
BUGabundothis darn bug is still open? https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/36355800:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 363558 in gnome-system-monitor "gnome-system-monitor renice causes close" [Low,Triaged]00:04
BUGabundoman, we are so NOT getting a good release this cycle00:04
Twigathyyep, I get that bug too00:08
TwigathyThat's a bit...er....rubbish :/00:08
BUGabundohey Twigathy00:09
TwigathyCan't say I use g-s-m too often, but for a regular desktop user wanting to fiddle priority... that bug is a bit of a showstopper00:10
richardcavellHi, everyone.  I had the networking problem yesterday.  I can only use networking if I run sudo service apparmor stop.  In my update manager, network-manager-gnome is being 'held back'.  Can anyone explain this?00:13
stasi don't think that my bug is caused by openssh00:14
BUGabundohey richardcavell00:14
richardcavellhey BUG00:14
BUGabundorichardcavell: let me guess: you got the new NM ?00:14
* BUGabundo blames asac00:15
BUGabundorichardcavell: please hit TAB for autocompete00:15
* stas gnight00:15
richardcavellI downloaded the new network manager, and my networking didn't work any more.  We were discussing it yesterday.  Someone came up with sudo service apparmor stop as a way of getting networking working again.00:15
richardcavellSo I did that, then did update/upgrade overnight while I slept.00:16
richardcavellNow my computer has updated a whole stack of things, but network-manager-gnome is being 'kept back' according to apt-get00:16
richardcavelland it's gray in update manager00:16
douglasawh-workrichardcavell: any reason you don't use the -force (or whatever it is)?00:16
richardcavelldouglasawh-work: is that what I should do?00:16
richardcavellI was told that there would be an update to apparmor, not network-manager, to fix the situation00:17
richardcavellat the moment the only way I'm online right now is by stopping apparmor00:17
scizzo-richardcavell: can you check the changelog to see if a dep is removed from either of the packages that are not going to be installed?00:17
scizzo-richardcavell: that is either of the greyed out once?00:18
richardcavellscizzo-: um, how do I do that?00:18
BUGabundodouglasawh-work: don't force it!!!!!00:18
connexwhere is the menu.lst in grub 2?00:18
BUGabundoit will break depencies that SHOULD matche or NM won't work00:18
BUGabundoif it fails to get dependcies something is not building00:18
yofel!grub2 | connex00:18
ubottuconnex: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub200:18
BUGabundorichardcavell: use aptitude safe-upgrade instead00:19
BUGabundoalso try one of the NM PPAs00:19
th1connex, its got grub.cfg instead00:19
scizzo-richardcavell: in a terminal without using anything else just type: apt-get -u dist-upgrade and check what lib comes up that is being removed....DO NOT REMOVE IT OR INSTALL ANYTHING00:19
BUGabundowe have 0.7.1, 0.7+ modem-manager and 0.800:19
scizzo-richardcavell: or follow BUGabundo's info00:19
scizzo-richardcavell: safer to use the one that BUGabundo said00:19
richardcavellBUGabundo: is network-manager up to 0.8 though00:20
richardcavellBUGabundo: last night it was 0.7.1-git00:20
richardcavellbut I was told that asac was preparing a solution00:20
BUGabundorichardcavell: $ apt-cache policy network-manager | pastebinit  http://paste.ubuntu.com/247572/00:20
douglasawh-workrichardcavell: actually, the dist-upgrade is how I ended up fixing one of these before I think00:20
BUGabundo  Installed: 0.8~a~git.20090702t164632.9c8e600-0ubuntu1~nmt100:20
BUGabundo     0.7.1.git.5.272c6a626-0ubuntu1 000:21
BUGabundoso archive as .7.100:21
BUGabundoPPA 0.800:21
BUGabundodouglasawh-work: $ sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade00:21
BUGabundowhere do i know your nick from douglasawh-work?00:21
connexthanks, th1, yofel00:21
* scizzo- is wondering what lib the old 0.7 net manager was dependent on...00:21
douglasawh-workBUGabundo: well, I've been in here before00:21
BUGabundoidentica maybe??00:22
douglasawh-workyeah, but I'm daw there since pm whined about not being about to type douglasawh00:22
BUGabundoI though I knew. welcome00:23
richardcavellBUGabundo: Okay, I'm currently doing apt-get update.  I'll then do safe-upgrade and get back to you.00:24
aboSamoorkubuntu 4.3 still not in the repositories ?00:24
BUGabundoshould be00:25
scizzo-aboSamoor: you mean KDE 4.3?00:25
BUGabundomaybe PPA for now00:25
BUGabundothem they will copy the packages00:25
aboSamoorscizzo-, yeah00:25
aboSamoorBUGabundo, which ppa ?00:26
connexI can't get sound and it tells me the output device is null00:26
BUGabundokubuntu team maybe ? LOLOL00:26
connexXlib:  extension "Generic Event Extension" missing on display ":1000.0".00:27
connexhow bad is it?00:27
scizzo-aboSamoor: not sure...like BUGabundo said...check kubuntu team00:28
scizzo-aboSamoor: I have only seen libs at that version from the repos...not sure the whole stuff is there yet00:28
scizzo-aboSamoor: or if it will be00:28
th1connex, its normal if you're connecting to a remote desktop or something like that00:28
th1what's :1000.0 anyway00:29
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connexwhat about the sound?00:29
BUGabundoif it is not00:29
BUGabundogive them a few hours00:29
BUGabundothey tend to work FAST00:29
BUGabundobut PPA should be updated00:29
BUGabundoconnex: no idea00:29
BUGabundofile a bug00:29
BUGabundodon't get your hopes high. dtchen is traveling so he won't have time to look into it00:30
aboSamooryeah, their backport ppa contains kde 4.3 but it is compiled against jaunty. so adding the ppa won't pull kde 4.300:30
scizzo-th1: echo $DISPLAY00:31
scizzo-th1: it is the display or the screen number...00:31
BUGabundoare you sure?00:32
BUGabundothey have a ppa for karmic00:32
BUGabundoaboSamoor: you must be looking in the wrong place00:32
scizzo-th1: as a example if you would have 2 Xorgs running on the same machine...one of them would be: :0.0 and the other would be something like :0.1 or the like....it just sets the number of the display...00:34
scizzo-th1: check with BASH and $DISPLAY information to find out more...00:34
th1scizzo-, I know what it is00:40
th1but what kind of display is :100000:40
richardcavellGuys I've run update-manager and there are two items that are greyed out.  I ran sudo aptitude safe-upgrade and this is what I get: http://pastebin.com/f18e6637500:56
richardcavellHow do I get it to install the new network-manager-gnome?01:00
* BUGabundo checks01:00
BUGabundorichardcavell: pastebin apt-cache01:00
BUGabundorichardcavell: $ apt-cache policy network-manager | pastebinit01:01
Sarvattwoohoo i can tether with the broadcom propritary drivers, i guess it was something broken in b43 lately01:06
Sarvattwlan1: No active IBSS STAs - trying to scan for other IBSS networks just pops up with b43, doesnt like the ad-hoc network with WEP01:07
BUGabundocould be worse Sarvatt01:08
richardcavellBUGabundo: any ideas?01:09
BUGabundorichardcavell: no01:09
BUGabundono idea why you are hanging back01:10
BUGabundocan you pastebin modem manager too?01:10
richardcavellI just found out01:10
richardcavellI have to remove libmbca001:10
richardcavellgotta log out now.  BRB01:10
Sarvattwhy dont you dist-upgrade richardcavell? safe-upgrade is probably holding it back because mobile-broadband-provider-info is a new package?01:11
BUGabundoSarvatt: he is gone01:11
Sarvatt...and he left :D01:11
BUGabundoyou really should enable parts01:11
Sarvatti did, he parted the second i said it :D01:14
bcurtiswxthe mobile-broadband package in the changelog says it breaks libmcba0, and synaptic wants to remove it... thats ok then.. right?01:14
Sarvattah that'd do it01:14
bcurtiswxit being libmcba001:15
richardcavellBUGabundo: Okay I'm all updated now.  All is well.01:15
BUGabundonext time try aptitude force-upgrade01:16
BUGabundoto see what's left01:16
richardcavellAfter what happened yesterday I don't think I'll be updating for a while01:17
BUGabundoWARNING: IT MAY BREAK YOUR LCD  and make you cry like a baby01:17
Sarvattreally should dist-upgrade during development, its normal for packages to get obsoleted and get removed like that01:17
* bcurtiswx mutes BUGabundo01:17
BUGabundorichardcavell: worse! the more you update the less diff you may end up01:17
BUGabundobcurtiswx: "the function you have selected has not implemeted yet. We are sorry"01:18
BUGabundobcurtiswx: how are you ?01:18
richardcavellthe only reason why I want Karmic is because of the newer Intel drivers anyway01:18
bcurtiswxsudo apt-get remove BUGabundo01:18
richardcavellI notice that Firefox 3.0.13 isn't in the repos yet.  It was released yesterday.01:19
bcurtiswxi wish theyd finally make firefox 3.5 default01:19
BUGabundo$ apt-get remove #ubuntu+1, world, universe: y,N,WHAT?01:19
bcurtiswxmore testers is a good thing01:19
BUGabundorichardcavell: it won't be01:19
BUGabundowe are going with 3.501:19
bcurtiswxlike actually do it in the repos01:20
BUGabundoit was supposed to be TODAY on ppa security for testing01:20
BUGabundoif it works, archives get 3.5 default01:20
richardcavellI prefer 3.001:20
bcurtiswxwhats so special about 3.5 anyways?01:21
SeveredCrossBetter JavaScript engine, private browsing, supposedly svelter memory usage.01:22
BUGabundorichardcavell: why???01:24
BUGabundoits sooo slow01:24
BUGabundoand 3.6 is even faster01:24
BUGabundoand much less mem01:24
BUGabundo$ top | grep fox01:24
BUGabundo23299 bugabund  20   0  749m 225m  30m S    1  5.7  22:42.21 firefox-3.601:24
richardcavellthat is actually your username?01:25
BUGabundoits bugabudno01:25
BUGabundotop crops it01:25
richardcavellOkay well I'm not using Update Manager for another month01:27
hggdhmakes sense01:34
* BUGabundo loves to tell devs about bugs, regression, and watch them say its not their fault01:34
ubottuMozilla bug 508387 in General "zoom settings not stored" [Minor,Resolved: invalid]01:35
* QPrime reads through the backlog and discovers that is IS possible to have a bigger ego than bjsnider... BUGabundo, you WIN! ;)01:48
BUGabundoat least I'm good at something other then denting and filing bugs01:51
BUGabundowe have a new patch for multisearch01:51
BUGabundoI wonder who is going to enable it back and test01:51
DanaGNot I... I've actually dpkg-diverted the thing to get rid of it.01:53
virtualdi hope no one who uses the 64-bit flash player missed this: http://www.adobe.com/support/security/bulletins/apsb09-10.html (or anyone who didn't install through apt)01:54
DanaGOh, and "multisearch" is a misnomer.01:54
DanaGif anything... it's an anti-multisearch.01:54
DanaGGoogle has multiple search types..... "multisearch" removes them!01:54
BUGabundovirtuald: already closed all my browsers01:55
BUGabundowhat's that link about?01:55
BUGabundoI have flash 64bits , the new one for a few days01:55
BUGabundosound is a total mess on the new flash01:56
virtualdbugabundo: then you have the newest01:56
virtualdyeah sound dies for me01:56
* DanaG sticks to nspluginwrapp'd 32-bit one.01:57
BUGabundothat's ugly01:57
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virtualdi can't find the SRU01:58
DanaG... but it lets you killall -9 npviewer.bin!01:58
* BUGabundo $ mv /home/BUGabundo /dev/bed ; $ echo process delayed. HURRY UP01:58
DanaGCan't do that with bare flashplugin.01:59
DanaGI was browsing online, and something started hammering my CPU.... and I realized that, oh, it's Flash being sucky, as usual.01:59
* DanaG hits it with SIGKILL01:59
BUGabundoor JS on GMail :(01:59
DanaGAah, much better.01:59
* DanaG uses gmail via imap.01:59
BUGabundodIMAP here01:59
BUGabundoNOW BED02:00
DanaGor was that a typo?02:00
DanaGGrr: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-desktop/2009-August/002183.html02:00
virtualddisconnected imap02:01
DanaGSomething the battstat applet gives, that g-p-m does not give: accurate power usage info.02:02
DanaGOr rather, directly read from battery -- so it seems more correct than g-p-m's estimates.02:02
DanaGAnd it shows percentage of charge at a glance.02:03
DanaGCan't do that with gnome-power-manager.02:03
virtualdi don't use batteries - does g-p-m have some heuristic?02:03
DanaGYeah.  It profiles the battery over time.02:04
DanaGBut in my case, it underestimates the accuracy of my battery's capacity indications.02:04
DanaGSays it's 0% accurate when below 50% battery, when it's really just fine.02:04
virtualddid you report it?02:06
DanaGHmm, I've usually just ignored it.02:06
DanaGOh yeah, and battstat applet shows the time right in the panel.02:06
DanaGg-p-m just shows this vague sort of ballpark-figure percentage thingy, via icon changes.02:07
DanaG0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100.02:07
bjsniderQPrime, what are you talking about?02:11
DanaGhah, and the mouse battery thingy has only 0, 60, and 100.02:18
Sarvatthmm, i cant even add the battery charge monitor applet :(02:18
DanaGYou probably already have the update installed.02:19
Sarvattis it from the battery-stats package DanaG?02:20
DanaGno, it's from the gnome-applets package.02:20
Sarvattwhen i try to add Battery Charge Monitor (Deprecated) it runs /usr/lib/gnome-applets/null_applet --oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID:GNOME_NullAppl02:20
Sarvattdevicekit-power is all screwed up for all of my laptops, it thinks its fully charged when i unplug no matter what02:21
DanaGNote the nicer thing: one icon for power state, one icon for percent charge.02:21
DanaGThough oddly, the one in gnome is not exactly the same as this one here.02:21
Sarvatti didnt like the old one at all, preferred g-p-m back when it worked02:22
Sarvattbut if it actually works i'll gladly use it (not that i can for some reason)02:22
DanaGbecause... it's been removed!02:22
Sarvatti've just been using a bash alias to cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/state :(02:23
Sarvattwonder if it'd work right if i rebuilt d-k-p and g-p-m with hal support02:24
Sarvattjust read that you have problems with it underestimating capacity, have you tried changing the gconf settings for it? i saw a bunch that change how it determines that02:26
DanaGIt also underestimates accuracy.02:27
Sarvattlike in /apps/gnome-power-manager/general/02:27
DanaGGnome devs at work: notice how much more configurable the battstat-applet used to be.02:27
DanaGNow there's just layout options.02:27
Sarvattmaybe try disabling /apps/gnome-power-manager/general/use_profile_time so it can relearn it or something I was thinking02:32
DanaGodd... compiz's scale "close window" feature on middle button... only closes ONE window.  you have to move the mouse a bit before it'll highlight the next window to move under the mouse.02:32
DanaGSo, I can sit there hitting my middle button to close window, over and over.... and it ignores me.02:33
Sarvatthttp://sarvatt.com/downloads/gpm.txt thats what i get, i'm sitting here on battery power and it thinks its fully charged02:35
DanaGhmm, does it ever give updates at all?02:36
DanaGI normally see multiple of the battery-info thingies, as it reports changes.02:36
Sarvattnope it doesnt give updates until i plug in again02:37
Sarvattohhh interesting02:37
Sarvatti killed devkit-power-daemon and restarted it then restarted g-p-m and its right02:37
Sarvattwonder if it has something to do with it thinking the lid is always closed02:38
Sarvattits even decreasing, didnt just load the right values and die there or anything02:40
FloridaGuyfrom 9.04 to 9.10...what would be better or faster...my netinstall cd...or upgrade02:42
Sarvattdo you want to change anything like switching to ext4?02:43
Sarvattlol! screen just blanked, maybe the reason I havent been having this problem lately is because g-p-m hasnt been working02:44
FloridaGuy.... /boot..../...../home already ext4 and runing grub202:44
virtualdgpm is a console mouse daemon so it did confuse me a bit before as i don't have a laptop02:45
Sarvattyou'll want to make sure you reinstall grub2 to the mbr after in any case, jaunty's cant handle some of the options the one in karmic uses02:45
virtualdi mean you calling gnome-power-manager gpm02:45
Sarvattwe're talking about gnome-power-manager, sorry about that02:45
virtualdno problem02:46
FloridaGuywouldent upgradeing do all that02:46
Sarvattits not for alot of people, dunno why02:46
FloridaGuysence im alrady useing grub202:46
Sarvattits upgrading grub2 on the system but not installing the updated grub2 to the mbr02:47
Sarvattif you get errors about --no-floppy just sudo grub-install /dev/whatever02:47
FloridaGuyi dont have a floppy so dont have to worry about that02:48
zaccourhow is 3 alpha?02:48
zaccouris it faster than the current?02:48
DanaGughm stupid youtube.02:49
DanaGTry clicking the seek bar... it ignores me.02:49
DanaGSame for all the other buttons.02:49
zaccourhow is the alpha 3?02:50
zaccourshould i upgrade now?02:50
hggdhzaccour, it is always a bet. For me, with rare exceptions (like this morning) it has been rather stable for a development series02:51
hggdhin other words: no issue I could not get myself out02:51
zaccourwhats the default theme look like?02:51
FloridaGuyAugust 13th...alpha302:52
hggdh*that*, I do not know... don't use it02:52
FloridaGuylooks just like 9.0402:52
FloridaGuyim going to do a install from the netinstall cd..want to use a different mirror then they have on the install disk.....would this be right.....      ftp://carroll.cac.psu.edu/pub/linux/distributions/ubuntu/dists/karmic/02:55
hggdhas long as the mirror is up-to-date, no problems02:55
FloridaGuyas far i know....i install the kernel on 9.04....just to see what it would do on there02:56
hggdhso your machine supports the kernel. Good. Now, you can either bite the bullet, and upgrade, or try to run a liveCD and see what happens02:58
FloridaGuyi dont even download the ubuntu live cd's anymore...for some reason with ubuntu the only installs that will install for me is the netinstall02:59
hggdhfor me, I have always installed with the alternate CD -- I use LVM, and multiple partitions on all my machines, and the liveCD did not support it (don't know nowadays, though)03:00
Sarvattohh good info on the g-p-m idle session problem here -- http://blogs.gnome.org/hughsie/2009/07/30/accidental-blanking-and-gnome-power-manager/03:01
FloridaGuyhad 9.10 on the system the other day....could get my usb stick working....then i did a mount  -t vfat   /dev/sdf1   /media/usb...got it mounted but wasent able to write to it03:01
SarvattFloridaGuy: yeah you need some extra options for vfat usually, doing it through nautilus or whatever would add those. try mount -t vfat -o uid=1000,umask=077,utf8,shortname=mixed /dev/sdf1 /media/usb03:10
Sarvattyour user probably didnt have permission to write to it03:11
oldude67just to let you all know i did the retard update today and lost my internet..had to spend most of the day fixing my mess up..(03:19
oldude67so now i have the little icon down on the task bar telling me that the network manager is fubarred right now..ugh.03:19
oldude67ugh be back in an hour or so cause i didnt set up my full set of hard drives..it used the small one instead.03:21
Sarvattwhats wrong with network manager for people?03:23
Sarvatthe wasnt the first i've seen say that but i have no problems with the latest one03:23
DanaGwhy is it that people always feel the need to type........their.............demo...........text..........annoyingly..........slowly............03:24
DanaGinstead of just having it already typed in ahead of time?03:24
DanaGoh, and flash seems to be ignoring mouse clicks.03:25
yoasifanyone seeing a gdm bug where as soon as you select a user and the login box gets smaller, the space formerly occupied by the box becomes black?04:54
DanaGyeah, happens to me.04:54
yoasifhas that been reported?04:55
yoasifi think this is it04:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 405392 in gtk+2.0 "background not redrawn when GDM main window changes size" [Low,Triaged]04:55
DanaGhar: http://xkcd.com/05:19
DanaGUnfortunately, Adobe is the one to blame here.05:20
akioI want smooth flash05:20
akiohtml 5 baby05:21
DanaGI want non-cpu-devouring, non-crashing Flash.05:21
akioyou save the chrome experiments?05:21
DanaGI still like nspluginwrapper, because it lets me nuke flash objects very quickly:05:21
DanaGwoot:  killall -9 npviewer.bin05:22
akioI hope flash becomes obsolete05:23
DanaGMe too.05:25
yoasifi hope canvas + svg + js kills it05:26
yoasifand <video>05:26
akiothat is html 5 no?05:27
DanaGhandy thing I did with my gdm: enabled the volume-control plugin.05:28
DanaGSo now my volume slider thingy works there.05:28
bjsnider<video> will not kill flash without more codec support and more browser support05:54
DanaGgrr, screen randomly blanked.06:40
pace_t_zuluanyone else having problems with pulse audio?06:53
kklimondano ;)06:54
kklimondaseriously, works fine here :)06:54
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pace_t_zulukklimonda: yeah, it seems as if it is an issue in pulseaudio's interaction with ff3.507:10
DanaGPA works fine for me, too.07:11
kklimondapace_t_zulu: works fine with ff3.507:11
pace_t_zuluDanaG, well if it works for you it must be ok ;)07:11
DanaGI use the 32-bit Flash.07:11
pace_t_zulukklimonda: i'll look into it further before i bring it up again07:12
DanaGnpviewer.bin is nice... it crashes when Flash fails, instead of letting Flash take down Firefox itself.07:12
kklimondaDanaG: well, the question remains when have you last seen crashing flash plugin ;)07:12
DanaGAll the time.07:13
DanaGOr rather07:13
DanaGI see it hammer the CPU... so I kill it.07:13
DanaGWith nspluginwrapper, you can do that.07:13
DanaGkillall -9 npviewer.bin.  bye bye, flash cpu usage!07:13
pace_t_zului'm having trouble with youtube videos...07:14
DanaGyeah, they don't respond correctly to clicking!07:14
DanaGwtf... my panel applet shows my audio muted...07:14
DanaGI uncheck "mute" -- it stays muted (checked)!07:14
DanaGOh, it's that stupid "Minimum volume is the same thing as mute" idea.07:15
DanaGIf I uncheck "mute" and it stays muted.... that's broken.  No matter how you slice it.07:15
pace_t_zuluyea youtube videos fastforward07:17
pace_t_zuluit's lame07:17
kklimondaI hate that totem is intercepting all media keys..07:17
kklimondawhat's really funny is the fact that it's not even running anymore07:18
pierceanyone know why when I open new tabs in firefox, I always get redirected to the ubuntu version of google?  same with when I use the firefox search bar08:00
pierceI tried disabling the ubuntu firefox plugin, and the ubuntu google page is not my home page, so I don't know what the deal is08:01
soc1nautilus is segfaulting here ...08:02
soc1any bug report?08:02
nhasianpierce, I'd like to know how to change the default page that opens with new tabs...08:18
piercenhasian: what do you see when opening new tabs?08:24
nhasiani'm running firefox-3.5 and it always opens up the ubuntu-google page.  i'd rather it open www.google.com/ig08:24
floatingbe brave and use chromium browser \o/08:24
nhasianchromium doesnt yet have flash for 64 bit08:25
pierceI need the adblock and noscript :-/08:25
floatingi have an adblock on chromium08:25
floatingadsweep or such, is not as good as firefoxs adblock+ though08:25
nhasiandangit google, get on the ball.  where did all my investments in GOOG go?08:25
* floating goes to see whats noscript08:26
piercenoscript is amazing, everyone should use it08:26
nhasianpierce, whats it for?08:27
floatingespecially me, because with my poor intel grapchic controller, the flash on websites tend to harass my cpu08:27
piercestarted out as a way to control what domains you want to be able to execute javascript in your browser, but it has a ton more features now08:27
floatingbut i guess i manage without, since i'm not gonna run the heavyish firefox except for some debugging08:28
piercenoscript now has very good protection against most forms of xss and crsf attacks08:29
piercein general, it gives you much more control about security08:29
pierceit can also do things like https enforcement, and proper handling of files (so attackers can't hide executables in images etc)08:30
piercebut that really doesn't have much to do with karmic :-)08:31
pierceI was told to come here and ask about why ubuntu has taken over many of my firefox options, since people in the normal ubuntu channel didn't want to tell me08:31
nhasianhackers can hide executables in images?  since when?08:31
pierceabout a year ago at blackhat they talked about the gifar concept08:33
Boohbahpierce: yeah, what software do you have that executes images?08:33
nhasianpierce, if you dont want firefox to be customized for ubuntu then just uninstall firefox-3.0-branding08:33
piercethere are basic protections in place that block the original attack, but the problem is far from being completely solved08:33
Boohbahpierce: notice the part about Java08:34
pierceI never installed firefox branding..  I didn't even know I had done that08:34
pierceBoohbah: do you think java is pretend so you don't need to worry about it?08:34
piercedammit, removing the branding removed firefox08:36
pierceThe following packages will be REMOVED:  firefox-3.5 firefox-3.5-branding08:37
Boohbahpierce: no, i'm saying you only need to worry about executable code hidden in image files when you are running java, and my browser usually pops up a window asking me to confirm that i want to run java08:38
nhasiancant you install firefox without the branding?08:38
nhasianif it wont let you do it from the ubuntu repo, i'm sure you can do it from the mozilla ppa08:38
piercenhasian: I see nothing that would let me do that  apt-get install firefox pulls in branding, and apt-get remove branding removes firefox08:39
pierceBoohbah: it only asks your permission when it thinks it's loading a jar file, not when your browser is loading an image08:40
piercethat's the problem08:41
nhasianpierce, try installing the firefox from here instead: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ppa08:42
nhasianhang on i think this is more current: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa08:43
piercenot really sure I need to run the most recent version of firefox possible :-/  I just want to get my normal search results back08:45
pierceand the big orange ubuntu logo every time I make a new tab is annoying08:46
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mac_vanyone having problems with the latest updates?11:13
oldude67g/morning all11:19
mac_voldude67: heya.... what where the problems with the latest network manager updates? any wireless problems?11:21
oldude67idk about wireless as im on a hard line, but the manager itself is fubarred.11:22
oldude67icon in task bar says its highly unstable and will cause your desktop to crash, and it sure did.11:22
mac_vso its better to delay the network manager updates?11:23
oldude67i could see my eth0 card and i could modprobe it , but it wouldnt work no matter what i did.11:23
oldude67yes i would say so.i am11:23
mac_vi'm using wireless and surely i dont want to loose connection :)11:24
oldude67i couldnt even get a google connect..so i was lost and i just said the heck with it and started over..didnt have anything important on here yet to lose..thank god.11:24
oldude67but i was being impatient and tried another one of those partial updates and i really know better but...duh..did it anyways.11:26
oldude67although after all of this im getting good at fixing the grub for my intel video..lmao11:26
loonyphoenixmy notify-osd stopped working11:33
loonyphoenixhow do I restart it?11:33
gnomefreakwhat the net connection bug fixed?11:39
loonyphoenixbtw, what's the holdup updating firefox? why is karmic still running 3.0?11:40
gnomefreakloonyphoenix: 3.5 is going to be a little while to become default11:41
oldude67gnomefreak, not here it isnt.11:41
loonyphoenixwhat depends on firefox anyway?11:42
oldude67im using the kde network manager right now with an icon that says dont use the other it may crash your desktop.11:42
gnomefreakoldude67: you shouldnt have 3.5 as default yet11:42
oldude67yeah i was talking about network manager sorry.11:42
oldude67and i dont.11:42
loonyphoenixI understand reluctance at upgrading core components, but Firefox?11:42
gnomefreakloonyphoenix: its not that so much that is holding it up its more of xulrunner holding it up11:42
loonyphoenixwhat is xulrunner used for?11:43
gnomefreakloonyphoenix: it will be done soon (before next release)11:43
gnomefreakloonyphoenix: alot of apps have moved to depend on it11:43
oldude67was going to say its going to have to be done soon as things are going to be put on freeze before long i would think.11:43
gnomefreakso you can remove firefox without having the whole system be removed (done in jaunty)11:44
gnomefreakoldude67: it will, we are working on it. one major factor is do we remove xul.....1.9.0 and ff3.0 from repos all together11:44
oldude67ah i see, you know you will have die hards that will have a fit if you get rid of it all together.11:45
gnomefreakother things have kept me busy the past coupleof months but i will know when it happens before most11:45
gnomefreakoldude67: i know hence the major facktor11:46
gnomefreakignore the typos its way too early11:46
oldude67i hear ya..lol11:46
gnomefreakasac is working on it with a couple of other devs11:47
gnomefreakbe back11:48
soc1nautilus is segfaulting here ...11:48
soc1any bug report?11:48
oldude67soc1, i dont know if there is a bug report or not but i know there have been several people in here complaining about it.11:49
soc1mh ok11:50
soc1oldude67: looks really weird when the panel is filling up11:50
soc1because it tries to restart nautilus everytime it segfaults ...11:50
oldude67well dont know about weird but a pain in the arse sounds more like it.11:51
soc1right :-)11:51
oldude67is nautilus a file manager like dolphin i forget?11:52
Mathematicianoldude67: yeah, dolphin is a file manager11:55
oldude67yeah i knew that was wondering about nautilus im googling now to see..lol im old so i forget things easy..lmao11:56
gnomefreakoldude67: apt-cache show nautilus  show give you everything12:01
oldude67thats cool google had a ton of crap about it..but it answered my question for me.12:02
sash_Hello together. I tried to install karmic from a mini-iso to a virtualbox on jaunty. I created LVM and Encryption of /, /home and swap. Everything worked fine, until i started the installation of the system. I was told, the package <dontremember>.release.tar.gz would be broken and if I would install from a CD, I should burn it more slowly. Well, its an image ;). Before I start searching, I wanted to ask,12:20
sash_ if there are any known issues with karmic-mini.iso, lvm or encryption in the actual release? I am sure, that I have a networkconnection in the virtual machine (there is NAT by default in vbox and the gui tells me, it would be connected). Thanks for help.12:20
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diverse_izzuedoes bluetooth work even just remotely for you guys on karmic? on my thinkpad t60 i can't do anything with it...13:04
ClapBedonhi there13:09
ClapBedonI need a hand with a dist-upgrade13:11
ClapBedonI was trying to upgrade to karmic but had to shut it down while downloading packages (i've got a very slow connection)13:12
ClapBedonBut when I try to restart dist-upgrade, it doesn't show karmic anymore13:12
ClapBedonbut says that my system is fully up to date13:13
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ClapBedonany idea ?13:14
ClapBedonshould /var/lib/update-manager/meta-release mention karmic in some way ? I really don't know13:19
PiciClapBedon: I don't even have that file on my machine.... What does lsb_release -a report?13:27
ClapBedonPici : that's it jaunty 9.0413:28
PiciClapBedon: Then it sounds like your upgrade didn't complete sucessfully.  What tool did you use in the beginning to upgrade to Karmic?13:29
ClapBedonNo LSB modules are available. ; Distributor ID:Ubuntu ; Description:Ubuntu 9.04 ; Release:9.04 ; Codename:jaunty13:29
ClapBedonupdate-manager -d13:29
ClapBedoni had to close it while it was still downloading packages13:30
ClapBedonso nothing got installed at all13:30
PiciClapBedon: Thats at least good, what happens if you run update-manager -d again?13:30
ClapBedonit tells me that I'm up to date, and that no newer distribution is available13:31
PiciClapBedon: hrmm.. Could you try doing do-release-upgrade -d   perhaps?13:34
mac_vawalton: Hi... i'm confused about the bug , http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=590500 , i dont think its a dup13:34
ubottuGnome bug 590500 in Backgrounds Emblems and Themes "Support for background transparency" [Enhancement,Resolved: duplicate]13:34
awaltonmac_v, from your latest attempt at explaining it, it is and it isn't. you want a composited icon container, just not desktop-specific, and that's not something we're ever likely to do.13:37
mac_vawalton: oh ok... well it was just a feature request :)13:39
awaltonthe only reason we really should add it for the desktop case is just so that nautilus can stop caring so much about the wallpaper13:40
ClapBedonPici : it's slowly downloading something13:40
awaltonit's really not nautilus' job, but since it draws the icons on the desktop, we inherited it :/13:41
BluesKajhowdy all14:08
stevepearcehello BluesKaj14:13
BluesKajhey stevepearce14:14
BluesKaj I've had a shutsown prob since I upgraded to 4.3, been using sudo halt . Anyone else experiencing this ?14:28
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gnomefreakBluesKaj: sorry nope14:32
stevepearceBluesKaj, same, everything is working correctly14:36
BluesKajgnomefreak, stevepearce , it's no biggie , just a small annoyance . I'm sure a dev will fix it eventually14:39
andresmhmy Karmic is working decently well and I see there are a bunch of updates. Is there a place where I can read what known bugs there are if I want to update?15:13
mac_vandresmh: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/alpha3#Known%20issues15:17
andresmhthanks mac_v. How can I check what alpha version I have? I don't remember :-/15:18
mac_vandresmh: $ uname -a    gives the kernel , but i dont think there is a way to find alpha version15:20
Laibschanybody have an idea what may be preventing me from logging in to X unless I disable bash-completion? -> bug 40880415:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 408804 in ubuntu-dev-tools "bash completion prevents X login" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40880415:20
andresmhok, no prob15:20
LaibschAndybody else seeing that?15:20
hggdhLaibsch, I had bash-completion disabled. I will enable it, and try. brb15:25
ClapBedonPici : are you still there ?15:32
hggdhLaibsch, I cannot confirm -- I logged in without issues. Per the last entry in the bug, this would be on the /etc/bash_completion.d/pbuilder-dist15:32
hggdhand I do have pbuilder installed15:32
hggdhweird. Anyway, there are now two affected by this, so I am marking confirmed15:33
Laibschneed to check the bug again15:34
hggdhLaibsch, it would be good if you could confirm the error to be at the same place15:35
PiciClapBedon: Partially15:35
Laibschhggdh: Are you CdA?15:35
hggdhLaibsch, yes, I guess I am15:35
LaibschThen you failed counting ;-)15:35
ClapBedonPici : I finally got the message that after updating information on my packages, the essential package 'ubuntu-minimal' could not be found and that it is an important error15:36
hggdhhow did I confuse RL with RL... I do not know. I will blame it to my incipient migrane, though...15:37
hggdhLaibsch, I will return the bug to NEW, then, OK?15:37
LaibschI wonder about the inner workings of that bug15:38
hggdhso do I15:39
BluesKajhmm I see medibuntu is still unreachable15:46
BluesKajarchive.canonical.com is also not connecting15:59
bjsniderworks here16:00
jpdsbjsnider: Works here.16:01
jpdstracepath would be helpful.16:01
BluesKajbjsnider, which server ?16:04
BluesKajmain or canada16:05
bjsniderbut that's just a subdomain of canonical.com16:05
bjsniderit may not even be a different physical machine16:05
bjsniderno, i just typed it into the browser16:05
BluesKajit's a repos source site , bjsnider16:10
bjsnideryes i see that16:10
BluesKajmedibuntu repos still isn't connecting16:12
BluesKajhmm, maybe my sources.list needs updating :)16:13
EagleScreenmedibuntu is downloading well for me16:14
BluesKajyeah, EagleScreen but you're in Spain, I'm in Canada16:18
BluesKajaha, aptitude is balking at medibuntu and archive.canonical but apt isn't16:25
aboSamooris gnome shell available in karmic ?16:36
jonathonfnot yet, at least not in the repos16:38
jonathonfyou can compile it though16:38
SeveredCrossI think there's a PPA16:38
aboSamoorwhat about this ? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell16:38
jonathonflol, the version of gnome-shell on that ppa makes me slightly nervous :D 0.0.1~git16:46
hggdhLaibsch, ping16:50
aboSamoorjonathonf, anyway, it is broken16:50
jonathonfah, yes, failed to build :(16:51
slacker_nlis karmic only available by ISO or can I also get it via do-release-upgrade?16:59
mac_vslacker_nl: you can do either17:04
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ZoraelHum, where are karmic's KDE 4.3 packages?17:10
jonathonfkde team ppa?17:13
jonathonfZorael: if you can't wait for them to be put into the main repo packages are available backported for jaunty17:15
Zoraeluse jaunty's packages, you mean?17:16
dupondjehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/aptitude/+bug/391035 <- still nobody with this issue ? :s17:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 391035 in aptitude "aptitude stops displaying downloads" [Undecided,New]17:17
Zoraelobviously an alternative. I just figured that the chances of me not looking in the right places was higher (than the solution being to add the ppa as a jaunty ppa)17:17
Zoraelwere* higher17:17
slacker_nlmac_v: what do I need to put in /etc/update-manager/releasesomething file17:17
slacker_nlPrompt is either: never, lts or normal17:17
mac_vslacker_nl: #update-manager -d17:18
mac_vrun that^17:18
mac_vno need to edit /etc17:18
slacker_nlmac_v: do you have a non-gui method?17:19
mac_vslacker_nl: i dont know17:19
jonathonfyeah, i presume karmic packages are in the process of being built/approved17:21
slacker_nlmac_v: do-release-upgrade -d17:22
ZoraelSuddenly karmic packages are (partially) available ;317:24
alphaaquilaehello world, my mic doesn't work, can someone help me to configure it?17:32
alphaaquilae hello world, my mic doesn't work, can someone help me to configure it?17:36
scizzo-Zorael: what exactly do you mean with that?17:37
scizzo-Zorael: do you mean partial upgrade comes up?17:37
alphaaquilaei have an integrated mic in my sony viao computer, yet i can't record with it17:38
Zoraelscizzo-: No, just commented on earlier exchange. karmic KDE 4.3 packages, couldn't fetch them earlier and now they're partially available.17:38
jonathonflol, good good :)17:38
jonathonfi need to set up a vm to test kubuntu... i want to see what's changed in KDE 4.317:38
jonathonfhmm... whether to install from an Ubuntu iso then install kubutu-desktop, or download a whole new Kubuntu iso...17:38
scizzo-Zorael: might be because they are not fully there yet17:39
scizzo-Zorael: you should check with kubuntu team instead17:39
jonathonfalphaaquilae: heard you the first time, was looking on ubuntuforums for the same problem17:39
jonathonfalphaaquilae: go to the sound manager, click the hardware tab, select your hardware, make sure it has both input and output selected in the drop down menu.17:40
jonathonfalphaaquilae: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=123064217:40
scizzo-dupondje: have you tried running aptitude using another user?17:40
scizzo-dupondje: also with another terminal like xterm?17:40
alphaaquilaejonathonf: can't fine hardware tab, do you mean by sound manager volume control or sound preferences?17:50
jonathonfsystem, preferences, sound17:51
jonathonfcheck the setup in hardware17:51
jonathonfthen make sure a device is selected under input17:51
alphaaquilaeyes i've already checked it, but i can't fine hardware tab, i have only devices and sound tabs?!17:52
jonathonfalphaaquilae: could you check the version of gnome-media with $ apt-cache policy gnome-media18:01
alphaaquilaejonathonf: gnome-media:18:02
alphaaquilae  Installé : 2.26.0-0ubuntu318:02
alphaaquilae  Candidat : 2.26.0-0ubuntu318:02
alphaaquilae Table de version :18:02
alphaaquilae *** 2.26.0-0ubuntu3 018:02
alphaaquilae        500 http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com jaunty/main Packages18:02
alphaaquilae        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status18:02
jonathonfare you running karmic?18:03
jonathonfthat would be why18:03
jonathonfi have version 2.27.518:03
alphaaquilaewhat should i do then jonathonf?18:05
Picialphaaquilae: This channel is only for Karmic (9.10) discussion and support. Support for current versions of Ubuntu can be found in #ubuntu18:05
jonathonfi would suggest you try #ubuntu-fr or #ubuntu18:05
alphaaquilaecan't get a reponse from there18:06
alphaaquilaethx anyway18:06
jonathonfthere will be a solution, but without a jaunty box to poke about on i can't help you any further ;)18:07
coz_alphaaquilae,   if no one responds in a channel . .. it's likely no one is avaiable who knows the answer...however...if you try #linux  channel....you may get an answer :)18:07
alphaaquilaeok i'll try it18:08
coz_no problem18:09
cdE|Woozyif I change the balance setting to something other than "middle" in gnome-volume-control and change the volume after that, balance bounces back to middle. bug in gnome-volume-control, then?18:10
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bernierHi, I want to break my system. How can I upgrade from jaunty to karmic?18:18
jonathonfupdate-manager -d18:19
jonathonfbut it likely won' break18:19
bernierI know, but I usually get a warning when I ask this type of question18:20
bernierthank you.18:20
curtis_So I want to break my system. Upgrade method please?18:20
jonathonfdeja vu18:21
jonathonf$ update-manager -d18:21
curtis_say wuh?18:21
jonathonfbut it likely won' break18:21
curtis_oh wow that's it18:21
curtis_easier than I thought18:21
jonathonfyeah :)18:21
curtis_will it keep all my settings or am I have to install everything again?18:21
jonathonfkeep everything18:21
curtis_oh nice18:22
jonathonfjusty like a normal distribution upgrade18:22
bernierI'm using kubuntu, which seems not to have update manager18:22
* jonathonf uses plain Ubuntu18:22
jonathonfi have no idea, i'm sure there is a way18:22
curtis_well here's hoping to it not breaking, but just incase I also have Debian, Vista, 7, and OSX Leopard installed18:22
jonathonflol, no18:22
jonathonfi have karmic, 7 and 10.5.6 also :)18:22
curtis_bernier: this is what you get for using kubuntu18:23
curtis_trust your processor to deal with a regular load18:23
curtis_it's what it's made for trust me18:23
curtis_the NEW new ubuntu?18:23
curtis_oh okay18:24
curtis_yeah just looked18:24
curtis_they want me to Bet Snow Leopard18:24
curtis_or did18:24
curtis_actually I think they still do18:24
curtis_I'm like HARD DRIVE WILL MELT!!!!18:24
jonathonfnot sure Snow Leopard will install on mine... at least not yet18:25
curtis_I haz huge processor18:25
jonathonfit's not the size of it that counts...18:25
curtis_oh but it IS the processor18:25
curtis_hold on18:26
curtis_shallrun lspci18:26
DanaGhmm... does that include the patches to make it work on 2.6.30 and 2.6.31?18:26
jonathonfdanag: i think that was in previously18:27
curtis_i7-975 Extreme 3.86 GHz 8MB cache18:27
curtis_1 Terabyte of HD18:27
curtis_16 of RAM18:27
curtis_16GB that is18:28
curtis_Alienware <318:28
berniergot it for kubuntu in case someone wants to know, it's: update-notifier-kde -d18:28
jonathonfDanaG: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fglrx-installer/2:8.620-0ubuntu3/+changelog18:28
DanaGhmm, doesn't say anything about those patches in the new one.18:28
curtis_far far more18:28
curtis_more than I want to admit to18:29
curtis_it was more than the paypal transaction limit LMFAO18:29
DanaGYou speaking of desktop, or laptop?18:29
berniercould have built the same with much lower price18:29
DanaGgoogle for HP Z800.18:29
jonathonfwas thinking it's expensive for a desktop18:29
bernierparts by parts18:29
DanaGNow that... is a beast of a machine.18:29
curtis_no my friend18:30
curtis_THAT is a beast of a machine18:30
curtis_and that is mine18:30
curtis_but with all the upgrades at max18:30
curtis_except for one I think but I forget which :P18:30
bernierare you rich?18:30
curtis_not particularly18:30
curtis_actually not at all18:30
curtis_but one spring and summer working on computers at best buy and not spending a dime on ANYTHING, and that's what I decided to get18:31
berniercan you run CS 1.6 with > 100 FPS?18:31
curtis_I have no idea18:31
jonathonfbut will it run Crysis?18:31
curtis_I've never tried18:31
berniersuely you do18:31
curtis_nothing will run Crysis18:31
curtis_they like to say t's because your system sucks ass18:32
curtis_really it's because the game sucks ass18:32
jonathonfhave to admit i've never tried it18:32
jonathonfi'm happy with CoD4 running in Wine :D18:32
jonathonfquite impressed it works as well as it does18:32
curtis_Here's the real question right here18:33
curtis_why haven't you just downloaded and installed the FREE Windows 7 RC18:33
curtis_because guess what18:33
curtis_that works about four times better than wine does18:33
jonathonfi have18:33
jonathonfbut it means i have to reboot just to play games :)18:33
curtis_well then RUN IT IN 7 DAMNIT18:33
bernieryeah I have it and I gotta admit it runs great18:33
curtis_Yeah I was expecting ass when they asked me to alpha test but it was NICE18:34
curtis_although at that stage unrealistically buggy18:34
jonathonfthe beta was pretty amazing for a beta18:34
curtis_which was sad because it corrupted that sector of the HD after a few weeks testing18:34
jonathonfthough having said that it was effectively vista+18:34
curtis_yeah the beta it was SIGNIFICANTLY improved18:34
curtis_it was WAY beyond Vista+18:35
curtis_and even if it was, if you take out the shit problems in Vista, you would have a good OS18:35
curtis_7 does this, so ultimately whatever you want to call it it works incredibly well18:35
ubottu#ubuntu+1 handles support for the development version of Ubuntu.  Please join #ubuntu for all other Ubuntu support.  Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic.18:35
jonathonfbe back soon18:35
curtis_jussi01: you just blew my mind onto the ceiling, shall join that channel after joining this one after being told the FIRST one is the wrong on to discuss Ubuntu Karmic18:36
jussi01curtis_: my backlog is filled with vista discussion, whats in yours?18:37
curtis_if you are reffering to the last three minutes then yes quite obviously mine is filled with the same18:38
jussi01curtis_: ,y point exactly. lets try to stick to karmic, shall we?18:38
curtis_yes lets18:38
jussi01curtis_: thanks :)18:39
curtis_jussi01: First one's free ;)18:39
curtis_is there an ubuntu channel for compiling a personal kernel as well or is that a shot in the dark with no impact heard?18:42
hix#kernel ?18:44
aboSamoorthe new sound properties does not have mixer ? anyway to be sure that the mic configured correctly18:59
BUGabundomy android G2 arrived WOOT19:01
aboSamoorBUGabundo, with karmic ?19:01
Sarvattyuck, why'd you pick a G2 over a G1? :D19:03
aboSamoorBUGabundo, how much does it cost ?19:03
Sarvatti dont think theres even any terminal apps that use an onscreen keyboard :(19:04
aboSamoorBUGabundo, this is with the lease ?19:04
BUGabundofully paid19:05
EagleScreenkvkbd is onscreen keyboard19:05
Sarvatti mean for android19:05
SarvattBUGabundo: for the fun stuff -- http://forum.xda-developers.com/forumdisplay.php?f=480 :)19:07
EagleScreeni do not know very well what android is, but isn't it a GNU/Linux system?19:07
BUGabundoit is EagleScreen19:08
BUGabundomaybe some day I can put ubuntu mid on it19:08
Sarvattdid you get a 288MB ram or a 192MB ram version? should say on the sticker that was on the screen19:08
EagleScreenBUGabundo: if it is a GNU/Linux system, why can't you install kvkbd on it?19:09
Sarvattits not a GNU/Linux system is why19:09
EagleScreenoh okay19:10
BUGabundoSarvatt: not sure19:10
BUGabundoI think it's the 28819:11
Sarvattjust uses the linux kernel, has its own specific libc19:11
Sarvattbut you can install things in a chroot, i have karmic armel on mine19:11
Sarvatti use it for compiling armel packages, actually is faster than qemu chroot speeds on my machines19:12
itswhatevanyone found a fix/workaround for brasero's inability to detect a blank cd?19:18
durt*cough* xfburn19:19
durtbut then again brasero hasn't worked for me since 8.0419:20
jonathonfBUGabundo: where did you get a g2 from for €225? :O19:23
BUGabundospecial ONE day only19:24
BUGabundo50% off19:24
BUGabundonow its 50€ off only19:24
raindog_miniLatest updates for Kubuntu hosed my ability to login.19:24
aboSamoorBUGabundo, I can not understand, on Amazon it is for 800 $ ?!19:24
raindog_miniCan't get a terminal to try and fix it.19:25
EagleScreenraindog_mini: boot kubuntu in recovery mode19:26
EagleScreenthen try to fix the system19:26
raindog_miniEagleScreen: Ah, yes.  I"m so stupid sometimes.  Thanks.19:26
raindog_miniTrying to run apt-get update, I receive the following.  Failed to open connection to "system" messwge bus:  Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket:  No such file or directory.  (and more)19:30
jonathonf$ sudo /etc/initid/dbus start19:31
jonathonf$ sudo /etc/init.d/dbus start19:31
Sarvattjust sounds like the packagekit hooks into apt failing, nothing to be worried about..?19:32
jonathonfthough as you're in recovery mode you dont need sudo19:32
raindog_miniYeah, the error goes on to talk about apt hooks and Packagekit.19:32
raindog_miniI'll try as you suggest.  THanks for the suggestion.19:32
Sarvattshould be safe to ignore it, does it not complete?19:33
raindog_miniapt-get update worked after starting dbus.  Thanks jonathonf19:34
Sarvatt/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20packagekit -- APT::Update::Post-Invoke-Success { "/usr/bin/dbus-send --system --dest=org.freedesktop.PackageKit --type=method_call /org/freedesktop/PackageKit org.freedesktop.PackageKit.StateHasChanged string:'cache-update'"; };19:34
raindog_miniSarvatt: That was it.19:34
Sarvattits just notifying packagekit that the cache was updated, but you dont care about that because you arent in a desktop environment19:34
raindog_miniThe latest updates also apparently removed kubuntu-desktop.  Added it back now and rebooting.19:35
DanaGwhat the hell.... my screen just randomly blanked again!19:37
raindog_minijonathonf: Sarvatt:  Thanks that did the trick.  I'm still learning, obviously.19:38
loonyphoenixHad a random screen flicker. The screen suddenly went black (even though I was moving the mouse around), but it lighted back up after I clicked my mouse. Anybody else have that?20:19
stormy2kHi everyone. I got some problems using compiz in karmic. Everytime i switch on the desktop effects my cpu goes up to 100 % usage and stays there. System monitor tells me that gconfd-2 is using most of it20:19
jonathonfit's some power management bug or something20:19
jonathonfstormy2k: do a $ killall metacity20:20
DanaGMy screen randomly blanks, too.20:20
loonyphoenixalso, the cursor flickers constantly when it's dynamic (like the waiting cursor)20:20
stormy2kThanks, that did the trick...20:20
loonyphoenixDoes anybody have that?20:20
loonyphoenixalso, the video flickers in full screen when controls appear/disappear... are all these issues reported?20:21
SarvattDanaG: http://blogs.gnome.org/hughsie/2009/07/30/accidental-blanking-and-gnome-power-manager/20:24
Sarvattdo you have intel video loonyphoenix? if so the cursor flicker is a well known issue20:25
DanaGhmm, my issue wasn't failure to unblank... it unblanks just fine.20:25
Sarvattyeah the problem is its reading the session idle wrong and calling a screen blank when its not really idle the first time it starts up20:25
=== dr0ppy is now known as dr0pknutz
diverse_izzueloonyphoenix, was that on battery?20:26
Sarvattin system - preferences - power management - battery it always goes idle and blanks the screen however many minutes you have it set there after the session starts, for me its just a one time thing though but thats probably because it doesnt detect that i'm on battery ever again after the first time i go off of ac power20:28
Sarvattif i kill devkit-power-daemon and g-p-m and restart them it'll blank again x minutes after i start them (whatever i have it set to)20:28
DanaGDoes the same thing also cause the "screen won't un-dim"?20:29
loonyphoenixSarvatt: yeah, intel video, though not battery20:29
Sarvattthat i dont know about, depends on the hardware and how it handles dpms20:29
loonyphoenixand the fullscreen video flicker?20:30
loonyphoenixthat's the same issue?20:30
Sarvattthats a 2.6.31-rc3+ issue20:31
Sarvatt2.6.31-2 should be fine if you install that20:31
loonyphoenixdon't wanna)20:31
Sarvattthe fixes have taken awhile to make it up to linus20:31
loonyphoenixso there's a fix?20:31
loonyphoenixwe're waiting for it to float downstream?20:31
Sarvattwaiting for it to float from the intel kernel branch to the main kernel branch then get released and made into a karmic kernel :D20:32
Sarvattmight actually be in linus' tree now, lessee20:33
Sarvattnope still not there20:34
loonyphoenix(downstream to Linus... that's what I hear when I go to a dev distribution:) never actually imagined *Linus* could be considered downstrream...)20:36
loonyphoenixyeah, he's like at the top)20:37
loonyphoenixthe top of the mountain, so to speak)20:37
Sarvattthe fixes are in there waiting to be pulled still -- http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/anholt/drm-intel.git;a=shortlog;h=for-linus20:37
Sarvattbut i dont see any pull requests20:38
loonyphoenixI guess the fix is still being condensed into a cloud...20:38
aboSamoorok, I got it kacpi_notify in KDE 4.3 replaced notify-osd ! this is why I can not get the ubuntu notification system anymore !20:55
maxbIs anyone else having their numeric keypad fail to work in Karmic ?20:56
aboSamoormaxb, laptop keyboard Fn keys are not working20:58
BUGabundodarn pidgin20:58
maxbNo, this is a standard desktop keyboard20:58
jonathonfyou need a / in front of those commands21:04
loonyphoenixtoo late)21:04
loonyphoenixi think he figured that out21:04
jonathonfi turned off join/part messages21:04
jonathonfprobably not useful in this case :D21:04
loonyphoenixPidgin has a cool feature: a plugin that hides join/leave messages IF the user was inactive for 10 minutes or more21:05
loonyphoenixThat's the best IRC plugin I've ever encountered21:05
loonyphoenixCudos to the creator21:05
loonyphoenixBTW, I think Empathy is still not ready to replace Pidgin in Ubuntu21:06
loonyphoenixI tried it out and, well...21:07
jonathonfnot by a long shot21:07
loonyphoenixAh well21:07
loonyphoenixOne more package to install upon system update21:07
loonyphoenixBig deal21:07
loonyphoenixDozens of them anyway21:07
loonyphoenixActually, I should keep a list21:08
loonyphoenixWould speed things up significantly)21:08
dr3mroq ? does karmic fixed video teraing in  intel gma21:10
loonyphoenixum... actually, haven't noticed any tearing since I installed Karmic21:11
loonyphoenixBut that was 2 days ago)21:11
loonyphoenixAnd that was 2 vids...21:11
dr3mroloonyphoenix, so karmic fixed video tear in fast motion scens21:11
loonyphoenixor maybe not21:12
dr3mroloonyphoenix, coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool21:12
dr3mroloonyphoenix, can you test now !21:12
loonyphoenix dr3mro: can't you?21:12
dr3mroloonyphoenix, having slow internet to download karmic21:13
dr3mroloonyphoenix, if it fixes that video i shall download it to test new video driver21:13
loonyphoenixOkay. I'll try it out :)21:13
dr3mroloonyphoenix, THANK YOU21:14
* loonyphoenix is looking for a suitable pan...21:15
=== Fluffles is now known as Cuddles
jonathonfuh oh. just got new pulseaudio packages with a new pulseaudio-module-udev replaceing pulseaudio-module-hal21:18
jonathonfcould be interesting21:18
uffoplease integrate folder sharing in kubuntu 9.10 by default that is usable with share oprion.21:19
loonyphoenixdr3mro: can't see any tearing, but it wasn't an exhaustive test :)21:19
loonyphoenixis there an actual test?21:19
dr3mroloonyphoenix, thank you now i donwload it and wait the pain to complete the donwload21:20
dr3mrothank you21:20
loonyphoenixthough there is some trouble with video21:21
loonyphoenixit flickers when in full screen while controls show up / disappear21:22
loonyphoenixif desktop effects are on21:22
=== Le-Chuck_ITA1 is now known as Le-Chuck_ITA
uffoplease integrate folder sharing in kubuntu 9.10 by default that is usable with share oprion, even windows has sharing integrated by default.21:27
hggdhuffo, this channel is not the best place to ask that... consider opening a bug on launchpad instead21:33
=== Le-Chuck_ITA1 is now known as Le-Chuck_ITA
uffohggdh: it is not bug, but Ubuntu always comes without file sharing but it is must have that file sharing works out of box like Windows and Mac.21:37
hggdhuffo: it *is* a bug. It will be looked at as a wishlist, but nevertheless a bug21:37
hggdhuntil a bug is opened for that, we cannot expect any changes21:38
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
Varoxhi all!21:56
Varoxdid somone of you try to update to kde 4.3 today?21:57
BUGabundoI have it22:00
VaroxBUGabundo: the same error?22:02
BUGabundowhat error?22:02
BUGabundoI use gnome mostly22:02
VaroxBUGabundo: sorry :) hold on22:02
BUGabundoand some kde apps22:02
Varoxme too, but just because kde 4.2 was very buggy22:02
VaroxBUGabundo: thanks22:04
BUGabundobad depencies22:04
BUGabundodid you force the upgrade22:05
BUGabundoor did a parcial?22:05
Varoxhm, i added the lines for the new repository and tried to update22:05
Varoxbut i am not really sure what you mean22:06
Varoxi followed those instructions: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.322:06
BUGabundoyou added lines???22:09
VaroxBUGabundo: well, this one: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu jaunty main22:10
BUGabundoplease pastebin the result of: $ sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade22:12
VaroxBUGabundo: http://pastebin.com/m359405922:13
BUGabundoVarox: pastebin this: sudo aptitude full-upgrade22:15
VaroxBUGabundo: http://pastebin.com/m192b339c22:16
hggdhVarox are you running Jaunty?22:16
BUGabundoVarox: file a bug with that and ping #kubuntu-devel22:17
hggdhVarox, K. I am sorry to say this, but this channel looks & works with 9.10 only22:17
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* BUGabundo goes back to play with Android22:17
BUGabundohggdh: he has kde 4.322:17
Varoxhggdh: the users of #ubuntu told me to ask here :-/22:17
BUGabundoaka what karmic kubuntu runs on22:17
BUGabundoVarox: better try #kubuntu-devel22:18
Varoxbut this link says it should work with 9.04 as well: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.322:18
VaroxBUGabundo: i will, thanks22:18
hggdhyes, off the PPA. it seems not all dependencies are there yet22:18
* BUGabundo opens gimp to hack some Ubuntu wallpaper for Android22:18
hggdhso you cannot do a blanket dist-upgrade, but either wait for all dependencies to be published, or cherry-pick22:19
hggdhVarox, ^^22:19
Varoxi like cherry-picking :)22:20
hggdhit will be a lot of work, but at least you will get *most* of 4.322:20
DanaGugh... wtf... pulseaudio UDEV thingy breaks bluetooth audio!22:36
* loonyphoenix is reading the shuttleworth vs. debian radicals debate22:51
Zoraelloonyphoenix: link?22:52
loonyphoenixyou're welcome)22:55
DanaGyay, now pavucontrol takes a dump when I try to launch it.22:59
DanaGa.k.a. Aborted (core dumped).22:59
DanaGReverse euphemism.22:59
DanaGterminate called after throwing an instance of 'Gtk::IconThemeError'23:00
aboSamoorlogin manager is not anymore available for karmic !23:00
BUGabundoSarvatt: t9 dicionaries. anything? need a PT one23:05
Sarvatti have no idea, do you need it for the dialer or texting or everywhere?23:13
BUGabundoto text23:15
BUGabundoand IM23:16
BUGabundowith english it SUCKs23:16
DanaGhmmm, when will we get an updated pavucontrol?23:17
SarvattBUGabundo: maybe try the "better keyboard" app out?23:18
* BUGabundo searching23:19
Sarvatti've got a real keyboard on mine, couldnt pay me to use a G2 lol23:19
Sarvattoh doesnt look like theres a trial for better keyboard out23:19
DanaGcrash! damn pavucontrol!23:19
DanaGWhere do I get a newer pavucontrol?23:20
DanaG"published 1 hour ago"23:23
BUGabundoSarvatt: its paid :(23:28
Sarvattwhats wrong with your pavucontrol? and why arent you using a stable release if these little things bug you so much? :D23:29
DanaGIt needed to be upgraded.23:30
DanaGAnd the upgrade came out... just 1 hour ago.23:30
DanaGSo the mirror had to sync.23:30
DanaGGuess I got the backend (pulseaudio server) update before the frontend (pavucontrol) update.23:31
yofelevening folks23:37
DanaGWed Aug  5 15:37:32 PDT 200923:37
BUGabundohey yofel23:37
yofelDanaG: well, it's 00:37 am here too, but 'good night' would sound strange :P23:38
yofelhi BUGabundo23:38
joebob777as7what's the best way to install kde 4.3.0 in karmic?23:38
yofeljoebob777as7: just install kde4 like normal, it was updated to 4.3.0 yesterday23:38
bcurtiswxhey, anyone here use Gwibber?23:39
joebob777as7yofel, cool!23:39
joebob777as7yofel, what's the package?23:41
yofeljoebob777as7: you're running ubuntu? Then you could install 'kubuntu-desktop'23:42
joebob777as7ok yes thx23:42
joebob777as7yofel, not kubuntu-kde4-desktop? what's the difference?23:43
yofeljoebob777as7: there is no kde3 in ubuntu anymore, so you don't need any kde4 ;)23:43
* joebob777as7 installing kde423:44
dtchenDanaG: new pavucontrol is in the archive now23:45
DanaGyeah, I saw that when I googled for it there.  Thanks.23:46
DanaGI must've simply installed the new PA just before that.23:46
dtchenno, as in it's actually installable from pool now23:46
dtchenit was depwaited on the new libpulse-dev23:47
DanaGYeah, once I found that link, I also did find it in the pool.23:47
DanaGOh yeah, now my FreePulse headphones show up with the "unknown" (black box thingy) icon.23:47
bjsniderdtchen, are there any plans to add alsa hardware control to the current volume control applet?23:52
dtchenbjsnider: not that i'm aware, but i'm working at a lower level mostly (not in the gui)23:52
bcurtiswxanyone here use gwibber?23:53
aboSamoorI discovered the following: If you install KDE 4.3 it will overwrite the default display manager setting to KDM. Login to gnome using kdm will fail notify-osd from running and the notification daemon will fail to the one used in 8.10. [Sorry if this seems annoying, because I made a buzz about notify-osd and KDE, but I wanted to share to know your opinion if this seems ok or not ?]23:53
DanaGhmm, I have a USB sound card that has stereo mic in and stereo line in.  How do you propose switching between those, with the Gnome thingy?23:57
DanaGAs it is, I use alsamixer or gamix.23:57
th1so, the usplash bug finally got fixed :)23:58
th1karmic looking set for release23:58

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