
timClickshi all, can anyone send a link to the guide on how to link the sourceforge tracker (https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/bugtrackers/sf) to the launchpad project? (https://launchpad.net/sahana)00:07
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thumpertimClicks: I think you link bugs, not projects00:20
wgrantYou can also link projects.00:20
wgrantOn +edit, you can select the bug tracker.00:20
timClicksthumper: have added this question https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/7905900:20
wgrantAh, that's different.00:21
timClicksI'm a big fan of LP and am trying to lessen the transition costs for the team00:21
timClickswgrant: thanks, I'll send that through00:22
SamBmwhudson: ah, right.02:10
SamBmwhudson: I guess you would call that "working"?02:10
lamalexWhat happened to the lp bug emails? they used to have the project name in the subject02:33
lamalexthe new ones don't and it's a huuge regression02:33
wgrantlamalex: They never did for me.02:34
wgrantAnd I hope they never do.02:34
wgrantI don't want subjects cluttered with useless information; my filtering rules already tell me the project02:35
mwhudsonfrom which we swiftly deduce that all launchpad bugs developers have a drinking problem02:36
mwhudson(i.e. they can't please anyone any of the time)02:36
wgrantPlus bugs don't have a project.02:36
wgrantThey have lots.02:36
wgrantAnd lots of packages.02:36
lamalexhm yes i was confused about that02:38
lamalexhow do you filter your big mail?02:40
lamalexs/big/bug. got my net is terrible tonihght.02:40
wgrantlamalex: Just fairly basic sieve rules.02:41
=== gary_poster_ is now known as gary_poster
spmlamalex: using procmail; and on 1. "* ^X-Launchpad-Bug:" (simple match that this is a bug report, don't care what for as #2 fixes that) 2. "* ^X-Launchpad-Message-Rationale:.*<why>"03:08
spmso in my case the bugs I tend to actually care about match on: ^X-Launchpad-Message-Rationale:.*@canonical-losas03:08
spmeverything else, for me, tends to be noise, so gets thrown into a lower priority folder to deal with later.03:09
wgrantI filter by both target and importance. I get important ones somewhat like spm, except with ^X-Launchpad-Message-Rationale: Subscriber$.03:10
timblack1I'm trying to import a Subversion repository into Launchpad.  The repository requires that I enter the username "anonymous" to checkout a copy.  Launchpad marked my attempted import invalid for this reason:  "Rejected: repository demands authentication"  So I tried entering this URL into the import system:  http://anonymous:@joomlacode.org/svn/rsgallery2.  This works as a svn checkout url on my local machine, but Launchpad tells me "A user03:10
wgranttimblack1: Your message got cut off after "A user"03:11
timblack1...name may not be specified in the URI."  Is there any way for me to import this repository?03:11
ftaspm, i have some filters starting with ^(X-Launchpad-Bug|X-launchpad-(question|branch)).. too bad the l vs L :P03:16
spmfta: heh. yeah, I need a LOT of filters to keeep LP email under control. stuff I need to work on/for - LP User Answers for example; vs personal project answers etc. Gets messy...03:17
ftaspm, same here, i have ~80 procmail rules ubuntu related03:19
spmyah. fun fun fun...03:19
mwhudsontimblack1: ask a question on answers.launchpad.net/launchpad-code with all the details pls03:20
ftaand i tend to abuse of regexps03:20
timblack1Ok, thank you mwhudson!03:20
ftai wish i had a single page to monitor all my ppas/builds, i'm tired of reloading so many pages. Something with *1* line per project, all the build status in column03:24
ftaless texts, more icons and links03:24
SamBwouldn't one line per package be better ?03:25
wgrantfta: The script that generates http://qa.ubuntuwire.org/ftbfs/ could be fairly easily altered to do that.03:25
ftai mean, something between https://edge.launchpad.net/~fta/+ppa-packages and https://edge.launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa03:28
ftabut not 4 lines per project03:28
ftajust package name, version, publish date, and some rows of icons03:29
ftabtw, in /+ppa-packages, the Status is wrong, it's always Failures = None03:30
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* kfogel is away: sleep04:49
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iammyrHi everyone09:04
iammyri'd like to know if the custom GET method "findSimilarBugs" of the Rest API can be applied only to bugs stored in Launchpad or is it sufficient to provide info such as a list of tags (which may be taken from bugs stored anywhere) to retrieve similar Launchpad-stored bugs.09:10
iammyrThat is..I have an external dataset and I'd like to link my bugs to Launchpad's ones, then I need to search in there for similar bugs.09:11
wgrantiammyr: I don't think you can do that now, but a feature that will be implemented soon requires that functionality.09:18
wgrantSo it should appear soonish.09:19
iammyrdo you know about other bug datasets available online which I could search for bug similar to mine?09:20
thekornhi, are there plans to update staging.lp.net? it's about 700 revisions behind edge.lp.net09:28
maxbthekorn: Actually I think it isn't, it's just an artefact of the way bzr revision numbers from different branches are not comparable09:31
sianishttps://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mvo/ddtp-ubuntu/ddtp-ubuntu - why do lp not update this branch?09:33
thekornmaxb: ok, maybe 700 is a bit pessimistic ;) but staging is missing the ajax bits for task editing and adding comments09:35
thekornwhich is a good indicator to say "staging is using an old version" :)09:36
thekornehm, maybe not, ajax for tasks is there09:37
maxbSteady on, ajax commenting only landed on stable less than 24 hours ago!09:43
maxbIIUC the process goes something like this: automated buildbots will merge stable into db-devel, and then promote db-devel to db-stable, which then ends up on stable at the next redeploy09:44
thekornok, thanks maxb. staging beeing a few hours or even days behind is not a problem for me. I think I just got confused by the different revisions. So, nevermind09:51
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iammyris there anyone who knows an online available and query-able bug dataset?10:34
iammyrwhich allows to perform searches over bugs by mean, for example, of their tags?10:35
iammyrI was told Launchpad can't yet allow this search10:35
=== noodles775 is now known as noodles775-afk
=== MrWordPress is now known as Guest64744
geseris it a bug that I get emails for comments on duplicate bugs with only the bug number in subject but no description? or was it caused by something else?12:23
wgrantgeser: I noticed that. I bet it's the AJAX.12:24
wgrantAnd I think I might have seen a bug about that last week.12:24
* wgrant hunts.12:24
andvbigjools, are you really sure not anyone wish to be emailed automatically for such things?12:25
andvbigjools, I mean it won't be an high traffic spam of accepted mails12:25
geserwgrant: just strange that it only happened after the bug got duped, the comments before had the description in the subject12:26
intellectronicai just noticed that too12:27
wgrantBug #38155912:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 381559 in malone "Subject should be optional when adding a comment via the API" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38155912:27
bigjoolsfreenode FTW12:27
andvbigjools, did you read?12:27
geserwgrant: just strange that it only happened after the bug got duped, the comments before had the description in the subject12:28
wgrantgeser: I shall check the code.12:28
wgrantgeser: Remember that edge got updated a few hours ago.12:28
intellectronicawgrant: i'm not sure that's related to the subjectless comment emails, but it could be12:28
bigjoolsandv: I did, but perhaps I don't understand what point you're making?12:29
andvbigjools, why when a sync get processed only the Changed by: field is mailed?12:30
andvbigjools, that's the point12:30
wgrantAutosyncs suppress emails entirely, don't they?12:30
andvmanual syncs process Changes by: field only instead12:31
bigjoolsand you think it's appropriate to email Maintainer: as well, for manual syncs?12:31
andvalso for automated import ones12:31
andvwgrant, what do you think?12:32
* bigjools knows what wgrat will say12:32
wgrantandv: It would be insane.12:32
bigjoolstotally insane12:32
geserwgrant: how many hours is "a few"? less than 3?12:32
andvbigjools, why?12:32
wgrantInsane and suicidal.12:32
wgrantgeser: 0800UTC, IIRC.12:32
wgrantOr was it BST...12:32
andvwgrant, why do you think it's insane?12:33
bigjoolsandv: do you think that all Debian maintainers would like more LP email?12:33
wgrantDebian maintainers would be correctly furious.12:33
geserandv: some DD don't want even mails about Ubuntu changes to their packages and you want to mail them about every sync of their packages?12:34
bigjoolsandv: this is why I said it should be strictly "opt-in"12:34
andvbigjools, wgrant, geser: should be done as an option then like julien said12:34
andvbigjools, yeah, right12:34
wgrant+            parameters: {12:35
wgrant+                subject: '',12:35
wgrant+                content: comment_input.get('value')12:35
wgrant+            }12:35
andvbigjools, I hope it will be done sooner or later12:35
bigjoolsandv: are you happy with the dupe now?12:35
wgrantintellectronica: The subject is explicitly empty, presumably to avoid that bug.12:35
wgrantSo it is really that bug.12:35
geserandv: opt-in is ok, but opt-out is a no-go12:35
bigjoolsandv: I hope it will be done by the end of the year12:35
andvbigjools, yep, looks fine now12:35
andvbigjools, sounds great ty12:35
andvgeser, yep12:35
bigjoolsandv: great, thanks for your patience and understanding12:35
andvbigjools, thanks to you :) feel free to close the bug12:36
bigjoolswell it's duped, so no need :)12:36
intellectronicawgrant: yeah, but that's not the problem (or at least, not where it should be fixed)12:36
andvtrue, fine then12:36
intellectronicawe should identify that the subject is empty and prepare a 'Re: blah' subject12:36
andvbigjools, good work and sorry for bothering12:36
wgrantintellectronica: I suppose.12:36
bigjoolsandv: no problem at all!  Thanks for the bug report, it reminded me of the problem :)12:37
andvat least the report has been usefull for something12:38
=== Guest64744 is now known as epsy
maxbWhat's the rationale for autosyncs not emails adjective-changes@ ?12:38
wgrantIt'd be very noisy, though I'd like them to be sent.12:39
wgrantThis is why we have structural subscriptions.12:39
geserat least after DIF it would be nice to have them on -changes12:40
wgrantgeser: Autosyncs don't happen after DIF.12:41
geserin the past (till Jan 2006) they were announced to ubuntu-changes-auto, don't know why it stopped12:41
wgrantgeser: Ubuntu moved to Soyuz in February 2006.12:41
=== noodles775-afk is now known as noodles775
LaibschCan you please suggest some example scripts on how to manipulate launchpad bugs (leave comments, etc.) via the command line rather than through the web interface?  I used to have some python scripts based on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugHelper/Dev/python-launchpad-bugs/Examples but they don't work anymore.12:51
wgrantLaibsch: https://help.launchpad.net/API/launchpadlib12:51
ondreji would like to delete a project at launchpad12:52
ondrejhow can i do that?12:52
Laibschwgrant: that is a lot of nice docu12:53
Laibschbut it doesn't tell me (yes, I'm stupid ;-)) how to add a comment to a bug12:53
LaibschI want something simple12:53
LaibschAre there no examples for simple stuff based on launchpadlib?12:54
LaibschI'm not expecting to be spoon-fed, but I don't want to read the complete launchpadlib docu, either12:54
wgrantLaibsch: It shows you how to change the status and a couple of other things. Look at https://edge.launchpad.net/+apidoc for more.12:55
Laibschthat's even longer12:56
Laibschand still no example12:56
LaibschI'm not complaining, but I think you understand that is not what I'm looking for12:56
Laibschit's really too complicated for me12:56
wgrantAn example can't be given for every method and attribute. You want to get hold of a bug object, and call the appropriate method on it.12:57
LaibschI'm not expecting that12:57
wgrantnewMessage is the appropriate method, it appears.12:57
Laibschwell, my python foo is about strong enough to take a ready-made and complete (!), working script and adapt it slightly12:57
Laibschso, I absolutely need a working example12:57
Laibschcomplete documentation on how to stitch everything together is nice and very important, but it won't help me :-(12:58
geserLaibsch: http://paste.ubuntu.com/247176/ is the main part off my very simply script to ACK sync requests13:00
Laibschcool, thanks13:00
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Laibschgeser: can you paste the stuff for authentication (obfuscating any sensitive data, of course)?13:08
geserLaibsch: there is nothing secret in there: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/247184/ is the complete script13:10
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LaibschHey, awesome, it's working13:18
LaibschThanks, geser!13:18
geseryou might want to replace EDGE_SERVICE_ROOT with STAGING_SERVICE_ROOT for testing to not manipulate real bugs13:20
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Launchpad is now open sourced: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Help contact: bac | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | #launchpad-dev is the developer channel | PPA builders getting stuck: under investigation, LP #408001
bacgood morning, launchpad!  i'm the designated help guy for the day, so ask your questions here.13:51
gnomefreakoh that is weird, cool but weird (the new "add comment" part)13:51
Laibschgeser: Every change I make is done in a single commit.  How can I collect all changes to be done at once?  Do you understand what I mean?13:54
wgrantLaibsch: The Launchpad API does not have transactional behaviour.13:54
wgrantAll operations happen as you perform them.13:54
Laibschso, there is no way around that?13:54
LaibschI'm asking because I don't want to clutter up the webpage too much, if possible13:55
wgrantWhat is cluttered? The activity log inlined on the bug page?13:56
Laibschthree boxes instead of one13:57
wgrantThat's a bug that affects the web UI too now.13:57
Laibschthe connection also doesn't become immediately clear13:57
wgrantThe items are meant to be grouped more aggressivel.13:58
LaibschWell, I can currently click on the right down arrow and do all of the following at once in the web UI: change project, change assignee, change status, change importance and make a comment13:59
gary_posterLaibsch: no, there's not a way around it.  If you have a use case for transactions, send it to launchpad-dev.  If this is just a UI thing, that probably can be worked around--for instance, collapse the activity log, maybe?  Transactions in a RESTful system are somewhat of a big deal to implement, technically and/or philosophically, depending on the approach.13:59
gary_posterReally compelling use cases would probably help us to decide to work on that.  (Alternatively, maybe you want to help on implementing this, which would need to be coordinated with the other people working on the RESTful bits)13:59
Laibschthat is up to five boxes13:59
wgrantLaibsch: That is going away soon.14:00
Laibschno, it's more aesthetical14:00
Laibschgary_poster: ^14:00
LaibschIt does help a bit in immediately understanding changes that belong together14:00
Laibschbut as wgrant said, improvements are in the pipeline14:00
Laibschthe thing is, the mails I receive *do* group the changes I've made14:02
gary_posterLaibsch: gotcha.  I don't know what you are doing, so my suggestions are probably naive, but that hasn't stopped me before. ;-) Maybe having a semantic summary you provide that can be expanded to see the atomic Launchpad logs would be a reasonable approach.  ...or maybe the improvements in the pipeline are sufficient. :-)14:02
LaibschIt may be that I did task.lp_save too soon14:03
wgrantLaibsch: Ah. If you're just setting attributes on one object, you could just delay the call to lp_save(). But that won't help you for calling methods or altering multiple objects.14:03
gary_postermm, yeah. you can group changes like that (on a single object).14:03
* wgrant sets the Soyuz tests running, and disappears for the evening.14:05
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kayessHiya jtv :)14:46
jtvhi kayess  :-)14:47
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SamBokay ... why the heck is this showing so many bugs for each branch?16:20
intellectronicaSamB: well, either someone linked these branches to many bugs, or it's a bug16:28
SamBintellectronica: actually, I think the issue is that it's including associatins that are already merged into lp:bzr-svn16:30
SamBwhen it should only mention *new* associations16:30
intellectronicayeah, but i would think that we should only care about top-level associations16:30
intellectronicait doesn't make much sense to link to merged associations, or trunk will always be linked to gazillion bugs16:31
intellectronicarockstar: maybe you have a clue? ^^^16:31
* rockstar looks16:33
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rockstarLooks like it is a bug.  Luckily, that page is going to be removed in 3.0.16:34
rockstarIf you look at the page for those branches, they don't show those bugs.16:35
james_wI filed that bug the other day16:49
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DavieyIs it correct that the buildd queue for amd64 = 0 and i386 is 282?!18:43
maxbDaviey: You need to be aware that architecture-neutral packages are built in the i386 buildds - then it makes sense18:45
Davieyofc. :(18:45
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zaytsevI'm trying to get grips with PPA and apparently just screwed my first upload by typing incoming in my .dput.cf19:24
zaytsevNow that I've corrected the mistake dput refuses to re-upload the package since it's already uploaded...19:25
zaytsevAnybody please advice19:25
micahgbump the small version19:25
micahgit just needs to be slightly bigger19:26
zaytsevLike ~ppa1 -> ~ppa2 + debuild -S  ?19:26
micahgyep :)19:26
zaytsevThanks, going to try that. I have another concern btw19:27
zaytsevNow that I've uploaded the thing how do I know for which distros it's going to be built?19:28
zaytsevWhen I type dch -i it automatically adds something like mc (2:4.7.0-pre1-1~ppa2) jaunty; urgency=low to the changelog19:28
micahgppas can only be built for ubuntu at this point AFAIK19:28
zaytsevDoes it mean that this package is going to be build for Jaunty?19:28
micahgwhatever version is specified there in the changelog19:29
zaytsevmicahg, sorry wrong term, I obviously meant the version of Ubuntu19:29
micahgok, np19:29
zaytsevOK, now the question is whether it is possible to make it build for all supported versions at once?19:30
micahgnot at the moment19:30
micahgusually they will either increment the ppa number for each version build19:30
micahgor do ppa0.09.04, ppa0.08.10,...19:31
zaytsevAha, so I will need to redo the whole thing for Hardy / Jaunty, fair enough. Is there a switch for dch -i so that it adds entries of other dists?19:31
micahgyou might want to check in the #ubuntu-motu channel for that19:31
micahgnot even redo19:32
zaytsevI'm OK with ~ppaN thing, I just want to provide Ubuntu package for every bleeding edge upstream release19:32
micahgit could just be as simple as dch -i and edit the version19:32
micahgand just add a changelog entry for each, backport to x19:33
zaytsevAha, I see, so I don't even need to do separate changelogs for different versions?19:33
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micahgzaytsev: depends if you want to change anything for the versions19:34
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zaytsevNope, no changes, just make LP to rebuild the package for different versions19:34
micahgthen no, you can use the same changelog for everything19:35
micahgyou might want to note no source changes as well19:35
zaytsevCool!!! I'll give it a try! Thanks a bunch, man :-)19:35
zaytsevOh great =( now I screwed things up because it deleted orig.tar.gz :(19:41
zaytsevThis packaging thing is so unbelievably complicated for a poor humble RH packager19:42
LarstiQawww :)19:44
* LarstiQ reads backlog19:44
LarstiQzaytsev: what do you find complicated?19:45
zaytsevCould someone please clarify whether *always* I need to do debuild -S -sa everytime I upload a package or I will have to do  debuild -S  after the first successful upload?19:46
zaytsevThe orig.tar.gz of the package I'm trying to rebuild is not in the repos.19:46
LarstiQzaytsev: in general, -sa on he first upload of that upstream version, -sd after (or not supply anything and let it detect it)19:47
zaytsevLarstiQ, thanks! It finally accepted my fist package. I will try -sd on the next upload (for a different Ubuntu version)19:48
LarstiQzaytsev: you can also just leave it off, is what I do19:49
SamBhmm ... it seems like it would be a good idea for launchpad to prod high-priority bugs that haven't been touched in months?19:49
LarstiQSamB: janitor?19:49
SamBwhat does that do?19:50
zaytsevUhm, how it is going to detect whether I already uploaded it or not? I've missed -sa last time and it didn't complain on upload but I received a rejection email afterwards19:50
zaytsevLarstiQ, actually it is the number of the control files and strange helper utilities that scares me so much.19:50
SamBwhen I say "prod", I mean roughly "add a comment reminding the subscribers how long this bug has gone unresolved without comment at >=high priority"19:51
zaytsevWe only have a single SPEC file and rpmrebuild -bs. This produces an SRPM file which can be then uploaded to a Koji farm via the web interface19:52
LarstiQzaytsev: for the basics you only need debian/rules and debian/control19:55
zaytsevI understand. But it's a whole new world, and it's very different19:56
LarstiQzaytsev: reading the Debian policy might enlighten parts of that world19:57
zaytsevOh yeah20:00
zaytsevThe Intrepid upload was successful20:01
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* bac -> lunch20:20
mrooneysinzui: hey, I saw your reply on the blueprints subscription. is there a particular weekend time you are available to mentor me on IRC or something?20:37
sinzuimrooney: no particular one. This weekend is fine, I hack on my own launchpad agenda on weekends.20:38
mrooneysinzui: cool! I wonder how easy it is to clean up some of UI stuff as well, and have ajax changes to milestones and such20:42
mrooneythough if that is already targeted for 3.0 it may not be as important20:42
sinzuimrooney: The order of magnetude form simple to hard is text change, TAL/METAL change, View Change, Model/adapter change, schema change, ajax change20:43
sinzuimrooney: It would be nice have some ajax operations on milestone listings and the owner of a project may want to create a milestone directly on the bug page.20:44
mrooneysinzui: so there is that list of like 8 things, Milestone, Driver, Approver, et cetera, with edit buttons next to each if you have permissions20:55
mrooneyI mean if you visit the blueprint page20:56
sinzuiOh yeah, that is insane20:56
sinzuieither that page needs the inline edit widget everywhere or they should be moved to a single edit page.20:57
sinzuiboth actually20:57
sinzuisince we want everything editable inline, then a single page for browsers we do not support20:58
sinzuimrooney: Adding an inline widget requires exposing blueprints to API first (because our AJAX talks over REST)20:59
mrooneyI see20:59
mrooneyone possibility is to kill the individual edit pages, and replace the "edit" button with their respective drop-down / text field20:59
mrooneyso one that page, if I have permissions, all those fields are editable at the same time, with a save button or something21:00
sinzuimrooney: exposing API means annotating the classes and methods that should be public, and adding a test to prove it works. It is not hard, but is best done in several small branches as needed21:00
days_of_ruinI am trying to set up automatic exports of translations to a bzr branch that is owned by me, I set it up yesterday and AFAIK it hasn't updated it with the translation files.21:01
sinzuimrooney: we do not want a separate implementation that requires differnt rules to code. There is nothing to share in that approch21:01
mrooneyI see yes, ajax is probably optimal21:01
mrooneydays_of_ruin: it runs at the same time every day, if it hasn't been 24 hours perhaps it didn't occur yet?21:02
days_of_ruinmrooney, what time of the day does it run?21:04
mrooneythat, I don't know21:07
zaytsevHmm... Could someone please advise whether it is possible to rely on the packages from backports in builders21:38
zaytsevI badly need debhelper 7 on hardy, because otherwise dh_install fails :(21:38
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micahgzaytsev: you can check where your ppa looks for its sources21:59
zaytsevSounds interesting21:59
zaytsevmicahg, how would I do that?22:00
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micahgzaytsev: Edit Dependencies on your ppa home page22:00
zaytsevCool!!! Thanks22:00
zaytsevI'll have another try22:01
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cody-somervilleIs there a bugzilla launchpad plugin for bugzilla 3.4?23:03
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synicIs there a way to manually expire bugs that are inactive for a certain amount of time?23:31
synic(but in bulk)23:31
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ftacody-somerville, iirc, it stopped there: mozilla 48116123:33
ubottuMozilla bug 481161 in Bugzilla: Other b.m.o Issues "enable launchpad plugin for bugzilla.mozilla.org" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=48116123:33
cody-somervillefta, hmm?23:35
ftacody-somerville, well, that was the answer from bugzilla devs (and mozilla heads jumped in), but maybe it exists as a 3rd party thingy, no idea23:38
cody-somervillefta, There is a bugzilla launchpad plugin23:38
ftayep, but last time i spoke to the bugzilla devs, they didn't want it.23:39
cody-somervillefta, I'm not really interested if th bugzilla devs want to use it or not23:42
cody-somervilleI want to know if there is a download for the 3.4 branch of bugzilla23:43
cody-somervilleI see a download for 3.2 and 3.023:43
ftaok, then nm, i don't know. i should not have tried to answer23:43
cody-somervillefta, I wouldn't say that. I greatly appreciate your attempt.23:44
mwhudsonwoo inline commenting23:45
wgrantmwhudson: It's a bit broken, though.23:46
mwhudsonis it?23:46
wgrantBut the main one is fixed in devel.23:46
wgrantThe comments have an empty subject, which makes emails very confusing and hard to read.23:46
james_wcody-somerville: I thought it was included in 3.423:46
wgrantAnd the UI makes me sad.23:46
ftahu? inline commenting? like in google codereview?23:48
mwhudsonfta: probably not, adding a bug comment doesn't reload the page now23:48
ftaoh, ok23:49
wgrantGoogle Code's inline review commenting is pretty awesome.23:49
ftayeah, i like it too.23:50

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