
Azimuthanybody in here know anything about mythbuntu?   :)00:00
AzimuthI thnk I have permission problems, but need some confirmation.00:01
new2linxAzimuth, i know a little but00:10
new2linxbut-bit  ha ha ha00:10
new2linxsuperm1, oh, ok. how do i enable mythbuntu to show anything mounted on the desktop?00:10
AzimuthI know a little bit too and it has gotten me into more trouble....00:11
new2linxAzimuth, ask away00:11
new2linxsuperm1, are you aware of a way to bulk update 800 movies with metadata for mythvideo using the tmdb.pl? i don't like the fact that i have to go into video manager and click on search for all these moveis just to get them filled in with metadata00:12
new2linxAzimuth, listening and wondering what your question is00:13
AzimuthMythbuntu 8.04, I need to know permissions on /var/lib/mythtv00:13
Azimuthowner and group would help too.00:13
new2linxAzimuth, drwxrwxr-x  14 mythtv        mythtv        4096 2009-07-17 01:00 mythtv00:14
new2linxthats the output from ls -la /var/lib/ | grep mythtv00:14
AzimuthI don't understand why, but that folder has root as an owner here. Mythtv quit recording, livetv and it can't find it's recordings.00:17
new2linxyou need to change it to owner and group mythtv as mine is. mine is working fine00:18
AzimuthI wanted to check before I went changing it.00:18
Azimuththanks new2linx , that should do the trick.00:19
AzimuthI am setup weird, so something could have changed it. I have /var on it's own physical 1TB drive.00:24
Azimuththat didn't do it. I do not show a user by the name of mythtv in the User Administration Tool, should I?00:38
new2linxAzimuth, yes, you should00:41
AzimuthThat is what I thought and it won't let me ad mythtv there, says there is already a user by that name....00:42
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Greek-BoyI can't seem to get my WinTv-NOVA-SD2 to scan for channels or lock onto a sattelite. I am on Mythbuntu and using the latest drivers. Any ideas? I also tried to scan for channels outside mythtv using "scan" and "kaffeine" still nothing01:34
chris99_Anyone have an issue or is it know as one that the internal player will just jump back when watching videos?01:55
Greek-BoyI can't seem to get my WinTv-NOVA-SD2 to scan for channels or lock onto a sattelite. I am on Mythbuntu and using the latest drivers. Any ideas? I also tried to scan for channels outside mythtv using "scan" and "kaffeine" still nothing01:56
mazda01anyone help please. i am seeing this in the remote frontend log. a whole mess of them. 2009-08-05 21:05:33.801 MythSocket(9d4224f8:-1): writeStringList: Error, called with unconnected socket. 2009-08-05 21:05:33.801 MythSocket(9d4224f8:-1): readStringList: Error, called with unconnected socket. 2009-08-05 21:05:33.801 RemoteEncoder::SendReceiveStringList(): No response.  i see that when I try to playback the pvr-350 card from the m03:10
mazda01aster backend on the remote frontend03:10
mazda01when trying to start mythfrontend --verbose from the command line, I am seeing this: Unable to read configuration file mysql.txt03:22
neotenythe last time i had mythtv set up there was some plug in which let me go to internet tv sites.  but i can't find it now.  can i do that with a 'normal' mythbuntu installation or is there some plugin i need ot install?04:41
Essobi_Morning peebles.13:15
Zinn!help For a  complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi  Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number].13:35
rascal999!help gui13:35
Zinn!help gui For a  complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi  Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number].13:35
rascal999do i need a gui for mythbuntu, and can i disable it if i don't?13:36
rascal999under video source i have set it to scan for info on eit only but i still get unknown in the descriptions, how come?14:15
Greek-BoyI can't seem to get my WinTv-NOVA-SD2 to scan for channels or lock onto a sattelite. I am on Mythbuntu and using the latest drivers. Any ideas? I also tried to scan for channels outside mythtv using "scan" and "kaffeine" still nothing17:29
mazda01what in mythtv frontend allows me to export a recording to a dvd? i see mythexport but that want's to install mythtv-backend and this machine is only a frontend. i see that I can use mythexport to make portable media files but I want a plugin to burn muplitple recordings onto a dvd. do any exist?18:03
rhpot1991mazda01: mytharchive18:30
rhpot1991IIRC its included by default anymore too18:30
mazda01rhpot1991, i see that now. sorry. i am trying to run it now and I am seeing traceback. one of them is file "/usr/share/mythtv/mytharchieve/scripts/mythburn.py", line 5434, in main processJob(job). is that bad?19:57
mazda01rhpot1991, i am using the mythbuntu weekly builds repo the -fixes branch. when I look in the mytharchieve directory, there are 3 fodlers created, config, logs, and work, when I look in work, theres 1 and 2 folders. when I look in 1 and 2, I do see a newfile.mpg but when will i know if it's done burning the recordings to dvd? the log hasn't moved in a long time.19:59
rhpot1991mazda01: the interface reads the log file and should be spamming out info on whats goin gon20:02
mazda01rhpot1991, yeah, I am getting those traceback errors and i don't know what to make of them. then there's nothing, the log file just stops. here's what it reads:  http://pastebin.com/f43b9e8d9 and then the mythburn log reads this: http://pastebin.com/f2b0b4c8f20:11
mazda01rhpot1991, maybe i can't run mytharchieve from a remote frontend? i see this in the log file. btaining MythTV settings from MySQL database for hostname core2duo  adn the mysql database is on a remote mythbackend host named dell.20:13
rhpot1991chmod: changing permissions of `/var/lib/mytharchive/temp/': Operation not permitted20:20
rhpot1991you have a permission or path issue there20:20
mazda01rhpot1991, i would have thought the mytharchieve would work from remote frontends. should it?23:22
mazda01rhpot1991, i fixed the permissions issue right away, then tried again but still got those traceback errors.23:22

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