
=== tritium_ is now known as tritium
ikonianotes mib_xwumt was panarchy on multiple channels on freenode last night, kline and ban dodging08:08
ikoniakeep an eye out08:09
jussi01ikonia: pm08:19
jussi01Ok, just a reminder about the rescheduled IRCC meeting, please comment on the wiki proposal if you have an opinion but cannot be there.13:58
jussi01IRCC meeting Sunday 9th 0700 UTC! | Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam/IrcCouncil/MeetingAgenda | Issues Wiki Page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam/IrcCouncil/IRCteamproposal13:58
gnomefreakwhat happened to !snack14:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about botsnack14:27
elkynot a clue.14:27
ubottuChocolate! And Raisins! And ICE CREAM! ooo! and 60 minutes +m!14:28
gnomefreaksomeone erased his brain14:28
ubottuAre peanut husks ok? The ops ate the chocolates and peanuts already...14:28
Picisome people decided to remove the fun factoids.14:28
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!14:28
PiciOr made them fun-channel specific...14:31
jussi01gnomefreak: remember you can !search14:32
jussi01!search snack14:33
ubottuFound: scoobysnack-#ubuntuforums, botsnack-#ubuntu-offtopic, usersnack, botsnack*, helpersnack, opsnack, cookie, scoobysnacks14:33
ubottuI prefer botsnacks, but thanks for the thought.14:33
ubottuWow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!14:33
gnomefreakoops forgot search sorry14:41
Jariuhm. hi18:03
FlannelHowdy Jari, how can we help you today?18:03
Jarii am banned from #ubuntu18:03
Jaribut i dont know why :/18:04
FlannelYou sent a notice to the entire channel about Wii and DS stuff18:05
Jarioh, yeah i know.. i fucked up a script :/18:06
Jarifor how long is the ban?18:06
Jariçuz in all the other chans im unbanned already18:06
FlannelIf we won't have any more problems, we can remove it right now.18:07
FlannelIf you'll take the time to read over the IRC guidelines and code of conduct (which includes avoiding profanity, by the way),18:07
Flannelhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines and http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct18:08
Jariyou won't have more problems, i stopped mIRC scripting already because its not cross-platform18:08
Jariim going to learn some tcl scripting because im getting eggdrop soon.. and that bot won't even be on freenode18:08
Jariim still banned btw Flannel18:11
Flannelright, have you read and understood those documents?18:11
Jarii do understand them :_18:12
FlannelAlright, I've lifted the ban18:16
Jarik, ty18:17
Guest35724hi I can't join #ubuntu it say banned or something like, what do I do ?18:48
PiciGuest35724: It looks like the last time you were here you caused a bit of a problem.18:52
PiciGuest35724: Is this the nick that you normally use?18:57
Guest35724simoniz normaly18:58
PiciFlannel: Ping, I believe  this is your ban.19:01
PiciGuest35724: Sorry for the deal, I'm just at work and a bit busy with other stuff as well.19:02
FlannelGuest35724: How many people use your computer?19:05
FlannelAlright, ignore that question.19:09
FlannelGuest35724: Last time you were in #ubuntu, you were randomly pasting a URL for a good long while, even after being asked to stop and after you were removed from the channel once.  What's the deal?19:10
Guest35724they where not helping, I was trying something to do a tutorial after ...19:14
PiciGuest35724: And then afterwards you came in here and did the same thing and then threatened to call your bots in.19:17
PiciDo you remember that?19:19
Guest35724yes but you're there to help or to be nothing less than time-wasters ?19:20
PiciWe're all volunteers.19:21
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines19:21
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.19:21
PiciI'm not sure how your actions would have been approparate whether we were volunteers or not though.19:24
PiciCould you please take a look at the IRC guidelines and let me know when you have finished reading them.19:24
Guest35724cut your junk chat ...19:24
JanClol, ban_timeout["Guest35724"] += 365 days  ;)19:31
FlannelAt least he made that easy, I guess.19:44
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
dragonhowdy folks23:13
dragondo we have a rule that requires people to recommend Ubuntu solutions before telling people to use other distros?23:14
dragonthere's an argument flaring up in #ubuntu, someone might want to check it out23:15
bazhangdragon, got it covered thanks23:15
dragonbazhang: forgot that you are one of the Ops, my bad.23:16
dragonbazhang: thanks23:16
bazhangdragon, thanks for the heads up23:16
bazhangBodsda is taking a hard line on recommending other distros in #ubuntu , such as puppy, mint etc23:35
naliothbazhang: off topic for #ubuntu.  perfect for #ubuntu-offtopic23:38
bazhangnalioth, that is what I suggested; he said not being able to recommend other distros prevents him from 'giving support' (he is a main helper in mint channel )23:43
nalioththat is bullfeathers23:44
naliothhe needs to be mindful of our channel guidelines23:44
bazhangyep; I also suggested ##linux23:44
=== Gary is now known as evilGary
=== evilGary is now known as Gary

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