
seb128pitti, where are you hiding today? ;-)10:00
pittiseb128: with the security team, to discuss executable file handling policy10:07
seb128pitti, ok, I'm available for login speed or apport when you want10:07
pittishouldn't take long any more10:08
kklimondapitti: care to take a look at bug 408600? It hits all poor ubuntuone users out there ;)10:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 408600 in pyinotify "pyinotify's libc version check fails on Karmic" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40860010:19
pittikklimonda: sure, will sponsor10:22
didrocksseb128, pitti: I'm a bit puzzled about one thing in mime association. If I make a file -i xxx and getting applications/ogg, the file seems to match the following mime types in mimeinfo.cache:11:26
didrocksapplication/x-ogg, application/ogg, audio/ogg are taken into account in the "open with" box but video/ogg is not matched. Where is the magic? :)11:27
didrocksIn addition to this, the priority (without defaults.list) is matched on the first element in the audio/ogg line independently to its location in mimeinfo.cache.11:27
seb128didrocks, file is not using the shared-mime-info database11:27
seb128didrocks, /usr/share/mime/packages/freedesktop.org.xml has the magic detection11:28
seb128      <match value="OggS" type="string" offset="0"/>11:28
seb128and .ogv11:28
seb128is what shared mime info is using11:28
didrocksseb128: oh ok. Is there a magic command to know what is the accurate mime file using this additional rules?11:28
seb128the xdgmime can use the filename or content11:29
seb128they call that fast or slow detection I think11:29
seb128the defaults.list ordering is not revelant11:29
seb128it's meant to list one default by mimetype11:29
seb128not to have a sorted list11:29
seb128same for the cache file11:29
didrocksseb128: yes. I was talking about the ordering in mimeinfo.cache in fact11:29
didrocksyes, that's confirm what I experience here11:30
seb128that's why we said we need to change the cache semantic11:30
didrocksseb128: I'm just a bit confused about the mime.cache and mimeinfo.cache (on the xdg list they assume that mimeinfo.cache is only a GNOME thing)11:30
seb128there is no mime.cache?11:30
didrocksseb128: on the xdg list, they say that mime.cache is what should be used and that mimeinfo.cache is GNOME specific thing11:31
seb128oh, that's a cache of all the shared mime info datas11:31
seb128it doesn't have default selection choice, etc11:31
rickspencer31bryce: where r u?11:32
seb128rickspencer31, he was in front of you 1 minute ago before you moved11:33
seb128rickspencer31, still there11:33
seb128ie sitting just next to me and pitti11:33
didrocksseb128: so, if mimeinfo.cache is specific to GNOME, it would be difficult to make the changes apply to fdo11:33
seb128didrocks, http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/xdg/2008-January/009112.html11:33
seb128didrocks, read this discussion11:34
didrocksok, thanks. Reading it now :)11:34
seb128didrocks, the whole discussion rather than this specific email I think11:34
didrocksseb128: yes, I've already head to the root of it :)11:35
jpdsDoes anyone know why I'm missing icons on all my right-click menus on karmic? http://spooky.ubuntuwire.com/~jpds/2009-08-04-115224_1280x800_scrot.png11:54
jpdsI'm created a brand-new user, changed icon themes, but I still get no icons...11:54
kklimondajpds: that's upstream decision11:56
ruslanrjpds: http://www.andreasn.se/blog/?p=103 & http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55746911:57
ubottuError: Could not parse XML returned by Gnome: timed out (http://bugzilla.gnome.org/xml.cgi?id=557469)11:57
jpdsHow annoying.11:59
bcurtiswxhey all, bug #400485 is one I think should be looked at by you guys :-)14:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 400485 in ubuntu-sounds "Empathy sounds not in default ubuntu theme" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40048514:49
asacseb128: https://edge.launchpad.net/~asac/+archive/ppa/+files/gnome-bluetooth_2.27.8-0ubuntu1~asac.dsc15:14
asacpitti: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libmbca/+bug/40876315:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 408763 in libmbca "remove from archive" [Undecided,New]15:28
mptmat_t, I've taken a photo of the revised Empathy welcome screen with your camera, so if you could connect it up sometime today that would be smashing :-)15:30
pittivuntz: hey15:34
=== crevette_ is now known as crevette
vuntzpitti: ho!15:36
pittivuntz: I'm planning to start working on the gnome-menus caching, FYI15:37
mac_vjpds: bug #40762115:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 407621 in libgnome "(design decision) Icons missing from context menu , dialogue buttons , firefox bookmark favicons" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40762115:37
mac_vjpds: i'v sent a mail to the list too , regarding this15:37
pittivuntz: I wondered whether you have some advice where to do the cache lookup15:38
pittivuntz: would it be sensible to hook it into gmenu_tree_lookup()?15:38
pittivuntz: and if you want applications.menu, it'd look into /var/cache/gnome-menu/applications.menu.bin or so?15:38
vuntzpitti: hrm, I probably would do a general cache, not one that is specific to menus15:39
vuntzpitti: eg, if you want to find a mime handler, you need to look at the desktop files too15:40
o0spongebob0o_salut a tous15:45
pittivuntz: right, but in order for it to make sense, we need to check for the caches seldomly and load the entire menu in one go; with one cache per desktop file it'd quickly loose its value?15:46
* mclasen points out that gio might be a better place to do general appinfo caching15:48
vuntzpitti: well, I guess it's up to the caller to know when it needs to look at many desktop files15:48
vuntzpitti: I just don't think organizing it on a per-menu file is right15:49
pittivuntz: okay, I'm open to suggestions; admittedly it's the first time I look into the gnome-menus api15:49
kenvandinepitti, can you sponsor bug 403575?  it breaks desktopcouch15:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 403575 in couchdb "Incorrect permissions or group membership to get /etc/couchdb" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40357515:53
pittikenvandine: done15:57
vuntzpitti: well, it really shouldn't appear in the API anyway :-)16:01
pittivuntz: *nod*16:01
seb128"<hadess> seb128: that code is exported twice to the internal apps, once through the public library, once through the local library16:02
seb128 seb128: it's supposed to be fine"16:02
seb128asac, that's the issue for pretty sure16:02
seb128I think that's something uncorrect16:02
seb128and our toolchain expose the issue where other distributions' ones don't16:03
seb128could be a flag we turn on somewhere16:03
pittivuntz: so gmenu-tree.c already uses an internal cache (gmenu_tree_cache) which we could pre-populate in gmenu_tree_new() from a fast mmap-based cache16:05
pittivuntz: however, would that actually help us so much?16:05
pittivuntz: i. e. the bulk of the time is certainly spent reading hte .desktop files, not the .menu files?16:05
vuntzpitti: what you want to replace is probably something like _entry_directory_list_get_all_desktops()16:08
pittivuntz: ah, thanks for the hint16:10
* pitti -> meeting16:10
mat_tmpt: np16:21
mac_vbigon: hi , could you take a look at this Bug #40891316:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 408913 in telepathy-idle "telepathy-idle crashed with SIGSEGV in g_main_context_dispatch()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40891316:36
djsiegelrickspencer31: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Specs/KarmicFusa?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=fusa_2.png17:56
djsiegelrickspencer31: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Specs/KarmicFusa17:57
Ngtedg: is fusa going to force display of the user face icon (perhaps only if it's actually been set)?18:24
NgI take back my hate of the icon dropping change since I realised I can force it on for the two icons in my menu that desparately need it ;)18:24
tedgNg: Yes, I believe it'll have icons if they're set.18:25
tedgNg: But, since they're in your home directory.  I'm not sure how useful it'll be with encrypted homes...18:26
=== Fluffles is now known as Cuddles
chrisccoulsonfta - someone else reported the same issue as you now with incorrect space remaining on the low disk space warning18:35
chrisccoulsonare you running 32bit install?18:35
chrisccoulsonthat might be why you see it and i cant reproduce it18:35
chrisccoulsonfsblkcnt_t in 64-bits on a 64-bit install isn't it?18:36
chrisccoulsonanyway, i can see where it goes wrong now18:36
ftachrisccoulson, http://paste.ubuntu.com/247364/18:39
ftachrisccoulson, and in 64bit mode: http://paste.ubuntu.com/247366/18:41
chrisccoulsoncool, thanks!18:42
fta(both are from my 32bit box)18:44
ftachrisccoulson, imho, it's just that at some point, you have f_frsize * f_bavail in a 32bit variable, which is wrong18:47
sebas__hi all19:29
sebas__does anybody have a strange wrong webcam zoom effect using compiz ?19:30
=== _mrputa_ is now known as mrputa
sebas__Hi All19:33
sebas__does anybody have a strange wrong webcam zoom effect using compiz ?19:33
dobeyany universe sponsors about?21:04
james_wdobey: yeah, what's up?21:10
dobeyjames_w: bug #40641321:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 406413 in testresources "Please update python-testresources to new 0.2 upstream release" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40641321:11
dobeyjames_w: just wondering if we can get that in :)21:11
chrisccoulsonfta - could you test a PPA build of g-s-d shortly?22:12
chrisccoulson(sorry, just got back from dinner)22:12
ftasure, direct link?22:13
chrisccoulsoni'll give you it once it's uploaded22:13
chrisccoulsoni should test it quickly here first ;)22:13
chrisccoulsonfta - i've uploaded it to https://edge.launchpad.net/~chrisccoulson/+archive/ppa22:31
chrisccoulson(but it hasn't built just yet)22:31
chrisccoulsoni386 is built now:)22:38
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=== Fluffles is now known as Cuddles
ccheneyasac: ping, found a patch for OOo for xulrunner 1.9.123:32
ccheneyasac: emailed you the link to it23:32

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