
maxbkrisives: debian/rules is executble so you can just run "debian/rules unpatch"09:26
maxbOr slightly more aggressively, "fakeroot debian/rules clean"09:27
Zhenechhyperair, building XD09:27
krisivesRight now everytime I want to make my test deb I have to run make -f debian/rules unpatch09:28
krisivesI just do ./debian/rules unpatch instead?09:28
maxbYou don't even need the ./09:33
\sh /window 1409:34
hyperairZhenech: oh pbuilder's fixed eh?09:37
Zhenechhyperair, yupp09:37
hyperairah, good =)09:38
krisivesAnyone know a good C regular expression library I should use?09:39
Zhenechhyperair, done09:39
hyperairthat was fast O_o09:40
Zhenechwell, it wasnt really big :)09:41
hyperairhmm true =\09:41
Zhenechhyperair, btw, if you have time, it'd be nice to replace the hardcoded 0.17 version of geany with something dynamic (parse the output of geany --version and put it in substvars?)09:41
hyperairoh yeah that would be a good idea.09:43
Zhenechgeany --version |awk '{print $2}'09:45
Zhenechthat prints the version just fine :)09:45
hyperairor pkg-config --modversion geany09:51
Zhenechor that, right09:53
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rawanghi, how to cancel a dh_auto_test?10:58
cjwatsonrawang: ctrl-c?10:58
cjwatsonor do you mean "how do you make it not run?"10:58
rawangcjwatson, yeah11:01
rawanghow do I make it not run :)11:01
rawangcjwatson, I just leave %:   to do  dh $@11:02
rawangi mean11:02
rawang        dh $@11:02
rawanguse dh711:02
StevenKThat will certainly run dh_auto_test11:03
directhexyould you just have a blank override_dh_auto_test ?11:03
rawangoverride_dh_auto_test with nothing command right?11:04
Laneyjust put override_dh_auto_test:11:04
directhexthen dh voodoo will run whatever you specify instead of dh_auto_test11:04
Laneywhich is nothing11:05
rawanggood idea11:05
cjwatsonright, sorry, that was what I was going to suggest but I got distracted :)11:07
cjwatsonif you do that, you need to build-depend on debhelper (>= 7.0.50)11:07
cjwatsonI also have to ask - why?11:08
cjwatsonit should be unusual to have to arrange *not* to run a test suite11:08
cjwatsonso it's worth looking into why you feel the need to turn this off, and fixing it11:08
rawangcjwatson, so what is usual way to disable the tests?11:09
rawangcjwatson, the tests need a dbus daemon within build environment,  but apparently the temp build environment don't have11:10
rawangLaney, StevenK directhex thanks for you ideas :)11:11
james_wthe tests should perhaps create a private dbus session so that they don't intefere with anything on the system11:12
james_wcjwatson: I believe that is the version that adds the override_* handling11:12
cjwatsonjames_w: yes11:13
cjwatsonjames_w: what I meant is why does he need to disable the test suite11:13
james_wah, sorry, misread11:13
rawangcjwatson, yep, so what is usual way to disable the tests?11:13
cjwatsonrawang: we already gave you the usual way to disable the tests - but it's also usual, when disabling tests, to consider why11:13
rawangbut not using override11:13
cjwatsonit's best not to disable tests at all11:13
rawangyes, agreed11:14
cjwatsondh 7 didn't have an elegant way to disable tests before 7.0.50 - you could do it but it was painful11:14
cjwatsondh build --before dh_auto_test # I think11:14
cjwatsonand that might confuse something else - so use that only if you're prepared to debug stuff :)11:14
rawangcjwatson, the build is ahead of test already11:15
rawangbut seems like override_dh_auto_test won't work11:16
directhexrawang, nah, the point is, the debian/rules "build" rule is handled as "dh build" which runs through a long list of dh_foo commands. you used to specify "dh build --before dh_foo" then "dh build --after dh_foo" to make changes to dh_foo behaviour11:16
rawangdirecthex, yes, i see, but the problem is i only want to skip the dh_auto_test11:18
directhexrawang, which is what i just described - the old pre-7.0.50 way to do that11:18
directhexrawang, doesn't the build system have a --disable-tests or something?11:18
rawangdirecthex, and override_dh_auto_test doesn't work,  my debhelper is 7.0.17ubuntu411:19
directhexwell, that explains why it doesn't work11:19
directhexlet me find an example of old overrides11:20
rawangdirecthex, yea, unluckily, the build system don't have a --disable-tests options :(11:20
directhexgnome-subtitles in pkg-cli-apps svn11:20
rawangdirecthex, sure, thanks ! :)11:20
slytherinrawang: why not patch the source to not run the tests.11:21
rawangslytherin, you mean patch an option to disable the tests for configure?11:22
slytherinsomething like that11:22
Laneywhy's that better than overriding dh_auto_test?11:23
rawangslytherin, ok, nice, but I might need to skip the tests first to see whether it works or not, thanks :)11:23
LaneyI suppose you could disable some of the test11:23
slytherinLaney: it will surely work no matter what version of debhelper. :-)11:23
Laneya versioned build-dep is no problem...11:23
rawangdirecthex, there is not a "skip test" from your example11:24
rawangif --disable-tests is specified, the dh will not run dh_auto_test wisely?11:25
directhexrawang, there's an override though - dh_auto_configure is overridden11:27
directhexrawang, try also nant11:27
rawangdirecthex, sorry, what is nant? :)11:28
rawangdirecthex, even though I could override configure, but does it help to avoid running dh_auto_test?11:28
directhexrawang, another overridden package11:29
directhexrawang, um..... the point here is you do as cjwatson says, and use "dh build --before_auto_test \n dh_build --after dh_auto_test" as your build: rule11:29
Laneyis it?11:30
directhexand then the build rule will do everything before, and everything after, dh_auto_test in its list o' commands - but not dh_auto_test11:30
LaneyI thought the point was to override and version the b-d11:30
directhexLaney, or that11:30
* Laney spins in circles11:30
* Laney goes back to just a minute11:30
* directhex flings a monkey at Laney 11:30
rawangdirecthex, oh, the point is run all the dhs before and after dh_auto_test, so that we could skip dh_auto_test, right?11:31
rawanggot it11:31
rawangugh, it appears to be complicated then, :(11:32
directhexrawang, easier with 7.0.50!11:32
rawangif my debhelper > 7.0.50, i could just using "override_dh_auto_test: with nothing " to simply skip the dh_auto_test, right?11:33
rawangwill try11:34
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c_korngeser: thanks for adding the debian bug watcher to the bug. I completely forgot about that11:52
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fabrice_spandv, about bug #40052812:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 400528 in taskjuggler "Please merge taskjuggler 2.4.3-1 from Debian unstable" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40052812:12
andvfabrice_sp, yeah12:13
fabrice_spthe address is the new one that has to be used ("Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-12:13
fabrice_spdiscuss@lists.ubuntu.com>" )12:13
fabrice_spit's auto generated by update_maintainer script12:14
andvfabrice_sp, ppl keep using the other one12:14
andvit seems12:14
fabrice_spI'll check the changelog, because I let MoM generate it, and it seems MoM is forgetting some things12:14
fabrice_spthe MOTU one, you mean?12:14
andvfabrice_sp, yeah, some ppl keep using MOTU one12:15
andvfabrice_sp, does it really matter?12:15
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fabrice_spandv, I'm just following https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebianMaintainerField (and I already had this discussion here about the right Maintainer value)12:16
fabrice_spit changed in May 200912:16
andvfabrice_sp, perfect then12:17
andvleave that comment out ;)12:17
fabrice_spok :-) I'll check the changelog entries when at home (in 6 hours, more or less :-/ ) thanks12:18
andvfabrice_sp, np, watch out for missing entries in the future12:18
fabrice_spandv, I generally use meld to compare the changelog. I'll check what happened in that case. Bye12:20
andvfabrice_sp, perfect, cya12:20
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slytherindoes anyone know how to boot live CD iso using grub2?12:41
cjwatsonandv: as long as people switch over gradually eventually, it's not *that* important12:45
andvcjwatson, ok perfect12:45
cjwatsonslytherin: no idea, no effort put into it, and doing that would certainly lose the graphical menu for now12:45
andvcjwatson, anyway when revieweing I gonna tell them it's better to adopt the new way12:45
cjwatsonslytherin: I'd like to switch over to it eventually (maybe a couple of cycles out); you're welcome to try it now as long as you're aware that you'll be trailblazing :)12:46
slytherincjwatson: Perhaps I put my question wrong. I read in one of the articles mentioned in latest UWN that it is possible to boot a ISO image from grub so there is no need to burn that ISO to a CD.12:47
cjwatsonI don't know the answer, but I'd start with grub.enbug.org12:48
slytherinI searched on the grub wiki. Didn't find anything there.12:49
cjwatsonthere's an iso9660 module, certainly12:49
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slytherinI am wondering where did th article writer get that info from12:49
cjwatson'insmod iso9660' in the grub shell and play around from there?12:49
slytherinOk. Let me try.12:49
amarhi folk,13:08
amarRecently django released a stable/security update13:08
amarIs this the sort of thing that should be applied to Universe SRU?13:10
kklimondawrt django is it possible to update it to 1.0.3 directly? upstream has a pretty big range of various tests13:11
kklimondaunfortunately those tests aren't distributed in tarballs..13:11
amarI have attempted to create an update to 1.0.3 following the update recipe on the MOTU wiki13:12
amarJust wondering what the next step would be13:12
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andolandv: Might if I take a mergin (unison) question here, instead of going on and on in the comment field?13:21
StevenKdidrocks: Are you going to update clutter-gtk?14:10
StevenKdidrocks: Since you didn't put clutter-gtk-0.9 into the archive14:10
didrocksStevenK: I wasn't planning putting 0.9 into the archive but waiting for 1.0 (I didn't checked if it's released yet)14:11
StevenKdidrocks: It's out, 0.10.214:11
StevenKdidrocks: Which requires clutter 1.014:11
didrocksStevenK: ok, can this wait for this week-end? (and clutter 1.0 is waiting for an archive admin approval FYI)14:12
StevenKdidrocks: I'm a member of -archive, I'm just about to accept it14:12
didrocksor is there some emergency on that? (not sure to be able to handle it before this timeline)14:12
StevenKdidrocks: Well, is it in Debian?14:12
didrocksStevenK: thanks :) If you can have a look about mutter, this will be awesome14:12
didrocksStevenK: it's still in NEW. I'm working with kov merging the changes14:13
didrocks(same for mutter)14:13
StevenKdidrocks: It's not my archive day, I was just asked to look at clutter since I know about it14:13
StevenKdidrocks: I'd prefer it sooner14:14
didrocksStevenK: ok, I will try to take a look at it this evening. If I can't, I will tell you tomorrow, is that ok?14:15
StevenKdidrocks: Sure. I'm happy to finish up the work, given some direction, too.14:15
didrocksStevenK: great :)14:16
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Zhenechbdrung, fetching your stuff15:30
Zhenechwhy is mentors sooo slow15:30
bdrungZhenech: no idea15:30
Zhenechbdrung, are there any lookworth changes to the packaging besides of the fix for #536480?15:36
Zhenechnot for arc-colors at it seems :)15:37
coolbhaviHello to upload to mentors.debian.net is this the correct config file? http://pastebin.com/mca03d0a15:40
Zhenechsame for shiki colors *build*15:40
Zhenechbdrung, I guess you tested the alternatives stuff? I have no gnome to tamper with here :)15:45
bdrungZhenech: it's running on my two systems, and the PPA is updated, too (tested by many people). I only broke thing for Ubuntu hardy users. ;)15:49
ZhenechI dont care for ubuntu ;)15:49
Zhenech(well, I do, but... you know ;))15:50
bdrungZhenech: i know. the packages fits better into debian than ubuntu.15:50
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Zhenechstupid inkscape btw, when it is launched in batch/headless mode, it still complains it cant open a DISPLAY...15:51
bdrungZhenech: yes. and it can behave strange with relative pathes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/39822115:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 398221 in inkscape "export drawing to png failed" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:55
bdrungZhenech: i tried imagemagik for transforming svgs into pngs, but the result is crap.15:56
Zhenechnever tried15:56
ZhenechI guess I made one SVG in my life15:56
Zhenechand that was using inkscape :)15:56
Zhenechthere is a minor glitch in your gnome common postinst15:57
bdrungZhenech: imagemagik is *the* command line tool for images (but it fails on svgs)15:57
Zhenechbdrung, I know, you don't want to know how many "convert" calls I have in several scripts at work15:57
Zhenechconverting JPG and PDF back and forth15:57
bdrungZhenech: i use it for converting my wallpapers.15:58
Zhenechbdrung, any reason you call update alternatives on EVERY invocation of the postinst?15:58
Zhenechwouldnt "configure" be sufficient?15:59
bdrungZhenech: i don't know. the script is mostly stolen from gnome-icon-theme.16:00
bdrungZhenech: all noteworty changes are commented in the changelog. So there are no changes for arc and shiki. For gnome-colors there is only the bug fix.16:01
Zhenechyeah, arc and shiki are fine, will upload "gleich" :)16:03
Zhenechfor gnome its better to wrap that call into16:04
Zhenechif [ "$1" = configure ]; then16:04
bdrungZhenech: when will configure run?16:09
Zhenechsee http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-maintainerscripts.html16:10
Zhenechesp 6.6 6.7 and 6.816:10
Zhenechinterestingly you also use remove or deconfigure in your prerm, and one of my own packages has remove or upgrade for the same task...16:11
Zhenechtime for a smoke, brb :)16:12
RiddellYokoZar: arne is onto you about .otf files in games16:13
Riddellspring-engine includes FreeSansBold.otf, it should just depend on ttf-freefonts16:14
Zhenechbdrung, shiki uploaded16:26
Zhenechbdrung, arc uploaded16:28
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bdrungZhenech: i will have a look at all the maintainer scripts target and update the tonight.16:55
mac_vanyone know why the cairo-dock plugins aernt available in Ubuntu repos?17:36
Laneywhat package name?17:37
mac_vLaney: cairo-dock has plugins available when installed from their repos , but not In the Ubuntu repos17:38
Laneymaybe nobody packaged it17:40
mac_vLaney: http://developer.berlios.de/project/showfiles.php?group_id=8724&release_id=15624 < plug-ins17:40
mac_vLaney: do i send a mail to the list?17:40
gilirmac_v: because it's wainting in REVU17:40
mac_vgilir: so ? when can we expect it in the Karmic repos?17:42
Laneywhen it's done17:42
gilirmac_v: you can monitor the status here : http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/cairo-dock-plugins17:43
mac_vgilir: thanx for the link :)17:44
LaneyDEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nocheck dh_auto_test17:44
Laneywhat's this?17:44
slytherinanyone else having problem with buildd script on jaunty?17:44
LaneyI don't understand what you did to makeshlibs either17:45
gilirLaney: nocheck to skip the tests when using dh v717:47
Laneywhy not an empty override?17:48
gilirand makeshilbs to avoid unnecessary shlibs generation17:48
gilirLaney: I didn't know empty override works :)17:49
Laneyyes sir17:49
slytherinCan any of the python experts take a look at http://paste.ubuntu.com/247356/ and tell me if it is problem with buildd script?18:17
fabrice_spandv, about the changelog of taskjuggler18:26
fabrice_spthere is a sync in hardy, and also in Intrepid, so the ubuntu specific changelog has been lost before then. Does it make sense to add the Ubuntu entry before 2.4.1-1 (Intrepid)?18:28
fabrice_spThis is not the way I've done merge until now, as I only recover the Ubuntu entries in the last changelog available.18:29
andolandv: Hey, that ^^ was pretty much the same question I was about to ask you :)18:29
fabrice_spandol, :-)18:30
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fabrice_spthe merge request for taskjuggler is bug #400528 (in case you want to have a look :-) )18:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 400528 in taskjuggler "Please merge taskjuggler 2.4.3-1 from Debian unstable" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40052818:30
fabrice_spI've been able to build successfully sound-juicer. Is it possible for some MOTU to give-back the build. so that it get rebuilt? Thanks18:57
jpdsfabrice_sp: Done.19:00
iulianfabrice_sp: All archs?19:00
fabrice_spthanks jpds ! (and iulian too :-) )19:00
jpdsiulian: The buildd script filters out all the successful ones. :)19:01
kamalnandanwhy do i get this error? even though I have correct version of cmake installed?19:02
kamalnandandpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: cmake (>= 2.6.4)19:02
fabrice_spyeah: it was only i386 in that case (all others except powerpc has been already built)19:02
kamalnandanthough cmake is installed in /usr/local/bin19:03
iulianjpds: Oh cool, didn't know that.19:03
fabrice_spkamalnandan, /usr/local is not good19:03
fabrice_spkamalnandan, what is the output of apt-cache policy cmake ?19:03
kamalnandanfabrice_sp: thanks for your response..here is the output..19:05
kamalnandanBTW..i downloaded the source of cmake 2.6.4 , built that and installed..and it got installed in /usr/local/bin only..19:06
kamalnandanfabrice_sp..if its installed in /usr/local/bin, is there any problem?19:08
fabrice_spkamalnandan, why don't you just install the Ubuntu package?19:08
fabrice_spkamalnandan, yes: debuild don't know about local application (in /usr/local). Only about packages19:09
kamalnandanthere is 2.6.2 only available in ubuntu package..i need 2.6.3..19:09
fabrice_spkamalnandan, 2.6.4 in karmic19:09
fabrice_spkamalnandan, it would be easier to setup a karmic chroot19:10
fabrice_spand build it inside (or a karmic pbuilder)19:10
ubottupbuilder is a system to easily build packages in a clean chroot environment. To get started with PBuilder, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto19:10
kamalnandani have jaunty..how do i setup karmic?19:10
ubottuchroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot)19:10
fabrice_spI love that ! thing :-)19:11
iulianOur lovely robot.19:11
kamalnandanfabrice_sp...i havnt really ever used chroot..19:11
fabrice_spkamalnandan, with a chroot, you will avoid installing unnecessary packages in your normal environment19:12
fabrice_spand you can have several versions (I even have a sid and a hardy chroot)19:12
TheMusoslytherin: I believe a work-around is going to be put in place.19:13
kamalnandanfabrice_sp: how do we do that?19:13
iuliankamalnandan: Everything you want to know can be found in those wiki pages.19:14
andvfabrice_sp, who says they are lost?19:15
andvfabrice_sp, I see them19:15
kamalnandaniulian: thanks..let me check that..19:15
andvfabrice_sp, taskjuggler (2.2.0-1ubuntu1) dapper; urgency=low19:15
andv  * debian/rules: call dh_iconcache19:15
andvfor example19:15
andvfabrice_sp, you have to include all ubuntu changelogs19:15
andvI hope that's clear19:15
andvandol, yes?19:16
andvandol, you added karmic/intrepid entries and lost all the previous ones19:16
andvandol, what's not clear?19:17
andvandol, unison (2.13.16-5ubuntu1) feisty; urgency=low19:17
andvandol, unison (2.13.16-6ubuntu1) feisty; urgency=low19:17
andvshould I continue?19:17
kamalnandanfabrice_sp: you meant this page ..right19:20
fabrice_spandv, when I say lost I mean that in the last changelog (for version 2.4.1-1ubuntu3), there is only changes since 2.4.1-1 because of the sync of 2.4.1-1.19:21
andvfabrice_sp, https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/taskjuggler19:21
andvfabrice_sp, it seems they are not lost in this page19:22
fabrice_spAnyway, I'll recover all the ubuntu changes since the very first version, even if the package has been synced several time since then19:22
fabrice_spandv, I was speaking in term of last changelog19:22
andvfabrice_sp, what's the point of dropping changelog entries?19:22
fabrice_spandv, it was already dropped. I didn't dropped them by myself19:23
andvfabrice_sp, they got dropped cause a sync19:23
andvfabrice_sp, but LP register every changelog entry submitted19:23
andvfabrice_sp, as you can see in the link I sent you19:23
andvfabrice_sp, so take LP as reference19:23
fabrice_spI knoiw. that's only that until now, I alsways used the last changelog as reference. I will change the way I do the merge to include all entris since dapper19:24
fabrice_spusing LP and not the changelog19:24
andvfollow LP19:25
andvand you'll do good19:25
andvthose pages are there to be checked19:26
fabrice_spdoes that mean also that when you 'ubuntify' a package (to fix a FTBFS, fo r example), you should check the previous ubuntu version, and add all of them to the changelog?19:26
fabrice_spor it only apply to merge?19:26
andvfabrice_sp, you should answer yourself now :)19:26
andvfabrice_sp, if you fix a FTBFS on Ubuntu you won't use the Debian package19:27
andvbut the one you find in the Ubuntu archives19:27
andvwhen you do a merge, you grab debian package and apply ubuntu changes19:27
andvlosing changelog entries is not nice anyway19:28
didrocksStevenK: I am wondering about how to deal with clutter-gtk-doc (as it is the same package name and files in 0.8 version). Do we plan to remove 0.8 in karmic and I add a Replaces: or do you think we should use make the same trick that in clutter, ie using version number in -doc package name?19:29
fabrice_sptbh, I still don't see the point of recovering a changelog entry from dapper, when the package has been synced 8 times since then. But I will add the dapper entry. Should I also add the build* entries?19:30
fabrice_spooops: no build entry in that case19:30
andvfabrice_sp, nvm19:31
andvfabrice_sp, leave it as it is19:31
fabrice_spnp: I'm updating it right now19:31
fabrice_spandv, new debdiff uploaded19:37
andvfabrice_sp, perfect19:37
andvfabrice_sp, thanks for the fast responses19:38
andvfabrice_sp, I gonna process it later when I get back home19:38
krisivesfabrice_sp: You helped me yesterday, right?19:38
fabrice_spthanks to you to sponsor my upload19:38
andvfabrice_sp, are you willing to become a developer?19:38
fabrice_spkrisives, I think so, yes19:38
fabrice_spabout the patches, right?19:38
krisivesI found the problem I was having19:38
andvor you are just a normal contributor19:39
krisivesfabrice_sp: It was because my patch name was lexigraphically (caps) before the other patches19:39
krisivesI actually filed a bogus bug report and then RTFM'd and it was in the man page :(19:39
fabrice_spandv, for the moment, I'm just a u-c-d, but willing to become a motu at some point19:39
fabrice_spkrisives, this things happens, yes :-)19:39
andvfabrice_sp, cool19:40
krisivesYeah, but alwys lame to be the guy who fails to RTFM19:40
andvfabrice_sp, when andol gets back tell him what to do19:40
fabrice_spandv, ok19:40
fabrice_spyw :-)19:41
andvfabrice_sp, where you the one who said you use mom?19:45
krisivesThe code in question is parsing an SFTP address by hand, and many NPE and other bugs have came from it, would it be a horrible idea to link with libpcre3 and use a regex?19:45
fabrice_spandv, yes, but only to quickly get the dsc files, and the changelog. This is the part I will have to change19:46
andvfabrice_sp, start doing merges manually19:46
andvfabrice_sp, you'll improve and learn more19:46
fabrice_spandv, apart from the changelog, I do it manually19:47
fabrice_speasier to see what's happening19:47
andolandv: You know, looking at the current Ubuntu unison package (2.27.57-1ubuntu1) doesn't contain any of those older changelog entries in its debian/changelog19:53
andolandv: If we add stuff, neither present in the current debian or ubuntu package, is it really a merge then?19:54
andvandol, add stuff?19:54
andvwe add something that was there before19:54
andvandol, https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unison19:55
andvandol, you see any changelog you didnt add?19:55
andolandv: Yes, I know LP keeps track of old stuff. What I'm saying is that the package unision 2.27.57-1ubuntu1 doesn't have those entires in its debian/changelog.19:56
andvandol, so?19:56
andvandol, it's something nice to do adding all changelog's entries19:56
andolandv: Hence I'm confusing about it beinga merge of 2.27.57-1ubuntu1 and 2.27-57-2, since we are adding stuff which isn't actually in any of those two packages.19:57
andvfabrice_sp, can you please explain him19:57
andvim leaving19:57
geserplease only add the changelog entries since the last sync not all available ubuntu changelog entries19:57
andvgeser, why?19:57
andvgeser, I'm used to apply all changelog entries19:57
andvgeser, some other developers are used to apply them all19:58
andvthere is no rule against it19:58
geserwhy do you add changelog entries for changes that have nothing to do with the current changes (i.e. when there was a sync in between)19:58
andvgeser, what's the point of dropping entries?19:59
andvgeser, does old entries hurt someone?19:59
geserno, but they don't help either19:59
andvsome developers add them all, some other don't19:59
andvthere is no rule19:59
andvand I prefer having all of them19:59
geserwhy it is important to re-add changelog entries from dapper when you do a change in karmic?20:00
andvgeser, I'm used to do it20:00
andvgeser, I see nothing bad on doing it20:00
andvgeser, I could say the same of dropping them20:00
andvgeser, someone worked on that package on dapper so we have to credit him for his work20:01
andvdropping stuff won't help20:01
geserand why do we credit it only in dapper and karmic and not e.g. in jaunty (where the package is synced)?20:01
andvgeser, all changelog entries are added20:02
andvgeser, so we add jaunty stuff too20:02
geserand when there are no ubuntu changes in jaunty?20:02
geserthen there are no ubuntu changelog entries there at all?20:02
andvgeser, if there are no changes we have to credit no one20:02
geserand why do you want to credit someone for changes in dapper when adding a new change to a synced package?20:03
geseror do I don't understand the problem?20:04
andvit looks like you are not understanding20:04
andvhe is doing a merge20:04
geserif the changes are carried over since dapper then I'm also for keeping the changelog entries since dapper20:04
andvand I told him to apply all changes since the beginning20:04
andv(on the changelog)20:04
geserbut I'm not for re-introducing changelog entries for changes that were merged in to the debian package already20:05
andvgeser, we think that different then20:05
andvgeser, there is no rule on it20:05
fabrice_spsorry, I was having an ice cream20:05
andvgeser, I like to have them all, but might be different for you20:05
geserno, but you are the first I know of doing it that way20:05
andvDktrKranz does it too20:06
andvfor example20:06
andvgeser, anyway as I already said there is no rule on it20:07
andvso we can have different opinions20:07
andvno one can say that my / your opinion is right or wrong20:08
andvso andol if you wanna do it, good20:08
andvif not I won't take care of your merge, sorry20:08
geserand I'm certainly not telling that my opinion is the only truth, just commenting20:10
andolWell, unison 2.27.57-2 doesn't seem to come with any overly important changes anyway...20:10
andvgeser, yeah np20:12
geserandol: I'm not saying that you shouldn't do as your sponsor wants it, just noting that other sponsors might have a different view on things20:12
andvI'm off, andol if you still wanna fix it as fabrice_sp20:13
andv* ask20:13
andolgeser: ok20:13
fabrice_spI'm still here with my ice cream (32ÂșC here) :-)20:13
andolfabrice_sp: Ice cream is something I agree very much to :-)20:14
geserfabrice_sp: and it's not thawing?20:14
fabrice_spgeser, no, because I'm a fast eater :-)20:15
sebnergeser: have I read the backlog correctly? andv wants to re-add changes to the changelog when there was a sync and the re-added changes doesn't have anything todo with the current changes?20:17
gesersebner: if I understand it correctly then yes20:17
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sebnergeser: wth? You are right, nobody does that, simply because it doesn't make any sense20:18
geserI certainly won't hunt down old changelog entries from LP and only keep those which are already there20:19
iulianHmm, could someone please enlighten me a bit about this situation.  When we do a change to a package and that change is merged with the debian package, why should we bother in keeping the changelog of that *specific* change we did?20:21
iulianIn this case, the changes will appear twice.20:21
geseriulian: not the change, but the old changelog entries, telling that we changed the package once in the past20:22
iuliangeser: I meant the changelog entries.20:23
sebneriulian: if you sync a package our old changes vanish because debian changelog doesn't contain them20:23
iuliansebner: Yes, but it seems that andv wants to keep the changelog entries, even though, the changes we made are merged.20:25
iulianThis is what I want to clarify.20:25
fabrice_spiulian, you cna have a look at  bug #40052820:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 400528 in taskjuggler "Please merge taskjuggler 2.4.3-1 from Debian unstable" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40052820:25
geseryes, e.g. intrepid: make changes, jaunty: sync, karmic: make other changes and re-add intrepid changelog20:26
fabrice_spin this case, I added the Dapper entry to the changelog20:26
fabrice_sp(you have both changelog)20:26
andolor in my case, bug #37765220:26
iuliangeser: Why's that?20:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 377652 in unison "please merge unison 2.27.57-2 (universe) from debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37765220:26
geseriulian: don't know, andv told to credit the old contributor20:28
iuliangeser: That's why +packages are for.20:28
iulianOr whatever that page was.20:28
andoliulian: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/packagename ?20:29
iulian /+uploaded-packages20:30
geserandol: I'm currently reading through the bug, but we don't need to mention the maintainer change (can lookup the mail for andv if necessary)20:32
andolgeser: Thanks, but I was actually just about to unassign myself from the merge. The changes just doesn't seem important enough to take a fight with a sponsor over.20:40
geserandol: for me http://launchpadlibrarian.net/29794377/unison_2.27.57-2_2.27.57-2ubuntu1.debdiff would be ready for sponsoring (after a quick look), but I don't want to hijack this now20:43
andolgeser: Ohh well, no hurry I guess. If nothing else we can always let this issue rest for a day or two.20:44
geserI'm for educating new contributors, but certainly don't let them repeat a debdiff for small errors till they are near the point of abandoning the merge20:46
geserI inform them about the small errors (so they learn for the future) and fix them myself before uploading20:46
andolgeser: Actually, I don't mind nitpicking, as long as I get to learn more. In this case the problem was/is having to do changes which I didn't understand why to do. (I.e the old changelog entries)20:48
geserme neither20:48
* iulian nods.20:51
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bdrung_Zhenech: i had a close look at the debian policy and i have to agree on using configure for installation and remove | upgrade for removing.22:31
Zhenechbdrung_, great22:34
Zhenechgimme fixed dsc and I upload tomorrow22:35
bdrung_Zhenech: wait a moment. i have to modify my upload script.22:35
Zhenechbdrung_, no hurry, I wont upload today anyways22:38
StevenKdidrocks: Using the version number sounds fine22:39
bdrung_Zhenech: thanks for uploading the other two packages.22:40
bdrung_Zhenech: writing the makefiles for upstream makes new upstream releases simple to package. :)22:40
Zhenechbdrung_, heh, thats good22:43
bdrung_Zhenech: he is the designer and i am the programmer. that fits good together. :)22:44
Zhenechyeah, from my expirence programmes cant design22:44
Zhenechand designers cant code :)22:44
bdrung_Zhenech: he once wrote a script for installing *-colors, and the code was ugly ;)22:44
bdrung_i would be a bad designer.22:45
dupondjehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dutch/+bug/407951 <- need to get synced :)22:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 407951 in dutch "Sync dutch 1:1.10-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,New]22:45
bdrung_Zhenech: the script is now running. if there are no problems, the new package will be available in approxatly 15 minutes.22:47
bdrung_Zhenech: the ppa seems to be used by many people. when i break something there (mostly with hardy), then there will be a bug report the same day.22:49
dupondjesomebody want to check my sync request ? :)22:50
Zhenechbdrung_, great :)22:51
Zhenechbdrung_, restoring backup of my main machine (had to testinstall windows) and going to bed22:51
Zhenechwill have a look at your changes tomorrow from work22:51
Zhenechat about 1100 cest22:51
bdrung_Zhenech: you can use utc+222:52
bdrung_Zhenech: should i send you the dsc link?22:53
bdrung_when it's up?22:53
Zhenechbdrung_, I guess ill find it22:53
Zhenechbut you could ping me on irc tomorrow22:53
Zhenechin the case ill forget22:53
bdrung_Zhenech: ok22:53
bdrung_Zhenech: i will ping you, when i am up. :)22:53
bdrung_Zhenech: i would have normal sleep time when i would live in utc-4. :)22:54
fabrice_spdupondje, it's for main, so perhaps, you would have more luck at #ubuntu-devel :-)22:54
Zhenechyeah, my sleep time is also kinda strange22:54
bdrung_Zhenech: that's normal for an "informatiker"22:55
Zhenechno, itd be normal if theyd be constant22:56
Zhenechbut sometimes I go to bed at 2200 and wake up at 090022:56
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Zhenechand osmetimes I go to bed at 0400 and wake up at 100022:56
bdrung_Zhenech: my are not so fluctuating. i go to bed between 0100 and 0400 and wake up ...22:57
bdrung_either my clock rings between 0800 and 1000 or i will sleep 7 hours or longer.22:58
bdrung_Zhenech: ok, the updated package is on mentors23:05
Zhenechok, will do tomorrow then23:05
Zhenechbedtime now23:05
bdrung_Zhenech: gn823:08
=== Fluffles is now known as Cuddles
andvandol, you there?23:36
andvsebner, who says no one do that?23:38
andvgeser, maint field change not need to be added on changelog23:41
andvgeser, is that right?23:41
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