
aquariushey st09:21
aquariuser, statik09:21
statiki just walked off the plane and into the platform team sprint. there are 100 people here!09:23
kklimondaI just got an awesome traceback :)09:47
kklimondaech, already reported :/09:47
jameshwhat's the problem?09:48
kklimondapyinotify doesn't work with libc 2.10.109:49
kklimondaUnsupportedLibcVersionError: Libc 2.10.1 is unsupported, requires at least Libc 2.409:50
statikoh nice09:50
jameshyou can work around the problem locally, while waiting for a new pyinotify package.09:50
kklimondaI know09:50
jameshwell, if you know what you're doing I'll leave it up to you :)09:51
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ejheEr there anyone who can tell me how to completely remove every settings from ubuntu one? I wont to add a differant account10:37
jameshejhe: first thing to do would be to make sure ubuntuone-client-applet and ubuntuone-syncdaemon are not running10:39
ejheyes i have done that10:39
jameshejhe: next, remove the authentication token from your keyring.  You can do this by opening the "Passwords and Encryption Keys" application in the accessories menu10:40
jameshpick the passwords tab and then delete the "UbuntuOne token"10:40
jameshmove or delete the "Ubuntu One" folder in your home directory10:41
jameshand finally remove the ~/.cache/ubuntuone directory10:41
ejheokay, i have removed it10:41
ejheokay... that should do it?10:42
jameshthe last one holds metadata used to synchronise the ~/Ubuntu One folder, so if you remove one you should remove the other10:42
jameshthat should be enough.  If you start the applet again, it should notice that the authentication token is gone and restart the auth process.10:43
ejhegreat it is working, thanks:D10:43
jameshkklimonda: awesome.  You've uploaded a new pyinotify package11:05
torosHmmm, does this mean, we will see firefox+ubuntuone integration in two days? :)13:07
CardinalFangMEETING BEGINS15:01
CardinalFangEveryone who is here for the stand-up meeting, say "me".  We'll go in that order15:01
CardinalFang.  Say what's going on prefixed with "DONE", "TODO", and maybe "BLOCKED".15:01
CardinalFanget tu, pfibiger?15:02
pfibigerlisten buddy, i will tell you one more time, i won't join your group! ops+ for life.15:02
dobeyi think vds and teknico are who we're missing?15:02
aquariusvds, statik?15:02
dobeystatik and rodrigo are sprinting15:03
vdsteknico is on holiday15:03
urbanapeDONE: Total reorganization of the overlay behavior code. Almost even works.15:03
urbanapeTODO: Pair with mars later on to get a sanity check on the way we're doing YUI 3 stuff. On-call reviewer.15:03
urbanapeBLOCK: Nada.15:03
urbanapejblount, if you please15:03
jblountDONE: More css, cursing at the yui css stuff, hoping for redemption in a branch. Yeah, it was that poetic.15:03
jblountTODO: Land this branch, determine next steps of ui tightening15:03
jblountCardinalFang: Ping, and pong15:03
jblountBLOCKED: Nope.15:03
CardinalFangDONE: Worked on desktopcouch test failures.  One failure stopped happening, mysteriously.  :(  :)  Pushed some code to lp to be merged.15:03
CardinalFangTODO: I will finish mail transactions today!15:03
CardinalFangBLOCKED: '()15:03
CardinalFangaquarius, it's you, sirrah!15:03
aquarius☺ DONE: working on desktopcouch new design doc installation procedures; evaluating couchdbkit15:04
aquarius☹ TODO: talk to #tomboy about piston oauth; learn about process groups; branch to do desktopcouch startup15:04
aquarius☹ BLOCKED: none15:04
aquariusA man, a plan, a canal: dobey15:04
dobey☭ DONE: Fixed upstream OAuth Python module to have unit tests, finish 1.0a support15:04
dobey☭ TODO: Lots of UI/Critial Bugfix hacking, Tarmac AMI15:04
dobey☭ BLCK: 1.0a on server side (pending oauth.py upstream 1.0a patch approval)15:04
dobeyvds: buon litaliano!15:04
vdsDONE: finished and proposed the branch for contact snapshots, started a branch to fix a problem on funambol_cared tree15:05
vdsTODO: land both branches15:05
vdsBLOCKED: nope15:05
vdsI think that's it15:05
CardinalFangMEETING ENDS   kthxby15:05
* jblount looks forward to where the unicode battle will lead us15:07
dobeytry: main() except: log_and_be_happy()15:23
statikhammer and sickle, wow15:24
* jblount is also excited about this branch: https://edge.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-client/launcher-verbage15:25
dobeyjblount: now you can turn your excitement into a review15:26
jblountdobey: Yo! What up with the no-password-tab in seahorse with Karmic? I'm confused about where to remove tokens for U115:41
dobeyi don't know15:42
dobeyjblount: file a bug "passwords and encryption keys doesn't list passwords"15:42
dobeyjblount: it's obviously a bug/regression15:43
rmcbridewow yea just noticed that15:43
jblountdobey: Cool, I thought it was just something that I missed / didn't understand.15:43
dobeyit appears to be senseless murder15:44
statikaquarius, do you know if the changes for couchdb port discovery have landed upstream yet?15:51
aquariusstatik, which changes?15:54
aquariusoh, you mean upstream in couchdb? no, they haven't15:54
dobeyjblount: i think you need to say "bug" before the #foo15:55
statikaquarius, thanks. are they on track to be included in the 0.10 release? i really hate these sleep statements in desktopcouch waiting for the process to finish starting so we can find the port15:55
statikCardinalFang, nobody has changed the topic in #mysql-dev since you did last december15:57
CardinalFangyeah, I noticed.15:57
aquariusstatik, yep, but I'll chase it up with jan15:57
CardinalFangstatik, It's worse than that.  It's the December before last.15:58
statikhey CardinalFang, aquarius: kenvandine and rickspencer3 and I were talking with sabdfl about gwibber this morning, and i promised that chadmiller would help some with getting gwibber-2.0 ready for karmic15:59
statikdobey: we're discussing putting U1 connect/disconnect in the network manager menu for karmic16:01
statikdo you know about this?16:01
dobeyyes, and i already said it's not doable. the patches to nm-applet would be too invasive, and we'd also need to patch whatever kubuntu/xubuntu use, and it would screw over the wicd/connman users even more16:03
dobeyunelss of course, we also patched those as well16:04
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kenvandinedobey, i am with  you on this!16:07
dobeyand we already provide that functionality in nautilus anyway16:08
* CardinalFang downloads gwibber source.16:09
CardinalFangstatik, aquarius, kenvandine, rickspencer3:  What should the protocol be for using desktopcouch as a config storage, where an app already uses its own local storage?  Read from DC only, if possible, and write to both?16:17
kenvandineCardinalFang, i would think why not write to both16:18
kenvandinebut... no idea what that might cause :)16:19
CardinalFangtry: v = get_value_from_couchdb(key)  except (ValueError, KeyError): v = get_value_from_local()16:19
CardinalFangtry: set_value_in_couchdb(key, type, value)  except: pass   set_value_in_local(key, value)16:20
kenvandinestatik says yes16:20
kenvandinehe is having laptop problems right now16:21
kenvandinehi CardinalFang, this is statik. can you contact ryan paul and ask him what help he needs with general gwibber 2.0 stuff too, not just changing to use couchdb? i'd like for us to pitch in and help the desktop team hit that goal for karmic16:22
kenvandineCardinalFang, this is kenvandine again :)16:22
CardinalFangkenvandine / statik, okeh.  Darn.  I was hoping to have a gwibber patch in less than 10 minutes.  :(16:23
kenvandinehe is re-organizing gwibber for 2.0 and we need to finish his 2.0 features for karmic by freeze16:23
kenvandineCardinalFang, well16:23
kenvandinehe does want to use couch :)16:23
kenvandineone of his goals is to drop the gconf dependancy and store prefs in couch16:24
kenvandinewhich will make it more friendly for kde, etc16:24
kenvandineCardinalFang, he should be sleeping still... but i can try to help introduce you guys in a bit16:24
kenvandineCardinalFang, ok?16:24
CardinalFangkenvandine, Yesplease.16:25
aquariusstatik, aha, it's getting committed to trunk very shortly16:26
kenvandineaquarius, what is that? couch?16:27
kenvandineCardinalFang, lp:~segphault/gwibber/service-split16:28
kenvandinethat is the branch that will be 2.016:28
aquariuskenvandine, yes: a patch to output the running port number to the log16:29
kenvandineaquarius, ok, so not all we need for 0.10 :)16:29
statiki hate my netbook16:30
kenvandinestatik, it looks nice though :)16:30
kenvandineCardinalFang, #gwibber on irc.arstechnica.com16:31
statik:) it's probably a software problem16:31
kenvandineCardinalFang, but he isn't awake yet :)16:31
kenvandineor user :)16:31
aquariuskenvandine, ah, all the stuff we need is being done as we speak; they're planning to have a 0.10 release that we need out by mid-next-week16:31
statikhi urbanape, aquarius: ken just showed me a weird bug in bindwood. when i look at the all documents view in the bookmarks db in futon, i see 16 documents. when i look at the design view it shows only 6 documents. is this working for you guys?16:41
aquariusstatik, that's weird16:47
aquariusand...firefox crash, which makes it difficult to test. hang on16:48
aquariusstatik, nope, the bookmarks all show in http://localhost:5984/_utils/database.html?bookmarks/_design%2Fviews%2Fdisplay16:50
jdobrienwow..."Scanning Disks" sure is taking a long time on the partitioner...I hope it's just looking for upgrade candidates17:00
statikaquarius, any tricks for debugging it?17:03
statikis there a way for me to dump all the records and the design doc?17:03
kenvandinehang on17:03
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aquariuswill dump all the records as json17:15
aquariuser, http://localhost:5984/bookmarks/_all_docs?include_docs=true17:15
statikoh, include_docs=true makes all the difference in the world. you system couchdb user you17:20
statikaquarius, urbanape: here is the dump of my records http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/247327/17:23
statikhowever, only 6 show up in the design view17:23
statikthese lines seem interesting:   # PlacesOrganizer/OrganizerQuery: ""17:24
statik                      # places/excludeFromBackup: ""17:24
aquariusaha, most of them don't have a uri17:24
aquariusso they're weird broken bookmarks17:24
statikso here is the sequence of events17:25
statik1) install bindwood, observe 6 bookmarks there17:25
statik2) add a couple of other bookmarks, maybe restart the browser, and then notice 16 records17:25
statikand the new bookmarks aren't showing up17:25
aquariusthere are two sorts of bookmarks: actual real proper bookmarks, and odd things that live in Places that aren't really a bookmark. bindwood certainly used to and may still sync the weird ones17:26
aquariusbut the weird ones don't have a uri so they don't show up in the view17:26
aquariusI think. urbanape knows more about this than I do17:26
statiki should search this dump for the new real bookmarks17:26
aquariustry adding a bookmark in firefox17:26
aquariusand see if it shows up in the view17:26
urbanapeI think that's correct.17:26
urbanapekenvandine (I think) reported the same thing a while ago.17:27
statikyeah, i tried adding a bookmark and it doesn't show up in the view17:27
kenvandineurbanape, yeah.. i showed it to statik17:27
statikurbanape, what would be the most useful thing to check to see why the bookmark isn't being added? after i add the bookmark I do see a new record in the db17:30
urbanapeWhat I noticed when chatting with ken was that the subsequent update events that populate the URI fails.17:31
urbanapeThe title still gets set.17:31
urbanape(for instance)17:31
kenvandineurbanape, not always17:32
kenvandinemost of them don't get the title17:32
kenvandinebut it clearly creates a record.. and there is history17:32
* urbanape needs more time. And more urbanapes.17:34
statiki know that feeling17:34
statikgafton, do you remember what was the team subscription that was expiring that someone mentioned this morning?17:54
statikah, nm i found it17:55
* jblount gets started cloning urbanape 18:06
urbanapemy wife will be so pleased.18:06
jblountGlad to be of service18:06
statikhi CardinalFang, can you set a commit message on this merge proposal so tarmac can land it? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~cmiller/desktopcouch/test_errors_bug405612/+merge/963818:10
CardinalFangstatik, Rgr.  Done.18:11
statikin soviet russia, code comments on you18:13
statikthree desktopcouch branches incoming18:18
CardinalFangkenvandine, Sadly, I don't know couchdb at all.18:23
kenvandineoh... i thought you did18:24
CardinalFangI've learned some in the last week or so.18:24
* kenvandine is confused18:24
kenvandinewell you'll get to hack on it :)18:24
kenvandineCardinalFang, can you hang on in #gwibber?18:25
statikdesktopcouch 0.2 is released and uploaded to beta ppa, and it's 7pm. i'm going to dinner...tomorrow!18:59
rmcbridehave fun statik19:00
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