
maxbgah. /me carefully follows the instructions on what to write in the email to contributor-agreement@canonical.com.... and then forgets to actually attach the pdf00:00
mwhudsonthumper: when i was an undergrad, we had a "rashers of bacon consumed" league table in our house for a term00:01
thumpermwhudson: heh00:01
mwhudsonit got a bit silly00:02
* thumper is making a quadruple bacon egg and cheese muffin, well, two muffins00:09
thumperthe bacon had to be used00:10
thumperit would be a shame to throw it out00:10
thumperI only realised after it went in the pan that I _could_ have frozen some00:10
ajmitchsuch a thing to regret, having too much bacon00:19
lifelessBacon Explosion!01:07
thumperwgrant: your announcement method rename fix is landing now01:18
wgrantthumper: Thanks.01:19
maxbIs there any good way to produce a summary list of failing tests?01:34
mwhudsonman concurrency is hard :(01:40
* mwhudson gives up on it for now and has lunch instead01:41
wgrantthumper: Does PQM hate me, or is it still just really slow?02:07
spiv_PQM is an equal opportunity hater.02:08
spmwgrant: you've got a branch waiting to land via pqm?02:19
wgrantspm: I presume so.02:19
spmwgrant: pqm is currently stopped due to a CP in progress, sorry. please to be waiting ~ 4 hours.02:20
wgrantBut it's all still private, along with buildbot.02:20
wgrantspm: Ah, right. Thanks.02:20
maxbCP ?02:21
spmmaxb: basically taking a revno that has already landed on one of the trees; merging it into the existing current build; run the full test suite. push that live where appropriate. Is only done for critically broken things.02:23
=== spiv_ is now known as spiv
wgrantOr forgotten "What's new?" updates. Ehem.02:24
maxbHow can I ask the test system for a list of tests in the order they will actually be executed? I tried --list and it gave me a list, but they don't seem to be executing in that order02:37
lifelessmaxb: they get sorted to reduce churn on expensive test fixtures03:29
lifelessmaxb: there isn't a defined order, as such.03:29
* maxb crosses fingers and hopes this testrun actually manages to finish03:32
maxbIt's not looking too bad actually (Python 2.5)03:32
sidneimaxb: glad to hear that!03:35
maxb26 failures 19 errors out of some ~17000 tests so far03:38
sidneinot bad at all. reminds me of my templating branch. which, by the way, i need to bring up again. hopefully tomorrow :)03:45
jtvHi folks, everything still running?04:05
wgrantsidnei: Which templating branch? The Chameleon one?04:06
thumperec2test I started before I ran away failued due to a trunk conflict04:19
jtvthumper: buy a faster cloud05:29
thumperjtv: and why would that help?05:32
jtvthumper: so you can find out before you run away.05:33
* thumper smacks jtv around for a stupid idea05:34
* thumper is not in a good mood today05:34
* jtv tries to look chipper and supportive, but can't keep the hurt look out of his eyes05:34
thumperjtv: I have no sense of humour today05:34
* jtv chokes back obvious bad joke about Americans05:35
jtvmwhudson: the translations-to-bzr script is doing quite nicely...  it just exported translations for 18 productseries, skipped 1, and failed 4 because their branches weren't set up, all in 2 minutes 10 seconds.05:42
jtvI really ought to start skipping unchanged files, for that order-of-magnitude speed boost.05:42
mwhudsonjtv: hooray05:42
jtvmwhudson: the dirty little secret there is that ddtp-ubuntu still breaks it because the transaction runs for too long and the database watchdogs kill it.  Fix has landed, but we won't CP it unless it becomes unavoidable.05:43
jtvmwhudson: would it be very hard, or evil, to create branches that give me "not a branch" errors?05:45
thumperanyone remember the view attribute for the new page titles?05:48
jtvthumper: not off the top of my head... but wasn't pagetitles.py also supposed to work?05:48
thumperyes, but... I'm going to add a comment to the top of pagetitles.py saying "stop bloody using this file!!!"05:49
thumperand I'd like to be nice and tell them what to use instead05:49
* thumper goes hunting05:49
sidneiwgrant: xactly05:50
sidneiwgrant: looking for someone to pick that up and push forward (hint hint)05:51
=== jtv is now known as jtv-afk
=== sidnei is now known as sidnei-away
mwhudsonjtv-afk: no, not at all05:53
=== jtv-afk is now known as jtv
mwhudsonhard, i mean05:53
jtvmwhudson: I guess though that the user may still have a branch sitting around locally, waiting to be pushed...05:54
jtvIf I created the branch and populated it, and then the user pushed a different branch altogether, would the user's branch "win"?05:55
lifelessif they use --overwrite yes05:59
jtvSo not an unsafe idea at all to create the branches... How would I do it?  Would be nice if DirectBranchCommit could do it.06:00
mwhudsonjtv: you could create another branch type06:02
mwhudsonjtv: and have them pulled from some known location06:03
mwhudson(a bit like import branches are now)06:03
jtvmwhudson: I do require that it be Hosted.  If it's another type, it won't be referenced in this field.06:03
mwhudsonand not let anyone write to them on disk06:03
mwhudson(don't know if this would make sense)06:03
* wgrant curses replication lag to death.06:04
wgrantIt's particularly bad now that the bug page is AJAXy, as AJAX POSTs and PATCHes don't force further browser requests to the master.06:04
lifelesswgrant: file a bug06:05
wgrantThere is a bug.06:05
lifelessjtv: I would hesitate to write to the users branch directl.y06:05
lifelessjtv: writing to your own branch the user can pull/merge from is conceptually clearer.06:05
lifelessPersonally, I'd model it as: there is a user ~rosetta06:05
jtvlifeless: I already write to the user's branch, as per the user's wishes.  Question is whether I should create the bzr branch behind the user's "DB branch" if there isn't one.06:05
lifeless~rosetta can write to any branch that the user has been given access to06:06
lifelesswell, as long as they tell you the branch to branch from06:07
jtvThey have already created the DB branch and configured it as the one I should write to.  But there isn't necessarily a real branch behind it yet.06:08
lifelessjtv: if there isn't a real branch, you would have to branch from somewhere06:08
lifelessjtv: thus my comment06:08
jtvlifeless: oic... basically an empty "prototype branch"?06:09
lifelessjtv: that said, I'm strongly inclined to consider a db branch without bzr data in it a configuration error06:09
lifelessjtv: no, nothing empty06:09
jtvOkay, near-empty?06:09
jtvAnyway, isn't a db branch without any bzr data what you get when you register a Hosted branch in LP?  It seems a bit pointless to require that users populate the branch.06:10
jtv(In this case)06:10
jtvlifeless: actually, why would I have to branch from somewhere?06:13
lifelessto get their content06:14
lifelessjtv: registering 'hosted branches in lp' is a bug, it causes lots of questions and confusion06:15
jtvIn this case it's just what I want though, and if I could just create the bzr directory on the fly if needed, that'd be perfect for me.06:15
lifelessso whats the use case.06:15
lifelessI'm not understanding the desire to have a branch the user can't merge from06:16
jtvI don't understand... Why would the user not be able to merge from it?06:16
lifelesstry this06:16
lifelesscd /tmp06:16
lifelesscd ~lp-repo06:16
lifelessbzr init --2a foo06:16
lifelesscd foo06:16
lifelessbzr commit -m "first post"06:17
lifelessbzr merge ../trunk06:17
lifeless[adjust paths for your environment]06:17
jtvThe commit fails, of course.06:17
lifelessit shouldn't06:18
jtvThere's no data in there yet.06:18
lifelessoh, add --unchanged there06:18
jtvAnyway, what you're trying to tell me is I can't merge branches without common ancestors?06:19
lifelessit goes deeper06:19
lifelessyou can't merge files unless the files started at a common place06:19
Ursinhajtv, hi! :)06:19
jtvhi Ursinha!06:19
Ursinhajtv, do you have a few minutes after your discussion with lifeless?06:20
jtvUrsinha: very very few.  :)06:20
jtvUrsinha: if it's about the approval script failures, we're on it.06:20
Ursinhajtv, :P06:20
Ursinhajtv, actually no, it's about some weird timeouts06:21
jtvlifeless: so it'd be good for the user to choose the branch wisely... but in this case afaics having a branch that lives in its own universe is still a lot better than having one that produces nothing at all.06:22
lifelessjtv: I still don't understand the case06:22
lifelesswhat is the use case06:22
jtvlifeless: this is for daily translations exports.  "Pick a Launchpad-hosted branch and I'll commit daily snapshots of your translations to it."06:22
jtvlifeless: minimally, bzr is just used as an asynchronous transport here.06:23
jtvAn alternative to ftp, almost.  Merging is slightly more advanced usage, but not everyone will even want that.06:24
lifelessjtv: thats fine; just check when they select the branch that it has been successfully mirrored once06:24
lifelessjtv: if they want an empty branch, they do 'bzr init lp:~person/project/trunk06:24
jtvlifeless: mirrored?  or pulled?  this works for Hosted branches only.06:24
lifelessjtv: copied from private hosting to http06:25
lifelessjtv: what I'm saying is: don't special case this in your code. Depend on them making the branch appropriately.06:25
jtvlifeless: sorry to be thick, but... private to whom?  And to what over http?06:25
lifelessit is, at worst, one command.06:25
lifelessjtv: hosted branches get scanned and published inside the server06:26
lifelessthere is a flag written when this succeeds.06:26
lifelessI'm saying check that this flag has been set06:26
lifelessas its being set indicate the branch has been real for at least one puller cycle06:27
jtvlifeless: now I see...  That's good, thanks.  It's another way of avoiding these quiet failures.  I'll file a bug.06:27
jtvlifeless: I think they call the http-accessible hosting facility the "read-only area."06:31
Ursinhahi thumper06:32
jtvlifeless: bug 40968606:35
mupBug #409686: Export branch should have real bzr branch attached <Launchpad Translations:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/409686>06:35
jtvthumper: about those timeouts...  we see weirdness all over the place atm and suspect foundational problems.06:36
jtvsorry, not thumper, Ursinha06:37
jtv(I wonder how I could've made _that_ mistake...)06:37
Ursinhajtv, I've asked flacoste earlier today about those, questioning that that could be due to the storm update, but he said that was unlikely, and that we had changes in messaging sharing06:39
Ursinhaand if I asked danilo about that... I don't, so I'm asking you :)06:40
Ursinhalet me find some of the oopses06:40
Ursinhajtv, OOPS-1309F1091,OOPS-1312C1554,OOPS-1309F109106:41
Ursinhathe slowest query is select replication_lag(), that according to flacoste should be fast06:42
* Ursinha curses the bot06:42
spmwgrant: fyi. pqm reopened, so your landing should pass shortly06:51
wgrantspm: Thanks.06:51
wgrantspm: It has indeed just landed.07:12
thumperI need to go make dinner07:22
thumperTTFN people07:22
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
lifelessjml: http://advogato.org/person/robertc/diary/108.html09:00
jmllifeless, \o/09:03
lifelesshudson is pretty sext09:04
* maxb rejoices at running the testsuite all the way through for the first time on python 2.509:19
* maxb doesn't rejoice about it taking 5 hours though09:20
wgrantmaxb: What are the stats?09:23
noodles775Great stuff maxb !09:29
maxbwgrant: I've added a test summary ^09:30
maxbin brief - there's work to be done, but it could have been a lot worse09:30
noodles775maxb: 1328 tests ran?09:31
noodles775Hmm... It should be closer to 23k?09:31
* noodles775 checks latest buildbot run.09:31
wgrantbuildbot is still in the exclusive realm of Canonical employees :(09:32
noodles77523741 tests.09:32
bigjoolsmake check will run 23k tests09:32
bigjoolsif it doesn't, there's a problem with the tests09:33
wgrantThat's getting close.09:33
jmlwgrant: as in, buildbot visibility?09:34
maxb23117 if you sum all the categories09:34
wgrantjml: Yes.09:34
wgrantmaxb: That's what I got too.09:34
wgrantSo, not too bad.09:34
wgrantI'm very surprised so many passed.09:34
wgranthow much of Zope did you have to poke?09:34
maxbI cherrypicked some upstream changes for zope.proxy and zope.security, and did an almightly bodge in zope.sendmail09:35
wgrantAh, I shall check the branch.09:35
maxboh, and a cherrypick for zope.app.security too09:36
noodles775maxb: sounds close (the buildbot run that ran 23741 tests was r9053).09:37
maxbr9053@devel ?09:37
* maxb curses bzr's weird idea of revnos09:38
wgrantWhat's weird about it?09:39
wgrantapart from presumably being different to hg's.09:40
jmlBjornT, you around?09:40
BjornTjml: yes09:40
maxbThe way it bears no meaning whatsoever cross-branch09:41
jmlBjornT, I was wondering about bug-branch linking appearing in the activity log.09:41
jmlBjornT, ISTR you or someone on the bugs team fixing something in the scanner to make the linking appear inline with the bug comments, but that doesn't seem to be what's happening.09:42
maxbAh right, so by happy coincidence my testrun was based on devel@r9053 too09:43
BjornTjml: no, we didn't fix it to appear inline, we just fixed it to actually appear in the activity log.09:43
jmlBjornT, ahh ok.09:43
jmlBjornT, and one doesn't imply the other, I take it.09:43
BjornTjml: right. we don't want all activity to appear inline, for example subscriptions. however, there are some things that definitely should appear inline, but we didn't have time to implement it.09:44
jmlBjornT, ok, cool.09:44
BjornTjml: you think it would be useful to have branch linking being inline? there's always the question whether it's actually useful, or if it simply adds noise09:44
noodles775maxb: but that's your local branch of devel, you can easily check the log to see where you diverged from devel (or did you mean that you'd merged devel@r9053 before doing running tests?)09:45
jmlBjornT, I think so.09:45
jmlBjornT, it doesn't happen often, and means that someone has done some work on the bug.09:45
jml(a secondary bug is that the bug should probably be marked as in-progress)09:45
maxbnoodles775: I mean I used bzr log -n0 --show-ids to find my last merged rev and then looked up the revid in devel to map it back to a revno09:46
noodles775maxb: in which case, it's strange that you had a different number of tests. Was that using 'make check'?09:46
maxbyes, make check09:46
jmlBjornT, we have a bug somewhere on launchpad-code about making it appear in line. I'd like to add some notes to the bug about how to actually do it.09:46
bigjoolsmaxb: `bzr misssing` not work for you?09:47
wgrantnoodles775: It's not incredible that some test modules would fail to import.09:47
maxbbigjools: that'd tell me what I didn't have - I wanted to know what I didn't have - oh.... so I should have run bzr missing --this in devel and subtracted one from the lowest shown revno09:48
noodles775wgrant: no not at all, I'm just surprised that it didn't cause an error if that's the case.09:48
maxbIs it possible that some of the errors noted in that summary could abort the entire test module, skipping later tests?09:49
jmlBjornT, where should I start looking to add bug/branch linking events to the inline view09:49
wgrantnoodles775: The tests don't exist if the module failed to import.09:49
wgrantnoodles775: There'll just be an exception somewhere back in the log.09:49
bigjoolsmaxb: yes, that can happen09:49
noodles775maxb: good question.09:50
bigjoolsparticularly in doctests09:50
wgrantI forget exactly how doctests count. Is it one test per block?09:51
BjornTjml: you should start at BugTaskView.activity_by_date, and adjust the interesting_changes bit to include branch linking09:51
wgrantNot as in Python syntax block, but doctest block.09:51
BjornTjml: with some luck, that's all that's needed09:51
jmlBjornT, thanks.09:51
bigjoolswgrant: no idea, it seems random to me :/09:51
noodles775wgrant: Hmm... if that's the case, then I'd say it's a bug - if 'all tests pass' then it lands (at least, I don't scroll back if all tests passed)09:51
bigjoolsif he altered tests then the number of tests could have changed09:52
noodles775wgrant: so hopefully the difference is due to the failures or altered tests, rather than import failures.09:52
wgrantnoodles775: Hopefully.09:52
jmlBjornT, the string should match the 'whatchanged' key of the activity dict, I assume.09:53
BjornTjml: yeah. if it doesn't look good, you have to change BugActivityItem to do special things for branch links09:54
lifelessjml: http://gorf.tangent.org/hudson/job/Drizzle-subunit/ has a test graph now09:55
jmlBjornT, thanks.09:55
maxbzero altered tests09:57
maxb(so far)09:58
wgrantmaxb: Did you collect a list of the failed tests to start attacking?09:58
maxbI have the entire log courtesy of screen, I need to work my way through it turning it into a list of test names and initial notes of probably causes09:59
maxbWhen I say zero altered tests....10:03
maxbI did have to alter the harness to wait longer for the librarian to start up10:03
lifelessI wish lp output in subunit at this point10:03
lifelesscause then you could do 'subunit-filter log | subunit-ls' and have that list instantly ;)10:04
wgrantDoes a newer zope.testing do subunit?10:04
bigjoolsbuildbot seems to parse it ok!10:04
lifelesswgrant: not per se; jml and I did a patch to launchpads test runner use arbitrary TestResult objects10:04
lifelesswhich permits subunit; jml was landing that work but I dont know if he had10:05
jmllifeless, I think I have10:05
jmlbut it might have rotted a little with recent buildout shenanigans.10:05
lifelessits a shame buildout != dpkg10:06
wgranteggs always seemed like a bad direction.10:06
lifelessits a bit of an awkward halfway-house10:06
lifelesswgrant: I loathe them. With a passion.10:06
maxbDoes anyone not loathe eggs? :-)10:06
wgrantlifeless: I noticed! I'm not a fan either.10:06
lifelessanyhoo... internet dragons to kill10:07
lifelessjml: theres an xfail support patch up you might like to review; if you have a minute10:07
jmllifeless, sure. I'd like to dive back into actual Launchpad hacking now that my email kneejerks are done10:08
jmllifeless, what's the url?10:08
mwhudsonjml: hello, btw10:09
jmlmwhudson, hi10:09
mwhudsonjml: want to review a branch?10:09
jmllifeless, ta10:09
jmlmwhudson, is this your race condition branch?10:09
mwhudsonjml: i'm much happier than i was with this stuff than i was yesterday :)10:09
mwhudsonjml: yes10:09
mwhudsonjml: the cover letter will include alan perlis' epigram no. 5810:10
jmlmwhudson, beautiful. I'd love to look at it.10:11
lifelessjml: have a good day10:20
* lifeless goes to entertain himself10:20
jmllifeless, good evening10:20
mwhudsonjml: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mwhudson/launchpad/more-task-scheduled-bug-408638/+merge/974910:23
jmlmwhudson, thanks.10:24
jmlI'm wondering if it's worth having a bug tag for "I'll bend over backwards to help you land a patch that fixes this bug"10:26
mwhudsonjml: thanks in advance10:26
jmlmwhudson, np10:26
mwhudsonjml: if you want to ask things about it, sooner is better than later :)10:27
jmlmwhudson, sure.10:27
jmlmwhudson, in context switch mode right nowm.10:27
jml'if' should be an expression in Python10:36
mwhudsonit is in 2.5!10:37
jmlmwhudson, review done.11:03
jmlbut I guess it's pretty late11:04
wgrantA couple of days ago I did a branch to export IArchiveDependency on the webservice, but I'm not entirely sure about the security bits.11:07
wgrantAt the moment read access is allowed unconditionally, and write access is completely forbidden, but you can't get hold of one with having launchpad.View on the Archive. Should a security adapter be written for IArchiveDependency, or is that sufficient?11:08
jmlI'm not sure.11:11
jmlwgrant: I'd guess 'no', but I don't really have enough domain knowledge to give a full answer.11:13
jmlbigjools, ^^ ?11:13
=== danilo-afk is now known as danilo
wgrantjml: 'no' to which?11:14
bigjoolswgrant: if you're not sure then you haven't written enough tests11:14
wgrantbigjools: I know I can't get hold of an object, but I wonder if I should make it safer in case another exported method leaks them.11:15
jmlwgrant: "no you don't need to write an adapter"11:15
wgrantjml: OK.11:15
wgrantBut I think I probably do.11:15
jmlyou'd know better than me, at this point :)11:15
bigjoolswgrant: how do you know write access is forbidden?11:16
wgrantbigjools: I haven't a test for that yet, but lib/lp/soyuz/configure.zcml strongly suggests that it is.11:17
bigjoolswgrant: if it's not tested then you don't know, by definition :)11:17
wgrantAlthough similar tests (eg. ArchivePermission in stories/webservice/xx-archive.txt) don't seem to test that.11:18
bigjoolsthen they suck11:19
bigjoolswhich is probably my fault11:19
mwhudsonjml: thanks11:20
wgrantCan somebody point me at a good example?11:20
wgrantI'm not clear on exactly how thorough the tests should be.11:20
* bigjools looks11:20
bigjoolswgrant: lib/lp/soyuz/stories/webservice/xx-archive.txt "Modifying privacy"11:22
jmlwgrant: lp.code.tests.test_branch has unit tests for branch security11:23
bigjoolsjml: I think he explicitly needs webservice tests though11:23
jmloh right.11:23
bigjoolsthe existing object is fine as it is, it's not directly exposed until wgrant exports it11:24
jmlbigjools, about verify_acl11:24
jmlbigjools, it doesn't currently check component privileges for existing packages.11:24
jmlis this a feature or a bug?11:24
wgrantI don't know to what depth I must go -- do I just verify that people can't write to a couple of the fields?11:25
jmlbigjools, what's the reasoning?11:25
* bigjools is trying to remember11:26
bigjoolswgrant: test important fields11:26
bigjoolswhere it would compromise functionality11:26
jmlbecause BugTask.canApprove consults component privileges, and IIRC you implied I should check it for the package branch stuff.11:27
wgrantbigjools: OK, sounds good.11:27
bigjoolsjml: there's a comment in the middle of verify_acl that explains it.  I remember putting it there because I kept forgetting why :)11:29
bigjoolsit's because of overrides, basically11:29
jmlbigjools, I'm looking at verify_acl & don't see anything that answers my question.11:30
bigjoolsoh wait the comment talks about new packages.  in any case, it's because of overrides11:30
bigjoolsso we make sure that the person has an ACL to at least one component11:30
bigjoolsthen let the overrides work after that11:31
bigjoolsjml: ummm wait11:32
* bigjools engages brain11:33
bigjoolswhy do you think that?11:33
jmlbigjools, why do I think what?11:34
bigjoolsjml: "bigjools, it doesn't currently check component privileges for existing packages."11:34
jmlbigjools, it checks it based on the dsc, but not the other thing... gimme a sec to find it.11:34
bigjoolsyeah it's at the bottom of verify_acl11:35
jmlright. so it checks the dsc rather than latest_published_component. why's that?11:36
* bigjools thinks11:36
wgrantIt's already overridden, isn't it?11:39
bigjoolsyes, on the files11:39
wgrantfind_and_apply_overrides() is called a few lines before verify_acl11:39
=== sidnei-away is now known as sidnei
bigjoolsI can think of a situation where it might help11:40
bigjoolsbut I am not sure if it's valid11:40
bigjoolsif a package goes universe->main, then a motu can continue to upload it if they target universe11:41
wgrantThat's not reasonable, and I don't see why that would work?11:41
bigjoolsbecause it checks the dsc and not the current component11:42
wgrantBut the dsc component is already overridden with the latest ancestry.11:42
bigjoolsah so it os11:43
wgrantThat's pretty damn strange.11:43
wgrantBut it works.11:43
bigjoolschrist I need more coffee11:43
bigjoolsjml: ok so it checks based on the override, just in a roundabout way11:43
wgrantI smell a missing comment.11:43
jmland AIUI, the override is not the same as the dsc file is not the same as latest_published_component11:44
jmlis this correct?11:44
bigjoolsdistroseries.getPublishedReleases()[0] is used11:44
bigjoolswhich should be the same as latest_published_component11:44
henningedanilo, jtv: Help!11:44
bigjoolswell, its publishing record11:44
jtvhenninge: ?11:44
wgrant(with the archive, too)11:45
wgrantlatest_published_component doesn't know about the archive.11:45
jtvhenninge: seems danilo's network conked out11:45
wgrantBut I don't see why that would matter in any current situation.11:45
henningejtv: oh11:45
bigjoolsjml: so, it applies the override first, which changes the component on the DSC11:45
henningejtv: I thought it was me11:45
jtvhenninge: and me11:45
jtvand him :)11:45
henningejtv: I don't see you on skype either, though.11:45
jtvhenninge: then I'll just restart to make sure11:45
bigjoolswgrant: it does matter, that's not good11:46
danilojtv: ok, back, but don't see you on skype11:46
jmlBugNomination takes the latest_published_component and asks archive.canUpload(person, component)11:46
jtvdanilo: I was just restarting it for luck11:47
jmlis that any different, in effect, from what nascentupload is doing?11:47
danilojtv: it's ringing11:47
bigjoolsjml: eeek that's wrong, because if a PPA has a more recent publication in main it will use that11:47
wgrantbigjools: When does it matter?11:47
bigjoolsall of these queries need to be archive specific11:47
wgrantbigjools: Doesn't latest_published_component restrict to distribution_archives?11:47
* wgrant checks.11:47
wgrantI'm fairly sure it did.11:47
bigjoolsah it does11:48
wgrantIt uses _getFirstPublishing or something like that.11:48
bigjoolsit's kinda gross11:48
wgrantA little.11:48
wgrantI imagine it was all better before archive-rework.11:48
wgrantNice and simple back then.11:49
bigjoolswhen we added PPAs, we found a lot of problems in our data model that needed hacks like that11:49
jmlbigjools, so it ought to be 'get_latest_published_component(archive)'?11:49
bigjoolsjml: not needed (yet)11:49
bigjoolsPPAs are always main11:49
bigjoolsthe nascentupload stuff is a remnant of when we used components in PPAs11:49
mwhudsonjml: replied11:50
bigjoolsjml: so did I answer your question yet? :)11:50
jmlthe question is, "is BugNominations component permission check different from nascentupload's in any way that matters?"11:52
jmlthe answer so far seems to be "no, and everything is terrible"11:52
jmlmwhudson, thanks.11:52
* mwhudson giggles at wgrant correcting bigjools on soyuz arcana11:53
wgrantmwhudson: My mind is just freshly scarred with DSP and NascentUpload strangeness.11:54
bigjoolsI stepped on too many soyuz mines and lost half of my brain11:55
wgrantEasy to do.11:55
jmlso, was my answer correct?11:57
bigjoolspretty much11:57
jmlbigjools, ok, thanks.11:58
bigjoolsjml: np, sorry it took so long to get there11:58
jmlit's ok. my goal here is to make this kind of conversation unnecessary in future. :)11:59
* bigjools hi-fives jml11:59
wgrantI have to wonder why the files are overridden, rather than the ACL code explicitly checking the overrides.12:00
danilomrevell: hey, btw, what happened to frontpage updates?12:12
mrevelldanilo: I was waiting for flacoste to return to get the CP and didn't want to overwhelm him on his day back, so I'll be asking him later on today.12:13
danilomrevell: heh, ok, but kiko-afk is still able to do that for us as well :) fwiw, I already had one CP done12:14
=== henninge is now known as henninge-lunch
kiko-afkI am indeed12:38
mrevellkiko-afk: Hey there. I was hoping to get a CP to update the what's new. I have an MP: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~matthew.revell/launchpad/whatsnew227/+merge/957612:41
jmlsidnei, hi12:45
sidneihey jml12:45
jmlsidnei, so, in answer to your question, the release finder stuff isn't exposed via the api afaict12:45
jmlsidnei, if you wanted to do so, you'd just have to expose IProductSeries.releasefileglob, I think.12:45
sidneijml: sounds easy when you say it that way *wink*12:46
sidneijml: i will give it a try12:46
kiko-afkmrevell, rc=kiko, though normally you'd just ask for a release-critical review on the MP12:46
mrevellah thanks kiko-afk12:46
mrevellnoted for future12:46
sidneijml: what im trying to figure out is if i could automate setting up the import globs to suck in all the existing zope releases, which there maybe 50 of12:46
jmlsidnei, cool. just ping me if you need help with the patch, or want a review.12:47
sidneis/maybe/may be12:47
sidneijml: thank you!12:47
sidneijml: seems like there's no indication at all in the UI about the status of crawling for new releases12:59
jmlsidnei, that's quite possible.13:00
sidneijml: to boot, when you create the series it doesnt save the glob, you have to go back and fill the glob field again13:02
* sidnei files a bug13:02
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
danilobeuno: hey13:37
bigjoolsbeuno: did you knock up any CSS for "Choose a task" ?13:40
noodles775The CSS should "just work", I'll have a go at adding the template snippet to include it in the sidebar if it's not there already.13:44
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jmlflacoste, hi14:08
jmlI just filed bug 409846, fwiw,14:09
mupBug #409846: Contributors file <Launchpad itself:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/409846>14:09
jmlnot exactly sure what to put in such a file, right now14:09
flacostejml: contributors should list contributors?14:18
maxbI don't think it necessarily follows that all OSS projects should have a contributors file14:18
jmlmaxb, no it doesn't. I think we should have one though.14:19
* jml was a bit lazy filing that bug14:19
jmlflacoste, yeah, but I don't have a complete list to hand14:19
jmlmaxb, a Changelog or a NEWS file would satisfy me.14:19
maxbAs a contributor, I don't care. As a committer, I don't want to bother maintaining one or judging how big a contribution gains entry14:19
maxbA NEWS or CHANGES file is useful, but serves a completely different purpose to a Contributors file14:20
maxbA Changelog.... hmm, well if everyone just writes decent commit messages14:21
=== Edwin is now known as Guest73773
=== Guest73773 is now known as EdwinGrubbs
mrevellsinzui: Does this look like a question for the registry team? Or the code team? https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/7926114:49
sinzuimrevell: code. I think their may be an faq about this. I recall helping someone with the same issues 1 month ago14:52
mrevellAh thanks sinzui14:53
mrevellcprov: Can you help with this PPA question please? https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/7924614:53
beunodanilo, hi14:53
beunobigjools, I don't think so14:53
cprovmrevell: sure, assign it to me, I will reply in a sec14:53
mrevellthanks cprov14:54
danilobeuno: anyway, I just wanted to say that I am considering putting henninge on +translate page for the following two months, and we'd like some private time with you to discuss ultimate +translate page next week (to give all of us time to think about what'd be cool to do)14:55
jmlmaxb, personally, I like to be credited when I contribute to projects, and I feel a bit awkward committing someone else's contributions without crediting them14:55
sinzuimrevell: This question looks a lot like a question asked by https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/~basicxp but I think that was a feedback email.14:55
maxbjml: Yes, but I'd address that in the log msg or bzr commit --author14:56
beunodanilo, sure. Can we try tomorrow?  today's kind of crazy14:57
danilobeuno: as I said, next week is best14:57
jmlmaxb, I don't think that's enough glory :)14:57
beunodanilo, even better14:58
danilobeuno: and if my timezones are correct, we should be in a call in about 2 minutes :)14:58
beunodanilo, yes, I have my headphones on14:58
mrevelldanilo: Could you take a look at this question please? https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/7923315:02
danilomrevell: sure I could, but I don't want to15:02
mrevellbut you're going to, so that's ok15:03
=== kiko-afk is now known as kiko
leonardrgary_poster: i might as well take care of bug 397903 while i'm touching every lazr package. is creating LICENSE.ZPL the right thing to do?15:39
mupBug #397903: ZPL LICENSE not included in source <lazr.restful-client:New> <lazr.uri:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/397903>15:39
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gary_posterleonardr: look in _bootstrap.  I believe that bug report is in error15:41
leonardrgary_poster: indeed15:41
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
gary_posterleonardr: so my opinion is mark as Invalid.  You can ask James if the names we have for the files are OK for Ubuntu, I guess, if you want to.  Or just leave it be, maybe, woud be better.15:43
james_wI don't see a _bootstrap in the branch?15:44
gary_posterjames_w: no?  it is in one I have around (at top of package).  will look at trunk.15:45
leonardrjames_w: what branch are you using?15:45
james_wlazr.uri at least15:45
gary_posterI have one in my copy of that too.  Actually getting trunk now as promised15:46
leonardrgary: i do not have _bootstrap in my copy of trunk15:46
gary_posterI may have been bad and not merged, way back when when I made a PyPI release.  checking.15:47
gary_posterjames_w, leonardr: bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Elaunchpad/lazr.uri/1.0.1/ .  We (largely, I) didn't do a great job with getting all of this right in lp at the start.  1.0.1 should be merged with trunk, whatever that is15:48
leonardrgary_poster: ok, do you want to fix the path while you're at it? then i'll review15:49
jmlcprov, ping15:49
cprovjml: pong15:49
gary_posterjames_w: lazr.restful does have _bootstrap; it is now part of the lazr.* templates.  I don't think we have any actual releases without the license15:49
jmlcprov, I want to write a test for 'if a package is in a component and you have upload rights for that component in the archive then you can upload to that package'15:50
jmlcprov, where 'package in a component' is probably defined by sourcepackage.latest_published_component15:50
gary_posterleonardr: 1.0.1 is an old branch of what was released as 1.0.1.  I'll branch it, make the path change, and push it to someplace or other...15:50
jmlcprov, how do I populate latest_published_component without actually uploading a package?15:50
matsubarastub, herb, flacoste, rockstar, bigjools, henninge, sinzui, intellectronica: production meeting in #launchpad-meeting in 9min15:51
leonardrgary_poster: so we did the release but didn't merge with trunk15:51
cprovjml: SP.latest_published_component doesn't cope with PPA sources, IIRC15:51
gary_posterleonardr: right.15:51
jmlcprov, it doesn't have to be PPA15:51
cprovjml: right, you can create publications with SoyuzTestPublisher()15:51
* jml greps15:51
jmlcprov, I was kind of hoping for something a little more object factory friendly15:53
james_wgary_poster, leonardr: thanks, if we can get fresh releases with these changes for lazr.restfulclient and lazr.uri that would be great15:53
leonardrjames_w: you should have for lazr.restfulclient now15:53
bigjoolsjml: it's a sort of factory itself, but keeps the db relations intact15:54
james_wthanks leonardr15:54
cprovjml: we can wrap STP in the factory, but it requires a lot of assumption that are not good for the current callsites.15:54
jmlbigjools, the factory keeps db relations intact though, doesn't it?15:55
gary_posterleonardr: it would also be fantastic to remove any remaining use of the setuptools_bzr stuff in these packages.  There's a bug for that someplace: it is annoying for *NIX, and apparently outright broken for Windows15:55
gary_posterleonardr: I'm merging 1.0.1 to trunk now.  (At the time, merging required the whole pqm dance).  That does not include the new path stuff15:57
gary_posterleonardr: this is the diff of 1.0.1: https://pastebin.canonical.com/20872/15:57
cprovjml: it's not that difficult to create Factory.makeSourcePublication(...) using STP, but requires some cleanup.15:57
bigjoolsit's possible but I question the value15:58
leonardrgary_poster: r=me on that diff16:00
gary_posterleonardr: cool thanks.  nevermind about me submitting to trunk.  I thought this was no longer managed by pqm.  Do we still have to trigger a launchpad pqm test in order to land on this branch?  If so, could I toss this back to you?  I'd really, really like to be working on the zope buildout branch16:01
leonardrgary_poster: it looks like lazr.uri trunk is managed by pqm, but i think i can just change the development focus, like i did for lazr.restful and wadllib. flacoste, is this okay?16:03
=== cprov is now known as cprov-lunch
flacosteleonardr: why not simply submit through PQM?16:04
flacostewe want all of trunks managed by PQM eventually16:04
flacostethe reason it's not is because it's not set-up to run only the packages tests yet16:04
flacostebut for lazr.uri, i think it should be fine16:05
flacosteunless it runs the whole test suite16:05
flacostewhere whole = launchpad16:05
leonardrwhy wouldn't it?16:05
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
leonardrall right, i'll do lazr.uri after lazr.yourpkg16:31
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flacostejtv: are you done with your lock on LPS?16:44
flacostejtv: wiki lock on LaunchpadProductionStatus16:44
jtvflacoste: no, I've only had it a minute!16:44
jtvflacoste: released it for now16:46
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
rockstarabentley, ready to chat16:51
abentleyrockstar: 1 sec16:52
rockstarabentley, just call when you're good to go16:52
allenapDoes anyone know why https://bugs.staging.launchpad.net/openfiler might keep timing out?16:52
allenapIt has consistently timed out on me all day.16:52
jmlit needs the librarian :(16:53
sinzuiShould I publicise  how to register a menu without touching ZCML?16:54
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
allenapjml: Was that a response to my question? If so, is the librarian in staging borkened?16:55
allenapArgh. I started writing borked, decided to use broken instead and somehow ended up with borkened.16:58
Ursinhahey bigjools, you're using kde, right?17:12
Ursinhabigjools, my kde acts up sometimes and doesn't allow me to do a rf-get or commit to a branch without asking the the passphrase of a rsa key17:13
Ursinhabut the key has no passphrase,so I'm not able to do what I want17:13
bigjoolsthat's down to the gpg-agent settings, not KDE17:13
Ursinhait seems ssh-agent or something is borked.. don't know17:13
bigjoolsor ssh-agent!17:14
Ursinhabigjools, why does it work fine on gnome?17:14
bigjoolsno idea :/17:14
Ursinhabigjools, did you have this problem17:14
bigjoolsno, nothing like that17:14
Ursinhathanks anyway bigjools17:15
bigjoolsUrsinha: can you narrow it down to what command causes it?17:15
Ursinhathe error messages or ssh-agent to work on kde?17:16
bigjoolswell, you say bzr commit causes it?17:17
Ursinhaand a rf-get17:17
bigjoolshave you got sign-commits turned on?17:18
Ursinhatrying to push branches to lp17:18
UrsinhaI do17:18
bigjoolsturn that off and commit again, see if it happens17:19
bigjoolswait, committing does it, or pushing?17:19
jmlallenap, no, it wasn't17:22
jmlallenap, The SoyuzTestPublisher needs the librarian :(17:22
allenapjml: Okay, thanks :)17:22
bigjoolsjml: that can be bypassed with a code change if you want17:22
jmlbigjools, ooh, how?17:23
bigjoolsjml: add an option so that addPackageUpload isn't called17:24
jmlok, thanks.17:25
bigjoolsthat's the part that inserts librarian files17:25
bigjoolsbut make it default to true :)17:25
danilojtv: hey, are you around?17:27
jtvdanilo: barely... get my ping?17:27
danilojtv: if it's on internal IRC, no (you get on and off there)17:28
jtvyeah :(17:28
jtv"danilo: CP requests are up, all merge cleanly into 2.2.7, and all Translations tests pass (apart from that test_args thing that buildbot doesn't complain about; I didn't touch that).  And I'm done.  :-)"17:28
jmlbigjools, naturally :)17:28
danilojtv: just a note about https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jtv/launchpad/bug-409330/+merge/9760 : it's really ugly to have this option by ID, and I don't want us to schedule a job like that ever17:28
jtvdanilo: a bit late to tell me that!17:29
danilojtv: can you prepare a simpler patch to just remove it from the nightly instead?17:29
jtvdanilo: the patch is the same, but the request to the LOSAs is different.17:30
jtvI Cc'ed you on the email, and there's another link to the same request on LaunchpadProductionStatus.  You can follow up & change if you like.17:30
danilojtv: why'd you need to add start-id parameter if we just want to remove it from the nightly?17:30
danilojtv: ok, sure17:30
jtvdanilo: this was exactly the solution I described on the call.17:31
danilojtv: yeah, sorry, I guess we misunderstood each other :)17:33
danilojtv: anyway, don't worry about it, I'll figure something out17:34
danilojtv: go home already :)17:34
jmlsoyuz folks: why is this test failing?17:35
jtvdanilo: ok, ok!17:35
* bigjools awaits the paste17:35
=== kiko is now known as kiko-fud
jml*ahem* http://paste.ubuntu.com/248735/17:36
barryleonardr: ping17:36
leonardrbarry, welcome back17:37
bigjoolsjml: what is makeComponent?17:37
bigjoolsslightly rhetorical Q17:38
jmlbigjools, http://paste.ubuntu.com/248738/17:38
bigjoolsjml: check the publishing status17:39
jmlbigjools, it's something I added to the factory, because it seemed useful.17:39
jmlbigjools, ahh, it'll be PENDING17:39
bigjoolsjml: I think it's a bit bogus, you should stick to known components17:39
bigjoolsjml: exactly :)17:39
bigjoolsjml: return "main" by default maybe?17:40
jmlbigjools, well, the point is more to stop tests making implicit assumptions about components17:40
jmlbigjools, if it returned 'main' by default, then that would lead to accidentally tying tests to properties of main.17:41
jmlbut it's a small thing.17:41
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
jmlwoot. I now have the failing test :)17:49
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mrevellNight all18:06
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
salgadoI was wondering, what will the breadcrumbs for bugs.lp.net/shipit/+bug/315110 look like?18:38
beunosalgado, I need to sit down and nail it, but something like "Ship It > Bug Listing > Bug title blah bl..."18:39
salgadobeuno, right, that's what I was expecting. just wanted to make sure18:40
salgadobeuno, what about, say,   https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~spiv/bzr/inventory-delta. do you have any idea what the breadcrumbs will look like?18:40
beunosalgado, someething line "Bazaar > Branch listing > inventory-delta"18:42
beunolast breadcrumb is always bold, and not a link18:42
jmlcprov, the code currently in nascentuploader's verify_acl checks permissions for ppa's before doing the binary upload shortcut18:43
jmlcprov, is that meaningful in any way?18:44
salgadobeuno, so, would it be fair to generalize the breadcrumbs for app.launchpad.net/something/sth-else to "lp.net > lp.net/something > app.lp.net/something > app.lp.net/something/sth-else (unlinked)", for a start?18:45
beunosalgado, lp.net is never the root18:45
beunoprojects are the root18:46
beunowell, maybe with the few exceptions of launchpad-wide search and such18:46
beunoso the root is always lp.net/foo18:46
cprovjml: let me check the code18:46
jmlcprov, thanks.18:46
beunosalgado, or lp.net/~foo if it's not linked to a project18:46
salgadobeuno, oh, right, I included lp.net because the link to the home page seems to be part of the breadcrumbs18:47
salgadobut it's not18:47
cprovjml: no, 'if self.binaryful: return' can happen before the ppa check.18:48
beunosalgado, right. We want to emphazise projects rather than Launchpad18:48
jmlcprov, cool. thanks.18:48
salgadobeuno, so, is that link to the home page going away?18:48
beunosalgado, yes, unless you're in a context-less page18:48
cprovjml: as in "binary uploads don't need permission checks"18:48
jmlcprov, sure. but I don't trust comments implicitly :)18:49
rockstarHoly poo poo, I just used the inline "Request a review" and it's awesome.18:49
cprovjml: the comment isn't any clear about this aspect, you can amend it if you have a chance.18:50
jmlcprov, will do.18:50
salgadobeuno, ok. I now know enough about breadcrumbs to have an idea of how much work will be involved to tweak them to our needs, so whenever you want to talk more, just let me know18:56
beunosalgado, how's in 30-40 minutes?18:56
salgadobeuno, wfm18:57
jmlcprov, verify_acl doesn't have any checks to do with the pocket -- why?18:57
jml(apologies if I've asked this before)18:57
cprovjml: because it's done in UploadPolicy.check_upload(), IRC18:58
jmloh right.18:58
* jml remembers some more stuff18:58
cprovjml: it would be nice to consolidate both check in one place19:00
jmlcprov, yeah, that's what I'll do.19:00
jmlcprov, but I've got a tested function that does what most of verify_acl does, so I'll slot that in place first before expanding its features19:00
cprovjml: nice move.19:02
* jml is off for a bit19:16
sinzuigary_poster: is the https://lpbuildbot.canonical.com/ failure one of your mad-science projects?20:03
gary_postersinzui: mthaddon's, with my assistance as possible.  sorry, we are disabling the emails.  this will become the "real" buildbot hopefully within a week though.20:04
beunosalgado, ready when you are20:04
=== kiko-fud is now known as kiko
salgadobeuno, I'm ready20:07
salgadobeuno, calling now20:07
=== maxb_ is now known as maxb
beunosalgado, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bugs?search=Search&field.status=New&field.status=Incomplete&field.status=Confirmed&field.status=Triaged&field.status=In+Progress&field.status=Fix+Committed20:17
beunosalgado, https://devpad.canonical.com/~beuno/LP_new_design_Bugs_v3.1.png20:25
beunosinzui, did your font size fix land?20:31
sinzuibeuno: it is in the review queue20:31
sinzuibeuno: the fix is in the branch that adds the action menu and involvement portlet.20:33
beunosinzui, I feel everything coming together20:33
sinzuibeuno: me too. my project page is two branches. I'll have the view changes in review in a few hours20:35
beunoI'm happy20:37
beunosalgado, the project group is great20:42
beunoI don't see any icons to edit things inline20:42
beunois that because you can't20:42
beunoalso, maybe "change details" isn't the best text20:42
beunoand that should probably be the first option on that list20:42
salgadobeuno, I wasn't sure if the links to +reassign and +edit-maintainer should be inlined there or be the related pages from +edit.  maybe they should be in both?20:45
beunosalgado, where are those now?20:45
* beuno logs in as the owner of the prokject20:45
salgadooh, right now they're in the actions menu20:45
beunosalgado, also, the maintainer doesn't have a person icon20:45
sinzuisalgado: I used Change details to get to one edit page. It has a releated-pages menu of all the other pages. The design of project and project-group should be the same20:46
salgadobeuno, good catch20:46
beunosalgado, I don't see the reassign link at all20:46
salgadosinzui, agreed, but should the links to +reassign and +driver be inlined in the project-group's +index page?20:46
salgadobeuno, that's the Change maintainer20:47
salgadothe other is Change driver20:47
beunosalgado, I don't see that link on the page20:47
salgadoappoint driver20:47
sinzuisalgado: beuno: this is the same issue that EdwinGrubbs had. These can be dangerous to change. should it be that easy?20:48
salgadobeuno, are you looking at the new page?  in the new page it's not shown20:48
beunosalgado, https://devpad.canonical.com/~beuno/Screenshot-1.png20:48
beunosinzui, ^20:48
salgadobeuno, I thought you were looking at the page on mainline20:48
salgadoa mainline branch, that is20:48
beunono no, your branch20:49
salgadook, in there it's not shown anywhere20:49
salgadobecause I thought they should be the related pages on +edit20:49
sinzuibeuno: salgado: The project summary should be bigger. The .summary class in the the CSS that is in review20:49
beunoI think they should be inline20:51
beunoedit icon next to the name20:51
sinzuisalgado: beuno: this is the project screenshot that is going into review https://devpad.canonical.com/~curtis/firefox.png20:52
salgadobeuno, I think it's be nice to have them on the related pages of +edit as well, any objections?20:52
EdwinGrubbssinzui, salgado, beuno: I think that it would be nice to have some consistency, so we don't have some edit links on the +index page, some on the +edit page, and some inline on other pages. How do we know where to find an edit link when it is not next to the field we're editing?20:52
sinzuisalgado: I think we want the same titles for external links and move the rdf into the side portlet20:52
beunosalgado, I think no objections, but we want to aim so that people don't need to go to that page for anything20:52
beunoEdwinGrubbs, agreed20:53
salgadobeuno, absolutely20:53
sinzuiEdwinGrubbs: We can do that when YUI and lazr.js supports all browsers20:53
beunosinzui, we need to chop off long names in the download field20:53
sinzuibeuno: The design does not match reality20:53
EdwinGrubbssinzui: you don't need ajax to put an edit link next to a field.20:54
sinzuibeuno: I also do not open my browser to the size of my desktop because I know that is crack20:54
sinzuiEdwinGrubbs: correct that is why we do not need lots of links in the action menu. The reality is that many Change details links will go to a form that has something that is not inline.20:55
sinzuiEdwinGrubbs: we are encourages to move everything in an edit form into the page20:55
sinzuiEdwinGrubbs: Beuno: There is still a usability issue with the edit icon next to an editable value. When I place it next to a title, do I mean I am editing the title or the object?20:57
beunosinzui, I think that if we put an edit icon on the title, we should mean you can edit the title20:58
beunowhich means, the branch page needs changing20:58
sinzuibeuno: EdwinGrubbs. So every model object gets a Change details link if has just one filed that is no shown inline.20:59
* sinzui really has to expose the releasefileglob on series.20:59
beunosalgado, also, I think we should drop the milestone portlet20:59
beunoand use EdwinGrubbs's graph20:59
beunosinzui, yes20:59
sinzuibeuno: that is a rule that I will add to the conversion page21:00
sinzuibeuno: read the bugs about project milestones. Users want them, we need to fix them21:00
salgadobeuno, EdwinGrubbs, can I render it easily for a project group as well?  or do I need to do some work?21:01
beunosinzui, I know all about them, they want inheritance21:01
* beuno deflects to EdwinGrubbs 21:01
sinzuiThey want to see them and know which project or series they pertain too21:01
beunosinzui, yeah, but that portlet is very close to useless21:01
beunoso we should drop it21:02
beunoand figure out what people need21:02
sinzuisalgado: look at launchpad project. The list is large. Every project group that I have seen in the past 3 months has more than 5  projects to list. I think we need to recognise the list will be long21:03
EdwinGrubbssalgado: you would have to add a method like model.Product.getTimeline() to the project group and export it.21:04
sinzuibeuno: Let's separate projects from milestones and relases. The portlets have different users. I think a developer needs to see where development is happening in the project-group. We can show a portlet that represents the +milestones view that summarises the latest five mielstones and releases across all projects21:06
sinzuiOh bugger, I don't have a structural subscription on the project page.21:07
beunosinzui, +121:07
mwhudsondoes someone want to slap the db_lp buider?21:08
mwhudson(morning, btw)21:08
sinzuisalgado: you can add an edit link to any field value in the template using TALES menu:<facet>/<link_name>/fmt:icon after you render the value.21:09
barryflacoste: hi!  been talking to leonardr about @error_status in lazr.restful.  it seems like @error_status (or webservice_error()) should register the exception, but i don't think it does21:10
sinzuiWe can add them after driver and maintainer. I jut do not want them editable inline until we have a "shoot your self in the foot warning" for the21:10
salgadooh, right.  I thought all we were talking about was having the links in the main content area21:11
EdwinGrubbssinzui: right now the $team/+edit page has edit links at the bottom of the page that are not available on the +index page. It doesn't seem like I can create an ActionMenu class for it, since it only differentiates based on facet and context, so it would show the same action menu on +edit and +index. Is it right that I should just shove that into the side slot?21:12
flacostebarry: it simply annotates the exception with the status, it doesn't register anything21:12
salgadosinzui, anyway, agreed on non-inline editing for these things for now21:12
barryflacoste: ah.  then maybe this comment in configure.zcml is confusing me:     XXX flacoste 2008/05/09 bug=185958:21:12
barry    Ideally, we would use webservice_error() to register the view,21:12
barry    but InvalidBatchSizeError is in lazr.batchnavigator and webservice_error()21:12
barry    can only be called from within a class definition.21:12
barryflacoste: so, basically, i need to copy that chunk for my exception i guess21:13
flacostebarry: hmm, hang on21:14
flacostebarry: you are right, it does register the exception view21:16
flacostebarry: so there are two possiblities here21:16
flacoste1) webservice_error isn't being processed (is it in a module that is introspected for annotations)21:16
flacoste2) (more likely) you're zope integration publication doesn't provide an adequate handleException implementation21:17
flacostein Launchpad, we rely on the default ZopePubliation implementation21:17
barry1) definitely is because it's in an interface module that has other annotations21:17
flacosteif you look at our test publiaction, you'll see that we provide a lightweight implementation of handleException that looks up the view21:18
barry2) is a possibility.  i should try ripping out my specialized stuff and use leonardr's new wsgi stuff21:18
flacosteleonardr told me he's having the same problem21:18
flacosteso it probably wasn't copied over to the wsgi base stuff21:18
sinzuisalgado: I think we need some easy way to see that pillars used the same portlets. I see you have blueprints and I do not. I have answers, I do not think you do. I created FAQs21:19
barryflacoste: yep, i see it in lazr/restful/publisher.py.  my publisher is definitely not doing the view lookup.  i'll bet that's it21:20
* barry hacks21:20
EdwinGrubbssinzui: the action links on the +edit, +reassign, +branding, +edithomepage, etc. are currently displayed on all the edit pages, which is similar to how it was with the second level tab bar. I assume only the +edit page should have these links from now on.21:20
flacostebarry: can you reply to your post? sorry i didn't get to it, but i was away from it all21:21
flacostefor the past two weeks21:21
barryflacoste: sure; if i get it working :)21:21
sinzuiEdwinGrubbs: right, That is how I know I had to put the NavigationMenu back. Only the edit pages use the menu. I used view/+related-pages to render it. Also I used a mixin for the nav menu and the facet menu to ensure shared links have the same title and icon.21:22
sinzuiEdwinGrubbs: salgado: beuno: We might want a rule where all the links are defined in a mixin and the implementing menu classes just select the links they need.21:23
* sinzui used that rule as the example he sent in the navigation email.21:23
salgadosinzui, that sounds like a good idea21:24
sinzuisalgado: My next controversial suggest is to create browser/pillar.py  and define common menus and and views.21:26
EdwinGrubbssinzui: is the @@+global-actions and @@+related-pages framework in trunk? I assume that those views need to be registered somehow that your example doesn't show.21:42
sinzui@@+related landed last week. @@+global-actions is in review now. You can review them if you like21:43
sinzuiEdwinGrubbs: My navigation menu email gives more than examples, I divulge how to register a menu without ZCML.21:44
* sinzui has kept that a secret for 14 months21:44
EdwinGrubbssinzui: I saw how you registered the menus without using <browser:menus> but doesn't there still need to be a <browser:page name="+global-actions"> somewhere?21:46
sinzuiEdwinGrubbs: it is in the branch in review.21:46
* sinzui looks for branch21:46
barryleonardr, flacoste i just sent an update.  see the two little nits i still have.  but it's pretty much working.  thanks for your help, and i'm off irc now! :)  if you have any insights please respond to the thread.22:04
leonardrbarry, looking forward to it22:05
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
mwhudsonthumper: skype?23:01
thumperjust getting off with curtis23:01
mwhudsonah cool23:02
thumperabentley, rockstar: pign23:04
rockstarthumper, I see you calling, but I can't answer.23:04
thumperrockstar: why?23:04
rockstarthumper, skype sucks?23:04
rockstarI said can't, not won't.  :)23:04
rockstarthumper, try again please.23:04
abentleythumper: Sorry.  Here now.23:13
=== flacoste is now known as flacoste_afk
wgrantHuh. Somebody just suggested that all the apps should be removed except Bugs, I think.23:20
mwhudsonwould make my life easier23:21
abentleythumper: bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~abentley/launchpad/related-bugs23:22
mwhudsonspm: hi, can i get you to cowboy a branch on to tellurium for me?23:24
spmmwhudson: sure23:25
mwhudsonspm: i really want to test this today, i'll have entirely forgotten how this works in a fortnight :)23:25
mwhudsonspm: what's easiest for you?  a branch url, a diff ?23:25
spmmwhudson: :-) patch - by far23:25
spmmwhudson: codehost? or browse?23:26
mwhudsonspm: codehost23:26
mwhudsonspm: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/248903/23:27
mwhudsonspm: i guess i'd like you to disable the update that would otherwise wipe this out in 30 minutes too :)23:27
spmmwhudson: aye, done.23:29
mwhudsonspm: thanks23:29
spmmwhudson: patched and restarted; rewrite hup'd?23:30
mwhudsonspm: nah, it's not in that area23:30
* mwhudson bounces buildbot23:31
mwhudsonspm: can you sync the puller.log file to devpad?23:46
mwhudsonbut things seem to be working \o/!23:46
spmmwhudson: is syncing atm23:47
mwhudsonspm: ta23:47
mwhudsongrr, why isn't buildbot building !?23:47
rockstarthumper, call?23:52
mwhudsonspm: can you see if there's a mirror-branch.py process on tellurium?23:54

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