
LimCorehow we can get https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/309724 moving?10:05
ubot4Launchpad bug 309724 in pulseaudio "no sound after fast switching between logged in users" [Low,Confirmed]10:05
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LimCoreanyone alive?10:33
Hobbseeno, everyone's dead.11:03
Hobbseelooks like you'll need to argue that one with pulseaudio upstream11:04
LimCoreyeah I'm doing that.  System wide should fix that.  But it is said to not work in Ubuntu?  I will check hopefully in free time.11:08
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LaibschCan somebody point out some valid Launchpad script examples?  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugHelper/Dev/python-launchpad-bugs/Examples seems to be outdated at least for the easy to understand example "Mass closing"12:24
LaibschI don't always want to use the web interface12:24
LaibschAnybody have some easy launchpadlib examples?12:24
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snappcaI'm a long time kubuntu user but I've never reported a bug before.  I have a brand new thinkpad t400s that has a lot of issues (mostly with keyboard functions but also docking/undocking).  After reading through the ubuntu webpages related to reporting bugs, I'm still not sure how best to proceed.  I was intending to start with some bugs related to keyboard functions not working.  Should I enter those separately via the LaunchPad interface?  Any help15:28
snappca started would be appreciated.  I apologize if this is the wrong place to ask, I honestly haven't used IRC since the 90's.15:28
bacsnappca: yes, please enter your bugs in launchpad separately.  do a search first, to make sure they have not already been reported.15:36
snappcabac: ok, thanks....I was concerned that reporting hardware specific bugs via the launchpad web interface was not the appropriate way.15:41
snappcabac:  should I be using a different IRC channel or bug interface since I use Kubuntu?  Or does it matter since these are hardware related bugs and Kubuntu is simply a variant of Ubuntu?15:43
hggdhsnappca, there are kubuntu-specific channels; let me search15:59
snappcahggd: I blindly typed in #kubuntu-bugs and entered into a channel, but there were only a handful of people in there.  Also I was thinking hardware bugs were ok to talk about in the main #ubuntu-bugs channel16:00
hggdhsnappca, you can go to #kubuntu-bugs for bug information on kubuntu (here we deal mostly with Gnome), and #kubuntu for general help16:01
snappcahggdh: ok, thanks for pointing me in the right direction16:01
hggdhsnappca, if your hardware is not working with *ubuntu, then there is a bug somewhere, so it is OK to open one16:01
hggdhsnappca, also: #ubuntu-bugs and #kubuntu-bugs usually deal with *triaging* of bug, not with general support16:02
snappcahggdh: ok, I'll make sure not to clutter the channel with more questions, I appreciate the help though.  Mainly I just didn't want to be cluttering up the ubuntu bug tracker with several separate keyboard function related issues if I was actually supposed to report those via a forum first.  I'm sure once I see how the bug reporting mechanism goes I'll be more comfortable with it.  I'm currently adding my first bug and it is easier than I thought16:04
hggdhsnappca, you did not clutter the channel. You *did* have a question that -- to my understanding -- fully applies here. Also -- please keep in mind a basic rule for bugs: one issue per bug, one bug per issue. You will not be cluttering Launchpad at all16:09
hggdhsnappca, additionally: if you have doubts on how to open the bugs, please do ask (on either of #(k)ubuntu-bugs): we are here to help on this.16:10
hggdhand, oh, yes, thank you for helping making (k)ubuntu better :-)16:10
snappcahggdh: glad to see I wasn't off base.  now I'm off to report several minor issues, thanks again for answering my questions16:11
LimCorebdmurray: system wide pulse audio solves my problem16:24
LimCoresound can mute or not mute other desktop users on switching.   Now it always mutes.  Perhaps it should be a config option...  but well then it is perhaps not a bug, just users have to know how to switch it16:25
bender304Running Ubuntu 9.04 with OOo calc (3.0) make a simple chart with data in different rows and columns such as B1, C2, D3. The chart is now made. When I go to save the file I get an error that it can't save. So the bug is you can't save the .ods spread sheet when data is in different rows and columns. What works though is when the data is all in same row or column. I didn't have this problem in Ubuntu 8.10. Anyone notice the same or if this ha16:33
LimCorebender304: strange. can you fill in a bug report,  attache example .ods file and screeenshot16:35
LimCoreI will tr to confirm16:35
LimCoreon .04 amd6416:36
bender304OK I go and file a bug report16:37
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aguynamedryanHello.  cpqarrayd is crashing and throwing up a stacktrace.   I've never reported a bug before, but I notice there is already a ticket (#98820) that looks to be similar to the crash I'm seeing.  I'm running 9.04 server edition and I can't seem to find ubuntu-bug to help me capture error information.  I also can't seem to find anything in my log files that would help diagnose the problem.  I've reviewed the wiki pages ab20:30
aguynamedryanHello.  Is anyone around?20:40
mrooneyaguynamedryan: hi!21:02
aguynamedryanI figured out I need to install apport to get ubuntu-bug21:04
mrooneyah okay21:04
aguynamedryanThat was kinda noobish of me, but the wiki pages seem to assume that you know what apport is and that its already installed21:04
aguynamedryanI was hoping cpqarrayd would put a crash file in /var/crash, but there isn't anything there21:06
aguynamedryanAnd the stacktrace that I get on my screen doesn't show me what function cpqarrayd is calling to cause the crash21:07
aguynamedryanI guess the only real question I have is: should I post a message to ticket 98820, even though I have a different version of cpqarrayd, or should I submit a new ticket?21:08
mrooneylet's see, bug 9882021:16
ubot4Launchpad bug 98820 in cpqarrayd "[apport] cpqarrayd crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9882021:16
aguynamedryanWhoa...that's cool...can I do that?  bug 9982021:17
ubot4Launchpad bug 99820 in nexuiz "Use the current version as lower version limit for nexuiz-data (dup-of: 95002)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9982021:17
ubot4Launchpad bug 95002 in edgy-backports "Can't upgrade nexuiz from edgy-backports" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9500221:17
aguynamedryanWow!  Fancy21:17
mrooneyaguynamedryan: so what I would recommend since that bug is so old, is file a new one, and add a comment in the old one saying you weren't sure if it was the same so you filed a new bug and link to it21:17
aguynamedryanAwesome.  Thanks!21:18
* mrooney waves to BUGabundo21:23
BUGabundohey mrooney21:23
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hggdhaguynamedryan, what type of failure are you getting? sigsegv, sigabrt, etc?21:58
aguynamedryanLooks like a sigabrt21:58
aguynamedryanI'm just now following the instructions under:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Backtrace21:59
aguynamedryanBefore I submit a ticket21:59
hggdhah. Please be aware that apport does *not* trap SIGABRTs21:59
micahghggdh: that's good to know :)21:59
aguynamedryanhggdh: Thanks for the confirmation about that.  I was wondering why I was just getting package information when I used ubuntu-bug21:59
hggdhso... you would probably need to run cpqarrayd manually under GDB, and do the stack trace yourself (thread apply all bt full)22:00
hggdhmicahg, yes... I do not know why it was disabled... sigabrts usually are set by libc on malloc issues22:00
hggdhand they *still* are (usually) an indication of memory management issues in the appl22:01
hggdhaguynamedryan, you are welcome, just did not want you to find the hard way ;-)22:01
micahghggdh: can that be document on the apport wiki page if it isn't already?22:02
hggdhmicahg, it should be there, if it is not, then certainly!22:02
micahghggdh: doesn't seem to be on there22:09
aguynamedryanYay!  My first bug report: bug 40906022:15
ubot4Launchpad bug 409060 in cpqarrayd "cpqarrayd crashes while checking for controllers" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40906022:15
aguynamedryanI love that feature!  Thanks ubot4!22:16
hggdhmicahg, do you have a suggestion of where to put it? Right now I am considering adding it at the end of "How to enable apport"22:19
BUGabundoaguynamedryan: LOL22:20
BUGabundoI've forgot what my was even about22:20
BUGabundoor what release22:21
BUGabundo6.06 or 6.1022:21
micahgI think actually it might be better to add another section of what apport will NOT do ;)22:21
BUGabundonot sure22:21
BUGabundobeen on ubuntu since 5.1022:21
aguynamedryanI played around with it back then, but my company ended up going in a different direction for a while.  Now we're exploring our Linux options and I made sure we put Ubuntu on this list22:22
hggdhmicahg, added in22:26
hggdh(sort of small, I know, but let's see what happens)22:27
hggdhaguynamedryan, thanks :-) and also thank you for reporting the bug (which, hopefully, someone with knowledge of the programme will look at, eventually)22:29
aguynamedryanhggdh: Thanks!  I'm poking around the source right now trying to see if I can figure out what's dying...I'm so happy to be back in FOSS land!22:31
hggdhway to go, way to go!22:32
aguynamedryanhggdh: I'm not making any promises ;-)22:32
hggdhaguynamedryan, we are not asking for promises. The simple fact that you got back to FOSS, and is looking at Ubuntu (and, even in a small way, helping) is already good enough22:33
aguynamedryanhggdh: It's my pleasure!22:34
* hggdh gratefully bows22:34
* BUGabundo now knows why hggdh complains of his back22:35
hggdhah well. Time to get back to the hotel. Will be back in about 30 min22:36
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