
knomeSiDi, :P11:03
U81Hi everyone.12:55
U81I'm a newbie and wanted to see how good linux really is?12:55
U81I installed Xubuntu 9.04 on my old desktop and everything went fine.12:56
U81I logged into the desktop and connected to the net.12:56
U81All went well btu when I rebooted, the desktop is a blank blue screen with no menus etc.12:57
U81I thought the installation got corrupted and reinstalled the same.12:57
U81First time all went well and after a reboot the same problem occurs.12:58
U81so everytime i log into Xubuntu, the desktop is a blue screen with no menus, taskbars etc.12:58
U81When i press CTRL+ALT+F1, the tty console opens.12:58
U81When I type CTRL+ALT+DEL, the logoff screen appears.12:59
knomeU81, delete ~/.cache where ~ is /home/yourusername12:59
U81But when I log back into the user account, again a blue screen.12:59
U81I'm sorry I don''t know where to find it13:00
knomeU81, you might have to do that every time until we find a possible bug that is causing that13:00
knomelog in from tty1, for example13:00
U81But, I'm sorry, I don't know what do I have to delete and how.13:00
U81So, I need to press CTRL+ALT+F1, am I correct13:01
knomeU81, ctrl+alt+f1 and login13:01
U81I'm typing on my laptop and doing as you say on my desktop now.13:01
knomerm -rf .cache13:01
U81logged in13:02
U81now what do I do13:02
knomeU81, rm -rf .cache13:02
U81did that. next please?13:02
knomejust reboot13:02
knomeand you should be able to log in13:02
knomewith GUI13:03
U81So I just press CTRL+ALT+del to reboot. Am I right?13:04
U81so what do I do?13:04
knome'sudo reboot' without the 's would work from the terminal13:04
U81Please excuse me for this, but what exactly should I type in?13:05
knomesudo reboot13:05
U81I'll let you know in a minute if it worked.13:05
knomeokay, sure.13:05
U81while the comp restarts, may I ask you, how to log back into the GUI from the TTY prompt?13:07
U81knome, only blue screen again.13:09
U81no success13:09
knomeU81, interesting... how much ram do you have?13:09
U81oh. it's worked now.13:10
knomewhat was wrong the first time then?13:10
U81Sorry about the premature answer.13:10
U81No, it just took a lot of time to show the desktop.13:11
U81only blue screen was visible intially.13:11
U81Can you also please tell me how to log back into GUI from TTY13:11
U81knome, is this blue screen problem a known issue?13:12
knomeU81, i've heard it a few times13:13
U81knome, thank you very much for your kind assitance.13:13
knomeU81, no problem.13:16
knomeU81, oh, from tty you get back to TTY with ctrl+alt+f7 (or f9)13:16
U81knome, will this blue screen problem keep on recurring13:16
U81knome, you mean from tty I get back to GUI by pressing CTRL+alt+F7 o13:17
U81how to run the crucial memory scanner windows.exe file on xubuntu? or is there a substitute?13:18
knomeU81, memtest, if you want to test if your memory is okay13:19
knomeU81, yes, ctrl+alt+f7 and you get back to GUI13:19
knomeU81, there would be no point to run the windows memory scanner in ubuntu because there is (way better) native alternatives13:20
U81memtest is available online is it? or are you referring to memtest option the grub? Also, how can I find out if I can upgrade to more memory or not?13:21
knome!info memtest13:21
ubottuPackage memtest does not exist in jaunty13:21
knome!info memtest8613:21
ubottuPackage memtest86 does not exist in jaunty13:21
knome!info memtest86+13:21
ubottumemtest86+ (source: memtest86+): thorough real-mode memory tester. In component main, is standard. Version 2.11-3ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 119 kB, installed size 388 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64 lpia hurd-i386)13:21
knomeU81, memtest is installed by default, you don't need to install it neither use the live cd13:22
U81knome,so what do I do to get memtest running?13:22
knomeU81, whether you can upgrade to more memory or not... you have to consult the pc details (if it has empty slots - or, if you can replace the memory sticks with bigger ones)13:22
knomeuh, i don't know about the command13:24
U81knome, I know I don't have any free slots. The motherboard is very old, I don't know of another way of checking whether the motherbaord will accept bigger memory sticks.13:24
knomeSiDi, do you remember the memtest launch command/can test it?13:25
knomei'm not on a (x)ubuntu machine right now so i can't check it myself13:26
U81knome, if you can give me instructions, I can check it right now on the xubuntu machine.13:26
SiDii dont knome13:26
U81do I need to go to tty or GUI13:27
SiDiisnt it on boot ?13:27
U81I think so just as well? Is there however another way of starting it from within xubuntu?13:27
U81Also, what results should I look for?13:28
knomeU81, well, "no bad sectors" or sth13:28
knomeyes, i suppose it is on grub as well actually..13:28
knomebut you have to go to grub first manually13:29
knomeand then select the memtest13:29
U81knome, so I have to restart to get to the grub manually? Correct?13:30
knomeU81, yes. it's the "boot menu"13:30
knomeU81, i think the default waiting time is 3-5 seconds or so13:30
U81I'll get at that now.13:30
knomeU81, remember, memtest is infinite13:31
U81knome, thanks once again for all your kind assitance.13:31
knomeU81, but you should check about 2 hours for the memory13:31
U81knome, thanks again.13:31
knomeU81, and see if it's still intact after that13:31
knomeU81, no problem.13:31
U81Hopefully the memory is fine.13:31
U81I must say that even with 384MB xubuntu is not as quick as I thought it would be?13:32
knomeU81, you have to remember xubuntu is a OS from 2009 and 384 ram was much many years a go.13:32
knomeU81, 2 gigs of ram isn't that crazy on a normal pc anymore13:33
U81that you are right about.? I however, thought that installing Xubuntu might make my old comp resusable, I'm not sure of that yet anyway.13:33
knomei think it is. 384 quite a lot.13:34
knomeas long as you don't run many apps parallel, you will be fine13:34
U81knome, in fact I ordered 512 i.e. 2x256. But, I think one of the 256mb sticks is faulty.13:34
U81knome, I have now set the memory test on, so I guess, I can now go to sleep for 2 hours!!13:39
U81thanks again knome.13:39
knomeno problem, again :)13:44
knomegood night ;)13:44
* penguin42 is trying xubuntu today (normally a Gnome user) - but some things aren't entirely obvious to me (I'm on karmic)13:49
knomesee you later ->13:49
penguin42simplest question - how do I add a launcher to the panel for an item that's on the menus?13:50
U81knome, I was messing regarding sleeping. I'm in Ireland and it's 13:45 hrs here.13:51
U81I'm in the office working on the office computer.13:51
U81sure thing13:51
* penguin42 wonders why new apps seem to be appearing at the bottom of the stack14:56
knomepenguin42, adding new launchers -> right-click panel -> add new items -> launcher (no, you can't yet drag and drop :/)15:27
knomepenguin42, "bottom of the stack" ?15:27
penguin42knome: Thanks, I did add stuff with new launcher in the end - after trying drag and drop and also trying right click on the options in the menu :-)15:28
penguin42knome: Yeh, new windows seem to keep appearing below all the others15:28
knomeoh rigth15:28
knomesee settings -> window manager, tab "focus"15:29
penguin42which is a bit of a pain when you have a window full screen15:29
penguin42knome: Yeh, and I explicitly don't have focus on new windows or raise on focus - but it still surprises me that it's defaulting to behind stuff15:30
knomethere was some discussion about this but i can't remember what was the outcome or even what exactly was discussed15:31
* penguin42 doesn't like notification boxes suddenly appearing and taking the focus - but it's the placement in the stack which is surprising me - I'd still things to be visible when they're opened!15:31
knomei have "focus to new windows" enabled but "raise on focus" disabled15:31
knomeand i think that's the way i suppose you'd want it too15:32
knomei don't use notification boxes so...15:32
penguin42yes, although actually I don't want focus on new either - just want the window to be visible15:32
knomehmmh, i think there's a logical inconsistency, if you don't want focus for it but want it to be visible15:33
penguin42is there anyway to change the keybindings on the window menus?15:33
knomewhat do you mean?15:33
knomethe alt+f for file menu?15:33
penguin42no, the alt-space menu15:34
knomenot that i know of at least15:34
penguin42quite a few of the ones I use a lot don't seem to have bindings15:34
penguin42the gnome bindings on that menu are quite nice - e.g. alt-space, t to force a window to stay on the top or a to keep it on all desktops15:35
knomei suppose you could wait for other insights or ask #xfce15:36
penguin42oh, didn't know #xfce, I'll look there15:37
penguin42ok, one last question - is there a shortcut for screenlock?15:37
knomeyou can create one15:37
knomei'm not sure if there is one by default - i don't use lock either..15:37
penguin42?JOIN ~XFCE15:38
dutchmanI asked in #ubuntu, but didnt get a response, so i figured I would try here too. I want to add a small script to run first thing after init, Im used to looking in /etc/inittab to find the scripts that it runs, but ubuntu dosent have this file (initng?) Anyone know where I should be looking15:43
knomedutchman, are you running ubuntu or xubuntu?15:43
dutchmanon this computer ubuntu, on my laptop xubuntu.15:44
penguin42dutchman: Do you have a preference for how soon - do you just want it to happen before login?15:44
dutchmanhopefully before /proc gets mounted15:44
penguin42dutchman: It looks like /etc/init has all the equivalents of /etc/iniitab - one file per entry15:44
dutchmanyou mean init.d15:45
penguin42dutchman: No I don't15:45
penguin42dutchman: /etc/init.d are the scripts that are linked to the run levels in /etc/rc*.d , /etc/init looks like the replacement for /etc/inittab15:45
penguin42anyway, if I wanted just to add something small during boot up just for my machine I think the easiest think would be to add it to /etc/rc.local15:46
dutchmanwell then, its a different file in ubuntu. but knowing that its possibly renamed is pretty much the start i need15:47
dutchmanno, i want to use pivot_root which needs to happen early, and before and after there are a few setup requirements15:48
penguin42ah I see, is it easier to put it in the init ram disc?15:49
dutchmanim basically building a livecd, the initrd will setup a readonly copy of the filesystem, and then unionfs will use tmpfs to merge the two, and then pivot_root to it.15:50
dutchmanuse ^A tmpfs*15:51
penguin42does the init script in the initrd do the pivot_root and then exec init?15:52
dutchmanwell i used to do this with archlinux, and the way i had it setup was, #1 the initrd would mount a tmpfs and copy a squashfs filesystem to it then #2 it would mount that image to /dev/loop0, #3 the initrd would exit calling init, and init would run a startup script, the very first few lines would then use unionfs to merge a tmpfs and the /dev/loop0 filesystems together15:56
dutchmani know theres more then one way to setup a livecd but im stuck on trying to figure out where exactly to put my post-initrd magic15:57
penguin42nod - had a look at the ubuntu live cds to see how ?15:57
dutchmanyes, some, but at this point its not going to help me find what im looking for.16:02
elharrachihi, am a newbe and need some help about softwares; codecs, navigators16:03
penguin42what exactly are your questions?16:04
elharrachii couldnt read mp, with the listen player, i ve just installed xubuntu, and couldnt find codecs or don't know how to16:06
penguin42elharrachi: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats   I think is what you need16:07
dutchmanperhaps /etc/init.d/mountkernfs.sh After all, that is exactly what im doing, i think it will work, thanks for the help16:07
elharrachithanks penguin4216:37
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crazygirI seem to have lost my taskbar and launcher after rebooting my system, how do you get these back?17:07
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dutchmancrazygir: run xfce4-panel in a terminal, and then logout choosing to save the session17:26
crazygirah. thanks :)17:30
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moodogevening :)17:49
praseodymhow do I make a bootable xubuntu install disk on a usb drive?18:29
praseodymwhen I just use the cd iso it doesn't work18:29
praseodymI'm on a mac18:31
praseodymhm, can't find an alternative18:36
gaurdroI bought a new laptop and installed xubuntu on it then copied the contents of my home folder (including hidden directories) to the home folder on the new one. but it's not picking up any of my settings or anything.18:40
gaurdroold laptop is running 8.04.3 new is running 9.04.   any ideas as to why?18:40
praseodymgaurdro: settings for?18:40
gaurdroeverything.  the hidden .* folders hold per-user settings for most programs.18:42
praseodymI take it you copied everything without having those programs running?18:42
gaurdroI've done that trick before when re-installing a system or moving to a new one.18:42
praseodympermissions all set correctly?18:43
ptizzypraseodym: i made a bootable thumb drive a while back.  i'll try to find the instructions i used...18:44
* penguin42 thought there was a program that did it all for you18:44
ptizzyhe's on a mac, though18:45
gaurdroI believe so.  ssh didn't complain about keys, so they should all still be intact18:45
ptizzypraseodym: got https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick, scroll down to the "Manual Approach" section18:45
ptizzygot = goto18:46
praseodymptizzy: looks like what I need, will try that18:47
praseodymI also found something at debian which sort of bootloads the iso18:47
noobuntu7I've never used IRC before... but I need help. All the items on my xfce-4 panel disappeared.19:00
noobuntu7I tried posting to the Ubuntu Forums but no one has answered my question in two weeks.19:05
parek`noobuntu7: then put them back19:06
parek`add the items there19:06
parek`also, you might try writing this question to xfce forum19:06
parek`rather than to ubuntu forum19:06
noobuntu7The options don't include all of the items I had before...19:07
parek`then there is something completely wrong19:07
parek`if there isn't all of it in the "add new items"19:07
noobuntu7I've tried killing and restarting "xfce-4 panel" in the terminal but it doesn't help19:08
o123hallohey guys19:13
o123halloi installed xubuntu yesterday, got some things to work today... i will ask questions, but not now19:13
o123halloi just wanted to say thank you!19:13
o123hallowell done19:13
o123halloyou fu** ms :-D19:13
penguin42well that's a nice way to put it :-)19:15
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pyr0gananyone know how to install mysql-server-5.0 on xubuntu? it's been giving me trouble23:59

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