
maribelHello, everyone. I just (made the mistake of) upgrading to KDE 4.3 and now my system is foobared...00:00
maribelUpun login, I get a crash window saying that KDE workspace (or something like that) crashed. I click OK and then all I see is a black screen00:01
maribelI cannot even access the intervia via the terminal00:01
maribelit's completely broken00:01
maribelWhat can I do?00:01
wersi'm on ubuntu withtout the kde desktop installed. i already added the backports and staging PPAs. what packages do I install to get kde 4.3?00:02
shadeslayerwers: kubuntu-desktop00:02
wersshadeslayer, thanks. if I install kde-core instead, will that give me a vanilla kde 4.3?00:03
peinbonne nuit à tous et merci encore Riddell :-)00:03
maribelAccording to "sudo apt-get upgrade", the following packages have been kept back: kde-printer-applet, kdebase-plasma, kdebase-workspace-bin, kdebase-workspace-data, kdeedu, kdegames, kdm, koffice-kde4, konqueror, kopete and kstars. Maybe it means somehting00:03
shadeslayerwers: the kubuntu-desktop package brings everything in00:03
wersshadeslayer, yep. but if I just want kde 4.3 without the kubuntu touch, will kde-core give me the vanilla kde 4.3?00:05
shadeslayerwers: never tried that before..so no idea if it will work...00:05
Riddellwers: well kde-full is the kde selection of packages.  it's no more minimalist than kubuntu-desktop though00:07
Riddellmaribel: do a dist-upgrade00:07
maribelRiddell: THank you! Unfortunately even the networking is broken :( I'l fighting with networkmanager and other commands to get it to work and run that command00:09
wersRiddell, oh. so it's kde-full instead of kde-core now? okay. I'll try kde-full first before kubuntu-desktop to see the diff between vanilla and kubuntu :)00:10
Riddellwers: kde-core is a minimal selection of packages, kde-full is everything in the KDE selection.  kubuntu-desktop is everything in the kubuntu selection00:11
shadeslayerRiddell: we need staging ppas too? can you provide the link?00:11
bobbob1016So I got my kde loading again by adding that other repo, but now all my settings are gone, no panels, I added one, but it is blank, and I cant get it to the bottom where I had it before.00:12
Riddellshadeslayer: see kubuntu.org00:12
shadeslayeryeah...saw that :)00:13
shadeslayeryayy....upgrade underway :)00:13
shadeslayernow to wait for 4hrs00:14
||ughpackages "kde kdeedu kstars" fail to happily install as libindi0_0.6-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb fails due to "overwrite `/usr/bin/indiserver', which is also in package indi"...00:23
tommy_does anyone know the name i need to type to apt-get java EE00:25
cuznt!java ee00:26
||ughtommy_, try "apt-cache search java"00:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about java ee00:26
snergehello, I was upgrading my 9.04 with kde 4.2 to kde 4.3 rc3  from the backports and it dit not complete, now I am having dependency nightmare, is there anyway I can "start over" ? thanks00:26
tommy_tried that couldnt find it00:27
phitoo_I just added the staging line and did aptitude safe-upgrade. I still get repeating lines of Resolving dependencies. dist-upgrade is oK though.00:27
phitoo_But I am surprised that I will be using 153MB more than with
phitoo_That's seems awfully huge!00:27
tommy_if not how would i go about installing it from the bin file on a command line? im new to linux.00:28
phhphitoo_: you installed a debug version no ?00:28
||ughsnerge, go to http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.3 as the instructions have changed.00:28
snergeugh, tnx will do because right now I'm using ircii and links2 kinda awfull to debug hehe00:29
||ughtommy_, what exact distro of Linux are you running?00:29
tommy_im running 9.04 server edition on the machine i need to install it on00:30
phitoo_phh: not that i know of..00:30
tommy_so no GUI00:30
||ughtommy_, I have that, just a sec.00:31
tommy_thanks :)00:31
snergeugh, I was missing the staging line, looking better already, tnx00:31
||ughtommy_, my _guess_ is that you need sun-java6-jre and related packages.  Note the word... GUESS.00:32
tommy_what about installing it from the bin file provided by sun?00:32
||ughUrgh, when kde 4.3.0 starts plasma crashes!  Urgh...00:33
||ughtommy_, you can likely install all of sun-java6-* and get something that works for your task.  Try it, you can always un-install.00:33
tommy_i guess00:34
RouserIs wine compatible with the latest version of Kubuntu?00:34
tommy_thanks for your help :)00:34
Rouserit's installed, and it seems like it sort of works, but i'm getting an error when i try to browse the virtual C:00:34
RouserHowever, I can still edit the virtual registry, etc00:34
Rouserjust can't run anything00:34
snergeRouser, maybe you could try deleting wine settings in your home directory and start over ?00:35
Rouserhow should i go about that? winecfg and set to default?00:35
Rouseri tried that for the drives, dunno if that's what you're talking about though00:35
snergeRouser, that is what I would try00:36
corey_sorry to interrupt... how do i switch from kde to gnome00:36
RouserCorey_, should be an option at the login screen00:36
myselfhow do i make all the windiws in KDE bouncy like in GNOME00:36
snergecorey_ at your login screen, you should have "Session" somewhere00:36
myselfcorey_ are u from LF00:36
corey_whats lf00:36
myselfa thing :)00:36
corey_how do u color your stuff00:37
myselfdo u know how to make the windows bouncy in KDE like u can in gnome corey00:37
snergeRouser I do not remember the exact directory but I would delete every .wine* in my home directory00:37
corey_um not really... i dont know how to make windows bouncy at all lol00:37
corey_i think its in desktop effects00:37
myselfits a thing00:37
myselfi dled it for gnome00:38
myselfbut how do i do it in KDE00:38
corey_go to you system settings00:38
corey_u there00:38
corey_k go to desktop00:38
corey_try in there00:38
myselfi dont think i t got it00:39
myselfi gotta dl something00:39
myselfioh wait00:39
myselfit got it00:39
myselfi found it :D00:39
corey_kool glad i could help00:39
myselfyou're my friend00:40
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RouserI think that did it00:41
Rouserthanks so much00:41
RouserI'm switching from ubuntu, so I'm still new to some of the changes, didn't know if a KDE interface or this version might screw with it, but recreating the folders manually worked like a charm00:42
corey_bye thanks00:43
bobbob1016How can I get kde to stop drawing the background and let compiz do it?  I had it working in 4.2.4 by changing a line in my plasma-appletsrc file to 0,0,0,0 but that does not seem to work anymore...00:46
maribelWhoa, KDE 4.3 looks really nice. Thank you very for packaging it for Jaunty!!00:50
Riddellyou're welcome maribel00:50
lninjoxsorry to be a bother but where can i get a list of channels i will bookmark it thanx00:51
Riddelllninjox: I don't think freenode let you get a list of all the channels00:52
lninjoxoh maybe start with freenode then?00:53
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||ughIs anyone else having plasma crash on startup?00:54
phitoo_Strange. If I use apt-get I get 154MB extra. If use aptitude I get 166MB less used. Apparently with aptitude all the boost libraries are being deleted.00:54
luis__can somebody helpme pls i just can open my memory phone00:54
sep1318i just upgraded to 4.3 and lost my entire desktop. background, panel, ability to right-click...00:56
odla_sep1318: did you have backports and staging PPAs in your sources.lst?00:56
sep1318yeah, i think so.00:56
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luis__i mean i want to get some data from the memory chhip from my cel so i got this device where i place the memory chip and then hook it onto the pc but it appear this: mount: mount point /media/disk does not exist00:57
luis__how do i fix this help pls00:57
sep1318luis__: you're trying to manually mount it? you need to create the mount point first. just make the directory.00:58
luis__i dont know00:58
luis__i never need that before00:58
luis__but ok00:58
luis__just tell me how00:58
odla_does the kubuntu installer allow resizing of ntfs?00:59
luis__it use to be fine00:59
luis__can u guide me pls to do so sep1318?00:59
LadyNikonluis__: please use complete sentences00:59
luis__iam talking 2 sep01:00
ubottuPartitioning programs: !GParted or !QtParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Kubuntu, go to System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Disks & Filesystem. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter01:00
luis__dont like it dont read it lady01:00
LadyNikonluis__: you dont have to be rude.01:00
LadyNikonits considered spamming and you can get kicked from the channel.01:00
luis__thats is what ur doing with me lady01:00
luis__being rude01:00
luis__and i dont like it01:00
luis__son do not complain01:01
Riddellluis__: ok stop this01:01
luis__and stop being rude lady01:01
shadowhywindhay all, I know kde 4.3 is broken at the moment, just wondering if anyone had any updates yet, I know there are two lines to add, but that still didn't work. Just wondering if there is a second fix yet?01:02
LadyNikon!mount > luis__01:02
ubottuluis__, please see my private message01:02
LadyNikoni forgot to add your name the last time.01:02
odla_is there a way to resize ntfs from a kubuntu cd?01:04
sep1318shadowhywind: what's this bug?01:08
aliendoggiehi! i have upgraded kde 4.3 from "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu jaunty main" and now I have a blank white desktop. kwin is working thou. any ideas how to fix/ where to ask questions?01:11
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sep1318aliendoggie: that's my problem too!01:11
aliendoggieok. welcome to the club then01:12
sep1318hehe w00t01:12
bobbob1016aliendoggie, sep1318: Solved... http://www.kubuntu.org/  add *both* repos01:12
bobbob1016then finish the upgrade, might have to login via terminal01:13
sep1318thanx bobbob101601:13
aliendoggiebobbob1016, i am on 8.1001:13
bobbob1016shadowhywind: It worked for me01:13
aliendoggiebobbob1016, are you on 8.10 as the site says it is only for 9.0401:14
bobbob1016aliendoggie: No01:14
sep1318ah, I don't have the staging PPA01:14
bobbob1016I use jaunty01:14
aliendoggieme too01:14
aliendoggieso you need staging on 8.10 too?01:15
bobbob1016aliendoggie: No...  Jaunty = 9.04, you said you run 8.10 which is Intrepid01:15
aliendoggiebobbob1016, ok. me bad :)01:15
aliendoggiethanks for the help01:16
bobbob1016aliendoggie: Add it, it should work since the reason you need both repos is that some files are only 1 of the repos01:16
aliendoggiebobbob1016, oh i see.. they have lots of qt4 goodies updated...01:17
aliendoggieI also have to report another problem. If I leave kde working for long hours (overnight) it seriously degrade in performance. I have to respart plasma-desktop. Is it a "known feature"?01:20
aliendoggiein top i have plasma-desktop 45% and sometimes python eating the rest CPU ( i guess the python from the plasma widget?)01:21
gwhipplemy dist-upgrade today wants to remove packages that look necessary (??)01:24
Riddellaliendoggie: I had memory leaks with plasma in the past but 4.3 doesn't have any such problems for me01:27
Riddellgwhipple: you have to tell us what (pastebin best)01:28
aliendoggieRiddell, thanks! i really hope 4.3 got rid of those problems01:28
aliendoggiebobbob1016, thanks for your help.01:30
gwhippleRiddell: i think it's because i have the 4.3 repos in my sources list i just checked website and will add correct lines to sources.list ... see if that fixes it01:31
bobbob1016How can I get kde 4.3 not to draw a background so compiz can?01:33
gorgonzolabobbob016 pardon my ignorance but why would you want ot do that?01:35
gorgonzolabobbob1016 pardon my ignorance but why would you want ot do that?01:35
bobbob1016gorgonzola: So I can get different wallpapers on each desktop01:36
bobbob1016gorgonzola: I found the option via zooming out, but I want the same plasmids, just different backgrounds, prefer not to set each up 5 times01:41
gorgonzolaaaaah. what you need is to set up different "activities", bobbob101601:41
gorgonzolabobbob1016. unfortunately, i only know that in kde, you can configure the desktop independently for different activities, with background, plasma dashboard, and widgets and panels by setting activities, but i don't know the details.01:42
gorgonzolabobbob1016: oh, you already know that. nevermind me then. good luck!01:44
gorgonzolabobbob1016: did you try the option "use separate dashboard" off?01:45
bobbob1016gorgonzola: I think activities seem to be more like spaces in OSX if you know what those are.  I cant seem to get it to be different wallpapers, do I need kwin effects too?01:48
bobbob1016yeah, activities are not the same, I want to rotate my compiz cube and see different wallpapers on each face, not switch activities01:50
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bobbob1016I used to change a setting in plasma-appletsrc to 0,0,0,0 and it would stop drawing the desktop, but it doesnt do that anymore01:53
gorgonzolabobbob1016: mmm, you are right. what you want is a little less overkill than activivties. but i don't know how to do it, or if its ewven possible. sorry :(01:54
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bobbob1016Yeah, thanks for trying and not doing the cliche *use kwin instead* line01:56
myselfis there a way to minimize pidgin to tray in kubuntu01:59
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Guest93941hi im having  a problem with my ubuntu system. I was forced to upgrade via synaptic package manager and after i updated my x-server crashed with conflicted nvidia drivers (i installed drivers from nvidia's site). Can someone show me how to restore my x-server and delete the nvidia drivers that is installed?02:07
norenhello all, need some advise !!02:07
noreni want to store  Large chunk of movies on a single partition which partition format is suitable for that02:07
Guest93941doesnt matter which partition02:07
Guest93941i have a ntfs partition02:07
Guest93941for my data storage02:07
Guest93941because its detectable by linux and windows02:08
norenis xfs better than ntfs for the same02:08
Guest93941im not aware of xfs. i mean its data storage right..? what does it matter what partition u use. in the windows environment ntfs is considered good so why not02:08
Guest93941its not like ur going to have a much significant portion of ur partition available for data storage02:09
BluesKajnoren , doesn't matter , it's storage02:09
Guest93941as long as things are compatible ur good to go =)02:09
Guest93941so i picked ntfs02:09
Guest93941i have a problem t.T02:09
liberviscohm I upgraded to 4.3 final and kdm says invalid session type then boots me to fluxbox O_O02:10
norenBluesKaj: i read somewhere to use the other partition if u are going to read for that partition repeatdly like a file server or so ??02:10
Guest93941then use the other partition02:11
Guest93941with partitions u cant go wrong02:11
Guest93941jus stay away from fat3202:11
BluesKajnoren , well some say there's advantages to seperate partitions for data but I've never seen any advantages.02:12
Guest93941the advantage is that in case ur operating system screws up02:12
Guest93941u will not risk losing the data if its on seperate partition02:13
Guest93941which is in my case02:13
Guest93941and i need help with my ubuntu plz someone help02:13
norenwhats ur prob Guest9394102:14
BluesKajGuest93941, have you tried uninstalling the proprietary nvidia driver that you downloaded from their site. You should go with the default nvidia driver recommended by kubuntufor your card02:14
Guest93941i use ubuntu02:14
Guest93941i want to use the default driver now02:14
Guest93941but how do i get rid of the driver i downlaoded02:14
Guest93941and installed02:14
Guest93941my x-server literally crashed02:15
Guest93941and im on some back up x-server02:15
Guest93941because compiz-fusion is not working no more02:15
Guest93941i want to restore everything delete the nvidia drievrs and install the default ubuntu nvidia drivers02:15
cF`Zuz|WATAFsee i tested all the nice looks and all, i realized it just slows my pc when I have all the nice fancy things going, Kubuntu seems amazing, but my system is problematic02:16
Guest93941yea it is problematic02:16
cF`Zuz|WATAFof course thats the beauty of costumization02:16
Guest93941but it works for my needs02:16
Guest93941i dont do anything major on this pc02:16
cF`Zuz|WATAFlol did you see my thread?02:16
Guest93941but how do i delete the original drivers02:16
Guest93941no i did not see02:16
FloodBotK1Guest93941: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:16
norenGuest93941 just reboot and get into the recovery mode from there chose the fix the display02:17
Guest93941what will that do02:17
cF`Zuz|WATAFcheck my thread02:17
Guest93941i have no experience in linux02:17
cF`Zuz|WATAFmy pc doesnt start02:17
cF`Zuz|WATAFok when you reboot your machine, when its booting it tells you to press (i believe is esc) for different startup02:18
Guest93941oh damn02:18
norenGuest93941 : restore ur default display config02:18
cF`Zuz|WATAFyou press whatever it tells you02:18
Guest93941i have a triple boot setup here02:18
BluesKajfind the folder that the contains the downloaded driver , cd to it in the terminal , then sudo dpkg -r nameofdriver .. I assume you installed it with Gdebi installer option02:18
Guest93941so i believe grub comes up first02:18
Guest93941blueskaj thats the problem...i deleted the package that contains the downloaded driver -_-02:18
Guest93941and i dont remember what driver i isntalled02:18
cF`Zuz|WATAFthen its going to give you a menu with different builds and options, if you go all the way down, it has a fix x option02:18
Guest93941the file i used to install the driver...i deleted it..02:19
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BluesKajwhat graphics card , Guest93941 ?02:20
Guest93941evga gtx 28002:20
Guest93941nvidia card02:20
Guest93941i went on file browser and searched nvidia02:20
Guest93941i get a lot of files with this id02:20
FloodBotK1Guest93941: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:20
Guest93941i think thats the driver02:20
cF`Zuz|WATAFcan you get in konsole?02:21
Guest93941u mean terminal?02:21
Guest93941yes im using ubuntu right now its on a back up x-server thing02:21
cF`Zuz|WATAFsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:21
Guest93941a setup came up02:21
Guest93941use kernel framebuffer device interface yes or no?02:22
rmrfslashI'm receiving an error trying to upgrade to KDE 4.3 :(02:22
rmrfslashI made it to KDE 4.3 RC3... but I just tried doing the final upgrade and I get this error: http://pastebin.com/m2718da6002:24
cjaehow do I properly save a GPG key via cli (for kde 4.3)?02:27
ubottugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts02:31
BluesKajGuest93941, copy and paste this command to a terminal : sudo dpkg -r NVIDIA-Linux-x86-185.18.3102:32
ramonhi all...02:38
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ramonI've bought a HP notebook and i'm in trouble with some configuration like te sound and the "FN" kes02:39
ramoncould anybody help me?02:39
LadyNikonramon: patience..02:41
LadyNikonif you dont find any answeres here try the forums02:41
LadyNikonor .. you could do that.02:42
cjaeoops, s/gpg/pgp02:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about curl02:52
cjae!info curl02:52
ubottucurl (source: curl): Get a file from an HTTP, HTTPS or FTP server. In component main, is optional. Version 7.18.2-8ubuntu4 (jaunty), package size 205 kB, installed size 316 kB02:52
copproHello, is there anywhere to download a kubuntu jaunty DVD? I can only find ubuntu ones02:53
bobbob1016Can anyone suggest a strigi frontend apart from Alt+F2?02:56
shadowhywindhay all, I tried to install kde 4.3, my issue was that kubuntu-desktop was not installed, So I installed the package, managed to log in, but now plasma/plasma-desktop wont start, any ideas?03:05
noquinhohi friends! please help! how can i do to save my visual effects ? Everytime when i turn on my pc, the compiz is not working again03:23
amason_noquinho: your using compiz or kwin ?03:25
amason_hmm not sure sorry. I usually just use kwin with desktop effects enabled03:26
amason_aran: _en sorry03:27
noquinhoeverytime when i turn on my pc, i need go to sistem, preferences, aparence, and visual effects03:27
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amason_noquinho: well if your using compiz that won't help03:28
noquinhoand then click on normal, or extra effects03:28
amason_that will turn kwin on03:28
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amason_and effects kwin settings03:28
amason_but if your using compiz03:28
amason_that won't work03:28
noquinhoi am not sure03:28
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chrisOn kde-4.3, the knetworkmanager icon always shows disconnected, even though its not03:41
chrisanyone seen this also?03:41
darthanubischris: only on my laptop's wifi connection. but on this desktop all is well03:46
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chrisdarthnubi: yeh - this is on my laptop's wifi03:47
cjaeok is there packages being held back  for kde 4.3 right now?03:47
cjaecause I am now on windows since my kubuntu install appears to be broken03:47
cjaeI used the ppa. repo and installed the pgp key and did sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade03:49
cjaeand now the kde crash handler appears upon login03:49
cjaeand using sudo aptitude safe-upgrade from tty1 shows there are some packages being held back03:50
cjaeare they broken or have I simply used a bad method to install them?03:51
cjaeor are they still building?03:52
Novicewhats the best way to change usplash on jaunty?04:08
NoviceTried using SUM but all the files on kdelook are not .so files04:09
dhonghello, my plasma costs 100% cpu, anyone knowns why04:24
bhueywhat's the best way of installing the new kde 4.3 packages in regular ubuntu ? just wait ?04:29
sebrAnyone having trouble installing 4.3 packages?04:31
sebr  kdepimlibs5: Conflicts: libkholidays4 (< 4:4.2.90) but 4:4.2.4-0ubuntu1~jaunty1~ppa2 is to be installed04:31
sebr  kdepimlibs5-dev: Depends: kdepimlibs5 (= 4:4.2.4-0ubuntu1~jaunty1~ppa2) but 4:4.3.0-0ubuntu1~jaunty1~ppa1 is to be installed04:31
aliendoggiehi. in 4.3 kubuntu I select folder view in "desktop activity" and plasma crashes. the correspondent widget does not work too. any ideas?04:32
CrellHi folks.  I'm having an issue with KMail (KDE 4.2 backport packages on a 8.10 system).  Recently it's been periodically jumping the tracks and eating up my entire CPU occasionally.  Now, it's doing it every time I try to start it, even after a fresh reboot.04:40
CrellIt jumps to 80% CPU or more, the system slows to a crawl, and the program never actually opens.04:40
Crell(80% as reported by top.)04:41
CrellAny suggestions on what to do to make it behave?04:41
CrellHm, correction, it's 80% of memory.04:43
NutCobblerCrell. I am just curious. How much memory do you have in your computer, and how much mail do you have in your client?04:49
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Crell2 GB RAM, Thinkpad T61 laptop.04:49
CrellAnd the main account is an IMAP account, which does have 2+ gigs in it across many many folders.04:50
CrellBut it's been like that for a long time without this issue, and it's on a 100BaseT ethernet to the mail server.04:50
CrellIf I run Kmail from the command line, it does the same thing and eventually times out.  The last message is: *** glibc detected *** kmail: realloc(): invalid next size: 0x083235b8 ***04:55
CrellWhich is only mostly greek to me. :-)04:55
kalpi am not getting run command on ALT+F2. what is the solution?04:56
CrellHm.  Then when I run it a second time, I get this:04:59
CrellCommunication problem with  "kmail" , it probably crashed.04:59
CrellError message was:  "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply" : " "Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blockedthe reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken."04:59
FloodBotK1Crell: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:59
kalpi am not getting run command on ALT+F2. what is the solution?04:59
NutCobblerCrell. What does the bug tracking/wanted feature tracker say about Kmail? It could just be that the maintainer needs to accomodate larger datasets. The maintainer may need to pick up Knuth's book on sorting and searching to read the chapters on offline information handling.05:00
CrellNutCobbler: But my dataset has not changed in size by a noticeable amount recently.05:00
kalpDolphin opens in fullscreen mode by default. how do i change it?05:00
CrellIt started just fine 4 hours ago.05:01
kalpi am not getting run command on ALT+F2. what is the solution?05:02
kalpDolphin opens in fullscreen mode by default. how do i change it?05:03
NutCobblerCrell: I'd communicate with the primary maintainer of the program to find what bug or limitation you are hitting. Check to see if they are aware of the problem.05:03
NutCobblerI think I heard that IMAP is a new feature to Kmail....05:03
CrellI am not yet convinced it's a kmail bug specifically.05:03
CrellIMAP has been supported by KMail since there's been a KMail.05:04
kalpDolphin opens in fullscreen mode by default. how do i change it?05:04
CrellI've been using it for 6 years.05:04
kalpi am not getting run command on ALT+F2. what is the solution?05:04
wuzeikalp: there are a billion reasons this can happen05:05
wuzeihave you checked if your shortcuts are setup properly?05:06
kalpwuzei: yes05:07
CrellAh, it finally gave me a proper crash message.05:15
=== justin__ is now known as Sickling
kalpwuzei: i had to change it to sum other, now it works05:21
kalpDolphin opens in fullscreen mode by default. how do i change it?05:22
wuzeikalp: sounds like your f2 key is borked, either due to hardware, or software (keyboard layout?)05:24
kalpwuzei: how do i find out the layout?05:25
kalpwuzei: originally its std american, dont kno if sumthin changed it05:26
SicklingOut of curiosity, does anyone here know if linux can support a logitech usb mouse?05:32
CrellI don't see why it wouldn't.  A USB mouse is a USB mouse is a USB mouse.05:33
dwidmannSickling: supports mine just fine05:34
* Crell has been usin ryears.05:35
SicklingOk, thanks05:35
Crellbah,   Using logitech mice for years.05:35
SicklingI must have done something wrong when trying to install it05:35
ShockValueanyone know if flash works in Arora yet?05:51
frapellwow... the new KDM login :D :D06:01
frapellis a delight06:01
frapellgreat work :D06:02
shadeslayera clean and non problematic upgrade for me :)06:04
shadeslayersome of the updates are still coming through tho...like qt ones06:07
horisonum, anyone can tell me where to register into this irc?06:08
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode06:08
dwidmannShockValue: supposedly it should work with it if you compiled with Qt 4.5.x06:09
horisontq obutto06:09
horisonem, ubottu06:09
=== Sickling is now known as Sickling_Openare
werswhat config folders do i delete to have fresh kde 4.3 configs? when I started for the first time, plasma is messed up06:33
wersi already tried deleting .kde06:33
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shadeslayerwers: ~/.kde06:33
wersalready did that06:33
wersany other folders?06:33
shadeslayerwers: dont think so....06:34
shadeslayerwers: try adding a new user and reproducing the problem06:34
ShockValuebah.. arora plays flash stuff fine, but still no sound.. just like the rest of my damn browsers06:43
Daskreechwers: Any progress?06:43
wershow do I remove all kubuntu (4.3) packages? i want to install only kde-full to have a vanilla kde instead06:43
ShockValueive tried firefox, konq and arora now06:43
wersDaskreech, i think, that's really the default configuration06:43
shadeslayerwers: how about rekonq?06:43
wersand it doesnt work well for my small screen (12")06:43
shadeslayerShockValue: tried rekonq?06:43
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal06:44
ShockValueshadeslayer: no, is there any reason it would play flash better than anything else?06:44
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »06:44
Daskreechtry that site ^^^ pyschocats06:44
shadeslayerShockValue: well i get sound in rekonq,and all other browsers06:44
wersshadeslayer, great! i can do that on kde right? i dont have to switch to gnome while doing that? hehe06:45
shadeslayerwers: uh...yes you have to...06:45
wersokay brb06:45
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal06:48
Daskreechwers: You can drop t a VT06:50
wersDaskreech, huh? hehe06:50
werssorry i didnt get that06:50
shadeslayerDaskreech: do you compile software?06:50
wersi'm currently doing sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 kdelibs5-data06:51
shadeslayer!tty | wers06:51
ubottuwers: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution.06:51
Daskreechshadeslayer: Yes06:51
shadeslayerDaskreech: can you tell me whats wrong in : http://pastebin.ca/151881006:51
Daskreechwers: That was for KDe306:51
wersah yes shadeslayer . but i'm doing some work as wel. hehe06:51
wersDaskreech, which one is?06:51
wersthen i'm doing sudo apt-get install kde-full now06:52
shadeslayerDaskreech: need it for the svn version of rekonq06:52
Daskreechwers: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome06:52
wershaha. i dont see aysiu in the forums anymore06:52
Daskreechshadeslayer: I'm guessing you did an apt-get build-depends webkitkde already ?06:53
shadeslayerDaskreech: i need it for the SVN version of rekonq06:53
ibrarIs there any way to unplug USB Modem06:53
shadeslayerDaskreech: rekonq keeps crashing because i havent updated the webkitkde package to the latest svn one06:54
Daskreechibrar: Should be in the Device Plasmoid06:54
Daskreechshadeslayer: Right and I'm asking if you installed the webkitkde source dependencies?06:54
ibrarDaskreech: I need some kind of command to unplug and replug again06:55
shadeslayerDaskreech: E: Invalid operation build-depends06:56
Daskreechshadeslayer: try build-dep06:57
shadeslayerDaskreech: hold on....i need to add the source URL's06:58
ibrarI have a kernel Module and whenever I install it give error06:58
ibrarinsmod: error inserting '/home/ibrar/Desktop/zte/usr/local/bin/ztemtEVDO/ztemt.ko': -1 Invalid module format06:58
ibrarany help?06:59
Daskreechupdate your module06:59
ibrarI cannot, I have downlod from zte site07:00
ibraris there any way to check on whcich version this kernel module will work07:02
ofvafter upgrading jaunty to kde 4.3 there is no desktop.07:04
AnarchMy microphone stopped working when I upgraded to Hardy, and has never worked since.  Googling and Cuilling haven't found The Clue yet.  Any recommended HOWTOs or documents for somebody who doesn't know what 'PCM' stands for but likes the command line?07:04
shadeslayerofv: see topic07:04
ofvon startup a message box complaining about akonadi and libqt4-sqt (i think) appeared for a moment and then went away.07:05
Daskreechibrar: I woud guess ask the makers?07:05
ofvshadeslayer: i have both backports and stagin and did an apt-get upgrade07:07
ofvwhat more is required?07:07
shadeslayerofv: apt-get dist-upgrade or just upgrade?07:08
ofvshadeslayer: just upgrade07:08
shadeslayerofv: then run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade in a tty07:08
ofvshadeslayer: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.07:09
ofv 07:09
shadeslayerofv: this is an updated sources.list?07:09
ofvi think so. did a apt-get update several times on the last hour.07:09
shadeslayerofv: hmm...you could try deledting ~/.kde ..... but thatll restore all the settings07:10
ofvi'll see. loggin off now. thanks shadeslayer.07:11
shadeslayerDaskreech: somebody at #kde told me to get kdelibs from the trunk :)07:12
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ofvshadeslayer: renaming .kde to something else and rebooting did the trick. thanks!07:19
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shadeslayerofv: no probs :)07:20
nacho_i have a problem here, and i was looking for it but i can't find help07:21
nacho_i need some guide07:21
nacho_my pc restarts when i am watching fullscreen flash video on the web07:22
shadeslayernacho_: whats the problem>07:22
nacho_it just shutdown07:22
shadeslayernacho_: what browser?07:22
shadeslayernacho_: is this problem present in another browser such as arora,rekonq,or konqueror?07:23
nacho_i didnt try that07:23
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tbryantHow do I upgrade to KDE 4.3 in Kubuntu 9.04?07:35
Eliripstbryant: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.307:35
Eliripswhat stands PPA for?07:36
tbryantElirips: thanks, I thought it needed the default "backports".07:37
Eliripstbryant: yw. I just need to finish my coffee and read the paper, then I'll install it too :)07:38
nacho_shadeslayer: it shutdown even whit konqueror07:40
inanimateSo what network management app is being used these days in Jaunty with 4.3?07:41
AnarchIn KMix, many switches toggle between dark red and pink, or brown and yellow.  Which means on & which means off?07:41
tbryantUpgrading to 4.3, pretty excited. Be back later, thanks again, Elirips.07:42
inanimateOriginally it was knetworkmanager, that was dropped in favor of the plasmoid, now the plasmoid is broken (#201429) and somebody is saying knetworkmanager is the new thing to use again?07:42
nacho_i have a problem07:43
nacho_and i cant find the solution07:43
nacho_my laptop shutsdown when i open flash video on fullscreen07:43
shadeslayernacho_: hmm07:44
Eliripsnacho_: shutdown? or crash?07:46
nacho_just starts shuting down07:47
plagueusrdoes anyone know the name of the ubuntu server?07:53
amason_what do you mean _the_ ubuntu server? do you mean the LTS release ?07:54
plagueusrwelltihis is  #kubuntu waht is the "ubuntu" one?07:56
nacho_have a problem , my laptop shuts down when i open fullscreen flash, somebody help please haha07:57
plagueusrdont open it :P07:57
amason_nacho_: is your computer getting too hot ?08:01
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nacho_i dont know08:02
nacho_dont think so08:02
nacho_is new08:02
nacho_is there like a screensaver or something ??08:04
nacho_i was thinking maybe is something like that08:04
nacho_but didnt find out where to change that08:05
nacho_or maybe not,08:05
amason_nacho_: what graphics card is in there ?08:07
amason_nacho_: there isn't a whole lot of stuff that can cause a machine to turn off08:07
nacho_let me see08:07
amason_even kernel panics don't shut the machine down08:07
nacho_i am watching the processes now08:07
nacho_and theres something named xorg that is running by the root and its eating memory08:07
amason_pastebin the contents of sudo lspci08:07
NoviceHow do I change login screen?08:08
amason_nacho_: ignore that.08:08
amason_its not really eating memory, top lies.08:08
HollowPointnacho are you running compiz or compositing by any chance?08:08
HollowPointNovice: what version of Kubuntu are you running and what do you want to change it to?08:08
nacho_0:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c)08:08
nacho_yeah compiz is for default i think08:09
NoviceHollowPoint: 9.04 just want different image08:09
mbnoimiwhat the different between kdesu and kdesudo ?08:10
HollowPointkdesu runs the command as root, kdesudo runs it with root privileges but AS the user08:10
HollowPointNovice, it should be in system settings, I've never had much luck with it to be honest, but then I've never been that bothered to muck around with it08:11
mbnoimiHollowPoint: thanks08:12
nacho_HollowPoint: it can be compiz the problem?08:12
mbnoimiI tried to kdesudo dolphin but I got: "Couldn't not start process Cannot talk to klauncher: the name org,k... not provided by any .service file"08:15
mbnoimiI tried to kdesudo dolphin but I got: "Couldn't not start process Cannot talk to klauncher: the name org,k... not provided by any .service file"08:24
bhueyI just tried to use the backport for 4.3 and it's got a lot of conflict. I'm doing this against the regular ubuntu and not kubuntu08:28
bhueyany suggestions ?08:29
HollowPointbhuey, stop trying to do that08:30
HollowPointsimply "apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"08:30
HollowPointthen if it is already running 4.3 (It may well be by now) then simply do apt-get update, apt-get dist-upgrade and you'll find yourself running 4.308:31
aboSamoorkde 4.3 is still not available for karmic and special ppa ?08:37
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kalpwhat is xserver?09:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xserver09:05
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution09:05
kalpmy system is shuting down as core temp is exceeding limit. where is this limit set?09:09
Cybertinuskalp: in the CPU itself09:11
Cybertinusat what them does it shut down?09:11
kalpwhats better in the new amarok? i found the earlier one much better.09:11
kalpi think 95 or 100 dec C09:12
Cybertinusyeah, that is in the CPU itself09:12
Cybertinusyou've got a cooling problem in your computer, you need to fix that09:12
kalpCybertinus: yes i kno but its a problem with this model of laptop09:13
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Free 9.04 (KDE 4) CDs https://shipit.kubuntu.org | KDE 4.3 backports http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.3 | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Please respect the Ubuntu IRC guidelines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines
Riddellhi tackat09:13
tackathi Riddell09:14
kalpCybertinus: the batter goes bust in a year coz of the temp, now i run it without batter09:14
Riddell** If you installed KDE 4.3 using the staging PPA you can remove that now09:14
shadeslayerRiddell: ok thanks :)09:14
kalpCybertinus: battery09:15
Cybertinuskalp: that sound like the manufacturer of the laptop really screwed up :). What do they say about it when you contact them about this problem?09:17
kalpCybertinus: they simply say its heating up normal, its an AMD procesor, so its expected, they say dont keep the laptop on ur lap!!!09:18
kalpCybertinus: i m planning to stick sum heat sinks externally09:19
Cybertinusthat sucks if the manufacturer tells you that :/09:20
kalpCybertinus: welcome to india, its compaq if u r curious09:21
kalpCybertinus: i was askin abt xserver coz, earlier i had nvidia xserver settings which showed me the temp setting and now the prog is not running09:22
apparlehi guys09:23
kalpCybertinus: want to kno more? this is a 64 processor but the OS they installed was 32 bit and they dont even have 64bit drivers for the hardware on their website!!09:30
kalpCybertinus: but with linix, no probs, all works fine in 64 bit09:31
Cybertinusyeah, linux is ready for 64 bit for years now :)09:32
Livis here somebody who can help me with the eth0 configuration?09:45
Livi get the message: eth0 unmanaged and unknown host by ping google.com09:46
Livoh and by ping ipadress i get: unreachable network09:47
bhueyHollowPoint: it just has the 4.2 packages now09:51
bhueyso just wait for the 4.3 packages to arrival until then ?09:51
tvn2009  /j #ubuntu09:55
HollowPointyou're not running standard ubuntu then, you're running Kharmic?09:57
HollowPointsorry Liv no, bhuey09:57
Livah okay:)09:57
HollowPointbhuey yes, I would think it will only be a few days at most before it's available on Kharmic09:58
HollowPointLiv just read you're question, you sorted it yet?09:58
Livnope not yet09:58
HollowPointdo you have dhcp enabled on your router?09:59
Livi don't have a router, i live in a student accomondation09:59
HollowPointoh right10:00
HollowPointso how are you connecting to the network?10:00
Livi have an ip assignet to me...10:00
Livright know i'm on the windows part of my pc10:00
HollowPointok well on the Linux side of things if you know your ip address, subnet, gateway and DNS servers I can help you?10:01
Livi know them all10:01
HollowPointok, one minute10:01
HollowPointhttp://www.pastebin.ca/1518955 should solve your woes, please let me know if anything is unclear or you need further advice?10:05
Livlet me try (i'll have to reboot first)10:06
Livbe right back10:06
nasserhello ppl10:11
nasserI'm having problems upgrading to KDE 4.3 any ideas ?10:13
HollowPointwhat operating system are you running? i.e. Jaunty/Kharmic etc10:15
nasserI got this sum mismatch error10:15
HollowPointUbuntu or Kubuntu10:15
HollowPointhave you upgraded fully before trying to upgrade to 4.3?10:16
HollowPointi.e. apt-get update, apt-get upgrade, THEN apt-get dist-upgrade?10:16
nasserI did apt-get update, then upgrade10:16
HollowPointso you haven10:16
HollowPointt tried dist-upgrade?10:17
nasserI started all over again, and changed the mirror site. let me see this time10:17
nasserlooks like the mirror site was the problem :) thanks HollowPoint anyway10:18
ocelotПривет всем=)10:21
Mamarok!ru | ocelot10:22
ubottuocelot: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke10:22
Livdidn't work10:22
=== ercan is now known as lancelot
radi82hello, are there any other ways to autostart an application other than .xinirc and via Controll-center?10:57
radi82I mean in KDE off course.10:57
t19mindalgun español??11:07
gantixQuelqu'un pourait il m'aider ? j'ai un petit souci11:07
t19mindnecesit algo de ayuda...11:07
Mamarok!fr | gantix11:08
ubottugantix: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr11:08
Mamarok!es | t19mind11:08
ubottut19mind: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.11:08
gantixThank you ! :p11:09
Mamarokgantix: yaw :)11:09
gantixI has very difficult in english11:10
Mamarokgantix: I speak French, do you agree on a PM?11:10
Mamarokgantix: je peux t'aider dans un salon privé si t'es daccord11:11
Mathematicianswitch user in KDE 4.3 is not giving any switching dialog ?! it gives me the screen lock dialog11:22
neptunepinkHow do I import the key for kubuntu-ppa?11:27
shadeslayerhi,kdm loads slowly on startup,apparently gdm is the culprit but where do i set kdm as the default login manager?11:30
ghostcubehmm, i noticed that the default window manager isnt starting compiz automaticly in 4.3.0 is there anything about11:44
ghostcubebut at all ice done so far i love the treee view for systemsettings :)11:44
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trapa__hi i want to learn how copy and mv files12:17
trapa__with consol12:17
LadyNikontrapa__: you use cp12:18
trapa__how copy a files and put in ahother fils12:18
LadyNikoncp file.bz2 to /folder/file.bz212:19
trapa__thank you12:19
LadyNikoncp and mv can be tricky btw12:19
LadyNikoncause one can overwrite a file if it has the same name trapa__12:20
LadyNikonso i would look up more on it.12:20
trapa__i have a problem with cp to copy12:25
trapa__i have 2 folders in my personel folder12:25
trapa__one his name foramtionlinux and the second lili12:25
trapa__in formationlinux i have a folder his name is koukou12:26
trapa__i want to copy koukou and put koukou in lili12:26
trapa__by consol?12:26
radi82Hi. If I install KDE4.3 via launchpad and experience problems, is it possible to remove the package-source and downgrade to 4.2 again?12:31
cypr1nushello, anyone upgraded kde to 4.3 from ppa.launchpad.net ? i've got problems with kwin (can't start)12:32
shadeslayercypr1nus: please see topic12:32
shadeslayerradi82: yes...just remove the repo and reinstall kubuntu-desktop12:32
shadeslayerbe back in a jiffy12:33
cypr1nusshadeslayer: you mean it's unofficial?12:33
radi82shadeslayer, any option-flags like --force needed to downgrade?12:33
marco_hi everybody12:36
marco_I am trying to update my 9.04 but I receive a "the following packages have been kept back" message12:37
marco_what does that mean?12:37
raphinkit means that the listed packages haven't been upgraded12:39
cypr1nushow is it called the application to make usb flash drive bootable distribution install disc?12:39
raphinkprobably because upgrading them would require to remove other packages12:39
marco_but well12:39
raphinkI don't know how to solve that graphically12:40
marco_@raphink 0 thank bud. but what i want to do is update my kde, because I still have issues like it cannot be turned off, kopete not working, connection problem etc etc12:40
raphinkin a console, I would just apt-get install those packages and see what it would remove12:40
marco_@raphink > it would remove libholiday412:41
marco_sorry, libkholidays412:41
marco_is that bad?12:41
raphinkI don't know this lib12:42
raphinkdoesn't seem bad12:42
raphinkI don't have it and I'm still alive12:42
marco_thanks a lot my friend12:43
darkhammhey people, how can i build in kde 4.3.0 a bar to the right of desktop, with the widget fixed?13:00
diamondjust installed kubuntu 9.04. my soundcard (SB Audigy 2 Value) wont "work"... I guess itś configured with digital output enabled... I want to disable that..Ho do I do that..?..13:01
desaparecidohi, somebody has the blackscreen problem after last upgrade to final KDE 4.3 in karmic? and internet connection too...13:10
shadeslayerdesaparecido: #ubuntu+1 please13:12
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tnuichi, I have ubuntu installed and I would like to get Kubuntu stuff... but I want it to change the default applications too, like if I had installed just kubuntu... is there a dpkg-reconfigure kubuntu like command?13:36
werswhat's kde 4.3's network manager? i cant find the plasmoid for it. i lost it for some reason13:41
ghostcubesystemsettings network13:42
ghostcubeand there must be a taskbar icon13:42
wersghostcube, i dont see a taskbar icon. i had to install knetwork manager to go online13:43
ghostcubei need anyone on kde 4.3 with compiz13:45
wersghostcube, i have13:45
wersi'm using it now. i find kwin slow13:45
wersi'm wondering why but compiz really is much snappier13:45
ghostcubeyou can choose compiz as default wm13:45
ghostcubein systemsettings13:45
wersi just change it with fusion-icon13:46
ghostcubehmm ok13:46
ghostcubei use the onboard method13:46
werswhat's that method?13:46
ghostcubeand this isnt working anymore for autostarting it13:46
ghostcubesystemsettings >> default components >> window manager13:46
wersif you autostart fusion-icon, you'll have compiz autostart13:46
ghostcubei know13:47
ghostcubebut after plasma13:47
ghostcubeor before13:47
wersthe older versions broke kwin window border support on compiz, right?13:47
wersthis is bugging me because i have my metacity borders13:47
wersapparently, krunner doesnt work on compiz13:49
darthanubiskwin is slow? Glad I don't have your computer13:51
wersdarthanubis, well, a lot less snappier than compiz13:51
wersi mean, less snappy13:51
darthanubislike I said13:51
zipito_good day13:52
werswhat's 4.3's package manager?13:52
darthanubisYou guys just reminded me to completely remove the compiz wrapper13:53
zipito_I've update to the recent kde 4.3 but I don't here any sound in KDE applications :(  in gnome everything is fine13:53
shadeslayerwers: its kpackagekit13:53
shadeslayerzipito_: check kmixer13:53
darthanubiszipito_: do you know how to use KDE?13:53
darthanubislike systemsettings sound13:53
darthanubisthen set the default sound application to run for KDE13:53
zipito_shadeslayer, darkhamm double checked ;)13:54
darthanubisSounds like your pulseaudio is misconfigured13:54
zipito_systemsettings sound doesn't here a voice13:54
shadeslayerzipito_: all channels selected and set to high?13:54
darthanubisof course his channels are set right, he has sound in gnome13:54
darthanubisis PULSEAUDIO is borked13:54
darthanubisfollow the pulseaudio ubuntu wiki and all will be well13:55
zipito_the most strange thing if I uncheck the mute of the microfon sound in the KMix I begin to here mine voice :)13:55
darthanubiswers: 4.3's package manager is what ever manager you choose to use13:55
darthanubisuh brother13:56
darthanubisdo you want to hear your voice or actual audio?13:56
tnuichi, I have ubuntu installed and I would like to get Kubuntu stuff... but I want it to change the default applications too, like if I had installed just kubuntu... is there a dpkg-reconfigure kubuntu like command?13:56
zipito_darthanubis, nope13:57
shadeslayertnuic: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop13:57
darthanubistnuic: try actually searching synaptic before you ask a question like this to save everyone time13:57
mostafaI want to make an icon that when I click on it, runs this command "sudo konqueror" any body knows how can I do this?13:57
zipito_but actually it tells me that there are some problem with mine recent kde configuration13:57
darthanubistnuic: search for kubuntu-desktop13:57
makewhen kde 4.3 can be installed in kubuntu?13:57
zipito_can I delete the whole ~/.kde directory and the ~/.kde413:57
zipito_is it safe (I don't bother of saving mine preferences or mails - everything interesting on the server)13:58
darthanubiszipito_: I told you how to fix your issue already13:58
darthanubismake: read the topic PLEASE13:58
mostafaany help would be appreciated13:58
shadeslayermostafa: open kate13:59
mostafaI opened it13:59
shadeslayermostafa: type " kdesudo konqueror "13:59
mostafaok I typed14:00
shadeslayermostafa: save it as .sh file on the desktop14:00
shadeslayermostafa: open a konsole14:00
darthanubisthat is NOT what he asked for14:00
shadeslayerdarthanubis: hold on will you14:00
shadeslayerdarthanubis: thats the only way this can be done.....suggest a better way if you cam14:01
darthanubisit is NOT the ONLY way14:01
darthanubisthere never is one way to do soemthing14:01
darthanubisbut there is a wrong way14:01
shadeslayerdarthanubis: the only way *i* can think of14:01
gsiа по русски говорит здесь кто нибудь?14:01
mostafaI do all you say14:01
shadeslayerdarthanubis: we dont want the wrong way14:01
darthanubishe wants an application launcher to give him a root konq explorer14:01
lancelotgsi ?14:01
shadeslayermostafa: have you opened konsole14:01
mostafano no14:02
shadeslayerdarthanubis: thats what im giving him...a script to launch konqueror14:02
shadeslayerin root14:02
darthanubisHe does not want a script14:02
mostafaI opened it14:02
shadeslayernow cd to the desktop14:02
shadeslayerchmod a+x filename14:03
mostafarun it14:03
shadeslayermostafa: all done! now click on the script on the desktop14:03
tnuicdarthanubis: I have installed kubuntu-desktop package and it does not change the default applications... for instance, totem remains the default video player...14:05
mostafashadeslayer: very good to you thank you14:05
mostafait is all done14:05
darthanubistnuic: that is because you did not change the default apps14:05
shadeslayermostafa: ;)14:05
shadeslayermostafa: you can right click the file and go to properties and change the icon too :)14:06
darthanubisdirty, but it works14:06
darthanubiscould have just added a widget from plasma14:06
darthanubisto laucn whatever14:06
tnuicdarthanubis: that's my question, if there is an automated script or configuration to change all the default application to kde ones14:07
darthanubistnuic: lol, of course not14:07
mostafashadeslayer :how ? I open the properties but I don't know how to change icon14:07
darthanubistnuic: unless you call apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop an automated script to change defaults14:07
darthanubisIf you want default Kubuntu, you install a clean Kubuntu14:08
BluesKajhowdy all14:08
shadeslayermostafa: click the wrench :P14:09
darthanubisThe channel needs you BluesKaj14:09
mostafaClick on it then?14:10
BluesKajdarthanubis, well, I'm here for a little while , but I can see it's already in good hands :)14:10
shadeslayermostafa: of course!! then click on the icon in the new window14:10
wershow do I manage gtk styles and fonts on 4.3?14:10
ubottuGTK is the !GIMP toolkit, which forms the base of !GNOME and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI14:10
mostafaReally excuse me14:10
shadeslayer!info gtk-qt-engine | wers14:11
ubottuwers: gtk-qt-engine (source: gtk-qt-engine): theme engine using Qt 4 for GTK+ 2.x. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.1+svn20080816-0ubuntu7 (jaunty), package size 108 kB, installed size 508 kB14:11
darthanubiswers: again search synaptic for the answer there or google. That is what I do when I forget the name of that app to install14:11
darthanubisthere it is14:11
ubottuG(NU's) N(ot) U(nix). A project that aimed to develop a complete operating system of Free Software, which Ubuntu is based on. See http://gnu.org14:11
mostafaI mistakenly click on the first icon that apear at the first screen14:11
shadeslayerdpkg -l to the rescue14:11
mostafashadeslayer: thanks :D ;)14:11
wersthanks darthanubis14:11
shadeslayermostafa: no probs14:11
* BluesKaj goes for a coffee ,brb14:12
mostafashadeslayer : can you help me how to learn shell by issuing me a link or pdf I don't know what ever you think good 4 this work?14:16
mostafacan you?14:16
shadeslayer!cli | mostafa14:16
ubottumostafa: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal14:16
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mostafathank you both bro s14:19
mostafaanother thing when I restart or shutdown the system won't do that till I press alt+ctrl+del and then it says "stopping all md devices" then it reboot s even if I press the shutdown button14:21
mostafacan you help me bro s?14:21
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mostafashadeslayer: can you?14:23
shadeslayermostafa: never seen that....14:23
mostafashadeslayer : thanks14:24
BluesKajshadeslayer, I've had a shutsown prob since I upgraded to 4.3 , but I'm also on karmic ..been using sudo halt or reboot in cli , depending on what's required14:25
mostafashakeslayer : I want just sth like a dream in my mind can I have Icon when I clicked on it ,it just do some adjustment for me is it possible?14:26
shadeslayermostafa: like a shutdown icon?14:27
mostafashakeslayer : for example I want an Icon when I clicked on it it decreses the brightness of screen14:27
shadeslayermostafa: copy the konqueror file and edit the command to kdesudo halt -h NOW14:27
shadeslayermostafa: ohh....idk if thats possible14:27
mostafawhat is idk?14:28
shadeslayeryou need to access the bios for that....no idea if its remotely possible14:28
shadeslayeridk : i dont know14:28
mostafaaha ;)14:28
mostafashakeslayer :any way thanks for your responsibility14:29
shadeslayerno probs14:30
mostafashakeslayer: isn't it possible to set the value of sth by a simple shell script for example set the brightness=50% it is just an example out of my mind14:33
shadeslayermostafa: i really dont know......google might know though.....14:34
mostafathnks bro14:34
shadeslayermostafa: you might need to pass values into the power manager to do all of that14:34
BluesKajshadeslayer, I admire your patience and tolerance ...if someone constantlt nisspelled mt name while asking for advice , I would get a bit irritated14:34
shadeslayerBluesKaj: hehe....14:35
BluesKajerr misspelled14:35
shadeslayerBluesKaj: btw... vlc wont work :P14:35
shadeslayerBluesKaj: Cannot mix incompatible Qt libraries14:35
shadeslayerBluesKaj: be back in a moment14:37
BluesKajshadeslayer, won't work for ? I've fogotten14:37
shadeslayerBluesKaj: never mind...i forgot that i was in neon...works in 4.314:40
bigosive got a problem, when i "apt-get update" it throws out that i dont have some gpg key14:41
bigosor something like that14:41
bigosits kubuntu key NO_PUBKEY 2836CB0A8AC93F7A14:42
bigossomething like this14:42
bigosthen i did " gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 2836CB0A8AC93F7A14:42
bigosthat should download and install this key, right?14:43
mostafaraphink: is it possible?14:43
bigosit says it does14:43
bigosbut apt still tells me that this key is missing14:43
BluesKajbigos, sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 2836CB0A8AC93F7A14:44
bigosBluesKaj: thanks! I suppose i didnt import that key into apt ... or something... is that right?14:45
BluesKajyeah bigos , most likely14:45
bigosthanks, i like to learn new things ;)14:45
tommy_how worried should i be?14:45
bigoswhere can i find whats changed in KDE4.3? I cant find any link in the annoucment14:49
wubrgamerhey everyone, what's up?14:49
quintasan1anyone managed to get fglrx to work?14:49
BluesKajbigos, http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.314:49
BluesKajquintasan1, which card ?14:50
capcomis there a possibility to disable the transparency of the taskbar without disabling window effects completely? concerns kde 4.2 / 4.314:50
quintasan1Radeon HD 345014:50
BluesKajand which driver are you using quintasan1 ?14:55
quintasan1BluesKaj: currently I'm using console :P14:55
quintasan1BluesKaj: radeon works, but is slow, radeonhd doesn't work and flgrx doesnt work14:55
BluesKajquintasan1, do you mean fglrx-glxgears ?14:57
quintasan1BluesKaj: I mean it just doesn't load14:57
quintasan1BluesKaj: when I add Driver line it mumbles about unusable screens14:57
orionCould not install Air  final update (plasma theme)14:58
quintasan1and with sudo aticonfig --initial && sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start my system hangs14:58
BluesKajok, quintasan1 , so you're using the default driver, after install?15:03
quintasan1BluesKaj: yeah, radeon15:03
QuintasanBluesKaj: default driver works but it's slow15:04
QuintasanI wanted to try fglrx15:04
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BluesKajQuintasan, try the other xserver-xorg-video-ati driver , but you'll have to uninstall the xserver-xorg-video-radeon driver first, so you may need to do from the TTY if the vesa driver doesn't work15:08
darkhammhey people, how can i build in kde 4.3.0 a bar to the right of desktop, with the widget fixed?15:08
darkhammsomething vista like?15:08
quintasan1jockey failed too15:08
quintasan1BluesKaj: ^15:08
BluesKajquintasan1, the vesa driver takes over in absence of other drivers for X15:10
quintasan1BluesKaj: dunno what you mean, I'm trying to make fglrx work15:11
quintasan1BluesKaj: driver "radeon" works15:11
aarjonacould any kind soul please pastebin the key that appears here: http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x2836CB0A8AC93F7A15:11
aarjonaI can't access non 80 port sites from here :(15:12
BluesKajsorry quintasan1 , you compalined that your driver was slow and and stalls etc , I was suggesting maybe the other ati driver might work better than your default , That's all I can do. I recommend you do some research on google-linux to try to find a solution , unless someone else here can help you. Anyone ?15:26
BluesKajaarjona, what'the source site for that key ?15:29
BluesKajaarjona, you could try this: sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 0x2836cb0a8ac93f7a15:30
aarjonaBluesKaj: thanks15:32
aarjonathat was the key for the ppa with kde4.315:33
BluesKajaarjona, ok15:33
bigosi tried to upgrade to kde4.3, but there is an error i cant understand... it says that dpgk tried to overwrite "/usr/lib/libkephal" that exist also in kde-workspace-bin... and it occurs while trying to install kde-workspace-dev_4%3a4.3.0-0ubuntu1~jaunty1~ppa4_amd64.deb15:41
bigosapt-get -f install doesnt help15:42
DerDiebyou used "apt-get upgrade" or apt-get "dist-upgrade"?15:43
mildnerhow do I repair the plasma desktop in kde 4.315:43
bigosDerDieb: dist-upgrade15:48
ghostcubemildner: what is broken15:48
mildnermy desktop is without the plasmoid15:49
ghostcubeyou updated with backports-ppa and staging repo ?15:49
mildnerno I did sudo apt-get upgrade kde 4.315:50
bigoswith this one: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu jaunty main15:50
ghostcubedeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/staging/ubuntu jaunty main15:50
ghostcubeand this one15:50
bigoshe wasnt talking to me15:50
bigosor were you?15:51
ghostcubemildner sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade15:51
ghostcubethen login if still not working15:51
ghostcubemv ~/.kde ~/.kde-old15:51
ghostcubeand try a new login15:51
HmpfCBRk3b (from jaunty main) with kde 4.3.0 from kubuntu backports, does not start here. no crash handler, no konsole output. anyone experiencing the same?15:52
ubuntuthis is a test15:52
ghostcubenot succesful15:53
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mildnerghostcube  is it just one comand all together?15:53
testtest again15:53
ghostcubeyep before add the repos15:53
testthank you ! its work :)15:53
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mildnerthe repository I added but he needs the security id15:54
ghostcubeno need for15:54
ghostcubeonly warning15:54
Hystorikerhi everyone. Just a quick question about the network-manager-plasmoid: Under kde 4.3 it does still show the icon for being not connected, although i am connected via wlan. Is there any chance this will change again? it used to work in 4.215:56
Hystorikeri already found out that the plasmoid is on a different development schedule than kde.15:57
Hystorikerin #kde someone told me, that there is going to be a systray thingy too, that seems to be the future. can i activate it in kubuntu?15:58
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* emedril is away: Zur Zeit nicht da.16:00
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BluesKajHystoriker, sometimes one gets 2 network managers running at once and of course the first one is the default but the second one appears in the tray ...that's a bug I encountered while using the widget network manager , which i have since dumped in favour of the 'wicd network manager '.16:03
darkhammhow can i check an ntfs partition?16:08
TheSilentWarriorhi, now can i remove KDE completely? I installed it on my laptop, but its old so, KDE gets pretty slow, changed to XFCE16:09
geniidarkhamm: The best way is to run CHKDSK on it from inside Windows to make sure filesystem is marked clean, etc. There is no equivelent utility in Linux for that.16:09
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G__81i installed kubuntu-desktop in my ubuntu laptop running 9.04. The problem is that i am not able to connect to internet from kde but from gnome it works fine16:24
G__81it behaves in a weird way16:24
G__81can someone help me on this ?16:25
cuzntwhat do you use to connect? knetwalk? network management?16:25
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about eth016:26
G__81cuznt, there is a plasma widget thats on the desktop i use that and it shows my SSIDs and when i click on it it prompts me for password but when i give the password it says Connecting to "SSID" and then that notification goes but when i see the widget itself it does not even initiate authentication16:27
cuzntright click and choose manage connections16:27
cuznttry that16:27
G__81yes i did that16:27
G__81i gave the password there16:27
cuzntit asks for root password correct?16:28
G__81no it does not16:28
wubrgameryeah, how _do_ you completely remove all packages installed by kubuntu-desktop?16:28
cuzntthat is the password it wants16:28
cuznti believe16:28
G__81let me try that16:28
G__81and get back16:28
cuznteth0 or wlan?16:28
marquisHow can i connect through a proxyserver in Kubuntu 9.04?16:28
ubottuMany Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as !TOR and web (Java, etc) gateways due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks. If you're using mibbit, please try joining #ubuntu again. Mibbit takes a long time to connect, so you may have missed a message to do this.16:29
cuzntright on G16:29
marquissomebody help pls16:30
PolitikerNEUDoes anybody know a ppa for kdevelop4?16:30
ubottuCompiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubotu compiz » and « /msg ubotu effects »16:41
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G__81i have got myself connected to internet from kubuntu16:46
G__81i want my DNS servers to be used so i tried specifiying it but the resolv.conf does not get changed16:47
G__81cuznt, i tried right clicking on the applet clicked on Manage connections and selected the IP address tab and select DHCP and Manual DNS option and gave my DNS addresses in the following format16:47
G__81is that right?16:48
G__81two DNS Servers16:48
G__81but after having given this the resolv.conf gets a Dynamic DNS address16:48
G__81how do i solve this ?16:48
G__81can someone help me on this ?16:49
G__81anyone here ?16:51
G__81bomber_1234, thanks i want to use the specified DNS server so i have given the DNS in the application but when i do cat of resolv.conf it uses the default16:52
G__81how do i change it16:52
bomber_1234ok... lets see16:54
bomber_1234first... sudo network-admin16:54
G__81network-admin it says command not found16:54
bomber_1234change all dns what you want...16:54
G__81its a Ubuntu 9.04 where in i installed kubuntu-desktop16:55
G__81is there anything else that i need to install16:55
geniiG__81: If the interface is set to auto get an IP it will always overwrite the resolv.conf with whatever the dhcp server sends it16:56
bomber_1234modify the file /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf...16:56
bomber_1234with the text16:56
bomber_1234prepend domain-name-servers dns1, dns2;16:57
bomber_1234ahhh set the interface to set a static ip16:57
G__81i want the Interface to have DHCP but the DNS to be static16:57
G__81its possible16:57
G__81and hence i cannot have static Interface IP16:58
ubottuCompiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubotu compiz » and « /msg ubotu effects »16:58
G__81ok i have done this16:58
G__81prepend domain-name-server dns1,dns216:59
G__81request subnet-mask, broadcast-address, time-offset, routers,16:59
G__81the prepend part i have added16:59
G__81infact uncommented16:59
G__81then the request part was already there16:59
FloodBotK1G__81: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:59
geniiG__81: In the dhclient.conf ?17:01
munnyhi all...17:07
mildneris it possible to connect the calender with google calender?17:09
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Guest16840hallo  bekomme es nicht hin mit dem suspent to ram17:25
Pici!de | Guest1684017:25
ubottuGuest16840: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.17:25
cjaeok so kde 4.3 upgrade via aptitude broke my system, I think maybe just some of the packages are being held back, is this correct?17:29
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rbrunhuberCan anybody help me to correct my locale settings?17:47
rezahow can i share my files through lan (to other client pc)17:58
pulaskiHello I run kubuntu 9.04, kernel 2.68.28-11.  I have a creative sound blaster X-fi Platinum sound card with the front loading bay.  Since creative has released the X-Fi source headers does anyone know when the new kernel will incorporate this driver and when kubuntu to release it?18:01
pulaskireza: NFS18:02
reza? nfs18:03
rezapulaski i didnt getu18:04
pulaskireza:  network file system, check out http://www.ubuntugeek.com/nfs-server-and-client-configuration-in-ubuntu.html18:05
deprecatedPlease fill in the blank... In Kubuntu we don't us su we execute ______18:06
dr_browhen logging into 9.04, keyboard flashes and screen blanks out for a second and login screen comes back up. password is right because i can log into console18:07
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rezawhere is vi edditor in kubuntu18:16
jhutchins_wkreza: May not be installed, but "locate vi" should show you.   Or "which vi".18:17
Riddell** jaunty testers needed for new network manager and python-kde4, ping me if you're able to help18:24
Kopfgeldjaegerhow can i synchronize the audio track in kino?18:25
bernierHi, what's is the equivalent of "update-manager -d" for kubuntu?18:25
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Riddellbernier: update-notifier-kde -d18:32
bernierthanks Riddell18:36
rmrfslashIs anyone else hanging at this point when running aptitude update? 96% [Connecting to archive.canonical.com (]18:36
PliskinRiddell : the version in the backports ppa ?18:37
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RiddellPliskin: python-kde4 and plasma-widget-networkmanagement in Kubuntu staging PPA need testing18:37
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Pliskinrmrfslash : yes, it's the same for me18:38
Pliskinbut you can outpass it with apt-get (I don't know for aptitude)18:38
Riddellrmrfslash: I think archive.canonical.com is overloaded today18:39
Riddellyou may want to disable it18:39
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rmrfslashWill I miss updates if I disable it?18:39
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rmrfslashPliskin: I tried sudo apt-get update, hangs at the same point18:40
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Pliskinrmrfslash : sorry, my english is bad, I misunderstood "hangs"18:41
Pliskinyes, like Riddel said, the server is maybe down, don't bother with it ^^18:42
Pliskinthe important packages are on the ubuntu repos, or the kubuntu ppa18:42
PliskinRiddell : (sorry to bother), what's the difference between the backports ppa and the staging one ?18:49
hafiztangsomebody could help me ?18:52
RiddellPliskin: staging has packages in testing and packages still being built18:53
hafiztanghelp me pls18:53
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:53
hafiztangubottu: i want to install ubuntu into my desired partition18:55
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:55
PliskinRiddell : thanks, I see that plasma-widget-networkmanagment is already in the backports ppa, I'll try to help when the upgrade is complete :)18:55
barrapontohey guys, is there any qt-based app for web developing?18:56
barrapontoor any kate plugin ?18:56
Pliskinbarraponto : there was quanta18:57
Pliskinbut I don't think the project is still alive18:57
d0tk0mhey peeps, what do i need to get dvd playback through vlc player? kubuntu 9.04 kde4.318:57
peinbarraponto : quanta > quanta.kdewebdev.org19:01
barrapontoPliskin: thanks19:03
barrapontopein: thanks19:03
bigleonHello there19:08
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luke_anyone else having trouble upgrading to KDE 4.3?19:29
luke_apt-get can't connect to archive.canonical.com, and it won't let me get the rest of the packages. I'm in gnome now. :-(19:30
BluesKajluke_, yes, it's been down all day as well as medibuntu19:33
luke_ah, k.19:33
luke_well, that sucks.19:33
luke_thanks. :-)19:33
FloodBotK2luke_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:33
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up19:34
BluesKajjeansch, having probs with widget-network-manager?19:36
BluesKajor knetwork manager19:36
BluesKaj!info wicd | jeansch19:37
ubottujeansch: wicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.9-2 (jaunty), package size 247 kB, installed size 1860 kB19:37
BluesKajthat's the network manager that's working on the newer versions of kubuntu like jaunty19:38
BluesKajthe others are flaky19:38
jeanschI'm trying (very hard) kde 4.3, and i have a problem with knetworkmanager: i show me the AP (wifi), i'm able en enter the key, check the box 'connect automaticaly', but a cannot have the net. nm-applet works fine. Any clue ? (on karmic)19:38
bigleonHello, I am having the problem as described here, "https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-bugs/2009-March/068998.html" and can't seem to find any solutions for this. Does anyone know where i could look to find a solution or know one?19:39
BluesKajjeansch, knetwork manager hjas been replaced by the nm-applet on jaunty and karmic19:40
PliskinBluesKaj : that's not true19:41
jeanschBluesKaj: no19:41
jeanschBluesKaj: apt-cache show kubuntu-desktop before saying something like that19:42
BluesKajwell, that's odd after I updated to jaunty knetwork manager was gone , but youguys go ahead and sort it out amongst yourselves :)19:42
Pliskinwhat you call knetmanager, it's the kde3 app, I suppose19:43
jeanschPliskin: nop19:44
BluesKajof course i didn't use a wireless setup until after I upgraded to jaunty , so maybe that's the reason it wasn't retained on my system19:44
PliskinOn KDE4, there is plasma-widget-networkmanager19:44
jeanschPliskin: it's in the plasma-widget-networkmanagement package, and the plasma-thing about network managment tell that it's better to use it19:44
BluesKajyes, but I haven't seen knetworkmanager since intrepid19:45
Pliskinand it's often broken, but in kubuntu they pick up versions that "work" (well, work but it"s buggy)19:45
JontheEchidnaknetworkmanager has made a comeback, btw19:45
PliskinBluesKaj : yes, like I said, it's a KDE3 app, and there is no KDE3 app anymore in jaunty19:45
jeanschdpkg -S /usr/bin/knetworkmanager19:45
jeanschplasma-widget-networkmanagement: /usr/bin/knetworkmanager19:45
JontheEchidnathey're using it while they redo the plasmoid19:46
Pliskinoh, good to know, thanks JontheEchidna19:46
JontheEchidnatotally rewritten than the one in kde319:46
BluesKajwell, it's semantics i suppose cuz wicd is the one to use IMO19:46
jeanschBluesKaj: can wicd tell to the 'desktop' apps that you are online of offline ?19:49
jeanschi think no19:49
Pliskinis there a qt front-end for wicd ?19:49
bigleonJust letting you know, I figured an alernative to using hte preinstalled Kubuntu remote desktop access by using x11vnc19:50
jeanschis wicd integrated with a keyring ? (gnome-keyring or kwallet) ?19:50
BluesKajPliskin, there's a gui ,dunno  what it's written in19:50
Pliskinthat's it19:51
PliskinKubuntu is Qt/KDE distro, BluesKaj19:51
BluesKajI use kde4 so most likely Qt419:51
jeanschJontheEchidna: are you using knetworkmanager ?19:52
jeansch(with wifi) ?19:52
skolnekis anyone running a old geoforce4 nvidia with 9.04? just wondering on compatibility.19:52
BluesKajwell, I use some gtk apps , cuz i like 'em , not a purist19:52
malik_hi all,19:52
BluesKaj!info wicd19:53
ubottuwicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.9-2 (jaunty), package size 247 kB, installed size 1860 kB19:53
malik_can any one tell me a totem movie player plugin which i can use to record an online audio stream to an mp3 file??19:53
zuzskolnek: you can search it on google for minimum requirements and see if your geforce is compatible19:54
zuzthe geforce4 series are probably compatible19:54
PliskinBluesKaj : it's not about being un purist, it's about integration19:54
JontheEchidnajeansch: nah, I have a wired connection19:54
BluesKajyup, but as long as it works19:54
skolnekthanks zuz it is compatable but just wodering if it was buggy.19:55
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PliskinI use firefox too when konqueror doesn't work, but the networkmanager plasmoid work for me19:55
zuzskolnek: you can always burn the CD and run Kubuntu from the CD like it was installed and play around it19:55
zuzopera browser got me to use it instead of firefox, its so fast19:55
canen_anyone having issues with openoffice since the kde 4.3 upgrade?19:56
BluesKajI prefer kubuntu-desktop , but that's cuz i'm an old windows guy and the look is familiar19:56
jeanschPliskin: arora is not bad :) but bookmarks import seems not easy19:56
skolnekI was just wondering befor I upgrade.19:56
zuzkde 4.3 looks nice, i just got it19:56
jeanschPliskin: are you using jaunty or karmic ?19:56
BluesKajtrying rekonq right now, the webkit browser for kde19:56
PliskinBluesKaj : Erf, I can't stand the "KDE looks like windows speech"19:57
BluesKajworks fine19:57
zuzwhat kind of issues?  let me see if i can reproduce it here19:57
jeanschBluesKaj: rekonq is not a real project, you can try arora19:57
Pliskinjeansch : jaunty, with the kubuntu backports ppa19:57
skolnekthanks zuz19:57
jeanschPliskin: and your plasmathing about network manager looks well, or just a two colors sort of cell phone ?19:57
malik_can any one tell me a totem movie player plugin which i can use to record an online audio stream to an mp3 file??19:58
lancelotherkese iyi kandiller19:58
Pliskinjeansch : I don't understand19:58
BluesKajjeansch, I tried arora , prefer rekonq , it imported all my konqueror settings and it doesn't crash19:58
christophe_Anybody know how to assign a keyboard shortcut to "show desktop" I don't mean the plasma widget19:59
Pliskinyou mean the green color in the sub titles ?19:59
tkeslerhow can I scan to see if a cd-writer is being recognized?19:59
tkeslerk3b doesn't see it19:59
BluesKajPliskin, when i said i prefer kde cuz it looks like windows wasn't speech , it was merely a statement of preference20:00
BluesKajwasn't a speech20:00
surgymy login resolution is too high for my monitor which only supports up to 800x600, i just instaleld it and when i switch to a ttyl login and type sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf the file is empty. also when i try "sudo xrandr --output default --mode 800x600" it says "cant open display" any help would be greatly appreciated20:05
tobyI got past the "white screen problem" after updating to 4.3, but now my taskbar is missing. I don't really want to delete .kde, any other ideas?20:08
surgyisnt the start menu katapault?20:10
surgyive asked a million times and looked for about 45 mins now20:10
surgycant find a solution20:11
surgyto my prob20:11
tkesleris there a way query the ide to look for devices?20:11
asranielhi, after updating to kde 4.3 i got a "new" network manager thing.. is this still the plasmoid? any information about this?20:11
BluesKajlspci is dirty but it works20:11
bdgrauetoby: delete .kde isnt nessesary i think, maybe delete some plasmarc in .kde/share/config (plasma-desktop applet and some like this )20:11
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surgyBluesKaj, can you give me a hand bro?20:12
bdgrauesurgy: startmenu is kickoff20:12
surgybdgraue, my bad20:12
surgymy problem seams so simple..... yet no one can answer it20:13
BluesKajsurgy, you can try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and after setting it up do startx20:14
ShuraHi, I can't "automatically define date and time". I check it, it ask me my password, but when I come back, it's uncheck. Normal ?20:14
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tobybdgraue: Thanks, I moved .kde/share/config/plasm* elsewhere and logged out/in. All fixed.20:17
SeanTaterI suspended a live cd (which worked fine), but then it locks the screen and expects a password? I tried just pressing enter but it doesn't work20:17
bdgrauetoby: :)20:18
surgyBluesKaj, ok xorg isnt empty now, but there is still no default resolution under the "screen" section, can i just manually add one? and what should it look like?20:18
BluesKajsurgy, are you on jaunty ?20:20
surgyBluesKaj, yes sir20:20
tkeslerblueskaj: lspci only lists the ide controller...help20:20
BluesKajsurgy, have you rebooted since you installed the new monitor ?20:20
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surgyBluesKaj, its not a new monitor, i instaleld buntu with this monitor hooked up20:23
BluesKajsurgy, look in system settings /display ..are there any optional settings in the drop down ?20:27
surgywell i was having problems getting into x20:33
surgybut i think i might have fixed it by screwing up xorge and letting it reconfigure itself20:33
surgysorry for the delays the comp is in the other side of the house20:33
PliskinRiddell : the new KDE4 KNetwokManager (the systray app) works for me, but it has some annoying bugs (the duplicated entries in the list, the way it appears and disappears...etc, but it works \o/)20:34
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BluesKajsurgy, jaunty depends heavvily on the HAL and graphics kernel modules more and more now.20:36
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surgyBluesKaj, well me screwing up the xorge simply makes the comp ask me if i want to run in low graphics mode "just once" so i choose that edit my settings and then restart and the same thing happens, so i let it restore the xorg on its own and it doesnt appear to change anything....20:37
surgyi think it just might be the log in screen thats too high of a resolution20:38
asranielPliskin: any idea if this is still the same code as the plasmoid? it kind of looks that way, i can't figure out from where it's comming (how could i stop it for example?)20:39
Pliskinasraniel : I dont think so, accordding to JontheEchidna, it's a rewritten knetworkmanager (the one from kde3) for KDE420:40
BluesKajsurgy, it's not like the old days where one could actually edit xorg.conf to use a certain res , those options are gone20:40
Pliskinit's an app they coded while they redo the plasmoid20:40
Pliskinthe plasmoid is too often broken to use it20:41
malik_I can not login my yahoo account from any IM client like pidgin, kopete etc  why is it so20:41
malik_can anyone help me please ??20:41
surgyBluesKaj, then we have to assume buntu is not compatible with my hardware?20:43
Pliskinasraniel : the message on the plasmoid networkmanager hover "It"s higly unstable and will crash your desktop. Until further notice, please use KDE4 Knetworkmanager instead"20:43
BluesKajsurgy, it could be your graphics card driver too20:43
BluesKajsurgy, do you have a jaunty live cd ?20:44
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liberviscoHas anyone so far discovered a bug in latest KDE upgrade?20:44
liberviscoThe one where startkde is missing and kdm wont start it, nor GDM?20:45
liberviscothe one where final release is worse than alpha because *it wont start* :P20:45
liberviscoI ended up in LXDE instead KDE because of that :S20:46
BluesKajlibervisco, do a startkde in the terminal , see if you have a popup dialog20:46
liberviscowell it's not installed20:47
liberviscobut.. um.. ubuntu told me the package in which it should be20:47
liberviscoapparently the upgrade somehow removed it and failed to replace it with a new one20:47
BluesKajlibervisco, well then you know what to do20:48
* libervisco blushes20:48
liberviscoyeah :D20:48
* BluesKaj shrugs , np20:48
surgyBluesKaj, i fixed it20:48
surgyjust added a subsection "SubSection "Display" with one entry "Modes 800x600"20:49
BluesKajsurgy, cool , can you share what you did , so we can adize others with the same prob20:49
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surgyadded that subsection under the section "Screens"20:49
surgyor rather in the screens section20:49
BluesKajsurgy , wow , glad to hear an edit actually works in xorg.conf :)20:50
surgyBluesKaj, yeah lol im old school so thats the fiorst place i look when it comes to graphicle issues20:50
bigleon_Hey there, I'm having issues getting a program to boot at startup. (preferbly I'd like it to boot at the login page) trying to get software x11vnc to boot20:51
surgyand to be honest this was a xubuntu problem, i just dont like those guys over there they are the most unhelpful people in the universe20:52
bigleon_I tried putting the command line in Xsetup and also making a link at the autostart folder... any help would be much apprecaited.20:53
philenaHey.. I have a network question?20:55
surgy!ask || philena20:56
ubottu| philena: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:56
philenasorry :P20:56
surgythank you ubottu :)20:56
surgyim glad some things like good ol ubottu never change20:56
Maui_hi all.. is it possible to install kde 4.3 on debian lenny or i will encour in problem with dependancies?20:57
ubottuTo make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. In KDE 3.X the package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory. For a complete KDE 3.X guide, see http://jucato.org/kde/kde-autostart.html20:57
bigleon_I just started working on my new Kde server before my school year stats so i'm having all sorts of fun getting her set up20:57
bigleon_Well i was having issues in autostart i found the autostart function :)20:57
BluesKajbigleon_, maybe this site can help http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/X11vnc20:57
andreas_hi all20:57
philenaOk.. I'm on my Kubuntu, and I have XP professional on the same wireless router.  If I want to access Microsoft programs in Kubuntu and vice versa, which is the best method?  Do I have to use VPN if the computers are right next to each other or what?20:58
surgyi think you can just right click/make link and then drag and drop that link into your .kde/autostart folder and you should be bueno20:58
bigleon_Bluekaj i'm at their Faq, they just lack Kde support.20:58
philena samba seems to work just fine assessing my shared foldered.  But I want to be able to access OneNote too.20:58
surgyphilena, i think your talking about sharing folders between the operating systems?20:59
Maui_ehm... another question: how can i upgrade to kde 4.3 from kde 4.2.2 in kubuntu? i've added the backport repo but both apt-get update and aptitude "fail"20:59
bigleon_oh crap i tottaly just removed my dashboard T_T20:59
surgyphilena, i would suggest using a virtual machine such as virtualbox20:59
cuznthow shall you steer?21:00
andreas_I think I have a very basic problem ... I want to copy files from my windows-partition to ubuntu-drive, but it says "no permission"21:00
surgyandreas_, are you currently in windows or buntu?21:01
BluesKajbigleon_, in the contents box on the site check "Using wirh KDM"21:01
philenaSo I create a virtual windows machine for Kubuntu?21:01
surgydid you use a wubi installer?21:01
surgyphilena, thats how i would do it, and then just reinstall my apps on my new os21:01
bigleon__I think i'm in here twice now21:01
bigleon__Bah this is what i get for not having use kubuntu for the last 2 years T_T21:02
surgybigleon, shame on your resistance! :)21:02
bigleon__Blame a the school system >.>21:02
philenaWhat if I want to assess the Kubuntu desktop with either my winXP desktop or Vista laptop?21:02
bigleon__College has 4 linux pc's campus wide...21:03
surgywell you can use vnc or a vm on those :)21:03
philenaI think that option would work better, but I have cywin on my vista21:03
surgybigleon i have that beat in my bedroom21:03
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andreas_what is wubi installer? or was that one not for me? ;)21:03
surgyphilena if you want 100% access to any of your computers on any of your networks then you cant beat vnc, plus it is completely portable.21:04
philenayea, did that krfb invitation.  But I don't know how to use the information21:04
surgyandreas_, wubi installer lets you install linux as a program loaded by windows21:04
andreas_no, I have installed ubuntu 9-04 from CD on a seperate drive21:04
surgyandreas_, it also shows up in your add/remove programs list and makes things 1000000 times easier21:04
surgyok then you need to read up on ntfs drivers and what nots21:05
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE21:05
philenado I need to install vpn on my vista and xp?21:05
andreas_I can access the ntfs drive. I think the problem is that I don't have the rights on the destination folder21:05
surgy!vnc | philena21:05
ubottuphilena: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX21:05
bigleonOkay... this time no accidently closing everything21:06
surgyphilena, use realvnc on windows and any of the million vnc client/server packs for buntu21:06
bigleonBefore i get back to working on X11vnc ,  how do i get my task bar back at the bottem?21:06
surgyno  clue there big lol21:07
ubottuKickoff is a new KDE menu replacement developed by openSUSE. See http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/233121:07
surgymaybe you need to restart kickoff21:07
bigleon /cry21:07
surgybigleon, try this command in a terminal "sudo reboot" lol21:08
surgybigleon, its the first thing i try when things sudenly dissapeat21:08
bigleonwell I just rebooted the whole system21:08
bigleonThis widget system is new21:09
bigleonTake some time getting used to21:09
bigleontried to close a program and killed my bar21:09
bigleonBut rightclick add widget, task manager is what ya do in that case21:09
bigleonIf someone could please scroll up and find that wiki link about x11vnc that would be awesome :)21:10
andreas_this one?21:10
bigleonThank you.21:10
surgyso im trying to [pay back the community, i try to answer as many questions as i can after hastling everyone with my own questions21:12
surgyso if anyone needs me fire those questions!21:12
andreas_ok, I try to describe my problem again. I am on ubuntu, and need to copy files from windows. I can access the ntfs drive, and I have found the files there, but when I want to copy them I get the message that I have no permission for the destination folder on ubuntu21:13
bigleon*rolls* this wiki is confusing the hell out of me.21:13
andreas_the destination folder is owned by root21:13
surgyandreas_, right click on the file in ubuntu and look in permissions21:14
andreas_it says that the folder is owned by root, and that I don't have permission to write in it21:14
surgyandreas_, should be pretty self explainatory from the rightclick /permissions area21:14
andreas_yes, it says that I am not the owner ... but how do I become owner of that folder=21:15
surgyor you can go to a terminal and cd to the directory of the folder and user the command chmod +rw21:15
surgysudo chmod +rw21:15
ubottuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions21:15
surgyandreas you are owner when signed in as root21:16
andreas_how do I do that? When I start ubuntu it logs me in automatically21:16
surgyandreas_, why not create a new folder in your home directory or desktop? then it will have the permisions automagicly21:17
surgyandreas_, you have some learning to do21:17
surgy!root | andreas21:17
ubottuandreas: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo21:17
andreas_yes, I know ... I am very new to the Linux-world :)21:17
BluesKajandreas_, you don't usw a pw on the login page ?21:18
surgyandreas_, you have done well my padwan learner your path to greatness we will lead you.21:18
andreas_BluesKaj : no21:18
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bigleonHmmm BluesKaj, that wiki you linked me seems to be for a different ver of X11.21:20
bigleonokay I'm trying to set up a program with auto start. I'm in application tab for command shouldn't "x11vnc -forever -usepw -bg display :0" that work and i wouldn't need to put anything in "work path" ??21:24
andreas_ok, thanks !!! I've got it !!! :-)21:26
surgywell done young padwan21:26
surgycareful for frustration a path to the darkside is21:26
andreas_I'm learning21:27
bigleonOr a stroke surgy...21:27
surgybigleon, or worse....... MS: WINBLOWS!21:27
andreas_yes I know about frustration .. this is my I think 1000th try to Linux21:27
bigleonsurgy, hey now Windows 7 has been a dream of what windows should be :)21:27
surgyim going to keep pretending you didnt say that, cuase i thought we were cool21:28
bigleonTo be a true fan of anything you must respect it's competitors.21:28
MTGapsurgy your a crazy fanboy21:28
MTGapyes you..21:29
surgyi respect windows, i use it often, but to say it competes with buntu or linux in general is treason21:29
MTGapand that's what makes you a fanboy that crazy statement there...21:29
bigleonAgreed MTGap21:29
surgyMTGap, lol a fanboy eh? i'll take it as a compliment :)21:30
geniiIf you want to discuss this, #kubuntu-offtopic is probably a better place than here21:30
surgygenii, agreed appologies for my intrusion21:30
andreas_ok, I'm off again ... tx&cu21:31
bigleonAlright, here goes the big test... :) rebooting Kubuntu Brb to complain if it still doesn't work.21:32
bigleon /cry I'm doing something wrong, not sure what...21:36
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bigleon / betrayed by spacebar... I think i got it now21:37
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gokhanselam ubuntu kullanıcısıyım bana yardm edebilecek var mı21:44
gokhansorun ekran21:45
gokhanekran kartım kurulmamış ne yapmalıyım21:45
gokhanonboard ekranım21:45
ubottuTurk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.21:45
gokhansis mirage 321:45
basyIs there any GUI tool for database model creation for kubuntu?21:53
phhkexi can do the job iirc21:53
MTGapAn irc question, how do you do the thing where you message only one person and it turns red21:57
phh/msg nickname message ?21:58
MTGapWell I've tried that and it opens a query21:58
mizipzorrunning a game in wine in fullscreen mode seriously distorts my taskbar, tray, clock and other stuff at the bottom of the screen... they are moved to a new order and resized, and open windows are no longer shown in the taskbar... what is the cause of this and how can it be fixed?22:01
Varoxhi all!22:03
Varoxdid someone of you try to update to kde 4.3 today?22:03
Varoxi got this error and really have no idea how to fix it: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=123250322:04
phhmizipzor: the game takes an other resolution than the current one22:04
phhand change the "whole" resolution22:04
phhthe only way i know to "fix" that is to set the game to the same resolution22:04
mizipzorphh: and kde cant reset the resolution? or "change it again" so to speak?22:04
mizipzorphh: the game doesnt support that high resolution... its quite old... and running it in window mode makes it very hard to see stuff22:05
phhdon't know22:05
iceroot!info kubuntu-desktop22:05
ubottukubuntu-desktop (source: kubuntu-meta): Kubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.122 (jaunty), package size 21 kB, installed size 48 kB22:05
icerootwhich kde-version is in the repos from jaunty?22:05
mizipzorphh: rebooting has no effect btw22:06
mizipzorjust tried that out22:06
iceroot!info kde22:07
ubottukde (source: meta-kde): the K Desktop Environment official modules. In component universe, is optional. Version 5:48ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 7 kB, installed size 40 kB22:07
Varoxiceroot: where you talking to me?22:08
Varoxnever mind22:08
icerootVarox: no, i am talking with the bot, because noone here want to say which kde-version jaunty is using22:09
Varoxyea, just got it (late, but got it)22:09
Brad777Hello I just need some really quick help... I sort of forgot to look up how to get back into kubuntu after installing windows BEFORE I installed it and I would like to get back into Kubuntu... I have a bootfile in my kubuntu partition I just need to know how to get grub back...22:11
MTGapI think you might be out of luck brad, windows messes up linux when your dual booting22:12
gusttavohello,somebody form Brasil ??22:14
gusttavosorry,from Brasil ??22:15
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.22:15
lninjoxtry grub loader22:15
lninjoxor acronis boot manager22:15
lninjoxalways installed windows first then kub22:16
lninjoxanyone know why i cant write to vista folder, using ntfs22:16
lninjoxits mounted and i can read but cant write22:16
lninjoxhere is my commands22:17
lninjoxsudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/windows -o rw22:18
Brad777lninjox, well i didn't want to reinstall kubuntu lol22:18
lninjoxinstall what you want i was telling you how i did it22:19
MTGapI know this is off topic but anyone else using Chromium and updated recently and noticed some guys head replaced the X close button22:25
ubuntutürk varmı22:31
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Think-FreeHi ! I need a bash guru22:35
Think-FreeAny body ?22:36
xerosisI'm running kubuntu jaunty with kde 4.3 from PPA and none of the logout/power buttons work, does anyone know where I could start to troubleshoot?22:36
bdgrauexerosis: did you alreaddy restart x or reboot after the update?22:39
xerosisbdgraue: yep22:39
* bdgraue only had this problem before he restarted22:39
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mildnerdoes anybody know how to get kdetwitter?22:57
mildnerthats a plasmoid for twitter22:57
MTGapyeah isn't it just the microblogging widget?22:58
ghostcubeis there a way to get different backround images in kde 4.3.023:13
NakkelIm having a annoying problem with Kopete after upgrading to 4.3. The default shortcuts "Return" or "Enter" for sending message wont work anymore. I tried to look if there was any global shortcuts using ret/enter but found none so Im bit lost why wont they work. :/23:22
roysunshine92i have a problem with kde 4 shoutdown, it doesn't work because it isn't able to stop running programs i think.any help?23:25
login__ oi23:26
DragnslcrNakkel- what's your shortcut for "Send Message" in a chat window's Settings -> Configure Shortcuts ?23:27
NakkelDragnslcr: Return and enter23:28
DragnslcrNakkel- hm, I dunno then. I'm still on the last RC, but ctrl-return and alt-return have worked fine for me23:29
NakkelTried those too but didnt help :(23:30
bigleonHey there, I'm attempting to set up a sharing network between my Desktop with external HD (OS:Kubuntu) and my Laptop (OS:Win7)23:30
roysunshine92i have a problem with kde 4 shoutdown, it doesn't work because it isn't able to stop running programs i think.any help?23:30
bigleonI'm pretty much stuck currently. Unable to get any flavor of samba to work that i've comeacross. I don't want to set up an FTP because I don't want to have to download files just so i access them on my lp (such as music or movies)23:31
arthur_I'm fairly new to using IRC...anybody here?23:36
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arthur_I have an ICOP eBox 4861 and was wondering if there might be any interest in "respinning" KUbuntu 9.04 to support that hardware?23:38
bigleonBah still no luck on samba...23:38
claydoharthur_: aren't via eden chips x86 compatible?23:41
arthur_supposed to be...but the video chip is not recognized properly by the Debian x.org installer database...23:41
claydohits the (lack of) useable via chrome video drivers then23:43
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arthur_ but version 8.04 works fine...why not 9.04?23:43
claydohdunno, perhaps the drivers are not updated enough?23:44
ZoraelIs there any way to get gtk2-engines-qtcurve.rc.sh run earlier? Input helpers (uim toolbars, scim-gtk-panel) seem to be run earlier23:45
Zorael(than the script, obviously)23:45
arthur_I think that by hand editting the xorg.conf file, it could be made to work, but that throws off the updating process and it really should be fixed at the Debian xorg database side...23:45
darthanubishow does one set individual wallpaper per desktop?23:49
lninjoxwhat version23:52
lninjoxneed a list of channels23:52

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