[09:11] hi... does anyone have the old gnome foot spinner animation? [13:21] Hi are all you guys working on ubuntu artwork? [13:23] sidp: some sometimes [13:23] what kind? [13:24] sidp: you have to be aware that most of the official artwork comes from canonical [13:24] yes i do and that is why i was wondering if it would be worth trying for it [13:24] what's your take on it thorwil [13:25] sidp: well, things are wide open regarding backgrounds [13:26] sidp: if it's worth it depends on your skill and available time [13:26] i have time but the skill level isn't too high! [13:28] sidp: consider to just practice, then [13:28] better option! [13:28] :) [14:54] hi al! [16:41] andreasn: hi... i been trying to track down the old gnome foot> /animations/process-working ? but not able to find it anywhere ,do you know where i can find it? [16:44] http://git.gnome.org/cgit/gnome-icon-theme/tree/24x24/animations/process-working.png?h=gnome-2-22 [16:45] here is the whole 2.22 branch: http://git.gnome.org/cgit/gnome-icon-theme/tree/?h=gnome-2-22 [16:46] andreasn: ah... thank you... why was this changed? i thought this was a cute aspect ;p [16:46] it was kind of cute, but also kind of silly-branding [16:47] yeah ... ;p [16:47] so the spinner makes more sense, as it's actually a spinner [16:48] well MS has the flag , so liked the foot ... but i see the point though,its just that i missed the gnome foot ;) [16:50] you should be able to just drop the images into the .icons folder to make use of it [16:51] some symlinks might need to be made, should try to fix that symlink story soon [16:51] yeah , gnome-spinner [16:52] boah, how in the world can one put the window title text in the exact middle of a metacity window decoration? [16:52] kwwii, ah, that one. it might not be possible [16:52] hehe ;p ask mat_t [16:52] but manarel might know [16:54] andreasn: apparently not...really freaky, there is a variable for everything in metacity *except* the full width of the window [16:55] kwwii: the battery icons i sent you , comments? [16:55] kwwii, marnanel is in #gnome-hackers if you want to make sure. If someone knows, he does [16:56] mac_v: sorry, I'm at a sprint working my ass off fixing bugs, haven't had a chance to look at them [16:57] but they are on my list :) [16:57] I wanted to talk to the dev who has to implement it this week [16:57] kwwii: no problem .. [16:57] I'll sit down with mat_t tomorrow and we can review them, etc [16:59] :) [18:04] Hello all _o/ [18:04] FLOZz: hi