
=== tuantub_ is now known as tuantub
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=== nhandler changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Ubuntu Classroom || https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom || https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Packaging/Training || Upcoming: August 6th 6:00 UTC, How to upgrade a package properly (persia) || Run 'date -u' in a terminal to find out the UTC time
=== rhys is now known as Guest13829
persiaSorry to be late.  Anyone about for a Packaging Training session?  I'll start about 6:30 about updating packages, if there is interest.07:26
persiaJamesCharles, Hey.  Since you seem to be the only interested party, is there something other than updating a package that might be interesting to you?07:43
persiaRail, Feel free to suggest something as well :)07:43
JamesCharleslol, i'm the only one!07:44
Railhmm, maybe compatability between Debian and Ubuntu... :)07:44
persiaWell, half.  I spoke too soon.07:44
persiaRail, Have you read sabdfl's essay about that?  ( https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarkShuttleworth#What%20about%20binary%20compatibility%20between%20distributions )  I could talk about some specific bits in more detail, or about collaboration between Debian and Ubuntu.07:46
Railpersia: as you now, mozilla-devscripts is not in Debian, so using it is an issue...07:46
persiaFor cases like that, where some useful piece of build infrastructure has been developed, it's often a good idea to introduce it for wider use by submitting it to Debian.  In this specific case, it's a bit tricky because of the name.07:48
RailI don't care about binary compatability, it's normal to have different system libs...07:49
Railyou mean mozilla part of the package name?07:50
persiaYes.  As I understand it, the word "mozilla" is protected in various ways.  I'm not deeply familar with the details.07:51
Railxpi-devtools would be a solution. :)07:52
persiaIndeed, although it would also need to be something that met the needs of those maintaining the mozilla suite for both Debian and Ubuntu to be useful in Debian.07:52
persiaI'm not sure it would be the right answer for iceweasel, but it might help for some of the extensions.07:52
persiaI'd recommend discussion with the Ubuntu Mozilla Team (on #ubuntu-mozillateam) who are vastly more well informed than I.07:53
Railis there special tricks in debian/watch for xpi?07:55
=== jonathan2 is now known as highvoltage
persiaI believe there are some special scripts used to drive the get-orig-source rules.  I don't know if they also provide watch file hooks.  I haven't looked at mozilla-devscripts in at least a year, and I know it's gotten better during that time.07:56
persiaMy areas of expertise are more about creating packages, updating packages, merging packages, splitting packages, adding patches to packages, replacing packages, etc.07:57
persiaI'm less knowledgeable about things having to do with specific subclasses of packages.07:58
DasEistill probs with time, date - u tells me 7.30 , that's right with you ?08:09
DasEi7.08, sorry08:09
DasEiDreamThief: whats your ubuntu-classroom time now ?08:10
Raildate --utc :)08:13
DasEik, same as date -u for me, 7.14 now08:15
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alifaanHow to upgrade a package properly already finished?10:22
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qwebirc14883hi ubuntu :::D16:27
aboSamoorHi, I don't know anything about packaging but I will try to read and understand :)16:29
mmaretaboSamoor: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5100316:34
mmaretor you can also search for IRC log16:35
mmaretand get previous lesson about this subject16:35
mmaretaboSamoor: for this morning session (that was a very short one) http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2009/08/06/16:37
aboSamoormmaret, yeah, I was not precise. I tried the packaging tutorial many times. And every time I fail to sign and upload the packages. I was following the guides with the help of #ubuntu-motu16:37
mmaretok sorry :)16:38
aboSamoormmaret, packaging is not hard but I think it is more depends on experience and this signing problem is really annoying :(16:40
mmarethoo yes!16:40
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stashi, is there any workaround to replace dh_lintian in debhelper v.6.0.4?18:31
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=== christop1 is now known as christoph_debian

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