
=== naelr__ is now known as Naelr
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facundobatistaSueños de mar, espuma en tu piel, sal en tus labios02:00
=== Wajih is now known as MaWaLe
=== ink_away is now known as inkvizitor68sl
aquariusb1ackcr0w, hey11:07
aquariusb1ackcr0w, what's the problem?11:20
b1ackcr0wsorry aq, trying to earn living while hacking can be a pain11:36
b1ackcr0wbasically, I'm trying to keep tomboy synced on all my machines, using ubuntu-one11:37
b1ackcr0wI've made a folder in the ubuntu-one folder the place to sync my files11:38
aquariusb1ackcr0w, really? we've been looking at that.11:38
b1ackcr0wbut tomboy just play11:38
aquariusb1ackcr0w, tomboy's not set up to have something other than it change its files, so if a whatever.note file changes Tomboy won't notice until you quit and restart it.11:38
b1ackcr0wah, I'm talking at all11:39
aquariuswe've been working with the tomboy sync API, and looking at having tomboy save data into desktop CouchDB, to handle this issue11:39
b1ackcr0wi take it there's no way around it using Webdav?11:40
aquariusNot at the moment. The issue isn't really with how you handle the files, it's that Tomboy doesn't monitor files for changes (because it expects that it's the only thing that will be changing them :))11:41
b1ackcr0wwhen I tell tomboy the local sync folder, it tries to sync but fails, but doesn't list any reasons why it's failed :(11:41
aquariusah, I haven't looked at local sync at all, so I don't know anything about it11:41
aquariustry running it as tomboy --debug from the command line; that might give you some more info?11:42
b1ackcr0whow do you find a process id from the command line again11:45
b1ackcr0wtomboy is running in background :(11:45
aquariusah, you'll need to re-start tomboy11:45
aquariusso quit it and re-run it from a terminal as "tomboy --debug", and then try the local sync, and there should be some output in the terminal11:46
b1ackcr0wyeah, I when i do that, it's already running11:46
aquariuserm? really?11:46
b1ackcr0wso i wanted to kill the process11:46
aquariusok: ps axu | grep tomboy11:46
aquariusand the number in the second column is the process ID11:46
aquariusthe last column is the process itself, which should be "mono /usr/lib/tomboy/Tomboy.exe"11:47
aquariusor Administration > System Monitor and then look in the Processes tab, if you prefer11:49
b1ackcr0wSyncThread using SyncServiceAddin: Local Folder11:50
b1ackcr0w[DEBUG]: 811:50
b1ackcr0w[DEBUG]: Sync: GetNoteUpdatesSince rev -111:50
b1ackcr0w[DEBUG]: GetNoteUpdatesSince xpath returned 22 nodes11:50
b1ackcr0w[ERROR]: Synchronization failed with the following exception: /home/alistair/Ubuntu One/My Files/tomboy/0/1/86312646-d95b-4ea3-b781-839cb94860e0.note does not exist11:50
b1ackcr0w  at System.IO.File.Copy (System.String sourceFileName, System.String destFileName, Boolean overwrite) [0x00000]11:50
b1ackcr0w  at Tomboy.Sync.FileSystemSyncServer.GetNoteUpdatesSince (Int32 revision) [0x00000]11:50
b1ackcr0w  at Tomboy.Sync.SyncManager.SynchronizationThread () [0x00000]11:50
b1ackcr0w(tomboy:7235): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_source_remove: assertion `tag > 0' failed11:50
jblountGood morning everyone!13:46
aquariushey jblount13:53
aquariusurbanape, couple of semi-thorny bugs filed against bindwood by kenvandine :)13:53
urbanapek, I'll take a look.13:53
kenvandineaquarius, but great features :)13:54
urbanapeI've been wrestling with the new files ui for a while, might be nice to make a switch today.13:54
jblountWas the syncdaemon crashy mc crashy pants all weekend for anyone else?14:50
dobeyjblount: it's because you neglected it14:52
dobeyjblount: i haven't been seeing a crapload of new bugs against the package in my mailbox14:52
urbanapespeaking of neglect. I forgot I was Face on Saturday as well. During my son's first birthday party. Hope nothing went boom.14:53
dobeyurbanape: weekends don't count14:53
dobeyurbanape: if it's a weekend/holiday, you don't have to do anything for it14:54
urbanapeoh, well, good. In that case, I just forgot to write up my Friday Face's report.14:54
jblounturbanape: Congratulations your sons birthday! Keeping another human being alive for 12 months seems like a huge accomplishment to me.14:55
urbanapethey're pretty resilient these days. It's a lot less effort than you might think.14:55
urbanapebut thanks! we had fun.14:56
urbanapeI've just about (finally!) got the sharing functionality to work again.14:56
jblounturbanape: You are an evil genious. Seems like that is the last step before dropping the big lever, am I right?14:57
urbanapeI don't think so, exactly.14:57
urbanapeThat's the last step before we've got the basic functionality replicated.14:57
urbanapeI think there are still a lot of little uglies about it (though I haven't kept up with what you've been working on, so maybe it's all better now.14:58
urbanapejust pulled a recent trunk this morning, but haven't yet merged it to my branch.14:58
jblounturbanape: I thought we were going to make sure you could do all the things you could do in the old ui, then drop lever, then itterate like crazy.14:58
jblountAh, I do have a lot of recent changes. I'm sitting on a branch now to take care of even more of the wonkiness.14:59
urbanapecool. I'd like to get it a little more shored up, UI wise.14:59
jblountYes, and yes.15:00
vdsjblount: isn't it me time? :)15:00
jblountMEETING BEGINS15:01
jblountIf this looks familiar, say "me" for desktop+15:01
jblountdobey: ?15:02
jblounturbanape: Looks like you won the arms race :)15:03
urbanapeDONE: Was Face on Friday, nothing much happened, forgot to write up notes, will try to do so. Wrestled with sharing UI. Nearly done.15:03
urbanapeTODO: Finish it, tackle some bindwood bugs for change of pace.15:03
urbanapeBLOCK: Nada15:03
urbanapevds, if you please15:03
vdsDONE: code review, pair with teknico on sync options branch, investigated test failing on teknico's branch, discussed with mark about bugs and user stories, started a branch to create a snapshot after the first contact sync15:03
vdsTODO: finish and land this branch quickly15:03
vdsBLOCKED: nope15:03
vdsaquarius: please... :)15:03
aquarius⤘ DONE: working on desktopcouch new design doc installation procedures; helped a chap doing tomboy local sync on #ubuntuone15:03
aquarius⤘ TODO: talk to #tomboy about piston oauth; learn about process groups; branch to do desktopcouch startup15:03
aquarius⤘ BLOCKED: none15:03
aquariusCardinalFang: rock out your own self15:03
CardinalFangDONE: squished bug 401786, temp views15:04
CardinalFangTODO: working on 405612, failing tests.  more make paste+spawning work in same tree15:04
CardinalFangBLOCKED: None15:04
CardinalFangjblount: Dig it?15:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 401786 in desktopcouch "don't use temp views" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40178615:04
jblountCardinalFang: I can15:04
jblountDONE: Had a weird day working on Saturday, but got a lot of little ui stuff done for the new files ui15:04
jblountTODO: Land css branch, try to determine what exactly I need to finish up before we can launch /files/new15:04
jblountBLOCKED: Nope15:04
jblountdobey: rocknroll15:04
dobey☭ DONE: Reviews, Added ellipse to Nautilus share menu item, Changed "Read Only" to "Allow Modification" on web sharing ui15:04
dobey☭ TODO: Lots of UI hacking, Tarmac AMI, Update upstream OAuth patch (missed one part of 1.0a)15:04
dobey☭ BLCK: 1.0a on server side (pending oauth.py upstream 1.0a patch approval)15:04
jblountAnyone missing?15:04
aquariusdammit, a hammer and sickle? that's way cooler than my RIGHTWARDS TWO-HEADED ARROW WITH TAIL WITH DOUBLE VERTICAL STROKE. I didn't know that was in unicode.15:04
jblountMEETING ENDS15:05
aquariuscheers jblount15:05
aquariusgood one on the temp views stuff, CardinalFang15:05
CardinalFangkenvandine, does that remove your last blocker to release?15:06
dobeyaquarius: btw, clarkson beatbox was hilarious!15:06
kenvandineCardinalFang, we released it :)15:06
kenvandinepassed revu and has been uploaded to universe :)15:07
kenvandinenot built yet there... but happening :)15:07
CardinalFangSweet.  Danke!15:07
kenvandinenp :)15:07
aquariusdobey, did make me chuckle,that15:08
dobeynow i just hope i get a call soon saying that my offer on this house has been accepted15:10
jblountdobey: I noticed you talking about that, is the house nearby to where you live now?15:11
dobeyyeah, it's a couple miles closer to the river15:11
jblountNice, good luck!15:11
aquariuskenvandine, hey15:13
urbanapeokay, got the sharing UI working-ish. Need to build it and stash, rather than rebuild on click, as it keeps getting added to, and that ain't right.15:48
jblountNice, some of the other modal dialog things are doing similar (like when I use the upload, then create a new folder, then upload again, I see a "create folder" button in that dialog. I'm going to try to recreate these and get bugs reported this afternoon.15:52
jblountAlso, I never remeber to close parens. I should just stop using them.15:52
urbanapeyup, I'm getting a bit better mental model of how we should store these things and organize the DOM bits.15:53
jblountUnrelated: I think I'm in love with Chrome. It feels like Safari did in OS X.15:57
CardinalFangjblount, that doesn't sound like praise to me, but just because I'm curious, what do you install?16:08
jblountCardinalFang: I have the "preview debs" from this page, but there are dailies as well: https://edge.launchpad.net/chromium-browser16:15
CardinalFangHoly sh*t, that's a the bestest browser evar!@!#16:19
CardinalFangOh wait, the package is not "chromium".  That's not a browser at all.16:22
CardinalFangThe music is badass, though.16:22
CardinalFang$ apt-cache search chromium16:25
CardinalFangchromium - fast paced, arcade-style, scrolling space shooter16:25
jblountCardinalFang: Heh, I've installed that before. Apparently they are out of names at the idea store.16:27
tcoleor in the periodic table16:27
dobeythe problem with chromium is that it's still a web browser16:27
* CardinalFang calls dibs on 'Copernicium'.16:28
dobeyCardinalFang: the funny thing is that the browser description and the game description, sound a lot alike16:28
jblountdobey: Your hatred for the the web is always amusing.16:28
dobeyjblount: it's not hatred. i've just come to terms with its death already16:29
jblountdobey: I would estimate that you are approximately 10 years ahead of the rest of civilization. Possibly more.16:29
dobeyjblount: could be. i was talking about the integration of the desktop and on-line resources over 11 years ago16:30
jblountdobey: That hyphen in "online" reveals the age of your intenet soul.16:31
dobeyand the failing education system of today16:32
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