
sarthorhow can configure shaperd to limit bandwidth till 512 kb down and 64 kb up to each host,00:50
oh_noesHow do I found out what columns are which when I do:   sadf -d01:14
KillMeNow# hostname;interval;timestamp;DEV;tps;rd_sec/s;wr_sec/s;avgrq-sz;avgqu-sz;await;svctm;%util01:16
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dumontI was upgrading everything via apt-get upgrade i got this error http://pastebin.com/m4dd5fc93 i'm on 8.0401:33
dumontapt-get -f install, apt-get upgrade, apt-get update, /etc/init.d/acpid stop, dpkg --configure -a => ALL RUN AS SUDO, all stops with a error saying ACPID is not configured Please help me solve this, it's a dedibox, all I have is root access, reinstalling is a problem01:33
dumontso how can i get rid of acpid error?01:34
KillMeNowno idea01:35
=== giovani|1ork is now known as giovani
qman__well, I don't know much about how acpid works, but my first question would be why /proc/acpi/event does not exist01:41
qman__does /proc/acpi exist? if not, the system probably booted without acpi support for one reason or another01:41
dumontproc/acpi exists01:55
dumontevent doesn't01:55
KillMeNowwhy not add it?01:55
KillMeNowtouch /proc/acpi/event01:55
KillMeNowjust a wild stab01:56
twbI don't think that will work01:56
qman__event is a handle01:56
qman__the system writes information to it to control acpi01:56
KillMeNowwell i'm done for the day, seey ou all later01:56
giovanidumont: afaik, that's a legacy interface02:03
giovaniand has to be explicitly turned on in the kernel config02:03
giovanidumont: why do you 'need' it?02:09
qiyongis dbus needed in server environment02:32
giovaniqiyong: that would depend on what individual applications you might be running02:35
giovani'needed' is unlikely in most situations -- but some apps might make use of it02:35
qiyonggiovani: so i'd turn it off02:36
giovaniqiyong: I've already answered your question -- I didn't tell you to turn it off though02:36
qiyonggiovani: i only use traditional apps, ftp, apache, mail etc02:37
giovaniqiyong: traditional apps can use dbus02:39
qiyong traditional apps, such as apache, vsftp, postfix02:40
qiyonggiovani: ^02:40
giovaniyes, I saw02:40
qiyongavahi-daemon isn't used in server right? normally.02:45
giovaniqiyong: not typically, nope02:47
giovaniavahi-daemon isn't in the ubuntu server install afaik02:48
giovaniso it shouldn't be there02:48
qiyonghow can I turn a desktop install into server install easily?02:48
qiyongi.e., remove desktop apps by a meta pkg or group pkg?02:49
giovaniqiyong: I wouldn't advise it02:49
giovaniit'd be best to start from a fresh install02:49
qiyongwhat about hald? giovani02:52
giovaniqiyong: we're not here to support the desktop installation02:54
giovaniplease use the server installation02:55
qiyongshould I reduce the numver of getty?02:56
giovaniqiyong: if you want to ...02:56
qiyongnot much benefits02:57
giovanithere will be some minor ram gains02:57
giovaniI'd recommend it if you're on a 64MB system02:57
giovanidoing so is as simple as removing the ttys you don't want from /etc/event.d/02:59
uvirtbot`New bug: #409146 in ubuntu "none of the function keys are working on my dell mini (dup-of: 383697)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40914603:01
qiyonggiovani: that no longer recorded in inittab?03:07
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giovaniqiyong: not for quite a while -- ubuntu uses upstart -- /etc/inittab doesn't exist03:35
qiyonggiovani: so debian never have /etc/inittab?03:38
giovaniqiyong: this isn't debian, how is that relevant?03:39
qiyonggiovani: ubuntu is debian flavor03:40
giovaniqiyong: incorrecty03:40
giovaniand I never said anything about ubuntu "never" using traditional init, just that it doesn't now03:40
qiyongsince when?03:40
giovani6.10 and onward03:41
giovaniwhich is nearly 3 years now03:41
qiyongwhat's the codename?03:41
qiyong6.04 was a lts iirc03:42
giovaniare you not capable of using google?03:42
giovanigoogle says 6.10 was "Edgy"03:42
giovaniand, 6.06 was an LTS, yes, why is that relevant?03:43
qiyongnot much03:43
qiyongwhy change?03:43
qiyongwhat about other distros?03:43
qiyongespectiall debian03:43
giovanibecause init is ancient, and isn't as flexible as upstart03:43
giovanidebian offers upstart, but doesn't use it by default iirc03:44
qiyongfedora still uses inittab03:44
giovanino, fedora uses upstart with inittab legacy iirc03:44
qiyongwe still has init03:44
qiyongso init is going out of world03:44
giovaniqiyong: you seem to want to create a debate -- this is #ubuntu-server ... Ubuntu has used upstart since 6.10 -- use it or not ... stop complaining03:45
qiyong2006 was the shift year for ubuntu03:45
qiyonggiovani: i don't want debate03:47
qiyonggiovani: i just want the reason03:47
giovaniqiyong: I've provided you with a reason03:47
giovaniyou're welcome to do your own research to understand more about the situation03:47
qiyongso debian is still of the old style03:48
qiyongthe others are go for upstart03:48
giovaniI've already told you what debian uses03:48
twbIt *would* be nice if metainit got off the ground and event.d was actually used for more than just inittab...03:49
twbsysvinit-compat feels so dirty03:49
giovanitwb: let's not complicate what is already a difficult-to-resolve discussion :)03:49
twbI figured I'd just ignore the existing discussion and start a new one ;-)03:50
twbLooks like upstart on Debian has propagated as far as testing now -- it used to only be in experimental.03:50
qiyongupstart implementes a new /sbin/init03:51
giovaniyeah, they're working on it evidently03:51
twbDebian's adoption is held up because they can't agree on a single "standard" init03:51
twbSo discussion immediately devolves into a way to properly support the six different init daemons currently in Debian.03:51
twb(sysvinit, upstart, runit, cinit, minit, ...)03:52
qiyong a single "standard" init ?03:52
giovaniqiyong: he's mostly talking to himself -- not you03:52
qiyongsysvinit is the tradiitional one03:52
giovanilet's keep the random, and endless, string of questions to a minimum03:53
qiyongr/c/m init never got widely used03:53
twbqiyong: right. Debian basically still standardizes on sysvinit.03:53
qiyongis sysvinit only a gnu implementation/clone of the real sysvinit?03:54
qiyongnow this pkg is going to be obsolete, and upstart is a new desgin, and is going to dominate03:54
qiyongupstart was written by Scott James Remnant <scott@ubuntu.com>03:57
giovaniqiyong: your ability to copy-and-paste from the web amazes me03:57
qiyongseems ubuntu fistly began to use upstart03:57
qiyonggiovani: lol03:57
qiyongnot the web03:57
twbgiovani: at this point I have just plonked qiyong03:59
giovanitwb: I suppose it's time I do the same04:00
twbDirect him to -overflow or -offtopic or whatever it's called.04:01
chrislabeardHey guys07:59
chrislabeardwhats the easiest way to monitor input voltage of my server08:00
qman__input voltage? as in from the wall?09:47
qman__you'd need a dedicated device for that, normal setups don't collect that information09:47
rosa_hi there...I am doing cupsaddsmb -H Printserver -U myuserdomain -a -v and i got the error NT_STATUS_MEDI_WRITE_PROTECTED making remote directory ...please help!09:48
dinger2006has anyone here used egroupware?10:54
VSpikeHas anyone got any comment on the use of dnsmasq versus bind9/dhcp311:53
_rubenthe first has smaller footprint and (probably) simpler configuration .. the latter scales better11:55
VSpike_ruben: I set the latter up once but it was some time ago and I can't really recall the details :)  Other than it took me a while11:56
VSpikeI need to replicate the functionality on another subnet in another office, but each office only has <6 machines11:56
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_rubenfor <6 machines, dnsmasq should do just fine, never used it myself though11:57
VSpikeI could try and replicate the bind9/dhcp3 setup I already did, if I can figure out how I made it work, or try dnsmasq instead11:57
ttxVSpike: learning dnsmasq will probably be worth it in your case. I like it.11:58
Davieydnsmasq even works quite well on larger sites..11:59
Davieydnsmasq has the bonus that it can auto add the hostnames provided over DHCP to the inbuilt dns12:00
VSpikeDaviey: I managed to get bind/dhcp to do that :) but it weren't easy12:00
VSpikeBut yeah, it sounds ideal for the job so I'm tempted to put the effort in to learn it12:01
ttxand it usually does the right thing by default, so you're less error-vulnerable12:01
VSpikeI could even use it at home too12:01
DavieyVSpike: yeah.12:01
VSpikeGreat, thanks guys.  I'll give it a try12:01
guntbertis there an easy way to add another "service type" (normally chosen towards the end of the installation) in a running system?12:10
_rubenprobably not12:13
vixhow do i monitor a bunch of websites from my ubuntu machine12:16
_rubendefine 'monitor'12:18
vixcheck if its up12:19
vixjust the url12:19
vixis that ambiguous12:20
_rubenuse nagios or something similar12:20
vixthere r a few perl scripts out there12:20
vixthat do a curl/wget12:20
vixi just need it for a cpl of days12:20
vixso dont need to setup nagios12:20
vixor rather dont want to12:21
vixtoo much pain for monitoring a site for a day or two12:21
_rubenthen use those scripts12:24
DjannakhanHi, I've a ubuntu server (9.04) at home. I use it to backup remote server with bacula. I need a window manager/x server to run 'BAT' (bacula administration tool) and also I would like to turn this server into a media center (i've an HDMI output)12:32
Djannakhani've search a bit and found http://www.xbmc.fr for the media center part...12:32
Djannakhando anybody have some experience on this (ubuntu server -> media center) ?  how to proceed, adivices... ?12:33
giovaniDjannakhan: don't use BAT -- use Bweb ... the web interface if you need one12:40
Djannakhangiovani: why not bat ? is there some issue with this tool ?12:40
giovaniDjannakhan: yes, running a full x server and window manager on a server is a no-no -- and it's not supported in this channel12:41
Djannakhangiovani: ok, so bat is OK. I'll install bweb too.  I still want the media center feature... on which channel can I get help ?12:42
CopyWriteroh yes i've found it12:43
CopyWriterhello all12:43
CopyWriteri'm migrating my network to ubuntu server all the desktops to ubuntu too12:43
CopyWriterbut i need help12:43
giovaniDjannakhan: I don't know, media centers are a huge topic -- I run mine probably very differently from you -- so I won't be of help12:43
CopyWriterif i eliminate my 2k machines as servers how do i use ubuntu server as a pdc12:43
CopyWriteror do i need to12:43
CopyWriteri might be still thinking windows active directory etc, but there wont be any windows clients connecting to the network12:44
giovaniCopyWriter: if you don't have any windows machines, you don't need a domain controller -- since that's a windows technology12:44
CopyWriterit was playing around in the back of my head for the latter part of 3 days12:44
CopyWriterok with that said how do i authenticate users on the system12:45
Djannakhangiovani: I currently don't run one so... How do you run yours ?12:45
CopyWriteri mean on the network or do i need to12:45
giovaniCopyWriter: there are tons of different ways, that's a huge topic12:45
CopyWriteraaah, a simple workgroup then would do the trick if it's for basic networking file sharing12:45
giovaniDjannakhan: I have a backend headless server running mythtv, and then a number of front-ends12:45
CopyWriterand adding a couple ethernet printers12:46
giovaniCopyWriter: if you want centralized login, linux is perfectly capable of providing it, it's just not a works-with-10-clicks solution like Microsoft offers12:46
giovaniyou should read up on it12:46
giovaniLDAP is a good place to start12:47
CopyWritercentralized login, that the term i didn't know about12:47
CopyWriterthanks giovani12:47
CopyWritergoogling it now12:47
giovaniuh ... meaning you're authenticating users on a central server?12:47
giovanithat's what AD is12:47
CopyWriteryes authenticating users using a server12:47
CopyWriterwhat's the definition of AD12:48
CopyWriteri.e. a user can login using his credentians at different terminals12:48
giovaniAD authenticates users centrally12:48
giovaniso AD is providing centralized login12:48
CopyWriteryes that's what i need12:49
giovaniif you want that same feature in linux, you can look into doing it with LDAP12:49
giovaniyes, I've repeated myself many times now12:49
CopyWriter:) thanks for your patience12:49
oioiiihi I'm having trouble with this aacraid bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/24996412:49
oioiiiin ubuntu-8.04 running as xen dom0. What is the best way to workaround this problem?12:49
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 249964 in linux "aacraid driver stalls on high-load SMP machines" [Medium,In progress]12:49
oioiiiCan I just recompile aacraid.ko, if yes how?12:50
CopyWriterAD = Active Directory we were talking about it but it went right over my head12:51
giovanioioiii: did you actually read that thread?12:51
giovanioioiii: there's a link to the fix right there12:52
BoohbahCopyWriter: wow i never knew this channel existed!12:52
CopyWriteryes same here12:52
CopyWriteri was hanging out in the ubuntu channel for some weeks12:53
CopyWriterthen i googled ubuntu-server irc and found it12:53
oioiiigiovani: yes I did read it, you mean that link http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1112012:53
uvirtbot`bugzilla.kernel.org bug 11120 in AACRAID "aacraid driver stalls on high-load SMP machines" [Normal,Assigned]12:53
giovanioioiii: yep, a kernel patch is provided right there12:53
CopyWriteri'm not quite sure i'll be able to build this openldap12:54
CopyWriterseems complicated12:54
CopyWriterprobably take a few many tries12:54
oioiiigiovani: That means I'll have ti recompile the kernel. I was just wondering if I could only compile aacraid.ko12:55
giovanioioiii: if it's compiled as a module, sure12:55
giovaniCopyWriter: like I said, it's not a point-and-click solution12:55
CopyWriterworkgroup is seeming pretty good right about now :)12:56
BoohbahCopyWriter: why are you building openldap? is the binary missing some feature?13:02
CopyWriter'm new to all this, i'm just following the info on their homepage13:02
CopyWriteri think i can do the apt - get thing13:03
CopyWriterbut i'm not at the office right now13:03
CopyWriteri love this place13:06
CopyWriterthanks again giovani, you've pointed me in the right direction13:07
BoohbahCopyWriter: ubuntu package is called slapd so you should be able to 'apt-get install slapd'13:11
CopyWriterthanks boohbah, going to try that as soon as i get to the office13:12
oioiiigiovani: it's strange, I had a look into the source code of the uptodate driver source code form adaptec and they have a kernel version check for < 2.418 but I'm using 2.6.24-24-xen13:21
heath|workI have a very annoying problem. Every time I log in to one of my servers I am prompted to [sudo] immediately. Does anyone know how I can figure out what script is calling for sudo?13:46
heath|workoh thank god... /etc/bash.bashrc is the problem child13:54
heath|workShouldn't all of the fisrstlogin stuff be destroyed after the first login. This seems to only be an issue on my 9.04 JeOS systems, 8.10 does not do this.13:55
heath|workand by all I mean 7 of them13:56
Djannakhanheath|work: did you check your .bash_profile or a hill written alias in your .bash_aliases?13:57
heath|workDjannakhan, there is no reference to the /etc/bash.bashrc file in my home dir13:59
Djannakhanheath|work: my bash.bashrc file look like this http://pastebin.ca/1519154 maybe yours has a typo...14:02
Djannakhannote that bash.bashrc is called from /etc/profile14:02
heath|workDjannakhan, that's fine, but here is the pastie of what was in my bash.bashrc: http://pastie.org/57243914:05
heath|workI guess the dpkg-reconfigure needs to be called, but it is not automatically14:06
Djannakhanheath|work: Strange thing what you have in your bash.bashrc file... does the file /root/firstlogin_done exists ?14:08
Djannakhanheath|work: according to the script the sudo touch should occur only once : if [ ! -e /root/firstlogin_done ]; then14:08
heath|workYes it does exist, but it would always run the sudo command...14:09
heath|workthat is strange in relooking at it14:09
heath|workhang on, I haven't corrected a couple of the machines. I will check them14:10
heath|workyep, the file is there and I was prompted for the password again14:11
Djannakhanheath|work: is the file world readable ?  maybe the bash.bashrc can't read it (check /root dir permission)14:12
Djannakhanheath|work: if the bash.bashrc script need a sudo to touch the file, it means that the script is executed with non root privilege14:13
heath|workDjannakhan, no root is not world readable14:13
heath|workso the script would never know the file exists14:14
Djannakhanheath|work: yep14:14
heath|workgood catch, should I file a bug?14:14
Djannakhanyep probably, I've checked my server and all my root dir have  700 permission, but maybe I change this when I install my servers... can't remember.14:15
heath|workI would assume that the root dir would be strict14:16
heath|workthey just need to move the file somewhere else14:17
Djannakhanheath|work: no it's not the default... i've checked again my install doc, and I do cd /14:18
Djannakhansudo chmod 700 root14:18
heath|workdrwx------  4 root root  4096 2009-06-27 17:42 root14:19
heath|workon all of my JeOS servers14:19
heath|workI am checking my 8.10 server now14:20
heath|workha... 8.10: drwxr-xr-x  4 root root  4096 2009-07-15 12:39 root14:20
heath|workDjannakhan, where do you submit bugs for JeOS: launchpad ?14:23
garymcHi i need help14:23
garymcI just installed Ubuntu server on my proliant server and it puts me at a command prompt not at root14:24
garymcI also cant get to root14:24
garymcI want to install LTSP so thin clients can connect to it and have a gui14:25
garymcany help appreciated14:25
heath|workgarymc, what is your experience with ubuntu servers?14:26
garymcnone what so ever14:27
garymcI just been on the LTSP channel and was told this was the best version of linux to use14:27
garymcI got k12linux working on my computer using a boot dvd.14:28
garymcTurns out I cant boot from DVD with these servers14:28
garymcthey only have cd drives14:28
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heath|workgarymc, ubuntu does not enable root by default. Best practice is to use sudo14:34
heath|workallowing you to have root privileges to run system wide changes14:34
heath|workgarymc, what version of ubuntu are you using?14:35
heath|worklsb_release -a14:36
garymcits erm 9.0414:39
garymcI just need to install LTSP so my thin clients can connect etc14:39
garymcat the minute ive just got a commandprompt14:40
heath|worksudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ltsp-client14:42
heath|workalthough I am not sure if there are any other packages you will need14:43
sgsaxheath|work: glad you found the culprit14:44
heath|worklol... yeah14:44
sgsaxgarymc: ubuntu discourages the use of the root account, and encourages you to use sudo instead14:44
* heath|work already smack his hand14:45
heath|worksgsax, are you a maintainer?14:46
sgsaxluckily, if you don't want to have to type "sudo" for every command, you can get a root sheel by using "sudo -i" or "sudo -s"14:46
sgsaxheath|work: nope14:46
sgsaxjust a user :)14:46
sgsaxbeen a debian fan for many years14:46
sgsaxdiscovered that ubuntu has nearly resolved all the problems with debian on the desktop14:46
heath|workI've been an ubuntu fan for a couple of years. I like every article I read with Mark Shuttleworth, great person14:47
sgsaxhe makes a great "face" for OSS14:48
Boohbahhow come shuttleworth is never on irc?14:48
sgsaxsomething we've been missing, we could use some good PR14:48
Boohbahtoo busy orbiting the earth? :)14:48
sgsaxlinus is brilliant, but he's no spokesmodel :)14:48
Boohbahi also learned that south africans pronounce their ccTLD "zed eh"... strange to my north american ears14:49
heath|workbbl... have a great day!14:51
sgsaxlots of euro-english speakers used "zed" for the letter "Z"14:51
sgsaxseeya heath|work14:51
sgsaxincluding Canadians14:53
Tom_AssZed's dead, baby14:54
sgsaxdon't blame this KS boy :)14:54
Tom_AssIn many dialects of English, the letter's name is zed, pronounced /zɛd/, reflecting its derivation from the Greek zeta (see below). In American English, its name is zee /ziː/, deriving from a late 17th-century English dialectal form.14:56
Tom_Asszed is oldskool! :D14:56
sgsaxTom_Ass: that's right us Amuricans talk righter then them limeys :)15:01
pmatulissgsax: how do you pronounce "secretary"?15:03
giovani|workseck-reh-tary :)15:04
uvirtbot`sgsax: Error: "^" is not a valid command.15:04
pmatulisi've heard seck-ruh-tree15:04
sgsaxthat would be UK-style English15:04
* sgsax really isn't an isolationist and believes Americal English is the most bastardized collection of grammars on the planet15:05
Tom_Asssgsax, what are limeys? French? Canadians?15:05
sgsaxTom_Ass: Brits15:06
sgsaxso anyway, ubuntu is pretty cool15:11
Tom_Assno, really? =)15:12
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\shdoes anyone run ipvs on jaunty?15:59
\shipvsadm --start-daemon master -> Module is wrong version -> fail16:00
\shbah...that's not ipvsadm...it's *censored* LVSSyncDaemon16:04
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uvirtbot`New bug: #395055 in nagios3 (main) "Synaptic crashes during Installing software" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39505516:40
uvirtbot`New bug: #409414 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (main) "package mysql-server-5.0 5.0.67-0ubuntu6 failed to install/upgrade: 子进程 post-installation script 返回了错误号 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40941417:00
uvirtbot`New bug: #409423 in openldap (main) "OpenLDAP Can't Set Multiple Ciphers Using TLSCipherSuite" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40942318:02
addisonjah quieter here :D18:13
Sam-I-Amas oppose to?18:14
addisonjheh, yes, actually looking for opinions, going to be do a PHP based web app, trying to decide which version to go with, hardy or jaunty? and major pros or cons?18:15
Sam-I-Amif its a server, maybe the LTS release?18:15
Sam-I-Amif it needs to stick around a while as-is18:16
infinityaddisonj: Newer versions won't buy you much, generaly, and hardy has 5 years of server support.18:16
infinityaddisonj: When it comes to apache/php/postgres/mysql/etc, they move pretty slowly.  Running an "old" version is perfectly fine (not like hardy is that old, but whatever)18:17
addisonjalright, and no real benefits to speed from newer kernels then?18:17
infinityaddisonj: Nothing meaningful.18:18
addisonjk, well thank you, ah helpful chat rooms what a breath of fresh air :D18:18
infinityaddisonj: I run an intrepid kernel on one of my hardy hosts, but that's because of a weird bug in a specific device driver that I'm too lazy to bisect and backport the fix for. :P18:18
addisonjyeah, this is going to be a virtual private server, so I hopefully wont have such issues :P18:19
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Max007I installed ubuntu server 9.04 64 bits. After the server boots I can't logon with tty1. I have to log on tty2 and then I can run "exec "sbin/getty 38400 tty1" and then I can log on to tty1. Can somebody help me ?19:03
garymcwhy when i try to boot with ubuntu 9.04 disk it says GRUB loading please wait error 17?19:13
giovani|workgarymc: install disk, or a hard drive post-install?19:17
garymcinstall disk19:18
giovani|workgarymc: grub shouldn't be loading from the install disk19:18
giovani|workyou sure you're not booting from the hard drive?19:18
giovani|workif grub is indeed loading from the install disk ... then the disk is likely corrupted19:18
garymci dont think the disk is getting read19:19
giovani|workthat sounds like it's NOT booting from the CD then19:19
sgsaxgarymc: you check the boot order in the bios?19:19
giovani|workif it's not being read19:19
giovani|workgarymc: how did you burn the cd?19:19
garymcim doing another copy at slower speed to test19:19
abel408Hello everyone. Whenever I try "modprobe kvm-intel" I get this error: "WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/options, it will be ignored in a future release." and nothing else19:19
giovani|workgarymc: how did you burn the disk?19:19
garymcin iso burner19:20
garymctheres an error with the cd19:20
giovani|workgarymc: did you md5 the iso first?19:20
garymcno what is that?19:20
sgsaxmd5 will generate a checksum of the file19:20
garymchow do i do that19:20
sgsaxcomapre that to the known good checksum, usually from the same place you got the iso19:21
sgsaxmd5 ubuntu-blah-bah.iso19:21
giovani|workgarymc: the .iso file itself could've been corrupted during the download, and the cd itself could be corrupted by bad media or a bad burn19:21
giovani|workmd5sum ubuntu.iso actually19:21
garymcyeah im thinking the cd rs im using are crap19:21
sgsaxsorry, giovani|work is right19:21
giovani|workevery FTP/HTTP mirror has a md5sums file19:21
garymccos ive downloaded from two diff places and both aint working with these disks19:21
giovani|workgarymc: there's little harm in checking the md5 of the .iso before burning19:21
giovani|workit takes minutes19:21
giovani|workand saves you a headache19:21
garymcaint burnt a cdr in ages untill today always burn dvd r19:22
garymcthey work good19:22
garymcbut my servers only got cd readers19:22
sgsaxMax007: sounds like your terminal isn't getting set right, I would think that would get run by .bashrc or .profile, or the system-wide copies of those19:22
sgsaxgarymc: I just use cdrecord19:23
sgsaxeven wrote a wrapper script for it19:23
giovani|workMax007: cat /etc/event.d/tty119:23
garymcif this slower speed dosnt work im going to buy som new cd-rs19:23
giovani|workgarymc: you're going to check the .isos md5 first ...19:23
giovani|worklike I said19:23
giovani|workotherwise, you're being foolish19:23
sgsaxcheck the md5sum first, make sure it's a good iso19:23
garymcdont understand that md5 stuff19:23
sgsaxdead simple19:24
giovani|workgarymc: not understanding it isn't a reason to not do it19:24
sgsaxyou run md5sum and it generates a magic number19:24
giovani|workrun "md5sum ubuntu------.iso from a command line19:24
sgsaxcompare that magic number to the known one19:24
sgsaxif they don't match, you've got a bum download19:24
garymcim doing this on windows does it matter?19:24
sgsaxshouldn't, but you'll need an md5sum that runs in windows19:24
giovani|workgarymc: you'll need a piece of software -- like hashtab then19:24
garymcwell its 7:25 pm here im into unpaid overtime so im gonna go home and get back on it soon19:25
giovani|workgarymc: and we're unpaid volunteer irc help :)19:26
garymcinfact i dont get paid19:26
garymcim just knackered19:26
garymcive been doing this crap all day to no evail19:26
garymcfed up now need rest19:26
garymcill try this next burn if doesnt work ill go home and try this md5checksum thing out19:27
sgsaxgarymc: good luck19:31
=== cemc1 is now known as cemc
abel408what does this mean and how can I fix it: "WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/options, it will be ignored in a future release."19:34
sgsaxabel408: just a warning and safe to ignore19:35
sgsaxif you run lsmod and the module is listed, then it's getting loaded19:35
cemcabel408: I guess it wants you to rename options to options.conf ?19:36
sgsaxthat would be simplest19:40
sgsaxthen you'd be future-proof for whenever modutils of the kernel (not sure which) will start requiring this19:40
giovani|workcemc: it's a known bug afaik19:41
giovani|workabel408: it's a warning, not an error -- google declares it a bug19:42
sgsaxsupposedly a new version of module-init-tools from upstream should have fixed the warning19:42
sgsaxMax007: did you see my earlier response?19:42
Max007i have a problem.. what I boot my server, tty1 won't load.. I have no login prompt on tty1. I can only log on to tty219:43
Max007sgsax: nop19:43
cemcI thought it's a warning because they will require it sometime in the future,19:43
giovani|workMax007: I responded to you19:43
cemcso they're preparing you for it19:43
giovani|workMax007: cat /etc/event.d/tty1 please19:43
giovani|workcemc: yeah, when that release comes, things will be fixed19:43
Max007giovani|work: http://pastebin.com/m645fd38a<19:43
Max007giovani|work: http://pastebin.com/m645fd38a19:43
giovani|workMax007: pastebin dmesg19:44
sgsaxMax007: that looks good19:44
sgsaxlooks like mine anyway19:44
giovani|workMax007: also what do you mean by "can't login on tty1"?19:47
giovani|workwhen you boot up, all bootup messages should go to tty1 ... so are you seeing those?19:47
Max007_giovani|work: did you see my pastebin ?19:49
sgsaxMax007_: only the first one, nothing for your dmesg output yet19:50
giovani|workMax007_: the first one, yes, I asked for a 2nd one19:50
giovani|workand asked a question you haven't answered19:50
Max007_giovani|work: i'm sorry i'm through a vpn and it keeps crashing19:50
giovani|work14:44 < giovani|work> Max007: pastebin dmesg19:51
giovani|work14:47 < giovani|work> Max007: also what do you mean by "can't login on tty1"?19:51
giovani|work14:47 < giovani|work> when you boot up, all bootup messages should go to tty1 ... so are you seeing those?19:51
Max007_yes i see bootup message19:51
Max007_but there's no login prompt19:51
giovani|workMax007_: then I suspect that nothing is wrong with tty119:51
giovani|workMax007_: press enter a few times -- often messages spill out after the login prompt -- this is how linux works19:52
Max007_giovani|work: that's what i thought but it does nothing19:52
giovani|workMax007_: I'm 99% sure you're mistaken :)19:52
giovani|worktry it again19:52
Max007_giovani|work: I even try to type my login and password... it does nothing19:53
giovani|workwait, you're typing your login and password into what? you said it doesn't prompt you19:53
Max007_giovani|work: it doesn't prompt me... i just type it and it appear on the screen19:53
Max007_but nothing happen19:53
giovani|workMax007_: I think this is user error19:54
giovani|worktty1 is clearly functioning19:54
Max007_apart from my password is displayed19:54
giovani|workpress enter a few times19:54
sgsaxMax007_: are you sure the system is fully booting?19:54
Max007_sgsax: yes i'm sure, i can log on tty2 (ctrl+f2)19:54
Max007_and i can log with ssh19:54
giovani|workMax007_: alright, reboot the server19:54
Max007_the server's running squid, which is working weel19:55
sgsaxso tty1 is being taken over by syslog output then19:55
sgsaxwhich should go to tty8 or higher19:55
Max007_giovani|work: i rebooted it like 20 times19:55
giovani|workand run "sudo ps aux | grep tty"19:55
giovani|workMax007_: well then once more won't hurt you19:55
Max007_giovani|work: aigyht19:55
giovani|worksgsax: yeah, I covered that a few minutes ago19:55
giovani|workMax007_: don't run getty when you reboot it19:55
giovani|workjust ssh in, or use tty219:56
giovani|workand run that19:56
giovani|workyou rebooted the server and it's back up already?19:56
Max007_nop i run the command before19:56
Max007_i reboot now19:56
giovani|workok, a pastebin of dmesg then19:57
Max007_after the reboot19:57
giovani|workit's never spawning -- did you edit anything in /etc/event.d?19:57
Max007_giovani|work: i tried to edit /etc/event.d/tty1 to make it the same as tty2 but i restored the backup after19:57
giovani|workMax007_: they should be the same, why would you have to change it to make it the same?19:58
Max007_giovani|work: they are not19:58
Max007_giovani|work: there's a little difference.19:58
sgsaxtty1 is different from tty2 for me19:58
giovani|workoh fair enough19:59
Max007_and is different on my 5 other servers19:59
giovani|worktty1 is used for single-user, obviously19:59
Max007_tty1 and tty2 from another server20:00
giovani|workMax007_: how about dmesg?20:01
Max007_http://pastebin.com/m5fbc499f ps aux | grep tty after reboot20:01
Max007_giovani|work: http://pastebin.com/m36d8cf36 --> dmesg20:02
sgsaxMax007_: does /dev/tty1 exist?20:08
Max007_sgsax: yep20:08
sgsaxls -la /dev/tty120:08
Max007_crw--w---- 1 root tty 4, 1 2009-08-05 15:00 /dev/tty120:09
giovani|workbad permissions20:09
giovani|workls -la /dev/tty2 please20:09
sgsaxyeah, should be 0600 with root:root as owner20:09
giovani|workyou've probably poked around with udev.rules20:09
sgsaxbut the device numbers are correct20:10
Max007_crw------- 1 root root 4, 2 2009-08-05 15:00 /dev/tty220:10
giovani|workMax007_: tjat20:11
giovani|workthat's correct20:11
giovani|workhave you been changing anything in /etc/udev/rules.d/?20:11
sgsaxyou can try fixing them manually now, but if udev is dorking with them, they'll be reset on reboot20:11
Max007_giovani|work: nope20:11
giovani|workMax007_: pastebin "grep tty /etc/udev/rules.d/*"20:11
giovani|workor rather "grep -i tty /etc/udev/rules.d/*"20:12
Max007_giovani|work: nothing20:12
giovani|workls /etc/udev/rules.d/20:12
sgsaxso try fixing them20:12
sgsaxchmod 600 /dev/tty120:12
sgsaxchown root:root /dev/tty120:12
giovani|worksgsax: no, udev is broken if it doesn't have any files setting tty20:12
sgsaxthen reboot and see if the permissions stick20:13
sgsaxgiovani|work: I don't have anything in udev/rules for tty either20:13
Max007_giovani|work: i tried grep -i tty /etc/udev/rules.d/* on another server and there's nothing either20:13
sgsaxI only have cd.rules and net.rules20:13
giovani|worksgsax: that's not right --  check /etc/udev/rules.d/60-permissions.rules and 40-basic-permissions.rules20:13
giovani|worksgsax: what ubuntu release?20:13
sgsaxthis is 9.04 desktop and not server, but shouldn't be significantly different20:14
Max007_i pressed ctrl alt del to reboot... after that login prompt appeared20:14
sgsaxheh, yeah, because that does init 620:14
giovani|workMax007_: well you seem to have changed /dev/tty's permissions then :) -- or something did20:14
Max007_giovani|work: I did not.. it's a newly installed server20:14
Max007_giovani|work: i installed it 20 hours ago20:15
giovani|workMax007_: well considering you're the only person in #ubuntu-server with this problem20:15
sgsaxgiovani|work: I have permissions.rules and basic-permissions-rules on my 8.04 servers20:15
giovani|worksgsax: ok, so they've changed it since 8.10, which is what my server runs20:15
giovani|workI don't have a 9.04 box handy20:15
sgsax8.04 has udev 117-8, 9.04 has udev 141-1.220:16
Max007_still no login prompt after reboot20:19
Max007_crw--w---- 1 root tty 4, 1 2009-08-05 15:16 /dev/tty120:20
StrangeCharmon a new 9.04s install with openssh and virtual machines option, kvm fails at startup, what could be causing this?20:27
stefgStrangeCharm: your cpu doesn't support hardware virtualization...20:29
stefgStrangeCharm: egrep '(vmx|svm)' /proc/cpuinfo gives what ?20:30
StrangeCharmstefg, i think my cpu supports some features, but certainly not the latest ones, let me check20:31
Max007_sgsax, giovani|work : any idea ?20:31
StrangeCharmstefg, no result20:31
stefgStrangeCharm: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/Installation20:31
stefgStrangeCharm: no kvm on that machine20:32
StrangeCharmstefg, so no kvm for me. is there an alternate vm manager that works on machines that don't provide specific virtualisation hardware support?20:33
stefgStrangeCharm: your options: virtualbox (best run with gui).... vmware (eeewwwww) .... forget about virtual servers and run everything on plain hardware (ebox)20:35
StrangeCharmstefg, i'll take a look at the cli interface for virtualbox, i haven't had time to have a good look at ebox, can it run multiple instances of the same software side-by-side?20:37
stefgStrangeCharm: ebox is a preconfigured system for small enterprises... it frees you from worrying about samba, ldap and most other boring stuff, but is quite inflexible20:39
stefgso ... no20:39
giovani|workebox, small enterprises? hah22:07
LiraNunadmesg reports a lot of22:24
LiraNuna[2946900.131421] TCP: Treason uncloaked! Peer shrinks window 4102367244:4102381644. Repaired.22:24
LiraNunashould I be concerned?22:24
LiraNunaI also have (right before that) stuff like22:25
LiraNuna[2864070.437606] Pid: 0, comm: swapper Tainted: GF       2.6.24-24-server #122:25
LiraNuna 22:25
LiraNunathis is on a fully updated and patched 8.04 server22:26
giovani|workLiraNuna: it depends22:26
giovani|workif it's a legitimate connection -- then it could be a network error22:26
LiraNunagiovani|work, unlikely, my server doesn't listen at such high ports22:26
KillMeNowyou're runnign a web server correct?22:26
giovani|workif it's not a known legitimate connection, it's probably an indicator of a SYN flood with a tiny TCP window size22:26
KillMeNowis your kernel installed with syncookies?22:27
LiraNunaubuntu's -server kernel22:27
giovani|workLiraNuna: right, so it's a client of your web server, obviously22:27
LiraNuna91.63.188.225:2363/80 on port 2363 ?22:27
giovani|workconnecting to port 80 ...22:27
LiraNunaoh, I see22:28
hggdhno route to host here22:28
KillMeNowit's likely a spoof22:28
KillMeNowcheck out that post - see if it helps22:28
giovani|workLiraNuna: are all of the lines that same IP?22:29
giovani|workor many different IPs?22:29
LiraNunagiovani|work, different IPs22:29
giovani|workhggdh: route is fine22:29
giovani|workLiraNuna: welcome to a SYN flood ddos22:29
LiraNunaso it was a DDoS attack22:29
giovani|workof course22:30
giovani|worka syn flood22:30
giovani|workwhich is a specific type of ddos22:30
LiraNunahow can I prevent it? or is it already prevented22:30
giovani|workwith window resizing, evidently22:30
LiraNunamy server's fine - I'm just worried by logs22:30
giovani|workLiraNuna: read the page KillMeNow sent you22:30
LiraNunaI am22:30
giovani|workand read up on syncookies22:30
LiraNunathank you giovani|work and KillMeNow22:41
StrangeCharmsi there a standard tutorial for rejiging the filesystem? i need remove /var from a secondary disk (put it back into the main /) and put /home onto another disk22:45
nick125StrangeCharm: boot a livecd, mount / to somewhere like /mnt/root and your old /var to somewhere like /mnt/var, mkdir /mnt/root/var, copy /mnt/var to /mnt/root/var, edit fstab, tada.22:48
StrangeCharmnick125, why does that need a livecd?22:49
nick125StrangeCharm: To prevent problems with files in use and stuff trying to access /var while you're messing with it.22:49
hggdhbecause /var has files that are used by the system. You might succeed if you boot on maintenance mode22:50
StrangeCharmhggdh, is that one of the default boot options?22:51
nick125That too. PIDs are stored in /var/run, there's /var/log, etc.22:51
hggdhit should be, yes (I do not remember the naming). When you boot, on Grub you should have an option for a normal boot and another for a maintenance boot22:52
nick125rescue mode or whatnot.22:52
hggdhrecovery mode, just checked... memory, memory...22:53
StrangeCharmwhen you say 'edit fstab' you mean 'remove the entry referring to /var being on another disk' ?22:57
CopyWriterubuntu is working perfectly at the office23:47
CopyWriteri'm getting loads of problems installing openldap tho23:47
CopyWriterso just migrating the client machines first, it has been a productive day, got 22 desktops done23:48

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