
=== asac_ is now known as asac
nixternalhola peeps. back in town finally00:12
desaparecidohi, i have a problem with last karmic upgrade to KDE 4.3 final release, blackscreen in KDE session,00:12
desaparecidosomes ideas? i can access programs by alt+F200:13
Riddelldesaparecido: is plasma starting?00:14
desaparecidoRiddell: i have only a black screen with mouse pointer, nothing more, but with alt+F2 i have access.  Plasma? i suppose that don't starts00:16
Riddelldesaparecido: start konsole  and run plasma-desktop00:17
Riddellsee if that helps or moans00:17
nixternalhow goes it Mr. Riddell? Did I miss much?00:17
desaparecidook, thanks, i works from fluxbox session, I will try now.. thanks00:17
nixternalI went green the entire time I was gone. Shut off all power to the house. I am such a good person :)00:17
ZoraelIs there any way to get the qtcurve gtkrc read earlier than via KDE's Autostart ("pre-KDE startup")?00:18
Zoraelinput method helpers (scim/xim panels) seem to start earlier and end up looking horrid00:18
RiddellZorael: edit /usr/bin/startkde to read it00:19
ZoraelRiddell: thanks.00:21
Riddellnixternal: I've not heard back about the questionnaire setup, so I think we should just do it on my server and get your applet in00:35
nixternalheh, I figured as much concerning not hearing back :)00:35
desaparecidoRiddell: hi, start plasma-desktop from konsole doesn't help, the only thing is a lot of messages of closed applications00:37
desaparecidoI reinstalled kdebase-workspace and kdebase-workspace-bin but is the same thing00:38
Riddelldesaparecido: rm ~/.kde/share/config/plasma* ?00:38
Riddelldoes it crash or just exit?00:38
desaparecidoonly crash, i am in KDE session even after plasma-desktop command  (with blackscreen), i try rm now00:40
desaparecidoRiddell: after rm command the only difference is that after plasma-desktop command there's no more errors, but even blackscreen. I have the notifications (quassel notification for example) or grid-desktop effect but only that, without interaction with desktop00:46
gonhey dudes... congratulations :B, 4.3  is awesome :D01:01
desaparecidoRiddell: after rm command the only difference is that after plasma-desktop command there's no more errors, but even blackscreen. I have the notifications (quassel notification for example) or grid-desktop effect but only that, without interaction with desktop01:03
desaparecidosorry, i was lost my internet connection, so re-post the msg01:04
Riddelldesaparecido: you need to get a backtrace01:09
Riddellinstall kdebase-workspace-dbg01:09
Riddellgdb plasma-desktop01:09
Riddellset args --nofork01:09
Riddellfile a bug with it and ping me01:10
RiddellI'm off to bed now01:10
Riddellbut yay, CD image built, davmor2 will be happy01:10
desaparecidoRiddell: thanks, i have work to make works my desktop :)01:11
desaparecido_Riddell:  good news,01:36
desaparecido_Riddell:  I was tested to remove ~/.kde/share/apps/config/kdeglobals and restart KDE session and all it's ok, only i losted  my desktop configuration but i have again my KDE 4.3 desktop working01:39
Riddelldavmor2: guess hat?09:01
Riddelldavmor2: guess what?09:01
davmor2I was about to say is it a big pointy wizards hat09:01
davmor2you've never fixed it09:02
* davmor2 races off to cdimages to check in utter disbelief09:02
davmor2Riddell: 64bit is still down but that's another issue all together09:03
davmor2Riddell: Congratulations though :)09:05
Riddellwell let's wait until someone tries it first :)09:05
Riddellit's only 650MB, suspiciously small09:06
* davmor2 re-syncs the images to test09:06
davmor2no language packs though right09:06
Riddellno I don't add langpacks until beta09:07
davmor2so there's what 49.99 meg ;)09:08
Riddelloh I'm very happy for it to be small, just suspicious that it's 20MB smaller than the previous build09:09
Riddellbut pitti has been working on reducing some dependencies so it could be his doing09:09
davmor2Riddell: as soon as it finishes dl'ing I'll give it a quick once over and ping you to let you know if it works :)09:09
davmor2yes blame pitti everyone else does :)09:10
seaLneare there any plans to change the kdm login dialog? it went rather big and unsubte imho with 4.3.009:10
seaLnenot sure if that is just the default one in kde?09:10
Riddellthat's the new air theme09:11
RiddellseaLne: kwwii has been talking about making a new one so send requests to him09:11
seaLnek, it just seems to me to be a step back to the old style of excessivly huge login window i really liked when it went small09:14
davmor2Riddell: burning now09:14
RiddellseaLne: worse case it's all SVGs so it should be easy to resize it09:16
RiddellI believe it's too big for netbooks as it is09:20
Riddelldavmor2: things to test include network manager and the new ubiquity bling09:21
Riddellonce it's installed we could do with the all new plasma-widget-indicatordisplay being tested09:21
davmor2Riddell: priorities first thing to check is that the cd boots ;)09:22
Riddelldavmor2: oh aye new usplash too (looks the same just some bug fixes)09:22
davmor2Riddell: dark bit on the usplash is too dark you can't see it in throbber mode09:24
Riddellhmm fooey09:25
davmor2Riddell: no keyboard image on the installer but ping shtylman about that on u-installer09:28
davmor2however it is the new installer :)09:29
davmor2Riddell: is there anyway to suppress the devices recently plugged in: from poping up once the partitioner has done it's work?09:32
davmor2Riddell: the opendesktop widget when you click on friends or nearby the window shrinks to something unusable09:35
davmor2it resizes again once you select personal again09:35
davmor2I'll check though and see if the behaviour is the same on the installed system09:36
Riddelldavmor2: it probably is, it seems to like resizing itself to 0x0 pixels09:45
davmor2Riddell: I'm assuming this is an upstream thing is there a bug for it?09:47
davmor2Riddell: icon seem blurry on the new login screen09:53
davmor2I think it might just be down to the translucency and the image in the background09:54
Riddelldavmor2: it's also to do with our default setup so I need to fix that first because we blame upstream09:55
davmor2Riddell: hence my assumption :)09:56
davmor2Riddell: also the resize icon goes off the screen so you can't actually resize it once there is an issue without first moving it :(09:58
davmor2Riddell: I know I log all these thing as bug and subscribe you :P10:00
Riddelldavmor2: that's fine actually, they're on my todo anyway10:00
davmor2Riddell: weird I just went to resize the opendesktop app and the tiny little square at the top left hand corner suddenly grew10:04
Riddelldavmor2: so besides that, how's the installer and network maanger?10:06
davmor2Riddell: networkmanager seems fine on my ethernet ported pc (/me contemplates buying wifi cards for all his test boxes) I'll have a look at live on my lappy after.   Generally everything seems fine.  installer works but I found some minor niggles but I'll talk to shtylman about those. just tatting about with everything now10:09
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Riddell"usr (usrlp) renewed their own membership in the Kubuntu Bugs (kubuntu-bugs) team"  fooey10:56
ghostcubehello folks11:00
neversfeldethere will be a new choqok version soon11:00
ghostcubeany news about the german translation for the ppa repos ? :)11:04
Riddellnobody is packaging traslations currently11:04
Riddella|wen was talking about doing it11:04
ghostcubeyeah thats what i know till now i apachelogger told something about its doable ...11:08
Riddellanyone know why we havn't done a MIR for gpsd?11:09
tester_Riddell: Quassel seems okay :)11:14
davmor2guys is it me or is there a lot of clicking around amarok, as in sound click rather than mouse11:17
davmor2can bluetooth still not connect to phones?  only options available under bluetooth device wizard seems to be input and audio11:22
davmor2k3b's startup window is too small you can't see the welcome to k3b projects window11:23
davmor2can you not burn iso's from a remote location ie sftp://local.server/*.iso11:28
davmor2Riddell: k3b crashed when I selected it as an option to open an iso from my server11:36
apacheloggerRiddell: re translations: doing kde-l10n just involves some minor changes to the batfoo, then you can run batl10n and batl10n-upload11:37
apacheloggerbut that will not help at all since the lang-packs from stock hardy do not depend kde-l10n11:38
davmor2Riddell: does k3b support iso handling via sftp:// though?11:38
apacheloggeralso the language selector doens't recommend their installation, so in the end we are boned again11:38
apacheloggeras always with translations11:38
davmor2I still don't think it should of crashed so I'm still reporting it :)11:38
ghostcubeso no german till karmic release i think so eh ?11:40
Riddellapachelogger: not that it helps now but that's changing in karmic11:41
ghostcubeany idea how to check why systemsettings inst taking care of the start compiz as default wm settings11:41
ghostcubestoped working in 4.3.011:42
apacheloggerRiddell: uh, that is good :)11:43
ghostcubeT - 3 Month11:43
apacheloggerRiddell: for hardy we have the options of either uploading a new language-selector that recommends installation of kde-l10n, or we upload lang-packs11:43
apacheloggerboth not particularly good cases, unless, of course, we get language-selector into hardy-backports, so no matter what in the hardy-backports deployment the user would get asked to install kde-l10n-* for completele lang support11:44
ghostcubewhy hardy11:44
Riddellapachelogger: jaunty?  We can just install kde-l10n-xx and note on kubuntu.org people can install them11:46
apacheloggereh, right, jaunty :D11:46
apacheloggerRiddell: that is not user friendly at all, especially once 4.3 moves to jaunty-backports11:46
ghostcubethe kcontreol look is still fascinating :)11:47
* ghostcube thinks this must be the default option :P11:48
davmor2meh arora crashed halve way through reporting the k3b bug :(11:49
jussi01flash is still balls on linux... :(11:53
davmor2Riddell: folder view and ublog have disappeared from the desktop after reboot11:54
ghostcubehmm my panel disapeard last night as i add3ed a widget11:55
ghostcubeand never get back till new liogin11:55
Riddellplasma-widget-indicatordisplay could also do with a test11:55
ghostcubehmmm where to report the systemsetting bug ? in kde bugtracker or kubuntu ?11:56
davmor2Riddell: I'll do a fresh install and try again :)11:56
Riddelldavmor2: maybe you have a pre-existing plasma settings file on that machine?12:05
Riddell_Sime: new kdebindings now in kubuntu backports PPA12:35
davmor2Riddell: doubtful it was a fresh install whole drive12:38
davmor2Riddell: Like I say I'll do a fresh install and see if it happens again and also what happens after a second reboot in case it comes back :)12:40
morecowbellis kubuntu-netbook supposed to be optimized for a netbook?12:51
jjessemorecowbell: yes, #kubuntu-netbook is the channel for help on it12:51
OdyXJontheEchidna: Hi. I am handling konq-plugins in Debian. I think we could collaborate more. e.g. you did not take into account my debian/rules modification to correctly include the icons.. I do track (along with the other pkg-kde team members) those modifications in the pkg-kde svn <http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-kde/kde-extras/konq-plugins/> (which you can track with the RSS <http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-kde/kde-extras/konq-plugins/13:30
OdyXRSS <http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-kde/kde-extras/konq-plugins/?op=rss&rev=0&sc=0&isdir=1>13:31
OdyXJontheEchidna: I have no upload rights, thus uploads take slightly more time, but I do still think that keeping versions in the 1ubuntu1 scheme is good13:32
OdyX(this allows you to base your work on what we do and avoids keeping two parallel branches)13:32
JontheEchidnaI do have a more recent merge for 4.3.0, but it seems to not have been uploaded to karmic yet :(13:34
jussi01Does anyone feel like contributing to quassel? there are several small features that I know sput and egs have said they want to include but havent got time right now, and patches are welcome. so if anyone has time, pop into #quassel ask for Sput or EgS and see what needs doing :D13:34
JontheEchidnaunless it has been uploaded and has failed to build, which I'm checking now13:34
JontheEchidnaoh, no. It was uploaded with the ppa tag :S13:35
JontheEchidnaAh, I merged before 4.3.0 was uploaded to debian. That's it13:35
JontheEchidnaYeah, I suppose I should've checked svn13:35
JontheEchidnaoh well, nothing stopping me from merging again. :)13:36
OdyXJontheEchidna: true... I am just seeking cooperation, which can save us both time13:36
* JontheEchidna nods13:37
OdyXwhere do you keep your packaging ?13:37
JontheEchidnaCurrently it doesn't have a vcs, but that can change13:37
JontheEchidnawell, other than the Ubuntu archive acting as a vcs it doesn't have one. I'll make a bzr branch13:39
OdyXJontheEchidna: Do you have an alioth account ?13:42
apacheloggerthat reminds me13:43
OdyXJontheEchidna: as I wont move from alioth and you probably wont move from LP, I suggest that even if we work separately, we watch out what the other one does - first step to real collaboration14:03
JontheEchidnaMakes sense, Kubuntu stuff at: https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/konq-plugins/ubuntu14:05
JontheEchidnabrowsable here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/konq-plugins/ubuntu/files14:05
OdyXJontheEchidna: All your web are belong to me14:16
OdyXJontheEchidna: I have the atom feed for this, I'll follow your changes from now on14:16
OdyXJontheEchidna: for the remaining changes, see debian/patches/* and debian/konq-plugins.install14:17
JontheEchidnaOdyX: btw, do you know whatever happened to that jpegorient tool? Last I checked it still seemed to be in the source, but not in the final package14:19
OdyXJontheEchidna: hmmm. I have only the manpage14:20
JontheEchidnasame here14:21
OdyXJontheEchidna: see imagerotation/CMakeLists.txt... it is commented.14:22
JontheEchidnaah, should've checked there14:24
OdyXJontheEchidna: but it was already commented in 4.2.414:25
shadeslayeris there a kopete widget in the SVN ?14:25
OdyXJontheEchidna: was visibly disabled for the whole 4.* series14:28
JontheEchidnaYeah, we received a bug report about it a bit back. I looked at it quickly, but I suppose I missed the CMakeLists.txt14:29
OdyXhttp://websvn.kde.org/?view=rev&revision=906290 <-14:32
OdyXit is broken.. by such, disabled by upstream14:32
Riddellseele: did we decide on a meeting time?14:46
seeleRiddell: it looks like tue or wed next week.. i can send an email out in a bit about it14:47
seeleRiddell: preference for 19:00 or 23:00?15:29
Riddell19:00 probably15:32
neversfeldethere are some *~ppa* packages from extragear 4.3.0 in the ubuntu archive, is this a known problem?15:39
Riddelloh probably my fault15:42
Riddellit's not a problem, it's just inelegant15:42
neversfeldeok, 4.4 is near, so it will be elegant soon :)15:43
seeleRiddell: meeting in #kubuntu-devel or #ubuntu-meetings?16:16
Riddellseele: #ubuntu-meeting if it's free16:18
davmor2Riddell: I don't think there is anything straight after the qa meeting, but could be wrong that's wednesday16:21
seelehow do i figure out what meetings are happening in #ubuntu-meetings? I thought htat info was on fridge but i dont see the calendar anywhere16:26
seeleok.. looks like there is a qa meeting the hour before so probably #kubuntu-devel16:30
davmor2seele: Yes but after the qa meeting I don't think there is another one.16:32
Nightroseseele: can you close the poll? I am subscribed to it via google calendar and wanna check if it is clever enough to show me the decided date16:34
alleeseele: typo in your e-mail: tues 12th:   Is this tue 11th or wed 12th?17:04
davmor2Riddell: yes after the first reboot once the system is installed I get no folderview and no ublog apps.  The only thing I've done is resize the opendesktop app and do the updates and media installs17:08
Riddellthat's most strange17:10
davmor2So system installs you reboot and cd is ejected.  On first start up everything is in place.  Installed updates and media and resized the opendesktop app so it stays visible and then restarted ublog and folderview vanish17:10
davmor2Riddell: it wouldn't be a races issue because of kwallet would it?17:11
Riddelldavmor2: what does kwallet have to do with it?17:12
davmor2opendesktop saves it's password in kwallet17:13
davmor2Riddell: it's the only other thing that changed17:13
Riddelldavmor2: how did kwallet change?17:15
davmor2Riddell: kwallet wasn't in use before but once I'd used opendesktop it asked for a password for kwallet.  On reboot there was a window for kwallets password to unlock it for opendesktop to get its password17:16
Riddelldavmor2: I can't even get the opendesktop applet to log in currently, it crashes plasma17:17
davmor2it's login in fine for me :)17:17
davmor2Guys is there any point having the lyrics plugin if it can't display them?17:19
Riddellworked for me last I tried17:21
neversfeldeIt stopped working because of legal problems, but I read about a patch17:22
davmor2Riddell: I get Unfortunately due to liciensing restrictions from some yadda yadda yadda17:24
Riddellhmm, yes17:26
Riddellsmelly old music industry17:26
JontheEchidnaTesters wanted for KNM in karmic: https://edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/experimental17:42
apachelogger<= needs minion17:45
apacheloggerneversfelde: ping17:45
neversfeldeapachelogger: here17:45
apacheloggerneversfelde: got time to request backport of kontrolpack?17:46
apacheloggerpackage builds, installs and works, so I'd need a documented ACK :)17:46
neversfeldeapachelogger: I am going to visit my parents the next two weeks, but I have probably time this evening.17:47
apacheloggerjust file a BR and poke ScottK17:47
neversfeldeapachelogger: k17:47
apacheloggerI am working on neon right now and don't want to digg into slowish launchpad :P17:47
neversfeldehehe, first I will test this plasma-widget-networkmanagmen17:48
Riddellhmm, new kopete-facebook doesn't seem to work17:49
davmor2Riddell: facebook has been dropping all day so that might be your issue17:49
Riddellok, I'll try again tomorrow17:50
neversfeldeapachelogger: I cannot find kontrolpack in karmic?17:51
alleeJontheEchidna: as network setup is completely borked for my testing a new verison is a must do :)17:52
apacheloggerneversfelde: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kontrolpack17:52
JontheEchidnaallee: it's supposed to fix the big karmic-wireless-don't-work regressoin17:52
JontheEchidnabug 39259317:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 392593 in knetworkmanager "[karmic regression] cannot connect to wireless network" [Unknown,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39259317:53
alleeJontheEchidna: cool, enables me to now care about wire+dhcp not working ;)17:53
davmor2Riddell: try to keep connecting17:54
davmor2it took me 3 attepmts but it's up and running now17:55
JontheEchidnaCould I get a sponsor for bug 409406?18:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 409406 in konversation "New upstream release (Konversation 1.2 alpha5)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40940618:00
NightroseRiddell: yea facebook is probably being a victim of the same attac that twitter is fighting with18:01
Riddellfacebook works fine with the old plugin so I think it's the new version that's not working18:01
JontheEchidnaRiddell: do you have the new qjson? The required version got bumped18:02
RiddellJontheEchidna: yes18:02
JontheEchidnahmm, then I'm stumped18:02
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: do you know who was supposed to do the armel magics for Qt?18:04
Riddellapachelogger: I'm uploading kde4libs with the netbook plasma patch now18:05
* Riddell rushes to get JontheEchidna's konversation upload before the bus leaves for the guiness factory18:06
JontheEchidna<3 Riddell18:06
RiddellJontheEchidna: done, you'll need to commit the changelog change yourself18:07
* Riddell out18:07
nixternalnice, guiness factory..I am jealous Riddell...have one for me please :_)18:08
nixternalerr, :)18:08
apacheloggerRiddell in dublin?18:16
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: clearly not me :P18:16
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: probably NCommander?18:16
neversfeldeapachelogger: bug 40996618:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 409966 in jaunty-backports "please backport kontrolpack 2.0.2-0ubuntu1 from karmic to jaunty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40996618:16
apacheloggerScottK: ^18:17
apacheloggerneversfelde: thx18:17
neversfeldeScottK: If you hvae time, would you have a look at it?18:17
neversfeldeJontheEchidna: wireless is completely not working with the plasma-widget-networkmanagment snapshot, I can't even connect to unprotected networks18:32
Nightroseis strigi supposed to work in 4.3 on jaunty?19:13
neversfeldeNightrose: it works for me, but I had to link libjvm.so  to /usr/lib/19:14
neversfeldesudo ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- /usr/lib/libjvm.so19:14
neversfeldeor something like that19:14
Nightrosehmmm still fails to initialise19:16
macowhois jzb19:26
macomissed the slash :P19:26
nixternalI do that all of the time, it sucks :)19:27
nixternalthis time though, jzb wasn't in the channel :)19:27
neversfeldeNightrose: mhh, that worked for several Jaunty users: http://wiki.kubuntu-de.org/Kubuntu_benutzen/Tipps_und_Tricks/Strigi_aktivieren19:35
lubyouNightrose https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/strigi/+bug/309626/comments/19 is another approach19:35
lubyouworked for me19:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 309626 in strigi "strigidaemon fails to start" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:35
ryanakcargreening: Any luck?19:36
Nightroseneversfelde: i'll have another look - thx19:36
Nightroselubyou: thx :) will check19:36
rgreeningryanakca: I had logged off before I got a response from you. DO you have the package posted up anywhere for me to look at?19:36
ryanakcargreening: http://ryanak.ca/~ryan/plasma-widget-facebook_1.0-1.dsc19:38
rgreeningryanakca: looking19:42
Nightroselubyou: \o/ that did the trick!19:43
Nightrosethx a bunch19:43
lubyouyou are welcome19:43
maconixternal: i wouldnt expect him to be.i was trying to figure out if what zonker's nick is19:45
rgreeningryanakca: in metadata desktop file.. should this line change "ServiceTypes=Plasma/Applet" to "X-KDE-ServiceTypes=Plasma/Applet"19:48
rgreeningryanakca: also, this blog post by aseigo may help: http://aseigo.blogspot.com/2009/06/python-javascript-or-web.html19:54
shadeslayerapachelogger: ping20:08
ryanakcargreening: Thanks20:11
ryanakcargreening: As for the changing, I'm not sure20:12
apacheloggerI like how the openoffice icons blend in with oxygen20:44
apacheloggerwhy can't ubuntu just leave upstream standards just for once20:44
yuriyapachelogger: they ARE oxygen :)20:51
yuriywhich standards?20:51
apacheloggeryuriy: they are not even tango IMHO20:56
apacheloggerbut upstream got to those weird colorish thingies at look kinda sunish20:57
yuriyapachelogger: ?? in kubuntu karmic? with kde integration?21:22
apacheloggerhum hum hum21:25
apacheloggerwhere is the kdm theme coming from?21:25
apacheloggeryuriy: I mean in the app menu21:25
apacheloggergreat, now the social desktop thingy starts bitching again21:26
apacheloggereverytime I log into a karmic setup i get all grumpy21:26
RiddellJontheEchidna: did you package a new network manager today?21:29
* Monika|K gives apachelogger a cookie to cheer him up21:30
yuriyapachelogger: oh I thought you meant in the application. ok. *goes on his merry way*21:31
apacheloggerthanks for caring :P21:31
yuriyapachelogger: well, what would need to be done to change those icons?21:40
apacheloggeroverride them21:40
apacheloggerjust change ooo to use upstream21:40
apacheloggerif someone gets in our way I will start bitching21:40
yuriyI think the tango icons (or whatever is in the menu on jaunty) look nice there actually21:41
apacheloggergo to graphics21:42
apacheloggerclashes with oxygen big time21:42
apacheloggeranyway, the splash is a much more urgent matter21:43
apacheloggeryuriy: the openoffice package should implement update-alternatives for the splash screen21:43
yuriybecause it says ubuntu on it?21:43
apacheloggerso we can alternate using kubuntu-defautl-settings21:43
apacheloggeryuriy: because it is brown and because it says ubuntu21:44
apacheloggeryuriy: bug 37722021:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 377220 in openoffice.org "Brown splash for openoffice in Kubuntu" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37722021:45
yuriyshtylman: ^ maybe you know how to make OO.o use different splash screens when in KDE?21:47
apacheloggersplashfile=splash_kde.bmp if $KDE_FULL_SESSION21:49
apacheloggerthat however would only be improving the change, since still then you might want to have different splashes for branding reason21:49
apacheloggerlike someone derivates kubuntu and chooses to use green as default color or something21:50
apacheloggerso still the actual file needs an alternation in place21:50
neversfeldebug 404839 needs a sponsor23:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 404839 in plasma-widget-windowlist "transitional package plasma-widget-windowslist not installable" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40483923:13
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shtylmanyuriy: don't know off the top of my head whether that is in a global package or in a separate art package...23:19
shtylmanif it is in a separate art package...souldn't be too hard23:19
shtylmanif it is deeper in the system files...in a main package..I wouldn't mess with it..23:19
Riddellit's in the global package and whenever I've asked calc he's said it's not possible without code changes23:19
shtylmanmaybe for another time...we have more pressing things I can enjoy this cycle :)23:20
shtylmanseele: did you ever decide on a particular layout you liked for the printer icons? one column two? whole thing?23:21
Riddellshtylman: I go with 123:25
shtylman1 column?23:25
Riddellyes, as seele says it matches the other system settings layouts23:26
shtylmanand then under that column...would you separate the sections?23:26
shtylmanlike settings, local printers, network printers...?23:26
shtylmanor just do settings and printers/23:26
Riddellthe three seems sensible23:26
Quintasanhmm I think I will pull kernel from karmic23:56

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