
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== Cuddles is now known as Fluffles
=== kklimond1 is now known as kklimonda
huatsmorning everyone08:03
pittiGood morning08:36
cassidyseb128: hi. Could you sync libnice with the Sid package (0.0.9) please? This release contains a bunch of fixes (including one for Google video)10:02
seb128cassidy, ok10:02
asacccheney: rock. answered10:33
kenvandineseb128, bug 40879610:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 408796 in desktopcouch "crash in desktopcouch" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40879610:45
seb128kenvandine, ok10:45
kklimondahmm, was there some kind of meta-bug for all bugs that deal with missing icons due to upstream change?10:45
seb128robert_ancell, http://cvs.fedora.redhat.com/viewvc/11:22
seb128robert_ancell, rpms and then the source you want11:23
robert_ancellseb128, thanks11:23
asaccrevette: uploading gnome-bluetooth with hack to workaround the type issues12:36
asacso check in a few minutes ;)12:36
crevetteasac, ah so you figured out waht is happening?12:49
crevettecan I have some explanation?12:49
seb128crevette, the symbol is declared twice12:50
seb128crevette, once in the binary and one in the lib12:50
seb128crevette, and we use -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions by default12:50
crevettesI don't know all that :) but I'll check on the net to understand. ut the problem was not seen on other distro then?12:53
seb128crevette, the issue is a bug, it just doesn't crash if you don't use this ld option12:53
seb128but you have unpredictable behaviour on which symbol will be used12:54
seb128the binary or the library one12:54
asaccrevette: yes. upstream doesnt know how to do things right ;)13:04
asacthey link libcommon.a statically in .so ... hide all symbols and then link libcommon.a with libgnome-bluetooth.so in the main binaries13:05
crevetteThis is something I wouldn't be able to track down ...13:12
kklimondahmm.. I have quite a lot of crashes with signal 5 in _XError() - someone has an idea what's going on? I see that there are some people reporting similar crashes on LP..13:26
crevetteasac, did you see a new upstream version is out?13:33
seb128kklimonda, examples?13:54
kklimondaseb128: bug 408197, bug 406066, bug 404406, bug 406604, bug 408136 (this one touched by you)13:59
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/408197/+text)13:59
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/406066/+text)13:59
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/404406/+text)13:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 406604 in transmission "transmission crashed with signal 5 in _XError()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40660413:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 408136 in nautilus "nautilus crashed with signal 5 in _XError()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40813613:59
seb128kklimonda, doesn't seem a lot, you have also lot of things crahing in g_log, etc14:01
seb128just mean those applications or gtk do something xorg doesn't like14:02
seb128without test cases hard to say14:02
seb128could be useful to have a --sync stacktrace14:03
kklimondaseb128: I guess I got suprised that so many of those bugs were reported in the last few months. I rest my case and go to get something to eat :)14:08
seb128"so many"?14:10
asaccrevette: no ....wanna do?14:11
crevetteasac, perhaps tonight as usual :)14:11
kklimondaI was searching for all (fixed and open) bugs with _XError() and got 170 results - ~40 of them reported in last few months - but it may be some sort of mistake on my part14:12
seb128well that doesn't seem a particulary high number14:12
seb128we have some bugs which get a higher of duplicate on one source in a week14:13
seb128I will keep an eye on it but doesn't seem concerning14:13
asaccrevette: any significant changes or just bug fixes?14:22
crevettethe rfkill change is the most significant change I guess14:24
crevetteit relies on kernel 2.6.31, and need some udev rules to permit to users to disable the device14:24
crevetteyou're welcome14:28
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dobeypitti: if something crashes when shutting down, i would get the apport icon in my system tray on next log-in, right?14:31
dobeyor seb128, do you know if that's the behavior of apport for crashes on shutdown?14:39
seb128dobey, right you would get it after next login14:44
pittidobey: correct14:45
dobeyok, cool14:45
seb128dobey, you have the crash date in the bug though14:45
seb128so we can ask the user if that matches the time of login or the previous day shuthdown or something14:46
dobeyseb128: yes, but the user said "it was after a requested restart following an upgrade"14:46
seb128dobey, the reboot time should still be in the syslog14:47
pittiArneGoetje: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/Internationalisation#Verifying%20translation%20uploads looks fine to me, thanks for putting together the guidelines15:05
ccheneyasac: are you going to be uploading xulrunner 1.9.1 as 'xulrunner' source?15:57
ccheneyasac: or is it going to stay as 'xulrunner-1.9' ?15:58
ccheneyasac: ah nevermind, i see how it is going to work now16:02
loolseb128: During GUADEC I mentionned this bug https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=590865 which I just filed today; what's your opinion?  Are there matching requests in LP?  (Couldn't find any)16:24
ubottuGnome bug 590865 in daemon "Allow (via API) to lock the screen with no delay for faster suspend" [Trivial,Unconfirmed]16:24
seb128lool, no strong opinion, I think it's a minor annoyance, would be good to be fixed though16:33
rickspencer31seb128: kernel team is testing empathy and getting some crashes16:33
seb128rickspencer31, could you use apport and open bugs?16:34
rickspencer31I'm helping them with that16:35
alex-weejwhat diff are we carrying vs. upstream with regard to "Trash" naming? i find it very confusing... I see "Wastebasket"  in the location bar, Deleted Items in the places menu, and calling it a "Deleted Items folder" is weird 'cause it's not really a folder16:40
seb128alex-weej, you probably use a en_GB locale?16:46
seb128translation issue16:46
alex-weejfor like 4 releases?16:46
seb128not sure if it's due to upstream or rosetta guys though16:46
seb128not sure en_GB translators are active or care about that one16:47
alex-weejseb128, remember that thread on d-d-l a while back about UTF-8 in C source files? it was because i had submitted a patch to nautilus to use “ and ” for quotes around things like "Open With" (forget the fact they are gone now)16:48
alex-weejseb128, so it was rejected, and people prefer to use US-ASCII, so i submitted an en_GB translation of nautilus about a year ago16:49
alex-weejto launchpad16:49
alex-weejit never got touched16:49
alex-weejso i wouldn't assume that just because it didn't land that en_GB translators don't care16:49
alex-weeji thought that was really sad though, i actually went to the effort of doing it16:50
alex-weejand no-one even reviewed it16:50
alex-weejand now it's obsolete16:50
andreasndobey, do you think it would be a good idea to have a ppa with gnome-icon-theme minus the symlinks?16:51
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andreasnso we can fix the naming in the apps and get rid of some of the symlinks16:52
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seb128hggdh, hi17:00
seb128hggdh, the xorg-edger ppa has a package to downgrade from a ppa back to normal ubuntu versions17:01
dobeyandreasn: sure17:03
dobeyandreasn: you just need to get people to use it17:03
andreasnbecause that would be the only way to run it without the symlinks, right?17:03
asacccheney: you should use xulrunner-1.9.1-dev for now17:04
hggdhseb128, will look at it, thanks17:04
hggdhseb128, but it is, still a good idea, even if we end up with many restrictions17:04
seb128I'm not so sure17:05
seb128but I've enough to do without starting arguing about that one ;-)17:05
seb128downgrades are just not checked and likely to break that's not something we want to try giving support for17:05
seb128or users will feel those are something which should be working17:05
seb128and that will create issue on for us and for users17:06
hggdhyes, I understand that. I personally think this would need a *lot* of work, and (probably) some limitations.17:10
hggdhStill, it would be sooo cool to have it...17:11
asacArneGoetje: \o/ look at /tmp/outtest (karmic) and /tmp/outttest1 (hardy, but using the karmic .pos - but shouldnt matter)17:12
ccheneyasac: ok17:15
ccheneyasac: is it ready for me to upload already?17:15
asacccheney: for the real archive?17:15
asaccharles_: did you fix it?17:15
asacccheney: ;)17:15
andreasndobey, would you like to set up such a ppa, or do you know anyone else I can ask to do that?17:16
ccheneyasac: yea, not yet, i can fix it today if it is ready to be uploaded?17:16
dobeyandreasn: anyone with a launchpad account can make a ppa17:16
asacccheney: i got side tracked a zillion times. let me think for a moment if i feel brave enough to do it now ;)17:16
ccheneyasac: its ok if you want to wait :)17:17
mptArneGoetje, jcastro: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/language-selector-karmic#Design17:17
dobeyandreasn: i think it might be good to have a general "gnome-devel" ppa or something, as well17:19
ftachrisccoulson, hi, remember my problem with xchat & systray: http://paste.ubuntu.com/248017/17:36
chrisccoulsonfta, yeah, i remember that17:36
ftachrisccoulson, btw, i've installed your gnome-settings-daemon yesterday, no popup since17:37
chrisccoulsonyou've got more than 2GB free space haven't you?17:37
chrisccoulsonbut less than 5%?17:37
ftaFilesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on17:37
fta/dev/sda1            301677772 296326060   5151712  99% /17:37
fta /dev/sda1             288G  283G  5.0G  99% /17:38
chrisccoulsoncool. would you mind adjusting /apps/gnome_settings_daemon/plugins/housekeeping/free_size_gb_no_notify to 10 in gconf-editor just to make sure you still get a popup eventually (and that it shows the correct amount of free space)?17:39
chrisccoulsonhey seb128 - having a good week?17:49
seb128chrisccoulson, hello, yes! you?17:51
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yes, not too bad. it's been a little boring here though ;)17:52
seb128here it's quite busy at the opposite17:52
dobeyseb128, pitti: is it possible to get ubuntu-bug to work with ppa packages somehow?17:55
pittidobey: PPAs don't have bug trackers, so you can only approximate; what do you need?17:55
pittilike, file bugs against the existing ubuntu packages or so?17:56
chrisccoulsonpitti - are we going to install gnome-disk-utility by default?17:56
pittiyou'd never get correct retraces, or so17:56
seb128chrisccoulson, yes, pitti did that change I though17:56
dobeypitti: well, i'd like to use the normal apport process to file bugs against a project, really17:56
chrisccoulsonit seems the gnome-disk-utility binary contains some icons that are needed by libgdu to display in nautilus, so if gnome-disk-utility is not there then nautilus displays no icons for some volumes17:57
Sarvatthmm looks like my battery reading problem might be on the d-k-p side. if i kill g-p-m and devkit-power-daemon then relaunch battery readings work fine until i plug in, then it stops reading and thinks its fully charged every time i go on battery. if i kill g-p-m and restart it after that it has the same problem, but killing and restarting devkit-power-daemon and g-p-m always makes it work right17:57
pittichrisccoulson: right, seeding now17:57
chrisccoulsonthanks seb128 / pitti17:57
pittiseeded and promoted17:58
dobeypitti: i'm not sure retraces would be helpful in this specific case of mine anyway, since Python gives pretty accurate traces already... but I want to minimize the amount of user interaction17:58
pittidobey: if you are okay with the bugs being filed against the upstream project, it's possible17:58
dobeypitti: yeah, that is totally fine with me17:59
dobeypitti: but right now "ubuntu-bug ubuntuone-client" just gives me a box saying it's not a valid ubuntu package, if i have the PPA versions installed18:00
pittidobey: then you just need to ship an apport package hook which sets report['ThirdParty'] = 'True'18:02
dobeypitti: and it will automatically file against ubuntuone-client upstream? or do we need to set something else for that as well?18:03
pittidobey: no, that should work18:03
dobeypitti: and will it only use that if the package is "not an official ubuntu package"?18:04
pittidobey: no, it will always use that if you just do that one command18:04
pittiif not apport.packaging.is_distro_package(report['Package'].split()[0]):18:05
pitti    report['ThirdParty'] = 'True'18:06
pittidobey: ^ with that, it will only report upstream for non-native packages18:06
dobeypitti: awesome! thanks!18:06
pitti(untested, though); you need to 'import apport' for that18:06
pittidobey: let me know if it doesn't work18:06
dobeypitti: hrmm, should it be 'True' or the Python boolean True?18:07
pittidobey: report objects don't take boolean values18:08
pittidobey: but the actual string value doesn't matter, it just tests whether the field exists18:08
pittii. e. 'False' won't actually do what you'd think :/18:09
pittior 'Maybe' :)18:09
pittiyay fuzzy logic18:09
dobeyhrmm, didn't seem to work18:11
dobeypitti: hrmm, is it apport.packaging or apport.hook_utils.packaging?18:12
pittidobey: apport.packaging18:13
dobeyah ok18:13
pittihookutils (no _) just has some extra stuff, but you won't need it just for that18:13
dobeydoesn't seem to be working18:17
pittidobey: does it work unconditionally?18:18
dobeypitti: no, i think it's validating the distro package before it even gets to the hook code18:19
pittidobey: negative, add_hooks_info() is called first18:19
pittidobey: can I see your package hook?18:19
pittiyou put it into /usr/share/apport/package-hooks/ubuntuone-client.py ?18:20
dobeypitti: source_ubuntuone-client.py i think, but yes18:20
pittithat's fine18:20
pittioh, it has one already18:20
dobeythe add_info() method?18:21
pittidobey: yes, it needs to be added there18:21
pittioh, hang on18:21
dobeyyeah, it's not working18:22
pittidobey: were you trying a previously processed crash report?18:22
pittiit will only work for new reports18:22
dobeyi see part of the problem though18:23
dobeypitti: that method is part of the PackageInfo class, which is implemented in package_impl.py18:25
dobeynot a generic function18:25
pittithat's fine18:25
pittiapport/__init__.py imports it18:25
pittidobey: does it work without the conditional test? i. e. just always set ThirdParty?18:25
pittijust to check on which part the problem is18:25
dobeyok, so i got rid of the extra import/etc and just the ThirdParty doesn't work either18:26
pittidobey: ah, I see the problem18:27
pittidobey: sorry, I'm afraid it's a little more complicated than that18:28
dobeycomplicated is like all three of my names18:28
pittithe hook needs to set report['CrashDB'] = 'ubuntuone-client' if you want to have the bug upstream18:28
pittiand you need to ship a file /etc/apport/crashdb.conf.d/ubuntuone-client.conf18:29
pitti'ubuntuone-client': {18:29
pitti   'impl': 'launchpad',18:29
dobeyi don't see a crasshdb.conf.d18:29
dobeyjust the .conf18:29
pitti   'project': 'ubuntuone-client'18:30
pittidobey: that's fine, apport will look for it18:30
pittithe "ThirdParty" hack never really worked and was a half-baked contribution, so I disabled it again18:30
pittidobey: you can restore the conditional check, that part should work (but test it unconditionally first)18:31
dobeythe conditional check i don't think i can do as you suggested18:32
dobeyi need to poke the _AptDpkgPackageInfo class or whatever to get at the method18:32
pittibut apport.packaging will have it?18:33
pittino need to do assumptions about the packaging system in hooks18:33
dobeyfrom apport.packaging import is_distro_package fails18:39
pittiuse apport.packaging.is_distro_package()18:41
pittiand import apport18:41
dobeypitti: ok, so apport doesn't look in /etc/apport/crashdb.conf.d/18:44
pitti$ grep -r crashdb.conf.d .18:45
pittiuh, WTF? I know I had this working..18:45
dobeyit does18:45
dobey    confdDir = conf + '.d'18:45
pitti    # Load third parties crashdb.conf18:45
pitti    confdDir = conf + '.d'18:46
pittiright *phew*18:46
dobeybut it's not loading mine :918:46
dobeyerr :(18:46
pittihow does your's look? do you get an "Invalid file: ..." error on the CLI?18:47
dobeyhrmm, yeah18:47
dobeyInvalid file /etc/apport/crashdb.conf.d/ubuntuone-client-crashdb.conf: invalid syntax (ubuntuone-client-crashdb.conf, line 1)18:47
Sarvattwould it be a good idea to patch the gnome-settings-daemon touchpad schema to have tap to click enabled by default? its overriding the synaptics driver defaulting on as well as custom fdi's enabling it with it being defaulted to disabled in gnome only and it seems like alot of people cant be bothered to click a button to turn it on permanently :D18:47
dobey'ubuntuone-client' : {18:47
dobeyis line 118:47
pittioops; please wrap it into18:48
pittidbs = {18:48
pittiI meant18:48
pittiubuntuone-client = { 'impl': ... }18:49
* pitti reads his own stuff from /usr/share/doc/apport/crashdb-conf.txt18:49
pittiit has an example18:49
dobeyoh crap18:49
pittiI use execfile(), so the syntax is a bit picky18:49
dobeyso i can't use ubuntuone-client, because that's not valid python18:50
pittithen just name it "ubuntuone_client"18:50
pittidobey: the db name doesn't matter, it just must match what you assign report['CrashDB'] to18:50
pittidobey: the lp project name is determined by 'project': in the db definition18:51
dobeyKeyError: 'bug_pattern_base'18:51
dobeyso i guess that one is required18:51
pitti'bug_pattern_base': 'http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/bugpatterns',18:51
pittior just "None"18:51
pittibut the main one should be fine18:52
dobeythat's better18:52
dobeyok, and the if statement seems to work now as well, with straight apport import18:55
dobeypitti: thanks much!18:55
pittiyou're welcome, sorry for the confusion18:56
seb128didrocks, hey19:15
seb128didrocks, could you get mutter to use clutter1?19:15
seb128didrocks, ie do a git snapshot when you have some time19:16
seb128I was trying to build a new gnome-shell but it breaks because of clutter 0.9 still being used there19:16
=== Fluffles is now known as Cuddles
didrockshey rickspencer31 :)21:58
rickspencer31hiya didrocks21:58
didrocksrickspencer31: are you enjoying Dublin?21:58
rickspencer31didrocks: we are having quite a productive time21:59
rickspencer31Quickly demo went quite well21:59
didrocksgreat ;)22:00
didrocksrickspencer31: can we push a date for 0.2 release?22:00
rickspencer31didrocks: yes22:01
didrocksrickspencer31: one released, I will prepare my blog post about it (before or in the meanwhile next Ubuntu dev week)22:01
rickspencer31I started hacking the desktopcouch code today so that I can adjust the quickly code22:01
didrocksok, as you saw, I pushed some little things from time to time22:02
didrockstomorrow, I will in the train handle commands in a class22:02
rickspencer31didrocks: right22:02
didrocksrickspencer31: I think that we can put the date accordingly to next feature freeze (and the talk in ubuntu dev week)22:03
* didrocks opens his browser22:03
rickspencer31didrocks: I should be done my part this week or next22:03
didrocksok, the talk is on 31 August, the feature freeze is the 27th. We can plan the release the 25. I'm on vacation for 2 weeks starting tomorrow, I will devote some time to quickly :)22:06
rickspencer31didrocks: I'm on holiday next week too!22:08
rickspencer31maybe we can do a release on Friday?22:08
didrocksrickspencer31: hum, it's just that I will be on travel on Friday, that's why this + organizing myself after vacations made tuesday optimal :)22:09
rickspencer31didrocks: k22:10
didrocks(and then, build + upload to karmic, but as the packaging is already done)22:10
didrocksrickspencer31: will you go back to USA for your vacations or do you plan visiting Ireland?22:11
rickspencer31didrocks: back to USA22:11
rickspencer31take my children to visit my parents22:11
didrocksrickspencer31: ok, some family holidays, great ;)22:12
rickspencer31didrocks: yes22:12
rickspencer31lots of quiet time, so I hope to do some work on quickly22:12
didrocksrickspencer31: don't work to much ;)22:13
rickspencer31quickly isn't work22:13
didrocksI agree :)22:13
rickspencer31it's my community contribution for Karmic ;)22:13
rickspencer31didrocks: I've wanted to create something like quickly since I started using Linux (like 5 years ago or something)22:14
didrocksand that's quite good contribution, I hope people will really enjoy it when we will make some "advertisement" of it22:14
didrocksrickspencer31: oh really?22:14
didrocksit's a long time brainded project :)22:14
rickspencer31didrocks: oh yes22:15
TheMusoGood evening folks.22:15
didrocksgood evening TheMuso22:15
chrisccoulsongood evening TheMuso and didrocks22:21
didrockshey chrisccoulson!22:21
* pitti does the karmic dance22:21
pittiSoyuz:Pitti 6:1 finally22:22
* didrocks waves at pitti and bryce 22:22
* pitti hugs didrocks22:22
brycedidrocks, the quickly presentation went really good today, I was amazed at all the questions that everyone had.  Seems to be a strong pulse of interest22:23
mdeslaurdidrocks: I saw the demo today and Quickly looks to be pretty cool.22:25
didrocksbryce: great! Now I just wait for releasing 0.2 and writing some blog posts to present in detail features and how it's organized :)22:25
pittididrocks: indeed, that's hot stuff22:26
didrocksI would love that someone creates a new template :)22:26
* didrocks hugs pitti 22:26
didrocksall the ideas are from rickspencer31 ;)22:27
rickspencer31didrocks is modest22:28
brycedidrocks, I did a little copyediting on the text for the quickly project description - http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/248256/22:31
brycedidrocks, tried to make the first couple sentences give the "elevator pitch" for the tool22:31
didrocksbryce: Thanks! I read it: can you just put a little less emphasize about quickly and ubuntu applications relationship? The final goal is that quickly project is just the core and then ubuntu-project template is just another project (split them) to make quickly more upstreamable for other distros?22:34
Sarvattudev and libatasmart upgrades in pitti's ppa :D22:49
pittiSarvatt: ?22:49
Sarvattadded the ppa's for quickly and it wanted to pull in the udev and libatasmart upgrades in your ppa22:50
Sarvattthis looks pretty nifty22:55
seb128didrocks, hey22:59
didrockshey seb128 :)23:00
didrocksseb128: I will take a look at mutter tomorrow23:01
seb128didrocks, no hurry but thanks23:01
seb128didrocks, how are you?23:01
didrocksseb128: fine, even if I'm very busy with my work before my vacations :)23:01
didrocksseb128: and you?23:01
seb128fine too23:02
didrocksseb128: did you already visited the Guiness factory?23:03
seb128didrocks, when are you on vacations?23:03
seb128didrocks, no it's tomorrow evening23:03
seb128something weird happening there today though23:03
seb128it stopped raining23:03
didrocksseb128: tomorrow evening until the 24 \o/23:03
didrocksthat's not normal23:04
didrocksbe on your guard ;)23:04
seb128didrocks, enjoy your vacations then23:04
seb128btw long discussion on the xdg list23:04
didrocksseb128: thanks a long :)23:04
seb128I didn't manage to keep up with it so far23:04
didrocksseb128: yes. I'm answering right now23:04
didrocksseb128: I think we are closed to a solution :)23:04
seb128I'm wondering if the change is worth all the effort23:04
seb128but since that's started now let's see where it goes ;-)23:04
didrocksexactly :-)23:05
didrocksbut well, I'm optimistic on it23:05
chrisccoulsonseb128 - you're welcome to some of our rain if you want it23:06
seb128chrisccoulson, thank you but no thanks ;-)23:07
chrisccoulsondid you actually see some sun too when it stopped raining?23:08
chrisccoulsonsummer really has been quite rubbish here this year :-/23:08
seb128weather was sort of sunny today yes23:09
seb128yeah, weird summer this year23:09
didrocksseb128: and you, your vacations are close too, right?23:13
seb128didrocks, yes, in 1.5 week from now23:13
didrocksone week, two weeks?23:14
seb128channel should be quiet during next weeks23:14
didrocksseb128: great. Enjoy them ;)23:14
didrocksfor sure23:14
seb128pitti is on holidays for two weeks too starting next week23:14
seb128as is robert_ancell23:14
seb128didrocks, thanks ;-)23:14
chrisccoulsonit will just be me here on my own then ;)23:15
seb128chrisccoulson, not take holidays during raining summer?23:15
chrisccoulsoni have a week off work in 1.5 weeks too, but i'm not going anywhere23:15
chrisccoulsoni'm using the week to do some painting and plan my escape route from work:)23:16
brycedidrocks, sorry got distracted - this look better?  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/248276/23:17
seb128chrisccoulson, good luck with that then!23:19
didrocksbryce: perfect! Thanks a lot. I will try to get again your attention when splitting the project un two parts (putting ubuntu-templates in a dedicated launchpad project). I'm updating the quickly lp page :)23:19
chrisccoulsonseb128, thanks! i will probably go and visit some family too23:20
didrocksbryce: and right, I will steal distutils-extra backports from pitti's ppa :)23:20
seb128people tell me that rick did that already23:21
seb128so you can use rick's ppa rather than pitti's one to avoid other cracks23:21
brycedidrocks, okie doke.23:21
didrocksseb128: https://edge.launchpad.net/~rick-rickspencer3/+archive/ppa23:21
seb128didrocks, ok, misunderstanding there23:23
seb128would make sense to use the quickly ppa directly though23:23
didrocksseb128: yes. I'm pulling and pushing it right now23:23
brycedidrocks, I showed rick how to copy ppa stuff today23:24
didrocksbryce: oh? I'm interested :)23:24
didrocksCopy packages?23:24
seb128didrocks, you have a button on the launchpad page for that23:24
didrocksit's done, thanks :)23:26
didrocksok, I can go to bed sooner consequently :-)23:26
bryceno prob23:27
seb128didrocks, good night23:27
seb128didrocks, let me know when you can do mutter so I can update gnome-shell23:27
seb128no hurry23:27
pittigood night all23:27
didrocksseb128: ok, I will :)23:27
brycedidrocks, btw when doing copies, if you have it rebuild, then it redoes the gpg keys, otherwise the packages will still be keyed for pitti23:27
didrocksbryce: oh, I just ask to copy binaries :/23:28
didrocksok. I will fix that tomorrow23:28
didrockshave a good night seb128, bryce and pitti!23:28
brycenight didrocks23:29

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