
=== tritium_ is now known as tritiu
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=== SteveA changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: Help contact: SteveA | File Sharing for Ubuntu | https://ubuntuone.com | https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone | Currently in limited beta, new invitations are sent regularly | Current Beta Client Revno is 113, Protocol Revno is 58 | Release 0.91
SteveAhi everyone!08:51
statikhi aquarius, i'm having trouble with desktopcouch/local_files.py. it imports the ubuntuone module, which is a bogus dependency i think12:13
statikbut now i'm a bit stuck figuring out how to replace the is_in_source_tree() code12:13
statikof course, i figured out a way around it as soon as i said that12:15
SteveAChipaca: hi john12:16
Chipacahi SteveA!12:16
ChipacaSteveA: face duty?12:16
SteveAChipaca: I'm the help contact today, and I'm replying to a thead on the ubuntuone-users list12:16
SteveAa user reports geting a conflict when trying to put a .zip file into their My Files folder12:17
SteveAbut no conflict with the same file but under another name12:17
SteveAwe don't do anything special for .zip files, do we?12:17
Chipacalet me see the email...12:17
ChipacaSteveA: what was the subject of the email?12:19
SteveA"file renamed"12:20
aquariusstatik, yeah, just seen rick's bug about that12:21
kenvandinestatik, i just pushed a fix in the packaging branch for the missing dep12:21
kenvandinestatik, ok if we wait on getting that sponsored? since folks should have u1 installed by default?12:22
aquariusstatik, I'm confused. my desktopcouch/local_files.py doesn't import ubuntuone12:22
SteveAChipaca: I just replied to that thread12:22
kenvandinei figure we will have more stuff this week :)12:22
kenvandineaquarius, i just added the dep12:22
kenvandineaquarius, weird12:22
aquariuskenvandine, aha, gotcha. Yeah, rick's right; we don't want desktopcouch to depend on ubuntuone12:23
ChipacaSteveA: found it, thanks12:23
kenvandinewe need to refactor then12:23
kenvandinechad pushed a change that uses uuid from it or something12:23
ChipacaSteveA: I'm not sure if it's been deployed, but there was a window for spurious conflicts until recently12:24
ChipacaSteveA: related to not telling the difference between an empty file and a file that hasn't been uploaded to yet12:24
aquariusah, I needed to pull again12:24
SteveAChipaca: was that the same kind of think I was seeing when trying to edit a new file in vim?12:24
SteveAI'd often get a conflict, even thoughI was the sole users12:24
kenvandineaquarius, it looks like it is using that to detect if it is a local checkout or not12:25
aquariuskenvandine, yep, but I'm not sure why it's looking at ubuntuone to discover that. desktopcouch is a different source tree12:25
kenvandineyeah, it shouldn't :)12:25
aquariusit didn't look at ubuntuone before...and now I can't remember how it worked before because I've overwritten it by pulling :)12:26
kenvandinei will revert my packaging change then12:26
kenvandineaquarius, it was changed in revision 14.6.512:26
ChipacaSteveA: no, the editing in vim was because of a bug in syncdaemon itself, which has been fixed and released12:28
ChipacaSteveA: now if you install syncdaemon, we helpfully uninstall vim :-P12:29
Chipacait's for your own good, really12:29
aquariuskenvandine, bzr: ERROR: Requested revision: u'14.6.5' does not exist in branch: BzrBranch7('file:///home/aquarius/canonical/ubunet/desktopcouch/')12:29
kenvandineok... well i don't know bzr well enough12:29
kenvandineuse blame :)12:29
kenvandinebzr blame desktopcouch/local_files.py12:30
statiki don't particularly like that code, but i just proposed a branch that makes the dependency less horrible12:30
CardinalFangstatik, Maybe we should drop the generated PNGs/GIFs and make the browser render data.  http://vis.stanford.edu/protovis/ex/  (end)12:30
statikCardinalFang, for the file previews?12:31
statikdobey, did you publish review-tool in a public project?12:31
CardinalFangNo, :)    Launchpad statistics, at least.12:32
CardinalFangThere's another place we make graphs.... .12:32
CardinalFangstatik, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubunet/+bug/37754012:33
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/377540/+text)12:33
statikCardinalFang, doesn't launchpad already draw the graphs directly on a <canvas> element using javascript?12:35
CardinalFangstatik, Maybe.  Dozer?12:35
statikdozer is using pil to generate images12:36
statikwow it is really annoying that clicking disconnect on the applet doesn't seem to disconnect or stop the spinning12:37
statikCardinalFang, btw did you get to talk to the gwibber guy yesterday?12:37
CardinalFangstatik, Yes.  I started on making Gwibber read/write account info to couchdb.12:38
statiki heard there were some other changes needed to gwibber in order to get gwibber 2.0 into karmic, do you know what those are?12:39
kenvandinestatik, http://live.gnome.org/Gwibber/Roadmap12:41
statikjblount, files/new/ is not showing a bunch of the filenames for me using firefox-3.5 on karmic12:41
CardinalFangstatik, aquarius, When I started poking data into desktopcouch, I realized I don't have some ideas fleshed out.  What should the database name be?  Shared among all apps, perhaps?  Gwibber doesn't have a canonical web site, so I had to make up a record_type.  I hope this is okay.  ...12:41
statikCardinalFang, aquarius would know better than me.12:46
aquariusCardinalFang, there's a distinction between storing data for a specific application and storing data that other apps may share. Account info sounds to me like a shareable sort of thing. Making up a record type is fine -- the convention is that the URL should point to a description of the record, but it's not enforced. (The convention should be followed where possible, though)12:50
aquariusCardinalFang, database name is an interesting one. I suggest storing the data in a "gwibber" database. If, in the future, there's a desktop-wide shared collection of this account data, then inventing a "social_networks" database and changing gwibber to use it seems a good idea.12:51
CardinalFangaquarius, Rgr.12:52
aquariusCardinalFang, I'm open to discussion on any of this stuff, btw :)12:52
SteveAaquarius, CardinalFang: I was thinking about gwibber/couch integration on Friday in London12:53
SteveAI'd like to talk through it with y'all.  Gwibber has two different models of using contacts -- much like IM applications do12:53
SteveAfor some services, like twitter, the service itself records who you are following, online12:53
SteveAand there is one feed to use your own login to read it12:54
aquariusGwibber's a weird one, because it is (a) an application and (b) a proposed Gateway To Social Networks for all other applications, and how all its data should be stored differs dramatically between these two use cases12:54
SteveAfor other services (like following Atom feeds of blogs in gwibber) you say who you are following on your own machine12:54
SteveAin your own database12:54
* CardinalFang nods.12:54
SteveAthis is a bit like an IM application where with AOL IM, you ask the AOL server who your buddies are12:54
SteveAsame for Jabber12:54
SteveAsame for skype12:55
SteveAin these cases, I think we (eventually) should have a syncing arrangement12:55
SteveAwhere we sync the contact info in a user's couchdb with the info stored in the online service (Jabber, twitter, aol, etc)12:55
CardinalFangSteveA, So, mirror locally what the remote end knows to be a contact list.12:55
aquariusmuch like pidgin does, hence the "buddy X is on your local list but not in the server list; do you want to add them?"12:55
SteveAaquarius: yes, that kind of thing12:56
SteveACardinalFang: yes.  But, we also have different concepts of a contact to map12:56
SteveAin CouchDB on the desktop for contacts, we have the idea of a person, a contact record12:56
SteveAand in that person's record, we have various means of contacting them12:56
SteveAor seeing information about them12:57
SteveAbut compare that to twitter -- there is no distinction between Stephen Fry's twitter identity and his alter-ego Mrs Stephen Fry12:57
SteveAin my couchdb, they'd be the same person record who has two twitter feeds12:58
* SteveA --> lunch13:09
dobeystatik: not yet14:05
jblountMEETING BEGINS15:00
jblountPeople of desktop+, let your voice be heard! A simple "me" (or similar) will get you into the role of todays standup, and tomorrows future.15:00
jblountCardinalFang, dobey, statik ?15:02
jblountDONE: Got some more css quirks completed yesterday15:03
jblountTODO: Lots of triage, try to track down what's going down with "live" /files/new truncating stuff15:03
jblountBLOCKED: Nope15:03
jblounturbanape: You know what to do15:03
urbanapeDONE: submitted the new UI sharing branch (finally!) with massive help from mars in #rhinos.15:03
urbanapeTODO: Cranking through on the newui bugs now that the bare (just barely) functionality is present.15:03
urbanapeBLOCK: nada15:03
aquarius⚀ DONE: evaluate couchdbkit; lots of cool stuff going into couch upstream; frustrating day15:03
aquarius⚁ TODO: piston oauth in snowy; learn about process groups; branch to do desktopcouch startup15:03
aquarius⚂ BLOCKED: none15:03
aquariusAlas, poor vds: I knew him, Horatio15:03
vdsDONE: fixed nasty bug in one of my branch, waiting to fix an issue with cloud_server before proposing that branch again, waiting for funambol_cared branch to be approved, discussed about funambol exchange deployment.15:03
vdsTODO: land both branches, continue with the deployment of fx15:03
vdsBLOCKED: nope15:03
vdsno one else?15:04
jblountvds: No one else me'd, so we'll EOM for now, let them paste when they get a chance :)15:04
jblountEND OF MEETING15:04
CardinalFangDONE: most of spawning/paste integration.  Starting Gwibber/desktopcouch integration.15:06
CardinalFangTODO: finish spawning/paste, at least.15:07
CardinalFangTODO: finish spawning/paste, at least.  Maybe Gwibber.  Ideas, anyone?  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Gwibber/DesktopCouch15:07
CardinalFangBLOCKED: None.15:07
* CardinalFang dereference null pointer.15:07
* CardinalFang crashes.15:07
aquariusCardinalFang, what's "record_version"?15:08
aquariusCardinalFang, that wants to be record_type_version :)15:08
CardinalFangaquarius, You're prob right.15:08
aquariusand I'd suggest adding record_type explicitly to the spec on that page as well (in the json dump)15:09
aquariusthings that are completely specific to gwibber should go in application_annotations, but I'm not sure there are any. message_colour is...debatable.15:10
aquariuswhat's account_id for? the document gets an ID anyway15:10
CardinalFangYeah, I'm about to refactor that away.  Currently, I'm sharing space with GConf, and using its IDs.15:11
rodrigo_CardinalFang: we are adding record_type pages to freedesktop -> http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/desktopcouch15:17
rodrigo_CardinalFang: so add it there when you're happy with it, please :)15:17
rodrigo_dobey: can you please review https://launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/couchdb-glib/set-get-uuids/+merge/9660 ? We are waiting to do a release on that branch15:18
CardinalFangrodrigo_, Oh, that's prefect.  I feel better seeing that than making up my own information.15:19
rodrigo_CardinalFang: cool :)15:20
aquariusrodrigo_, CardinalFang: I'm not sure about adding the gwibber record pages to the freedesktop wiki15:21
aquariusthos pages aren't meant to be documentation of every record type that exists (people should not feel constrained to add their record types to the freedesktop wiki!)15:21
rodrigo_aquarius: well, if it's only for gwibber, right, but this is about online services accounts, right?15:21
aquariusrodrigo_, yeah, but the record type for these records isn't a freedesktop url15:21
aquariusand I don't want to encourage people to think that all recordtypes live at freedesktop15:22
rodrigo_aquarius: because we don't have the xdg page yet :)15:22
aquariusgwibber records seem a perfect example of something that shouldn't be a centralised freedesktop url record15:22
aquariusthey're semi-specific to gwibber15:22
aquariusI am sort of on the fence about this particular example, I admit it15:22
rodrigo_ah, if it's specific to gwibber, ok, but I see it could be extended to be an 'accounts' record type, right?15:23
aquariusyes, definitely15:23
aquariusI'd just like there to be some examples of non-generic record types, and the gwibber ones seem like a good example. This is the conflict in what gwibber's for: is it an app for monitoring feeds of your social networks, or is it a gateway to social networks for the whole desktop with a little GUI on top of it?15:25
rodrigo_yeah, right15:28
SteveAjcastro: hi jorge!16:06
jcastrohi SteveA!16:06
jdomy ubuntuone icon is spinning. is there a way to find out what it's doing?16:33
jdoI didn't update anything16:33
dobeyjdo: syncdaemon log should tell you the current state17:04
=== ink_away is now known as inkvizitor68sl
druid2hello, sorry for my english.20:50
druid2i have a question: can ubuntuone client show upload progress?20:51
jblountdruid2: If you do "u1sdtool --current-transfers" in a terminal, you can get upload / download progress20:53
jblountWe'll have that in the ui shortly20:53
druid2thank you20:53
jblountdruid2: Sure thing :)20:54
peppertartsHi all, does anyone know how to validate a computer with UbuntuOne after the computer has been removed using the web interface?22:39
dobeypeppertarts: you'll need to remove the "UbuntuOne token" from the Passwords tab in Accessories->Passwords and Encryption Keys22:40
dobeythough that will behave more appropriately soon22:40
peppertartsdobey: Excellent, that's got it. Thanks.22:41
aquariusdobey, should that be a FAQ?22:59
aquariusthere's an interesting question. peppertarts, can I ask whether you looked at our faq list for an answer to that question?23:00
peppertartsI looked in the 'Support' section, the 'Known issues' section and browsed through some of the bugs. I haven't come across a FAQ page, is it on ubuntuone.com? A link to it in the support section would be handy.23:24

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