
poolielifeless: i'm telling you, it's a liberal lie00:05
jelmerSamB: bzr-svn is already using platform-specific auth providers where possible00:16
SamBjelmer: all of the ones that that function returns?00:17
SamB'cause I didn't see bindings for it00:17
jelmerthere's one for windows and one for keychain (Mac OS X)00:18
jelmerkwallet is missing00:18
jelmersupport for gnome-keyring is also not there, but already provided through bzr-gtk00:18
jelmerSamB: are you still convinced this is a valid bug report?00:26
SamBjelmer: well, I do think it would make more sense to use that function than to do everything piecemeal ... though APR is a bit of a pain ...00:35
SamBand why is the gnome-keyring bit part of bzr-gtk?00:36
SamBsvn uses it fine from the CLI ...00:36
jelmerSamB: it's part of bzr-gtk because it's not svn-specific in any way00:37
jelmerSamB: "plain" bzr can use gnome keyring as well00:37
SamBjelmer: oh. well, svn uses it in a particular way00:38
jelmerSamB: that function doesn't really allow us to do everything piecemeal, we still have to call it with the name of the client provider we'd like to obtain00:38
jelmerthat's hardly no more useful than seeing if a method with a particular name exists in Python00:38
SamBjelmer: oh, wait, I must have got mixed up00:39
jelmerSamB: related to this, I don't want to know what happens if both bzr-gtk and bzr-svn both register providers that use gnome keyring00:39
jelmerSamB: what's the actual problem you're trying to solve? "must use function 'foo'" doesn't seem like a worthwile goal by itself00:41
pooliehi jelmer00:47
jelmermoin poolie00:47
SamBjelmer: er, sorry about that, my computer has been rebooting at the darnedest times lately ...00:48
SamB<SamB> jelmer: oh, wait, I must have got mixed up00:48
SamBthat's the last thing I saw ...00:48
jelmerSamB: related to this, I don't want to know what happens if both bzr-gtk and bzr-svn both register providers that use gnome keyring00:48
jelmerSamB: what's the actual problem you're trying to solve? "must use function 'foo'" doesn't seem like a worthwile goal by itself00:48
SamBjelmer: anyway, right before it rebooted I realized you were probably looking at the singular-named function that is named almost the same as a plural-named function00:49
* jelmer has another look00:50
jelmerSamB: you're right, that would probably be useful to expose on a subvertpy level00:51
jelmerSamB: I don't see what problem it would solve for bzr-svn though00:51
SamBwell, it would mean not having to do anything to support any new platform-specific authentication providers that SVN 1.7 might have ...00:53
jelmerSamB: it also means duplication of gnome-keyring00:54
jelmerSamB: any specific stuff that svn 1.7 might add we can add support for manually /if it doesn't conflict with stuff bzr already provides/00:55
SamBjelmer: I don't understand this whole "conflict" thinking00:57
jelmerSamB: if e.g. the password in gnome-keyring is wrong we'll end up sending it twice00:59
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SamBjelmer: say, is this related to seahorse at all?01:00
SamBbecause I don't *have* that01:00
jelmerSamB: no, seahorse is only accessed by bzr-gtk for gpg signatures01:01
SamBhow do I get at what gnome-keyring stores?01:01
jelmerI think there's a separate app01:02
jelmergnome-keyring-manager or something IIRC01:03
SamBjelmer: ah, that's it alright01:04
SamBjelmer: so, how is the bzr-gtk support supposed to work?01:06
jelmerSamB: it registers a fallback credentials provider01:07
jelmerSamB: that gets queried by bzr before it prompts01:07
SamBwonder why I didn't see anything like that happen?01:08
SamB... that not need to ask me for a password before it could do anything?01:09
jelmerSamB: it'll only use existing passwords, never storing new ones01:09
jelmer(since it doesn't have a way to tell whether a password that was entered and returned was valid01:10
SamBit can check whether there is one without the keyring password being entered?01:10
jelmerI don't know01:11
dashi've upgraded to a recent enough bzr and svn to set revision properties instead of file properties on push. can I delete all the bzr: file properties in svn without deleterious results?01:12
SamBdash: freenode appears to have eaten your "jelmer: "01:13
SamBjelmer: hmm, /usr/share/doc/gnome-keyring/keyring-intro.txt.gz tells me that it only asks for a password if something is found01:24
spiv_jam: ping?  Are you still looking at the inventory-delta patch?01:24
SamBso I'm thinking that either this isn't working at all for bzr, or bzr and svn don't find the same entries01:25
jelmerdash: yeah, you should be able to do that. the main thing you'll probably lose is the ability to branch old revisions by revid easily01:26
dashnot an issue, i expect01:27
jelmerdash: emphasis on *should*, this isn't something that a lot of people have been testing afaik01:29
dashjelmer: Hooray! Science!01:30
dashI will let you know if I develop any adverse symptoms.01:30
jelmerSamB: yeah, that sounds sensible01:30
Luke-JrBest way to fabricate commits? XD01:31
SamBjelmer: FWIW, the entry that SVN made in my keyring has only the Username, Password, Port, and Domain fields filled in in gnome-keyring-manager ...01:34
SamBand the Port field has a 0 in it01:34
SamBand is grayed out01:35
SamBso maybe that's not really filled in either01:35
SamBjelmer: how is the bzr user expected to have gotten entries in there that bzr would use ?01:38
jelmerSamB: epiphany01:53
jelmerSamB: also, hopefully the API will start supporting the addition of new entries at some point01:53
SamBjelmer: the bzrlib API?01:54
SamBjelmer: anyway ... it sure looks like your gnome-keyring thingy doesn't subsume SVN's ...01:56
spiv_lifeless: want to review my inventory-delta patch?02:00
lifelessspiv_: yes02:00
lifelessI've been battling a check patch02:00
lifelesshopefully its really sorted now, and I'm -> food02:00
lifelessbut after that02:00
spiv_lifeless: hooray!  Thanks :)02:01
lifelessalso evolution is being utterly retarded02:01
SamBlifeless: you ... don't evolve, though02:01
SamByou're an individual02:01
SamBthis is *not* pokemon02:01
lifelessI mean really. Its like a kid thats got diarrea crawling backwards and eating off the floor, all at the same time.02:01
lifelessSamB: Dunno about you, but my cells divide, have random mutations and undergo a fitness test.02:02
poolieenough, hey02:09
lifeless3 hours now I've been trying to get email read02:11
lifelessI'm venting elsewhere now02:11
=== spiv_ is now known as spiv
* emmajane blinks at lifeless.02:47
* emmajane thinks that sometimes it's better not to read backwards. :)02:48
jamspiv: I sent in a little bit more review, but I haven't "finished" yet02:56
jamHowever, for *me* InventoryDelta is significantly *faster* for converting than IDS for bzr.dev @200002:57
jamI think because the extra repacks are costing it a bit of time02:57
spivjam: yeah, I see that too.02:59
jamnote that it is still *slower* for mysql-52502:59
jamI haven't split out the repacking time to know where the problem might be.03:00
jamIt might be repacking03:00
spivI'm just in the process of grabbing launchpad so I have a larger dataset to work with.03:00
SamBrepacks tend to crawl for me ...03:00
jamit might also be that by default btreebuilder will cache up to 100,000 nodes before writing anything to disk03:00
jamwhile repacking is causing it to write and read again much more often03:00
jamspiv: except lp starts as --2a ...03:01
jammight want to grab mysql instead03:01
spivOr as well :)03:01
jamspiv: so I wonder if the last bit is that IDS will not re-read an inventory from the source if it misses from the cache.03:03
jamso occasionally it probably generates a fairly large delta03:03
jamspiv: if we could  fix the "re-read full inventories to generate the root texts" and "progress indication" I'd be happy to remove IDS :)03:04
spivjam: I know I'd be happy to remove it :)03:05
jamthe progress thing is actually a pretty big deal03:05
jamtry upgrading something like even bzr using -DIDS:never03:06
jamand it really just sits there for a long time03:06
spivYeah, I bet.03:07
lifelessjam: we have to fix it for normal push pull too03:15
lifelessI don't think it has to be a blocker; if we're going to fix it for 2.0.03:15
jamspiv: at least for remote you get transport activity03:15
jamremoving IDS completely, it is a blocker for me03:16
lifelesspoolie: http://advogato.org/person/robertc/diary/107.html03:42
lifelesspoolie: iter-changes may become blocked soon; I'm waiting on Aaron's reply04:02
igclifeless: what 2 branches are they again? I'd like to run usertest on OOo on your work to date04:04
igchi all04:05
lifelessiter-changes-partial-parents + commit-specific-files04:11
lifelessI really wish review showed commit messages against lines04:30
lifelessa mixed diff + annotate04:30
* lifeless buginates04:30
thumperlifeless: what do you mean?04:30
thumperalthough on re-reading, I think I know04:31
thumpermight be kinda hard in that we store the reviews as text...04:32
thumperdiffs that is04:32
lamalexhi, im getting an error- "bzr: ERROR: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/alex/tangerine/tangerine-0.3.1/TangerinePrefPane/Makefile.in'"04:55
lifelessthat suggests that permission was denied :P04:56
lamalexyes, im an idiot and failed to read to full path until right now04:56
lamalexi managed to skip the tangerine-0.3.1 part of the path that make distcheck created04:57
lifelessigc: did you find the branches?05:12
igclifeless: yet to look - will after I've finished my current email05:13
SamBthe info page for bzr-gtk looks bad in bzr-gtk ;-P05:18
thumperhardlinking working copy files is not currently supported in <WorkingTree6 of /home/tim/src/lp/review-team>05:31
thumperwhat changed?05:31
mwhudsonthumper: you're now warned about it05:39
thumpermwhudson: when?05:39
thumperbefore it just wasn't doing it?05:39
thumperso that is where my disk is going...05:40
pooliethumper: yeah fraid so05:41
poolieNEWS has a pointer to the bug about it05:41
poolieyou can comment there05:41
pooliethumper: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bugs/40819305:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 408193 in bzr "bzr branch or checkout --hardlink has no effect in 2a format" [Medium,In progress]05:46
thumperpoolie, ta05:47
=== sidnei is now known as sidnei-away
KhaZHello!  Pardon me for a newbie question, but I'm curious about the best process for something.  I'm building a web application, and as such I've got a 'development' test server and what I hope will be a 'production' web server.  For the production side, should I use a branch and tagging mechanism, or is there a better way to do this?06:16
poolieKhaZ: kind of a big question but typically you'd have two branches and merge from development to production at intervals06:23
pooliewhenever you roll out06:23
pooliespiv, how's it going?06:23
spivpoolie: enjoying the punishment that the combination of pushing part of mysql-server into 2a and using lsprof gives to my cpu :)06:24
poolierobert said he was going to review it after lunch..06:25
lifelessI am reviewing it06:26
spivjam has sent a partial review too, where he says that his performance concerns have been addressed, which is good news.06:28
spivpoolie: is https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/402778 the bug you wanted me to look at?06:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 402778 in bzr "NoSuchRevision error when branching with rocketfuel-get" [Critical,Triaged]06:44
poolieactually no, though it does look useful06:44
pooliei was thinking of bug 37501306:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 375013 in bzr "Commit doesn't honor stacking invariants" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37501306:45
poolieyour choice06:45
spivAh, right.06:45
spivI'll take a look, see which one appears easier ;)06:45
lifelessI bags 375013, if you like06:46
spivlifeless: sure, that makes sense I think.06:48
spivAs you've probably got commit's guts paged in already.06:49
lifelessOTOH you've been doing streams most recently06:49
lifelesshave a look at the comment I put in 375013 recently06:50
lifelessyou may prefer to do it06:50
vilahi all06:58
spivI'd prefer my wireless to stop mysterious sucking.07:13
spivGood afternoon vila.07:13
vilaspiv: yeah, hopefully the afternoon will be better than the morning with my daughter waking up at 39.5C :-/07:15
lifelessspiv: to give you an update07:15
lifelessspiv: lots of little stuff; some baroqueness sneaking in that I think you can just totally axe.07:16
igcvila: hopefully she's feeling better soon07:16
vilaigc: oh, I don;'t worry that much for her, except for the fact that she was about to fly for an additional vacation week and *that* will certainly be cancelled :-/07:18
spivlifeless: cool, that sounds promising.07:18
lifelessI'm up to bzrlib/smart/repository07:26
lifeless20 pages to go07:27
lifelessI'll be finishing it tomorrow07:28
pygihi ho vila :P07:33
vilapygi: hi !07:39
rif_Hi guys, is there a command to pull and update at the same time?07:41
lifelessrif_: no, folk either pull, or update :)07:46
lifelessrif_: are you doing 'pull URL; update' ? if so, you shouldn't need to07:47
rif_lifeless: i was making a script to update several repos and I was wandering if i just missed that command07:48
lifelessrif_: pull updates the working tree07:48
lifelessupdate is used to update a tree against its own branch07:48
rif_lifeless: oaaaa07:49
lifelesspoolie: EOD; biab;07:50
pooliek, bye07:50
rif_lifeless: pull updates the working tree indeed :)07:51
rif_lifeless: so update would be used if someone pushed stuff to my branch to update the tree?07:54
mtaylorlifeless: http://gorf.tangent.org/hudson/job/Drizzle-subunit/3/07:54
pooliehello vila07:56
vilahi poolie07:56
pooliehow's stuff?07:57
vilakerguelen has been plugged as a slave, I'm debugging it right now07:59
lifelessrif_: yes08:13
spmis there a pointer to "magic that I can drop in .bzr/branch/branch.conf to run an arbitrary shell command on commit" - if indeed possible? Or an alternate method for same?08:13
lifelessmwhudson: SEX08:13
lifelessvila: http://gorf.tangent.org/hudson/job/Drizzle-subunit/3/ <- its drizzle, but thats what a result page could look like using subunit08:14
vilalifeless: sexy indeed08:14
lifelessmwhudson: oops, wrong nick :P08:15
lifelessmtaylor: SEX08:15
pygispm, post-commit plugin? :)08:19
pygihook plugin*08:19
lifelessspm: no, it would be a huge security hole08:20
lifelessspm: you can however write a post commit or post_push or post_tip_change plugin in python, and have it get its parameters from branch.conf08:20
lifelessvila: and here - http://gorf.tangent.org/hudson/08:22
lifelessyou can see if you mouseover drizzle-subunit you get the test details08:22
vilagrpmf, definitely sexier than buildbot :-/08:24
spmlifeless: in this specific case, we'd be relying on O/S security to control who can read, let alone commit. Is that still a hole when used that way?08:34
lifelessif root ran 'bzr commit' in a different tree on the system, it could do arbitrary code as root.08:35
lifelessthe _facility_ to run arbitrary code on commit is the hole08:36
lifelessdoing a plugin as I described isn't a hole08:36
spmAh. I see. the old PATH=. exploit in essence. right.08:36
lifelessI've also jsut realised there's probably one in ~/.bazaar/plugins08:37
lifelessif you 'sudo bzr'... without HOME getting set to roots HOME08:37
spmhmmm. wouldn't that be a weakness of su and not getting an env set? taking the crud with you?08:39
lifelessbut the default is the default08:39
spmoki, ta, will pass that back to the questioner. much appreciated.08:40
lifelesswe'd be happy to help write a bzr plugin - its very easy to check a couple of branch configuration variables08:41
lifelessso the idea is, to have a plugin that (say) sms's08:41
lifelessyoud set my_foo_number = ...08:41
lifelessand my_foo_other = ...08:41
lifelessin branch.conf08:41
lifelessthen the plugin checks branch.get_config().get_user_variable('my_foo_other')   [roughly, details vary with contact with the enemy]08:42
spmin this case it's to trigger an earlier run of a cron task, but yeah08:43
lifelessmwhudson: http://src.opensolaris.org/source/diff/opengrok/trunk/src/org/opensolaris/opengrok/analysis/executables/ELFAnalyzer.java?r2=%252Fopengrok%252Ftrunk%252Fsrc%252Forg%252Fopensolaris%252Fopengrok%252Fanalysis%252Fexecutables%252FELFAnalyzer.java%40554%3Aa40bc05ca4e6&r1=%252Fopengrok%252Ftrunk%252Fsrc%252Forg%252Fopensolaris%252Fopengrok%252Fanalysis%252Fexecutables%252FELFAnalyzer.java%40509%3Ae65b56e2a9f008:44
lifelessmwhudson: pretty08:44
AfCNice URL there08:57
AfCLove those percent signs08:58
lifelessthat part is scary yes08:59
poolieheh, the nice thing is they're escaped percent signs, serving as escape signs09:00
fullermdYeah, it's almost as much fun as 7 \'s in a row in the middle of a string  :p09:01
vilaseven \' or seven \ ?09:02
vilatought so09:02
AfCGit has a revert command which has a -n option:09:03
AfC--no-commit       don't automatically commit09:03
AfCwhat in god's name is that!09:04
fullermdThe way I see it, the problem is that you're looking too closely at git...09:04
fullermdBut git revert xyz == "bzr merge -rxyz..parent:xyz . ; commit"09:04
fullermd(presumably, it's well-named, since it's pretty much synonymous with --no-commit on git merge)09:06
dannoffsAnybody home?09:12
=== vila is now known as vila-doctor
dannoffsanyone know of a how-to on setting up bazaar on  a godaddy server with SSH access? I know it can be done09:17
* igc dinner09:25
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lifelessvila-doctor: when you get back - another hudson feature - graphs - http://gorf.tangent.org/hudson/job/Drizzle-subunit/09:55
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senderis anyone aware of a way to see the diff between the working tree and a pending update on a checkout? bzr status gives me 'working tree out of date, run bzr update', but i'd like to see what I'm applying.. any ideas?10:11
Kinnisonbzr diff -r $(bzr revno)..-110:12
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vilalifeless: I'd be interested by their time-travel machine, the results in your last URL are for 2009081[23] 8-D10:15
senderKinnison: thanx, this shows the diff between the last and pre-last revs right?10:17
Kinnisonsender: I'd expect "current" and "head"10:19
Kinnisonsender: I'm guessing -- I don't tend to use checkouts like that10:19
senderKinnison: I think you are right: head has revno 132, bzr diff -r 131..-1 gives the diff for rev 132... very useful10:20
senderKinnison: I only use it for live instances of sites, as a lightweight checkout of a repo on the same server10:21
senderKinnison: only thing is, a working tree could be several revs 'out of date'..10:22
senderKinnison: same issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/31860410:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 318604 in bzr ""bzr diff" after "bzr push" does not display changes" [Undecided,New]10:28
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fullermdKinnison: 'revno' gives the revision number of the _branch_, not the working tree.10:53
fullermdKinnison: You wanr 'revno --tree' for that.10:53
vilasidnei-away: ping10:56
Kinnisonfullermd: aah10:59
* Kinnison only uses checkouts rarely :-)10:59
=== sidnei-away is now known as sidnei
* sidnei yawns 11:39
sidneiwassup vila11:39
vilasidnei: I change the AutoSSH to use '-M 0' instead of '-M 20000', it took me a bit of time to realize how to properly install the service...11:40
vilaaka using -u Admin11:40
vilaanyway, that should address the connect/disconnect messages that kind of ruin the prettiness of the new .css :)11:41
vilasidnei: also, I fixed one DNS IP address and add two more but still no cigar, I'll check with jam later11:42
stewarthi! I've just gotten a crash while doing 'bzr rebase': "bzrlib.erros.NoSuchRevision"11:42
sidneivila: ok, thanks for letting me know. do you need any more help?11:46
stewartis anyone able to help with my rebase crash?11:47
vilasidnei: can you explain why 'nslookup host' can resolve a host when 'ping host' can't ?11:47
vilasidnei: otherwise, there are a couple of things I'd like to address in the slave/builder definitions but I need to know how you create the slave and setup the environment, aka, more or less update the README for kerguelen11:49
sidneivila: i suspect it's too early in the morning for me to ponder about ping vs nslookup. :)11:50
vilasidnei: ok, np, nearly lunch time here anyway, take your time :)11:50
sidneivila: as for the slave definitions, i just ran 'buildbot create-slave' afair, but the client is running a copy of buildbot trunk, so that might explain the difference11:50
vilaAAAARGH damn synergy  virtualbox rdesktop windows incompatibility nightmare gimme my mouse back damn it11:52
vilasidnei: to run start the slave via a service too ?11:53
vilasidnei: do you start the slave via a service too ?11:53
sidneivila: yes, as explained here http://buildbot.net/trac/wiki/RunningBuildbotOnWindows11:53
vilasidnei: I can' click on that anymore :-( I just can type here, will reboot shortly, if you can send me the relevant commands by mail, I'll update the README11:54
=== Noldorin_ is now known as Noldorin
vilasidnei: back,12:15
vilaok, reading the URL you mentioned, it appears that the slave is started with buildbot_service.py start "c:/<buildbot_dir>" "d:/<another_buildbot_dir>"12:16
vilasidnei: What I did for all the others was to define the environment in the Makefile and start them with 'make start' so that env changes doesn't require restarting the service, but restarting the service takes the changes into account :)12:17
sidneivila: ok12:19
vilasidnei: I don't know how much work it involves to get there but if you can start by putting the slave definition (.tac and info dir) under bzr that would be a good start :)12:20
sidneivila: yeah, i will do that today12:21
vilaok ta12:21
vilathe idea above is to end up with a service that just do: 'make -C <slave_dir> start' and nothing more12:23
mobodowhen I bzr log, is it possible to get the last log (-l1) before or at a given revision (-rX) ?12:23
vilalook at the other slave Makefiles12:23
mobodoif I bzr log -rX and there is no change for that revision, I simply get nothing12:23
=== vila is now known as vila-lunch
* fullermd can't parse "no change for that revision"...12:26
fullermdThe stuff log shows is properties of the revision, so they're there...12:27
Raimnot if you do  bzr log -rX foo.txt  and foo.txt has not been changed in revision X12:28
fullermdOh.  For that you'd want something like "bzr log -r..X -l1 foo.txt"12:28
fxnhey .bzrignore is typically added to the repo?12:44
Raimfxn: yes12:50
fullermdIt doesn't have to be; it works merely by being there.  But most of the time, you add it, since it makes sense for anyone else or any other branches to have the same ignores.12:57
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
mobodothanks! -r..X did the trick13:22
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jelmermoin jam13:50
jammorning jelmer13:50
vila-lunchmorning jam !13:51
=== vila-lunch is now known as vila
jammorning vila13:52
mityajhi! anybody known how to uninstall bazaar windows shell extensions(TortoiseBZR)?13:58
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mityajregsvr32 -u tbzr.dll14:01
vilajam: LOL, parralel reviews :)14:01
jamyeah, my mail got out before yours got in :)14:01
vilajam: I think poolie has a plugin to change the default format to 2a and can experiment failures14:01
vilajam: anyway, he'll tell us :)14:02
jamwell, it is easy enough to do it manually14:02
jamgiven that it is a 1 line change14:02
vilajam: but you should remember to undo it and do it in every branch, etc14:03
mobodoare you supposed to be able to pull a subdirectory from a branch  without pulling the full branch with bzr?14:10
mobodosay "bzr branch http://foo.org/bzrbranch/some/sub/project"?14:10
jelmermobodo: no, that doesn't work14:11
mobodoahh, ok, so you'd have to make sub branches14:12
jelmermobodo: it may be supported at some point in the future, although there's nobody working on anything like that at the moment14:12
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vilajam: I fixed some DNS entries on kerguelen this morning, but still no cigar14:58
jamvila: do you have a traceback of the latest failure?14:59
vilajam: the context is just trying nslookup and ping15:00
vilai.e. 'nslookup host' now works (I think it didn't, can you confirm) but 'ping host' still doesn't15:01
jamvila: I'm pretty sure 'nslookup' always works15:01
jamas it goes and contacts a DNS server directly15:01
jamwhatever is messed up on Kerguelen doesn't effect nslookup15:01
jamso 'ping' is the real test15:01
vilaha ok15:01
jam(I could be wrong, but I think that is what I found)15:01
fullermdnslookup will use [the platform equivalent of] resolv.conf, but it does do all the query gen/send/recv/dissection internally, yes.15:02
fullermdIt doesn't use gethostbyname() or the like.15:02
vilaanyway, the first dns server in 'ipconfig /all' was wrong, I fixed it and added the 3rd and 4th15:02
vilafullermd: we're talking windows here, do you know what the equivalent of resolv.conf is ?15:03
fullermdProbably something in the registry.  I'm pretty sure it's what ipconfig /all tells you.15:03
vilafullermd: http://paste.ubuntu.com/248670/ , I find the IP routing Enabled: No suspicious as well as the default gateway being in a different subnet...15:06
vilajam: by the way, why can't we use DHCP ?15:06
jamDHCP for?15:06
fullermdEh.  If it's not being used as a router, there's no real reason to enable routing.15:06
vilajam: for IP address, default gateway, DNS15:07
jamvila: last I checked the default gateway and subnet mask and default dns were a bit crazy15:07
vilafullermd: even if talking to different subnets ?15:07
jamwhen we asked the hosting provider to fix15:07
jamthey said they needed to wipe and re-install the os15:07
jamif we are going to do that, we'll stop hosting with the15:08
fullermdvila: [I'm pretty sure] that means routing packets THROUGH the host; e.g., the host itself being a router.15:08
fullermdDefault gateway on a different subnet is unusual perhaps, but still valid (as long as routes exist to get the packets there of course)15:08
fullermdBut if it were wrong, you'd know it, 'cuz NOTHING would work, so that's not _the_ problem, whatever else it may be.15:09
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vilafullermd: Yeah, I thought a bit like that, but my past experiences with network is also that when I don't understand something it's often one or several bugs15:10
vilas/often/often due/ s/bugs/wrong configurations/15:10
fullermdIf nslookup works, that means all the network-related bits of DNS lookup is in good shape.15:10
fullermd(well, nothing's _certain_, but that's about as good a sign as you can get)15:10
vilaso, backtrack,15:10
vilaif dns setup is right, what should be changed for ping to use it15:11
fullermdSo the likely place to something like ping to fail at getting the IP is in the resolver functions in libc.  gethostbyname() etc.15:11
fullermdI have no idea how that hooks together in windows, though.  Presumably, it's the immoral equivalent of how it is on POSIX, but...15:11
fullermdDoes ping to bare IP work?15:12
vilaI thought their TCP/IP stack was based on BSD :-P15:12
vilaping to hosts declared in the 'hosts' file works15:13
fullermdWell, I'm based on amphibians, but I still can't hop worth a damn   :p15:13
vilaand ping to bare IPs works too (just to answer the question)15:13
fullermdHm.  Well, you've presumably got python on the box; you can try banging up a script to use python's gethostbyname() equivalent (which presumably hooks through libc), and see if you can get results back from that.15:14
fullermdOr step down below that and throw together some C test code if you wanted.15:14
vilafullermd: I was tempted to try that, but 1) asking first may have worked, 2) I strongly suspect that I will get the same results as ping (and I already encounter problems from python)15:16
fullermdOh.  Well, in that case, I'd like to change my diagnosis to "It's messed up"   :)15:17
jamfullermd: gethostbyname fails15:17
jamping or direct access to IP addresses works15:17
jamsince we can set the IP in hosts and connect15:17
jam(I tried that in the past :)15:17
fullermdYou tested down to the function level?15:17
vilafullermd: your help is much appreciated (no kidding, walking the obvious (or not obvious) helps me keep my sanity)15:18
fullermdWell, I have no real business doing any debugging on Windows; I haven't really touched it since I wiped it 95 my system 13 years ago   :)15:19
fullermdBut DNS and networking and all, that I know.  So hopefully I can bring a little something to the party anyway.15:19
fullermd...   13 years ago??  WTF?  It can't have been that long...15:19
vilafullermd: kind of same background here except I'm not *that* old :-D15:19
fullermdWell, I didn't think *I* was either!15:20
jamfullermd: I tested "py -c "import socket; socket.gethostbyname()"15:27
* Tak only 11 years ago, youngun15:27
fullermdWell, so that suggests it's b0rked at the python layer, and while it doesn't prove the problem is down in libc, the ping issue is symptomatically consistent with that, so it's probably a fairly safe guess.15:29
fullermd(actually, it may be a separate libresolv and not actually in libc, but same difference)15:30
fullermdI wouldn't know where to begin on fully defining or fixing that on win32   :|15:30
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jamfullermd: well, IIRC,the windows tcp stack *is* based on the BSD stack :)15:53
jamhences why it is ".../etc/hosts"15:53
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vilahmm, things you don't like to find in registry: DhcpDomain REG_SZ sw.ru16:10
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weigonshould $ bzr rebase git://... work (with bzr-git) ?16:22
weigonI get:16:22
weigon$ bzr rebase git://github.com/hyperic/sigar.git16:22
weigonbzr: ERROR: bzrlib.errors.NoSuchRevision: KnitPackRepository('file:///Users/jan/projects/in-bzr/sigar/.bzr/repository/') has no revision ('jan@mysql.com-20090713013128-p2obx3x942vd1waq',)16:22
mobodois there an equivalent to the svn "export" in bzr?16:32
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mobodoI want to download the branch without ending up with .bzr folders16:32
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Takbzr export16:34
GastonBoryswhat web application can be used to track the history of bzr in some project?16:37
GastonBorysto see diff and changes maked16:37
cody-somervilleGastonBorys, do you just want like a branch browser or something more?16:38
beunoGastonBorys, https://launchpad.net/loggerhead16:39
GastonBorysbeuno: vos estas en todos lados16:40
GastonBorysla idea es que no quieren usar launchpad para el proyecto16:41
GastonBorysestaban hablando de savanne16:41
GastonBoryspero parece que es un bardo configurarlo en el servidor16:41
GastonBorysla otra que había pensado es tomar el gtk-olive y hacerlo para entorno web16:42
beunoGastonBorys, loggerhead is independiente de Launchpad16:42
beunoes un web viewer de bzr16:42
beunolo corres localmente16:42
beunohay muchas proyectos que lo usan16:43
GastonBorysbeuno: perfecto, no lo conozco, tenes idea si soporta varios sources, de diferentes aplicaciones16:43
beunoGastonBorys, como varios sources?16:43
beunosolo branches de bzr16:43
beuno(sorry for the spanish)16:43
Takhay un plugin bzr por trac, no?16:43
GastonBorysel tema es asi, la gente de antico abandono el desarrollo, giuseppe cigala, estoy dandole una mano a los de DelphOs http://delphosproject.org16:44
GastonBorysy bueno les voy a ayudar a acomodar un poco el entorno gráfico, pero quieren desarrollar aplicaciones para ese entorno gráfico, la idea es hacer un track no solo con antico sino también con las aplicaciones y quieren algo que integre todo vos decis que funcionará?16:45
GastonBorys(yes sorry for spanish)16:45
GastonBorysTak: si, pero no soporta esto que mencioné16:45
GastonBoryslo voy a mirar mientras igualmente gracias capo16:45
* Tak asiente con la cabeza16:46
beunoGastonBorys, esto es loggerhead funcionando: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~loggerhead-team/loggerhead/trunk/changes16:46
beunono tiene integracion con nada, pero las URLs son las de la estructura de directorios16:46
beunoasi que sonoredecibles16:46
beuno"son predecibles"16:46
beunoGastonBorys, de curioso, porque no quieren usar Launchpad?16:47
GastonBorysbeuno: no se, pero como estoy mitad y mitad no puedo dar ordenes, me voy a tener que adaptar a lo que me pidan, yo les dije, empecemos con launchpad a ver que pasa, pero viste como son las burocracias con la gente que opina de las distos y como launchpad lo utilizan los de ubuntu es como que les molesta16:49
GastonBorysno voy a entender nunca esto de las guerras de distros, editores de texto y lenguajes de programación16:49
beunoheh, entiendo16:49
beunobueno, loggerehead lo usa Launchpad16:49
beuno(hoy no es mi mejor dia para tipear)16:50
beunoyo soy uno de los desarrolladores16:50
beunoasi que si necesitas ayuda, puedo ir guiandote como integrarlo16:50
GastonBorysbeuno: muy bien dale16:52
GastonBoryspara no molestar aca, en donde te puedo encontrar?16:52
beunoGastonBorys, argentina@gmail.com16:53
beunoo #ubuntu-ar16:53
beunoo en privado  :)16:53
* beuno se va a alm orzar16:54
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GastonBorysgracias buen provecho16:54
mobodoin case this interests anybody else, I've posted the source code for my bzr web browser here: http://bazaar.enseed.com/app/webbzr/17:16
vilajam: I give up, I've put some dns servers in registry, they shouldn't do any harm, they may need a reboot...17:24
vilajam: also, kerguelen seems to have 8 procs but only 600M, is that correct ?17:26
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jamvila: sorry was away eating. 8-procs is probably 4 real processors + hyperthreading18:02
jamserver info say 640MB of ram, yes18:03
jamwe also seem to be limited to "120 processes"18:03
jamand it seems to be limited to "2000 CPU units"18:04
jamand 20 GB of disk space18:05
jamthese are all price configurable ($.20/mo per 1MB of memory, $1/100 units of CPU time, etc)18:06
jamthough again, if we can get set up on EC2 or something along those lines, we'd probably rather do so.18:06
lamalexhey guys, I rm'd a file then created a new one with new content, but bzr is showing a removed and an unknown file18:32
lamalexcan I just get it to be modified?18:32
lamalexthey have the same name..18:32
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fullermdlamalex: You probably want to dance around revert.18:42
fullermd(of course, if it's actually a different file, you probably WANT it to be a different file)18:42
lamalexwell the add/remove is not right, it's the same file just with all new contents. I want to preserve the old history18:42
kizzoI do a "bzr rebase-continue" and it fails with an exception: "AssertionError: author property given twice"18:45
kizzoAnyone know offhand how to fix this problem?  Anyone know why it even happens?18:45
vilajam: ok, we'll do with that, I was asking because one bzr-installer-dev-plugin-release failed with an out of memory error18:45
vilas/one/last build/18:46
jamvila: interesting, though I would say going OOM w/ 600MB of ram may indicate something we want to fix.19:22
jmlI would like 'bzr shelve --all; <run relevant tests> && <discard shelf>' as a single operation20:05
jmlOr, failing that, an undo for 'bzr revert' :)20:05
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abentleyjml: have you tried "bzr alias 'revert=bzr shelve --all'" ? ;-)20:13
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jamjml: wouldn't that be "bzr shelve --all code/but/not/tests ; <run relevant tests> " ?20:43
dashany emacs dvc users about?21:22
dashi'm wondering if anyone has successfully used M-x dvc-delta with bzr. :)21:22
SamBdash: what's that?21:22
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SamBdash: this is the first I've heard of it21:23
SamBdash: okay, it doesn't work for me either21:27
SamBgo ahead and report a bug on launchpad!21:27
SamBI think dvc needs moar blackbox tests ;-)21:28
* SamB wonders how you do that for emacs packages ...21:28
* SamB wonders why jelmer didn't take his exception logging code for bzr-svn ...21:31
SamB(for logging exceptions thrown from it's AuthProviderObject ...)21:32
mkanatLoggerhead question -- is there a way to get serve-branches to hide parent directories of branches that aren't themselves branches or repositories?21:57
beunomkanat, not with a switch, but it's easy to tweak in the code21:58
mkanatbeuno: Where would I look?21:59
mkanatbeuno: Ideally it would be a config thing, though. Something in the repository config.21:59
mkanatbeuno: My use case is that the top-level directories are client names that I don't want to expose.21:59
beunomkanat, you can easily create a config for it21:59
beunoI would look in...21:59
beunomkanat, loggerhead/apps/branch.py:131 is a good place to start22:01
beunoyou can see examples of configs being used22:01
mkanatbeuno: Thank you. :-)22:01
beunomkanat, loggerhead/apps/transport.py also has some of it22:02
jmljam: that would be interesting too22:27
jmljam: maybe it is what I meant.22:28
RenatoSilvahow to make a diff between two tags?22:37
jelmerRenatoSilva: bzr diff -rtag:foo..tag:bar22:37
RenatoSilvajelmer: thanks!22:38
lifelesshi jml22:42
jmllifeless, hi22:43
SamBhow would one go about adding a -D flag for a plugin?23:15
lifelessjust check for 'flag' in debug.debug_flags23:15
lifelesswher edebug is23:15
lifelessfrom bzrlib import debug23:15
SamBokay ...23:15
sidneispeaking of bzrlib...23:15
* sidnei finds lifeless email to reply to23:15
SamBbut shouldn't it be possible to add *help* for it?23:16
lifelessSamB: the help is static at the moment23:16
lifelessI don't particularly like that, but tuits23:16
jelmerigc: hi23:17
poolieemmajane: hi?23:49
pooliejam, still around?23:49
emmajanepoolie, Pong. I'm just getting ready for the drupal docs sprint.23:50
emmajanewe finish up in ~2h. It's just a short one.23:54
emmajaneI'll ping you when we're done, poolie23:54

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