
=== asac_ is now known as asac
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bdrung_asac: i can't suppress quivering fingers. i had to add the oneliner.02:33
bdrung_asac: look here https://code.launchpad.net/~bdrung/mozilla-devscripts/moz-version02:34
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asacsparc - ulrunner-1.9.1- undefined reference to `sync_instruction_memory'09:19
bdrung_asac: morning. saw my changes to -devscripts?10:09
asacbdrung_: i saw your ping ;) .... but didnti come to it yet. did you request another merge?10:16
bdrung_asac: no, i pushed it into the same branch.10:17
mac_vhi... i keep getting this error when using apport > http://paste.ubuntu.com/248524/10:21
mac_vhow do i correct it?10:22
mac_vasac: ^ ?10:28
asacmac_v: yeah.10:31
asacmac_v: its a bug. i hav ea bandaid fix for it which is in firefox-3.6 branch for now10:31
asacmac_v: but actually it went away here like 1 or 2 days ago .... are you on up-to-date karmic?10:32
mac_vasac: i'v lost a couple of firefox reports because of that ,10:32
mac_vsystem is up-to date10:32
asacmac_v: yeah. sorry about that. i didnt want to hide this bug with the bandaid for now10:33
asacmac_v: the firefox-3.6 dailies shouldnt have that problem though10:33
asacmac_v: are you using any mirror?10:33
asacmac_v: might be that your mirror is lacking behind10:33
mac_vasac: no mirrors10:33
asacas i said, i always saw that all the time and its gone10:33
asachmm ... odd10:33
asaclet me get you the bug id10:34
mac_vasac: asac: the problem is when firefox is not open, if i open firefox first ,this problem doesnt happen always10:34
asacmac_v: ack10:35
asacbug 40105510:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 401055 in firefox "Gdk-ERROR **: The program 'firefox-3.5' received an X Window System error (BadWindow)" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40105510:35
asacmac_v: the problem only happens if firefox isnt running10:35
asacmac_v: so try to open until it work and keep it open for now10:35
mac_vasac: that was my workaround so long , but recent firefox update 3.5.2 , has changed something , this happened couple of times with firefox open also10:37
mac_vasac: the firefox3.5.2 is not closing properly , i tried to submit the bug , but the latest apport overwrote the report!10:37
mac_vin 3hrs firefox crashed twice!10:38
mac_vfrom not properly closing10:38
gnomefreakasac: how do i make ......ubuntu3 higher than ...... ubuntu6?11:03
gnomefreaki scred up and would love to fix it. im assuming skipping ubuntu# is not a great idea11:03
andvasac, all-in-one sidebar uploaded plus bugmail pushed to new too11:13
andvthe guys who worked on them were nice and wanted to learn more without dropping the ball at the first problem11:14
andvthe learnt from you11:14
andvI guess11:14
asacandv: oh bugmail ... nice.11:26
andvasac, an archive admin should process it11:27
andvdunno in which day they do that11:27
TankEnMatei suspect this question has been asked many times before, but how do you turn on PGO for a dpkg build of firefox 3.5?11:42
gnomefreakfind o9ut whot he people were that built it with pgo enabled and have them push to a PPA :) <<< easiest way but i suspect something along the lines of --pgo-enable in rules file but i havent tried it so cant tell you for sure11:44
jdstrandasac: we looked at ia32-libs, and while in universe, it seems easy enough to refresh, so I shall12:04
asacjdstrand: thats great news. let me know or something. if you want to stage it in ppa i can call for testing12:09
jdstrandasac: for hardy, I think I'll just upload-- pitti already did it post release for the openssl issue, so this will only have security updates12:10
asacjdstrand: openssl issue?12:11
jdstrandasac: unless I am missing something and you think more needs to be done there12:11
asacjdstrand: he updated nss because of that or sent a complete new snapshot in?12:11
jdstrandasac: the openssl back after hardy released: CVE-2008-016612:11
asacjdstrand: i think its ok to upload after some happy testing. if you have amd64 you can test with chromium-browser for instance12:11
asachmm. guess you dont have 64-bit at hand12:12
jdstrandno I don't12:12
asacjdstrand: ok kenvandine has a 64-bit laptop12:12
jdstrandasac: alright, I'll get it somewhere then and ping you12:13
asache even uses chromium12:13
asacso perfect tester ... and he already agreed12:14
asachmm ... hardy ... i guess thats a problem though12:14
asacmaybe i can convince him to setup a chroot12:14
jdstrandI plan to do it for hardy-jaunty12:14
jdstrandI guess I can do karmic too, if noone has done it12:15
asacjdstrand: we have big problems with creating an updated ia32libs based on current state, so i guess we need to do karmic as well12:15
asacjdstrand: so he will setup a hardy VM now12:17
asacjdstrand: but hasnt enough space for the rest.12:17
asaci guess hardy is most risky? or do we rather want jaunty testing?12:17
jdstrandasac: just so we are clear-- I will use hardy, hardy-security and hardy-updates for hardy, intrepid, intrepid-security and intrepid-updates for intrepid, ...12:17
jdstrandasac: so it isn't particularly risky-- it is all stuff that has been thoroughly tested in the main archive for that release12:18
jdstrandagain, unless you think I am missing something12:18
TankEnMateit would seem that the ubuntu / debian mozilla source doesn't support PGO, it seems like it has been ripped out of the source tree13:07
TankEnMateI can see plenty of stuff to disable PGO, but there are no instances of build target that should work, the build targets have been remove from the source13:08
gnomefreakTankEnMate: at this time you are right pgo is not enabled. IIRC this will change in future (not sure when)13:11
TankEnMatenot only is it not enabled, it isn't even in the base source package13:11
TankEnMateaka it's not removed by build patches, its not there at all..13:12
TankEnMateI'm d/l'ing the full 3.5.2 source from mozilla and i'm going to graft it onto my current deb build tree..13:12
TankEnMateit'll probably take ages getting all the build stuff to work, but at least i'll get PGO13:12
TankEnMateis the ubuntu / debian base package a non-PGO trunk? or is it a handcrafted source tar ball with the PGO stuff ripped out?13:15
gnomefreakTankEnMate: i dont think upstream builds with PGO either. I know there were/is bugs on it upstream13:30
gnomefreakTankEnMate: see bug 231708 and mozilla 41886613:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 231708 in sameplace "Allow setting personal information (including avatar)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23170813:34
ubottuMozilla bug 418866 in Build Config "turn on profile-guided optimization (pgo) on linux" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=41886613:35
gnomefreakmaybe that will answer most if not all your PGO concerns13:37
asacjdstrand: no its ok. go for it14:07
EruditeHermitfta: thanks, the converter works14:15
gnomefreakasac: ok im fixing sunbird branch to condense all fixes in ubuntu3 and add the fix for arm gcc14:15
asacgnomefreak: it seems that there is no more fix needed .... just use the default compiler - at least it seems to work14:16
gnomefreakasac: ok cool i didnt know if i needed your rules control fix from tb14:17
asacgnomefreak: if you explicitly use gcc 4.3 atm on armel then you need it14:17
asacbut i think you didnt do that ... better check though14:17
gnomefreakasac: no i used default14:18
asacsounds good then14:19
gnomefreakgood than condence revisions and ask you to review and push14:19
gnomefreakjust have to let people know to downgrade to official release14:19
* gnomefreak screwed up when commiting14:20
EruditeHermitasac: were you the one that said tracemonkey had 64bit enabled already?14:23
luksomeone interested in fixing iceape build failure on mips* in Debian (https://buildd.debian.org/fetch.cgi?&pkg=iceape&ver=1.1.17-1&arch=mips&stamp=1249209663&file=log) aka making sure that only gets linked with position independent code?14:38
gnomefreakand pushed updated branch14:40
gnomefreakdo we have that same issue in seamonkey in ubuntu?14:40
* gnomefreak doesnt have a mips14:40
lukmaking sure something only gets linked with position independent code should not be arch specific unless there is an arch specific build option...14:42
TankEnMate*ugh* the mozilla build environment is just soo crufty..14:44
lukah found it, for mips* it configures to static (without fPIC), that both explains the build failure as well as it being arch specific14:49
TankEnMategnomefreak: thanks for the pointers.. i have a version of gcc that is too old..14:53
gnomefreakTankEnMate: np14:54
ftaasac, http://codereview.chromium.org/164035  so much for the 1.2 branch14:54
gnomefreakasac: branch should be updated shortly. can you add this to the review and push list14:55
gnomefreakupdated https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~gnomefreak/sunbird/ubuntu-0.x.9.1014:55
gnomefreakfound the nightly builds of lightning now i hope updte-orig will grab it15:07
statikhi asac, updated branch for you to review when you have a minute bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntuone-control-tower/bindwood/ubuntu/15:29
gnomefreakwhy the hell doesnt ./debian/rules update-orig or update-orig source work15:32
gnomefreakniether does get-orig15:33
gnomefreakfta: does m-d for sunbird just place the lighting.xpi into sunbird source?15:34
* gnomefreak would prefer to build together but it doesnt seem to use ftp.mozilla and i cant get the update-orig rules to work for some odd reason.15:36
gnomefreakdamn source15:42
asacEruditeHermit: why?16:09
asacfta: yeah. is 1.3.6 from trunk?16:10
EruditeHermitasac: apparently tracemonkey isn't enabled for 64bit builds16:10
gnomefreakis the git problem in m-d due to the name change of git?16:13
gnomefreakproblems with twitter can be found http://blogs.usatoday.com/technologylive/2009/08/twitter-investigating-site-outage.html16:16
eagles0513875morning guys16:23
gnomefreakeagles0513875: morning sort of16:23
eagles0513875how are things looking on the karmic front this morning16:24
gnomefreakkarmic == ok16:24
gnomefreakdont get too excited i dont have same apps as you16:25
gnomefreakwell maybe a few16:25
gnomefreakbe back sm 2.1 is taking forever need to walk around16:26
gnomefreakok running 1 test build of SM2.1 if it fails at all i will be putting it off till next week16:53
asacjdstrand: do you have ia32libs for hardy somewhere so kenvandine can do a quick test or did you push that already?17:02
jdstrandasac: I will upload it very soon17:02
asacEruditeHermit: yes. thought i already said that i was wrong ;)17:03
jdstrandasac: I uploaded to karmic already17:03
EruditeHermitasac: oh I didn't see =p17:03
asacjdstrand: good. if you want kenvandine can do the testing ... he has a 64-bit VM setup now ;)17:03
asac(for hardy)17:03
jdstrandasac: cool, it'll be a few minutes17:03
asacjdstrand: good. let me know where you put it17:04
=== kenvandif is now known as kenvandine
jdstrandasac: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security-proposed/+archive will have it. jaunty is already in there17:05
asacjdstrand: yeah. we wont have testing for jaunty as it seems. do you have users on it?17:06
asaci can dent about it ... maybe someone jumps on it then17:06
jdstrandasac: I can on Tuesday, otherwise I can only download the debs and confirm that the new libs are in there17:07
asacjdstrand: ok i dont think there might be breakage, but let me dent and see if someone tests it17:08
asacfta: can you redent http://identi.ca/notice/7672024 please17:09
asachmm ... actually it should have been different ... wait a sec17:10
asacfta: this one: http://identi.ca/notice/767206617:11
asacfta: you think you could sponsor gnomefreaks lighting-sunbird merge?17:19
asacanyone else ;)?17:19
asacjdstrand: verified ffox 3.5 in jaunty. thanks!17:34
jdstrandasac: ack17:49
jdstrandasac: jaunty ff35 and xl191 pushed17:56
jdstrandasac, kenvandine: fyi, intrepid and hardy ia32-libs uploaded to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security-proposed/+archive/ppa. They aren't finished building yet, but should be soon18:04
jdstrandheading off now...18:04
andvbdrung, please forward that change18:50
andvto Debian18:50
sammyhas anyone else experienced a loss of open tabs after a firefox update?18:54
sammyI haven't been able to find this bug anywhere on the debian or mozilla bug tracker, so I assume it's ubuntu specific, considering it's happened during the last few updates. though thats an assumption18:57
bdrungandv: yes, i will. it's already on my todo list19:09
bdrungandv: thanks for sponsoring and for pointing me to the updated maintainer field specification.19:10
andvbdrung, np19:44
andvasac, where is the debdiff?19:56
andvasac, for the thing to sponsor19:56
pace_t_zulufta, you aware of this bug?? it is a funny one http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1838520:04
andvasac, I'm off, ping me later with details for the thing to sponsor/review20:05
BUGabundohey guys21:52
goldinswhy is multisearch enabled by default in 3.5?22:01
dtchensee my most recent comment in #ubuntu-devel22:02
dtchenand, if you haven't already, see asac's blog post on the matter22:03
syn-ackdtchen, I voiced my opine long ago22:03
syn-ackI have nothing more to say about it. I came in here to see if the other dude was in here22:04
dtcheni have no opinion on it, as i don't generally use firefox22:04
* BUGabundo simply disabled it22:04
BUGabundodtchen: ? you don't ?22:04
dtchenhowever, the prescription for getting some disabled is to _clearly document why something is a use case regression_22:05
syn-ackBUGabundo, Thats what I did too22:05
goldinsI disabled it too, but it's about to be a pain in my ass22:05
BUGabundoI expressed my mind, accept upstream decission and did what I could to minimize on my side22:05
goldinsWhat I'm about to do to minimize it on my side is install fedora on a bunch of desktops.22:06
dtchengodspeed, then22:06
micahggoldins: it's only in the alpha releases in karmic22:06
micahgit'll be gone by release22:06
micahgat least I think so...22:07
goldinswait so firefox3.5 isn't available in 9.04?22:07
micahgit is22:07
goldinswithout multisearch22:07
micahgas a second version of ff22:07
dtchenmicahg: i have read no such commitment, so i'm not going to voice as much22:07
micahgthat's correct22:07
goldinsI have it as a second version on karmic22:07
goldinsthat is, I tried to install only it, but it installed 3.0 as a dependency22:08
micahggoldins: that'll be fixed soon22:08
micahgdtchen: yeah, I reread asac's blog post, and there might be some form of multisearch in karmic, but nothing is set in stone22:08
* micahg should be more careful when committing to things22:08
micahggoldins: I've been using FF3.5 on jaunty for 4 months now22:09
BUGabundoI started using FF 3.6 4 months ago22:10
BUGabundoonce 3.5 went beta22:10
BUGabundotoo stable for me :)22:10
pace_t_zuluBUGabundo: i like running development software22:13
* micahg generally waits for beta before trying new stuff22:14
BUGabundopace_t_zulu: I like testing stuff and help devel22:14
pace_t_zulumicahg: is it safe to say you aren't running karmic?22:14
micahgI'll upgrade when it hits beta22:15
* micahg has 1 system22:15
micahgand it needs to be stable22:15
pace_t_zulumicahg: you'll take BUGabundo's cast offs? ;)22:15
pace_t_zului use virtual machines22:15
pace_t_zuluthe host system is stable22:15
micahgah, if I had more time, I might do that22:15
BUGabundoI ran bare metal22:17
BUGabundoon my main machine22:17
BUGabundoonly way to nag dtchen about breaking audio22:18
BUGabundonot that he will fix any thing :p22:18
dtchen"breaking audio" is about as vague and useless a description as "my foot hurts- make it stop"22:18
micahgor my firefox is broken22:19
BUGabundodtchen: ok, want more descrition? here we go:22:19
BUGabundodtchen: volume below 60% == mute, 50% boot start muted. flat volume sucks! try listening to something at a low volume, it keeps floatoaiting and increasing on it own22:20
BUGabundodtchen: having audio at 100% makes it go crazy and go up to 140% or even 200% (like happened once)22:20
dtchenplease complain again after you've upgraded to pulse 1:0.9.16~test4-0ubuntu222:20
BUGabundodtchen: I have to kill pa at least once every 3 h, or it will die and not restart22:21
BUGabundofull-upgrading NOW22:21
BUGabundoThe following packages have been kept back:22:21
BUGabundo  hplip-data libpulse-browse0 libpulse-mainloop-glib0 libpulse0 mobile-broadband-provider-info pulseaudio pulseaudio-esound-compat22:21
BUGabundo  pulseaudio-module-bluetooth pulseaudio-module-gconf pulseaudio-module-x11 pulseaudio-module-zeroconf{a} pulseaudio-utils22:21
BUGabundodtchen: that's enough complaing for today! you have enough bugs to be bother with mine, that I can workaround easilly22:22
BUGabundosure I would like to have them fixed for other users not be hit by them, but we lack manpower to do it all22:23
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
andvBUGabundo, do you have an handy jaunty installation there?22:59
BUGabundoandv: I run cutting edge23:00
BUGabundohence my pidgin crashes today23:00
andvI need 3 ppl with jaunty23:00
andvto test a backport23:00
pace_t_zuluandv: i'd help you, but i gotta run to the airport to pick up my gf... ping me later if you still need jaunty people...23:01
pace_t_zuluandv: fyi.. i run jaunty in a vm... so if your backport requires a native install - sorry23:01
andvpace_t_zulu, I'll be here for like 1 hour or more23:01
andvpace_t_zulu, I guess a VM works too23:02
* BUGabundo missread airport with apport23:02
asacandv: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~gnomefreak/sunbird/ubuntu-0.x.9.10 ... thats gnomefreaks branch. there is no debdiff23:02
BUGabundotoo much bug reporting here23:02
andvpace_t_zulu, ping me when back please23:02
andvasac, so it's not a merge23:02
pace_t_zuluandv: sure23:02
BUGabundopace_t_zulu: I was finding strange how your gf fited in apport23:02
andvpace_t_zulu, ty23:02
pace_t_zululater y'all23:02
andvBUGabundo, lol23:02
asacandv: well. if its good i can merge it into the main branch. but i cannot test and build it this week23:03
pace_t_zuluBUGabundo: i don't know about you... but my gfs are real... ;)23:03
andvasac, is it huge to build?23:03
asacbasically its building sunbird using his branch .... i guess the orig.tar.gz is in gnomefreaks ppa23:03
asacandv: its similar to tbird/ffox etc.23:03
andvmore than an hour build23:03
asacthis hotel is so crowded with local people ... all occupying the bar and stuff23:04
* asac feels a bit unhappy23:04
andvasac, where are you?23:04
andvfor ubuntu conf?23:04
asacnot conference ... platform team sprint23:04
asace.g. sitting together and working on all kind of stuff23:04
andvhow many developers are there?23:05
asacgot massively side trackeedand have to make ffox 3.5 by default happening this week23:05
asacbesides from NM trunk and bluetooth default switch etc.23:06
andvwho works with you on ffox stuff there?23:06
asacnoone ... .thats why i get side tracked so much because everybody wants something else from me23:07
asacwe are about 10023:07
asacbasically all ubuntu employees and a few from other parts of the company (e.g. design team etc.)23:08
andvall core-devs?23:08
asacnot all core-devs are canonical employees23:09
asacand lots of platform team members are not even motu23:09
andvoh :D23:09
asaclike kernel folks for instance.... they dont need to upload23:09
andvasac, they have special permissions23:09
andvto upload kernel stuff only23:09
asacyes. but just 2 of them23:10
asaci think 2 or 3 upload23:10
asackernel team is like 1823:10
andvanyway I've pushed all-in-one siderbar earlier23:10
asacyeah saw that. thanks23:10
andvand bugmail-ext will be processed by jdstrand tomorrow23:11
asacandv: did you push the branch to ~ubuntu-dev too?23:11
andvasac, I approved it but it needs your review as well23:11
asacandv: processed?23:11
asacits a new package?=23:11
andvit was NEW23:11
andvso have to be processed by archive admins23:11
asacoh ok. right. forgot that jamie is archive admin23:11
andvand tomorrow is jdstrand turn23:12
andvto be archive admin23:12
andvso he will do that23:12
asacheh. well. i dont know ... but we are all so busy in getting all the stuff together that goes on alpha4 that i owuldnt bet on it getting processed tomorrow23:12
asacbut who knows ;)23:12
asaci will check with him to see if he has time :)23:13
andvI told him to ping me when done23:13
andvthen I'll leave for holidays23:13
asacok .... doing some work on xulrunner transition now ... - which i couldnt do23:13
andvlike half an a week23:14
asacnice. enjoy in case we dont talk23:14
andvdo you have anything you need to review/sponsor?23:14
andvapart from that huge package23:14
asacwait a sec23:15
asacandv: you could check if you see any issues with lp:~ubuntuone-control-tower/bindwood/ubuntu23:16
asacand let me know.23:16
asacits a firefox extension23:16
asacso in general simple23:16
asacso just basic checks like: proper licensing, proper branch layout (e.g. .bzr-builddeb/default.conf ...) etc.23:17
asacandv: oh ... also there are a bunch of universe packages in the ffox 3.5 transition ppa23:18
asacandv: https://edge.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/ffox3523:18
asacthose basically need to be checked if they are still up to date with current archive version and get uploaded23:18
asacif the archive version has been bumped in the meantime they need to be rebased on the other stuff23:18
asacof course only "green" ones are good candidates23:19
asacandv: like videolink23:19
asac swt-gtk - 3.4-2ubuntu3.0xul19123:19
asacand miro - 2.0.5-1ubuntu1.xul19123:20
asacwith some luck you just need to get those ..., sign them and upload23:20
asacall the rest i will do tonight or tomorrow morning i hope23:20
andvasac, they are all new upst?23:21
asacno ... almost everything is just .xul1923:21
asacerr 19123:22
asacso just packaging changes for the xulrunner 1.9 -> 1.9.1 transition23:22
asacandv: anyway. reviewing the extension from above would be great23:22
asacandv: so you said you already uploaded all-in-one ... right? or are you waiting on my review (a bit confused now)23:23
andvasac, all-in-one is already uploaded23:23
andvyou need to review the merge request23:23
andvfor the branch23:24
asacandv: oh ok.23:24
andvthe extension from above --> lp:~ubuntuone-control-tower/bindwood/ubuntu23:24
asacbasically do a NEW review on it and tell me if you see anything bad. i will do just a quick review then23:25
andvis it new?23:25
andvlike bugmail-ext23:25
asacits new23:26
andvgonna review it23:27
andvthen send it on my karmic pc23:27
andvand check if it works23:27
asac* merged all-in-one-sidebar 0.7.4-0ubuntu2. Thanks to Andrea Veri for noticing it was missing23:29
asacwas that something forgotten in intrepid?23:29
andvsomeone lost the changelog entry23:30
asacah ok23:30
asacso just changelog23:30
andvand watch file23:30
andvif I remember it right23:30
andvchanges from that revision got lost too23:31
andvasac, when reviewed/tested should I wait your review too before uploading'23:33
asacandv: let me know ... i will do a quick check too - better have two reviews on NEW23:35
andvok, one thing:23:36
andvis this necessary firefox (>= 3.5),?23:36
andvI mean > of 3.523:36
andvit could be >=3.023:36
andvor is that right?23:36
asacandv: extension?23:39
andvasac, im checking the ubuntuone package23:40
andvbindwood package sorry23:40
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
asacandv: for extensions the minimum version should match what is in install.rdf23:41
andvasac, deps says firefox (>= 3.5)23:41
andvasac, min e max version are 3.523:42
andvasac, so it should be firefox (=3.5)23:42
asacits probably ok23:42
andvI leave it as it is then23:43
asacmaxversion is 3.5? not 3.5.*23:43
andvso (>=) is right23:43
asacyeah. seems so23:44
andvapturl (>= 0.1.2ubuntu1), why this particular version?23:44
asacnot sure. note those things down and i will consider that in my review23:44
asacfor things i am not sure i will ask the author23:44
asachmm. i think te guy copied the control from u bufox ...ok thanks for spotting it... no need to review further23:45
asaci will tell them they have to do it proper23:45
andvlooked strange23:46
andvbuilds fine23:46
andvnow installing it23:46
andvis it a ffox ext right?23:46
asacyes. it syncs bookmarks to couchdb ... so you can sync it using couchdb tools among different systems23:47
ftaasac, http://identi.ca/notice/769085023:47
asaca bit similar to weave. just that it doesnt require a server23:47
andvok, so it will have an interface for that23:47
asacfta: hoped it was a ia32libs confirm23:48
andvasac, installed fine23:49
andvon ffox3.523:49
andvhow can I check it works?23:49
andvcan't find any interface on bookmarks23:49
asac_reconnect :)23:49
andv<andv> asac, installed fine23:49
andv<andv> on ffox3.523:49
andv<andv> how can I check it works?23:49
andv<andv> can't find any interface on bookmarks23:49
ftapatch failed23:50
asac_andv: start firefox -P and create a new profile. all your bookmarks should appear there23:51
andvlet me see23:51
asac_fta: let me check . i am thinking about just dropping that patch23:52
asac_fta: removed23:56
asac_ok this lobby is getting too crowded. i hope that dropping this patch didnt require adjusting another patch.23:56
asac_if so i am sorry ... if i find the time i will try it tomorrow23:56
andvasac_: you leaving?23:57

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