
mwhudsonboo to not being able to restart the buildmaster ever :(00:14
thumperwhat changed?00:17
mwhudsonwell, there's always a build running00:17
mwhudsonif i bounced it now, we'd lose the progress so far on the tests currently running00:17
mwhudsonmaybe it's worth it though00:17
mwhudson(it would be nice if the bzr builder ran today)00:17
mwhudsonthumper: opinion?00:19
* thumper wants a stop.patch00:20
thumpermwhudson: will we need to manually kick the builds to get them going again?00:20
thumpermwhudson: if we won't, do it now00:20
mwhudsonthumper: i don't think so00:20
mwhudsonthumper: let's find out!00:21
* mwhudson restarts the wrong bit, oops00:21
wgrantWhat's the bzr builder?00:22
mwhudsonbuilds seem to be going now00:23
mwhudsonwgrant: it runs the launchpad tests against bzr.dev00:23
wgrantmwhudson: Ah.00:23
thumpermwhudson: we have a new image for bzr?00:25
mwhudsonthumper: no, it was master only changes00:25
mwhudson(a new image wouldn't require a master restart)00:25
thumpermwhudson: ah crap00:36
thumpermwhudson: my tests run fine locally00:37
thumpermwhudson: but there are changes on devel that cause it to fail00:37
mwhudsonthumper: wheeee!00:37
thumpermwhudson: but I really want this cherry pickable...#00:37
thumpermwhudson: if I fix it to land, it won't cherry pick00:37
mwhudsonthumper: land it on devel first, then prepare a branch off production containing the fix?00:38
thumperthe branch I have is prepared off production00:38
mwhudsonoh right00:38
thumpermwhudson: I think I'll push my current branch to a new branch on lp00:38
thumperthen fix to land on devel00:38
mwhudsonright, two branches is the answer i think00:38
thumperah fuck00:47
* thumper walks away for coffee00:48
thumperI'll fix the problem later...00:48
* mwhudson afk for a bit again00:50
mwhudson(well, for lunch)00:51
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-dinner
=== matsubara-dinner is now known as matsubara
* wgrant cringes a bit at IAnnouncement.02:03
wgrantAnd related interfaces..02:04
meaton2veggies_wgrant: installed on jaunty now02:04
wgrantmeaton2veggies_: i386?02:05
thumperwgrant: do a bzr blame on that one02:05
wgrantthumper: I did see some comments around which indicate what I think you might be suggesting.02:05
* wgrant tries.02:05
meaton2veggies_wgrant: yes, VM02:05
meaton2veggies_wgrant: any idea how i fix self-signed cert with feeds.launchpad.dev:443?02:06
wgrantmeaton2veggies_: Tell your browser to trust it.02:06
meaton2veggies_yep, doing that now02:06
meaton2veggies_in firefox 3.5 it comes up on the front page launchpad.dev error alert02:07
wgrantThat's correct.02:07
wgrantYou need to tell Firefox to trust it.02:07
meaton2veggies_do i have to create a proper cert for the local site02:08
wgrantYou could, but there's little point.02:08
wgrantthumper: How aggressively should method name conventions be fixed?02:09
thumperwgrant: what are you wanting to fix?02:09
wgrantthumper: IAnnouncement.set_published_date and IHasAnnouncements.announcements02:09
wgrant(to setPublishedDate and getAnnouncements respectively)02:10
thumperwgrant: are they methods?02:10
wgrantthumper: They are.02:10
wgrantAnd they both want to be exported.02:10
thumperannouncements is a method not an attribute?02:11
wgrantthumper: Correct.02:11
thumperwgrant: I'd review and approve those changes02:11
wgrantthumper: It takes some arguments to customise the result. Maybe it used to be an attribute.02:11
wgrantthumper: I shall start another branch and do the renames. Thanks.02:13
wgrantSeems much nicer than using exported_as.02:13
thumperwgrant: agreed02:14
wgrantAnd they're not used much, so it's easy.02:14
=== cody-somerville_ is now known as cody-somerville
* mwhudson reappears02:39
mwhudsonmars: "- Node.queryAll()'s signature changed.  It now returns an empty sentinel object with size() == 0 if no results were found, instead of returning 'null'. "02:56
mwhudsonthat was a particularly stupid change in pr202:57
marswell, it makes the test clearer, and universal03:05
marstest for length: done!03:05
marsI don't know what Y.all() returns though03:06
mwhudsonoh right03:13
mwhudsonin loggerhead i had to change a few Y.query(selector).each(...) to nodes = Y.query(selector); if (nodes) nodes.each(...)03:14
mwhudsons/query/all/ i guess03:14
mwhudsonwhich just made me a bit unhappy03:14
wgrantThe sparklines really encourage me to read the project branch listing very quickly, before the horrible virus slowly infects all of the rows.03:21
lifelesswgrant: thumper is landing a fix, or you could put one up :)03:22
wgrantlifeless: They should be gone in a few hours, I think.03:22
wgrantI'm surprised they missed the edge update last night.03:23
thumperwgrant: heh03:23
thumperwgrant: missed the cut off by about 2.5 h03:24
lifelessthumper: thats ok, have a beer for commiseration. Or something.03:24
* wgrant defeats the stupid uni firewall, and successfully pushes that IAnnouncement branch.03:24
wgrantthumper: Shall I request a review from you?03:25
thumperwgrant: sure03:25
wgrantI attempted to search for 'devel' as the branch to propose the merge to, and the picker gives me one option: "undefined"03:26
wgrantOh. "Too many matches" is the error, "undefined" is the option.03:26
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
thumperwgrant: try "lp:launchpad/devel"03:35
thumperwgrant: once you've done it once, it'll remember03:36
thumperand offer it next time#03:36
wgrantthumper: Ah, useful.03:37
wgrantthumper: Thanks. I'll file a bug.03:37
* thumper takes a break as 4 ec2's do their thing03:40
wgrantSo, a friend of mine just totally failed to realise that status and importance are AJAXy, because they have no icons.03:54
lifelesswgrant: I filed a bug on that03:55
lifelesssearch for mystery meat03:55
lifelessbad web design since 199503:55
wgrantI thought I remembered seeing them.03:55
thumpergot an invalid docstring :(04:09
mwhudsonapidocs are processed from docstings04:09
thumperapi doc compilation thingy04:09
thumperwhere can I find out what exactly is invalid?04:09
mwhudsonthumper: i'd start with the diff against trunk :/04:10
mwhudsonwoo bzr builder ran to completion today04:10
thumperits a new docstring for a new method04:10
thumpermwhudson: 8 failures04:10
thumpermwhudson: but yes, it ran :)04:10
thumperoh 3 failures, 10 errors04:10
mwhudsonthumper: almost all uifactory failures04:10
mwhudsoni think i have a branch that fixes that actually...04:11
mwhudsonhm, no04:11
mwhudsoni have a branch that was created to fix that :)04:11
thumpermwhudson: add it to the todo list :)04:11
mupBug #405052: bzr 1.18dev breaks our uifactory <Launchpad Bazaar Integration:In Progress by mwhudson> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/405052>04:12
mwhudsonfiled a while ago04:12
mwhudsoni'm sure i fixed this, must have lost the changes somehow04:12
mwhudsonit's minor04:13
thumperoff to get the car now04:13
* thumper is no $806 poorer04:40
spmthumper: I'd be more worried about the $806 vs the no/now04:42
thumperspm: well, the car needed brake pads and discs04:42
spmwhat do you need brakes for? don't NZer's just run into the nearest sheep to stop?04:43
lifelessno way, waste of a good sheep04:43
thumperspm: it is the lack of sheep at the town lights that cause problems04:44
spmyou'd think they'd do something about that. what do you pay your taxes for eh!04:44
thumperspm: to pay for the politicians Wellington houses apparently04:44
spmah. some things dno't ever change....04:45
thumperspm: how goes disk space on codehosting?04:49
thumperspm: also, what is the RT for more disk space?04:49
marswgrant, was your friend using Safari?  Be sure to note that in the bug report.  Safari doesn't show the icons, IIRC.04:58
* mars goes off to sleep for real now04:59
thumpermars: I have noticed that sometimes they don't show at all04:59
thumpermars: on FF2.0 on Windows04:59
wgrantmars: Firefox 3.0. It's intended that they don't show up unless hovered.05:00
wgrantThat they don't show up even if hovered over is another issue.05:00
thumperwgrant: even on hover they weren't showing05:00
lifelessmystery meat sucks05:02
wgrantlazr.restful seems to think that my zope.schema.URI is a hosted file :(05:05
thumperlifeless: there was an Indian resturant near where I lived once in London that had "meat chilli chilli" as a menu item :)05:10
thumperI was never game to ask exactly what the meat was05:10
thumperit was a mystery :)05:10
lifelesshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mystery_meat_navigation is what I meant though05:11
thumperlifeless: found the community review tag bug05:18
thumper1 line fix, 50 lines of tests to write05:20
mwhudsonconcurrency is hard :(06:17
mwhudsonemacs just died on me?06:40
mwhudsonah no06:40
mwhudsonjust hiding06:40
thumperI'm done for now06:41
thumperwill finish off these tests later06:41
* mwhudson very nearly finished too06:42
mwhudsonthumper: what was the problem for community reviews?06:42
thumperbranch.reviewer vs. branch.code_reviewer06:43
thumperreviewer can be None06:43
thumpercode_reviewer == branch.reviewer or branch.owner06:43
thumperI'm changing the view logic and renaming a method and adding tests :)06:43
noodles775Morning ppl07:23
noodles775morning jml08:59
spmhey jml, noodles775; and g'night08:59
jmlspm, g'night09:01
allenapmrevell: Morning :)10:01
mrevellhey allenap10:01
allenapDoes anyone know why PQM is throwing out my branches? It seems to be claiming we're in testfix mode for lp/devel, but the waterfall is green a long way back.10:03
danilosallenap: we get into testfix even if db-devel is red10:08
danilosallenap: it's "stop the line" approach10:09
allenapdanilos: Ah ha, thank you.10:09
BjornTallenap: we should get out of testfix mode soon, though. it depends on when the script that turn it off sees the testfix commit.10:10
allenapBjornT: Fantastic :)10:11
jmlliwii sent an email to the launchpad-dev mailing list10:31
* wgrant hasn't seen it come through.10:34
jmland it doesn't seem to be in the archive, nor in the moderation queue10:55
jmlwgrant, sorry I got distracted for a while10:55
wgrantjml: Not even in the moderation queue? Huh.10:57
mrevelljtv: ping10:59
jtvmrevell: pong10:59
jtvmrevell: saw your message about the getting-started guide, though haven't looked at the guide yet11:00
jtvmrevell: just what we need though, so definitely let's set a time.11:00
jtv(that is what this is about, isn't it?)11:00
mrevelljtv: No worries. This is on a slightly different subject. Should the help wiki present bzr imports and exports as the default method?11:00
jmlbut I don't know how the moderation queue works.11:01
jmldo we have an admin around who can take a look?11:01
deryckHi, all.11:02
jtvmrevell: for exports I'd present both options side by side depending on use case (and it should be clear that it's for maintainers, reviewers etc., not for end-users)11:02
jtvmrevell: for imports, I would like bzr to be seen as the default source.  Also makes it less inviting to set up proprietary projects for translation without contacting us.11:03
jmlderyck, g'day11:03
jtvhi deryck, hi jml11:03
mrevelljtv: Great. I'm uncertain what you mean by " makes it less inviting to set up proprietary projects for translation without contacting us."11:04
mrevellyo dezza11:04
jmljtv, hi11:04
* jtv feels an O(n²) process11:04
danilosjtv, henninge_: let's have a call11:04
mrevelldanilos: hands off, I'm talking to jtv11:04
=== henninge_ is now known as henninge
danilosmrevell: no way, it's in the calendar ;)11:04
jtvmrevell: with bzr imports, you share your source first and the translation imports are then easy.  With manual uploads, it can seem to make sense not to share source.11:05
jtvdanilos: call11:05
jtvSo flattering to have people fight about you...11:05
mrevelljtv: I see, although of course people could just have a bzr branch with only their templates. But I get the point. Cool, will update das wiki now.11:05
mrevellhenninge: die, der or das for wiki?11:05
jtvmrevell: cool, thanks.11:05
henningemrevell: das11:05
henningedanilos: call11:06
mrevelllucky guess on my part, thanks henninge :)11:06
danilosdas wiki ist mein wiki, henning get online on skype11:06
henningedanilos: I am11:06
daniloshenninge: just seen you, calling11:06
stubNow I have Abba in my head. Thanks :-P11:26
danilosjtv, henninge: https://lpstats.canonical.com/graphs/TranslationsCommitToBranches/11:27
jmlal-maisan, who has launchpad.Edit permissions on a package set?11:30
jmlal-maisan, I can't find any security adapter for it11:31
al-maisanjml: it should be "techboard"..11:31
al-maisanjml: just a minute ..11:31
jmlal-maisan, techboard is the person with IPackagesetSet.new permissions.11:31
* wgrant hopes there is never a need to access groups of package sets.11:32
jmlBjornT, do you know who has launchpad.Edit permissions to an object in the absence of a security adapter?11:36
jmlmy reading says no one has permissions11:38
mrevellbigjools: Nice change on the Packaging/PPA help page, thanks.11:47
bigjoolsmrevell: yeah, it kinda helps to know how to upload :)11:48
BjornTjml: right. if there is no adapter, no one should have permission. although we have some general adapters, for example for IHasOwner, which might get used.12:10
jmlBjornT, hmm, thanks. Maybe that was being used in this case...12:11
jmlBjornT, are there any tools to find out which security adapter is being used?12:12
jmlcurrently I just use grep12:12
BjornTjml: queryAdapter(ob, IAuthorization, 'launchpad.Edit')12:21
jmlBjornT, of course, thanks.12:21
kfogelBjornT: does bugs.l.n offer full text search via the APIs?  If not, are there plans to make it do so?  (Someone from the Emacs project is asking.)12:46
kfogelleonardr: ^^  (do you know answer to above?)12:47
* kfogel goes to look12:48
leonardrkfogel: i don't know the answer12:48
intellectronicakfogel: sort of. we offer the same search you get in the advanced bugs search12:48
BjornTkfogel: yes, it does, through the searchTasks() method12:48
BjornTkfogel: as intellectronica said, it's the same as the advanced search in the ui.12:49
kfogelleonardr, intellectronica, BjornT: thanks.  Yes, looking at advanced search, it seems to meet the description "full text search".  I mean, it searches on the body as well as the description and summary of the bug, right?12:49
intellectronicaanyone knows what might be the problem with PQM? my lazr-js branch is sitting there for quite some time with no progress12:49
BjornTkfogel: yes12:50
intellectronicanm. it just got merged :)12:50
kfogelBjornT: searchTasks() is not in launchpadlib, it is part of the ReST API, right?12:51
intellectronicakfogel: that's true for everything in the API. launchpadlib is just an automatically generated wrapper12:51
intellectronicakfogel: see https://launchpad.net/+apidoc/ for the complete reference12:52
kfogelintellectronica: sure, but he could be saying a method name in launchpadlib12:52
intellectronicakfogel: the point is, the method will be there when you use launchpadlib, but you won't find it grepping the source of launchpadlib12:52
kfogelintellectronica: oh, it dynamically generates the method names by querying the site?12:53
kfogelat run time?12:53
intellectronicakfogel: exactly12:53
kfogelintellectronica: inspired.  I didn't know that.  Thank you.12:53
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
intellectronicakfogel: plus or minus a few modifications to make the interface a bit nicer12:54
kfogelleonardr: we generate HTML id="foo" for each section name in the API docs; if we generated title="foo" attribute as well, then hovering over a given section would show the name, and one could write deep link URLs without having to View Source first.  For example, view source around https://launchpad.net/+apidoc/#bug_target-searchTasks to see what I mean.12:56
intellectronicakfogel: that should be quite easy to modify. the documentation is transformed into html from wadl, which is an xml interface description language12:57
leonardrkfogel: yeah, file a bug for it or jfdi by modifying the xslt file12:57
intellectronicathat's done using xslt, which is heaps of fun, if you haven't tried it yet :)12:58
kfogelleonardr: just wanted to make sure you thought it was a good idea; I'll have a look12:58
mwhudsonjml: did you get my mail?12:58
jmlmwhudson, yes, I did.12:59
jmlmwhudson, I guess I should actually read it in detail.12:59
mwhudsonjml: i would appreciate it12:59
mwhudsonjml: no hurry though, i should be asleep :)12:59
jmlmwhudson, sure thing.12:59
jmlmwhudson, I've been puzzling through security & soyuz stuff12:59
mwhudsonjml: so concurrency in the puller should be a nice relaxing change for your brain13:00
mwhudsonjml: or something13:00
jmlmwhudson, yeah, for sure.13:01
bigjoolssoyuz gets such a bad rap ...13:01
jmlbigjools, there's a fair bit of scope for cleaning it up13:01
bigjoolsyeah, it's the oldest code in LP13:02
jmland the problem domain itself is very complex13:02
jmlwhich compounds the problem13:02
bigjoolsI personally never thought it was that complex, there's just a lot to know13:02
jmlbigjools, that's the sense I meant, I guess :)13:03
jmlbigjools, so, while I have you distracted...13:03
bigjoolsI knew you'd say that :)13:03
jmlbigjools, why doesn't nascentupload check pocket permissions?13:03
bigjoolsbecause they don't exist? :)13:03
jmlbigjools, what's IDistroSeries.canUploadToPocket all about then?13:04
jmloh, it's in uploadpolicy13:05
bigjoolsoh that's a state check13:05
bigjoolsit's not a permission as such13:05
jmlwhat's the guiding principle for a check being in uploadpolicy rather than nascentupload?13:05
bigjoolsI guess that makes your job interesting13:05
bigjoolshysterical raisins?13:06
bigjoolshonestly, no idea, it doesn't seem that sane does it13:06
jmlbigjools, that's fine. I'm happy to clean things up as I go along.13:06
jmljust as long as I'm justified in doing so :)13:06
* bigjools owes jml a lot of whisky13:06
jmlit's also nice doing this in the same room as the ubuntu foundations team :)13:07
bigjoolsha :)13:07
* bigjools waves to cjwatson13:07
jmlbigjools, btw, this is what the verify_upload function looks like now: http://paste.ubuntu.com/247942/13:07
jmlit's still missing component checking & pocket checking13:07
jmlactually, the tests might be a little more interesting: http://paste.ubuntu.com/247943/13:09
bigjoolsjml: is that a new file?13:10
jmlbigjools, yeah. the new file is at archiveuploader/permission.py -- http://paste.ubuntu.com/247946/ for the full thing13:12
bigjoolsit seems to duplicate checks done elsewhere13:12
jmlbigjools, I'm happy to move it, but I figured that was as good a starting place as any13:12
jmlbigjools, it's extracting out verify_acl13:12
bigjoolsright - so we can remove some other tests13:12
bigjoolsI doubt they're as efficient as these13:13
jmlbigjools, yeah, that's probably a good idea.13:13
bigjoolssince they're probably trying to upload a package13:13
jmlfinding tests to delete is a lot harder than finding code to delete though.13:13
jmlheh heh.13:13
jmland I've been keeping the existing tests as guarantees that my refactoring maintains the existing behaviour.13:13
bigjoolsgood call13:14
* bigjools is looking forward to seeing your changes13:14
jmlbigjools, do the interim versions look ok so far?13:14
bigjoolsjml: I think so, I am still looking13:15
jmlwell, I'm off to lunch now, but I'll be happy to read your comments in the backlog :)13:16
bigjoolsjml: enjoy, I am eating now too13:16
bigjoolshmmm the new AJAX-y "request another review" for an MP doesn't go quite right13:18
kfogelintellectronica, leonardr: http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-devel/2009-08/msg00219.html13:26
leonardrkfogel, col13:26
intellectronicakfogel: so what, emacs is moving or thinking of moving to LP?13:27
kfogelintellectronica: Emacs is switching to Bazaar (but trunk not hosted on LP).  I'm proposing that it switch to launchpad bugs, because right now only launchpad bugs and debbugs meet Emacs' criteria for a bug tracker: that it be free software, and that it be entirely operable by email.13:28
intellectronicavery nice13:28
kfogelleonardr: find . -name "*.xslt" -print  ==> no results in Launchpad tree, same with "*.wadl".  Give me hint as to what to search for?13:29
=== mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell
kfogelleonardr: ./lib/canonical/launchpad/apidoc/wadl-development.xml13:31
leonardrkfogel: no, that's a test file13:32
leonardrthe xslt file is in launchpadlib13:32
leonardrnow that launchpad is open source we could move it back into launchpad13:32
leonardrbut some people wanted to modify it13:32
kfogelleonardr: cd ~/src/launchpadlib && find . -name "*xslt*"  ==> no results13:33
NCommanderkfogel, debbugs could also do it13:33
NCommanderoh, doh13:33
kfogelNCommander: :-)13:34
NCommanderkfogel, I thought bugzilla was adding support for that htough13:34
kfogelleonardr: ah, found it I think13:34
NCommanderDoes anyone know if the sync packages script can copy into a component13:34
kfogelleonardr: wadl-to-refhtml.xsl, right?13:34
kfogelleonardr: where is the process that drives the XSL conversion?  I don't see any other file (like a Makefile or setup.py) that refers to wadl-to-refhtml.xsl.  I.e., how will I test my changes?13:39
leonardrkfogel: i believe there is something in the launchpad makefile that does the conversion and puts it in apidoc/13:40
kfogelleonardr: oh, launchpadlib is a dependency of launchpad?  I didn't realize that.  Thanks.13:40
kfogel(I thought we drove the ReST APIs directly... maybe we do, and the dep is only for the apidocs.  dunno)13:40
leonardrkfogel: i'll lay it down for you13:43
kfogelleonardr: lay it on the line for me, brother13:43
leonardrthere are five pieces of software: lazr.restful, launchpad, wadllib, lazr.restfulclient, and launchpadlib13:44
leonardrdata flows out of the launchpad database from left to right13:44
leonardrlazr.restful and launchpad are on the server. wadllib, lazr.restfulclient, and launchpadlib are on the client13:44
leonardrlazr.restful has self-contained tests that use fake web services13:45
leonardrwadllib has self-contained tests that use an old static copy of launchpad's wadl13:45
leonardrlazr.restfulclient has tests where it acts as a client for lazr.restful's fake web service13:45
leonardrlaunchpadlib contains launchpad-specific code and must be tested against the actual launchpad web service13:46
leonardrwe integrated launchpadlib tests into launchpad because changes to launchpad can break launchpadlib13:48
leonardrbut all the other pieces of software -- lazr.restful, wadllib, and lazr.restfulclient -- are tested standalone13:48
kfogelleonardr: *nod*  thank you.  (please take a look at http://paste.ubuntu.com/247977/ to see if I'm on the right track, when you get a chance)13:48
leonardrkfogel: that looks good to me, but ask sinzui, he's the xslt expert13:50
* sinzui looks13:50
=== carlos_ is now known as carlos
kfogelsinzui: thanks.  Not tested yet (i.e., I haven't generated docs from it yet)13:50
sinzuikfogel: what is the value of having a title in every heading?13:52
kfogelsinzui: right now, if you're reading the API docs online (say, visit https://launchpad.net/+apidoc/#bug_target-searchTasks), you cannot know the name of the section you're in without doing View Source.  With this change, hovering the mouse pointer over a section would show its name.  That way people could more easily refer to specific sections within the documentation.13:53
kfogels/refer/refer other people to/13:54
kfogelheh, I mean s/refer to/refer other people to/13:54
kfogelIn other words, I had to do View Source to come up with the "#bug_target-searchTasks" part of that URL.  After this change, I could just hover and grab it.13:55
sinzuiokay. This change look good.13:55
kfogelsinzui: do you know off the top of your had what command I should run to re-generate the HTML to test this?  (If not, no worries, I'll poke around.)13:56
sinzuimake clean; make build13:56
sinzuiwill do it13:56
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
flacostemorning everyone14:01
kfogelflacoste: morning14:01
mrevellhey flacoste, good morning. I'll let you settle in but I have a CP request when you have time to talk about it :)14:02
kfogelsinzui: http://paste.ubuntu.com/247987/    Not sure how to interpret that error message -- there are 9 files named "_pythonpath.py" in the tree, and they are all under version control or a symlink to a file under version control, so just removing the file would be weird...14:04
sinzuiI wonder if this relates the the make distclean that was requested14:05
flacostekfogel: we want to get rid of _pythonpath, buildout allows it to a certain extent, but it's not complete yet14:06
sinzuikfogel: I'm not sure what is wrong14:06
kfogelsinzui: thanks14:09
kfogelflacoste: ok.  In the meantime, do you know what I should do to make my tree buildable?14:09
kfogelsinzui: (yeah, I was wondering the same thing re distclean)14:09
flacostekfogel: i don't know what is the problem, and my tree is two weeks old here so...14:10
kfogelflacoste: np14:12
gary_posterkfogel: top level _pythonpath14:12
kfogelgary_poster: remove it?  (it's versioned...)14:12
gary_posterit is?  :-/  hm, checking further14:12
gary_posteruh, it shouldn't be.  checking further.14:13
gary_posterkfogel: it is not versioned.  it is in .bzrignore.  buildout-templates/_pythonpath.py.in is versioned14:15
kfogelgary_poster: sigh.  So when you do 'bzr status -v' on an unversioned-but-ignored file, it does not say "unknown file", it just returns silently.14:16
salgadoJamalFanaian, ping. can you set a commit message on https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jamalfanaian/launchpad/bug-337582/+merge/9524 so that I can use it when landing your branch?14:16
kfogelgary_poster: Unfortunately, this is the same behavior as for a versioned-but-unmodified file!  So it is difficult in bzr to ask the question "Is this file under version control?"14:17
kfogelgary_poster: (I just learned this now by testing.)14:17
gary_posterkfogel: looks like it.  I was wondering about how to ask that question too.  abentley ^^^ ?14:18
abentleykfogel: ls -V14:22
gary_posterkfogel: I hope to get the answer to this bzr question also.  oh, thank you abentley.  but kfogel, IRT the problem you started with, is the change I described sufficient? it should be.  and not removing _pythonpath.py in make clean is an oversight.  If you have a branch you are preparing for merge, it would be great to have you add that.  otherwise let me know and I will.14:23
kfogelgary_poster: my branch is of launchpadlib; it would be great if you could take care of the 'make clean' issue with _pythonpath.py.14:23
kfogelgary_poster: rebuilding now, after 'rm _pythonpath.py' in the top level14:24
kfogelabentley: thanks14:24
gary_posterkfogel: cool, ok14:24
=== maxb_ is now known as maxb
kfogelgary_poster: sigh, 'make run' failing, seems I might be out-of-date with some deps: http://paste.ubuntu.com/248001/14:34
gary_posterkfogel: no, you just need to run make schema14:35
kfogelgary_poster: and launchpad-dependencies failing to update in system manager, hmm: http://paste.ubuntu.com/248002/14:35
kfogelgary_poster: I tried that14:35
gary_posterkfogel: uh.14:35
kfogelgary_poster: http://paste.ubuntu.com/248003/14:36
kfogelgary_poster: though 'make schema' seems to have failed only with perm denied errors, let me see...14:36
gary_posterkfogel: for your apt problems, I'm not your man.  I would try uninstalling and reinstalling, or seeing if there's some force-reinstall14:36
kfogelgary_poster: hmmm, manually doing the rm -rf seems to have fixed things, fingers crossed14:37
gary_posterkfogel: I've encountered those Permission denied thing too.  Don't know why they appear (seemingly bzr-related, obviously).  didn't investigate. but just removed them by hand as you did14:38
kfogelgary_poster: :-(   I'll bet the same is true of all of us.14:39
kfogelgary_poster: okay, 'make schema' completed apparently successfully.  trying 'make run' now14:39
kfogelHa.  Ha hah hah HAH.  HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAh.  Of course, I can't test my change if my FIREFOX IS GOING TO FREEZE UP ON ME, NOW CAN I???14:40
gary_posterkfogel: lol, hang in there14:40
kfogelgary_poster: :-)14:42
kfogelgary_poster: just need to rant.  btw, killed ffox, now it won't start up at all14:43
gary_posterurg :-(14:44
marscheck the network meter14:45
marssometimes FF will spin in the background before rendering if there is a bunch of JS or Flash to load onto the pages14:45
bigjoolsFF is rapidly losing my friendship14:46
marsbigjools, noodles775 uses Chrome....14:46
kfogelgary_poster: (all good now)14:46
gary_posterkfogel: \o/ :-)14:46
bigjoolscan I get noscript and adblock for it?14:46
bigjoolsand firebug14:47
kfogelsinzui: so my change appears to have had no effect.  Here's what I did: manually took my patch and 'patch'ed it into sourcecode/launchpadlib in the new tree I created with rocketfuel-branch, built that tree, make clean && make build && make schema && make run.14:47
sinzuiI puzzled then14:49
sinzuiapi/index.html had no title?14:49
sinzuikfogel: does this work when called by itself?14:51
sinzuibin/apiindex lib/canonical/launchpad/apidoc/wadl-development.xml14:51
gary_posterkfogel: we are using launchpadlib from egg AFAIK (on call)14:51
kfogelgary_poster: thank you14:52
kfogelgary_poster: but do we re-unpack that egg every time?  I mean, I patched the source tree on disk.14:52
kfogelgary_poster: and my "title=" mods are still in it...14:53
kfogelsinzui: yes, let me look at teh output14:53
gary_posterkfogel: sourcecode is not consulted.  I'm checking if we still update launchpadib in sourcecode14:54
kfogelgary_poster: hunh.  shouldn't we get rid of the one in sourcecode then?14:54
gary_posterkfogel: +114:54
kfogelsinzui: ran that command -- the output does not contain "title=" anywhere14:54
* sinzui look at the xslt again14:55
backfogel: do you want to join the reviewers meeting at the top of the hour to discuss your fine work on the wiki update?14:56
sinzuikfogel: your changes must be fine, I think something else is going the generation here. Break the XSLT, do something to verify that we get errors if this file is insane14:57
kfogelbac: might be a good idea14:57
backfogel: if so, join #launchpad-meeting in three minutes14:57
gary_posterkfogel: looks like it has been removed from utilities/sourcedeps.conf so it must be still in the rsynced directory,  I'll send something to RT...14:57
kfogelgary_poster: rsync'd from where?  devpad?  We shouldn't have *any* of those left...14:58
gary_posterkfogel: no?  I'm a bit behind the times on what we do for sourcecode I guess.  I thought we were still doing that.  So, maybe you and I just have old sourcecodes?14:59
kfogelgary_poster: apparently.14:59
kfogelgary_poster: nothing can come from devpad because devpad is not publicly accessible :-).14:59
kfogelgary_poster: we open-sourced.  Here, let me find you the press release... :-)14:59
* kfogel kidding14:59
kfogelbac: there15:00
gary_posterkfogel: :-P :-) so, if this is only controlled by sourcedeps, then we are ok already afaik15:00
rockstarabentley, #launchpad-meeting15:00
gary_poster:-) you!15:01
noodles775beuno: I'm looking at the code that creates the breadcrumbs (c.lp.browser.launchpad.Hierarchy) - and the presentation is actually in the code rather than a separate template. Are you going to be working on that with salgado? I'd like to add something like render_ul(), but don't want to waste time if it'll be done elsewhere.15:02
JamalFanaiansalgado: hey, sorry i was away.. what do you mean exactly?15:02
kfogelsinzui: due to a typo, I removed bin/apiindex.  it's not versioned, so I can't revert.  'make build' and 'make run' don't regenerate it.  Where does it come from, and how do I get mine back?15:03
salgadoJamalFanaian, I'm going to request a merge of your branch into our trunk branch, and to do that I need a commit message -- something that describes (in one or two sentences) what you've done in your branch15:03
kfogelsinzui: ah, lib/lp/scripts/utilities/apiindex.py15:03
sinzuikfogel: the first make build15:03
sinzuikfogel: the scripts to no regenerate if bin is there15:04
JamalFanaiansalgado: would you like me to just post it here?15:04
salgadoJamalFanaian, yeah, here would be fine, but you could also enter it on the merge-proposal page15:05
JamalFanaiansalgado: ok15:05
JamalFanaiansalgado: Renamed the sort option in the branch list page from "by registrant" to "by owner".15:05
JamalFanaianis that good?15:05
salgadoJamalFanaian, it is great, thanks15:06
beunonoodles775, I will15:06
JamalFanaiansalgado: thank you :)15:06
beunonoodles775, we can tackle this with salgado then15:06
noodles775beuno: yeah, it wouldn't make sense to do the css until the html is sorted (a simple ul :) ).15:07
beunonoodles775, agreed. Thanks.15:09
beunonoodles775, replying15:17
noodles775thanks beuno15:17
joshuahooversorry if this is off topic, but are there plans to ever provide launchpad as a package vs. what we have today?15:28
beunojoshuahoover, no, we want people to contribute, not set up instances  :)15:29
joshuahooverbeuno: got ya...i was asked by a former co-worker who is interested in launchpad for a project he's working on for the us army15:30
kfogelhttps://dev.launchpad.net/PatchSubmission   review on new wording welcome15:32
kfogelbac: ^^15:32
* bac looks15:32
beunonoodles775, done15:33
noodles775Cheers :)15:33
backfogel: i think rocketfuel-setup makes the .bazaar/locations.conf work so that you don't have to name the destination for pushes to launchpad.  so step 3 would just be 'bzr push'15:35
jmlanyone here know xsl?15:36
kfogeljml: heh, working on some xsl right now.  doesn't mean I know it, though.  What do you need?15:36
jmlkfogel, I just filed bug 409360 and I was going to try to fix it15:36
mupBug #409360: API docs need a table of contents <Launchpad Foundations:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/409360>15:36
kfogeljml: we're working in the same file, it seems.15:36
jmlkfogel, wadl-to-refhtml.xsl?15:37
kfogeljml: so, I don't know how to generate TOC in xsl.  I may be able to help with regenerating the HTML, once you get to that point.15:37
kfogeljml: right, that file15:37
jmlkfogel, hmm. me neither.15:37
jmlgoogle to the rescue15:37
kfogelsinzui: so, I replaced the contents of wadl-to-refhtml.xsl with the word "fish" and re-ran bin/apiindex, and it still succeeded!  Obviously, sourcecode/launchpadlib/src/launchpadlib/wadl-to-refhtml.xsl is not the file apiindex is actually using...15:38
kfogelsinzui: but, sys.path in apiindex does contain "/home/kfogel/private/work/canonical/lp/lp-sourcedeps/eggs/launchpadlib-1.0.2-py2.4.egg"15:38
kfogelsinzui: is it getting launchpadlib's .xsl file directly from inside the egg?15:38
sinzuikfogel: you need to hack on launchpadlib, not launchpad.15:40
jmlkfogel, almost certainly it is.15:40
kfogelsinzui: I know.  That's what I'm trying to do.15:41
kfogelsinzui: my patch is to launchpadlib; the question is, how do I get the patch into a launchpadlib that launchpad is paying attention to?15:41
kfogelsourcecode/launchpadlib is apparently not the one!15:41
kfogelsinzui: it seems I need to regenerate the egg, yah?15:42
beunosinzui, noodles775, do you guys want to have a call about the remaining navigation questions?15:42
sinzuikfogel: you are hacking on the launchpad code, you need to be hacking on the launchpadlib code it seems. https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpadlib15:44
kfogelsinzui: please read above15:44
sinzuikfogel: a different checkout15:44
kfogelsinzui:  I'm already there.  Long done :-).  I'm hacking on launchpadlib.15:44
kfogelsinzui:  the question here is "How do get Launchpad's bin/apiindex to use the changed launchpadlib?"15:44
sinzuiI think the next step is to place your new egg into develop-eggs/ gary_poster will no for certain. I have never done egg development15:45
sinzuibeuno: I am preparing for a meeting. I expect to be available in 1 hour15:46
gary_posterkfogel: yeah, what sinzui says is probably the easiest.  I think I put it in the docs, checking15:46
beunonoodles775, are you around in an hour?15:46
leonardrgary_poster: aren't we still far away from having launchpad use an up-to-date (post-lazr.restfulclient) launchpadlib?15:46
leonardrthe best thing to do might be to move that file back into launchpad now that launchpad is open source15:47
noodles775beuno: for 15mins yes (I've got to run in 1hr 15mins)15:47
beunosinzui, noodles775, ok, ping me as soon as you guys are available15:47
gary_posterleonardr: oh is that what this is?  yes, it's the next big thing to which I plan to return, having almost gotten one off my plate, but I have not proven to be a speed demon for this particular task :-/15:48
noodles775beuno: I'm available any time so, I guess sinzui can ping us when he's available :)15:49
gary_posterkfogel: fwiw, the way to do a develop egg is described in doc/buldout.txt, albeit in passing.  grep for "develop another dependency"15:49
kfogelgary_poster: thanks15:49
beunonoodles775, so am I15:49
kfogelgary_poster: will move that to dev wiki as appropriate15:49
gary_posterkfogel: but what leonardr brings up is a legitimate concern15:49
kfogelgary_poster: leonardr is just talking about the wadl file, right, not all of launchpadlib?15:50
gary_posterkfogel: I'm not clear on dev wiki vs. doc directory.  kiko seemed to agree with my reviewers that this should go in the doc directory, although we are supposed to clean up that directory.15:50
kfogelgary_poster: btw, is most of buildout.txt up-to-date?  I.e., I could transfer to dev wiki with impunity?15:50
kfogelgary_poster: I'm not sure I see any reason to have anything in the doc/ directory other than a single README saying "Please see https://dev.launchpad.net/."15:51
gary_posterkfogel: yes, but the doc directory version is supposed to be the source, according to my last discussions.15:51
kfogelgary_poster: there can only be one master, but it can be anywhere we want.  The only complication is when we auto-generate some other stuff from the source -- is that happening here?15:52
gary_posterkfogel: wiki vs. doc directory: that is a discussion you need to have on the list.  It was already started, with kiko somewhat agreeing that some stuff belongs in the doc directory.  the policy is not clear, though I believe he gave a general direction dor a distinction of what goes where.  jml, for instance, may have a strong opinion about docs going in the doc directory15:52
kfogelgary_poster: I understand that there is a larger discussion here, & will raise it.  In general, I don't see any good reason to split our documentation between in-tree and in-wiki.  That way lies madness not only for contributors but for (*cough*) Canonical employees like me.15:53
kfogelAnd you :-).15:53
gary_posterkfogel: :-) (I don't have a horse in the race really, but a (new?) decision ITR should at least be aware of the history and the agreements.)15:54
gary_posterI mean past disagreements15:54
gary_posterthe only horse in the race I have is that I want to be able to use ReST, not moin, wherever I have to write docs :-)15:55
jmlhello what.15:55
gary_posterwhat's on first base15:55
jmlI think there should be one place15:55
jmland that should be in the tree15:55
jmland it should be in rest15:55
kfogeljml: sigh15:55
kfogeljml: why not the dev wiki?15:55
jml(in that order of conviction)15:55
kfogeljml: that is, why is some of our documentation in the wiki and other docs in tree, making every dev search two places?15:56
jmlkfogel, because I think I hate textarea more than I hate waiting for our test suite15:56
jmlkfogel, but it's a close call.15:56
kfogeljml: get the ViewSourceWith plugin.  This is an easily solved problem.15:56
kfogelI never edit in my browsre.15:56
abentleybeuno: Could you please review https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~abentley/launchpad/reassign/+merge/9463 ?15:56
kfogeljml: that is one of *many* plugins that solve this problem.15:57
beunoabentley, absolutely. On my queue15:57
jmlkfogel, there's also greppability and ease of making changes to multiple docs.15:57
abentleybeuno: Thanks.15:57
kfogeljml: er, well, yes, but that kind of argues against the wiki entirely.15:57
* jtv goes awl15:57
kfogeljml: we don't have a perfect solution.  Having better user experience (the wiki) means a harder writer experience.  That may just be life...15:58
jmlkfogel, hmm, I think that might be true15:58
=== jtv is now known as jtv-afk
kfogeljml: wiki search should answer the greppability question (and if it's broken, we should fix it, obviously)15:58
jmlkfogel, also, someone should pull their finger out and allow 'bzr branch http://dev.launchpad.net/'15:58
kfogeljml: I don't have a good answer for the "similar changes to multiple docs" problem, but we deal with the wiki every day and we manage.15:58
abentleykfogel: Until our wiki plans come to fruition...15:59
kfogeljml: that would be *fantastic*15:59
kfogeljml: but: Let not the perfect be the enemy of the cliche.  Or something like that.15:59
jmlkfogel, to me, the most important values I have are 'one place' and 'navigable'15:59
kfogeljml: what about "easy for newcomers and lightweight visitors"?15:59
jmlkfogel, and I guess putting everything on the wiki gives us that.15:59
kfogeljml: oh, by navigable, you meant by readers?16:00
kfogel(I thought you meant for editing.  It's funny how each system supplies one of those and not the other.)16:00
jmlkfogel, yeah, by people trying to figure things out :)16:00
jmlkfogel, I think in-tree would provide navigation for readers16:00
kfogeljml: those are my two priorities too.  I think the wiki is the answer then, despite the fact that it is harder to edit.16:00
jmlwe'd just have to change the way we store docs in tree.16:00
kfogeljml: uh... hyperlinks?16:00
jmlkfogel, documentation build step16:00
kfogeljml: oh, from .txt to .html?  We could do that.16:00
gary_postermy pref16:01
jmlkfogel, that's what Python does, and it's pretty nice16:01
jmlkfogel, we can also make sure that the docs for trunk are always available on the web16:01
kfogeljml: ideal would be if launchpad-top/docs/  ==  dev.launchpad.net/16:01
jmlkfogel, bzr does this already16:01
kfogelbzr branch and edit away16:01
kfogeljml: all these are things for the future.  in the meantime, our docs are split across two places; I'd like to get docs/* into the wiki.16:01
jmle.g. http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.dev/en/developer-guide/HACKING.html16:02
jmlkfogel, I think that makes sense.16:02
kfogeljml: being editable in the wiki is a huge advantage too.  Really huge, actually.  If fixing a doc bug means getting a branch merged, nothing will ever get fixed by contributors.16:02
jmlkfogel, yeah. that makes me sad though.16:03
gary_posterm etoo16:03
kfogeljml: another process problem that could use solving ;-)16:03
kfogeljml: but, if the wiki were backed by a bzr branch with auto-commit-after-identifying-through-OpenID, then we'd be golden.16:03
jmlsomeone's already done this for hg.16:04
gary_posterjml: with Sphinx?16:04
jmlwhich is embarrassing because we've been talking about it for bzr for years16:04
jmlgary_poster, no. just a custom wiki that is a view on an hg branch.16:04
jmlgary_poster, some sort of wiki syntax.16:04
kfogeljml: we get trapped by our own shadow too often16:04
gary_posterjml: gotcha16:05
kfogelgary_poster: how to build an egg?  (I could find this on the Net, but if it's two easy steps and you know them, please share)16:05
gary_posterkfogel: mm, context?  you may not need to16:06
kfogelgary_poster: I've modified my buildout.cfg to point to my new 'develop' location, I just need to put a new eg there16:06
kfogelgary_poster: from the beginning, for clarity:16:06
gary_posterkfogel: ah, you don't need egg16:06
* kfogel listens16:06
gary_posterkfogel: just symlink your branch into the lp tree using the name you put in the develop section16:06
gary_posterthen rerun bin/buildout16:06
gary_posteryou may have to change the version16:07
gary_posterin versions.cfg16:07
gary_posternote that leonardr's warning was about the package, not about the output16:07
gary_posterso if this is from trunk, your change will break16:07
gary_posterreleasing a 0.1.1 with your change (branching from the 0.1 source, if we were good package maintainers) would be the right thing to do16:08
beunointellectronica, when the project doesn't have milestone, it lets you target, and shows you an empty overlay16:08
kfogelgary_poster: reading your instructions makes me realize how badly I need breakfast.  Back soon.16:08
gary_posteror doing what leonard said, which is to temporarily give up on eggs because I Haven't finished eggifying everything, which is what is blocking this process16:08
beunoderyck, hey dude16:10
deryckbeuno, hey man16:11
beunoderyck, got any news for me on your awesome inline editing?16:11
deryckbeuno, very, very close. :)16:11
beunoderyck, is it up for review yet?16:12
deryckbeuno, no, not yet.  I need the rest of today to finish.  So in review late today or early tomorrow.16:12
beunoderyck, perfect16:13
deryckbeuno, I had CHR and OCR two of the last three work days, so today really is the first I've had to just sit and work on it since we last talked.16:13
beunoderyck, no worries. I'm just anxious  :)16:15
deryckbeuno, yeah, me too actually.  I like this feature a lot.16:16
intellectronicabeuno: oh, right. that doesn't make much sense. fixing16:18
intellectronicabeuno: fixed and pushed16:26
intellectronicaallenap: https://pastebin.canonical.com/20793/ is the incremental16:26
allenapintellectronica: Cool.16:27
beunointellectronica, super, thanks. Just submitted the review16:28
intellectronicabeuno: i don't know why you don't see the spinner. i always do. i remember you've had this before, though16:34
beunointellectronica, I'm happy to trust you, I just don't. As well as I don't see any feedback after clicking until the green flash16:35
beunothe overlay is gone, and I don't see anything until it flashes16:35
intellectronicathat's weird, and it needs investigation. looks fine here16:35
intellectronicabeuno: as for the location of the overlay - it's just centered around where you clicked. we can compensate and make sure it doesn't go beyond the current page dimensions. that's a lazr fix, so i'll do that in another branch - i don't think it should block this one16:36
beunointellectronica, agreed. If you schedule that change to lazr-js, it's fine to have it this way for a little while16:37
intellectronicabeuno: finally, where do you want to see the milestone icon? we didn't display it before. i'm not sure it makes sense to repeat it for each milestone what do you think?16:37
beunointellectronica, on the bugtask, no?16:38
beunowe don't display it now?16:38
intellectronicabeuno: all other comments are clear and easy to address16:38
intellectronicabeuno: no, we just display the milestone title16:38
beunointellectronica, I swear I saw the milestone icon. Maybe I broke it with my sprites branch16:40
beunoanyway, if you can show it, super16:40
beunootherwise, it's a separate bug16:40
beunoI think it will make it clearer16:40
intellectronicabeuno: you mean, next to the milestone title?16:40
beunointellectronica, yes16:40
intellectronicai think it doesn't make much sense to repeat it for every row, but it's easy to give it a try and see16:41
beunointellectronica, well, you usually don't have a milestone per every row?16:41
intellectronicabeuno: why not?16:42
beunointellectronica, don't know, doesn't seem to be the common case16:42
beunoyou *can*16:42
beunoit's just rare that things line up so much  :)16:42
intellectronicaright, i see what you mean. it is the less common case16:42
intellectronicain general, most bugs have only one task anyway16:43
bigjoolsbeuno: did you have any more comments on my mockups?16:44
beunobigjools, I've had it open in a tab for days16:44
beunoall I can think of is "it's confusing"16:44
bigjoolsbeuno: welcome to soyuz16:45
bigjoolsI can take you through it on a call later if you like16:45
beunobigjools, I think I understand what each element is, it's just that the layout is confusing. Maybe we should be mocking this up on a more wireframe level?16:47
beunosinzui, noodles775, how are we coming along with that call?  postpone til tomorrow?16:47
bigjoolsbeuno: which page are you talking about?16:47
* sinzui almost ready16:48
bigjoolsI made 216:48
beunobigjools, I know I'm not being helpful, I need to sit down and dedicate a few hours to this. I just haven't been able to.16:48
beunobigjools, looking at: http://people.canonical.com/~ed/dspr_mockup2.png16:48
beunowhich is an improvment ovr the previous one16:48
bigjoolsbeuno: they are pretty much exactly as we discussed in our sprint, apart from the second where I took the liberty of moving stuff to the sidebar16:48
bigjoolsah, I did three then :)16:49
beunobigjools, I sucked at solving the problem then!16:50
bigjoolsbeuno: it was a team suck^Weffort16:50
bigjoolsbeuno: it would be best if we had a call, I can explain the nuances16:50
beunobigjools, agreed. Can we have it tomorrow, so I can clear my schedule to work on it after the call if needed?16:51
bigjoolsbeuno: +116:51
noodles775beuno, sinzui: I've replied to sinzui's post on the MP with some more screenshots, just to help visualize things if/when we call.16:52
sinzuibeuno: noodles775: I am ready16:52
* noodles775 waits for beuno's skype conference call :)16:52
* beuno fire sup skype16:53
beunonoodles775, sinzui, http://people.canonical.com/~michaeln/menu_3-0/10-project-index.png16:56
noodles775sinzui: http://people.canonical.com/~michaeln/menu_3-0/11-sprint.png16:59
noodles775sinzui: http://people.canonical.com/~michaeln/menu_3-0/6-no-location-default-launchpad.png17:01
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beuno-lunchsalgado-lunch, are you available to have a call around 20UTC today?17:31
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bacintellectronica: you indicated this bug was similar to others you've fixed in the past and should be easy.  https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/malone/+bug/39745717:37
mupBug #397457: Bug privacy edit icon is not visible <Launchpad Bugs:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/397457>17:37
bacintellectronica: any chance of it getting bumped in priority?  the inability to change bug privacy is quite annoying17:38
intellectronicabac: i don't know if it's similar. why the urgency? i can definitely spend a bit of time investigating, at the very least17:39
bacintellectronica: the urgency is just broken functionality for all of our fine users of webkit-based browsers make their (my) experience less than rewarding.17:41
intellectronicabac: well, if it's like the other one than talking about it takes longer than fixing. i'll try to have a look later today17:42
bacintellectronica: great!17:42
araintellectronica, hey tom, I am trying to break a lock and I get an error17:54
arabzr: ERROR: Unsupported protocol for url "lp-45197200://~mago-contributors/mago/mago/.bzr/branch/lock17:54
salgadobeuno-lunch, can we make it 21UTC?17:54
araintellectronica, any ideas?17:54
arabzr: ERROR: Unsupported protocol for url "lp-45197200:///~mago-contributors/mago/mago/.bzr/branch/lock17:55
intellectronicaara: right, just replace the bogus stuff in the beginning of the url to bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net and it should work17:55
intellectronicai don't know why bzr spits this weird stuff17:56
araintellectronica, ta! (btw, you're missed in the Platform sprint...)17:56
intellectronicamaybe rockstar or abentley know? ^^^^^17:56
intellectronicaara: and i'm missing you. have fun!17:56
=== abentley1 is now known as abentley
beuno-lunchsalgado, even better17:59
beuno-lunchsalgado, just ping me when you're ready17:59
beuno-lunchBjornT, do you know why adding bug comments is so slow? (4+ seconds)18:03
beuno-lunchis there a bug filed about it?18:03
mrevellNight all!18:09
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
kfogelgary-lunch: ping when you're back18:16
BjornTbeuno-lunch: well, i'm guessing it's because lp is slow in general. loading the front page also took 4+s seconds just now18:18
BjornTbeuno-lunch: but we certainly can speed it up a bit. we're currently doing at least two requests, where one should be enough18:19
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
beunoBjornT, do you want me to file a bug about it?18:22
beunoI *think* most ajax interactions aren't that slow, like, say, subscribing18:22
BjornTbeuno: sure. i don't think it's not easy to fix, though; it requires changes to the api infrastructure18:24
beunoBjornT, gotha. Will file it for tracking purposes18:24
=== gary-lunch is now known as gary_poster
gary_posterkfogel: pong18:25
kfogelgary_poster: hey.  So I read what you wrote to me a while back (right before I ate).  I confess I understood it not :-(.  You might have to say it again with more words?  My starting point is: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~kfogel/launchpadlib/apidoc-html-title-attrs .  I'm trying to test r53 there.18:27
kfogelgary_poster: you said I don't have to build a new egg?  But then how do I make Launchpad's bin/apiindex use the new wadl file?18:28
gary_posterkfogel: ok, this is complicated, no doubt, and you are also going to be sad as to where we are with this particular package and your goals.18:29
kfogelgary_poster: thank you for preparing me :-)18:29
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kfogelgary_poster: (btw, I have a conf call in 30min, could take this up after that's over if you want)18:32
gary_posterkfogel: :-) so, first (forget about eggs and such for now), we are not using launchpadlib trunk in launchpad.  We are using 0.1 (notice that you are editing something > 1.5.  We will not be able to move forward until I get launchpad to use zope eggs.  That branch has been following me around for probably months now.18:32
gary_posterEverybody wants it to be done, including myself.  I hope to get it done next, like, within the next week.  I know flacoste wants this to have been done long ago.  So, you might want to consider waiting to fix whatever it is you want to fix in launchpad for a week.  Then again, you might not.18:32
gary_postersorry, I write novels18:32
kfogelgary_poster: no, this is great, keep it flowing18:33
gary_posterkfogel: second, there are two kinds of ways to work with new revisions.  If you are testing something tricky, sometimes you want to use a develop egg.  That technique is almost never something we actually want to commit.18:33
* kfogel absorbs hungrily18:33
gary_posterkfogel: the other way is to make a new egg.  it can be temporary (you don't check it in) or permanent (you check it in).  This is described as thoroughly as I could in the buildout doc to which I referred you earlier18:34
gary_posterkfogel: if we were in a good place with launchpadlib, this is what I would have suggested to you:18:35
gary_poster(If the wind blew from a southeasterly direction:) Make an egg and put it in download-cache/dist as described in the document.  Upgrade your versions.txt in a launchpad branch and see if it works.  If it does, ideally arrange socially and technically to make a real release of launchpadlib, put the release's egg in download-cache/dist (discarding your temporary one), and put your launchpad branch up for review.18:37
gary_poster(if the wind blew from a northwesterly direction, I would explain how develop eggs works.  their cleanup-after-test story is somewhat better)18:38
gary_posterkfogel: so what to do *now* is a unclear.  I'd say you have three options, on the face of it.18:39
gary_poster(where "now" recognizes that our launchpadlib + launchpad story is unfortunate)18:39
gary_poster1) see if I do what I want to do and get the zope eggs in by next week.  then see if you can add launchpadlib in the usual way.18:40
gary_poster2) figure out a branch of whatever we used for launchpadlib 0.1.  make a branch of that, cherrypick your change, and make a 0.1.1 release, doing thinsg the normal way18:41
gary_poster3) remove launchpadlib from the whole buildout story and add it back to the old sourcecode story.  hack away as needed.18:41
gary_posterkfogel, neither 2 or 3 are easy and quick IMO.  #1 is easy but slower than 2 & 3.18:42
kfogelgary_poster: (1) it is.  Thank you for explaining!18:42
gary_poster(because you are waiting on me; the process itself is much easier)18:42
kfogelgary_poster: what bug do I subscribe to to know when your work is done?18:43
gary_posterkfogel: welcome, and sorry our current state has foiled your dastardly plans ;-)18:43
gary_posterkfogel: the branch is https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~gary/launchpad/zbuildout18:44
gary_posterI'm not aware of a bug for the task.  There probably should be one.  bugs, and the py 2.5/2.6 effort, are waiting on it.  here's an example of a waiting bug I happen to have lying around: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-foundations/+bug/40889718:44
mupBug #408897: Use latest zope.testing <python-upgrade> <Launchpad Foundations:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/408897>18:45
kfogelgary_poster: want to create a bug about the actual task and then I'll make my branch/bug dependent on it?18:45
gary_posterkfogel: ok.  lemme doublecheck in various places I forget about that there is not one already...18:45
kfogelgary_poster: np18:47
maxbIs it worth filing more "Use latest zope.foo" bugs, every time a specific need to upgrade is discovered?18:52
maxbWe need newer zope.proxy and zope.security for python 2.518:52
jmlmaxb, yes.18:56
beunokiko-fud, TL call?19:02
gary_posterkfogel: bug 40948019:02
mupBug #409480: Use source distributions (via zc.buildout) for zope dependencies <Launchpad Foundations:In Progress by gary> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/409480>19:02
gary_postermaxb: that bug is the one you are waiting on too19:03
maxbAh, it has a bug as well as a branch19:03
kfogelgary_poster: thank you19:03
gary_postermaxb: brand new fresh bug right out of the oven :-)19:03
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
james_wthanks mthaddon19:10
mthaddoner, no problem (I think) :)19:10
* jml is off to dinner19:11
rockstarsinzui, so, I think I might be missing a class assignment somewhere that makes the h2 of portlets gray.19:13
sinzuirockstar: h2 just works if you are using it in a class="portlet"19:14
rockstarclass="yui-u portlet"19:14
maxbI have a testsuite question - are the names of the tests printed when the start, or finish?19:16
maxbi.e. if a test times out and is killed, is it the last test shown, or the next in sequence after that?19:16
sinzuirockstar: That is correct for presentation. I just updated a bug for beuno to comment on I think we need to avoid using yui-u and portlet on the same div. I have two proposals that I need feedback on19:17
sinzuirockstar: can you paste the page so that I can see the whole context?19:17
beunosinzui, point me to the bug!19:18
rockstarsinzui, yea, one sec.19:18
sinzuibeuno: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-registry/+bug/40591619:18
mupBug #405916: Update project page to UI 3.0 <story-ui-3> <Launchpad Registry:In Progress by sinzui> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/405916>19:18
salgadomaxb, they're printed after the test finishes19:19
rockstarsinzui, https://pastebin.canonical.com/20818/19:19
rockstarThe only thing I have left on this portlet is getting the h2 styled right.19:20
sinzuirockstar: and the calling page? it sets main_side19:20
rockstarsinzui, one sec.19:21
sinzuirockstar: the yui-u is unneed in the side portlets...it is not in a yui-g19:21
rockstarsinzui, https://pastebin.canonical.com/20819/19:22
sinzuirockstar: your <tal:side metal:fill-slot="side"> looks perfect19:24
rockstarsinzui, yeah, I thought so too, but I keep getting: http://devpad.canonical.com/~rockstar/answers-subscribers.png19:25
rockstarI can't for the life of me, get that "Subscribers" h2 to be gray, thought you might have some insight.19:26
sinzuiI wonder if the id is imposing style. <h2> is always color: #5a5a5a; in maincontent and .side19:27
beunorockstar, h2's seem to be tweaked for blueprints?19:27
rockstarbeuno, maybe.  Sleuthing now.19:28
beunointellectronica, BjornT, is there any reason why we show inactive people in the subscribers portlets?19:28
beunorockstar, what does firebug say?19:28
beunoit should tell you where it's coming from19:28
rockstarYup, firebug says there's some special rule overriding the color.19:29
intellectronicabeuno: really? that sounds pointless19:29
sinzuibeuno: rockstar I see that h2 is resent in style-3-0.css, but maybe it is wrong:19:29
sinzuibody.tab-answers #mainarea #portlets .portlet.active h219:29
BjornTbeuno: i don't think so. we simply haven't cared about it, and that's the way they are rendered, i think19:29
beunointellectronica, Bjorn, I will file a but then. It will de-clutter it a bit19:29
sinzuibeuno: intellectronica: wee need a process that remove deactivated and suspended users from teams and subscriptions. There is a bug for it19:30
rockstarbeuno, sinzui, .tab-answers h2 is defined on line 2210 of style.css as color: 3840BE19:30
sinzuiwe do not want to automatically remove the user in the case of suspended because we may want to restore the user in a few days19:30
beunoyes, bug 23849319:30
mupBug #238493: Deactivated account still appear in 'subscribers'-portlet <registry> <Launchpad Registry:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/238493>19:30
beunorockstar, bad css! bad!19:31
rockstarbeuno, I think the big thing is that the 3.0 styles should override the style.css stuff.19:31
beunorockstar, it should kill style.css, actually19:31
rockstarbeuno, so I can eated that bad style then?19:32
sinzuirockstar: can we tweak line 141 of style-3-0.css to fix the issue19:32
rockstarsinzui, I don't see a id="portlets" in my current mockup.19:33
EdwinGrubbssinzui: you mentioned putting polls in a portlet. Is that for the team, or some other object?19:34
rockstarEr, s/mockup/markup19:35
sinzuirockstar: I think the rule I wrote was bad then We need a definitive rule to make h2 grey19:35
sinzuiEdwinGrubbs: yes, polls belong to teams19:35
rockstarsinzui, why not just .portlet h2 { color: grey }19:35
sinzuirockstar: okay, use the real colour though19:36
rockstarsinzui, yeah, I will.19:36
* rockstar was being lazy19:36
rockstarsinzui, so, like I said, the real issue is that no matter what I put in the style-3.0 css, the style.css rule overrides it.  :/19:38
sinzuifirebug confirms this?19:38
rockstarsinzui, yup, the color is properly set in the 3.0 styles, but then is crossed out for line 2210 of style.css19:39
rockstarBasically, h2 is set globally in style-3-0.css, and overridden in style.css to change the colors.19:40
sinzuirockstar: but 3.0 is loaded after style, and 3.0 sis after reset19:40
sinzuiIf I make a change 3 times and never see anything work, I assume I am editing or viewing the wrong thing19:42
sinzuirockstar: if you copy that crack selector from style to 3.0 and set the colour, is the issue fixed?19:43
rockstarsinzui, trying now.19:43
beunothumper, sinzui, BjornT, could you guys fill in: https://dev.launchpad.net/UI/ThreeDotOPages19:46
sinzuiI will19:46
=== kiko-fud is now known as kiko
rockstarsinzui, I slapped my browser a bit, and it's working now.19:51
sinzuicontrol+shift+r ?19:52
rockstarsinzui, I restarted my dev instance, and then refreshed, and everything was hunky dory.  No idea...19:55
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maxbIs there any way to disable shhh.py without having to remember to say SHHH= on every make invocation and without having a local uncommitted modification that blocks merging?20:06
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gary_postermaxb: pretty sure not.  I suppose we could add some sort of a ~/.NAME scheme for a directory or a file if it made sense20:36
maxbI filed bug 40856420:39
mupBug #408564: Make shhh.py not the default <Launchpad itself:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/408564>20:39
rockstarsinzui, actions go above portlets, but in the same slot, correct?20:43
gary_postermaxb: cool, I see your point.  I tend to run the internal commands by hand when I want detail, but I see what you mean.20:45
JamalFanaiando you have to restart the launchpad daemon if you make any changes to the py files?20:46
JamalFanaianso far it seems like that is the case for me20:47
rockstarJamalFanaian, yes.20:47
JamalFanaianrockstar: ah ok, thanks20:47
sinzuirockstar: every block of content is a portlet. I am preparing a branch that creates an action portlet from a NavigationMenu that can be placed as the first portlet in the side20:58
rockstarsinzui, great, that would be helpful for what I'm currently doing.20:59
sinzuirockstar: I created (well reused) a navigation menu. I just invented21:00
sinzui<tal:menu replace="structure view/@@+global-actions" /> a few hours ago21:00
rockstarsinzui, ah, so it's nothing magic, just a new way to do it?21:01
=== abentley1 is now known as abentley
beunosalgado, call?21:01
sinzuirockstar: nothing magic. I am reusing the all the nav menu exception for the black bar template (we can remove it in a few weeks)21:02
salgadobeuno, haven't we moved it to 21UTC? I need to go out in a few minutes to pick up my new passport21:03
beunosalgado, ah, yes. Got my UTCs wrong21:03
beunojust ping me  :)21:03
salgadowill do21:03
sinzuirockstar: beuno is looking at bug 405916, it has some screen shots showing what can happen in yui. The nicest solution is the trickiest to implement21:04
mupBug #405916: Update project page to UI 3.0 <story-ui-3> <Launchpad Registry:In Progress by sinzui> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/405916>21:04
* jml looks around21:04
sinzuirockstar:  you may want to take a look at the firefox-3.0-missing-rows.png because that is what will happen with the yui classes that are documented in the conversion page21:05
JamalFanaianSorry if this is a retarded question, but what does foaf stand for?21:06
gary_postersinzui: I'm getting a test failure on my zope-egg branch that is odd, and I wonder if you have any insights.  Running "./bin/test -vt test_script_default_error_dir" fails in my branch and on trunk.  The error is that "/var/tmp/lperr.test is not a directory".  I actually can't see where that directory should have been made in the test's setUp, and I wonder if it has been passing because of test ordering "luck".  How is that s21:07
gary_posterJamalFanaian: friend of a friend.  it is an rdf spec, IIRC21:07
sinzuigary_poster: on my two computers it is /var/tmp21:07
JamalFanaiangary_poster: hm... ok i guess that makes sense21:08
sinzuigary_poster: I I recall needing to root to make that directory mine during some big config change21:08
gary_postersinzui: I have /var/tmp.  I don't have /var/tmp/lperr.test .21:09
gary_posteror something :-)21:10
sinzuigary_poster: I have that a lots of other dirs21:10
gary_postersinzui: right, but presumably the tests are responsible for making that dir?21:10
sinzuigary_poster: do an ls -l and see if you lost ownership21:10
gary_postersinzui: no.  I have ownership, and can add directories there.  So, on both machines, if you remove /var/tmp/lperr.test and then run that test in isolation, it passes?  If so, it's clearly something on my box.  However, I'm not convinced of that yet21:12
beunosinzui, trying to decide21:13
beunoand understand  :)21:13
* sinzui makes a quick drawing of the underlying implementation21:13
=== leonardr is now known as leonardr-afk
salgadobeuno, if you're free, we could have the call now. (gf is late so we won't be able to get the passport today)21:15
beunosalgado, sure21:15
beunosalgado, I'm on skype: martin.albisetti21:16
salgadoI think I have you21:16
gary_postersinzui: when you have a moment, then, I think that this https://pastebin.canonical.com/20830/ is necessary to make ``./bin/test -vt test_script_default_error_dir`` pass in isolation, without a primed /var/tmp.  It works for me.  You and (mostly) Stuart seem to be the ones who have touched this, so if you can verify that what I am proposing seems reasonable, I would appreciate it.  (If you don't have time, understood.)21:24
beunojml, FWIW, edit away on the wiki!   :)21:27
jmlbeuno, thanks :)21:27
sinzuibeuno: I added a comment that explains what is making the pictures21:28
sinzuigary_poster: I get the same error after I delete the dir21:30
gary_postersinzui: cool21:30
gary_postersinzui: ok good enough, unless you want to look at the patch.  I think it is right. :-)21:30
sinzuiI wonder id it fails when the layer is run21:30
sinzuiI bet something else creates it21:30
beunosinzui, does my inclination towards #4 align with your expectations?21:31
sinzuiyes, that is what I have ready to commit because that is what I want to do. I think I should not recommend it to all engineers since it requires more though21:32
=== leonardr-afk is now known as leonardr
beunosinzui, I commented on your preferred option as well21:33
gary_posterthe layer is run when you run this in isolation.  the test may be in the wrong layer, no idea.  but the test's setUp is already creating an oops directory at another location and populating it, so this is at least not out of character21:34
sinzuibeuno: I think messing with yui-* definitions is a bit dangerous. These problems we are seeing as the reason yui-grid is deprecated. New browser can do this better, so the next layout solution for YUI will use CSS 321:37
beunosinzui, agreed. Still, we need to make sure the end result is good, no matter what we use21:38
sinzuiI think this will be a lot easier when I compile this experience into sample templates21:39
=== kiko is now known as kiko-afk
=== EdwinGrubbs is now known as Edwin-lunch
sinzuirockstar: I am now splitting my work into 3 branches. The first is an infrastructure branch that will help with the menus and provide layout ideas. My branch also has some fixes for FAQs21:57
rockstarsinzui, yeah, I've been keeping my branches in pipes so that I don't have to split it up later.21:58
rockstarsinzui, I'm currently auditing the answers pages to make sure I didn't forget anything.  That's how I found I had forgot action menus.21:58
sinzuirockstar: I have learned never to mix yui-* with portlet21:58
rockstarI don't use answers enough to know what might be missing.21:59
bacsinzui: quick question, the portlets i have on the side don't have rounded corners where the examples i've gotten from you and bigjools do.  what does that indicate?21:59
sinzuiI added links to the faqcollection menu21:59
rockstarsinzui, why?  I though yui-* wasn't doing anything currently.21:59
thumpersinzui: one thing that I found when starting the conversions, is that I didn't have any expectations of what the changes would be21:59
thumpersinzui: is it expected that the text gets bigger?21:59
sinzuibac CSS .side .portlet. I think you are missing the portlet class on you content divs, or you are not using the side slot22:00
bacsinzui: i know i am using the side slot22:00
rockstarthumper, yes, in some places.22:01
rockstarthumper, generally, I just went with the flow of what happened with CSS, unless there was something totally out of whack (like most the answers CSS)22:01
sinzuirockstar: yui-* does positioning, not decoration. since our content often has rules to not render if the portlet is empty, you get wholes in your layout: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-registry/+bug/405916.22:01
mupBug #405916: Update project page to UI 3.0 <story-ui-3> <Launchpad Registry:In Progress by sinzui> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/405916>22:01
sinzuirockstar: think of yui-g as a tr and yui-u as td, and the 'first' class a a col rule. They all assume the content is always rendered and demands that it control which is first.22:02
rockstarsinzui, Ah, I see. I wondered how first would be used if that portlet wasn't rendered.22:03
sinzuirockstar: so I am being very strategic with yui-g. never put an optional portlet next to an essential portlet. I will update the conversion doc with my experience and suggest 3 different combinations of yui-* classes to make the page display well22:04
rockstarsinzui, when you say "Global object menu" do you mean action menu?22:04
rockstarsinzui, cool.22:04
rockstarsinzui, I've also been trying to update it as I go along.22:05
sinzuiyes, the action menu what I mean22:05
rockstarsinzui, so are you planning on fixing that bug soon?22:05
rockstarI was just going to do what you proposed earlier.22:06
sinzuithumper: the bigger text is a side-effect of the backward compatible fonts rules that were added last release. I am tempted to remove them in my next branch22:06
sinzuirockstar: I am making that branch now.22:06
beunosinzui, do it. I keep on promising I will and never do22:06
rockstarsinzui, okay.  Do you have an ETA on that?22:07
sinzuigoody. I get to see if my page really looks like the mockup now22:07
sinzuiLanding tomorrow. I'll give you the branch URL when it is ready22:07
jmlg'night all.22:08
beunonight jml22:08
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
bacsinzui: could you take a peek at this snippet:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/248246/22:13
bacsinzui: re: square corners22:13
sinzuibac You do not need yui-u or first because the classes are not in a yui-g22:13
sinzuibac: crtl+shift+r if you are not seeing rounded corners. The rule in the css is .side .portlet {22:17
sinzui    -moz-border-radius: 3%;22:17
sinzui    -webkit-border-radius: 3%;22:17
sinzuiI see a     border-radius: 3%; property too22:18
bacsinzui: the corners are roundy in ff but not safari22:23
sinzuibac: That is interesting22:24
sinzuibac: note that we have both the webkit and official properties in the rule. Can you try to fix the error?22:24
bacsinzui: yeah, can you give me an idea where to start?  just poking at the CSS?22:32
sinzuibac:-webkit-border-radius is safari 1-3, border-radius is safari 4. I expected that to just work22:34
sinzuibac: start with this reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_layout_engines_(CSS)22:34
bacsinzui: changed -webkit-border-radius to 5px; and it works22:35
sinzuibac: I suppose that border-radius is not supported as I thought. It is listed as experimental22:36
bacmwhudson: ping22:37
mwhudsonbac: hello22:37
=== Edwin-lunch is now known as EdwinGrubbs
* rockstar standses up23:01
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
maxb"Send the email to contributor-agreement@canonical.com and to the project lead for the project in question (usually, that's the person who asked you to send in the form)."   -- does that mean I'm supposed to talk to someone before filing the contributor agreement?23:03
lifelessis it for launchpad?23:04
lifelessjust mail him the agreement23:04
lifelessthat prose seems to assume much more centralised communication than we're seeing23:05
thumperrockstar: http://kiwicon.org/default23:15
mwhudsonthumper: i hear rumours of a 2009 version of that, know anything about it?23:21
thumpermwhudson: look at the twitter feed23:21
thumpermwhudson: Nov 28th 29th23:22
mwhudsonah, another weekend thing23:22
thumpersinzui: got a few minutes tot alk?23:25
sinzuiI do23:25
sinzuithumper: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~michael.nelson/launchpad/3-0-menu/+merge/957723:36
* thumper goes to cook bacon - http://xkcd.com/418/23:59

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