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* persia peers about17:59
* geser is also here18:02
persiaAh good.  I was getting worried I had the wrong day, as I'm rarely about at this time.18:05
geserlet's see if we get a quorum: jpds, soren, nixternal, nhandler are you around?18:08
persiaHrm.  That doesn't look promising.18:16
geserI find it a little bit shameful for the MC to not reach quorum again after asking the applicants for a reschedule :(18:20
persiaI have to agree with that, all the more so since I didn't expect to be able to make this meeting due to the timing.18:22
cody-somervilleIf the meeting isn't going to happen, I'm going to go run an errand - kay? :]18:24
gesercody-somerville: sorry, it doesn't look to happen again unless two more MC members appear spontaneously18:26
geserpersia: I'd suggest that we handle both applicants per mail as we don't seem to reach quorum. perhaps even pass cody-somerville's applicantion directly to TB/DMB18:27
persiaI don't think that will work at all.18:27
persiaWe've changed how we do things enough that we ask useful questions, etc.18:28
persiaI like the asking of questions, but we no longer have a body of developers that all feel involved in the process, and state their support and criticisms.18:28
persia(and help us devise questions and tasks)18:28
persiaPlus, we tend to be bad about email anyway.18:28
persiaI'm not opposed to the use of email, just have little confidence that it would work better.18:29
geserpersia: true, but currently aren't any better on IRC either18:29
persiaThis week is awkward, as two of us are on a trip, but that doesn't explain why the other three are missing.18:29
geserI've the feeling that we are doing lously without dholbach :(18:31
persiaPerhaps.  I think it's also that ArchiveReorg has taken so long, that there are many uncertainties, and similar things.18:33
geserso how do we handle this now?18:33
persiaMy best suggestion is to talk about it Wednesday.  At least we usually get quorum then.18:34
geserasking the applicants for an other reschedule without knowing that we will reach quorum the next time doesn't sound good18:35
geserthe last meeting didn't happen, the meeting before was delayed by 4 hours (till we reached quorum)18:35
geserand when looking at the participation at our private meetings doesn't look promising to reach qourum the next time either18:37
geirhaMC = Media Center?18:38
persiageirha, MOTU Council.18:38
persiageser, I thought we often hit quorum there, but maybe I'm counting wrong.18:38
persiaBut many of us are not here, and we'll not address that now.  Let us retire in shame, and work with the rest to try to avoid this in the future, while doing our best to process our pending applications.18:39
geserwe reach quorum there but the other half of the team is still missing regularly, but let's move this to mail18:43
gesergilir: sorry, the MC meeting is not happening again :( the MC will discuss it and let you and cody-somerville know how we proceed with your applications18:45
gilirgeser: ok18:51
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