
cprofittdoctormo, do you have those NY links again...00:31
cprofittwant to show them to other members of the team00:31
doctormocprofitt: of course01:31
=== travis_ is now known as raidsong
=== raidsong is now known as Raidsong
=== travis_ is now known as Raidsong
Raidsonggonzolively, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1052065 this is the link to the book22:14
Raidsongwell its the link to the link to the book22:15
Buuntudoes this channel have like daily classes or how exactly does it work?23:19
Raidsongi think its bi-weekly23:19
cprofittthis is a channel for meetings23:25
cprofittand team discussions23:25
cprofittthe training happens in other channels and will happen on a Moodle site as well.23:25
Buuntuso where could I go to actively learn stuff?  Not really anything in particular23:31
BuuntuI'm pretty new to Ubuntu and I would like to know some important stuff to be able to fix my own issues and such23:32

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