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maxbWhereabouts is the configuration for gnome's default media player? The one that is offered on the "This disc is a video DVD" strip?01:59
maxbMine's still suggesting "Movie Player (Xine)" despite the fact that totem-xine is gone02:00
joemdoes anybody know how to enable madwifi drivers on a 9.10 alpha install? is there a madwifi dkms package availabe somehwere?04:23
jmarsdenjoem: I think 9.10 alpha means you should be asking in #ubuntu+104:38
tjaaltonseems like podsleuth doesn't recognize ipods in karmic, making banshee fail too.. bug 38294106:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 382941 in podsleuth "iPod not recognized by podsleuth" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38294106:49
pittiGood morning08:43
huatsmorning everyone !08:51
pittihey huats08:53
huatshow are you pitti ?08:59
chrisccoulsongood morning pitti and huats!08:59
huatshello chrisccoulson09:00
chrisccoulsonhello huats! i'm surprised there is someone else in here this morning ;)09:00
huatschrisccoulson: surprised  ?09:02
chrisccoulsonit's been so quiet this week09:02
huatsoh ok :)09:03
chrisccoulsonhi seb128 - you don't mind me doing bug 406077 do you? i was going to build the extra module in to a separate package (python-gda)09:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 406077 in gnome-python-extras "Should build gda module" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40607709:12
seb128hey huats chrisccoulson09:12
seb128chrisccoulson, go for it09:12
chrisccoulsonthanks seb128:)09:12
chrisccoulsoni should do it before you all go on holiday else i will have nobody left to sponsor it;)09:13
huatshello seb128 :)09:15
huatschrisccoulson: you are right to d that it is needed for the new libgda09:16
seb128chrisccoulson, don't worry there is only a one week of overlap in holidays09:17
seb128and other people will still do sponsoring09:17
chrisccoulsonhuats - it's needed for the new version of glom. i'm not sure about libgda09:17
chrisccoulsonseb128 - thanks:)09:17
chrisccoulsonhey, we got some sunlight here this morning ;)09:18
huatsmay be I mixed glom and libgda....09:18
rickspencer31asac: http://piware.de/workitems/desktop/karmic/report.html09:20
asaculrunner-1.9.1- undefined reference to `sync_instruction_memory'09:20
* chrisccoulson wonders why some people change a bugs status without leaving any comment09:33
pittirickspencer31: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+specs?searchtext=desktop-karmic-09:34
didrocksgood morning o/09:34
chrisccoulsonhey didrocks09:34
seb128lut didrocks09:35
seb128didrocks,  bien dormis09:35
didrockshey chrisccoulson, how are oyu?09:35
didrocksseb128: oui, peu, mais ça va :) et toi ?09:35
chrisccoulsondidrocks - i'm good thanks. you?09:35
seb128assez et bien09:35
didrockschrisccoulson: fine, as tonight, it's holidays \o/09:35
didrocksseb128: thanks!09:36
chrisccoulsondidrocks - are you going anywhere nice?09:36
didrockschrisccoulson: I'll visit my parents in the Alpes (lot of moutains, good landscape...)09:36
chrisccoulsonyeah, that's quite nice09:37
didrocksoh yes, comparing to Paris ;)09:37
MacSlowpedro_, we'll have the bug-session on notify-osd in the plenary-room in about 5 mintes.09:38
pedro_MacSlow, ok, i'll go there ;-)09:38
chrisccoulsonpitti - bug 409216 is not a dk-disks bug is it?09:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 409216 in devicekit-disks "devicekit prompts for authentication to mount internal disk at every login" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40921609:48
pittichrisccoulson: it's a combined thing, it needs fixes in both gvfs and dk-disks09:48
pittithe bug is pretty well understood, just needs doing (I discussed it with david)09:48
chrisccoulsonah, ok. do you understand the issue then?09:48
chrisccoulsonah, ok09:49
chrisccoulsoni was going to ask if you wanted me to look at it ;)09:49
pittichrisccoulson: in meeting, TTYL09:55
asacseb128: [ubuntu/karmic] modemmanager 0.2.git.20090805t170359.2d194a5-0ubuntu1 (New)10:27
asac_but_ read 40300910:27
seb128bug #40300910:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 403009 in modemmanager "various modemmanager files lack license header" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40300910:28
seb128asac, you don't have a compat, it's a detail but I'm so used to see those ;-)10:36
seb128asac, you forgot some copyright holders but that's minor too10:43
Laneytime-admin seems really bugged: http://orangesquash.org.uk/~laney/tz.png11:07
didrocksbryce_away: pitti's ppa is no more needed for quickly :) (yes, that's an ashamed theft of distutils-extra backports ;))11:17
seb128Laney, right nothing new11:20
seb128gst is buggy written in perl and unmaintained11:20
Laneysomeone raised it in another channel and I've never used it11:20
seb128we want to stop using it by default11:20
seb128but there is no user admin tool to replace it11:21
pittididrocks: oh, and they took me so much work to do!11:34
pitti(like, 5 seconds or so)11:34
didrockspitti: hehe :-)11:35
pochu+ decide whether to use gnome-bluetooth or blueman in karmic: DONE12:03
pochuasac: what's the decission?12:03
asacpochu: gnome-bluetooth12:09
pochuokay :)12:10
asacwe did details tests and blueman has quite a few bugs we cannot fix12:10
asacat least i have no time ;) (though its easier to fix becaues its python)12:10
asacbut also python is too heavy weight for an applet12:10
pochuI see12:11
asac11:27 < asac> _but_ read 40300912:24
eeejayhey rickspencer31, i am around, whenever you want to work on that couchdb glade stuff12:25
rickspencer31eeejay: great12:25
rickspencer31let me finish one thing and I'll come find you12:26
kklimondaasac: is flash back to using alsa directly or have I broken something?14:15
asackklimonda: it always used alsa ... just in a way that the pulse plugin should work14:15
kklimondaasac: right, I've used a mental leap.. my bad14:17
kklimondaasac: so the right question should be "do you know about any outstanding problems with flash and pulse right now?" :)14:20
andreasnseb128, who packages Cheese for Ubuntu?15:02
seb128andreasn, nobody15:02
seb128ie it's updated when somebody notice there is a new version15:03
andreasnis anyone in charge of it so to say?15:03
andreasna bit curious about http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=59094515:04
ubottuGnome bug 590945 in general "Cheese is listed in the Graphics category" [Trivial,Resolved: notgnome]15:04
seb128andreasn, yeah I noticed that this week I wanted to change it in the next update15:07
andreasnah, cool15:08
seb128not sure why this change has been added15:08
andreasnI just installed it today in a virtual machine and went like "huh, where is it?"15:08
* mpt wonders if it makes sense for the touchpad to turn off automatically when a mouse is connected, and turn back on when it's disconnected15:43
mpttseliot, what's the point of the ClickTime parameter?15:43
tseliotmpt: the duration of the mouse click generated by tapping15:45
mpttseliot, yes, I just read that, but I don't understand why you'd want to change it15:45
bcurtiswxbug #40048515:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 400485 in ubuntu-sounds "Empathy sounds not in default ubuntu theme" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40048515:48
bcurtiswxanyone else think this should be remedied before karmic release?15:48
tseliotmpt: ok, good point. Let's hide that and keep only MaxTapTime and MaxDoubleTapTime15:48
mptok :-)15:49
bcurtiswxi was told to bring this to the attention of the desktop team as they may be interested15:55
mptbcurtiswx, yes, it should16:00
* mpt pokes seb128 16:00
seb128(reading backlog)16:00
mptI have suggested in <http://live.gnome.org/Empathy/AccountsAndSettings> that Empathy should not make you ferret into a separate control panel to choose sounds that don't exist in Ubuntu anyway, but I don't know if the Empathy developers will agree to that. :-)16:01
bcurtiswxmpt: it it too costly to put them into Ubuntu?16:02
mptbcurtiswx, I have no idea (that's for seb128 to answer), I'm just disclosing why that bug might possibly end up not needing to be fixed16:03
Zdrampt: that won't be implemented for 2.28 anyway16:04
bcurtiswxmpt: ok cool, i think i created that bug in hopes that some type of sound events will end up in Empathy16:04
mptok, so in that case the Ubuntu bug does need fixing for 9.1016:04
Zdrampt: your mockups are materials for 2.30/3.016:04
mptoh rly16:04
bcurtiswxi can imagine new users will want the sound events16:04
seb128has piding sounds by default?16:05
Zdrampt: unless you have developers under your hand with plenty of freetime to implement before UI freeze, which is next week16:05
seb128how much space does the theme package takes?16:05
bcurtiswxseb128: there are a few sounds that are the same as pidgin (i think the buddy join and buddy part sounds), the others dont16:06
bcurtiswxthe tgz file is 832kb16:07
seb128I've no strong opinion on it16:07
seb128would be a good idea to get that by default16:08
bcurtiswxpidgin had its own sounds, since pidgin is gone, i imagine the empathy ones can take its spot16:08
mptseb128, the problem is that Empathy's Preferences currently have checkboxes that never do anything, because there's no corresponding setting in the Sound prefs16:08
seb128not sure if we need the full fdo theme though16:09
bcurtiswxcan we pick and choose from the freedesktop theme?16:09
Zdraseb128: I said in the bugreport which sounds are used by empathy16:10
Zdrabtw, 388519 seems dup of 40048516:11
bcurtiswxZdra: alread marked as such and copied your info to the new bug report16:12
Zdraah, didn't see. I'm not used to launchpad16:12
seb128Zdra, thanks16:14
seb128bcurtiswx, thanks too16:14
seb128I've accepted the bug as a karmic one16:14
seb128so it stays on our radar16:15
bcurtiswxseb128: yw, thanks for pushing it forward16:17
davmor2mpt: nice insight on the ui for empathy by the way makes a lot of sense bar the appearance tab16:18
kenvandifseb128, bug 40993717:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 409937 in telepathy-butterfly "Change dep from pymsn to papyon" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40993717:01
seb128kenvandif, thanks17:03
kenvandifseb128, thank you!17:03
seb128kenvandif, please don't bump the standards-version when not required ;-)17:03
seb128I'm uploading without that change17:04
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asacawe: 40994317:13
asacbug 40994317:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 409943 in modemmanager "modemmanager debian/copyright has LGPL, but upstream source is GPL" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40994317:13
seb128kenvandine, you need to run update-maintainer too when updating a package coming from debian17:25
asacArneGoetje: hey. can you append the "devmode" argument to th einvokation of the rosetta xpi script ?17:26
asaci would like to implement the _all_ whitelisting17:26
asaci discussed with david that a good idea is to keep devmode for the dev release until translation deadline17:28
seb128huats, Laney: want so look at sponsoring bug #409057?17:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 409057 in pygoocanvas "New upstream release 0.14.1 of pygoocanvas" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40905717:33
huatsseb128: I can't right now I need to run17:33
seb128ok, if you want to do it later this week17:33
huatsI will later if Laney can't17:33
seb128ok thanks17:33
huatsok so I will17:33
huatstomorrow I think :)17:33
ArneGoetjeasac: bin/process_xpi $content_dir $basepath $release devmode ?17:36
asacArneGoetje: yeah. but just for the development release ;) ... e.g. if $release == 9.10 atm17:37
ArneGoetjeasac: yeah...17:38
chrisccoulsonhey didrocks - if you haven't gone already, then i hope you enjoy your holiday :)17:42
ArneGoetjeasac: done17:43
asacArneGoetje: thanks. i will do that tomorrow then.17:49
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istaz_kenvandine: seb128 commented on bug 409937  butterfly 0.3.4 doesn't depend on papyon actually, only 0.5.018:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 409937 in telepathy-butterfly "Change dep from pymsn to papyon" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40993718:37
LaneyI will sponsor that bug19:01
LaneyI wrote "do some sponsoring" on my whiteboard today19:02
istaz_the nice fix would be to upload butterfy 0.5.0 devfil told me he had some package ready to be uploaded yesterday on the #telepathy channel19:20
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