
=== giovani|1ork is now known as giovani
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Chr1831how do i install mono support for asp.net on apache?01:23
Chr1831mono-apache-server2 but its only showing me my source01:24
Chr1831everyone ran away =(01:31
Chr1831twb can you lend me a hand?01:34
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twbChr1831: do not speak to specific people unless you have a good reason.01:38
lukehasnonamesmack-down hath been laid03:08
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rosa_Hi there...I am just installed my print server but when i try to connect from the windows clients to printers (in the server) doing double click and i got the message "the server doesn't have the correct drivers"...somebody know how solve it, i need the clients take the drivers from the serve03:33
rosa_Hi there...I am just installed my print server but when i try to connect from the windows clients to printers (in the server) doing double click and i got the message "the server doesn't have the correct drivers"...somebody know how solve it, i need the clients take the drivers from the serve04:16
keyser_sozerosa_: I think this will help: http://www.enterprisenetworkingplanet.com/netsysm/article.php/362187605:27
rosa_thanks a lot! I will check it05:41
nick125:o That's really neat. I should try that on this school network I'm setting up with Windows clients and a Ubuntu server serving away.05:42
nick125Installing HP's crappy Windows drivers on 20-30 machines is enough to ruin ANYBODY'S day.05:45
twbI didn't know Microsoft shipped Windows with PostScript drivers pre-installed.05:59
rosa_yes even more if you have 200 students06:06
nick125rosa_: If I had to install the HP drivers, by hand, on 200 machines, I think I would actually hang myself.06:26
rosa_haha ...i am tring to follor the stet but when i try to install libcups2-dev i got Couldn't find package libcups2-dev06:37
rosa_i tried with aptitud also but the same??? any idea?06:38
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rosa_i intaleed thwe other packages but i can't find this package06:42
nick125rosa_: weird. I find the package here without problems.07:02
rosa_also when i try to unpacket the files from cups i got error :gnu/stubs-32.h: No file or directory but my server is AMB6407:10
nick125rosa_: Are you trying to build something?07:12
nick125If so, you'll *likely* need to run sudo apt-get build-dep cups07:13
rosa_no, just install the cups packet for windows that appear in the page that you told me07:13
nick125rosa_: run sudo apt-get build-dep cups and try again07:15
rosa_:) thanks07:16
nick125Let me know if it works.07:18
chrislabeardHey guys everytime i try and access my ftp server outside my network it times out after user and pass08:29
_rubenchrislabeard: sounds like a problem with active/passive ftp and connection tracking .. i assume it stalls at the point where it'd list the directory contents?08:46
chrislabeardi got it working my router wasn't forwarding the correct ports08:46
chrislabeardnow i want to test the speed08:46
uvirtbot`New bug: #408732 in lsb (main) "lsb package crash after login (dup-of: 383697)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40873208:46
rosahi sorry i lost the connection, can please repeat the command to re install or install properly the libcusp2-dev?08:50
* andol points rosa at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2009/08/04/%23ubuntu-server.html08:52
rosahi there sombody know how I can know if i have cups-dev installed or how install it?09:14
nick125rosa: You should be able to run sudo apt-get install libcups2-dev and it will tell you if it's installed or not. If you're still installing the build deps, running the build deps command (sudo apt-get build-deps cups) should install anything not installed.09:25
rosai tried but still i got souln't find package libcups2-dev09:26
nick125Still? Well, I think build deps should pull that in any case.09:27
rosahi nick125: in the article also say I need to install this packages gcc, libjpeg, libjpeg-devel, libpng, libpng-devel, libtiff, libtiff-devel, zlib, and zlib-devel  it is right cause also i can't get09:54
pascalouhi here10:01
pascaloui am having troublr to install grub on a md raid0 disk , can anyone help me?10:01
pascaloui get  The file /boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly10:02
rosaim sorry im new...how i can know which cups version im running?10:05
rosahi pascalou what is the error exaclty?10:15
simplexiopascalou: if i recall right you cant install grub into raid0.. i can be wrong too10:18
simplexiopascalou: raid1 is ok10:19
rosahi, which is the last version from cups for ubuntu 8.04?10:21
rosanick125 i had a doubt, i got the version 1.3.7 od cups but in the aticle that you said this version is not there. what i can do? i tried to upgrade but i cant i got my version is the last one10:23
pascalouescue me it s raid 110:45
pascalourosa it says that there s an error with the stage1 file10:45
pascaloui tried reinstalling grub and various things10:46
pascaloui work in a cgrrot on the new system from the live cd with a modified mtab and a rebinded /dev /proc /sys10:46
rosai remeber that i got the same problem and i did the process anyway usind (hd0) /dev/sda , etc...but i have Raid 010:58
rosaare you installing or recovering the system?10:59
rosai suppose is the same?11:00
simplexiopascalou: i have grub on raid1.. if i recall right you need to install grun into device not md11:02
rosayes, in every device that you have in your raid...11:08
rosahi nick a question...i try to follow the process to configurate cups (according the article) ..i understand libsys2.dev, cups-dev and libcups2-dev are the same?11:13
rosaif is the same, that mean my ubuntu version is the problem as I can install a newer cups version11:14
uvirtbot`New bug: #408779 in apparmor (main) "[karmic] dhcp fails with wireless link under 2.6.31-5-generic #24" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40877911:26
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uvirtbot`New bug: #408795 in apache2 (main) "frequent apache crash with "*** glibc detected *** /usr/sbin/apache2: double free or corruption" message" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40879512:14
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rosahi, i am doing cupsaddsmb  -U root -a -v, but i got the error : session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE...somebody know about that?12:35
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kim0Hi .. Can anyone please help me locate drbd-8.3 dkms deb package for hardy ?13:11
pmatuliskim0: use apt-get i guess13:16
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quizmeis there a way to reliable combine two sets of /etc/passwd and /etc/group files from two different machines ?13:20
pmatulisquizme: how many accounts from each machine?13:22
Grim76__doh sorry wrong pane13:24
andolGrim76__: been there, done that :)13:24
Grim76__Not quite awake this morning and forgot to ctrl-a tab to my other pane in screen.13:25
quizmepmatuliz: 57 and 3413:26
quizmepmatulis: 57 and 3413:26
quizmepmatulis: 23 are in common13:28
rosahi, i am doing cupsaddsmb  -U root -a -v, but i got the error : session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE...somebody know about that?13:33
kim0enabling the backports in Hardy .. I still only get drbd 2:8.0.11-0ubuntu3 ...13:34
quizmewhere are the passwords stored ?13:37
quizmei only see ascii characters in /etc/passwd13:37
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quizmepmatulis: i did it manually...13:50
highvoltagequizme: /etc/shadow13:51
pmatulisquizme: i fear you have a lot of grunt work to do13:51
pmatulisquizme: you're done already?13:51
quizmepmatulis: yeah, done, but when i symbolically link /etc/passwd to /vol/etc/passwd, i'm getting an error: sudo: uid 135 does not exist in the passwd file!13:56
quizmeoh fuk13:57
quizmei can't sudo now...13:57
NorthByNorthWeststefan__3: I get this: http://pastebin.com/d294c98a114:23
NorthByNorthWeststefan__3: cant see anything about those ports... or vnc...14:23
pmatulislooks like you can't connect via vnc then14:24
stefan__3no vnc daemon there14:24
NorthByNorthWestso I need to apt-get install one?14:25
stefan__3so that is why14:25
stefan__3which one did you use before ?14:25
NorthByNorthWestwell... I guerss there was one that came with the ubuntu server edition... cant remember that I installed one manually...14:26
stefan__3I have no knowledge of one that comes with the ubuntu server install, but I always install a CLI server ...14:27
stefan__3search on help.ubuntu.com14:27
_rubenserver = cli != vnc14:28
stefan__3there should be there some info about remotely accesing your box14:28
_rubenremote access + server = ssh14:30
pmatulis_ruben: nice math lesson14:30
stefan__3guys let's not put away noob users, linux needs all the users it can get, plus you can see he/she comes from a win background14:31
pmatulisNorthByNorthWest: you claimed that you accessed this server with vnc in the past14:32
NorthByNorthWestwell... I find some articles on help.ubuntu.com but I dont really know which path to take... I mean... when I installed the ubuntu server edition I could rdesktop into it no problemo.... and now, I just cant... so I guess I want to install the same vnc server that comes with ubuntu server edition....14:32
_rubenNorthByNorthWest: you can only vnc into an ubuntu desktop machine, not an ubuntu server machine14:32
NorthByNorthWestpmatulis: well... I accessed it from a terminal using 'rdesktop'14:32
_rubenerrr .. rdesktop is for microsoft windows remote desktop14:33
NorthByNorthWesthmm... but Im suer of it...14:33
_ruben!info rdesktop14:33
ubotturdesktop (source: rdesktop): RDP client for Windows NT/2000 Terminal Server. In component main, is optional. Version 1.6.0-2ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 134 kB, installed size 480 kB14:33
pmatulisNorthByNorthWest: did you see orange/brown or blue?14:34
NorthByNorthWestperhaps I should clarify that the the machine Im trying to access is a ubuntu server within an ubuntu server, running through vbox, if that makes a difference...14:36
NorthByNorthWestgahh.... hold on...14:37
NorthByNorthWestperhaps i booted the vm the wrong way!14:37
NorthByNorthWest*preemptive blush*14:38
ball_ruben: you can VNC into an Ubuntu Server box if you install VNC server and a suitable desktop or window manager.14:41
_rubenahhh .. a lot of virtualization products have their own builtin (graphical) remote admin interfaces, which can be based on vnc14:41
_rubenball: that's only partially through .. server + gui != server14:41
_rubenserver + gui = desktop14:41
_rubens/through/true though/14:41
_ruben(very odd typo)14:42
stefan__3yes virtualbox has a builtin vnc server14:42
stefan__3so NorthByNorthWest check that that setting is enabled on the vbox14:42
ball_ruben: not quite ;-)14:42
NorthByNorthWeststefan__3: yes... im checking that...14:43
ball_ruben: have you tried it?  I'm not talking about running an X server on the console.  I think I get where you're coming from, but clearly they're not the same thing.14:44
NorthByNorthWeststefan__3: well... this is a vbox issue... although vrdp is enabled it gets disabled when I boot the vm... weird...14:46
stefan__3NorthByNorthWest: search in the search engines for that problem14:48
j0nranyone happen to know how to construct the inner envelope of a peritrochoid?14:54
pmatulisj0nr: maybe try ##physics14:59
j0nrpmatulis: cheers15:02
traemccombshttp://paste.ubuntu.com/247258/   Trying to restart mysql and I get these errors15:28
_rubenseems like /etc/mysql/debian.cnf contains wrong info15:30
Sam-I-Amsounds like somehow the debian internal password got changed15:30
Sam-I-Amor that15:30
sgsaxif the restart is unable to stop mysqld (line 2), it means either the daemon was never started, or the saved pid is incorrect15:30
stefan__3if the user debian-sys-maint cannot connect that is not a major issue15:35
Jurhi there15:35
stefan__3that user just does the table checks15:35
sgsaxwhat kind of checks? (just curious)15:36
Juri'm a uber linux noob. how can I get out of the sudo manual :p15:36
stefan__3traemccombs: you would be better off looking in the mysql error log15:36
sgsaxJur: don't quite understand your question15:36
stefan__3sgsax: table checks for integrity or something like that , can't remember, i disable that every time15:37
sgsaxstefan__3: gotcha, never used it myself15:37
JurHi I just installed ubuntu server and now I have this cli. I ran the sudo manual but how can I exit it15:38
stefan__3sgsax: if you have a huge db. it is hell to restart it if you need to15:38
sgsaxJur: ah, "q" for quit15:38
stefan__3Jur: type   q15:38
stefan__3that should quit the man page15:38
Jurlol that's it thx15:38
Jurmy 1st time on linux cli15:39
_jmedinaman man15:39
sgsaxJur: welcome to linux :)15:40
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jmedinaI have strange behaivor changin vim modes15:42
jmedinawhen I in insert mode I can change to command using ESC, I have to type ctrl+c, that is weird15:42
Davieymeeting -->16:00
traemccombsI've opened the port with the following: /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -i eth1 -p tcp --destination-port 3306 -j ACCEPT  But for some reason it's still not listening.  I have mysql set with:  bind-address: SERVERS_IP_ADDRESS      instead of   is there anything else I need?16:06
Jurlol does the cli of ubuntuserver has a screensaver16:07
Jurpretty nice16:07
firecrotchTrying to connect to a pptp vpn from my Ubuntu server, and I get the error "Failed to set PPP kernel option flags: Inappropriate ioctl for device".  Everything in teh configuration files is correct, as it was copied directly from a Kubuntu machine that can connect just fine with kvpnc16:16
stefan__3firecrotch: I tried it in ubuntu desktop , it only worked with kvpnc , never been able to make it work otherwise16:17
Max007i'm trying to install ubuntu server 9.06 64bits on a HP ML350 G6 server. After the installation I can't get grub to show.. it says: trying to boot from hard drive...16:21
firecrotchstefan__3: Hmmm I solved it... something was trying to run /usr/bin/pptp  but pptp is located in /usr/sbin/16:23
firecrotchnice little symlink and all is well :-D16:24
stefan__3good to know firecrotch16:26
stefan__3that means that I haven't investigated enough16:26
firecrotchIt also means that there's a bug in a package somewhere16:26
stefan__3Max007: are you using 9.04 ?16:32
stefan__3that worked here on a g616:33
* andol wonders if anyone has any good opionon on bug #334374 and whatever ldap-auth-config perhaps is better suited as a Recommends than as a hard Depedency to libnss-ldap?16:58
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 334374 in libnss-ldap "libnss-ldap should not depend on libpam-ldap" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33437416:58
andolmathiaz: Would be nice if you were one of the anybodies just refered to ^^ :)17:00
sgsaxI'm wondering what most people would use ldap for if not with pam for auth17:02
andolsgsax: User info, without the auth part?17:02
Sam-I-Amwell, user info17:02
Sam-I-Ampasswd, shadow, group, netgrou;17:03
Sam-I-Ambunch of stuff17:03
Sam-I-Amperhaps if theres a config tool for nss it should be more generic .. like nss-config17:04
sgsaxI've been fighting with ldap for the last two weeks17:04
sgsaxfinally got it working17:04
Sam-I-Amthen something different for authentication that would install pam modules depending on selections17:04
Sam-I-Amsgsax: its a hoot...17:04
sgsaxthis is for auth against AD, so doubly-fun17:05
andolsgsax: yeah, mixed enviroments can be really fun...17:06
Sam-I-Ammmm, proxy17:06
Sam-I-Ami usually get the job of ridding departments of AD17:07
sgsaxI wish I could17:11
sgsaxno such luck yet17:11
Sam-I-Ami'm kinda waiting to see what samba4 brings17:13
Sam-I-Amcurious if ubuntu will go with heimdal over MIT kerberos17:13
Sam-I-Amsince they seem to be integrating well with samba517:13
Sam-I-Amer, 417:13
sgsaxI thought heimdal had been depricated in favor of mit17:15
Sam-I-Amhmm, didnt think so17:16
sgsaxso is kerberos still the preferred auth method with ldap againast AD?17:19
Sam-I-Ami think so17:22
Sam-I-Amthats how the boxes work here before i get rid of AD17:22
sgsaxthere are a lot of docs out there on using winbind17:22
Sam-I-Amthat might also work17:22
sgsaxwasn't sure if that's where things were going17:22
Sam-I-Amalthough i think winbind was more of an NT-style domain thing since AD uses kerberos17:23
sgsaxI had always had the impression that winbind was what people used on a small-scale17:23
sgsaxah, that would make sense17:23
sgsaxI knew there was a reason why I had been staying away from it17:23
andolsgsax: Regarding kerberos, that is pretty much what AD uses för authentication.17:23
sgsaxgood to know17:24
sgsaxand I did finally get it working17:24
sgsaxwe actually had it working on our gentoo boxes, which I am phasing out in favor of ubuntu17:24
sgsaxbut when I tried replicating the configs on ubuntu, it took a while to get it all sorted out17:24
sgsaxthe versions of nss-ldap and pam-ldap are only a couple revs newer on jaunty17:25
sgsaxI think part of my problem may have also been an unhealty AD17:25
Sam-I-Amtheres also nss-ldapd :)17:25
Sam-I-Amwhich... has its own issues17:26
Sam-I-Amtempting to try nssov from openldap at some point17:26
sgsaxyeah, we still need AD, unfortunately17:26
sgsaxuntil samba can do GPOs...17:26
sgsaxwhich are really the only redeeming feature of AD17:27
Sam-I-Amyes, quite17:27
Sam-I-Amonce i nuke AD in this environment, i'm going to toss samba4 into the testbed and see what i can make it do17:28
Sam-I-Amwhich brings up the mit/heimdal question again17:28
Sam-I-Amand then there's the issue with which security suite will everything use17:28
sgsaxwhat do you do for print services?17:28
sgsaxI've ended up with a dual solution: samba/cups for linux desktops, Windows printing for Windows desktops17:29
Sam-I-Amdebian/ubuntu seem to like gnutls over openssl... frankly i think gnutls is broken... and then there's mozilla/netscape17:29
sgsaxcups wasn't quite good enough for my Windows users17:29
Sam-I-Amcups can be a little rough... but very little printing happens here17:29
Sam-I-Amits mainly centralized auth and file storage17:29
sgsaxI work in a CS dept at a uni17:30
sgsaxgot users who need to print17:30
sgsaxwe used to impose quotas and have students pay for going over, but got our hands slapped by the auditor17:31
Sam-I-Amoh, print quotas are messy17:32
Sam-I-Ami did that once17:32
Sam-I-Amwound up hacking something to make it work... been quite a few years now17:32
sgsaxwhile there are some decent tools for print quotas on Windows, there's little to nothing for *nix17:32
sgsaxour solution was homegrown17:32
sgsaxnow I just have to keep them running17:33
Sam-I-Amprinting isnt big here, but i usually have other interesting things to integrate... like RSA tokens17:35
Sam-I-Amand unfortunately most of that software only runs on windows, has vague/limited ldap support, and the tech support folks are sub par17:35
Sam-I-Amthis particularly company is very difficult to get answers out of... even with a fat support contract.17:36
sgsaxsounds typical17:37
sgsaxsalesmen make a great pitch to the PHB17:37
sgsaxthe admins get stuck making it work with little or no help from vendor support17:37
Sam-I-Ami was fairly surprised to see this package even supporting ldapv317:38
Sam-I-Amit also does SSL, but not starttls... which is irritating.17:39
Sam-I-Amit also doesn't understand groups in ldap... of any sort.17:39
jmedinaSam-I-Am: hi sam17:40
jmedinaSam-I-Am: what package?17:40
sgsaxthat sucks17:40
sgsaxgroups was my last big battle with ldap17:41
Sam-I-Amactividentity 4tress17:41
Sam-I-Amjmedina: howdy17:41
sgsaxwas only getting about half of them  pulled down, and even not all of those were correctly populated17:41
jmedinaSam-I-Am: just lurking17:42
Sam-I-Amthis just doesnt do it at all... in order to consider someone authorized to access something via the token, it wants to see a certain attribute for each user17:42
Sam-I-Amso i have to do something like employeeType = netadmin17:42
sgsaxdid you have to extend the AD schema?17:42
Sam-I-Ami'm not using the AD schema17:43
jmedinaI hate when ldap apps requiere extra attributes instead of using groups17:43
Sam-I-Amcisco acs is another problem17:48
Sam-I-Amit doesnt even support a user database outside of itself... but it will read passwords from ldap17:48
Sam-I-Amkinda hurts the whole idea of centralized management17:48
denndaIs mod_python installed per default on ubuntu server?17:49
jmedinadamn, I dont know what happened to vim :S17:49
jmedinadennda: afaik no17:49
jmedinaonly built-in m odules17:49
sgsaxwe just got a new contract for copiers17:51
sgsaxturns out they can do ldap lookups, but not for auth-ing users, just for looking up email addresses17:51
Sam-I-Amsgsax: been there17:59
* jmedina uses minolta copies with ldap17:59
Sam-I-Amsgsax: i had to manage those separately using *gasp* access17:59
Sam-I-Amand of course it couldnt dump its logs over ethernet... i had to go around with a laptop and a usb cable17:59
uvirtbot`New bug: #408948 in samba (main) "winxp discovery fail when machine name truncated at 15 chars" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40894818:01
bobgi have jaunty running in a xen VM with the linux-virtual kernel. When I run "sudo update-grub" I get a "Segmentation fault". Any suggestions on how I can fix this?19:22
bobgi have tracked down my update-grup "segementation fault" to "exec /usr/share/debconf/frontend /usr/sbin/update-grub" -- frontend is a perl script19:38
bobgany perl script fails when it includes "use Debconf::Db;"19:55
bobgrebooting seems to have fixed my problem19:58
heath|workevery time I log into my JeOS 9.04 servers I am prompted for [sudo] , I wouldn't care because I always sudo -i after, but now I need scp and it won't let me20:36
sgsaxdefine "it won't let me"20:40
heath|workafter the scp stuff.tar.gz server:/path I enter the connecting password, then I am prompted for [sudo]:  When I type for the sudo command it is echoed back to me, but doesn't take20:42
heath|worksudo command => sudo password20:43
heath|workIs there  a way I can find out what is running that is requiring the sudo?20:43
sgsaxso you are trying to do "sudo scp something somehwere:/foo"20:44
heath|workno... I know this is confusing, so sorry. Scrape the scp , I need to figure out why I am being requested to sudo right after I login20:45
sgsaxthat does sound odd20:45
sgsaxI'm not familiar with the details of jeos20:46
sgsaxbut I wouldn't expect they're doing anything to off-the-wall with it20:46
sgsaxit's intended to just be an ubuntu appliance, right?20:46
heath|workwell, I think it may have to do with the first login or first run scripts, but I can't figure out how to see what script is requiring the sudo20:47
heath|workyeah, just an appliance20:47
sgsaxif you can login to it, look at .profile .bashrc .login .bash_profile20:47
sgsaxthen see if any of them source a system-wide config somewhere20:47
heath|workwill do thanks20:50
=== rgreening_ is now known as rgreening
chrislabeardis there anyway to get your server to text you without using a gsm modem ?22:28
Sam-I-Amchrislabeard: some services allow TAP dialing into their systems22:33
Sam-I-Amdial in with a modem, send text, disconnect22:33
chrislabeardoh okay22:33
chrislabeardi thought you can send txts with regular old internet connection22:34
Sam-I-Amyou can too22:34
Sam-I-Amdepends if you want to send texts regarding your internet connection outage :)22:34
chrislabeardIts not too big of a deal i just wanted to mess around with it22:35
sgsaxchrislabeard: if your cell carrier has an email gateway, you can just have your server send email to it22:47
chrislabearddoes this website look generic to you guys http://longhornpcrepair.com22:50
sarthorHi, i used shaper for bandwith controlling, i wrote 255 files for the whole subnet, and were then located in /etc/shpaer/, not in 9.04 the pakage is changed a bit, its now shaperd, How to configure shaperd now? will that already 255 configured files will work with this shapred also??22:54
lukehasnonamechrislabeard, what's with the latin22:58
sgsaxlukehasnoname: it's semi-random filler text23:02
sgsaxgoogle the first couple of words and you'll get the whole history of typesetting23:02
lukehasnonameSan Antonio resident here, btw23:04
sarthorHi, i used shaper for bandwith controlling, i wrote 255 files for the whole subnet, and were then located in /etc/shpaer/, not in 9.04 the pakage is changed a bit, its now shaperd, How to configure shaperd now? will that already 255 configured files will work with this shapred also??23:23
sarthorHi, i used shaper for bandwith controlling, i wrote 255 files for the whole subnet, and were then located in /etc/shpaer/, not in 9.04 the pakage is changed a bit, its now shaperd, How to configure shaperd now? will that already 255 configured files will work with this shapred also??23:54
uvirtbot`New bug: #409093 in samba (main) "package samba-common 2:3.3.2-1ubuntu3.1 failed to install/upgrade: Unterprozess post-installation script gab den Fehlerwert 1 zur?ck" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40909323:55

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