
=== asac_ is now known as asac
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pace_t_zuluhey, how do i find out who is responsible for the 'open-vm-tools' package and where the packaging code is?00:40
ftapace_t_zulu, apt-cache showsrc open-vm-tools | grep -E '(Vcs|Maintainer)'00:49
pace_t_zulufta thanks00:50
YokoZarRiddell: Well, that's an easy change to make ;)  Thanks for pointing out00:51
pace_t_zulufta, if the package has been neglected in ubuntu, is it worth trying to fix00:51
pace_t_zulufta, the package is important to my dev environment00:51
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ftapace_t_zulu, sure. strange there's nothing on MoM for it, do you mean debian is fresher?00:55
pace_t_zulufta, MoM?00:56
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ajmitchfta: it's in multiverse, and looks like it needs a sync rather than a merge00:57
pace_t_zulufta, which debian version would be merged into karmic? unstable?00:57
pace_t_zulufta, the current karmic version that has been FTB for months is 2009.05.22-167859-300:58
ftapace_t_zulu, then fix it, and look for a sponsor ;)00:58
pace_t_zulufta both sid and squeeze are ahead00:59
pace_t_zulufta, you want to sponsor?00:59
ftai need to look at your work first00:59
YokoZarRiddell: I guess I've learned my lesson about reading the copyright off the project page rather than looking at individual files.01:02
pace_t_zulufta: understood01:03
pace_t_zulufta: since the package is maintained upstream by debian... how would i patch it? create a bazaar branch? ... could you perhaps point me to documentation that would provide instruction?01:04
pace_t_zuluanyone ^01:07
pace_t_zuluif a package is maintained upstream by debian in a git repo... how would i patch it? create a bazaar branch? ... could you perhaps point me to documentation that would provide instruction?01:08
elgeneralmidibon un clopio et aulit01:09
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kklimondahyperair: are you going to upload banshee 1.5 to karmic or are you waiting for stable release?01:33
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directhexkklimonda, the latter02:06
kklimondadirecthex: thanks.02:07
jerbearI would like an example or a tutorial for how to package a python app.02:09
porthose_jerbear, for some examples http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/python-apps/02:14
jerbearmaybe a tutorial on how to manage it?02:15
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jerbearon the dev tools?02:16
porthose_jerbear, have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete, if you haven't already :)02:43
porthose_jerbear, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment02:44
vorianjerbear: http://wiki.debian.org/DebianPython/NewPolicy02:45
porthose_thx vorian, that one was next :)02:45
* vorian has a couple of python packages floating around02:45
jerbearvorian: what's your workflow like?02:47
vorianfirst you get a clean tarball02:48
vorianextract it02:48
vorianuse dh_make, choosing cdbs02:48
vorianrm *.EX *.ex02:48
vorianfrom the debian dir/02:48
vorianthen get to work from there02:48
jerbearvorian: any options to dh_make?02:49
vorianthe wiki page there explains pretty much everything you need to do02:49
vorianyes, there are - i suggest man dh_make to explore the arguments02:49
vorianusually, you can dh_make -c (type of copyright) -f ../original.tar.gz02:50
vorianpython is very easy to package, as long as there arent any eggs to deal with02:50
jerbearvorian: eggs to deal with in what way?02:51
vorianlike java jars, complex python apps use eggs02:51
voriancheck out - chm2pdf for an example of a fabulous python package :D02:52
jerbeari know what eggs are, i'm just not sure how you mean "deal with"02:53
vorianif you have never created a debian package before, it will be worth your time to go through the docs on the MOTU wiki first02:53
vorianjerbear: it's explained on the link i gave you02:54
vorianjust a few extra steps02:54
jerbearvorian: which one, DebianPython/NewPolicy?02:58
vorianjerbear: yep02:59
jerbearvorian: thanks02:59
vorianno problem02:59
vorianjust keep firing questions at us, as you need02:59
jerbeari really appreciate it02:59
jerbearvorian: when are you usually available? (in case i have any questions on another day)03:00
vorianusually around this time03:00
jerbearOkay :)03:00
voriani'm in the US, and available most evenings03:00
jerbearUS here too03:00
pace_t_zuluhey guys...03:02
pace_t_zuluso i'm trying to get a package built.... it's been in ftbfs for months03:02
voriansounds awesome03:02
pace_t_zuluwhere can i learn how motu syncs with upstream... debian03:02
vorianis it a gnome package?03:02
pace_t_zuluvarian  ... actually a multiverse package03:03
pace_t_zuluthe debian version is fresher and seems to build just fine03:03
voriandepends, it may need merged vs synced03:03
vorianpace_t_zulu: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SyncRequestProcess03:03
voriandebian import freeze was a while ago, so all syncs have to be done manually03:04
pace_t_zuluvorian: thanks03:04
vorianno problem03:04
pace_t_zuluvorian: well this has been an ftb in karmic for months03:04
voriandoes it have an ubuntu version?03:05
ajmitchpace_t_zulu: have you tried building the newer debian package?03:05
pace_t_zuluajmitch: yeah... built it in pbuilder03:05
pace_t_zuluajmitch: running it now03:05
ajmitchthen it's most likely a sync request to put in & get ACKed03:06
voriani've got time to test it now, if you want to file the bug pace_t_zulu03:06
ajmitchsince you've tested it builds & are running it, you can use 'requestsync -s' to file a bug in launchpad about it, if there's not one there already03:06
pace_t_zuluvorian: yeah... gimme a sec... running into a snag03:07
vorianahhh, the snags :)03:07
* vorian pets drop to shell hook03:07
YokoZarRiddell: Question ~ springlobby: according to the authors the entire libtorrent folder is unnecessary on Linux (since we ship/link to the system libtorrent-rasterbar by default) and can just be deleted.  Do I need to delete this from the .orig source and make a new "upstream" tarball without it?03:07
pace_t_zuluspoke too soon :(03:08
pace_t_zuluvorian: should i just file a bug on LP03:23
vorianpace_t_zulu: did you get it built?03:23
vorianrather, did it build in a clean environment?03:23
pace_t_zuluvorian: ya, it's running03:23
pace_t_zuluvorian: built just fine in pbuilder03:24
vorianpace_t_zulu: great, does it have an ubuntu version?03:24
pace_t_zuluvorian: i'd seen those proble before...03:25
vorianas in package_1.1-#ubuntu#03:25
pace_t_zuluvorian: i don't think so... checking03:25
vorianor just package_1.103:25
pace_t_zuluvorian: hopefully i'm handing you some low hanging fruit03:25
vorianna, you're doing the work :)03:25
pace_t_zuluvorian: no ubuntu version03:25
vorianfile a sync request03:26
pace_t_zuluvorian: using 'requestsync'?03:27
vorianthat's one way, the easiest for sure :)03:27
pace_t_zulumeh.... "No credentials found for 'ubuntu-dev-tools', please see the manage-credentials manpage for help on how to create one for this consumer."03:30
vorianoh yeah, that fancy stuff03:31
vorianit may be best to manually do it03:31
vorianthe wiki page describs it fully03:32
voriandescribes too03:32
pace_t_zuluvorian: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/open-vm-tools/+bug/40916303:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 409163 in open-vm-tools "Please sync open-vm-tools from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New]03:37
* vorian gets on it 03:37
* pace_t_zulu thanks vorian03:38
pace_t_zuluvorian, how does it look?03:45
LaserJockcan we i18n package long descriptions at all?03:46
vorianpace_t_zulu: i will know for sure in about 12 hours03:46
voriani dont think i'll be able to finish tonight03:46
pace_t_zuluvorian: no worries, thanks for your help03:47
pace_t_zuluopen-vm-tools has been FTBFS for too long03:47
LaserJockvorian: hola03:47
vorianLaserJock: yo03:47
vorianthe i18n stuff hates me03:47
LaserJockvorian: how's it goin'? KDE 4.3 out yet? :-)03:48
vorianLaserJock: i'm moving out your way in a week, just a few hundred miles north (ID)03:48
LaserJockvorian: lol, I'm moving to Boston Saturday03:49
LaserJockvorian: where in ID?03:49
vorianIdaho Falls03:49
LaserJockoh, awesome03:49
LaserJockthat's only 2hrs from where I grew up03:49
voriani'm very excited03:49
LaserJockIdaho Falls was like the "big city" for us :-)03:50
vorianhaha, that's what I hear.  It's a big regional center03:50
LaserJockyeah, I flew into there for my brother's wedding03:50
vorianand now you are moving to a foreign country :'(03:50
LaserJockwell, I gotta go where the jobs are03:51
vorianat least the baseball is good there03:51
LaserJockand I'm lucky to get anything right now03:51
LaserJockI got a job contracting to the Air Force03:51
vorianthat's job security03:52
LaserJockwell, kinda kinda not03:52
LaserJockit's a 2 year job03:52
LaserJockbut could lead to some more stuff maybe03:52
LaserJockI'm liking 2 years 'cause if I hate Boston I can get out :-)03:52
LaserJockgrew up in a town of 4k, went to school in a city of 400k, now moving to 4M :-)03:53
vorianthat's quite a jump03:53
LaserJockwell, at least I'm used to traffic lights now ;-)03:54
vorianand quite a change in weather too B-)03:54
LaserJockthank goodness03:54
LaserJockI'm so tired of sun03:54
voriani bet03:54
vorianI purchased a nice big ole snow thrower on my last day at TSC03:55
LaserJockgimme some rain!03:55
voriani was not a fan of the summer in phonex03:56
vorianor the monsoons03:56
vorianor the black widows03:56
LaserJockIdaho Falls has some cold cold weather03:56
LaserJockone time we drove through there and the interstate was solid black ice03:56
LaserJockicecycles were hanging on all the fences03:57
vorianthat happens here all the time03:57
LaserJockI think the thermometer said -26F03:57
vorianin fact, I have a photo from one of our ice-storms as a kdeartwork wallpaper!03:57
LaserJockID & MT are dry enough to not have many ice storms03:58
vorianyikes, that's cold03:58
vorianthat's what I hear, and we just got two really really nice de-himidifiers too :(03:58
LaserJockI lived with a humidifier growing up03:58
LaserJockused to get bloody noses all the time from the dry air (wood stoves)03:59
voriani bet03:59
vorianwhen we visited IF a month ago, 2 of my kids got bloodies noses03:59
LaserJockinterestingly, Reno has seemed a bit wetter03:59
* vorian can't type tonight03:59
* LaserJock can't type ever04:00
vorianhaha, lies04:00
LaserJockvorian: you hear I'm Dr. LaserJock now?04:01
* vorian bows04:01
vorianthat's awesome04:01
LaserJockit was an insane amount of work at the end04:01
vorianbut you lived!04:01
LaserJockit was 11 years of uni04:02
vorianthat is crazy04:02
LaserJockI'm glad I didn't get a university postdoc, I'm tired of it04:02
voriani couldn't handle 404:02
LaserJockoh, the first 4 were *easy*04:03
LaserJockthe last 4 were a giant pain in the butt04:03
voriani'm sure04:03
LaserJockI found out that I like learning a lot more than I like research04:03
LaserJockso after I was done with all the classes it kinda dragged on a bit04:04
ajmitchhey LaserJock04:04
LaserJockajmitch: hi!04:04
LaserJockmy favorite kiwi04:04
ajmitchonly one you know? :)04:04
ajmitchhow's it going?04:04
LaserJockoh, OK04:05
LaserJockI'm putting the final corrections on the dissertation04:05
LaserJockthe defense was pretty easy (2.5 hrs)04:05
ajmitchgreat :)04:06
ajmitch& congrats on the new job (just read scrollback)04:07
LaserJockI'm 27 and *just* getting my first real job04:07
LaserJockI feel like such a bonehead04:07
ajmitchthe life of an academic :)04:07
LaserJockI almost didn't take the job though04:09
LaserJockthe Air Force requires Windows!04:09
ajmitchit's a big change04:09
ajmitchoh no!04:09
LaserJockbbiab, gotta walk the dog04:11
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andolandv: Here now. Saw that you upload the debdiff, thanks04:53
RoAkSoAxslangasek, ping05:10
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hyperair`/lastlog -hilight05:53
hyperairoh whoops05:53
hyperairkklimonda: waiting for 1.6.05:54
hyperairkklimonda: the guys in #ubuntu-desktop weren't keen on taking in an unstable release05:54
hyperairkklimonda: not without a schedule of when the stablew ould be coming out anyway05:55
kklimondahyperair: how stable is it btw?05:55
hyperair```it's pretty stable, but they've announced 1.5.x as an unstable release05:55
kklimondaoh wait, it's in banshee unstable ppa so I can actually test it myself :)05:55
hyperairoh yeah the banshee unstable ppa has shifted to https://launchpad.net/~banshee-team/+archive/banshee-unstable06:00
stochasticCan anyone revu ANY of these packages http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/xwax     http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/a2jmidid    http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/xjadeo     http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/slv2   ( http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/pyphat would also be nice)06:59
stochasticIs there any other way to get people to Revu packages other than posting a request in this channel?07:51
Zhenechbdrung_, done07:54
RiddellYokoZar: you don't need to delete the libtorrent unless it has licencing problems, but if it has a different licence than the rest of the sources you need to mention that in debian/copyright09:02
YokoZarRiddell: ok, that seems fine (same code as another package we ship)09:03
YokoZarnot sure why it's in the upstream tarball09:03
geserandv: yes, mainterfield change shouldn't be mentioned anymore in the changelog09:16
directhexYokoZar, for "convenience"09:20
directhexYokoZar, be happy it's source & not binary!09:20
YokoZarfair enough :)09:20
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kamalnandanhow do we install karmic release on jaunty..09:56
kamalnandansomeone mentioned that it can be done using chroot...i didnt get it..09:56
kamalnandanany clue folks?09:56
kamalnandanhow do we install karmic release on jaunty using chroot?10:07
kamalnandanany clue10:07
hyperairfor some reason gmail is sticking all the emails i send from @ubuntu.com into my inbox O_o10:09
hyperairis anyone noticing the same thing?10:09
hyperairkamalnandan: please don't keep repeating your question.10:09
iuliankamalnandan: Asking same question over and over again won't help you.  We already answered yesterday.10:09
hyperairkamalnandan: and this isn't the right place.10:09
bdrung_Zhenech: thanks10:10
Zhenechbdrung_, yw, in exchange I need a free webdav client for windows :)10:10
iuliankamalnandan: Did you follow what we gave you yesterday?10:10
bdrung_Zhenech: what is windows? :)10:11
kamalnandaniulian: sorry...infact, i dont have that document with me right now...i am at my workplace and forgot to forward the link(then i was at my home)..it would be kind of you, if you could send the link to me once again..:-)10:12
kamalnandani read that, but couldnt follow much...so didnt go futher..however, i want to read that once again with a fresh mindset..10:13
Zhenechbdrung_, that thingy that still does not have a fullz posix compatible env :)10:13
bdrung_Zhenech: o, i can remember now. but who wants to use that crap? :)10:15
kamalnandanI am searching for that page on the internet, but somehow, havnt been able to locate as yet..10:15
Zhenechbdrung_, /me points at that person at the right side of his table10:15
bdrung_Zhenech: Sincere condolences to him.10:16
kamalnandaniulian: can you send the link to me once again, if you dont mind..sorry for being irresponsible...10:19
Zhenechbdrung_, her ...10:21
iulian!chroot | kamalnandan10:22
ubottukamalnandan: chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot)10:22
eboyjrHello, what are the typical questions, topics asked in here?10:22
iulian!pbuilder | kamalnandan10:22
ubottukamalnandan: pbuilder is a system to easily build packages in a clean chroot environment. To get started with PBuilder, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto10:22
eboyjrIn better words, what is the MOTU?10:23
kamalnandaniulian: thanks a lot..:-)..10:24
iulianeboyjr: /topic.10:24
eboyjriulian: Oh well my firefox is not working cuz of the update i just got so i cant click the links10:25
eboyjrSoo... what is the MOTU10:27
iulianeboyjr: Then find another way to access those wiki pages.  There are loads of things to tell.10:32
kklimondaif some source files in tarball are missing license header it's a big no-no and I should contact upstream?10:37
directhexkklimonda, depends how bad it is10:45
directhexkklimonda, there's no strict rule, more of a gut-feeling "this needs moar licensing"10:46
kklimondadirecthex: not really - 3 unittests and one header (the "top" one that just includes other)10:46
directhexfeh. i'd let it in10:46
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jdetaeyea quick question from a newbie-uploader:   I just uploaded my first package with dput.  Is there a time delay before I can see the upload package on http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/?10:49
geserup to 3 min or so10:53
geserdid you use ..._source.changes for upload?10:53
jdetaeyehmm... has been over 30 minutes now10:54
jdetaeyesee http://dpaste.com/75456/10:55
jdetaeyepaste is not compete - but has no error messages and ends with "Successfully uploaded packages."10:56
geserthen you need on one of the REVU admins so he can look into it10:57
jdetaeyeany harm in re-uploading?10:57
geserafaik no10:58
jdetaeyehm says "Already uploaded to revu on revu.ubuntuwire.com   Doing nothing for frepple_0.7.1-1_source.changes"10:58
kklimondause -f10:59
andvgeser, perfect ty for updating me11:01
geserandv: this was also once mentioned in a mail on ubuntu-devel but I can't find it right now11:02
jdetaeyenew upload done - http://dpaste.com/75458/ - this time it worked and it is already visible on the page.  Thanks!11:03
kwahHi all11:56
kwahProbably silly beginner question, but...11:56
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=== anars_ is now known as anars
kwahHow one could start with sources of the packages available in debian/unstable11:57
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kwahIs there any documentation/hotos related to that?11:57
iuliankwah: What do you mean?  Do you want to download source packages from unstable?12:01
kwahAt least to begin with12:02
iulianI'm afraid I don't understand the question.  Could you please rephrase?12:02
azeemadd an appropriate deb-src then12:02
azeemand possible specify the version like apt-get source foo=1.2.3-412:02
kwahHm. I think I do something wrong then...12:02
iulianOr use pull-debian-source from ubuntu-dev-tools.12:02
azeemheh, or that12:03
kwahI hav a set of files package-xxxx in dsc,orig,diff12:03
kwahand want to try building it for ubuntu12:04
kwahIn FM (fine manuals) etc, there is always a start from apt-get source...12:05
kwahWhich does a lot of staff "under the hood" apparently.12:05
iuliankwah: Not really, it just downloads the source package.12:06
kwah+ unpacks tarballs12:06
kwah+ applies patches12:06
kwahSo, I figured out download part myself... :D12:07
iulianWhen you build the package it links everything together.12:11
kwahSo, before I modify something (like adjust package-src/debian/* files) I should build package?12:12
iuliankwah: s/before/after/.12:13
kwahpull-debian-source does not do it. I believe because package is still in review and not in the repositories yet.12:13
kwahok, how from pack.orig.tar.gz, pack.diff.gz and pack.dsc I can get sources layout I can start modifications then?12:15
iuliankwah: pull-debian-source just downloads the source package (*.diff.gz; *.dsc and *.orig.tar.gz).  To build the package you want dpkg-buildpackage.12:15
kwahdpkg-buildpackage needs proper control files12:18
kwahhow one makes layeout for source package out of  (*.diff.gz; *.dsc and *.orig.tar.gz) ?12:18
kwahisnt it automated?12:18
iulianYou mean, .deb packages?12:18
* kwah believes that it is so basic, noone even think about it :D12:19
iulianYou need to build the package in order to get the .deb.12:19
kwahlet me start again12:19
iulianAnd please elaborate.12:20
kwahI have  (*.diff.gz; *.dsc and *.orig.tar.gz) for certain package12:20
iuliankwah: Yes, that's the source.12:20
kwahHow can I unpack everything so I can tweak some minor things ?12:20
iuliankwah: dpkg-source -x *.dsc12:21
kwahiulian, thanks, that's it12:22
iulianNo problem.12:22
kwahI remember there was something like that in one of the dozens tutorials I went briefly through last night :(12:23
kwahSorry for bothering.12:23
iuliankwah: If you have any more questions, please ask.12:25
* kwah should read more carefully 12:26
kwahiulian, ok.12:26
slytherinttx: ping12:32
slytherinttx: I was wondering how your jetty6 package is different than the jetty package in Debian experimental12:33
ttxslytherin: it's the libraries only. No daemon. It's needed so that it can reach main.12:33
ttxslytherin: current state of the package in debian experimental isn't satisfying12:34
ttx(for main qa standards)12:34
slytherinso when it reaches that state are you going to drop your package?12:34
ttxWe'll work to qa and sync it for karmic+112:34
ttxdepending on what name they finally choose12:35
ttxmerge or replace it.12:35
ttxslytherin: I should be able to improve the package in debian when I have more free time it after featurefreeze12:36
ttxso that karmic+1 sync is painless.12:36
slytherinNo issues. I believe we discussed this already. Just didn't recall it when I saw your package.12:37
=== dyfet` is now known as dyfet
geserLaney: I've a question about your haskell overview plot: does it check only a specific arch for installablity?13:05
Laneygeser: yes, i38613:07
geserLaney: I wonder why it marks haskell-curl as green while libghc6-curl-dev being unavailable on i38613:10
Laneygeser: you can run edos-debcheck manually to find out13:11
Laneyor I can13:11
Laneygeser: It doesn't appear in packages.bz213:15
Laneyprobably because it never built correctly13:15
geserit never build correctly (needs a rebuild)13:16
LaneyI did give-backs now13:16
Laneybut that explains why it was green13:16
geserLaney: it build on sparc and armel in the past, so we need a build1 upload anyway13:17
geserjust wanted to inform you about a possible bug in the script for the graph if it marks missing packages as ok13:17
LaneySo you have to check for every source package if all of the binaries are present in Packages13:21
slytheringeser: Laney: Which script are you guys talking about?13:26
slytherinoh, I thought it was some generic script to check status of packages.13:29
Laneyit would be nice if it were more generic13:30
Laneygeser: are you taking care of some of the rebuilds?13:42
geserLaney: yes, why?13:42
Laneyjust curious13:43
Laneylooking at the hsql ones now13:43
geserI regularly look at the FBTFS list and unmet deps and transitions are easy to get off those lists13:44
geserargh, haskell-http currently in Ubuntu needs a package which isn't there anymore and the new version from Debian needs a newer cdbs than currently in Ubuntu13:49
Laneyyes :(13:49
LaneyI tried to bribe sebner to do that merge13:50
geserany success?13:50
LaneyI think not13:50
didrocksStevenK:  clutter-gtk 0.10 uploaded13:54
StevenK\o/ !13:54
StevenKdidrocks: Source package name?13:55
didrocksStevenK: clutter-gtk. So, you will just have to ack for new binaries (as 0.8 seems to be a dead branch)13:57
StevenKdidrocks: It wants clutter 1.0 ?13:57
didrocksStevenK: yes13:58
StevenKdidrocks: If so, it won't build, since clutter-gtk is in main, and clutter-1.0 is in universe.13:58
didrocksStevenK: Oh clutter-gtk is in main? ok, my upload will fail so. I saw that the maintainer was MOTU developer and didn't check13:58
StevenKdidrocks: I can sponsor it for you, but won't do so until clutter-1.0 gets promoted13:59
didrocksStevenK: ok, so I can use a different package name that we put on universe?13:59
StevenKdidrocks: It should go to main, anyway ...14:00
didrocksStevenK: so, it's maybe the time to achieve a MIR for clutter 1.0?14:00
StevenKdidrocks: It doesn't need one, 0.8 is in main14:00
StevenKdidrocks: Just needs some other things promoted, which is in progrsss.14:01
didrocksStevenK: ok. I just open a bug and just subscribe you and not the u-m-s. I put a comment about waiting clutter 1.0 in main14:01
didrocksStevenK: so, we clutter 1.0 will be in main, bug #40932314:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 409323 in clutter-gtk "Please, update clutter-gtk to 0.10.2" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40932314:10
StevenKdidrocks: Thanks!14:11
didrocksStevenK: y/w :)14:11
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kwahIs it possible to get binary only-component in the repositories, when there is a statement like this imposed: The free downloading of X is only allowed for coupling with Y. For any other use, a license agreement is requested.14:34
kwahWhich is (I guess) really vague statement in itself.14:35
Laneykwah: check that14:36
Laneydoes sbuild have some known problem with packages that use dpatch?16:02
Laneytry rebuilding haskell-hsql-sqlite3, it bombs out at applying the patches for me16:04
Laneywhereas pbuilder works fine16:04
RoAkSoAxslangasek, Hey there. Got one question regarding lsb. Should LSB 4.0 in karmic be exactly the same in Jaunty, so that when doing a debdiff between them, there would be no changes?16:15
slangasekRoAkSoAx: by definition there will always be at least one diff between two versions of a package, which is a changelog16:16
slangasekthe other differing bits look suspiciously like a botched merge16:17
RoAkSoAxslangasek, I see, but for example, should init-functions be the same in both packages? Because there are differences that are causing non normal functioning on the status action of init scripts16:18
slangasekthough it wasn't introduced from 0ubuntu1 to 0ubuntu2, so I don't know16:18
slangasekRoAkSoAx: ok; as I recall, the 4.0 SRU to jaunty cherry-picked only the bits relevant to be able to claim it's 4.0, no other functional changes from what was already in jaunty16:19
RoAkSoAxslangasek, I see. I'll report the bug then and ping you to take a look at it. :)16:20
RoAkSoAxDktrKranz, heya!! I've uploaded the new changes for lekhonee: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/lekhonee When you have some free time please review them. Thank you.16:25
slangasekRoAkSoAx: pinging me personally is likely the wrong approach...16:27
RoAkSoAxslangasek, yes I know, but since you where the one who uploaded the latest version of LSB i though you might be interested in this bug16:28
slangasekI am interested in many bugs, that doesn't mean a personal ping is necessarily effective :)16:28
RoAkSoAxslangasek, ok :)16:29
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kikohey, any motu willing to do a super trivial backport of rss2email?17:07
kikoit's working fine on karmic17:07
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geserc_korn: http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/s/schroedinger/schroedinger_1.0.7-2.dsc17:26
c_korngeser: yes, thanks. I will test it17:28
DktrKranzRoAkSoAx: I'll probably have a look this evening. I'll be on holiday with limited network access (if none at all!), so better hurrying up ;)17:29
RoAkSoAxDktrKranz, yep, it should be done now :) (at least i hope so). I've tried to use a private directory (/usr/share/lekhonee) but couldn't get it to work, and I think that of upstream.17:31
pace_t_zuluvorian: you around?17:32
keessbeattie: why is bitlbee even compiled with Depends: libc6 (>> 2.9), libc6 (<< 2.10)  ??17:33
sbeattiekees: bitlbe's control file just has ${shlibs:Depends}17:34
sbeattiekees: so I have no idea.17:34
keessbeattie: yeah, it's creepy.  :P  slangasek: help!  :)17:36
slangasekkees: uh?17:38
keesslangasek: Depends: ${shlibs:Depends} is expanding (in bitlbee) to Depends: libc6 (>> 2.9), libc6 (<< 2.10)   (LP: #409422)17:39
keesjust weird17:39
slangasekkees: currently, or when previously built with eglibc 2.9?17:39
keesslangasek: when previously built, I assume17:40
slangasekthen I guess it was a previous bug in libc6?17:40
keesbut why are other things not melting down in the same way?17:40
sbeattieslangasek: when rebuilt against eglibc 2.10, it becomes libc6 (>> 2.10), libc6 (<< 2.11),17:40
slangasekcould be a corner case in symbols file17:41
sbeattie(am basing on a test rebuild I did in https://launchpad.net/~sbeattie/+archive/ppa)17:41
slangasekor it could be to do with the package calling dpkg-shlibdeps manually in debian/rules, instead of using a sensible abstraction17:42
slangaseksbeattie, kees: the .symbols file has a fallback to the dep in question when any symbols not listed out in the .symbols file are referenced17:50
slangasekGLIBC_PRIVATE __res_iclose17:51
slangasekmaybe that one?17:51
slangasekthe symbol in question is listed, but with a strange version qualifier that I don't understand17:53
logari81if anyone can imagine what the combination of the "--enable-shared" configure option and the pydoc error "cannot open shared object file" could mean, would probably be able to help me with a building/packaging problem that I have.18:08
geserwhen refactoring a python script and moving code into it's own module, who put I into the copyright line of the new files? the authors of the main script or myself and just name the other possible authors?18:42
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slaytonis there any documentation on how to package a single python script into a debian package?20:12
POXslayton: /usr/bin/script?20:18
slaytonPOX, yes20:18
geserslayton: can't it be added to some other existing package instead of creating a new one?20:18
slaytonI'd prefer it be a stand alone package as there are several other packages that will rely on it...20:19
slaytonbut its not common to any other package I'm working on20:19
slaytonerr... it wouldn't make sense to add it to any of the other packages20:20
POXall you need to do is add python to Depends (or pythonX.Y if it's in shebang) and a manpage20:20
slaytonok thanks20:20
POXif you import something outside stdlib, you need it in Depends as well, of course20:21
slaytonright... I guess I was more wondering what is the proper way to write the rules file as I don't have a makefile20:22
POXdh_install script /usr/bin20:22
POXin install: target20:22
POXor put in in install file and use /usr/share/doc/debhelper/examples/rules.tiny20:24
slaytonPOX, thank you that rules file is exactly what I was looking for20:26
frafuHi; could anybody help me with the po and mo files in distutils? In fact, setup.py sdist produces a tarball with the po files; however setup.py bdist produces a tarball without any translation files. Moreover, dpkg-buildpackage based on a cdbs debianization also produces a deb package without any translation files. Could anybody please tell me how I can get the translations into the deb package?20:26
fabrice_spfrafu, compile them and install them. The installation can be done in a lot of ways (through an .install file, via make install, ...)20:39
fabrice_spit really depends on the way the package is ... packaged :-)20:40
frafufabrice_sp: it is package by using cdbs20:41
fabrice_sp.install file is the way, then20:41
frafufabrice_sp: do you know where I can find information about how to setup an install file?20:43
fabrice_spfrafu, man dh_install20:43
slaytonPOX, if I want to sign package do I have to add something extra to the rules.tiny file?20:46
slayton*sign a package20:46
frafufabrice_sp: thanks20:46
slaytonPOX, never mind I figured it out. I can just explicitly sign the package with debsign20:49
fabrice_spyw ;-)20:49
fabrice_spAre recommends installed in the buildd? I changed my sbuild to not install the  recommended packages, and some packages are FTBFSing...20:55
fabrice_spso I'm wondering if I need to explicitly build depends on the recommended package of a principal one (libboost-dev, in that case)20:56
geserno recommends during build20:56
fabrice_spthanks geser20:56
porthose_nellery, ping20:56
geserif you need something you need to specify it in Build-Depends(-Indep)20:57
nelleryporthose_: hi20:57
porthose_nellery, hey, do you have some time to do some mentoring?20:58
fabrice_spgeser, in that case, I need to explicitly Build-Depends on libboost-filesystem-dev then. Thanks!20:58
nelleryporthose_: sorry, I'm busy right now20:59
nellerywhat type of mentoring did you need?20:59
porthose_nellery, I have a mentee who needs a mentor20:59
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nelleryporthose_: ah. Best to get in touch with the mentoring reception21:00
* porthose_ has his MOTU Mentoring Reception hat on21:01
nelleryporthose_: oh!21:01
fabrice_spWhere can I see what are the requirements to change the Standards-version of a package from 3.7.2 to 3.8.2 ?21:04
frafufabrice_sp:  There is something that is puzzling me now: there is an older version of that package (its name is onboard) in ubuntu main; when I run dpkg-buildpackage on it, the resulting deb does not have mo files; but there are onboard.mo files installed on my system. Is this normal?21:05
porthose_nellery, I just wanted to know if you where interested,  and if you had time. :)21:05
geserfabrice_sp: /usr/share/doc/debian-policy/upgrading-checklist.txt.gz21:05
geserfrafu: for packages in main the packages are stripped during build and installed later through the language packs21:07
fabrice_spthanks again geser (I had to install debian-policy package ;-) )21:08
frafugeser: but if I download the package with 'apt-get source ' and run dpkg-buildpackage on it, should the resulting deb not have mo files?21:10
geserfrafu: in that case it should have it21:11
frafugeser: but it does not: there is no /usr/share/locale in the resulting deb!?21:16
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frafugeser: Does this mean there is an error in the debianization of that package?21:17
frafugeser: i wonder where the onboard.mo files come from; but as I am not using a  clean system, who knows!21:19
fabrice_spfrafu, it comes from language-pack-gnome packages21:20
frafuthanks to both of you; i have to leave now; bye21:23
dtchenLaney: please push a no-change rebuild of xmonad-contrib, too, when you have a chance21:25
Laneydtchen: ok21:25
dtchenLaney: sbuilt & pbuilt locally & using the resulting packages now, so it does work21:26
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Laneydtchen: uploaded21:39
Laneyfeel free to do any such uploads yourself in future21:39
dtchenLaney: i don't have upload privileges.21:46
dtchenLaney: but, thanks21:47
geserLaney: expired21:47
* Laney expresses shock21:47
geserdtchen: do you plan to re-apply for them anytime?21:47
dtchengeser: when time permits, yes21:48
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huatsporthose_: ping21:54
huatsaround ?21:54
porthose_huats, hey21:54
huatshey porthose_21:55
huatshow are you ?21:55
porthose_fine you?21:55
huatsfine too21:55
huatsI just saw your email about monty for the mentoring21:55
huatsI am not sure I said it to the list but he would take a slot in the senior step...21:55
huatsyou agree with me right ?21:56
huatsgood :21:56
porthose_I am trying to match him with one of the senior mentors21:56
huatsso we are ok :)21:56
huatsgreat !21:56
porthose_huats, I thought his app was somewhat impressive21:57
huatssame here :)21:58
DktrKranzbdrung_: are you a DD?22:03
sebnerDktrKranz: trying to make bdrung_ and sponsoring slave? :P22:04
DktrKranzsebner: no, just trying to see if I've just discovered a weird thing in NEW page (and I hope to be able to do stuff myself soon ;(22:05
sebnerDktrKranz: "soon" *heh*, NEW page containing 1 km packages list in weird indeed ;D22:06
DktrKranzsebner: ask our intrepid bddebian to process some then ;)22:07
sebnerDktrKranz: he can't, he told me that he can review then but they have to be reviewed again by a real ftp master22:08
DktrKranzI know, but not for long (I hope, for the 2nd time...)22:09
bdrung_DktrKranz: no, i am no dd and i am no motu.22:14
bdrung_the NEW queue is scary long.22:15
DktrKranzbdrung_: it seems you have upload rights, look at the bottom of http://ftp-master.debian.org/new.html ;)22:15
bdrung_DktrKranz: i was sponsored22:16
DktrKranzyeah, but under normal condition you see something as Sponsor: name@debian.org22:16
bdrung_yes, no idea why he is not listed there.22:17
DktrKranzbug ;)22:17
DktrKranzor you're a DD now without notice22:17
DktrKranz(mind pushing sth for me? ;)22:18
sebnerDktrKranz: It's a feature not a bug. Don't tell Debian or the invest time to fix it instead of reviewing stuff ~o~22:18
bdrung_maybe. the first upload of my sponsor gets into the nirvana.22:18
blackmoonhi, a binary firmaware (for usb card) can be included in a deb package?22:19
bdrung_DktrKranz: being a dd would be nice. :)22:19
DktrKranzbdrung_: I hope I can tell you soon ;)22:20
bdrung_DktrKranz: then i would need to go the sponsors on their nerves.22:20
DktrKranzblackmoon: answer is likely no22:20
DktrKranznot as in universe, at least22:21
dtchenblackmoon: see medibuntu as an alternate repository for such packages.22:24
dtchene.g., alsa-firmware22:25
blackmoonDktrKranz: ok, thank you for answer... it's the same for ppa archive rigth?22:26
sebnerblackmoon: you can upload anything you want to your ppa22:28
sebnerwell, as long it's not against the CoC22:29
DktrKranzsebner: PPA terms forbid to use it for non-free software22:29
DktrKranz(or they used to)22:30
sebnerDktrKranz: really? O_o22:30
blackmoonDktrKranz: thank you again22:30
DktrKranzblackmoon: I'll check, it's been ages since I last checked22:31
blackmoonDktrKranz: ok22:31
DktrKranzsebner, blackmoon: https://help.launchpad.net/PPATermsofUse22:32
sebnerDktrKranz: Ubuntu "main" and "restricted" Component license Policy Compliant22:33
sebnerDktrKranz: besides, the next question is who and how is this controlled? Automatically by LP?22:35
DktrKranzsebner: mark in person ;)22:38
sebnerDktrKranz: haha, anyways I'm sure is not 100% save regarding that22:39
blackmoonso if i want include a rt73.bin firmware in a deb package, i must do a script for download it from external?22:39
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