
=== asac_ is now known as asac
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Sarvattwas madwifi bundled up in anything in jaunty (like restricted extras?) i've noticed alot of people having problems with wifi after upgrading to karmic because they had things like madwifi installed which were blacklisting the kernel modules but theres no transitionary package to remove the blacklists04:41
Sarvattsame deal with the old broadcom packages not removing the blacklists right04:42
Hobbseewasn't in restricted extras, but may have been in the restricted kernel packages04:56
spotterit appears latest poppler has broken pdftex/pdflatex05:23
spottertrying to test w/ older version05:23
spotterbug filed05:28
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pittiGood morning08:43
mdkemorning pitti08:44
Hobbseehey pitti!08:44
* pitti hugs Hobbsee and mdke, how are you?08:45
Hobbseepretty good - first week of uni again here08:45
* Hobbsee heads off to find some food before the next lecture08:46
mdkepitti: well thanks, hope you are too08:50
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mdzcjwatson, should we unseed acpid? it's still depended upon by acpi-support, but once that's gone, I think we want it to pass out of main10:15
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directhexwhen's the next alpha due?10:26
cjwatsonslangasek: ^- acpid is your call I think; I'm happy to remove the explicit seed10:26
liwdirecthex, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule10:27
cjwatsonthe installer explicitly installs acpi, acpid, acpi-support-base if it can - I assume I should remove that?10:27
cjwatson(that's from Debian)10:27
directhexliw, alpha 4 soon, then.10:27
mdzcjwatson, I think so, yes10:28
cjwatsonremoved in my working tree10:29
mdzpitti, what would you think about making the apport fields in the bug description into a table, lining up the columns so they were easier to scan visually?10:32
slangasekcjwatson: acpid shouldn't be seeded explicitly, right10:34
slangasekit's only wanted as an acpi-support dep10:35
StevenKBut acpi-support is only a Recommend10:38
slangasekStevenK: you're reading it upside-down10:40
dokoseb128: looks like some gtk/gnome -dev package did drop the dependency on libgtk2.0-dev?10:43
seb128doko, where?10:43
dokoseb128: I just see openjdk-6 failing to build because gtk isn't available anymore. did work for the last upload10:44
seb128is openjdk using gtk directly?10:44
seb128in which case it should depends on it10:44
seb128or rather build-depends10:45
seb128doko, the configure check for gtk you should list it in the build-depends and not rely on other packages to pull it there10:49
cjwatsonmdz: unseeded10:49
mdzcjwatson, thanks10:50
ograseb128, any idea why my gconfd is eating about 25% CPU constantly ?10:53
ograsince yesterday already10:53
seb128ogra, try running compiz --replace and ctrl-C directly10:54
seb128there is some weird wm things going on sometime that workaround it10:54
ograwell, nw my compiz is gone and doesnt come back10:55
ograbut gconfd is silent again10:55
seb128ok so that was it10:55
seb128restart compiz ;-)10:55
ograit doesnt want to :)10:55
seb128what does it say?10:56
ograat least not through the UI10:56
ograworks in terminal, but the fan starts spinning again10:56
ograyup, and gconfd is bak at the top of my processlist10:56
ogranothing special in the terminal output10:57
liwhmm... it's as if launchpad has some javascript now that affects pageup/pagedown keys in the browser11:32
ograliw, i think its related to the "subscribers" list11:42
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ograbut its massively annoying11:43
liwyes, it is11:43
mdzjdstrand: I experienced the same symptoms described in bug 399446 and noticed you marked it invalid12:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 399446 in telepathy-mission-control "mission-control crashed with SIGSEGV in g_datalist_foreach()" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39944612:21
mdzjdstrand: maybe an error on the part of an automated tool?  the bug report looks good to me, complete with debug symbols12:21
jdstrandmdz: hmm.. looking12:23
jdstrandmdz: yeah, best I can tell it was a mistake12:24
jdstrandmdz: I updated the bug to Confirmed12:25
mdzjdstrand: thanks12:26
mdzjdstrand: was that a script?12:26
jdstrandmdz: a script generated the text, but it was a human that call the script on that bug. I'll need to find him and thrash him :)12:27
mdzjdstrand: :-)12:28
zuljames_w: ping can you add samba to your distributed development thing?12:32
james_wzul: done12:35
james_wmay take a little while to import that one12:35
mdzpitti, I noticed that apport bugpatterns don't seem to use re.MULTILINE. don't you think they should?12:50
pittimdz: I guess we just didn't need it so far, but I don't mind enabling it13:07
ogasawaramdz: bug 39025613:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 390256 in initramfs-tools "package linux-image-2.6.28-13-generic 2.6.28-13.44 failed to install/upgrade: underprosessen post-installation script returnerte feilstatus 2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39025613:08
Riddelllool: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/MainInclusionReportGpsd13:13
sebnerpitti: about this usb bug, Should I just upgrade gvfs and devicekit again and run the 2 commands or do I have to go through the whole list of commands posted the last days?13:15
pittisebner: just the two last ones should be enough13:52
pittisebner: also, you can keep the current versions, you just need to move 95-devkit-disks.rules to the side13:52
sebnerpitti: can't find 95-devkit-disks.rules. In what package is that? At least upgrade devicekit?!13:54
pittisebner: /lib/udev/rules.d/95-devkit-disks.rules13:54
pittisebner: it's in devicekit-disks13:54
pittisebner: if you uninstalled that, you won't have it of course13:54
sebnerpitti: it's 98 and not 95 though13:55
pittisebner: no, 9513:55
pittisebner: what file are you looking at?13:55
evandDoes anyone know what sets XDG_CONFIG_HOME, or how to get the xdg-user-dirs information for a different user?13:56
sebnerpitti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/248637/13:56
pittisebner: 98-devkit is totally obsolete, devicekit isn't needed/installed any more14:12
sebnerpitti: ah you are right, sry14:12
sebnerpitti: hmm I would run the commands but my harddrive isn't recognised *cough*14:18
pittisebner: just talked to upstream, he'll do a newer version today14:19
pittiit's worth testing that14:19
sebnerpitti: sounds nice, btw .. when I plug my USB harddrive in -> http://img199.imageshack.us/i/90367185.png/14:20
pittisebner: mmm, haven't seen that' is that with current gvfs/devkit, or with the downgrade?14:21
sebnerpitti: gvfs is downgraded, devkit is current. dmesg still shows me the -71 errors though14:22
sebnerI gues after installing libatasmart*14:22
pittisebner: right, as I said you need to move aside 95-devkit-disks.rules14:24
sebnerpitti: I did14:24
sebnerpitti: I hope naming it 95-devkit-disks.rules.backup is enough?14:25
pittishould be14:25
sebnerwell, then this is the result ^^. anyways, waiting for new upstream version is always good :)14:26
LaneyCDBS now FTBFS due to a test failur14:27
Laneyand I need the new release for some syncs14:27
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mdzpitti, I've pushed to ubuntu/apport some patches to redirect bugs from the kernel to grub and initramfs-tools when the failure was in those tools14:37
mdzpitti, could you have a look and review it?14:37
Laneywhatever it is broke between 2009-07-23 (last successful build) and now14:52
seb128Laney, what error do you get?14:56
Laneyseb128: one of the tests failed14:56
Laneybug 40986314:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 409863 in cdbs "FTBFS: FAIL: recursive.sh" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40986314:57
loolCrap sorry folks15:01
Laneymodern art?15:01
loolThis is what happens when you carry your laptop with a single hand with the keyboard hitting your belly15:01
loolRiddell: Ah I see it the gpsd MIR was assigned to asac just before lunch  :-)15:03
highvoltagelool: nice belly art.15:23
mdzogasawara, I added an apport patch for the update-initramfs failures as well15:31
mdzogasawara, are you using bughelper? clue files might help to clear out the old ones15:31
Gh0styanyone here knows if gnome-keyring in the new version will have pam support?15:31
Gh0styjust reading up on some stuff that bothers me for quite a while: if you use fingerprint reader on your laptop you still need to login with a password to gnome-keyring :/15:32
* mdz wonders if anyone has looked at unifying bughelper clue files with apport bugpatterns15:34
liwfingerprints are good for identification, but not authentication; using them for authentication encourages people to cut off your fingers15:34
pittiGh0sty: right, because your fingerprint usually doesn't have your password engraved, and the keyring is encrypted with your password as a key15:36
ogasawaramdz: yup, I've used bughelper in the past so I'll use it to help clean up the existing bugs.15:37
mdzogasawara, it must take a long time for bughelper to download all the kernel bug data!15:37
cjwatsonGh0sty: somebody demonstrated quite convincingly recently why using fingerprints as passwords would be a spectacularly bad plan15:37
cjwatsonGh0sty: they lifted the fingerprints of the German Interior Minister off a glass he'd handled15:38
cjwatsonGh0sty: so we regard a fingerprint as more analogous to entering a username15:38
mdzunique-ish, but not secret15:39
Gh0stystill its not like i work for the secret service but it still would be fun to auth with fingerprint :p15:40
pittino, every computer and keyboard has them spread all over the place15:40
pittiGh0sty: it works, libpam-thinkfinger does that15:40
Gh0styyes but how can it interact with gnome-keyring?15:40
pittiit can't15:40
pittifor decryption you need a secret key15:41
Gh0styas far as i saw there is talks about libpam_keyring.so in the past15:41
pittiso you'd need to keep your keyring unencrypted15:41
Gh0stybut even though the lib is installed i don't find the file15:41
Gh0stylol thats security wise good? nope ... :p15:41
Gh0stywhy can't it just store the session like "you're logged in ... ok you have also access to your keyring"15:42
mdzjames_w, have you talked with mvo about turning the ubuntu apt branch into a source package branch?15:42
Gh0styi see it's similar with people who do auto login, they just save their keyring unencrypted :/15:42
james_wmdz: I have not15:43
mdzjames_w, see any reason not to just do it?15:43
james_wI don't think so15:43
james_wI would just want to ensure that an appropriate revision is tagged with the latest version15:44
Gh0styand anyway as a guy also said: if it's not for fingerprints ... gnome-keyring should still use pam, you can have auth through usb stick or cardreaders or otp15:44
Gh0styso this would mean that those auth methods do not work for gnome-keyring either :)15:45
cjwatsonjames_w: likewise ubiquity, BTW15:46
cjwatsonjames_w: is that just a matter of setting the official branch, or do we need to also re-push the current branch to lp:~ubuntu-installer/ubuntu/karmic/ubiquity/trunk ?15:46
james_wwe need a couple of code changes to support that15:47
james_wI'll bump that task up in my list15:47
cjwatsonso presumably those same changes would apply to apt too15:49
mdzjames_w, it looks like he has not-yet-uploaded changes in the branch at the moment15:50
cjwatsonmdz: (from a meatspace conversation with james_w) so either apt gets pushed to ~ubuntu-branches and that's set as the official branch, in which case mvo loses the ability to commit to it until jml lands a codehosting change; or else the official branch link is set to mvo's current ~ubuntu-core-dev branch, which requires an importer tweak to avoid continuing to update the spurious ~ubuntu-branches branch15:52
cjwatsonthe importer tweak is pending resolution of an RT ticket to cherry-pick a launchpadlib fix onto jubany15:53
* jml is working on said change atm.15:53
mdzcjwatson, so in short, we should leave it alone for the moment?15:53
james_wyeah, but should be a short while until we can change things around15:54
cjwatsonI've been waiting for one of those two things to get fixed before doing anything with my many bzr package branches, put it that way :-)15:54
cjwatsonsetting the official branch link to something else is apparently mostly harmless, it just leaves some junk lying around which might be confusing15:54
cjwatsonso perhaps we should start doing that for selected branches, to get a jump on any issues that might arise?15:55
cjwatsonsince the junk can be cleaned up later15:55
cjwatsonof course eventually we want all source package branches to be owned by ~ubuntu-branches15:55
cjwatsonbecause that means that magic permissions resolution can apply, once it works15:55
* mdz reboots to check out linux-crashdump15:56
jmlit's only for official branches15:56
jmlwgrant mentioned in a bug report that it'd be nice to turn it on somehow for your own branches15:57
jmlmaybe it should be the celebrity -- seems kind of hacky though15:57
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cody-somervillepitti, Does postgresql8.4 not bind to the same port as postgresql8.3?16:07
ogracjwatson, i have another merge for debian-cd on https://code.launchpad.net/~ogra/debian-cd/ubuntu ... lp:~ogra/debian-cd/ubuntu could you pull that in ?16:08
pitticody-somerville: it does (5432)16:08
pitticody-somerville: if you have several versions installed in parallel, you can just have one cluster on 5432, of course16:09
cody-somervillepitti, update-manager installed 8.4 and removed 8.316:10
directhexkees, would you object to me requestsyncing a new mono version from sid which does not include your patch, then?16:10
directhexif i sync now, we should be able to shrink the next alpha a little16:11
cody-somervillepitti, my connection just dropped. Did you get that update-manager installed 8.4 and removed 8.3?16:11
pitticody-somerville: I got it (sorry, in discussion here)16:12
pitticody-somerville: it really should keep 8.3, though16:12
pittiI thought that was already fixed in update-manager16:12
pitticody-somerville: can you please report this as a major bug against update-manager? should be easy to fix16:12
cody-somervillepitti, even if update-manager doesn't remove it, sudo apt-get autoremove will16:13
cody-somervillepitti, and theres still the fact that I have just postgresql8.4 installed and it starts but I can't connect to it via the standard port nor the unix domain socket.16:14
keesdirecthex: yeah, please do, I was about to upload a revsion, but a merge would be better.16:14
StevenKcody-somerville: -p 5433 ?16:16
directhexkees, well, excluding your patch, we're in sync town. 2.4.2-5ubuntu1 was rendered obsolete by -6, so...16:16
* directhex fires up a console16:16
mdzcjwatson, I didn't spot any code where depmod would exit nonzero without an error message16:16
pitticody-somerville: what does pg_lsclusters say?16:16
mdzmy best guess is that it didn't manage to exec depmod at all16:17
keesdirecthex: was ogra's reversion a reversion of an ubuntu change?16:17
pitticody-somerville: if you just have one cluster, it should pick the port of that one, even if it's not the default port16:17
* ogra looks up 16:17
mdzthe kernel postinst doesn't attempt to catch that error16:17
ograwhat did i reverse ?16:17
cody-somervillepitti, It appears I have a cluster for 8.3 and one for 8.4 and that 8.4 is indeed running on 5433 like StevenK suggested.16:17
keesogra: "revert dropping of --with-tls=pthread on armel to fix FTBFS16:18
kees" in mono16:18
directhexkees, ogra's revision was adding back some hacks. -5 assumed upstream's build system was sane, -6 did the same thing as ogra's patch (although possibly not in the same way, i'd need to check)16:18
ograoh, directhex said he would push that to debian or get it fixed upstream16:18
keesdirecthex: ah-ha!  perfect then.  rock on.  :)16:18
mdzIIRC dpkg enforces a sane PATH, so that wouldn't be it16:18
directhexkees, it's built on arm in debian, if that counts!16:18
keessounds good to me.  :)16:18
ogranot really16:18
ograwe use gcc 4.4 they dont ...16:18
ograand a different toolchain, but just push it up, i need to test it anyway, if there are arm issues i'll care16:19
directhexmono (2.4+dfsg-6) unstable; urgency=low16:20
directhex  * debian/rules:16:20
directhex    + Force pthread for armel as __thread FTBFS.16:20
directhexi think may well be what we release with. unless upstream push out another important bugfix in the 2.4 branch16:21
directhexthere we go, #409920 filed. i'm feeling pretty good about karmic16:22
cody-somervillepitti, here is a pastebin out the output: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/248703/16:22
cody-somervillepitti, I assume I have to upgrade the cluster but that doesn't seem possible since the original cluster isn't running anymore with 8.3 removed.16:24
pitticody-somerville: right, you need to reinstall postgresql-8.316:24
cody-somervillepitti, Should I file a bug against postgresql-8.4? - this doesn't seem like a very good transition experience16:25
mdzpitti, do you see any issue with one apport package hook invoking another one's add_info function?16:25
pittimdz: should work fine, but I think it's cleaner for the hook to call add_hooks_info(otherpackage)16:26
mdzpitti, oh, I didn't know about that16:26
pittimdz: now, you can't specify "otherpackage" yet, I've been meaning to add that16:26
pittimdz: in the meantime you can temporarily change report['Package']16:26
cody-somervillepitti, thanks. worked like a charm.16:28
pittiseb128 asked me about this as well, I'll add it right now16:28
pitticody-somerville: still an awkward upgrade, needs fixing in u-m16:28
pittiseb128, mdz: committed that to trunk now, FYI16:30
seb128pitti, thanks!16:30
mdzpitti, ok, I'll stop working on it now ;-)16:30
pittimdz: you can still change report['Package'], that'll work16:30
mdzpitti, in this case I can just use hookutils.attach_alsa(), but I had been wondering if this was possible16:31
MacSlowanybody with an idea how to pass any of the multimedia-key into the system runnung under VirtualBox?16:32
mdz  [ Matt Zimmerman ]16:37
mdz  * apt-pkg/deb/dpkgpm.cc:16:37
mdz    - Suppress apport reports on dpkg short reads (these I/O errors are not16:37
mdz      generally indicative of a bug in the packaging)16:37
seb128mdz, excellent, thanks!16:37
liwMacSlow, I'm not convinced it's possible, at all; multimedia keys tend to be different on each kind of hardware16:39
sorenjames_w: Have you thought about adding a few lines of code to apt-cache to fake a vcs-bzr header if it's not explicitly set?16:40
sladen(since the Microsoft extended keyboard, the mediamedia keys have had defacto standard keycodes, and the kernel now also uses these internall)16:40
MacSlowliw, I'll guess pykey/crikey (using xtst & co) is what I'm looking for... thanks to soeren for the hint16:40
sorenliw: They (at least used to) get mapped to a specific keysym, so they're easily catchable.16:41
liwI seem to be wrong, then; good16:41
sladenhowever, as to how to ensure they get passed through to virtualbox, no idea16:42
sladenprobably kill -9 whatever bit of magic (gnome-settings-daemon?) is catching them16:43
ograkees, "mmap: No such device or address" .... i still see mmap issues with qemu even with setting cap_sys_rawio16:46
keesogra: oh, hrm.  let me check something...16:50
pittimdz: hm, no new revisions in lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu/karmic/apport/ubuntu/, did you push?16:52
keesogra: well, to get that working asap, use the method that wine and dosemu currently use (but set it to 32k instead of 0).  I need to test the fscaps stuff more, it seems.16:52
ograkees, hmm k16:54
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mdzpitti, Using saved push location: bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/karmic/apport/karmic/16:54
mdzpitti, is that the wrong place?16:54
mdzI did bzr branch lp:ubuntu/apport16:55
mdzjml, ^^16:55
pittimdz: Vcs-Bzr: should point to ~ubuntu-core-dev16:55
pittiit seems that we got a package import into bzr although an official branch already exists?16:55
pittiso it seems we should abandon ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu/karmic/apport/ubuntu/ then16:55
mdzjames_w, help?16:56
* pitti checks out lp:ubuntu/apport16:56
pittimdz: ah, I wouldn't like to use that one; it's just a dsc import, and lost all the individual history, and you can't merge from trunk16:57
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pittiI don't think we should use the auto-imported package branches for anything that has a Vcs-Bzr: right now16:58
pitti(this question keeps coming up..)16:59
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cjwatsonmdz: I couldn't figure it out either, that's why I punted to the submitter17:05
cjwatsonmdz: yes, dpkg enforces a sane PATH17:05
cjwatsonmdz: well, although it doesn't exclude *extra* weird shit from being on PATH17:05
cjwatsonogra: merged, thanks17:06
james_wmdz: I have no idea why your revisions aren't showing up in that branch17:07
ogracjwatson, thanks17:08
linuxdudeubuntu alpha 317:08
linuxdudeis it any good?17:08
mdzjames_w, it looks like I pushed to the wrong branch (the ~ubuntu-branches one)17:08
linuxdudegotta go17:08
mdzjames_w, I assumed that pitti's ubuntu branch had been imported as the source package branch17:08
cjwatsonmdz: you could probably only push there because you're a Launchpad admin17:09
mdzjames_w, can you help me rip the patches out of there and put them into the right branch?17:10
james_wyeah, I think so17:10
spotterseb128, I think you misunderstand my latex bug17:10
spotterthe usage.pdf works fine (generated by gnuplot as eps converted to pdf)17:10
spotterit's pdflatex can't include it in the document I provided17:10
spotterwont build17:10
pittijames_w: is it possible to somehow make lp:ubuntu/foo point to Vcs-Bzr: if it exists?17:11
seb128spotter, oh, that's a pdflatex bug then17:11
spotterseb128, except it works w/ old poppler17:12
james_wpitti: technically, yes.17:12
spotterI've downgraded poppler and I can build17:12
spotterit would appear that new poppler lib isn't the same abi17:12
pittijames_w: but it wouldn't be a good idea?17:12
james_wpitti: (if it's on LP and exists etc.)17:12
seb128spotter, right, which doesn't mean that poppler changed and pdflatex need to be updated to use poppler correctly17:12
seb128though soname should have changed if they broke abi17:12
seb128will check17:12
james_wnot currently (c.f. discussion a couple of hours ago), but perhaps in a couple of weeks17:12
spotterthat's my only point17:13
pittijames_w: ok, thanks17:13
seb128spotter, sorry the bug was not really clear, it makes easier to give the command you run and an example is such cases17:13
spotterI thought I did17:13
spotterincluded the 2 files and said run "pdflatex test.tex"17:13
spottersorry if i wasnt' clear17:14
james_wpitti: we could create a list of eligible packages then and review it when it is possible17:14
spottera bit rushed due to paper deadline17:14
seb128spotter, you did in the update but I misunderstood the bug from the initial description17:14
seb128spotter, and I just read the update quickly17:14
seb128spotter, will look at that now thanks17:14
james_wjcastro: gnonlin synced17:14
seb128jcastro, so you run from people to people asking to sync different things? ;-)17:15
james_wjcastro: it's just a .3 update, is that what we need?17:15
seb128jcastro, new pitivi synced17:15
jcastrono I told him I would talk to you17:15
jcastrobut he's james_w and he's awesome17:16
jcastrojames_w, I believe so yes17:16
seb128jcastro, and I'm seb128 and I suck right? ;-)17:16
jcastroseb128, I'm sure next time you will win.17:16
seb128right ;-)17:17
mdzrobbiew, kernel crash dumps work great, nice work on mvo's part17:19
robbiewmdz: I wouldn't expect anything less from him ;)....I'll pass it along17:20
* jml back, catching up17:21
loolkees: Hey I'm happy to promote python-oauth unless you'd like to do a security review; it's relatively small and trivial python lib but it's parsing data from the net https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/40887817:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 408878 in python-oauth "[MIR] python-oauth" [Undecided,In progress]17:29
james_wlool, kees: python-oauth implement OAuth 1.0, not 1.0a, so is vulnerable to what can be a very serious session fixation attack17:42
james_wit's not really a "full of buffer overflows" problem, but something to consider17:42
keesjames_w: sounds like a reason to reject it to me.17:43
keeslool: what needs it?17:44
james_wkees: Ubuntu One, the new python-launchpadlib17:44
james_w(the old one embeds a copy :-/)17:44
bdrungbryce: did the kms for karmic work also on r6xx/7xx?17:45
brycebdrung, haven't tested it17:45
keesjames_w: so, ubuntu one is vulnerable to a serious session fixation attack currently?17:45
james_wkees: depends how they use it17:45
brycekees, what was your graphics card?  lspci | grep VGA17:45
keesbryce: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV350 [Mobility Radeon 9600 M10]17:46
james_wI haven't looked in to their use of it17:46
bdrungbryce: ok, then i will try it today (if i have time for it)17:46
james_wI believe Launchpad is17:46
james_wit's more of a server-side fix, but clients need to roll out the change17:46
james_win addition, LP doesn't really do "full" OAuth, so the impact is mitigated I think17:47
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hobanI'm having trouble finding an existing bug report about this and maybe it's because it's by design. Maybe someone can shed some light? With any other Linux distro I've used, when you enter the GRUB command-line interface at boot, setting the root device (e.g. root=(hd0,0)), kernel (e.g. kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.22), or initrd (e.g. initrd /initrd-2.6.22) will cause the command line to indicate whether or not the action was successful. Ubuntu's17:54
hoban grub does not. It just prints a blank line. This can make it hard to manually boot the system using GRUB if the menu.lst is incorrect or missing.17:54
looljames_w, kees: Wow ok thanks for feedback; I'm happy I pinged on that security review!17:55
loolkees: Do you want a bug or something for the python-oauth issue?17:56
loolkees: I just Incompleted the MIR for now17:57
TheMusolool: Thanks for making those fixes, I would have been happy to chase them up myself. I'll keep an ee on the Debian package to get them into Ubuntu.17:57
keeslool: feel free to subscribe me to it17:58
cjwatsonhoban: I think that's accidental, perhaps a consequence of having 'quiet' in the menu?18:00
cjwatsonhoban: unless you mean in karmic in which case it could be a difference between grub and grub2 ...18:00
hobancjwatson, I'm actually referring to 8.04 LTS18:01
cjwatsonok, so grub 118:01
hobancjwatson, I'll take a look to see if it's related to the quiet option and return shortly18:01
hobancjwatson, I removed the quiet option and there is no difference in behaviour18:02
hobanrecall also that I'm referring to the grub command-line, so configuration in /boot/grub/menu.lst isn't being used at that time anyway. Perhaps there is a difference in the way grub is being compiled?18:03
cjwatsonhoban: ok, every distro has massive patches to grub legacy so that's entirely possible; afraid I can't hunt through it right now18:08
hobancjwatson, not a problem. Is this something I should create a bug report for or just ignore until grub2 is in use? (I'm fine with either)18:09
cjwatsoncould be a consequence of the patch to quieten boot in general18:10
cjwatsongo ahead and file a bug of course, although I should warn that we aren't putting a whole lot of effort into grub any more18:11
cjwatsonbut no harm in having it recorded18:11
hobanwill do. Thank you cjwatson!18:13
loolhoban: If I recall correctly the default value for the quiet option might be one18:14
cjwatsonI don't think there's actually any way to set it to zero18:15
hobanlool: which quiet option (grub's quiet option or the kernel quiet option) and where is that configurable?18:15
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loolhoban: The grub quiet command is supposed to set a quiet flag in grub18:16
loolhoban: This is all added by a patch in the packaging18:17
loolBut the deafult value of the flag is 1 anyway (IIRC)18:17
hobanlool: I see. thanks18:17
loolhoban: See debian/patches/quiet.diff in http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/grub/grub_0.97-29ubuntu56.dsc18:18
lool+/* Whether to quiet boot messages or not. */18:18
lool+int quiet_boot = 1;18:18
hobanlool: I'll take a look at that, and if removing that diff changes the behaviour in the way I'm wanting, I'll include that information in the bug report18:19
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MisterNi discovered sysfsutils today, and i think maybe ubuntu could itself use it for initialising sysfs variables in a standardised place. just a suggestion :)20:43
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stefanlsdpitti: i made a new diff.gz for 0.6.5 of calibre. are you ok if i upload or do you have other plans for it?  bug #41004621:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 410046 in calibre "Upgrade Calibre to new upstream 0.6.5" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41004621:28
goldinsHello, where do I voice my opposition to multisearch being enabled by default on firefox 3.5?21:55
dtchenhere (or) #ubuntu-mozillateam (or) preferrably, ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists21:58
dtcheni can't speel today, apparently21:58
goldinsI hate it. I think it's really annoying and limits the awesomebar's coolest features. If there was a vote on default addons for firefox, I would vote for absolutely anything else22:00
dtcheni think that while your enthusiasm may be appreciated, documenting impartially (or as close to that as one may be) the use case regressions with detailed screenshots is likely a far more productive method of "protest"22:01
goldinsI mean, I think if you're going to ship firefox with addons, the burden of proof is on you to prove those addons are great for everybody22:03
goldinsit behaves a particular way, it behaves that way on all of my computers and every computer I use. My users are going to be confused when it behaves differently on their linux machines than their windows machines than the CentOS machines etc22:04
eimann_anyone here who knows why dvb/webcam modules are missing in 2.6.31-rc5 mainline kernels from ppa repository?22:23
dtchenwhich, specifically?22:24
eimann_the "official" one ;-) -- http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/22:25
dtchenno, which .ko?22:25
eimann_dvb-usb-umt-010.ko and uvcvideo.ko22:26
dtchenconfig skew. you could ask apw nicely if there's a more specific reason.22:29
eimann_ok, thx :)22:32
eimann_apw: Could you please explain if there is a reason for not including video/dvb modules in the 2.6.31-rcX Packages? ;-)22:32
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