
Riddelldpm: query from KDE upstream http://paste.ubuntu.com/247033/10:24
Riddelldpm: we didn't have kde-l10n-sr-latin in jaunty so there's only a few files translated and it mixes sr@latin with sr10:24
dpmRiddell: I'm talking with Chusslove on kde-i18n atm. Basically, the variant translations are included in the main language' language pack. That means, the 'sr@latin' translations are included in the 'sr' language packs. The mixup is the normal behaviour, since variants fall back to the main language when there is no translation. If that is a problem, we might be able to explicitly define another fallback language. Let me talk to ArneGoetje about this10:30
Riddelldpm: yeah, it seems like a bug in the fallback to me10:31
ghostcubehi peoples10:40
* Riddell cranks the handle on home internet connection to make it upload faster10:45
Riddelldpm: I got an e-mail saying "I would like to be of help. I would like to help translating." where do I point them?10:46
dpmRiddell: if he/she said in which language he'd like to contribute to, the best thing is to point him/her to the list of translation groups -> https://translations.launchpad.net/+groups/ubuntu-translators, where then he/she can contact the translation team directly in his/her language. Otherwise, you can point them to the ubuntu-translators mailing list -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/Contact. There someone will help them contacting the right t10:53
dpmeam. Or you can also forward the e-mail to me.10:53
* davmor2 pokes Riddell livefs manifest still says 22nd dude11:34
Riddelldavmor2: mm, KDE 4.3 failed to upload due to home internet breakage, it's uploading now11:35
davmor2Riddell: will there be a rebuild so I can test it?11:36
Riddelldavmor2: I'll do one later today if it all gets built11:36
davmor2Riddell: Cool just ping me if you do I want to get some testing of the new installer in before alpha411:39
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danttiRiddell: ping14:46
Guest44125Riddell: ping, updated drupal.ryanak.ca , icons are smaller, 96px now14:48
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OdyXHi Kubuntu... Looking after gtk-qt-engine bugs in Debian, I wonder how Ubuntu handles those situations: a) launching gtk applications in KDE and b) launching gtk applications _as root_ in KDE14:50
yuriyOdyX: I think we've dumped gtk-qt-engine and set the gtk theme to QtCurve for both cases14:51
OdyXyuriy: hmm...14:51
OdyXyuriy: thanks !14:51
yuriykept the settings module, how that works for root i don't know14:51
Riddelldantti: hi14:53
danttiRiddell: hey :D , was you that poke about printer stuff on the list?14:53
RiddellOdyX, yuriy: it doesn't, root GTK apps use the nasty built in theme14:54
Riddelldantti: that would be me14:54
Riddellshtylman too14:54
Riddelldantti: what are you planning?14:54
OdyXRiddell: okay... it's not so trivial to do right...14:54
danttiRiddell: well I starting some sort of book, and I'm teaching some friends, c++/qt/kdelibs with it, and one of the tasks i'm willing to help them do is the printer module..14:55
Riddelldantti: system-config-printer-kde is written in Python14:56
danttiRiddell: today it segfaults here, and it's made on python..14:56
danttiyep :P14:56
danttiso my idea was to rewrite it on c++14:56
yuriyOdyX: bug 20520114:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 205201 in kdesudo "[Hardy] The gtk-qt-engine doesn't work while staring applications as another user" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20520114:56
danttiRiddell: basically cause it would have much mode kde devs to help later14:56
danttiRiddell: and that I also have more experience with kde modules in c++14:57
Riddelldantti: that seems like a lot of work to fix one bug, it would also lose Python developers like me and it would mean it couldn't be in sync with gnome's system-config-printer14:57
OdyXyuriy: thanks, but I have enough of these in Debian bts :->14:57
danttiRiddell: hmm why sync?14:57
Riddelldantti: well it's a fork of gnome's system-config-printer and it's kept in sync with it to remain current with CUPS and new features15:00
danttiRiddell: I see... well I'd need to look at both app to try to understand the basics, but if the code is going to be in python then i can't help, also if there were many benefits in using python i think it would be working by now.. (i'm not against python i just think c++ could benefit of most kde devs)15:03
danttiRiddell: if you think there is just little things to do to make it work, then i'll move to other stuff, otherwise we can start on c++...15:04
Riddelldantti: I'd be against starting a c++ version, it would be more work to do and maintain, I think the lack of interest is nothing new in printing (nobody cared for printing in KDE 3 either)15:05
ghostcubec++ is faster then python ever will be15:08
danttighostcube: well that's not the problem :P15:08
ghostcubebut an fact pro15:08
OdyXghostcube: why caring about speed when you have an inkjet printer that lasts 40 seconds to print one page.15:09
ghostcubei have an laserjet oO15:09
ghostcube2 secs15:09
danttighostcube: it's just configure, we are not printing :P15:09
ghostcubei know i only was joking :P15:09
ghostcubebtw didnt even python cancel python progz and reverted to an c++ pendant15:09
danttiRiddell: well, i now these things don't have much love, but more work to do and maintaing i guess depends on what do you know..15:10
ghostcube3.0 to 3.1 afaik15:10
ghostcubeguys even compiz gets c++ now so ...15:10
ghostcubewouldnt the cups printer webpage all someone need for an printer setup ?15:12
ghostcubei always manage mny printers by this15:13
danttighostcube: yep, but that's ugly, is much coller to have that manages by native kde look'n'fell15:13
ghostcubehmm isnt macos already build oO15:13
* ghostcube ides and runs15:14
danttiRiddell: well last question: does that module get's in system settings? and automattically detects thje printer?15:14
danttiRiddell: cause if not i would like to make a kded module to detect the printer, show a popup, and call the printer manager..15:14
Riddelldantti: system-config-printer-kde is in system settings.  printer-applet from kdeutils is the bit that pops up when a new printer is detected15:14
Riddellhal-cups-utils (now system-config-printer-udev) is what does the actual printer detection15:15
Riddellyour distro may vary15:15
danttii see.. so that should be there, if it's not it's because it's not working right?15:15
Riddellyes it means something is missing or not working15:16
mgraesslinwhy are you still using patch kubuntu_10_turn_on_kwin_compositing.diff?15:25
Riddellmgraesslin: is there a reason we shouldn't?15:26
mgraesslinwell KWin is able to detect if compositing is supported or not15:26
mgraesslinand that KWin requires Compiz looks strange :-P15:27
ghostcubecompiz now has a workarround for the not syncing window refreshment15:28
Riddellmgraesslin: kwin uses some information based on the kwin maintainers experience, the compiz blacklist uses information based on the actualy drivers in ubuntu which is far more reliable for us15:30
mgraesslinbut that list is only used, if it is not intel, nvidia, radeon or fglrx15:31
mgraesslinand if the Ubuntu blacklist is better, it would probably be better to use the information directly in kwin15:32
Riddellyeah, so currently it trusts KDE for the main cards then trusts Ubuntu for the obscure ones15:37
Riddellwe should probably ask for feedback from people to see if it works15:38
mgraesslinin case of the obscure cards I'd prefer keeping compositing turned off - those cards are mostly old and probably not powerfull enough to run a composited workspace15:40
ghostcubeon some of them the whitelisting works fine for compositing15:52
ghostcubeso its at own risk if you want to bring compiz on15:52
ghostcubeso it should be in kde too15:52
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Nightrosepeople in identica and twitter are asking when kubuntu packages for 4.3 will be availible - what to tell them?17:59
a|wenNightrose: last i've heard packages was still building on karmic ... hopefully finishing soon18:04
* a|wen so much needs a kde overview of versions + build status18:06
a|wenNightrose: kdepim and kdeplasma-addons is still in depwait so we're not there yet18:11
Nightrosek thx18:12
Nightrosejaunty still has to wait as well i guess?18:12
a|wennah, consider releasing it soon ... but wanted an extra ninja to agree18:14
Nightroseok let me know when packages are up so I can dent and tweet it18:17
Nightrosepeople are impatient already ;-)18:17
ghostcubewill the main release be in backports ? or in the rc3 repo ?18:23
a|wenbackports-ppa i'm quite sure18:24
* Trouble is poised for KDE 4.3 for Jaunty18:30
a|wenghostcube: you on jaunty?18:31
a|wenghostcube: PM18:33
Quintasanbug #40896218:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 408962 in plasma-runner-kopete "plasma-runner-kopete needs updating" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40896218:34
QuintasanI hope I done it right18:34
QuintasanJontheEchidna: ^18:35
a|wenryanakca: ping18:41
seeleRiddell: how can we get some of the papercuts assigned to a milestone? maco didn't get props on djsiegel's latest papercut entry18:49
ScottKseele: I think you ought to get djsiegel to add you to the papercuts project so you can just set it yourself.18:50
ryanakcaa|wen: pong18:52
jjesseif you are a member of ubuntu-bugs you should be able to set milestones as well correct?18:52
macojjesse: papercut milestones18:53
a|wenryanakca: do we have a kde 4.3.0 news-item ready?18:53
ScottKjjesse: It's a separate LP project.18:53
jjesseah sorry mis understood18:53
ryanakcaa|wen: I don't know, not to my knowledge18:53
macoim confused about why fixed papercuts arent listed but im assuming its because only ones that are attached to a milestone are18:53
a|wenryanakca: maybe time to produce one ... don't know who usually does that18:54
ryanakcaa|wen: what PPA is it in?18:55
seeleScottK: i'm not allowed to be part of the project18:55
a|wenryanakca: it will be in https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/backports/ when we release it18:55
ryanakcaa|wen: thanks18:55
macoseele: canonical only?18:56
a|wenryanakca: packages for karmic are still building ... most of the core-packages looks done though18:56
jjessethat would suck if it was canonical only18:56
seelemaco: yes18:57
ScottKseele: Oh.  That's an interesting demonstration of desire for community involvement.18:57
Mamaroka|wen: 4.3 on Jaunty installs fine, no problems here18:57
macojjesse: its owned by the ayatana team, i believe18:57
a|wenMamarok: cool ... can you remember what you upgraded from?18:57
Mamarokfrom 4.2.9818:58
Mamaroka|wen: the only thing held back is kdepim-dev, but that's so since beta218:58
a|wenMamarok: okay ... that is no problem when upgrading from 4.2.x at least18:59
Mamarokas I have both the jaunty-backports and the backports PPA active, where does 4.3 come from?18:59
macoseele jjesse ScottK:  Maintainer: Canonical User Experience and Design team18:59
a|wenMamarok: from the backports-ppa when we choose to release it19:00
a|wenryanakca: you started on a news-item? .. if so, ping if you need some proof-reading or when you have it ready19:00
Mamarokok, is it supposed to end up in the jaunty-backports soon?19:01
a|wenMamarok: that was the idea ... but depends on any larger issues coming up and more19:02
Mamaroksomebody mentionned a new patched tarball from upstream earlier, is this in already?19:03
Mamarokpatche like yesterday or so19:03
a|wennew tarballs was synced less than 24 hours ago according to my backlog19:04
ryanakcaa|wen: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24737919:06
Mamarokgreat :)19:07
* ghostcube waits for launch19:11
a|wenryanakca: looks good ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/247384/ ?19:13
a|wenryanakca: uh, and we probably want to link to http://kde.org/announcements/4.3/19:14
ryanakcaa|wen: done, tell me (or someone else with access) when you're ready to have it published, the draft is on the website.19:22
a|wenryanakca: cool, thanks ... just trying to get an overview over the status in karmic19:23
ryanakcaa|wen: OK. If you prod someone else, the link to the draft is https://www-admin.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.319:23
a|wenryanakca: perfect... thanks again19:24
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mgraesslinI can't see any i18n packages being built in the staging repository. Will there be any?20:42
* mgraesslin notes that golem.de has a screencast based on Kubuntu's 4.3 RC2 packages and in the comment section people are complaining about the bad i18n state20:43
* ghostcube notes that germans should be able to read some english words :P20:44
ghostcubeoda ?20:45
mgraesslinghostcube: are you running KDE 4.3 in Kubuntu with a non english locale?20:45
mgraesslinif not, give it a try - it's terrible20:45
mgraesslinI don't mind English, but having the mixture is terrible20:46
jjessei know they have done some work recently on translations20:46
ghostcubeich weiss ich hab die rc3 am laufen gehabt oO20:46
a|wenmgraesslin: in jaunty or karmic?20:46
a|wenmgraesslin: then that is why ... no translations to the ppa-packages20:46
apacheloggera|wen: I think batl10n* can be used for publishing kde-l10n to ppa20:46
apacheloggerat least I seem to remember that I implemented that for the hardy backports20:47
mgraesslinI know that are mostly troll posts, but http://forum.golem.de/read.php?34174,1874427,1874455#msg-187445520:47
apacheloggera|wen: there is still some hardcoded stuff, but technically you just need to ensure .batrc got BD set to jaunty and run batl10n jaunty20:49
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apacheloggera|wen: then set ARCHIVE to whatever the ppa is named in the dput cf and batl10n-upload should be good to go as well20:50
a|wenapachelogger: cool ... so it does work with kde420:50
apachelogger=>        bed20:51
ghostcubealter man20:51
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rgreeningshtylman: Is the ubiquity stuff uploaded yet for the installer?21:10
rgreeningJust trying the Kubuntu netbook and not seeing all your fancy work yet :(21:10
* a|wen seriously misses a core-dev now21:12
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Riddell4.3 is in kubuntu backports!21:55
Riddellryanakca: I believe you have a news story waiting?21:55
Riddella|wen: or you have a news item?21:57
a|wenRiddell: https://www-admin.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.321:58
Riddelltime to fire up konqueror21:59
Riddellhas the status bar disappeared from konqueror for anyone else?21:59
NightroseRiddell: let me know when packages for jaunty are live and kubuntu.org has an announcement so i can dent it22:00
Nightrosepeople are waiting impatiently ;-)22:00
macomine's still there22:00
RiddellNightrose: go go! http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.322:00
Riddell~twitter update Kubuntu packages for 4.3 are up!  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.322:00
kubotustatus updated22:00
NightroseRiddell: thanks :)22:00
macohmm kopete probably shouldnt hide in the tray instead of closing when...well...when plasma-desktop isnt running and thus there is no tray22:01
dtchenwhat are the plans for plasma-widget-networkmanagement for karmic wth respect to wep and wpa support?22:01
NightroseRiddell: pushed22:02
macodtchen: "cross your fingers"?22:02
Riddelldtchen: I hope to test that tomorrow, although it doesn't mean I can do much if it doesn't work22:02
Riddelldtchen: wstephenson asked for some help with a UI issue earlier, maybe if we find someone to fix it he'll get it talking to networks in return22:03
dtchenthe current snapshot in karmic still fails wep and wpa on ar9170 (running both karmic's kernel and compat-wireless-2009-08-04; network-manager-gnome works fine)22:03
dtchenwith plasma-widget-networkmanagement, it seems to be looping once associated and immediately disassociating22:04
Riddelldtchen: wep works for me so it could be something driver specific22:06
dtchenRiddell: true, but that's rather unlikely given both wireless-tools and n-m-gnome work fine22:06
dtchenanyhow, if it's seriously annoying in the next two hours, i've grabbed the sources22:07
dtchenback to alsa bugs22:07
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nielsslotis the X crashing bug still present when upgrading to KDE 4.3 in jaunty?22:18
bdgraueE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)22:19
bdgraueE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)22:19
bdgraueE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)22:19
bdgrauedid not want to spam22:21
bdgrauedidnt get it, that it was already in here22:21
Riddellbdgraue: pastebin the whole problem (paste.ubuntu.com22:21
bdgraueRiddell: thx, i know22:21
bdgraueits very often with kde-icons-oxygen22:22
bdgrauei have to dpkg -i --force-overwrite22:22
a|wenbdgraue: we need to fix it so you don't have to do that ... so please pastebi the errors22:23
Nightrosehttp://identi.ca/notice/7564103 <- Riddell22:24
Nightrosewhat can i answer him?22:24
bdgrauea|wen, Riddell: hope its help, its almost german http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/247506/22:26
Riddellthat figures, it's an upstream bug that22:27
RiddellNightrose: umm, dunno what's going on there22:28
RiddellNightrose: I'd ask him to try   apt-get -f install and if that didn't sort it paste the output from  apt-get install kde-core  also apt-cache policy kde-core22:29
Nightrosei'll just tell him to get support on IRC22:30
RiddellNightrose: infact I don't know where he's getting that "kde" package form22:30
Nightroseafaik from the announcement22:31
Nightrosewe'll see if he comes to #kubuntu22:31
Riddellnothing about "kde" meta package there, it's called kde-full now22:32
Nightroseah he might be installing the wrong package then22:32
Nightrosehe's on ubuntu22:32
dtchennielsslot: more details?22:32
nielsslotdtchen: the kubuntu release notes of the first two RC's mentioned the problem.. just wondering if it was fixed22:33
ghostcubei updated to 4.3.0 and now after login pure white screen22:43
ghostcubeis there anything not ready till now22:43
a|wenghostcube: tried disabling compositing?22:45
ghostcubei autostart compiz22:45
ghostcubewhat config stores the setting for the default wm22:46
a|wenuh, compiz ... /me runs22:51
ghostcubeit worked before so the update has done anything :)22:51
a|wenwhat did you upgrade from?22:52
ghostcubein what file doe the systemsetting store the settings for the default wm22:52
ghostcube4.2.4 to 4.3.022:52
ghostcubeand i only see a white backround22:52
ghostcubei can see some plasmoids22:52
Quintasanurgh, I built plasma-runner-kopete for karmic and now I can't use it in jaunty cause of version conflicts >_<22:52
a|wenthen a lot of things have changed ... i've always sticked to kwin, so dunno22:53
a|wenQuintasan: make your own backport :)22:53
QuintasanI don't want to /sob22:53
ghostcubeJontheEchidna: do ypu may know where systemsettings stores what WM is loaded22:53
ghostcubein which file22:54
Quintasanpython plasmoids still don't work for me22:54
Quintasanoh, I have a great idea22:54
Quintasanrm -r .kde22:54
* a|wen seriously needs some more diskspace22:57
bdgrauekde 4.3 runs smooth, i like it :)23:04
bdgrauewell done, package guys23:05
Riddellbdgraue: can you paste the output of apt-cache policy libqt4-core  ?23:05
Riddellbdgraue: actually   apt-cache policy libqt4-network23:06
bdgraueRiddell: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/247530/23:07
QuintasanHell, it's damn fast23:08
QuintasanGRRRR, damn that stupid python23:10
Riddell~twitter update KDE 4.3 packages need kubuntu staging PPA for now as well as backports23:12
kubotustatus updated23:13
a|wenRiddell: has any of the kde-packages been built after qt?23:13
Riddellyes, we have updates last night23:13
QuintasanRiddell, a|wen: can you try adding python plamoids?23:14
a|wenRiddell: damn ... at least it is a public ppa this time around23:15
bdgraueRiddell: so i have to add deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/staging/ubuntu jaunty main as well?23:15
Riddellbdgraue: well you're ok you already have that Qt23:16
Riddelland it'll copmile in backports soon I hope.  stupid PPA bugs.23:16
Quintasanurgh, and how do I set different plasmoids and wallpapers per desktop?23:18
bdgraueQuintasan: zoo, out and configure plasma23:18
Quintasanoh, nice23:19
* Quintasan notes his graphics card sucks and zooming out takes at least 5 seconds23:20
a|wenQuintasan: is there any of the default plasmoids that are python ones?23:20
Quintasana|wen: don't think so, try installing Plasmacon using GNHS23:21
Quintasanget new hot stuff23:21
Quintasanoh god I lol'd23:22
Quintasanvery clever23:22
ghostcubehmmm ok now with staging my white screen is gone23:23
ghostcubebut still i cant do anything23:23
ghostcubeis there still stuff compiling23:23
Quintasanghostcube: the ultimate solution to every KDE config problem is to remove whole .kde directory ;)23:23
a|wenQuintasan: script initialization fails ... but i'm pretty sure that kdebindings is not kde 4.3 on jaunty23:24
ghostcubei have a very clean 4.2.4 install and did update so every one doing this will need to remove .kde ? i dont think so23:25
ghostcubei cant type into run command23:25
Quintasanghostcube: in my case everything worked23:25
Quintasanbut I use kwin23:25
ghostcubei dont get to the systemsettings to change it23:25
Quintasantry alt+f223:26
ghostcubedoesnt work cant type into23:26
ghostcubebut there must be a file where systemsetings stores all you put in or23:26
Quintasancheck the files in that directory23:27
Quintasananyone here using fglrx?23:31
shtylmanRiddell: how do we go about getting an icon requested to be added to kde? more specifically oxygen? do I just ask pinheiro? we need an add printer icon (I don't think on exists) if we want to be able to use meaninful icons in the system printer config23:40
Riddellshtylman: you report a bug in bugs.kde.org I believe23:40
Riddellyou can also ask kwwii but he's going on holiday for the next three weeks23:41
shtylmanI will try the bug route...see how that goes...23:41
bdgraueNightrose: see pein in #kubuntu isn't that the guy you mentioned?23:41
ewoernerone of the marble developers just noticed that kdeedu 4.3 might need a build dependency to libgps-dev23:58
ewoernerotherwise our uber-cool gps support won't get noticed ;-)23:58

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