
mdkemorning all08:29
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=== Guest56094 is now known as ryanakca
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=== Guest44125 is now known as ryanakca
=== FlannelKing is now known as Flannel
Atamirai just upgraded to 8.1022:13
Atamiramy documentation isnt reading correctly22:14
mdkewhat's up?22:16
AtamiraThank you for your interest in Ubuntu22:18
Atamira                - the  - released in .22:18
Atamirathats what i get in that section22:18
Rocket2DMnYeah, that's a known bug Atamira22:18
mdkeisn't it a fixed bug?22:19
Rocket2DMnthank you for letting us know :)22:19
Atamirais it the same under versions and release numbers?22:19
AtamiraOur first release (Warty Warthog) was in22:19
Atamira                        October 2004 so its version was 4.10. This version () was22:19
Atamira                        released in  so its version number is .22:19
mdkeAtamira: have you got the latest version of ubuntu-docs?22:19
Atamirai just did a complete systems upgrade last night22:19
Atamiraso i just assumed it will have all updated versions22:19
Atamirapidgin wont install for some reason22:20
mdkeyes, if you upgraded from the internet, it should be22:20
Atamirastupid dependencies22:20
Atamirafinished installing this morning..and i normally check the 'about ubuntu' screen to make sure22:20
Atamiraand thats what i came up with22:20
mdkehmm. I can't find the bug right now22:21
Rocket2DMnbug 30357822:21
ubot4Launchpad bug 303578 in ubuntu-docs "System->About Ubuntu homepage has glitchy "Thank you" line" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30357822:21
Rocket2DMnapparently open for intrepid still22:21
mdkethanks Rocket2DMn22:21
Rocket2DMnis there a way to see bugs that have been accepted for versions of Ubuntu but have been fixed in the latest?22:23
Rocket2DMnlike that one doesnt appear in the open bug list22:23
mdkeit should do, really22:23
Rocket2DMnguess you gotta check here - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/ubuntu-docs22:24
mdkeAtamira: I will try and sort that bug out soon, thanks for reminding us of it22:26
Atamiraall good mdke22:35
Atamirai just though it was unusual is all22:36
Atamirayou guys all do such a great job22:36
mdkepackaging is our weak point; that's what caused that bug22:37
Rocket2DMnmdke, there are a couple of doc-team related pages on the community docs that i ran across the other day that appear to be outdated and no longer maintained since we now have most of our stuff o nthe team wiki23:43
Rocket2DMnthere may have been a few others - what do you want to do with them?23:44

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