
burtontrailhey guys out there09:44
burtontrailgot a question09:44
burtontrailat turning up my pc sometimes there is a check of drives09:45
burtontrailany one knowes how to deactivate?09:45
ikoniaburtontrail: hi there09:47
ikoniaburtontrail: your actually not in the #ubuntu support channel but the ubuntu operators channel, it looks like you've been forwarded here, if you can give me a minute I'll look into it09:48
burtontrailok which channel do i have to join?09:49
burtontrailcan you look up for me?09:49
ikoniawell #ubuntu is the correct channel, but I suspect you're on a forward.09:49
ikoniaif you an hang on a minute I'm looking into it now09:50
ikoniainteresting, I can't see any ban reference for you. Could you try to join #ubuntu channel please09:50
burtontrailthank you09:52
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Piciaugh, I almost feel like giving up trying to make #ubuntu orderly with all these splits distracting people.13:18
ikonianot good13:21
ikoniaPici: keep with it, soon be done13:21
PiciDoes anyone have a template or a stock reply for people contacting them via launchpad via email for support?13:51
gnomefreaknot me13:51
elkyPici, it's called /dev/null/13:54
elkyer. s/null\//null/13:55
elkyPici,  mean, i know, but i'm totally not listed there as a free technical support service, so it's kind of unsolicited.13:57
ikoniathese splits are getting stupid14:30
PiciWould anyone find a mass-unban tool handy if it was a bantracker feature? Like you could somehow select a bunch of old bans and it would give you the relevant /mode -bbbb $1 $2 $3 $4 /mode -bb $5 $6 code?15:26
naliothPici: some 'old bans' are 'good bans'15:29
KottizenThis is right place for me :D15:29
naliothPici: we just need folks to clean up after themselves (ban wise)15:30
naliothKottizen: what can we do for you today?15:30
Kottizennalioth: oh nothing, i just looked inside here :D15:30
Picinalioth: I mean just for cleaning things up, not automatic old-ban-removal.15:30
naliothKottizen: make sure you read our exciting /topic  :)15:30
PiciFor example, I typically go through the bantracker, put all the masks of the bans I want to remove into a file and then run it through a script that gives me the /mode -bbb lines15:31
* Pici thinks about it, also maybe some 'reminder' system for looking at bans that should be removed.15:32
Kottizennalioth: ok15:35
jussi01!idle | Kottizen15:40
ikoniaPici: the script Myritti uses is goo15:40
ubottuKottizen: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only; we ask you to part when you have no further business here in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.15:40
Kottizenjussi01: ok15:40
jussi01!ops | IRCC meeting Sunday 9th 0700 UTC! Be there or be square!15:47
ubottuIRCC meeting Sunday 9th 0700 UTC! Be there or be square!: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!15:47
ubottujussi01 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops (IRCC meeting Sunday 9th 0700 UTC! Be there or be square!)15:47
* ikonia notes utc15:48
jussi01ikonia: :)15:49
jribyeah umm why so early...15:49
jussi01jrib: its a time when most of the iRCC members can make it.15:49
jussi01jrib: remembering we have members on most continents...15:53
PiciIts hip to be square15:59
popeydidnt work too well last week :)16:00
jussi01popey: well there were unforseen circumstances. these things happen16:00
popeysure, point being no time guarantees everyone arriving16:06
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ikoniaking ?16:45
PiciMeeting time :/16:55
mneptokeeesh. midnight.17:23
* mneptok will have to caffeinate, or pass.17:23
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)17:27
Picinalioth: safe to remove the ban then?17:29
naliothfor that IP, i reckon17:29
mneptok!away > zargonovski17:36
ubottuIn ubottu, shadeslayer said: !rekonq is Rekonq is a webkit browser,SVN located at svn checkout svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/playground/network/rekonq18:00
ubottuIn ubottu, rww said: !no, yes-#ubuntu-offtopic is <alias> no18:35
PiciNo for factoid request #118:36
PiciNo reason to suggest to people to install stuff from source, especially if you only give them the svn url.18:37
Amaranthyay no disconnects for 17 hours, I'm officially fixed19:12
* mneptok blinks19:14
mneptokerrrr .... i hope you don't mean "fixed" in the "my cat is fixed" sense.19:14
PiciI don't think he would start that sentence with 'yay' if it did.19:14
FlannelPici: Unless he didn't want to have any more kittens19:20
* genii sips19:49
* Gary giggles19:53
ubottuThe operation succeeded.20:08
jpdsSomeone really needs to fix ubottu so that that^^ works in /msg.20:08
Slart#ubuntu is getting weird.. you might want to make an appearance there20:15
naliothopisafaggot, ikonia20:16
ikoniatalking to him in pm20:17
ikoniaI see him20:17
ikoniahe never responded and is logged out20:18
ikoniaahh no, he's install-x20:18
ikoniaI assume that was changed at your request20:18
naliothnot mine20:18
* nalioth smells mutton20:19
ikoniaoh, nickspoon in -ot20:19
ikoniaicarus appears to be the same person as opisafaggot20:19
ikonianow Guest6638420:20
ikoniaI wonder if icarus=ikonia and opisafaggot is a hint ?20:20
ikonia(as they are the same person and there appears to be a message)20:20
naliothhe's nick-hopping, ikonia20:21
ikoniaI've just put it together, sorry20:21
ubottugrawity called the ops in #ubuntu (tachan-tachan)20:28
rwwHarborMasta, who just joined #ubuntu-offtopic, has previously joined as Grenfell, who's banned under several other IP addresses as Grexo and was previously abusing Freenode's Java client and iirc banned for that, too.23:07
rwwOh, and it appears that Grenfell was using the ident "HarborMa" a few times, including when Pici kicked him for ban evasion recently.23:10
* Pici sighs23:14
Priceyrww: Thanks, we'll watch the channel further.23:15
rwwAlrighty. Thanks :)23:16
PiciPricey: Have you made contact? If not I'm going to ask him to join here.23:18
PriceyPici: I haven't yet, no. There was a little kerfuffle in #freenode earlier regarding him, he mentioned it in -ot infact.23:18
HarborMastayou added a ?23:21
HarborMastawhats up23:21
PiciAre you aware that you are evading a ban currently?23:21
HarborMastawhat ban?23:21
* Pici blinks23:22
PiciWell, I thought I'd be nice about it...23:22
ubottuSlart_ called the ops in #ubuntu (taslayer)23:24
geniiPici: Fast response time there23:25
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)23:27
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)23:27

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