniajussi01: I can do it back to front - but not how you're asking12:44
jussi01basically I have an object on a white background that I want on a transparent background12:44
indusikonia:ermm isnt this a gimp channel question ?12:45
ikoniajussi01: cut the object and paste it onto a new background, but mark the background as "transparant"12:45
ikoniaindus: yes, the guys in #gimp will know better12:45
Picijussi01: Create a new transparent layer, put it in the background and then select inverse and delete when on non-transparent background.12:45
jussi01Pici: ahh, that sounds like a plan, let me try that.12:45
jussi01indus: this is a program in ubuntu, we still offer limited support for it.12:46
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic12:46
indusaah you too are an op?12:46
indusactually its my mistake, i guess its fair enough12:47
Name141I have to remove (rmmod) , then reload (modprobe) the e1000e, to get my Network back up12:47
Name141any ideas?12:47
indusName141: what is this paste about12:47
Dr_Willisjussi01:  add a alpha channel.. and select the stuff ya want transparent and delete  the selection. :)12:47
Name141that is from dmesg12:47
Name141when e1000e is reprobed12:47
Name141indus: that12:48
* Dr_Willis has been watching 'meet the gimp' tutorial videos all week12:48
indusits an intel device12:49
Name141If I was to reset my modem or router, it will go down12:49
Name141and I will have to repeat the same thing again12:49
Name141However , in hardy it worked fine12:49
Name141In Interpid/Jaunty it messes up12:49
indusName141: hmm now which is that file which loads all modules on startup12:50
indusName141: /etc/modules12:50
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit12:50
indusName141: try adding it there12:50
Dedrishi huys12:50
Name141indus: I don't have it installed12:50
Dedriswhere i can find12:50
Name141indus: I am running it live12:50
Dedriswhere i can find rss feed with last film trailer?12:50
Name141indus: it does the same thing either way though12:50
indusName141: i mean you have ubuntu installed right?12:51
Name141indus: no, I am running it live12:51
redbullfxHello Everyone12:51
Name141indus: I installed it yesterday and it did the same thing even with the updates and restructed modules, etc12:51
Dedrishi redbullfx12:51
indusName141: did u add the module to /etc/modules.that works sometimes12:52
Dedriswhere i can find a feed rss12:52
redbullfxNew ubuntu user here. I have a question to ask. Can anyone help?12:52
Dedriswith last trailer12:52
Dedrisof film12:52
Name141indus: even with the module already supposed to be used for it? according to lsmod ?12:52
indusName141: whats the exact module name12:52
Name141indus: e1000e12:52
indusName141: aah ok i have read about this somewhre12:53
=== franck_ is now known as franckz
redbullfxDo windows games have the same Frames per second in linux? anyone?12:53
Name141indus: yes, It seems to happen on Dell Insiron's 530's (my computer).12:53
Dedrishi all , where i can find complete feed rss with trailer of last film?12:53
Dr_Willisredbullfx:  ive had some games in wine. get more.. some get less...12:53
Name141indus: this also happens in Fedora 1012:54
Name141indus: Last I checked12:54
redbullfxDr. Willis: ok great..thank you for your help12:54
indusName141: i suggest you add the line to /etc/modules file so the module is always loaded on start12:54
redbullfxis Wine the best app to use for windows?12:54
indusName141: module name ie12:55
indusName141: e1000 i mean12:55
indusName141: but its for an installed system12:55
Name141indus: but how does that explain if the connection goes down , it doesn't reconnect?12:55
indusName141: nope12:55
Dr_Willisredbullfx:  wine, or one of its variants is basically the only app to run windows executables under linux.. Unless you go the virtual machine route.12:55
Name141indus: I have to rmmod , and reload it12:55
indusName141: wait,there isa good community doc about this12:55
redbullfxDr. Willis, ok... thats all i needed to know..thanks again, have a good one12:56
Name141indus: I didn't have to do such junk with Hardy or in Windows12:56
Name141indus: can you tell me where to look at it12:56
Name141(the URL)12:56
indusName141: i sec12:57
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indusName141: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC12:57
Name141indus: what in the world does EeePC's have to do with this12:58
indusName141: its new :) will work perfect soon,u using Netbook remix?12:59
=== Slart_ is now known as Slart
indusName141: also, please file a bug13:00
Name141indus: Should I try using windows drivers with ndsiwrapper?13:00
Name141indus: how do I file a bug13:00
indus!launchpad | Name14113:00
ubottuName141: Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/13:00
Name141I thought you got your CDs from launchpad13:01
indusName141: iam sure you will find people with similar bugs so what you can do is read that ,many fixes are given by users,which can be followed13:01
indusName141: cd's come from shipit13:01
Dr_WillisOk.. this is confuseing.. You are uaving an issue with a network card that uses the e1000  module?  that is a module for a wired network card right?    you are going to try to use ndiswrappers on a wired network card?13:01
Name141indus: OK13:01
benny_pls support my ubuntu kubuntu community here in Dagupan City philippines13:02
indusName141: wireless problems i believe13:02
Name141indus: I am wired13:02
indusName141: ya ok13:02
indusName141: launchpad is best ,just register there and search or file a bug, you will find similar ones so just subscribe to an existing bug13:03
Name141indus: I am filing one13:03
indusName141: also, ask here is a good option,someone might be having similar issues13:03
indusi dont have eepcs so cant help much13:03
benny_i need to register it on SEC and CDA can anyone help me with the financial13:04
SlurpeeWhat is an easy VPN server to setup?13:04
SlurpeeI am traveling out of the states and can't watch hulu :(   I want to setup a VPN server on my US based server so I can access hulu.13:04
Slurpeepptpd is standard.13:04
Dr_WillisSlurpee:  if you are going to england - you can watch the BBCone  videos then. :)13:05
SlurpeeI am in Australia on holiday.13:05
* vise starts the time bomb13:05
SlurpeeI can't access pandora anymore either :(13:05
SlurpeeI had no idea it wasn't allowed outside of the states.13:05
SlurpeeI have several servers in the states.....just want to know a decent one to setup.13:05
kdubgrooveshark is better than pandora anyways13:07
Slurpeeive never heard of grooveshark13:07
jpdsSlurpee: Maybe openvpn might help?13:07
Slurpeealthough....I already have an awesome pandora station.  I have been working on it forever.13:07
tuntisHi. I was stupid enough to apply updates on my eee 1000HE, and now the wlan does not function again - it's a ralink rt2860, connection shows up but it just fails to connect. access point uses wpa2. any fix?13:07
Slurpeeopenvpn is a server or a client?13:07
jpdsSlurpee: Proxy through one of your servers?13:08
jpdsSlurpee: Both.13:08
sebsebsebtuntis: maybe useless, but13:08
sebsebseb!wireless |  tuntis13:08
ubottutuntis: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs13:08
tuntisi've read it13:08
indusbye folks13:09
benny_tuntis can you support me with my ubuntu community here in dagupan city Philippines13:10
Name141indus: bug has been reported13:10
indusName141: are u sure u didnt find similar bugs?13:10
Rods_TigerWhat exactly is it that causes Ubuntu Netbook Remix on my Acer Aspire One to simply ignore me for ages, each time I want to interact with it?13:10
indusName141: give me bug number13:10
Name141Bug #40835113:10
benny_anyone pls support me with my community13:11
Rods_TigerIt's becoming highly irritating to use, because I know it'll freeze every time I touch it, for a short while.13:11
toyimpanyone know the apt-get bash for the Java JDK?13:11
credobytetoyimp: apt-get bash ? what's that ?13:11
credobytetoyimp: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk sun-java6-fonts ( in case if you meant CLI )13:12
Dr_WillisRods_Tiger:  Hmm.. UNR works good here on my AAO. i am using the normal ubuntu desktop i installed on it. and i followed some tweaks in the AAO forums.13:12
toyimpcredobyte, ah CLI. Thank you :)13:12
Rods_Tigerso you don't mind it ignoring the scrolling every time on a new web page tab?13:12
benno_fra_dkHelp! Trying to connect bluetooth gps. every attempt to communicate returns "invalid exchange". Setting encryption=disable does not fix. (Ubuntu-minimal, Hardy, console)13:13
Rods_Tigerit takes ages to decide to acknowledge my scrolling, then after a while, it'll zip up and down and up and down like crazy13:13
tuntisHi. I was stupid enough to apply updates on my eee 1000HE, and now the wlan does not function again - it's a ralink rt2860, connection shows up but it just fails to connect. access point uses wpa2. any fix?13:13
tux_anyone ever had an issue with Evolution not grabbing pop email via gmail ?13:15
Rods_Tigerand if I switch from the browser to another application, I have to stand in line again while it decides to let me interact eventually13:15
credobytetux_: yes, tough, didn't found a solution ( wasn't able to access it for a few days ).13:15
tux_credobyte, is weird just suddenly decided to stop working today for some reason13:16
Dr_WillisRods_Tiger:  ive never noticed the isue..   you are refering to useing the touchpad 'scroll' areas? or a mousewheel?13:16
turckoHI, anyone know how remove postfix (with apt-get) without remove courrier?13:16
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Rods_Tigerit's embarassing - if I let someone else use it, they ALWAYS want to know what's wrong with my computer. All I can tell them is that I installed Ubuntu on it instead of the one it came with.13:16
credobytetux_: umh, yeah .. that's why I prefer Thunderbird :)13:16
Rods_Tigerthere's no mouse wheel on the Acer Aspire One, it's a pad13:16
nexsja'ello. I plan on reinstalling ubuntu. I have 3 partitions with 3 different mount points. 1: /, 2: /home, 3: /var/www. I wanna format only the first one. Will the others be wiped as well?13:16
Rods_Tigerbut even if you use the normal arrow keys, the same applies13:17
credobytenexsja: no13:17
=== InterCity-125 is now known as The_Toxic_Mite
credobytenexsja: select manual partitioning - choice is up to you ( by default none of them will be formated )13:17
Rods_Tigerother people seem less tolerant of this sluggish and delayed behaviour than I am, but even I'm starting to get highly irritated by it.13:17
Dr_WillisRods_Tiger:  thats why i asked. I dont seem to have the issue here. but i tend to use a mouse with mine.  could be some of the tweaks i did from the AAO forums tweaked the touchpad.  I  am using some example xorg.conf configs from t eh forums13:17
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nexsjacredobyte: possitive? The setup told me, that it'll wipe quote: "(/etc, /bin, /usr, /var, etc...)" that's why i'm asking about /home13:18
nexsjait's not mentioned there, nor does it mention that it won't be wiped13:18
Rods_Tigerforget about the touch pad - even the cursor keys - in fact any form of interaction - is delayed considerably13:18
nexsjaand if i set up the mount points again the same way, everything will stay the same?13:18
Dr_WillisRods_Tiger:  i would say check out the AAO forum threads - see if others have similer issues. there are some kernel boot tweaks/options that may help.13:19
credobytenexsja: when you select manual partition and delete all the existing ones, create a few new ones ( the same mountpoint, the same size ), you'll see that they are not going to be formated ( unchecked ).13:19
Rods_TigerI'm not going to mess about trying to reprogram this thing - it either installs and works, or not13:19
Dr_WillisRods_Tiger:  then just give up.. whatever you want...  aparently you dont want 'help'13:20
Dr_Willisso im not going to waste any more time i guess..13:20
Rods_TigerNo, I don't want to dick about with code and technical stuff. I was just expecting a chorus of other people to join in and say that it's really bad for them too, but they've moved on to xyz linux which is better, or something.13:20
ErnzHi - I have a LUKS partition on an external 1TB disk. It mounts ok, but I want to be able to mount it to /media/garfield instead of the default /media/disk. Is there any way for doing that?13:20
Rods_TigerI'll revert to Linpus Lite.13:21
=== nabeel is now known as Guest31177
orion_now last update vuze .?13:21
Dr_WillisRods_Tiger:  do whatever you want.. have fun.13:21
Rods_TigerI'll try13:21
acegikmoI asked this question earlier but had to dash before catching an answer: what's the best course of action if I get a bus error when apt is trying to build dependency tree?13:21
nexsjacredobyte: mmm... if i delete the partitions won't they be formatted then?! I don't quite get it, actually. I'm afraid that my /home partition will be formatted or won't be assigned currectly as the new mount point :<13:22
Dr_Willisnexsja:  if you 'delete a partition' it becomes 'unallocated'  with no fileystem at all on that area of the disk.13:23
tsaiHi all, I just installed ubuntu 9.04 x64.  The sound was working fine and then stopped working after the restart.  I've been googling for the last few hours with no luck.  Any ideas?13:23
ErnzI don't even need it to automount, I just want to consistently specify WHERE it mounts, so tracker can cache it13:23
TriMehey guys any of you got youtube problems with mozilla and watching a video??? like the screen goes all shity when selecting HQ :: HD :: Fastforwarding?13:23
Dr_WillisErnz:  if you set a proper 'label' on the filesystem - it will mount to that /media/Labelname  or you can mount it specifically from /etc/fstab13:24
credobytenexsja: well, they will be formated only after applying changes .. gparted allows you to modify them ( delete, resize, etc. ) without applying changes asap :)13:24
nexsjaDr_Willis: right, so... It'll be wiped, right? And if now, in the setup, i have "don't use this partition" and i just set it to ext3, and define a mount point - it's okay?13:24
Dr_WillisErnz:  for ext2/3 you use the tune2fs command to set a label.13:24
orion_now last update vuze .3 to 4.2?13:24
ErnzDr_willis - I have tried using e2label to change the ext4 label. It fails. :(13:24
Dr_Willisnexsja:  if you delete a partition,  then make a NEW one in the same place.. and set its type to be ext3.. you need to reformat it to be ext3.13:24
jackdhi everyone. is there a framegrabber software for linux? i mean a software which takes a few shots from a video file and saves it to one jpg.13:25
credobytejackd: ffmpeg13:25
nexsjaDr_Willis: right. So i don't need to delete the partitions.13:25
Dr_WillisErnz:  cant say that ive tried that with ext4 yet..   you could mount it via fstab via UUID and  just have it go where it needs13:25
Dr_Willisnexsja:  you could just 'change its type'  i guess then reformat.. but its not really that big a deal i think13:25
FloodBot3aaron11: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:26
Dr_Willisnexsja:  when using gparted i always delete  it. then remake it.. just to be safe13:26
jackdcredobyte: do you know how to tell ffmpeg to create one jpg where all the frames are inside? i cant do it by hand because it will be a big batch :)13:26
nexsjaDr_Willis: I don't wanna format my /home partition. I've got some data that can't be lost and it's too big to backup right now and i don't have anything to backup on... :<13:27
ErnzAnd Dr_Willis: Because it's a LUKS protected EXT4 partition, the label in nautilus changes from "1000.2 GB Encrypted Data" to "1000.2 GB Media" when it's mounted. But the mount location is still /media/disk.  What device should I actually be changing the label of?13:27
Dr_Willisnexsja:  so .. what are you trying to do then?13:27
credobytejackd: all frames in single jpg pic ?13:27
Dr_WillisErnz:  no idea on LUKS.   see what the mount command says the device is..13:27
nexsjaDr_Willis: Reinstall Ubuntu. And saving all my data on other partitions, and saving the mount points13:27
jackdcredobyte: yeah you will have then small thumbnails from each frame on a big jpg13:27
jribjackd: try imagemagick's montage command13:27
jackdjrib: oh cool. ok will check it out. thx13:28
credobytejackd: ffmpeg -i video.mpg image%d.jpg13:28
ErnzDr_Willis: /dev/mapper/luks_crypto_a775b2fc-18b1-48a4-8f9a-c70406409570 on /media/disk type ext4 rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=hal)13:28
Dr_Willisnexsja:  if home is on its own partition, you can just tell the installer to not touch  your old home.. or perhaps mount it to /oldhome then you can edit the fstab to mount it to /home if you wanted...13:28
credobytejackd: video format is not that important .. just change the values to what you got there :)13:28
jackdcredobyte: cheers dude. i will combine that with jribs solution :)13:28
testiI am trying to open a PDF file (2.3 GB in size) but it says: "Failed to load document"13:28
Qu4R0wguys,have u all heard about broadband "huawei"?13:28
Dr_WillisErnz:  looks like the device name is  /dev/mapper/luks_crypto_a775b2fc-18b1-48a4-8f9a-c70406409570     but i know NOTHING about LUKS.. so  you may want to research it more.13:29
credobytejackd: oh, no .. sorry - it'll create a bunch of images, not a single one ( collage ) :D13:29
testiI created that pdf file using f-spot and the pdf-print function13:29
FloodBot3aaron11: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:29
jackdcredobyte: yeah thats ok. then i can montage the bunch of images with imagick :)13:29
Dr_WillisErnz:  there is a right click/properties, some tabs to set the mountpoint for some filesystems.. but that 'feature' has goofed up on people befor.13:29
credobytejackd: (ok)13:29
nexsjaDr_Willis: so... If right now they're just untouched. And they're marked as unused. If i set their filesystem to ext3 and mount point to /home/ - it will stay the same, no harm done?13:29
server_sidegimp the best editor for images?13:30
Piciaaron11: stop13:30
Pici!best | server_side13:30
ubottuserver_side: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.13:30
credobytetesti: 2GB PDF .. space ship FAQ ?13:30
Dr_Willisnexsja:   if you tell them to not be formated.. yes.. I think so.. but i always just leave my home partition alone during the install.. so im SURE itd not gettting touched.. then i edit the fstab afterwards to put it where it really belongs. :) but im paranoid.13:30
Dr_Willisserver_side:  gimp is for image editing... yes.. it can do that quite well.13:31
trunkXhi people, anyone got time to help for a sec?13:31
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:31
testicredobyte: just photos, printed into PDF13:31
credobytetrunkX: shoot it out13:31
nexsjaDr_Willis: fstab?13:31
Dr_WillisErnz:  right click onteh drive -> properties -> volume tab ->  Settings Item. (but i have heard of those settings goofing up on people befor)13:32
ErnzDr_Willis:  OMFG! That actually worked! HAHAHA! Right click > Properties > Mount Point > "/media/Garfield". I've DC's the HDD and reconnected. Prompted for password, mounted back to Garfield.13:32
ubuntuhi guys.. can i install grub without having linux installed?13:32
Dr_Willisnexsja:  the /etc/fstab file defines where filesystems get mounted..13:32
credobytetesti: Evince, Acrobat .. which one ?13:32
ubuntulike.. if i would want to use grub for windows only?13:32
Dr_WillisErnz:  I would be CAREFULL with that :) i have had peopl;e inhere ask how to 'undo it' when it goofed up.13:32
Billyhi how do i secure a simple webpage visit overtop of the existing security that online shops provide, i wish to hide what i visit from prying eyes, its just a single webpage so nothing perminate is necessary13:32
ErnzDr_Willis: Thanks for your help! Ubuntu FTW yet again.13:32
Dr_WillisErnz:  its an overlooked thing. :)13:32
icqnwhat is the name of a program, which takes a long input, and outputs it step by step to the screen?13:33
ErnzDr_Willis: I like to live dangerously, but I know who's fingers to be breaking if it breaks!13:33
testicredobyte: the standard program for ubuntu, i guess that's evince(?)13:33
nexsjaDr_Willis: mmm... okay, they i'll just leave it as is and later on, i hope you'll be here, you can tell me how to do that, okay? :>13:33
ErnzDr_Willis: Thanks again! Seeya later!13:33
trunkXubottu, alright, thanks. I am having a problem with YouTube videos in fullscreen mode (gets stuck), and slowdowns with other flash-related web applications. I'm using Ubuntu 9.04 and have the latest Adobe flash plugin.13:33
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:33
testiit's called "PDF Betrachter"13:33
Dr_Williswell night all13:33
MacMan_itBilly: what browser do you use?13:33
credobytetesti: try Adobe Reader .. not sure if it really is due to a broken PDF file, but I haven't been able to open a lot of big PDFs13:33
Qu4R0w!nickname > _iron13:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nickname13:34
BillyDr_Willis: I use firefox latest version13:35
Qu4R0w!nickname > __iron13:35
=== user101 is now known as user10
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning13:35
icqnwhat is the name of a program, which takes a long input, and outputs it step by step to the screen?13:35
Qu4R0whi Dr_Willis13:35
MacMan_itBilly: I'm not sure it's what you're looking for, but FF3.5 has a "Private" mode13:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ulimit13:36
MacMan_itBilly: Ctrl+Shift+P for activate it13:36
Billyi was thinking of a ssh tunnel to also hide my location, but does this require another computer13:36
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate13:36
MacMan_itBilly: never used it myself, but I think Tor does that13:37
ubuntuhi guys.. can i install grub without having linux installed? like if i want to use it as a windows-bootloader?13:38
Slarticqn: you mean it splits up the input into separate words?13:38
=== ubuntu is now known as someguy-
legend2440does jaunty livecd installation give an option to choose ext4? if so where?13:38
Slarticqn: or something like "more" or "less"13:38
Slarticqn: or even "most" which I personally like13:39
myselfi want to register the name linux13:40
myselfbut the guy keeps signing back on13:40
Slartmyself: register? as a trademark? or as a nickname?13:40
bazhangmyself, discuss in #freenode13:40
lstarnesmyself: that nick is currently registered to someone else13:41
VSpikeWhy is envyng in 9.04 offering me such old drivers?13:41
trunkXhey guys --- I have the latest version of Ubuntu and the latest flash plugin, but I'm still having YouTube slowdowns in full-screen. I also read online to try and remove all effects... still no help, anyone got an idea?13:41
jackdBilly: https://www.ipredator.se or https://www.vpntunnel.co.uk/ (and tons more) are good vpn providers. both work under linux w/o problems. but not for free... TOR is superb. but sometimes very slow. i recommend a vpn provider which *you trust* if you want to surf private.13:42
=== dabj01 is now known as DrManhattan
VSpikeI believe the current ones are beta: 190.18, official: 185.18.3113:42
VSpikeenvy is offering me 180.44-0ubuntu1 which what is in the repos, afaik13:42
mib_mibi am trying to install java6 on Ubuntu 8.10 - i just did sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk but i am getting this error: http://pastebin.com/d2ba71689 - when i do java -version it works, will java work ok or do i need to reinstall?13:42
SlartVSpike: you would have to ask the guys who write envyng that.. I don't think it installs the "latest" drivers.. just the ones that it was designed to install13:42
ChessguyI can't connect to any game servers for tremulous, and I think it's because of something that's adding blocks to my ip tables (http://pastebin.com/m35591166), any way for me to find the culprit that's causing this problem?13:43
SlartVSpike: if you have to use newer drivers you might be better off installing the ones from the nvidia site13:43
Billythanks jackd, its just for some dildos hubby wont mind :)13:43
icqnSlart, thank you.13:44
VSpikeSlart: I guess alberto is probably busy with his new canonical job and his new x-bus project13:44
VSpikeSlart: yeah, I've certainly done that in the past... but envy is just a friendlier way of doing it :)13:44
SlartVSpike: that might be the reason13:44
VSpikewhile I'm here, has anyone else seen display corruptions like http://picpaste.com/Screenshot_1.png and http://picpaste.com/Screenshot-1.png ?13:45
VSpikeUbuntu 9.04, Nvidia 180.44, 7900GT ... they happen with or without compiz enabled13:46
SEXY_BOYhi all13:46
VSpikeOnly been doing it for a few days, and apart from updates I've made no configuration changes13:46
SlartVSpike: what's wrong with it? the background for google mail?13:46
mib_mibDoes anyone know what that error is from? It says "Your account has expired; please contact your system administrator" when trying to configure avhi-daemon but i' mnot sure why13:47
VSpikeSlart: yeah, the black areas in the lower half of FF - sometimes I get the same on the status bar too13:47
SlartVSpike: hmm.. never seen that before... sorry13:47
=== palomer is now known as whoknows
__iron!nickname > __iron13:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nickname13:48
=== nabeel is now known as Guest71657
Slart!register | __iron13:49
ubottu__iron: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode13:49
credobyte!nickname | aaron1113:49
gauravusing ubuntu..internet gets disconnected automatically after sometime13:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nickname13:49
gauravanyone to help?13:49
Slartahem.. no means no.. even with ubuntu.. will people stop pestering him about the !nickname factoid =)13:50
nymphonixI need help with some sound. I am using Ubuntu 9.04 and have no sound. I have a Creative Labs CA0106 SB card, and a built in one on the mobo. I get sound when I log out and get the drum sound, but nothing when I am actually logged in using Rhythmbox or anything else. Help please!13:50
=== yacc_ is now known as yacc
Slartgaurav: you might want to add some details to that.. what kind of connection are you using, wired or wi-fi? anything in the syslog? other error messages? version of ubuntu and so on13:51
Slartnymphonix: are you using pulseaudio?13:51
DjAngo23Hello everyone. How is it called when the screen of an application becomes gray, and unclicable ?13:52
HalabundHow can I add a (network) printer in Ubuntu?  I suspect thatsomething got broken in my Ubuntu, in System -> Administration -> Printer configuration, the Server -> New -> Printer menu option is disabled .... Any hints on how to fix it?13:52
SlartDjAngo23: well.. it's a compiz feature when an app becomes unresponsive.. there is a setting in ccsm13:52
nymphonixSlart, I have Pulseaudio installed, but it seems to only want to select my motherboard's sound, and a whole lot of other crap I'm not familiar with.13:52
Slartnymphonix: have you installed the padevchooser? "sudo apt-get install padevchooser" will install it for you.. then you can find it in applications, sound & video, pulseaudio device chooser13:54
ibrarAny body expert on EVDO here13:54
Slartnymphonix: see if it wants to play the sound using the wrong sound card13:54
bazhangSlart, you sure that is not pavucontrol? I dont see pavdevchooser package13:55
Slart!info padevchooser13:55
ubottupadevchooser (source: padevchooser): PulseAudio Device Chooser. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.3-2ubuntu4 (jaunty), package size 19 kB, installed size 132 kB13:55
rockohi everyone13:55
bazhangah padev13:55
rockohow do I change the defualt app to open cds with ?13:56
Slartbazhang: hmm.. not sure which one it is actually.. it might be the volume control or device chooser13:56
needhelphello everyone13:56
bazhangSlart, I spelled it wrong, thanks13:56
needhelpI saved all my files through APT-ON-CD.. NOw i want to install ONly codecs from them13:56
needhelpHOw can I?13:56
Slartnymphonix: try running this command too.. "sudo apt-get install pavucontrol"13:56
nymphonixSlart, already the newest version is installed on both.13:57
Slartnymphonix: the device chooser is a small app that lives in the task tray and lets you get to the settings a bit faster.. pa volume control is the app that you can use to change where the sound is being played13:57
HalabundHello!  How can a (network) printer be added in Ubuntu?  I suspect that something is broken in my Ubuntu, in System -> Administration -> Printer configuration, the Server -> New -> Printer menu option is disabled .... Any hints on how to fix it?13:57
Slartnymphonix: ok.. if you try running the pavucontrol you should get a window with a small volume control for each app.. right?13:58
jacky_broi heard  ubuntu base on debian .. i'm not familer with ubuntu .. can i have some useful cmd for ubuntu or debian13:58
masqueradejacky_bro: what are you searching for exactly?13:58
coz_Halabund,   try here   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu13:59
masqueraderocko: hi13:59
masqueradeis anyone here from london?13:59
jacky_bromasquerade:  i have to start ubuntu from now on ..13:59
jacky_brojust beginner13:59
rockono but I know someone from london masquerade13:59
DjAngo23Any idea anyone that when i upload a file with SWFUpload, (http://demo.swfupload.org/v220/simpledemo/index.php) my browser hang (become gray)... ?13:59
bazhangmasquerade, try #ubuntu-uk13:59
rockohis name is tommy james14:00
jacky_brodo no know their cmd ..14:00
rockohe is a programer14:00
masqueradebazhang: good idea thanks14:00
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:00
nymphonixlooks about right, Slart. Everything looks to be up to 100% volume. I see one output device for "CA0106 - CA0106", which i assume is the SB i need, and Nvidia CK80414:00
Slartnymphonix: alright.. but you still don't get any sound?14:00
Halabundcoz_: I can't even follow the instructions there: I can't select "Settings" in the Server menu of Printer configuration because that point is disabled ...  IIRC this used to work a month ago, but now it doesn't ...14:01
nymphonixSlart, nope. if i do the "log out" then I at least hear the drum sounds. so i know it's not the speakers and the sound card is installed properly and snug.14:01
nymphonixit has a bad habit of coming loose if i move the tower around.14:01
someguy-I need to launch Grub from CD, so i can boot windows and linux, but without a bootloader on the harddisk14:02
someguy-how can i do that?14:02
Slartnymphonix: ok.. try opening a terminal and run this command "aplay /dev/urandom", you might want to lower the volume on your speakers or similar first.. it will make some random noise which can be quite loud if the volume is turned up14:02
trunkXhey guys --- I have the latest version of Ubuntu and the latest flash plugin, but I'm still having YouTube slowdowns in full-screen. I also read online to try and remove all effects... still no help, anyone got an idea?14:03
nymphonixSlart, i hear that. static noise.14:04
SlarttrunkX: I have never been able to play full screen youtube movies with ubuntu.. not sure if it's because I'm on 64bit or if it's just adobe being bad14:04
Slartnymphonix: alright.. then it's probably the app that is configured wrong.. what app are you trying to get sound from?14:04
nymphonixwell right now it's rhythmbox for mp3s. but i also just tried using generic movie player for an .avi14:05
nymphonixjust to test if it was application specific.14:05
trunkXwell, I'm actually not on 64bit so it's supposed to be running well, afaik14:05
sebsebsebsomeguy-: I think you can make a bootable  Grub  CD,  well  floppys can be made that's for sure14:06
Slartnymphonix: try starting that app again and see if it shows up in the pulseaudio volume control14:06
sebsebsebsomeguy-: as for the details on how to do that I don't know, but a Google should bring it up14:06
someguy-hmm kay14:06
jacky_brocan i install  ubuntu 9.04 server version on a normal pc ?14:07
Slartjacky_bro: yes14:07
nymphonixSlart, rhythmbox is running right now and playing an .mp3, but when i open up the PA audio control, i don't see anything. in the "Playback" tab all I see is system sounds.14:08
Slartjacky_bro: it's really just a different configuration and a slightly differently configured kernel.. no major differences14:08
jacky_brothank  Slart14:08
Slartnymphonix: try checking the settings in rythmbox.. see if it's using plain alsa or something like that14:08
jacky_broit's the first time installing ubuntu14:08
greyfoxCan some one help me please ?14:08
Slartgreyfox: just ask your question14:08
sebsebsebsomeguy-: good luck14:08
sebsebsebgreyfox: with?14:08
someguy-sebsebseb: thanks14:09
greyfoxwhen I use the sound in the firefow browser , the Desktop sound disappear14:09
greyfoxwhat's the problem ?14:09
sebsebsebsomeguy-: no probs14:09
sebsebsebgreyfox: sound in Firefox? you mean Flash?14:09
greyfoxsebsebseb : propably14:10
sebsebsebgreyfox: the desktop sound disappears?   you mean what exactly?14:10
SlartSymmetria: I just tried our rythmbox and it shows up in my volume control. I didn't see any settings for it though14:10
Slartoops.. sorry Symmetria, wrong nick14:10
greyfoxsebsebseb : When I play a sound on the browser , the desktop sound will disapear and I won't hear any music I run on my desktop, but I can head only the music on the browser14:10
Slartnymphonix: I just tried out rythmbox and it shows up in my volume control. I didn't see any settings for it though14:10
nymphonixSlart, Ummm ... not exactly seeing anything in Rhythmbox that says anything about Alsa.14:11
sebsebsebgreyfox: Music in  browser? and in a player? which?14:11
Slartnymphonix: you might want to check your settings in system, preferences, sound.. and check that everything is set to use pulseaudio14:11
greyfoxsebsebseb : All playes, vlc movie player...etc14:11
greyfoxsebsebseb : It's a problem with Ubuntu14:11
sebsebsebgreyfox: by the sounds of it for whatever reason,  only one proccess is taking over your sound,  well there's a command that can be run, that should probably fix it, temporarily at least14:11
greyfoxnot the browser14:11
sebsebsebgreyfox: hold on as I get the command14:11
Slartnymphonix: Sound Events: Pulseaudio Sound Server, Music and Movies : Pulseaudio Sound Server and so on14:12
greyfoxsebsebseb : I fixed ^^14:13
HalabundI think my CUPS is broken.  Most options are disabled in the "Printer configuration" program.  Practically only the Server -> Connect... option is not disabled.  When I try to use that (with the default value 'localhost'), it is telling me that "operation: 'httpConnectionEncrypt'" failed.  I did not mess with CUPS at all (however it was updated recently, automatically.  I haven't the slightest idea how to fix this. :(((  Can someone please help?14:13
sebsebsebgreyfox: how?14:13
greyfoxsebsebseb : I killed the firefox process14:13
greyfoxnow the sound is working14:13
sebsebsebgreyfox: yeah I was going to say, that's another  way to do it14:13
sebsebsebgreyfox: however the command14:13
sebsebsebgreyfox: :)14:13
raymondjtothhow i move i file if get Permission denied in ubuntu 9.04 trying to put new intel 3945 wirless driver in14:13
raymondjtothwhat i do14:14
deexannihilate1Can someone please assist me in fixing the wireless driver on my computer. It frequently disconnects and is not very stable at all. I am using an acer Aspire d250 and this is a known issue. My last attempt at fixing it, following http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=902860&highlight=Atheros+Communications+Inc.+AR242x+802.11abg&page=6 (I believe it was page 1, #7 or 8), turned out disastrous. Any guided help is greatly apprec14:14
Slartraymondjtoth: sudo mv   should work14:14
sebsebsebgreyfox: you can try this next time you have the problem then14:14
sebsebsebgreyfox: I assume there will be a next time14:14
greyfoxsebsebseb : show the command14:14
greyfoxOf course ^^14:14
raymondjtothslate how i do this14:14
Slartraymondjtoth: but be careful, as always =)14:14
raymondjtoth\never did that14:14
greyfoxIt happens to me constantly14:14
HalabundShould I try reinstalling CUPS using Synaptic, or ... ?14:14
Slartraymondjtoth: what file is it you want to move? where do you want to move it?14:14
sebsebsebgreyfox: killall pulseaudio && sudo alsa force-reload14:15
greyfoxsebsebseb : Thanks14:15
sebsebsebgreyfox: no probs :)14:15
raymondjtothwant newer version of it14:15
nymphonixSlart, I got the mp3 playing in vlc. I just installed that with the pulseaudio plugin. now to see if it will work in rhythmbox et all.14:15
nymphonixand wow it's fuzzy sounding.  i'll have to tweak that14:15
sebsebsebgreyfox: killall pulseaudio && sudo alsa force-reload   great command :)14:15
raymondjtothi all ways love new driver for my intel wireless driver 3945 slate14:16
greyfoxwhat's the alsa command ?14:16
raymondjtothim on dell e150514:16
Slartnymphonix: ah.. so it's just rythmbox being difficult then?14:16
sebsebsebgreyfox: I don't know, sound isn't really  my area,  but  then I  would lose sound  every now and again,  and someone gave me that command and :)14:16
linduxedif i delete a group, is there anything i should restart (or something like that) to have the changes take effect?14:16
raymondjtothslate how i get the new intel wireless 3945 abg drivers?14:16
raymondjtothso i uptodate14:16
sebsebsebgreyfox: or what are you asking? what's alsa?14:17
Slartraymondjtoth: I have no idea..  (my nick is Slart as in S L A R T14:17
vanhello, i have a new laptop and just installed ubuntu 9.04, but sound and wlan do not work14:17
sebsebsebgreyfox: there are differnet ways to do sound in Linux,   pulseaudio uses alsa14:17
vanand ubuntuusers.de does not really help me14:17
nexsjaIf i'd be a religeous person i'd thank god and the wonderful people that made Ubuntu.14:17
sebsebsebgreyfox: Google it :)14:17
raymondjtothslart o ok can i use the intellinuxwireless14:18
sebsebsebvan: on the Live CD?14:18
Slartraymondjtoth: I don't really know.. I don't use wireless with ubuntu.. perhaps someone else knows14:18
raymondjtothany one deal with wireless here14:18
nexsjacredobyte, i've reinstalled ubuntu perfectly. Everything is just perfect. Though only one thing bothers me. I forgot how to enable 'other' repos. Multiverse is enabled. though...14:18
raymondjtothon ubuntu 9.0414:18
jribraymondjtoth: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)14:18
hanbin973cd /ubuntu-ko14:19
sebsebseb!wireless |   raymondjtoth  van14:19
ubotturaymondjtoth  van: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs14:19
raymondjtothjrv o ok14:19
nexsjacredobyte, i've done the !clone thingy. Trying to run "sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install" but none of the packages can be located :<14:19
nymphonixSlart, now rhythmbox shows up in the volume control. very odd. i guess that vlc plugin did the trick, even for rhythmbox. *confused*14:19
Slartnymphonix: did you change the settings in system, preferences, sound?14:19
jribnexsja: have you run « sudo apt-get update » ?14:19
ClouseHi there all all again, I have copied some files from one users home directory for another users home dir and now there are padlocks on them, so how do I get rid of the permissions and the padlocks?14:20
nymphonixSlart, and since you have been so helpful, do you have any clue on getting full 5.1/7.1 sound out of these things? It is definitely fuzzy and only coming out of the front speakers.14:20
VegaStarGood eveving14:20
vansebsebseb, i have already installed it. i know ubuntu from my previous laptop. and on vista everything works fine14:20
nexsjajrib, not yet. I was thinking i'll run that later, when i'll get all the packages. I have to do that now, i understand?14:20
nymphonixSlart, yeah. they are all pointing to the pulseaudio server now.14:20
deexannihilate1Can someone please help me fix my wireless?14:20
jribClouse: you must chown them to the new user14:20
jrib!permissions > Clouse14:20
ubottuClouse, please see my private message14:20
raymondjtothseb donty show my card for ubuntu 9.04 i have intel 3945 abg14:20
jribdeexannihilate1: just ask your question14:20
Slartnymphonix: hang on.. phonecall14:20
VeXaToRHi, got a prob: Videos (like flash) run very slowly using shiretoko 3.5.3pre with ubuntu 9.04 jaunty. Sound works arlight.14:20
sebsebsebvan: yeah well just, because everything works fine with Ubuntu on another lap top,  or in Vista,  won't mean it will all just work with your current14:20
jribnexsja: yes14:20
nexsjajrib, okay, that'll fix it?14:21
sebsebsebvan: some lap tops are better with Ubuntu than others14:21
nymphonixSlart, no worries. the irony of all this is that this is going to be my "htpc" set up.14:21
jribnexsja: apt-get update just refreshes package lists14:21
nymphonixhtpc with no sound ... awesome.14:21
nexsjajrib, oh, okay. :)14:21
Clousejrib: OK14:21
vansebsebseb, i understand :-)14:21
gnomefreakVeXaToR: 3.5.1 is in Jaunty repos14:21
credobytenexsja: haven't tried any cloning yet, so .. can't help you with this.14:21
vanbut i do not want to walk away from ubuntu having been content with it14:21
nexsjacredobyte, works like a charm.14:22
gnomefreakVeXaToR: yes Ubuntu repositories. where did you get yours from?14:22
deexannihilate1Can someone please assist me in fixing the wireless driver on my computer. It frequently disconnects and is not very stable at all. I am using an acer Aspire d250 and this is a known issue. My last attempt at fixing it, following http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=902860&highlight=Atheros+Communications+Inc.+AR242x+802.11abg&page=6 (I believe it was page 1, #7 or 8), turned out disastrous. Any guided help is greatly apprec14:22
VegaStarI am typing sudo tune2fs -c 1 /dev/sda3 it says Setting maximal mount count to 1 but on the next restart nothing happens14:22
sebsebsebvan: what kind of lap top?14:22
VeXaToRsudo apt-get firefox-3.5 :)14:22
nexsjacredobyte, after reinstalling, when the system booted and i saw my desktop just the same as i left it... I felt so much love for ubuntu that i almost shed a tear :))))14:22
gnomefreakVeXaToR: not from official repos you didnt14:23
danbhfivedeexannihilate: do you know LBM?14:23
vansebsebseb: i have a asus x5dij14:23
deexannihilatedanbhfive: nope14:23
jribVegaStar: why are you doing this?14:23
vanand currently someone tries to help me on linus-wireless14:23
gnomefreakVeXaToR: did you get it from a PPA?14:23
credobytenexsja: (ok)14:23
VegaStarto check the disk in the next restart14:23
danbhfivedeexannihilate: sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-(release)  ?14:23
vansound does not work, although everything is switched on14:23
VeXaToRGeek friend  of mine helped me, I had the same probs with older FF versions.14:23
sebsebsebvan: sound and wireless are pretty common issues when it comes to Ubuntu on lap tops,  thing is sometimes   other distros such as Mandriva  may just work  for the wireless, and I guess maybe sound as well,  when  Ubuntu won't14:23
jribVegaStar: just do 'sudo touch /forcefsck' assuming / is the root of the partition14:24
VeXaToRWe added the url to third party sources and then -> sudo apt-get firefox-3.514:24
rockohello everyone14:24
Slartnymphonix: there.. back again.. all speakers you say.. I've only used 2.0 setups myself.. but from what I've heard from forums and such 5.1 sound should work if you are actually playing 5.1 audio.. ie not a stereo mp314:24
VegaStarOK I will try this to see if it works14:24
gnomefreakVeXaToR: in treminal type apt-cache policy firefox-3.5 and tell me what the installed line says. *only* the installed line14:24
koolhead3my netbook hangs at shutting down ALSA at time of shutdown14:24
koolhead3help/suggestion needed14:25
icerootkoolhead3: 8.04?14:25
VegaStarBy the way is there a fix for very slow Intel Graphics in my M70 Toshiba laptop?14:25
jribVegaStar: if you want to do it your way I would set -C to some value like 99914:25
deexannihilatedanbhfive: I'm using remix 9.04. What should I enter for release?14:25
Slartnymphonix: I think you're looking for something that will convert stereo sound to 5.1 sound to make full use of all your speakers.. there might be plugins for that.. or you might be able to do some tricky stuff with alsa.. but I don't know of any specifics I'm afraid14:25
icerootkoolhead3: there was a bug in 8.04 with shutting down audio14:25
danbhfivedeexannihilate: jaunty14:25
VeXaToRgnomefreak, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWnCN_dPDWY&feature=popular14:25
koolhead3iceroot: what is the way out14:25
deexannihilatejaunty-9.04? Sorry, I'm very new to this14:25
VeXaToRgnomefreak, Sry. Installiert: 3.5.3~hg20090731r26184+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd1~jaunty14:26
koolhead3i cannot manully shutdown my netbook every time14:26
gnomefreakVeXaToR: we dont support 3rd party repos. please send an email to ubuntu-mozillateam@lists.ubuntu.com14:26
VeXaToRgnomefreak, Surio, thx anyway. :)14:26
gnomefreakVeXaToR: i will answer your questions there or in #ubuntu-mozillateam but your best bet is the mailing lists14:26
jribVegaStar: note that after reading the man page it may be a better idea to use the -C method I described.  forcefsck may only work for /14:26
icerootkoolhead3: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC/Fixes  look at the bottm with audio shutdown14:26
Clousejrib: Thanks for that, I am just trying to work out if there is a switch to chown all sub directorys and files under the directory?14:26
danbhfivedeexannihilate: if you tried the madwifi stuff, you may need to remove that.  Im don't really know how to do that...    sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-jaunty14:26
aaron11can i remote someone14:26
darehmm, is it usual for files/directories you write to a ntfs partition in ubuntu to not show up in windows? they don't show even after running ntfsfix + chkdsk14:26
jribClouse: -R14:26
gnomefreakVeXaToR: also please dont post youtube links that have nothing to do with Ubuntu support14:27
VeXaToRgnomefreak, I could hop over to #ubuntu-mozillateam anytim.14:27
deexannihilatedanbhfive: and my connection keeps disconnecting. sorry! jaunty-9.04?14:27
gnomefreakVeXaToR: i only have a couple of minutes at this time.14:27
Clousejrib: Thanks again.14:27
danbhfivedeexannihilate: sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-jaunty-generic14:27
VeXaToRgnomefreak, Thx anyway.14:27
gnomefreakVeXaToR: hope over there but not much that can be done off top of my head14:27
danbhfivedeexannihilate: if you tried the madwifi stuff, you may need to remove that.  Im don't really know how to do that...14:27
dareblacklist ath_pci in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf14:28
bernardlychanhey my ubuntu keeps freezing a few minutes after login. icant do anything except move mouse14:28
Chessguywhen I try to connect to tremulous game servers, it won't connect, I'm thinking it's because of some blocks in my IP tables (http://pastebin.com/m35591166), any way to find what it causing this?14:28
koolhead3iceroot: got it http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=98769914:29
nexsjajrib, hm... still can't find the packages. Restart required?14:31
nexsjaohm, wait... o_O14:31
nexsjacouldn't find only several... Yay! :))14:32
sipiorChessguy: flush your iptables ruleset (preferably after saving them first...), and then see if you can connect. If so, add back rules until you can no longer connect.14:32
s000501I use 'rsync' and  'sendmail' in a bash script to synchronize some data and get status updates via e-mail, but using 'crond' I get the error "line 104: sendmail: command not found"; any ideas?14:32
VegaStarHello again...14:46
VegaStarsudo touch /forcefsck didn't work14:46
VegaStarneither sudo tune2fs -c 1 /dev/sda314:46
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kdubs000501: cron does not have a $PATH. you need to specify the absolute path to the sendmail executable14:46
VegaStarIs there a configuration file to change 30 to 1 for disk check during boot ?14:46
geirhaVegaStar: What are the last two fields of the fstab line for that partition? Is it 0 0 ?14:47
s000501kdub: and, just interested, why does 'rsync' work without full path specification?14:47
VegaStarLets see14:47
VegaStarOh! I have commented all lines in /etc/fstab and it still boots!!!14:49
VegaStarI was playin with this in the past14:50
VegaStarI assume that I must uncomment14:50
geirhaVegaStar: Even / is commented?14:50
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit14:51
kdubs000501: no idea :P14:52
shadeslayerhi i need help with dvdrip14:52
s000501Is there a difference when using ';' or '&&' between commands in cron jobs?14:54
LordLandons000501: if you use && the second command will only be carried out if the first sucesedes.14:55
theatros000501, with && the next command will be executed only if the first command didnt failed14:55
grawitys000501: With "command1; command2", command2 will always be run.14:55
Picis000501: ; means to run the second command regardless of the first's exit status, && will only run if the first command exists successfully. || if you want to run the second command if the first fails.14:55
* LordLandon chews on theatro grawity and Pici 14:55
s000501but the commands are in both cases executed consecutively?14:56
LordLandons000501: no, one after the other14:57
JenniferB3how can I detect files that aren't added to the svn in a (svn checked out) folder and add those ?14:57
deexannihilate1what is the correct way to enter this in the terminal: sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r)14:57
grawitydeexannihilate1: Exactly like that, I suppose.14:57
gafirHello,  Has anybody been able to set up Tor using Vidalia in Ubuntu?14:57
gafirI have installed tor, privoxy, and Vidalia14:58
gafirbut I'm not sure whether Vidalia is using privoxy or not14:58
gafirby default14:58
deexannihilate1Has is disscontect again already?!14:58
bernardlychanhey after a few mins after i login. ubuntu freezes and nothing cna move except for mouse14:59
bernardlychanany ideas?14:59
deexannihilate2What is the correct way  to enter this into the terminal: sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r)14:59
deexannihilate2 ?14:59
shadeslayerhi i need to rip a DVD with dvdrip,can someone help me?14:59
LordLandondeexannihilate2: with a keyboard14:59
grawitygafir: Do you _need_ privoxy?15:00
m1dlgbernardlychan, Does it do it when using live disk? if it does the issue is probably a hardware issue, if not then it's outside my league! I'd check with live disk first (over heating and similar issues can be eliminated that way.)15:01
bernardlychano ok. how do i do a live disk check?15:01
nexsjacan anybody suggest a nice 'desktop-video-recording' software?15:02
m1dlgGo to ubuntu.com, download copy of disk, burn it then boot from it15:02
iceroothow to remove xubuntu-desktop correctly?15:02
wuzeiiceroot: aptget or it's frontend in xubuntu15:03
shadeslayernexsja: deskscribe15:03
deexannihilateGrr.. this wireless connection is going to be the death of me. Do I input my computer user name for uname?.15:03
bernardlychanm1dlg: can i just click try ubuntu without making any changes?15:03
icerootwuzei: wrong, xubuntu-desktop is a metapackage15:03
Sirisian|Work_Does ubuntu 8.04 server update by itself or anything? I've had cups installed for like a year and all of a sudden on the web interface it won't allow login as root. The cups dev said "Something must have changed in one of the support libraries that CUPS uses" and said it was probably something with ubuntu, but apart from just formatting it which I could I'm curious as to what could have change. Is there a way to query all changes to a server? M15:03
Sirisian|Work_aybe package wise.15:03
Slartdeexannihilate2: "sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r`" should work15:03
shadeslayer!info deskscribe | nexsja15:03
ubottunexsja: deskscribe (source: deskscribe): A suite of tools for recording a user's desktop activity. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.2-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 34 kB, installed size 420 kB15:03
nexsjashadeslayer, thanks!15:04
SlartLordLandon: not really helpful.. play nice15:04
shadeslayernexsja: theres also istanbul15:04
shadeslayernexsja: or recordmydesktop15:04
Slartdeexannihilate2: or you can install the linux headers using synaptic.. point'n'click15:04
m1dlgbernardlychan, the live disk is a working enviroment that allows you to run most applications from the disk without touching the existing installtion15:05
bastidrazoriceroot, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome  it has the command to completely remove xubuntu15:05
shadeslayerhow do i rip DVD's ?15:05
bernardlychankk. so i download the live disk from ubuntu website15:06
m1dlgMy problem is I was just copying several 100's of Gb from one drive to another when the screen blanked and the desktop icons have gone and so has my windows and copying files box, how do i restore these wityhout a reboot?15:06
icerootbastidrazor: thx15:06
m1dlgbernardlychan, I don't know that it will solve your problem, but it will allow you to eliminate the possiblility that it's hardware, it's a hand disk to have lying around anyway.15:06
bernardlychank thx mate15:07
Rodrigogood morning15:08
PadhuIs ibus package is available for ubuntu 8.10?15:08
PadhuROdrigo: Good Evening15:09
reborn3hi ubuntuers15:11
Detrixneed some help with nvidia driver.  I downloaded the latest nvidia driver, it compiled the new driver and installed it, but the current nvidia module has a different version so now X will not start.15:12
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sebsebsebDetrix: you got it from their website?15:13
Detrixsebsebseb: yes15:13
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit15:13
Clousejrib: When I try the chown command as "sudo chown <username> -R" I get this error; chown: missing operand after <username>. What am I doing wrong?15:14
sebsebsebDetrix: ok that's your problem then, those tend to brake, get it from the Ubuntu repo15:14
acr0nymgotta love netsplits15:14
bastidrazorClouse, sudo chown -R username folderhere15:14
Detrixsebsebseb: thanx.15:14
PiciClouse: you need to specify the file or path you're chowning15:14
sebsebsebDetrix: oh yeah and if you do an xfix in recovery mode15:15
sebsebsebDetrix: it should get rid of the other one15:15
ClouseOf course, silly me.15:15
ClouseThanks you guys.15:15
diddyHow can I remove azureus from my system?15:16
OkropNickany idea how to force brightness buttons to work with ubuntu 9.04 and notebook dell latitude c640 ?15:16
diddyI did a dpkg -P azureus but the files are still there.15:16
Detrixsebsebseb: thanx again...I dont seem to have xfix15:16
moymoydiddy: remove it using synaptic or just `sudo aptitude remove azureus`15:17
Rodrigoinstalled ubuntu 9.04 in hd15:17
Rodrigoand the grub in floppy15:17
sebsebsebDetrix: the Grub recovery mode15:17
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:17
Rodrigowant to use windows bootloader to boot ubuntu15:17
=== suigeneris is now known as f0und
sebsebsebDetrix: the boot loader15:17
Detrixsebsebseb: ahhh.. ok15:17
saivinhi I have problem with cheese, it says no camera found15:17
sebsebsebDetrix: no probs15:17
Datz1Hello. I'm trying to re-install samba, but I keep getting an error :  E: samba: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 --Can anybody help me fix this?>15:18
diddymoymoy, I did: sudo aptitude remove azureus but the .azureus folder in my home dir is still there.15:18
toyimpDoes CVS or SVN for versioning with NetBeans not work on Ubuntu or something??15:18
Rodrigoinstalled ubuntu 9.04 in hd15:18
Rodrigoand the grub in floppy15:18
bastidrazordiddy, apt-get remove --purge azureus15:18
Rodrigowant to use windows bootloader to boot ubuntu15:18
FloodBot1Rodrigo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:19
FloodBot3Rodrigo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:19
sebsebsebRodrigo: why?15:19
Picididdy: Removing a package will never delete per using settings, such as those stored in your home directory. You'd need to delete that manually.15:19
saivin'Cheese' is not recognizing my camera15:19
Detrixsebsebseb: whats the apt command for getting the nvidia driver from the repo??15:19
sebsebsebDetrix: don't know, but once you done the xfix15:19
sebsebsebDetrix: system >  administration > hardware drivers15:19
revamporaHey, does anyone have experience installing Zmanda for MySQL on Ubutnu?15:19
moymoydiddy: the .azureus folder in your home folder are just the configuration files.. you can delete that yourself15:19
saivinbut dmesg | grep cam says: [   12.007451] uvcvideo: Found UVC 1.00 device Laptop Integrated Webcam (05a9:2640)15:20
moymoydiddy: package managers usually leave the configuration files15:20
diddymoymoy I thought the purge command would delete the config files.15:20
Datz1Hello. I'm trying to re-install samba, but I keep getting an error :  E: samba:subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 --Can anybody help me fix this?15:20
diddyPici, IC15:20
diddymoymoy, OK15:20
Detrixsebsebseb: Ok did xfix rebooting seems to be working....thanx.15:21
panfisthow can i search a directory for files containing a certain string?15:22
sebsebsebDetrix: no probs15:22
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Detrixsebsebseb: but now to get my resolutions back....argh15:22
diddyI have 3 gnome folders in my home dir. .gnome, gnome2, gnome_private. Do I need all of them?15:22
Picipanfist: grep -Rl "string" /path/15:22
diddyI have 3 gnome folders in my home dir. .gnome, .gnome2, .gnome_private. Do I need all of them?15:22
grawitypanfist: Or grep -R "string" /path/15:23
Picididdy: Yes.15:23
Rodrigosomeone speaks portuguese?15:23
sebsebsebDetrix: yes when you do the repo driver,  you should get them back15:23
sebsebseb!br |  rodimus15:23
ubotturodimus: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.15:23
sebsebsebrodimus: wrong one15:23
moymoydiddy: i have those folders too.. i assume you need them15:23
sebsebseb!br |   Rodrigo15:23
ubottuRodrigo: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.15:23
sebsebsebRodrigo: np15:23
Datz1Hello. I'm trying to re-install samba, but I keep getting an error :  E:samba:subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 --Can anybody help me fix this?  Here is the log : http://pastebin.com/m104c626615:24
ubuntu123hi, i just now installed grub2 and i cant boot my ubuntu but xp works fine... i followed instructions on how to uninstall grub2 and reinstall gruub from my live cd through chroot but it doesn't install grub ... plerase some one help i dont wanna reinstall linux just because of this silly thing15:24
saivinhi, I'm getting 'No Camera Found' error with cheese.  Can somebody help?15:25
saivindmesg | grep cam says: [   12.007451] uvcvideo: Found UVC 1.00 device Laptop Integrated Webcam (05a9:2640)15:25
fireball_hey all, please help. Nautilus and most nautilus gtk dependant programs have lost their menu bar.15:27
fireball_tried swapping themes, which caused crashes but now ok15:27
fireball_menu bar visible/available from other profiles, just not mine, and it's my pc15:28
sebsebsebubuntu123: I haven't used it personally, but the  Super Grub CD may be useful15:28
Detrixsebsebseb: still haveing problems after system->hardware drivers.  I still have the new driver so its not downloading the correct one.  At least thats what I think15:29
saivincan somebody help me with cheese? it says no camera found.15:29
sebsebsebubuntu123: plus I have another idea to  get a  working Grub again, however it's not really the best idea15:29
sebsebseb!webcam |  saivin15:29
ubottusaivin: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras15:29
sebsebsebDetrix: oh15:30
fireball_nautilus menu bar anyone? It's kinda important15:30
jribfireball_: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)15:30
tiivitaaviHi all You! Does anyone knows Omar Kalini email (He is Tinysofa Linux creator)... I'm askin that everywhere until I find it...15:30
Detrixsebsebseb: so how do I delete the driver ... where is it so I can delete it.15:31
sebsebsebDetrix: don't know15:31
fireball_ok, Where did my nautilus menu bar go?15:31
jribtiivitaavi: #ubuntu-offtopic, that's not really ubuntu related15:31
sebsebsebDetrix: well it will be under synaptic I guess15:31
GAN800Anybody have any PoS experience who might be able to recommend a receipt printer/cash drawer combo?15:31
Coin_Hi everybody. I am leaving tomorrow to Africa to teach programmation, in a place where there is no internet connection. I would like to bring a entire ubuntu distribution with me. I downloaded a complete mirror, which is approx. 250Go, but I have only a 120Go disk. So I need to remove files. I deleted the *{amd64,powerpc,sparc}.{deb,udeb}, which are not necessary for my case, and it remains 180Go of files. So I need to remove 60Go more. I would like to15:31
Coin_ know if the orig.tar.gz files are necessary for the installation of ubuntu in a desktop pc. And, what else can I delete ?15:31
tiivitaaviYes sir!15:31
bastidrazorfireball_, are you using compiz?15:31
fireball_basidrazor: no15:32
jribCoin_: no, you can get rid of that stuff, that's from deb-src, you don't need it15:32
saivinsebsebseb: thanks for the links. will go through them and come back if problem persists15:32
sebsebsebsaivin: ok good luck15:32
jribCoin_: actually, you do need it if you want the source code for your class...15:32
bastidrazorfireball_, in a terminal type metacity --replace &15:32
sebsebsebsaivin: no probs15:33
=== LioTheSurfer is now known as bahhh
bahhhhi do some of you know how to solve grub error 18?15:33
Coin_jrib: Does what you say mean that I can do a rm on all *orig.tar.gz files ?15:33
sebsebsebbahhh: depends on what the error is,   what's your problem with Grub?15:33
bahhhit's a cylinder error15:33
jribCoin_: if you don't need the source code, yes15:33
sebsebsebbahhh: cylinder error,  don't know what that is15:34
bahhhsebsebseb, I tried everything, reinstalling grub but doesn't work15:34
sebsebsebbahhh: what aer you trying to do?  boot an OS?15:34
Coin_jrib: that is what I wanted to know. Thanks a lot !15:34
spOis there a package that will uninstall all the packages i have installed since my basic installation .... IE, something that will make it so everything is set back to something similr as when i first installed?15:35
sebsebsebspO: don't think so15:35
bahhhsebsebseb: yeah, my ubuntu does not boot because of this error. I tried with a live to reinstall the grub but noway to fix it. I think I'll have to create a small partition at the starting point of the disk (100mb) to install the grub inside.15:35
sebsebsebbahhh: that's  something you can try15:36
bahhhsebsebseb: I have 50gigs WIN, 50 gigs UBUNTU15:36
sebsebsebbahhh: well  you have Grub in the MBR15:36
sebsebsebbahhh: ,but the /boot folder can go on a small partition yep15:36
bahhhsebsebseb: How can I reduce the NTFS partition15:36
benno_fra_dk? Vista home premium can't see ubuntu jaunty shares. Ubuntu jaunty cant see vista shares.15:36
RaenirOkay so I used a program called EnvyNG to enable dual monitors, then when I upgraded to Ubuntu 8.10 my displays are messed up, in normal boot my main screen is all black and my desktop is pushed to the right to the second screen but because it is smaller only 1/4 of my desktop show.15:36
Raenirso I had to trash my xorg.conf file to let me boot in low graphics mode to see my whole destop15:37
sebsebsebbahhh: only thing with that is, if you install new kernels,  you may have to  manually edit  menu.lst every time yourself,  I have done this before with older versions of Ubuntu15:37
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Raenirbut now I dont know how to fix this15:37
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bahhhsebsebseb: but I have to create a new partition in the very first mbs15:37
RaenirI tried removing EnvyNG but it didnt fix the problem15:37
moymoyRaenir: tried `sudo nvidia-xconfig` ?15:37
sebsebsebbahhh: no  the /boot  partition can be anywhere15:37
fireball_ok, i'm back, that crashed the pc15:38
sebsebsebbahhh: I mean  the   /boot folder15:38
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bahhhsebsebseb: so I can create my partition also at the end of the disk?15:38
benno_fra_dkHas anyone here Vista working with samba?15:38
sebsebsebbahhh:   as for an actsaul /boot partition a proper one,  I expect that can go anywhere yep.  however when I done this kind of thing, what I did was put Ubuntu on a partition,  and then deleted everything, except for the /boot folder and it's contents15:38
fireball_please help, where has my nautilus/gtk menu bar gone?15:39
sebsebsebbenno_fra_dk: should work yep,  as long as  you got  smbclient or whatever installed on Ubuntu and shared folder in Vista15:39
RaenirCan anyone help? How do I fix my display?15:39
sebsebseb!samba |  benno_fra_dk15:39
ubottubenno_fra_dk: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.15:39
MortuisIs there a way to list all crontab jobs for all users?15:39
sebsebsebbahhh: yep that should be ok15:39
spOthere is soo many packages and ubuntu installs so many differnet ones when you install something else, i don't knwo how anyone could keep up with everything that is installed15:39
sebsebsebbahhh: just make sure Grub  goes in the MBR15:39
xarvhspO: you ar enot required to15:39
bahhhsebsebseb: how do I make that?15:39
sebsebsebbahhh: yeah if you re install Ubuntu onto a partition,   and delete everything, but /boot   and then resize the partition into a small partition,  things should work15:40
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sebsebsebbahhh: thing is there are better ways to fix Grub15:40
bahhhbut I don't want to delete anything15:40
sebsebsebbahhh: this  partiton idea isnt really a fix,  it's a work around15:40
benno_fra_dkMy vista shows only itself in "network". My Jaunty shows only itself in "network".15:40
sebsebsebbahhh: see above at what I put again15:40
TiMiDocan you guy's tell me please any. Music Program to download Music ?15:41
sebsebsebbenno_fra_dk: smbclient installed or whatever, and then  smb://  internal ip address    in the file manager to connect or something15:41
sebsebseb!piracy |  TiMiDo15:41
ubottuTiMiDo: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o15:41
Raenirgonna try activating my ati driver15:41
ubottuSome topics are controversial and often end in negativity. Take care on subjects like war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, potentially illegal activities and suicide. The topics are not banned; stating your position is ok, but trolling, baiting, hostility or repetition are not. If you are asked to stop, do so politely. Disputes to !appeals, please adhere to !Freenode Policy and the !CodeOfConduct15:42
bahhhsebsebseb: the fact is that I don't want to delete or resize my ubuntu partition. I just want to create a small partition in the first mbs of disk and install in there the fgrub15:42
sebsebsebbahhh: yes and I told you one way you can do that15:42
Raenirdidnt seem to change anything15:42
spOthere should be something like a system restore whereas you can uninstall all the software you installed after a certain date or time15:42
sebsebsebbahhh: and a way  that worked  pretty nicely before with older versions of Ubuntu, so should still work with recant ones15:42
moymoyTiMiDo: don't know how useful this is .. but http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yu_moia-oVI15:43
Raenirgonna try upgrading to 9.0415:43
alex88sebsebseb: hi, i've done with my old grub problem15:43
sebsebsebalex88: what  was that?15:43
alex88sebsebseb: i've added the partition in /etc/fstab used rootnoverify and then it worked15:44
sebsebsebbahhh: I think you can resize in gparted making partition space,  then make   a partiton there,  or just do in manual install in the installer, and without  formatting  your   /  partition  since if you do that bye bye current install15:44
sebsebsebalex88: your back with a new name or?  whoever you are15:44
benno_fra_dksebsebseb: i get an error like "Could not get share-list from server" (my pc speaks danish...)15:45
alex88sebsebseb: i've asked you for a grub problem some days ago..my nick was m4v3r1ck15:45
sebsebsebbahhh: there you go two ways,  to make your /boot  that  should work15:45
bahhhsebsebseb: gparted live can't see the partitions. I think there's some mess somewhere. I can see it only with fdisk -l15:45
alex88sebsebseb: sorry i've forgot that i was under another nick..XD15:45
sebsebsebbahhh: well in that case you really do have a problem, and should clean install or somethign15:45
sebsebsebalex88: ok well even with the old name, I don't remember you now15:45
sebsebsebalex88: altough maybe it looks a bit familur15:46
alex88sebsebseb: no problem...XD15:46
Raeniryoyo I have a problem with my display15:46
qwertempguys, adobe flash kills firefox. it also makes the flash app run really slow.. do you know of any alternatives?15:46
sebsebseb!deatils |  Raenir15:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about deatils15:46
Raenirbasically in 8.04 I used EnvyNG to activate dual monitors15:46
sebsebseb!details |  Raenir15:46
ubottuRaenir: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."15:46
Raenirim getting to it15:46
sebsebseb!info  envyng15:46
ubottuError: I tried to send you an empty message.15:46
Raenirwhen I upgraded to 8.10 it screwed up my display15:46
sebsebseb!find  envyng15:47
Raenirbasically my main monitor was all black and pushed my display to the second monitor15:47
bahhhsebsebseb: ok so now I would like to format and reinstall15:47
sebsebsebRaenir: is  envng  still in the repo for 8.10 and 9.04?15:47
Raenirand only showed 1/4 of my desktop on the second screen15:47
dareanybody experienced lots of folders disappearing in windows only after using ntfs-3g?15:47
Raenirdunno I trid uninstalling it no go15:47
sebsebsebbahhh: ,but you got data on there that you want to keep?15:47
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bahhhsebsebseb: how can I completely backup my data using live? just copy or smt easier?15:47
Raeniri uninstalled EnvyNG and it didnt change a thing to fix my display15:48
sebsebsebbahhh: uh I knew it, data, hmm15:48
=== jon is now known as Guest38473
MathiasdmI'm trying to increase the file descriptor limit permanently, but my settings seem to be ignored on reboot15:48
qwertempguys, adobe flash kills firefox. it also makes the flash app run really slow.. do you know of any alternatives?15:48
sebsebsebbahhh: well if the live cd and such can't access the partitions hmm15:48
sebsebseb!backup |  bahhh15:48
ubottubahhh: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning15:48
bahhhsebsebseb: I can access that... but can't resize it!15:48
sebsebsebbahhh: should be able to on the live cd15:48
sebsebsebbahhh: when none of the partitions are mounted15:49
bahhhno i tried15:49
xarvhHi! I'm running a fully upgraded ubuntu 9.04, and flash kills firefox after a few seconds it is runningg... what can I do?15:49
bahhhalso with the gparted live cs15:49
sebsebsebxarvh: yeah Flash  can cause quite a  few issues,  and since it's closed source, not much can be done about it15:49
Guest38473good-day to every-one.I have Ktorrent and i like to know how to use it so i can look at movie's that i have downlound from a web-site that has movie's15:49
sebsebseb!piracy |  Guest3847315:50
ubottuGuest38473: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o15:50
fireball_please help, where has my nautilus/gtk menu bar gone?15:50
Guest38473yes i am here15:50
xarvhsebsebseb: alternatives? gnash?15:50
benno_fra_dkPlease help. Vista Home Premium does not show Jaunty samba shares. From another ubuntu machine smbtree does show these shares.15:50
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sebsebsebxarvh: yep and Swfdec15:51
Chessguywhen i play tremulous (video game), the audio lags. Does anyone know what may be causing this?15:51
sebsebsebxarvh: ,but  they  aren't  good with all Flash15:51
geirhafireball_: Not sure what you mean. Maybe post a screenshot?15:51
geirha!imagebin > fireball_15:52
ubottufireball_, please see my private message15:52
xarvhsebsebseb: thanks =)15:52
sebsebsebxarvh: you  can also try Adobe Flash in  another browser that will use it, for example  Epiphany and Galeon15:52
sebsebsebxarvh: sudo apt-get install epiphany-browser   or  you get some game  if you do just epiphany15:52
RaenirI was using 8.04 and then used EnvyNG to enable dual monitors, then I upgraded to 8.10 and my display nolonger worked correctly. Essentially for some reason my display was pushed from my main monitor to my second one and my main only displayed the "void" that remained so it remains black, while my second screen for some reason only displays roughly 1/4 of the desktop the top left to be exact.15:54
RaenirRemoving EnvyNG hasn't changed the problem. I had to boot in low graphics mode to try to get any kind of temporary fix, currently upgrading again to 9.04 to see if it changes anything.15:54
sebsebsebxarvh: good luck15:54
pdtpatrickend it again15:54
xarvhsebsebseb: thanks15:54
sebsebsebxarvh: np15:54
Chessguywhen i play tremulous (video game), the audio lags. Does anyone know what may be causing this?15:55
Xjs|moonshinehey, YuseiDarkUmbreon (i=java-811@d14-69-115-81.try.wideopenwest.com) asks why they are banned15:55
sebsebsebXjs|moonshine: maybe you want #ubuntu-ops15:55
RaenirOn the bright side, using MP3's works now15:56
RaenirCan anyone help me with my problem?15:57
bahhhsebsebseb: i think I'm going to backup, then create 4 partitions: /boot, swap, /, and /home. How can I do it if gparted is not seeing the partitions?15:58
sebsebsebRaenir: dual monitor issues oh right15:58
fireball_sorry, alsa crashed and took out konversation, please post me again link re screenshot re nautilus file bar15:58
sebsebsebbahhh: normalley  you woudn't need a seperate /boot15:58
sebsebsebbahhh: as for how you would backup,  I am not sure15:59
RaenirNeed me to retype my problem sebsebseb?15:59
sebsebsebbahhh:   you can't access teh  partition with your data?15:59
bahhhsebsebseb: Yeah but i don't wont this freaking problem to happen again15:59
bahhhsebsebseb: yes I can with live15:59
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sebsebsebRaenir: no, and I am not geek enough to have a dual monitor at this time :D    plus this widescreen  is rather nice :)15:59
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bahhhsebsebseb: I'm gonna copy the datas... what should I copy? datas, firefox data, evolution mail and then?16:00
RaenirI was using 8.04 and then used EnvyNG to enable dual monitors, then I upgraded to 8.10 and my display nolonger worked correctly. Essentially for some reason my display was pushed from my main monitor to my second one and my main only displayed the "void" that remained so it remains black, while my second screen for some reason only displays roughly 1/4 of the desktop the top left to be exact.Removing EnvyNG hasn't changed the probl16:00
sebsebsebRaenir: anyway  the dual monitor issues oh I know, those can be  pretty tricky to sort out16:00
=== Tonio is now known as Tonio__
RaenirAha I kept it to one line!16:00
RaenirI am awesome!16:00
sebsebsebRaenir: to one paragraph more like it :D16:00
sebsebseb!xorg |  Raenir16:00
RaenirStill Awesome!16:00
ubottuRaenir: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution16:00
sebsebsebRaenir: well I don't see anyone active in here right now,  that  I think can probably help you,   and  I guess your issue isn't  distro specific, so give ##linux a try16:01
bahhhsebsebseb: what do you suggest me?16:01
RaenirIll try that in a minute16:01
Raenirjust posed in Ubuntu forums16:01
Raenirdamn you all, making me signup for yet another forum community16:02
sebsebsebbahhh: yeah  I guess you should try ##linux as well,  since   you may need someone experienced with your kind of issues,  and that really isn't me,   plus there seems to be no one else that is active in here right now, that can hep you16:02
bahhhok thx16:03
fireball_where do i send picture of nautilus problem please?16:03
Weedyany idea why programs like htop, powertop, and ibam can't get battery information on my eeepc?16:03
mashcraftI wondered if any one could give me some help with nautilus not refreshing my desktop.16:03
sebsebseb!screenshot |  fireball_16:03
ubottufireball_: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.16:03
sebsebsebbahhh: no probs good luck16:03
mashcraftI am updating the background and also trying to move icons around on the desktop. the icons just stay put and the background doesn't change16:03
mashcraftnautilus is 2.2616:04
mashcraftand I am using compiz16:04
VegaStarHello again!!! Solved all my previous problems, thanks to all!!!16:05
sebsebsebmashcraft: oh that's probably why then16:05
sebsebsebmashcraft:  if you disable compiz, it will probably come back16:05
fireball_have noticed that link to dropbox does not allow nautilus extra functions (like dropbox)16:05
refnumzxi am tryng to install dansguardian from the karmic repository on jaunty. i downloaded the deb file but therea re unmet dependancies. the version of dansguardian nor any of its dependancies are not available in the backports repo.  is there a way to accomplish this?16:06
mashcraftsebsebseb, well I still have right click on the desktop so I dont know whats going on16:06
Chessguywhen i play tremulous (video game), the audio lags. Does anyone know what may be causing this?16:06
mechtechok, so I have a virus...a trojan...Win32:Adloader-AC...using avast, I have chosen to move the infected file to the chest, but Avast is just processing the action...what to do?16:06
VegaStarDoes anyone knows how can I improve graphics in my Toshiba Satellite Pro M70 laptop which has some Intel Graphics. Graphics are really slooow16:06
sebsebsebmashcraft: who had the missing  toolbar in nautilus was that you as well?16:06
Chessguymechtech: sounds like windows?16:07
fireball_NO NAUTILUS MENU BAR< PLEASE HELP! http://files.getdropbox.com/u/1640537/Screenshot.png16:07
mashcraftsebsebseb, no not me16:07
natureshadowhi there!16:07
sebsebsebmashcraft: ok well maybe   disabling compiz will help you as well16:07
VegaStarhow can I do that16:07
sebsebsebfireball_: rather nice screenshot16:08
ltcabralhow do i know what is my computer architecture?16:08
mechtechChessguy: seems like a windows virus, but I'm running jaunty with wine installed, and the virus itself shows a path including the /.VirtualBox directory (I have uninstalled VirtualBox though16:08
Chessguymechtech: hrm16:08
mashcraftit is compiz16:09
sebsebsebfireball_: do you have compiz enabled?16:09
fireball_sebsebseb: thanks, wish it included a menu bar! Any ideas?16:09
mashcraftsebsebseb, it seems to be compiz16:09
fireball_sebsebseb: no16:09
sebsebsebmashcraft: does it?16:09
falco_Hey I just installed Ubuntu, how do I access compiz settings in here???16:09
sebsebsebmashcraft:  I don't know, but compiz can sometimes mess with that kind of thing16:09
echosystmhowcome ms fonts look so horrible in ubuntu? :/16:09
stovicekfireball_: what's wrong with it? other than the location being text based and not button based it looks just like mine16:10
Chessguyfalco_: system -> preferences -> compizconfig16:10
grawityechosystm: What fonts you're talking about?16:10
mechtechfalco: you must first install compiz and compizconfig settings manager16:10
grawity!ccsm | falco_16:10
ubottufalco_: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz16:10
Chessguymechtech: oh yah16:10
natureshadowI'm on Ubuntu karmic, but I think this is a general issue ... I'm using networkmanager to ocnenct to wifi or lan, but start openvpn manually because the networkmanager-openvpn stuff isnt exactly the best16:10
echosystmin web pages it looks really bad16:10
echosystmi think its the antialiasing16:10
sebsebseb!karmic |  natureshadow16:10
ubottunatureshadow: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+116:10
stovicekfireball_: nvm, I see it now. you're missing the menu16:10
natureshadowHow can I use the DNS settings from OpenVPN? NM will overwrite them every now and then16:10
echosystmis there any way to turn that off?16:10
falco_grawity: thanks16:11
sebsebsebnatureshadow: sorry your on Karmic,  your not entitled  to support for it here,  however if you don't want to do #ubuntu+1   I suppouse you can do the general Linux channal ##linux16:11
natureshadowsebsebseb: It is 100% certain that this issue is not specific to any ubuntu release16:11
fireball_stovivek:  correct! Please, any ideas, its a royal pita!16:11
natureshadowsebsebseb: In fact, I've been running the same config in jaunty before16:12
natureshadowWIth the same issue16:12
fireball_NO NAUTILUS MENU BAR< PLEASE HELP! http://files.getdropbox.com/u/1640537/Screenshot.png16:13
sebsebseb!caps |  fireball_16:14
ubottufireball_: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.16:14
sebsebseb!patience |  fireball_16:14
ubottufireball_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.16:14
fireball_lol, soz, been at  this all day16:14
koszhi there, what's the recomended way of getting apache and subversions into ubuntu ? i'm a rails dev , and we just gave up centos for ubuntu , but i'm a bit confused without yum16:15
iPoRnfireball_, do you have "gnome-panel" running?16:15
sebsebsebfireball_: I have  a little trick up my sleve, that  should get it back,  maybe not the best thing to do though16:15
fireball_ah, i think so16:15
LordLandonkosz: apt-get install subversion apache216:16
fireball_yes, but "sleeping" ?16:16
Coin_jrib: I removed all the orig.tar.gz files, and I need to free a little more space. Are the .diff.gz and .dsc also necessary or can I safely remove them ?16:16
iPoRnfireball_, restart it, it should fix the bar issue16:17
sebsebsebiPoRn   oh that's an idea  fireball_  could kill a proccess and get it restarted and then :D hopefuly16:17
RORgasmhow would i check to see what process is running on a specific port on my localhost machine?16:17
icerootCoin_: you need disk-space on /? sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get clean16:17
koszthanks LordLandon16:17
sebsebsebiPoRn:  you reminded me16:17
EvetI installed kde, But my desktop is still gnome-netbook style. How can change it to ordinary desktop?16:17
jribCoin_: should be ok to remove, they're all source package related16:18
benno_fra_dkVista home premium wont show my samba shares. Please help!!!16:18
Picibenno_fra_dk: This isn't a windows support channel, please ask in ##windows16:18
koszand may i ask what's the equivalent of service service_name restart , in ubuntu ?16:19
fireball_sorry all, that did not help :(16:19
jribkosz: same16:19
koszah very nice16:19
jrib!who | fireball_16:19
ubottufireball_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:19
ojiihi all, what's the best way to use two monitors in ubuntu? what's twinview and what's two x servers?16:20
Kuntrahello, when automated security updates is enabled in synaptic, does the system reboot itself automatically whenever there is an updated requiring to do so?16:21
sebsebsebKuntra: no16:21
sebsebsebKuntra: ,but when it wants to re boot for example after a new kernel,  it will ask you if you want to re boot16:21
benno_fra_dkUBUNTU samba shares won't reveal themselves in Vista Home Premium - could anything possibly be wrong in my smb.con?16:21
Coin_Hi iceroot.  My problem is that I have downloaded a full mirror archive of ubuntu, which is 250Go, and I want to remove files to have a 120Go max archive. Amd64 files, as power pc and sparc, and source files are not necessary (I will just need to install binary packages from my mirror archive).16:21
sebsebsebKuntra: well not synaptic, but the other thing will16:21
Coin_Thanks jrib, I am removing those files also16:22
Kuntrasebsebseb: dpkg?16:22
geirhafireball_: Is it only nautilus or other apps as well?16:22
jribCoin_: how much space do you still need?16:22
sebsebsebKuntra: no  notify-osd  the black notifications  in 9.04,  yellow  thing in previous versions16:22
fireball_!geirha other gtk apps too16:23
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:23
agussmanHow do I configure my DHCP client so that it dynamically obtains a hostname from the DHCP server at boot?16:23
Coin_jrib, remove is still in progress. I tell you as soon as it is finished.16:23
geirhafireball_: Did it happen after you uninstalled a certain package perhaps?16:23
Coin_jrib, but I think (hope) it will be ok now16:23
fireball_probably :(16:23
geirhafireball_: Try installing the package "ubuntu-desktop"16:23
fireball_geirha: trying to baacktrack16:24
meteor``i want to paste a file in usr/shares/amsn/plugins BUt i cant.16:24
agussmanI tried commenting out send host-name "<hostname>"; in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf and restarting networking, but that didn't work16:24
meteor``It says.. Im not allowed to do that?16:24
jribCoin_: I'd create my own custom live dvd with the main software I really needed as a backup16:24
meteor``and when I saw its properties.16:24
meteor``IT says.. you cant change.. you are not the ROOT.16:24
meteor``what can i do?16:24
oldude67meteor``, try using sudo first16:24
Paavi2_0!sudo | meteor``16:24
ubottumeteor``: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)16:24
EvetI installed kde, But my desktop is still gnome-netbook style. How can change it to ordinary desktop?16:25
meteor``Im using it through GUI.16:26
meteor``And it just dont show the PASTE button.16:26
Paavi2_0Evet: choose gnome at login and make it the default, when the prompt asks you whether or not you want to use it as such in the future16:26
KuntraI see that my system is restarting sometimes, (and I haven't asked for it). Is it possible to see what caused it to restart?16:26
ojiiis there any way to have the 'workspaces' split over multiple displays?16:26
szczymis it safe to resize mac hsf+ (no journal) partition under gparted ?16:26
masquerade|devis it possible to remove ALL gnome panels?16:27
koszhmmm the /etc/apache2/httpd.conf file is blank , what's up with that16:27
benno_fra_dkHas anyone here succesfully made a vista -> ubuntu samba connection?16:27
jribmasquerade|dev: don't run gnome-panel?16:27
jribkosz: /etc/apache2/apache*.conf16:27
meteor``i have not made any pother user :/16:27
newproggieHello everybody16:27
EvetPaavi2_0, thanks. gnome or kde, has no ordinary desktop function. ithink i need a package16:27
masquerade|devjrib: omg, so obvious :) thanks16:28
fireball_geirha: so far, no good16:28
masquerade|devhow can i keep it from restarting?16:28
fireball_geirha: it's their on the other profiles, it's go to be somethingsimple ?16:28
geirhafireball_: Did it install something, or just say ubuntu-desktop is up to date?16:28
jribmasquerade|dev: not sure as I'm not gnome right now but check System -> Preferences -> Session16:28
Coin_jrib: I do not know precisely what softwares they need where I am going... And as there are no internet connection there, I will go with an entire mirror on a hard drive. A dvd has not enough filesystem space.16:28
fireball_it was already installed, i just re-installed it16:28
jribCoin_: I see.  Still I'd be scared to go without backups16:29
masquerade|devjrib, gnome-panel is not present there16:29
jribmasquerade|dev: don't know then16:29
geirhafireball_: Hm. See if there's any error output from nautilus in ~/.xsession-errors16:29
masquerade|devhm, too bad16:29
masquerade|devmike789: hi16:30
Coin_jrib: you're right ! I will also backup very important packages in my laptop16:30
jshriverGreetings, does OpenOffice use it's own kind of Print dialogue or is it window manager specific? having some big problems16:30
bahhhhi. I need to format an ext3 partition from livecd and create other 4 partitions: /boot, swap, / and /home. The problem is that gparted live can't see the partition. How can I do that?16:30
masquerade|devjshriver: its own, as far as i know16:30
EvetPaavi2_0, i am using ubuntu 8.04 eee pc edition16:30
jshrivermasquerade|dev, the options are empty when I click File-> Print on the machine, but if I run soffice over an X tunnel everything comes up fine16:30
Paavi2_0Evet: have you installed ubuntu-desktop?16:31
jshriverso wondered if it was an X issue or the windowmanager16:31
shooreehow is it that I get this error message when trying to mount an .iso file: "[ 5757.503252] ISOFS: Unable to identify CD-ROM format."? It worked flawlessly before and I'm trying to mount it in a purposefully made dir16:31
fabian_I can connect from my laptop to my pc but not the other way: always tells me connetion closed....16:31
=== jono__ is now known as jono
fabian_i use the remote desktop viewer16:31
koszthanks jrib16:31
jshriverfabian_,  check your firewall16:31
fabian_jshriver: what does check mean?16:32
ojiiare there any alternatives to 2 x-servers and twinview for multiple displays? I have two displays with different aspect ratios and none of the solutions work well16:32
fabian_jshriver: how do i check my firewall?16:32
newproggieProblem: Everytime I'm undocking my thinkpad off the docking station, I get the same resolution on my thinkpads display, as it was on my external monitor16:32
jshriverfabian_, mean make sure the port you need isn't closed16:32
jshriveriptables -L16:32
newproggieI used to configure the resolution with nvidia-settings. Here's the error message: http://paste.ubuntu.com/246383/16:32
fireball_geirha: ah yeah, about that . . . http://files.getdropbox.com/u/1640537/NoMenu.png16:33
newproggieCan somebody tell me what to do,please: Here's my xorg.conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/246382/ . I'd like to change the resolution automatically, everytime I am undocking the thinkpad16:33
EvetPaavi2_0, whats the name of ubuntu desktop? "ubuntu-desktop" ?16:33
lstarnesEvet: that's the package for it16:34
fabian_jshriver: i get this: http://pastebin.org/620516:34
Evetlstarnes, how can i install it16:34
Evetvia terminal16:34
fabian_jshriver: port i wnat to use is 590016:34
jshriverok looks like that's not the problem, you dont have any rules so nothing is being blocked16:34
geirhafireball_: That url gives me a 40416:34
lstarnesEvet: the same way you install any other package16:35
lstarnesEvet: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop16:35
jshrivertry ps aux | grep vnc16:35
jshriverto make sure your vnc server is running16:35
fabian_jshriver: i can connect from laptop to pc but not the other way round16:35
Evetlstarnes, okay thanks, i asked the name16:35
fireball_geirha: sorry, it's still uploading16:35
newproggienobody here, using a thinkpad and a docking station?16:35
bahhhhi. I need to format an ext3 partition from livecd and create other 4 partitions: /boot, swap, / and /home. The problem is that gparted live can't see the partition. How can I do that?16:35
jshrivermake sure you have a vnc server running on the laptop16:35
lukas__hello. i used "delete"-key as a hotkey by mistake (in gnome). i deleted this hotkey but i cant use "delete"-key to delete text anymore. what shall i do?16:35
jshriverbahh: try fdisk16:35
Coin_jrib: 113 Go ! It now fits on my 120Go hard drive ! Yes ! Thanks a lot for your help !16:35
crunchbang666hi all :) ... how do i install files in jaunty that are downloaded in .zip format instead of .deb?16:35
jribCoin_: cool, good luck16:36
sebsebsebcrunchbang666: weird16:36
xyzzyzhey, i got a problem with xserver configuration. i have geforce 6600, Philips 21" screen and yet the maximum resolution i can get is 800x600. i checked out xorg.conf and all options are set to default (i.e. "configured device", "configured screen" etc. i installed proprietary drivers, but it's no use. dpkg-reconfigure doesn't work either. any suggestions?16:36
lstarnescrunchbang666: it depends on what is in the fike16:36
grawitycrunchbang666: Usually you unzip them, then look for a file "README" or "INSTALL", then open that file with a text editor and read it.16:36
sebsebsebcrunchbang666: linux packages coming as .zip hmmm  ,but you would extract them16:36
fabian_jeah i double checked that16:36
Paavi2_0Evet: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop16:36
moose55I had ubuntu 9.04 installed. I dual booted Vista. Now it loads striaght into Vista without giving me a boot menu. Someone help me get that menu so I can boot into Ubuntu again16:36
monckycrunchbang666: you will need to unzip them using somthing like 7zip16:36
jribcrunchbang666: what are you trying to install?16:36
dreambornis there a maximum ram size when running ubuntu?16:36
Coin_jrib: thanks16:36
monckycrunchbang666: I suspect you have downloaded source?16:36
sebsebsebmoncky  crunchbang666   the built in achreive  manager program can do .zip  I belive16:36
koszi'm trying to get subversion + apache going properly under ubuntu LTS ( hardy ) . i did apt-get install subversion apache2, but now i also need mod_dav_svn ... how do i go about enabling that in ubuntu ?16:36
crunchbang666jrib: a game, yeah i think it is source and needs to be compiled?16:37
jribcrunchbang666: what game?16:37
detrixsebsebseb: I finaly got my resolutions back...16:37
sebsebsebdetrix: how?16:37
lstarneskosz: it's probably something like libapache2-mod-dav-svn16:37
JenniferBto run a script in a certain folder without cd'n to it.. how do I do that?16:37
sebsebsebdetrix: and no  other problems?16:37
crunchbang666jrib: stendhal ...mmorpg16:37
EvetThank Paavi2_016:37
monckycrunchbang666: indeed, once you unzip the file there will be a text file called INSTALL follow the insturctions there and let us know if you get stuck16:37
grawityJenniferB: /path/to/script16:37
ojiiis there no way to put each workspace in gnome on a different screen??16:38
OEPI'm trying to install ubuntu-server and when it tries to install the base system it gets stuck in a loop that wants me to insert the CD... is there any way around this other than to install from usb?16:38
moose55I had ubuntu 9.04 installed. I dual booted Vista. Now it loads striaght into Vista without giving me a boot menu. Someone help me get that menu so I can boot into Ubuntu again16:38
detrixsebsebseb: after re-installing the repo nvidia drivers, all I had to do is copy a backup of my xorg.conf file...16:38
sebsebsebdetrix: ah ok good16:39
daremoos55, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435116:39
icerootOEP: http://www.instantfundas.com/2007/08/install-any-linux-distro-directly-from.html16:39
koszlstarnes : how can i search for that exact name that apt_get expects ?16:39
icerootOEP: if you dont want to install from cd or usb16:39
detrixsebsebseb: just wanted to say thanx again...for your prompt help.16:39
lstarneskosz: it's a -, not a _16:39
fabian_I can connect from my laptop to my pc but not the other way: always tells me connetion closed.... firewall is not the problem, vnc server running on both machines...16:39
sebsebsebdetrix: ok :)16:39
lstarneskosz: you could try aptitude search dav16:39
icerootkosz: apt-cache search16:40
moose55dare: I did something similar to that but when i put setup (hd0, 1) it said it wasnt able to mount partition or something to that affect16:40
dreamborndoes ubuntu support amd phenom processors?16:40
icerootkosz: apt-cache search apache svn16:40
RaenirOkay i fixed it by upgrading to 9.0416:40
fabian_ I can connect from my laptop to my pc but not the other way: always tells me connetion closed.... firewall is not the problem, vnc server running on both machines...16:40
icerootdreamborn: yes16:40
OEPiceroot, I know ubuntu-server has an issue installing from USB.. is this functioning method (compared to unetbootin)16:40
daremoose55, i've tried it and it works16:40
Picikosz: libapache2-svn16:40
lstarnesdreamborn: I believe it does16:40
Raenirbut now i cant seem to get my second screen to be an extension of my desktop16:40
dreambornthanx all16:40
moose55ill try again...ill be back16:41
fabian_ I can connect from my laptop to my pc but not the other way: always tells me connetion closed.... firewall is not the problem, vnc server running on both machines...16:41
koszthanks guys , thanks Pici ... and once that's installed it should be enabled or do i have to edit conf fils as well ?16:41
RaenirOkay when I open display preferences menu Ubuntu really slows down to a crawl and it doesn't show any options its bugged16:41
Picikosz: You'll need to enable it: sudo a2enmod dav_svn16:41
Sirisian|Work_Is there a package for synchronizing the time in a ubuntu server? I've been using a cronjob with ntpdate. Is ntp the package I need? Does it just work right after install?16:41
dareapt-get install ntp16:42
RaenirMy display preferences window is bugged in 9.0416:42
fabian_ I can connect from my laptop to my pc but not the other way: always tells me connetion closed.... firewall is not the problem, vnc server running on both machines...16:42
PhotoJimSirisian|Work_: yes.  you might want to tweak the configuration to select nearby servers, but it works well "out of the box".16:42
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Sirisian|Work_dare, that should probably be a default install. I kept thinking ntpdate was the ntp package and kept getting confused.16:42
xyzzyzhey, i got a problem with xserver configuration. i have geforce 6600, Philips 21" screen and yet the maximum resolution i can get is 800x600. i checked out xorg.conf and all options are set to default (i.e. "configured device", "configured screen" etc. i installed proprietary drivers, but it's no use. dpkg-reconfigure doesn't work either. any suggestions?16:42
PiciSirisian|Work_: See https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html as well.16:42
dreambornwhen running ubuntu is your maximum RAM dependent only on your motherboards capacity?16:42
crunchbang666when i try to open the zip file with archive manager nothing happens16:42
darentpupdate alone is not enough for me, i lose several minutes after running for just a week or so16:43
darebut ntp keeps it constantly synched16:43
ravehi there i m not able to play vedio from cd or dvd in my system player freezes16:43
PhotoJimdreamborn: 32-bit Ubuntu maxes out at a little under 4 gigs without trickery.  you need 64-bit if you have more than 4 gigs of RAM and a 64-bit CPU.16:43
fabian_ I can connect from my laptop to my pc but not the other way: always tells me connetion closed.... firewall is not the problem, vnc server running on both machines...16:43
grawitycrunchbang666: Try 'unzip -l file.zip' instead16:43
Kuntrais it possible to track what application may have caused/requested a system restart16:43
PhotoJimdreamborn: that's true of Windows too btw, not a Linux issue.16:43
ravehi there i m not able to play vedio from cd or dvd in my system player freezes can nybody help16:44
dreambornphotojim will there be any complications running 64-bit ubuntu like compatability issues like windows has?16:44
fabian_rave: try another player16:44
crunchbang666grawity: ok i have it all up in terminal unzipped16:44
grawityPhotoJim: Windows supports PAE, and the 4 GB is just an artificial cap. (Mostly compatibility reasons, but also a little marketing.) As for Ubuntu, I heard only the server kernel has it?16:44
oldude67dare, try replacing the battery in the motherboard it shouldnt be losing time.16:45
fabian_ I can connect from my laptop to my pc but not the other way: always tells me connetion closed.... firewall is not the problem, vnc server running on both machines...16:45
falco_Hey guys, how do I change which icons are on desktop? I.E. I don't want the mounted locations to be shown on my desktop.16:45
PhotoJimgrawity: I don't think it's a marketing thing.  it's a performance and logistics thing.16:45
darewhy does the battery matter once it's turned on?16:45
RaenirSomethings wrong with my Display menu can anyone help?16:45
dareand i think it is normal when the cpu is very busy for long periods16:45
crunchbang666grawity: what is the extract command i need please? :)16:45
oldude67dare, it keeps the system settings.16:45
kdubgrawity: the bigmem kernel has that compiled in16:45
grawitycrunchbang666: Simply 'unzip'16:45
grawitykdub: But not the default one?16:45
kdubnot the default16:45
grawityPhotoJim: I heard some apps just crash with >4 GB16:46
koszthanks again Pici16:46
dreambornwill there be any complications running 64-bit ubuntu like compatability issues like windows has?16:46
PhotoJimgrawity: you're probably exceeding my knowledge now :) but I haven't heard of that being an issue with 64-bit operating systems.  can't comment on the trickery used to use higher amounts of RAM on 32-bit OSes.16:46
bahhhhi. I need to format an ext3 partition from livecd and create other 4 partitions: /boot, swap, / and /home. The problem is that gparted live can't see the partition. How can I do that?16:46
fabian_ I cant remote my lapop from my pc: always tells me connetion closed.... firewall is not the problem, vnc server running on both machines...16:46
grawityPhotoJim: It doesn't matter what OS, I think.16:47
falco_Hey guys, how do I change which icons are on desktop? I.E. I don't want the mounted locations to be shown on my desktop.16:47
crunchbang666grawity: unzip just lists the contents of the zip file in the terminal, how do i move them to a folder? :/16:47
daredreamborn, i don't recommend it unless necessary16:47
grawityPhotoJim: I mean, it doesn't matter if it's WIndows 32-bit or 64-bit.16:47
grawitycrunchbang666: Does it say 'inflating: somefile'?16:47
fabian_ I cant remote my lapop from my pc: always tells me connetion closed.... firewall is not the problem, vnc server running on both machines...16:47
web5|org|uaHOW to replace firefox 3.* with latest 3.5.* ?16:47
koszwhere would i put <Location> configurations for apache ?16:47
koszwhich file ?16:47
dreamborndare: would i be able to use 32 bit with a amd phenom processor then?16:47
PhotoJimgrawity: I'd be surprised if it were true.  but I know that large amounts of RAM aren't an issue with Linux, particularly if you use a 64-bit distribution.16:47
crunchbang666grawity: no ... think i got it16:48
daredreamborn, sure16:48
dreamborndare: coolio thanx16:48
RaenirCan anyone help me? My Ubuntu 9,04 display Menu won't open correctly and I am trying to configure my screens16:48
grawityPhotoJim: It might be that Unix programmers want it to work _right_, not just work. Windows programmers, on the other hand... http://blogs.msdn.com/oldnewthing/ is a nice place to see what does Microsoft have to deal with.16:49
fabian_ I cant remote my lapop from my pc: always tells me connetion closed.... firewall is not the problem, vnc server running on both machines...16:49
fabian_any ideas, pls16:49
PhotoJimgrawity: :) I'm a little less cynical than most about Windows development.  but I am a big fan of open source software precisely because of how well tested it tends to be.16:49
koszservice service_name restart is not working , i get "service: command not found" ... i thought service works on ubuntu ... running hardy , freshly installed16:49
dareapt-get install service16:50
dareor try /etc/init.d/service restart16:50
moniquehi all16:51
bahhhhi. I need to format an ext3 partition from livecd and create other 4 partitions: /boot, swap, / and /home. The problem is that gparted live can't see the partition. How can I do that?16:51
web5|org|uaHOW to get info about file ?16:51
grawityPhotoJim: Mostly because it's open - everybody can report bugs and stuff. Microsoft had a contact/bug report form once, but they were receiving too much "IT DOESN'T WORK" complaints, death threats, etc... (well, low signal/noise ratio)16:51
PhotoJimgrawity: unquestionably open source works well, as long as you can motivate enough people to do development, and that doesn't seem to be an issue.16:52
harishsettings for thunderbird to use emails from gmail???16:52
kdubharish: google for it, first result16:52
grawityPhotoJim: Probably. (Anyway, </offtopic>)16:52
moose55DARE: it worked, the find stage1 wasnt on the other how to..anyways, vista is not in the boot menu...do i need to add it to the menu.lst or something like that( read somewhere ) if so you know a good link16:52
dareharish, http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=3834316:52
xanguaharish: you can find the instructions for pop or imap in gmail preferences16:52
daresorry moose55, i do not know how but that sounds like the next thing to try16:53
refnumzxI need to get the latest version of dansguardian to run in jaunty.  I have tried to download the version available in karmic but when I try to install it with dpkg \endash I.   I get unmet dependencies. Libclamav and a c library. But I imagine those other packages will also have dependencies and on and on and on.  Is there a way I can install a package for karmic into jaunty?  I have tried a manual compile but this also fails with libpc16:53
refnumzxer to use the deb from karmic as it would make package removal and things much easier.16:53
harishany foregin language learning program in linux???16:53
moose55ok tthanks for the help earlier.16:53
koszthanks dare : apt-get install service this doesn't work , but the other sugesition does16:53
Shiretokolike what language?16:53
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harishlike german or japanese?16:53
geoff_I am trying to display all the .mht files recursively found in my home folder. I do ls -R *.mht but it doesn't dsplay files in subfolders. how come?16:53
kdubgeoff_: use find16:54
grawitygeoff_: find . -name '*.mht'16:54
Padhubahhh: are you want recovery or format it?16:54
jribgeoff_: you must use find16:54
geoff_thank you16:54
moose55someone help me with this thread  ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=123040916:54
darekosz, sorry.. it should have been apt-get install sysvconfig16:54
mneptokgeoff_: or "locate"16:54
moose55someone help me with this thread  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=123040916:55
harishanyone please!!16:55
mneptokgeoff_: sudo updatedb && locate mht16:55
Myrthhi, how do i get the real current working path? `pwd` gives me symlinked16:55
acronymmoose55 where are you now... booting wise?16:55
jribmneptok: | grep '^/home'    <-- is there a better way?16:55
bahhhPadhu, want to format16:55
Padhukosz: 'service' is not available in ubuntu. only available in fedora/Redhat16:55
Shiretokoharish gWaei16:55
acronymcan you only boot into ubuntu?16:55
moose55im checking the lastest post to my thread16:55
kdubMyrth: that is the 'real working path'16:56
Myrthkdub: dereferenced16:56
kdubMyrth: pwd gives you the traversal of inodes that gets you to where you are16:56
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harishis it available for ubuntu 9.04 in repository??16:56
moose55acronym: i just recovered/reinstalled grub, now Vista is not in the boot menu16:56
koszPadhu : i was just told 20 minutes ago on this channel that it's available16:56
Myrthkdub: i guess i'd like to see a path that doesn16:57
Myrth't go through symlinks16:57
Padhubahhh: Just use puppy linux live to format it.16:57
kdubMyrth: it would be computationally expensive to find all possible paths to the directory you are in, and then figure out the path without symlinks16:57
Shiretokowhy Karmic doesn't mout external devices automaticlyautomatically?16:57
PadhuIt has gparted GUI16:57
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sebsebseb!karmic |  Shiretoko16:57
ubottuShiretoko: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+116:57
harishany help for language learning software ???16:58
Shiretokoi thought it was supported T_T16:58
sebsebsebShiretoko: not in here, untill  the final release16:58
Myrthkdub: cd -P16:58
sebsebsebharish: look around synaptic?16:58
laughzillaanyone know why in ubuntu 9.04, my keyboard and screen freezes up when the "Random" screensaver is running ?  it is consistently occurring on the screensaver that has the text of the computer's name written out and moving around in some funky 3d font.16:58
moose55ACRONYM: i just recovered/reinstalled grub, now Vista is not in the boot menu16:59
MircoPaperinoHi everybody, someone can help me? Mi Ubuntu 9.04 continuosly goes on system's crash. When it happen the only thing i can do is to move the cursor whith the touchpad, nothing else works...16:59
Myrthkdub: also `pwd -P`17:00
moose55ACRONYM: I found the how to17:00
dareanybody know why files/folders i wrote to an ntfs partition in ubuntu are not at all visible when using the same partition in windows? i have performed fixntfs and comprehensive chkdsk /R/F in windows..17:00
acronymmoose55 do this in terminal: sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst17:00
kdubeh, what do i know i guess...17:00
Shiretokois there a channel for Karmic Discussion?17:00
PiciShiretoko: as the bot said, #ubuntu+117:01
Kyonic #uBUNTU-117:01
regeyaShiretoko: scroll up.  The message from ubotu said #ubuntu+117:01
moose55ACRONYM: title Windows Vista17:01
moose55root (hd0,1)17:01
Pici!paste | moose5517:01
moose55chainloader +117:01
ubottumoose55: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic17:01
Kyonic #Ubuntu+117:01
FloodBot2moose55: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:01
Kyonic #Ubuntu+1 is discussion for Karmic17:02
Shiretokogot it! thx!17:02
MircoPaperinoHi, someone has solved ubuntu 9.04 system crash?17:02
Kuntraas a regular user on a Jaunty system, is there a way to get a copy of e-mails sent to root@localhost?17:03
Kuntraactually as a user with sudo privileges17:03
=== Shiretoko is now known as Shirotoko
grawityKuntra: /var/mail/root?17:04
zeitsofahello - ubuntu 9-04 and sun-java6-plugin makes me creazy. I habe installed sun-java6-plugin. in /usr/lib/firefox/plugins is the .so file libjavaplugin.so but it not work. any ideas?17:04
icerootzeitsofa: why not using apt-get to install java?17:05
fahadsadahKuntra: sudo mail17:05
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=== enforce is now known as sebsebseb
refnumzxI need to get the latest version of dansguardian to run in jaunty.  I have tried to download the version available in karmic but when I try to install it with dpkg \endash I.   I get unmet dependencies. Libclamav and a c library. But I imagine those other packages will also have dependencies and on and on and on.  Is there a way iamcalledrob17:06
zeitsofaiceroot: i'm useing apt-get install sun-java6-plugin17:06
nexsja'ello. I've got a laptop with a front mic, is there a way to improve the fron microphones sensitivity?17:07
Kuntragrawity: fahadsadah: I'd like tog et a copy of those e-mails17:08
fahadsadahKuntra: sudo mail17:08
fahadsadahThen you can just select which message you want to read, save it, etc.17:08
grawityKuntra: What mail server are you using?17:08
fahadsadahuser_: Hi.17:08
fahadsadahgrawity: /var/mail17:08
Kuntragrawity: default local mail that comes with jaunty17:08
user_I need some help.. I delete my /etc/apt/sources.list file  :(17:08
fahadsadahuser_: One sec.17:09
grawityAh, so none17:09
nexsjauser_, make a new one :>17:09
user_(for jaunty)17:09
fahadsadahuser_: deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hoary universe17:10
fahadsadahdeb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hoary universe17:10
fahadsadahdeb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hoary-security main restricted17:10
fahadsadahdeb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hoary-security main restricted17:10
FloodBot2fahadsadah: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:10
fahadsadahThat's hoary. Replace every instance of "hoary" in that with "jaunty"17:10
user_fahadsadah: thanks17:10
KyonicYou can probibly fine a sources.list on site or forums.17:10
Doc-Saintly_Hello all, I have an ubuntu server running an openssh server. When I try to connect to it with putty it instantly complains that it's got a bad host key. I've cleared the stored host keys from cache though. Any ideas?17:10
user_ok, I ll keep looking17:11
fahadsadahuser_: Forgot: deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hoary main restricted17:11
fahadsadahdeb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hoary main restricted17:11
dreambornis it possible to make my desktop look and act exactly like the mac desktop?17:11
user_fahadsadah: I need the file for jaunty... thank you anyway!!!!!!!17:11
JenniferBthis grep "^\?" if the line contains the ? .. how can I add so it is for both ? and ! .. ?17:11
user_dare, Is just what i need!.. ;)  thanks17:12
fahadsadahuser_: It's easy to fix it.17:12
fahadsadahOh, you just got one17:12
grawityJenniferB: "^[!?]"17:12
dareuser_, there are two more: http://pastebin.com/m4005451317:12
JenniferBthanks grawity :)17:13
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tscmgahow to restart sound?17:13
tscmgahow to restart sound?17:13
fahadsadah!sound | tscmga17:13
ubottutscmga: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP317:13
tscmgafahadsadah, i can play mp317:14
dreambornis it possible to make my desktop look and act exactly like the mac desktop?17:14
tscmgafahadsadah, but the sound is bad on game17:14
fahadsadahdreamborn: Mac4lin?17:14
dreambornk i'll check it out17:15
nexsjatscmga, afaik you need gstream codecs...17:15
n00b81Hello all, I'm working with a PC that can't connect to the internet17:15
majnoonhaving LOTSA fun got 3 mouses on desk 3 key boards too17:15
n00b81Sorry, wrong channel ^ ^17:15
nexsjaCan anybody suggest something that can make my front mic more sensitive?17:16
nexsjaSavage Garden is not an option. o_O17:16
majnoonnexsja, trying the same type stuff on my laptop17:17
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nexsjamajnoon, yeah. I figure if VLC can boost outgoing sound than there can be a way to boost incoming sound too... Just dunno how :<17:18
majnooni know it probably CAN be done ,just HOW another story (for me)17:18
MircoPaperinoHi, someone can help me with ubuntu 9.04 system crashes?17:22
cellofellow!details | MircoPaperino17:23
ubottuMircoPaperino: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:23
Pincodoes the system crash when you turn up the volume?17:23
bahhhi to make a backup should I just copy all the /home folder or also smt else?17:24
bahhwhere does firefox and evolution save the settings and the messages?17:24
fahadsadahUnless you've modified anything else, /home should do.17:24
fahadsadahbahh: ~/.mozilla, IIRC.17:25
cellofellowbahh: /etc might be a good one to backup too17:25
RednkJediI'm pulling my hair out here. Does anyone know about issues with USB mice and Ubuntu 8.04?17:25
bahhthen once reinstalled what should I do?17:26
donnybrascoIs there any reason I would want to run a previous release of Ubuntu, rather than Jaunty?17:26
bahhfahadsadah: what about my email messages from evolution?17:26
jrib!lts | donnybrasco17:27
ubottudonnybrasco: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04).  The next LTS release is scheduled to be 10.0417:27
mechtechAvast found a virus on my Ubuntu jaunty system: Win32:Adloader-AC...help please!17:27
cellofellowdonnybrasco: If you don't like updating every six months, instead preferring a two-year cycle, stick to the LTS releases like Hardy. Otherwise, use Jaunty.17:27
RednkJediI've got it installed on a generic Dell desktop computer, and the USB mouse keeps freezing up, like it is losing connectivity. I've tried several mice, all with the same result. So I have to reboot my system every five minutes. Anyone have a clue?17:27
majnoonok how keep from getting mouses mixed up ?? (got 3 on my desktop now)17:27
Lin_Hi there all!! I wish to know: 1. if kernel-ppa images (2.6.31 to be more exact) contains backports-modules. 2. and, if dont where can I find the patch to apply them to kernel-ppa 2.6.31 sources?17:28
daredid you have problem under windows RednkJedi?17:28
jribmajnoon: put two of them away?17:28
RednkJediNo, I didn't have the problem under windows.17:28
majnoonrunning 3 computers17:28
RednkJediAnd I've had the problem with two versions of Ubuntu now17:28
donnybrascoso does that mean that Hardy may run better on my system, considering that it's the current LTS version?17:29
cellofellowRednkJedi: might be your USB chipset. What chipset is it?17:29
cellofellowRednkJedi: lspci to find out.17:29
dareokay, I asked because some dell desktops are known to have buggy support for usb mice (they only work in certain usb ports)17:29
jribmajnoon: use a kvm switch and put two of them away?17:29
bahhfahadsadah: anything else important to save?17:29
nexsjabahh, you have to copy the contents of firefoxes profile folder, and then just replace them (after reinstall)17:29
majnoonthe extra mouses and keyboards CHEAPER :)17:29
* LordLandon chews on fahadsadah 17:29
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04).  The next LTS release is scheduled to be 10.0417:29
RednkJediNo clue cello - not sure how to find out under Linux - it's been ten years since I've done anything serious, just getting back into the game. It is a Samba server, but i'm trying to add some other stuff, so I need the mouse. :)17:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about trl17:30
bahhnexsja: ok... I just need to find those folders17:30
jribmajnoon: sounds annoying I get confused enough with a laptop near my desktop17:30
majnoon2 desktops and 1 laptop17:30
mechtechjrib: know anything about viruses?17:31
nexsjabahh, for firefox it's ~/.mozilla/firefox/xxxxxx.default where xxxx -random letters and numbers17:31
jribmechtech: no17:31
nexsjabahh, for evolution i dunno, i prefer thunderbird17:31
dareoh that's interesting.. my problem with being unable to see files/directories on an ntfs partition created under ubuntu in windows only applies to xp, i can see them under win717:31
MircoPaperinoMy ubuntu 9.04 crashes with apparently no particular reasons, it randomly happens, the only thing i can do is to move the cursor on the screen17:31
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bahhnexsja: k I use both.... but how can I find my messages? I have no previous backup of them17:31
nexsjaMircoPaperino, did you try running it in safe mode and see what happens?17:31
mechtechany help for viruses?17:32
purplenotiongot this while doing an update:  E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.17:32
purplenotionE: _cache->open() failed, please report.17:32
brotkastenhi, what's the best way to install versions of software that are currently not in the repository? Is there something like debian testing for bleeding edge packages? What's a good way to do it? Manually? Are there special sources (I'm running 9.04)?17:32
purplenotionwhat does it mean?17:32
MircoPaperinoyes nexsja it crashes in safe mode too17:32
nexsjabahh, afaik Evolution offers you to back up all your data, at least i got that from starting it up right now and it offered me to restore everything. So... I guess just search around Evolution itself :>17:33
nexsjaMircoPaperino, For i'd be easier just to reinstall :>17:33
nexsjaMircoPaperino, it's only takes _reinstall-time_ + 10 minutes :> or so17:33
mechtechjrib: how to remove a directory and all of its contents using command-line?17:33
bahhnexsja: ok but right now I can't access my installation. I'm on livecd. That's the problem. I had a grub error 18 so I decided to reformat17:33
jribmechtech: rm -rf17:34
jrib!cli > mechtech17:34
ubottumechtech, please see my private message17:34
dareborkasten, just ./configure if neccessary, make and make install..17:34
nexsjabahh, okay, wait a second, i'll see what i can find :>17:34
darebrotkasten, install from source17:34
nexsjabahh, http://embraceubuntu.com/2005/12/03/how-to-backup-evolution/ might this be helpful?17:35
brotkastendare: sorry never did that (i'm relativle new to ubuntu) ... that means get the source code and compile it myself or is there a ubuntu way to do it?17:35
dareyes, just follow the commands in INSTALL17:36
majnoongot to admit the mouse thing is SORTA on topic17:36
jribmajnoon: not really...17:37
majnooni said SORTA17:37
jribmajnoon: I said "not really..." :)17:37
brotkastendare: sorry, yes, compile it myself or yes, there's an ubuntu way?17:38
majnoon(but not just linux one )17:38
dareno, just compile it17:38
brotkastendare: ok thanks17:38
bahhnexsja: it is helpful. I'm gonna try it asap17:38
majnoonmaybe go see what #windows says17:38
bahhnexsja: Any other things to backup in you opinion?17:38
majnooni AM bored :)17:38
nexsjabahh, I'd suggest splitting your hdd into partitions and creating a mount point under /home17:39
nexsjaso you won't have to worry about backup before reinstalling17:39
bahhnexsja: yeah I will do it17:39
bahhnexsja: I will create 4 partitions: /boot for grub, swap, / and /home17:40
nexsjabahh, why do you need one for grub?17:40
bahhnexsja: because I don't want error 18 to happen again17:40
bahhnexsja: where should I create it? Before the / one?17:40
brotkastenbahh: if you love your data (or just need it) back it up before installing ... especially if you play around with fdisk and partitions17:41
nexsjabahh, um... error 18 sounds terrifying :D17:41
nexsjabahh, afaik the order doesn't matter17:41
monostonehi, has anyone successfully integrated bogofilter with qmail on a per dot qmail file basis?17:41
bahhnexsja: well it is terrible :/17:41
linduxedive got a custom PS1 prompt, and the various terminals (xterm, gnome-terminal, urxvt) go back to the beginning of the current line, starting to overwrite what i wrote. any fix to this?17:42
bahhbrotkasten: I just need to mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda5 and then resize it with gparted. Do you think that also the other partitions will be affected?17:42
Kuifje111hello all. I want to install a VNC server on my server, but I dont want it to be running X server on the local server all the time, is it possible to do this?17:42
nexsjabahh, i guess. In any case, i did only 3 mount points. /, /home and swap... There's another one, /var/www that's a bit useless now that i know that i'll be wiped on every reinstall.. so... :> never mind that :>17:43
bahhnexsja: damn do you really think I should backup all the drive?17:44
mechtechjrib: thanks, you have quelled my fears...apparently there is only one known linux-compatible virus...bliss...since I have already uninstalled virtualbox, I am just going to remove the directory and all of its contents since that's where the infection is...thanks again :)17:44
nexsjabahh, nope, not really, just the /home dir where all the configs are17:45
suffererhow come ubuntu comes with 10pt fonts, it's too big!!!17:45
jribmechtech: k17:45
RolandAny idea why my gigabit realtek ethernet controller works at only 100baseTx?  ubuntu 9.0417:45
jribsufferer: system -> preferences -> appearance17:45
darei agree, 9pt should be default17:45
Pincois it connected to a slower NIC?17:45
suffererjrib: it should be a bug on gnome bugzilla17:45
jribsufferer: go for it17:46
RolandPinco, it's connected to gigabit switch17:46
Pincohow do you notice the speed it operate?17:47
RolandPinco, because maximum speed is 12MB/sec, mii-tool tells it's 100basetx and gigabit indicator is dim on the switc17:48
CamonZhi, i'm having a prob trying to ssh to my vps. for some reason i can't initiate a new ssh session, I keep getting a connection refused message.17:48
CamonZBut it hasn't kicked me out of the session i already have open17:49
CamonZso, where can i look to see why is the connection being refused, already tried looking at /var/log/auth.log and there isn't anything17:49
slim_penguin!admin share17:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about admin share17:50
grawityCamonZ: How about /var/log/syslog? /etc/hosts.deny?17:50
CamonZgrawity nothing on syslog17:50
slim_penguin!map network drive17:50
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:50
CamonZlet me check hosts.deny17:50
Pici!msgthebot | slim_penguin17:50
ubottuslim_penguin: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".17:50
sipiorCamonZ: can you verify that there is an ssh daemon listening on the other end? might be it got turned off after your first login.17:50
grawityCamonZ: Yeah, what sipior said - sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart17:51
CamonZhosts.deny looks default17:51
slim_penguini have a windows machine on my home network that i'd like to access.  is there an article on how to connect to it and share files between it and my 8.10 laptop?17:52
CamonZgrawity already did that a few mins ago. plus another one of the admins can log in fine17:52
CamonZso i guess it has something to do with my ip17:52
CamonZbut i haven't been able to find anything related to being blacklisted either by sshd or iptables17:53
B3g1nn3rHi there ubuntu dudes, can anyone tell me of a graphics editor capable of handling and saving .cbr (corel draw) files?17:53
prappl93slim_penguin, I believe if you do a "sudo apt-get install samba" then restarted your system, it would work in the Network thing in Places17:53
CamonZi even started sshd with -ddd to see a full debug trace, my connection attempt isn't even being recorded17:53
slim_penguinprappl93, sweet i'll try it17:53
Amnesiahi, is there anyone familiar with the grub 2 syntaxes over here?>17:54
MaticB3g1nn3r, am afraid there is none!17:54
B3g1nn3rThanks a lot for answering though, Matic17:54
geoff_is there a command to "show desktop" that I could use with easystroke?17:54
AmnesiaKuifje111: toevallig verstand van grub2?17:54
B3g1nn3rI guess I'll have to Wine corel draw or something >_<17:55
Kuifje111Amnesia: already got it.17:55
slim_penguinthe ice cream truck is in my neighborhood, anybody want some?17:55
AmnesiaKuifje111: :o awesome me to17:55
Kuifje111Amnesia: GRUB de bootloader?17:55
AmnesiaKuifje111: but are you a little familiar with the syntaxes?17:55
Maticslim_penguin, yeah one dozen please17:55
AmnesiaKuifje111: ja17:55
Kuifje111Amnesia: not really.17:56
Amnesiammm so you can't tell me how to boot an iso with the loopback function?17:56
Amnesiacause I need to select a kernel but I dunno how to do this with a NT based image17:56
Kuifje111Amnesia: sorry, no idea.17:56
AmnesiaKuifje111: hmkay, thanks though17:57
* toyimp is away: brb goldfish is drowning.17:57
geoff_is it possible to set a  keyboard shortcut to show desktop?17:58
prappl93geoff_, System > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts17:58
geoff_prappl93: none in there17:58
dareit is17:58
dare"Hide all normal windows and set focus to the desktop background17:59
CW|Officehello all17:59
prappl93geoff_ Ctrl Alt D is the default Show Desktop17:59
CW|Officei absolutely need help17:59
VegaStarI have a Toshiba Laptop with Mobile Intel® 915GM/GMS, 910GML Express Chipset Family and the graphics in ubuntu 9.04 are very slow, is there an easy way (repository or something like that) to install the drivers made here http://intellinuxgraphics.org/ (if they are compatible)18:00
CW|Officei want to migrate all my desktops to ubuntu, kubuntu linux in general18:00
CW|Officething is i want to use ubuntu server18:00
CW|Officebut i have absolutely no experience18:00
jacquesdupontdon pidgin how can we change that f...... msn status ?18:00
CW|Officewith linux servers18:00
CW|Officeis there a support channel18:00
Rolandjacquesdupontd, you want to change status message18:01
geoff_prappl93: thanks!18:01
prappl93geoff_ if you are wanting to change that command, it is under Window Management and is titled "Hide all normal windows and set focus to the desktop background"18:01
jribCW|Office: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)18:01
MaticCW|Office, I recommend you use ubuntu-8.4-Hardy LTS, I have installed it in cyber cafes and offices and no complaint!18:02
AmnesiaDoes anyone over here know shit from Grub2?18:02
CW|Officeok i'll quit the 9:04 server18:02
CW|Officegetting that one now, thanks matic18:02
jribCW|Office: what will you be using the server for?18:02
CW|Officehmmm... dns server, file sharing, and print server18:03
CW|Officeright now i use 4 2k3 machines18:03
jribCW|Office: yeah go LTS then.  Read the help.ubuntu.com server guide18:03
jacquesdupontdRoland, yes18:03
mneptok!language > Amnesia18:03
ubottuAmnesia, please see my private message18:03
CW|Officei have 86 desktops18:03
MaticCW|Office, there is a server version for it18:03
linduxedi figured out what it was that breaks the linedrawing in terminals, when i customize my PS1.18:04
linduxedALL colours break the line functionality....18:04
Amnesiamneptok:  what the heck...18:04
CW|Officeshould i go with the alternate install or desktop18:05
jacquesdupontdso how can we change the status of msn on pidgin please guys ?18:05
hemanthwhat wrong with launchpad ? http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=3592831&l=1ed6494ac0&id=63091600118:05
prappl93jacquesdupontd, are you a transfere from Windows?18:05
sebsebsebCW|Office: neither you get the server edition18:05
=== snowrichard_ is now known as snowrichard
Picihemanth: #launchpad is the support channel for launchpad18:06
B3g1nn3rWhat is a good IRC client that will make me look like a 1337 h4x0r? (aka console looking ones)18:06
sebsebseb!lts |  CW|Office18:06
ubottuCW|Office: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04).  The next LTS release is scheduled to be 10.0418:06
jacquesdupontdprappl93, what do you mean i have double boot with windows yes18:06
prappl93jacquesdupontd, I would *personally* recommend you run "sudo apt-get install amsn" its a substitute for MSN, very similar to the real thing.18:06
CW|Officeah yes, almost made a mistake thanks sebsebseb18:06
hemanthPici, done18:06
snowrichardsorry I had 2 copies of xchat running18:06
sebsebsebCW|Office: by the way good idea to check your ISO, to make sure you have a good download18:07
sebsebseb!md5sum |  CW|Office18:07
ubottuCW|Office: To verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more18:07
sebsebsebCW|Office: no probs18:07
prappl93How do I check if my OpenOffice is up to date?18:07
justfilI cant change the time. When I try to change it, nothing happens.18:07
CW|Officeok good, it's downloading18:08
VegaStarPlease graphics drivers for Mobile Intel® 915GM/GMS, 910GML Express Chipset Family anyone (Ubuntu 9.04 drivers are too slow)18:08
sebsebsebCW|Office: you don't get a GUI,  but  I think it's relively easy to use anyway, I haven't used it18:08
CW|Officei'm tired of my 2k server they just seem tired18:08
sebsebsebCW|Office: you also get a Linux kernel that is better for servers18:08
graelincan anyone help with a i/o error using dd? I'm trying to rip an iso from an audio cd using: 'dd=/dev/cdrom1 of=file.iso bs=1024' (w/o quotes) It accesses the drive for a sec or so and spews out an i/o error and status message18:08
sebsebsebCW|Office: yeah  most of the Internet is hosted on Linux servers :)18:09
prappl93CW|Office, changing from Windows to Ubuntu server? Seems like a better idea than running the Windows version... lol18:09
CW|Officeand the cost of migrating using a local it company is in excess of 29K18:09
MaNU_how to download a pdf file using wget?18:09
jribCW|Office: wow18:09
sebsebsebCW|Office: normalley Debian or  I think Redhat, but  Ubuntu server  will do what you want18:09
jribMaNU_: you shouldn't have to do anything special: wget url18:09
graelinadditionally, after that, I have a constant 1/4 cpu usage, but can't seem to find what is using the process time18:10
raulhgood morning everyone, anyone know the webpage for ubuntu supported games?18:10
CW|Officestill they want to use 2k8 but i'm really hearing alot of good things about ubuntu server18:10
brotkastengraelin: are you sure it works this way?18:10
sipiorgraelin: you'll want a bigger block size, and you should use the "count" directive as well. (or just use cdparanoia or the like for ripping the audio, really the best solution)18:10
engineerhow can download google earth18:10
CW|Officeso i've been using ubuntu at home for the last month and it's been doing everything i need18:10
jrib!medibuntu | engineer18:10
ubottuengineer: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org18:10
MaNU_i am trying to download the following url18:10
MaNU_wget -O output.pdf http://example.com/file.pdf18:10
jribengineer: enable the medibuntu repositories and use Synaptic18:10
MaNU_sorry wrong file18:10
jribMaNU_: what?18:10
brotkastengraelin: why use dd? not something like k3b or another gui tool18:10
CW|Officeso i think that the office would benefit, cuz most times they just use it for word processing, spreadsheets etc18:11
MaNU_i was trying to download following file18:11
MaNU_bash: syntax error near unexpected token `G'18:11
CW|Officeit's just we have a high level of viruses infections that's driving me nutz, i can't stand the downtime18:11
graelinI don't want to rip/encode  the content. I want an exact duplicate of the cd to archive. need to rip tyhe iso so I can burn another disc18:11
jribMaNU_: surround your url in single quotes ''18:11
MaNU_this is the error i gpt18:11
sebsebsebCW|Office: yeah Open Office,  KOffice,  Abiword, and Gnumeric a spreadsheet app,  and if nessarey most of  Office 2003 and 2007 can work pretty well under Wine18:11
dutchsamhey guys can i ask a noob question?18:12
jacquesdupontdprappl93, i don't like it takes too much memory18:12
brotkastengraelin: make sure it's not mounted and you have write access to it18:12
jribdutchsam: sure the only question we don't like is "can I ask a ____ question" :)18:12
sebsebsebCW|Office: and there's a commercial office suite for Linux to, but I can't remember the name now18:12
jacquesdupontdanother question how can i easily transcode a wav to mp3 on ubuntu ?18:12
MaNU_it says unsupported scheme18:12
dutchsamhaha sorry jrib18:12
prappl93My version of OpenOffice is 3.0.1 and I think I read that they released 3.1, is there a way to update this with terminal or no?18:12
jacquesdupontdi want a simple simple soft18:12
=== kronix is now known as kronix[JAP]
prappl93jacquesdupontd, so does Windows but you keep using it with a dual-boot ;)18:13
brotkastengraelin: read18:13
jrib!who | MaNU_18:13
ubottuMaNU_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:13
brotkastengraelin: *read access of course18:13
jacquesdupontdprappl93, for work yes18:13
jacquesdupontdprappl93, but i'm not on ubuntu for nothing18:13
dutchsamright basicly i havea fujitsu amilo laptop and have been doing some research about running ubuntu on it, it turns out that there maybe some problems iwth the wireless chipset? however all these problems were with older versions of ubuntu not the newer one. Just wondering if this problem had been solved. Thanks :D18:13
bumy ubuntu just show the (Ubuntu 9.04, memtest86+) in boot menu and i cant log into my gnome or kernel or anything, does anybody know how to fix this?18:13
bup.s : this happened after i messed with the synaptic package manager and now am running ubuntu from CD18:13
CW|Officei'm just wondering too cuz i'm not quite sure for the ubuntu server what antivirus do i need18:13
MaNU_jrib:,when url put in quaotes18:13
jribprappl93: it's better to wait for the repositories to catch up on their own unless you have a specific need18:13
jacquesdupontdprappl93, so to transcode a wav to mp3 ?18:13
sebsebseb!virus |  CW|Office18:13
ubottuCW|Office: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2118:13
MaNU_jrib:,unsupported scheme18:14
mneptokAmnesia: it means what it says18:14
sebsebsebCW|Office: if  your say doing an email server, you may want an antivirus though, to scan for Windows viruses, which won't infect Linux distros18:14
jribMaNU_: umm, there's a fire alarm going off... bbl hopefully...18:14
MaNU_jrib:.i dont understand18:15
dutchsamanyone help me :(18:15
Amnesiadutchsam: TIS ER?18:15
raulhdutch what seems to be the problem mate?18:15
dutchsam<dutchsam> right basicly i havea fujitsu amilo laptop and have been doing some research about running ubuntu on it, it turns out that there maybe some problems iwth the wireless chipset? however all these problems were with older versions of ubuntu not the newer one. Just wondering if this problem had been solved. Thanks :D18:15
mneptokdutchsam: boot the Live CD and see if it works.18:16
raulhyeah i saw, alright, well wireless chipset shouldn't be a problem, if it is, you can use Ndiswrapper.18:16
Amnesiadutchsam: ligt eraan..;.18:16
sebsebsebCW|Office: just  do the standard hardware security stuff,  and a  good password,   and  should be alright18:16
buguys! anyone? :'(18:16
dutchsamis the live cd on the same disc as the whole version mneptok18:16
sebsebsebCW|Office: hardware firewalls I am thinking18:16
mneptokdutchsam: it is18:16
dutchsamcheers :D18:16
ghostknife_when I have updates available, or a system restart is required, or my battery is low, etc. a balloon alert is displayed at the top right, near the clock. what is the subsystem that displays these alerts called?18:16
CW|Officethanks sebx318:16
AUserExcuse me.18:17
CW|Officegood read, i'm getting to feel more comfortable about migrating18:17
prappl93bu, uh... dunno. You might have to reinstall it all.. I wouldn't exactly act on that right off the bat, but that could be your last case scenario18:17
bumy ubuntu just show the (Ubuntu 9.04, memtest86+) in boot menu and i cant log into my gnome or kernel or anything, does anybody know how to fix this?18:17
AUserWhere can I buy a Y2K compliant 2cent coin?18:17
CW|Officefor the desktops do i go with the 8.04 lts release18:17
raulhbu did you erase the ext3 partition?18:17
sebsebsebCW|Office: there's info out there on the net,  about how to configure  Linux servers properly and  such18:17
mneptok!ot > AUser18:17
ubottuAUser, please see my private message18:17
ltcabralhow do i list the open processes?18:18
buprappl93: when i log through the CD i can C my ubuntu drive but if i managed to insert the boot information into the menu.lst u think that may work?18:18
sebsebsebCW|Office: the desktops   LTS  or  standard release18:18
sebsebsebCW|Office: new versions of Ubuntu in April and October18:18
buraulh:  no the partion is there18:18
raulhltcabral: go into prefrences > system monitor?18:18
trashbarg_ltcabral, ps(1)18:18
Besogonbu, May be you deleted linux-kernel (or linux-kernel image) files?18:18
raulhnp, and Bu: only memtest is there?18:18
raulhwhat did you last do before you noticed it gone?18:18
VegaStarWhy they cannot build good drivers for Mobile Intel® 915GM/GMS, 910GML Express Chipset Family in Ubuntu is it SO difficult?18:19
buBesogon: yea18:19
ltcabralraulh: theres no system monitor in preferences :P18:19
Pici!intel | VegaStar18:19
ubottuVegaStar: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.18:19
buraulh: yes and redhat and win VIsta but no ubuntu18:19
ltcabralraulh: oh nvm... its in administration18:19
raulhit's system monitor in administration, sorry.18:19
sebsebsebCW|Office: there are  disk   copying programs similar to Norton Ghost for Linux as well, so you can easilly install  the same stuff on each computer,  but I don't really know about it18:19
sebsebsebCW|Office: since I haven't used18:19
raulhBu, the boot loader seems to be screwed up..18:19
raulhyou could try adding the partition back into the grub bootloader, if that's still the main one.18:20
=== GodFather_ is now known as GodFather
buraulh: well i checked the menu.lst and it just showes the memtest and other Os's18:20
prappl93Why is "Free The Fish" written into Ubuntu as well as "apt-get moo" and all the "aptitude moo" things18:20
raulhthen i think redhat decided to take over..18:21
mneptokprappl93: it's part of GNOME, not just Ubuntu18:21
sebsebsebprappl93: so they are part of upstream?18:21
sebsebsebprappl93: since not so18:21
CW|Officethe 8.04 doesn't detect my wireless card on the desktop, but the 9:04 does18:21
CW|Officei'm experimenting as i go along :)18:22
ltcabralhey im using alien -i to install an rpm package but its not allowing me to create a folder (unable to mkdir krb5-devel-1.7) what should i do?18:22
buCW|Office: did u try backports?18:22
bahhto make a backup I just need to copy the entire /home folder and the /etc one?18:22
bahhany other thing?18:22
raulhcw:office yeah same here..18:22
CW|Office:( i got no idea what a backport is18:22
raulhi had to use ndiswrapper ^^ it's included in the cd.18:22
CW|Officei'm relatively new to ubuntu18:22
CW|Office:) but i'm learning18:22
raulhI've used it on/off for about 2 years lol.18:23
prappl93I am teaching myself as I go along18:23
bahhany idea?18:23
buCW|Office: google it or look it up on package manager under system admin.18:23
sebsebsebCW|Office: and 9.10  released at the end of October, gets the much faster when  it comes to booting Ext4 file system by default,   but   for full support  people have to clean install, since the Ext3 to Ext4 conersion won't be good enough18:23
sebsebsebCW|Office: conversion above18:23
raulhbaah, i dont think that will work as a "backup"18:23
dio_hello people18:23
raulhif you install the same apps, like firefox, it randomizes your profile, so you'd need to adapt it to the new one.18:24
CW|Officeso you suggest i go with the 9.04 for desktop?18:24
raulhi'm on 8.xx18:24
Besogonbu, Easer way for you it reinstall ubuntu (because in another hand you would have to learn "How to make Linux boot CD" and search your way to install kernel from live CD to hard disk)18:24
raulhbut i suggest you do what you like :), 8.10 is easier to learn the file system.18:24
dio_8.04 is LTC18:24
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04).  The next LTS release is scheduled to be 10.0418:25
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) is the current release of Ubuntu.  Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904 - Please use !torrents18:25
ubottuJaunty can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ubuntu-9.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your archieecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).18:25
raulhhey guys is "doom3" free for ubuntu??18:26
sebsebsebCW|Office: I woudn't just recommend 9.04 for desktops18:26
sebsebsebCW|Office: for a business18:26
cheetahw26is there a network installation disk for ubuntu.. or can i copy the contents of the disk to another partition and install from there?18:26
cheetahw26my cd rom is breaking down... so, I need some other method18:26
CW|Officeok i'm going with the lts18:26
sebsebsebCW|Office: 9.10 could be worth waiting for before doing a desktop  deployment18:26
computa_mikeDoed anyone here know how to make ekiga play well with JACk on Ubuntu Studio (or indeed standard Ubuntu)?18:26
Pici!install | cheetahw2618:26
ubottucheetahw26: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate18:26
dio_you can dowloade from ubbuntu.com18:26
raulhCheetahw, usb?18:26
merkur2kwould anyone know if its possible to suppress filesystem mount messages from appearing in the kernel log?18:26
=== kronix[JAP] is now known as kronix
buBesogon: am considering that, but the ubuntu and its partition and data inside it  are still there its just missing some parts that wont let it boot.. i want to check if there is some way 1st i dont wana earse it if possible18:27
cheetahw26i wish... kind of older laptop, can't boot from usb..18:27
ltcabralconsidering i use ubuntu, what of these should i download? http://www.rpmfind.net/linux/rpm2html/search.php?query=krb5-devel18:27
CW|Officeyes i see what you mean18:27
raulhhmm...  Cheetahw, try a network boot?18:27
geoff_boanyone connect to irc through proxy ?18:27
raulhor a floppy disk to force point it to the usb?18:27
sebsebsebCW|Office: yeah 8.04  is alright,  and I think they don't just update it with security updates,  plus it's got another  two years or so on the desktop left of support18:27
Picicheetahw26: Those links from ubottu should explain everything you need.18:27
dio_anyone have ubuntu run on tablet18:27
raulhgeoff, its asily possible but this isn't a place to ask for that.18:27
Picisebsebseb: 8.04 is LTS and does get security updates.18:28
Besogonbu, !backup18:28
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning18:28
sebsebsebPici: yes I know, but does it get anything else that isn't a security update as well?18:28
geoff_boraulh,  you know where i could get help18:28
stefgCW|Office: i agree with sebsebseb ... unless you don't need a newer kernel to suport some hardware you'll want LTS releases for the office... you don't want to upgrade every 6 months, and you don't want to be the guinea pig for new features in an office environment18:28
* CW|Office races to download 8.04 :)18:28
Picisebsebseb: No.18:28
buBesogon: what backup?18:28
geoff_boraulh,  you got a link maybe18:28
raulhWell, i don't know freenode so i can't help you on finding a room lol.18:28
sebsebsebCW|Office: yeah  these other releases can be nice,   but  for stability you want LTS really18:29
daregeorff_bo, settings->preference-s>network->network setup in xchat18:29
geoff_bodare i know that but tried a few proxies and they dont seem to work18:29
Storphis there a "newbie" ubuntu IRc chat channel? I have a few FTP command line questions :D TIA18:30
darethey don't seem to work = blacklisted from the irc server?18:30
sebsebsebCW|Office: the other advantage of LTS is  you can just upgrade it to the next LTS18:30
oblenobI feel really bad asking this, I don't know how to google my problem18:30
oblenobI have recently bought a gamepad18:30
stefgStorph: this IS the newbie channel :-)18:30
oblenobbut the joysticks only register half the range of motion18:30
raulhgeoff: i sent you a pm..18:30
geoff_bodare i tried a  few from this link  http://www.proxy4free.com/page1.htmlried a few from this link18:30
Storphoh, ok thanks stefg18:30
geoff_bok raulh18:31
daregeoff_bo, try using tor18:31
Besogonbu, you said that you had deleted linux-kernel at all. So how will your comutewr boot without it? Just reinstall ubuntu. (it consumes 30 min no more)18:31
raulhbesogon: my ubuntu installed in under 7minutes :)18:32
Storphis it possible to have CRON watch a folder on my system for changes, and when a change is made to any files or folders, upload the changes on our FTP site? our FTP host will not let me use Rsync18:32
daregeoff_bo, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TOR18:32
stefgoblenob: in any case of hardware as a rule of thumb: google make, model and add ubuntu ...18:32
ltcabralhey i need a package but its only RPM... what should i do? http://www.rpmfind.net/linux/rpm2html/search.php?query=krb5-devel18:32
sebsebsebCW|Office: may be worth doing a clean install  on  all the computers, when  10.04 comes out  April  2010,  since it's the next  LTS,   plus  then  Ext4 should be rather reliable  in Ubuntu18:33
oblenobstefg: I would do that, but the thing was so cheap there is no model  or make name on the product, or even the box18:33
stefgoblenob: see lsusb if you don't know what kind of gamepad you have18:33
oblenoband it seems to be with all joysticks18:33
buBesogon: am not sure actually what ive removed i deselected a package and by default it removed another attached ones but anyhow i will google it for a bit and if i found any results that worked i will let you know otherwise i will reinstall it... anyways thanks alot18:33
blognewbhi guys how do i locate a certain file in bash searching in all places?18:33
Besogonraulh, I have got anctient computer :)18:34
sebsebsebCW|Office: or do a conversion for partial suport maybe18:34
stefgblognewb: locate ... duh18:34
dareltcabral, the only way to see if it's compatible with debian-based configurations is to install it18:34
oblenobstefg: ooh, thanks18:34
oblenobstefg: I like that command18:34
raulhBesogon: i have an old emachines W3644 my other ancient computer that had win95 took 15 min's w/o the updating and stuff.18:34
magical_walrusI tried to turn on the highest level of effects and it did not work, so I18:35
raulhMagical: what didnt work?18:35
computa_mikeDoes anyone here know how to make ekiga play well with JACK on Ubuntu Studio (or indeed standard Ubuntu)?18:35
jacquesdupontdi downloaded amsn changed the status then return back to pidgin but i find it so stupid18:35
magical_walrus(apologies, im on an ipod)18:35
blognewbstefg: it didn't say anything18:35
TwoToneSpiritHow can I get hostnames to resolve?  (ie 'ssh hostname' instead of 'ssh <ip.address>')18:36
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darenano /etc/hosts18:36
yanchohi - all of a sudden my sound card is not outputting any sound - all levels are up - tried to restart to no avail - any ideas what i can check please?18:36
elisboayancho: try alt+f2 then type xterm -e alsamixer18:36
stefgblognewb: you might need a 'sudo updatedb' run if the file is fresh, and maybe a sudo locate to look in places where only root has access18:36
raulhyancho, which driver did you select?18:36
Piciltcabral: Is there a package in the Ubuntu repositories that is requiring that?18:36
blognewbstefg: i did that, nothing appeared18:37
nannesHi guys!18:37
yanchovia 8237 alsa support18:38
Besogonraulh, ha. I have Cel1200 +cdram800Mb + Hdd 40 gb (it was made in 2000 years or earlyer)18:38
stefgblognewb: are you sure it's there then?18:38
ltcabralPici: im not sure if the package in repositories is the same as the one im compiling from source...18:38
Leoneofi've Ubuntu in Second partition D: , and Vista in first partition C: , and i want to format C: , this will effect Ubuntu boot?18:38
yanchowhat shall i do with the alsamixer elisboa ?18:38
raulhBesogon: i feel like i have a super computer now lol..18:38
ltcabralPici: source has libpam-krb5-migrate-heimdal and im compiling pam-krb5-migrate from source, but both of them seems to be the same18:38
Piciltcabral: Er... well if you want the kerberos5 dev package, its probably libkrb5-dev18:38
elisboayancho: see if is there any entry with a M on the bottom; if there is, then type "m" to unmute it18:39
stefgLeoneof: no, if this is not a wubi install, and if you leave the partition scheme intact18:39
ltcabralPici: this one wont give me the headers to compile pam-krb5-migrate18:39
TwoToneSpiritHow can I get LAN hostnames to resolve?  (ie 'ping hostname' instead of 'ping <ip.address>')18:39
Besogonraulh, But it enaugh for me (I dont play in games) :)18:39
Leoneofstefg: thanks ^_618:39
=== Bodsda_ is now known as Bodsda
raulhdoes anyone know why when i try to install enemy territory it gives me a "not enough free space"18:39
ltcabralPici: or libpam-krb5-migrate-heimdal... both give same errors: http://pastie.org/56981918:39
nannesHi guys!!  :D18:40
nannesI've a question: where is the difference between18:40
nannes1 - sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg18:40
nannes2 - sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg18:40
FloodBot2nannes: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:40
stefg!grub | Leoneof , watch out if you reintsall windows:18:40
ubottuLeoneof , watch out if you reintsall windows:: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto18:40
raulhit's telling me i have 0 free space left, that's a lie o.o18:40
yanchoelisboa ,  did it - some were muted but noting related to the sound uot - unmuted all to no aval18:40
Leoneofthank you ^_^18:41
linux_n00bhi everyone!18:41
stefgLeoneof: the win installer is quite rude to other MBRs18:41
linux_n00bdoes anyone know how to stop xchat automatically connecting on launch?18:41
nannesehi! can anyone answer to my question, please?  lol18:41
raulhBesogon: ahh, i love games, so yeah i need atleast a good system lol.18:41
darenannes, pm18:41
elisboayancho: so I don't know what can it be now; but try preferences -> sound, on the desktop menu18:42
Leoneofstefg: yeah i know that microsoft intend to corrupt MBR18:42
olav_Can someone help me? I have a problem with youtube18:42
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elisboaand set it to ESD or pulseaudio18:42
geoff_I need to install an old version of filezilla(3.0.1), on the filezilla website I only get to download a gzip thing. Is there an easier way (like a repo with old version)?18:42
MaticHi guys I know this is offtopic, but help me join the restricted ##java channel18:42
Piciltcabral: Did you try to install the build-depends for libpam-krb5-migrate-heimdal?18:42
olav_Can someone give me a private talk? need help18:42
raulhhow does ubuntu clear it's "cache" ??18:42
stefgraulh: sudo apt-get clean18:43
kosznot ruder than mac products to other non mac products18:43
Piciraulh: What cache are you referring to?18:43
ltcabralPici: how do i do that18:43
CW|Officeyes ext4 is out18:43
CW|Officethat's a good idea18:43
yanchowhen i put the sound levels up on PCM and Master there seems some like wind heard - but still no sound comes out18:43
CW|Officei can do that18:43
Piciltcabral: sudo apt-get build-dep libpam-krb5-migrate-heimdal18:43
magical_walrus_Is there a way I can turn off effects in recovery mode?18:43
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
stefg!sound | yancho18:43
ubottuyancho: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP318:43
vanessaTrying to get video footage off cell phone. chmod a+x RealPlayer suggested driver but shows as not available, anyone have any ideas18:44
WinterWeaveris it safe to share my .ssh/id_rsa.pub ... key with someone else? I'm being included in a project and they want this public key.18:44
Kai`When I mute my sound (Using FN + F10) on UNR 9.04 Jaunty, my sound is muted but I hear low static crackling. Any one heard of this or something similar?18:44
Kai`Goes away when I unmute and normal sound returns18:44
olav_I really need help? can someone help?18:44
sexy-coder-girlHello, I'm trying to install a printer driver here. Unfortunately, the .deb package that I get is for x86 whereas I am on amd64; dpkg refuses to install it. Is there anyway to get it to work?18:44
jribolav_: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)18:44
magical_walrus_Can someone please tell me how to disable effects via shell?18:45
mib_mibcan someone tell me why when i do ls -d none of my directories show up?18:45
mib_mibthe only one it shows is '.'18:45
jribmagical_walrus_: WINDOW_MANAGER=metacity   in your ~/.gnomerc is one way18:45
WinterWeavermagical_walrus: metacity --replace18:45
stefg!apt | sexy-coder-girl18:45
ubottusexy-coder-girl: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)18:45
raulhhmm pidgin crashed..18:45
=== ttt is now known as UbuntuNISMO
UbuntuNISMO anybody can help fixing /etc/network/interfaces ?18:45
PiciWinterWeaver: Yes, your public key is safe to share.  Do not share you private key though.18:45
magical_walrus_jrib: It says unable to open x display, but that is the problem im trying to fix18:46
jribmib_mib: umm, « ls -d »  is the same as « ls -d . ».  You probably mean to do something like: ls -d */    but I don't know what you are trying to do18:46
mib_mibah jsut list all the directories18:47
jribmib_mib: what I said will do that then18:47
mib_mibno files18:47
mib_mibls -d */18:47
Maticmib_mib, why don't you use ls -lsh when you use -d it lists directory entries instead of contents,  and do not deference symbolic links18:47
UbuntuNISMO anybody can help fixing /etc/network/interfaces ? Private me!18:47
mib_mibjrib: thanks18:48
jribmib_mib: no problem18:48
magical_walrus_jrib: Is there another way?18:48
mib_mibmatic: i don't want to see content18:48
yanchostefg ,  the Alsa test now is making a noise . should it be a very boring and dull noise?18:48
thellionis it safe to remove all the pulseaudio stuff if im using ossv4?18:48
jribmagical_walrus_: you don't need X to do what I said.  Use a command-line editor like nano18:48
stefgyancho: no afaik it'S supposed to be a sine wave18:49
jribyancho: haha yes18:49
jribstefg: you don't consider that boring and dull?18:49
vanessajambo also trying to get video footage off cellphone what to do18:49
sexy-coder-girlstefg, I don't see any options there. But `alien` seems to refuse to convert the 386 .rmp now.. although it converted it just fine a minute ago :S (why did I delete it?! >_<)18:49
yanchoi am now trying to play a .wav but still silene :S18:49
jribsexy-coder-girl: alien is evil18:50
jrib!print > sexy-coder-girl18:50
ubottusexy-coder-girl, please see my private message18:50
sexy-coder-girljrib, well, I'm trying to get Dell 1320c printer to get to work...18:50
stefgsexy-coder-girl: i hoped there was a paragraph on dpkg --force-architecture... that'S missing http://www.phwinfo.com/forum/linux-debian-user/247533-dpkg-force-architecture-install-32-bit-software-64-bit-system-bad-idea.html deals with that18:50
sexy-coder-girlstefg, thanks18:51
stefgsexy-coder-girl: have you checked on linuxprinting.org ? it's better if you can compile it from source to 64bit18:51
sexy-coder-girljrib, heh.. I remember trying all that stuff a year ago. Today I ran into a thread that some Fuji Xerox driver works for my printer18:51
sexy-coder-girlstefg, checking right now18:51
yanchojrib,  stefg - restarted the audo software and now its working fine :) stefg that sound is truly a boring and dull one :P18:52
stefgsexy-coder-girl: what printer is that?18:52
=== magical_walrus_ is now known as magical_walrus
magical_walrusjrib: I've got nano open, but what next? Read file?18:53
Lin_Hi there all!! I wish to know: 1. if kernel-ppa images (2.6.31 to be more exact) contains backports-modules. 2. and, if dont where can I find the patch to apply them to kernel-ppa 2.6.31 sources? BTW, i have seem that some drivers (v4l to be exact) are not set to be compiled, is this working as intended? cause isnt a big cost add more capture cards (mainly usb ones).18:53
sexy-coder-girlstefg, I have Dell 1320c.. the guy says he managed Fuji_Xerox-DocuPrint_C525_A_AP driver to work with it. I downloaded it, converted with alient but dpkg failed to install it. Now alien refuses to convert it again (and I deleted the old .deb)18:53
nexsjaIf my PC is connected to a reuter, and 2 others are also connected to the same reuter, why can't i see them, nor do they see me?18:53
jribmagical_walrus: no.  Close nano.  Open it by doing: nano ~/.gnomerc, then type "WINDOW_MANAGER=metacity", then save and exit18:53
nexsjaLocal IP's do work18:53
CW|Officei'm excited about 9.1018:54
* stefg is a retired audio engineer , so quite used to sine test waves... yancho18:54
jribnexsja: "router", not "reuter"18:54
thellionnexsja, you need to setup samba18:54
EaxexeHi there, is there a a tool to package to .deb and .rpm at the same time?18:54
jribEaxexe: no idea, maybe someone in #ubuntu-motu knows18:54
thellionnexsja, share a folder in ubuntu, that will prompt you to setup samva18:54
Eaxexejrib: THanks :)18:54
unpersonWhat group does a user have to be a member of in order to print?  Is it lpadmin?18:55
nexsjathellion, didn't prompt...18:55
yanchoow hehe stefg - wel it surely is not a nice one :P18:55
geoff_how do I install a .tar.bz2 app?18:56
dreambornis there a way to get two mouse pointers on the screen each controlled by a different mouse?18:56
UbuntuNISMO  anybody can help fixing /etc/network/interfaces ? private me!18:56
lstarnesgeoff_: extract it (tar xjf file.tar.bz2) then look for instructions inside, usually in a file called INSTALL or README18:57
jribgeoff_: what app exactly?18:57
magical_walrusjrib: When I attempt to open gnomerc with nano, it says file not found in /root/18:58
jribmagical_walrus: you didn't type what I told you to type then18:58
jribmagical_walrus: or: why are you root?18:59
ExhaheRunning World of Warcaft flawlessly in Ubuntu 9.04 with the latest Wine.. How can I make the "alt" key work with the game interface.. seems to be ignored while I'm playing18:59
magical_walrusIm in recovey mode, the only option for shell was to run as root18:59
jribmagical_walrus: why do you want to use X in recovery mode?  Why are you in recovery mode?18:59
dreambornis there a way to get two mouse pointers on the screen each controlled by a different mouse?19:00
magical_walrusjrib: I don't want to use x in recovery mode, and i'm in recovery mode because I cannot use regular mode (it is simply a white screen)19:01
jribdreamborn: I think that's one of the new features in Xorg, forget what it's called and I'm pretty sure it's not available in the version of Xorg in jaunty19:01
jribmagical_walrus: ok.  Then replace "~" with "~YOUR_USERNAME" in my command19:01
TwoToneSpiritIf I simply install xfce, do I essentially have xubuntu?  If not, what can I do to try it out without installing fresh?19:01
dreambornjrib: how would i obtain this?19:01
magical_walrusjrib: Ok19:01
jribdreamborn: not easily, I don't know.  You would probably want to first find out if what I said is really true and use a different distribution to play around or see if it's in karmic19:02
dreambornjrib: ok i'll do some researching thanks19:02
jribdreamborn: try googling: xorg mpx19:03
FeasindeI just installed Ubuntu 8.10 on my laptop, a dell inspiron 6000. Installation seemed to go smoothly but when I restart my computer I get "Error 17"19:03
FeasindeWhat is this "error 17"? I did a quick search on google and it seems to have something to do with partitions19:04
FeasindeSo I went back and made no partitions at all - %100 Ubuntu19:04
FeasindeI still got error 1719:04
surgyhey guys, i tried to install something from the repos earlier using the terminal "apt-get" and i decided to cancel it by closing the terminal, now i want to install something using gdebi package installer, and it is saying "only one package installer can be used at once"19:05
surgyhow do i fix this?19:05
magical_walrusjrib: I did as you said and starts ubuntu normally, but it is still a white screen19:06
mikefletcher85should i use ext3 or ext4 for 9.04?19:06
FeasindeNobody? :(19:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lock19:06
thiebaudemikefletcher85, its up to you19:07
Pici!aptfix | surgy19:07
ubottusurgy: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »19:07
thiebaudemikefletcher85, i use ext4 and its fast19:07
kpkeerthi[Jaunty]anyone running nvidia binary driver + flash able to play youtube properly in fullscreen? i have tried all drivers - repo driver and the latest nvidia driver downloaded off nvidia's website. fullscreen flash playback stutters badly.19:07
joeyeyeFeasinde: check your bios drive settings like this guy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=44294519:07
Gurizimmikefletcher85, i using reiserfs19:07
mikefletcher85is there a program that will create an ext4 partition in windows?19:07
Picisurgy: You really should make sure that you aren't running apt in the background though.  ps aux | grep apt19:07
surgyPici, thnx19:08
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Feasindejoeyeye: I saw that thread. I'm looking at what I think it's my BIOS (at the very first screen I press f2). I can see no option to detect the HDD19:08
Gurizimmikefletcher85, instalation in win create paste in partition the win19:08
Gurizimnothing new partition19:09
mikefletcher85gurizim, sorry i do not understand19:09
joeyeyeFeasinde: does grub load and give you a list to boot from ?19:09
raulhhey guys, ive noticed my ubuntu has taken a tole on my audio card.. the sound is really lower then it should be any solutions?19:09
Feasindejoeyeye: it doesn't. The first screen loads and immediately I get "Grub loading stage 1.5. Grub loading please wait... error 17"19:10
mikefletcher85 is there a program that will create an ext4 partition in windows?19:11
stefg_raulh: open the mixer and adjust the PCM, main and front-L/R levels .... usually the Master only effects Main19:11
jribmikefletcher85: what does that mean exactly?19:11
raulhit's all maxed, it still really low.19:11
jribmagical_walrus: what is your username?19:11
mikefletcher85i was looking to create a ext4 partition in windows before installing ubuntu19:11
jribmikefletcher85: why?  The installer lets you create partitions.  Just free up some space19:11
jonex_can i use my windows wireless driver for Ubuntu?????????19:12
jribjonex_: yes, but you should try to avoid doing so19:12
jrib!wifi > jonex_19:12
ubottujonex_, please see my private message19:12
stefg_raulh: check in the terminal by running alsamixer19:12
raulhoh, ok it was the "front" one it was turned down, thanks for the advice.19:12
mikefletcher85well i have 2 partitons already (100gb for windows 7, 100gb for windows xp)  and i have 100gb free. But when i ran through the installer when it asked me to set up the partition it looked like it was going to override my windows xp partition19:13
joeyeyeFeasinde: boot from the livecd, mount the drive you installed ubuntu to, and then sudo grub and then find /boot/grub/menu.lst19:13
Feasindejoeyeye: very well. Gimme a minute.19:13
raulhmikefletcher, try running the paritioner, and make the free space ext3/419:13
dant2Anybody  know why i cant have compiz turned on with Wine Programs (Esp Steam, but mostly everything)?19:15
raulhbecause it's not stable yet?19:15
thiebauderaulh, what isn't stable?19:15
stefg_mikefletcher85: and try not to use the automatic partitioner... it's quite stupid. If you have 100G free i'd use 10-20G for / (root) some swap (size of RAM+10%) then rest for /home ... makes plumbing and upgrading/rfeinstalling easier19:16
dant2Ah, ok - is the any faster way to turn it off when running something?19:16
dant2Like could i have it set up like witha  button?19:16
raulhI'm quite new so i don't know sorry dant2.19:16
Picidant2: Install fusion-icon, it will let you easily toggle whether compiz is running.19:17
raulhtry this19:17
raulhmetacity --replace19:17
Pici!who | raulh19:17
ubotturaulh: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:17
mikefletcher85to all that responded, thanks for the help!19:17
raulhno it doesn't get lost, you get lost, stop abusing the bot.19:17
thiebaudegood luck on it mike19:17
john_doeMy home dir is encrypted. I changed my uid, and now I can no longer mount my home. I have the .Private file, and I have the passphrase. How can I then mount it?19:18
Piciraulh: No one else knows who you are talking to, please respect the channel guidelines.19:18
stefg_http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=662926 deals with switching of compiz when wine-apps are run19:18
extorIs there a GUI version of partimage out there which has a nice X interface like qtparted but can also backup partitions to image files?19:18
raulhWho i'm talking to knows now shut up ignorant bot abuser.19:18
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:18
MBD123I need the package ia32-libs for personal reasons, but every time I try to install it, it won't install due to this amd64 thing. I really really really need this package19:18
jrib!pastebin | MBD12319:19
ubottuMBD123: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic19:19
jrib!caps | Besitzer19:19
ubottuBesitzer: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.19:19
dant2Pici, after installing fusion-icon now what19:19
jribMBD123: please pastebin the command and output19:19
MBD123If you want to moderate language, couldn't you set the channel mode to +G?19:19
jribextor: I thought partimage had a gui19:19
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.19:20
Picidant2: Run it from Applications>Accessories, it should add an icon to your notification panel.19:20
extorjrib, does it? I typed "partimage" out in knoppix and got a command line spitout19:20
stefg_extor: there are some older (non-gui) tools for doing image backups, but they are on the edge of losing thier value (ext4...) Linux doesn't need partition imaging backups as hard as win does, so their is little effort put there19:20
stefg_!backups | extor19:20
ubottuextor: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning19:20
fedealguien q hable español19:20
PiciMBD123: Not on freenode, see http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml for our modes and #freenode for more help19:20
Pici!es | fede19:20
ubottufede: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:20
gartralhow do i tell what my system's CPU temp is?19:20
jribextor: http://www.partimage.org/Partimage-manual_Usage19:20
fedeuhhhh muchas gracias19:21
UbuntuNISMO  anybody can help fixing /etc/network/interfaces ? private me!19:21
extormmm partimage GUI yeah!19:21
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gartral!pm | UbuntuNISMO19:21
ubottuUbuntuNISMO: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.19:21
stefg_extor: partimage does not work for ext419:21
Feasindejoeyeye: can I type on a terminal sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst?19:22
extorstefg, works for fat32 I hope?19:22
stefg_extor: yeah... that'S ancient enough :-)19:22
joeyeyeFeasinde: don't edit menu.lst yet19:22
FeasindeSo no gedit19:23
joeyeyeFeasinde: sudo grub19:23
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gartralhow do i tell what my system's CPU temp is?19:23
joeyeyeFeasinde: at grub prompt enter "find /boot/grub/menu.lst"19:23
MBD123Okay, I think I actually might have this under control. I'm going to leave, but I'll come back later if this doesn't work19:24
stefg_!info lmsensors19:24
ubottuPackage lmsensors does not exist in jaunty19:24
stefg_!info lm-sensors19:24
ubottulm-sensors (source: lm-sensors-3): utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors. In component main, is extra. Version 1:3.0.2-2ubuntu4 (jaunty), package size 122 kB, installed size 556 kB19:24
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stefg_gartral: ^^^19:24
m_jak tam :P19:25
Feasindejoeyeye: I mounted the drive and opened a terminal. I typed sudo grub. At grub, I typed "find /boot/grub/menu.lst". I got: "error 15: file not found".19:25
m_jest tu jakis polak ??19:26
gartralstefg_: i have it, but it wont load in the terminal.. how do i use it?19:26
Pici!pl | m_19:26
ubottum_: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.19:26
joeyeyeFeasinde: okay... at the grub prompt type "root (hd<TAB>"19:26
joeyeyeFeasinde: what do you see ?19:27
Feasindejoeyeye: exactly like that?19:27
joeyeyeFeasinde: for <TAB> use the tab key (no quotes...)19:27
joeyeyeFeasinde: we're using grub's commandline completion features19:28
joeyeyeFeasinde: you should see drives listed19:28
Feasindejoeyeye: it complete "hd" with "hd019:28
tunenaxxholas  wapo  como estas    lainocentebaby  @  hotm  ail . co m19:28
joeyeyeFeasinde: good, now append "," and <TAB> again19:29
agussmanHow can I find a list of the servers to add to /etc/apt/sources.list for universe and multiverse?19:29
agussman(this is for jaunty)19:29
magical_walrusjrib: sorry, I had to go do something. My username is miguel19:30
tunenaxxholas  wapo  como estas    lainocentebaby  @  hotm  ail . co m19:30
gartralplease dont PM without asking, and you should ask in #ubuntu so others can read and ensure your getting good info19:30
Feasindejoeyeye: partition num: 0 Filesystem is ext2fs, partition type 0x8319:30
L1como tai19:30
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:30
mib_mibhow do i tell the user that a certain thing is being run by? I'm trying to check because django doesn't seem to have proper write permissions, even though i have the folder permissions set to drwxr-sr-x 3 django www-data19:30
gartral!pm > UbuntuNISMO19:31
ubottuUbuntuNISMO, please see my private message19:31
Feasindejoeyeye: partition num: 4 Filesystem type unknown, partition type 0x8219:31
pepperjackmib_mib: see ps command for instance: ps aux19:31
Feasindejoeyeye: I got those two messages19:31
jonex_how i run network manager?19:32
joeyeyeFeasinde: ok, now at the grub prompt "setup (hd0) <ENTER>"19:32
fedealguna red en español19:33
Feasindejoeyeye: error 12: Invalid device requested19:33
magical_walrusIs it possible to turn off desktop effects via shell?19:33
Pici!es | fede19:33
Feasindefede: #ubuntu-es19:33
ubottufede: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:33
panfistis the find command case-sensitive?19:33
Freemanhi guys19:34
gartralpanfist: all commands are case sensative19:34
FreemanI have installed Ubuntu Server Edition19:34
Freemanand changed the network card how I could install it :-)19:34
Freemanafter reboot it does not work19:34
magical_walrusIs it possible to turn off desktop effects via shell?19:34
gartralFreeman: is it pci?19:35
joeyeyeFeasinde: setup (hd0)19:35
joeyeyeFeasinde: error 12 is a syntax error19:35
gartralFreeman: lspci and pastebin the output19:35
magical_walrusCan someone assist me?19:35
Feasindejoeyeye: I don't know what I'm typing wrong O_O19:36
BrixSathi i have a prolem on my ubuntu, i cant access gnome but i can access kde :S19:36
Freemani get an realtek controller19:36
Feasindejoeyeye: setup (hd0)19:36
jonex_how i check my getway ip19:36
gartralmagical_walrus: you need too turn compiz off in a terminal, why not use applications>appearence>effects: None?19:36
joeyeyeFeasinde: correct, and that returns error ?19:36
gartralFreeman: please !pastebin the output of lspci19:37
magical_walrusgartral: My ubuntu installation will only work in recovery mode19:37
Feasindejoeyeye: it does19:37
Freemanyeah ok but how I could do that in console19:37
bahhwhen I type fdisk /dev/sda5 and then type d to delete it it says: No partition is defined yet!19:37
gartralFreeman: install pastebinit19:37
bahhhow do I delete the partition?19:37
Freemanbut how I do not have internet access19:38
joeyeyeFeasinde: something is up with the partition filesystem ... quit grub and.19:38
Freemanwithout network card19:38
ibrarany EVDO Expert19:38
magical_walrusgartral: At least, it is borked right now and I need to turn off desktop effects19:38
Feasindejoeyeye: I exited grub, done19:38
sr1mux6647 JOIN #supremos  Free official ubuntu  m4ma21mana p0r m1 cOOlpah 3st4s baneando J0BBY Is To FUck yUoR mama21mama 7im3s  T0n7O !!! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jordan <Si hay supremos hay flood> Si6u3s Qued4ndo m4l b0oRro de Mi3rDa ij0 d3 mil poo7as  http://portalsupremos.net/ - If you fuck - c0mmp1ain2 to #supremos-op, please! - GUAT A GUD PEEhJAZO HERE !!19:39
gartralmagical_walrus: im not sure, you could try uninstalling Compiz, but it sounds like your problems are deeper19:39
sr1mux28394 JOIN #supremos  Free official ubuntu  m4ma21mana p0r m1 cOOlpah 3st4s baneando J0BBY Is To FUck yUoR mama21mama 7im3s  T0n7O !!! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jordan <Si hay supremos hay flood> Si6u3s Qued4ndo m4l b0oRro de Mi3rDa ij0 d3 mil poo7as  http://portalsupremos.net/ - If you fuck - c0mmp1ain2 to #supremos-op, please! - GUAT A GUD PEEhJAZO HERE !!19:39
joeyeyeFeasinde: sudo fdisk -l19:39
gartralgotta love spam-trolls19:39
Feasindejoeyeye: is than an l or a 1?19:40
sexy-coder-girlAnyone on a 32-bit Ubuntu who can bother to run `alien -d` on this file: http://zoffix.com/new/del/Fuji_Xerox-DocuPrint_C525_A_AP-1.0-1.i386.rpm ?19:40
joeyeyeFeasinde: ell19:40
Feasindejoeyeye: an l19:40
sexy-coder-girlI'm on 64-bit and it refuses to convert it :/19:40
Freemanso what I could do19:40
gartralsexy-coder-girl: im seeing 40419:40
Feasindejoeyeye: what am I looking for?19:40
joeyeyeFeasinde: pastebin the results19:40
FeasindeOh, hang on19:40
Feasindejoeyeye: I'm using a different computer19:41
bahhwhen I type fdisk /dev/sda5 and then type d to delete it it says: No partition is defined yet!19:41
sexy-coder-girlgartral, ummm.....    wget http://zoffix.com/new/del/Fuji_Xerox-DocuPrint_C525_A_AP-1.0-1.i386.rpm19:41
bahhhow can I delete partitions using fdisk?19:41
sexy-coder-girlgartral, that works fine for me.19:41
gartralsexy-coder-girl: wget is throwing 404 on that file >.19:41
sexy-coder-girlwtf :S19:41
=== drazak_ is now known as draz|lab
sexy-coder-girlI don't know what to tell you really :\19:42
Walexbahh: you cannot delete partitions that don't exist. But perhaps you disk is not setup with the DOS partitioning scheme but the new one.19:42
joeyeyeFeasinde: oh yes... what /dev devices are listed ?19:42
Walexbahh: if it is the new one, use 'parted'19:42
m0r0nHey how can I install my SyncMaster 920nw (Monitor), it worked before but once I restarted it it started to be read as something else and now it  wont work19:42
traemccombsdoes Ubuntu 8.10 come with iptables enabled by default?19:42
tpw_rules_i have an ubuntu box that is stuck at the lovely resolution of 640x480 and 50hz!19:42
bahhWalex: gparted can't see partitions19:42
bahhWalex: it sees only unallocated space19:43
Faethinjoeyeye: it's me, Feasinde19:43
amikropHello. How can I set Firefox to open PDF files?19:43
FaethinI'm on my laptop19:43
sexy-coder-girlgartral, try this:
amikropI mean, when linked to a PDF file Firefox should open it, and not prompt me for its download.19:44
buckysexy-coder-girl: do you have ubuntu one ?19:44
sexy-coder-girlbucky, hrm?19:44
buckysexy-coder-girl: should i email it to you19:44
amikroptpw_rules_: yes?19:44
sexy-coder-girlbucky, what are you talking about?19:44
Walexamikrop: depends on the desktop environment. If you use GNOME and install the PDF reader that should be automatic.19:44
buckythe alien deb19:44
joeyeyeFeasinde: check your IM19:44
sexy-coder-girlbucky, oh, yeah, you could email it to broto2@zoffix.com19:44
buckysexy-coder-girl: what delivery methond19:44
sexy-coder-girlAnything really :)19:44
amikropWalex: I use GNOME. evince was installed by default, but nothing19:44
bahhany idea?19:44
amikropWalex: should I install adobe reader?19:45
m0r0nCan anyone help me with TwinView19:45
Walexamikrop: just the file associations inside Firefox.19:45
tpw_rules_amikrop: there is a plugin to do that. its called pdfescape19:45
magical_walrusHow can I uninstall compiz via terminal?19:45
Walexamikrop: edit->preferences->applications19:45
gartralsexy-coder-girl: doesnt wanna convert it19:45
amikropshouldn't I install adobe reader, though?19:45
user10is there any channel on lame here?19:46
Walexmagical_walrus: 'apt-get' or 'aptitude' latter probably nicer19:46
sexy-coder-girlgartral, what does it say?19:46
gartralmagical_walrus: sudo apt-get remove compiz19:46
cardg00$ metacity --replace $ sudo apt-get autoremove --purge compiz*19:46
gartralsexy-coder-girl: its just sitting there19:46
sexy-coder-girlhmr, weird19:46
amikropok, did it19:46
buckysexy-coder-girl: sent from gmail19:46
sexy-coder-girlgartral, ok, never mind. I think bucky converted it.19:46
sexy-coder-girlbucky, got it. Thanks.19:47
Darxusdo-release-upgrade is mad it me.  It's somewhat justified.  "aptitude update && aptitude dist-upgrade" is happy and complete.  Is there any more recommended course of action than s/hardy/intrepid in my sources.list and dist-upgrading?19:47
Draineddoes anyone know how to edit boot.ini from ubuntu? my windows parition is giving me hal.dll missing or corrupt, so im assuming its my boot.ini19:47
cardg00drained: what version of windows ?19:47
Drainedwindows xp prof.19:47
pepperjack!ntfs-3g | Drained19:47
ubottuDrained: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions19:47
magical_walrusI am having a big problem, every time ubuntu boots it is a white screen19:47
Drainedi don't know where boot.ini is located.19:48
cardg00c:\ i think19:48
cardg00its hidden though19:48
magical_walrusI just installed an ati driver and enabled effects19:48
ltcabralhow do i reset pam to update the changes i made in /etc/pam.d files?19:48
cardg00(for xp)19:48
BrixSathi i have a prolem on my ubuntu, i cant access gnome but i can access kde :S19:48
gartralmagical_walrus: what kind of gfx card you got?19:48
mastertogoIs it common for ubuntu 8.04 to forget i have a monitor?19:48
aaroninfidelwith sshfs is there anyway to make a login script so it automount's at login? here is what I've used previously sshfs username@remotecomputer.com:/remote/directory /local/directory19:48
HighLordObsihmm...no sound other than the login ping :(19:48
Drainedcardg00: if i'm on ubuntu shouldn't it be visible?19:48
magical_walrusgartral: ATI radeon19:48
m0r0nmastertogo: Are you using Twinview?19:48
tpw_rules_Drained: i think if hal.dll is corrupt, your win install is hosed, but i believe that it is in C:\ lke cardg00 said19:48
mastertogom0r0n, Don't think so. What is Twinview?19:49
Drainedtpw: "hosed"??19:49
m0r0nmastertogo: One monitor or two?19:49
mastertogom0r0n, just one19:49
cardg00drained: i think it will be visible yes, ls --all if not19:49
tpw_rules_Drained: yeah, pretty much dead19:49
m0r0nmastertogo: Bah. It never did for me, are you on ubutnu right now?19:49
PiciDrained: Windows support can be found in ##windows , they should be able to help you fix your Windows install.19:49
Drainedblah, if i reformat sda2, boot loader will be messed up.19:49
pepperjackaaroninfidel: yes you can easily do this.  just have like #!/bin/sh then next line your command and see:19:49
pepperjack!startup | aaroninfidel19:49
ubottuaaroninfidel: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot19:49
mastertogom0r0n, Yeah. It just stopped updating the monitor or something.. i don't know what happened really.19:50
LintDrained, you should find your windows disk in /media folder19:50
m0r0nmastertogo: Updating what?19:50
pepperjackDrained: something like find /media | grep -i boot.ini   perhaps19:50
Drainedalright thanks guys.19:51
tpw_rules_i have an ubuntu box that is stuck at the lovely resolution of 640x480 and 50hz!19:51
mastertogom0r0n, That was akwardly phrased.. i mean: The monitor acted as if the computer was off. Checked the connection and it was fine, a restart fixed it..19:51
wildc4rdevening all19:51
bitplanehow exactly do i open an email message?19:52
HighLordObsiwonder if i need to download audio drivers.....19:52
bitplanei've got a multipart email sent via Microsoft Outlook, i saved them, merged together the base64 parts19:52
aaroninfidelpepperjack: yes, but wouldn't I have to type my password each time with my script?19:53
Walexbitplane: considering that 90% of email is dirty spam, I'd say you open it with disgust or annoyance19:53
m0r0nmastertogo: Try this, 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart'19:53
bitplanemade a new email in Evolution, attached a zip file, saved it as a .msg, then injected the base64 encoded string in as the message19:53
bitplanebut evolution can't open an email msg file19:54
Walexbitplane: you can use 'mutt' or the command line MIME package tols19:54
bitplanefantastic, thanks!19:54
HighLordObsitook me three days of tinkering, but i finally got jaunty running for the most part19:54
SEJeffbitplane, Have you tried opening it as an eml?19:54
SEJeffthunderbird can do eml just fine19:54
mastertogom0r0n, thanks :] I'll try that later- gatta go now :\19:55
SEJeffHighLordObsi, That means its time to try out Karmic, right :)19:55
bitplanehmm install thunderbird? that sounds like an option19:55
magical_walrus_Can someone please help me? Every time I boot into ubuntu it is a completely white screen. I just enabled the highest level of desktop effects after installing an ATI graphics card driver.19:55
bitplanei attached the msg file to an email in Evolution, then tried to open it inline19:55
HighLordObsimight just be....19:55
bitplanebut it doesn't like files to open with attachments inline!19:55
mralexandrohow do i update java in ubuntu 9.0419:55
SEJeffbitplane, Yeah try thunderbird. Actually, you might install the ppa and install thunderbird-3.0. I've been using it for work email the better part of a month19:56
magical_walrus_Will someone please help me?19:56
cardg00how do you use fdisk to list the partitions you've got on an SATA drive ?19:56
cardg00(trying to help drained)19:56
cardg00linux fdisk19:56
SEJeffcardg00, fdisk -l /dev/sda where sda is the first scsi / sata disk19:56
bitplanemagical_walrus_: can you get to a console? i guess the settings are in your xorg.conf19:57
HighLordObsii've seen online that lots of people have been having issues with their sound with the realtek ac'97 onboard sound19:57
magical_walrus_bitplane: Yes.19:57
magical_walrus_in Recovery mode, though19:57
sexy-coder-girlOMG! I got my printer to work!!!!19:57
sexy-coder-girlAfter two years!19:57
aaroninfidelis anyone familiar with sshfs? I want to automount a ssh connection @ Startup.19:57
bitplanemagical_walrus_: try commenting out the driver lines, also make a backup before you edit the file19:58
pepperjackaaroninfidel: i think a better solution would be to maybe use fstab19:59
tpw_rules_ok, i solved my problem with the resolution, but I had to uninstall the proprietary driver. anybody know why this is?19:59
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frank_der_steini have a problem with the Fn-Keys (of my laptop) can u help me?19:59
pepperjackaaroninfidel: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=430312 looks promising sorry im not on my linux box atm or id try it for ya with a quick mount -a20:00
HighLordObsicrap, i'd almost be willing to give somebody twenty bucks to take a hammer to my router20:00
gartralmagical_walrus: ewww.. radeon.. got the radeon drivers installed?20:00
magical_walrusWhere is xorg.conf located?20:00
m0r0nmagical_walrus:  /etc/X1120:01
Drainedhighlordobsi: whats the matter lol?20:01
SEJeffmagical_walrus, /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:01
pepperjackmagical_walrus: /etc/X11/ but by default no longer generated20:01
HighLordObsievery few minutes it cuts out for a second20:01
m0r0nDoes anyone have TwinView set up20:01
TwoToneSpiritHow can I pipe the output of one program into another? (ie pipe the output of a cat query into apt-get for the purposes of removing all packages installed today)20:01
bitplanewoot! thunderbird worked, thanks for the help SEJeff, welex :)20:01
pepperjackTwoToneSpirit: could do something like apt-get install $(somecommand)20:02
gverigIs there any way to use icons embedded in executables to show in the menu? Basically, if I look at an executable through Nutilus, it has an icon but I don't know how to pull that icon into "applications" menu.20:02
ibrarany EVDO Expert20:02
HighLordObsiwhich isn't a problem for browsing, but it sucks nurds for chat20:02
WalexTwoToneSpirit: wrong way to express the concept. Consider 'man xargs'.20:02
magical_walrusbitplane: I don't see anything about drivers or effects in xorg.conf20:02
cardg00does anyone know how to dump the mbr to a file?20:02
TwoToneSpiritpepperjack: No dice - it seems to interpret the command itself20:02
cardg00using linux ?20:02
pepperjackTwoToneSpirit: OR just pipe like | xargs -i apt-get install {}  where {} is the piped output20:02
TwoToneSpiritWalex: checking20:02
SEJeffbitplane, You'll find quickly that tbird is a much better mail client. Tbird 2.x is slow with imap though. If you use tbird 3.0, the imap support and entire app is much faster20:02
cardg00maybe using dd or something ?20:02
cardg00or even cat ?20:02
WalexTwoToneSpirit: for the specific application cnsider using 'aptitude' it has amazing filtering abilities.20:02
HighLordObsitbird is my email client of choice20:03
bitplaneSEJeff, I actually mostly use GMail online and only use Evolution to send signed/encrypted emails. I may give thunderbird a try though20:03
TwoToneSpiritWalex: I love aptitude in theory, but it tends to overwhelm me.  I'll give it another go right now.20:03
prizrenhi guys. Stupid question.but why does flash not work on ubuntu ? anyone can help>20:03
WalexTwoToneSpirit: the doc page is very informative.20:03
prizreni mean youtub20:03
WalexTwoToneSpirit: especially the 'l' command specs.20:04
pepperjackTwoToneSpirit: could strip the newlines and replace with a hex 20 between results :)  or a for loop..20:04
rootinstall all your packages first20:04
=== root is now known as Guest76658
rhpot1991looks like I might be in the market to replace my ipod, are there any mp3 players that play nicer with ubuntu anymore?20:04
prizrenihave flash player 10.r22 installed20:04
sebsebsebGuest76658:   your jokeing right?20:04
magical_walrusHow cano turn off desktop ef20:04
prizreni know you guys must hate this questrion.20:04
tpw_rules_ok, i solved my problem with the resolution, but I had to uninstall the proprietary driver. anybody know why this is?20:04
rhpot1991sebsebseb: I hope he is :)20:04
prizrenbut I really would like some advice20:04
isabelle hi there20:04
isabelle I can't print anymore with my S20, use ubuntu 8.04, Have this printer working with a 9.04 hp laptop. Tested with 9.04 on the same desktop, to no avail.20:04
sebsebsebrhpot1991: Cowon sell good stuff, and  they have  OGG/Vorbis and FLAC  support :)20:04
TwoToneSpiritWalex: I'll try to swallow the doc page at some point, but I usually learn better by starting with a few examples and then filling in with the docs.  Do yo, for example, know how to sort packages by date installed in aptitude?20:05
SEJeffbitplane, Take a look at using prism for gmail then. It makes gmail seem like a desktop application. I use it for gmail20:05
prizrenI get this stupid message  JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player.20:05
Guest76658install java with firefox instead20:05
magical_walrushow can i turn off desktop Effects via shell20:05
rhpot1991sebsebseb: thanks, I'll have a look at what they have to offer20:05
HighLordObsihmm...lets see if i can find some open source drivers or something for my wireless adapter20:05
sebsebsebrhpot1991: ok :)20:06
isabelleHas anyone experienced problems with the Epson S20 ?20:06
sebsebseb!cups |  isabelle20:06
ubottuisabelle: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows20:06
prizren! flash | isabelle20:07
ubottuisabelle: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash20:07
isabellealready asked the cups channel, but there not much people there, and had no answers20:07
sebsebsebisabelle: Lexmark is usaully a problem  it seems,  Epson not sure about,  Dell and HP I think have good Linux support20:07
prizrenPackage 'flashplugin-installer' is already installed20:07
prizrenbut it does not work!20:07
magical_walrusCan someone please answer my question?20:08
shaun_hello dudes20:08
sebsebsebmagical_walrus: don't know via the shell, but via the GUI    system > preferences > apperance and put none20:08
canthus13isabelle: Did you check linuxprinting.org?20:08
isabelleThe fact is that it was working and it's been 10 days that's its not working anymore20:08
shaun_anyone know how to setup subversion?20:08
pepperjackisabelle: linuxprinting.org used to be a very useful site.  i havent used it in last year or so20:08
canthus13isabelle: What'd you do 10 days ago?20:08
isabellenothing, not even an update20:09
magical_walrussebsebseb: I cannot access the gui20:09
isabellethats what puzzles me20:09
canthus13isabelle: odd.20:09
prizrenShaun, yes? for a local user?20:09
sebsebsebisabelle: got another computer  around to test the printer on?  or Windows on dual boot to test with?20:09
prizrenor a server?20:09
sebsebsebmagical_walrus: why not?20:09
canthus13isabelle: Honestly, I just stick with printers known to work perfectly in linux.  but I've been using linux long enough that all my hardware has been picked for linux.20:09
isabelleId tested it with ubuntu 9.04 64 on a laptop. worked fine at first try20:10
HighLordObsiyay! i have an ubuntu proof wireless adapter20:10
canthus13HighLordObsi: So do I.20:10
sebsebsebisabelle: ok so the printer itself isn't broken20:10
magical_walrusSebsebseb: desktop effects seems to have chased my20:10
canthus13HighLordObsi: Actually, mine is OS-proof.20:10
isabelleWhat debug command could I use to trace the issue ?20:10
canthus13HighLordObsi: My laptop was recalled due to mobo issues.. but I wasn't aware until the warranty ran out. :P20:11
magical_walrusCaused my installation to give a white screen20:11
HighLordObsicanthus: Nice!!\20:11
WalexTwoToneSpirit: Double checking I think that 'aptitude' cannot select by installation date/time. I wonder what can.20:11
magical_walrusI need to turn off desktop effects via shell20:11
nikolaj_basherhi! Is there anyone who has soundblaster (laptop) where it's working!20:11
sebsebsebmagical_walrus: did you install graphics card driver recently?20:11
canthus13HighLordObsi: hence, I have a perfectly good minipcie wireless card that does nothing but take up space.20:11
shaun_hey guys anyone know why my netgear wireless router is able to be used for the wireless, however when i plug my linksys wireless router in, it doesn't find the signal20:11
WalexTwoToneSpirit: checking the DPKG docs it cannot either.20:11
shaun_and of course using the connect to hidden WTF do i do? xD20:12
RaenrOkay HUGE problem with Ubuntu, I installed 9.04, did my updates, then activated my ATI drivers and when I rebooted I have NO GUI20:12
canthus13shaun_: Bad router?20:12
magical_walrussebsebseb: Yes, today20:12
Raenrjust the commandline20:12
canthus13shaun_: Or maybe your linksys is set to not broadcast ssid?20:12
Raenrmy Ubuntu doesn't load the desktop anymore20:12
HighLordObsii have a belkin and apparently they are windows nazis20:12
sebsebsebmagical_walrus:   which graphics card?20:12
shaun_not bad router20:12
canthus13HighLordObsi: Belkin stinks.20:12
shaun_linksys router cost me a arm and leg20:12
pepperjackshaun_: id login to the router using a wired connection and check broadcast ssid and stuff.20:12
sebsebsebRaenr: ATI drivers from where?20:12
HighLordObsii didn't buy it...my wife did20:12
RaenrI use 2x ATI 387020:12
magical_walrusSebsebseb: radeon I believe20:13
shaun_so it needs to broadcast ssid?20:13
pepperjackshaun_: there should also be a small reset button you can hold it to take back to factory default20:13
sebsebsebHighLordObsi: have you tried ndiswrapper ?20:13
shaun_*thinks wtf you're on about*20:13
canthus13HighLordObsi: We regularly toss belkin routers off our network due them liking to suddenly start tossing out thosands of DHCP requests an hour.20:13
bahhfdisk says20:13
bahh Re-reading the partition table failed with error 16: Device or resource is busy20:13
canthus13shaun_: Yes.20:13
sebsebseb!language |  shaun_20:13
ubottushaun_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:13
magical_walrusIm having a very similar problem to Raenr20:13
shaun_ahh sorry dudes20:13
mikefletcher85i ran this command from terminal (ubuntu 9.04) and got a blank document, is that normal? "sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst"20:13
ejvFlloder001 tried to DCC me a file or virus, who should I notify?20:13
shaun_i'll look into the ssid broadcasting stuffs20:13
ejv(withoug my warning)20:13
shaun_ty guys20:13
sebsebsebmagical_walrus   Raenr    both of you  do the recovery mode from Grub the bootloader and do an xfix,  that should take care of your issue I think20:14
RaenrATI Radeon 3870 Crossfired, when I activated drivers and rebooted it won't load the gui/desktop20:14
canthus13shaun_: It's usually in the main wireless setup page on the router.20:14
ejv(without my approval*)20:14
RaenrI did that already nogo20:14
shaun_hey! it worked though with windows20:14
TwoToneSpiritWalex: Well, thank you.  I am enjoying exploring aptitude nonetheless.  The problem is that I installed xubuntu-desktop earlier, and for some reason xfce *CRAWLED*.  It was terribly slow.  I uninstalled the package, and now gnome is slow as well.  xorg is using far more CPU than it ever used to.20:14
yaris123456789what is a good command line emule client that lets me search KAD and dl stuff.....also a good torrent client for command line ?20:14
Raenrxfix doesn't work at all20:14
Raenrsame problem over and over20:14
magical_walrusXfix did not help20:14
nannes1hi guys! I've a question20:14
nannes1Why does pidgin add  '1' at the end of my username???20:14
HighLordObsii'm not too worried about it, I'm only trying out different linux builds...I build pc's for pofolk who can't afford one of their own...and to avoid win prollems i'm thinking about preloading it with linux instead20:14
bahhfdisk says when tape w:  Re-reading the partition table failed with error 16: Device or resource20:14
canthus13shaun_: Ok... Have you tried manually inputting the SSID?20:14
WalexTwoToneSpirit: looks like that the driver was changed to VESA maybe.20:14
nikolaj_bashercan it be true that no one has soundblaster pro?20:14
sebsebsebRaenr  magical_walrus  your both ATI?20:15
nannes1hi guys! I've a question20:15
nannes1Why does pidgin add  '1' at the end of my username???20:15
nannes1In my client I view 'nannes', the others told me my name results  'nannes1'20:15
shaun_yeah, it failed epicly20:15
shaun_even tried with the mac address too20:15
shaun_again, failed20:15
HighLordObsii have realtek ac97...used to have sbpro....but i threw that pc out my window20:15
canthus13shaun_: try renaming the router?20:15
sebsebsebmagical_walrus:   Nivida?  ATI?  Intel?  what card you got?20:15
Raenrone card id ATI Radeon the other one is a sapphire, both 3870's20:15
pepperjacknannes1: /whois nannes  <--- that dude is using your name ;)20:15
sebsebseb!ati |  Raenr20:16
ubottuRaenr: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:16
TwoToneSpiritWalex: I don't know what that means.  I remember VESA from DOS days, but I don't understand how it applies here.  How can I check to see if this is the case and if so, reverse it?20:16
magical_walrusAti radeon 220020:16
shaun_not tried renaming the router20:16
* canthus13 has occasionally also seen routers and wireless cards that just flat-out refused to talk to each other.20:16
sebsebsebRaenr: have you been on that link before?20:16
sebsebseb!ati |  magical_walrus20:16
ubottumagical_walrus: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:16
sebsebsebmagical_walrus: same question for you, have you been on that page before20:16
mikefletcher85i ran this command from terminal (ubuntu 9.04) and got a blank document, is that normal? "sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst"20:16
shaun_hey this ubuntu rocks though, well done guys20:16
shaun_love the gui, totally rocks20:17
Slart!gksudo | mikefletcher8520:17
ubottumikefletcher85: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)20:17
canthus13shaun_: Good to hear.20:17
Raenrkay im checking the link20:17
Raenrcan the fixes from the link be done from command line?20:17
sebsebsebmagical_walrus Raenr if you don't install graphic card drivers in the recommended way things can go wrong20:17
nannes1pepperjack:  yes, but you all view nannes1 !!! I want nannes!!!20:17
Slartmikefletcher85: but no.. not normal afaik20:17
HighLordObsiI love ubuntu also...gonna try out a few other distros though...to see which one would be better for idiots like me lol20:17
nikolaj_basherSound 3D Sound Blaster Pro compatible sound 16 bit integrated20:17
nikolaj_basherAudio Playback SRS Premium Sound20:17
pepperjackmikefletcher85: id recommend gksudo for gui stuff rather than sudo but gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst should normally work assuming you are using grub as your boot loader20:17
Slartmikefletcher85: are you sure you typed it correctly? /boot and /Boot isn't the same in linux20:17
sebsebsebnikolaj_basher: uh?20:17
magical_walrussebsebseb: So how can I fix this?20:18
nannes1pepperjack:  yes, but you all view nannes1 !!! I want nannes!!!20:18
sebsebsebmagical_walrus:  don't know20:18
pepperjacknannes1: you have to register your name.  if someone has already registered nannes youre out of luck.20:18
nikolaj_bashermy bad, but this was the specifications on my soundcard20:18
mikefletcher85slart, yea i always type in lowercase20:19
Raenrsebsebseb do you know if I can fix this without having to do a reinstall?20:19
sebsebsebnikolaj_basher: I assume you wanted to give that to me, but why?   also you put  sebastien20:19
HighLordObsimy father in law stupidly bought a belkin router too...it cuts out every few minutes...evil man20:19
Slartmikefletcher85: and you're using grub? not lilo or some other boot loader?20:19
sebsebsebRaenr: yep  probably, but I don't know how20:19
pepperjack!register nannes120:19
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:19
pepperjack!register | nannes120:19
ubottunannes1: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode20:19
sebsebseb!xorg  |  Raenr   magical_walrus20:19
ubottuRaenr   magical_walrus: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution20:19
mib_mibcan someone help me with some file permissions issues? I am trying to have django write to a folder, with these permissions drwxr-sr-x 3 django www-data   ....... http://pastebin.com/d6b8b4562?20:19
canthus13HighLordObsi: The only good use for belkin routers is annoying wireless leeches.20:19
lstarnesnannes1: /nick nannes20:20
mikefletcher85slart, i'm pretty sure its grub, its a fresh install of 9.0420:20
shaun_which is a good editor for ubuntu in coding?20:20
shaun_mainly php20:20
dprostranHello. After restart, my Ubuntu is behaving really strange. I need help20:20
arber4444hello i need a help does anyone knows how to turn off shutdown voice of startup voice20:20
canthus13shaun_: Depends.  You want GUI or terminal?20:20
Slartmikefletcher85: then it's very odd.. not really sure why it would be like that..20:20
shaun_good gui20:20
TwoToneSpiritHow can I return only parts of lines in the CLI?  (ie, eliminate the first n characters of each line in output)20:20
nannes1pepperjack:  ok, but register command is -->/msg nickserv register <password> <email >20:20
nannes1so is normal that the server use 'nannes1' because is the nick I have NOW !! :'(20:20
canthus13shaun_: gedit or scite work well in the gui.20:20
magical_walrusI'm strongly considering switchig o intrepid20:20
HighLordObsii tried to tell him to get a linksys or a netgear, but he went cheap20:20
luis_hola gente, como lo hago para irgresar a ubuntu español20:20
sebsebseb!es |  luis_20:21
ubottuluis_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:21
dprostranMy desktop has windows that stretch in a really excitable manner, and my workspace switcher doesn't switch with the mouse  wheel, and windows don't "dock" to each other. What's going on?20:21
nikolaj_bashersebsebseb, because I miss understod it all sorry20:21
pepperjacknannes1: youll need to do /nick newnickname or something. try something respectable like pepperjack ;p20:21
sebsebsebmagical_walrus: why?20:21
canthus13shaun_: But there are dozens of different editors available.  dig around in the repos and see what you like.20:21
arber4444hello i need a help does anyone knows how to turn off shutdown voice of startup voice20:21
sebsebsebmagical_walrus: ,but yes it may work better with your card20:21
HighLordObsiany ideas as to why i have no sound?20:21
pepperjackarber4444: im not sure if that is in gdmsetup but you could try 'gksudo gdmsetup' from a terminal20:21
mikefletcher85slart, omg... im an idiot... i was typing menu.list.. not menu.lst20:22
luis_como ingreso a esos canales20:22
sebsebsebmagical_walrus: it will stop being supported on the desktop  next April though, but oh well  9.10 is out at the end of October,  with default Ext4 support :)  for those that clean install  (and don't optionally select some other file system that isn't Ext4)20:22
canthus13HighLordObsi: Lots of ideas.  Is it all sound, or certain sounds?20:22
nikolaj_basherHighLordObsi, what soundcard do you have?20:22
pepperjackarber4444: otherwise it would be under sounds or something in the menu sorry i dont know gnome well20:22
lstarnesluis_: /join #ubuntu-es20:22
Raenralrighty rebooting20:22
HighLordObsirealtek ac'97 onboard sound...only sound i get is the logon ping20:22
canthus13HighLordObsi: And was it working before, or has it never worked?20:22
sebsebsebmagical_walrus: clean installing is the only way to get full support20:22
HighLordObsinever in ubuntu20:22
pepperjack!sound | HighLordObsi20:22
ubottuHighLordObsi: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP320:22
sebsebsebmagical_walrus: I read something about  having fixes for the Intel cards, so maybe your as well20:23
arber4444No i dont know what to20:23
=== nannes1 is now known as nannes
canthus13HighLordObsi: Hmm. check out alsamixer from the command line, make sure everything is turned up properly.20:23
HighLordObsicool...thanks much20:23
magical_walrusRaenr what did you do?20:23
nikolaj_basherHighLordObsi, have you tried all the options in the menu configuration>sound20:23
cardg00how do you list all the mounted volumes on linux?20:23
cardg00is it mount -l ?20:24
arber4444 hello i need a help does anyone knows how to turn off shutdown voice of startup voice20:24
HighLordObsiall the options and all the different slider settings20:24
pepperjackcardg00: just mount20:24
nikolaj_basherI got no sound at all, soundblaster, and it sucks.....20:24
canthus13HighLordObsi: go to the command line, type alsamixer<enter>20:24
bahhI have problems while installing20:24
canthus13HighLordObsi: Make sure the outputs are turned up.20:24
bahhI created my 4 partitions ext3 with fdisk20:24
bahhand rebooted20:24
canthus13HighLordObsi: Depending on your setup, you may have multiple pages of outputs to go through.20:25
bahhwhen I taped w it says that the device was busy20:25
sebsebsebbahh: I remember you from earlier20:25
sebsebsebbahh: better to say your thing all in one go with all the details20:25
blognewbis there a way to hackproof filezilla if you saved your password in there? (uses sftp)20:26
TwoToneSpiritI have a long list of package names contained with lines from a cat output.  I want to strip the output to isolate the package names, which are a definite length from the beginner of each line.  How can I do this?20:26
bahhsebsebseb: oh sure here you are. Now I deleted my partition and created my 4 partitions. When I tape w fdisk says that there's an error 16. Device is busy. So I rebooted and now again when I want to install ubuntu it can't see any partition20:26
mikefletcher85slart, thanks for the help!20:26
sebsebsebbahh: maybe you got a bad hard disk20:27
f3ar007hello, i can not write to a mounted ext usb harddrive from windows vista, the mount is on ubuntu 9.0420:27
|REM|where does the diff executable live on ubuntu?20:27
newbyx86whereis diff20:27
Lintare there some normal Ubuntu installer available?20:27
Pici|REM|: which diff20:27
bahhsebsebseb: what do you mean by that?20:27
geezerI have a problem with Firefox.... previously, when I clicked on an IRC link, it would open up a dialog box and ask me if I wanted to open it with XChat... but recently, the Xchat option has been replaced by something called purple-url-handler (I presume it's related to Pidgin)... how do I get back to the way it was?20:27
grawityLint: what do you mean "normal installer"?20:27
newbyx86$ whereis diff20:27
sebsebsebbahh: the partitions should be detected on the live cd no problem, and by the OS when you first installed20:27
newbyx86diff: /usr/bin/diff /usr/share/man/man1/diff.1.gz20:27
newbyx86(@ |REM|)20:27
FloodBot2newbyx86: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:27
|REM|newbyx86: Thanks!  learned a new command too =)20:27
sebsebsebbahh: by making partitions normalely20:34
bahhsebsebseb: how?20:34
pepperjackf3ar007: Kingsy101 alt-ctrl-f1 or one of the f#'s may give you more verbose output.  maybe its taking a long time on setting up network or something20:34
=== ose_ is now known as Ose
pepperjackf3ar007: sorry nm20:34
=== Ose is now known as Ose_
Um_cara_qualquerexcuse me, where can i download the game "spore" for linux?20:34
sebsebsebbahh: the guided install,  or partition yourself20:34
sebsebsebbahh: on the Live CD20:34
geezercanthus13: Already did, but way too many options.... I thought I'd ask you guys for something "tried and trusted"... perhaps some minimalist widgets/screenlets20:34
Zumbolthello, how is it possible to upgrade gnumeric to latest version in jaunty? Is only way to compile dependancies (lot) and gnumeric? Is there any easier solution?20:35
bahhsebsebseb: omg but it can't see the drive20:35
Kingsy101pepperjack - it does the same thing when I click on check CD20:35
bahhsebsebseb: that's the point20:35
sebsebsebbahh: sure20:35
sebsebsebbahh: and I think I know why20:35
lstarnesUm_cara_qualquer: it's a windows game, so you would need to run the windows version through wine or cedega20:35
Kingsy101pepperjack - it just says Loading, Please Wait... _20:35
sebsebsebbahh: it's  not useing a normal  partition table20:35
=== GDonato is now known as gdonato
sebsebsebbahh: I think that's also the problem,  or it 's using something odd, that Ubuntu can't support20:35
blognewbHello!!!! Should I choose Ubuntu 8 over jaunty? Any sound advice??!?!20:35
bahhsebsebseb: how can I fix the part table?20:35
Um_cara_qualquerlstarnes: thx anyway20:35
AlvinwareIs it a bad thing to forward any ports?20:35
sebsebsebbahh: will  it show any partitions in gparted? no?20:36
bahhsebsebseb: no20:36
lstarnesblognewb: 8.04 is an LTS release, but 9.04 may have newer packages20:36
sebsebsebbahh: you can tell it to make a new partition table there though I expect.  you don't have any data on there to  backup?20:36
bahhsebsebseb: just 250 gigs unallocated20:36
blognewblstarnes: why did they not put 9.04 as LTS? :( so what's your preference, for a noob boob likke me?20:36
Alvinwaresebsebseb, Would forwarding any ports in Ubuntu affect/reduce it security?20:37
lstarnesblognewb: it's not an LTS20:37
bahhsebsebseb: I have smt like 200 gigs of data on here which I don't wanna loose20:37
lstarnesblognewb: LTS releases are only made every 2 years approximately20:37
Kingsy101can anyone help? I literally cant get it to boot using anything, anything I click from the menu brings up a Loading, Please Wait....20:37
LintIs there some _normal_ Ubuntu installer (with package selector and not trying to format /) available?20:37
pepperjackf3ar007: i dont know much about samba.  normally when mounting fat partitions i specify a umask like mount -o umask=000 /dev/blah /mnt/blah    so that normal users can write to it20:37
sebsebseblstarnes: you seem  experienced,  will  you look at  bahh 's weird partition set up as well please, if he pastebins  the file?20:37
Piciblognewb: LTSes are every two years. Each release number is the year and month is was released, so 9.04 = 2009 april20:37
Kingsy101actually thats a lie.. Memtest86+ works20:37
blognewbPici: so did you upgrade to 9.04?20:37
sebsebsebbahh: great  well  you may have lost it already20:38
Piciblognewb: Yes.20:38
lstarnessebsebseb: I know very little about partitioning20:38
Kingsy101pepperjack - any ideas?20:38
blognewbPici: what do you suggest for a newb like me? same? i guess?20:38
bahhsebsebseb: are you kidding?20:38
sebsebsebbahh: well   if partitions get deleted or whatever,  the data is still there kind of20:38
Piciblognewb: I think you'll be happier in the long run win 9.0420:38
blognewbi heard some intel/nvidia hardware issues with ubuntu 9 slow graphics20:38
sebsebsebbahh: you need a program like test disk to gain access to the deleted partition20:38
blognewbis that true20:38
pepperjackKingsy101: seems like a bad cd.  did you burn this at the slowest possible speed?  id try a new cd man sorry20:38
Alvinwaresebsebseb, Would forwarding any ports affect/redure it security?20:38
sebsebsebAlvinware: ports such as?20:39
sebsebsebAlvinware: ports to be used for what?20:39
bahhsebsebseb: I can mount the win partitions and all the datas are there20:39
Kingsy101pepperjack - its not a bad CD cos I have installed ubuntu once already with it20:39
Alvinwaresebsebseb, amule, and torrrent.20:39
pepperjackKingsy101: or maybe a crappy old cdrom drive20:39
Piciblognewb: Yes, there are some issues with intel video drivers in 9.0420:39
Kingsy101hmm it shouldnt be20:39
sebsebsebAlvinware: ports in your router?20:39
Dark_WolfAnyone have any idea what's with the graphics problems? It's been this way since 8.x20:39
Alvinwaresebsebseb, yes, andin firewall too.20:40
pepperjackKingsy101: can you boot from usb on this PC?20:40
Kingsy101pepperjack - I have no idea, I havnt tried20:40
pepperjack!unetbootin| Kingsy101 great little utility20:40
ubottuKingsy101 great little utility: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent20:40
sebsebsebAlvinware:  having ports open,   can reduce security sure,   but I think usaully it's ok20:40
sebsebsebAlvinware: well in Ubuntu anyway20:40
bahhany idea?20:41
pepperjackKingsy101: could also be something as simple as a dirty cd ;)20:41
Kingsy101pepperjack - thanks I will try that20:41
sebsebsebAlvinware: also it seems you want to download things that  your not realy meant to and so20:41
sebsebseb!piracy |  Alvinware20:41
ubottuAlvinware: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o20:41
f3ar007pepperjack: the -o umask=000 worked!20:41
pepperjackf3ar007: cool. glad that sorted it20:41
NarbeHhow can i list the Opened windows in Terminal???????20:41
sebsebsebbahh: so  the Windows partitions are ok and still there?20:42
Alvinwaresebsebseb getting Ubuntu ban torrent?20:42
jtholt1I have a live cd related question20:42
bahhyeah I did not touch them20:42
sebsebsebbahh: ,but the Linux  partitions are wierd?   can you access the Windows parrttion?20:42
NarbeHhow can i list the Opened windows in Terminal???????20:42
bahhsebsebseb: I just deleted the old Linux partition and made the newer ones20:42
HighLordObsigrr...time to wipe the laptop drive20:42
lstarnesNarbeH: I don't think that can be done20:42
bahhsebsebseb: yes I can access the win ones20:42
sebsebsebbahh: I think it would be easier to get hold of your data, and start over properly20:43
NarbeHlstarnes: just window title. it won't be? :(20:43
diddyWhat is the default apache config file on Ubuntu?20:43
mib_mibcan someone help me with permissions problems? I've been trying to solve this for hours now...20:43
sebsebsebbahh: What do you use Windows for?20:43
bahhsebsebseb: autocad20:43
Alvinwaresebsebseb, How to fix the cannot allocate memory error, when my pidgin were auto closed by itself, sometimes, and sometimes repeatedly.20:43
sebsebsebbahh: oh20:43
bahhsebsebseb: and other important things20:43
lstarnesNarbeH: as far as I know, there is no command-line utility for that20:43
Kingsy101pepperjack - I take it USB is called "removable" in the bios ?20:43
aaroninfidelwhen I try to mount via SSHFS it works, but then when I try to access the volume it says access denied, any idea why this might be?20:43
sebsebsebbahh: does  autocad work in Wine or  virtual machine hmm20:43
pepperjackKingsy101: it is usually more obvious than that.  could be20:44
Alvinwaresebsebseb, How to fix the cannot allocate memory error, when my pidgin were auto closed by itself, sometimes, and sometimes repeatedly?20:44
mrwesaaroninfidel, who owns the mount point?20:44
bahhsebsebseb: not that well... I need software for 3D modelling20:44
jtholt1I want to make a livecd usb stick so I extracted the iso to the usb   installed syslinux and renamed the directory and files    now when I boot the usb stick  the usb (/dev/sdb1) is mounted as /cdrom   why is this and can I fix it?20:44
fumblnoobbahh: if that's the only copy you have of that data and it means anything to you I suggest you back it up.20:44
Dark_WolfI'm repeating this because it's likely that nobody remembers what it said at this point: I have a Dell Inspiron 1100 with Intel integrated graphics, and it refuses to show any graphics when I booth. I've tried changing the boot options to nosplash and vga=1, and it works sometimes, but not without an external monitor. Any help? I'm on 9.0420:44
sebsebsebAlvinware: I think that means your running out of space on your Ubuntu partition or have run out20:44
Kingsy101pepperjack - hmmmm20:45
Kingsy101pepperjack - I don't think i have it then20:45
bahhfumblnoob: I'll get an hd soon20:45
HighLordObsihmm...codecs not available for my pc type...20:45
sebsebsebmrwes:  solaris swap etc20:45
jtholt1I want to make a livecd usb stick so I extracted the iso to the usb   installed syslinux and renamed the directory and files    now when I boot the usb stick  the usb (/dev/sdb1) is mounted as /cdrom   why is this and can I fix it?20:45
bahhso there are no other ways than format?20:45
mikefletcher85gosh i hope this is the last time i have to bother you guys here... anyone have experiance with EasyBCD? I have windows 7, windows xp and Ubuntu 9.04 installed. I disabled grub and am using the vista loader. i copied the menu.lst file into EasyBCD under a NeoGrub entry. but when i try to boot it i get "file not found" i think it was error 1720:45
pepperjackKingsy101: yeah my lappy for instance cant boot usb.. only thing i can recommend is to test the cd in another PC20:45
mrwessebsebseb, uh?20:45
Alvinwaresebsebseb, I don't think so, because i can see in my system monitor that i'm only 30% of my hd, and over 300mb of ram only.20:46
sebsebsebbahh: : the stuff you pm'd   last time  I   saw something like that,  was when  I tried to do archlinux in a vm, and  was making partitions  in cfdisk or whatever it's called20:46
pepperjackDark_Wolf: could be maybe just the resolution is out of range of the lcd?  is this a fairly old laptop? like 1024x768 res?20:46
aaroninfidelmrwes dreamhost, its my shared web server.20:46
sebsebsebmrwes: pm'd you by mistake not sure why, when meant to have done bahh20:46
Dark_Wolfpepperjack, yes.20:46
Alvinwaresebsebseb, What could be the problem, and fix?20:46
sebsebsebmrwes: pm'd uh messaged20:46
jtholt1I want to make a livecd usb stick so I extracted the iso to the usb   installed syslinux and renamed the directory and files    now when I boot the usb stick  the usb (/dev/sdb1) is mounted as /cdrom   why is this and can I fix it?20:46
sebsebsebmrwes: in here20:46
enzotibNarbeH: install wmctrl and use the command wmctrl -l20:46
Dark_Wolfpepperjack: 1024x768 is still standard. I don't see why Ubuntu would have the default at anything larger.20:47
sebsebsebbahh: not sure if Ubuntu calls it  solaris swap ever,   it just seems odd to me20:47
bahhsebsebseb: I dunno... seems strange that there's nothin to do20:47
mrwesaaroninfidel, you are trying to mount a share via sshfs on your computer or what?20:47
jtholt1can anyone help me20:47
HighLordObsiahh well... c'est la vie20:47
Kingsy101pepperjack - and what would you suggest if the CD isnt faulty ?20:47
bahhsebsebseb: it does... it was my old swap partition created with gparted20:47
sebsebsebbahh: and you got all your sda's in order even from 1 to 8,  Ubuntu doesn't normalley do that20:47
pepperjackDark_Wolf: try alt-ctrl-f2 then login then sudo X -congfigure   <-- this should generate an xorg.conf file. you can then sudo mv xorg.conf.new /etc/X11/xorg.conf  and then when you have that done we can try to asssign a resolution20:47
sebsebsebbahh: normalely Ubuntu skips  sda  3 4 and 5 or something20:47
bahhsebsebseb: think that there's also win20:48
pepperjackKingsy101: yeah. if that is the case i have had a lot of bad cd rom drives esp in older laptops20:48
sebsebsebbahh: doesn't matter I was talking when  dual booting20:48
ubottuTo compile modules and drivers that are not bundled with the standard kernel,  for more info /msg ubottu kernel  , install the relevant package, usually called "<modulename>-source", and run « sudo module-assistant » (you will have to do this again after kernel updates). To prevent specific modules from loading, see /msg ubottu blacklist20:48
sebsebsebanyone good at  helping with  weird partiton set ups?  If so help bahh  please20:48
Dark_Wolfpepperjack: For some reason, it stayed on graphical when I did that.20:48
luis_como entro a alguna sala española20:48
HighLordObsii definitely need to go with the 64 bit version20:48
jtholt1can anyone help me please20:49
Dark_Wolfpepperjack: okay, I tried it again, and now the display died.20:49
Alvinwaresebsebseb, Can i deactivate the action scheduler services (anacron, atd, and cron)?20:49
=== jtholt1 is now known as jtholt
TwoToneSpiritWhat is the authoritative list of kernel modules and their function?20:49
pepperjackDark_Wolf: can you login to the command line?20:49
mikefletcher85anyone have experiance with EasyBCD? I have windows 7, windows xp and Ubuntu 9.04 installed. I disabled grub and am using the vista loader. i copied the menu.lst file into EasyBCD under a NeoGrub entry. but when i try to boot it i get "file not found" i think it was error 1720:49
Dark_Wolfpepperjack, no, it's blank20:49
sebsebsebAlvinware: I guess so, but probably best to leave them on20:49
jtholtI want to make a livecd usb stick so I extracted the iso to the usb   installed syslinux and renamed the directory and files    now when I boot the usb stick  the usb (/dev/sdb1) is mounted as /cdrom   why is this and can I fix it?   PLEASE HELP20:49
bahhgotta go now20:49
deanyjtholt1, you need the img.  dd if=file.img of=/dev/sdb1 bs=1M20:49
pepperjackDark_Wolf: arg... try alt-f120:49
Alvinwaresebsebseb, what was those services got?20:50
bahhthis problem is really impossible to solve20:50
bahhdamn it20:50
deanyjtholt1, or use unetbootin20:50
sebsebsebAlvinware: I am not sure what they are used for20:50
Dark_Wolfpepperjack: Blank20:50
sebsebsebbahh: nah20:50
sebsebsebbahh: I think re installing Windows and then putting Ubuntu on again, is the way to do it20:50
sebsebsebbahh: or something20:50
deany!liveusb | jtholt20:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about liveusb20:50
bahhsebsebseb: eheheh I know.... but I didn't want to format -.-20:50
pepperjackDark_Wolf: badness.. you could boot into recover mode (keep tapping esc key during boot to get to menu) then in recovery mode do this stuff20:50
sexy-coder-girlI posted a detailed tut on how to install Dell 1320c Color Laser printer on Ubuntu in case someone wants to link to it or something. Thanks everyone for help! http://zoffix.com/random/install-Dell-1320c-color-laser-printer-on-Ubuntu20:50
sebsebseb!dualboot |  bahh20:50
ubottubahh: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot20:50
deany!usb| jtholt20:51
ubottujtholt: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent20:51
jtholtI set this all up form windows   as I dont have a cd  burner right  now    The system boots but it mounts the usb stick as   cdrom   i ave no idea wht20:51
jtholtwhy **20:51
bahhsebsebseb: I have the dualboot system installed since ubuntu edition 520:51
bahhsebsebseb: never formatted...20:51
Dark_Wolfpepperjack: I can boot with an external monitor just fine, but it I try switching TTY, it dies20:51
sebsebsebbahh: well I don't know what you have done20:51
sebsebsebbahh: it seems odd though20:51
sebsebsebbahh: or maybe it's ok, it's just it seems odd to me, since I haven't partitioned with commands before20:52
sebsebsebbahh: ,but either way,  your Ubuntu partitions won't boot up now20:52
bahhsebsebseb: that's the point... need someone who knows commands20:52
sebsebsebbahh: ##linux  I guess  and sometimes here20:52
bahhsebsebseb: that's sure... I deleted the old part20:52
sebsebsebbahh: for the partitioning commands20:52
pepperjackDark_Wolf: oh.  nm then.  could you have this set in the bios?  sometimes you can set default video20:53
bahhk bb20:53
Dark_Wolfpepperjack, nope. Had this problem for several years on different distros20:53
Dark_Wolfpepperjack: I'm in the command line, which is running at 640x48020:53
Dark_Wolfpepperjack: Okay... I did what you said, and when I went to test the X server, it died/20:54
pepperjackDark_Wolf: did it give a reason? in /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?20:55
jtholtI don't want to install it to my hard drive I want it to run form the USB always (using persistence)     It all works except for the mount point of /dev/hdb1/20:55
Dark_Wolfpepperjack: It didn't actually kill the server, it just went blank20:55
Dark_Wolfpepperjack: I couldn't change to TTY2, either20:56
QAHIs it possible to do a guided install for Ubuntu server edition on a second hdd partition?20:56
Dark_WolfI heard that everyone with this laptop has this problem20:56
pepperjackDark_Wolf: what model?20:56
Dark_WolfDell Inspiron 110020:56
jtholtI don't want to install it to my hard drive I want it to run form the USB always (using persistence)     It all works except for the mount point of /dev/hdb1/20:56
zkHow do i compile a kernel with same version as ubuntu one? i have the correct GIT BRANCH but i can't figure out the fakeroot make-kpkg right version commands20:57
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stefg!kernel | zk20:58
ubottuzk: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages20:58
rifrullois there somebody in here?20:58
zk,stefg already looked that...doesn't explain my question20:58
pepperjackDark_Wolf: what about with this xorg.conf file?  http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=1293&d=111793764420:58
jtholtI don't want to install it to my hard drive I want it to run form the USB always (using persistence)     It all works except for the mount point of /dev/hdb1/ it mounts as /cdrom on startup and i cant fix it   any ideas??20:58
Kingsy101pepperjack - I have changed that CD-ROM drive over..20:58
sternai have a funny problem with a vaio p... it hangs until i press a key20:59
Kingsy101and now when I click on install ubuntu it comes up with a trace and then stops20:59
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sternaand then continues normally20:59
Kingsy101pepperjack - ever heard of something like that before?20:59
sternaif i don't press a key, it remains dog slow20:59
Dark_Wolfpepperjack: it's a little upsetting that Ubuntu doesn't work out of the box :/20:59
sternahow would something similar possibly occur?20:59
Dark_Wolfpepperjack: But I suppose that happens with open source21:00
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HighLordObsiholy crap, i wish i had a/c in my office21:00
QAHCan ubuntu server 9.10 do a guided install on a second partition?21:00
pepperjackDark_Wolf: seems to be an easy fix. but youre right it will entail some extra setup21:00
chiquesNo AC needed here in SoCal by the beach21:00
mikefletcher85when i try to select ubuntu at the boot loader screen (grub4dos) i get "error 17: file not found" I'm using EasyBCD and added the entry using NeoGrub, here is the config file for NeoGrub: http://pastebin.com/d6d76f9c021:01
pepperjackKingsy101: are you sure there isnt some dried ketchsup or something on the bottom of this cd? ;p21:01
zkanyone can help with the kernel compiling with the same version of ubuntu? i need to have the exact same version .deb package compiled by me with my patches...  Same version so i can still use the restricted modules21:01
Kingsy101pepperjack - I resetted and now its doing the same thing, just stopping on the loading please wait21:02
Gumbyfll/j #ubuntu+121:02
Kingsy101could this be some kinda hardware failure?21:02
danbhfivezk: I think you can get the source from linux-source21:02
torben__Anyone good at configuring displays with Nvidia/Gnome ?! :)21:02
Slarttorben__: just describe your problem.. if someone can help they usually do21:03
Dr_Willistorben__:  gksudo nvidia-settings and go to town.,.,..21:03
mib_mibis www-data a user?21:03
Slarttorben__: and nvidia with gnome is a very common setup21:03
helperzk why u wanna compile kernel?21:03
zkdanbhfive, i got the right source from git but when i compile it with fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd --append-to-version=generic kernel_image kernel_headers     I always get the wrong version21:03
Lintis there some lighter browser than firefox in ubuntu?21:03
Ose_on http://sourceforge.net/forum/message.php?msg_id=7488222 is says:21:03
Ose_you then take this and connect using21:03
Ose_ 21:03
pepperjackLint: most any of them21:03
FloodBot2Ose_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:03
zkhelper, because i need to patch it but still mantain the restricted modules available21:03
pepperjackLint: links2 dillo epiphany to name a few in order of features21:04
Ose_grr, stupid Konversation auto-sends when I paste...21:04
danbhfivezk: yeah, I dunno.  Maybe you need to get it from linux-source, and not git21:04
torben__Slart: Yeah... But I can't seem to make my dream come true ;). I'll try to SUDO the Nvidia settings. That way I guess I can modify the xorg.conf aftwards...21:04
Ose_can anyone tell me how to connect to "btsp://002856beb8kf"  ?21:04
blaz_is it OK to use sysv-rc-conf on 9.04? looking for console tool to configure services.21:04
Slartmib_mib: yes, www-data is a user21:04
Slarttorben__: I don't really think it will matter in this case.. but use gksudo for gui stuff.. and running it as root allows you to save the settings you change.. either way you'll be able to edit the configuration file afterwards21:05
Drainedon windows, windows media player can be put on the "taskbar" does ubuntu have anything similar to that?21:05
danbhfiveLint: kahekazi and epiphany i think21:05
paul_LODanyone use downthemall? I have a problem with it: When I download files to a destination folder   the links of each page are broken. The href src  tags point to hard paths of the sites url structure.21:05
SlartDrained: vlc can be minimized to the task tray.. not sure about other media players21:06
Dr_WillisDrained:  theres dozens of media players for linux.. and yes some proberly have that feature.21:06
Drainedok thanks.21:06
deanyDrained, exaile has that function/plugin.  not sure about others.21:06
Cubeok somebody please tell me how come that DIGIKAM beats the crap out of EVERYTHING i managed to find for gnome in terms of just VIEWING and FLIPPING through a folder of pictures? i mean in digikam, on a 1,6ghz netbook i have, its like less than a second. EVERYTHING else i found, including: fspot, mirage, gpicview (which claims to be super fast, yeah right), yeah even gthumb is slower! is digikam using magic!?!?21:06
Dr_WillisCube:  or a fancy cacheing system21:06
TwoToneSpiritIs there an easy way to "rewind" everything about my system config?  Some kind of system restore?21:06
thelliondrained, rythembox does21:06
Draineddoes it? i can't find the option.21:07
pepperjackCube: gqview is a slick little viewer.  feh is really lightweight but hasnt really an interface21:07
SlartCube: I hope they share some of that magic with the gnome developers.. I find nautilus hopeless when it comes to browsing directories with many files.. especially images21:07
stefg!backup | TwoToneSpirit21:07
ubottuTwoToneSpirit: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning21:07
deanyCube, i use gthumb21:07
CubeDr_Willis: well good! so is there a nice app for gnome that can do that?21:07
thelliondrained, well it minimizes to top right and can be controled from there21:07
SlartTwoToneSpirit: nothing like system restore.. unless you've set it up yourself21:07
Cubepepperjack: its nice, but its not as fast as digikam - my only criteria21:07
deanyCube, oops, just read the whole of your post :)21:07
Drainedthellion: it stays on the task bar, which annoys me lol.21:07
CubeSlart: cant agree more21:08
Cubedeany: yeah :P21:08
HighLordObsigood lord, i just fell asleep :o21:08
CubeHighLordObsi: on your keyboard?21:08
deanyCube, I loved acdsee in windows.. works in wine too, version 2.121:08
TwoToneSpiritslart: Yeah that's what I figured.21:08
mushow do i get ndiswrapper onto a box without net access?21:08
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:08
Linehello i am trying to run a process from a ssh session with the & parameter to keep it running after ending my session, but it closes shortly afterwards. hiw can i fix this?21:08
Slartmus: you can use aptoncd or use the "generate a download script" in synaptic21:08
Ose_on http://sourceforge.net/forum/message.php?msg_id=7488222 is says: 'you then take this and connect using "btsp://002856beb8kf" ' - how do I connect to btsp? it looks like a protocol but firefox doesn't like it?21:08
HighLordObsino my head hangin behind me......now it hurts :o21:08
thelliondrained, right click the icon and uncheck "show player"21:08
Drainedthellion: thanks.21:09
deanyCube, tried gwenview?21:09
musSlart: ta21:09
stefg!screen | Line21:09
ubottuLine: Screen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen21:09
Cubedeany: now the funny thing is, that PICASA, which is also using wine, is very fast too (probably just as fast as digikam). isnt that kinda defeating the purpose? non-gnome apps beating gnome-apps?21:09
Dark_Wolfpepperjack: I copied that new configuration to the system, and I still have no video21:09
SlartLine: & won't keep a process alive if you kill the parent (the shell)21:09
Cubedeany: nope, gonna give it a try now21:09
TwoToneSpiritanybody here use docky?  My docky is unbelievably slow.21:09
nibbllll_is it possible to use older ati graphics cards (x1400) on ubuntu 9.04? when 9.04 came out, it wasn't?21:09
SlartLine: at least it didn't when I last tried that21:09
=== mubu is now known as whoder
whoderHey guys now for some reason if a mount an hdd with my main user, and then go to a guest account or any other account they can access the filesystems that I have mounted. This did not happen before. How can i fix it? It is a huge problem. thanks21:10
whoderIm using 9.0521:10
mib_mibif i want apache to write a file at /home/me/path/finalfolder , do all the folders from /home to /finalfolder have to have 761 permissions?21:10
LineStart: i am trying to run this program remotely via my iphone, can u use and ssh program to connect to the screen daemon?21:10
helperwhat does tar --exclude=/sys , (--exclude mean copy everything from it? most this use for backup) thanks21:10
RazizstaHi al21:11
Dark_Wolfwhoder: How in the world do you have 9.05? It's not even out O-o21:11
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:11
Slarthelper: I think exclude means to not copy stuff from that directory.. /sys doesn't contain real files..21:11
RazizstaI need help21:11
lstarneshelper: that includes everything except the contents of /sys21:11
RazizstaMy voice is too low21:11
whoderDark_Wolf,  it was a typo which  I immediately corrected...21:11
helperlstarnes , Slart thx :)21:12
Slarthelper: or ... rather.. they are files.. but not files as in "files you'd want to backup". They are created at runtime21:12
HighLordObsii need help too, but i'm scared of straight jackets and rubber rooms21:12
Dark_WolfI didn't see it xD21:12
Dark_Wolfmy bad21:12
Slarthelper: you're welcome21:12
Dark_Wolfpepperjack: still alive?21:12
RazizstaNo one to help :S21:12
blaz_Slart: I think when you kill the parent console with ctrl+d, child process continues running. why??21:13
HighLordObsiplenty of people to help21:13
RazizstaMy Volume is too low21:13
RazizstaHow to increase it?21:13
Cryptic_DonkeyRazizsta, what is it you need help with/21:13
RazizstaRead up21:13
Slartblaz_: oh.. Ctrl+D.. never used that...what is it?21:13
HighLordObsihave you tried the obvious?21:14
Slartblaz_: ah.. it's the same thing as typing "exit".. and yes.. that keeps the process running21:14
RazizstaYou are talking to me, please use @ username21:14
hackelFor some reason, Rhythmbox is stopping after playing each file.  It's not paused, it still shows it is playing, it just does not play.  If I move the slider at all, it will start playing fine.  Any idea why this might be happening?21:14
blaz_Slart: me think it is the same as typing 'exit' in the shell21:14
blaz_Slart: but when you use a mouse, child dies. weird.21:15
Cubedeany: this is ridiculous. thanks for pointing me to that app, its just as fast as digikam. but its kde beating gnome on a gnome desktop? wow21:15
musslart: the generate a download script feature requires a *nix box online right? how assuming i can only get online via windows, is there another way?21:15
HighLordObsi@ Razizsta: sorry about that...have you tried the obvious...my sound issues were stupid as i hadn't turned it up in the volume control21:15
whoderHey guys now for some reason if a mount an hdd with my main user, and then go to a guest account or any other account they can access the filesystems that I have mounted. This did not happen before. How can i fix it? It is a huge problem. thanks Im using 9.0421:16
Slartblaz_: yes.. I think clicking the X kills gnome-terminal.. which then does nasty things to bash.. typing exit will make bash exit nicely (including letting processes keep running by assigning new parent processes and such).. then when bash is done gnome-terminal exits21:16
Razizsta@HighLord What is that, obvious21:16
Slartmus: the download script is a pretty simplistic text file.. it runs wget with some urls.. if you download wget for windows and puts that in the same folder as the script it should run on a windows box too21:17
HighLordObsi@Razizsta: what build you using?21:17
musslart: ah great stuff cheers21:17
Slartmus: you're welcome21:17
Razizsta@HighLord What are you saying man??21:17
RaenirOkay so I read the instructions and it won't work21:17
Raenir"insmod: can't read 'fglrx.ko': No such file or directory"21:18
HighLordObsi@Raz: I'm asking which os you're running21:18
Raenirthat file does not exist so the command to get the propierity drivers won't work, why is the file missing?21:18
lstarnesRaenir: what about sudo modprobe fglrx?21:18
blaz_Slart: makes sense21:19
RaenirWhat does modprobe do?21:19
Angel_Sbuenas tardes!21:19
lstarnesRaenir: it manages kernel modules21:19
Raenirsays not permitted21:20
Pixelmann_hey guys21:20
Pixelmann_i have a question21:20
deanyCube, yeah its sad when a windows app even in wine beats a gnome app in gnome21:20
SlartPixelmann_: ask away21:20
lstarnesRaenir: did it work with sudo?21:20
Raenirraenir@raenir-desktop:~$ sudo modprobe fglrx21:20
RaenirFATAL: Error inserting fglrx (/lib/modules/2.6.28-14-generic/updates/dkms/fglrx.ko): Operation not permitted21:20
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:20
Pixelmann_why does x-chat-gnome isntallation work21:20
Pixelmann_but the normal one doesn't?21:20
Dark_Wolfpepperjack: Now I have no display, even on the external now.21:21
SlartPixelmann_: the normal one doesn't work? how does it "not work" ? error messages?21:21
stefg!does not work21:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about does not work21:22
Pixelmann_oh, I just can't install it wait21:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about doesnotwork21:22
pepperjackDark_Wolf: tried rebooting w/out external monitor attached?21:22
Cubedeany: yeah, + a kde app too21:22
Pixelmann_sry my fault21:22
Dark_Wolfpepperjack, yeah.21:22
ubottuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.21:22
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slupekhwo use gammu and firebird?21:22
Curtis_Bi know that i can put a shell script in /bin if i want to be able to run it everywhere, where can i put a script so only my user can run it everywhere21:22
stefg... where did this useful factoid disappear?21:22
SlartCurtis_B: try in ~/bin21:23
SlartCurtis_B: I think that directory is included in the path even if it doesn't exist21:23
Pixelmann_so i type 'sudo apt-get install xchat' and get this:21:23
Pixelmann_E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)21:23
Slartstefg: it's !doesntwork21:23
ubottuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.21:23
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RaenirYar, the instructions on the Ubuntu documents page says to run 2 commands after activating prop drivers for ATI but the second command doesn't work! File does not exist and Modprobe did not work21:23
Guest34688does anybody know how to burn a dvd video from ubuntu linux21:24
Pixelmann_type 'brasero' in the terminal ;)21:24
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Curtis_BSlart, thanks, but that doesn't seem to work21:24
SlartGuest94435: try devede .. it has a nice point'n'click interface, does menus, converts videos and such21:24
RaenirCan anyone help me with installing my drivers?21:25
SlartCurtis_B: oh.. I really thought it did...hmmm.. you could create a symlink and limit the permissions.. that might work?21:25
Drainedhey guys, i noticed that kernel 11, was present after i updated ubuntu whats up with that? theres 11, and 1421:25
jonddoes any one know how to burn a movie that i have downlound to a cd/dvd21:25
Cubedeany: how do i set gwenview as the default image viewer? :P21:26
Curtis_BSlart, it's not so much that I want to limit others' access so much as I want to not clutter up the bin folder with my hacky scripts heh21:26
Pauloshello all21:26
Dark_Wolfjond: Slart suggested devede21:26
xanguajond: brasero ¿¿21:26
SlartCurtis_B: can't you just add ~/bin to the users path?21:26
fumblnoob!piracy | jond21:27
ubottujond: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o21:27
whoderHey guys now for some reason if a mount an hdd with my main user, and then go to a guest account or any other account they can access the filesystems that I have mounted. This did not happen before. How can i fix it? It is a huge problem. thanks Im using 9.0421:27
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jondi have KTorrent21:27
deanyCube, dont know.21:27
RaenirMy flgrx file is missing, if I log out I won't have a desktop when I log back in, I was told to use this page and I have done so, does anyone at all know why the fglrx file is missing and how I can fix it so I wont end up losing my desktop?\21:27
Slartfumblnoob: he's obviously talking about Elephants Dream =)21:27
deanyCube, right click image file, open with21:27
Paulosdoes anyone play eve online here?21:28
RaenirI do21:28
Curtis_BSlart, that's the key thing that I didn't understand, the path var, now i do21:28
Pauloshow the hell do i get it to work in linux :)21:28
Raenirand I'm trying to get it to work with Wine and failing21:28
VCoolioCube: right click, then properties, then the open with tab to set app as default for that filetype21:28
Paulossame lol21:28
Raenirthats what I wanna know, a billion guides and all crash at startup21:28
Paulosi installed DirectX9.0c to linux on wine21:28
Paulosand it got abit mroe21:28
jondcan anybody plese help me learn how to burn a movie that i got onto a cd/dvd21:28
slupekhello who use gammu-smsd and firebird?21:28
RaenirDoes anyone know how to install ati graphics drivers?21:29
Dark_Wolfpepperjack: Any other suggestions?21:29
Paulosi was told tho i should use wine ver 1.1.24 , not 1.1.26 .. so im trying to down-grade21:29
jonddont use wine21:29
Pauloswhat should i use then21:29
jondit is not good21:29
Paulosdont say crossover21:30
Raeniryeah seriously man dont say "dont use wine" and not give an alternative21:30
nibbler_Paulos: i thought there was a linux client for eve, has this been discontinued?21:30
jondwine is for people who tsill like windows21:30
Paulosyeah nibbler21:30
Raenirdiscontinued and nolonger supported at this time21:30
Curtis_BSlart, it appears ~/bin does work, I just had to log out / in, thanks21:30
xanguathen use vbox21:30
Paulosthey stoped support21:30
Pauloshmm vbox21:30
Pauloswhats vboc21:31
nibbler_jond: i would not say that. wine is for ppl who like to play games21:31
Dark_Wolfjond: WINE runs fine.21:31
HighLordObsii'm running ubuntu on vbox atm21:31
SlartCurtis_B: ahh.. great.. my faith in linux is restored.. thanks =)21:31
Ose_anybody here who can help me with a bluetooth/anyRemote/'btsp://'-question?21:31
VCoolioCurtis_B: if I create ~/bin that is automatically in $path?21:31
jondwine is not good for me.i am a x window user who is now a ubuntu linux21:32
RaenirCan anyone help me with installing my graphics drivers please? So far it seems EVERYTHING in the official documentation doesn't work at all for me21:32
lstarnesVCoolio: you could manually add it to $PATH21:32
RaenirEverything is made of explodium21:32
Cubewhats the difference between gwenview and gwenview-kde4?21:32
VCooliolstarnes: I know it's what I did with my current scripts folder, but that kind of info always good to know21:32
Dark_WolfCube, One is made for KDE, one is not21:32
Paulosok gonna give it a try , downloading the 64bit ver now21:32
Ooookcan someone help me out with flash on ubuntu?21:32
jondalso wine has games that you need to pay for21:32
Ooookthe audio for youtube / flash isn't working21:33
Raenirsudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r` doesn't work21:33
SlartCurtis_B: sounds like gweview is made for gnome... so gwenview-kde might be adapted for KDE?.. just a guess21:33
Raenirtechnically it runs but doesnt do anything21:33
Dark_Wolfjond: WINE has nothing at all, actually. It's used to install and run windows apps on linux.21:33
Raeniras sudo insmod /lib/modules/`uname -r`/volatile/fglrx.ko is get the error that access is denied/file does not exist blah bla21:33
fumblnoobOoook: are you running 64bit ubuntu?21:33
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RaenirWINE is not an Emulator21:33
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CubeDark_Wolf: : well, im on ubuntu with gnome, so how will that affect me?21:33
Ooookuhh I don't believe so21:33
OoookHow would I find that out?21:33
nibbler_jond: well, for those who want to play a specific game... wine is an option. yes, its not necesarily free21:33
Dark_WolfCube: Install the one without the -kde4?21:34
OoookI should be using 32 bit I believe.21:34
Pauloshi cake21:34
CubeDark_Wolf: kk21:34
cake_bakeri've got a strange problem, couldn't find a solution using Google21:34
kykyzachariahcan someone help me install a ppa21:34
OoookI really tried reinstalling the plugin like 6 times..21:35
FlannelCube, Dark_Wolf: gwenview is a KDE program.  "gwenview" is for KDE3, gwenview-kde4 is for KDE4.21:35
xanguakykyzachariah: the instructions are in Launchpad web21:35
cake_bakerdoes anyone know something about the integrated microphone of Dell XPS M1330 laptop on Xubuntu 9.04 64 bits?21:35
OoookI eventually got the flash to work but the sound isn't coming out.21:35
kykyzachariahim looking but cant find them21:35
kykyzachariahi know to use apt-get but i dunno what the file name is21:35
FlannelCube, Dark_Wolf: Installing a KDE program in Gnome isn't the end of the world, you'll just drag in some KDE libraries, so it'll have a little bit more of a RAM cost when running (since you have gnome and KDE libs in memory)21:35
hackelcake_baker, what about it?  I believe it's the same as on my 1530...21:35
fumblnoobOoook: do you have sound with other apps?21:35
cake_bakerit just doesn't work21:35
cake_bakeri dunno why21:35
Ooookfumblnoob: yeah21:36
cake_bakerand it's quite problematic for using Skype ....21:36
deanyCube, installin gwenview installs v4 of it21:36
deanyCube, well it did for me...21:36
Kai`kykyzachariah, sudo apt-cache search <pkg>21:36
CubeFlannel: and the funny thing is, the gwenview with extra-kde libs loaded on gnome is still faster than native gnome apps...21:36
xanguakykyzachariah: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 12345678 ; replace the numbers with the key or that ppa21:36
cake_bakerwhen i was in 32 bits .... the microphone worked out of box21:36
hackelcake_baker, you have to select it in the mixer.21:36
nibbler_btw, any suggestion for a nice tex editor in gnome? right now using kile....21:36
hackelcake_baker, Digital Input Source: Digital Mic 1.21:36
cake_bakeri did that21:36
deanyCube, last time I used it was while ago as this is a lot different than kde3 version.21:37
kykyzachariahthank you21:37
=== MadMax is now known as Guest8197
efuHow is network manager supposed to show me available mobile broadband connections, or error messages? I make a connection, and nothing happens. I have no idea if theres something wrong with my connection settings, or if the modem driver isn't working. No response at all. Any hints on where I can look?21:37
helperxangua Sorry, for what apt-key adv use for ? thanks21:37
mib_mibhas anyone had problems with python imaging library PIL on ubuntu?21:37
Paulosok ive just installed vbox ... now where has it installed it too... wheres the folder21:37
nibbler_efu: check /var/log/syslog21:37
Dark_WolfOkay, everyone, since pepperjack seems to have died. Can anyone help me fix my graphics? I have a Dell Inspiron 1100 running 9.04 and when I boot, I get nothing but a blank screen after all the text (I have nosplash set). It's okay if I use an external monitor sometimes, but after swtiching to another TTY, the display goes blank again.21:37
Dr_WillisPaulos:  it has an icon in apps->acessoris21:37
efunibbler_, thanks will try that now21:37
hackelcake_baker, are you able to record using Sound Recorder?  It may be an issue relating to Skype or Pulseaudio.  Running crappy proprietary apps, especially 32-bit ones, is not foolproof.21:38
SlartPaulos: it's probably a little all over the place.. look the application menu.. you don't find virtualbox anywhere?21:38
xanguahelper: jum don know, those are the instructions in launchpad :-S21:38
Paulosok ty Dr21:38
cake_bakernope can't record any sound on Sound Recorder either hackel21:38
OoookAnd I use youtube quite a lot, so this is a big downer.21:38
nibbler_efu: and for config, right click the icon, edit connections, and add stuff to mobile broadband21:38
cake_bakeri've thought about it too ><21:38
Cubedeany: kkthx21:38
Paulosits not in there Dr -_-;21:38
Dr_WillisPaulos:  via command line its 'virtualbox'21:39
fumblnoobOoook: sudo grep pulseaudio /var/log/syslog and see if you are getting errors there, pretty sure it logs there21:39
maxxleHello! I wonder what is the better way to create an encryptet filesystem. Create the container on device basis /dev/sdx or on partition basis /dev/sdx1?21:39
Raenircan anyone help me with my graphics drivers21:39
Ooookhmm alright21:39
dash__is there any way to run a chkdsk from ubuntu? as in an actual chkdsk not just ntfsfix?21:39
Raenirthe official documentation doesnt work21:39
Dr_Willisdash__:  to properly 'fix' a ntfs filesystem - use windows..21:40
hackelcake_baker, hmm, well in my case it's working fine now, but I have had lots of mixer issues in the past.  Usually was able to make it work, though.  Input source should be set to mic, "front mic" actually means the mic jack.  Make sure capture 1 is toggled for record and turned up, etc...21:40
Ooookfumblnoob, module-alsa-sink.c: Error opening PCM device front:0: Device or resource busy21:40
Ooookis what I keep getting.21:40
dash__would it be a bad idea to run a recovery console in vmware?21:40
nibbler_maxxle: as you might want to have an unecrypted /boot, partitions might be useful21:40
OoookI'm also running XMMS alongside.21:40
deanyCube, personally i`d use acdsee in wine but wine doesnt like the radeon driver, makes it lockup after x amount of time when using graphical apps like that.  when I had fglrx support (in 8.10) it was fine....21:40
cake_bakerthanks hackel21:40
cake_bakerwould it be possible to have pictures of all tabs of your mixer hackel ?21:41
Pauloshow do i make myself root -_- i do this su - "username" then it wants password ... but its still asking me to be root when i type the command21:41
lstarnesPaulos: why do you need to make yourself root?21:41
dash__paulos you have to do sudo su21:41
stefg!root | Paulos21:41
ubottuPaulos: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo21:41
dash__to enter a root shell21:41
lstarnesdash__: sudo -i, not sudo su21:41
Ooookfumblnoob, does that possibly mean that I can only have either xmms or youtube playing at the same time?21:41
Ooookonce at a time*21:41
deanyCube, lockup as in, needing RSEIUB21:41
lstarnesPaulos: try prefixing the command that requires root with sudo21:41
Pauloslol ubottu21:41
maxxlenibbler_: I just have a big external USB-HDD with a single partition. I think then /dev/sdX should do the trick21:41
Cubedeany: hmm i gotcha.21:42
fumblnoobOoook you should be able to have both, but have you tried one at a time?21:42
dash__what does one use the DASH shell for?21:42
nibbler_maxxle: yea, should do then i guess21:42
VCooliodash__: "sudo shutdown -F -r" reboots and will run fschk if you mean that, see shutdown --help for options21:42
lstarnesdash__: it's used as a lightweight shell21:42
Dark_WolfRepeating because nobody remembers again: Okay, everyone, since pepperjack seems to have died. Can anyone help me fix my graphics? I have a Dell Inspiron 1100 running 9.04 and when I boot, I get nothing but a blank screen after all the text (I have nosplash set). It's okay if I use an external monitor sometimes, but after swtiching to another TTY, the display goes blank again.21:42
lstarnesdash__: it has few features, but is faster than bash21:42
maxxlenibbler_: Hope so! thx!21:42
dash__im flattered they decided to name a shell after me :/21:43
DragginGood evenin'21:43
Ooookfumblnoob, still doesn't work even with one at a time.21:43
OoookPlus, whenever I close Firefox, and try to reopen it, the process is still running..21:43
toniiDark_Wolf: does single user mode work?21:43
SlartOoook: wait a little while for it to shut down... 10 seconds or so... before trying to start it agani21:43
Dark_Wolftonii: Nothing works. Blank screen.21:43
OoookAlright Slart.21:44
RaenirCan someone help me fix my ati drivers problem, my fglrx.ko file is MISSING so I can't finish the installtion.21:44
DragginCould someone quickly, in very basic (aka relative noob here) terms, the idea of dependencies in Linux and how exactly it works (and what breaks it, and what happens when it gets broken)21:44
toniiDark_Wolf: sounds odd. bios work, right? :P21:44
nibbler_Raenir: are you sure yourcard is supported? some cards support got lost on 9.0421:44
stefgDark_Wolf: that's an oldish laptop iirc... i vaguely remember there's a bios option to give 1MB or 8MB to the video .. it's set to1, so set it to 8 in the BIOS21:44
Ooookfumblnoob, any ideas?21:44
Dark_Wolftonii, yeah., and stefg, I'll try it21:44
lstarnesDraggin: a dependency is a program or a library that is required by another program or library in order to work21:44
cake_bakerhackel, is IEC958 Playback source to "Digital Playback"? (knowing i'm using the internal speakers)21:44
fumblnoobOoook: give me a minute, looking around21:45
Raenirmine is ATI 387021:45
DragginIstarnes, okay... And where are these dependencies defined - how does a programme know what it needs?21:45
jadenkorn_Hey there.. While I'm creating an ext4 partition it uses 1GB of 56GB, however when I'm formatting it to reiser4 it uses only 39MB from 56GB21:45
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Ooookfumblenoob: Okay. Thanks alot man, I really appreciate your time.21:45
toniiDark_Wolf: ah, it's when Xorg is run that screen blanks out?21:45
stefgDark_Wolf: and you might need some vga=xxx option in the kernel command line21:45
jadenkorn_How can I reduce its size?21:45
hackelcake_baker, that's for playback, not recording...21:45
lstarnesDraggin: it asks the operating system to load certain libraries or start certain programs when it runs21:45
cake_bakerok i wasn't sure21:45
Dark_Wolftonii yeah21:45
lstarnesDraggin: also, the package manager checks a database for that information when installing packages or upgrading them21:46
hackelcake_baker, I use that to play out over the hdmi cable.21:46
stefgtonii: no... not an X issue but framebuffer... old dells have funny video hardware.21:46
DragginIstarnes, okay... So how do dependencies break?21:46
Dark_Wolfstefg, using vga=1, and I set it to 8MB21:46
Slartjadenkorn_: reiser if very good with small files.. ext4 might be a little less efficient21:46
Raenirwhere do I check what grpahics cards are supported?21:46
toniistefg: ah, interesting21:46
lstarnesDraggin: they break when a version of a program or library doesn't work properly with something that requires it21:46
stefgDark_Wolf: you need something like vga=791 or 75321:46
jadenkorn_Slart, I made it reiser4 but I can't mount it...21:46
Paulosi installed vbox , when i try to run it via command line it tells me its not installed , and to install it type the following "apt-get install virtualbox-ose" so i tryed to installed "hence why i wanted to the sudo thingy , its got 90% in and its now saying "no suitable module for running krernal found" , and when i tryed to run it now i get "WARNING: The character device /dev/vboxdrv does not exist.21:46
Paulos         Please install the virtualbox-ose-modules package for your kernel,21:46
Paulos         which is likely virtualbox-ose-modules-generic.21:46
Paulos         You will not be able to start VMs until this problem is fixed.21:46
PaulosQt WARNING: VirtualBox: cannot connect to X ser.21:46
FloodBot2Paulos: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:46
lstarnesDraggin: sometimes it is caused by have a version that is too old or too new21:47
Slartjadenkorn_: it might be something with a minimum file size... so every file smaller than 8kb still uses 8kb of space.. but I'm just guessing here.. I don't know the mechanics behind either file system21:47
stefgDark_Wolf: try vga=0x30321:47
Dark_Wolfstefg, setting the video to 8MB fixed it, actually.21:47
NET||abusehm, is google gears coming out from official google source, rather than nielspeen.com, for jaunty 64bit?21:47
Slartjadenkorn_: can't mount it? fstab doesn't work?21:47
flyingtabmowanyone know of any good resources/have any experience with installing ubuntu on a macbook pro (2,2) without burning to a cd (specifically, from a partition on an ext usb hd)21:47
RaenirAlrighty screw it, I'm doing it the manual way from the ATI site21:47
DragginIstarnes - But wouldn't installing a package that required a newer version of say, a library, automatically update that library as well (assuming you install it through a package manager)21:47
jadenkorn_Slart, not with Nautilus, however didn't tried with fstab yet..21:47
efuI've changed my mobile broadband modem from storage mode to modem mode. I've created a connection in network manager and put in my phone number and the ATN that I think is correct. No message at all from network manager in /var/sys/log. How can I figure out whats wrong?21:48
=== jadenkorn_ is now known as JadenKorn
lstarnesPaulos: sudo modprobe vboxdrv21:48
lstarnesRaenir: have you tried https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsVideoCardsAti ?21:48
aaroninfidelanyone know of an easy way to automount ssh shares?21:48
RaenirIve tried everything21:48
Raenirnothing in the official documents seems to work for me21:49
Dragginlstarnes - only noticed now that your nick is actually "lstarnes" and not "Istarnes" :) Sorry21:49
Lord-ReadmanI have ssh access to an ubuntu9.04 desktop install, and want to make it make a sound, i tired the beep command, how can i make it play a sound?21:49
hackelcake_baker, you should also open the PulseAudio Volume Control and make sure the recording source is set to the right device.21:49
fumblnoobOoook: Try setting everything in System->Preferences->Sound to ALSA (but take note of what they were before you changed them just in case)21:49
lstarnesDraggin: it should update that automatically21:49
JadenKornSlart, it says "Cannot mount volume." then below "The volume uses the reiser4 file system which is not supported by your system."21:49
lstarnesDraggin: unless a newer version is not available21:49
Raenirthe ATI radeon 3870 doesnt seem to be on the list for whatever reason21:49
Dark_Wolfstefg, tonii, pepperjack, thanks! :D21:49
JadenKornSlart, I installed reiser4progs and made the partition with Gparted.21:50
cake_bakerhackel, pulseaudio isn't installed ...21:50
SlartJadenKorn: have you searched in synaptic for reiser? perhaps it's a package you have to install? or support for it might have been dropped.. the company behind it has had some problems21:50
RaenirUnless it counds as under "HD 3200"21:50
Drainedhey guys, i'm going to Reformat a parition flagged bootable, is that bad idea?21:50
hackelcake_baker, well that could be  a problem.21:50
cake_bakeryeah that could be it21:50
JadenKornSlart, reiserfs works, but not reiser4..21:50
cake_bakerlet's hope for the best :)21:51
cake_bakerbut without pulseaudio i do have sound21:51
cake_bakerbut no microphone21:51
Dragginistarnes - okay, the root of my question is actually something very silly... I've recently upgraded to Intrepid, and for some reason, GIMP has disappeared completely off my graphics menu (even when you edit it, it isn't just unchecked, it's not there at all). So I was basically just wondering if it would cause any issues if I added it manually to the menu (the programme is installed - I just executed it with no problems from the command l21:51
cake_bakerlet's see if it solves the problem by installing it21:51
Drained Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System21:51
Drained/dev/sda1   *          47        6162    49126770    7  HPFS/NTFS21:51
Drained/dev/sda3            6163       19457   106792087+   5  Extended21:51
Drained/dev/sda5            6163       18805   101554866    7  HPFS/NTFS21:51
Drained/dev/sda6           19367       19457      730926   82  Linux swap / Solaris21:51
Drained/dev/sda7           18806       19366     4506201   83  Linux21:51
SlartJadenKorn: oh.. I don't really know why... I used reiserfs before but I went back to ext3..21:51
FloodBot2Drained: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:51
Lord-ReadmanI have ssh access to an ubuntu9.04 desktop install, and want to make it make a sound, i tired the beep command but silence, how can i make it play a sound?21:51
lstarnesDraggin: which command?21:51
Edicowhat is the name of the program that shows informations about hardware?21:52
JadenKornSlart, I could use ext4 but it uses almost 2% from my 56GB partition... that is 1GB..21:52
DrainedI'm going to reformat sda1, is that going to lead to problems?21:52
rochey guys... i have a slight problem... im running the ubuntu netbook remix on an acer aspire one and it runs so goddamn slow... does somebody has an idea what i can do to make the system run faster? windows xp was working completely fine on this one...21:52
JadenKornSlart, is there anyway to reduce it somehow?21:52
SlartJadenKorn: yup.. I know the feeling.. I use xfs on my big drives21:52
hackelAnyone know how I can force the static application switcher in Compiz always appear on my first monitor?  It seems to randomly move to my 2nd monitor sometimes which is really annoying.21:52
Ooookfumblenoob: still didn't work21:52
RaenirWhats the difference between sh and sudo?21:52
fumblnoobOoook: that worked for someone with the same problem.. was worth a try21:53
SlartJadenKorn: not sure.. there are some settings you can change but you'll probably affect performance too..21:53
dareDraggin, adding items to your menus wont cause issues21:53
lstarnesRaenir: sh runs shell scripts21:53
Lord-ReadmanI have ssh access to an ubuntu9.04 desktop install, and want to make it make a sound, i tired the beep command but it didnt beep, how can i make it play a sound?21:53
lstarnesRaenir: sudo is used for runing programs as another user21:53
darealthough you shouldn't be afraid to break things, that's how you learn21:53
Raenirwhat do I use to run a .run file21:53
zkwhere do i get kernel source for 2.6.28-16-47-generic?21:53
Raenir./etc doesnt work permission denied21:53
rocnobody an idea?21:53
myselfwhats that thing thats like gdesklets but different?21:53
myselfi mean pretty much the same but a different one21:53
lstarnesRaenir: either sh or sudo sh21:53
Dragginistarnes, what did you mean?21:53
stefgroc: the problem is the slow ssd...21:53
VCooliomyself: screenlets?21:53
FlannelLord-Readman: aplay, or any other media player21:53
garchotroni know it's a little o/t, but if someone likes bash scripting i could use some help with my code21:53
myselfscreenlets yea21:53
Ooookfumblenoob: yeah21:54
Ooookmaybe I should try different sound settings21:54
RaenirGenerating package: Ubuntu/Jaunty21:54
RaenirError: Distro Version entered incorrectly or not supported, use --listpkg to identify valid distro versions21:54
Draggindare - so even when GIMP next gets upgraded and I added it manually to the menu, everything will work fine?21:54
mralexandro1possible to connect to muiltiple irc servers in pidgin?21:54
Flannelgarchotron: Try #ubuntu-offtopic, or #bash21:54
stefgroc: and afaik it only has 512 MB21:54
lstarnesDraggin: your message was cut off at I just executed it with no problems from the command l"21:54
Lord-ReadmanFlannel will it do it in the background?21:54
rocstefg: but can i fix that somehow??? i had ubuntu linpus on this system... that was running fine...21:54
dareDraggin, sure21:54
Raenirmaybe lower case j21:54
FlannelLord-Readman: If you send it to the background21:54
garchotronk Flannel thx21:54
lstarnesmralexandro1: yes, but you will need to add additional irc accounts21:54
Raenirhrrm seems to be doing something more now21:54
dareDraggin, the executable name stays the same with each version21:54
Dragginistarnes - oh :) Just said command line - executed "gimp" and it ran fine21:54
FlannelLord-Readman: "command &" will run command and immediately send it to the background21:54
RaenirDamn linux being case sensitive and not idiot proof! *shakes fist*21:55
cake_bakerhackel, i'm going to restart my comp21:55
booihelo. i was wondering why my cpu has a metal hat on top?21:55
Draggindare - cool, thanks :) Any ideas as to why it would have disappeared off the menu?21:55
Raenirkay' now I have a blinky cursor21:55
rocstefg: but how can it be that ubuntu needs more ressources than winxp? and all netbooks have ssd right? so since this is a netbook remix...21:55
JadenKornSlart, I formatted my 56GB partition to ext4 and it uses 3.1GB now21:55
hackelcake_baker: Restart?  You're not running windows!  This is never necessary!21:55
=== mralexandro1 is now known as mralexandro
Raenirand seems to be hanging on whatever its oing21:55
lstarnesbooi: ..a metal hat?21:55
fumblnoobOoook: wish I could be of more help, but I have to go for the day.  I saw a few things googling your error tho.21:55
RaenirYAY its did something and didnt yell at me!21:55
Flannelbooi: That's probably your heatsink, for general computer questions, #ubuntu-offtopic would be a better place to ask than here.21:55
Cryptic_Donkey.seen nancy21:55
Ooookoh alright21:55
OoookThanks anyway fumblnoob :P21:55
DragginVery weird... I thought it may have uninstalled it for some reason, but it's actually been upgraded and definitely there21:55
JadenKornSlart, should I use xfs instead?21:56
stefgroc: you need some fine tuning... winxp is an 8 year old OS, and linpus was custom tailored.21:56
rocstefg: can you define finetuning?21:56
rocstefg: im really not that into linux... but i really like ubuntu21:56
Raenirdpkg: error processing fglrx-kernel-source_jaunty.deb (--install):21:56
Raenir cannot access archive: No such file or director21:56
aaroninfidelhow can I find out my group and user id?21:56
Raenircan anyoe help with this?21:57
SlartJadenKorn: I can't really tell you what will suit you.. I use xfs since it was recommended to me.. it's been working nicely for me so far but I haven't really had any problems with any of the major file systems so far21:57
mak1is there any application to schedule turn off in the computer21:57
Flannelaaroninfidel: the number? or your username/list of groups your in?21:57
Flannelmak1: shudown accepts a time argument21:57
JadenKornSlart, I need mostly for larger files.. mostly 1GB+21:57
Slartmak1: man shutdown21:57
SlartJadenKorn: then I think xfs might do nicely... give it a try21:57
aaroninfidelFlannel: both the user id and group id21:57
stefgroc: i have an aspire one, too... i added 1 strip of RAM, and added an 60GB 1,8" hd... cost me 50 Euros, but it'S a whole new machine. i21:57
prappl93My Flash player messes up sometimes while I am playing a Flash game on Facebook... is there anyway to fix this? I don't get an error, it just doesn't load everything sometimes and I have to go to full screen mode then back to regular mode.21:57
aaroninfidelFlannel: uid & gid21:58
mak1i want the computer to turn off automatically at 5 am everyday21:58
RaenirDoes Ubuntu have a hotline or something I can call? The sheer number of roadblocks Im getting is absurd21:58
yaris123456789how do i list all related install packages using apt-get ?21:58
mak1how do i do tht21:58
toniiroc: the ssd's you find in netbooks are more often then not god awefull useless. just fyi.21:58
ubottuThe official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org21:58
daniellockardRaenir: it would seem that in fact, the file doesn't exist.21:58
chrism2671what's everyone's experience of the stability of karmic koala alpha 3?21:58
rocstefg: but for this i neet to open the whole computer right???21:58
SlartRaenir: check the link from ubottu above..21:58
Slart!karmic | chrism267121:58
ubottuchrism2671: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+121:58
Flannelaaroninfidel: echo $UID seems to work here, I was just going to suggest looking in /etc/passwd and /etc/group21:58
mak1 i want the computer to turn off automatically at 5 am everyday21:59
Slartmak1: then use crontab and schedule a shutdown command21:59
cake_bakerhackel, nope it doesn't work21:59
Raenirapparently professional services costs money21:59
daniellockardmak1: you could do that with crontab i suppose21:59
cake_bakereverything is at maximum21:59
daniellockardRaenir: does that file exist, that you're looking for?21:59
Raenirokay so if the file doesn't exist why does the official documentation have it on the site?21:59
mak1any application for it?21:59
Cryptic_DonkeyWhen is the next LTS rease due out?21:59
cake_bakerDigital Input Source : Digital, all the input sources are on Mic21:59
mak1other than cron21:59
shooreewhat's the correct way of updating my Nvidia drivers to the current beta? Is there a good manual somewhere?21:59
stefgroc, there's vids on youtube and blogs on how to do it... but even if you don't want to upgrade the hardware you can custom install ubuntu to better fit the slow ssd and small ram22:00
pcbuilder97april 2010 is the next lts22:00
cake_bakerand just changed the sound level22:00
Raenirsudo dpkg -i fglrx-kernel-source_jaunty.deb is the command I am trying to run22:00
lstarnesCryptic_Donkey: either version 10.04 or a later version22:00
daniellockardRaenir: what document are you refering to, give me a link?22:00
cake_bakerand played with the enablers22:00
rocstefg: how can i custom ubuntu then for that?22:00
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Cryptic_Donkeythanks lstarnes22:00
FlannelRaenir: Use tab completion on the filename, it should tab complete.  If it doesn't, it might be in a different directory, or start differently (case, etc)22:00
mak1is there an application for it22:01
pabloalguien habla spanish22:01
Flannel!es | pablo22:01
ubottupablo: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.22:01
JadenKornSlart, I installed xfsprogs and formatted my partition to xfs and it used only 32MB of my 56GB.. so its quite good22:01
RaenirI'm using copy and paste from the documentation!22:01
prappl93My Adobe Flash Player is a little bit messed up sometimes while playing a game on Facebook. Can anyone tell me how to fix it? Its nothing major, it doesn't crash. I was just wondering if there was a way to make it work a bit better, because when I play the game I have to set it to fullscreen mode then back to regular for it to load some of the things right. Does anyone know how to try and fix this?22:01
daniellockardRaenir: thats no always good.22:01
mak1is there an application for it22:02
DragginOkay - I have another question, this time on the kernel (which I'm practically completely clueless about). When I upgraded to Intrepid (I'm actually running Ubuntu Studio), there were issues with the nVidia drivers/kernel. I tried reinstalling, downloading from nVidia, etc. but the problem stayed. Then, trying something completely different, I wanted to start up VirtualBox to check something on one of my virtual installations. It complain22:02
dareCryptic_Donkey, 2 more years?22:02
Flannel!cron | mak122:02
ubottumak1: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm22:02
=== pablo is now known as man68
rocstefg: still there?22:03
daniellockardRaenir: so this works? ./ati-driver-installer-8.443.1-x86.x86_64.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/<version>22:03
SlartDraggin: virtualbox has a kernel module that needs to be loaded before it can run.. the easiest way is to just reinstall virtualbox.. it will reinstall the kernel module but keep all the settings, vm's and such22:03
pcbuilder97cryptic_donky  the next lts is releast in april of 201022:03
Kingsy101can someone tell me, I have a clean install of ubuntu 8.04 installed on my PC what is the best way to get it upgraded to 9.04 without burning anything to CD ?22:03
pcbuilder97just duble cheacked it22:03
Flannel!upgrade | Kingsy10122:03
ubottuKingsy101: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading22:03
DragginSlart - okay, but what I'm referring to now is my system kernel - because I'm apparently running one that is not officially supported by Canonical...?22:03
Slart!upgrade | Kingsy10122:03
FlannelKingsy101: upgrade to 8.10 (per that page) and then Upgrade to 9.0422:04
MarkGHi, I have a marvell Sheevaplug with Ubuntu on it, I'm not that familair with the way Ubuntu/Debain does things (more a Gentoo fan usually - but source distros are not good for embedded devices).    I have been tinkering, and seem to have got it to a stage where networking does not get started on boot.   what do I need to check to sort it out?  (/etc/network/interfaces looks OK)22:04
stefgroc: googling for a tutorial... you need to start with a minimal install, put /tmp in tmpfs and avoid heavy apps. ext4 actually runs good on slow ssd'S22:04
SlartDraggin: I don't think it will really matter.. as long as you have the kernel headers installed in the right place22:04
rocstefg: ext4 means what?22:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ext422:05
pcbuilder97roc  its a diffrent file system type and format22:05
darewill we see ubuntu with hurd kernel? maybe ubunturd? :-)22:05
DragginSlart - thanks. But, can you just tell me what it really means then if Synaptic indicates that a package is not officially supported...?22:05
SlartDraggin: but it might also just fail for some weird reason... I'm not too familiar with how it handles kernel modules with home built kernels22:05
roccan i change that without reinstalling?22:05
pcbuilder97its said to be more effeitiant than the current ex3 and more stable22:05
JadenKornSlart, It seems I can't add files to it.. says I'm not the owner22:05
pcbuilder97i wouldnt think so22:05
Flannelroc, pcbuilder97: ext4 isn't stable enough yet.  It still suffers from dataloss22:05
pcbuilder97i know but the goal is to be more stable22:06
Edicowhat is the name of the program that shows informations about hardware?22:06
dareit does?22:06
FlannelEdico: lspci? lsusb?22:06
lstarnesEdico: the graphical one?22:06
Flanneldare: Yes.22:06
rocok... so basically it means that i have to stay by everything i now have, and the system will run slow... :(22:06
Edicolstarnes, yes22:06
darethat explains the loss of my .gnome configuration files twice since i installed ubuntu with ext4!22:06
stefgroc: try http://www.geteasypeasy.com/22:06
SlartDraggin: I'm not sure what they mean by that.. when we use that term it usually means we're tired of troubleshooting stuff from the base up because we don't know what kind of system the user is running.. =)22:07
Edicolstarnes, Flannel is a program that can generate a html file22:07
alainhi all22:07
SlartJadenKorn: try doing a "sudo chown" on the mount point22:07
zkwhere do i get kernel source for 2.6.28-16-47-generic?i tried to "apt-get install linux-source-`uname -r` but i get 2.6.29-9 sources apparently...or couldn't build them the right way22:07
SlartJadenKorn: add -R for recursion22:07
lstarnesEdico: it might be hal-device-manager22:07
roscoeroc: I am running easy peasy on an eeePC 701, works good22:07
NickWebHAI accidentally dragged ~/Desktop into ~/Documents and now Ubuntu using ~/Documents/Desktop as my desktop folder. Dragging it back does not move it back (which I thought was strange). Anyone know how I can fix this?22:08
Slartzk: check in synaptic... there are different kernel header packages... that line with "uname -r" just installs the one you're running22:08
VCoolioNickWebHA: there's a file that handles that, ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs22:08
rocstefg: my computer already looks like that... it seems to be the same like the official ubuntu netbook remix22:09
alainjust a little question : how to start the X interface when I'm on the command line login22:09
zkSlart, that's what i need....but when i apt-get it ,it seems to come unpatched22:09
stefgzk: i doubt it'll work to build a custom kernel and still use retricted modules... you might look into module-assistant22:09
zkstefcc, it works...already has .debs made by someone else for 2.6.28-13-generic22:09
Slartzk: the headers in the package should be the headers that the kernel is compiled with22:09
JadenKornSlart, "sudo chown -R jadenkorn:jadenkorn /media/MyData/" seemed to work.. thanks22:09
DragginSlart - haha :) Thanks for the honesty :P22:10
zkSlart, i don't need the headers..but the source22:10
SlartJadenKorn: you're welcome22:10
NickWebHAVCoolie: I suppose I need to log out, in for that to take effect?22:10
zkSlart, to patch and re-compile it22:10
rocstefg: is there any difference to the original ubuntu netbook remix?22:10
wng_z3r0hi, I need to make a program run at startup, but it needs to run as root. Can someone throw me a link or what to search for?22:10
Ooookanyone have any idea as to the answer my problem?22:10
NickWebHAWell, let me try that. Thank you.22:10
JadenKornSlart, is this "/dev/sda2       /mnt/MyData     xfs     rw,user,auto 0 0" good for autobooting the xfs partition?22:11
VCoolioNickWebHA: there probably is a command for it, but relogin is faster than finding that out22:11
Slartzk: then there are source packages.. I haven't built a kernel from those packages myself but I would assume that they are patched appropriately22:11
stefgroc: it's customized for atom based hardware... different kernel, some different apps, some differently tweaked defaults22:11
OoookI've recently upgraded to Ubuntu Jaunty, just last night. I can't get sound to work on firefox flash. I am using a 32 bit system.22:11
JadenKornI mean to auto mount it22:11
OoookSound works fine on other apps.22:11
smcquayhello everyone. can the server cd be used as a live environment?22:11
boss_mcalain: startx will start it22:11
rocstefg: ok ... i will give it a shot...22:11
zkSlart, but when i compile and make debs i get linux-image-2.6.28-09-generic instead of linux-image-2.6.28-14-generic22:11
SlartJadenKorn: looks good to me.. I think you'll find it easier to put it in /media instead of /mnt ... for some reason gnome likes to have the mount points in /media22:11
rocby the way... something i just want to mention22:11
roci think the ubuntu community is awesome22:11
lstarnessmcquay: I don't think so22:12
rocyou really always find help here immediately22:12
m477i downloaded 4 or 5 translators form repo. and no one works wtf ?22:12
DragginSlart - incidentally, when you said just reinstall VirtualBox, would a normal remove and re-add in the Add/Remove... Applet do the trick?22:12
RaenirOkay I found the proper file but it still says it doesnt exist when I KNOW it exists and can see it22:12
SlartDraggin: isn't there a reinstall option? that would be even better22:12
smcquaylstarnes: thanks. i've got the resources, so i'll just boot up into X :P22:12
Edicolstarnes, Flannel I found it, is lshw22:12
Raenirfglrx-kernel-source_8.632-0ubuntu1_i386.deb on my desktop22:12
SlartDraggin: check in "synaptic"22:12
Raenirsudo dpkg -i fglrx-kernel-source_8.632-0ubuntu1_i386.deb22:13
DragginSlart... Ummm... Not sure... Where would one look for a reinstall option...?22:13
Raeniris the command22:13
Raenirbut for somereason it cant find the file that is right there22:13
daniellockardRaenir: and that is the exact name of the file22:13
Kingsy101can someone tell me what I need to do here, I have a ubuntu installation, and for some reason the screen is slightly offset (there is a black bar down the right hand side) i.e the screen isnt centered, there isnt any facility to center it on the monitor .. can this be done in the software?22:13
daniellockardand you're in that directory?22:13
daniellockardRaenir: ^22:13
Raenirthe desktop22:13
Raenirraenir@raenir-desktop:/$ sudo dpkg -i fglrx-kernel-source_8.632-0ubuntu1_i386.deb22:13
SlartDraggin: system, administration, Synaptic package manager.... then search for virtualbox and click on the little square.. there should be a reinstall option22:13
FlannelRaenir: you're not in the same directory ;)22:13
DragginSlart - cool, lemme check22:13
Ooookcd ~/Desktop/22:13
OoookI believe.22:13
Slartzk: I'm not sure why it would do that.. sorry22:13
daniellockardRaenir: you're in / not ~/Desktop/22:14
HighLordObsicrap, i forgot how to install stuff through the command line :(22:14
stefgroc: some useful link http://megabytemorsels.blogspot.com/2009/05/using-tmpfs-for-tmp-with-ssd-in-ubuntu.html22:14
gverigIs there any way to use icons embedded in executables to show in the menu? Basically, if I look at an executable through Nautilus, it has an icon but I don't know how to pull that icon into "applications" menu.22:14
goku12205sudo -s\22:14
Raenirwell thats weird22:14
OoookThough does anyone have an answer to my flash issue? ><22:14
Raenirand counter intuitiv22:14
FlannelRaenir: raenir-desktop is your machine's hostname22:14
rainbowbutterflyhow do i get te pcmcia wireless card working in ubuntu22:14
OoookI need it because I have to listen to an online lecture ><22:14
goku12205does anyone know how to use a trojan?22:14
daniellockardgoku12205: .... lol?22:15
mak1ubottu: u cld install gnome-shcedule to do the cron function lot safer22:15
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:15
Flannelgoku12205: Please take offtopic questions elsewhere, thanks.22:15
ayecarambaI'm upgrading from 8.04 to 9.04... usually when I upgrade I type 'update-manager -d' and it gives me the option to update to the newest distro, however it's only giving me the option to update to 8.10 ... does this mean I have to first update to 8.10 then 9.04 ?22:15
AlvinwareWhat's the command to schedule times for a any apps to run, and stop?22:15
Slartgoku12205: trojan? I think you need to explain a bit more.. !piracy might be an appropriate thing to type too22:15
Flannelayecaramba: Yes, can only upgrade one release at a time22:15
goku12205where can i go to learn this shit then?22:15
SlartAlvinware: crontab -e22:15
wng_z3r0how do I autorun a program at startup that needs root?22:16
ayecarambaFlannel, bummer, but thanks for the answer22:16
DragginSlart - the "Reinstall option is grayed out, but there seems to be another version - VirtualBox OSE... Guessing if I remove my version and install that one that my settings wouldn't be retained, huh...?22:16
Slart!boot | wng_z3r022:16
ubottuwng_z3r0: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto22:16
CyorxampOther than RhythmBox and Songbird... can anyone recommend a nice cross platform app for managing my music (obviously not iTunes) ?22:16
Flannelayecaramba: Well, and then you can upgrade LTS to LTS, so you could go from 8.04 to 10.04 when it comes out22:16
SlartDraggin: ah.. you downloaded the version from the virtualbox site?22:16
* daniellockard suggests a /kb goku12205 22:16
wng_z3r0slart: thanks22:16
stefgayecaramba: right... no direct upgrade path other than LTS to LTS22:16
SlartDraggin: then just download it again and re-run the file..22:16
ayecarambaRight... and I just don't feel like waiting till April for another distro to come out :)22:16
ayecarambaThanks though22:16
goku12205can anyone tell me how the three way handshake work?22:16
jadenkornSlart, that did the trick. Thank you very much22:16
Slartjadenkorn: you're welcome22:17
freemenhello every 1 i have same thing to ask  how acn i open the Blocked sites22:17
daniellockardgoku12205: this isn't the place for offtopic nonsense22:17
=== Dark_Wolf[Gone] is now known as Dark_Wolf
Flannelgoku12205: That too, is offtopic here, please take non-ubuntu support topics elsewhere, thanks22:17
mark_How do I find out if I am using 64bit or 32bit os?22:17
freemenhello every 1 i have same thing to ask  how acn i open the Blocked sites22:17
DragginSlart... I can't really remember... Was long ago, but that doesn't seem like something I'd normally do...22:17
Slartmark_: uname -a   might tell you.. not sure if it's listed in lsb_release -a22:17
wng_z3r0slart: that doesn't seem to help me. I want to start a program at bootup, not mess with grub22:18
rwwmark_: type "uname -m" in a terminal. If you get i686, it's 32-bit. If you get x86_64, it's 64-bit.22:18
dretchswatterfreeman, are you supposed to go onto those blocked sites?22:18
goku12205WHERE CAN I GO THEN?22:18
LordLandongoku12205: google22:18
wng_z3r0goku12205 try #networking22:18
SlartDraggin: I don't think the non-OSE version is available from the repos.. you might have added a repository for virtualbox though..22:18
rww!google | LordLandon22:18
ubottuLordLandon: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.22:18
daniellockardgoku12205: you don't need to learn this stuff, use google.22:18
mark_rww, i68622:19
daniellockardif you must.22:19
DragginSlart... Okay... Guess that makes sense. Thanks - I'll try getting it from the site again then...22:19
stefgmark: does 'ls /usr | grep64' return anything?22:19
rwwmark_: then you have 32bit :)22:19
SlartDraggin: here's the download page.. http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads22:19
LordLandonrww: there's a difference between newer users and users that yell at you demanding information22:19
goku12205why don't i need to learn this stuff?(INFORMATION IS FREE!!!!)22:20
daniellockardrww: I'm pretty sure that telling someone asking how to use trojans to use google is acceptable.22:20
mark_rww, I am having difficulty installing the flash plugin. I remember there being a link somewhere that automatically installs the plugin22:20
Cubehey, im trying to export pictures to flickr22:20
Slartwng_z3r0: check the part about "To add/remove startup services..."22:20
FlannelLordLandon: There's still no reason to eb rude22:20
Cubewith digikam, on ubuntu22:20
rwwmark_: if you're using 32-bit, installing the flashplugin-nonfree package should do it...22:20
Cubebut it says that it cannot find serveri kfmclien22:20
Slartwng_z3r0: there is also the part about using the directory etc/rc.local for startup scripts.. those will be run by root22:21
rwwdaniellockard, LordLandon: and the correct way to deal with people like that is to ignore them and let the operators deal with them.22:21
mark_rww, sudo apt-get instal??22:21
DragginSlart - thanks for all the trouble :)22:21
rwwmark_: yeah, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree22:21
SlartDraggin: you're welcome22:21
Raeniri just rebooted and apparently somepart of the kernel is crashing22:21
daniellockardRaenir: I would check dmesg for errors.22:22
Raenir"Sorry the package "dkms" failed to install or upgrade22:22
marcjpHi there. I am new to 9.04, and am looking for advise/support with an Airlink101 AWLC2036 PCMCIA WiFi card. I've installed the wrapper app, and downloaded the appropriate (I think) XP .inf driver, but the app returns "Invalid Driver". File is in tmp folder. Any ideas?22:22
Cubehey, im trying to export pictures from digikam (on gnome) to flickr, but it says it cannot find the service KFMCLIENT. is there any hackaround for that?22:22
Ooookthe only problems are..22:22
Ooookthe sound.22:22
DragginSlart - last question... If I run this .deb - will it automatically upgrade the current version that I have installed then?22:22
SlartDraggin: yes22:22
OoookThe flash is working fine, and I only have flashplugin-installer downloaded22:22
Ooookit's just the audio for the flash.22:22
DragginSlart - thanks again :)22:23
mark_rww, thanks! I always forget how to install since its not often that I have to reformat22:23
HighLordObsii'm such a noob :o22:23
SlartDraggin: =)22:23
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daniellockardOoook: hmm, have you done this via apt, or with .debs?22:23
stevepearcecould someone confirm whether gb.archive.ubuntu.com is down?22:23
prappl93What is a good MPEG-4 AAC Decoder for 9.0422:24
stevepearceapt isn't connecting to it according to what I am reading22:24
Slartstevepearce: http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/gb.archive.ubuntu.com22:24
filgystevepearce: it loads for me22:24
=== Shiretoko is now known as Shirotoko
OoookI tried the debs before but they didn't work well at all.22:24
mattwj2002hi guys I have a question22:24
stevepearcehmm, I wonder what's going on then22:24
prappl93Music Player seems to be telling me to get a MPEG-4 AAC decoder22:24
Slartmattwj2002: go ahead.. ask22:24
stefg!wifi | marcjp22:24
ubottumarcjp: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:24
mattwj2002I just bought a new 802.11n wireless nic22:24
MK13where are the files that save the info for the panels and the stuff added to them?22:24
AsgardBeastWhat happened to the CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE shortcut in 9.04 to restart X?22:24
euthymoshi, I'm building small C++ programs with my Ubuntu - using programming tools coming from repositories. Just wondering: using default settings do I create i386 or i686-compatible executables?22:25
Flannel!dontzap | AsgardBeast22:25
ubottuAsgardBeast: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.22:25
stefgAsgardBeast: disabled by default now22:25
mattwj2002it has a nice strong signal.....but it is only connecting at 802.11 speeds22:25
mattwj2002*802.11g speeds22:25
SlartMK13: might be in ~/.gnome or somewhere in that big registry thing gnome has.. gconf22:25
DarxusUpgrading from hardy to intrepid completely broke X.  dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg isn't even getting it to start.22:25
godmodegrafixeuthymos, whats your architecture?22:25
RaenirI just logged out and logged back in to fix an issue with dual monitor so far no new popups22:25
euthymosIntel 32 bit22:25
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Slarteuthymos: you can try running "file yourexecutable" on something you compiled to see info about it22:26
godmodegrafixeuthymos, then youre probable creating i38622:26
Jeezhello there22:26
[criipt]Whats the smallest compression format?22:26
th0rmattwj2002: it will only connect at the speed of the hub...do you have an 802.11n hub?22:26
Raenirthough theres a weird bit of static at the top of my screen roughly 2 mm wide22:26
Slart[criipt]: depends on what you're compressing22:26
VCoolioMK13: ~/.gnome2/panel2.d/default22:26
mattwj2002yeah my wireless router is 802.11n22:26
prappl93I am in need of an MPEG-4 AAC decoder for Music Player on Ubuntu 9.04, how/what is a good one?22:26
AsgardBeastWas there a technical reason for disabling the shortcut?22:27
mattwj2002I have another nic all ready running at 802.11n speeds22:27
aviatorzhello, i am trying to use smbmount and get "mount error: improperly formatted UNC name. /192.168. ... /5380-Backups does not begin with \\ or //22:27
Ooookdaniellockard, any ideas ? x_X22:27
OoookI'm sorry for the impatience.22:27
aviatorzthe share name is $$-Backups22:27
euthymosSlart: Intel 80386. Thank you22:27
OoookI just need to watch lectures asap. ><22:27
Slarteuthymos: you're welcome22:27
Jeezwould somebody knows why i can't transfer dvd content to my hdd rapidly?? i only get around 4MB/s when doing this and drive is spinning really slow... while i can burn a dvd at 16x , around 20 MB/s with this same dvd burner...22:27
mattwj2002I did have on idea22:27
[criipt]Slart, Site Backup. So, Its mostly images and scrip files.22:27
mattwj2002*one idea22:27
aviatorzany way to get those $'s in there properly??22:27
stefgAsgardBeast: no... someone thought it's too easily done by accident ...(lol)22:27
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Slart[criipt]: I use rar for my backups.. but it's proprietary I think.. I should probably find something else22:28
mattwj2002I just plugged the nic into my ubuntu box22:28
mattwj2002do I need to compile drivers?22:28
daniellockardOoook: hmm, I'm trying to think, as I had a friend with a similar issue, let me IM him and see if he ever got it fixed.22:28
mattwj2002it worked right out of the box22:28
[criipt]Slart, Know anything thats open and has the highest compression.22:28
[criipt]I want to reduce 1gb to some 100mb.22:29
MK13VCoolio, i already looked there... I need what keeps the info for like the trash, cpu monitors, etc that are kept on the panels22:29
Slart[criipt]: they are all reasonably efficient..  I don't think there is one that is much much better than the others22:29
stefg[criipt]: 1 GB of what?22:29
[criipt]I know the processing thats required is heavy. But i have the power.22:29
[criipt]stefg, pdf, html, php, psd, flv etc..22:30
stefg[criipt]: i'd try bz2 ... that'S optimized for text, and the video won't compress very well anyway22:31
jezleeanyone know how to make ubuntu 9..04 remember application window size and location?22:31
man68ola alguien sabes como conectarme a arica de terra22:32
jribjezlee: that's the application's responsibility22:32
[criipt]stefg, okies.22:32
neptunepinkIs there a way to make OpenGL applications not suck?22:32
ctmjr!es | man6822:32
ubottuman68: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.22:32
Kingsy101can someone help me with upgrading.. I followed the instructions on http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading , it says to download all updates, click check and it will say a new version of ubuntu is available.. well it doesnt..22:33
VCooliojezlee: you can use devilspie to make apps open with certain size and position; maybe compiz also can do that22:33
Kingsy101I have clicked checked and it says.. System is up to date22:33
Kingsy101but I am still running 8.0422:33
Kingsy101any ideas?22:33
FloodBot2Kingsy101: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:33
FlannelKingsy101: Are you on ... right22:33
FlannelKingsy101: Follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IntrepidUpgrades22:34
jribKingsy101: make sure your preferences don't look for LTS upgrades only22:34
RaenirGonna redo the instatiion of my drivers to be safe22:34
Kingsy101jrib - so do I need to upgrade to 8.10 and then 9.04 ?22:35
jribKingsy101: yes22:35
Kingsy101okie.. thanks22:36
b0fh_uaHi there! Can somebody please give the quick advice of how to configure nVidia drivers on ubuntu 9.04?22:36
jribb0fh_ua: System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers22:36
b0fh_uagoogle says there is some script envyng - but apt-cache search envyng doesn't give any results22:36
b0fh_uajrib: there's nothing22:36
jribb0fh_ua: umm, what version of ubuntu?22:36
jribb0fh_ua: the menu item doesn't exist?22:37
b0fh_uait populates the window but there's nothing to choose22:37
jribb0fh_ua: what card?22:37
Dark_WolfCan anyone help me set up my wireless card? it's a Buffalo AirStation WLI-CB-G54S PCMCIA card.22:37
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jrib!wifi > Dark_Wolf22:38
ubottuDark_Wolf, please see my private message22:38
daniellockardOoook: hrm, I found a few links.22:38
Snoofsflash sound isn't working on karmic, is this a common bug?22:38
Dark_Wolfjrib, that probably would have saved time if you used | instead of > :P22:38
b0fh_uajrib: GeForce 7050 on chipset nForce 610i22:38
Slart!karmic | Snoofs22:39
ubottuSnoofs: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+122:39
stefg!karmic | Snoofs22:39
Snoofsok :P22:39
Gumbyhi all.  Ive just installed ubuntu and my audio is going absolutely crazy.  Its full of random pops and clicks and static noises.  Sounds like someone is playing defender or something while watching a tv that is just static22:39
ciurlionisHow do I delete the ACC from https://shipit.ubuntu.com?22:39
Gumbyif I mute and unmute either master or IEC958 it stops for a bit but then comes back22:39
stefg!sound | Gumby22:40
ubottuGumby: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:40
jribb0fh_ua: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-kernel-common/+bug/19513922:40
AsgardBeastb0fh_ua : Are you wanting NVidia's "official" drivers or the drivers from the Ubuntu resources?22:40
spOi am trying to figure out how to use udevadm .... i try finding my device directory.... i need more attributes so i can differentiate between two ethercards that are setup to use the same mac/hardware address under bonding/ifenslave22:41
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b0fh_uaAsgardBeast: whatever would work )22:41
Gumbystefg: audio is working fine when actually playing something.  Its only when the audio is idle.22:41
filgyGumby: I have a computer that does that.. but it is a physical problem with the speaker connection22:42
filgyGumby: have you ruled that out?22:42
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b0fh_uahow and where can I get envy?22:42
ubottuEnvyNG is a program to install newer version of nVidia or ATi drivers, it can be found in !Universe as "envyng-gtk" (for Gtk/Gnome) or "envyng-qt" (for Qt/KDE). It is NOT a supported method to install video drivers; please only use it if standard methods fail and at your own risk - See also !BinaryDriver22:42
AsgardBeastb0fh_ua : I use the ones from Nvidia's website, http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us22:42
Gumbyfilgy: yes, it has worked fine in both windows and a previous ubuntu install.  Its something to do with the spdif passthrough I think22:43
imperfec1-Whta's the mouse device name when using usb mice?22:43
billeniumHow much RAM would show up if i used Ubuntu 32bit and i have 6gb of ram22:43
Orogaminick ogami22:44
stefgbillenium: around 3,5 Gigs22:44
euthymosthank you all byes22:44
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filgyGumby: try turning down your pcm levels a bit if they are up all the way perhaps?22:44
mattwj2002well I figured out my problem22:44
JonathanEllisI just installed Ubuntu 8.04 on my laptop. At boot time I get this error   * Starting TiMidity++ ALSA midi emulation...      ALSA lib seq_hw.c:457:(snd_seq_hw_open) open /dev/snd/seq failed: No such file or directory error in snd_seq_open   and then I get dumped at a tty1 login prompt. So the x-server is not starting. When I login and try to startx I get X: cannot stat /etc/X11/X (No such file or directory), aborting. giving up           xinit: 22:45
imperfec1-anyone at all know?22:45
DarxusThe solution to my problem (of X breaking during upgrade to Intrepid) was:  dexconf; nvidia-xconfig22:45
imperfec1-damn mouse devie!22:45
hammamhello all22:45
DarxusIt's now doing magical proprietary driver stuff.22:45
MikeChelenJonathanEllis, what model laptop and sound card?22:45
mattwj2002whoever compiled the drivers for ubuntu 9.04 for ralink needs to have a little talk with me because they did a poor job :(22:46
JonathanEllisMikeChelen: Its a Dell Latitude C610. The sound card is built into the motherboard. Hold on while I check Dell's website. Funny thing is it has worked on this machine in the past22:46
HighLordObsihmm...got my sound drivers now i need to figure out how to install them lol...22:46
imgoofygooberYou tell them Matt!!22:46
ercanhi all im using ubuntu 9.04 amd64  some body can send me sources.list file please22:47
mattwj2002I own two different nics with this chipset and I think they forget to set some flags in both cases22:47
hammamAfter upgrading to 9.04 I started to get problem when trying to play any video content, the video player will be terminated immediately22:47
hammamtotem, VLC whatever22:47
megamonkhi guys im new to ubuntu... can someone please help me out with a problem?... ive been working at it for days... read forums post etc but cant find a solution yet...22:47
filgyGumby: you also might want to try unloading then loading the module for your sound card.22:47
mattwj2002on one nic they didn't compile support for wpa and one they didn't support 802.11n22:48
HighLordObsii seriously need to learn my way around the terminal22:48
ercanhey nobody help me?22:48
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:48
DragginHighLordObsi - amen to that... me too...22:48
decocan anyone recommend a good linux vps web host ?22:48
ercani need sources.list file22:48
AsgardBeastercan : you need the default resource list?22:48
ercanok how can i do this22:49
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hammamwhen running totem from the terminal I get the following message in the console:22:49
hammamThe program 'totem' received an X Window System error.22:49
hammamhis probably reflects a bug in the program.22:50
hammamThe error was 'BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)'.22:50
HighLordObsigot the bz2 for my audio drivers sittin on my desktop with nowhere to go hehe22:50
myselfUNBAN LYLE22:50
megamonkanyone know how to solve "formatting swap disk on partition #1" problem? it occurs after intalling ubuntu using wubi during restart. anyone?22:50
hammamhis probably reflects a bug in the program.22:50
hammamThe error was 'BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)'.22:50
Edicoknows someone a place with nice ubuntu wallpapers?22:50
DragginEdico - gnome-look.org has some pretty cool themes, icons, etc.22:50
ercanplease somebody help me22:50
Dragginercan - what's up?22:51
hammam(Details: serial 85 error_code 11 request_code 132 minor_code 19)22:51
ctmjrercan: try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=997890 and remember google is your friend22:51
ercani need source.list file22:51
filgyercan: what version of ubuntu are you using? the sources.list file is based on what version of ubuntu you are running22:51
ercan9.04 amd 6422:52
MikeChelenJonathanEllis, this might have some helpful background https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto though might be out of date22:52
megamonkanyone know how to solve "formatting swap disk on partition #1" problem? it occurs after installing ubuntu using wubi during restart. anyone? i tried defraggign it 5 times already as suggested in the forums but it doesnt wok22:52
redrebelis there any good stock ticker app that I can use??22:52
redrebeli'm looking for a stock ticker that is a stand alone app, not an applet22:53
rocstefg: hey... just wanted to thank you for the site you sended me... with changing the write speed on the ssd helped really a lot!22:53
fiendtest 1243\22:53
RaenirAlright, whom here has gotten EVE Online working with WINE?22:53
JonathanEllisMikeChelen: Thanks. I will try that22:54
fiendi am falling asleep22:54
rocanother question which is more general... is there any site which you would recommend me, to learn a bit more about linux specific things, but then also all the commands in the terminal and stuff... something simple which builts up step-by-step22:54
RaenirHullo? Anyone got Wine and EVE to work?22:54
jonex_i need an IM that support web cam22:55
deanyWhat is stopping any new user from loggin in locally to an ubuntu "server" ?22:55
th0rroc: the linux documentation project tldp.org22:55
jonex_Raenir: sudo apt-get install wine22:55
JonathanEllisMikeChelen: The Audio Controller is a Crystal 420522:56
Flanneldeany: Nothing?22:56
megamonkplease help! newbie stuck in "formatting swap space partition" istall using wubi. please help...22:56
megamonkplease help! newbie stuck in "formatting swap space partition" install using wubi. please help...22:56
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krisivesHow can I get the source to a package that's in the repository?22:57
filgyRaenir: i had eve working in wine a while ago... havn't tried with 9.04 though22:57
Flannelkrisives: apt-get source package22:57
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krisivesThank you so much Flannel22:58
filgyRaenir: have you looked at the Linux forums on the Eve official website?22:58
krisivesFlannel: Where does it go?22:58
megamonkplease help! im an absolute newbie stuck in "formatting swap space partition" install using wubi. please help...22:58
tigerguttanyone running mythtv and 9.04 ?22:58
krisivesIn the current directory it looks like ;)22:58
krisivesI can do this as non-root too?22:59
Jorknowhey all, anyone familiar with both Ubuntu and Vista?23:00
filgymegamonk: how long has it been stuck formatting ?23:00
filgymegamonk: with it going through wubi you should just be able to kill the install then try again, but you might want to confirm with someone else first23:00
helperkrisives apt-get need privildge mode to execute it.23:01
rekmi sono trovato così e così23:01
krisivesAre packages supposed to have the -dev requirements in their dependencies? I just did apt-get source nautilus-open-terminal and ./configure but it's missing some -dev libraries23:01
reknon capivo23:01
reknon potevo aprire i client23:01
megamonki did that alraedy... been trying to install it for 5 days now23:01
krisiveshelper: apt-get source doesn't require root (he a bot I assume?)23:01
RaenirI don't find any particularily consistent instructions nor do they seem to work at all for getting EVE to work with wine23:02
megamonki tried googling for solution and looking in forums... i defragged my hdd 5 times already23:02
mrweskrisives, so install the libs it tells you that are missing23:02
megamonkit still does work :(23:02
megamonkit still doesnt work :(23:02
krisivesmrwes: I will, but is it not possible to have these installed for me with apt-get source?23:02
JorknowWell I need some help. Vista recently got a virus, so I had to reformat my vista partition, while leaving the Ubuntu alone. Now that Vista is set up and running, I cannot get to the OS selection screen at first boot. Anyone have any ideas?23:03
filgymegamonk: ok try making the directory c:\wubi\disks23:03
filgymegamonk: do this after you close the hanging install23:03
krisivesJorknow: You need to update your GRUB23:03
Jorknowand how do i go about doing that?23:03
mrweskrisives, apt-get source does not grab all the dependencies like apt-get install23:03
krisivesJorknow: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows23:03
AsgardBeastJorknow : You must update/reinstall grub.23:03
megamonkfilgy: i tried that already... been tryimg to install it for 4 days now23:04
krisivesmrwes: Thanks, I guess I can manually install the deps23:04
bobohey guys, i have a 160 GB HDD, and so far have taken up about 20-30 GB on it (music, movies,etc..), but when i open nautilus it says i only have about 25GB left of space, what gives?23:04
stefgmegamonk: is it really worth the effort to try 5 wubi installs vs. resizing your windows partition and go for the real bang? (which probably works wth less trouble)23:04
filgymegamonk: then put 1 files in that directory named "swap.disk"23:04
mrweskrisives, you might also look into checkinstall if you are installing from the source23:04
filgymegamonk: make the swap.disk file the size that you want your swap to be23:04
mrweskrisives, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall23:04
Jorknowthanks! will read and try!23:04
DragginCheers everyone - thanks for all the help :)23:04
krisivesmrwes: Yeah, I know about CheckInstall, but it fails a lot on me. Do most packages have a make deb?23:05
stefgbobo: emty trash :-)23:05
joeyeyebobo: run disk usage analyzer ... or delete trash23:06
filgymegamonk: after you create that file.. try to install it through wubi without a swap partition23:06
krisivesmrwes: How long does it take for a patch I make to hit a repo? A lot of people complain about bugs, and I would like to fix them more often and not send out .debs to them.23:06
filgymegamonk: then recreate that file if you need to after the install if it works23:06
megamonkfilgy: i m an absolute newbie. can you please elaborate what u mean. i dont get it. how do it change size of swap disk within windows? what file to put and where? thanks23:06
filgymegamonk: you can put any file there that is the size you need23:06
bobostefg: i already did that, i've no idea where all my space went23:06
filgymegamonk: just rename it to swap.disk23:06
filgymegamonk: you would do it using windows my computer... like you are copying then renaming any normal file23:07
megamonkbut it already has a file named swap disk. its about 250mb23:07
mrweskrisives, subscribe to the bug at launchpad and you can keep yourself informed on the status and potential workarounds for bugs23:08
megamonkfilgy: so i need to overwrite it?23:08
mrweskrisives, of course it all depends on the severity of the bug :)23:08
krisivesmrwes: I am an experienced developer, just not familar with Ubuntu23:08
joeyeyebobo: run disk usage analyzer (baobab)23:08
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stefgbobo: run baobab and find out23:09
krisivesmrwes: I am more interested in fixing the bugs than reporting them23:09
megamonkfilgy: because i looked at the folders, there is already a file nameds swap.disk23:09
deanyok, so I just made a user with useradd, giving the options to make the home folder and also supplied the password in the command line.. so why the hell do I have to sudo passwd user (supply password, even the same one) for it to let it login?  argh23:09
mark_how do I setup remote desktop?23:09
filgymegamonk: how big is the file that is already there?23:09
mrweskrisives, you could run the beta version of the next version due out in October -- code named Karmic Koala, join #ubuntu+123:09
deanyits pained me for 2 days. lol23:10
bobojoeyeye and stefg: ive already done that, but ill do it again and give you a screenshot to show you just how puzzled i am....23:10
mark_how do I setup remote desktop?23:10
peniwizeHi all.  How do I add a directory to my PATH environment variable for only one user in the system so that programs run from the gnome menu see it?23:10
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krisivesmrwes: How do most makefiles do creating debs? Or do they rely on checkinstall mostly23:10
AsgardBeastmark_ : System : Preferences : Remote Desktop23:10
megamonkfilgy: about 250mb23:11
filgymegamonk: and you're sure you have plenty of free space on the hard drive that file is located on ?23:11
mrweskrisives, I never used a makefile to create a .deb; however I have used subversion to compile the latest and greatest of a few apps I choose23:11
krisivesIs there a channel more suited for developers?23:12
TFFHey everyone23:12
joeyeyebobo: cd / and then  run df .     then pastebin the output23:12
mrweskrisives, #ubuntu+123:12
mrweskrisives, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Subversion23:12
megamonkfilgy: yes... i installed ubuntu on s separate partition 10gb in size23:12
Sp3c1alKis there an api for ubuntu? or some type of documentation for code, more specifically networking23:12
filgymegamonk: so you have another drive letter in my computer that is 10gb ?23:12
TFFI'm wondering if anyone know of a package that will sort games into catagories - there was one in rpm for fedora - jusr can't remeber its name.23:13
bobojoeyeye ok23:13
filgymegamonk: ok.. well all i can really suggest then is to try to delete the swap.disk file then try to install again with wubi23:13
filgymegamonk: if that doesn't work i would suggest you just install ubuntu normally and use that 10gb partition for the ubuntu install...23:13
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megamonkfilgy: thanks ill try that now and come back for the results23:14
bobojoeyeye http://paste.ubuntu.com/246743/23:14
burntresistoranyone else can't connect to keyserver through terminal?23:14
filgymegamonk: np, sounds good23:15
mizipzorafter installing kubuntu, apt-get seems to only care about packages found on the cd... how to make it check the online package repository?23:15
Sindrakehi is anyone here know how to get ubuntu on the right track23:15
mrweskrisives, if you're really serious you can ask about MOTU: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU23:16
bitplanehow do I disable this "switch desktop with mouse scroll wheel" behaviour?23:16
Sindrakei got Compiz running smoothly and winXP loaded throught virtualbox but there are some amll annoyances that i cant seem to get pass23:16
bitplaneand does anyone else find it irritating?23:16
TFF@ mizipzor - System > Administration > Software Sources23:16
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mizipzorTFF: the system was installed from a kubuntu cd, hence its running kde and its software, im looking for a console only solution23:17
joeyeyebobo: what size hard drive is /dev/sda1 ?23:17
VCooliobitplane: not at all, it's in compiz somewhere I think23:17
deviantHrmm. Does anybody know of an NTFS volume size limitation with the ubuntu installer23:17
TFFahh sry23:17
bobojoeyeye: about 140GB23:17
Sindrakefirst off Windows XP through virtualBox Will not detect any of my Drivers on my laptop,. Second i cant get my Ipod to even show up, Ive followed every forums rules,. and i cant get etc/fstab to give me permission23:18
tsaiHi everyone, I just installed Ubuntu 9.04 x64 and have NO sound.  I googled tirelessly yesterday with no luck.  Does anyone have a clue?23:18
deviantI have a 1TB external disk with 850gb of data on it and the installer fails to calculate the disk usage23:18
deviantand the drive doesn't mount in ubuntu23:18
bobojoeyeye: and you can find my disk usage output at http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=ezqln5&s=323:18
VCooliobitplane: compiz, viewport switcher plugin23:19
bitplaneVCoolio: it happens if I accidentally hover over a window border23:19
bitplanethat really sucks imo23:19
animesoupXMMS doesn't seem to play when firefox is playing youtube vids23:19
animesoupis there a way to fix that?23:19
animesoupfor anyone who uses xmms ><23:19
TFF@Mizipzor : sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list23:19
mark_!ubottu | anything23:19
ubottuanything: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots23:19
animesoupXMMS says the soundcard is being used by another progran or something along those lines.23:20
VCooliobitplane: hovering a window border changes workspace?23:20
Sindrakehow do i get permission to run etc/fstab23:20
joeyeyebobo: i don't see the pic ...23:20
bobohold on... ill do it again23:20
bitplaneVCoolio: only while scrolling, so if i miss a scrollbar and hit the window border then WHOOSH I'm on desktop 423:20
TFFI'm wondering if anyone know of a package that will sort games into catagories - there was one in rpm for fedora - jusr can't remeber its name.23:21
michaelhey, whats teh best IRC client to use on ubuntu23:21
bitplanemichael, I'm using Pidgin, works well23:21
animesoupmichael: irssi, XChat, or yeah, pidgin23:21
forceflowmichael: Pidgin, XChat, Irssi, ... :)23:21
Sindrakehow do i get permission to run etc/fstab23:21
bobohttp://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=ezlqn5&s=3, joeyeye23:21
kimimarolink for virtualbox?23:21
CraigGBmichael: i like XChat :)23:21
forceflowirssi is console based23:21
animesoupSindrake: try using sudo23:21
animesoupin terminal23:21
michaelim on irssi now23:21
bitplaneVCoolio: if you're using Pidgin, you can see it happen if you go to the window border on the right side of the nick list23:22
forceflowmichael: doe you like it?23:22
animesoupDoes anyone know how to get flash working in Opera?23:22
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michaelsomewhat, im at work so something that doesnt look like a chat program owuld be nice23:22
forceflowI run irssi on a remote box for all my messaging needs (IRC, msn, jabber, ...)23:22
VCooliobitplane: I'm done using both gnome and pidgin (going with openbox / e17 and irssi :)23:22
animesoupmichael: try irssi23:22
animesoupthat's probably what you're looking for23:23
boboi have to reload it to see the picture wich is wierd23:23
RobotCowI need help getting my sound to work in ubuntu. so far, sound only plays with mplayer command line and skype using my magicjack + skype.  http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=884dea055121530dd8bb81e941c14e220c01ff9123:23
Sindrakei did sudo gave password ; command not found23:23
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bitplanethink I should file a bug about this compiz issue?23:24
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Sindrake/etc/fstab no permission, sudo /etc/fstab command not found23:26
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MikeChelenJonathanEllis, also see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=494983 and maybe try 8.10?23:27
MikeChelenor 9.0423:27
FlannelSindrake: You don't run your fstab, what are you trying to accomplish?23:27
JonathanEllisMikeChelen: Thanks.23:27
sonismhi, i'm having trouble with my wlan card, it has poor connectivity, and sometime it hardly detect the ap. the chip is atheros ar928x, using madwifi ath9x. will installing linux-backport-modules help?23:28
joeyeyebobo: strange ... am thinking what to look at next...23:28
roadfishis there an Ubuntu package to unpack the individual images of a gif animation?23:29
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FlannelSindrake: your fstab is just a text file, you edit it via a text editor, for instance: sudo nano /etc/fstab23:29
rickoParakhi, i'm having trouble with my wlan card, it has poor connectivity, and sometime it hardly detect the ap. the chip is atheros ar928x, using madwifi ath9x. will installing linux-backport-modules help?23:29
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filgyrickoParak: have you tried using ndiswrapper instead of madwifi ?23:30
rickoParakfilgy: not yet, but i assume madwifi will be better? what do you think?23:32
donnybrascoHi, I'm trying to install a theme in Jaunty - can anyone help?23:32
joeyeyebobo: check your PM ?23:33
sam\i am looking for a good linux server distro, or should i just go with good old ubuntu server?23:33
filgyrickoParak: you would think it is better being written specifically for linux.. but who knows.. it doesn't sound like an ubuntu issue though so much as a wireless issue in general23:33
dareubuntu server!23:33
sam\looks like its that then :p23:34
sam\i was thinking about trying freebsd :/23:34
darei've run it for the past year23:34
dareand still runs fast and stable23:34
sam\what you mainly use it for m8?23:34
darejust a little slow now logging into ssh23:34
dareweb server, samba, irc services23:34
sam\i want to setup samba, so i could see my hard drives on ubuntu server i already have23:35
sam\on this mac :/23:35
sam\but i gave up after a few hours eh23:35
Ose_what permission do I need to grant myself to view files/folders currentøy 'unreadable'?23:35
Acsdare you have an irc server in your ubuntu server?23:35
Pinoni need help with firefox at ubuntu. it no longer work properly, web sites reports i use an out-dated version of Internett Explorer23:35
rickoParakfilgy:  but i'm using ubuntu, and i'm asking that if i install linux-backport-module help to solve this problem.... :)23:35
sam\znc is nice23:35
VCooliodonnybrasco: drag and drop the .tar.gz in the appearance window?23:36
CradLeRckercan anyone help verfiy if ive reinstalled wine properly?23:37
CradLeRckeri just want to know what version i have but the about tab doesnt display that23:37
rickoParakfilgy: what do you think?23:37
donnybrascovcoolio: thanks!!23:37
trismCradLeRcker: wine --version23:37
ejvsam\: gentoo23:38
filgyrickoParak: i dunno... did it work fine for you with a previous version of ubuntu?23:39
rickoParakhi, i'm having trouble with my wlan card, it has poor connectivity, and sometime it hardly detect the ap. the chip is atheros ar928x, using madwifi ath9x. will installing linux-backport-modules help?23:39
spOfiles in my root directory are encrypted? what handles that?23:40
dretchswatterrickoParak, are you sure that it's your OS and not the card?23:40
filgyrickoParak: if there is a new version of the driver in the backports then i would give it a try23:40
rickoParakfilgy: ok, i'll try, wish me luck :)23:41
filgyrickoParak: otherwise i doubt it will make a difference23:41
animesoupcan anyone help me out as to getting java/flash workin in Opera :P23:42
rickoParakdretchswatter: no, nothing wrong with the OS, i guess. i'm sure it's the driver23:42
zipanimesoup, re-load them both....flash first23:42
animesoupdriver zip?23:43
arajabatHi! Im having problems installing a Ubuntu from a SD card. I can install and I can enter using the live version, but it dont boot when installed. I think that the Linux get confused with the sd card. What can I do23:43
windwhinnyanimesoup: apt-get install flashplugin-installer23:43
ziphttp://www.sun.com , and adobe.com23:43
zipget the deb file for flash.....23:43
filgyrickoParak: try the backport if it has a newer driver... if that doesn't work and the wifi card works fine in windows then i would try ndiswrapper if possible23:43
hagisbasherukanyone know of a onscreen keyboard package for a tablet pc as i just stuck ubuntu jaunty on RM Tablet PC23:43
zip8.04....its fine...v1023:43
dretchswatterrickoParak, okay, just making sure, if the driver doesn't work out, I;ve always used tinfoil and a smal bowl to make a makeshift dish to get much better recetion23:44
dretchswatterhagisbasheruk, I think there's a setting in ubuntu under accesibility23:44
windwhinnyarajabat: where did you installed in? the SD card?23:44
rickoParakfilgy: ok, i'll do that... thanks23:44
hagisbasherukokay dretchswatter i'll look23:45
arajabatwindwhinny: no, in the HD, using all the HD23:45
filgyrickoParak: np23:45
spOare files in my root directory encrypted?23:46
windwhinnyarajabat, did you set the BOIS to boot from HD?23:46
arajabatwindwhinny: yes23:46
windwhinnyarajabat, and then? what happend?23:46
audigy5xmy first time in here...is there a chat channel for backtrack23:46
arajabatwindwhinny: It start to open, I can see the Ubuntu logo, but just get dark the screen and nothing happens anymore23:47
dretchswatterarajabat, You'll probably need to either update your bios or use a setting in the bios to set your harddrive as the main MD23:47
rickoParakdretchswatter: yeah, sounds like a good idea... but i haven't got to assemble one... some other time i think... thanks man... :)23:47
dretchswatterarajabat, Also, try booting up w/o the SD card in23:47
arajabatdretchswatter: my notebook is very new, I think is the opposite, the ubuntu dont have drivers to my notebook23:47
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dretchswatterarajabat, I doubt that, is it a net book?23:48
arajabatacer 3810tz23:48
animesoupzip mind if I PM you23:48
windwhinnyarajabat, you can try ALT+F1 ,see what happend with the system ,and google it23:48
arajabatalt f1 doesnt work in the boot23:49
animesoupHow do you get flash specifically working for Opera 9.64?23:49
animesoupIt works for firefox23:49
audigy5xsure does23:49
windwhinnyarajabat, CTRL+ALT+F123:49
arajabatwindwhinny: Yes, do not work23:49
windwhinnyarajabat, ....23:50
arajabatand If I do it now starte to flash23:50
dretchswatterarajabat, try booting up w/o the SD card in23:50
arajabatdretchswatter: what means w/o23:51
windwhinnyarajabat,opera will search the plugins dir of firefox23:51
dretchswatterarajabat, with out, sorry for the lingo23:51
CradLeRckerI have a problem with steam and wine. When i open steam in wine it fails to open properly and crashes. I havnt updated to the latest version of wine, but thats because when i was in the latest version, i couldnt play team fortress 2.23:51
corrupt_glxgearshello =) my issue is just what it says, glxgears and any other OpenGL displays corrupt gfx on the old pc. direct rendering=yes23:51
arajabatok, thank you I will try again23:51
dretchswatterCradLeRcker, Try going into wine settings and setting it to a "full desktop display" or soemthing similar so that there is a fake windows desktop, that may fix it23:52
Dr_WillisHmm.. steam and wine work here.. but i dont play any games with it..23:53
Dr_Willissteam is a little flakey in ways with wine however.23:54
seanthegeekI've done a fresh quick install of LTSP but TFTP says file can not be found. can someone help?23:54
MikeChelenDr_Willis, hl2 and css play alright23:54
zipdretchswatter, he could set up a virtual display in VM....on another desktop couldnt he?23:54
dretchswatterzip he could, but I know nothing about that23:55
JkesslerCan someone recommend a good Wireless-n draft 2.0 pci card for Ubuntu 9.04 that works out of the box?23:55
Dr_WillisMikeChelen:  i dont play the games much any more. : I do know that Port Royal2 dont work with wine/steam for me.23:55
dretchswatterzip, so I won't suggest something I don't know about23:55
corrupt_glxgearsI am loving how far Linux has come on my other pc's gfx card23:55
corrupt_glxgearscan run ffxi with it23:55
zipdretchswatter, then I dont either :)23:55
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zipi do........but not enough to walk someone through it...23:56
Kingsy101has anyone had it where they have had ubuntu 8.10 installed and it works fine. and as soon as they install 9.04, (upgrade, and re-start) it comes up with an error on boot? a long trace?23:56
Kingsy101it seems as tho ubuntu 9.04 isnt compatible with my system or something.. which is just crazy23:57
corrupt_glxgears9.04 works fine in all cases for me...but they are all clean installs =( Came back to Ubuntu from another distro23:57
zipsyntax...u know a guy named shdowboxn.....from unet23:57
syntaxi never heard of him23:58
Dr_WillisKingsy101:  it may be safer to do a 'clean install' of 9.04 not a upgrade23:58
Kingsy101yea you see I tried to install 9.04 from a clean install but it came up with the same trace23:58
MikeChelenDr_Willis, thats too bad, there is a list of some games that work at http://appdb.winehq.org23:58
roadfishis there a Python package that will manipulate/split animated gifs?23:58
zipdifferent syntax then23:58
windwhinnyKingsy101,you can try suse or fedora, not only ubuntu23:58
Kingsy101Dr_Willis - I did, it either hung before the installation or came up with the same trace23:58
seanthegeekKingsy101: i had this issue with a laptop23:58
corrupt_glxgearsdid you try safe gfx mode? solved my friend's issue23:58
Kingsy101seanthegeek - what did you do?23:59
seanthegeekKingsy101 i  think its the kernel, i cant use any newer distros23:59
Kingsy101corrupt_glxgears - what do you mean? always use safe graphics mode? all of the time?23:59
Kingsy101seanthegeek - so you are suck with 8.10 ?23:59
seanthegeeki stuck with 8.1023:59
Kingsy101man o man that sucks23:59

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