
Keybukrandom of the day12:48
* Keybuk wonders whether this works12:48
Keybuk  int12:48
Keybuk  foo (nih_local void *ptr)12:48
Keybuk  {12:48
Keybuk          nih_ref (ptr, NULL);12:48
Keybuk          // use ptr safe in the knowledge that it won't get unreferenced12:48
Keybuk  }12:48
KeybukI'm trying to come up with a clever way of doing something and failing :-(22:05
wasabi_Try harder.22:06
Keybukbasically for the tests/test_*.c files, I want to have a function per test case22:06
wasabi_You can do it!22:06
Keybukand want the list of test case functions auto-generated22:07
Keybukbut can't figure out a clean way to do it :-/22:07
wasabi_Ahh. Got me. Since I use C# I'd just use reflection. ;)22:08

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