
brotkastenboomerang: this is to check if your drivers are loaded correctly00:00
boomerangbrotkasten: well i dont see anything under snd_moules there00:00
boomerangbrotkasten: yes: snd_pcm                83076  5 snd_ice1724,snd_ac97_codec,snd_usb_audio,snd_pcm_oss,snd_ak411400:01
ameroscan anyone please help me out how to configure oidentd?00:01
brotkastenboomerang: this is the problem ... your drivers aren't loaded ...00:01
bankixq0_0p: Did you install the development libraries of opengl?00:01
rfreibergerhello, is there a easy method to save a odt file as a doc without conversion problems?00:01
brotkastenboomerang: did you try /etc/init.d/alsa-utils start?00:01
b3rz3rk3rSo, thoughts on POL (Play on Linux) vs. Cedega & Crossover? Anyone care to weigh in and help me out?00:01
bankixboomerang: Which soundard do you have?00:01
addisonjhow do i check if a specific application has rights to a folder?00:02
bankixrfreiberger: Which conversion problems do you mean?00:02
=== Leszczoman is now known as karaeska
boomerangbrotkasten: It says setting up ALSA and I have an Envy24PT/HT00:03
bankixboomerang: Didn't you ask yesterday the same questions?00:03
ActionParsnipb3rz3rk3r: i'd try play on linux as its free. If you find ts no good then you will need to stump up the cash for cedega00:03
boomerangbrotkasten: huh??00:03
ActionParsnipb3rz3rk3r: also try wine and try loki installers00:03
brotkastenboomerang: alsa = advanced linux sound architecture ... this is not the nam of your card00:03
brotkastenboomerang: huh?00:04
amerosnoone uses oidentd?00:04
=== Dark_Wolf[Gone] is now known as Dark_Wolf
=== c is now known as evilChari
Dr_Willisameros:  idented is a bit outdated.. and rarely used these days00:04
ActionParsnipb3rz3rk3r: you may also find a native installer is available (depending on game). ID software are great for this.00:05
nacho_have a problem whit my laptop, it shuts down when i open flash video fullscreen00:05
nacho_and i cant find any help about it00:06
bankixboomerang: Wasn't it you asking yesterday the same question? I don't remember the nick...00:06
lstarnesimran: you don't need the caps00:06
b3rz3rk3rimran, thx :D  but no caps plz00:06
* Dr_Willis is getting the Obesley part down.....00:06
Dr_Willisrich.. is still not happening.00:06
Cyber_Akumawhats the latest ersion of ubuntu called again?00:07
amerosits coming00:07
Cyber_Akumasomething animal00:07
b3rz3rk3rCyber_Akuma, jaunty jakalope00:07
brotkastenjaunty jackalope or sth?00:07
=== evilChari is now known as charitwo
icerootCyber_Akuma: every version is smething animal00:07
Dr_WillisCyber_Akuma:  every release has a silly  somthing animal.  code name...:)00:07
Cyber_AkumaI know00:07
b3rz3rk3rCyber_Akuma, the latest alpha is Karmic Koala00:07
b3rz3rk3rCyber_Akuma, but that isnt available as astable build yet00:08
b3rz3rk3rCyber_Akuma, sry for typing, kinda drunk :p00:08
b3rz3rk3ractually that wasnt too bad00:08
nacho_i have a problem with my laptop, it shuts down when i open flash video fullscreen i have kubuntu 9.04 and it do it whit any browser00:09
boomerangwell i don't remember myself being on here, so unless i was doing it subconsciensly (which would be really cool) nope00:09
boomerangtho i think i found a lead to my prob00:09
b3rz3rk3rnacho_,  64bit?00:09
ubottuFor information on using the PlayStation Portable with Ubuntu, please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PSP00:09
rreyeshi all... how do I configure Network manager so that certain IPs get routed through a different IP?00:09
brotkastenCyber_Akuma: you can always cat /etc/lsb-release00:09
convergencehow can I install packages if I don't have a network00:10
b3rz3rk3rconvergence, use another machine to DL00:10
Dr_Willisconvergence:  some how download them via a different machine and copy them over/install.00:10
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline00:10
nacho_b3rzerk3r: no00:10
hatter243convergence, Or you can use the Ubuntu CD / DVD as a package repository00:10
b3rz3rk3rnacho_, im sry, idk then :(00:10
komentar1e_listyHi... someone could recommend a office suite ? I need a lightweight one...00:11
nacho_b3rzerk3r: ty anyway00:11
b3rz3rk3rkomentar1e_listy, Open Office?00:11
komentar1e_listyb3rz3rk3r: too heavy...00:11
Dr_Williskomentar1e_listy:  for a word processor i tend to use abiword.  as for the rest of the suit.. no idea.00:11
convergencei'm looking here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/wifi-radar and don't know what to download00:11
amerosDr_Willis: thanks for info.... is dircproxy better?00:11
Dr_Willisthen theres koffice stuff.. but never tried it.00:11
b3rz3rk3rkomentar1e_listy, i really dont know any others tbh..00:12
convergencei know that i can install from source, but i don't want to stray from the provided package manager00:12
komentar1e_listyDr_Willis: Thanks. How lightweight it is ?00:12
Dr_Willisameros:    better for what?  :)00:12
komentar1e_listyDr_Willis: can i use it in a 128mb(ram) box ?00:12
Dr_Williskomentar1e_listy:  the term 'lightweight' means very little ....  Its lighter then MS Office... :)00:12
ameroshiding ip00:12
convergenceok, nevermind, think i figured it out00:12
Dr_Williskomentar1e_listy:  ive seen Openoffice run on 128mb machines.. with swap space..  abiword is like a 3 mb download.00:13
bankixconvergence: Go to the ubuntu repository and download the .deb file. Then install it via "dpkg -i" and look what's missing.00:13
komentar1e_listyDr_Willis: I know... i as searching something like Siag(that is really lightweight)00:13
komentar1e_listyDr_Willis: Thanks, I'll give a try00:13
Dr_Williskomentar1e_listy:  ive been using Puppy Linux , and Tiny Core linux - for my low end box's00:13
Dark_WolfWhy is it that Ubuntu 8.x and 9.x have a different network utility than 7.x? The new one doesn't have a whole lot of options.00:13
Dr_Williskomentar1e_listy:  openoffice can run on Puppylinux  :)00:13
Dr_Williskomentar1e_listy:  it all boils down to what features you need I guess.00:13
bankixDark_Wolf: It's called improvement.00:14
Dark_WolfI realize that, but now I can't set a host name or domain00:14
bankixDark_Wolf: For me, the network manager works fine. Just the bluetooth part could be better... or working at all.00:14
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at System > Administration > Networking on the "General" tab00:14
Dark_Wolfor at least, I can't find where to00:14
komentar1e_listyDr_Willis: I need basic formatation... I need to open .doc/.rft files... only these00:14
bankixDark_Wolf: Hm? What do you mean with "set a host name or doman"?00:14
Dr_Williskomentar1e_listy:  .doc is a vastly varied format..  depending on who.what made themn.. abiword may or may not format/keep the frmating right.00:15
kendricki've tried asking in #kubuntu, but no answer so far... this is more of an APT issue than anything, though...00:15
Dr_Williskomentar1e_listy:  for best .doc compat. You may have to use Openoffice00:15
Crshmanhow do I reinstall the default pulseaudio configuration files at /etc/pulseaudio ?00:15
b3rz3rk3rkomentar1e_listy, i think you will struggle to find a full office suite other than Open Office... if you dont need a full suite and just want to do text edits, look into abiword or the basic text editor even. For file compatibility.. just use Open Office (it isnt that heavy)00:15
Dark_WolfI don't appear to have Networking in the menu00:15
Dark_Wolfonly Network Tools00:15
kendricki installed KDE 4.3 from a PPA source on my Kubuntu 9.04 system, and it's pretty broken.  i'd like to 'downgrade' back to KDE 4.2 that comes with Ubuntu 9.04.00:15
kendrickwhat's the apt magic i'd need to o?  (aside from step 1: remove the apt-src :) )00:15
komentar1e_listyb3rz3rk3r: I have it here, is not working very well in my ancient machine... i need basic stuff and i need to work fast. But thanks, I'll give a try00:16
bankixDark_Wolf: Yes. It's no longer installed by default.00:16
nacho_i have a problem with my laptop, it shuts down when i open flash video fullscreen i have kubuntu 9.04 and it do it whit any browser00:16
bankixDark_Wolf: Because networkmanager does most of it.00:16
Dark_Wolfbankix, That's what I was wondering00:17
Dark_WolfI like the old interface better :P00:17
Dark_Wolfnetwork-admin, right?:00:17
b3rz3rk3rkomentar1e_listy, if you are just text editing, then the regular app should be fine.. if you want to use spreadsheets or whatever, maybe try Koffice (KDE apps are knwon to be a bit lighter than Gnome ones)00:17
bankixDark_Wolf: Just install gnome-network-admin.00:17
Dark_Wolfbankix, thanks00:18
komentar1e_listyb3rz3rk3r: Thanks. Koffice work with .doc ?00:18
b3rz3rk3rkomentar1e_listy, yes it should be just fine00:18
jeeveshow cna I do a site survey of wireless networks from the CLI without installing Kismet, etc00:18
* kendrick consults google in the meantime00:18
Dr_Willis'works with .doc' is a HUGE  thing. :) heh..  theres always the chanch of some .doc features not working00:18
komentar1e_listyb3rz3rk3r: thank you ;)00:18
b3rz3rk3rkomentar1e_listy, np00:18
b3rz3rk3ralrighty, bed time for me.. night all00:19
Dr_Willisjeeves:  theres a lot of cli wireless tools.. dependign on your needs. and what you mean by 'site survey'00:19
NeroonHi. Does anyone know how to install Doom3? Got the .run file, installed it, copied the .pak files, but all i get are corrupted start scripts00:20
Cyber_Akumabah, the xubuntu cd label I tried to make looks like crap00:21
Dr_WillisNeroon:  try -->   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Doom3  ?00:21
jeevesDr_Willis, the server in question is sitting @ a location that's a stattellite office, and I need to make sure no one has installed an AP, or anything dumb.  There are some questionable things going on over there, and I need to find out before I drive over there00:21
NeroonDr_Willis: Thanks, I'll have a look00:22
=== Baconizer is now known as BACOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Dr_Willisjeeves:  well there are a great many wireelss cli tools. but ive only used a small small small fraction of them.  There are cli wireless commands to scan/show all wireless access points..00:23
jeevesDr_Willis, thanlks.  I guess I'll just install kismet then00:24
Dr_Willisjeeves:  or learn the tools.. do what you want i guess..00:24
=== BACOOOOOOOON is now known as Baconizer
ollie_Why is this script not starting deluge properly? http://pastebin.com/m2ca4793200:24
jeevesDr_Willis, lol, I think Kismet will be the best.  I can configure it to watch for new APs or clients and then I can remotley monitor it00:24
Dr_Willis sudo iwlist eth1 scan # eth1 is my wireless card.00:25
Dr_Willisscans/shows all AP's in range00:25
NeroonIs there any way to force wget to use binary transfer mode?00:25
intxis there a way to add something to the ubuntu live cd without rebuilding the entire thing?00:25
bankixintx: Yes, pretty easy.00:26
bankixintx: Just mount filesystem.squashfs loop somewhere, then copy everything into a new (writable) directory00:27
kerm|tafter hibernate on a dell e6400 it boots saying its restoring the system but it just boots like normal00:27
bankixintx: Then mount -bind proc, sys and dev to that directory, and jump into it with chroot.00:27
bankixintx: Do whatever you like, install packages, whatever. Log out.00:27
bankixintx: Then use mksquashfs to repack filesystem.squashfs. When done, exchane filesystem.squashfs on the CD and burn a new one.00:28
th0rollie_: I think what you want to do is run the commands without su in the script, and then run the script with su00:29
MT-When I try to establish an openvpn connection, I get this error - ** (nm-applet:9088): WARNING **: Error in getting active connection 'Vpn' property: (19) Method "Get" with signature "ss" on interface "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties" doesn't exist00:30
* Simkin waves goodbye00:30
MT-** (nm-applet:9088): WARNING **: _nm_object_array_demarshal: couldn't create object for /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/600:30
ollie_th0r: its a start up script, how would i get the user deluge to run those commands at startup?00:30
Dr_Willisollie_:  you have a specifc user called 'deluge' ?00:31
ollie_Dr_Willis: yes00:33
joshtcan someone help me with my mic?? no input and it doesnt work00:33
Dr_Willisollie_:  you are trying to run those commands from /etc/rc.local ? or where?00:33
intxbakix: thanks00:33
ugufjhfjIs it standard permissions "drwx--S---" for home directory?00:33
ollie_Dr_Willis: uhh not sure, the script is in /etc/init.d/00:33
rreyesollie: do you know how to set up routes using Network Manager?00:33
intxbankix: thanks00:33
bankixintx: May I ask what you're planning to do?00:33
Dr_Willisollie_:  those are for 'services' If you have specific commands you want to run. You can run stuff explicatly from /etc/rc.local  putting that script in /etc/init.d wont 'run it'00:33
MindVirusMy Xorg usage is using 100% of one of my cores.00:33
MindVirusAny suggestions?00:33
intxbankix: i'm using ubuntu for stress testing, just don't want to have to install a certain package everytime i reboot00:33
intxevery time00:33
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
bankixintx: You could use an usb stick as persistant root as well. Then you don't need to repack the CD.00:34
kentHEY dose anybody know how to change their themes?00:34
intxbankix: i am using an usb stick.. is that complicated?00:34
ollie_Dr_Willis: Well basically i just want those commands to run at startup, so how do i do that?00:34
bankixintx: What for are you using the stick? For booting?00:34
intxi'm not actually using a live cd as much as ubuntu live usb00:34
bankixintx: Ah. I think you should prefer repacking the filesystem.squashfs then.00:35
Dr_Willisollie_:  put theim in /etc/rc.local00:35
kentCan someone tell me how to change my Theme from defult to dusk i cant find it out00:35
intxbankix: yeah, thanks :) it's exactly what i wanted00:35
ollie_Dr_Willis: thanks00:35
tsmithI'm running ubuntu ppc to replace an old OSX install. I backed up all my files in .zip format and transferred them back over to the ubuntu install with ftp. ubuntu complains that the zip files are corrupted, running unzip with -F or -FF doesn't work. Is this an endianness issue? Should I find an OSX box to try to restore these files? any ideas :)00:36
Dark_WolfAnyone know where the home dir icon is in /usr/share/icons?00:36
Dr_Willis!changethem  | kent00:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about changethem00:36
Dr_Willis!changethems  | kent00:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about changethems00:36
bankixDark_Wolf: Yes.00:36
ubottuTo change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubottu xfce-themes00:36
=== Julian-de is now known as Julian-off
bankixDark_Wolf: Which of the many?00:36
pagodai'm running jaunty on my laptop.  when it's not plugged in, the screen dims after like 15 seconds of inactivity, and when i touch a key or move the mouse again, it doesn't return to its former brightness.  where are the settings for this?00:36
Dark_Wolfbankix, never mind, found it :P00:36
rreyesDr_Willis: do you know how to configure specific routes using network manager?00:37
Dr_Willisrreyes:  nope. never had to mess with that.00:37
jeeveswhat would cause an Ubuntu box (running on WiFi) to cause the Wireless connection to slow to a crawl after ~20 mins of being connected?  If I'm wired, it's fine, but if I connect via Wireless, the AP slows for everyone to a crawl.00:37
tsmithpagoda: i had that same problem, fixed it by right clicking on the battery icon and unchecking some of the boxes relating to dimming the display.00:37
tsmithpagoda: or go to system->preferences->power management00:38
rreyeshow do you configure routes on Jaunty then, Dr_Willis?00:38
kentI found out how to change my theme LOL its was in Apearence00:38
pagodatsmith, thanks00:38
maynards-girlis there something like iMovie for linux, maybe a little more robust- sorta like Adobe Premier?00:38
Dr_Willisrreyes:  ive not had to mess with routes in years. last i used routes. i recall using the route command :)  old-skool00:39
rreyesthanks, Dr_Willis00:39
Dr_Williskent:  yes - it pays to explore the settings.00:39
rreyeshas anyone configured routes on Jaunty?00:39
movelamaynards-girl: cinelerra or kino00:39
bitplaneI'd like the package "nautilus-python"00:40
kentHow much would you guys pay for a computer that has a 935MHz processor and 191MB ram and runs on Xubuntu 9.04 and it has a CD drive and Floppy drive00:40
bitplaneit's up here, but is it available by default? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus-python00:40
convergencethe network manager that came with ubuntu 8.04 doesn't seem to work for me, and neither does wifi radar.  so I'd like to use something that is more familiar to me, and seems to be light-years beyond as far as useability-- wicd00:40
maynards-girlmovela, i'll try cinelerra. Tried kino but couldn't get it to import a jpg :/ thank you. let me investigate that one00:40
bitplanekent, not much at all!00:40
JohnWittleEver since upgrading from 2.6.28 to 2.6.30, my cursor cannot move fewer than about 10 px at a time00:41
Dr_Williskent:  not very much..  $50 or less....00:41
convergenceso i downloaded the file from packages.ubuntu, and transferred it to the computer that is currently w/o a network, and clicked it (man this reminds me of windows) and it won't install because it conflicts with "network manager"00:41
convergencei want to replace network manager00:41
convergencethat's the point00:41
Dr_Willisconvergence:    trying to install 'wicd' ?00:42
p1und3rcan anyone help me get my mic to work?00:42
AxanHelp, I changed my monitor, and now when X start my monitor turn off and display "out of range", so I'm only able to switch to terminal, but how can I change the resolution from the terminal ? I tried xrandr but it says "Failed to change the screen configuration!" so.. I need help.00:42
Dr_Willisconvergence:   you could use the packagemanager to remove network manager first I guess..00:43
kentI am gona try to sell my computer tomorrow but i don't know how much to sell it for. Give me an estimit on how much you would pay for a computer that has a 935MHz processor and 191MB Ram and runs on Xubuntu 9.04 and has a CD drive and a floppy drive00:43
convergenceDr_Willis: thanks, i'll try that00:44
mdghey styol !00:44
Dr_Williskent:  if i had one here.. id proberly give it away to get rid of it.00:44
burkmatkent: maybe 30$...00:44
styolhey there mdg :)00:44
Axankent, I got a free 600MHz 128RAM on the street.. with 19" CRT monitor..00:44
styolmdg we haz wifi via ndiswrapper wheeee00:44
mdgstyol: cool!  What driver you using?00:44
Dr_Williskent:  keep the thing for a spare workstation when ya get a different machine.00:44
styolmdg bcmwl5.inf i believe00:45
kentok will do thanks for the help00:45
styolmdg had to manually compile it00:45
Dr_Williskent:  the ram is the hurting part of that setup...00:45
styolrequired build-essential package00:45
jduggandoes anyone happen to know if theres a proc entry to confirm which io scheduler is in use00:45
AxanPlz, how to change screen resolution from terminal ?00:45
mdgstyol: ugh - manually compile!00:45
kentyep i know my RAM amount is realy sad00:45
styolmdg it was fun but gogeta is a trooper00:45
styolnow we have the compiled driver at least ready to go00:46
mdgstyol: has wifi been pretty stable now?00:46
styoli should probably save it00:46
styolmdg yeah for sure, seems like it :)00:46
styolim already playing with something else.. changing splash screens and such00:46
mdgwell that's awesome!00:46
styolmdg yeah thanks again for all your help, much appreciated00:47
mdgyour welcome - I didn't do much....if anything00:47
MindVirusMy Xorg CPU usage is 100% on one of my cores (50% in general). I turned off compiz. Any suggestions?00:47
kentBut do you think someone stupid (Dosen't know much about computers) and is desprit for a computer dose anybody think they would pay $70 for this computer00:47
JoshuaP0x1If I install Kubuntu, can I expect better or worse performance from my gfx card? or does my gfx card have nothing to do with Kubuntu vs ubuntu?00:47
styolmdg you made sure that i got it fixed and its much appreciated :)00:48
mdgstyol: I'm happy to know you got it wifi working well, etc.00:48
MindVirusPlease, any suggestions?00:48
styolmdg yeah im pretty stoked... and im still able to do everything i needed to do before00:48
ceil420so how do i get firefox to use JACK?00:48
p1und3rcan anyone help me troubleshoot my mic?00:48
Dr_WillisJoshuaP0x1:  depends on the card somewhat.. Kde4+ is not as optmized as gnome..   so graphic wise can take up more GPU.00:49
kentcan you talk with mics on here??00:49
mdgstyol: do you have webcam and microphone?  Do they work?00:49
styolmdg IE: adobe air runs, i can apply all the same kiosk concepts i was applying before, and now im customizing the boot screens hehe00:49
Dr_Williskent:  this is 'irc' - not a voice chatting IM  protocal.  so no. :)00:49
styolmdg i dont have either i dont believe.. i got the cheapest model they had intentionally00:49
kentawwwww man00:49
mdgstyol: wow!  that's a good omen!00:49
p1und3ri dont get why my mic worked great and then once i unplug it and bring my laptop somewhere it doesnt work00:49
styolmdg hehe its because restaurants wont need that stuff00:50
=== SpacePigeon is now known as Wolter
Dr_Williskent:  you want to hear 1000+ people talking at the same time?00:50
artcp1und3r: check the levels are up correctly00:50
p1und3ri did they are all up00:50
JoshuaP0x1Dr_Willis: kde = kubuntu therefore probably worse performance being that i'm not so well off in Ubuntu?00:50
mdgstyol: can you get them with no os?00:50
kentIf i got more RAM would Xubuntu 9.04 run smoother and faster and would youtube videos run smoother too?00:50
=== Wolter is now known as SpacePigeon
convergenceDr_Willis: you were right, it worked, kinda.  I apparently need to download more dependencies, which is a whole other can of worms that i don't have time for today.00:51
Dr_WillisJoshuaP0x1:  if ubuntu is sluggish.. kde will be worse.00:51
kentor do i need a new graphics card?00:51
bankixintx: If you encounter any problems, send a short /msg to get my attention. I'm busy otherwise.00:51
convergencevery frustrated00:51
Dr_Willisconvergence:  I would run some wires for a quick fix.. update/upgrade and trh again. :)00:51
ceil420speaking of youtube...00:51
ceil420so how do i get firefox to use JACK? :x00:51
JoshuaP0x1Dr_Willis: thanks. I guess i'll wait until I have a better box to install on.00:51
Dr_Williskent:  more ram is always good...00:51
intxbankix: thanks, really appreciate it00:51
Dr_WillisJoshuaP0x1:  ive ran Ubuntu on a Cel500 system with 256mb ram :)00:51
convergenceDr_Willis: tomorrow maybe.  i'm in the middle of finals00:51
kentokey dokey00:51
convergenceway to much time on this already00:52
styolmdg im not sure, but ubuntu comes free either way so i was thinking about just having a full setup, ready to go, that ill just inject to the drive and overwrite everything on it00:52
convergenceDr_Willis: thanks anyway00:52
styolmdg gogeta was saying theres something called dd that will let me do that00:52
p1und3reverytime i close volume control my capture gets remuted, why would this be??00:52
JoshuaP0x1Dr_Willis: It runs well, just not as smooth as I'd like.00:52
artckent: is youtube just a little slugish?00:52
mdgstyol: yes, I've heard of that  :)00:52
JoshuaP0x1kent: my YouTube is.00:53
kentartc: yes it is and the videos are laggy00:53
styolmdg excellente! i may need some help with it at some point lol00:53
mdgstyol: sounds like things are really getting rolling.00:53
artcmaybe that will help00:53
styolmdg yeah indeed.. wanna peep the actual application? its severely under developed but you kinda get the idea00:53
styolmdg and its actually already pulling orders live and stuff00:53
mdgstyol: cool!00:54
mdgstyol: so you have the pilot program actually running now?00:54
styolmdg oh yeah for sure, im back up to par with where i was before my wifi originally stopped working lol00:54
MindVirusPlease, my CPU usage for Xorg is driving me nuts!00:55
styolmdg the system has a user account thats locked down in kiosk mode of sorts... i have some simple instructions i saved from back when i first put the concept together, wanna see those instructions?00:55
mdgstyol: sure.  You wanna go private?00:55
styolmdg fo shizzle00:55
MindVirusAny suggestions?00:56
convergenceok, call me ocd, going to do it00:57
ShoeHow would I use this theme after I download it? http://gnome-look.org/content/download.php?content=70717&id=1&tan=4293297200:57
NeroonDr_Willis: Thanks again for the link for installing Doom 3, but it still gives me non functional start scripts after the install00:57
bankixintx: ah, don't forget to unmount dev, proc and sys before repacking the squashfs!00:58
Dr_WillisNeroon:  no idea on that. never done it.  check the forums perhaps..00:58
artcShoe: download, go to system -> preferences -> appearance00:58
artcclick install and choose it00:58
NeroonDr_Willis: K, thanks anyway00:59
bankixintx: Also a "apt-get clean" before logging out from the chroot, deleting the .bash_history and cleaning up /var/log could/should be done.00:59
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regiovhi all. there's probably an obvious solution to this, but I still couldn't figure it out. I have a dell latitude 510 and I've just upgraded from hardy to intrepid. sound and wireless stopped working. any ideas of what happened?01:01
Shoeartc, where do I go in the appearance preferences window?01:01
kentIf my motherboard was made for an Intel pentium 3 CPU (which is bigger than the Intel pentium 4 CPU) But can i still put an Intel Pentium 4 CPU into my motherboard?01:01
kentor wouldn't it fit?01:01
artcyou can customize it afterwards as well01:01
ShoeI looked at every button EXCEPT the install one01:01
Sneaky-Jesusregiov: I'm new to Ubuntu myself, so i may not be of much help, but run ifconfig for us, and list the interfaces you see01:03
msds1502does anyone know how to check the subsystem of your sound card?01:03
linuxman410kent it would not work or fit01:03
regiovSneaky-Jesus: here it goes: http://paste.ubuntu.com/248305/01:05
CrellHi all.  How do I go about safely uninstalling and reinstalling dbus? :-)01:06
CrellI keeping getting a DBus error trying to start KMail, even after a full purge and reinstall of KMail, so my next suspect is DBus.01:06
Sneaky-Jesusregiov: It's not listed, that's a real pain. Do you know to hand, what brand your WLAN card is?01:06
djznhi, is FOXCONN motherboards, good motherboards???01:06
Dr_Willisdjzn:  never heard of them. Check MB/hardware review sites.. stick with good brands. :)01:07
Sneaky-JesusHey, aren't FOXCONN the company responsible for the guy who killed himself over the iphone prototype01:07
Sneaky-JesusAsus are the best.01:07
pilifI have a question: Do ANY external HDD's work with ubuntu?01:08
Dr_WillisOne of the points in building your own pc - is the ability to pick the better value hardware. :) not just the cheapest.. :)01:08
Dr_Willispilif:  the 8+ i have.. work fine.01:08
Sneaky-Jesuspilif: USB ones work okay, as a general rule.01:08
Dr_Willispilif:  usb, firewire, flash, work fine01:08
pilifIm looking at this one: WOuld it work? http://www.geeks.com/details.asp?invtid=RF-USBFLB80-R&cat=HDD01:08
MindVirusMy Xorg CPU usage is 50% (100% on one core). Any suggestions?01:09
kentUnfortunately I have to be the first to let you know that in this case your ideas on upgrading your systems by simply changing the processors just won't work.01:09
kentFirst of all a Pentium 4 (or Centrino, which is the mobile version) literally will not fit into any of the systems you mention. All CPUs are made in specific form factors to fit into different sockets. Most Pentium 4 processors were made for Socket 478 or 478B sockets, which mean they have 478 pins on a chip roughly an inch and a quarter square. The high number of pins allow more signals and data to be passed simultaneously to the motherboard, one way the sp01:09
kenteed of the CPU operations were increased. Pentium III and older Celerons were mainly socket 370 chips on a chip almost an inch and three quarters square. The lesser number of pins were aligned in six concentric rows with a blank central square. Pentium II and even older Celerons used Socket 7 and any of a half dozen other schemes and were often put on daughtercards to make them somewhat interchangeable. It would be like trying to put a square peg in a round01:09
FloodBot1kent: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:09
Dr_Willispilif:  ive neer had a external usb hard drive not work.01:09
Sneaky-Jesuspilif: You should be alright, mate.01:09
niftyhello, i am having issues with my xstartup file where it isn't found :(01:09
regiovSneaky-Jesus: in theory, there should be no hardware support problem. see: http://www.linlap.com/wiki/dell+latitude+d51001:10
Dr_Willispilif:  external serial ata are becomming ore and more common aso. all the external drives i get now a days. i try to get with USB and esata if i can01:10
niftyI got ubuntu 8.04 lts but vnc shows only a terminal window, i tried editing the xstartup file so it show me the entire desktop but the log shows it isn't found, please help01:10
Sneaky-Jesusregiov: Peculiar. It was working okay before you upgraded, right?01:10
pilifOkay, cool.01:10
regiovSneaky-Jesus: right. and in the case of audio, I simply don't see the corresponding module available.01:11
Dr_Willisnifty:  you did close the vnvserver that was running and restarted it? It reads the xstartup file when it first launches.. and you CAN have more then 1 vncserver going..01:11
MindVirus..? Anyone?01:11
Dr_Willisnifty:  vncserver -kill :1  (to kill the first vncserver)01:11
niftyyeah i killed all processes and restarted them ;(01:11
niftybut nothing01:11
Sneaky-Jesusregiov: Now that IS peculiar, first instinct is it's not a driver issue, but can't be sure.01:12
Dr_Willisnifty:  what is your xstartup file? you may need a & somewher to get it to run the other commands.01:12
kentWas it a good idea to whipe my hard drive and just run of from Xubuntu01:12
niftydr_willis: well i give you the pastebin link to my xstartup file one sec01:12
MindVirusDoes anyone have experience with Xorg?01:12
kentbecause my old OS was still01:12
Sneaky-Jesusregiov: Sorry i can't be of more help.01:12
kentWindows ME'01:12
Dr_Willisnifty:  i tend to use 'icewm' with vnc also. gnome is a bit too sluggush in ways01:12
kentthats how old my computer is01:12
niftydr_willis: http://pastebin.com/m3a6a8fa901:13
Dr_WillisMindVirus:  you could check the forums for your exact video card there may be some bugs with the drivers you are using01:13
MindVirusDr_Willis: I checked every forum ever in the universe.01:13
regiovSneaky-Jesus: thanks anyway. I guess it must be something silly, like a missing package, but couldn't find out yet.01:13
Sneaky-Jesusregiov: Good luck, i've had WiFi trouble in the past - you sound like you know your onions, so i'm sure you'll get there mate :)01:14
Dr_Willisnifty:  dont use a & after the x-window-manager &, i set mine to be the exact window manager i want.. and i DONT use a  /etc/X11/xsession at the end either.01:14
Dr_Willisnifty:  mine --> http://pastebin.com/f7ab0f73601:14
niftydr_willis: but you dont use gnome right?01:14
Dr_Willisnifty:  if you want gnome use 'gnome-session' instead of 'icewm' in my example01:15
getisboyI have a computer with a corrupt mbr. I tried running gpart but I was unable to mount the partition it found. Any suggestions?01:15
regiovSneaky-Jesus: do you know how to troubleshoot wifi issues? in this case, the module seems to be available, I can load it, but I don't see the wifi network listed anywhere01:15
Dr_Willisnifty:  it pays to take tight controll of exactly what runs with vnc :)01:15
Dr_Willisnifty:  and ive had issues in the past with running vncserver running gnome - on the same desktop i am running gnome locally... so watch out for that.01:15
niftydr_willis: ok i will look into this01:16
meditatingfrogregiov: what nic do you have?01:16
meditatingfrogI've had some experience getting my own wifi to work.01:16
Sneaky-Jesusregiov: My first move would be to try ls-pci, and see if it's at least listed. If so, then it's pretty much certainly a software, it sounds as though it is anyway, but being sure is vital. I'd look to see if Intel has any information on it, and if you've not done so already checkout Ubuntu's forums, chances are somebody's already encountered and tackled it.01:17
regiovmeditatingfrog: nic (?)01:17
MindVirusAny suggestions?01:17
meditatingfrogregiov: network interface card01:17
CrellHi all.  How do I go about safely uninstalling and reinstalling dbus? :-)  I keeping getting a DBus error trying to start KMail, even after a full purge and reinstall of KMail, so my next suspect is DBus.01:17
Sneaky-Jesus*lspci, no dash01:17
meditatingfrogregiov: right, what Sneaky-Jesus said, lspci01:18
smxyI'm having a problem with iptables on the latest ubuntu. I made a firewall out of it and it is giving me a syntax error on a line that works fine under other distros. When the following line is run, iptabes gives a syntax error on the network specification of
meditatingfrogregiov: find out what nic you have with lspci01:18
smxy$ipt -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o $LAN -s -j SNAT --to
smxyIt's how I configure NAT loopback01:18
Dr_WillisCrell:  try running as a different user and see if the issue affects them also?01:18
djznanyone here approves Foxconn mobos?01:19
regiovSneaky-Jesus: meditatingfrog: http://paste.ubuntu.com/248310/01:19
CrellI will need another user first... :-)01:19
meditatingfrogregiov: you can also type lspci | grep Wireless...01:19
niftydr_willis: well right now it shows me a terminal window but i want to see the whole desktop as if i am literally on that computer. how do i get that done?01:19
meditatingfrogregiov:  while I look at that, what do you think your wifi adapter (aka nic) is?01:20
Dr_Willisnifty:    in the terminal try running 'gnome-terminal' command. :)01:20
CrellDr_Willis: Gotta log out for that, bbiab.01:20
aaroninfidelif I've got a shell script with an in/out point how could I make a drag/drop application out of it?01:20
spOi want /etc/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules  to quit renaming my ethernet cards, if i leave it alone it names my ethernet cards to eth0 and eth1_rename,  but if i keep 70-persistent-net.rules blank, it names them correctly to eth0 and eth101:20
Dr_Willisnifty:  vncserver does not 'show' the currently running desktop.. gnomes vnc service does ...   you need to fiure out what exactly its running and tellit to rin what you need.01:20
niftyDr_willlis: im a noob to linux, how do i do that? in 9.04 it did what i needed to do but vnc screwed up my keyboard01:21
regiovmeditatingfrog: isn't that information in the last line of lspci? (Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2200BG [Calexico2] Network Connection (rev 05))01:22
Dr_Willisnifty:  you may want to read up on vnc..  the vncserver command runs whats in xstartup. If you are just getting a 'terminal' window   and no window decorations. You are not running a window manager - i sugeest installing/trying icewm to test it out.01:22
meditatingfrogregiov: :)01:22
Dr_Willisnifty:  you can type/run a window manager from that terminal window.01:22
Dr_Willisnifty:  try running 'metacity' or 'gnome-session' or 'icewm'01:22
meditatingfrogregiov: are you using Jaunty (9.04)?01:22
Sneaky-Jesusregiov: Sounds as though that's what we're looking for, the hardware's recognised, which is good. We just need to get you some updated drivers, i think. Can you remember what the drivers for your wireless are called?01:22
niftydr_willis: so i just type in gnome-session in the terminal window?01:23
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Dr_Willisnifty:  yes.. thats what ive said. :)01:23
Sneaky-Jesusregiov: We'll try to sort out sound after, WiFi's more important i'm sure :)01:23
smxyPlease, can anyone help me understand why iptables on ubutu doesn;t ike that line? It's breaking all my access to my internal servers.01:23
niftydr_willis: sorry im very new to linux01:23
meditatingfrogregiov:  I did a search for 2200BG on ubuntuforums.org and found others who have had the same problem01:23
Dr_Willisnifty:  you are 'litarly on that computer' even with just the terminal. :)01:23
regiovSneaky-Jesus: meditatingfrog: I really appreciate your help01:23
regiovmeditatingfrog: can you give me the link(s)?01:24
meditatingfrogregiov: I can still try to help you more, but it would probably be more efficient to look on there01:24
Sneaky-Jesusregiov: Glad to be of service, i hope you get things sorted straight away :)01:24
niftydr_willis: it tells me that i am already running a session :/01:24
Sneaky-JesusMedititatingfrog: Good find :)01:24
Sneaky-JesusI can spell01:24
Sneaky-Jesushonest :p01:24
Dr_Willisnifty:  this is why i am suggesting trying./testing with icewm. does the terminalwindow have 'borders' ? can you drag/move it around?01:25
meditatingfrogSneaky-Jesus:  is it okay to paste links in the channel?01:25
Sneaky-Jesus^ As far as I know, second time here just to help :)01:25
Dr_Willisnifty:  'sudo apt-get install icewm'  to get icewm. and the command to launch it is 'icewm' :)01:25
c4pthello was wondering if there is a good guide for using xen 3.4.0 on ubuntu 9.04 i386?01:25
niftydr_willis: ok what is icewm exactly?01:26
Dr_Willisnifty:  a window manager.01:26
regiovmeditatingfrog: according to this site (http://www.linlap.com/wiki/dell+latitude+d510) I need the module ipw2200, which I have here, but I still don't see the wireless network listed when I try to create a new connection.01:26
niftydr_willis: is it possible to just use gnome?01:26
c4ptwanted to use ubuntu as dom0 and install some guests as domU...01:27
Dr_Willisnifty:   You are running vnc on the same machine as you are currently logged into?01:27
Dr_Willisnifty:  or is this some 2nd remote box?01:27
niftydr_willis: this is the same computer that i am on now01:27
DragginHey there - noob question... How do I switch to a different kernel (apart from waiting for an upgrade...)01:27
niftydr_willis: i am trying to access the vnc from a windows computer on the same network01:27
meditatingfrogregiov: read the ubuntuforums.org link, and I'll look at the link you sent01:27
Dr_Willisnifty:  err.. backup.. You have a windows box.. You want to connect TO the vncserver on the linux machine?01:27
meditatingfrogSneaky-Jesus: what wifi adapter do you have?01:28
niftydr_willis: yes01:28
Dr_Willisnifty:  so what did ' nifty | dr_willis: this is the same computer that i am on now01:28
Sneaky-Jesusmedititatingfrog: Well, Hardy said it was an Atheros 5007EG, and it didn't support it. Jaunty's telling me it's an AR242x, and it works. So who knows? :P01:28
niftydr_willis: i am on the linux computer when i am typing this01:28
Dr_Willisnifty:  if you have gnome running on the linux box. (as the local desktop you can see) then you can have issues running it a 2nd time in vnc.01:28
meditatingfrogregiov:  do you have a latitude d510?01:29
Dr_Willisnifty:  which is why i am saying 'test with icewm' not gnome.. then   try to get it workign with gnome..01:29
niftydr_willis: ok i will try01:29
Dr_Willisnifty:  You do realize that gnome  (the desktop you are on NOW) can share its currently seen desktop - via vnc and you dont need to mess with xstartup. and that stuff?01:30
regiovmeditatingfrog: did the same search. now looking at the first result...01:30
Dr_Willisnifty:  system -> preferances -> remote desktop01:30
regiovmeditatingfrog: yes, dell latitude 51001:30
niftydr_willis: honestly i just want to access the current screen on my linux computer from any of my windows computers'01:31
Dr_Willisnifty:  vnc is a very flexiable tool and has 100+ ways to do things. :) dependign on your needs.01:31
Dr_Willisnifty:  then youa re going about that the wrong way.01:31
Dr_Willisnifty: see -------->     system -> preferances -> remote desktop01:31
niftydr_willis: how do i do it the right way? with gnoem :p01:31
aaroninfidelif I've got a shell script that converts video, it has 1 input/output how can I make it so I can drag the video onto it? so it automatically converts on drop of file?01:31
meditatingfrogSneaky-Jesus:  lspci says I have an AR242x01:31
Dr_Willisnifty:  with vncserver you could have a dozen+ 'hidden' desktops/sessions going :) for a dozen+ differnt users.. thats one of its big features.01:32
Dr_Willisnifty:  the gnome-shared desktop is a bit more limited.01:32
niftydr_willis: in what ways?01:32
Sneaky-Jesusmedititatingfrog: Same :) What machine are you on?01:32
Dr_Willisnifty:  you got ONE shared 'seen by anyone sitting at the machine' sevrver.. is a big limitation01:32
c4ptanyone have a guide for xen 3.4.0 on ubuntu with ubuntu as dom0?01:33
deexannihilate1mdg: I still can't figure out where stuff is minimized01:33
niftydr_willis: so if i am typing now here and someone logs into the shared session they would see what i am typing right?01:33
Dr_Willisnifty:   you could have  kde in one vncserver session, and  icewm in a different one, and jwm in a 3rd.. using the proper vncserver setup. :)01:33
Dr_Willisnifty:  yes. they see the 'currently logged in/visiable' desktop01:33
niftydr_willis: i don't need that though01:33
CrellDr_Willis: Fascinating.  Running KMail on a fresh user account, I got the same DBus error the first time (running from a terminal) but the program *did* start.  That account also has none of the color/redraw issues that I've been having, too.01:33
niftydr_willis: perfect! but how do i send this command out?\01:33
niftydr_willis: putty?01:34
CrellBut wouldn't a full purge/reinstall of KMail have reset whatever was an issue with this particular account?01:34
Dr_Willisnifty:  what command?  You can set the gnome vnc feature (called vino) to auto start when you login.01:34
Dr_WillisCrell:  purge/reinstall removes/reinstlls the SYSTEM CONFIGS.. not the users configs.01:34
niftydr_willis: i am looking at the shared desktop and it says connect by sending this command, send command by email or something01:34
Dr_WillisCrell:  running as a new user. is a way to test if its a user config issue or not.01:34
CrellSo I need to purge my user's KMail configs manually.01:34
Dr_Willisnifty:  yes..  you basically tell the vncclient the proper ip/port to connect to.01:35
niftydr_willis: how do I know which port?01:35
Dr_Willisnifty:  it says in the  dialog dident it?01:35
niftydr_willis: or how do I set the proper port?01:35
niftydr_willis: no01:35
CrellWhile I'm at it, as I mentioned I've had a lot of coloring issues.  Black text on black background sorts of things.  What configs should I purge to try and fix that? :-)01:35
Dr_Willisnifty:  what did it say then?01:35
Patty1Is there a way to run ubuntu off a usb drive and have it save changes to a HDD?01:36
niftydr_willis: hold on ill screenshot it for you01:36
Dr_Willisnifty:  it will be somthing like i recall01:36
Dr_Willisnifty:  the :1 is the 'session #' thats based on the port # its using automatically01:37
niftydr_willis: http://i31.tinypic.com/bgv810.png01:37
Dr_Willisnifty:  it says the port right there.. ----->      :001:37
meditatingfrogregiov: hardware switch?01:37
Dr_Willisnifty:  ip#:port#01:38
Dr_Willis:0 is the 'currently seen/local desktop'01:38
regiovmeditatingfrog: Sneaky-Jesus: iwconfig returns this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/248316/01:38
niftydr_willis: ok i just tried but it won't connect01:38
Dr_Willisnifty:  use the machines ip# not that name it gave.01:38
Dr_Willis  in teh vncclient.01:38
niftydr_willis: i know i just used my internal one: but nothing01:39
Dr_Williswhat vncclient are you using?01:39
niftytightvnc viewer01:39
Dr_Willisnifty:  try it from the windows box's vnc client perhaps.01:40
meditatingfrogregiov: is there a hardware switch for your wireless?01:40
meditatingfrogregiov: an on/off switch?01:40
xim_for some reason when ever i try to run nautilus as superuser i get a seg fault?  this is a new problem. http://pastebin.com/d173f898a01:40
regiovmeditatingfrog: no01:40
niftydr_willis: that is what i was trying :/01:40
Dr_Willisnifty:  its possible the windows firewall is blocking stuff..01:40
Dr_Willison the linyx box you could try 'vncviewer localhost:0'01:40
niftydr_willis; no firewall is active01:41
regiovmeditatingfrog: and it works on windows (dual boot) and there is a wifi network here, but it doesn't show up when I try to create a new connection01:41
xim_how can i use the cp command to copy ONLY the .hidden config files from my home folder?01:41
meditatingfrogdid you try dmesg | grep ipw2200?01:41
meditatingfrogregiov: weird.  it doesn't seem to detect the card at all01:42
meditatingfrogregiov: you can check to make sure ipw2200 isn't blacklisted01:42
meditatingfrogregiov: /etc/modprobe.d01:42
meditatingfrogregiov: then use nano blacklist to see if ipw2200 is listed anywhere01:43
regiovmeditatingfrog: http://paste.ubuntu.com/248318/01:43
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buckydid you dl and build the ipw2200 driver.. i don't think i comes with the kernel01:43
niftydr_willis: any ideas?01:43
meditatingfrogregiov:  what about ifconfig?01:43
Sneaky-Jesusbucky, he had support in Hardy, lost it in Jaunty01:43
Sneaky-Jesuswhich is mostly why we're confused01:43
Dr_Willisnifty:  i enable the server and use 'vncviewer localhost:0' here and it connects.. does that work?01:43
meditatingfrogregiov: has it always not worked for you in Ubuntu?  what release are you using?01:44
regiovmeditatingfrog: there's nothing in the blacklist for that module01:44
niftydr_willis: you actually inputted "vncviewer localhost:0" into your box on a windows computer?01:44
niftydr_willis: or what exactly?01:45
regiovmeditatingfrog: it was working perfectly before I upgraded from hardy to intrepid01:45
Dr_Willisnifty:  no... i tested it on the LINUX box...01:45
TigerCR1200Will it cause problems to nfs mount /folder and /folder/2folder?01:45
Dr_Willisnifty:  i see my desktop in a window on the desktop.. showing the desktop. in a desktop.. in a window.. :) its a neat effect.01:45
Dr_Willisnifty:  localhost would not work on the windoes box anyway. :) localhost =
niftydr_willis: i think i need to run the remote desktop somehow :/01:46
Dr_Willisnifty:  i tend to use the ultravnc viewer on my wnaodw smachine..01:46
Dr_Willisnifty:  you dident enable it in the gnome menus i showed earlier perhaps?01:47
niftydr_willis: i think i did01:47
Sneaky-Jesusregiov: is there any chance you'd be able to give Ubuntu 9.04, Jaunty, a spin? LiveCD, see if WLAN works?01:47
hipitihophow do I change all files owned by one uid to another uid01:48
Dr_Willisnifty:  if its running then 'vncviewer localhost:0' should work.  the desktop will pop up a dialog to allow theonnection. because you have tht checked01:48
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aaroninfidelhow can I make a shell script that accepts drag/drop events?01:52
niftydr_willis; my windows computer won't connect at all it sucks01:53
Dr_Willisnifty:  if you are going to try  9.04 - then you dont need to use tightvncserver at all. :)01:53
aaronorosenSneaky-Jesus: It doesn't look like 8.04 supports it01:53
Dr_Willisnifty:  but did the LOCALHOST test work? yes/no?01:53
niftydr_willis: no it failed01:53
Dr_Willisnifty:  then you dont have the service runnign it seems for some reason01:53
niftydr_willis: i am trying to connect from a windows computer if i put localhost it wont work for sure01:53
Sneaky-Jesusaaronorosen: Look for e2fsprogs, it contains ext2/ext3/ext4 file utilities01:53
Dr_Willisnifty:  i said use the localhost test on the LINUX box.. of course that wont work on a windows machine.01:53
Sneaky-JesusMight be what you're after. I'm properly inexperienced with Linux, mind. I'm hear to learn as much as i am to help out :)01:53
xim_how can i use the cp command to copy ONLY the .hidden config files from my home folder?01:53
Dr_Willisnifty:   if you cant connect 'locally' then the windows box isent ever going to work.01:53
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niftydr_willis: it wont work says i need a vnc viewer installed01:53
aaronorosenSneaky-Jesus: It says i already have that installed :(01:53
niftydr_willis: brb reading a tutorial on this right now01:53
Dr_Willisnifty:  then  for THAT you need tightvncviewer or similer.01:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about vncviewer01:54
Sneaky-Jesusaaronorosen: Ah man, not sure then. Sorry man, somebody else should know :(01:54
Dr_Willis!find vncviewer01:54
ubottuFound: gtkvncviewer, gvncviewer, xtightvncviewer01:54
aaronorosenI could just burn an 9.04 cd X.x01:54
Dr_Williswell i gota run. good luck01:54
regiovmeditatingfrog: here it goes: http://paste.ubuntu.com/248321/01:54
Sneaky-Jesusaaronorosen: Could do, mine came in the mail today :)01:54
Sneaky-JesusAnd with that, it's nearly 2am, got to be up in the morning. See you later regiov, sorry i couldn't help. You too aaronorosen.01:55
{bosco}what is the off topic room01:55
Pici{bosco}: #ubuntu-offtopic01:55
regiovSneaky-Jesus: thanks, good night01:55
meditatingfrogregiov: it says ipw2200 is disabled01:55
meditatingfrogregiov: and you did say it's working in windows, so it's not the hardware switch01:56
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everett_I need some help with flash player...01:56
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Guest53879can anyone plese tell me how i can find or tell if i have a lot of hard drive space01:56
Guest53879for videos01:56
Guest41201is easy to install01:56
regiovmeditatingfrog: that is strange, because network manager is showing me the option to "disable wireless"01:56
meditatingfrogregiov: I read on the ubuntuforums that the ipw2200 might need to be reloaded.  Try this:  sudo modprobe -r ipw2000 (wait a few seconds, then) sudo modprobe ipw220001:56
meditatingfrogthanks to lswb on the forums01:57
=== Guest53879 is now known as jondavis
everett_How do you get flash player to work faster?01:57
meditatingfrogregiov: have you tried disabling and reenabling wireless?01:57
naty  use the df -hT command01:57
jondaviscan one body plese tell me how i can tell if i have a lot of hard-drive space01:57
regiovmeditatingfrog: and if I try to disable and then reenable, lshw still says it's disabled01:58
cresusois there a way to optimize flash ?01:58
meditatingfrogregiov: ah, try the modprobe01:58
everett_Not that I know of...01:58
mankashI have installed wifi card and lspci is shwoing it but iwconfig do not01:58
cresusoit's too low01:58
niftydr_willis: vino is  running but it still fails to connect!!!01:58
Guest41201who Know How To install ubuntu server whit gnume\01:58
cresusoneverming i'll return to windows :s01:59
jondaviscan anybody tell me how i can see if i have a lot of harddrive space plese thank you ?????01:59
jondavisi have ask this 3 time now01:59
urthmoverhave fun with that cresuso01:59
cresusoi'd like to stay on ubuntu, but flash sux urthmover01:59
urthmoverso there is no way to get Chromium and flash working on 64bit   :-(  bummed bout that01:59
Hilikusif i have my /home in a different partition and i reinstall /  how do i make it recognize and use the old /home? at what point in the configuration is this done?01:59
everett_To see how much disk space: goto Applications>Acces> disk-usage01:59
meditatingfrogjondavis: you can do it in the graphical user interface (gui)02:00
regiovmeditatingfrog: sudo modprobe -r ipw2000  changes the eth1 status to "UNCLAIMED"02:00
urthmoverwfm cresuso02:00
jondavisi dont know how to do it02:00
urthmoverfirefox flash 10 on 64bit02:00
urthmoverwell not perfect   fullscreen on my porn blips02:00
xim_for some reason when ever i try to run nautilus as superuser i get a seg fault?  this is a new problem. http://pastebin.com/d173f898a02:00
cresusourthmover: yeh but it's loww02:00
urthmoverbut other than that its fine02:00
mankashI have installed wifi card and lspci is showng it but iwconfig do not02:00
cresusourthmover: it consummes 30% of cpu02:00
urthmovercresuso: what do you mean by loww?02:00
everett_GO to the Applications Menu02:00
meditatingfrogregiov: perhaps ifconfig wlan0 up will work now?02:01
deexannihilate1jondavis: try under system: system monitor02:01
urthmovercresuso: I dunno considering that the rest of the OS takes so little I don't mind cpu giving up to flash player02:01
meditatingfrogregiov: er eth102:01
urthmoverseldom do I have more than a couple video things going at a time02:01
meditatingfrogjondavis: you need to get noticed in this chat room so I can help you02:01
meditatingfrogjondavis: when you respond to me please first type med(tab) then type02:02
urthmoverworks fine with skype on video conference call with 4 others on cams  and watching a youtube or whatever02:02
everett_So is there any way to get the Flash player to work faster?02:02
meditatingfrogjondavis: places - > computer02:02
meditatingfrogjondavis: you want to check properties on filesystem02:02
Swishhi all, I am using ubuntu 8.04.2 LTS x64 version and I need to install the 32-bit version of the libgdbm files.  I've googled and am having a hard time finding out the right way to do this.  Help? :)02:02
cresusourthmover: u probably have good comp02:02
jondavisok i think it say that i have a lot.................medi02:03
urthmovercresuso: I do its a laptop02:03
urthmovercresuso: its a little dell e640002:03
cresusourthmover: dunno what is it02:03
regiovmeditatingfrog: ifconfig eth1?  this gives me eth1: error fetching interface information: Device not found02:03
meditatingfrogjondavis: it should say "unused space".  glad to hear it02:03
zichodoes anyone here use conky?02:03
urthmovercresuso: the basic vid card that it comes with02:03
cresusourthmover: i also tried flash's alternatives, but same results !02:03
meditatingfrogregiov: ifconfig eth1 up02:04
jesscan anyone help me with this?02:04
armenceSo, is there any particular reason my ubuntu system appears to refuse to answer pings?02:04
Polterge|stI have a question guys. I just installed Cairo Dock and I cannot use the preferences buttons under advanced settings. I went to applets to enable 3d rendering of the dock as it says in the forums but when I click on the preferences button it doesn't do anything02:04
urthmovercresuso: I haven't messed with gnash or the others really02:04
cresusoeverett_: Add this "and consumming less cpu"02:04
regiovmeditatingfrog: eth1: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device02:04
urthmoverI love gnome-do02:04
urthmoverand irssi02:04
cresusourthmover: I see02:04
kent_whats up02:05
urthmovercresuso: just thought I'd mention those02:05
Hilikusif i have my /home in a different partition and i reinstall /  how do i make it recognize and use the old /home? at what point in the configuration is this done?02:05
everett_"and consumming less cpu02:05
cresusourthmover: btw there is only gnash and adobe flash shit for ubuntu?02:05
strangedaze39could someone help me with formating a hard drive?02:05
meditatingfrogregiov: eth1 is indeed the network interface, right?02:05
urthmoverI've moved all my machines to ubuntu 64bit and am using vmware for XP vm's when I absolutely have to have windows (ms office and itunes)02:05
Hilikusbecause i'm worried that if you just tell it to use the existing one it will override whatever is in /home02:05
urthmoverhaving a vm for itunes allows me to sync from any system now no prob too02:06
regiovmeditatingfrog: I think so. eth0 is the wired one that I'm using now02:06
urthmoverby machines I mean two laptops02:06
meditatingfrogregiov: ifconfig to make sure02:06
cresusoeverett_: consumes, sorry02:06
jondavis288.5gib/free262.2gib/availbable253.6gib/use20.2gib/7%.... is that good ........midit02:06
Polterge|stalso I am trying to install the 3d rendering plugin for cairo-dock but it will not compile or install on this system02:06
cresusoi hate this f*cking flash02:07
Polterge|stit wants me to change the system environment variable to not use pkg-config02:07
regiovmeditatingfrog: ifconfig doesn't show eth102:07
everett_Cresuso, I'm not sure what you mean by consumes...02:07
meditatingfrogregiov:  does ifconfig show wireless anywhere?02:08
cresusoeverett_: My english isn't that good, i mean it uses 30percent of my cpu02:08
urthmovercresuso: you are making sense02:08
regiovmeditatingfrog: http://paste.ubuntu.com/248305/02:08
everett_cresuso: ok...02:08
strangedaze39how do I write to newly formatted hard drives on live CD?02:09
cresusourthmover: cool then02:09
urthmoverstrangedaze39: sudo mount -t /dev/whatever /media/whatever02:09
=== RebelZer1 is now known as RebelZero
urthmoverstrangedaze39: dmesg will tell you the /dev/whatever02:09
felix___can anyone try this url? please02:09
regiovmeditatingfrog: was eth1 supposed to be listed there?02:09
strangedaze39@urthmover. will that allow me to move files also outside of terminal?02:10
meditatingfrogregiov: something is supposed to be listed there for your wireless02:10
urthmoverstrangedaze39: once you mount a drive you will be able to navigate to it with nautilus  under /media/whatever02:10
regiovmeditatingfrog: any ideas about why it's not being listed? :-)02:10
everett_But how do you make flash player faster? I have tried Googling but none works...02:11
strangedaze39hm, not sure what nautlus is.02:11
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto02:11
felix___can anyone try this url? please02:11
meditatingfrogregiov: could be a problem with the source code for ipw220002:11
meditatingfrogregiov: I'm not certain though02:11
meditatingfrogregiov: first time troubleshooting an Intel Pro Wireless02:11
xim_how can i use the cp command to copy ONLY the .hidden config files from my home folder?02:12
everett_Is there no way...02:12
=== TwoToneSpirit is now known as jMyles
meditatingfrogregiov: well ipw2200 is loaded, since lsmod|grep ipw2200 says so02:13
regiovmeditatingfrog: true02:13
altf2oi know this may sound odd, but if i literally wanted, "THIS IS ONLY A TEST" written to fill up a 700MB text file, how might one go about doing that?02:13
meditatingfrogregiov: you could try compiling ipw2200 from source on the site you posted02:13
meditatingfrogregiov: might be an interesting project02:13
=== mint is now known as mdg
gvsa123is it possible to download the iso file of the ubuntu installer into a usb and just boot from there like how it is when you burn it to a cd? or is there some configuration needed?02:14
meditatingfrogregiov, meant that link for you02:14
mdgdeexannihilate1: Hi!02:14
=== Vero_ is now known as Vero
meditatingfroggvsa123: configuration is needed, afik02:14
cresusoeverett_: have you tried with flash 9?02:15
NewbiNo not yet...02:15
gvsa123meditatingfrog: i see. i noticed I'm starting to pile up on cd's of different releases.. should have used cdrw's... but i guess usb;'s would eb better...02:15
NewbiIll try that02:15
everbillchat in spanish???02:15
mdgdeexannihilate1: hows your acer running?02:16
Retro198909help with pioneer dvd burner02:16
meditatingfroggvsa123: you don't upgrade your installs using update manager?02:16
Retro198909it will not read cds or dvds02:17
Retro198909can someone help02:17
meditatingfroggvsa123: there is a tool in system->preferences to create a USB Startup disk02:17
meditatingfroggvsa123: you can also install over a network02:17
=== Nick_One is now known as Bordoch
NewbiAny one got a download link for Flash player 9?02:17
Retro198909u want the free version02:18
Dr_WillisHmm... trying out 'gnome-do' and i can not figure what this 'add to shelf' thing means.. :) what shelf where?02:18
Retro198909pioneer dvd burner will not read cds or dvds help02:18
K99Braineverbill, #ubuntu-es i think02:19
K99Brain-.-, 2 seconds late...02:19
Retro198909pioneer dvd burner wont read dvds or cds help please02:20
Bordochgood evening .... question? Has anyone experienced problems with updating  Hardy LTS - problem just started this morning - still unable to update this eveningy02:20
Retro198909Hardy is not LTS02:20
cresusoBordoch: I updated juste yesterday from lts to 8.1002:21
K99BrainRetro198909, it is02:21
meditatingfrogRetro198909: I thought it was LTS too02:21
meditatingfrogRetro198909: are you using Hardy?02:21
Bordochi am not necessarily interested in updating the version - just the OS02:21
Retro198909oh, sorry I read it wrong02:21
Hilikusis it possible to make an already working system use LVM?02:21
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto02:21
Retro198909NO im not using Hardy02:22
regiovmeditatingfrog: I could try to compile it, but it's really strange that it was supposed to work fine with this hardware (as it was when I was using ubuntu-hardy). And the message we see with "ifconfig eth1 up" (no such device) seems to be related with the audio problem that I also have now after the upgrade.02:22
scarra3I need some help02:22
mdgAre there any command line apps to backup /home02:22
K99BrainBordoch, yesterday i had a temporary problem with the partner repos, but today was ok02:22
scarra3I want to print from my laptop onto my desktop02:22
meditatingfrogRetro198909: let me see what kind of dvd writer I have02:22
meditatingfrogregiov: there are some more troubleshooting tips at the bottom of the link to the ipw sourceforge project02:23
bankixokay, I'm off then.02:23
scarra3So how do I set up the printer in ubuntu so that I can send the file from ubuntu to xp and it prints from the xp's printer02:23
mdgscarra3: is your laptop wireless?02:23
Bordochcurious - other than today - the OS has been great - everything worked as it should'02:23
scarra3mgd yes02:23
mdgscarra3: both running ubuntu?02:23
scarra3mdg My laptop has ubuntu my desktop has xp02:23
Retro198909meditatingfrog: Its a Pioneer DVR-11702:23
K99BrainBordoch, try sudo apt-get update02:24
meditatingfrogRetro198909: are you dual booting?  I had a Plextor cd writer that died on me.  It was hardware.  How old is it?02:24
mdgscarra3: is your XP connected printer published to the network?02:24
K99BrainBordoch, and paste the result02:24
Bordochthanks I shall02:24
=== Polterge|st is now known as NeedHLPcairo
K99Brain!paste | Bordoch02:24
ubottuBordoch: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic02:24
Retro198909Its fairly new02:24
scarra3Ya I connect to it from my vista laptop02:24
meditatingfrogRetro198909:  arrrrrgggggg02:24
meditatingfrogRetro198909:  sorry your dvd burner isn't working02:25
meditatingfrogRetro198909:  it won't read any dvds at all?02:25
mdgmeditatingfrog: what kind of dvd-R?02:25
NeedHLPcairook I'm getting frustrated with cairo dock ... I guess I shall switch back to AWN because cairo doesn't work02:25
meditatingfrogmdg: pioneer dv117...I think02:25
NeedHLPcairoflawed code or something02:25
Bordochi receive the following message when I attempt to use the updater02:25
meditatingfrogmdg: pioneer dvr117...right Retro198909?02:25
mdgmeditatingfrog: you have medibuntu repos added?02:25
regiovmeditatingfrog: I also found another site which reports that the exact distro version that I'm using should work with this exact hardware, which makes me think that something messed up the devices during the upgrade, but I have no idea what.02:26
Bordochlost the paste command02:26
meditatingfrogmdg: I'd have to check02:26
meditatingfrogmdg: are they installed by default?02:26
mdgmeditatingfrog: no02:26
cresusooh i'm seeing that opera isn't supported officially by flash :o02:26
cresusois there a special version for opera?02:26
LoafersHow do I know what monitor size I have?02:26
K99Brain!paste | Bordoch02:26
meditatingfrogmdg: why?02:27
Retro198909how can I report my hardware not working02:27
mdgmeditatingfrog: some countries don't allow proprietary codecs and such02:27
K99Brainubottu, ping02:27
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore02:27
K99Brain!paste | Bordoch02:27
ubottuBordoch: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic02:27
meditatingfrogmdg:  so you're saying the pioneer dvr117 might not be working in Ubuntu because of a software issue02:28
meditatingfrogI haven't even used my dvr yet02:28
Retro198909meditatingfrog: yeah it is02:28
meditatingfrogwhat do people use dvd-r's for these days anyway?02:28
RadSurfer2apparently I can not launch GUI apps from terminal as root, can someone help solve this please02:28
cresusoIs there a special version of flash for Opera?02:28
mdgmeditatingfrog: I think you will have better results once you add medibuntu and update all codecs and such02:29
meditatingfrogmdg:  I don't have a problem with my dvd-r(w) Retro198909 does02:29
mdgmeditatingfrog: burning a new distro to disk to try02:29
Retro198909I think im going to install xp in virtualbox to see if it will work02:29
mdgmeditatingfrog: sorry!02:29
Bordochperhaps I will give it til tomorrow and see if it's "temporary" - I don't think I am enough of a "guru" to understand the instructions - thanks for your help though02:29
xim_how can i use the cp command to copy only the .hidden config files from my home folder?02:29
meditatingfrogmdg: oh, no need to be sorry, I'm learning too :)02:30
CrellDr_Willis: Thanks for your help.  Manually frying the config and archive data and reinstalling made KMail start working.02:30
meditatingfrogmdg:  just wanted to make sure Retro198909 heard02:30
CrellNow I'm off to fix other issues. :-)02:30
mdgmeditatingfrog: this is a great place to learn, for sure!02:30
dserodio_I want to update to Intrepid, but if I run "update-manager -d" it tries to update to Karmic, why?02:30
meditatingfrogRetro198909:  that might work, I don't have virtualbox installed02:30
rwwxim_: cp .* destination02:30
Retro198909Im going to see it if is a bad drive or not02:31
lstarnesdserodio_: -d is for development releases02:31
rwwdserodio_: -d is for "development release". What version of Ubuntu are you using now?02:31
meditatingfrogRetro198909:  did you read what mdg typed?02:31
xim_rww: for some reason that is copying everything (i think its because its including ./*02:31
felix_can anyione try this url please?02:31
meditatingfrogRetro198909: medibuntu repositories I believe02:31
meditatingfrogRetro198909:  I'm going to see about enabling them now02:31
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rwwxim_: it didn't when I just tried it...02:32
xim_rww: ill try again02:32
lstarnesfelix_: it does not appear to be responding02:32
mdgdeexannihilate1: any luck with finding where stuff minimizes to?02:33
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K99Brainfelix_, it doesn't work02:34
shivahi, i'm having trouble with sound in audacity.. i get glittering and i'm using pulseaudio.. does anyone know what could be the problem?02:34
canthus13Anyone know how to change the default mount options for a USB drive?02:34
meditatingfrogRetro198909: did you want to add medibuntu to your repositories to see if it helps?02:35
xim_rww: ok it worked im not sure what was going on before, but thanks02:35
Retro198909is that in the add/remove02:35
meditatingfrogRetro198909: here's a how to, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu02:35
mdgRetro198909: I highly recommend adding medibuntu - it fixes a lot of stuff02:36
cresusoomg 50% usage of cpu02:36
cresusowtf is wrong with flas02:36
rwwcanthus13: mounted how? through GNOME, or through the terminal?02:36
meditatingfrogRetro198909: did you try searching the forum for pioneer dvr117?02:36
canthus13rww: Gnome02:36
dserodio_is this IRC channel logged somewhere?02:36
robot_hello everyone02:36
rwwdserodio_: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/02:36
canthus13rww: USB drives are being mounted sync instead of async. :P02:36
Bordochjust in case someone has a similar issue - I changed the update server which resolved the problem - Thanks again - night02:36
RadSurfer2anyone have the fix to launch GUI apps from a terminal please?02:36
Retro198909i could not find anything on that particular model02:36
robot_question: how do i reset the start menus. ie. panels?02:37
Hilikushas anyone ever moved an already installed system to an LVM partition?02:37
rwwdserodio_: they only update once an hour, though.02:37
meditatingfrogRetro198909: pioneer dvr117 right?02:37
Dr_WillisRadSurfer2:  fix? i launch gui apps from terminals all the time.02:37
RadSurfer2is says " Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: "02:37
RadSurfer2why am I getting that?02:37
dserodio_rww: thanks for the info02:37
meditatingfrogRetro198909: couldn't find anything either02:38
Dr_WillisRadSurfer2:  you got a differnt user logged in to the termianl then the desktop or similer issue02:38
RadSurfer2how do I fix that.02:38
robot_when i minimize any windows, they disappear. how can i make them go to the lower menu i created?02:38
crazy2beIs there some way i can drag windows from one desktop to another without using compiz?02:38
Dr_WillisRadSurfer2:  or you are trying to run apps with sudo instead of gksudo02:38
dserodio_RadSurfer2: export DISPLAY=0:002:38
centinulI'm trying to get the correct resolution via HDMI (nvidia GF9300) to my Samsung LCD TV. The nominal resolution is 1360x768, and this not in the Nvidia settings as a selection. I have tried various xorg.conf configurations settings and when I basically turn EDID off I can't get anything greater than 640x480. This is on Jaunty, what gives?02:38
Dr_WillisRadSurfer2:  what are you trying to run exctly? running an app as a differnt user?02:38
RadSurfer2I'll try that.02:38
RadSurfer2as root of course02:38
lstarnesRadSurfer2: are you using a GUI terminal, or one of the ctrl+alt+f[1-6] terminals?02:38
rwwcanthus13: a combination of /system/storage/default_options/ in gconf-editor, and the gnome-mount command, perhaps? http://people.debian.org.tw/~chihchun/2007/06/20/setup-mount-options-for-gnome-mount/02:38
Dr_WillisRadSurfer2:   use gksudo, not sudo.02:38
FoxZodiacsspeak spanish?02:39
lstarnesRadSurfer2: most graphical programs should not be run as root02:39
lstarnes!es | FoxZodiac02:39
ubottuFoxZodiac: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.02:39
RadSurfer2Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: 0:002:39
cresuso1btw is dnsmasq making connection faster or not ?02:39
canthus13rww: Hmm.. Cool. thanks.02:39
RadSurfer2That did not work, thats the next thing to try02:39
Dr_WillisRadSurfer2:  unless you are trying to run things from the alt-ctrl-f1 CONSOLES.. thats not the same as a 'terminal' exctly02:39
K99Brainrobot_, you have to add an applet to the bottom panel (or where you want)02:39
Dr_WillisRadSurfer2:  clarify exactly what youa re doing . and from where.02:39
lstarnesRadSurfer2: try export DISPLAY=:0.002:39
RadSurfer2gksu fails also02:39
LoafersIs this right? GTK themes change panels & buttons?  Then what does window manager themes change?02:40
Dr_WillisRadSurfer2:  clarify exactly what you are doing. and from where exactly.02:40
=== Adam is now known as Stargazer
Dr_WillisLoafers:  window decoration normally.02:40
imranok guys, the closest city to where i could live (when i was installing) is in another time zone, can i change this to somewhere closer?02:40
lstarnesLoafers: which would include things like the window border02:40
RadSurfer2anyone know how to launch GUI apps from terminal please?02:40
Loaferslstarnes, I see02:40
WiseBoxIs there any iPAQ 38xx user?02:40
Dr_WillisRadSurfer2:  clarify exactly what you are doing. and from where exactly.   if you mean a Xterm/gnome-terminal then say so..if you mean the Consoles then say so.02:41
RadSurfer2I need to launch gedit as root, to edit a file. I know it can be done02:41
imranRadSurfer, try typing the first 3 letters of your app02:41
mdgRadSurfer2: type its name02:41
WiseBoxIs there any iPAQ 38xx user?02:41
Dr_WillisRadSurfer2:  so you launch 'gnome-terminal' then run 'gksudo gedit'02:41
RadSurfer2as root.02:41
K99Brainrobertj, add the Window List applet02:41
imranradsurfer nvm what i said your in better hands :)02:41
K99Brainrobertj, sorry, was not for you..02:41
cresuso1Btw is dnsmasq making connection faster or not ?02:42
RadSurfer2Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: 0:002:42
RadSurfer2ANYONE know how to launch GUI apps from gnome-terminal?02:42
lstarnesRadSurfer2: your display setting is incorrect02:42
Dr_WillisRadSurfer2:  then you got somthign really weird going on. thats how you do it.02:42
RadSurfer2I know this can be done.02:42
kindofabuzzRadSurfer2, type the name of the program02:42
lstarnesRadSurfer2: it should be DISPLAY=:0.002:42
rwwDISPLAY=:0 usually works fine for me =/02:42
cresuso1btw is dnsmasq making connection faster or not ?02:42
imranok guys, the closest city to where i could live (when i was installing) is in another time zone, can i change this to somewhere closer??02:42
Dr_Willis echo $DISPLAY02:43
RadSurfer2(gksudo:14787): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0.002:43
Tyrathhi, I've installed Firefox 3.5 (Shiretoko), but gnome update manager is telling me about security updates for Firefox 3 still. Why did Firefox3.5 not simply replace Firefox3?02:43
mdgRadSurfer2: sudo gnome-terminal - you can do it from Altr +F202:43
lstarnesTyrath: it's a separate package02:43
Tyrathlstarnes: is there a reason for that?02:43
lstarnesmdg: graphical applicaitons use gksudo02:43
dserodio_Tyrath: there's firefox, which depends on firefox-3.0 and there's firefox-3.5 packages02:43
Dr_Willisbut gksudo coul;dent run gedit.. so how can it go gnome-terminal then. :)02:43
lstarnesTyrath: some users still want firefox 3.0, and firefox 3.0 is official supported, while 3.5 isn't02:43
centinulI'm trying to get the correct resolution via HDMI (nvidia GF9300) to my Samsung LCD TV. The nominal resolution is 1360x768, and this not in the Nvidia settings as a selection. I have tried various xorg.conf configurations settings and when I basically turn EDID off I can't get anything greater than 640x480. This is on Jaunty, what gives?02:43
WiseBoxSorry, but Is there any iPAQ 38xx user?02:44
K99BrainRadSurfer2, try this: echo $DISPLAY02:44
Dr_WillisRadSurfer2:  try running gedit not as root and it works?02:44
c4ptdoes 2.6.28-14-server kernel have built in xen 3.4.0 support?02:44
lstarnesWiseBox: just ask your actual question involving the iPAQ 38xx02:44
mdgRadSurfer2: its gksu not gksudo02:44
RadSurfer2since we changed what DISPLAY environment variable is, it is going to print 0.0 now02:44
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)02:44
Tyraththanks anyway02:44
lstarnesRadSurfer2: is it 0.0 or :0.0?02:44
xim_if i want to make a dual vista/ubuntu system, do i have to put the windows partition in front?02:44
K99Brainmdg, it's the same. gksu is a link to gksudo (or viceversa.. i don't remember)02:45
cresuso1Have anyone already used dnsmasq ?02:45
ubottuWith Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.02:45
Dr_Willisxim_:  thats for the best to have it on the first primary partition. Or better yet. On its own hard drive02:45
crazy2beis there any way to drag windows from one desktop to the next without the instability of compiz?02:45
crazy2be*virtual desktop02:45
Dr_Williscrazy2be:  many other window managers support that feature..02:46
lstarnescresuso1: I don't see why it would make a connection faster02:46
lstarnescresuso1: it depends on which method it is being compared to02:46
c4ptdoes 2.6.28-14-server have built in xen 3.4.0 support??02:46
crazy2beDr_Willis: like?02:46
Dr_Williscrazy2be:  like most all of them.02:46
GranisDr_Willis: does KDE support it?02:46
lstarnesc4pt: xen domU , or xen guest?02:46
cresuso1lstarnes: It stores dns adresses in a file02:46
mdgcrazy2be: I just did it fluxbox :)02:46
dserodio_crazy2be: the easiest way is to click on the windows' menu (or type Alt+Space) and choose Move to another workspace02:46
Dr_Williscrazy2be:  theres always teh right click 'move to workspace 2' method.02:46
c4ptlstarnes, xen dom002:46
meditatingfrogI should use su...maybe.  faster and all other things are the same.  except su-doo sounds kinda' cool02:46
crazy2beDr_Willis: but that is annoying02:46
lstarnesWiseBox: please keep the conversation in the channel02:47
crazy2bemore clicks02:47
Dr_Williscrazy2be:  i have no issuse with compiz doing it...02:47
crazy2bei can't use compiz02:47
crazy2beintel graphics, crash on suspend with compiz02:47
c4ptlstarnes, ??02:47
Dr_Williscrazy2be:  set up some hotkeys then...  or try some other window managers if its that big  a feature you must have02:47
cresuso1nevermind going back to windows, bye all02:47
lstarnesc4pt: could you wait a few minutes?02:47
c4ptlstarnes, do you know of a good guide to install xen 3.4.0 as dom0 on ubuntu 9.04?02:47
xim_Dr_Willis: I have SATA HDs is there any particular way the different OSes have to be on them or can you boot from anyy of them? (im accustomed to primary/secondary master/slave)02:47
mdgcrazy2be: I'm not sure what fluxbox uses - but it is letting me drap  from desktop to desktop02:48
RadSurfer2AYNONE have a clue how to configure gnome-terminal, root user, to allow launching GUI apps please02:48
whileimherehi. I have no problems with audio except that sometimes in firefox it konks out while watching youtube videos. Anyone know how to clear this up without a full restart of firefox?02:48
Dr_Willisxim_:  this pc i have. the bios lets me boot from any of them..  the one i 'boot' beomes sda ive noticed.. that can goof up some things.02:48
meditatingfrogmdg: do you install non-free in medibuntu?02:48
Dr_Willismdg:  thats just a feature of fluxbox. :)02:48
lstarnesRadSurfer2: can you launch things as a non-root user in gnome-terminal?02:48
RadSurfer2good ques. Checking.02:48
WiseBoxIstarnes: Did you upgrade H3850 to WM200302:49
slygothis any body in here02:49
maslenDoes anyone here have experience with installing Player/Stage ?02:49
RezagratsI'm trying to connect my win7 machine to my ubuntu 9/04 machine through samba but for some reason, i cannot connect. i used both names (only variation was one name is capitalized and the other isn't).02:49
HighLordObsinope, not a soul02:49
lstarnesWiseBox: I don't use that particular hardware02:49
slygothwat the hell is this02:49
RadSurfer2answer to that is Yes.02:49
dserodio_Rezagrats: tried IP address ?02:49
Dr_Willisslygoth:  1292 people in here right now02:49
WiseBoxThat's why I need a wince_image.gz02:49
maslenIf I may rephrase that, Would anyone be able to help me install Player/Stage?02:49
RadSurfer2Oh my. Thanks for bearing with me :)02:49
mdgDr_Willis: Does fluxbox allow different backgrouns for each desktop?02:49
WiseBoxThat's why I need a wince_image.gz (WM2003)02:50
Dr_Willismdg:  never noticed.. never cared. :)02:50
RezagratsDserodio_, i didn't do WINS. so, yeah, i'm using the correct IP address as the \\IP\02:50
xim_lol @slygoth02:50
K99Brainslygoth, it's the official ubuntu support channel. if you have a question, do it.02:50
lstarnesc4pt: I don't know about 3.4.0 specifically, but the main documentation for Xen on ubuntu is https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen02:50
maslenOn trying to install playerstage-libplayer I got an error: "Dependency is not satisfiable: libgsl0 (>= 1.4)" Does that mean I need version 1.4 above?02:51
maslen(of libgsl0)*02:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about murrine02:51
Hilikushas anyone ever moved an already installed system to an LVM partition?02:51
RezagratsDserodio_, do you know if i have to use the path i specified in smb.conf or is it the title "MyFiles" ?02:52
dserodio_Rezagrats: it's the path in smb.conf02:52
ibeekmanany one have any ideas how I can launch network-manager's connection settings gui from the cmli?02:52
dserodio_Rezagrats: have you tried02:53
dserodio_Rezagrats: \\ipadress only (no share name)?02:53
c4ptlstarnes, ok02:53
K99Brainmaslen, it doesn't seems to be in te official ubuntu repos. where you have found this package?02:53
RezagratsDserodio_: yeah, it's saying the "the network path was not found"02:53
maslenK99Brain: I'm trying to install the Player/stage programs for robotics02:54
dserodio_Rezagrats: can you ping it?02:54
dserodio_Rezagrats: I just connected to a Ubuntu samba from Windows 7 in a virtual machine, so I'm sure it works02:55
WiseBoxThat's why I need a wince_image.gz (WM2003)02:55
WiseBoxIs there any iPAQ 38xx user?02:55
K99Brainmaslen, installing stuff which aren't in the ubuntu repos can be tricky, sometimes02:55
maslenK99Brain: I'm trying to install libgsl0, but it gives me an error that it "Breaks existing package 'libgsl0dbl' conflict: libgsl0 () "02:55
RezagratsDserodio_: did you use http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=202605 as your guide?02:56
smxyCan someone tell me why this very simple firewall on my Ubuntu system will not grant access to my internal webserver from the internet, please? http://pastebin.com/m165180a502:57
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dserodio_Rezagrats: yeah02:57
RezagratsAnd you're not using WINS, dserodio_ ?02:58
* macgyver_ still cannot get right click to work on the gnome desktop!02:58
maslenIf I may ask, I know this is a completely nub question, but: What is the difference between a package, and the -dev version of that package?02:59
dio_is ther a prgram that convert FLV to MP3 or MP4 formats02:59
RezagratsMacgyver_, did you kill Nautilus (nautilus -q) ?02:59
dio_for ubuntu02:59
MDesigneroh man. sorry guys, I know this isn't ubuntu related, but this ChanServ is driving me crazy. when I set my channel +s, it turns it back off.. how do I make it keep +s??02:59
macgyver_Rezagrats, no03:00
WiseBoxis there any iPAQ 38xx Users?03:00
macgyver_Rezagrats, I dont have the ability to right click even after a reboot03:00
RadSurfer2Ok. Having fun now.  Where is Apache2 hiding its  httpd.conf   file please?03:00
RezagratsMacgyver_, where can't you right-click ?03:00
meditatingfrogmacgyver_: are you the only person that has your problem?03:00
macgyver_on the desktop03:00
Loafers!karmic kaola03:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about karmic kaola03:01
CrellRadSurfer2: In /etc/apache2/03:01
K99Brainmaslen, i have searched and it seems that there is a package named robot-player in the ubuntu repos. It's this?03:01
RadSurfer2I don't see it, or certain files aren't enabled03:01
RezagratsMacgyver_, open a folder... can you right-click then ?03:01
Loafers!karmic koala03:01
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+103:01
macgyver_Rezagrats, yes I can03:01
MDesignerRadSurfer2: /etc/apache2/apache2.conf03:01
K99Brainmaslen, and there is also a package named stage03:01
LoafersWhat does it mean "Karmic WILL break"?03:01
MDesignerbut apache2.conf includes /etc/apache2/sites-enabled03:01
macgyver_Rezagrats, its just the desktop, no icons either03:01
macgyver_if I run --> nautilus & in th econsole I can03:02
maslenK99Brain: Possibly, but I have synaptic open now, and I'm going to try installing it all through there03:02
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WiseBoxis there any iPAQ 38xx Users?03:02
RezagratsMacgyver_, open up System Monitor and look for nautilus.03:02
maslenK99Brain: I must've been stupid doing manual searches for each of the libraries03:03
macgyver_Rezagrats, not there03:03
maslenK99Brain: thanks03:03
RezagratsMacgyver_, nautilus somehow isn't auto-starting.03:03
K99Brainmaslen, you're welcome03:04
RezagratsMacgyver_, is this is a fresh install ?03:04
macgyver_sort of03:04
macgyver_new install and all apps added03:04
RadSurfer2apparently ubuntu loves being different. no wonder people get headaches :-)03:04
argon1I've been attempting to install Ubuntu via a separate partition using unetbootin, all of the tutorials assume you have an existing linux/windows install. Is it possible to do this from a live cd, since I have an old Ubuntu install disk that boots but has errors and won't install?03:04
macgyver_I may have removed the startup of nautilus by mistake in my effort to speed the boot and start process03:04
RezagratsMacgyver_, try to retrace your steps.03:05
Hilikusi want to use LVM2 in my desktop and i've been reading up and there's different opinions on what should NOT be in an LVM2 partition. what do you guys suggest?03:05
macgyver_Rezagrats, not a chance :) Goldfish here :)03:05
aaron_Hi, I need help with nvidia graphics driver.03:05
aaron_it works... but I am stuck at resolutions lower then 800x60003:06
macgyver_brb rebooting (testing an option)03:06
aaron_I need help on getting higher resolutions.. and yes this graphic card can handle higher resolutions then 800x60003:06
RezagratsMacgyver_, System > preferences >> Startup Applications03:06
meditatingfrogmacgyver_:  what's a Goldfish?03:06
jmiteDoes anybody know how to get ExpressCard hotplugging to work in Ubuntu? the pciehp module seems to be missing in jaunty.03:07
macgyver_Rezagrats, yep I just added there --> nautilus03:07
aaron_any idea what I need to go to make the nvidia driver offer higher resolutions?03:07
macgyver_meditatingfrog, a very short memory03:07
RezagratsMeditatingfrog, he means "i'm a goldfish". goldfish can't remember jack03:07
meditatingfrogRezagrats: thank you03:07
Out_Coldi am having troubles getting my wlan0 up. I seem to be associated but i'm not able to ping the AP and am not sure what to do now03:08
smxyCan someone tell me why this very simple firewall on my Ubuntu system will not grant access to my internal webserver from the internet, please? http://pastebin.com/m165180a503:08
HilikusRezagrats who's jack? ;)03:08
meditatingfrogI was going to look up "goldfish short term memory" on google03:08
LoafersI installed some themes from gnome-look, but when I go to System>Preferences>Appearances The theme is not listed.  Where did it go?03:08
treadHi all.  I have an old laptop with a modem, and I want to figure out whether or not the modem supports voice mode (i.e. whether it can act as a "voice modem").  The only surefire ways I've found (via Google) to detect that involve sending AT commands to my modem, but I can't figure out how to do that.  Can anyone help?03:08
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Hilikustread arle you sure your modem is- supportei?03:09
joeyhello all! new question!!! Does anybody know how to get my ExpressCard hotplugging to work in Ubuntu? the pciehp module seems to be missing in jaunty.03:09
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treadHilikus: supported by what?03:09
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Hilikustread by linux, by the kernel. most modems aren't03:10
Guest73020wIndos rules03:10
Rezagrats/kill windows03:10
treadHilikus: no idea, but it's listed in the hardware profile that I generated with `sudo lshw -html`03:10
nrdbI am trying to setup a bridged network connection to a KVM guest.  The guest uses DHCP to get its IP of 10.0.2.x, this is different from my subnet of 192.168.1.x :( where is the guest IP range defined?03:10
joey314does anybody have any idea about expresscard hotplugging?03:11
macgyver_Rezagrats, problem solved, thank you03:11
centinulI'm currently running Ubuntu 9.04. I'm trying to get the correct resolution over HDMI to my Samsung 720p tv. In nvidia-settings the display is reporting a native resolution of 1280x720 when it is really 1360x768 (from manual). I don't have the true native resolution to choose from. I have tried various things like different mode lines and such. Whenever I do that the resolution does not go any higher than 640x480. Does anybody have 03:12
mdgif I wanted my desktop to look like ubuntu netbook remix - is there a distro for a desktop?03:12
treadHilikus: I want to use it to start experimenting with Asterisk PBX, with the eventual goal of running my own VoIP server on it.03:12
RezagratsYou're welcome, macgyver_.03:12
aaron_Nvidia driver keeps me in resolution lower then 800x60003:12
fortunevHi. Which run level does session save occure when shutting down?03:12
aaron_any idea how I can raise this 800x600 limitation?03:13
mazda01centinul, it has to with using xandr or something like that to inform xorg about resolutions that it didnt' auto pick up. let me look for the guide03:13
kad_hey need help , i config new kernel and copy the bzImage to /boot and system-map to /boot what else need to do? they told me with this command mkinitramfs ? how i use it ? thx03:13
Hilikustread i wanted to do soething similar but its really hard to find a modem that's supported03:13
centinulmazda01: Thanks03:13
joey314am I doing something wrong? why does no one ever answer my questions?03:13
mdgjoey314: what was the question again?03:13
aaron_do I need to change the config settings?03:13
aaron_I am not being offered anything higher then 600 somthing03:14
joey314question was: Does anybody know how to get my ExpressCard hotplugging to work in Ubuntu? the pciehp module seems to be missing in jaunty.03:14
treadHilikus: I see.  Did you end up finding one?  I'd be willing to shell out for some additional hardware if necessary.  Don't really want to run a Windows server.03:14
joey314I've been having problems with usernames on irc, I was wondering if my chats weeren't showing up03:14
mdgjoey314: seems like I saw something in the ubuntu forums about that....03:14
MT-When I turn off my system I get an error about killing remaining processes failing03:14
Hilikustread nop, i didnt. if you wanna spend money there is a list of supporetd modems03:15
MT-any ideas how I can track down what isn't being killed?>03:15
mazda01centinul, and see the part where it talks about adding undetected resolutiuons. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution03:15
mazda01aaron_, you may get help from the link i posted as well.03:15
Hilikuslong time ago i used dialup in linux, but i had to buy a ISA modem. new mobos don't have isa ports03:15
Hilikusyou can try an external modem03:15
Hilikusor buy one specific from the list of supported modems03:15
joey314I'll check the forums. thanks!03:15
treadHilikus:  yep, guess I'll head back over to Google and see what others have found works.  Thanks for the help.03:16
LoafersDo Ubuntu windows automatically "snap" on to each other when they are juxtaposed? Or do I have to turn that on manually?03:16
kad_hey need help , i config new kernel and copy the bzImage to /boot and system-map to /boot what else need to do? they told me with this command mkinitramfs ? how i use it ? thx03:16
Out_Colddoes anyone know how i can get my associated card to reach my network properly?03:16
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AnnonyMousehi guys. having some sound problems. removed pulse (using ALSA), which simplified my life quite a bit, so now nearly everything seems to be cooperating, but now my keyboard & headset's volume controls have no effect03:17
AnnonyMouseany ideas pls?03:17
treadLoafers:  I'm a bit of a newb, but I believe that in Ubuntu 9.04 (and maybe 8.10 too), that's handled by the compiz.real library, and that Ubuntu ships with that feature enabled.  At least, it works on mine and I never manually switched it on.03:18
Loaferstread, ok thanks!03:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gdm03:18
buckI am a newer user running ubuntu netbook remix. my son messed with my eee pc while I was at work and while it still loads up my desktop is blank and my panel menubar is nowhere to be found. any ideas on what to so. all the solutions I found in the documentation involve clicking on the bar that has dissapeared.03:18
MT-!info gdm03:18
ubottugdm (source: gdm): GNOME Display Manager. In component main, is optional. Version 2.20.10-0ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 1933 kB, installed size 15980 kB03:18
Scientizt55the ubuntu optic?03:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about reset-panel03:19
Scientizt55What is the ubuntu topic03:19
maslenHow can I turn off the system beep? It's getting really annoying :(03:19
AnnonyMousemaslen: sound properies, themes, disable03:19
buckso look for reset panel and gnome display manager03:19
Hilikusif i'm using LVM with say 3 harddrives and 1 of the dies, what happens? is everything lost?03:20
AnnonyMouseHilikus: depends on config03:20
Scientizt55All digital data is not lost03:20
wizzcan i upgrade firefox 3.0 to firefox 3.5 in ubuntu interpid?03:20
Scientizt55Mount the harddrive under a live cd instead and pickout your files03:20
kad_hey i compile new kernel and config the grub but need help regard initrd ! how to config it ! still in gurb the old location! how i compile it with new kernel so to add in gurb  ? thx03:20
HilikusScientizt55 you talking to me?03:21
maslenAnnonyMouse: That would be disabling the "error" alert?03:21
Scientizt55Yeah Hilikus03:21
porter1If I setup an apt mirror, is it possible to have the local networked machines I want using it be forced to use install all of the packages in the repo?03:21
AnnonyMousemaslen: i've disable my general GUI sounds03:21
AnnonyMouseporter: I use apt-cacher-ng, & then mod the /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/00proxy to point to it03:22
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AnnonyMousethat way, all packages are proxied through it03:22
HilikusScientizt55 my confusion is if say i have the 3 drives as 1 partition what would be lost? there's no guarantee about what goes in each physical drive03:22
K99Brainmaslen, another way is to blacklist the pcspkr module..03:22
SilkjcDoes anyone know of an app that can bind proxy locations to predefined network connections?03:23
Hilikusso if there's a file that's half in 1 disk and half another, if i take one of the disks and connect it in a new computer i won't be able to recover the file03:23
centinulmazda01: After I make the xrandr changes how do I get my new resolution?03:23
porter1AnnonyMouse, thanks, just what I was looking for.03:23
AnnonyMouseporter1: ur welcome03:23
mazda01centinul, you should then see them in the display setting manager03:24
centinulIn nvidia-settings?03:24
dreamborni have a drive installed that I'm about 90% sure is a burning drive but brasero won't recognize it, how do i double check?03:24
frogzoodreamborn: read the label on the front?03:24
maslenAnnonyMouse Where can I edit the sound properties? The sound menu I found doesn't even mention the system bell03:25
AnnonyMousesry, but has anyone have any info 4 me on my ASLA volume control query?03:25
MT-dreamborn: lspci03:25
dreambornfrogzoo: no label but inscription says rewritable03:25
AnnonyMousemaslen: system > preferences > sound03:25
AnnonyMousemaslen: sounds tab03:25
mdggogeta: hi gogeta03:25
mdggogeta: got a question for you about eeebuntu03:26
maslenAnnonyMouse: In there, it only has two tabs. "Devices" and "Sounds"03:26
CopyWritercan't get my tv card working under ubuntu03:26
gogetamdg: hi03:26
wizzgogeta: can i upgrade firefox3.0 to firefox3.5 in ubuntu interpid?03:26
dreambornMT-: what is lspci?03:26
gvsa123meditatingfrog: sorry... i was away. i just installed on a fresh system. i didn't have an available cd, so i installed 8.xx and upgraded using the update manager. i just thought that for succeeding version, i'd go with a usb instead of a cd.03:26
mdgmy friend installed eeebuntu base, but she wants the look of the Netboot remix desktop - is that possible03:26
AnnonyMousemaslen: so under the sounds tab, u can specify what audio alerts you want03:26
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MT-dreamborn: lists devices you have available03:26
gogetamdg: yes03:26
mdggogeta: I mean she installed standard03:26
maslenAnnonyMouse: I still don't see anything under "beep" or "PC speaker"03:27
gogetamdg: just install the netbook launcher03:27
mdgnetbook launcher - is that in synaptic?03:27
gogetamdg: apt-get install netbook-launcher will add it03:27
gogetamdg: yes03:27
aaron_urgh... still in yucky resolution...03:27
dreambornMT-" it is an ide drive and didn't show up03:27
mohanohii downloaded and installed linux rt headers and image file for 2.6.28-3..03:28
AnnonyMousemaslen: can't recall where I saw that setting. I only get PC beeps when using the TTY03:28
Guest6396When is Ubuntu 9.10 Releasing??03:28
mdggogeta: thanksyouverymuch!03:28
kad_hey need help ! on menu.lst (for gurb) there is initrd which have path of old version ! how i can compile this to new kernel version ? so i add the path instead of old on in the menu.lst? thx03:28
mohanohinvidia is asking for source package for the kernel..03:28
mohanohiwhere to find?03:28
CopyWriterhold one folks, guest6396 i got this one03:28
oldude67Guest6396, october03:28
CopyWritermy turn to help03:28
oldude67oops sorry03:29
CopyWriternp, was just going to google it03:29
gogetawizz  i dunno abought ff 35 and older ubuntu i think the package is only for jaunty\03:29
SaturnDriveri can't seem to get a USB bluetooth adapter working, anyone know how to do so?03:29
maslenAnnonyMouse: Got it. It was to uncheck the box that enabled "Alert SOund"03:29
MT-dreamborn: hrm - something changed - they used to always show up03:29
mohanohiwhere to find source file for 2.6.28-3 RT kernel ?03:29
oldude67the .04 are released in april and the .10 in october03:29
mohanohithe deb file... :)03:30
AnnonyMousemaslen: kewl. I simply disabled all sys sounds03:30
maslenAnnonyMouse: That's a little too brute-forceish03:30
AnnonyMousemaslen: find it distracting. enough noise w radio, tv, media player, voip, colleagues, etc, etc03:31
dreambornMT-: it shows up under my computer in places tab03:31
blognewbhi.. how do you correct the time on command line?03:31
CopyWritermohanohi: http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/linux-headers-2.6.28-3-rt03:31
AnnonyMouseblognewb: lookup NTPd03:31
ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)03:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ntpd03:31
mohanohiCopyWriter: i have downloaded the headers...03:32
kad_need help when i do root@kad:/boot# mkinitramfs-kpkg  -o /boot/initrd.img-2.6.30 give me error : /usr/sbin/mkinitramfs-kpkg: 80: 1: parameter not set03:32
mohanohiCopyWriter: the source deb file?03:32
MT-dreamborn: what happens when you try to burn a cd?03:32
nosmelcDoes Ubuntu 9.04 automatically update the time from an Internet time source?03:32
MT-nosmelc: I think you need to install that03:32
dreambornMT-: i get to add the iso and then it wants me to select a disk but the drop down menu is grayed out03:33
gogetanosmelc: yes you can set it to do that03:33
MT-nosmelc: right click the clock and click adjust date/time03:33
HilikusAnnonyMouse if i have 3 drives in an LVM and i have backups in that LVM and one day my computer dies, how would i know which physical drive has the backups?? how do i even know they are all in the same drive03:33
CopyWritermohanohi: i'm new to this so i'm still trying to help http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/linux-image-2.6.28-3-rt is this it03:34
MT-dreamborn: just for the heck of it - can you try a reboot? I had that problem once and a reboot worked03:34
mohanohiCopyWriter: oh.. ok.. thank u.. :)03:34
dreambornMT-: ok will do03:35
CopyWriterwas that it?03:35
MT-Hilikus: you backed up your HD to the same HD...03:35
AnnonyMouseHilikus: LVM is tricky; I have a hard time with it myself. much of it's done via CLI, but I've also come accross some liveBoot disk to aid recovery: gparted-live, RIPLinuX, systemresquecd, trinity-rescue-kit, ubuntu-rescue-remix03:35
bill_how do u use thr torrent thing??03:36
treadHilikus: They most likely wouldn't be all on one drive.  If part of your LVM fails, some data loss will occur.  You should be backing up the data in your LVM to a separate physical (and logical) location.03:36
MT-!u > bill_03:36
ubottubill_, please see my private message03:36
mdggogeta: I have another question about eeebuntu?03:36
AnnonyMouseHilikus: I've now started mailing use of RAID1 (mirrored sets) to aid in VM data throughput & redundency03:36
gogetamdg: lol03:36
MT-!torrent > bill_03:36
CopyWritermohanohi: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/2.6.28-3.4 that has to be it03:36
Hilikustread so my backup partition should not be in LVM is what you're saying?03:37
MT-Hilikus: yup03:37
MT-Hilikus: and probably an entirely different disk03:37
mohanohiCopyWriter: oh yeah.. looking through :)03:37
mdggogeta: sorry, but eeebuntu on acer aspire - should networking via ethernet cable work out of the box?03:37
Hilikusmmm thats what i was trying to solve, my backup hd is only 20GB and i need more space, which i have in my other drives03:37
gogetamdg: it should yea03:37
MT-Hilikus: you could try SpinRite - that can help recover things if it's a drive failing03:38
gogetamdg: heh i had to help your dell mini guy with a manul patch for wifi works now hehe03:38
MT-Hilikus: othersise - check out systemrescuecd or some of the others mentioned03:38
b-fJust before my computer turn off, the screen shows a line of text that reads 'Unable to iterate IDE devices - <something> does not exist', or something like that03:38
mdggogeta: Yes.  he really appreciated it too!03:38
Hilikuswhat happens if i take a physical drive thats part of an LVM and connect it in a new linux box , what would it see?03:39
mdggogeta: thanks again! o/03:40
treadHilikus: if I'm understanding you correctly, then yes.  If you're using an LVM without redundancy (e.g., no RAID0,5,6, etc.), then think of that entire logical volume (which may consist of multiple drives/partitions) as if it were one disk.  If you're backing up files that live in that LVM volume, then the backups should live somewhere else.03:40
MT-Hilikus: you would see a mangled mess03:40
MT-!lvm | Hilikus03:40
ubottuHilikus: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto03:40
dreambornMT-: I don't know if the reboot was what did it or me having to insert it multiple times but I'll give you the credit, thanks03:40
treadHilikus: (and even if there is redundancy, that shouldn't be relied upon as if it were a backup.. but I don't think that applies to you right now anyway)03:41
MT-dreamborn: lol, congrats03:41
aaron_need help with getting higher resoultions from the nvidia drivers for ubuntu.03:41
Hilikusso its really not recommended to have more than one physical drive in a single LVM partition i guess right?03:41
MT-Hilikus: it's fine to do. you just need to research it first03:42
treadHilikus: There's no disadvantage to that.  That's part of what LVM is for.  But that has nothing to do with backing up your data.03:42
MT-Hilikus: what exactly happenbed03:43
MT-let's get to the issue03:43
oldude67!hi | sinister03:44
ubottusinister: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!03:44
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Hilikusnothing has happened yet. i'm just trying to decide if i should install LVM on my server to be able to better control my partitions. right now i have a physical drive for backups that's only 20GB and it's almost full so i was thinking maybe having a LVM that uses that hd and part of another hd but i think now that backing up to LVM is not very reliable since if one of the two crashes you're screwed03:44
Hilikusyou don't even know where your stuff is physically03:45
MT-Hilikus: for your use of lvm, think of it like raid003:45
sinisterhi im from the phils, and i have a problemwe have a server on to that i want to see the image files on a client but it only gives a list or an icon, is there a way that could see the files without downloading it?03:46
MT-you combine two partitions into one03:46
Hilikuswhichone is raid0 again? redundant data in both drives?03:46
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MT-sinister: that didn't make sense03:47
treadHilikus: no, RAID0 is just striped03:47
MT-!raid | Hilikus03:47
ubottuHilikus: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto03:47
treadI meant RAID1 when I said 0 earlier :p03:47
sinisterwhat dou mean?03:47
MT-Hilikus: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAID http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LVM03:47
maslenWhat does it mean: "Error while loading shared libraries: libplayerdrivers.so.3.0: cannot open share object file: NO such file or directory"03:48
MT-sinister: what you asked didn't make sense03:48
iMatter<iMatter> eh, jaunty randomly logs out and in?03:48
iMatter<iMatter> it did this on the LiveCD and for the first time just now on a full install03:48
DaZmaslen: it means exactly what it says03:48
HilikusMT- got it. so why am i not right saying that you should just not backup to LVM. that (thinking of it as raid0) only confirms it03:48
oldude67maslen, either means you made a typo or that file doesn not exist03:49
maslenDaZ: That's very nice, I could also translate it, my question is how can I fix it03:49
treadHilikus: so yes, you're increasing the risk of failure by spreading it over multiple drives.. but since it's a backup, you'll only face data loss if your backup fails at the same time as your original copy.03:49
sinistersorry for asking bcoz  i am only new in linux03:49
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DaZmaslen: install package containing it ;f03:49
treadHilikus: so the biggest rule to go by here is: Don't share any physical disk between your backup and your original.03:49
MT-!caps > Guest8063703:49
ubottuGuest80637, please see my private message03:49
DaZGuest80637: go home03:49
Hilikustread thats exactly it03:50
MT-!sp > Guest8063703:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sp03:50
oldude67!es > Guest8063703:50
ubottuguest80637: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:50
MT-oldude67: oops :P03:50
hyperion_nick hyperionx1103:51
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Hilikusso if i have plenty of ram is raid0 going to really improve anything?03:52
AnnonyMouseanyone? autio/sound, ALSA, shortcuts/keybindings = n/a03:52
oldude67Guest80637, hola03:52
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:52
HilikusGuest80637 aqui nadie habla espanhol, y quita las mayusculas03:53
maslenHilikus: RAID0 is for improving Hard Drive speed. It's mostly independent of RAM03:53
Hilikusmaslen but isn't the problem with slow IO mostly virtual memory?03:54
maslenvirtual memory is a problem from not having enough RAM, no matter how much RAM you have03:54
oldude67Hilikus, do you mean swap memory?03:54
minthi ya meditatingfrog !03:54
Guest80637entonces nadie habla español03:54
Hilikusoldude67yes, swap memory03:55
meditatingfroghello mint03:55
maslenslow IO could be from lots of HD access, or reading/writing lots at a time03:55
=== mint is now known as mint-mdg
maslenRAID0 is meant for peak performance03:55
HilikusGuest6396 seguro habra otros, pero en este canal no se puede03:55
mint-mdghi deexannihilate !03:55
akscimy pen drive always mounts as read-only file system! this is my dmesg output! http://tinypaste.com/ea91c03:55
codeshahhey guys, it seems that mhy /etc/init.d/tomcat6 did not start uatomcially when my system started03:55
codeshahhow can I check what went wrong?03:56
maslena faster HD could speed up programs opening up, and basically all file operations03:56
deexannihilatemint-mdg: hi03:56
mint-mdgdeexannihilate: how did the ethernet thing work?03:56
AnnonyMousecodeshah: either dmesg or /var/log/....03:56
kad_hey need help i'm using amsn, when i try to use my webcam give me webcam not connected as an error ? why ? thx03:56
akscieven if i put umask=000 while mounting!03:56
deexannihilatemint-mdg: no response03:56
mint-mdgdeexannihilate: bummer!03:56
MT-mint-mdg: I plug in an ethernet cable and I access internet overit...03:56
Hilikusmaslen really? i thought the only noticeable thing would be virtual memory03:56
Ghotiaksci: all the FAT errors indicate that the filesystem is going readonly to prevent any damage from being done to an apparently corrupt filesystem03:57
mint-mdgMT-: you have an acer aspire running eeebuntu too?03:57
MT-just explaining how ethernet works03:57
maslenHilikus: It all depends on how heavy you use your hard drive. An extrememly slow hard drive (or a networked one) could make it take 30 seconds to open firefox. A fast, local one could make it take 203:57
deexannihilatemint-mdg: i know!03:57
Ghotiaksci: you might think about, with the stuick unmounted, doing: sudo fsck /dev/sdd103:57
Hilikusmaslen got it03:57
deexannihilatemint-mdg: i'm going to call it a lost cause! i don't need it that bad!03:57
meditatingfrogmaslen: using hibernate and not closing reopening programs is what I do03:58
MT-maslen: except firefox is slow no matter what... :(03:58
mint-mdgdeexannihilate: maybe that's something that works when eeebuntu gets all its updates03:58
maslenMT-: Well, you can't get everything you like, and it is useful03:58
meditatingfrogMT-: how is firefox slow?03:58
deexannihilatemint-mdg: perhaps03:58
maslenit's bloaty03:58
deexannihilatemint-mdg: how do we go forth with installing it permanently?03:58
aksciGhoti: use first FAT? what about the options? truncate first or second?03:58
meditatingfrogmaslen: I've only noticed slowness with flash video03:59
mint-mdgdeexannihilate: or it could break it like regular UNR03:59
mint-mdgdeexannihilate: is there an install icon on your desktop?03:59
Ghotiaksci: I've never had to fsck a FAT filesystem (from Linux) before, so I'm not entirely certain03:59
macgyver_maslen, I had that issue yesterday03:59
macgyver_it was DNS03:59
maslenmeditatingfrog: You were never forced to use Unix computer that didn't have local hard drives, and everything was done remotely. It would take literally 5 seconds to open gedit .... not the processing part. The part of getting the executable over the network03:59
macgyver_cat /etc/named check your DNS servers04:00
MT-meditatingfrog: compare w/ alternatives. firefox is very slow - but it's almost the most functional :P04:00
Ghotimacgyver_: you mean /etc/resolv.conf, right?04:00
deexannihilatemint-mdg: yes but how do i exit nbr desktop! i can't get to it04:00
mint-mdgdeexannihilate: I think that needs to be added after you install04:00
meditatingfrogMT-: chrome is zippier, but not worth switching to...yet04:00
deexannihilatemint-mdg: i know but it is open04:00
macgyver_Ghoti, yes I do :)04:00
glicksexcuse me, is there a reason why i cant create a new document on my ubuntu desktop?04:00
meditatingfrogmaslen: how slow was the network?04:00
deexannihilatemint-mdg: and i can't get to the desktop! :(04:00
mint-mdgdeexannihilate: open??04:01
macgyver_sorry, my old skool coming out04:01
kad_hey need help i'm using amsn, when i try to use my webcam give me webcam not connected as an error ? why ? thx04:01
Ghotimacgyver_: no worries :)04:01
deexannihilatemint-mdg: sudo netbook-launcher, displays it04:01
mint-mdgdeexannihilate: you mean you need to close synaptic?04:01
MT-mint-mdg: ya, very fast - chromium too - I'm excited for it to be usable on that level04:01
MT-meditatingfrog: **04:01
aksciGhoti: no good! :( the filesystem still shouts read only!04:01
mint-mdgdeexannihilate: go to a terminal and type:  pidof netbook-launcher04:02
meditatingfrogMT-: ?04:02
mint-mdgdeexannihilate: it will tell you a 4 digit number or so04:02
maslenmeditatingfrog: I'm not sure if it was a 100Mb or 1000Mb network, but we had 50 computers on it at once, and they had plenty of internet traffic, besides requesting things on the network04:02
Ghotiaksci: hmm. This the only thumb drive you're having trouble with?04:02
maslenmeditatingfrog: We used to use the old mozilla browser instead04:02
mint-mdgor is the command killall netbook-launcher04:02
MT-meditatingfrog: i sent to the wrong nick, read what I said above that04:02
mint-mdgMT-: your not the only one who does that - Im guilty too :)04:03
dfelintohey there. does any here knows about clamav? I used clamavscan and after 561 minutes I found 3 infected files, but didnt piped the output, so I dont know what the files are. if anyone has any tips on how to find those files without a full re-scan ...04:03
nachohi88hi i got a problem.. cant see anything on add or remove window on my ubuntu... any clue?04:03
aksciGhoti: this is the second one! i even formatted the first one i tried!04:03
kad_anyone got link where i can find my webcam driver?04:03
macgyver_kad_, that all depends on what colour it is04:03
maslendfelinto: Clam AV is a weak AV, if it caught 3, odds are you have a bunch more04:04
Ghotiaksci: did you try perhaps a different USB port or hub?04:04
MT-mint-mdg: it's worse when I say soemthing to my gf but say it in the wrong channel :P04:04
aksciGhoti: can the problem be in my system's config? i dont think anything went wrong in these pendrives!04:04
=== chal`away is now known as chalcedny
kad_macgyver_, when i do lsusb : Bus 003 Device 003: ID 0c45:6007 Microdia VideoCAM Eye04:04
mint-mdgMT-: lol ooops!!!04:04
aksciGhoti: yeah, tried all of them!04:04
meditatingfrogmaslen: 12MB/s shared across 50 terminals does sound like it would be slow04:04
KittyBootsI am having trouble with flash videos through firefox, when I play them full screne they get slow and jittery.  What should I do?04:04
meditatingfrogmaslen: I wonder how citrix does it04:04
iMatterKittyBoots, do you have compiz enabled?04:05
mint-mdgdeexannihilate: sudo killall netbook-launcher04:05
iMatterKittyBoots, turn it off and see if the problem persists04:05
sinisterhow to install alfresco?04:05
dfelintomsimard: hm, do you suggest another antivirus? I also heard that clamav does a lot of false alarm too, so I may have no bugs (what I doubt)04:05
Ghotimeditatingfrog: Cirtix thin clients do it by having everything run on the server, and using RDP (cf. VNC) to present the desktop to you.04:05
macgyver_kad_, lots of entries for this one http://www.google.com.au/search?hl=en&q=ubuntu+Microdia&btnG=Google+Search&meta=&aq=f&oq=04:05
kad_macgyver_, okie thx :)04:06
jeremy_i have an hp inkjet printer with a usb connection04:06
mint-mdgjeremy_: what model HP?04:06
sinisterany known document management system on linux?04:06
jeremy_but the printer add on option doesnt have usb04:06
meditatingfrogGhoti: that does sound right04:06
deexannihilate1mint-mdg: it is installing now be back when finished04:06
jeremy_officejet j454004:06
meditatingfrogGhoti: it's been awhile since I touched one04:06
chalcednymy new installation of ubuntu 8.10 says my new monitor (emacines E19T6W) is "unknonwn" how can i fix that and make the resolution better?04:07
iMatterKittyBoots, are you going to try that?, when you do tell me if it persists04:07
mint-mdgdeexannihilate: okay.  I may have to leave soon....04:07
Ghotimeditatingfrog: Iused them all the time at one of my former workplaces.  Hated 'em, to be honest.04:07
mint-mdgjeremy_: explain what you mean by "printer add-on option"04:07
meditatingfrogGhoti:  I didn't hate them when I was deploying them, but I never really used one on a regular basis, even though I probably could have04:08
jeremy_print configuration> new printer04:08
jeremy_under administration04:08
aksciGhoti: anything??04:08
Ghotimeditatingfrog: Let's just say that the implementation was poor (one server trying to handle about 900-1200 concurrent logins.  Performance was, shall we say, poor.)04:08
jeremy_i have a usb connect, i plugged it in and it didnt detect it04:09
mint-mdgjeremy_: I think there is stuff in Synaptic to support HP printers.  My HP Deskjeck 5150 connected via USB set itself up04:09
jeremy_so i went to administration to see if i could add it04:09
mint-mdgjeremy_: Deskjeck/Deskjet04:09
jeremy_ok, i will reset computer04:09
mint-mdgjeremy_: you have administrative rights?04:09
meditatingfrogGhoti: I see.  I've never set up a citrix or terminal services server04:09
Ghotiaksci: The only thing that keeps coming to mind is to make sure the stick(s) isn't/aren't the problem by trying them on another system, but it's unlikely you'll have two sticks go bad at the same time04:09
MT-!info hplip | jeremy04:10
ubottujeremy: hplip (source: hplip): HP Linux Printing and Imaging System (HPLIP). In component main, is optional. Version 3.9.2-3ubuntu4 (jaunty), package size 308 kB, installed size 1020 kB04:10
Ghotimeditatingfrog: Like many other infrastructures, I'm sure it's great when implemented and maintained properly; I just got a bad taste for Citrix in my mouth from $former_employer04:10
mint-mdgjeremy_: my deskjet literally set itself up, and faster than you could ever get it setup in windows04:10
meditatingfrogGhoti: I see04:10
mint-mdgjeremy_: good luck with your printer :)04:11
mint-mdgnight all - thanks for all the great help o/04:11
HalluxSo I know that you can view what programs are installed using Add/Remove Programs from the Applications menu, but does that really show all the programs that are installed?  For example, Ubuntu is supposed to come with a C++ compiler (gcc, I think), right?  But that doesn't seem to be on the list.  Are there lots of programs that come with Ubuntu, but which don't show up on the Add/Remove Applications list?04:11
kad_hey i install new kernel but when i do apt-get update! still receive update from old kernel? what's wrong ? how i can make it check update of my current kernel ?04:11
aksciGhoti: yeah! that's what! well, it can me my fault though! the copy speed was damn slow(200kps) so i cancelled it n tried to unmount! didn't work! so i just pulled it off! - same case with both of them!04:12
oldude67kad_, did you do update-grub ?04:12
chalcednykad_,  you replace what's in your repositories but i'm not sure how04:12
chalcednythere you go :)04:12
Ghotiaksci: hmm, that could indeed corrupt the FAT tables quite nicely04:12
kad_oldude67, what do u mean? i change the menu.lst only to new kernel04:12
oldude67kad_, so you have to do a sudo update-grub04:13
lexxyhello I need some help can someone help please, would be appreciated04:13
oldude67!ask | lexxy04:13
ubottulexxy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:13
kad_oldude67,  the new kernel i didn't name it  like vmlinuz-2.6.28-11-generic i name it kad-2.6.30 ! does this make effect since when i do update-grub give me old one !04:14
lexxyok, ubottu04:14
buckydon't be rude ubottu04:14
CaptainCrookhow to umount an iso?04:14
lexxymy jaunty distro seems like it is running very slow, what can I do to get better performance?04:14
oldude67kad_, it dont matter what you name the kernel you still have to update grub.04:15
kad_oldude67,  i did update-grub ! give me the old kernel not the new one ? why ?04:15
lexxyI dunno if I made an mistake by setting ubunt Jaunty on ext404:15
oldude67kad_, it has to point to that kernel image04:15
djdarkmanHello, I'm a frustrated user, because my audio is not working because of this abomination called pulse audio, is there a way to either remove it by not removeing everything else or making it not suck so bad?04:15
mattwj2002hi guys I need some help04:16
CaptainCrookforget it i got it04:16
kad_oldude67, i add this to menu.lst the new kernel and when i do uname -r give me new kernel! but on update-grub don't? how i can fix it ?04:16
legend2440Hallux: ad remove shows very few of the available packages. use synaptic instead04:16
AnnonyMouseanyone here able to assist with sound/keybindings config pls04:16
aksciGhoti: lol! yeah! but then i formatted them!04:17
oldude67kad_, is that the name of the original kernel you downloaded, and if not does that name point to it in some way..if not you have to name it the same as what you downloaded.04:17
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bucky!ask | mattwj200204:17
ubottumattwj2002: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:17
mattwj2002can I anyone help me find a good pci card that would have both internal serial ata connectors and external usb ports on it and would work well with ubuntu?04:17
kad_oldude67, download it as : linux-2.6.3004:18
toter_has anyone here successfully enabled open gl using vmware, virtuabox or parallels? I tried those 3 today and kde 4.3 still looks ugly, compiz doesn't work and transparency can't be enabled! I have a macbook pro!04:18
Ghotimattwj2002: any reason you can't just get one SATA card, and one USB card?04:18
MT-mattwj2002: newegg04:18
mattwj2002yeah I only have two pci ports :(04:18
kerm|tahhahaha i tared up my windows Mozilla directory, copied it to .mozilla, lowercased Extensions and Firefox, and it worked perfectly.04:18
oldude67kad_, yes if thats the name of what it was when you downloaded it thats probably the name you will have to put in your grub menu.lst.04:18
aksciGhoti: now just check what happened, i mounted the first screwed up thumbdrive, the file icon in computer:/// shows unknown type! n when i tried copying thru cli with root, it worked!04:18
kad_oldude67, okie i'll change to the original name04:19
Ghotiaksci: in a word, interesting.04:19
oldude67kad_, then do update-grub again.04:19
buckymattwj2002: get a motherboard combo on ebay.. upgrade04:19
aksciGhoti: so what can you say? what should i do with my second thumbdrive? try formatting it?04:19
mattwj2002you think it would be cheaper?04:19
bp0hello, i have ubuntu, and i installed kubuntu with apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, now how do i remove that? apt-get remove kunbuntu-desktop says that it will free 40k, which doesn't seem like enough04:19
Ghotiaksci: well, if there's nothing you want to keep on the drive, formatting it can't really do any harm04:20
bullgard4Synaptic: "The ABrowser refers to the unbranded build of firefox 3.0. Install the firefox package if you want a branded build." --  What does "branded" mean here?04:20
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macgyver_is there an issue connecting to a Windows 7 share in Ubuntu?04:20
kad_oldude67, still the same :(04:20
mattwj2002is it hard to take a processor off a motherboard?04:20
macgyver_places --> connect to server, will not accept creds04:20
Ghotimacgyver_: I'd imagine Windows 7 shares are SMB shares just the same as 2008, 2003, XP, 2000, NS, Me, 98, and 9504:20
canthus13macgyver_: wouldn't surprise me, what with all the sharing issues with vista.04:21
oldude67kad_, then something dont seem right can you paste the outcome of update-grub ?04:21
buckymattwj2002: what kind of processor?04:21
mattwj2002AMD X404:21
macgyver_canthus13, fairly annoying04:21
Ghotimacgyver_: Where they moved the Windows-side settings to is a whole other discussion :p04:21
mattwj2002the original version04:21
buckymattwj2002: not hard04:21
macgyver_I keep having to use a USB stick to get shit04:21
ctmjrbp0: try this http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome04:21
canthus13macgyver_: Heh. Vista has trouble sharing with XP, let alone any OTHER OS.  It wouldn't surprise me if 7 had the same issues.04:22
kad_oldude67,  i pastebin update-grub and menu.lst http://pastebin.com/m1531aa304:22
mattwj2002so it would be possible to safely remove the processor and reuse it?04:22
Ghotimacgyver_: you could look into setting up an FTP server on the Windows box and using that to grab your files if SMB is somehow broken04:22
buckymattwj2002: you got a phenom and you don't have usb and sata?04:22
mattwj2002nope I have sata but not enough04:22
canthus13macgyver_: And you don't have issues with the USB drive? Lucky you.04:23
mattwj2002I had to disable usb because of a weird motherboard bug or something else funky going on04:23
* canthus13 has been fighting with USB transfer issues in linux for months.04:23
joemdoes anybody know how to enable madwifi drivers on a 9.10 alpha install? is there a madwifi dkms package availabe somehwere?04:25
Ghotijoem: you might want to check #ubuntu+104:25
Ghoti!karmic | joem04:25
ubottujoem: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+104:25
joemthanks Ghoti04:25
Ghotijoem: cheers04:25
brenden__howdy from my very first Ubuntu install04:26
christopheri need some help.  I'm running ubuntu 9.04 with a AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core 5000+ with ATI Radean HD 3200.  my processor runs at 50% with nothing running.04:26
bullgard4brenden__: Good morning from Berlin, Germany!04:26
kad_oldude67,  any issue ?04:27
brenden__how the heck do I change my name?04:27
danbhfivebrenden__: /nick04:27
bucky /nick nednerb04:28
christopherHow do i check for the most current driver for ATI Radean HD 320004:28
oldude67kad_, im not real sure, not to use to grub yet, more of a lilo man myself...maybe someone in here can look at it an see.04:28
Ghotichristopher: system -> adminstration -> Hardware drivers04:29
kad_ok thx04:29
drewolsonhey all, i'm trying to create a ssh reverse tunnel, can anyone help me out?04:29
oldude67kad_, sorry its been a long day and im falling asleep...sorry04:29
oldude67night all04:29
=== brenden__ is now known as BrendenX
drewolsoni have a dead simple webapp running locally on port 4567 and i'd like to reverse tunnel the same port on a box i own back to my local machine04:30
drewolsoni'm running something like ssh -R 4567:localhost:4567 user@remote.machine04:30
christopherGhoti: I have that, but my system still runs like molasis when I watch a video, and cpu usage when I'm doing nothing is high04:30
drewolsonwhen i curl http://localhost:4567 on the remote box, i get the response i expect04:30
drewolsonhowever when i hit http://remote.machine:4567 in a browser, i don't get a response04:30
Ghotichristopher: use 'top' to see what's using your CPU04:31
bp0ctmjr, thanks04:31
christopherGhoti: how do i check which driver I'm using04:31
BrendenXso far I like Ubuntu a lot, very smooth...04:31
macgyver_Ghoti, nah, its all good, I dont really need to interact with the Winbox04:31
ctmjrbp0: your welcome04:31
macgyver_it was just to get music from it04:31
=== arif is now known as arifd86
macgyver_the least interaction between the 2 the better, less chance of Ubuntu being infected :)04:32
christopherghoti: xorg is using 5%04:32
eleitedrewolson: have you ensured your remote is setup correctly?04:32
arifd86Hello all. Are *.src.rpm files easy to make and install under ubuntu?04:32
drewolsoneleite: what specifically needs to be setup correctly04:33
arifd86just checking... I have a kernel i want to install04:33
christopherghoti: xorg is now 10%04:33
christopherghoti: what is xorg?04:33
drewolsoneleite: it seems strange that the curl to http://localhost:4567 works on the remote box but not hitting it from a browser04:33
bullgard4Synaptic: "The ABrowser refers to the unbranded build of firefox 3.0. Install the firefox package if you want a branded build." --  What does "branded" mean here?04:33
Ghotichristopher: xorg is what's presenting you with the graphical interface04:33
BrendenXhere's a noob question: does anyone know where my Windows drives would normally be mounted?04:33
arifd86Hello all. Are *.src.rpm files easy to make and install under ubuntu?04:34
mattwj2002under one of those sub directories04:34
christopherGhoti: why then when I watch a vid, my CPU sky rockets?  I figured it was the driver04:34
buckydrewolson: see the post What most people probably really want http://www.howtoforge.com/reverse-ssh-tunneling04:34
Ghoti!rpm | arifd8604:34
ubottuarifd86: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)04:34
danbhfivebullgard4: firefox the name and the art are owned by mozilla.  They are not FOSS.04:34
Ghotichristopher: what sort of videos?04:34
arifd86Ghoti, thanks04:35
Ghotiarifd86: no problem :)04:35
=== swoody_ is now known as swoody
Ghotichristopher: also, what program are you watching the videos in?04:35
christopherghoti: downloaded videos and youtube.  I also tried VLC04:35
arifd86better learn kernel compilng/patching the good old way then!04:35
orthodocneed help connecting to the internet...04:35
Ghotiorthodoc: if you're here, you're on the internet, friend :)04:36
IsmAvatarI'm running on a LiveCD. Is it possible to take the changes I've made so far and turn them back into an iso or liveCD of their own?04:36
BrendenXwell, that sucked, I disconnected there.04:36
orthodocGhoti, interesting isn't it? But firefox does not connect to the net04:36
SchizoidHello. I have a quadcore cpu and ubuntu 9.04, but it is only using one of my cpus. What do I do?04:36
bullgard4danbhfive: Having read you message, I still do not know what a branded build is.04:36
orthodocGhoti, I am using one of those plug in usb modems04:36
Ghotichristopher: I wish I could help more, but I have nvidia hardware, not ati..  Make sure you have third-party repos enabled, and check sys -> prefs -> hardware drivers perhaps?04:36
wizzorthodoc: what exactly your problem?04:37
orthodocwizz: am not able to connect to the internet via firefox04:37
Ghotiorthodoc: so XChat is working, but Firefox is not?  What errors does firefox give?04:37
christopherGhoti: I downloaded the new driver from ATI, how do i run a *.run file04:37
drewolsonbucky: that's exactly what i'm doing, but apparently requests coming from the browser are not seen as local. i'm not sure what's going on04:37
danbhfivebullgard4: it has all the company branding from mozilla, ie, the firefox name is used, and the firefox icon.  That is the company branding.  Mozilla wants to build a ff brand, and market that brand.04:37
orthodocGhoti, it says page load error04:37
sol93Schizoid: when you start two different programs with high cpu demands, they are run on the same cpu? or is it just the GUI, which uses only one processor?04:38
Ghotiorthodoc: and after that?04:38
orthodocGhoti, says firefox is in offline mode04:38
deexannihilateIs there a way to minimize pidgin to the task panel?04:38
Ghotiorthodoc: file -> (uncheck) offline mode, then try again04:38
Schizoidsol93: cat /proc/cpuinfo and 'top' etc only report one cpu/core04:38
danbhfivebullgard4: I think iceweasel is in the same spirit as ABrowser.  There might be info about iceweasel on the net04:38
sol93Schizoid: that was no answer to my question04:38
zimbresdeexannihilate, Just close it.04:38
IsmAvatardeexannihilate: Tools > Preferences > Interface > Show system tray icon > Always04:38
sol93Schizoid: did you try to run several heavy apps and look then?04:39
wizzorthodoc: isit happen for all site, or some of them.04:39
IsmAvatarthen close pidgin and it will stay in the trya04:39
orthodocGhoti, thanks that did the trick04:39
Schizoidsol93:  look at what?04:39
Ghotichristopher: you probably want to run it from a terminal (applications -> accessories -> terminal)  If it's on your desktop, then type 'cd Desktop', and then './filename.run'04:39
deexannihilatezimbres: when ever I close it, it closes the chat too04:39
djdarkmanhey, can someone tell me how can I make flash audio work?04:39
buckydrewolson: prolly you need to have port 22 forwarded from the router to your remote host on the other end04:39
orthodocGhoti, but thats not the problem actually04:39
sol93Schizoid: what cpus are used04:39
Schizoidsol93: everything is using cpu004:39
Ghotiorthodoc:it did the trick, but not?  *confused*04:39
orthodocGhoti, when i try and connect to the net via a lan it works fine04:39
drewolsonbucky: ah, that's probably exactly the case, let me try04:39
bullgard4danbhfive: And what is "company branding"? You used that word. My native language is not English.04:39
sol93Schizoid: i wouldnt be surprised, if the GUI runs in only one cpu04:39
Schizoidsol93: do you have a multicore system?04:40
orthodocbut when i make the switch to the usb modem firefox goes into the offline mode by default04:40
Roy_MHi I am trying to get my temporary items, stored in /tmp to be stored in ram rather than on a physical hdd. So i have created a 1GB ram disk in /media. Now, I want to remove /tmp and create a link to my ramdisk in /media. My question is: is it save to remove the whole /tmp folder and its contents as root and then recreate it linking to /media?04:40
orthodocGhoti, how do i change that?04:40
christopherGhoti: Says command not found04:40
sol93Schizoid: not really, i have only 2 pipelines (P4)04:40
zimbresdeexannihilate, To close the chat I have to use the quit option. Closing it with the mice will leave only the green ball on the right corner of the screen04:40
Ghotiorthodoc: I'm not sure how to prevent firefox automatically going 'offline'; I've never had that problem, I'm afraid :(04:40
Schizoidsol93: ok, what I am saying is SMP is not on in my kernel, the entire system is only aware of one of my cores04:41
Ghotichristopher: did you actually type "./filename.run", or did you use the actual filename? :)  You want to do the latter.04:41
d1sdain1I would like to update to firefox 3.52 is that possible in ubuntu?04:41
danbhfivebullgard4: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brand04:41
ctmjrchristopher: there is a pdf file on the website (ati) on how to install but in short ctrl+alt+f2 then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop then run sh ./ "run file "04:41
danbhfive!ff35 | d1sdain104:41
ubottud1sdain1: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY04:41
deexannihilatezimbres: thanks!04:41
orthodocGhoti,  next time arounf just disconnect your lan and try firing up firefox and it goes into an offline mode auto04:41
Geoffrey2anyone know when Firefox 3.5.2 might drop in the repositories?04:41
savidDoes ubuntu/linux have any fancy keyboard shortcuts for inserting special chars  (like in windows where you could use alt+numpad)?04:41
wizzorthodoc: may you can reinstall your firefox?04:42
orthodocGhoti, anyways thanks a lot ...04:42
Ghotisavid: you mean like ö, or ß, and the like?04:42
sol93Schizoid: i see... if it's just not the kernel, you might either have to modprobe the appropriate module or recompile... do you want me to try googeling?04:42
orthodocGhoti, the solution was simple and it escaped my mind04:42
christopherGhoti: the file name04:42
ctmjrchristopher: should be sudo sh ./"file name"04:42
Schizoidsol93: no, that is ok. SMP isn't a module you can just start.04:42
Ghotichristopher: try sh ./filename.run as ctmjr mentioned04:42
orthodocwizz, thanks for your help , i just had to uncheck offline to connect tot he net04:42
christopherGhoti: it worked, thanks04:43
drewolsonbucky: no luck...isn't the whole point of the reverse tunnel that i don't need to expose ports on my local machine?04:43
orthodocGhoti and wizz , thanks guys for you help04:43
savidGhoti,  yeah, pretty much any char that can be represented in unicode  (given a number, eg, 0x0B for °)04:43
mattwj2002hi guys04:43
MT-How loud should a 7200rpm drive be?04:43
orthodocGhoti,  and wizz , i gotta make a move now ...bye04:43
mattwj2002can anyone recommend a good usb pci card that is compatible with linux?04:43
savidJust wondering if something exists b/c I might just make something myself :-P04:44
tictac232434Loud? If in performance mode?04:44
aksciGhoti: well, after some formatting job, its working! but the transfer speed is pathetic!04:44
Ghotisavid: you want to assign a Compose key (I use CapsLock, many use the right Windows key).  System -> preferences -> keyboard -> layouts -> layout options04:44
deexannihilatedoes anyone know why the camera on acer doesn't work with eeebuntu?04:44
buckydrewolson: try a higher port with the -p 1999 option04:44
ctmjr!hardware | mattwj200204:44
ubottumattwj2002: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection04:44
savidGhoti,  oh cool,  thanks :)04:44
zimbresGhoti, your nick could be pronounced like "fish" if you get the gh from enough the "o" from woman and ti from emotion:)04:44
Ghotideexannihilate: because it's eeebunto and not acerbuntu? ;)04:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about eeebuntu04:44
Ghotizimbres: that's how I pronounce it ;)04:44
gogetaGhoti: lol04:45
christopherGhoti: how do i restart xorg?04:45
sol93Schizoid: I don't know the level of your knowledge... does this tell you anything new? : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91192504:45
gogetadeexannihilate: dunno abought cams to mutch04:45
Sp0dcan anyone tell me how to get proftpd started? I can only see config files in the etc/proftpd folder... thanks! :)04:45
Ghotichristopher: log out and back in04:45
deexannihilateghoti: :( it's worked for others!04:45
GhotiSp0d: sudo /etc/init.d/proftpd start04:46
bullgard4danbhfive: Thank you for providing me that link to a Wikipedia article. I understand that 'brand' is a rather broad concept, almost philosophical. But this article does not mention "company branding". What is "company branding"?04:46
Ghotideexannihilate: was a joke, sorry :)04:46
tictac232434I gots a network/Thunderbird question lol if anyone has time.04:46
Schizoidsol93: thanks. that guys problem is that his program is only using one core, not that his system can only see one core.04:46
deexannihilateghoti: i know! i know!04:46
gogetadeexannihilate: aaccoring to the fourms setting the rez in cheese fixes it04:46
IsmAvatarI'm running on a LiveCD. Is it possible to take the changes I've made so far and turn them back into an iso or liveCD of their own?04:47
sol93Schizoid: alright... looks as if the kernel should support smp already, do you have a standard setup?04:47
deexannihilategogeta: it didn't come with cheese it came with f-spot? it says no camera detected. should i just install cheese, change resolution too?04:47
Sp0dGhoti: it says 'ProFTPd is started from inetd/xinetd.'04:48
Sp0dsorry im a n00b :P04:48
Schizoidsol93: i have xubuntu 9.04 x64, kernel is 2.6.13-generic SMP04:48
danbhfivebullgard4: its the same as a brand, at least I meant it that way.  Company branding is any art or written word that uniquely identifies the company to consumers.  This includes any trademarks, both text jingles and graphic symbols.04:48
wizzgogeta: my terminal was crash. i forget what i do at last time. i can't write something there. its just blank page there04:48
DaZSchizoid: old so old o:04:48
DaZtu many olds ;c04:49
SchizoidDaZ: sorry, it is 2.6.28-1304:49
GhotiSp0d: no problem- it may already be running, try ftp; if you get a login prompt, it's already running.  If not, you'll need to sudo /etc/inint.d/inetd start (or if not inetd, xinetd)04:49
bullgard4danbhfive: Thank you very much for explaining. I wish you a pleasant goog morning.04:49
att0I'd like to make this command ( http://pastebin.com/m5e6c5bdf ) run as a bash script. How do I go about doing this?04:49
Chief_Hikeabikeanyone know how they can run quick time movies?04:49
sol93Schizoid: your'e not allone... I just saw a post about similar, if not hte same, problem04:50
gogetadeexannihilate: i duno they say it works out of the box04:50
Schizoidsol93: that might be my post :o04:50
Ghotiatt0: make a file, thus:  http://pastebin.com/m44bc26c504:50
gvsa123i forgot how to do this... but i can't see my windows shared folder in the ubuntu side of samba...04:51
att0Ghoti: As I thought! So any terminal command can be made into a bash script?04:51
sol93Schizoid: "Rave Junkie"04:51
Ghotiatt0: yep!04:51
gogetadeexannihilate: with cheese04:51
zimbressol93, And where do I fint information on how to program for multiprocessors? Could you help me?04:51
Ghotigvsa123: places -> connect to server04:51
att0Ghoti: Nice, would chmod 755 suffice?04:51
drewolsonbucky: can you show me an example of how the command would look with a higher port?04:51
deexannihilategogeta: i've had nothing but bad luck with stuff working out of the box! :( thanks04:52
Ghotiatt0: yes, if you want anyone on the computer to be able to run the script, which is moderately dangerous04:52
sol93zimbres: basically you just have to make your software use several threads/processes, and the system would distribute them. There is nothing hyper-special about multiprocessing04:52
BrendenXwhat is better, OpenJDK-6 or Sun-java6-jdk?04:52
gvsa123Ghoti: i don't get that part...04:52
gogetadeexannihilate: lol04:52
Schizoidsol93: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1232564 this is my post, what post are you referring to?04:52
gogetadeexannihilate: also work on skype04:52
Ghotigvsa123: you want to connect from your ubuntu box to a Windows share, yes?04:52
danbhfiveBrendenX: sun04:52
att0Ghoti: What do you recommend? I would like to automate it using cron04:52
gvsa123Ghoti: i installed system-config-samba04:52
sol93Schizoid: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1084713.html04:52
deexannihilategogeta: that i have installed but I haven't tried it yet04:52
gvsa123Ghoti: yep... i can see the ubuntu shared folder in xp, but not the other way around04:53
Ghotiatt0: then rather than making a script, just put the commandline into your cron table, or better yet, root's cron table (sudo crontab -e)04:53
ctmjrChief_Hikeabike: you mean downloaded quick time or streaming04:53
BrendenXthanks, danbhfive04:53
IsmAvatarwould *dd* be useful for my purposes, or would I need a separate program?04:53
Ghotigvsa123: okay, on the ubuntu box, go to the Places menu, and select Connect to Server04:53
DaveXim wondering if i can do a dist-upgrade with dm-crypt...my dirve is already crypted is there a howto someone can point me @?04:53
solorvoxdoes anyone know how to use network manager with a console only install?  I've installed it and see my GSM modem but need to configure/activate the connection.  (nm-tool shows it's disconnected, just trying to setup/connect now)04:53
zimbressol93, I found it very useful the webpage you pasted here, I have some heavy code to run here, and my quad core is coming soon.04:53
att0Ghoti: excellent. Thanks for the help!04:54
Ghotigvsa123: 'service type' would ve Windows Share04:54
Ghotiatt0: anytime!04:54
mattwj2002hi guys04:54
mattwj2002I can't find a good usb controller card for ubuntu04:54
gvsa123Ghoti: and the rest?04:54
prappl93Does Ubuntu have support for 3.5.2 Firefox?04:55
Schizoidsol93: that is interesting, thank you04:55
mattwj2002I tried those links you sent me04:55
Ghotigvsa123: 'Server' would be the address of your server (e. g.'), 'share' is the name of the share, 'folder' is the subdirectory of the share you want to mount, usename is, well, the username, and the domain is the domain (or the workgroup) of the Windows box04:55
mattwj2002no luck04:55
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY04:55
gogetadeexannihilate: i guess the webcam only works in 1 driver mode and has issues w f-spot04:55
bullgard4prappl93: You can find the answer to your question yourself by using Synaptic search.04:56
gvsa123Ghoti: oh.. i have to know the ip of the other system now?04:56
tictac232434Does this channel also support Jaunty x64?04:56
prappl93bullgard4, I am on Windows. I was just wondering if they had the support for it already. I am not surprised that it does. Lol04:56
gogetadeexannihilate: other stuff is listed as working04:56
Ghotigvsa123: you always need to know what you're connecting *to* when you're making these sorts of connections04:56
Geoffrey2prappl93, as of right now, the answer appears to be no04:56
mattwj2002maybe I should just format and go back to Windows :(04:56
sol93Schizoid: zimbres: according to help.ubuntu.com (and to my not so good knowledge), just using the right kernel should do the trick. Schizoid has either some special problem or the cores wouldnt show in /proc at all... i am still researching. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel04:57
gogetamattwj2002: wtf04:57
mattwj2002just kidding :P04:57
Ghoti!language | gogeta04:57
ubottugogeta: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.04:57
kindofabuzzprappl93, 3.5.2 works just fine for me in 9.04, just download the Mozilla version, or use ubuntuzilla script to install it04:57
gvsa123Ghoti: how come it used to be that i just configure it and then on ubuntu, go to places>network and then the workgroup computers would appear there...04:57
deexannihilatei'll google and check it out04:57
deexannihilategogeta: any idea why the task pane buttons are invisible?04:57
Schizoidsol93: the cores dont show in /proc04:57
tictac232434Does anyone know how to properly configure Hamachi to work on Jaunty x64?04:57
gogetadeexannihilate: no idea04:57
Schizoidsol93: it shows: cpu cores       : 104:57
deexannihilategogeta: it worked on live CD but once i installed they're gone04:58
deexannihilategogeta, alright thanks04:58
sol93Schizoid: i just don't know, but i guess, they should show up... what does  sudo lshv -class cpu  tell you?04:58
Schizoidsol93: ps who is zimbres?04:58
Ghotigvsa123:  you could try places -> network, but it's a lot easier if you know the info that you fill into the 'connect to server' box, at least for me.  As always, there's more than one way to skin a metaphorical cat04:58
sol93Schizoid: someone, who got curious about our conversation04:58
sol93lshw, Schizoid04:58
Schizoidsol93: yeah04:59
zimbresSchizoid, I just got interested on this issue about multi core processing.04:59
Sp0dGhoti: it looks like its running in the services now, i tryed ' as well as the local address 192.168.1.xxx' neither seemed to connect though... any thoughts?04:59
gvsa123Ghoti: hmm,... the other users might find the other way confusing. how can i set it up so that any system connected to the mshome domain would appear?04:59
Schizoidzimbers/sol93 is there a place I can post the output04:59
Geoffrey2I've been waiting, hoping FF 3.5.2 would become available from apt, but so far it's not there, even though though the lastest 3.0 update is.....04:59
Stralytic1anyone know what it will take to get a 2.6.30 kernel working on hardy?04:59
gogetaGeoffrey2: its there04:59
Ghotigvsa123: it's been a long time since I've dealt with a lot of Windows shares like that, so that's a bit out of my depth I'm afraid04:59
sol93Schizoid: It should show up in /proc. Use pastebin.com for pastes04:59
gvsa123Ghoti: oh.. that's odd... it's there now.04:59
Schizoidzimbers/sol93 http://pastebin.com/m152e345205:00
GhotiSp0d: could you pastebin the output of 'sudo netstat -plnt' for me?05:00
gogetaGhoti: normaly typing the ip in this fornat commects to windows shares //ip05:00
Geoffrey2gogeta it's not showing up for me, I've updated daily, and I still show 3.5.1 as being the latest update05:00
sol93Schizoid: Are you confident, that you are really using the SMP kernel?  uname -r  ?05:00
gogetaGhoti: i never had luck with thee wizerds not timing out05:00
wizzubottu: my terminal was crash, its just blank page and i can't write anything there.05:01
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:01
Schizoidsol93: updated pastebin post http://pastebin.com/m40640c9505:01
wizzubottu: what?05:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about what?05:01
_tunafishhey, can someone help me to get the unsupported plugins in compiz? using jaunty and latest version of compiz05:01
ctmjrwizz:  ubottu is a bot05:02
sol93Schizoid: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1062918.html05:02
innomenhi all, wicd does not show wpa2 as an option when i attempt t connect, is shows wpa 1/2 does that mean wpa 1 or 2 or some weird one half thing?05:02
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:02
ubottuBeer is always appreciated.05:02
innomenin either case its ignoreing my password05:02
Ghotiinnomen: that means '1 or 2' :)05:02
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic05:02
innomenGhoti, thank you :)05:02
Ghotiinnomen: anytime05:02
wizzctmjr: hahahahaha......05:03
innomenis there a way to have wicd show a tray icon?05:03
=== alves is now known as alves_rn
sol93Schizoid: what's the make of your MoBo?05:03
gogetai miss the bots old saying when you typed windows but they took it out05:03
sol93Schizoid: did you try windows? does it show the cores?05:04
Ghotigogeta: curious: what was it?05:04
deexannihilateanyone know how to permanent set Netbook Remix desktop, so it doesn't just open over the other desktop05:04
Ghoti!hi | alves_rn05:04
ubottualves_rn: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!05:04
gogetaGhoti: it bascly said they needed the guys in the white suits to come get em05:04
deexannihilatei've tried both netbook launcher and desktop switcher and neither wored for me05:04
_tunafishhey, can someone help me to get the unsupported plugins in compiz? using jaunty and latest version of compiz05:04
Schizoidsol93: i have a asus pk5 with intel p35 chipset, all four cores worked when I had gentoo linux installed05:04
sol93Schizoid: i see. thanks.05:04
SchizoidLinux 2.6.28-13-generic (gohan)         08/06/2009      _x86_64_        (1 CPU)05:05
spOvlc uses ALSA hw(0,1)   0 means card and 1 refers to device ?     for command line in mplayer i use mplayer -ao alsa:device=hw=0.3   , right?05:05
=== bc_ is now known as bc
alves_rngentoo is hardcore :P05:05
Ghotiit is that.05:05
wizzGhoti: my terminal was crash. there's just blank page, and i can't write anything.05:05
gogetaalves_rn: naa i love emerge05:05
Schizoidalves_rn: at least it worked :p05:06
alves_rni used for a time05:06
gogetawizz: we dont knoe just worry if it does it again05:06
Ghotiwizz: try, in order: ctrl+Q, ctrl+Z, ctrl+\, ctrl+D.  Any effect from any of those?05:06
alves_rnstage 1 :)05:06
HarrisonFI recently upgraded to 9.04 (2.6.28-14-generic) and I can't seem to find a debug kernel (it used to be in the metapackage linux-image-debug in older ubuntu versions), any idea what happened to it or if I need to do something special with my repositories to get it now?05:06
Sp0dGhoti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/248363/  It looks like should work...05:06
GhotiSp0d: you presently do not have any FTP servers running.05:07
gogetaHarrisonF: it should be listed as lunux-image-dbg05:07
GhotiSp0d: try sudo dpkg-=reconfigure proftpd05:07
Ghotino '=', just the '-', Sp0d05:07
DaveXim wondering if i can do a dist-upgrade with dm-crypt...my dirve is already crypted is there a howto someone can point me @?05:07
Sp0dGhoti: is there a diff ftp server you would reccomend?05:07
wizzgogeta, Ghoti: and i can't download from my synaptic and add/remove package manager.05:08
Sp0dkk ill try it05:08
alves_rndid you try "apt-cache search linux|grep debug"?05:08
GhotiSp0d: I generally don't use FTP; I use SFTP (FTP over SSH)05:08
kad_need help !  every time i install file give me this : make[1]: *** [_module_/home/kad/Desktop/sonixcam-module-20040526/src] Error 2 make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.6.30' (do u think something wrong with new kernel) ?05:08
Vicenthi, sorry to bother, nobody answered in samba, I was wondering why is samba allowing me to rename files that are owned by another user (can't modify them but I can rename and delete) it's kind of ridiculous, I'm guessing the upper folder permissions?05:08
Ghotiwizz: what exactly happens when you try? what errors (if any) do you get?05:08
gogetawizz you probly messed up ssomething but you might be able to recover05:08
innomenGah, it dosent give me any kind of error message just quits "not connected" as if i havent touched anything05:08
Baconizerkad_: you're compiling from source?05:08
HarrisonFgogeta, hrm, i am getting package doesn't exist05:08
innomendoes wicd have an error log?05:08
DaveXim wondering if i can do a dist-upgrade with dm-crypt...my dirve is already crypted is there a howto someone can point me @?05:09
gvsa123Ghoti: yeah... they can see each other now... didn't really do anything... but they do.. thanks anyway...05:09
gogetaHarrisonF: look in sysanptic05:09
kad_Baconizer, ya05:09
_tunafishhey, can someone help me to get the unsupported plugins in compiz? using jaunty and latest version of compiz05:09
Baconizerkad_: go to pastebin.com and give us the entire output of ./configure and Make05:09
Ghotigvsa123: glad to (sort of) have helped! :)05:09
HarrisonFalves_rn, i did in fact do that, nothing sounds remotely like the debug kernel05:09
kad_Baconizer, don't work ./configure just make05:09
HarrisonFgogeta, i did that as well, it really seems to be missing for me05:09
alves_rnVicent: did you see the umask?05:09
kad_Baconizer, http://pastebin.com/m7f022db405:09
Baconizerkad_: then take the output of make, all of it, and put it into a pastebin area05:10
BaconizerNever mind :P05:10
sol93Schizoid: you might perhaps simply have disabled the core in your bios.05:10
alves_rn<HarrisonF> did you update grub menu.lst file?05:10
losherDaveX: no idea. Just backup your system before you attempt any kind of upgrade. If it's  important enough to encrypt, it's important enough to backup...05:10
gvsa123Ghoti: np... i know the last time i used ubuntu, i had to modify smb.conf... and then after some releases, system-config-samba did everything... so i was wondering what was going on now.... finally have a permanent box i can run ubuntu on... :)05:10
ChinaHow to be the IRC administrator?05:10
gogetawizz you can try issuing this command dpkg --configure -a05:10
Baconizerkad_: it might be their problem05:11
Ghotigvsa123: yay! \o/05:11
Baconizerkad_: I doubt it's an issue with your kernel05:11
sol93Schizoid: doesn't look like a problem, that would be related to your MoBo. It is likely something else.05:11
gogetawizz if a package is messed uo it might be able to correct it05:11
kad_Baconizer, how i can fix it ?05:11
Sp0dGhoti: can you reccomend a sftp server please?  I think I'm giving up on proftpd, plus I like the SSH idea  Thanks!05:11
wizzGhoti, gogeta: it happen to my another pc. and i don't use it till know. i forgot what exactly happen.05:11
Baconizerkad_: try going into the channel of the software you're trying to set up, or see if there's an extra guide for installing on Ubuntu05:11
HarrisonFalves_rn, i don't actually need to boot it, i just need the kernel installed (for oprofile usage), but i can't find it in any packages05:11
GhotiSp0d: openssh-server includes sftp05:11
legend2440HarrisonF: http://ddebs.ubuntu.com/pool/main/l/linux/05:11
kad_Baconizer,  mean the problem not from my kernel? right ?05:12
Ghotiwizz: without knowing the error, it's hard to say what's broken, I'm afraid :-/05:12
CSullivanunder a constant heavy read/write load for a hard drive, which scenario would yield better performance: 60MB/s Read and 3% cpu utilization or 70MB read and 20% cpu utilization..?05:12
yabooapparently firefox when restarted did not open all my closed tabs, can I recover/reopen all my tabs when I closed firefox05:12
Baconizerkad_: I don't know if it is05:12
HarrisonFlegend2440, ah ha!  awesome! that looks like them!05:12
BaconizerFrom the Microdia website I see, it has some stuff to install05:12
Schizoidsol93: i am going to reboot and check the bios, but i am quite sure I never went in there and turned them off :p05:12
gogetaGhoti: hehe well that should be able to at least get apt going again05:12
Baconizerkad_: you did install kernel-package, linux-headers, build-essential, ctags, and libv4l, right?05:12
_tunafishhey, can someone help me to get the unsupported plugins in compiz? using jaunty and latest version of compiz05:13
kad_Baconizer, no only build-essential05:13
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Ghoti_tunafish: what sort of unsupported compiz plugins?05:13
wwwbryanDoes anyone know how to register nick names?05:13
Baconizerkad_: ...install that other stuff05:13
Baconizerkad_: then run "make clean"05:13
alves_rnis it the package?05:13
Baconizerkad_: then try again05:13
gogetawwwbryan: nickserv register password email05:13
wwwbryanthanks gogeta05:14
gogetawwwbryan: dont forget the / at the start05:14
HarrisonFalves_rn, yes, it looks like it is on ddebs and not the normal repos05:14
_tunafishGhoti: just freewins really05:14
Baconizerkad_: you can also try asking in #microdia if it still doesn't work05:14
_tunafishGhoti: I can give you more info if you need it, from what ive heard i need to downgrade compiz i believe05:15
alves_rn<HarrisonF> ok05:15
gogetawwwbryan: then when you wanna loginn nickserv identify password05:15
Ghoti_tunafish: I can't give you more than this, but I found a promising looking forum thread:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=70216005:15
ctmjr_tunafish: try sudo apt-get install compiz-fusion-plugins-unsupported05:15
w_a_n_dHi all.  I have a question;  I just bought a VPS running ubuntu 9.04 64bit, and I setup an ipv6 tunnel with my provider and all is fine there, however, I have ndone an 'apt-get install oidentd' to install oidentd and it works on ipv4 but the daemon is NOT listening on ipv6.  Can anyone help?  Do I need another identd daemon?05:15
kad_Baconizer, it give me linux-headers of old kernel ! i install new one05:15
gogetawwwbryan: or you can add it as a login in pidgin05:15
alves_rnbuddies i have a question too05:16
_tunafishctmjr: i have done that but freewins isnt listed there05:16
alves_rnin fact are two :)05:16
Ghotiw_a_n_d: might there be an identd6 or similar ipv6-specific ident dæmon?05:16
_tunafishGhoti: alright, thank you. checking it out now05:16
Ghoti!ask | alves_rn05:16
ubottualves_rn: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:16
Ghoti_tunafish: good luck!05:16
Stralyticdoes kernel version 2.6.30 require something funny in hardy to be upgraded?05:18
theatrookay, put on a clown nose05:18
deexannihilategogeta: i tried to register earlier and it told me my email was invalid?05:18
rwwStralytic: considering that the normal kernel version for Hardy is 2.6.24... yes, I imagine it would ;)05:19
bucky  /msg NickServ REGISTER bar foo@bar.com05:20
kad_Baconizer, when i compile new kernel i didn't do make dep ! does this make effect on what's happen to me ?05:20
buckySyntax: REGISTER <password> <email-address>05:20
deexannihilategogetaL tried again and it worked05:20
Stralyticrww: got anything more constructive than that?05:20
Baconizerkad_: try it and see ... since you got the other packages installed, have you tried compiling again?05:20
bucky  /msg NickServ HELP register05:21
rwwStralytic: I'm not sure what your question is. Do you /have/ 2.6.30 and want to upgrade it, or, have 2.6.24 and want to upgrade to 2.6.30?05:21
kad_Baconizer, compiling again the kernel ?05:21
Ghostrockhi guys05:21
Baconizerkad_: the driver05:21
alves_rni've installed hardy on a notebook, without any boot options. when i reboot it, i choose the option on grub and the boot stops. dont load the image, just stops on a black screen. anyone?05:21
Ghostrockhello guys i have a problem with smoothwall xpress who can give me little help plz05:22
Baconizerkad_: in your terminal, type sudo apt-get install kernel-package linux-headers build-essential ctags libv4l05:22
kad_Baconizer, i can't it say : *** Warning: make dep is unnecessary now.05:22
Stralyticrww: i've built a 2.6.30 kernel and it won't boot, i've got raid+lvm and when 2.6.30 boots it can't find the root fs05:22
DasEialves_rn: o further error message ?05:22
Baconizerkad_: then it is unnecessary ;)05:22
alves_rn<DasEi> nothing05:22
kad_Baconizer, it won't install since when i do this , it install the old kernel i got kernel 2.6.30 installed05:22
Baconizerkad_: run what I gave you, then try to compile the module again05:22
DasEialves_rn: tired recovery mode ?05:22
Baconizerkad_: you compiled the new kernel and everything, right?05:22
Baconizerkad_: then, IIRC you should have linux-headers and kernel-package, sort of05:23
kad_Baconizer, ya05:23
Baconizerkad_: just install ctags and libv4l from the repo05:23
Baconizerkad_: and try to compile again05:23
alves_rn<DasEi> just on cd boot an error  "DMI BIOS year==0"05:23
kad_Baconizer, installed them now :)05:24
alves_rn<DasEi> but boot continue without errors05:24
losherStralytic: I'll ask the obvious question: you included the raid & lvm modules right?05:24
DasEialves_rn: that's not too worse, can you boot safe mode ?05:24
alves_rn<DasEi> just on cd boot an error05:24
Stralyticlosher: yes, of course05:24
alves_rn<DasEi> no05:24
kad_Baconizer,  E: Couldn't find package libv4l05:24
losherStralytic: just checking. Start googling my friend...05:24
alves_rn<DasEi> dont load the linux image05:24
cajunI forget the terminology but I want to be able to just type novacom in order to run the program regardless of what directory I'm in.05:24
DasEialves_rn: are you on live cd now ?05:25
rwwStralytic: Ah. Well, like I said, 2.6.24 is the latest supported kernel version for Hardy. If you're trying to use 2.6.30 for some reason, you're on your own. The kernel packages at http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ may work a little better, since they're packaged by Ubuntu people (but are still highly unofficial) =/05:25
alves_rn<DasEi> hd led dont blink05:25
Ghoticajun: so you want 'novacom' to be on the path?05:25
Baconizerkad_: libv4l-005:25
alves_rn<DasEi> yes05:25
Baconizerkad_: And libv4l-dev would be good too05:25
kad_Baconizer,  libv4l-0 is already the newest version.05:25
Baconizerkad_: then it's installed, move on05:25
cajunsudo novacom is ok.  it's in opt/palm/novacom  i guess so.  still learning linux05:25
MindVirus1How do I prompt a user for string of text using the command line?05:26
DasEialves_rn: open a terminal ..05:26
MindVirus1I remember there's some command for that.05:26
alves_rn<DasEi> ok05:26
GhotiMindVirus1: read variablename05:26
sol93Schizoid: still can't find anything hintful on the web05:26
cajunGhoti: how do I do that?05:26
DasEialves_rn: sudo apt-get install pastebinit05:26
Baconizerkad_: just so you know, if there isn't a package available, but you know it's in there, run apt-cache search <package>05:26
MindVirus1Ghoti: there is some GUI version.05:26
MindVirus1Ghoti: starts with the letter "e".05:27
DasEialves_rn: sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit05:27
kad_Baconizer, from what do u think problem? new kernel not good?05:27
kerm|thow do i assign a keystroke to focus a certain window?05:27
Ghoticajun: if you know the location of 'novacom', you could 'sudo ln -s /path/to/novacom /bin/novacom'05:27
Cavisty^gerberis efnet down for all of u05:27
DasEialves_rn: give resulting url here05:27
Baconizerkad_: you installed the packages and -dev packages, right?05:27
kad_Baconizer,  or maybe coz i left the old kernel installed also ?05:27
Baconizerkad_: post the outpout of make again05:27
kad_Baconizer, installed them before05:28
kad_Baconizer, ok05:28
Schizoidsol93: my bios has no option to turn off cores etc05:28
GhotiMindVirus1: not on my install; e<tab><tab> shows all commands starting with 'e', and nothing looks like a GUI prompt to read into an environment variable.05:28
MindVirus1Ghoti: exactly; it doesn't look like it.05:29
kad_Baconizer,  http://pastebin.com/mc94daa705:29
sol93Schizoid: too bad... would have been a silly mistake anyways. I couldn't find anything interesting on the web. *thinking*05:29
MindVirus1Ghoti: really, in essence, I don't believe it reads into a variable; I think it just prints it out.05:29
Baconizerkad_: well, that got a lot farther :D05:29
GhotiMindVirus1: what precisely are you trying to do?05:29
MindVirus1Which is useful for `e<blah> --prompt` type of things.05:29
Baconizerkad_: have you tried asking in #microdia?05:29
GhotiMindVirus1: oh- echo!05:29
MindVirus1Ghoti: a little script to remove a kernel version completely.05:29
kad_Baconizer, nah this is another source05:29
losherMindVirus1: read -p <prompt> <variablename>  ?05:29
Schizoidsol93: oh well, thank you for trying to help05:29
MindVirus1Ghoti: no, that's not it.05:29
MindVirus1No, no.05:30
MindVirus1It's a GUI thing.05:30
codeshahguys, how do I check all the groups I can use chgrp to?05:30
sol93Schizoid: from what I saw on the forums, there is a _tiny_ chance, that a BIOS update might help.05:30
Schizoidsol93: hopefully some one on the forums will have an idea05:30
Baconizerkad_: I don't really know :<05:30
MindVirus1I saw it in Gedit.05:30
GhotiMindVirus1: sorry, I see 'script', I think 'terminal', not 'gui'05:30
Baconizerkad_: if no one else here can help you, you can always try the forums05:30
DasEialves_rn: ?05:30
MindVirus1Ghoti: losher: I'll show you when I Find it.05:30
alves_rn<DasEi> the note are not connected05:30
kad_Baconizer, i don't care for the source microdia, all i need to know is my new kernel working ok? or it's not good  ? :)05:30
sol93Schizoid: did you say, another Linux works with all cores?05:30
alves_rn<DasEi> im on desktop05:30
losherMindVirus1: you want something that will throw up a window & ask a question?05:31
Baconizerkad_: it's not compiling, apparently05:31
Schizoidsol93: yes05:31
MindVirus1Ghoti: losher: sorry, it was zenity.05:31
MindVirus1Found it.05:31
GhotiMindVirus1: are you sure it's not some function of another programming/scripting language?05:31
Baconizerkad_: the only way to make sure is to compile it, and try it out05:31
alves_rnbut i have 3 partitions: sda1=>swap, sda2=>/, sda3=>/home05:31
DasEialves_rn: any way to access/network it ?05:31
Baconizerkad_: I can't really tell you from here. If you've compiled your own kernel, you should know what all you're doing. ;)05:31
kad_Baconizer, thinking to go back to old kernel and check :P the 2 files05:32
sol93Schizoid: Too strange, since we shouldnt need additional software besides the kernel-smp-"nonmodule"05:32
movelahi, are there any open office for sale templates? automobile... thanks!05:32
krammer_evening all, why is it when I want to start firefox is shows up in the little box of the top left of my screen ?05:32
jpa--after i dual-boot ubuntu on a win-xp laptop... is there a way I can revert the installation?  like just make my computer forget i installed ubuntu on it.. give the partition storage space back to the fat32 drive, and just... leave ubuntu in the past05:32
Schizoidsol93: yeah, i still have my gentoo kernels, but there is no way they are going to work with ubuntu05:32
sol93Schizoid: if you're very desperate, you could try compiling a new kernel05:33
jpa--it seems that if i install ubuntu on this particular laptop, the fan stops working even when i boot into winxp05:33
alves_rn<DasEi> installation is ok, but after reboot dont init using hd05:33
jpa--and my computer is getting so hot it burns my fingers05:33
jpa--so this is sorta like Speed05:33
krammer_jpa--, delete the partition05:33
usr13jpa--: Yes, of course.05:33
Ghotijpa--: use gparted to grow windows to fill the hard drive, boot your windows CD into the recovery console, and use fixmbr to wipe GRUB05:33
GhotiNow I feel dirty ;)05:34
kad_Baconizer, think got this : http://www.nabble.com/em8300-with-linux-2.6.29---2.6.30-rc-td23528584.html having same problem lol seems from the kernel05:34
DasEialves_rn: from this state this is quite a crystal ball, so you can now only check the installer medium; else boot it live and chroot into hd to get access to log files/fixing05:34
sol93Schizoid: I give up. I wish you quick success!05:34
Schizoidsol93: thanks duder05:34
losherjpa--: could be coincidence. Maybe your fan has just failed. Moving part technology you know...05:34
losherGhoti: :-)05:34
krammer_evening all, why is it when I want to start firefox is shows up in the little box of the top left of my screen ?but firefox has a blank screen05:34
Ghotilosher:  :)05:34
jpa--losher: it happened the last time i installed ubuntu as well.. like 2 years ago05:35
sol93Schizoid: my dictionary won't show a verb "to dude", would it? lol05:35
alves_rn<DasEi> i've tried all_generic_ide on grub options because its a sis mobo05:35
jpa--last time, i took the easy (annoying) way out and just did a factory wipe of my laptop05:35
jpa--its one of those toshibia proprietary ones that have a toshiba reecovery cd05:35
jpa--no idea if it even has fixmbr05:35
losherjpa--: I do seem to recall some mention of fans running *slower* under ubuntu for certain laptops, but nothing that persisted into a windows boot...05:35
usr13krammer_: Does it say about:blank in the address bar?05:36
losherjpa--: off to #windows with you...05:36
usr13krammer_: So the whole window is blank?05:36
krammer_usr13, what i do is grab the little box and resize it and nothing is in there05:36
jpa--losher: either way, im sticking by my hypothesis.. im not here to debate the merit of that, but just find the correct process to take to get rid of ubuntu for now05:36
DasEialves_rn: you got to view lappis hd-syslog-file05:36
jopkehi there05:37
krammer_usr13, the box is this big [   ]05:37
Hilikusapart from /home is there any other dir that would be a good idea to keep separate from / ?05:37
DasEialves_rn: sure medium was good ? md5sum- and cdself test done ?05:37
losherjpa--: I wasn't being awkward. What Ghoti said was what you need. For where to get fixmbr, #windows is the place to ask...05:37
GhotiHilikus: /boot perhaps?05:37
HilikusGhoti: why?05:38
Hilikuslosher: fixmbr is in the windows installation cd05:38
usr13krammer_: Can't you make it bigger?05:38
GhotiHilikus: if you have /boot on its own partition, and unmount it after booting, it's hard to break your system in a way that prevents it from booting05:38
DasEialves_rn: does the lappi support boot from usb ?05:38
jpa--Hilikus: like i said, my laptop came with a proprietary toshiba rescue disc that contains windows on it05:39
krammer_usr13, yes but there isnt anything in there, this is weird05:39
jpa--but not sure if it actually has fixmbr05:39
usr13krammer_: ... by clicking on the corner and  drag it out bigger?05:39
jpa--it brings up it's own splash screen and UI05:39
Hilikusjpa--: just do a search on the disk05:39
BrendenXhmm, what's the best flash player to get? rpm? deb? something else?05:39
krammer_if i want to check my mail right now by using firefox i cannt05:39
DasEi!flash | BrendenX05:39
ubottuBrendenX: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash05:39
GhotiBrendenX: those are two unrelated questions05:39
Ghoti!rpm | BrendenX05:39
ubottuBrendenX: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)05:39
=== mehere is now known as mehere1
BrendenXok, no rpm's then.  I'll check out those links05:40
usr13krammer_: Is your system fully updated?05:40
krammer_usr13, i just removed the icon for firefox may it got corrupted05:40
rwwkrammer_: open a terminal, run "firefox -profilemanager", create a new profile, and see if it's still broken in the new profile.05:40
Ghoti!hi | ubudog05:41
ubottuubudog: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!05:41
DasEialves_rn: ?05:41
krammer_thanks guys have a good nite05:41
ubudogim on ubuntuforums05:42
ubudogas ubudog also05:42
JohnCDIanyone recommend any decent wireless cards for ubuntu without breaking the bank looking to spend around 5005:42
obf213anyone using chromium get the update that has a guys face for the exit button?:05:43
gogetaJohnCDI: belklins tend to work05:43
BrendenXthe built-in wireless in my Dell worked just fine, JohnCDI.  I don't know if that is useful for you.05:43
HighLordObsimy belkin isn't supported by ubuntu05:44
JohnCDIyea i got built in in my dell right now that im using05:44
sol93HighLordObsi: try wicd05:44
JohnCDIand it works but not very well05:44
gogetaJohnCDI: they have linux drives officaly05:44
JohnCDIits just a shitty card05:44
JohnCDIive got the bcm4306 right now in my dell laptop05:44
JohnCDIand ive tried a ton of different fixes ndiswrapper and the b43 drivers05:44
gogetaHighLordObsi: my belkin bg+ works out of the box in ubuntu05:44
JohnCDIi only get like 1Mb/s05:44
BrendenXmine runs at about 150kb/s, which is all I care about05:44
HighLordObsithe whole virtual machine thing is confusing the hell out of me05:45
sol93HighLordObsi: gogeta: i have belkin usb wifi adapters, too. Bought them on the same day, from the same shelf. Different chips, and they behave differently in my Ubuntus05:45
JohnCDIsomething that i didnt think would work is on my desktop also running jaunty i plugged in a D-link usb wireless adapter and it worked right away05:45
DasEiHighLordObsi: what vm is confusing ?05:46
sol93HighLordObsi: gogeta: I could make them work, by replacing Network Manager with Wicd05:46
usr13HighLordObsi: the whole computer thing confuses the hell out of me.05:46
BrendenXyeah so far I'm amazed at how complete and functional Ubuntu is05:46
HighLordObsii wish i could use my dlink laptop wireless adapter in my pc...that thing kicks butt05:46
kad_trying to patch the kernel when i use patch -p1 , give me file to patch ? which i use? the kernel file or the patch file ?05:46
gogetasol93: well you can always use ndiswrapper befor ubuntu supported mine fully it worked well that way05:46
HighLordObsiits confusing in that you have to set up more crap...well not really confusing more a pain in the butt05:47
gogetasol93: belkin makes a inux driver callled linux sta05:47
usr13HighLordObsi: Yea, some of those laptop wifi nics are really powerful.05:47
sol93gogeta: interesting... do you know, if those drivers might allow me to create an access point with my Ubuntu?05:47
JohnCDIhas anyone had just a great experience out of the box with a wireless card in ubuntu? lol05:47
gogetasol93: i just patched up a dell mini with one a 431205:48
JohnCDIi'd like to buy something and not have much of a hassle getting decent performance out of it05:48
gogetasol93: using linux sta05:48
HighLordObsithis is my first ubuntu experience05:48
usr13JohnCDI: Yep, nearly every time.05:48
abdduJohnCDI: yes, Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)05:48
abdduthe best way is to test before u buy ...05:49
HighLordObsii have a linksys pci card, but it has no antenna :(05:49
* Ermott has just installed Jaunty on my brand new home built computer. ... and it works....05:49
gogetaHighLordObsi: so you can just boost its power05:49
JohnCDIthe bcm4306 in ubuntu is probably the most annoying problem ive ever come across05:49
usr13Ermott: Congrats...05:49
HighLordObsiyeah, at one point i had it hooked up to an external tv antenna05:49
detrix1Hello everyone. I need some help with setting up samba.  I have it set up, I just need to know how to get a windows machine to use the printer on my linux box.05:50
gogetaHighLordObsi: laptop wifi cards normaly run at half power and linksys makes addons like high gain antenna05:50
JohnCDIwhat should i do when i buy a new card will the onboard make a conflict do you shut it off in the bios i havent really messed with this laptop much i got it for free05:51
gogetasol93: i have a bg+ belkin picma no issues w linux windows nedded a driver lol05:51
sol93gogeta: i read, that the firmware must support something specific, in order to use a wifi adapter for making access points. had no success so far.05:52
silenihello everyone, i just did the regular ubuntu update where it says like you have 2.9 mb to update and it had firefox in the option. after the update it said firefox needed a restart, but when i try to restart fire fox it is not starting up05:52
HighLordObsii have an old crappy belkin 54g usb stick at the moment...it bites a big one05:52
silenihas anyone experienced this problem?05:52
usr13detrix1: See:  http://us6.samba.org/samba/docs/man/Samba-HOWTO-Collection/classicalprinting.html#id262771605:52
Ermottwell I'm off to play Sauerbratten. Good evening everyone...05:52
gogetasol93: get a wifi roughter lol05:52
cattellarany other good menus for gnome that doesn't suck05:53
cattellari want a very customizable one05:53
detrix1usr13: thanx05:53
usr13detrix1: NOP05:53
usr13detrix1: NP05:54
sol93gogeta: my goal is to make my notebook share my HSDPA internet with others over wifi. would be nice, if I could do it without an additional piece of hardware.05:54
usr13sol93: install firestarter05:54
gogetasol93: i think wicd can kick a card into acess point05:54
anacrolixgreets, can someone point me to the right channel to discuss launchpad packaging issues?05:54
sol93usr13: that's not the problem, my wifi adapter wont work as access point, afai found out05:55
usr13sol93: Oh, well, you'd need a wifi nic that has AP mode.05:55
sol93usr13: you seem to have done it before. can you give me a tutorial or some other info?05:56
sol93usr13: never heard of AP mode before05:56
gogetasol93: acess point mode05:56
usr13sol93: Well, it's not really called AP mode...05:57
anacrolixanyone can help with issues generating source packages on launchpad?05:57
gogetasol93: not all wifi cards can do it05:57
JohnCDIdo you mean monitor mode?05:57
sol93oh.. heheh... that was, what i read... the firmware must support it05:57
kerm|thow could i assign a keystroke to change focus to a specific window or desktop?05:58
sol93can you tell me, how i can find out, which wifi adapters are supporting it? i would buy the right one05:58
sol93kerm|t: with compiz, it's quite simple05:58
gogetasol93: the one for the psp kilink has it05:58
gogetasol93: lemmie find it05:58
sol93gogeta: very nice, thank you05:59
vruizHow would I make desktop icons load to the right side of the screen by default (like a mac)?05:59
ctmjr!hardware | sol9305:59
ubottusol93: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection05:59
BrendenXhmm, I tried to install Flash like this like says, and it seemed to go ok, but I don't have flash support now. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash05:59
usr13sol93: If you are going to share with only one other machine, just use adhoc mode and install firestarter and tell it to share the connection.05:59
gogetasol93: i have one what was it name arg05:59
vruizHow would I make desktop icons load to the right side of the screen by default (like a mac)?05:59
kerm|tsol93: compiz does many things, can you be more specific?06:00
sol93kerm|t: i'll have a look, stand by06:00
silenican someone tell me another browser than fire fox.... it keeps saying starting fire fox web browser and then it vanishes06:00
DasEiBrendenX: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-resctricted-extras06:00
silenii want to try another browser06:00
gogetasol93: the datel wifimax06:00
usr13sileni: opera?06:00
BrendenXDasEI, I'll try that06:00
usr13!opera | sileni06:01
ubottusileni: opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser06:01
gogetasol93: i knoe in windows i can set it to ap06:01
=== c is now known as charitwo
gogetasol93: and i knoe they made a linux driver to06:01
sileniusr13: thanks06:01
usr13sileni: NP06:01
sol93kerm|t: If you have "Rotate Cube" active, you can use it's key bindings for certain workspaces. I guess, there are other plugins, I continue looking06:01
sol93kerm|t: of course, the "workspace switcher" can do it :)06:02
BrendenXno, too much junk in "extras" I think06:02
vruizsileni, Opera, Konquor, Google Chrome, Seamonkey, Dillo, midori, Flock06:02
sol93kerm|t: Rotate cube has a default key binding for turning the cube: ctrl-alt-left/right06:03
vruizsileni, There are others but I can't think of them06:03
silenithey have chrome for linux now ?06:03
silenihow is it ?06:03
vruizsileni, What exactly do you want in a browser?06:03
vruizsileni, not exactly06:03
silenijust internet browsing , and tabs preferably06:03
HighLordObsihmm...no sound...no internet...nice06:04
usr13vruiz: it's "konqueror"06:04
sol93gogeta: thanks, i will have a look at that adapter06:04
usr13sileni: There's also lynx06:04
sol93lynx rofl06:04
sileniusr13: that doesn't have tabbing though06:04
sol93sileni: in this case, you could use "screen"06:05
usr13sileni: No, but sure is a nice browser06:05
vruizsileni, Chrome has a dev build right now which is not very stable with flash. Other than that the browser works great. I have tested this. Flash works about 60% of the time. When it crashes it will only crash that tab (which you can reload right back) want link?06:05
silenisol93: really...06:05
sol93sileni: if you want a lighter weight browser than FF, give Epiphany Browser a try.06:05
usr13sileni: You might like konqueror or opera  They both have tabs.06:05
silenivruiz: no thanks06:06
silenisol93: yea06:06
BrendenXyeah I can't get Flash to go, it says "i386" is the wrong architecture06:06
vruizsileni, you sure? imo it's useful to have around06:06
usr13sileni: But firefox is the most feature rich.  It's the one I use most of the time.06:06
vruizsileni, fast06:07
silenivruiz: ephiphany works great :D06:07
silenivruiz: thank you though, i will take the link just in case06:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about screensaver06:07
vruizsileni, lol. You should try chrome though it's pretty nice even in dev. Really Really fast although I don't think webkit is fully implemented yet06:08
BrendenXhuh, after three reboots Flash is working... weird...06:08
vruizsileni, ok let me get link06:08
kerm|tsol93: can i assign keys to specific windows/desktops that way?  not rotating through, thats just like alt-tab06:08
kerm|ti know how to do it in kde, maybe i should use that06:09
sol93kerm|t: you can "switch to cube face #n" (rotate cube) or "Switch to viewport #n" (viewport switcher)06:10
HalluxSo I'm trying to install Privoxy, and it's giving me this error: Fatal error: can't check configuration file '/home/user/config':  No such file or directory06:11
HalluxAnyone know offhand how to fix that...?06:11
vruizsileni, http://www.google.com/chrome/intl/en/eula_dev.html?dl=unstable_i386_deb06:12
sol93Hallux: no idea really, but a blind guess: you might have to create the config, there could be an example somewhere.06:12
silenilol thank you06:12
HalluxWell, there's a config file06:12
Halluxwhich looks to be privoxy's config file06:12
badooI turned off dbus using server-admin and now I cannot login (keyboard no workee).  Is there a console-based equivalent so that I can turn dbus back on??06:12
Halluxin etc/privoxy06:12
Halluxbut I don't know why privoxy doesn't know this already06:12
dhongHi, all:  does anyone use osprey 240e on ubuntu?06:13
sol93Hallux: pastebin.com the etc conf file, maybe i can see something06:13
vruizsileni, Like I said flash is unstable yet it's google. What that means is it's still good reliability. So I have found06:13
spOno one really uses cvs anymore and people use svn instead?06:13
=== Azeem is now known as moymoy
vruizsileni, more over I am curious to what your opinion will be once you use it :-) Cause that's how I am06:14
silenivruiz, lol06:14
silenivruiz: thanks for the link06:14
Halluxthere it is06:15
sol93Hallux: perhaps this simple howto helps: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Privoxy06:15
vruizsileni, np let me know if you install it excited to hear your experience06:15
vruizAnyway guys I am trying to get my desktop icons to default to the right side instead of the left (like a mac) any way to do this? I tried to find it in gconf06:16
badooer, service admin06:16
mojo_hello everyone, my computer speaker is broken and I want to record a song play on my computer using GNOME Voice Recorder, is there a way to redirect the sound play on your PC to the microphone line? Please help06:16
Halluxsol93, that how-to explanation doesn't mention moving the config file06:16
HalluxIt seems to assume that Privoxy has no problems with where the config file is located originally upon install06:16
spOdoes svn replace cvs?06:16
sol93Hallux: read lines 35+ of that example config. does that help?06:17
HalluxI mean, I guess I could just copy a config file to where Privoxy seems to think it should be, but it's just kind of disconcerting to think that it doesn't know where its own files are06:17
silenivruiz: doesn't support my architecture06:17
ubudogi am back06:17
sol93Hallux: 37+06:17
ubudogfor now06:17
HalluxI'll give that a try06:17
ubudoggotta go06:18
vruizsileni, 64 bit?06:18
badooHelp?  is there a console method to turn a service back on??06:18
badoolike, well, chkconfig worked on mandrake?06:18
vruizwow know one knows how to solve my issue? Seems simple....06:19
Halluxlol I tried typing privoxy etc/privoxy/config and now it's complaining that it can't find the config file /home/user/etc/privoxy/config06:19
HalluxDo you happen to know the proper syntax to use to get out of the /home/user directory?06:19
michaeltry update-rc.d06:19
smxyCan someone tell me why this very simple firewall on my Ubuntu system will not grant access to my internal webserver from the internet, please? http://pastebin.com/m165180a506:19
sol93Hallux: there seems to be the leading / missing, so it looks like it understands it as a relative path06:20
Halluxi see06:20
badooHelp?  is there a console method to turn a service back on??06:20
Halluxnow it isn't giving me that fatal error any more06:20
Halluxinstead it's giving me another one06:20
HalluxI'll go try to figure that one out on my own first06:20
badooI broke my install, and am wringing my hands now06:21
sol93badoo: starting a service is done with sudo /etc/init.d/<daemonname> start   - but this will not make it permanent.06:21
badoohow can I make it permanent?06:21
badoosol93: any ideas on permanence?06:22
HalluxThanks for the help, btw, sol9306:22
sol93badoo: either you click it in the GUI or you tweak the init scripts (look for sysvinit tutorials) - there is even a command line tool for configuring init scripts.06:22
Lolikonhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7741425 <-- someone help me with an IPv6 Server problem, very simple .... if you have IPv6, you can help with no knowledge06:22
badoochkconfig worked for me in other installs06:22
innomenCan you guys recommend a desktop indexing app that wont have to reindex every 30 seconds from a corrupted index file?06:22
badoowas looking at tweaking the init scripts, but figured nobody would be that cruel06:22
innomeni cant work the default search, i'm doing something bad wrong, it cant even find any .mp3 files in my music directory :P06:22
sol93badoo: sudo apt-get install sysv-rc-conf06:23
spOwhat is noblock option for alsa in mplayer?  noblock, what does that mean?06:23
badoosol93 thx, will try06:23
D2Nis there any way to search INSIDE the file for a string ?06:23
w_a_n_dwhen I'm running oidentd via /etc/init.d/oidentd start it is using a -P command and binding to the wrong IP, i think this is the cause of my problems.  How do I stop or edit that option out?06:23
michaeljoin #ubuntu-cn06:23
sol93badoo: or sysvconfig - i dont remember, which one i used06:23
badoowill try now06:23
Lolikoncan anyone load this site [you must have IPv6 installed] ..... it is tinyurl'd because the domain name is offensive. http://preview.tinyurl.com/nohx5806:23
BrendenXok, flash and java now work.  Any ideas on how to locate where my C: drive went?06:24
innomend2n: yea thats what i'm after, tracker does, but its really flaky as far as the index file06:24
BrendenXd2n: in what context?06:24
howthefHi everybody, i have a question. is there a non-terminal way to mount a drive? Trying to mount a 2nd, 3rd and 4th HDD.06:24
BrendenXlike command line, or gui app, or what?06:24
thiebaudeLolikon, the link is broken06:24
Lolikonthiebaude, aka the site is not loading? Do you have IPv6 installed?06:25
sol93howthef: usually you just have to click the appropriate entry under "Places"06:25
badoosol93: of course, I can't get thie box online06:25
innomenBrendenX: Gui, for me06:25
unpersonDoes anyone here have an MSI WInd U100 (or other computer using a sentelic touchpad) that they've successfully gotten the sentelic touchpad drivers to work with under Jaunty?06:25
thiebaudeLolikon, yea, im using chrome on XP06:25
BrendenXhmm, ok, I'm not sure about a GUI version, innomen06:25
sol93badoo: think positive... you wont get borde this way *smirks*06:25
MHz128Is it "ok" to remove a swap partition without affecting the rest of the system?06:25
Lolikonthiebaude, are you SURE you have Toredo or IPv6 enabled?06:25
sol93bored badoo06:25
innomenBrendenX, you familier with beagle?06:25
BrendenXnot really no06:25
MHz128(I have 2gb of ram)06:26
innomenits apprently like an alternative to tracker06:26
innomenoh well06:26
innomenthanks :)06:26
D2NBrendenX: as in searching for a phrase in the file, like in windows06:26
badoosol93: my impression was that all startup scripts for runlevel5 were in /etc/rc5.d, no?06:26
BrendenXusing a GUI interface then, D2N?06:26
sol93MHz128: 2GB ram should be plenty for simple use of the system. You should get "out of memory" messages, if your RAM is consumed. I think its relatively safe to turn of swap.06:26
sol93badoo: sounds correct06:27
MHz128sol93, ok great! thanks06:27
badooand dbus is there, but when I boot, not so, keyboard and mouse are crippled...06:27
badooI miss mandrake I guess06:27
HalluxI'm new to Ubuntu and Linux in general.  Can somebody explain to me the reasoning behind requiring the administrator to use the sudo command in order to gain what seems to me to be privileges that an administrator account should have inherently?06:27
D2NBrendenX: both are fine with me06:28
thiebaudeLolikon, cannot find server06:28
Lolikonthiebaude, well, you are using Windows, probably your problem06:29
Lolikonbut thanks06:29
thiebaudeLolikon, np06:29
Vosshallux, In case the admin is a dumbass :)06:29
w_a_n_dHow do I change the command that /etc/init.d/oidentd is executing06:29
HalluxI see, Voss.  But why bother having an admin account at all, then?06:30
qpoi_When "installing" Ubuntu within Windows, is it a completely independent operating system when booted to?06:30
sol93Hallux: on linux, the root account is not a user account like "admin", but its a user "context" reserved for the system. Although you can make it possible to log in as "root", it is strongly recommended not to do so. If youre tired of typing the password all the time, install pamusb and use your flashdisk as key.06:30
Vosshallux, because linux standard has it06:30
BrendenXD2N: something like find | xargs grep -l <phrase> will work, I think.06:30
randall_For some reason I have to manually mount my swap partition every time I boot. Is there a way to automate this?06:31
BrendenXif you don't mind command line, that is.06:31
Halluxthanks for the explanation06:31
DasEiqpoi_: u speak of wubi ?06:31
D2NBrendenX: alright, I'll try it, thanks06:31
sol93Hallux: http://harald.ist.org/self-pc/tricks/linux/howto/pam-usb.html06:31
qpoi_DasEi: yes, of sorts -- whatever is included by default on the 9.04 disc06:31
BrendenXif you need to search a specific file tree, add it after the "find", like find /var | xargs grep -l <phrase>06:32
qpoi_DasEi: it comes up as an autorun application and offers the installation, and I'd assume that means it's based on wubi06:32
BrendenXthat'll search /var for the phrase06:32
DasEiqpoi_: there are 3 ways; wubi, as a vm or dualboot , in the line of 'independent' os06:32
qpoi_DasEi: wubi is indeed what comes stock with the Ubuntu iso then?06:33
SD39crap, i can't boot my install anymore. i get this error message. "cannot initialize /etc/mtab" any idea's?06:33
KebertHey all, recently upgraded to Jaunty from Hardy LTS.  Currently using the 180.44 NV proprietary driver.  I want to install the new 185 series or 190 beta NVIDIA driver, but depending on the version I either get a black screen or a distorted screen.  Anyone else have this problem?06:34
DasEiqpoi_: yes06:34
BrendenXmtab is your mount table, I think. We're you messing with it?06:34
SD39i messed with fstab06:34
BrendenXthat sounds bad06:34
SD39but reverted it to how it was before when it was fine06:34
SD39using live cd06:34
DasEiKebert : did you uninstall the old one first ?06:35
qpoi_DasEi: alright, and it's entirely independent // added into the Windows bootloader?06:35
BrendenXdunno.  fstab stands for "fs stab yourself in the eye if you don't know what you are doing."06:35
SD39it also talks about permissions denied on varius different etc/rc306:35
BrendenXtrust me, I really fubared a system once06:35
badoodoes apt-get install local packages?06:35
KoolDhow to manually set the cpu-freq to the max???06:35
DasEiqpoi_: no, there are 3 ways; wubi, as a vm or dualboot , in the line of 'independent' os (ascending)06:35
KebertDasEi: Yes with the NV script, just like when kernel upgrades are released.06:36
SD39damn, bendenX you really think it's shot?06:36
SD39looks pretty grim from what i can tell.06:36
DasEiqpoi_: wubi is handled by win like a file06:36
Neroshey guys06:36
SD39thats why i hate ubuntu sometimes. i mess with it for weeks getting it perfect. dabble with one thing and kaboom, blows up in my face06:36
DasEiKebert: view your /etc/X11/Xorg.0.log06:37
innomensd39: i have that fear06:37
SD39i'll go cry now :'(06:37
KebertDasEi: thanks, checking that now06:37
DeranderI am moving a partition w/ gparted.  It's going to take 10 hours (much longer than I expected)  If I cancel this operation, will the drive be trashed?06:37
NerosI have an old dell latitude c400.... problem is I don't have any way to boot it. can I install ubuntu to its hdd inside of an external casing then [ut it in the laptop and have it finish installing06:37
badoodoes apt-get install local packages?  I'm getting an error that it cannot find it06:37
innomensd39: I'm using a sync app to mirrior my ubuntu folder ot an external HD, apprently resotring will be a simple matter of drag and drop, i hope i never have to find out06:38
BrendenXit can be hard to fix (sorry, was reading Evil Diva) so you might have to re-install if man pages or online help doesn't work for you.06:38
DasEibadoo: possible from cd ? yes, see :06:38
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline06:38
BrendenXmaybe try the forums, they might be able to figure it out.  Post your files (mtab and fstab) there.06:38
innomenAnyomne know how i would get search to show me every mp3 file in a given directory?06:38
badooDasEi: I downloaded the package I needed, put it on my ubuntu box, and now need to install it.06:38
grendal_primedoes anyone know what the laws on archiving dvd movies is?  I own a small video store and would like to dup the orginals and rent out the backups so that when they get scratched i can destroy them and create new ones.  My customers would love this but aparently this is not legal?06:38
SD39yeah, i know. my files are all over the place right now. I wish i had a free HD at the moment to back up.06:39
DasEibadoo: a deb ?06:39
badooDasEi: yep06:39
innomengrendal_prime: better to ask forgiveness than permission, just do it until someone sends you a letter06:39
SD39i can still pull files from live cd at least.06:39
DasEibadoo: easy, but first, which one (jaunty?!) ?06:39
Nerosgrendal_prime: In the USA it is only legal to perform backups for personal use.06:40
innomengrendal_prime: fair use is always debatable, this is why we have lawyers and lobbiests06:40
badoochkconfig_11.0-79.101_all.deb on intrepid (9.04?)06:40
badookicking myself hard today06:40
innomenNeros: he personally owns his buisness, it depends on who you ask06:40
sol93grendal_prime: well, you have to check out local law, but you probably didnt earn the right to lend out the specific disc, but you likely have license to lend out one copy of the disc. I'd say using a backup should be legal. At least in my country, it would be. (Austria)06:40
grendal_primeMy understanding was that the box was the Liscences on these.  Meaning, if i buy 10 copies then i can make 10 copies to rent...so long as i dont rent out the other 10 im legal..but man all the info i find on the web says...no way even archival of dvd's is illegal.06:40
KebertDasEi: I checked /etc/X11/Xorg.0.log and the file doesn't exist on my system.  Any other ideas?06:40
eusu_kefuinQuestion: when I recompile the stock kernel of Ubuntu 8.04 (2.6.24-19) by downloading the source (apt-get source linux-image-2.6.24-19-generic), doing `make clean mrproper', `cp /boot/config-2.6.24-19-generic ./.config', `make oldconfig', I answer the questions with the default values, `fakeroot make-kpgk --initrd --append-to-version=mykernel kernel_image kernel_headers' and run it, the xserver boots with high-resolution mode but the displayed image is s06:40
eusu_kefuincrewed up. Does this mean that xserver needs to be recompiled because it is hard-coded with the video module of the stock kernel?06:40
badooDasEi: chkconfig_11.0-79.101_all.deb on intrepid (9.04?)06:40
cattellaris there a way to move all the menu's "graphics" "internet "  "accesories" etc inside a new menu called "all apps" for example??06:41
DasEi!info chkconfig | badoo06:41
ubottubadoo: chkconfig (source: chkconfig): system tool to enable or disable system services. In component universe, is optional. Version 11.0-79.1-1ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 9 kB, installed size 68 kB06:41
ShoeIs there a channel for just general disscusion. Nothing to do with Ubuntu?06:41
sol93!offtopic | shoe06:41
ubottushoe: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!06:41
innomengrendal_prime: if someone has a problem they will send you a cease and desist, and unless you are selling copies you'll have no problems beyond civil06:41
spOdo any of you use mythtv?   my cable box has Firewire, but my htpc does not have firewire  , is there any other connections other than firewire to use mythtv?06:41
Nerosinnomen that may be true but the law says he may only back them up for personal use (in the case of DVD's that is personal vieing)06:41
DasEi badoo : it is in universe, your sources.list in order ?06:42
qpoi_DasEi: by independent, i'm more or less referring to as far as the OS is concerned06:42
tvn2009is there a way in xchat to disable the announcement lines like    person (host) has joined  #ubuntu ?06:42
qpoi_DasEi: i'll explain the scenario to you06:42
innomenNeros: the law says what ever the judge says it says, and he says what the lawyers convince jhim to say, go check out the EFF, if these laws were cut and dry there would be no debate06:42
badooDasEi: cannot log in graphically, cannot get on net06:42
badooDasEi: all I need to do is:  chkconfig dbus on06:42
qpoi_DasEi: i'm trying to defuse an external hard drive of a very malicious Windows virus06:42
Nerosinnomen this may be true but it is always better to err on teh side of caution....06:43
innomenneros: application and letter are diffrent things06:43
innomenNeros: not really, not when every day he errs on that side he loses money06:43
qpoi_DasEi: if I 'install' Ubuntu on this machine (via wubi, assuming that's what it is) -- there will be no accessing the windows kernel from within this installation, correct?06:43
innomenneros: its a civil issue the most that will ever happen is a lawsuit06:43
Nerosqpoi_ correct06:43
innomenNeros: he'd have boatloads of warning06:43
DasEibadoo: you can use / enable network from trml ; k, but if you got exact version, can go : sudo dpkg -i  chk*.deb06:44
grendal_primeinnomen: im thinking companys like redbox must use a lisc schema like this.06:44
Nerosinnomen are you willing to stake you're income on his buisiness? if not I wouldn't suggest that you advise him to do so06:44
innomenNeros: yes i am actually06:44
mojo_How to redirect Sound Output to Mic Input using software?06:44
KebertHas anyone else had problems with using either the 185 or 190-series NVIDIA proprietary driver?06:44
DasEiqpoi_: that's a bad idea then, use a live cd or install to thumbdrive (usb)06:44
innomenneros: i'm 100% confident else i wouldn't say anything06:45
Nerosgrendal_prime redbox licenses the movies from the publishing company... its a bit different than your situation06:45
NerosKebert : besides power consumption not really06:45
grendal_primeit seems it would be rediculas to actually buy and warehouse all those copies, when they could just ya get them lisc like that.06:45
grendal_primebut it shouldnt be.06:45
DasEiqpoi_: I assume win still boots ?06:45
grendal_primei mean im buying lisc just like redbox is.06:45
qpoi_DasEi: that's what I'm asking -- neros said no, but which way is it?06:45
grendal_primeim just getting a box with the thing.06:46
qpoi_DasEi: for the record, there are no thumb drives available at this location, and no blank discs/media06:46
qpoi_DasEi: that's why it has come down to this06:46
innomengrendal_prime: you're exploring fair use, fair use is always debatable06:46
DasEiqpoi_: does win still boot ?06:46
grendal_primeya, i know...06:46
innomengrendal_prime: if you're so worried maybe buy insurance instead of paying for backups?06:46
qpoi_DasEi: yes, it's a clean windows install right now, but all of this mans personal files are on his infected external drive06:46
qpoi_DasEi: every time he plugged the drive in, it would re-infect the machine06:47
NerosDasEi: qpoi_ means if he is running ubuntu in wubi (which loads a loopmounted file) he will not be able to access the files on the local partition06:47
KebertNeros: Is there anything you know of that has changed with video handling from Hardy to Jaunty?  Ever since I upgraded I cannot get a newer driver than 180.44 to work correctly.  I either get a blank screen instead of my login prompt, or the screen is pushed down and to the right..  Are there any files I need to edit to get a "clean" install of the driver again?06:47
sol93qpoi_: only, if autorun is active. Use TweakUI or something similar to switch it off, then you can mount the drive and scan for viruses safely.06:47
grendal_primeIm going to call our video distributor tomorro and ask them about it.06:47
DasEiqpoi_: that might work, getting ot here, but I'd use an online-scan , f-prot or sth then06:48
innomengrendal_prime: and then call the EFF, and then call the MPAA06:48
innomenyou'll get diffrent answers06:48
KebertNeros: I'm on a Thinkpad T61 with NV Quadro NVS 140M btw.  AMD64 version.06:48
innomencall your state's attorny general's office too06:48
qpoi_sol93, DasEi: i took all necessary measures to disable autorun (including the vista patch), but i still don't trust that after the technical articles i've seen06:48
innomengrendal_prime, this is why they have intellectual property attorneys :)06:49
DasEiqpoi_: a question for #windows , install antivir on win, take online scan on that drive06:49
NerosKebert nope... ive only seen issues like that when using the older 7 series of desktops when they tried to use vga and dvi simultaneously06:49
sol93qpoi_: oh, vista... sorry, anything above XP doesnt exist in my personal reality... i don't know, how it is in vista. Should be the same, i think. You could just remove any executeable from the drive using a live cd.06:49
grendal_primeya but innomen the distributor does not want us to go down.  (they alsow would like us to have to pay them for another unscratched disk) so my thinking is they will error on the best side for them.06:50
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KebertNeros: Very strange issue.  I've been googling for weeks and it seems like I'm the only one.  :(06:50
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sol93qpoi_: remove _every_ i meant06:50
KebertNeros thanks anyway.06:50
qpoi_Neros: you said that accessing files on the local partition is impossible, also true of the windows kernel? no windows files are in use?06:50
_tunafishhey all. i downloaded a copmiz plugin using the "git clone" command and when i try doing "make && make install" nothing happens. there are 2 files and a folder. a src folder CMakeList.txt and throw.xml.in file anyone know howto install??06:50
qpoi_sol93: yes, i had hoped to do that -- but i'm doing this from hundreds of miles away, and the man i'm helping has no transportation and no extra blank media06:50
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innomengrendal_prime, everyone will, building a business is about risk vs reward *shrugs*06:51
DasEiKebert : which card is it ?06:51
qpoi_sol93: i had him acquire one blank disc initially, and he cannot boot it for some reason (bad media, or lousy dvd reader)06:51
Nerosqpoi_ say you have drive C: in windows. you install wubi to that drive. ANY file on C: (including the windows kernel that is installed in C:\Windows) is inaccessible06:51
sol93qpoi_: does he need to keep the software from the infected drive? Another issue would be worms (vbscript viruses, in docs)06:51
KebertDasEi: Quadro NVS 140M on a Thinkpad T6106:51
qpoi_Neros: excellent06:51
KebertDasEi: AMD64 build06:51
qpoi_sol93: I plan on destroying any software I find on the drive as soon as we get him in a safe environment06:51
grendal_primebut..hey...if they say "thats legal" them i can always sleep a little better at night..and if i get a letter, oh well we stop not a big deal..the investment is nothing more than a newer burner that supports lightscribe and some disks (about 100 bucks)06:51
DasEiKebert : sorry, no experience with that type06:51
sol93qpoi_: problems getting his new install online?06:52
KebertDasEi: thanks anyway06:52
innomengrendal_prime exactly06:52
Nerosqpoi_ if the files are that inportant tell him to go buy a thumb drive or get a blank disk and boot in al ive environment06:52
qpoi_Neros: he has no transportation is the issue06:52
grendal_primeMy customers will really like the idea.06:52
innomengrendal_prime you have plausible deniability06:52
DasEiKebert : best apart from google get the 180 back06:52
qpoi_Neros: we made one ubuntu disc, but alas, it did not work06:52
innomengrendal_prime,  you are clearly not trying to infiringe06:52
grendal_primeunscratched disks to take home...vs....spending the night trying to skip past bad spots.06:53
innomenthats all the court will care about06:53
sol93qpoi_: you said, he had a freshly installed sys. Windows?06:53
Nerosqpoi_ is the windows in question vista or xp?06:53
qpoi_sol93: yes, he recovered via the angel partition that laptops have06:53
JamesCharles/mode $me +x06:53
qpoi_Neros: vista, hence why I'm so scared of the inability to completely disable autorun06:53
richardcavellAm I right in thinking that in order to set up an Ubuntu computer as a wired router, one needs to have two Ethernet ports?06:54
innomengrendal_prime: keep in mind the cost of blanks + labor, ususally just mailing in dead ones for copies is better, as per blockbuster06:54
sol93qpoi_: i'd try to remote login to the machine, let the user connect the infected drive and hope, the sys wont get infected again. He could wipe the sys off again.06:54
DasEirichard: yes, common setup06:54
grendal_primewell ace the windows first...then mount the ntfs drive from an ubuntu/debian distro, use ntfs3g driver so its writeable, then use clam-antivirus to clean the files....WHAMMO DONE DEAL!!06:54
Nerosqpoi_ one option is to resize the current C: drive about 6gb less and install wubi... then go into the package manager and install the live package (to make the wubi install like a livecd) and install ubuntu to the newly created freespace06:55
grendal_primeSomeone here has done this before right?06:55
* TheSimkin waves goodbye06:55
glitchdanyone know about pluggin a laptop via ISDN cable into a desktop computer to get internet on the desktop?06:55
richardcavellDasEi: is it hard to do?06:55
ihavenoclueif I've enabled automatic logins for my main default created during installation user account how can I get the keyring manager to stop asking me for a password to unlock the key for my WPA2 wifi network? I disabled password logins so I don't have to enter a password every time I reboot, so muuh for that.06:55
DasEirichard: no, use server edition06:55
richardcavellDasEi: I want to share an Internet connection among computers such that none of the computers knows about the other's existence06:56
_tunafishhey all. i downloaded a copmiz plugin using the "git clone" command and when i try doing "make && make install" nothing happens. there are 2 files and a folder. a src folder CMakeList.txt and throw.xml.in file anyone know howto install??06:56
qpoi_Neros: what advantages would that offer over a standard wubi install?06:56
sol93qpoi_: http://antivirus.about.com/od/securitytips/ht/vista_autorun.htm06:56
KebertDasEi: I've got 180.44 now and it works well enough, I mostly wanted to upgrade for better performance, bugfixes, etc.06:56
xim_im trying to backup my .hidden config folders in my home directory (so i can reformat and repartition), and I have been having fits for hours tonight trying to make a copy of those files.  ive tried it in the console, in recovery mode, as a different user, through the gui gksudo....can anyone help me copy my files?06:56
Nerosqpoi_ that would result in a normal ubuntu installation that allows for normal accessing06:56
KebertDasEi: Seems like I'm the only one with this problem, unfortunately.06:57
glitchdanyone know about pluggin a laptop via ISDN cable into a desktop computer to get internet on the desktop?06:57
Nerosbut if there are two drives... install wubi. shutdown add in the infected drive then boot into ubuntu. scan the infected drive and you're  donw06:57
qpoi_Neros: ah yes, of course, but just by being linux (without wine), it will be immune to whatever garbage that drive has on it06:57
grendal_primeinnomen.  ya i dont know that i can mail these in.  Besides i much like the lightscribe look to the disks..otherwise we have to perm-marker our name onto the disks..sometimes its not easy to do.06:57
KebertHas anyone out there had problems upgrading to the 185 or 190 series NVIDIA proprietary drivers?06:57
fakeerThis is such a frequent problem on 9.04 Dell Vostro that sometimes I feel like giving up: "Your session only lasted less than 10 seconds.  If you have not logged out yourself, this could mean that there is some installation problem or that you may be out of diskspace.  Try logging in with one of the failsafe sessions to see if you can fix this problem". A pop-up window comes up with this message and when clicked "ok" or "closed" it just restarts the OS an06:58
DasEiKebert: err, did I give you the right path >> /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?06:58
Nerosqpoi_ most likely yes. it would be an oddity indeed for a windows virus to be carrying a linux rootkit as well... and stranger still yet for that rootkit to infect you06:58
qpoi_sol93: appreciate that link, i did the registry fix as well as the WU patch, but given the risk involved i'll play it safe06:58
KebertDasEi: that's a different path.  Let me check it out.06:58
grendal_primewe usually get about 2 copies of movies unless they are huge blockbuster movies..."gran torino " we have 10 of...if it takes us an hour for each title.  (we would make an iso of one of them and just burn 10 copys of it and stuff the originals into a softbag for long term(untill selling time) storage)06:59
sol93qpoi_: alright... i know your pain. I hope, you will survive it without permanent brain damage.06:59
cattellaris there a way to really shape a gnome menu the way i want, both menus provided by ubuntu are horribly bloated06:59
qpoi_Neros: yes, if it had a linux rootkit, it would still have to be executed -- and even then, it would be isolated to that environment06:59
sol93cattellar: right click the menu and edit them06:59
Nerosqpoi_ exactly07:00
DasEirichard: you would need a switch at one of the router's nic, then have to configure the machines not to have same domain and some more stuff, like make them irresponsible to ping and stuff07:00
cattellarsol93, i know, but there are things i cant erase from it07:00
sol93cattellar: specifically?07:00
innomengrendal_prime, sounds good to me man, i dont think anyone will care, the big thing these days is streaming07:00
richardcavellDasEi: irresponsive you mean07:00
qpoi_sol93: i can handle situations like this with ease when i've got physical access to a machine, but when you're dealing with an already frustrated non-technical end-user from several states over, there's just no room for mistakes07:00
cattellarabout gnome .... connect to server ...about ubuntu ...network ...search for files .... etc07:00
qpoi_sol93: esp. when said person has no transportation07:00
sol93qpoi_: as i said, i know this kind of situation. Good hunting!07:00
innomenqpoi_: god aint that the truth, i quit the tech support business over just that type of thing.07:01
codename47hi can somone help me or send me in the right direction07:01
richardcavellDasEi: So I can configure the router not to route packets from one of the daughter computers to one of the others easily enough?07:01
DasEirichard: yes, but this has to be done not on the router but on the single machines, they can otherwise see each other through the switch07:01
spOwhat is a better video driver for mplayer ,  xv or gl2 ?  Also, how come it doesn't list my ati video driver that i isntalled?07:01
cattellari want some sort of mintMenu, but without the horridness and bloatness07:01
grendal_primeinnomen the other thing is..(and this is  a bit grey area of course,) is that i could see us buying 5 copies of something and it turning out to be that we need 10...ok we run off 10 for the night and pick up 5 more in the morning.)  If i was to get audited that morning i would be screwed..but i just cant see anyone being that anal about that sort of stuff.07:01
klownIs it possible to run both ventrilo, and teamspeak out of the same usb headset?07:01
KebertDasEi:  I'm looking through the file now.  I recall the error said something about "freetype" and "glx" modules not found, if that helps.07:02
AscavasaionMy Ubuntu installation runs wonderfully but the moment I open Nicotine and it is open for a few minutes the computer freezes.  Mouse clicks die, and the keyboard becomes totally unresponsive.  any ideas?07:02
richardcavellDasEi: Yeah, well I don't want them seeing each other through the switch.  Is the only way I can handle this to put each of them on its own NIC?07:02
qpoi_sol93, Neros, DasEi: appreciate the time and effort, will go ahead and do the wubi route07:02
pfruanhi,any know how can i use a script to auto install mysql-server07:02
richardcavellDasEi: Or buy a switch that has the ability to forbid packets from going from one machine to another07:02
pfruani dont wanna set root pwd by manual07:02
qpoi_innomen: ahah, yes, it's a tricky task indeed07:02
innomengrendal_prime, that would be illegal definitely, you could argue it like anything else but i think you'd ahve to pay someone07:03
DasEiqpoi_: good effort, but online is more complete then clamav07:03
sol93cattellar: i dont know mint menu. what do you want to remove?07:03
innomengrendal_prime, better off just telling them to come back later07:03
cattellarsol93, about gnome .... connect to server ...about ubuntu ...network ...search for files .... etc07:03
DasEirichardcavell: sure , if you can afford a managed switch07:03
pfruanhi,all busy now?07:03
qpoi_DasEi: i'm flat out nuking any executable code that I find07:03
grendal_primeinnomen: ya i agree. its just i can see that sort of thing happening.07:03
qpoi_DasEi: so it shouldn't even be necessary to scan07:03
innomengrendal_prime, well, then buy 10 up front :)07:03
qpoi_DasEi: at least any code or autorun files in the root of the drive07:03
sol93cattellar: so you basically want to kill everything except the normal stuff, you could edit anyways?07:03
klownis it possible to run both ventrilo and teamspeak, and have their outputs and inputs directed to the same usb headset07:04
richardcavellDasEi: so a normal switch won't do such a thing?07:04
spOanyone know what is a better driver xv or gl2 and how come mplayer does not list ati as a driver?07:04
grendal_primeit would be a deterant for people to not do that...you now see how this goes..wooo shit...beter than i thought stock up.  .07:04
pfruanany know how can i auto install mysql-server ,skip root pwd setting by manual07:04
grendal_primealright well like i say im going to talk to vdp in the morning about it...ill let you know what they say.07:04
innomengrendal_prime, yea07:04
DasEirichardcavell: no, that connects evrything to everywhere07:04
innomenhey guys is this a fully formed command? find ~/Music -name '*.mp3' -exec mv {} ~/Desktop/folder \;07:04
cattellarsol93, i want to remove things that i dont want07:05
cattellarsol93, it really annoys me to have all that bloat07:05
sol93cattellar: i am not a mind reader07:05
innomencan i do that witht he search gui in some way like i could in windows?07:05
cattellarsol93, basically yes what you said07:05
innomenor A search gui, i dont mind downloading something new07:05
sol93cattellar: i am on it07:05
cattellarsol93, what do you mean?07:06
richardcavellDasEi: I want to get a cable modem that will be extremely fast and reliable and I want to connect a whole bunch of computers through it07:06
richardcavellDasEi: I want each of them to think that it's the only computer getting any bandwidth07:06
Guest38006my mom said there is problem's in her desktop and as i see it, the home folder icon in desktop showed only desktop and examples as folders when there was other contents.. and when i open it in file browser, it is was like a loop between the user-home folder and desktop, if you click on home folder it shows desktop and examples as content. if you click on desktop, again only home folder appears and that loop goes on.. i deleted that icon on desktop and a07:06
sol93cattellar: i am looking for a way to remove those additional entries. Currently I am looking in gconf-editor07:06
DasEirichardcavell: if there are not too many machines, single nics will be much cheaper, else I don't know  for sure if there are still hubs out that only forward to an uplink (to the router)07:06
cattellarsol93, awesome, thanks for helping me07:06
WIGGMPkHas anyone had any issues with Jaunty, experiencing unusually high CPU usage out of Xorg, and system monitor is pretty vague and borderline non-helpful about what process it is...07:07
Slartinnomen: looks good to me07:07
richardcavellDasEi: Can the average motherboard cope with multiple NICs?  Can Ubuntu cope with it with no issue?07:07
DasEirichardcavell: sure, depends on your slots, and usb is also possible07:07
innomenslart: cool, thanks, do you see what is being done there? "look in this directory find every mp3 under here, now move them here" can that be done with a gui? like "show me every .txt file under this folder"07:08
richardcavellDasEi: you mean usb to ethernet adapter?07:08
Slartinnomen: sure.. you could replace "mv {} ~/Desktop/folder" with "gedit {}" and it would open a text editor window for each file07:09
DasEirichardcavell: yes, case of slots up; multi-jack nics are also for richies mostly07:09
Kebertrichardcavell: you could pick up a WRT54GL, throw Tomato on it and enable AP Isolation.  Connect them wirelessly, and no machine will be able to talk to the other.07:09
Guest38006SHORT VERSION: a symlink kinda thing as desktop icon for home folder and which makes it an infinite loop of path between desktop and home folder.. can that be a sign of any kind of malicious activity?07:09
richardcavellDasEi: I didn't understand that07:10
richardcavellKebert: I didn't understand that either.07:10
DasEirichardcavell: for just that routing thing, a PIII500 will do fine, or even smaller07:10
richardcavellDasEi: yeah, if I set up a computer with Ubuntu server as a router it won't even have a GUI07:10
innomenslart: ok, heh, i dont want to open every file in a seperate window, i dont even want to open the files, i'm just curious if there is any app that will shopw me every given file in a directory no matter how far they are nested07:10
gralcohi, I'm trying to update chromium but in update manager its gray and uncheckable, what should I do07:11
DasEirichardcavell: slots up = no more space for additonal nics; multi-socket nics are also available in server market07:11
innomenlike the graphical equivilant of "dir /s *.mp3"07:11
Guest38006ULTRA SHORT VERSION:I know viruses are not there on gnu but should we care about possibly unknown symlinks?07:11
phill_anybody in the house07:11
Kebertrichardcavell: AP Isolation will put the router into a mode so that each machine can connect wirelessly and will be able to surf the net.  Communication from machine to machine will not be permitted.  Easy to set up also.  But, you'd have to go the wireless route.07:11
cattellarsol93, look at this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=35079007:11
Kebertrichardcavell: not sure if that fits your situation.07:11
Slartinnomen: oh.. you mean like that.. no, I don't think there is such an app..  you can do searches that way with "grep" though.. but nothing that shows you every text file.. at least not with a gui07:12
BadisHey, Im currently reading about internet security and I would like to try out the things I read about ssh and tunneling your traffic. it would be neat, the problem is I want to find a server with a free shell account that can do that, does anyone have a link to provide? (yes, I have googled)07:12
BrendenXdoes anyone know how to test what file system an unmounted drive has? /dev/sda1 for example?07:12
HighLordObsihmm...apparently it did recognize my adapter out of the box07:12
Guest38006unknown as in i don't know whether those symlink was user generated or product of a malicious program!07:12
richardcavellKebert: not really07:12
innomenslart: alright thats what i thought just wanted a second opinion, thanks man :)07:12
Slartinnomen: you're welcome07:12
Guest38006am i not making sense??07:12
sol93cattellar: yea, there are many .desktop files in /usr/share/applications - you probably have to simply delete the approriate ones07:12
DasEiBrendenX: sudo fdisk -l07:12
richardcavellKebert: I'm going to use a cable modem.  1 megabyte / second is about the benchmark.  I don't want to put all of that over wireless.  Stability is a major issue.07:12
BrendenXthanks, DasEi07:13
Kebertrichardcavell: not sure, never tried setting it up like that, sorry.07:13
phill_i woulld like to learn how to program a website any help guys?07:13
richardcavellDasEi: Kebert okay guys, thanks for some ideas.07:14
DasEirichardcavell: hmm, apart from bandwith a nice solution07:14
phill_welcome danske07:14
sol93cattellar: looks like i will need a little time... if youre willing to wait, i will boot up the other machine and play around, until i found it.07:15
cattellarsol93, oh it's working now07:15
cattellarsol93, i deleted the files and they no longer appear :)07:15
sol93cattellar: what did you do?07:15
cattellarjust like that07:15
DasEiphill_: w3schools< google, see also :07:15
ubottuhtml is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/07:15
sol93aah... alright... now it's just a question of which files... would you please tell me? i want to make a script for that07:15
innomenis there an alternative tot he terminal window? i cant stand not being able to hit home and the like, i want normal text controls like control arrow word jumps07:15
phill_thanks obuntu07:16
cattellarsol93, a list of the things i consider should go?07:16
innomenfind ~/Audio/Music -name '*.mp3' -exec mv {} ~/Audio/Music \; will that make my machine blow up?07:16
phill_obuttu does it take long to understand the codes07:16
sol93cattellar: yes. if you find out, which files they are, i would like to know, what i have to delete to clean up everything, except for the normal applications/preferences/admin entries07:16
DasEi!brain | phill_07:16
ubottuphill_: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots07:16
gogetainnomen: lol blow up07:17
cattellarsol93, ok i'll give you a list in a few mins07:17
richardcavellinnomen: why the single quotes?07:17
phill_thanks buddy07:17
spOi don't understand,   ati allows me to install a FGLRX driver, but mplayer does not detect it or it does not support it?   how is xv or gl  going to be a better driver than what ati provides?07:17
cattellarsol93, do you still want places?07:17
innomeninnomen i dont know i'm stealing and adapting.07:17
gogetainnomen: kinda a bit long when you can just do mv *mp3 /new/spot07:17
spOis xv better driver than gl?07:17
gogetainnomen: sorry *.mp307:18
sol93cattellar: how did you reload the menu for reflecting the changes? i want to be able to remove everything, if possible07:18
innomengogeta, not if its nested07:18
richardcavellinnomen: Also the last backslash doesn't make sense07:18
innomeni'm pulling files out of tons of random directories07:18
richardcavellinnomen: I'm not an expert but I wouldn't try that command07:18
phill_let me try and c if i will understand a thing from it07:18
cattellarsol93, it reloaded by itself07:18
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gogetainnomen: if you wanna move every mp3 on your drive just do that in the root dir07:19
innomenrichardcavell, dammit see thats why i wanted a gui :P i want to SEE what is happening07:19
gogetainnomen: dont suggest it07:19
gogetainnomen: being some might be system files07:19
innomengogeta, not in my whole drive, just all the ones in audio/music07:19
richardcavellinnomen: Just type cd / then locate *.mp3 and cd into each directory and mv *.mp3 /new/folder07:19
spOis xv the best driver for mplayer or vlc?07:19
innomenrichardcavell, lmao07:20
gogetainnomen: then cd into that dir mv *.mp307:20
klownis it possible to run both ventrilo and teamspeak, and have their outputs and inputs directed to the same usb headset07:20
gogetait should move everything even sub folders07:20
innomeni dont want sub folders i want whats IN the subfolders moved to a single directory07:20
gogetainnomen: i mean all the mp3 files07:20
DasEiinnomen: go with a mixture from locate and cp -r then, delete afterwards, safer07:21
XRigany suggestions for a good graphic programing editor that is not an IDE07:21
gogetaDasEi: trye07:21
gogetainnomen: cp -r *.mp307:21
innomendasei: i have no way of verifiying that everything copied, i'd have to search the billion directories, which brings me back where i am now07:21
gogetathen delete em after07:22
innomenwhy cant sopmeone just write a functional file search utility ? *sigh*07:22
gogeta-r makes it do into every dir07:22
innomengogeta, whats -r mean?07:22
innomenlike dir /s07:22
DasEiinnomen: change to your root dir ..07:22
DasEiinnomen: sudo updatedb07:22
ActionParsnipinnomen: try find -exec ;)07:22
innomenActionParsnip, your smily makes me scareded :)07:23
gogetacp r ill copy everything from your even stuff inside other folders folder07:23
ActionParsnipinnomen: its extremely powerful07:23
innomengogeta, cool07:23
innomenDasEi, whats updatedb?07:23
DasEiinnomen: db= database07:24
qpoi_Neros: one more question about wubi if you might happen to know -- the installer offers varied installation sizes. is the virtual drive expandable up to that amount, or is it a static preformatted amount?07:24
innomenDasEi, why would that help me?07:24
DasEiinnomen: pre-face for locate, to be sure07:24
spOati has a company/proprietary  driver for Xwin/x11, but mplayer does not support it? why not?  apparently it supports xv driver, that is the best driver it got?  if that is so, then could it be just as good/fast as the proprietary driver?07:24
gogetainnomen: just cd into the folder with all the mp3s and mp3s in other folders and use cp -r07:24
DasEiinnomen:done ?07:24
gogetaeverything will copy inside your new folder07:25
klownis it possible to run both ventrilo and teamspeak, and have their outputs and inputs directed to the same usb headset07:25
MindVirusHello. What package has Python wx bindings?07:25
innomengogeta, what if it find files of same name?07:25
innomenwill it rename or overwrite?07:25
gogetainnomen: it will ask you if you wanna skip or overright07:25
_tunafishhello. im getting an error when trying to install a plugin in jaunty for compiz using cmake. i ran "cmake CMakeLists.txt" and got an out put of: Adjust CMAKE_MODULE_PATH to find FindCompiz.cmake.... any ideas?07:26
innomenahhh good07:26
ActionParsnipspO: best is an opinion and therefore not concrete07:26
qpoi_er, it seems that neros is no longer here. would anyone else know an answer to that? wubi uses static or expandable virtual drives?07:26
innomenso then this thread is fully of people making a big deal of nothing07:26
DasEiinnomen:  locate *.mp307:26
DasEiinnomen:  do you already have a folder to copy to ?07:27
MindVirusAnyone know?07:27
innomenDasEi, now but i can make one easy, i was kind of hoping to simply move them to the root music directoruy07:27
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DasEiinnomen:  use -i option in cp to be asked07:27
innomenlike audio/music/subdir/subdir/*.mp3 to audio/music/*.mp307:28
DasEiinnomen:  bad idea, give it a folder07:28
ActionParsnipqpoi_: the static gives a fixed size like your physical drive/s. the expandable one will report a size t othe OS bt only be as big as the data you need for wubi07:28
gartralhow do i clear alib sound buffer from programs that quit before the buffers were deleted?07:28
qpoi_ActionParsnip: yes--i'm familiar with that behavior in virtualbox and such, but wubi does not specify which it uses07:28
qpoi_ActionParsnip: would you happen to know?07:28
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innomengah this is hopeless, this is really a barrier for new adopters07:28
innomenwhat good is the search button in gnome?07:29
ActionParsnipqpoi_: no idea. i detest wubi07:29
MindVirusinnomen: sadly, this is not paid support.07:29
innomenwhy even have it if its not even as powerful as Dir07:29
gogetainnomen: cp -r *.mp3 /new/folder07:29
qpoi_innomen: would be good to raise that issue on ubuntu brainstorm or something07:29
cattellarsol93, almost done07:29
innomenMindVirus, did i say it was?07:29
MindVirusinnomen: I was not giving you attitude.07:29
gogetaqpoi_: why all linux can do it07:30
ActionParsnipinnomen: mkdir ~/found; find -name "*.mp3" -exec cp {} ~/found \;07:30
qpoi_gogeta: what?07:30
gogetaqpoi_: with that command right there07:30
innomenqpoi_, yea, i plan too, but before i do that i want to make sure i'm not missing something well known07:30
DasEinah,innomen, there is more powerfull ls, else to give you a pipe without clearance could mess up, too07:30
MindVirusinnomen: just sayin', it's hard to get attention around here. I know very well.07:30
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qpoi_gogeta: i mean his idea that gnome search hinders new ubuntu users07:30
MindVirusinnomen: If you'd like more attention, try the forums.07:30
apcI can ssh into my computer and run a program, but whenever I close the terminal (gnome-terminal) that the program was run from, the program closes. Is there a way to run a program without needing its terminal open?07:30
ActionParsnipinnomen: will search from the pwd recursively finding mp3s and copy the file to the folder ~/found07:30
innomenMindVirus, people are helping me plenty i think its the lack of options in the ware itself that is the issue07:30
chalcedonyi don't really understand how to get the drivers i need to install on ubuntu 8.10 - AMD Radeon HD 3200 graphics , can someone explain or tell me what to do please?07:30
qpoi_gogeta: unrelated to the command07:30
gogetaqpoi_: locate is your frend07:30
MindVirusinnomen: I see; I didn't see the context, then.07:31
innomenActionParsnip, There we go!07:31
chalcedonyActionParsnip,  hugs07:31
innomenMindVirus, go play with the "Search" button07:31
ActionParsnipinnomen: like i said earlier(?)07:31
DasEiActionParsnip: i option in cp to provide overwrite of doubles ?07:31
MindVirusinnomen: I rarely search because I am very organized.07:31
innomeni sware its like a steeringwheel on a fridge07:31
ActionParsnipinnomen: duplicated file names will overwrite with the latest found07:31
innomenActionParsnip, cool07:31
MindVirusinnomen: where is the search button?07:32
innomenthanks everyone, i'm going to go melt my msuic collection now :)07:32
ActionParsnipinnomen: you should have researched on what I said when my simley made you uneasy07:32
MindVirusAhh, "Search for files..."07:32
innomenActionParsnip, bah, i'm allowed ot be a chicken :)07:32
sol93My Ubuntu wants to combine the tilde with the character I type after, how can I make the tilde key ("~") act as a normal, non-combining key?07:32
DasEiheh, no more different versions of wagners9th ;-)07:33
ActionParsnipinnomen: if you want. but you'll get more done if you find stuff out or look into stuff when it is suggested07:33
Slartsol93: afaik that's the way the tilde key works.. how else are you going to write ñ,ã or ĩ for example07:33
gogetainnomen: lol no cp is safe being the orignal files dont get erased07:33
MindVirusinnomen: ooh! This seems nifty; I think I'll start using it.07:33
ActionParsnipinnomen: find -replace is one of the most powerful commands in linux imho07:33
MindVirusWhat's wrong with it?07:33
Slartsol93: it might be different in some other localization though..07:33
sol93Slart: i have seen computers (or programs), where the tilde always appears. I never enter stuff like ñ07:33
gogetainnomen: if something does go wrong07:34
innomenMindVirus, try to use it to find say every txt file on your system07:35
innomenMindVirus, just to like show them in a list07:35
cattellarsol93, i think it's not possible to remove recent documents, but it's possible to at least disable it07:35
innomenMindVirus, i cant get it to show me anything07:35
sol93Slart: i cant even type [~][/] to access my home, its always [~][space][/] and thats unneccecary and annoying... didnt find out how to change that via google so far07:35
sol93cattellar: i'll look again in gcong07:35
MindVirusinnomen: in Linux, text files are no different than other files.07:35
sol93cattellar: i'll look again in gconf-edit07:35
gogetasol93: or cd /07:35
innomenMindVirus, ok, any file of a given extension then07:36
innomenmp3 for insatnce :)07:36
chalcedony i don't really understand how to get the drivers i need to install on ubuntu 8.10 - AMD Radeon HD 3200 graphics , can someone explain or tell me what to do please?07:36
Slartsol93: well.. good luck in your search.. check in system, preferences, keyboard too.. there might be a setting hidden somewhere07:36
innomeni got search put in mp3 i get nothing despite seeing an mp3 in the very directory i'm starting in07:36
gogetachalcedony: -1 for not looking in admin and hardware07:36
sol93Slart: gogeta: i am hunting down a problem with synergy (virtual kvm switch), when i hit tilde from the WinXP master, only a space appears. And I found the extra key always annoying, so i want to find out how to make it a normal key07:36
innomeni try *.mp3 nothing07:36
chalcedonyi found them on a url. downloaded but it says i need an application to install them .. it's not finding anything i can use07:36
DasEichalcedony: it isn't listed in hardwaredrivers ?07:36
Hilikusim using the livecd to repartition my drive but everytime gparted reads it the stupid drive gets mounted. that gave me problems already when it got mounted in the middle of being repartition07:36
innomenwhat command is "search" useing?07:37
Hilikushow do i disable that automount?07:37
sol93Slart: i'll do, thanks07:37
Hilikusits not really automount, more like, mount on demand07:37
gogetasol93: i think you look in admin keybord and you can change the mapping07:37
MindVirusinnomen: try ".mp3".07:37
gogetaMindVirus: *.mp307:37
Slartsol93: not sure if xmodmap could work.. but have a look at it..07:37
innomenMindVirus, omg i'm a mental defective07:38
MindVirusgogeta: what?07:38
innomenthat did it07:38
MindVirusinnomen: :007:38
sol93Slart: i can test that...07:38
MindVirusinnomen: glad I could help. :D07:38
DasEiHilikus: gparted won't start partitoning a drive when it's mounted;; have no window or dir on the drive open07:38
gogeta< -107:38
MindVirusinnomen: apparently it doesn't support regex of any kind.07:38
chalcedonyDasEi,  umm i guess i don't know where hardware drivers is either07:38
HilikusDasEi: i unmount the drive but as soon as i hit refresh in gparted (or upon start of gparted) the drive gets automounted07:39
myselfim lonely07:39
Hilikusthats what i need to disable07:39
MindVirusinnomen: regex -- regular expressions. A very powerful method to search through data.07:39
innomenmyself: me 2, you get used ot it07:39
ActionParsnipHilikus: edit /etc/fstab and make sure it isnt present in there07:39
gogetachalcedony: looks in the gnome menus in system>admin and hardware07:39
psypher246hi all, i am having very frustrating issue with simple ssh key authentication. it just won't work, followed the procedure to the T yet still asks for password. did an ssh -v and tail -f /var/log/{syslog,auth.log} while logging in. output of that is here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/248453/07:39
innomenMindVirus, ahhh07:39
DasEichalcedony: system > preferences > hardwaredrivers07:39
innomenlike ???.mp3 find 123.mp3 124.mp307:40
ActionParsnipHilikus: you will be editing the fstab of the livecd so a reboot will loose all changes07:40
HilikusActionParsnip: it is not, this is in a livecd07:40
MindVirusinnomen: kinda, but WAY more powerful.07:40
eusu_kefuinAnyone has a clue to a document explaining the purpose of and how to build from source /lib/modules/2.6.24-*/ubuntu?07:40
ActionParsnipHilikus: the live cd still has an fstab file, silly07:40
innomenMindVirus, i used regular expression for text replace in notepad ++ in windows07:40
HilikusActionParsnip: the only thing in fstab is unionfs, tmpfs and swap07:40
MindVirusinnomen: You can match many patterns, you can have conditionals, etc. Only thing is, the syntax is very terse and disgusting.07:40
ActionParsnipHilikus: is the swap on the internal drive?07:40
HilikusActionParsnip: yes07:41
sol93lol just killed my tilde key totally07:41
innomenMindVirus, yea, i wrote batch files to translate medicare eobs into human readable english07:41
innomenit was... complicated07:41
gogetasol93: -1007:41
MindVirusinnomen: :)07:41
Hilikusbut previously it did it with an NTFS drive so it's not even because it needs it, its just that i thinks i'm trying to access it without it being mounted so it mounts it07:41
ActionParsnipHilikus: then you could create a swap partition i ram an change the fstab to use that07:42
ActionParsnipHilikus: ntfs partition you mean :D07:42
DasEiHilikus: how much ram does the sys have ?07:43
innomenMindVirus, i just accomplished my goal07:43
MindVirusinnomen: great!07:43
ActionParsnipinnomen: good lad07:43
gogetainnomen: lol07:43
innomenThansk everyone for helping me i do appreciate it07:43
ActionParsnipinnomen: see how powerful cli is now :)07:43
Hilikusbah! nm, gparted (at least the version i have, whcih is from feisty) can't resize a partition to the left. i have a bunch of unallocated space at the beginning of my disk07:43
innomenand just think i didnt have to learn anything about command line !07:43
innomenActionParsnip: lol no, search did it with .mp3 instead of *.mp307:44
gogetainnomen: lol07:44
innomeni just moved over 2000 files just by right clicking copy07:44
innomenerrr cut07:44
gogetainnomen: * is a command line thing07:44
MindVirusActionParsnip: I see you around here a lot. Are you a dev?07:44
ActionParsnipinnomen: fyi, that will NOT find *.MP307:44
losherpsypher246: I don't recognise the .ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase stuff, which the server is clearly having a problem with. Whose procedure are you following?07:45
ActionParsnipMindVirus: no just a long time user07:45
simonb1hi all07:45
innomenActionParsnip, i dont understand, it sure looks like it did07:45
gogetaActionParsnip: paa cp could done it07:45
Guest38006i think i have a bug or its really something stupid i did, but i have an error now as i drag places->home folder to desktop saying..Error stating file '/home/nirmala/.local/share/Trash/files/nirmala/Desktop/nirmala/Desktop/nirmala/ and goes on that loop.. http://pastebin.ca/1520174 that has the whole directory path explained. pls help..07:45
innomeni now have a folder with all my mp3s and no directories whcih is exactly what i wanted07:45
DasEiHilikus: if the internal contains a swap, it'll be automounted at bootup, if you got enough ram to run live, simply comment it; Feisty might be bad without ntfs-progs, use gparted live cd07:45
ActionParsnipinnomen: no music.mp3 and music.MP3 are 2 different files07:45
chalcedonyi don't see hardwaredrivers .. it should be between Encryption and Keyboard , no?07:45
psypher246losher: rsa-keygen on server copy id_rsa.pub to client cat id_rsa.pub >> authorized_keys2 as well as authorized_keys07:46
simonb1guys, i have issues with ELO touchscreen in ubuntu 8.10... the responses are reversed... how to deal with that?07:46
chalcedonySystem > Preferences ..07:46
MindVirusinnomen: that's right, Linux has case-sensitive file names.07:46
gogetaDasEi: feisty upgrade man07:46
HilikusDasEi: no,this is now with an ext3 partition, i did it early with ntfs and the drive got mounted in the middle of the process07:46
innomenActionParsnip, oh wow, thanks07:46
innomenthats important07:46
ActionParsnipinnomen: very07:46
innomenActionParsnip, can i tell it to not do that?07:46
Guest38006that is just draggig home folder icon out of places menu to desktop is showing a nasty error!!!!!!07:46
simonb1anyone some idea about ELO?07:47
losherpsypher246: you have client & server backwards above. You keygen on the client & copy its .pub to authorized keys on the server. Was that a typo?07:47
ActionParsnipinnomen: i'm sure there will be a switch on find you can add to ignore uppercase, or you can simply lowercase all the file extensions for mp3s first07:47
HilikusDasEi: but i wanted to extend an ext3 partition, but at least this version doesnt extend to previous cylinders07:47
innomenActionParsnip, dude i just tried it, mP3 mp3 and MP# found all the same files07:47
someone153I have a noob question but I am trying to change the permisions on a folder the root has control over it right now I want to add a difrent group to have right and read permisions but still leave the root with all the permisions it has07:47
innomenerr MP307:48
Hilikussomeone153: root always has permission07:48
innomeni think maybe it uses that switch by default assuming only newbs like me will use the search button?07:48
Hilikusyou don't need to worry about that07:48
eusu_kefuinAnyone has a clue to a document explaining the purpose of and how to build from source /lib/modules/2.6.24-*/ubuntu?07:49
=== yacc_ is now known as yacc
EvetCan I upgrade ubuntu 8.04 to 9.06 automatically?07:49
ActionParsnipsomeone153: you can change the group owner to something else, just make sure root is in that group (makes life easier)07:49
ActionParsnip!upgrade > Evet07:49
ubottuEvet, please see my private message07:49
Evetty ActionParsnip07:49
innomenrunning picard on 2100 mp3 files heheh lets see if it breaks07:49
sol93Slart: i found a post, they seem to have found the solution "nodeadkeys" - do you understand, what they mean?07:49
psypher246losher: no it wasn't, i thought that might be it and i tried both ways, neither server nor client can ssh into each other07:49
gartralEvet: there is no 9.06.. and no, you need too follow the path of upgrades too 8.04>8.10>9.0407:50
gogetaEvet: no you would need to go from 8.04 to 8,10 to 9.0407:50
losherEvet: you mean 8.04 to 9.04, the answer is no, and there's no point anyway, as 9.04 adds little except instability, in my opinion...07:50
Slartsol93: yes.. a dead key is a key that doesn't immediately give you a "character".. for example shift, ~, ` and so on.. not really sure where you'd configure that though07:50
sol93Slart: dpkg-reconfigure07:50
Slartsol93: ah... well.. give it a try07:51
innomenthis is cool! its working, i knew putting them all in a single directory would help07:51
sol93Slart: what i find strange, is that i do NOT want dead keys, so how could activating it help? confused ... aha... the asterisk is dead also07:51
* innomen does a little dance 07:51
losherpsypher246: do you have console access to the server? If so, you can run sshd -d to get additional debugging info from the server...07:52
psypher246losher: nope just tried again, does ot work07:52
Slartsol93: activating "nodeadkeys" sounds like it would be the same as disabling dead keys.. or?07:52
psypher246losher: ok lemme try07:52
sol93Slart: oops... alright... :-)07:52
Evetlosher, what kind of instability? new softwares makes my 8.0x instable too07:52
Guest38006i have been waiting for about half an hour here hoping some one would take up my query.. am not complaining.. am just sad.. am i not making sense?07:52
* gogeta crys07:52
* Guest38006 joins..07:52
Guest38006:'( mummy....07:53
innomenGuest38006, i'd help if i could man :/07:53
ActionParsnipGuest38006: try later, different users on the channel07:53
tony__is anyone there07:53
innomenGuest38006, but i can barely work the file explorer as we have just seen07:53
SlartGuest38006: what was your question?07:53
innomenGuest38006, yea, shift change, the day people are worthless for me07:54
innomenno offence day people07:54
=== chalcedony is now known as chal`away
=== chalcedny is now known as chalcedony
_tunafishcan someone help me with find_compiz_install and with cmake for installing a compiz plugin07:54
innomen..*whispers* but you suck...07:54
Guest38006Slart: thanks.. the problem i have is a wierd one.. i just can't copy places->home folder to desktop07:54
DasEiGuest38006: your pastebin didn't show me anything related07:54
_tunafishim just dead lost07:54
losherEvet: 9.04 is notorious for sound problems, flash problems, difficulties with ext4, other stuff I forget. And it adds so little...07:54
* gogeta tosses innomen back to windows07:54
Guest38006DasEi: what should i look for?07:54
innomengogeta noooo!07:54
* innomen claws deep07:55
SlartGuest38006: well.. that would make sense.. the Desktop is *part* of your home folder07:55
Guest38006DasEi: thats wht i could go look for as a try towards solving the problem showing that i can't find a symlink anywhere..07:55
innomengogeta, there is only one thing from windows i miss07:55
napster_123man somehow my IDE and editors are showing "?" marked symbols instead of unicode characters... what's wrong with my jaunty ?07:55
innomengogeta, autohotkey07:55
ActionParsnipGuest38006: try: ln -s /home/$USER ~/Desktop/Home07:55
gartrallosher: I only have flash issues.. my sound was broken in 8.10, fixed by 9.04, and I don't trust EXT407:55
SlartGuest38006: why do you want to copy it to your desktop anyways?07:55
DasEiGuest38006: erm, was that the trash thing or the icon-to the left one with you ?07:55
gogetagartral: installing the flash deb from adobe fixes those issues07:56
Guest38006ActionParsnip: i was doubting whether this symlink creation i did before and consequently my mom moving the home folder to trash(!!!) created this wierd problem:)07:56
ActionParsnipgartral: +1 to ext4 distrust for me too07:56
gogetagartral: -2 for not thinking of that07:56
_tunafishsame question lol. can someone help me with find_compiz_install and with cmake for installing a compiz plugin. using jaunty and latest compiz07:56
napster_123unicode characters anyone ?07:56
ActionParsnip_tunafish: i'd ask in #compiz, it will be more specific07:57
innomen+/-# means agree or disagree07:57
innomeni learned something07:57
gartralgogeta: iv'e tryed Adobe's flash player, Iv'e tryed  GNash, Iv'e tryed swfdec, NONE work.. then again, im on a 1.7 ghz celeron with 100 mhz FSB and 128 kb L2 cache.. so07:57
gogetainnomen: thats from slashdot07:57
_tunafishActionParsnip: true..07:58
psypher246losher:  i see an error that says auth refused: bad ownership or modes for directory /home/user07:58
ActionParsnipgartral: faster than my fastest CPU07:58
Guest38006Slart: well before it was like my desktop had a folder of the name of the home folder, possibly a symlink i created much long ago that i don't remember exactly.. now as i deleted that one it went to trash07:58
innomengogeta, i goto slash dot on occasion btu only because of stumbleupon07:58
psypher246i thought i had the right perms07:58
gogetainnomen: + for being usefull - for being follish07:58
* innomen nods07:58
Guest38006DasEi: i didn't get.. icon on left?07:58
losherpsypher246: that's an important clue. So what *are* the permissions on /home/user for your user?07:58
innomenso like +gogeta for telling me about slashdot07:58
sol93Slart: just for your info, dpkg and nodeadkeys seemed to have no effect at all...07:58
innomenor something07:59
SlartGuest38006: so basically you want an icon on your desktop that opens your home folder?07:59
Guest38006Slart: sure.07:59
innomengogeta, i was taught that to learn something it helps to use it in a sentence :)07:59
Slartsol93: hmm.. and it sounded so promising07:59
sol93I cant enter the tilde key on another pc, when i use the virtual kvm "synergy" - any ideas what to do? cant find it on google07:59
DasEiGuest38006: got you now, I mixed up with another post; open trash and restore doesn't work ?07:59
sol93Slart: yes... i would have loved it07:59
psypher246losher: never changed anyhting on home just .ssh. brand new install. according to guys on the site and other sites .ssh moust be 700 and file sinside must be 60007:59
gogetaDasEi: open trash and moving file back does08:00
SlartGuest38006: ok, open a terminal.. run "gconf-editor", click your way to apps, nautilus, desktop, check the different settings.. there should be one that shows your home folder on the desktop..08:00
ActionParsnipgartral: try downloading the tar.gz from http://www.adobe.com and put the .so file in ~/.mozilla/plugins08:00
ActionParsnipgartral: i'm guessing you use firefox like everybody else does08:00
DasEigogeta: it's for guest3800..08:00
gogetagartral: or download there deb08:00
innomenActionParsnip, do you have projectm on your machine?08:00
Guest38006Slart: well i was reading this http://www.mail-archive.com/desktop-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com/msg214476.html same thing which you just said and have the same problem!!!!08:00
gogetaActionParsnip: there deb is newer then the repos on older ubuntu08:00
SlartGuest38006: it's called "home_icon_visible"08:00
ActionParsnipinnomen: no, all systems are 100% and smoooth08:00
dumontis there like a trash folder for ubuntu?08:01
losherpsypher246: apparently your sshd doesn't agree. For what it's worth, my home dir is drwxr-xr-x and my .ssh is drwx------. How's yours?08:01
dumontand where is it?08:01
gogetadumont: yes08:01
ActionParsnipgogeta: i never use that, i just use the tar file, easier08:01
gartralgogeta ActionParsnip ive done both, with the same result, no flash runs at motre than 1 fps.. and youtube vids CRASH all my browsers08:01
sol93WHen I enter the unicode of a pipe char, the console doesnt recognize it, it belives it would be something different. is there a way to make ALT with ASCII work in Ubuntu, like it does in windows?08:01
ActionParsnip!trash > dumont08:01
ubottudumont, please see my private message08:01
gogetagartral: turning off compiz might help alot08:01
innomenActionParsnip, what? i think we've crossed wires, projectm is a visualisation thing, dont see what that has to do with your answer08:01
BuGo_laptophi. i set some custom keys with xmodmap and after some time those settings are being reset to default again so i have to use xmodmap again. what can cause this keyboard layout reset?08:01
psypher246losher: home drwxrwxrwx ssh drwx------08:01
dumontno pm yet08:01
dumont!trash > D2N08:02
ubottuD2N, please see my private message08:02
gartralgogeta: no.. i dont run gnome, i run e1608:02
ActionParsnipinnomen: i've not mention projectm yet08:02
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash08:02
dumont!trash > dumont08:02
ubottudumont, please see my private message08:02
dumont:/ * Error creating window08:02
losherpsypher246: anybody can write in your home dir. That will make ssh object. Remove group & other write perms...08:02
gogetagartral: flash can be dirt slow on old machines08:02
BuGo_laptopany ideas?08:02
innomenActionParsnip, i ask because you were talking about tar.gz files and thats the steps where i failed trying to setup projectm, sorry to interrupt :/ :)08:02
gartralgogeta: flash 9 ran WONDERFULLY 10 is crap >.<08:03
gogetagartral: but my old c610 1 gigherts 1gb ram 16meg ati can run flash08:03
ActionParsnipinnomen: np bro.08:03
gogetagartral: i think the amount of ram matters08:03
gartralgogeta: you have 2x the ram this system does08:03
gogetagartral: probly why08:03
D2Nubottu: huh what?08:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about huh what?08:03
psypher246losher: work, why the hell does ubuntu do that anyway??08:04
ActionParsnipgartral: make a fresh user, see if its bad for that user too08:04
BuGo_laptopubottu help08:04
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:04
innomendown to 1900 files YAY!08:04
psypher246all i had to do was seucre the home folder, this is a default install08:04
gartralActionParsnip: already did, and yes08:04
SlartGuest38006: ok, do you have the gconf-editor open?08:04
gogetagartral: can always downgrade to 908:04
losherpsypher246: if I knew the answer to that... So is it working?08:04
Guest38006Slart: ok now this is the consolidated problem.. (it wasn't all about getting the home icon).. Now, i empty trash as it has that looping directory08:04
psypher246losher: yup!08:04
innomenits hard not to ask to ask, feels rude08:04
losherpsypher246: one down. 10,0000 to go...08:04
gartralgogeta: where can i get it?!? Adobe doesn't distribute it anymore!08:04
=== llhull is now known as chalcedny
gogetagartral: flash 10  can be slow on some old machines08:05
Guest38006Slart: ok i have the home folder icon visible.. thats ok.. now problem with empting trash which has this infinite loop on path..08:05
SlartGuest38006: but the home icon is there?08:05
gogetagartral: they do08:05
psypher246losher: this is a pretty serious design issue08:05
losherinnomen: I know what you mean, but this *isn't* a social channel...08:05
SlartGuest38006: ok.. can you open the trash container?08:05
innomenlosher, yea, i understand the prohibition perfectly, just saying out of context its counterintuitive :)08:05
psypher246losher: i have seen other sites complain about this too, there is no reason for your home folder to be rw to everyone08:05
losherpsypher246: Since you're the only one with this particular issue, I think there was something odd about your install...08:05
gartralgogeta: whats the link.. im on the site,i can't find an "older versions" llink08:06
dumontquestion: i just deleted 5GB worth of data and ubuntu did not reallocate that space, why and how can I fix it?08:06
psypher246losher: so what does it not install yr home with full rw to everyone?08:06
innomenlosher: its liek a bar where you're supposed ot throw your drinks on the staff, takes some getting used to08:06
gogetagartral: i dont think there was debs for 9 but there ws rpms08:06
innomengogeta: you can convert rpms to debs08:07
b10shiall, a have truble with my ubuntu 6.06 when i make tar archive with russians file names and untar this on my windows xp i get noreadble file names08:07
SlartGuest38006: hang on.. I have to do a quick reboot.. brb08:07
b10smaybe any can me help?08:07
gartralgogeta: i cant find ANY info relating too 9 on adobe.com! none! at all08:07
innomengogeta, i did that like day before yesterday08:07
dumontquestion: i just deleted 5GB worth of data and ubuntu did not reallocate that space, why and how can I fix it?08:07
losherpsypher246: I don't think so, but I last installed so long ago & I keep /home across installs, so I can't actually remember. Maybe it's an install bug? Better log messages from sshd would help...08:07
BlackTigerHello ppl08:08
innomenBlackTiger, hiya08:09
psypher246losher: cool thanks man. i will check it out08:09
chalcednyHorrors! I downloaded the drivers for AMD Radeon HD 3200 graphics.. in System > Administration > Hardware drivers .. and now the bottom of my screen is black and there is no bottom ubuntu bar? it's ubuntu Intrepid 8.1008:09
innomenBlackTiger, Two tigers were sitting on a bench, one turns to the other and says, "should we eat one of these people by the fountain?" and the other one says "holy %$^ a talking tiger!"08:10
losherb10s: maybe someone on #ubuntu-ru can help you?08:10
gartralinnomen: hah, good joke, but OT here08:10
Guest38006i am having trash directory at ~/.local/share/Trash is that normal?08:11
dumontquestion: i just deleted 5GB worth of data and ubuntu did not reallocate that space, why and how can I fix it?08:11
Dayofswordsi hate how my pc does work with ubuntu, need to try the alt cd =\08:11
innomengartral: sorry, i'm killing time till picard finishes, i'll lay off :)08:11
losherdumont: if you used the gui, all it did was move stuff to the trash, so it's not really gone yet. Empty your trashcan?08:11
loshergartral: adobe really doesn't care...08:12
gartralgogeta: ok, i found it, Google is helping, but where do i put what so all my browsers can use it, i have several browsers installed08:13
gogetagartral: http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/142/tn_14266.html08:13
gartrallosher: which is funny, they dev on linux08:13
loshergartral: but I bet they *test* on windows...08:13
dumontlosher how do I empty the trash? :O08:13
sol93how can i reset the keymapping, i changed something with xmodmap and cant get it undone08:14
Slartok, I'm back08:14
innomendeving on linux and then selling the product is just, wrong somehow08:14
innomento me08:14
losherdumont: I dunno, I don't use the gui. Isn't there a trash icon where you can select 'empty' or something? Anyone...08:14
dumontnope :/08:15
losherinnomen: it's called marketing, and it follows the money...08:15
dumonthad to use my ssh over into my server and rm -r Trash.08:15
sol93Slart: can you tell me, how to reload default settings? i messed my sys up with xmodmap08:15
innomenlosher, oh i didnt say it was irrational, just seems unethical08:15
losherdumont: that'll do it...08:15
andrew_46Guest38006: I believe this is the default, certainly my Jaunty installation has trash in this location08:15
Slartsol93: oh.. I have no idea.. I'm not even sure you can restore the settings in a simple way08:15
losherinnomen: way too off topic for this channel...08:15
Guest38006andrew_46: ok..08:16
innomenlosher: yea08:16
sol93Slart: alright... i'll reboot then, thanks & cu soon08:16
SephLanceHi everyone.08:16
innomendown to 160008:16
innomenchugging along08:16
Guest38006I have a ~/.local/share/tracker/data/common.db some sqlite database? would it be a problem if i just rm -rf ~/.local/share/Trash/* ?08:16
syntax_How do you deleate the trash in the terminal08:16
Guest38006Slart: ^?08:16
Slartsyntax_: there is a trash-cli package you can install08:17
innomenthanks guys i'll go corss my fingers somewhere else :) may all of you find quick effective solutions :)08:17
losherSlart: was that a joke?08:17
dumontmannnn it's taking 5+ minutes to empty the trash :O08:17
syntax_I just wanted to know the command for it08:17
SlartGuest38006: ah, there you are.. so.. can you open the trash folder?08:17
SephLanceGot a quick question if no one minds.08:17
Slartlosher: which one?08:17
losherSlart: about there being a trash-cli package?08:18
Slartlosher: or nevermind.. I haven't been joking since I got up this morning.. nope.. the trash cli package wasn't a joke08:18
Slart!info trash-cli08:18
ubottutrash-cli (source: trash-cli): command line trashcan utility. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.10.r55-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 14 kB, installed size 140 kB08:18
CelestarI'm looking for documentation how to configure a static route in server?08:19
Guest38006Slart: sure i can but it won't delete if i say it to empty trash.. i was thinking whether i could just rm -rf ~/.local/share/Trash/* ? would it affect some other database that i see at ~/.local/share/tracker/data/common.db?08:19
losherSlart: Oh, I get it. It moves stuff into trash instead of deleting it...08:19
Slartsyntax_: if you install that package I think you get a empty-trash command.. together with some other trash commands08:19
dumontwonder what the command to empty trash is in trash-cli08:19
Slartlosher: nope.. it lets you empty the trash and some other stuff08:19
ClouseHi there all, say is there anyway to run a command to make sure Ubuntu 8.10 has all of it default packages? As I think I have messed up and removed something I shouldn't have.08:19
losherSlart: Sorry, what other stuff is there?08:20
dumontcan an option in ubuntu be set to delete trash instead of moving to trash?08:20
dumontor rther delete right away without moving to trash08:20
bigdavejokerto install a virtual instance of vista using VMWare server is it recommended/required to have a seperate NTFS partition?08:20
SlartGuest38006: nope.. the trash will be rebuilt afaik.. go ahead.. give it a try08:20
Guest38006oh! is this a trash resonance? or world cleanliness day?! everyone is concerned about their trash!08:21
SephLanceGrew my ext3 partition and it errored on the grow filesystem.  Now I have a larger partition, however it's placed junk data in all the extra space I acquired leaving me with the same amount of original free space.  Any suggestions?08:21
losherClouse: there is a package log in  /var/log/dpkg.log with a history of package add/delete. You can check to see if you removed anything recently...08:21
Clouselosher: Thanks08:21
chalcednyHorrors! I downloaded the drivers for AMD Radeon HD 3200 graphics.. in System > Administration > Hardware drivers .. and now the bottom of my screen is black (but i went to serve dinner and now it's full length :) )  and there is no bottom ubuntu bar? it's ubuntu Intrepid 8.1008:22
Slartlosher: http://code.google.com/p/trash-cli/08:22
ClouseOh and I forgot to add that my updates want work anymore.08:22
* Guest38006 streams beer://1 track specially to slart:)08:22
losherSlart: thank you. Strictly academic you understand. I'm an rm user...08:22
b0nnhmm, which package do I need to install to get all characters to display properly, instead of boxes?08:23
Slartlosher: rm will not work across different hard drives if I understand correctly.. but sure.. if you keep at it =)08:23
Guest38006Slart: all is well i am now out of problem to ask!08:23
* chalcedny pets b0nn .. a man i understand08:23
Guest38006so will come back as soon as possible :)08:23
SephLanceGrew my ext3 partition and it errored on the grow filesystem.  Now I have a larger partition, however it's placed junk data in all the extra space I acquired leaving me with the same amount of original free space.  Any suggestions?08:24
SlartGuest38006: great =)08:24
Guest38006Slart: see ya thanks for patience have a nice day..08:25
losherSlart: rm won't follow soft links. I don't generally find that a problem though. If I needed it to, I'd use find + rm...08:25
Slartlosher: true08:25
losherSephLance: any kind of error during partitioning is potentially very serious. Got a backup of your data?08:25
SephLanceTechnically yes, however the data on this isn't particularly important.08:26
dayois there anyway to allow root ssh login from lan, but block it from the internet?08:26
ClouseWhat is "startup packagers"?08:26
gartralgogeta: OK! i have video.. but no sound08:26
losherSephLance: ok. What kind of error did you get when resizing?08:27
WicksUbuntu'ers - Someone in ubuntu there is a file that assigns network interfaces with names (eth0) based on their mac addresses... i've forgotten where it is, anyone know?08:27
SephLancelosher: Everything still boots, my data is fine, it's just reporting that the used space on the drive is the same percentage as it was before the grow even though the partition and file system are 3x larger.08:27
losherSephLance: and I'm saying that if you got an error during the resize & the partition contains some junk, it's no longer trustworthy, except as maybe scratch space...08:28
SephLancelosher: I see.08:28
hemanthhow do i remove an imported key using gpg ?08:28
SephLancelosher:  It gave me a nonspecific error during the grow of the file system to the new partition size.  I was on the live cd, and I couldn't find a way to have it display greater details than growfs section failed.08:29
bp0im trying to follow these instructions to disable ipv6 in ubuntu 9.04: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-disable-ipv6-in-ubuntu.html08:29
zj3t3mjuhow can I setup 5.1 channels sound in jaunty?08:29
bp0but /etc/modprobe.d/aliases doesn't exist08:30
losherSephLance: in your place, I would backup the data, erase the partition, recreate & restore the data. If anything during that time gives you an error, I'd run the manufacturers disk check software on the drive. The odd behavior you're seeing may be your first (and only) hint that the drive is about to fail...08:30
zj3t3mjuI can't find Surround Jack Mode or Channel Mode options08:30
ubuntunewbieHi , I'd like to know how to extract an audio file from a mp4 video file ? Download from youtube mp4 file and I wanted to extract the mp3 file out.Any command line doing it ?08:30
ubuntunewbieThank you08:31
losherkraut: I've seen you say that "moin" before. What does it mean? It isn't English you know....08:31
swift_hi, when i install ubuntu 9.04 from the desktop dvd, everything appears to work fine, but when i reboot it gives me a grub error 17! i've read a lot of stuff about that online, but nothing i've tried so far has worked (for example, the "find /boot/grub/stage1" procedure doesn't work; it successfully reinstalls grub, but i still get an error 17 after a reboot) can anyone help?08:31
SephLancelosher: I appreciate the advice.08:31
Clouselosher: So there are some packages that have been removed but I don't know what they relate to so I am not sure if I should reinstall them.08:32
losherSephLance: been there, got the lost data to prove it...08:32
krautlosher: it's just an allday-greeting08:32
losherkraut: ok, as long as you understand it isn't actually English. With a name like "kraut" I thought you might not realise...08:32
Clouselosher: It is my Ubuntu updates that is not working, but I don't know which removed packages relate to the issue.08:33
krautlosher: sure i know...08:33
SephLancelosher: As do I, but everything important has already been backed up, I'm was just wondering if there were anything of which I was unaware or why it may have mislabeled a file as being 40GB in size as opposed to 0.5 GB.08:33
losherClouse: one thing at a time. If you can't update, you can't reinstall...08:33
krautlosher: shall i use "p'tak" to satisfy you?08:33
losherkraut: is that klingon?08:34
JoAnneOmynousIt's most definitely Klingon.08:34
krautlosher: maybe?08:34
JoAnneOmynousIt's some variety of insult.08:35
losherSephLance: it sounds like a seriously damaged filesystem. I wouldn't trust it any further than I could spit. How lucky do you feel?08:35
krautlosher: do we really discuss about the problem, that i use a german word to greet the channel?08:35
JoAnneOmynousNot clear what it means.08:35
SephLancelosher: fairly lucky as there's really nothing to lose.08:35
losherkraut: no, it's off topic, and if an op catches us, we'll get spanked...08:35
DarthPuffhow do i get xserver-xgl in jaunty? i'm trying to get compiz to work08:35
JoAnneOmynousAsshole?  Goat-fister?  Falangist?  Pedophile? Quisling?08:35
Clouselosher: But I can install, I just intalled gtk2-engines-ubuntulooks.08:35
DarthPuffit says xgl not present08:36
krautlosher: i really don't care08:36
losherSephLance: well that's only half the problem. Anything you might care to put on there in the future is also potentially compromised....08:36
SephLancelosher: Well, that's fine.  It's a tertiary workstation.  It would be worth more to me to attempt to recover the file system just to have it fail later than to trash it and reconfigure today.08:38
losherClouse: so you can install but not update. That's weird...08:38
SephLancelosher:  I do appreciate the concern, though.08:38
losherSephLance: as long as you understand the risks, I'm cool...08:38
DarthPuffxgl in jaunty?08:39
SephLanceSephLance: Absolutely.08:39
RebelZeroWicks: you find it yet?08:39
SephLancelosher: I was more asking if anyone knew where I might look or what I might try to do so. :D08:39
WicksRebelZero:  Just did :) /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rule08:40
losherSephLance: you can run sudo du -x | sort -rn > du.out to see exactly which files are using space? Apart from that, I'd check the SMART data on the drive to see if it's logging failures...08:40
RebelZeroWicks: yeah... I knew what you were looking for but couldn't remember where.08:40
Evetlosher, what kind of instability? new softwares makes my 8.0x instable too08:40
Loafersis there a faster way to switch between workspaces?  I know about the wheel,but i have to have everything minimized.08:41
WicksRebelZero:  it's a ballache of a google search "ermm.. that file that holds mac and stuff" lol08:41
ikoniaLoafers: ctrl+alt+left/right arrow ?08:42
Clouselosher: Yar tell me about it.08:42
losherEvet: did you not see my earlier reply? flash, sound, ext4 issues....08:42
ikoniaLoafers: hard to find anything that's quicker than a flick of the mouse wheel08:42
tictac2324341Has anyone had Thunderbird issue's with downloading large amounts of e-mails and you lose connection?08:42
PolitikerALTHello, does anybody know how to make WLAN speed using b43 driver with boradcom wlan card faster?08:42
Loafersikonia, Thanks!  Just what i was looking for!08:42
achew22I'm toying with KVM in the karmic release and it is requesting a "installation media url" the example provided makes me think I should go to ubuntu.com and go to  the download page, download a copy of my edition however when I direct the program to do such it asks for the server to send a .treeinfo which I am going to guess is different from a .iso. Does anyone know the proper url to sick the virtual machine creator on?08:42
Loafers!karmic koala08:43
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+108:43
losherClouse: do you want to pastebin the output from your update command so we can see?08:43
Evetlosher, is flash issue common? im happy to hear that :)08:43
achew22Loafers: thank you08:43
SephLancelosher: Thank you kindly.08:43
losherEvet: very common. Sound is even more common. And apparently very difficult to fix...08:43
tictac2324341Has anyone had Thunderbird issue's with downloading large amounts of e-mails and you lose connection?08:43
losherSephLance: hope it helps...08:43
syntax_i hope there will be a new theme in karmic08:43
Evettictac2324341, yes08:44
tictac2324341Evet: any suggestions?08:44
=== Julian-off is now known as Julian-de
RebelZeroWicks: did "grep eth3 /etc/*" and kept adding asterisks till I got the right output ;)08:45
Evetlosher, is ubuntu 8.0x stable, generally?08:45
dayois /etc/rc.d/sshd in /etc/init.d/ssh ?08:45
xim_im trying to backup my .hidden config folders in my home directory (so i can reformat and repartition), and I have been having fits for hours tonight trying to make a copy of those files.  ive tried it in the console, in recovery mode, as a different user, through the gui gksudo....can anyone help me copy my files?]08:45
losherEvet: 8.04 is the stablest version currently supported, in my opinion...08:45
ikoniadayo: /etc/init.d/sshd is the start up script08:45
Clouselosher: Sure, one moment.08:46
gartralxim_: what are you trying too backup too?08:46
Evettictac2324341, dunno. i press 4-5 times to get about a tousand mails08:46
tictac2324341you press get mail that many times?08:46
=== olivier is now known as Guest18132
LoafersIs there a program to switch wallpapers every x seconds?08:47
dayoikonia: i'm trying to set up two configs for sshd. one for lan one for internet.08:47
xim_gartral: anything, pref my ext usb HD, but ive also tried to another folder on my desktop on the same drive08:48
losherxim_: it's tricky. cp .* <destination> will copy most of them, then you have to go back by hand and copy the directories whose names begin with dot using 'cp -r'. Luckily there are only a handful of directories usually...08:48
SephLancelosher: Thanks again for the help.  I think I can figure out what to do from here.08:48
=== Guest18132 is now known as minusvirus
losherSephLance: come back if you need more advice. Good luck...08:48
Evetlosher, i have a flash player issue on 8.04 too. and cant change the interface08:49
ikoniadayo: you'll need to have two sshd's running for that - OR have one config and use external tools like tcpwrappers to try to seperate access (assuming it's access control you want different)08:49
dumontcan an option in ubuntu be set to delete files instantly instead of moving them to trash?08:49
Evettictac2324341, yes i do08:49
xim_losher: so all the directories that it says "omitting" i have manually cp each one with a seperate cp command?08:49
SephLancelosher: Will do.08:49
tictac2324341Evet: thanks08:49
losherxim_: almost. A single cp -r .one .two .three .four .... <destination> will copy the directories.08:49
dayoikonia: i want to block root from logging in via internet, but to be able to login from LAN. non-roots should still be able to login from internet and lan08:50
xim_losher: ok thanks ill try that, why does it omit some directories unless you manually type them?08:50
DarthPuffwhat happened to xgl?08:50
DarthPuffhow do i get compiz working?08:50
dumontcan an option in ubuntu be set to delete files instantly instead of moving them to trash?08:51
ikoniadayo: why not just have non-root for anywhere  - running 2 sshd processes for that is a big overhead08:51
dayoikonia: i still need root ssh from LAN for my backup server to be able to work.08:51
losherxim_: because . and .. are also directories but you don't want to copy them with cp -r, and cp without -r skips directories by default. If that makes sense...08:51
geirhaxim_: cp omits all directories unless you add the -r or -a to make it copy recursively08:52
DaveSiberiaDarthPuff: Try openning a terminal and typing compiz &08:52
ikoniadayo: your backup servers should not need to login as root08:52
ikoniadayo: if they do, that is a flawed model08:52
DarthPuffDaveSiberia: xgl not present08:52
dayoikonia: i'm using BackupPC.08:52
justanothercoderhow do i enable remote ssh on my machine?08:53
losherikonia: dayo: it's hard to do backups without using root...08:53
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. Putty is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)08:53
dayolosher: yeah08:53
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:53
ikonialosher: I didn't say don't use root, but your backup process should not have to login to ssh directlry as root08:53
justanothercodershould i install openssh server or something?08:53
DarthPuffDaveSiberia: it's like xgl just vanished08:54
ikoniadayo: I'm not aware of that product personally, but if your product needs to remotley login as root, I would not recommend that as a sane solution08:54
justanothercoderi need to access my machine from my lan, but for some reason i am not able to ssh into my ubuntu box, there is no firewall08:54
losherjustanothercoder: yes, install openssh server. It's not there by default...08:54
ikoniajustanothercoder: there are no blocking firewall rules by default08:54
dayoikonia: not remotely. it logs in as root from LAN08:54
Celestarin 9.04-server how do I reconfigure the network settings? (like you get it during the installation procedure)?08:54
ikoniadayo: that is remote08:54
Clouselosher: When I run "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get upgrade" all is ok and there is nothing to update or upgrade, but if i run the "Update Manager" GUI from Sytem->Administration then I get this; Not all updates can be in installed, Run a partial upgrade, to install as many update as possible, This can be caused by; and then it give four reasons. What do you think?08:54
dayoikonia: ok08:54
justanothercoderikonia : thanks08:54
losherClouse: sorry dunno. I don't use the gui stuff much. Can you tell me the 4 reasons? Tedious to type them I know...08:55
phill_does anyone know how i can install benq scanner series 5000 in ubuntu?08:56
phill_i have tried most of procedures on internet without luck08:57
phill_does anyone know how i can install benq scanner series 5000 in ubuntu?08:58
losherdayo: you could maybe to  PermitRootLogin         nopwd and use public key authorization for the local backup machine. This would still be secure, if not exactly what you wanted...08:58
sol93Slart: i found a semi-solution, i use the unicode to enter the tilde. for some reason, i cannot enter the pipe this way.08:58
dayolosher: it does use passwordless pubkey login08:59
allartI've been using NX server in by Ubuntu for a long time. Ubuntu 8.04 and 9.0408:59
Slartsol93: ahh.. neat09:00
losherdayo: then  PermitRootLogin nopwd would prevent anyone else without a key from logging in as root. That's *almost* what you asked for....09:00
DaveSiberiaDarthPuff: My system also gives the warning "Xgl not present", compiz still works09:00
sol93Slart: i hope, i will never have to enter a pipe with unicode, i once found the code, but bash wouldnt accept is as pipe... for now everything works here, somehow at least09:00
allartbut for a few days when I log in from nxclient (windows) to nx server at my computer, gnome starts and it looks like GTK109:00
DarthPuffDaveSiberia: thanks09:01
tictac2324341Does anyone have experience with networking and Hamachi on ubuntu or linux in general?09:01
losherallart: NX is supposed to be really fast. I've never managed to install it because I have a non-standard ssh server....09:01
dayolosher: that works, because i want only the backup server to be able to login as root.09:01
allartchanging theme doesn;t work09:01
losherdayo: sounds like it was invented by someone with the same problem as you...09:02
dayolosher: lol i guess09:02
allartloser: Yes, but it is very fast09:02
DaveSiberiaDarthPuff: Have a look on System->Preferences, see if CompizConfig Settings Manager is present09:02
losherallart: ouch09:02
allartmy internet connection is not too fast to use vnc09:02
allartlosher, I'm sorry09:02
allartwrong name :-)09:03
losherallart: no problem. Surprised it doesn't happen more often :-)09:03
dayoikonia: losher: thanks for your help, guys. :-)09:03
ubuntunewbieThank you09:03
sol93allart: bad performance with remote desktop? if the client machine has windows, vncviewer.exe lets you choose less colors, which helps a lot09:03
ubuntunewbieHi , I'd like to know how to extract an audio file from a mp4 video file ? Download from youtube mp4 file and I wanted to extract the mp3 file out.Any command line doing it ?09:03
Slartubuntunewbie: mencoder should be able to do it09:03
allartsol93 Yes, but it is still too slow :-(09:04
sol93allart: 65K modem??09:04
allartNX works perfectly09:04
allartno no, slow upload ...09:04
Slartubuntunewbie: this looks like it could be useful.. ffmpeg is available for linux and windows http://www.catonmat.net/blog/how-to-extract-audio-tracks-from-youtube-videos/09:04
sol93allart: well, you cant play video games over vnc, but usually its fast enough to conviniently configure stuff or use text processors09:05
sol93allart: how much too slow is it really? whats the upload speed of that machine?09:05
ubuntunewbieSlart: mencoder -i test.mp4 -vn -acodec copy test1.mp3 ? correct ?09:05
Slartubuntunewbie: oh.. I don't know that stuff by heart.. give it a try09:05
allartupload speed is about 512 kb but I hare this line with my wife ...09:05
allartI share09:06
Clouselosher: Na thats OK I don't mind but I have to go right now I will be back in 20 min if you are still around09:06
losherClouse: probably tomorrow. It's late here (1am)...09:06
ubuntunewbieSlart: Ok I am learning now :)09:06
mmovarhi all09:06
=== MyUser4I is now known as PolitikerNEU
losherubuntunewbie: See also http://linux.byexamples.com/archives/229/extract-audio-from-video-or-online-stream/09:06
silentstreamwhat's wrong/09:06
InTheFadei need help diagnosing a problem with my eee. every now and then it freezes up completely (won't respond to mouse/keyboard). i can ssh into it, but don't really know where to go from there09:07
dayolosher: i got this error: /etc/ssh/sshd_config line 26: Bad yes/without-password/forced-commands-only/no argument: nopwd   am i to use "without-password" ?09:08
Clouselosher: OK09:08
allartsol94 What port uses vnc? I must set NAT at home.09:09
losherdayo: looks like it. You might wanna check the docs for your particular version. You don't want to get this wrong...09:09
dayolosher: ok, i will09:09
chalcednyyou want something weird, the whole bottom part of my screen vanishes things?!09:10
allartsol93: port 590009:11
losherallart: 590X where X is the screen number, I recall...09:11
sol93losher: ubuntunewbie: Slart:   ffmpeg -i <video.flv> <new.mp3>   works, probably works with mp4 too09:11
allartI'll try it09:11
sol93allart: yes, thats the vnc port?09:11
gemilangneed help, how to run windows software on my ubuntu 9.04?09:11
ubuntunewbiesol93 : nope , I tried it and it doesn't work.09:11
allartlosher: what vnc client is better?09:11
chirinfyhi new bee here, need help of ubuntu + X11 forwarding + Xming + Vista09:11
losherallart: tightvnc has the best compression for slow links, so they say....09:12
prince_jammysgemilang: install wine, and look at instructions at winehq.org09:12
ubuntunewbiesol93: ffmpeg -i test.mp4 -vn -acodec copy test1.mp3  . I does output the test2.mp3 file but it doesn't play09:12
ubuntunewbiesol93: ffmpeg -i test.mp4 -acodec copy test1.mp3  . I does output the test2.mp3 file but it doesn't play09:12
prince_jammysgemilang: 'wine' is available from the repositories.09:12
gemilangto: prince_jammys, thanks09:13
sol93ubuntunewbie: did you try without mentioning the codec? copy means, it takes the data from the file, but if the file isnt encoded in mp3, you will get a corrupted mp3 file09:13
ubuntunewbiesol93: the format check with smplayer09:14
sol93well... that doesnt sound like mp3, but maybe it is compatible? i dont know09:15
allartsol93: I have tight vnc and it much slower ...09:15
allartit is much slower09:15
tuxwulfOne of my repo's keeps failing. What is the suggested operation?09:15
djaxhey can anyone help me install the isight  on ubuntu?09:16
ubuntunewbiesol93 : not sure , i too confuse now, hoping someone could help out09:16
Slarttuxwulf: find a mirror or another repo?09:16
Slarttuxwulf: is it archives.ubuntu.com?09:16
sol93ubuntunewbie: we have to check, if mp4a is basically compatible with mp3 software... i am reading the ffmpeg man page now09:17
tuxwulfSlart > Yes, it is09:17
ubuntunewbiesol93 : ok I am search for mp4a now thanks for your help :)09:17
Slarttuxwulf: I think someone poured a beer into that server or something.. it's been flaky for a day or two now09:17
sol93ubuntunewbie: try to play the "corrupt" mp3 file with mplayer... this thing will play a pizza, if you manage to stuff one into your cd drive09:17
Slarttuxwulf: just wait until they fix it.... you might want to check if there is a bug reported on it.. just to make sure they know about it09:18
tuxwulfSlart > Longer, in fact. This has happened before, so I waited a bit, but this time it seems really gone. And if I understand you correctly, finding another repo will not do the trick in this case?09:19
ubuntunewbiesol93 : just tested as you mention .Not working09:19
Slarttuxwulf: I don't know if there is a mirror somewhere.. I don't think so09:19
tuxwulfSlart > I see....  Where can I report a bug?09:20
Slart!launchpad | tuxwulf09:20
ubottutuxwulf: Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/09:20
sol93ubuntunewbie: you could try to encode with recoding. Should be   ffmpeg -i test.mp4 -acodec mp3 test1.mp309:20
allartlosher: with tvnc the screen is reloading very slowly :-(09:21
n1lqjjust upgraded to 9.04 and am unable to add users.  something about a shaddow password system?09:21
n1lqjany advice?09:21
tuxwulf....seems I have to register or something....09:21
allartlosher: interesting is, when I log directly from keyboard at home, it works very well09:22
sol93ubuntunewbie: Is the mp4 video large? If I had it here, i could play with it until we find the solution09:22
Segnale007hello guys09:22
ubuntunewbiesol93 : same not working09:22
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Segnale007I came back to ubuntu after some years spent with mac09:23
n1lqjanyone understand shadow passwords in 9.04?09:23
Segnale007now I need a stupid thing that I wasnt been able to find on google09:23
ubuntunewbieStream #0.0(und): Audio: mp4a / 0x6134706D, 44100 Hz, stereo  Stream #0.1(und): Video: h264, yuv420p, 320x240, 21.23 fps(r)09:23
ubuntunewbiesol93 : Stream #0.0(und): Audio: mp4a / 0x6134706D, 44100 Hz, stereo  Stream #0.1(und): Video: h264, yuv420p, 320x240, 21.23 fps(r)09:23
Segnale007I need to find a good repositories third part list09:23
Segnale007any help ? :)09:24
sol93ubuntunewbie: maybe  -acodec libmp3lame09:24
MrAl3nGood morning Everyone :)09:24
haiderI'm having serious issues with proxychain and SOCKS, can anyone explain these things to me?09:24
Clouselosher: I got back earlier then expected so if you are still there (anyone else feel free to chime in): Cause 1.) A previous upgrade which didn't complete. 2.) Problems with some of the installed software. 3). Unofficial software packages not provided by Ubuntu. and 4.) Normal changers of a pre-release version of Ubuntu.09:24
sol93ubuntunewbie: the man page doesnt help much more, i will have to ask google. Can you give me the information of how the source video is encoded?09:25
ubuntunewbiesol93 : Unknown codec 'libmp3lame' ? maybe i haven't install it09:25
sol93ubuntunewbie: possible09:25
ubuntunewbiesol93 : Stream #0.1(und): Video: h264, yuv420p, 320x240, 21.23 fps(r)09:25
sol93ubuntunewbie: hmm... thats only the video specs09:25
ubuntunewbiesol93 :how to check video spec ?09:26
ubuntunewbiesol93 :how to check video spec ? in command line ?09:26
sol93ubuntunewbie: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1122611   - you should get mp3 lame - i meant, you gave me ONLY the video specs09:27
ubuntunewbiesol93 :seems like I have to do it in "Sound Converter" testing now09:29
sol93ubuntunewbie:    sudo apt-get install libmp3lame0   should get you the codec09:29
n1lqjcan anyone help with a question on upgrade to 9.04 from 8.10?09:31
night_jokerhi to all! I have a problem with my Ubuntu :(09:31
ubuntunewbiesol93 : "Sound Converter" works ! but I still wanted to know or learn more other than using application09:31
rski!upgrade n1lqj09:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about upgrade n1lqj09:31
LoafersIf I select the option "Automatically remember running applications when I log off" It will restore these applications when I log on again?09:31
n1lqjrski:  I upgraded, adduser borked, something about shadow passwords09:32
Loafersn1lqj, Why not do a fresh install?09:34
n1lqjwhat's wrong with upgrade?09:34
n1lqjit worked, although had to reinstall nvidia-kernel-common from apt09:34
Loafersn1lqj, Nothing, but if it causes you problems it would be more efficient to do a fresh install.09:34
n1lqjother than that it worked09:34
jesnora question about dual boot and partitions: how can most easily transfer an existing vista installation from another drive to a partition on my ubuntu drive so i can have dual boot?09:35
n1lqjfresh install because adduser borked, seems a bit extreme09:35
jesnori only want to use one drive09:35
night_jokerI have changed keyboard layout "RUssian" as system in my Ubuntu. After reboot I cannot change layout to ENglish to login. Please, give me advice how can I change layout to ENglish09:36
benny_can u help me09:37
Loafers!ask | benny_09:37
ubottubenny_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:37
benny_how to install a online games in my ubuntu09:37
Loafersnight_joker, I'm not sure, but isn't there an option button in the lower left corner on the login splash screen where you can change language?09:38
benny_can u help me install online games09:38
Loafers!repeat | benny_09:39
ubottubenny_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.09:39
Loafersbenny_, It would help if you told us the name of the games...09:39
benny_Gunz the duel09:39
night_jokerI have an opportunity to choose "system, last or Russian" layouts. Indeed they all are Russian09:40
benny_how to install online  games?Gunz the duel09:41
Loafersbenny_, I did a google search and there's a slim chance you can play it on ubuntu.09:41
allartsol93 Maybe after I connect with NX client something in ubuntu doesn't execute. Is there any way how to find it?09:42
benny_can i install it09:42
Loafers!games | benny_09:42
ubottubenny_: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php09:42
benny_with my ubuntu09:42
LoafersGames on linux is a pain.  Trust me I've tried09:42
LoafersIt would be much easier to dual boot windows09:43
kindofabuzzwrong. games written for windows can be a pain.09:43
Loaferskindofabuzz, true09:43
kindofabuzztry to Wine it, doesn't hurt to try09:43
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sol93allart: i dont know what NX client is...09:44
allartsol93 it is something like VNC, it is from nomachine company09:44
sol93allart: although i doubt, that something is not executed. make sure, it uses 64 colors (not 64K), turn off desktop background and disable compiz (either on the server or in the viewer/vncserver settings)09:45
allartsol93 you install nxserver and you can connect to the computer. It is much faster then VNC09:45
allartsol93 I did. Disabled compiz, remove backgroud, set color do 8 bit09:47
allartand still very slow :-(09:47
sol93allart: i use 6 bit usually *grins*09:47
sol93allart: although those 25% wouldnt be that much of a difference, i think09:48
sol93allart: due to overhead09:48
allartsol93: NX clients works very well with full colors. It has jpeg compression and transfer only changed part of screen09:48
allartit loks like vnc transfer full screen09:48
rfreibergercan I install a deb package for Ubuntu 8 on my Ubuntu 9 machine?09:49
sol93allart: vnc is not the fastest, but also not that slow usually, it compresses and so on, too. If your remote expirience is significantly below "at least usable", then you have something to fix.09:50
RorTezHi I am new to Setting up Servers ... can anyone please tell me what I need to set up a Ruby on Rails Staging server ?09:50
RorTezin terms of hardware and software  . .09:50
allartsol93  yes, I have :-(. But NX client works great until something happened. But I don't know what :-(.09:51
Loafers!ruby on rails | RorTez09:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ruby on rails09:51
sol93allart: i see... can't help with NX really besides using google myself.09:52
RorTezHow about just a Staging Server09:52
Segnale007why the audio in gnome freezee whenever I get a notification ?09:52
eMaXhi all09:52
eMaXOn Hardy, I get this error: linux-image-server depends on linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-24-server; however:  Package linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-24-server is not configured yet.09:52
eMaXany ideas?09:52
Segnale007I have read that the gstremer bug was been fixed in 9.0409:52
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eMaXI'm just doing an apt-get dist-upgrade09:53
Segnale007how come its still freezing to me ?09:53
allartsol93 Thank you. I hope, I find something.09:53
myselfi think im a little bit, little bit, a little bit in love with you09:53
mistereverywherei accidently added the restricted graphics driver to a friends computer and now its not working graphically when i log in how do i get rid of it?09:53
RorTezHas anyone here set up a staging server before >09:53
auncan any1 help09:54
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sol93!ask | aun09:54
ubottuaun: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:54
aunif any1 is linux user please tell me09:54
sol93!ask > aun09:54
ubottuaun, please see my private message09:54
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mistereverywherehow do i uninstall aiglx and the restricted drivers from a root terminal?09:55
Loafersaun, I'm a linux user09:55
adantehowdy folks can someone quickly recommend a dvd ripping program to me09:55
DaZthere's no linux users09:55
benny_i though you can help me installing online games09:55
DaZonly ubuntu :c09:55
adantejust something that will extract the dvd's to some format i can use later, doesn't need to transcode/whatever09:55
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:55
mistereverywheredaz you are in an ubuntu room09:55
=== Guest59108 is now known as ma-rio
mistereverywheredaz and ubuntu is a form of gnu/linux09:56
DaZas i said only ubuntu users <:09:56
haiderthe socks still arent configuring right so Im gonna try to use tsocks that fow mentioned...are there any tutorials for this? Im searchin and cant find a good comprehensible one09:56
aunis any1 user of linux09:56
Loafersaun, Nope.  better try another channel09:56
oldude67aun, everyone is users of linux in here.09:56
aunoldude do u have hotmail id09:57
xnonixdoes ubuntu dupprt animated wallpapers?09:57
auncan we tawk private09:57
Loafersxnonix, yes09:57
sol93xnonix: not per se, it can be done with certain effort09:57
madsjhow do I mount a usb-device on a laptop ? I can't figure out what the name of device is ...09:57
mistereverywherehow do i activate the original linux graphics drivers from teh command line?09:57
madsj(wanting to use mount(1), that is)09:57
aunplease for 1  min09:57
mistereverywherein ubuntu09:57
oldude67aun ok09:58
Loafersxnonix, i think theres a program to use screensaver as wallpaper09:58
sol93xnonix: http://harald.ist.org/self-pc/tricks/linux/howto/animated-matrix-desktop.html09:58
DaZplasma supports animated wallpapers <:09:58
xnonixLoafers: compiz, but I think gif animated images, no creensavers09:58
xnonixah ok09:58
madsjoh, need to click something on my cell-phone, before /dev/sdb becomes availble09:59
aunny1 living in karachihere09:59
xnonixLoafers: but it uses much recurses, and right now, my pc is limited _:P09:59
myselfborn a baby under water & it can breathe underwatef or the rest of its life10:00
aunnny1 living in karachi?10:00
Loafersxnonix, No screensavers? hmm i don't know then sry.10:00
ubottuaun: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pk10:00
aunny1 living in karachi10:00
xnonixLoafers: np, thanks :)10:01
Loafers!ot > aun10:01
ubottuaun, please see my private message10:01
sol93please don't feed the troll10:01
ubottuWow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!10:01
myselfi want a cookie10:02
oldude67sorry couldnt help it..lol10:02
* sol93 grins10:03
makeHow to install iptables support applications layer710:03
ekowis it possible to get flash player on the ubuntu live cd?10:03
SephLancelosher: You still around?10:04
k_strthe licence doesn't allow it10:04
k_stri think10:04
ekowoh let me rephrase that then10:04
ekowis it possible to watch youtube videos on the live cd?10:04
sol93make: what are you trying to do?10:04
k_strekow: you can make your personal live cd10:05
diddyI am having problems with my keyboard settings. Instead of outputting a "|" it prints a ">". I tried update-locale LANG=de_DE.utf8 LANGUAGE but it tells me "invalid locale setting". Any ideas?10:05
sol93ekow: you can install the player after each boot10:05
agenteo1hi there I've got a problem with my wifi card (ar5211), seems it's detected fine by lspci, and the network GUI in ubuntu see my network, but it keeps connecting for a few seconds and then disconnecting... can anybody point me in the right direction? :)10:05
ekowoh ok thanks10:05
sol93ekow:     sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree10:06
ekowperfect thanks sol9310:06
makesol93: Is not increased by the kernel patch layer7 application layer filtering10:07
sol93ekow: you can download a .deb package and carry it with you on your thumbdrive, for not having to download it all the time. You could also install your ubuntu on a flash drive, instead of booting from the CD10:07
ekowoh yeah good idea10:08
sol93make: looks like you know more about that stuff, than i. Sorry.10:08
=== root is now known as Guest61817
makesol93:thank you10:08
oldude67agenteo1, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1444210:09
mergzzHy all10:10
mergzzY a quelqu un?10:11
n1lqjok, this is weird.   I add the user and exit the user/group manager and when I go back in they're not there!!!10:11
sol93!es | mergzz10:12
ubottumergzz: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.10:12
mergzzSorry ok :)10:12
mergzzI m french10:12
Loafers!french | mergzz10:12
ubottumergzz: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr10:12
mergzzThanks ;)10:13
sol93aah... there is the french trigger... i have been wondering, why !fr doesnt work10:13
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr10:14
make/lib/xtables/libipt_layer7.so those documents need to install software?10:14
innomenhi guys. I have a billion .mediaartlocal folders that i want to delete, search wont report them because they are hidden, how can i A. make search report hidden results, or B. delete all folders of a given name?10:15
info_zenm shezhi10:15
sol93innomen: You could use a wildcard in the shell, like rm .mediaart*10:15
sol93innomen: You could use a wildcard in the shell, like rm -r .mediaart*10:16
wuzeiinfo_: shezhi na yi fangmian?10:16
innomenit will work on hidden files?10:16
sol93innomen: hidden files are not really special, they just begin with a dot. In the terminal you can just use them (ls although needs -a to show them)10:16
innomensol93: how do i change directory in the terminal? cd is saying no such directory10:17
silareHi, all. Does anyone know of any good software (GTK preferably) that can function as an alarm clock? Like, at X time or something just blair loud music and make me wake up and want to smash my computer?10:17
sol93innomen: try cd ./<press TAB here once or twice>10:17
ubottuTurk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.10:18
ActionParsnipyo yo yo10:18
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innomensol93, ahh thanks, ./ is the key10:18
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat10:18
innomenhiya ActionParsnip10:18
ubottuTurk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.10:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about vietnamese10:18
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk10:18
ActionParsnip!botabuse | silare10:18
ubottusilare: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".10:18
jacquesdupontdhi hey hoy10:19
jacquesdupontdand yo10:19
q_my balls itch10:19
sol93silare: please play with ubottu in a private converstation. /msg ubottu hi10:19
Loafers!ot | q_10:19
ubottuq_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:19
silareHi, all. Does anyone know of any good software (GTK preferably) that can function as an alarm clock? Like, at X time or something just blair loud music and make me wake up and want to smash my computer?10:19
q_I need help with it10:19
Loafers!ask | q_10:19
ubottuq_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:19
ActionParsnipsilare: check out the 'at' command10:19
ActionParsnipsilare: e.g.10:20
RorTezI have a box with 2GB ram with 2GHZ CPU, do I need to install Apache2 after installing Ubuntu Server Edition ?10:20
ActionParsnipsilare: at 7:00am tomorrow10:20
chalcednyActionParsnip, ideas for radeon drivers on ubuntu 8.10 ?10:20
innomenrm: cannot remove `.mediaartlocal': No such file or directory10:21
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:21
ActionParsnipsilare: at>vlc ~/Machine\Head/The\ More\ Things\Change/Ten\ Ton\ Hammer.mp310:21
innomenbut i am looking at it, its there10:21
ActionParsnipsilare: then press ctrl+d10:21
ActionParsnipchalcedny: you can use the proprietary one from www.ati.com10:21
sol93innomen: do not type the folder name, use TAB completion instead, at least for the last character. It will help you never to enter a file name, that doesnt exist. Does ls -a show the folder?10:22
ActionParsnipchalcedny: or if its old, use the open driver10:22
silareDo this in VLC? OR what? Where do I use  said at command?10:22
ActionParsnipsilare: no, they are terminal commands10:22
innomensol93, its nested a few deep from the folder i'm starting in, does that matter?10:22
ActionParsnipsilare: it will schdule a task to run at 7am and run whatever command you wish, you can even write a script10:22
ActionParsnipsilare: i just chose vlc as its a media player10:23
silareHow do  I specify time with at?10:23
ActionParsnipsilare: you can use at to run a command or commands AT a certain tim and date10:23
ActionParsnipsilare: i already told you.10:23
chalcednyActionParsnip,  ive got it doing some really weird thing with the bottom part of the screen. i downloaded the drivers from system adminstration hardware and then it started eating the bottom part . no bottm bar even.. disabling the special effects helped....  but   if i hold the mouse down the bottom doesn't move with the top ..10:23
ActionParsnipsilare: e.g.   at 7:00 tomorrow10:23
sol93innomen: of course. Lets assume, your folder is in ~/some/where/.hiddenfolder and you open the terminal (you start in your home, "~" or /home/yourname/), then you have to rm -r ./some/where/.hidden*10:24
RorTezI have a box with 2GB ram with 2GHZ CPU, do I need to install Apache2 after installing Ubuntu Server Edition ?10:24
silareOhhh. I actually input the 'at 7:00 tomorrow' as a command.10:24
ActionParsnipRorTez: yes you will10:24
ActionParsnipsilare: yes10:24
silareAight. Thanks.10:24
Lelouchgood afternoon, i had a problem connecting my usb evdo modem in ubuntu 9.4 yesterday, i came here for help and somehow that problem was solved and it got connected to the internet, but later after about running for 1 hour or so, my usb evdo modem stopped working and it won't even show up now, i tried restarting OS serveral times but it won't come up again, does anyone knows about it?10:24
Ryoshiai've got some questions about Ubuntu..10:24
ActionParsnipsilare: the next input will be the  thing to do10:24
innomensol93 then how do i start in a directory and delete every instance of a target directory under, no matter how deep?10:24
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ActionParsnipsilare: press ctrl+d when you have typed what you want to happen at the time10:25
sol93innomen: that would be "find"10:25
silareAnd even though Terminal is closed it'll still activate?10:25
innomenin this case it's audio/music/3ef/.mediaartlocal thats one of maybe 20010:25
ActionParsnipsilare: yes as you have atd which is the at daemon10:25
silareAhh, alright.10:25
lightstephello, i need help getting ubuntu to recognize me graphics card. i have onboard intel card, System>Preferences>Display says my monitor is "unknown", and xorg.conf uses the "vesa" driver10:25
innomensol93: do youy know of a way to make search show hidden files?10:26
ActionParsnipsilare: its dead handy for scheduling one shot commands rather than things that run more regularly like full autoupdates or backups10:26
chalcednyActionParsnip, it needs:  AMD Radeon HD 3200 graphics .. its new, just got it.10:26
ActionParsnipsilare: those are better suited to cron10:26
Ryoshiamy HP Mini has ubuntu on it, but i can't access stuff that's on the bottom of my menus10:26
Ryoshiais there a way i can fix that10:27
silareActionParsnip: I'd imagine. I'll probably use this as an alarm clock then. I have cron for the updates already.10:27
ActionParsnipchalcedny: i dont use radeon so i'm not much real help10:27
ActionParsnipsilare: i use it for backups every 6 hours too10:27
frogzooRyoshia: crt screen?10:27
sol93innomen: i am not good with find, i can only offer the command to chmod every file, hidden included, recursively. (chmod doesnt recurse hidden files): find . -type f -exec chmod 0755 {} \;     consult the man page:   man find10:27
chalcednyi always had nvidia but my son liked the board, with the triple core phenom..10:27
Ryoshiano LCD10:27
macgyver_all, b4 I spend ages looking around for a working driver, does anyone here use a "mouse" style USB GPS receiver?10:27
frogzooRyoshia: very odd - adjust your screen resolution?10:27
Ryoshiait doesn't really help10:28
silareActionParsnip: Yeah... It's nice to have with the Terminal's power behind it too.10:28
Ryoshiamy monitor, however, isn't recognized..10:28
Ryoshiait's considered unknown..10:28
silareActionParsnip: Oh yeah, how do I clear stuff from at if I don't want it to happen?10:29
Ryoshiacould that be the problem, and if so how would i resolve that problem..10:29
innomensol93: oky thanks :)10:29
ActionParsnipchalcedny: http://forum.ubuntuusers.de/topic/ubuntu-9-04-und-ati-radeon-hd-graphics/   some sample xorg.conf files10:29
sol93innomen: i'll have a look to the man page myself. Try to understand it meanwhile, too ;-)10:29
ActionParsnipsilare: not sure, check man at and man atd10:30
innomensol93: i did it with search10:30
sol93innomen: cool10:30
innomenplaces>search for files> there is a hidden file's checkbox type deal10:30
silareActionParsnip: 'K. I'll look. Thanks for the help earlier though.10:30
ActionParsnipsilare: you will need at10:30
innomensol93: thanks much for your help :)10:30
ActionParsnipsilare: to list the instructions, you can then use atrm to delete them10:31
hoktar_oin ubuntu-hu10:31
sol93innomen: lol10:31
ActionParsnipatq to list, sorry10:31
silareat -l would be for listing10:31
silareAnd then atrm would be for killing.10:31
EvetI want to provide my server resources to a free project.10:31
ActionParsnipEvet: join a project then10:32
hoktar_sorry i am beginner ubu user....10:32
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poison3rhow to fix this Err http://security.ubuntu.com hardy-security/main linux-libc-dev 2.6.24-23.4810:33
innomenl8r guys As always you're usefulness knows no bounds10:33
EvetActionParsnip, need advice10:33
Ryoshiaso is there a way of fixing that?10:34
Ryoshiaresolution problem?10:34
hoktar_What tehe chanel change command? "/"join   ubuntu-ru??? Its correct?10:34
neil_di just pluged a SATA hot plug drive in :)  and I got two entries in dev  /etc/sdb and /etc/sg1 why two? which should I use?10:34
geirhahoktar_: /join #ubuntu-ru10:35
ActionParsnipEvet: ask away10:35
hoktar_thx geirha!10:35
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chalcednyty  ActionParsnip10:35
EvetActionParsnip, already...10:35
InTheFadeRyoshia: why can't you access the menus? they should automatically scroll when you put the mouse over the bottom of them10:35
ActionParsnipneil_d: run: sudo fdisk -l    you will see the disks and partitions. My personal bet is that sg1 is the partition on the external10:36
Dayofswordsi hate my old computer i got free, cant run ubuntu, has old keyboard port so none of mine work,no usb, and since i have no keyboard  it says "keyboard error or no keyboard present  press f1 to continue"10:36
ActionParsnipEvet: well yu havent been massively forthcoming with details10:36
sol93Ryoshia: you can add a modeline to your xorg.conf - Modline generator: http://xtiming.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/xtiming.pl - you need to know the frequencies of your monitor first, consult the monitor's manual, look at its back side or google it.10:36
ActionParsnipEvet: you could join the folding at home project to help cure cancer10:36
neil_dActionParsnip: I don't think there are any partitions... brand new drive.10:36
ActionParsnipneil_d: then you will need to add a partition using:   gksudo gparted10:37
EvetActionParsnip, nice advice10:37
uns3en_i have aspire one 110L i would like to make my home key to open netbook launcher like it did in linpus how can i bind key to open it ?10:38
ActionParsnipEvet: or yuo could join a team and give them an account on your system to ssh to to compile stuff10:38
kerm|twhere do i get a white on black color theme?10:38
ActionParsnipEvet: which is why I am pushing for more info10:38
sol93Dayofswords: there are adapters for usb to ps/2 kbd plug10:39
neil_dActionParsnip: as "fdisk -l" only lists /dev/sdb I will use that to reference the drive.. btw its going to be part of a mdadm raid 5 array.10:39
ActionParsnip!shortcut | uns3en_10:39
ubottuuns3en_: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts10:39
tdnI would like to install Ubuntu on a machine with no CDROM drive. How do I do this? Can I put the hard disk in my other computer and copy the files and GRUB to the harddisk somehow and then boot put it back in the old computer and boot it? If so, how?10:39
ActionParsnip!raid | neil_d10:39
ubottuneil_d: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto10:39
EvetActionParsnip, could you pm me about your project10:40
sol93tdn: check out System / Administration / USB Start disk creator10:40
arandtdn, can it boot from usb drive?10:40
ActionParsniptdn: you can use windows with the ISO and a small app to create a bootable usb device: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/usb-ubuntu-904-persistent-install-windows/10:40
ActionParsnipEvet: i am part of the Lubuntu project (loosly)10:40
WazzzaaaHi, Can I set a custom "command not found" message ?10:40
WazzzaaaIt is possible, but how? any pointers would be nice10:40
ActionParsnipEvet: https://launchpad.net/~lubuntu-desktop10:40
lightstepkerm|t, you have System>Preferences>Appearance>Theme, then choose High Contrast Inverse10:41
tdnarand, I don't think it can boot from USB.10:41
tdnActionParsnip, I do not have Windows.10:41
ActionParsniptdn: i bet it can10:41
tdnsol93, , I don't think it can boot from USB.10:41
ActionParsniptdn: then you need a windows system, or an ubuntu system to put the ISO onto a usb stick or sd card10:41
tdnActionParsnip, it is an old VIA EPIA mini-itx computer with a 800MHz CPU and 256MB RAM.10:42
arandtdn: so it's a fairly old system?10:42
ActionParsniptdn: find out what it can boot from then work around that10:42
EvetActionParsnip, ty10:42
ActionParsniptdn: you may need to borrow/buyt/steal a usb cd drive10:42
ubottuTo switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts10:42
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tdnActionParsnip, ok. I'm pretty sure it can boot from network somehow.10:42
kerm|tlightstep: thats white on blue10:43
ActionParsniptdn: you can. I am not sue how though10:43
sol93tdn: you could temporarily borrow a cdrom drive from another computer10:43
lf4How can I set one user on my system to run xfce instead of gnome?10:44
geirha!install | tdn10:44
ubottutdn: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate10:44
arandtdn: with pxe I think you're able to boot from an iso elsewhere on the network, that would mean some seting up though...10:44
ActionParsniplf4: log on as that user but change the session to xfce before you log in, this will then be remembered10:44
tdnarand, ok. I will look into that. Thanks.10:45
lf4ActionParsnip: Oh I thought that was just a one time thing. Thank you.10:45
ActionParsniplf4: you will obviously need to have xfce installed too10:45
ActionParsniplf4: afaik, the session type is remembered10:45
RorTezthis is a newbiew question ..  once I have finished a staging server. and I have aweb application Hosted. How do I enable other mashings to see the application and change the IP address into human readable form10:46
arandtdn: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PXEInstallServer might be helpful (I have never tried this)10:48
tdnarand, ok.10:48
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_apexhouse_morning all!10:50
geirhatdn: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LocalNet10:50
Quiznosso, are there any free alternatives to skype and magicJack?10:50
Richi_richhello bonek rock...10:51
ActionParsnip!info ekiga10:51
ubottuekiga (source: ekiga): H.323 and SIP compatible VoIP client. In component main, is optional. Version 3.2.0-0ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 5466 kB, installed size 15080 kB10:51
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tdngeirha, ok. Thanks.10:52
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.10:52
randy2009hi, how can i downgrade my python version on ubuntu?10:53
_apexhouse_anyone know any good 'delay pools' tutorials / examples... trying to share the 8mb broadband with 20 users...!10:53
_apexhouse_!delay pools10:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about delay pools10:53
_apexhouse_!squid delay pools10:53
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:53
nurettini am found new update bind https://www.isc.org/node/47410:54
nurettinwhen this update implemented ubuntu servers ?10:54
quizmehow can i give access to /etc/init.d/apache2 restart to the group called 'dev' ?10:54
jophishhmm, /proc/cpuinfo is reporting incorrect values for the core clock speeds. Every other method of determining the core frequency gives me the standard clock speeds of the chip. I have overclocked an i7 920 from 2.66 to 3.8GHz10:54
grawityquizme: Add to sudoers using the 'visudo' command: %dev ALL=(root) /etc/init.d/apache210:55
quizmegrawity: thanks10:55
ActionParsniprandy2009: you could uninstall the current one then install the older one somehow10:55
leavels ls10:55
leavejoin #ubuntu-cn10:56
randy2009how can i see how it's called?10:56
BuenoZdravím, tak nevím zda jsem se připojil správně, ale je to místnost ohledně podpory Ubuntu?10:56
allartsol93 I have it.10:56
ubottuČeské uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.10:56
allartsol93 it is caused by error in gnome-settings-daemon10:56
Quiznosis that a slavic language?10:56
ActionParsnipquizme: you could give a new group the group ownership of the file (include root in the group) then give the group whatever access you wish10:57
Slartczech republic, I think10:57
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simion314hi, how can i create a shortcvut to a folder (synlink). i want to link Documents in home to other folder , so if i save something in Documents it is saved in the new location, i read about symlinks but the examples are using mainly files not folders10:57
ActionParsniprandy2009: dpkg -l | grep -i python | less10:57
sol93allart: great!10:57
quizmeActionParsnip: thanks good idea too10:58
Quiznossymln wont make two copies of a file10:58
grawitysimion314: ln -s foldername symlinkname10:58
ActionParsnipsimion314: easy, move the folder to the new location, then run:   ln -s /path/to/new/location ~/linkname10:58
randy2009thnx Action10:58
allartsol93 it works but I had to disable keyboard indicator :-(10:58
Quiznossymlinks wont make two copies of a file10:58
ActionParsniprandy2009: its one of those10:58
allartsol93 Can I switch keyboard without it?10:58
grawityallart: Alt+Shift.10:58
allartYes, I tried it, but it didn't work10:59
Quiznossimion314 got that?10:59
ActionParsnipsimion314: the link will mean when you save stuff to the link it will actually be saved in the new position10:59
RorTezI am going to ask this again10:59
Evethow to force-terminate a running program?10:59
allartsol93 still english keyboard (my default)10:59
Quiznossimion314 IOW, two names will point to the one copy of data10:59
SlartEvet: Ctrl+c, pkill, kill, xkill10:59
caesar_is this a help channel?11:00
EvetSlart, thanks11:00
RorTezits a newbiew question ..  if I have finished setting up a staging server. and I have aweb application Hosted. How do I enable other mashings to see the application and change the IP address into human readable form11:00
grawityEvet: From the Terminal - 'kill -9 processid' if you know the process ID.11:00
SlartEvet: depending a little on the type of program and so on11:00
grawitycaesar_: Yes, this is the help channel for Ubuntu.11:00
Evetgrawity, how to learn process ID11:00
caesar_i just installed today11:00
grawityEvet: The 'ps x' command will show you your processes.11:00
caesar_having problems with xchat11:00
Evetgrawity, thank you11:00
simion314Quiznos: thx, i will try it , now moving files11:00
ActionParsnipEvet: ps -ef | grep <part of the name>11:00
Slartcaesar_: what kind of problems?11:00
c4pthow can i change the amount of video ram that ubuntu uses?11:00
ActionParsnipc4pt: you don't11:01
caesar_cant enable auto join11:01
c4ptlike if i wanted to limit it from 1024 to 512mb of video ram11:01
Slartc4pt: not really sure you can11:01
homyHi, I just activated kubuntu backports ppa and updated. Now I can't start any kde apps (from gnome) or log into kde; I get a kbuildsycoca4 crash.11:01
caesar_when a bot invites me11:01
ActionParsnipc4pt: thats set in the bios for onboard video cards11:01
caesar_it wont auto accept11:01
homyCan somebody help me?11:01
grawitycaesar_: Auto-join-on-invite?11:01
c4ptActionParsnip, ^^11:01
Slartcaesar_: sorry.. can't help you with that..11:01
ActionParsnip!ask | homy11:01
ubottuhomy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:01
Evetthanks, ActionParsnip11:01
grawityActionParsnip: He did ask.11:01
Slarthomy: just ask your question.11:01
shoaibii have a machine at office, this one, it is fully configured to do all office related tasks. However from time to time i have to do some personal tasks such as checking emails and etc, i won't want that get mixed with this office account, what would be my best option? create a new user and login in a windows?11:02
homyActionParsnip, Slat: I asked the question above.  I just neesome time to type "Can somebody help me?"11:02
caesar_ask homy?11:02
Quiznosshoaibi that would be fine11:02
Slarthomy: try asking in #kubuntu, they may know more about kde11:02
ActionParsniphomy: my bad: what if you rename ~/.kde then log out of gnome and into kde11:02
RorTezits a newbiew question ..  if I have finished setting up a staging server. and I have aweb application Hosted. How do I enable other mashings to see the application and change the IP address into human readable form11:02
Quiznosshoaibi a good and simple solution that you already now11:02
homySlart: #kubuntu is empty11:02
Slarthomy: nope.. it's full of people.. try again11:03
shoaibiQuiznos, hmmm, okay, when i try to open "Login in a new window" i get error "failed, probably your X not configured well"11:03
grawityRorTez: I think ##linux would be a better place for that question. Also, what do you mean by "mashings" and "human readable form"?11:03
Quiznosshoaibi make a new user11:03
caesar_grawity do you know how to enable auto join on invite11:04
RorTezmachine and  something lie staginf.abc.com11:04
macgyver_all, mapnik requires libboost1.37 but I have 1.35, how can I see what used 1.35?11:04
shoaibiQuiznos, did...11:04
grawityRorTez: Ah, domain name11:04
macgyver_I want to know the danger of removing 1.35 before I install 1.3711:04
RorTezHow do I change the domain name11:04
Quiznosshoaibi gotta be runnin a login manager too11:04
RorTezfrom IP address into a domain name11:05
shoaibiQuiznos, sorry?11:05
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY11:05
Quiznosxdm gdm kdm11:05
homyActionParsnip: If I rename .kde and .kde4, I still can't start kde apps (from gnome), I get the same error.11:06
ActionParsniphomy: hmm, not good. That folder contains all the settings for the kde apps11:07
homyActionParsnip: I also renamed .kde4.11:07
homyActionParsnip: I'll do a pastebin11:08
JB-kiddAny suggestions welcome - Yesterday Compiz Fusion was working perfectly but a stupid decision to install virtual box forcew me to reinstall Xubuntu now i cant get compiz Fusion to work11:09
homyActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/248554/ is the ouput on the commandline. A "KBuildSycoca - The KDE Crash Handler" starts and tells me kbuildsycoca4 had a seg fault with following "Developer Information": http://paste.ubuntu.com/248556/11:09
ActionParsnipJB-kidd: if you hit alt+f2  and type     compiz --replace    does it run11:09
_apexhouse_anyone know any good 'delay pools' tutorials / examples... trying to share the 8mb broadband with 20 users...!11:10
JB-kiddActionParsnip after alt F2 how to i get back to the GUI11:10
ActionParsniphomy: looks like your wine install is a bit weird, i'd run: gksudo gedit /usr/share/applications/wine-browsedrive.desktop11:10
ActionParsnipJB-kidd: when you run the app, you will be back to the desktop11:11
ActionParsniphomy: those files in the error message have corruptions on the lines specified wich you need to repair11:11
^mNotIntelligenthello everyone. any python user here, m new to this IRC thing and was trying to connect to #python, but got a response saying "you need to identify yourself" no idea what this means. can anyone help me out joining that channel, thanks11:12
ss23^mNotIntelligent: Type "/msg NickServer help register" and do waht it says :)11:13
ss23At least I'm pretty sure that's what they mean11:13
ActionParsnip!identify | ^mNotIntelligent11:13
ubottu^mNotIntelligent: You can identify automatically by using your NickServ password as the server password in your IRC client. When identifying manually, do NOT send the command from a channel's tab, or a typo may give away your password. If that happened, type « /msg NickServ set password <new-password> » in the server tab as soon as possible.11:13
homyActionParsnip: I just purged wine and when starting I still get the same crash, just without the 2 lines complaioning about the wine stuff.11:14
macgyver_can I assume this is a script?? http://trac.mapnik.org/wiki/UbuntuInstallation11:14
ActionParsniphomy: move the files out to your home dir, see if that helps11:14
^mNotIntelligentss23 ActionParsnip thanks a lot11:14
RorTezthis might be a basic question ... Do I need a saparate server to host git .. and if so How do I deploy it to a staging server which is on a different BOX ?11:14
ss23No problem :)11:14
homyActionParsnip: the wine files are gone, as I purged wine (and also the output doesn't complain about the wine files anymore)11:15
tdnActionParsnip, I have made a bootable usb stick from a 4 GB sandisk cruzer usb stick. But it does not boot it. I have tried boot options USB-FDD and USB-ZIP in BIOS.11:15
ActionParsniphomy: can you please pastebin the new error11:15
^mNotIntelligentActionParsnip, but now i'm getting this message:  No channel joined. Try /join #<channel>11:15
tdnActionParsnip, I have also tried both USB ports in the machine.11:16
ActionParsnip^mNotIntelligent: you replace the <channel> with the channel name you want, like /j #python11:16
Bennitis there something wrong with trying to mount mdf's?11:16
Bennitbcorne@bentop:~/Desktop$ sudo mount cd.mdf cd1/ -o loop11:16
Bennitmount: you must specify the filesystem type11:16
Bennitwhen I add -t mdf it just states that mdf is an unknown type11:17
tdnsol93, arand: any ideas?11:17
ActionParsniptdn: looks like you cant boot usb sticks, you could use a usb floppy disk with grub on to then boot the usb, its gonna get messy11:17
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tdnActionParsnip, how do I do this?11:17
^mNotIntelligentActionParsnip, this is the command i used:/join #python  and the response is this: #python :You need to be identified to join that channel11:17
tdnActionParsnip, I have no floppy drive.11:17
homyActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/248559/. The "Crash Handler" dialog still shows the same Information (kbuildsycoca4 seg fault, developer information http://paste.ubuntu.com/248556/).11:17
dpreacherI'm not able to remove a wrongly configured rndc and hence can't reinstall bind either. there's no package for rndc...and there are 3 packages that claim they have rndc. http://dpaste.com/75927/ http://dpaste.com/75928/ these are the 2 apt installs i tried. can someone help me understand what errors its pointing to, please ubuntu 8.1011:17
sol93tdn: i'd borrow a cdrom... sounds like you have more than one computer there11:17
ActionParsniptdn: if the system has a hard drive inside you could take it out, put it in a reular system and install to it, then transfer the drive back11:17
tdnActionParsnip, how do I do that? This was my initial idea. I think that will work, but not sure how to do it. Will you help me?11:18
sol93tdn: ActionParsnip: i think, to put the cdrom into the machine, which will run ubuntu, is the safer method11:19
ActionParsnipyou'll need the pc off and remove all attachments and then install it to another pc. I suggest you join #hardware11:19
ActionParsnipsol93: true but one may be unavailable11:19
guntbert^mNotIntelligent: that means you must be identified to freenode, try /msg nickserv help identify11:19
tdnsol93, I do not have a cdrom drive. And I can not easily get one here.11:19
arandtdn: no CD, no floppy, no usbboot. What on earth kinda computer is this? o_O11:19
sol93tdn: so youre hoping to install via usb boot on the other machine? hmm.. i hope you get lucky!11:20
ActionParsniparand: old11:20
^mNotIntelligentguntbert, google is saying this is because of use of same nick is it the case,?11:20
ActionParsnipsol93: id go with the internal drive out and into another system to get it installed11:20
sol93ActionParsnip: if there is no cdrom. the other system will have to boot from usb... well... that ability still not quite standard11:21
homyActionParsnip: I'll think I'll just report the bug that the crash Handler thingy suggests me to do.11:21
tdnarand, sol93, ActionParsnip: It is a fairly old computer (VIA EPIA 800MHz mini-itx, 256MB RAM). I do not use it anymore, but it works fine. So I will install xubuntu on it and give it to charity instead of just throwing the hardware away.11:21
^mNotIntelligentguntbert, can't we use the same nick in multiple channels, i dont have any registered nicks though11:21
guntbert^mNotIntelligent: no necessarily, look up the identification process - or ask in #freenode11:21
sol93tdn: that's very cool11:21
ActionParsniptdn: absolutely. best way11:21
dpreacherI'm not able to remove a wrongly configured rndc and hence can't reinstall bind either. there's no package for rndc...and there are 3 packages that claim they have rndc. http://dpaste.com/75927/ http://dpaste.com/75928/ these are the 2 apt installs i tried. can someone help me understand what errors its pointing to, please11:22
Bauer\is there a program under the linux platform that can deathping?11:22
ActionParsniptdn: its better than the majority of my systems11:22
tdnActionParsnip, I just noticed that the BIOS recognizes my USB device. It writes this during boot: USB Storage Device: U3 Titanium.11:22
ActionParsnipBauer\: look at man ping11:22
^mNotIntelligentthanks guntbert11:22
Bauer\under ubuntu?11:22
guntbert^mNotIntelligent: you're welcome11:22
macgyver_tdn, I have the same, actually I have 4 16GB u3's11:23
macgyver_they all work in Ubuntu11:23
ActionParsniptdn: maybe its a hard drive to the system, like the internal. You could try F11 at boot too as this usually brings up a boot media options screen11:23
tdnmacgyver_, mine works in Ubuntu also.11:23
tdnActionParsnip, clever idea. Will try that.11:23
macgyver_whats the issue? no boot?11:23
tdnmacgyver_, yes.11:23
ActionParsnipmacgyver_: they arent needed to work in ubuntu, they are needed to boot the installation media11:23
ActionParsnipmacgyver_: so it is OS independant11:24
macgyver_tdn, you got win?11:24
tdnmacgyver_, no.11:24
macgyver_unetboot (or similar)11:24
macgyver_I used Windows app called unetboot or something to create a bootable Ubuntu usb key11:24
tdnActionParsnip, I have these boot options: LS120, HDD-0, HDD-1, HDD-2, HDD-3, SCSI, CDROM, ZIP100, USB-FDD, USB-ZIP, LAN.11:25
macgyver_also used it for Backtrack and Fedora...11:25
macgyver_what machine you on?11:25
ActionParsniptdn: try them all11:25
ss23I'm having trouble getting my wired network to work when live booting from a 8.04 CD. It was a box running smoothwall as a firewall, not sure if that comes into play. It has onboard network, and an added network card, I don't mind which I get working.11:25
ceil420macgyver_, unetbootin isn't a "windows app"11:25
Mintui can11:25
ss23The top right corner has the network symbol, and it lists both my network cards there. The onboard, which I've plugged the network into, has black text, which I assosiate with being enabled.11:25
ss23The other is greyed out. The radio button for the onboard network is selected. The output from a ifconfig is here - http://ss23.pastebin.com/m59c017d0. I tried the other network card, the network still didn't work, and both options were removed from the network icon left click interface.11:25
ss23I restarted and here I am. A ping to anywhere gives the message "Destination host unreachable". Ideas anyone?11:25
guntbert!enter | Mintu11:25
ubottuMintu: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:25
MintuI can't open GUI in ubuntu 9.0411:25
ceil420it's cross-platform, like all good software :>11:26
macgyver_ceil420, maybe not, but I used the win32 binary version to create my key11:26
Mintuubottu it happened by mistake11:26
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:26
* macgyver_ climbs back under his rock11:26
ActionParsnipMintu: boot to recovery mode and select fix graphics11:26
aleskandrohi all11:26
aleskandrohow can i change the lockscreen/gdm2.26 background?11:27
tdnActionParsnip, all has been tried now.11:27
MintuHey AP how to boot to recovery mode?11:27
Mintuwhats the command?11:27
ceil420Mintu, should be one of your choices in GRUB when first booting11:27
tdnMintu, select recovery mode in GRUB.11:28
Mintuwhere to find grub11:28
ceil420gotta be quick - you have 2 seconds after BIOS (by default) to hit ESC and enter the GRUB menu11:28
MintuI am only on command prompt11:28
ActionParsniptdn: then id go with the drive out of the system to get it installed11:28
tdnMintu, restart your computer. It is the menu just before the Ubuntu logo.11:28
tdnActionParsnip, ok. Better than network installation?11:28
tdnActionParsnip, I only have a laptop computer besides this one. But I have and USB harddisk enclosure for that laptop.11:29
ActionParsniptdn: if you can set it up then go for lan boot, if not then it looks like the solution11:29
tdnActionParsnip, it supports LAN boot.11:29
Mintuyes ESC clicked many times but no Grub, only Ubuntu & ubunntu recovered and memory check11:29
Mintuthese 3 options display11:29
ceil420Mintu, that's the GRUB menu11:30
ActionParsniptdn: you may have an enclosure, but the bios cannot boot from it, it may be 100% usable in a full OS but your bios isnt smart enough to boot it11:30
ss23Ubuntu recovery?11:30
ss23That sounds like it Mintu :)11:30
ceil420GRUB is a boot loader - it gives you options of what to boot to11:30
ActionParsniptdn: if yuo can get a usb cdrom drive it'll be much easier11:30
Mintui tried'em all none worked11:30
tdnActionParsnip, I cannot :(11:30
Mintuall reboot to command prompt11:30
ceil420ActionParsnip, annoyed me when i found out my new motherboard can't boot from usb :(11:30
tdnActionParsnip, I will look into LAN boot.11:30
ceil420thing's less than a year old; i thought all modern mobos had boot from usb ><11:31
Quiznosdeps on the bios program11:31
Quiznoswho wrote it?11:31
ActionParsniptdn: you may be able to get a bios uprade that will allow it11:31
Quiznosor install linuxBios11:31
tdnActionParsnip, ok, but that will require a floppy drive or something :(11:31
ActionParsniptdn: but if you et that wrong then the system will not work11:31
ActionParsniptdn: correct11:31
Mintuhow can I exit command prompt and get into graphics user interface, where I can see desktop.11:32
Quiznosas root, run startx11:32
ActionParsnipMintu: startx   maybe11:32
ceil420Quiznos, can't even remember11:32
Mintustartx doesn't work11:32
ceil420also, i usually try /etc/init.d/gdm restart first11:32
ceil420(just a suggestion)11:32
Mintuxserver has error doesn't run11:32
ActionParsnipMintu: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start11:32
Mintuok let me try this command11:33
Quiznosceil420 whose name on box? google that for bios info, spec sheet11:33
ceil420Mintu, if X is getting an error, it prolly won't work11:33
ceil420you may need to whip out a xorg.conf, but i unfortunately dunno how to make a good one11:33
Mintuyes ceil I tried everything and it didn't work11:33
QuiznosX -configure11:34
Quiznosas root11:34
ActionParsnipMintu: try: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:34
ActionParsnipMintu: then reboot11:34
ceil420Quiznos, it's an ASUS mobo; i *think* it's an AwardBIOS or sumn like that, but i could be wrong. i don't think it's Phoenix11:34
Mintuyup opened xorg.conf dunno what to alter to work11:34
ceil420i'm too late for work to check now ><11:34
Quiznosceil420 well google all that11:34
ceil420ffs shoulda already left and ain't even dressed... dang IRC11:34
MintuAP this command also I tried didn't work out11:34
ceil420Quiznos, will do cheers o/11:34
Mintutried this too sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-core=1:1.0.2-0ubuntu1011:35
Mintudidn't work11:35
diddyAm I running short on RAM and should by more? http://pastebin.ca/152033911:35
ActionParsnipMintu: try typing my full name, use tab to complete it11:35
ActionParsnipMintu: what happened to make it break?11:35
Quiznosdiddy you're running alot; close unused apps11:36
MintuActionParsnip: ok thanks it worked11:36
Mintubut ubuntu sucks11:36
Quiznosdiddy also look at cache col.11:36
Mintuwhat to do?11:36
Quiznosdiddy that's a dynamic value as kernel needs space to run someth11:36
ActionParsnipMintu: there are other distros of linux if you dislike ubuntu11:37
diddyQuiznos, so I should buy more memory? I can not close any applications.11:37
ActionParsnipMintu: well what do you have and what do you want to do?11:37
ss23Mintu: Look into gentoo :)11:37
Quiznosdiddy maybe turn off unused unneeded daemons11:37
dpreacherhttp://dpaste.com/75935/ can someone please help me understand the lines 9,10,11. thanks a lot11:37
Quiznosdiddy one can always throw money at the prob11:37
diddySo How much free RAM do I actually have? Should I use the -o option?11:38
Quiznosless than 1200 diddy11:38
diddyBut isn't that plenty?11:39
Quiznosdiddy +swap11:39
ActionParsnipdpreacher: you have a half installed package and is the aciles heel of package based systems11:39
donkeyboynot able to get my sound working in 9.04. Brand new machine I have posted all info I can collect from my machine about it. http://paste.ubuntu.com/248571/ any ideas?11:39
Quiznosdeps on what you're doing11:39
gartralflash isnt playing with sound in firefox, im on Ubuntu 9.04, using Flash 9 as 10 doesn't play what-so-ever11:39
Quiznosturn on spkrs11:40
gartral!abreviate | Quiznos11:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about abreviate11:40
ActionParsnipQuiznos: i've suggst ed that to users and fixed the issue11:40
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QuiznosActionParsnip which?11:40
MintuActionParsnip: I am looking for a replacement for windows11:40
dpreacherActionParsnip, so I thought scaredly. what do i do now...i thought purge did a clean job11:40
gartralQuiznos: ... i dont have speakers, i have headphones coming out of the sound card11:41
Quiznosgartral ok, alsa?11:41
gartralQuiznos: OSS11:41
ActionParsnipMintu: Other distributions like mandriva or fedora are good, puppy is nice too. Try a few distros. You could even try PCBSD which is BSD based11:41
Mintuubuntu looked easier but it support is limited. developers are not taking much interest into support i think.11:41
krs2hi, if there is a bug in /etc/bash_completition, should i report it for the package that the complete-line is broken for or the package which adds the bash completition ?11:41
Quiznosgartral i dont know their tools11:41
ubuntuhalo jest ktoś??????11:41
Quiznoskrs2 package auth11:42
gartralQuiznos: it uses alsa, but what are you going too suggest?11:42
ubuntupo polsku???11:42
Quiznosgartral alsaconf, lift all the bars up; take off phones first; then alsactl (save i think)11:42
krs2Quiznos, yea but which one11:42
MintuActionParsnip: pls. suggest the one which can replace windows easily without a network/internet configuration required11:42
Quiznoskrs2 the author of the code11:42
ActionParsnipdpreacher: Ive fixed that sort of thing in 2 way. Download the deb and force install it using: dpkg --force-all -i <deb file>   OR (harder) each package has a postinst scipt to run and you can edit that so it doesnt check stuff.11:42
sleepy_catis there something like Nero 7 or something that can play iso files11:42
ActionParsnipMintu: all OSes use DHCP by default11:43
sleepy_cati want to open an iso image11:43
Quiznosmount it11:43
gartralQuiznos: alsaconf: command not found11:43
ActionParsnipsleepy_cat: sudo mount -o loop /path/to/file.iso /media/cdrom011:43
Quiznosinstall it11:43
Mintuso network & internet will work on all?11:43
erUSUL!iso | sleepy_cat11:43
ubottusleepy_cat: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.11:43
ActionParsnipMintu: sure11:43
krs2Quiznos: yea that was my question.. what package is it a part of11:43
ActionParsnipMintu: provided your NIC is installed ok then you will be fine11:44
gartralQuiznos: E: Couldn't find package alsaconf11:44
Quiznoskrs2 bashcompletion; find on sourcefroge.net11:44
Mintusuggest me easiest one with no bugs or problems like ubuntu is giving11:44
Quiznosgartral alsa11:44
Quiznoskrs2 bashcomplete11:44
donkeyboybasically its a 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller and the driver can not be loaded.11:44
Quiznoskrs2 on sourceforge11:44
krs2quiznos, ok thanks11:44
dpreacherActionParsnip. to get to the postscript, what do i have to do. does it require unpacking and repacking the deb file?11:44
MintuActionParsnip: internet and LAN is working fine on WXP11:44
mistereverywherehello all i am having a hard time installing an ati driver on my laptop11:45
geirhakrs2: dpkg -S /etc/bash_completion11:45
gartralQuiznos: I have alsa installed.. I have too becasue it relies on AOSS too be used11:45
Quiznosgartral ok11:45
krs2geira yea i know11:45
ActionParsnipMintu: thats a different OS so means nothing to Linux11:45
ActionParsnipdpreacher: you'll need to dig around11:45
krs2geira, my question was if it was the bash-complete package or the wine package that added the line in the file11:45
MintuActionParsnip: what i mean is H/W is correctly configured11:45
Mintuso should work for new OS, what u think11:46
gartralQuiznos: so whats wrong here, an apt-cache search alsaconf returns jack-squat11:46
geirhakrs2: Ah, I see. Only bash_completion alters /etc/bash_completion. Other packages puts a separate file in /etc/bash_completion.d/11:46
Mintuand it worked fine on ubuntu live CD demo11:46
ActionParsnipMintu: only in the BIOS, the settings for each OS can be completely different11:46
Quiznosgartral alsaconf is part of alsa package; tool within.  i dont know anymore11:46
krs2geirha: thanks, exactly what i wanted to hear =)11:46
ActionParsnipMintu: then it works in ubuntu fine11:47
dpreacherActionParsnip so maybe I should start with the former option of getting the deb and trying with dpkg...but whats the best way to ensure existing package installation attempts have been completely undone11:47
mistereverywhereim using pidgen and would like to turn off the entered room and left room stuff how do i do that?11:47
ActionParsnipdpreacher: you could try:  sudo apt-get clean; sudo depmod -a; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -f install11:47
MintuActionParsnip: yes it works in ubuntu fine but ubuntu doesn't11:47
gartralQuiznos: you try alsaconf, caus according too alsa and apt, it doesnt exist as a command period11:47
ActionParsnipMintu: then try a different OS, see how it flys11:47
scripted1  /11:47
Quiznosgartral on slackware it is in alsa-utils package11:48
ActionParsnipmistereverywhere: theres a plugin which is part of a default install11:48
Quiznosgartral i do use it11:48
ActionParsnipmistereverywhere: on the main pidgin screen press ctrl+u11:48
ActionParsnipmistereverywhere: then select join/part hiding11:48
gartralwhy on earth would Jaunty ship without an esential tools package like this!?!11:49
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Quiznosgartral no idear; chk their cvs for that package11:49
MintuActionParsnip: thats what my request is pls. suggest OS which has minimum bugs11:49
Quiznosgartral i gotta sleep;  good luck and gn.11:49
mistereverywhereactionparsnip thnx11:50
gartralQuiznos: ok, even after installing alsa-tools its not a command11:50
ActionParsnipMintu: all will have some issues, just in different places. Try a few, see which yo like. Mandriva is decent, Fedora is good, SUSE is not too bad11:50
ActionParsnipMintu: could try something completely different and jiump to PCBSD11:50
MintuActionParsnip: if problems in ubuntu could be resolved i would love it11:50
Quiznosgn all; gone.11:50
ActionParsnipMintu: all works 100% here11:50
ss23ActionParsnip: Could you help me with my networking issue? I pasted above but no one seemed to see it11:51
Mintui am running intel chipset 845 with P411:51
gartralflash isnt playing with sound in firefox, im on Ubuntu 9.04, using Flash 9 as 10 doesn't play what-so-ever11:51
ActionParsnipss23: can you repost the link11:51
MintuI can't even update drivers11:51
c4ptneed some help to change the amount of video ram that nvidia-xconfig uses i want to allow ubuntu to use 512mb of video ram instead of the full 1024mb11:51
ActionParsnipMintu: the drivers are part of a standard install11:51
Mintuit gave me 800X600 screen in live CD11:52
c4ptbecause i am also using xen dom0 kernel11:52
Bauer\what OS can perform an dos attack?11:52
ActionParsnipc4pt: you set it in the bios11:52
c4ptActionParsnip, the video card11:52
gartralc4pt: just curious, why would you want to limit it?11:52
ActionParsnipMintu: stating random facts about yours system doesnt really do much11:52
Mintuis there also anyway I can update driver from intel CD?11:52
gartral!hack | Bauer\11:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hack11:52
c4ptgardar, so that the xen domU can take advantage of the other half of the video ram11:52
ss23ActionParsnip: http://ss23.pastebin.com/m1ebae8b - That is an outline of what is happening, the 3 posts before that are, in this order, a ifconfig, lscpi, and a dmesg | tail -n5011:52
ActionParsnipMintu: no, those are windows drivers11:52
c4ptgardar, i can only assign 4mb of video ram to the domU currently.11:52
c4ptgardar, and i think its because the dom0 (ubuntu 9.04 is using it all)11:53
c4ptgardar, so. (the domU is windows 7)11:53
Mintuthen how will I get 1024X724 resolution in 17" LCD Monitor?11:53
ActionParsnipss23: the dhcp is failing11:53
ss23This computer can get an ip, also I thought the same thing11:53
c4ptgardar, ran a hack to get the latest nvidia drivers (185 working with xen kernel)11:53
ActionParsnipMintu: configure the video: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReinhardTartler/X/RevertingIntelDriverTo2.411:54
ss23I set static ips for both eht0 and eth1, no results there either11:54
gartralc4pt: umm.. I havn't messed with Xen in a very long time, but if the functionality hasn't changed any: you can't assign more because xen is designer for _SERVERS_ not PCs.. and it's impossible too use a GFX card's accelleration feature while running under Xen11:54
ActionParsnipss23: i'd check the wire is connected properly11:54
ss23ActionParsnip: Lights are on on both the network card and switch11:54
scriptedcan anyone help with jerky mp3 playback11:54
ActionParsnipss23: boot to liveCD, do you get an IP?11:55
dpreacherActionParsnip tried out the list of commands u suggested. but still the same error. now do i try getting the package n trying dpkg?11:55
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c4ptgardar, just wanted to assign the domU more vram than 4mb and see where it goes from there... thats all.11:55
humboldtI am having trouble installing binary nvidia drivers.11:55
mistereverywherei am trying to get compiz to work and it says i have a software rasterizer and i jsut installed the ati driver thinking that owuld help but it did not any suggestions?11:55
humboldtThe trouble is, that my ltsp chroot has a different kernel version installed than the server, so the build process for nvidia-glx-180 does not go through successfully.11:55
ss23ActionParsnip: Can you explain that a little more, I have restarted to the live cd twice now11:55
ActionParsnipdpreacher: head over to http://packages.ubuntu.com and download the deb yourself11:55
humboldtany ideas?11:55
ActionParsnipss23: you just need to test the cable and the port on the interconnecting device run well11:55
eMaXhi all11:56
ss23ActionParsnip: The box was working less then a week ago at another location, the cable was working less then 20 mins ago on this pc11:56
ClouseHi there all, I am trying to learn what each command does in a perticular shell script I have here, can anyone point me in the right direction?11:56
ss23Also, I've tried both ports on the box, I figure it would be a massive conicidence for both to break at the same time11:56
sleepy_catI got a Ubuntu Netbook remix edition iso file.. i renamed .img as .iso and used the usb boot maker in system to make it a bootable USB then when i restarted it went on a blank screen with some garbage and cursor keeps blinking11:57
theatroClouse, is it a bash script?11:57
jacquesdupontdcya later guys11:57
Clousetheatro: Sorry I don;t know enough to know that yet.11:58
ss23So do you have any further ideas ActionParsnip ?11:58
theatroClouse, what is the first line11:58
Clousetheato: #!/bin/sh -f11:58
sleepy_catI got a Ubuntu Netbook remix edition iso file.. i renamed .img as .iso and used the usb boot maker in system to make it a bootable USB then when i restarted it went on a blank screen with some garbage and cursor keeps blinking11:59
ActionParsnipss23: you could try: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart11:59
Clousetheato: That's the first line of the comments.11:59
theatrothis one is not a comment11:59
ss23I shall try ActionParsnip :)11:59
Clousetheato: And this; rundir=`pwd` is the first line after the comments finish12:00
Clousetheato: OK sorry, just guessing here really.12:00
humboldtanybody fit with nvidia dkms build process?12:00
theatroClouse, start from chapter 2:  http://www.freeos.com/guides/lsst/12:00
Clousetheato: Thank you very much!12:01
geophysicsHow can I install Aptana_Studio_Setup_Linux_x86_1.5.1.zip   ???12:01
ss23OH ActionParsnip, theres some weird output12:01
ss23Ill pastebin it12:01
ActionParsnipss23: cool12:01
ActionParsnipgeophysics: you'll need to run:  unzip Aptana_Studio_Setup_Linux_x86_1.5.1.zip12:01
=== Badis_ is now known as Badis
ActionParsnipgeophysics: there will be a readme in the extracted data12:02
geophysicsActionParsnip: I did it, now I Aptana_Studio_Setup_Linux_x86_1.5.1have a file  named Aptana Studio 1.512:02
geophysicsthere is no file named readme in Aptana Studio 1.512:03
sleepy_catI tried to convert an .img file into a .iso by using ccd2iso but after converting it says Unrecognized sector mode(0) at sector 0!12:03
Badisphew, I've been reading for ages about this and I feel like I get no wiser. I want to route all tcp traffic from my homecomputer, to a server, so when I surf, it looks like its the server thats doing the surfing, is it ssh port forwarding I want?12:03
gnrhad issues with yahoo messenger using pidgin solved?12:04
dpreacherActionParsnip should i check for bind9 deb in intrepid or intrepid updates or intrepid backports? which one?12:04
ActionParsnipgeophysics: then cahnge the command12:04
ActionParsnipdpreacher: intrepid makes sense12:04
sleepy_catActionParsnip: can u help me out12:04
dpreacheranyone knows if reportbug package works correctly on ubuntu. it suggests to put ubuntu-bug as bts but still it doesn't take that value12:05
ActionParsnipsleepy_cat: not sure, sorry12:06
roconnoraww, loop-aes is totally not supported in 9.04.  This makes my encrypted-root partition very sad. ;(12:07
deanysleepy_cat, why not just burn the img12:08
sleepy_cati am on ubuntu12:08
sleepy_catand i dont have a DVD Writer12:09
ClouseBadis: Sounds like you might need to setup a proxy.12:09
deanysleepy_cat,  i`m late here,  so you are trying to burn UNR to a cd?12:09
deanysleepy_cat,  so you want to put it to a usb stick?12:09
Badisclouse: ok, but isnt that kind of the same thing? sorry if I sound dense  ;)12:09
sleepy_catyes i want to make a bootable usb12:10
deany!usb | sleepy_cat12:10
ubottusleepy_cat: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent12:10
sleepy_catsince my laptop does not have a cdrom12:10
sleepy_cati saw those links12:10
deanysleepy_cat, so whats the problem12:10
sleepy_catI tried to convert an .img file into a .iso by using ccd2iso but after converting it says Unrecognized sector mode(0) at sector 0!12:11
sleepy_catI got a Ubuntu Netbook remix edition img file.. i renamed .img as .iso and used the usb boot maker in system to make it a bootable USB then when i restarted it went on a blank screen with some garbage and cursor keeps blinking12:11
sleepy_cati tried the above 2 things12:11
gnrhad issues with yahoo messenger login using pidgin solved?12:11
sleepy_catgnr: yes update ur pidgin12:11
sleepy_catgnr: getting 2 pidgin 2.5.8 can ease it up12:12
deanysleepy_cat, why rename to iso?12:12
sleepy_catok deany did u understand my problem12:12
ClouseBadis: No not at all, just from my knowledge the best way to seem to be initiating http requests or others form a different computer then the one you are actually using is to setup a proxy12:12
sleepy_catwell first i was searching on the net.. and i read in a Ubuntu forum a person saying so so i tried it instantly changed the icon12:13
sleepy_catwhich normally does not happen in linux because linux is not as bogus as windows12:13
bazhanghttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR/Installation/Easy sleepy_cat12:14
deanysleepy_cat, so you want netbook remix and not regular ubuntu then.12:14
deanysleepy_cat, your usb stick might be be able to boot, some dont..12:14
sleepy_cati got a 2GB stick12:15
ubunturegister ubuntu solanki12:15
sleepy_catusb stick*12:15
deanysleepy_cat, but for me, formatting it to fat32 and using dd if=unr.img of=/dev/sdb1 bs=1M12:15
sleepy_cati did format to fat 1612:15
ubuntugetting segmentation fault while installing adobe flash player12:15
Cyber_AkumaSigh, we need something better than FAT32, that works in everything12:15
ClouseYeah sleepy_cat I've been having the same trouble lately were I am trying to install some software that came as a .img file and it seams that Linux really does not like this image file format.12:16
sleepy_cati did not understand what cane after using12:16
bazhangsleepy_cat, check the link I gave you12:16
Cyber_AkumaKinda out there, but is there a channel where I can talk about firefox?12:17
deanythats basically saying the same thing as !usb12:17
bazhangwell there is a ppa imagewriter as an option12:17
NET||abuseAnyone know how I can get skype chat to work in pidgin?12:18
legend2440Cyber_Akuma: yes  channel  #firefox12:18
NET||abuseMy skype install is completely corrupt on ubuntu,, :(12:18
horisonum, can someone tell me any better application to run windows application other than wine?12:19
ss23horison: That's the best12:19
ss23As far as I know anyawy12:19
deanyhorison, try find a linux alternative or use windows in a virtualbox/vmware12:20
horisono, so is it bug free and can run any window application?12:20
ss23Maybe you can run some sort of virtual box12:20
horisonwhich one better?12:20
NET||abusehorison, VirtualBox, otherwise not really, there are derivatives of wine, such as cedega or transoffice, but they are just optimiised for certain subsets of windows aps12:20
horisonowh, then i will try it first, tq for all u12:20
NET||abusei've never really used em either.12:21
bazhanghorison, of course not any windows app. 3D games will have problems12:21
mjaklHi, I have problem with WPA authentication in Ubuntu 9.04. When I try to connect in my friend's house to his network it asks for the password infinetely. In wpa_supplicant.log are messages that WPA authentication was timed out.12:21
Bauer\can i use other vhost to make my own vhost?12:21
NET||abusehorison, if it's for games your SOL, unless you can get wine to run it.12:21
horisonthat my primary purpose lol12:21
domovoyурааааааааааа, закончился срок бана и теперь я могу показать свою попу опам )    OO12:21
NET||abusehorison, what games?12:21
bazhangBauer\, ask in #freenode12:21
horisonNET||abuse, um, rohan12:21
bazhangdomovoy, #ubuntu-ru12:21
NET||abusenot familiar with rohan12:22
mistereverywherehello all, i have ubuntu 9.04 and i jsut installed the ati drivers but the screen is fuzzy12:22
horisonNET||abuse,  owh, then i will try it first12:22
domovoyточно.. я кажется не дописал )12:22
horisontq for the advice guys:)12:22
bazhanghorison, check the appdb12:22
bullgard4How can I make Ubuntu so that it will not re-install Games (in Applications > Games) even in a dist-upgrade?12:22
NET||abusehorison, yeh, bazhang is right, use the appdb first12:22
bazhanghorison, http://appdb.winehq.org  help in #winehq12:23
horisonbazhang, app db?12:23
sleepy_cati have done what that link told me waiting now for it to write to usb12:24
bazhanghorison, see the link above.12:24
horisonbazhang, okok12:24
horisonbazhang, um, the game i want is not in the application list, but i will just try it :)12:26
bazhanghorison, appdb lists it as 'garbage' (ie unplayable)12:27
horisonbazhang, ouch -.-12:27
mistereverywherehow can i make my screen clearer12:27
horisonbazhang, i just have problem with my grub and try to repair it12:28
andres_hey guys... wonderin. ubuntu keeps taking my applications with this grey screen12:28
andres_it just fades in and out12:28
andres_what is this?12:28
horisonbazhang, and now even tho my windows in the list but it says no partition such as that12:28
horisonbazhang, any suggestion?12:28
andres_oh btw it happens totally at random?12:28
ArabusHi, I just installed Ubuntu Jaunty on my Worktstation. When I then reboot the computer everything works fine. After I power down the computer and then power it on again, I get a Disk boot failure. Has someone already encountered this problem and or knows a solution to it?12:29
sleepy_catdeany: <deany> sleepy_cat, but for me, formatting it to fat32 and using dd if=unr.img of=/dev/sdb1 bs=1M << ok i did what u did and now its done the cursor is back i removed the usb now should i restart and see what comes ? or is there something else to be done before12:29
bazhanghorison, which was installed first, windows or ubuntu12:29
horisonbazhang, windows visat home pre 3212:29
bazhangsleepy_cat, make sure bios is set to boot usb first12:29
sleepy_catthats done12:29
sleepy_catso should i reboot12:29
bazhangonly way to test :)12:30
sleepy_catmeet u in sometime (i hope with good news)12:30
scriptedanyone know what i can do about jerky mp3 playback? audatious is about the best out of the players i have tried.12:30
c4ptgardar, how do i apply this? http://lists.xensource.com/archives/html/xen-devel/2009-05/msg00890.html12:31
Leoneofhow to get sidebar in Ubuntu, like in Vista?12:31
bazhangLeoneof, dock?12:31
bullgard4How can I make Ubuntu so that it will not re-install Games (in Applications > Games) even in a dist-upgrade?12:32
Leoneofbazhang: not sure :S12:32
Leoneofit is Sidebar to see calendar, clock....etc12:32
bazhangLeoneof, never used vista so no idea want to post a screenshot?12:32
bazhang!grub | horison check these links12:33
ubottuhorison check these links: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:33
Leoneofthis: http://www.gnome-look.org/CONTENT/content-pre2/109016-2.jpg12:33
bazhangLeoneof, the one on the bottom? or the conky at the right12:34
Leoneofbazhang: i need both if you can ^_^12:34
armadahi need help W/ java12:34
armadajava applet freezes my firefox12:35
armadaany help?12:35
sleepy_cathi i got Book Error.. then i loaded my old Ubuntu Hardy Heron12:35
sleepy_catfrom the Hd12:36
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5436679 Leoneof this is for conky, not sure about which dock that is though (there are several dock candidates so must be one of them)12:36
Leoneofbazhang: thank you :D12:36
Ecnerhi everyone, can someone please help me get my resolution higher than 640x480? my old gfx card is faulty so i put an nvidia card + nvidia drivers on my pc now but the resolution is limited to this :(12:36
bazhangsleepy_cat, what about the imagewriter; and is the img a clean download (ie not corrupted)12:36
sleepy_catno i dont think so...12:37
sleepy_cati downloaded from the ubuntu site12:37
sleepy_catwhat about the image writter12:37
bazhangsleepy_cat, its linked on that site I gave you12:37
Tecnahow do I add a user to sudoers?12:38
torgrimtTecna: visudo12:38
sleepy_catbazhang: what is linked on the site i fail to understand you12:39
sleepy_cati had downloaded the ubuntu copy from the www.ubuntu.com site12:39
^mNotIntelligenthello friends . yesterday i installed pylucene which installed python2.5 and python2.5-minimal apart from pylucene but since pylucene was not working i removed that using: sudo apt-get autoremove pylucen, and it removed those packages, but now when i run apt-get update i'm getting errors, this one:12:39
^mNotIntelligentsudo apt-get update12:39
^mNotIntelligentapt-get: /usr/local/lib/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.9' not found (required by apt-get)12:39
^mNotIntelligentapt-get: /usr/local/lib/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.9' not found (required by /usr/lib/libapt-pkg-libc6.9-6.so.4.7)12:39
sleepy_catthere i clicked on the netbook remix on the top band and downloaded it12:39
FloodBot1^mNotIntelligent: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:39
^mNotIntelligentsorry, i'll take care FloodBot112:40
sleepy_cat^mNotIntelligent: go to pastebin12:40
bazhanghttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR/Installation/Easy    Download usb-imagewriter here  <------- sleepy_cat12:40
sleepy_catbazhang: but i used the cmdline way12:40
sleepy_catsudo dd if= of= that one12:41
bazhangsleepy_cat, but that did not work did it12:41
AthunyeI am having a problem that is getting to my nerve. Some web pages simply won't connect. (Yahoo.com, groups.yahoo.com, ubuntuforums.org, scrib.com etc) In archlinux (with the same hardware and same network configuration) it just connects fine. What could be the problem?12:41
^mNotIntelligentsleepy_cat, this is the pastebin link:http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/248610/ , can you please check it and help me fixing the same, thnaks12:42
sleepy_catno bazhang12:42
bullgard4How can I make Ubuntu so that it will not re-install Games (in Applications > Games) even in a dist-upgrade?12:42
sleepy_catatleast this time it said boot error instead of garbage12:42
sleepy_catshould i try the other way .. easier one12:42
bazhangsleepy_cat, up to you, just a suggestion12:43
sleepy_catits also doing the hard one only12:43
^mNotIntelligentcan some one help me fixing the apt-get error , pastebin: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/248610/12:43
dpreacherwhen you press ctrl-r for a reverse search how do you scroll thru all search results12:43
sleepy_catthis is just a GUI making it look in a different (easier) way12:43
sol93I can't open a bash script from my ssd, there is only some flicker and then silence. When I copy the file to the Desktop, I can open it normally. What could be wrong?12:43
SaturnDriverHow do I make bluetooth not make my computer lockup and the kernel panic12:44
sol93I can't open a bash script from my ssd, there is only some flicker and then silence. When I copy the file to the Desktop, I can open it normally. What could be wrong? "open" = double click and use with texteditor12:44
dpreacherlets say i type ctrl-r n then type tail -f to see most recent tail-f command...but want to scroll thru previous commands too...what do i do12:44
dpreacherup down key doesnt work12:44
bazhangsol93, please wait between reposts12:44
sleepy_catbazhang: how to check if the img is proper or not12:44
sol93bazhang: how to deal with additions?12:44
sleepy_catwhat are you trying to install12:45
bazhangsleepy_cat, let me check12:45
^mNotIntelligentsleepy_cat, i just removed one package and then all this mess, it was pylucene, btw12:46
legend2440^mNotIntelligent: read this  http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-914618.html12:46
MintuHello, I reinstalled ubuntu and again its not booting to desktop after first reboot. what do i do?12:47
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes sleepy_cat12:47
Mintuit says failed to start X server12:47
^mNotIntelligentlegend2440, thansk for the links ...but he solution mentioned there to export the ld-lib-path does not help me12:48
gartralflash isnt playing with sound in firefox, im on Ubuntu 9.04, using Flash 9 as 10 doesn't play what-so-ever12:49
BBhi i'd like to know how to install songbird through a repository?12:49
bazhangBB, you need to go to the getsongbird site12:49
gartralBB: theres also PPAs for songbird12:49
Mintuanyone can guide me?12:50
MintuI installed 9.0412:50
kadhey need help! when i install program give me this error:   WARNING: Symbol version dump /usr/src/linux-2.6.30/Module.symvers  is missing; modules will have no dependencies and modversions.=>how i can fix it12:50
Dr_WillisMintu:  normally its a good idea to tell the channel your video card you are useing.12:50
Mintui m using the intelchipset onboard card12:50
Dr_WillisMintu:  the intel drivers/cards have had a few issues in 9.0412:51
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.12:51
akscihow can i access and manipulate an output of the form into other pages without knowing php? would views suffice that? please reply, my whole project depends on this part!12:51
bazhangMintu, which one please see link above12:51
Mintubazhang: I updated ubuntu and it updated intel drivers too.12:52
brankoHello there. I have artifacts when watching divx/xvid movies with radeon driver with my radeon x700 pro. How can I fix this? I tried with gnome mplayer player.12:52
bazhangMintu, better have a read of the intel link above then12:52
Mintumine is 845 chipset12:52
BBbazhang, gartral  the getsongbird site only offers the tar-ball, how can i get it into a repository in Ubuntu?12:52
bazhangbranko, compiz enabled or not12:52
Dr_WillisI had to use some of the PPA repos for my one intel box.12:53
^mNotIntelligentsleepy_cat, any idea on that issue12:53
bazhangBB, the ppa gartral suggested12:53
BBbazhang, where's that?12:53
BBbazhang, sorry i'm kinda a noob12:54
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bazhanghttps://launchpad.net/~fta/+archive/ppa BB12:55
waylandbillIs there a 9.04 version of ubuntu for the ps3 console?12:55
brankobazhang: I didn't installed compiz, also effects are set to off.12:55
BBbazhang, thankyou!!12:56
ubottuAside from i386 and amd64 platforms, Ubuntu is also available for alternate platforms. Playstation 3 ( support in #ubuntu-ps3 ) Apple PowerPC  ( support in #ubuntu-ppc )12:56
ArabusHi, I just installed Ubuntu Jaunty on my Worktstation. When I then reboot the computer everything works fine. After I power down the computer and then power it on again, I get a Disk boot failure. Has someone already encountered this problem and or knows a solution to it?12:57
akscihow can i access and manipulate an output of the form into other pages without knowing php? would views suffice that? please provide a tutorial!12:57
brankoHello there. I have artifacts when watching divx/xvid movies with radeon driver with my radeon x700 pro. How can I fix this? I tried with gnome mplayer player. Also with just mplayer12:58
sleepy_catfrankly ^mNotIntelligent i was so busy with my image thing i did not take a look at ur difficulty12:58
sleepy_catgive me sometime12:58
bazhanghttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuPS3 waylandbill here is some info, nothing about 9.04 there, you may ask in the #ubuntu-ps3 channel though12:58
waylandbillthank you Dr_Willis , bazhang12:58
sleepy_catbazhang: i used the easy way imagewriter that did the tric12:58
sleepy_catnow i hope my laptop works12:58
bazhangsleepy_cat, nicely done12:58
mrwesbranko, do you have visual effects turned on?12:58
ake_hello people, I just upgraded to jaunty and everything seems to function as usual except for firefox and epiphany. When I start these applications I get an error line that looks like this: \n /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.13/firefox: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/xulrunner- undefined symbol: PR_GetPhysicalMemorySize12:58
bazhangbranko, what about vlc12:59
ake_does anyone know the problem?12:59
mrwesake_, have you run update manager, there were a couple of firefox updates yesterday morning...maybe that'll help..shrug12:59
^mNotIntelligentokey sleepy_cat , do let me know when you have some idea on fixing the same13:00
ake_mrwes, yeah, I upgraded just an hour ago or something..13:00
sleepy_cati will check it up13:00
anujsinghhi all13:02
anujsinghi have a binary file with 755 attributes13:02
sleepy_cat^mNotIntelligent: which ubuntu distribution u running13:03
Dr_Willisbranko:  try the different 'video out' drivers for mplayer perhaps..    with ati and their drivers.. it may not be  fixable at this time.13:03
anujsinghwhen i am trying to execute binary file as ./bpcd13:03
kadfor what "make prepare" use ?13:03
ali_بچه ها بین شما کسی هست که یه مقدار تو لینوکس وارد باشه ؟13:03
anujsinghi have error -su: no such file or directory13:03
bazhangali_, english here please13:03
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Dr_Willisanujsingh:  sure its not some script?  and not a binary file?  -su would be a typo looks like to me.13:04
anujsinghDr_Willis: no it's not a script, it's a bin file.13:04
sleepy_cat^mNotIntelligent: u need to install GLIB version13:04
anujsinghi am using pastebin, just a moment13:05
sleepy_cat3.4.9 maybe13:05
Ecnermy power supply is making an electrical burning smell, what should i do?13:05
sleepy_catgo to synaptic and see there13:05
=== Delano1 is now known as Delano
sleepy_cat^mNotIntelligent: search by glib and check the version13:05
^mNotIntelligentsleepy_cat, how to do that...and which version do i need to install, thanks13:05
Ecnercan someone *please* tell me how to force my resolution to 1024x768, nvidia-settings limits it to 640x480... i really need to fix this before my power supply packs up, its making a burning smell at the moment :(13:06
Dr_WillisEcner:  you did install the proper nvidia drivers from the repos?13:07
jribEcner: you have bigger problems than resolution it sounds like13:07
Dr_WillisEcner:  or used the 'hardware drivers' tool in the menus?13:07
sleepy_catare you new to ubuntu13:07
EcnerDr_Willis: i installed the proprietary driver from the website13:07
sleepy_catdo u know where's synaptic13:07
jrib!who | sleepy_cat13:07
ubottusleepy_cat: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)13:07
Dr_WillisEcner:  you dident even TRY the one in the repos then? or the hardware-driver tool?13:07
Ecneri have other ubuntu issues at the moment, i just need to sort out the resolution for now... its urgent :/13:07
^mNotIntelligentsleepy_cat, this is what i got aftere searchign for glib: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/248617/   which one are you taling about13:08
EcnerDr_Willis: my whole apt system is screwed from data loss due to the old gfx card causing the pc to freeze13:08
kad!xrandr | Ecner13:09
ubottuEcner: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1213:09
anujsinghDr_Willis: no it's not a script, it's a bin file. http://pastebin.com/da7e26b313:09
kadEcner, i hope this can help :)13:09
Dr_WillisEcner:  I never use the ones from nvidia.com - so  no idea how reliable those are any more.13:09
Mintuhey my video card is AT3D13:09
Ecnerkad, i dont want dual screens?13:09
sleepy_catno ^mNotIntelligent13:09
Ecneri just need to force the resolution13:09
=== Rewt`_ is now known as Rewt`
sleepy_catwhat did u do prior to this13:09
^mNotIntelligentsleepy_cat, when i tried to locate that file i can see that they are there, then is it the case that the symlinks is broken/missing?13:09
Mintui tried many commands still can't start X server13:09
Ecneri tried adding the resolution line to xorg.conf but it didnt do anything13:09
kadEcner, there is in the site : Forcing a preferred mode Part13:09
Ecner640x480 is completely useless13:10
Ecnerok ill look thanks kad13:10
Rewt`unless you're blind13:10
meteor``my trash bin is gone from the bottom panel. How can I restore it?13:10
^mNotIntelligentsleepy_cat, this is the error m getting: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/248610/13:10
Rewt`then it's awesome++13:10
Mintufor me its only command prompt13:10
sleepy_cat^mNotIntelligent:apt-get: /usr/local/lib/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.9' not found (required by apt-get)    apt-get: /usr/local/lib/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.9' not found (required by /usr/lib/libapt-pkg-libc6.9-6.so.4.7)13:10
anujsinghany idea?13:10
anujsinghit's a x86 server13:10
Rewt`sleepy_cat is in dependency hades13:10
Dr_Willisanujsingh:  you are on a 32bit installed system? not 64bit?13:10
^mNotIntelligentsleepy_cat, you mean GLIBCXX_3.4.9, right? then how to install that any idae?13:11
kadwhere i can check if my system is on 32bit or 64bit?13:11
sleepy_catyes that only13:11
sleepy_catso i am asking u did u do anything prior to this error or is this coming from first13:11
anujsinghDr_Willis: just a moment checking with file /bin/date13:11
^mNotIntelligentsleepy_cat, this is the first time...prior to that everything was wrokign fine...i just remove one package and then this mess13:12
sleepy_catso reinstall that package13:12
anujsinghDr_Willis: file /bin/date gave mee 64 bit13:12
sleepy_catand check13:12
sleepy_catwhy did u remove a package13:12
momohello, is there any command that can show 32 bit running processes in linux 64 bit ?13:12
* Dr_Willis wonders how the date command tells you the bitness...13:12
anujsinghDr_Willis: file /bin/date13:12
^mNotIntelligentsleepy_cat, i tried to do that using dkpg but that is also giving the same error ...even tried ldconfig but no helo13:12
th0rDr_Willis: you take the square root of the date....13:13
sleepy_catwhats the name of the package u removed13:13
anujsinghi just used bin file of date to get the OS bit, /bin/date is under core installation13:13
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sleepy_catcause i am not on Jaunty so ..13:13
anujsinghin paste bin i did file bpcd with the same bin file which is giving me error13:14
^mNotIntelligentsleepy_cat, that package was not working, so i removed ...it was pylucene and i removed it using autoremove so it removed somethign else i guess13:14
anujsinghjust a moment i am again using pastebin13:14
sleepy_catit must've13:14
kadwhere i can check if my system is on 32bit or 64bit?13:14
sleepy_cattry reinstalling that thing13:14
sleepy_catthere u can see what else gets reinstalled along with that13:15
^mNotIntelligentbut how? even dpkg is not allowing me to install that pylucene ting13:15
lnghi! how to change locale?13:15
sleepy_catgo to synaptic13:15
sleepy_cator sudo apt-get install pylucene13:15
sleepy_catu tried that13:15
danbhfivekad: uname -a13:15
kaddanbhfive,  Linux kad 2.6.30 #1 SMP Thu Aug 6 16:40:32 AST 2009 i686 GNU/Linux13:16
^mNotIntelligentyeh,,,apt-get not working and i think because of that synaptic is not opeining at all13:16
anujsinghDr_Willis: http://pastebin.com/d510d729813:16
momokad, `uname -a` and check for x86_6413:16
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anujsinghany idea?13:16
sleepy_cattry sudo apt-get13:16
^mNotIntelligentkad, i686 => 32 bit OS13:16
danbhfivekad: i686 == 32bit13:16
^mNotIntelligentapt-get not working at all13:17
kadmomo, and x86_64 = 64 bit ? right?13:17
^mNotIntelligentkad, yeh13:17
kadthx :)13:17
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meteor``anyone knows about anything like EasyWAMP for ubuntu?13:19
Dr_Willis!find easywamp13:19
ubottuPackage/file easywamp does not exist in jaunty13:20
anujsinghDr_Willis: My OS is 64 bit http://pastebin.com/d510d729813:20
kadmomo, sorry i compiled new version kernel 2.6-30 ! but on update i receive about old kernel 2.6-28! wh?13:20
MesutCanGurlewhile talking on 64 bit13:20
MesutCanGurleI wanna ask a question about cross compiling13:20
CopyWritergo right ahead13:20
meteor``Dr WIllis, its a program.13:20
Dr_Willisanujsingh:  then you need 64bit binaries i think..13:20
akscii'm trying to install drupal on a server, i copied /drupal directory into /var/www directory of the server: i.e /var/www/drupal! restarted apache2 and postgres! i connect on port 2220. how would i fire the page on the browser?13:20
MesutCanGurleI want to prepare a distribution's 64 bit version13:21
anujsinghbpcd is recently installed which is a 32 bit binary file.13:21
meteor``I need something like that which can be run on UBuntu.13:21
MesutCanGurleI need to cross compile gcc kernel ?13:21
anujsinghDr_Willis: on rhel same binaries are working fine13:21
MesutCanGurlewhat other things must be cross compiled?13:22
Dr_Willisanujsingh:  could be they got some 32/64 bit support libs then.13:22
danbhfive!lamp | meteor``13:23
anujsinghDr_Willis: can i have similar supported libs on ubuntu?13:23
ubottumeteor``: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)13:23
ubottuLDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. For more information, installation instructions and getting clients to authenticate via LDAP see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer13:23
jribanujsingh: ia32-libs13:23
ArabusI just installed jaunty from the live cd. when i reboot everything works fine. but if I power down and then on again i get a disk boot failure and my harddisk is listed as having 0MB of capacity. Anyone have a helpful suggestion how to solve this?13:23
Dr_Willisanujsingh:  no idea. i dont really mess with 32bit binaries any more.  see what jrib  says..  :)13:23
meteor``ty danbh13:23
anujsinghjrib: will it be safe to install 32 bit libs? that's a production server13:24
jribanujsingh: as safe as any other package in the repositories, sure13:24
sandstromHow can I send a sigterm to a process?13:24
kadhey need help!  i compiled new version kernel 2.6-30 ! but on update i receive about old kernel 2.6-28! why?13:25
jribsandstrom: you can use "kill"13:25
CopyWriterthat's what i'm going to do next, compile a kernel, then learn linux13:25
anujsinghjrib: in my pastebin why am i getting -su: error? http://pastebin.com/da7e26b313:25
sandstromjrib: thanks!13:25
jribanujsingh: I assume bpcd calls it somewhere13:26
jribanujsingh: or maybe you got to root using su?13:26
alesanhi how do I install firefox 3.5 ubuntu is still with the old version13:27
jrib!ff35 | alesan13:27
ubottualesan: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY13:27
th0rkad: the 2.6.30 kernels aren't in the repos, and as far as synaptic knows the latest you have installed is 2.6.28. You didn't tell synaptic you installed the 2.6.30, did you?13:27
jrib!ff35 =~ s/on your UI/in your UI/13:27
ubottuI'll remember that jrib13:27
kadth0r, how i can do that to synaptic?13:28
Dr_Willisalesan:  it dosent 'replace' the old one it has a new icon/name in the menus.13:28
th0rkad: you create a deb package from the compiled kernel, install that using dpkg and it puts the kernel in the installed list13:28
alesanDr_Willis, so how can completely delete the old version?13:29
th0rkad: course, all that does is stop the system from updating the kernel, so why not just skip updating the kernel?13:29
jribalesan: it's probably a good idea to keep ubuntu's kernel installed at the same time.  It doesn't hurt to and it may be usefull if something breaks with your version13:29
anujsinghjrib: I am going to install 32 bit lib support, it will not break my server? 32bit lib support on a 64 bit server?13:30
Dr_Willisalesan:  short answer.. DONT..13:30
alesanjrib, I do not plan to modify my kernel13:30
jribanujsingh: should not break anything13:30
jribalesan: so?13:30
Dr_Willisalesan:  if you want to use the 3.5 drag its icon to the desktop/panel and use it.13:30
alesanjrib, I do not know why you tell me to update my kernel13:30
kadth0r, mean it's ok if not receive update for the kernel ?13:30
Dr_WillisI have 'issues' with 3.513:30
jribalesan: I didn't.13:30
anujsinghThanks a lot jrib, i am going to install them, and will update you in a while.13:31
danbhfivekad: its because you have linux-generic installed.  That packages makes sure that you have the latest kernel from the repos.  If you want to install a custom kernel, either remove linux-generic, or name it something other than the standard kernel13:31
alesanjrib> alesan: it's probably a good idea to keep ubuntu's kernel installed at the same time.13:31
jribalesan: yes.  That's what I said.13:31
alesanmaybe my english is limited but I do not understand why you mention the kernel13:31
jribalesan: you have your custom kernel X.  It's a good idea to have another kernel in case something goes wrong with X.  So you should keep ubuntu's kernel installed as a backup13:32
kaddanbhfive, i only change the package linux-generic name ? and i'll receive update from the new kernel ?13:32
alesanjrib, I do not have any custom kernel13:32
alesanwhat is the issue with the kernel :) I just want firefox 3.513:32
jribalesan: sorry.13:32
momothat's kad who has a comiled kernel13:33
danbhfivekad: oops, I meant you should rename the custom kernel, not linux-generic13:33
Dr_Willisalesan:  if you got  got the Shiretoko icon and use it.. you are using Firefox 3.513:33
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coaxhow many files is it safe to keep in a folder before its too many?13:33
Dr_Williscoax:  proberly more then you will ever need.13:33
gCghello, i am just wondering, when the kernel version 2.6.30 become available in ubuntu jaunty repos?13:33
jribkad: it's probably a good idea to keep ubuntu's kernel installed at the same time.  It doesn't hurt to and it may be usefull if something breaks with your version13:33
coaxDr_Willis so 20 000 jpeg files isnt bad?13:34
Dr_Williscoax:  ive had 10,000+ files in a directory befor...  You really MAY want to get better organized...13:34
Dr_Williscoax:  20,000 in a single dir.. is a sign you are a packrat. :)13:34
coaxyeah i know but its too late now13:34
Dr_Willistoo late/ its never too late.13:34
danbhfivecoax: if you are using a gui, you probably want to keep it under 5k13:34
kadjrib, ya ok :) but i want also to receive updates for new kernel !13:34
jribkad: How did you install it?13:35
coaxits for a wordpress installation, the wordpress uploads folder i forgot to turn on the option to create sub folders13:35
Dr_Williscoax:  if its too late and you cant change.. then why ask? :)13:35
kadjrib, download from kernel.org and decompress at /usr/src and compile it13:35
coaxDr_Willis well its not impossible to redo, it just takes a loooong time13:35
jribkad: then that's how you update it.  APT can only manage what is in repositories13:35
Dr_Williscoax:  when doing previews of 20,000 files in a directory. that may be a tad slow.13:35
coaxthere isnt any gui13:35
coaxim only speaking in terms of the file system13:36
coaxand access speed13:36
Dr_Williscoax:  i doubt if it matters then13:36
kadjrib,  aha! how i can introduce it to repositories so i can receive update from it ?13:36
Dr_Williscoax:  there may be some upper limit.. but im not sure how high it is.13:36
coaxok thanks13:37
jribkad: the repositories only get updates when a human being (a "packager") updates the packages13:37
nyaahi, what does the ica process do?  is that only useful for remote desktop, or does it have other reasonable uses?13:37
deexannihilateanyone know how to speed up flash player? runs fine in windows, but it is terribly slow on linux for me13:37
nyaadeexannihilate try going into properties and turning hardware accelleration on, if that fails try a different method of installation13:38
pkhromchakdeexannihilate, same problem13:38
deexannihilatenyaa: where do i find properties?13:38
kadjrib, should i download a kernel 2.6-30 .deb package so it can be introduced to it ?:13:38
tdnHow do I run Windows XP virtualized in Ubuntu 9.04 on a i386 computer?13:39
nyaadeexannihilate start a flash video on youtube or somewhere, right click the actual video, and go from there13:39
deexannihilatenyaa: thanks13:39
nyaatdn you need to decide on a virtualization program to use.  you can use virtualbox, vmware, and a few others as well.13:39
tdnnyaa, virtualbox seems promising. How do I use that?13:40
nyaatdn unless you want to do bridged networking specifically instead of using NAT, virtualbox is really the easiest way to go13:40
tdnnyaa, I don't care about networking for this.13:40
nyaatdn you can install virtualbox from ubuntus repositories, through applications > add/remove programs, or through synaptic13:40
deexannihilatenyaa: it is on.. youtube runs fine but other videos run slow and fb games are terribly slow. any other ideas?13:40
anujsinghjrib: Thanks a lot.13:41
nyaatdn you could probably even sudo apt-get install virtualbox    , but if that doesn't work, try the other two methods13:41
anujsinghit's working13:41
anujsinghThank you very much jrib/Dr_wiilis13:41
nyaadeexannihilate what method did you use to install flash?13:41
tdnnyaa, ok.13:41
nyaadeexannihilate also have you tried the things it runs slow on after having made the change (if you did make one)13:42
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deexannihilatenyaa: it was already selected. and i'm on the other sites and running the same. :(13:42
deexannihilatenyaa: i believe synaptic flashplugin-nonfree13:43
tdnnyaa, when installing it with apt-get as you suggested, I get this error during package install:  * Starting VirtualBox kernel module...                                                                                [fail]13:43
Boohbahi replaced /usr/sbin/apache2 with a patched version and then removed it, then 'apt-get remove apache2' then 'apt-get install apache2' but /usr/sbin/apache2 is still missing. how can i get apt-get to install the original binary?13:43
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nyaatdn then try installing through applications > add/remove programs, virtualbox ose should be in there13:43
tdnBoohbah, remove with --purge and reinstall.13:43
pkhromchakdoes anyone know what is the standart term of common snort business license13:43
pkhromchaksorry for question. there is not people to ask me  on snort channel13:43
momotdn, you may need to install linux-headers-generic13:43
tdnnyaa, oh. It is there alright, I just get an error.13:44
Boohbahtdn: tried purge with the same result13:44
tdnmomo, ok.13:44
tdnmomo, linux-headers-generic is already the newest version.13:44
nyaadeexannihilate the only thing I would suggest at that point is to uninstall it from synaptic, then install flashplugin-installer, and then after that is installed, re install flashplugin-nonfree.13:44
Boohbahtdn: oh nm, it worked that time, maybe because i also removed /usr/sbin/apache2ctl in between. thanks13:45
deexannihilatealright. thanks13:45
nyaatdn you get that error while installing it through applications > add/remove programs??13:46
tdnnyaa, I do not know. I have installed via apt-get.13:47
tdnnyaa, it looks like it is installed.13:47
BBhi, how do i install handbrake on ubuntu?13:48
nyaatdn then you should be able to run it. if you don't use gnome do or something similar, then its icon is under applications > accessories.. a blue square box thing13:48
tdnBB, what is that?13:48
momotdn, do you have `build-essential` whicj i think is needed to compile virtualbox kernel module ? if not try to install it and if yes try `sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup` to recompile the kernel module13:48
useronei tried to format my external hdd to ext3 using mkfs, but when i try to mount it i get the error 'ntfs signature missing', why is it asking for ntfs if i have formatted ext3? i delated the partitions using fdisk13:49
BB!get google handbrake13:49
tdnnyaa, ok. I have now created a virtual machine for win xp. I need to point it to the iso. One moment.13:49
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:49
tdnmomo, build-essential is already the newest version.13:50
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BBhow can i get http://handbrake.fr/ into a repository and onto Ubuntu?13:50
dogdogcatdoghey, i am trying to get my dual monitor setup to save in the xconf.conf file, and everything is setup how i want it, but the nvidia xserver will not let me save the file, anybody knows how to make it save so i don't have to do the intere thing on every boot?13:53
legend2440dogdogcatdog: in terminal gksudo nvidia-settings13:54
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oldude67BB, download and install using the installer for either the 32 bit or 64 which ever you are using..its a .deb package.13:55
dogdogcatdoglegen2440: will try13:55
BBoldude67, just off the site? what about the dependencies?13:56
legend2440dogdogcatdog: i would backup xorg.conf  first jusyt in case13:56
dogdogcatdoglegend2440: thought it was a root problem, but did not knwo the code for the nvidia settings, it has appeared to work now, thanks man13:56
oldude67BB, if your missing any of them it will tell you which ones, and you can get them.13:56
nyaadogcatdog if you don't know how to invoke something, make an icon of it on the panel, then go into properties and it gives you the command13:57
dogdogcatdoglegen2440: it appears to be automatically backing it up, and it is now to late, will try to restart x, hopefully will be back in a jiffy13:57
nyaadoes anyone know what exactly ica does?13:57
BBoldude67, i'm a bit of a noob so maybe you can clear this up - if i install a .deb package will it remain up to date like anything else in the repositories?13:57
useroneany help on the hdd problem? I followed the 'howto' and forum suggestions, but sill cant manage to format a 120gb external hdd to ext3, using mkfs or gparted13:58
oldude67BB, i doubt it.13:58
momoBB, no because handbrake is currently not in ubuntu repositories13:58
oldude67BB,  you will have to maintain it yourself.13:58
BBwhat if i use PPA? https://launchpad.net/~handbrake-ubuntu/+archive/ppa13:58
BB(i only discovered PPA tonight)13:59
nyaauserone is this something that you mounted before as ntfs?13:59
oldude67probably be the better way to go.13:59
nyaauserone if that is the case, check your fstab file to see if it has a remnant from that14:00
dogdogcatdoglegend2440: worked like acharm thx man!14:00
legend2440dogdogcatdog: your welcome14:00
jiohdithis morning for no apparent reason, Konversation simply would not start.... I hit the icon it showed a screen flash and then nothing.... any ideas?14:00
BBi've recently decided not to put on tar balls on my system anymore because i loose track of all the crap i put on my system - i wans't sure if .deb were just as bad14:00
useronenyaa, it used to be ntfs, but i hardly ever use windows now so i wanted to change to ext3 as i use ubuntu almost exclusively now14:01
Cyber_Akumaif youuse ubuntu exclusiely, why not go ext4?14:01
jiohdicould it be running in the background hidden somewhere?14:01
nyaauserone if you do this ....   "nano /etc/fstab", does that drive have an entry?  this may be as simple as changing that entry to ext314:02
momoBB, if you install a .deb and add the ppa in software source your programm will reamin up to date14:02
useronei dont mind ext3 or ext4, i just cant manage to format14:02
Dr_Willisuserone:  if the partition is mounted/in use/ gparted wont let you mess  with it.  if you REALLY want it gone and have no data on it youneed. You could use 'fdisk' to delete it. (it wont care if its mounted or not)14:04
jiohdianyone know why konversation would not start?14:04
Dr_Willisuserone:  then you can either use fdisk to make a new parittion onit.. or reboot and use gparted.14:04
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nyaalogging off for a bit to see what the ica process is, good luck in here =)14:05
jiohdiwhat could cause a program to simply not start?14:05
|]Spectre[|I have on my "Asus X51R laptop a "FN" key that works under ubuntu,but not at all,for example I have to use it in combination with "ALT" + "ascii numeric code" to generate a char but in this way it doesn't work,can you give me a suggestion ? thanks14:06
legend2440jiohdi: in terminal type  konversation and look for error messages14:06
|]Spectre[|(p.s. I'm talking about gnome)14:06
Cyber_AkumaWould replacing the 5400 RPM drive in my laptop with a 7200 RPM one give me any noticable decrease in read/write times?14:06
jiohdilegend, thanks14:07
reillynot really14:07
useronei started with fdisk -l, it saw the hdd, then i followed the howto instructions using fdisk /dev/sdb1. the hdd was not mounted14:07
|]Spectre[|Cyber_Akuma: no14:07
bullgard4How can I make Ubuntu so that it will not re-install Games (in Applications > Games) even in a dist-upgrade?14:07
Cyber_Akumai see14:07
Cyber_AkumaSo I should just get another 5400 then and save money?14:07
|]Spectre[|it depends on the price difference14:07
useroneit formats to ntfs, but not ext3..this is what i dont understand14:08
jiohdilegend... it started from terminal... no error messages14:08
geophysicshow can I have super user rights on gui mode ?14:08
Cyber_Akumawant to upgrade my mac mini, if I get a 7200 ill transfer my toshiba laptop's drive to it and put the old 5400 from my Toshiba into the mac mini, if not, ill just put the new 5400 into the mac mini14:08
legend2440jiohdi: but it wont start from launcher?14:08
jiohdilegend, at first it did not start from just me... but when I did sudo su then it started...its still not starting from launcher14:09
sipiorgeophysics: generally, use "gksudo <program>" to start a graphical program with superuser privileges. use this sparingly, though.14:10
shane2peruI'm using kdenlive, and want to export to mpeg-2 what is a good setting to use? 600k 1000k 8000k?  I want decent quality, but not overboard size.14:10
useronenyaa, i tried your nano /etc/fstab suggestion, no entry there14:10
jiohdilegend under just me in terminal- kdeinit: Aborting. No write access to '/home/jiohdi/.ICEauthority'.14:10
|]Spectre[|Cyber_Akuma: the only reasonable way to increase a pc speed is to add more ram,or switch to a flash memory instead of an hard drive14:10
useroneDr_Willis, i can manage to format to ntfs without a problem, but not to ext3. any ideas why this may be?14:11
zak_anyone installed linux on macbook14:11
|]Spectre[|Cyber_Akuma: but flash memory has a limitated number of  erase/write cycles14:11
earthencan someone tell me why when i login as root my windows drive shows up as windows (like it wanted) but when i log in under my account it is listed as 21 GB media14:11
Slartearthen: login as root? something went wrong there..14:12
ubottuWe do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information.14:12
MidsummerDawnI just got a warning box saying such and such program can damage my system. I was downloading anything.14:12
legend2440jiohdi: permissions of .ICEauthority file is probably wrong14:12
earthenSlart, what do you mean14:12
jiohdilegend, I dont find any such file in that directory... viewing hidden files14:12
legend2440jiohdi: its not in your home directory?14:13
jiohdilegend, not that I can see14:13
useroneMidsummerDawn, dont worry, nothing will damage your system unless you enter your 'sudo' passowrd14:13
earthenSlart, well never really loged in as root just started nautilus as root14:13
bullgard4|]Spectre[|: I increased my RAM size from 0.5 to 1 GiB but did not notice a speed advantage. In what situatiions is this RAM size increase most noticeable?14:13
MidsummerDawnuserone: So..the warning I got from imageshack was false?14:14
legend2440jiohdi: in terminal try  ls -al /home/jiohdi/.ICEauthority14:14
madhui am connected to the net but unable to browse via firefox, plz help14:14
jiohdilegend, how would that change over night, worked just fine yesterday?14:14
earthenSlart, but in older versions of ubuntu it would alway show up as root like i told it too14:14
earthenSlart, as windows soory14:14
BleSSwhy I cann't run a script calling as './script' else I've call it 'bash script' (it has +x mod.)14:14
Slartearthen: ahh.. now that's an entirely different thing. I'm not sure why it's different.. probably some setting that isn't configured for the root user14:14
jiohdilegend I get --rw------- 1 root root 2830 2009-08-05 21:46 /home/jiohdi/.ICEauthority14:14
SpadXIIIi'm having quite some networking trouble .. both wireless and wired. i'm running 9.04 on my laptop. both wired and wireless connections have worked but drop out quite often.. wireless works most of the time, wired hasn't worked for 2 days now14:14
earthenSlart, it's more like it's using what i told it to and my account is not14:15
b3rz3rk3rbullgard4, you may have increased your RAM memory capacity, but when you did so, you may have put in lower speed sticks14:15
Slartearthen: I'm not sure what is responsible for naming hard drives in nautilus.. udev perhaps14:15
mistereverywherehello all, i just installed handbrake and i cant get it ot load a dvd to backup into it14:15
momojihodi `ls -al | grep .ICE` in a terminal in your ~/ directory14:15
useroneMidsummerDawn, i am not familiar with image shack, but unless you were working under 'sudo' an application should only be able to affect preferences, not system settings14:15
legend2440jiohdi: theres the problem its  root:root it should be   jiohdi:jiohdi14:15
mistereverywhereit just freezes and doesnt load14:15
earthenSlart, it's not only that even the icon that is created on my desktop is wrong14:16
jiohdilegend, how do I change it and why did it change?14:16
bullgard4b3rz3rk3r: No sir.14:16
earthenSlart, I would rather it say windows rather than just 21 gb media14:16
legend2440jiohdi: can i pm?14:16
MidsummerDawnI wasn't using anything.14:16
MidsummerDawnAnd imageshack.us is where you upload photos.14:16
Slartearthen: usually the drives are named according to the partition label..if that is set14:17
earthenSlart, i have that set, did that during install14:17
b3rz3rk3rbullgard4, you seem very sure about that, considering the question you posed. what are the CAS timings and latency on them?14:17
zak_anyone installed linux on macbook14:17
earthenSlart, but like i said it only seems to be the root user that is getting that info14:18
useroneMidsummerDawn, i just checked the imageshack site. As an image hosting site, it is highly unlikely that it can install anything on your system without a 'sudo' password,  (unless you use windows of course)14:18
yaboohow do I resize my ubuntu root partition14:18
MidsummerDawn:P Thanks.14:18
otacon122b3rz3rk3r, what's the difference between 4-4-4-12 PC6400 and 5-5-5-15 PC6400?14:18
Boohbahyaboo: try gparted14:19
Slartearthen: hmm.. not sure why it would behave like that.. btw how do you start nautilus as root?14:19
bullgard4b3rz3rk3r: I did mesure them before and after. They are the same.14:19
madhuhi guys, i have recently installed ubunty 9.04 on a hp 6530b laptop. i am not getting sound14:19
earthenyaboo, do it from live cd using Partition editor14:19
b3rz3rk3rotacon122, realistically very little.. lower is better though, if that is what you are asking?14:19
yabooearthen thanks livecd14:20
otacon122b3rz3rk3r, I was basically wanting to know if its worth the expense in terms of performance14:20
bullgard4!sound | madhu14:20
ubottumadhu: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP314:20
earthenSlart, in terminal type sudo nautulis14:20
b3rz3rk3rbullgard4, so if you didnt buy faster RAM, why are you expecting your speed to increase?14:20
samlwhich command should i learn to manage startup daemons?  list them, add, remove..14:20
Slartearthen: not sure if that's the problem.. but you should *never* use sudo with gui apps..14:21
Slart!gksudo | earthen14:21
ubottuearthen: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)14:21
useroneanyone know why i can format to ntfs but not ext3 using fdisk/gparted?14:21
Lenin_Cathow do you change a image to RGB in gimp?14:21
b3rz3rk3rotacon122, unless you are interested in overclocking or high-performance gaming, its not really worth it as the difference is pretty small..14:21
=== tiobuenow is now known as nox_
Slartuserone: in gparted check the capabilities.. it's in one of the menus.. you can see what file systems it can work with and what it can do with each14:21
gralcocan someone please help, sound doesn't seem to be working for me in jaunty14:21
SpadXIIIwould using WICD instead of the gnome-default Network Manager improve my wired and wireless network connection stability?14:21
madhuthanks bullgard414:21
sipioruserone: what command did you run for each, and what errors did you get?14:22
earthenSlart, good to know I just use it from once in awhile to copy things that need root14:22
Lenin_Cathow do you change a image to RGB in gimp?14:22
otacon122b3rz3rk3r, I don't do gaming much anymore now that I'm on Ubuntu 9.0414:22
bullgard4b3rz3rk3r: Because  |]Spectre[| said so.14:22
garymcI installed ubuntu server, on a hp proliant dl380, im not sure how i now fire up the server with out a monitor keyboard and mouse connected14:22
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b3rz3rk3rotacon122, im struggling with that myself, still keeping ol' Xp around for my gaming fix14:22
garymcanyone know what i need to do?14:22
b3rz3rk3rbullgard4, having a larger capacity merely means that you can multi-task more.14:23
useronesipior, i started with fdisl -l, then fdisk, /dev/sdb1, then d, then w, then n, no errors14:23
yabooearthen, Boohbah any ubuntu live cd or is there a special livecd needed for gparted14:23
otacon122b3rz3rk3r, I get over my gaming fix with Warzone 2100 and a couple other Linux games14:23
Slartearthen: try starting it with gksudo instead.. see if that makes things better14:23
b3rz3rk3rbullgard4, sure, for really large, memory intensive apps it might help with speed14:23
earthenyaboo,  the ubuntu one will work fine14:23
garymcim using Ubuntu Alternate LTSP server14:23
b3rz3rk3rotacon122, im working on a solution for linux gaming now.. comparing POL, Cedega and Crossover14:24
sipioruserone: yeah, but how did you attempt to create the two filesystems?14:24
b3rz3rk3rotacon122, i was going to do a post on it on Forums soon14:24
earthenyaboo, or any that has a partition editor in it14:24
useronesipior, then i used mkfs -t ntfs /dev/sdb1, long time formatting...no eroors14:24
SlartLenin_Cat: Image-menu... mode ?14:24
earthenSlart, will do14:24
nyaaanyone know what the process "ica" is? or what it does?14:24
otacon122b3rz3rk3r, yeah...I mostly do chat and web surfing now...Small low-bandwidth-use stuff14:24
useronesipior, then i repeated the process with ext3, it wrote 895 inode tables but no formatting?14:24
sipioruserone: what was the *precise* command executed?14:25
Slartnyaa: citrix client?14:25
diddyHow can I give my server a static IP address? I went ifconfig eth0 and it worked but after the next reboot it got an IP address again from the DHCP server in my LAN.14:25
bullgard4b3rz3rk3r: Thank you for explaining. What you say accords with my own observations on one Ubuntu computer.14:25
earthenSlart, yeah thats the same the drive show up as windows14:25
nyaaslart what does it do?  I never installed a citrix thing in my life, heh14:25
useronesipior, it was mkfs -t ext3 /dev/sdb114:25
b3rz3rk3rbullgard4, no prob man.. :)14:25
Slartnyaa: could be something else as well..14:25
sipioruserone: try "sudo mke2fs -j /dev/sdb1"14:25
earthenSlart, like it shod14:26
nyaaslart if you go into a terminal and use top, do you have it as one of your processes?  I'm trying to figure out if this is regular or if I've been hacked somehow =/14:26
b3rz3rk3rdiddy, assign the IP from the routers interface to the MAC addres of the server14:26
momodiddy, you can assign a static IP by adding an entry to your /etc/network/interfaces14:26
kadhey need help! when i do lsmod display sn9c102 ! which is the driver module for my webcam! but i don't work why? how i can test my webcam ?14:26
useronesipior, ok, but just out of interest, what is the difference with mkefs and what does the -j option do?14:26
Slartnyaa: nope.. no ica process here.. are you running KDE?14:27
diddyb3rz3rk3r, momo: Which method is the better one?14:27
useronesipior, its just that it worked formatting ntfs but not ext3, so i was confused14:27
sipioruserone: there shouldn't really be a difference. -j enables journaling, and is how mke2fs knows to make an ext3 filesystem, and not an ext2.14:27
nyaaSlart gnome, I installed a few kde apps a while ago though14:27
earthenyaboo, in ubuntu live cd gparted is called Partition editor14:27
der_OnHello. Is there any way of running a mac os x from within ubuntu, like running windows in the virutalbox?14:27
momodiddy, from a router is a good idea14:27
b3rz3rk3rdiddy, they both do the same thing.. however using the router method, if you reinstall you will still have the same setup (due to the MAC address)14:28
useronesipior, so assuming it works should i just try and make ext4 or stick with ext3 for now?14:28
Slartnyaa: italk client ?14:28
b3rz3rk3rdiddy, assuming that your router supports this.. some dont.14:28
nyaaslart hmm, maybe from skype checking that now14:28
b3rz3rk3rdiddy, otherwise momo's way will work just fine too14:28
Slartnyaa: probably not skype.. I have that running too14:28
rjaachey all14:28
sipioruserone: makes no difference to me :-)14:28
rjaacmy first time here14:29
nyaaSlart virtualbox?14:29
Slartnyaa: yup.. running that as well14:29
diddyb3rz3rk3r, momo: Thx14:29
rjaaci-m looking for hlp in mounting one of my disk partition and make it mount automatic as part of the / fs14:29
earthenyaboo, the problem is you can't edit the size of a partition if you have it mounted, and since it is your root partition you need to boot from a live cd or live USB drive etc..14:29
otacon122My only complaint about Linux is that there aren't drivers or software for PDAs and stuff14:30
otacon122I have a Palm TX PDA but it won't sync with Linux14:30
nyaaslart I installed a firewall and it went away!  thats never a good sign lol14:31
Slartnyaa: ah.. too bad.. would be interesting to see the info on that process..14:31
der_OnHello. Is there any way of running a mac os x from within ubuntu, like running windows in the virutalbox?14:31
nyaaSlart what could I have done to see what it was?14:31
Slartnyaa: ps can show you a lot of information.. top/htop too if you configure them14:32
b3rz3rk3rder0b, im pretty sure that Apple cripple their OS so ppl cant do that14:32
Laurent_octacon122: Try multisync, http://multisync.sourceforge.net/news.php14:32
diddyb3rz3rk3r, momo: My stupid router does not have this feature. Can I edit the /etc/network/interfaces file directly or through other commands?14:33
der_Onb3rz3rk3r: too bad, but propably you are right.14:33
der_Onb3rz3rk3r: I need it for developing/testing14:33
momodiddy, look at this tutorial http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-ubuntu-linux-convert-dhcp-network-configuration-to-static-ip-configuration.html14:33
yabooearthen, thanks14:33
b3rz3rk3rdiddy, sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces14:34
diddymomo, cool! THx14:34
perlmonkeywhy does this command: sudo cat gs_root.pem intermediate.pem > ca.pem  give "permission denied" ?14:34
earthenyaboo, NP good luck14:34
Slart!info italk-client14:34
kadwhat does chainloader use for ?14:34
useronesipior, i just tried what you suggested, and its finished. a 120gb hdd is formatted to ext3 in 5 minutes!!?14:34
ubottuPackage italk-client does not exist in jaunty14:34
Slartnyaa: that's the one.. italk-client..14:35
b3rz3rk3rder_On, is there a specific reason you wish to emulate it? You can always get hardware modifiers so you can install on a regular PC and make it into  "hackintosh"14:35
Slart!find /usr/bin/ica14:35
ubottuFile /usr/bin/ica found in italc-client14:35
sol93perlmonkey: lookslike you do sudo cat, and then try to append... make a script with #!/bin/bash <new line> cat gs_root.pem intermediate.pem > ca.pem   and call the script with sudo14:35
perlmonkeysol93 ok thanks14:35
sol93perlmonkey: i am not sure, if that is indeed the problem, though.14:35
Slartsol93: tee might be useful for those things14:35
nyaaslart it isn't a remote desktop sort of thing is it?  what does it really do if I could ask?14:36
sol93Slart: there is a reason, why i love sudo -i14:36
richardcavellWhen I play Half-Life in full screen, the mouse movements are captured but the keyboard still sends input to one of the other windows.  It's difficult to get the keyboard focus to the fullscreen window.  Does anyone have a trick to make it work?14:36
der_Onb3rz3rk3r: I need it to test applications/websites I'm developing on Mac OS X also. what are hardware modifiers?14:36
Slartsol93: yes.. I never really got the hang of "tee" but many of the tutorials use it.. especially when redirecting stuff14:36
lialieIs there anyone who familiar with Nvidia driver installation?14:36
der_Onb3rz3rk3r: I need it to test applications/websites I'm developing on Mac OS X also. what are hardware modifiers?14:37
sol93Slart: ah, tee, now i remember... this little fella is useful14:37
Slartnyaa: I have no idea what it is...14:37
jriblialie: System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers14:37
perlmonkeysol93: how do you "call the script" ?14:37
Mike_lifeguardHow can I get my ascii armoured pgp/gpg key?14:37
Slartnyaa: a chat system/application?14:37
otacon122Where can I go to learn how to script Python and/or bash shell?14:38
yabooearthen, thanks14:38
jribotacon122: #python and #bash14:38
nyaaslart might be, I'm looking further into it14:38
sol93perlmonkey: if the script is in your current dir, you cant call it direclty, because the working dir cant be part of the PATH. You need to prepend ./<script name>14:38
lialiejrib, I have installed the 185.18.31 version, but it is not work properly14:38
sol93perlmonkey: but "sudo scriptname" should work, i think14:38
perlmonkeysol93: thought so, but I'm getting "command not found"14:38
jriblialie: what does "not work properly" mean exactly?  Tell the channel as I can't stick around right now14:39
otacon122jrib, the message I got was "Cannot join #python.  Registration is required"14:39
geirhaMike_lifeguard: gpg --armor --export <fingerprint>14:39
jrib!register > otacon12214:39
ubottuotacon122, please see my private message14:39
otacon122ubottu, I did not get it14:39
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:39
sol93perlmonkey: Generic hint: always use TAB completion in bash to check if everything is ok. let me check something.14:39
Mike_lifeguardgeirha: thanks, didn't catch the fingerprint bit (was trying the id)14:39
jrib!register | otacon12214:39
ubottuotacon122: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode14:39
frostburnIs there a setting to force a shutdown regardless if there's open documents?14:39
Slartnyaa: ahh.. some kind of teacher student thing.. http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/italc-client14:39
mazda01trying to umount a ntfs smb share. i don't have anything accessing it to my knowledge but I still can't umount it. any help please?14:40
sol93perlmonkey: aah... you need to set execute permissions on the script file, of course. chmod 0755 <scriptname>14:40
useronei just formatted ny hdd to ext3 and a dir named 'lost+found' has appeared with root permissions. where did this come from and how do i get rid of it?14:40
mazda01i keep getting this error: unmount error 16 = Device or resource busy14:40
Slartnyaa: http://italc.sourceforge.net/14:40
perlmonkeysol93: thanks14:40
geirhaMike_lifeguard: Should work too, though make sure it's "quoted"14:40
jribuserone: it's part of the filesystem.  You should leave it be14:40
canthus13mazda01: Do you have a nautilus window open on that drive? Or a program using a file on that drive?14:40
mazda01userone, lost+found gets created by the system for when your system crashes or something like that I think, it writes the files that were open during the crash to that folder I think. just leave it and ignore it.14:41
Mike_lifeguardgeirha: hmm, nothing exported, do I need to use sudo?14:41
nyaaslart thanks =)14:41
mazda01canthus13, no nautilus window. how could I find out if a program is using a file on that ntfs smb share?14:41
useronejrib, why can I see system files if i dont have 'show hidden files' ticked?14:41
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canthus13mazda01: Hmm.. That I'm not sure.14:42
jribuserone: because system files are not hidden.  Hidden files are files that begin with a '.' by default14:42
geirhaMike_lifeguard: Do you see the key with gpg --list-keys?    sudo is very unlikely to help14:42
Mike_lifeguardyeah, I do14:42
canthus13mazda01: At worst, you can reboot. I've had stuff stuck mounted before.14:42
Cyber_Akuma<|]Spectre[|> Cyber_Akuma: the only reasonable way to increase a pc speed is to add more ram,or switch to a flash memory instead of an hard drive <---- I just wanted to incrase its read/write speed, and wanted to know if 7200 would make any noticable increase14:42
mazda01canthus13, don't really want to reboot.14:42
Cyber_Akumassd is far too expensive, and ram is at it's max14:42
canthus13mazda01: Heh. You could check all your open connections and see what program has an smb connection open.14:43
useronejrib, ok...its just that i never noticed it before. the hdd was formatted as ntfs before, so is this an ext3 file?14:43
jribuserone: yes14:43
geirhaMike_lifeguard: Try with the part that says something like 1024A/01234567, gpg --armor --export 0123456714:43
kadwhat does chainloader +1 ( the +1 here use for ?)14:43
JosieDoes anyone have an article on how the encrypted home directories work in Jaunty? I'd like to unencrypt mine;It's killing performance.14:43
B4ckBOneanybody got a tutorial on how to setup wtorrent on ubuntu 9.04?14:44
nyaaslart interesting, I removed that application a bit ago, but the process still runs..14:44
Mike_lifeguardgeirha: thanks, got it14:44
useronejrib, thanks...(and apologies if my simple questions get you irritated!!) i will learn ubunutu / linux fully one day!! :-)14:45
Slartnyaa: that sounds.. odd... you've rebooted since you removed it?14:45
mazda01canthus13, well the real issue boils down to not being able to write to the share, trying to figure it out. here's the link to the forum question. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7742764#post774276414:45
nyaaslart yes.  I'm going to re reboot now though brb14:45
nyaaslart I just purged it14:45
mazda01canthus13, i thought I had all the bases covered but I still can't write to it?14:45
canthus13mazda01: What are everyone's permissions set to?14:47
useronea question...when i formatted my 120gb hdd to ntfs it took hours, but ext3 took only 5 minutes. How does this happen? (and is the hdd formatted correctly!?)14:47
tapashi, what package replaced gnump3d?14:47
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canthus13If I recall correctly, All users are a member of Everyone, and windows always defaults to the most restrictive permission in a user's groups.14:48
tapasapt-get just tells me it has no installation candidate but it's referenced by anotehr package14:48
mazda01canthus13, what do you mean everyones permissions? did you see my forum post. i have all the relevant info needed already posted.14:48
tapashow can i find out what other packages do reference it?14:48
tryggvibHello, I need help with grub, it started loading a minimalist grub shell, I have successfully loaded my ubuntu installation using sgd (super grub disc) and ran update-grub but nothing... I also ran a fsck with a live cd and still nothing... can anyone help?14:48
canthus13mazda01: daniel is a member of Everyone. if Everyone has more restrictive permissions, that's what will be used to determine whether or not you can write.14:49
mazda01canthus13,  on the windows side, all 3 people admin, daniel, everyone have full control set.14:50
nyaaslart it looks like you really have to purge that app to make it stop running.  it was keeping ports open too =/14:50
joeyeyedoh! I did something stupid... I changed the mount options for a USB drive in nautilus, unmounted the drive and can't mount it again... where would those options be stored ?14:50
Slartnyaa: good thing you caught it "in the act" =)14:50
marionjust updated and firefox now gives me a 'bus error' when I attempt to load. can anyone help?14:50
nyaaslart yeah, I found it because of conky lol14:50
useronejoeyeye, try /dev or /media14:51
canthus13mazda01: Hmm.. NO idea then. windows permissions make me dizzy. I do recall having similar issues before I finally got rid of windows.14:51
ubuntu_n00bI'm trying to install openvas on ubuntu 9.04, the command "openvas-nvt-sync" gives command not found, google shows that this is supposed to be a part of openvas-plugins, but I can't see a package called openvas-plugins in synaptic. What am I doing wrong?14:51
canthus13mazda01: It ended up being some other group that the user was in that was causing the problem.14:51
pokrmessiahanyone else having trouble connecting to ubuntu one?14:52
canthus13mazda01: Try removing daniel from everyone, though, just for grins.14:52
useroneopps..wrong window14:53
marionanyone know about the firefox 'bus error' problem in 9.04?14:53
mazda01canthus13, yeah, i really hate windows permissions. there's a sharing tab, then there's the security tab and it's too much I think. how would I remove daniel from the everyone group in windows?14:53
joeyeyeuserone: thanks ... I answered my own question - the values are stored in gconf-editor under /system/storage/volumes/<device name>14:53
canthus13mazda01: It's in users and groups.  I think.  lemme check.14:53
mazda01canthus13, i thought you said you didn't ahve windows?14:54
canthus13mazda01: I'm at work, and forced to use XP. :P14:54
ubuntu_n00bdon't talk about windows, I need help with ubuntu :-)14:54
canthus13mazda01: And one of my machines isn't managed.14:54
marionI need help! firefox has just stopped working. If I run for the command line I get 'bus error' google shows no answers I have no tried eg reinstalling14:55
mazda01canthus13, ah, i see. i went into user accounts and i don't see anyplace where to change groups and whatnot14:55
canthus13mazda01: It's in administrative tools/computer management/local users and groups.14:55
acr0nymsudo apt-get remove firefox14:55
acr0nymsudo apt-get install firefox14:55
Slartmarion: tried rebooting? it sounds like such a ... windows solution... but sometimes it's an easy fix =)14:56
moncky_ubuntu_n00b: try using teh apt-cache search <package> command14:56
moncky_ubuntu_n00b: eg sudo apt-cache search openvas14:56
jimbohey, i have an old computer with mythubuntu on it but the drive is failing according to SMART, how is best to copy it to a new hard drive? just do an install all voer again?14:56
kadv4l2: unable to open '/dev/video0': No space left on device ==> how i can fix this14:57
marionacr0nym: thanks but 'Package firefox is not installed, so not removed'14:57
Slartjimbo: start by moving the essential stuff to a backup hard drive..start with the most important stuff14:57
mazda01canthus13, ok,  will look14:57
ubuntu_n00bmoncky_: did that, it doesn't show any openvas-plugins package14:57
jimboSlart: I've got all the important data off of the drive14:57
Slartjimbo: and unless you've made lots of customizations and such I would do a clean install14:58
hehehojimbo: you can also look at dd utility and copy *all*, but I'd rather reinstall all + backup safe data14:58
jimboSlart: Thanks.14:58
Slartjimbo: you never know what might have been corrupted by the failing drive.. small things that might be very very hard to figure out later on14:58
acr0nymmarion, type: sudo apt-get --reinstall firefo (and then press tab until you find the name)14:58
dagamaI am using Virtualbox to have Ubuntu 8.04 as guest in a Ubuntu 8.04 as host. I am trying to mount a usb device in the guest system, through terminal in the host system. Doing it manually through the GUI works fine, but I need to be able to do it through SSH14:58
spazloni just plugged in usb speakers but sound still comes out my default speakers. when i do lsusb i see the new speakers listed. how do i make them the default speakers for all audio?14:59
nyaaspazlon there's probably an option in volume control for that14:59
lelouch!seen oldude6715:00
ubottuI have no seen command15:00
ubuntu_n00bmoncky_: I've installed anything related to openvas via synaptic, but there is no openvas-package there15:00
mazda01canthus13, ok, there is no group called everyone? daniel is a user of admin and users. i added users full control of the windows ntfs share and that's the smb share I am trying to get write access to.15:00
nyaaspazlon I'm not a pro with usb speakers but I know for people with headsets, the main speakers are generally called "front"15:00
hehehospazlon: choose right device at volume control (pulse audio)15:00
acr0nymspazlon, also check the ispeaker option in the volume control panel15:00
marionacr0nym: ah firefox-3.015:00
momospazlon, if you fequently change sound output, as i do and use pulse audio, padevchooser is a great tool to change default output device in a few clicks15:01
ubuntu_n00bmoncky_: pardon, s/openvas-package/openvas-plugins package/15:01
prophyhi, is it possible to get some videoeffects to skype with your webcam?15:01
spazlonhow can i open volume control? im running xubuntu...15:01
spazlonis there a cmd for it?15:01
marionacr0nym: right, I reinstalled again (your way) and when I try to run it I still get 'bus error'15:02
canthus13mazda01: Hrm.15:02
mazda01canthus13, is my fstab entry for mounting the ntfs smb share correct even?15:02
acr0nymmarion strange.. I don't know exactly what is causing the error but have you tried checking the forums?15:02
hehehospazlon: gnome-volume-manager15:02
mazda01canthus13,  dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0777  i thought would allow writing to the share?15:03
hehehospazlon: if it won't work... than install it, or alsamixer (it's in alsa-utils)15:03
marionacr0nym: I have googled and only came up with reinstalling, I am suprised I am the only on it was fine until I ipdated about hour ago15:03
potylhi, anyone knows how to enable the sound in ubuntu 9.04 running on a macbook5,2?15:04
cyrus__i am new in ubuntu..........15:04
moncky_ubuntu_n00b: have you seen this? https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/jaunty-changes/2009-March/006986.html15:04
acr0nymspazlon to access the volume control panel from terminal type: /usr/bin/gnome-volume-control15:04
cyrus__from where i start15:04
hehehocyrus__: wiki for ubuntu? :D15:04
potylcyrus__: what do you need to do?15:05
canthus13mazda01: I'm not sure about the fstab entry.. I never managed to get that to work correctly and just used nautilus to handle shares until I switched to NFS.15:05
hehehocyrus__: https://wiki.ubuntu.com15:05
acr0nymmarion, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=717373715:05
potylcyrus__: do you have sound, proper internet (wired or wireless)?15:05
ubuntu_n00bmoncky_: certainly not, since I'm following the install guide from the openvas site. hold on, I'll have a look15:05
cyrus__ i wanna hw to start work with ubuntu....15:06
moncky_ubuntu_n00b: i just scanned it but it seems to suggest that you will need to download the plugins seperatley and install them15:07
ubuntu_n00bcyrus__: boot the livecd and get used to it first15:07
FloodBot1tontoloco: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:07
potylcyrus__: your definition of "work" is a bit vague :)15:07
spObuilding a custom kernel is a good or quick way to speed up your computer, right15:07
ubuntu_n00bmoncky_: actually openvas-nvt-sync is the command that is supposed to download the plugins15:07
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=== aks is now known as aksci
cyrus__which book i prefer for learning from basic15:07
marionacr0nym: thanks for the link but it's a little hard to look at when firefox doesnt work!15:08
canthus13mazda01: I just noticed something... In your fstab, is there a space in the middle of 'credentials', or is it just a typo in your forum post?15:08
momospO, sometimes building a custom kernel is a good or quick way to break your OS :p15:08
acr0nymomg marion lol a bit stupid of me15:08
moncky_ubuntu_n00b: ahh my bad, I thought you said opnevas------ was *in* the plugins15:08
acr0nymmarion I would suggest you use opera so that you can find the a solution to the problem yourself :)15:09
marionacr0nym: lol np15:09
acr0nymmarion, sudo apt-get install opera15:09
mazda01canthus13, what's more weird is that the same fstab entries for the other shares are the same except for uid and gid and the mount point of course and I can write to it just fine which leads me to believe that the permissions on the windows side aren't being shared correctly but when I go and look at them, they are the same for all my windows shares.15:09
acr0nymthen check the link I gave you15:09
potylmarion: there are plenty of other browsers available in ubuntu15:09
marionacr0nym: thanks15:09
potylmarion: try epiphany15:09
=== TuxPurple_ is now known as TuxPurple
acr0nympotyl that is going around the problem instead of solving it :)15:09
cyrus__basic book of ubuntu15:10
ubuntu_n00bmoncky_: the install guide mentions some openvas-plugins package and states that openvas-nvt-sync is supposed to belong to this package. I don't have openvas-nvt-sync and I can't find the openvas-plugins package, that's where I'm stuck15:10
mazda01canthus13, must be a typo because I just looked at the fstab file and there are no spaces in credentials anywhere15:10
potylacr0nym: i just joined now, i don't know what the problem is, but if marion needs to read a page and firefox doesn't work trying epiphany seems reasonable15:10
jribcyrus__: help.ubuntu.com15:10
ubuntu_n00bcyrus__: do you have experience using another linux distributions?15:11
cyrus__no i have no experince15:11
cyrus__i just start15:11
ubuntu_n00bcyrus__: then starting with the livecd would be appropriate, even without a book. just document your goals and the steps you make to achieve them15:12
garymcIT WORKS DUDES15:12
garymcinstalling security updates15:12
garymcCool thanks all15:12
moncky_ubuntu_n00b: on the website on the left you can download the openvas-plugins tarball then you will need to compile it manually15:13
ubuntu_n00bmoncky_: that's not the ubuntu-way :) going that way is the last resort15:14
moncky_ubuntu_n00b: that is how you need to do it, the link I gave you said there was no package for openvas-plugins15:14
spOhow is a mixer device different from an audio driver?   ie, why can't the audio driver do mixer things?15:14
potylwhere can i find help for running linux n15:15
moncky_ubuntu_n00b: if there is no package you will need to compile from source15:15
cyrus__why we use  sudo?//15:15
potylsorry, where can i find help (IRC channel) for running ubuntu on a mac laptop?15:15
edbiancyrus__: It's mostly personal preference of the ubuntu developers.  You can switch it yourself to the "red hat way" of su15:15
moncky_ubuntu_n00b: there are rpm's you could use alien to convert to dpkg if you preferr to run it through that15:15
marionacr0nym: opera does not seem to be in the repos, I'll try epiphany15:15
moncky_!opera | marion15:16
ubottumarion: opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser15:16
ubuntu_n00bmoncky_: oh no, that's even worse than compiling from source15:16
acr0nymmonkcy_... really helpful15:16
acr0nymwhen he can't browse at all ;)15:16
potylmarion: under ubuntu epiphany is named epiphany-browser15:16
marionmoncky_: 'All available applicaions is selected15:17
acr0nymI'm not sure if epiphany will work since it's heavily based on firefox.. but we'll find out :)15:17
Fezzlerhaving trouble with my routers - anyone know what channel is good to discuss this?15:17
spOany of you knwo the difference between an audio mixer device and a actual audio driver in linux?15:17
mazda01canthus13, when I issue the mount command, this is what it shows: http://pastebin.com/f402ef94d15:18
marionacr0nym: your right it gives the same error15:18
mazda01canthus13, but when I try to test it writability, i get a permission denied on the /mnt/winxp_shared/  as well as the /var/lib/mythtv/pictures15:18
=== kyja is now known as adventurebot
marionacr0nym: sea monkey?15:19
marionacr0nym: sea monkey?15:19
potyl acr0nym: ephany can use webkit;  the upstream project is no longer mantaining gecko15:19
marionacr0nym: sorry for double15:19
opengyanDeveloping a Product , which need a license manager , anyone suggest an license manager/key generator15:19
acr0nympotyl, that's not the point it gives him the same error15:19
marionacr0nym: galeon?15:19
acr0nymno 1 sec15:19
acr0nymdo this in terminal15:19
}MetriX{i have re`installed windows xp , and when i boot it only boots on windows , no option for ubuntu , how can i restore / boot to ubuntu ?15:19
acr0nymmarion: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list15:20
potyl acr0nym: what's the error?15:20
acr0nymand add deb http://deb.opera.com/opera/ stable non-free15:20
linny1}MetriX{:windows like to be on first boot from ubuntu cd and restore the system15:20
acr0nymmarion, after that do this: wget -O - http://deb.opera.com/archive.key | sudo apt-key add -15:20
acr0nymmarion, after that.. sudo apt-get update and then sudo apt-get install opera15:20
momo}MetriX{, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows15:20
linny1}MetriX{ if you go thru the install procedure it will realsie you have an existing install and give you the option to "restore"15:21
CJCHi guys, I'm looking for someone that has a good (read: GREAT) understanding of nTop. I have it installed, working 100% on a LAN. I want to store the logs. Has anyone come across a way of doing this? mySQL? Redirect the logs?15:22
=== adventurebot is now known as kyja
}MetriX{linny1 and if i dont have the cd , what i have to do ?15:22
CJCHi boris15:22
borisanybody german here?15:22
borishm, ok15:23
linny1}MetriX{: either dl it or follow the tut on the link momo posted15:23
CJClol, boris maybe..15:23
}MetriX{ok , thanks for support15:23
Arabusshould try unbuntu-de15:23
borishow can i setup the user list under xchat ?15:24
bomber1974CTRL + S15:25
borisCTRL + S = Log save15:25
bomber1974ups... another windows... sorry15:25
mynxCan anyone tell me how to change the resolution other than going into the "Display Settings"?15:25
bomber1974mynx... SO u using15:26
linny1mynx:ctl alt and + - works on some setups15:26
potylmynx: xrandr can do it from the command line15:26
grumbelIs there a way to uninstall everything installed afterwards and bring Ubuntu back to its original default install? Or where can I find a list of packages that are installed by default on Ubuntu15:26
petercubhi, any solution with linux on pendrive (no booting): alert after restart - boot: nothing more15:26
mynxthanks all but ctl alt + - did not work :(15:27
acr0nymmarion, have to go15:27
acr0nymhope it works out for you15:27
acr0nymotherwise just do sudo apt-get install lynx :P15:27
mynxis there some .conf file I need to edit?15:27
mynxbomber1974: I am using Ubuntu if that's what you mean?15:28
marionacr0nym: I am trying what is suggested in the last post on that link you sent me15:28
potylgrumbel: dpkg -l15:28
grumbelpotyl: that gives me everything currently installed, I want to know which packages Ubuntu installs per default15:29
kadunable to open '/dev/video0': No space left on device ==> how i can fix this15:29
potylgrumbel: ah, sorry15:29
potylmarion: so if i understand you need a webrowser that's not based on gecko so you can fix gecko, right?15:30
akscii've uploaded some files on my server kk.hipatia.net, in the location /var/www/, i connect to the server using $ssh -p 2220 drupaluser@kk.hipatia.net15:30
linny1opera ?15:30
bomber1974mynx: try this: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg15:30
marionpotyl: i have opera now thanks15:31
potylmarion: you can try kazehakase with kazehakase-webkit15:31
DjoefHi, I have a brand new ext iomega hd, when i plug it in, i cannot write to it (Read-only filesystem). I searched the web, but get silly solutions as, try several times to unplug it and replug it, it might work.. is there anyone here who knows what to do to fix this ?15:31
akscii've uploaded some files on my server kk.hipatia.net, in the location /var/www/, i connect to the server using $ssh -p 2220 drupaluser@kk.hipatia.net! i want to access the files uploaded at this location! how do i put the address in the browser!>15:31
potylmarion: ok15:31
CJCDjoef, format it using Ubuntu15:31
mynxbomber1974: trying... I will get back15:31
bomber1974mynx: ok15:31
CJCDjoef, either that or doa  chown on it15:31
DjoefCJC, I will need to use that drive on a windows too15:32
CJCDjoef, in that case, just do a chown. It's a permissions error15:32
potylDjoef:  what file system it has now?15:32
CJCDjoef, NTFS is fine!15:32
mynxbomber1974: I did not work. The setup just asked me a few questions about my keyboard.15:33
potylCJC: maybe you don't have enabled write mode for ntfs in your ubuntu15:33
Djoefhow can i change this permission ? I tried to make a folder as root, but this did not work either (using sudo mkdir)15:33
potylCJC: i think that there's a fuser plugin that lets you mount ntfs in write mode15:33
marionacr0nym: thank you so much for your help, it is working again now :) I'll hang on to Opera too for now though!15:33
mynxbomber1974: I've read about the dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg before, but no luck15:33
potylCJC: install it and you might be lucky15:34
Djoefpotyl, is that for me ?15:34
CJCpotyl, it's not mine ;) it's DJ's15:34
CJCDjoef, it is :)15:34
bomber1974mynx: what kind of qs abot the keyb15:34
Djoefpotyl, I have to do this in terminal (working remote here)15:34
potylthen both of you install the driver :)15:34
Djoefpotyl, hehe15:34
CJCpotyl, haha, I'm sure that a chown would work too?15:34
mynxbomber1974: something about layout of the keyboard and stuff...15:35
potyl Djoef: of course you will do this with apt-get ;)15:35
CJCpotyl, aptitude ;)15:35
bomber1974mynx: use default or US layout15:35
Djoefyes ill google for the driver15:35
edbianDjoef: You can have your X windows forwarded too you if you add the -X flag to your ssh command :)15:35
momogrumbel, a list of default package can be obtained with `apt-cache show ubuntu-desktop`, but i don't think any command can restore to a "fresh install" state15:35
bomber1974myunx: no problem whith that15:35
potylCJC: chmod will work if the driver is isntalled first15:35
CJCpotyl, if it isn't installed forst you mean?15:35
CJCfirst* even15:36
mynxbomber1974: The setup says nothing about screen resolution15:36
kadunable to open '/dev/video0': No space left on device ==> how i can fix this15:36
potylyes *first* :$15:36
* potyl needs to learn to type of a laptop keyboard15:36
Slartkad: you've got space left in your temp folder?15:37
bomber1974mynx: yon ran as root?15:37
mynxbomber1974: yes15:37
kadSlart, no got! /temp is on / parition which have a big space15:37
bomber1974mynx: sudo dpjg-reconfigure xserver-xorg15:38
bomber1974mynx: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg15:38
potyl Djoef: start by following CJC's advice, it's the easiest and nothing will break15:38
Djoefi did chown15:38
Djoefbut still doesn't work15:38
Slartkad: hmm.. then I don't really know.. sorry15:38
CJCDjoef, chown -r ?15:38
potylDjoef: could you paste the line that corresponds to your partition when you do "mount"  ?15:39
mynxbomber1974: I see the guide but nothing about screen resolutions....15:39
bomber1974i'm using knoppix at this time... and its work15:40
mynxHow do I cange the resolution or screen width so the desktop will fill the whole screen. I have two black bars on each side of my desktop....15:40
potylmynx: open a terminal and type xrandr15:41
cF`Zuz|Workim about to download the ubuntu server, my machine is a 32 bit machine, should i get that?  it says 64 is recommended for most machines and Im not sure if it means all 64 bit machines only15:41
SlartcF`Zuz|Work: 64 bit is for 64bit machines only15:41
mynxpotyl: yes, then what?15:42
SlartcF`Zuz|Work: the difference for the server version is..not very big15:42
HET2what's the recommended way to setup an ubuntu as a gateway? do i really need to muck about with scripting?15:42
Slart!ics | HET215:42
ubottuHET2: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php15:42
Djoefpotyl, CJC, this is what i get when i do chown : http://imagebin.org/5858215:42
edbiancF`Zuz|Work: 32 bit OS will work just fine on a 64 bit machine but 64 bit OS will NOT work on a 32 bit machine.  If you don't have 4+Gb of ram 64 bit does not have many more advantages.15:42
mynxpotyl: at the moment I am using 1024x768....15:42
SlartHET2: not really.. for a simple setup it's 3 or 4 lines in a terminal and you're done15:43
HET2Slart: even :)15:43
HardPhucki have ubuntu server, how could i mount that server's disk on my mac? are there any tutorials for that?15:43
HET2Slart: but i don't really want to write those 3 lines every time the machine is rebooted15:43
Djoefpotyl, CJC even then i cannot create a dir15:43
SlartHET2: you don't have to15:44
kadunable to open '/dev/video0': No space left on device, and my "/" have big space left ==> how i can fix this15:44
Djoefpotyl, ?15:44
DjoefCJC, ?15:44
Slartkad: this is an old thread.. worth a try though http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24764615:45
cF`Zuz|Workthanks edbian, thats what i thought, just the wording there is confusing for noobs but i guess servers arent for noobs15:45
Djoefpotyl, CJC, should i install this ntfs-3g ?15:45
kadSlart,  thx :)15:46
edbiancF`Zuz|Work: You'll do fine. :)15:46
CJCDjoef, i'm not sure what that is.. google.com is your friend15:46
HardPhuckis there a way i can mount ubuntu server's hard disk on my mac?15:47
HardPhuckso i can save files on it like it was on the localhost15:47
cF`Zuz|Worksee my idea is to have a server at home and use my laptop to get files from it, and i think the ubuntu server is where i should start... correct me if im wrong please15:47
edbianHardPhuck: Using ubuntu or mac os x ?15:47
HardPhucki have ubuntu server which i want to access with mac os15:47
edbiancF`Zuz|Work: That's a perfect idea.  Although you don't necessarily need the server install.15:47
HardPhuckmac is my workstation, and i need to edit files on the server quite a lot15:48
HardPhuckso i want to mount it15:48
lancelothi all i need ati x1300 driver for Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope15:49
=== yacc_ is now known as yacc
Keifferdamn. my ssh just don't want to work15:49
Keifferedbian, hi. you here?15:49
lancelotis there anybody can help me15:50
slavegirlhi my desktop fan is crazy due too ubuntu 9.04 can anone help?15:51
Keifferdefine that15:52
kadSlart, work but how i can test my webcam ? on amsn don't work!15:52
lancelotama zaten bir tane driver var ki15:52
Slartkad: try running "cheese"15:53
edbianKeiffer: Sorry, yeah I'm here15:53
slavegirlKeiffer: yeah too fasst all the time15:54
Keifferedbian, i have some problems with ssh, would you assist me?15:54
spOis there something similar as windows's  ac3filter codec for ubuntu ro linux?15:54
edbianKeiffer: Sure!  Is that what I helped you with last time?15:54
Keifferedbian, I installed ssh, generated the rs priv and pubkeys. from here i had two problems. at connection it said i pubkey not accepted. tried to find out what's wrong but couldn't15:55
Like! ham help | Like15:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ham help15:55
edbianKeiffer: Where did you place the public key on the client machine?15:56
KeifferNow I deleted the config file for ssh, and restored it from a backup. clean one. but can15:56
Like! Ham | Like15:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Ham15:56
Keifferbut can't gedit it, i don't have permission15:56
slavegirl!fancontrol | slavegirl15:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fancontrol15:56
edbianKeiffer: PM me?15:57
slavegirli need help with fancontrol15:57
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".15:57
garymcYo, im using ubuntu 9.04 how do I log into a terminal window to add packages like mysql and apache15:57
kadSlart, http://pastebin.com/m311e790215:58
Slartkad: why are you running as root?!?15:58
slavegirli want a sytem that works please can someone help with the fan control so it doesnt make such a raquette15:59
kadSlart, was doing some config with grub so not like to always do su -c " " u know ! anyway what about this error?15:59
garymcfound it16:00
Slartkad: you're running a gui program as root (and not using gksudo).. that alone could be what is causing you these problems16:02
edbiangarymc: Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal :)16:02
deanyKeiffer, ssh-copy-id user@server16:02
kadSlart, no just this terminal using it as root and i close it now and same thing16:03
edbiandeany: What does "ssh-copy-id" do?16:03
kadSlart, ah work16:03
pepperjackslavegirl: im not sure about the ubuntu docs but the same packages exist in ubuntu so:16:03
deanywhat it says on the tin :)16:03
kadSlart, but on amsn don;t :P weird ! u got any messenger work with it cam ?16:04
pepperjackslavegirl: arg... http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Fan_speed_control16:04
Slartkad: nope16:04
_UsUrPeR_hey all. I have a 9.04 server that is taking FOREVER to shut down. What logs can I look at to see what is going on?16:04
pepperjack!fan | slavegirl16:04
ubottuslavegirl: fan is Control the fan  on/off  http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-12058.html16:04
zenDozera question:i want to wight a easy OS.but Idont know what compiler can compile the souce code into computer instuctions(not have PE head). what compiler can i us16:05
useronei just formatted an external hdd to ext3, but the 'permissions cannot be determined'. how can i change the permissions to write to the disk?16:05
useronesudo chmod?16:05
danbhfivepepperjack: wow, that factoid is no good16:05
_UsUrPeR_userone: that will work :)16:05
pepperjackuserone: chmod and chown16:05
kersinccomo entro a ubuntu en español16:06
snake23_userone: you should edit you /etc/fstab16:06
kersincalguin k me ayude16:06
guesti have ubuntu installed on a comp, when it installed the harddisk was /sda5 with swap sda6, however i installed a new hard drive which for some reason becaome sda, now my computer will not mount the drives properly.16:06
useronecan i become sudo using the gui, or will i have to use the terminal? the hdd mounts automatically, do i still need to change fstab?16:07
Pici!es | kersinc16:07
ubottukersinc: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:07
guesti tried using the pysdm program, but that iwll not recignize the sda, it autimatically goes to sdb instead16:07
snake23_yeah on startup your hdd is automatically mount by ubuntu16:07
kersinccomo ago para entrar16:07
PicizenDozer: I'm not sure what you're asking, but it doesn't sound exactly ubuntu related, try #ubuntu-offtopic16:08
snake23_but it's better if you manually choose mount options (mount point, permissions, etc.)16:08
uhokHello. Where are the authentication keys stored for the repositories?16:08
snake23_userone: you can use gedit to edit /etc/fstab16:08
snake23_just launch it as root16:08
useronesnake23, yes, i am looking at fstab now, but there is no entry for sdb1?16:09
slavegirlpepperjack: if its a known issue why dont they fix it BEFORE releaseing it?16:09
snake23_it's normal16:09
snake23_that's why on startup ubuntu try to mount it by itself16:09
edbianuserone: Here's a great guide on editing fstab: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab16:10
useroneshould i amend fstab or just use chmod, chown as pepperjack and UsUrPeR suggested?16:10
unniis there an idm for ubuntu16:10
pepperjackslavegirl: im not sure there is a known issue but you can adjust the fan speed typically using that arch linux link.  the ubuntu package names are pretty much the same.16:10
deanyuserone, no need to add it to fstab its external, it`ll mount when you plug it in.  just sudo chown it16:11
useroneedbian, thanks, i will take a look16:11
thehit4hirewhen I try to open Synaptic Package manager ubuntu freezes? any ideas?16:11
edbianuserone: Either method will work.  fstab is more rebust though.  Allowing you to specify if the disk should be auto mounted, along with many other options :)16:11
potylmynx:  sorry i lost my network connection :(16:11
snake23_deany: but userone will have to do it everytime he plug it in16:11
useronedeany, ok..16:11
deanysnake23_, I dont.16:11
unniis there a programme like intrnet download managerr for ubuntu16:11
stevemLo I'm in a situation where my dual screen setup is 1 screen stretched over two 2 screens (thus maximize doesn't work right and the panel goes over both)... now I already know I can't fix my screens.  But are there any known workarounds to fix these effects other than X settings?16:11
snake23_deany: you don't....?16:11
deanysnake23_,  i just formatted to ext4, give it a label so it mounted under /media/thatnameigaveit and sudo chown to my user16:12
thehit4hirewhen I try to open Synaptic Package manager ubuntu freezes? any ideas?16:12
deanyunmount it, remount it..16:12
snake23_deany: ok...I'm more fstab-friendly :p16:13
deanyits not like the permissions on the disk are forgotten when you unplug it....16:13
pepperjackslavegirl: are you sure cpu usage is just not high?  try opening a termnial and running `top` command to see if some process is going nuts16:13
spOdoes ubuntu run all files in /etc/init.d  automatically?16:13
jribspO: no...16:14
deanysnake23_,   its a way of doing it sure, but I dont see much point in it for external16:14
pepperjack!runlevel | spO16:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about runlevel16:14
deanyuserone, upto you dude16:14
Pici!runlevel is <alias> runlevels16:14
ubottuI'll remember that, Pici16:14
slavegirlbear with me i am transcoding ogg too mp3 even if i stop that it wont affect the fan16:14
potyl Djoef: sorry, i got disconnected, did you managed to fix your issue?16:14
Pici!runlevel | spO16:14
ubottuspO: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.16:14
thehit4hirewhen I try to open Synaptic Package manager ubuntu freezes? any ideas?16:14
slavegirlbrb pepperjack16:14
snake23_userone: yep, chown it or https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab it16:14
useronedeany, so i use sudo chown userone /dev/sdb16:15
imranstevem, try system, pref, display,16:15
thehit4hireAny one? I really need help with this situation.16:15
imranstevem, then hit detect moniters and see what happens16:15
_UsUrPeR_userone: that will work :)16:15
_UsUrPeR_hey all. I have a 9.04 server that is taking FOREVER to shut down. What logs can I look at to see what is going on?16:15
deanyuserone, no the mount point16:15
garymchey mine was doing that too16:16
_UsUrPeR_my bad16:16
stevemimran, it's a long story why... but I can't go down that route16:16
deanyuserone, needs to be mounted for you to change it16:16
edbianuserone: "sudo chown userone /media/<someFoloder>"    p[robably "disk16:16
garymcanyone wanna guide me, i made a list of commands to get my intranet web server working in fedora but cos I installed ubuntu 9.04 they are all differnt16:16
snake23_garymc: so what do you want ?16:17
spOpici, so system v means all files in /etc/init.d are runned?16:17
deanyuserone,  might wanna sudo tune2fs -m 0 /dev/sdb1 (or whatever it is)  to get some space back..  5% is gone otherwise,.16:17
jribspO: read « man update-rc.d »16:17
deanyuserone, not while mounted though.16:17
useronewhen i formatted it, it mounted automatically. i didnt use sudo umount /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb116:17
linuxdudehow do I chown a program?16:18
jrib!permissions > linuxdude16:18
ubottulinuxdude, please see my private message16:18
vinc_hello, i want to show the computer icon on the desktop so I launched gconf-editor and I enabled the Show Computer Icon under apps -> nautilus -> desktop. but nothing happened and I can't see any icon. How can i fix this? I'm running ubuntu 9.1016:18
useronedeany, thanks, idid the tuning according to the 'howTo' on the forum16:18
thehit4hireDoes anyone have any idea why the system would freeze when I try to open the synaptic package manager? I have Ubuntu 9.04. Any help would be much appreciated.16:18
jriblinuxdude: why though?16:18
vinc_9.04 (pardon)16:18
edbianlinuxdude: Is it a program that only root can run but you want all users to be able to run?16:18
deanyuserone, give it a label, then its easier to work with as it`ll mount to that name16:18
linuxdudei only have 1 user16:19
linuxdudegotta go16:19
deanyuserone, any reason to not use ext4?  got it on my usb external working fine.. (cant bear deletion times)16:19
slavegirl pepperjack its above normal occasionally 182% cpu usage16:19
slavegirlon one process16:19
thehit4hireDoes anyone have any idea why the system would freeze when I try to open the synaptic package manager? I have just updated to  Ubuntu 9.04. Any help would be much appreciated.16:20
danbhfivedeany: ext4 had some bugs.  It should be more ready next release16:20
useronedeany, i used mke2fs -j so it formatted automatically to ext3. i was having problems with mkfs -t ext416:20
garymcanyone wanna walk me through, if I type my old command you give me the new one?16:20
tommckI was disconnected in the middle of doing an fsck over ssh (I realize now that this is a mistake).  I was wondering if there's a way to resume control of an existing ssh and/or terminal session on that machine...  I've been googling, but no success.  I'd really appreciate any help I can get.16:20
deanydanbhfive, no bugs on my /, /home and /external16:20
imranIm using VLC to try and play a Family Guy DVD16:21
kingmanortommck: when u login first run "screen"  if u get DC'd when u reconnect type "screen -r" to resume16:21
deanydanbhfive, but I realise its not default yet so, i hear ya16:21
imranWhen I try to open it VLC goes big like its gonna play it fro 1/2 a second, small like a music player, big like its gonna play it again, and back to music player size....16:21
imranand stays there until i try n open again.16:21
thehit4hireDoes anyone have any idea why the system would freeze when I try to open the synaptic package manager? I have Ubuntu 9.04. Any help would be much appreciated.16:22
tommckkingmanor: good idea for the future, but... what about now?16:22
deanyuserone, i`d of just used mkfs.ext3 or mkfs.ext416:22
imranguessing i need codecs, where do i get them and install the,?16:22
deanyuserone, or gparted16:22
vinc_hello, i want to show the computer icon on the desktop so I launched gconf-editor and I enabled the Show Computer Icon under apps -> nautilus -> desktop. but nothing happened and I can't see any icon. How can i fix this? I'm running ubuntu 9.0416:22
jribtommck: random google link that looks promising: http://etbe.coker.com.au/2008/02/27/redirecting-output-from-a-running-process/16:22
dareimran, codecs are included with vlc16:22
imrandare does that mean im doing something wrong? The DVD played fine on VLC on windows...16:23
Pici!dvd | imran16:23
ubottuimran: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:23
dareimran, tools->preferences->video16:23
daretry different video output settings16:23
useronedeany, i was having problems with gparted. managed to format to ntfs but not ext3 for some reason. then used mke2fs and everything worked fine, except for the permissions.16:23
tommckjrib - I wonder if it would work with input too :)16:23
_UsUrPeR_Can someone help me? Do I take a number or something? :)16:24
einbthehit4ghire: don't know why it would freeze, but have you tried apt-get from a terminal session?16:24
* _UsUrPeR_ gets in queue16:24
burkmat!ask | _UsUrPeR_16:24
ubottu_UsUrPeR_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:24
* _UsUrPeR_ re-re-asks the question16:24
chillitomwhat's the best way to move all my application settings (firefox etc) to a new install on another machine?16:24
_UsUrPeR_I have a 9.04 server that is taking about 8 minutes to shut down. What logs can I look at to see what is going on?16:24
_UsUrPeR_thus far, there is nothing showing up in syslog16:24
jribtommck: the comments mention retty too16:24
linuxdudedmesg maybe16:24
=== prince_j1mmys is now known as prince_jammys
deanyuserone, very odd.    personally i`d have  sudo mkfs.ext3 (or 4) -m 0 -L name /dev/sdb116:25
_UsUrPeR_linuxdude: I'll take a look.16:25
danbhfivedeany: there was a data corruption bug reported at one point.  I personally use it on /, and keep /home as ext3 for safety16:25
daredanbhfive, good idea16:25
_UsUrPeR_linuxdude: grepped dmesg for "error" nothing came back :(16:25
burkmat_UsUrPeR_: I had an issue with some crypto software that rendered my server useless (100% CPU usage), so I built in a backdoor with remote shutdown and tried it. 6 minutes, but nothing strange in logs. Maybe the processor is just so busy with random stuff that it's slow?16:25
deanydanbhfive, yeah I know about the bugs, my buddys kept crashing on deleting large files (known bug) altho its been fixed in the last 2 updates16:26
danbhfivecool, I wasn't sure if they were pushing out bug fixes16:26
useronedeany, when i formatted the 120gb hdd to ntfs it took hours but for ext3 it took 5 minutes! i wasn't sure if it had even formatted correctly!16:26
_UsUrPeR_burkmat: during normal operation, it's running at about 25% (due to the intel video card + 9.04 incompatibility. xorg is the main draw)16:26
deanydanbhfive, if I had important data on here i`d maybe use ext3 too.16:26
thehit4hireeinb: I am very new to ubuntu and linux all together. I installed ubuntu from a disk that I had, it was 8.10 i believe. Everything worked great and then I updated to the newest version through update manager. I have no sound and the package manager wont open. I am lost16:26
linuxdudelook in faillog16:26
_UsUrPeR_but this is an 8-core server16:26
Pici_UsUrPeR_: Can you change to one of the other ttys when its shutting down? or are you just watching it do the shutdown splash-screen?16:26
deanydanbhfive, but, so far so good.  fingers x16:27
_UsUrPeR_Pici: good point.16:27
* _UsUrPeR_ will try that out16:27
linuxdudeyeah fn f116:27
deanyuserone, did you format in windows?  full format?16:27
deanyuserone, that would explain the length of time :)16:27
linuxdudectl alt f1 i mean16:27
Stronzewhere should i go for help with konversation irc client?16:27
linuxdudegotta go16:27
_UsUrPeR_init: tty1 main process ended, respawning [FAIL]16:28
_UsUrPeR_that is where it's hanging right now ^^^16:28
_UsUrPeR_wait, no. It's hanging on "deconfiguring network interfaces"16:28
deanyuserone, full format is just a quick format with disk checking...  good idea on a brand new drive maybe16:28
_UsUrPeR_maybe it's a dns thing16:28
useronedeany, no, i used fdisk..perhaps i used the wrong option / flag..?16:28
imranI installed the  things on the site for VLC and now I'm getting this message "Playback failure:16:29
imranVLC cannot set the DVD's title. It possibly cannot decrypt the entire disk.16:29
imranYour input can't be opened:16:29
imranVLC is unable to open the MRL 'dvd:///media/cdrom0'. Check the log for details."16:29
FloodBot1imran: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:29
deanyuserone, oh.. well, I dont know ive not formatted to ntfs in linux before.16:29
deanyi either use ext4 or fat3216:29
=== franck_ is now known as franckz
unnii tried to install swiftfox in my ubuntu jaunty16:29
Stronzedoes konversation have its own irc channel?16:29
unnibut failed16:29
unnipls help16:29
useronedeany, i hardly ever use windows anymore, although i have a dual boot, so i wanted to format the hdd to ext3 to use exclusively with ubuntu16:29
useronedeany, yes...i read a great article on the IBM website about ext4!16:30
edbianuserone: I made that switch about a year ago!  I am 100% linux :)16:30
einbthehit4hire: That stinks. I recently upgraded to 9.04 without much of a problem. I'd suggest trying to update via the command-line. Open Terminal via, Applications -> Terminal, then use apt-get to update the system to the lastest patches/fixes for 9.04. "sudo apt-get update" then "sudo apt-get upgrade"16:30
momouserone, do you have the link to this article please ?16:30
dareedbian, how about vm's?16:30
deanyuserone, well if there are still bugs in it, they better hurry up because its default in the next release16:31
edbiandare: I have none :)16:31
bankixWhere do I find the basic gnome config database every new user gets installed the first time he logs in? That database I modify later with gconftool.16:31
deanyuserone, ive had no problems, working with 30,000 small files, deleting, same with 20-30 gig files16:31
useronedeany, i use windows only for CAD (the only thing not readily available on Linux) but now i use blender (and Qcad) so that takes care of a lot of things16:31
unnican anyone see my messages16:31
unnipls reply16:32
dareunni, no16:32
useronemomo, let me find it...16:32
edbianunni: Yep!  You're here :)16:32
einbunni: you're seen16:32
darebut not heard!16:32
unnipls reply friends16:32
unnieinb thanx16:32
imranunni we can16:32
Pici!doesntwork | unni16:32
ubottuunni: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.16:32
unnican anyone help me with installing swiftfox in my jaunty16:33
unnithat dosent work in my lap16:33
Piciunni: Why doesn't it work?16:33
unniim new to linux16:33
Stronzeanyone know how get konversation to auto-op?16:33
unnidont knw how to install it16:33
Lukas___Hello, with "transmission" its any option to shutdown the computer when finish the downloads ?? (like bittorrent in win)16:33
unnitried some commands i found in net16:34
unnibut nothing works16:34
Pici!enter | unni16:34
ubottuunni: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:34
PiciStronze: Thats usually an IRC network setting rather than a client setting, if you mean on freenode, ask in #freenode16:34
useroneanyone know what happened to BlenderCAD? that would be the killer app for a lot of small engineering forms to switch exclusively to linux / ubuntu16:34
Stronzei want the client to auto-op16:35
Piciunni: What commands did you try? What happened when you tried them?16:35
darea photoshop _clone_ would be nice too! :-)16:35
Stronzewhen Nick enters room,i want client to op the isp and not the nick but i cant figure out how to do it in konversation16:35
Stronzepici - and i use undernet16:35
edbianunni: Perhaps you could link us to the tutorial you tried to follow?16:35
linuxdudegimp is nice16:36
useronedare, use gimp...it can do most things photshop can (unless you are a professional designer)16:36
dareone option means i have no choice :(16:36
deanydare, well PS works fine in wine16:37
bankixNobody who knows where the basic gnome configuration database is?16:37
edbianbankix: "gconf-editor" in a terminal16:37
dareit doesn't with graphics with on 3d support16:37
linuxdudewhat are some good games for ubuntu?16:37
dare(cs4 that is)16:37
linuxdudewho here has pidgin?16:38
unnihow can i install swiftfox in ubuntu jaunty16:38
candrodorI do.16:38
useronehow much bandwidth does this channel take!? suddenly firefox is very slow so i can find the ibm article about ext416:38
candrodorI think most people do from default install16:38
dareuserone, a few bytes per second..16:38
useronelinuxdude, i use pidgin16:39
useronelinuxdude, but then so do a lot of other people her, i think :-)16:39
bankixedbian: gconf-editor is an editor, not the database.16:39
useronewell then, suddenly my firefox has died..16:39
linuxdudeadd/remove programs shoud have it16:39
deanydare, I dont know as I used 7 till I got my head around gimp  :)   it says its gold in the appdb tho..16:40
darehm, i tried older versions but toolbox etc kept disappearing16:40
OrkSovajDoes anyody know how to launch Evolution iconified ?16:40
linuxdudegot ta go16:41
=== TuxPurple_ is now known as TuxPurple
useronehmm, suddenly my firefox is hanging. pdgin and this channel are working fine. any suggestions?16:44
dareto kill it?16:44
Keifferssh-copy id me@computer gives this Bad port 'umask 077; test -d .ssh || mkdir .ssh ; cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys'16:44
deanyuserone, page with lots of flash or a bad script running?16:45
OrkSovajDoes anyody know how to launch Evolution iconified ?:part16:46
useronedeany, no..its just a blank screen with 'connecting...'along the bottom. i can get a consisten 900kbps on my usb modem, so it shouldnt be a bandwidth problem!16:46
radivxgot problems with suspend to ram in my 9.04 installation. Got encrypted home dir. Dell D430 laptop. Any suggestions16:47
radivxThe laptop wont suspend, screen turns blank and the machine hangs while pressing the suspend button.16:48
momoradivx, wich graphic card do you have and do you have effects activated ?16:48
LoneWlfkarmic is pretty16:48
daresuspend to ram does not work for me either16:48
darejust hangs..16:48
fosa_i'm trying to get flash working for firefox 3.5.3 but when i open up the firefox flash install file downloaded from adobe I get an "i386 wrong architecture" message.  I'm on x64, does anyone have a link for a flash 64 plugin?16:49
deanyfosa_, use the 64bit one from adobe16:49
momoit works on my laptop with ati graphic card with visual effects set to none16:49
darefosa_, http://nxadm.wordpress.com/2009/04/26/install-64-bit-adobe-flash-player-on-ubuntu-904/16:49
BrazzHi there everyone16:50
useronei just tried sudo chown userone /dev/sdb1 to change permissions on my external hdd but it didn't work16:50
=== drazak is now known as drazak|lab
Brazzyesterday I followed the steps of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver and indeed my graphics got much better16:50
Brazzalthough after that I tryed to run world of warcraft16:50
Besogonuserone: Of couse that wont work16:50
dareyou need to perform that on the /media/bla directory it is mounted to16:50
Brazzand the graphics were pretty bad16:51
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:51
trayzzBrazz: I have the same problems with my HD260016:51
trayzzcan't even start w316:51
useronebesogon, dare, ahh..yes....16:51
Brazztrayzz: well then we need a solution =p16:52
BrazzI've been checking the net all around to get my radeon driver fixed16:52
darewow supports linux?16:52
Besogonuserone: what type is the hdd? ntfs? Why do you need change permission?16:52
Brazzyesterday I finally did16:52
trayzzBrazz: Are you using the HD driver?16:52
BrazzHigh Definition?16:52
fosa_dare, thanks much!16:52
darefosa_, np16:52
Brazztrayzz: my video card is Radeon Mobility 900016:53
useronebesogon, i just formatted to ext3 using mke2fs and it mounted automatically but with no permissions ('cannot determine permissions)16:53
Brazzit was very hard to get my driver working on my computer without graphic issues16:53
Brazzyesterday follow this link here, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver I finally got to aparently install it properly16:54
Brazzthere are tho, still some questions I have about it.16:54
useronebesogon, there is a 'lost+found' file on it and i wanted to back-up some data but i cant write to it16:54
C-S-Bive been an idiot and told gnome-terminal to call itself upon loading. Flashing unsuable windows ensues.16:54
B4ckBOnehow do i install nVidia 6600 drivers on 9.04 ?16:54
trayzzBrazz: i use xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd, there's apparently a debug file but's a little more complicated then i thought16:54
jon_davishay guy's i have been trying to burn a video that I have onto a blank dvd/cd..and i am not abile to make it work. can anybody plese help me make it work right16:54
C-S-BWhere are the gnome-terminal settings?16:55
dareneat trick C-S-B :-)16:55
Besogonuserone: so you should do sudo chmod /media/"your hdd/foulder"16:55
dareC-S-B, does xterm work?16:55
Brazztrayzz: until yesterday  I could not have "destop Effects" in a high mode and still run youtube... that was fixed, now16:55
einbjon_d: just burn it to disc or make an VCD/DVD work in a player?16:55
BrazzBut I guess that to run any window games we need to somehow provide Direct3D16:55
Brazzor maybe not16:56
jon_davisi dont know how to16:56
Brazzbut that's the reason why I am here in the forum now...16:56
useronemomo, for some reason my firefox keeps timing out but when i get it back i will find that ibm ext4 article for you16:56
trayzzBrazz: it took me a while to make mine run, still not all of the compiz effects work16:56
C-S-Bdare: xterm works16:56
Cynner New web browser based game -  http://www.lostworlds.lv/go.php?113972380016:56
radivxmomo: effects disabled, intel 945 graphics16:56
Brazztrayzz: I use ubuntu 9.0416:56
BrazzI dont dare to isntall compiz16:56
Brazzits blacklisted16:56
jon_daviseind.......i dont know how to make it work16:57
bankixI did found the answer myself: The default gnome config database is located in /etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults16:57
trayzzbrazz: works fine for me16:57
dareBrazz, or create a bad reputation for developers who don't want to serve the linux community16:57
KeifferHeeelp! SSH won't work ssh: Could not resolve hostname umask 077; test -d .ssh || mkdir .ssh ; cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys: Name or service not known16:57
trayzzbrazz: use ubuntu tweak as an alternative16:57
useronebesogon, i just tried that but it says 'missing operand'?16:57
Brazzdare: what do you mean pal?16:57
C-S-Bdare: no worries, gconf-editor to the rescue!16:58
bankixKeiffer: Seems if you have screwed up the parameters a bit.16:58
levtimanyone running 9.10 alpha?16:58
dareBrazz, re: direct3d16:58
einbjon_davis: well to burn the file to CD/DVD is easy enough using the CD/DVD Creator ability of Nautilus, but to make a VCD/DVD that will play in a set-top player is different.16:58
trayzzbrazz: gotta run, hope you get it working16:58
Leoneofhello :)16:58
Keifferbankix, in what way?16:58
B4ckBOneim having problems getting direct 3d acceleration up and running .. im on a Nvidia 660016:59
Brazztrayzz: what's ubuntu tweak pal?16:59
B4ckBOneCan sb help me?16:59
bankixKeiffer: How should I know without seeing what you typed?16:59
einbjon_davis: what version of Ubuntu?16:59
Brazzdare:  how do you get to install and run properly the windows games such as w3, wow and starcraft?16:59
Keifferssh-copy-id me@computer16:59
danbhfiveB4ckBOne: have you tried the drivers installer?16:59
pepperjackjon_davis: http://stikiflem.wordpress.com/2008/09/21/convert-avi-to-dvd-in-ubuntu  is one example. Basically there are a lot of apps to enable you to do this16:59
dareBrazz, use windows16:59
trayzzbrazz: let's you change some stuff in a graphical interface, has compiz fusion included (partially at least)..works fine for me. it's basically most of the effects i use16:59
jon_davisI have ubuntu linux9.0417:00
bankixKeiffer: Can you "ping computer"?17:00
alessio_W windows17:00
B4ckBOnedanbhfive, not yet17:00
levtimanyone running 9.10 alpha? or is this not the channel for 9.10?17:00
Keifferbankix. I want to test ssh localy17:00
B4ckBOnedanbhfive,  where can i get info on that?17:00
Brazzdare: some people get those app running on ubuntu dare. I understand you might not have a better advise than "use windows"17:00
Leoneofwhat's mean sh ?17:00
perturbedhow do start pidgin from terminal ?17:00
Brazzdare: but I like to be daring and try something else, not always the answer is giving up17:01
bankixKeiffer: Okay, you can test ssh locally. But could you "ping computer"?17:01
danbhfiveB4ckBOne: System > Admin > Hardware Drivers17:01
useronei just tried sudo chown userone /media/disk but that didnt work to change permissions. do i need to umount and remount for the changes to take effect?17:01
jon_davisi need someone to walk me thro17:01
Brazztrayzz: have you got your radeon drivers installed anyway?17:01
danbhfive!appdb | Brazz17:01
ubottuBrazz: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help17:01
trayzzotherwise it closes if you press ctrl+c17:01
perturbedpidgin& ?17:01
Besogonuserone: Did it work? sudo chmod /media/"your hdd"?17:01
Keifferbankix yes. ping good17:01
trayzzbrazz: yea it works but it's not perfect17:01
perturbedlet me try17:01
alessio_ubuntu fuck you17:01
alessio_windows up17:01
bankixKeiffer: Good. What about "ssh me@computer"?17:01
trayzzbrazz: ask google, there are loads of feeds17:02
jon_daviseinb............i have ubuntu 9.0417:02
jon_davisplese respond17:02
useroneBesogon: no ..it said 'missing operand' so i tried tried sudo chown userone /media/disk but that didnt work to change permissions. do i need to umount and remount for the changes to take effect?17:02
perturbedone more help please17:02
Brazztrayzz: you dont have a clue of how much I have been asking google now-a-days haha, just today when I was trying to search for something google replyed: "get off!"17:02
perturbedhow do i make the terminal start on start-up ?17:02
Keifferbankix, Permission denied (publickey).17:03
trayzzbrazz: lol17:03
bankixKeiffer: That's wha ssh-copy-id can't work.17:03
Brazztrayzz: everytime I was following some other guides or advises, after a reboot my ubuntu would freeze at the logging screen, but with some really weird graphics17:03
perturbedi am a noob17:03
bankixIf you can't login via ssh, you can't use ssh-copy-id to install your keys.17:03
Besogonuserone: no. I will see at net... May be I'll find out thomething17:03
edbianperturbed: Make an entry in "System -> Preferences -> Startup Applications"17:03
einbjon_davis: To burn the file to disc put in a blank CD/DVD, click Applications -> Accessories -> CD/DVD Creator. Copy the file, or drag-and-drop it on the window. Then click Write To Disc.17:03
Keifferbankix, why? and how do i repair it?17:04
perturbedmine is not gnome window manager17:04
Brazztrayzz: even tho this time it worked I still dont wanna enable the catalyst driver before I talk to someone to make sure I won't have to install ubuntu once again for the 10th time17:04
edbianperturbed: kde?17:04
mib_mibcan someone help me wtih a cron job? What USER does cron run as? How do I set the priveleges for the user who is cron?17:04
perturbedmine is something LWde17:04
perturbedsomething like that17:04
trayzzbrazz: dip shit..it's a real pain in the ass with radeon graphics in ubuntu, but like i heard they are working on better drivers for open source os17:04
bankixKeiffer: Because ssh-copy-id uses ssh to copy your public key to the remote machine to enable key authentication.17:04
perturbedlight weight desktop env17:04
edbianperturbed: LXDE?17:04
perturbedyes yes lxde17:04
borisbin eine rauchen ^^17:04
bankixKeiffer: If ssh doesn't work, ssh-copy-id couldn't work.17:04
dareperturbed, add to /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE/autostart17:04
einbjon_davis: Actually my 9.04 prompts me to start CD/DVD Creator when I insert a blank disc automagically.17:05
bankixKeiffer: So you have to fix ssh first so you can log in using a password.17:05
BrazzI really wanna start using linux  and I believe ubuntu is a really nice and good.17:05
Keifferbakix, ok.17:05
perturbedhow to ? dare ?17:05
dareperturbed, http://wiki.lxde.org/en/LXSession#Automatically_start_some_applications_on_login17:05
darei don't use it, that is all i could find17:05
dellyBrazz: how did you install it? the catalyst that is17:05
alessio_ciao a tutti voglio convertire un file con winFF m a non i riesco ...quando clicco su convert esce una lunga serie di scritte e alla fine c'è scritto premere invio per continuare e quando lo premo nn succede nnt17:05
mib_mibhello - can someone help me with a cron job? How do you know what user a CRON job runs as, or set the priviledges?17:05
Brazzdelly: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver17:05
Keifferbankix, i can log in with a pass. but i disabled it now, since i want rsa17:05
jon_davisIT IS NOT LETING ME DO ANYTHING .......einb17:05
bankixKeiffer: First, did you change something to avoid password authentification in SSH?17:05
BrazzI installed it but I didn't enable it yet17:06
Brazzdelly: but everything is working good17:06
dellyBrazz: so by restricted drivers, from AMD, or just installed from repos?17:06
Picimib_mib: Whose crontab are you editing? Each user has one (by default in Ubuntu).17:06
bankixKeiffer: Great idea... first install the key, then disable the passsword auth. Not the other way round.17:06
dellyBrazz: oh sorry17:06
Brazzdelly: I dunno mate, I just followed the guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver17:06
dellyBrazz:  what card you have17:06
Brazzdelly:  an its working all good17:06
edbianperturbed: http://wiki.lxde.org/en/LXSession17:06
mib_mibPici: i just set a simple crontab, i did crontab -e , the job is */1 * * * * /usr/bin/python /home/me/myscript.py17:06
Keifferbankix. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Yes.. ! Thanks17:06
Brazzdelly: Radeon Mobility 9000/ RV25017:07
gletobI need to run a command after resume, does anyone know how?17:07
=== Floops[w]1 is now known as Floops[w]
Picimib_mib: If you did that as your user, then the script will run as you.  If you wanted it to run as root, then you'd have to do sudo crontab -e17:07
stewmib_mib: the cron job would run as the user that ran crontab -e in that case17:07
dellyBrazz: ok, i think that suppose to work well with the open driver17:07
Brazzdelly: the only driver it works with in windows is the catalyst drivers before 5.617:07
edbianKeiffer: Horray!17:07
Brazzdelly: did you check? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver17:07
trayzzbrazz: that's what you have secure mode for, just like in xp17:07
=== prince_j1mmys is now known as prince_jammys
edbianKeiffer: Now when I set it up it'll be easier for me! :P17:07
Brazzdelly:  I believe that covers it all pal17:07
trayzzbrazz: sry but i rly gotta run now, good luck with you graphics mate17:07
einbjon_davis: sound like you need to lay off the coffee. If it won't let you do ANYTHING then you have other issues.17:07
jon_davisi am askinf for a person to respone to me one-on-one for help17:08
perturbedwhere can i find *.desktop files for the terminal17:08
perturbedterminal *17:08
Brazztrayzz: thanks mate17:08
trayzzbrazz: cheers17:08
dareperturbed, type sudo nano /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE/autostart in terminal17:08
mib_mibPici: but it isn't running for some reason - here is the script http://pastebin.com/d3cabaed517:08
perturbedokay dare17:08
Keifferedbian, yep!17:08
perturbednow ? dare ?17:09
gletobI need to run a command after resume, does anyone know how?17:09
dareperturbed, does the file already contain commands?17:09
Besogonuserone: what do you have when type ls -l /media (and what does your HDD name?)17:09
darepress page down to goto the bottom, and add gnome-terminal, then press ctrl+o to save17:09
edbianperturbed: http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/latest/index.html#introduction17:09
Picimib_mib: Make sure that you are using abolute paths inside the program itself.17:10
edbianperturbed: Google is your friend :)17:10
perturbeddone dare17:10
earthenhow do i usr modprobe to see what webcam i have17:10
useroneBesogon: drwxr-xr-x 3 userone root 4096 2009-08-06 14:33 disk17:10
dareperturbed, log back in and see if it works17:10
th0rearthen: you don't17:10
mib_mibPici: ah okay, i just changed it, hopefully that works! shouldn't it get put in SOME folder at least? i just did updatedb and then did locate 'mytest' but it found nothing17:10
perturbeddo i have to add anything in there ?17:10
dareyes, gnome-terminal to the end17:10
edbianearthen: modprobe inserts / removes kernel modules (drivers).  "lspci" will list your hardware17:11
useroneBesogon: name of the hdd is 'disk'17:11
Picimib_mib: Your user may not have rights to wherever the crontab gets run from.17:11
earthenth0r, how do i do it then\17:11
th0rearthen: better question. Use lspci, or maybe lsusb, lshw might also show it17:11
perturbedmine is lxde .. its still called gnome-terminal17:11
edbianperturbed: "x-term" possibly17:11
dareoh, lxde uses xterm17:11
bitplaneany idea why I can't install RAR? I click the checkbox in Add/Remove Applications and it just doesn't check it17:12
dareadd /usr/bin/xterm17:12
Besogonuserone: Are your name userone, root?17:12
Paavi2_0bitplane: it's in the restricted repository, have you that one chosen?17:12
earthenedbian, th0r  <i guess that would be my card then "Ricoh Co Ltd xD-Picture Card Controller"17:12
bitplanePaavi2_0, I think so.. where do I check?17:13
th0rearthen: I don't think so, that sounds like a card reader17:13
th0rearthen: but it might be17:13
useroneBesogon: userone becomes root when i use sudo, i am not logged in as root. should i be?17:13
perturbedi'll be back17:13
perturbedlet me try17:13
darebitplane, fileroller does not meet your needs?17:14
th0rearthen: is the webcam a usb unit? unplug it and see if the same Ricoh entry shows up17:14
alessio_ciao a tutti voglio convertire un file con winFF m a non i riesco ...quando clicco su convert esce una lunga serie di scritte e alla fine c'è scritto premere invio per continuare e quando lo premo nn succede nnt17:14
earthenth0r,  ok i'm looking17:14
alessio_ciao a tutti voglio convertire un file con winFF m a non i riesco ...quando clicco su convert esce una lunga serie di scritte e alla fine c'è scritto premere invio per continuare e quando lo premo nn succede nnt17:14
Pici!it | alessio_17:14
FloodBot1alessio_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:14
ubottualessio_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)17:14
edbianearthen:  I don't think so.  Each of the usb ports on a motherboard has a "usb controller".  The IDE or Sata ports have IDE and Sata controllers.  You PCI (video) card slots have PCI controllers.  A controller is not usually the actrual hardware.17:14
earthenth0r, it's built into my laptop17:14
dumontcan an option in ubuntu be set to delete files instantly instead of moving them to trash?17:14
Sj4lutHello there. Any good guys here today?17:14
perturbedno luck dude doesnt start17:14
dareno, only bad :-/17:14
bitplanedare, isn't fileroller the standard archive manager? it doesn't open RAR archives!17:14
th0rearthen: ah...well...it might be, but xD is (I think) one of the card sizes for digital cameras and the like17:14
edbianSj4lut: Only us bad people today17:14
Paavi2_0bitplane: read the fabulous manual https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/add-applications/C/default-repos.html17:14
useroneBesogon: tried sudo chmod /media/disk again. still 'missing operand after /media/disk'. any ideas?17:15
darebitplane, it does but i think it cannot create them17:15
Sj4lutI would like to know how can I restart X with hot keys like ctrl + alt + backspace?17:15
bitplanethanks Paavi2_0 :)17:15
alessio_ciao a tutti voglio convertire un file con winFF m a non i riesco ...quando clicco su convert esce una lunga serie di scritte e alla fine c'è scritto premere invio per continuare e quando lo premo nn succede nnt17:15
earthenth0r, edbian but it shows up in windows as a usb cam17:15
bitplanedare, it doesn't open them for me17:15
Sj4lutedbian: uuuu bad ones ;=)17:15
th0rearthen: install cheese and see if cheese recognizes it. Cheese is (I think) the best package at recognizing various cameras17:15
earthencan i post to you the out put to past bin17:15
perturbedwhat was the command to get into autostart ?17:15
mib_mibPici: ah okay - i will be setting then /etc/cron.allow17:15
perturbedi'll undo it17:15
edbianuserone: You have to specify the new permissions: "sudo chmod 700 /path/to/file" or something  You can't just "chmod /path/to/file"17:15
cF`Zuz|Workis the ubuntu server cd also a live cd?17:15
th0rearthen: sure....no guarantees <smile>17:15
earthenth0r, ok how i do that17:15
darebitplane, close the package manager and run 'sudo apt-get install unrar' in gnome-terminal17:15
alessio_ciao a tutti voglio convertire un file con winFF m a non i riesco ...quando clicco su convert esce una lunga serie di scritte e alla fine c'è scritto premere invio per continuare e quando lo premo nn succede nnt17:15
perturbeddare its not opening the terminal17:15
th0rearthen: in synaptic...the package is called cheese17:16
bitplanedare, thank :)17:16
lb_alessio_: vai al canale #ubuntu-it per favore. ci sono solo l'inglese nel questo canale17:16
dumontcan an option in ubuntu be set to delete files instantly instead of moving them to trash?17:16
ctmjr!dontzap | Sj4lut17:16
ubottuSj4lut: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.17:16
useroneedbian: ahh..yes..17:16
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perturbeddare : can you please give me that command again to get into autostart17:16
earthenth0r,  so just apt-get install cheese17:16
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dareperturbed, was it in the same format as the other entries in the autostart file?17:16
dareperturbed, type sudo nano /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE/autostart in terminal17:16
th0rearthen: sudo apt-get install cheese....yes17:16
Sj4lutctmjr: thanx17:16
bitplanedare: That worked perfectly, thank you! :)17:16
alessio_hello to all I want to convert a file with winFF but i can not ... when I click on convert comes a long series of written and in the end it says press enter to continue and when I press the nn succede nnt17:17
perturbedit didnt save i think17:17
perturbedi dont see it now17:17
darebitplane, no problem17:17
Leoneofin Terminal, what's mean "sh" ?17:17
perturbedi did ctrl+o17:17
ctmjrSj4lut: np17:17
lb_Leoneof: your shell17:17
earthenth0r, does that has a interface with it17:17
dareLeoneof, shell17:17
jeevescan someone help me get my sound working?  this is the output of LSPCI  http://pastebin.ca/152064317:17
th0rearthen: you mean cheese...no apt-get should handle any deps17:17
chamalow_:join #ubuntu-fr17:17
chamalow_re ici17:18
Leoneofwhat's shell? when i must use it? i'm newbie17:18
th0rearthen: if you mean does it have a gui interface, yes...it will be under multimedia in the menus after install17:18
edbianLeoneof: Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal17:18
earthenth0r, ok cheese says no camera found17:18
edbianLeoneof: That's the shell :)17:18
earthenth0r, yeah that was what i ment but i got it17:18
useroneedbian: sudo chmod 700 /media/disk didnt work. hdd still days 'permissions not determined'. the hdd type is listed as inode/directory. is that ok?17:18
Leoneofedbian: Terminal is Shell?17:19
dumontcan an option in ubuntu be set to delete files instantly instead of moving them to trash?17:19
th0rearthen: ok....then you need to determine what module it uses and try installing that. What is the laptop model?17:19
mib_mibHow do i give my user permissions to create a crontab? I already created a /etc/cron.allow and added my username on one line - and then i did crontab -e .... can someone help me?17:19
daregnome-terminal uses bash by default17:19
natewiebe13anyone have a canon ip2600?17:19
earthenhp pavilion dv600017:19
edbianLeoneof: A shell runs inside the terminal yes.  The defautl shell in ubuntu is "bash" There are about a dozen others17:19
Sj4lutctmjr: one more thing. Will this be global for every acc?17:19
alessio_hello to all I want to convert a file with winFF but i can not ... when I click on convert comes a long series of written and in shell17:19
Sj4lutctmjr: it needs to be for every user.17:19
dareLeoneof, read http://www.beforever.com/bashtut.htm#intro17:19
ech0s7anyone knows how enable hinting on firefox 3.5 ?17:19
earthenth0r,  pavilion dv600017:19
lb_/join #ubuntu-fr <--do you want this, chamalow_?17:20
Leoneofedbian: thanks ^_^17:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ff.3517:20
edbianLeoneof: NP17:20
Leoneofdare: will read it, thank you ^_^17:20
ctmjrSj4lut: yes i believe so17:20
Brazz!world of warcraft17:20
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:20
alessio_hello to all I want to convert a file with winFF but i can not ... when I click on convert comes a long series of written and in shell17:20
Besogonuserone: sorry. Idont konw haw I can help you. May be you will try sudo umount /media/desk "cfdisk /dev/"your hdd" insteed mke2fs...17:21
alessio_hello to all I want to convert a file with winFF but i can not ... when I click on convert comes a long series of written and in the end it says press enter to continue and when I press the nn succede nnt17:21
th0rearthen: checking...just a sec17:21
alessio_hello to all I want to convert a file with winFF but i can not ... when I click on convert comes a long series of written and in the end it says press enter to continue and when I press the nn succede nnt17:22
useroneBesogon: dont worry...thanks your time and the help you did give anyway. it was better than i could have done on my own! :-)17:22
jeevesstew, I see you're in here as well.  how about helpin' with this sound issue?17:22
dumontWHEREEEEEEE IS THE option in ubuntu to set to delete files instantly instead of moving them to trash?17:22
danbhfiveBrazz: did you check the appdb?17:22
Sj4lutctmjr: it does :17:22
Sj4lutctmjr: it does :)17:22
firecrotch!repeat | alessio_17:22
ubottualessio_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.17:22
joeyeyedumont: <shift> delete17:22
perturbeddare ..what was i supposed to add to the autustart file ? ..if you remember17:22
daredumont, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=48246, last post17:22
dareperturbed, show me the current last line in the file17:22
earthenth0r, thiaks FYI this is the result of lspci http://paste.ubuntu.com/248727/17:22
jeevescan anyone here help me figure out why I don't have sound?  http://pastebin.ca/152064317:23
perturbeddare @pcmanfm -d17:23
alessio_  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.17:23
alessio_<joeyeye> dumont: <shift> delete17:23
alessio_* Cuddles è uscito (Read error:17:23
darepeturbed, do they all start with @ ?17:23
alessio_  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.17:23
alessio_<joeyeye> dumont: <shift> delete17:23
alessio_* Cuddles è uscito (Read error:17:23
alessio_  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.17:23
alessio_<joeyeye> dumont: <shift> delete17:23
alessio_* Cuddles è uscito (Read error:17:23
FloodBot1alessio_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:23
dumontjoeyeye where is this path? apps/nautilus/preferences/enable_delete17:23
mib_mibi'm trying to write a simple cron job for a python script....but it doesn't seem to be working, can someone give me some pointers? Here is what I have : http://pastebin.com/d2071cebf17:24
jeevesFlannel, are you here?17:24
joeyeyedumont: in gconf-editor17:24
dumonti don't know where it is17:24
th0rearthen: the Ricoh is a card reader, not the cam. I did find this link that has a definition of the webcam...a place to start....http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=56978917:24
dareperturbed, did you add /usr/bin/xterm to end of the file?17:25
th0rearthen: I am trying to find the module for the microdia webcam...that will be the next setp17:25
perturbeddare : no @ ..at the begining17:25
dumontWhere is gconf-editor ?17:25
dareperturbed, so you just added /usr/bin/xterm ?17:25
darethat should have worked17:25
perturbeddare dude  i screwed up the last time17:25
perturbedi'll try again17:25
perturbedi'll add this and get back to you17:26
dareuse ctrl+o to save it17:26
joeyeyedumont: just type it in ...17:26
th0rearthen: I think the webcam will show with lsusb....pastebin the output of that command17:26
perturbedi did ctrl-o17:26
perturbedbut it didnt save17:26
earthenth0r if i do a lsusb i see a "Bus 001 Device 004: ID 05ca:1810 Ricoh Co., Ltd" i think that maybe it17:26
daredid you sudo nano ?17:26
perturbedctrl-O and ctrl-x ?17:26
LastExyleHey everyone, is there a way to initiate a local desktop login from a remote computer?17:26
jpdsLastExyle: "w" will tell you who's logged in.17:27
joeyeyeLastExyle: you mean like over vnc ?17:27
th0rearthen: ok....check this link...it has a link to a driver for the ricoh....http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51205917:27
Picimib_mib: Firstly, its cron.allow, not crontab.allow. Secondly, you shouldn't use that file unless you really are locking down crontab to just that user.  Are you running crontab -e as the user django?17:27
jpdsLastExyle: Oh, like that. There ware several ways to connect, like VNC/SSH.17:27
mib_mibPici: yes17:27
funkyHatimran: which graphics card do you have?17:28
edbiandare: Join us in "#perturbed"17:28
mib_mibPici: ah good catch, so i just made a file that does nothing haha17:28
earthenth0r, that looks like it may i'll try that and see thanks for the help17:28
LastExylejpds: I know how to do a remote desktop session, the problem I'm having here is that I need to initiate a LOCAL session from a remote machine17:28
mib_mibPici: yet i don't understand why this is not working17:28
th0rearthen: worth a try....give 'sudo modprobe v4l2' a try and see if it gets you anywhere17:29
jpdsLastExyle: You'll have to open up the ports on your router then.17:29
ugliefrogI dual boot ubuntu and windows but i have to reinstall windows....how do i fix the grub when im done17:29
firecrotch!grubfix | ugliefrog17:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about grubfix17:29
joeyeyeLastExyle: what exactly are you trying to do ? I don't follow ...17:29
firecrotch!fixmbr | ugliefrog17:29
ubottuugliefrog: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto17:29
earthenth0r, says module not found17:29
useronei have an external hdd which is locked to root. how can i change the permissions so i can write to it? i have already tried sudo chmod 700 /media/disk and sudo chown /media/disk but this does not work17:30
edbiandare: Hello?17:30
jpdsjoeyeye: Wants to connect to their home machine from over the Internet.17:30
ugliefrogfirecrotch: thank u17:30
Picimib_mib: Do you want it to run every minute? It should just be * * * * *, not */1 * * * *17:30
th0rearthen: yeah...I think it has to be a little more specific....but that is the direction you might want to go17:30
dumontis it possible to change ulimit? from 1024 to say 2048?17:30
edbianuserone: "sudo chown you /media/disk"17:30
dumontulimit -n17:30
mib_mibpici: yah i want it to run every minute, just to make sure its working properly17:30
LastExylejoeyeye: Basically, there's a locked/not logged in workstation. Someone wants to use the machine. I'm trying to set up a method so that an administrator somewhere else can "activate" the machine for them17:30
perturbeddare: after ctrl+o ..how do i append ..lol17:31
perturbedits asking me something which i dont understand17:31
edbianuserone: That will change the owner to you instead of root :) so you can edit the file (and the "7" applies to you)17:31
Piciperturbed: Its asking you for the file you want to save to.  Just press enter if you want to overwrite the current one17:31
Guest81849Could anyone help me for configure my Intel 965 VGA the most correctly for 3D games?17:31
perturbedcool pici17:32
perturbedand ctrl-x after that17:32
joeyeyeLastExyle: use VNC then. Someone sitting at the "locked" machine... Admin uses VNC to connect, control and log the "user" in17:32
ctmjr!intel | Guest8184917:32
ubottuGuest81849: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.17:32
perturbedhow do i exit nano ?17:32
Piciperturbed: ctrl-x17:32
kadhey need help with this! i want on terminal display only user! i try to do export PS1=%u ( but didn't work) how i can do this ! thx17:32
LastExylejoeyeye: alright, thanks. I'll give that a try17:32
JonathanEllisEek! Help! My other computer froze while installing a package. The mouse still moves but the disc light has stopped flashing and no menus or windows respond. If I restart X or reboot, how would I recover? Will I have file corruption?17:32
perturbedi did that17:33
phlegx_systemsadac soginet17:33
dumonthow do I change ulimit -n the # of open files allowed?17:33
perturbedfile modified17:33
perturbedhow do i exit ... clicking cross ?17:33
=== phlegx_systems is now known as adac
kaddumont, u mean process ?17:33
Piciperturbed: Its asking you if you want to save your changes again beacuse you did something after pressing ctrl-o17:34
perturbedit says ...there is still a process running  ...kill it ???? pici17:34
LastExyleon a somewhat related note, what would be the best way to have the machine reboot an hour after a specific user logs in?17:34
perturbedphew tough17:34
ctmjrJonathanEllis: how are you installing it?17:34
useroneedbian: yes, i just tried sudo chown userone /media/disk followed by sudo chmod 700 /media/disk. terminal shows the next prompt without errors but hdd still shows 'permissions not determined'17:34
dumonthow do I change ulimit -n the # of open files allowed?17:35
JonathanEllisctmjr: From Add/Remove Applications17:35
firecrotchLastExyle: A script that runs at login that runs the following command: at now + 1 hour /sbin/shutdown17:35
bankixth0r: Hi.17:35
dumontopen files                      (-n) 102417:36
firecrotchLastExyle: or /sbin/reboot17:36
LastExylefirecrotch: thanks. pardon the newbie question, but where would I put such a script?17:36
kaddumont,  ulimit -SH 1024 maybe17:36
chillitomguys how do i get ubuntu to recognise all 4 cores/threads of my Nehalem?  I've installed the SMP server kernel but it still only reports one core17:36
JonathanEllisfirecrotch: If you man shutdown you will get options for that command17:36
natewiebe13i had nvidia 190 drivers installed in jaunty, i removed them, and now  it keeps trying to look for the 190 drivers, how do i get it to go back to the nv drivers?17:36
edbianuserone: What command yields: "permissions not determined" ??17:37
pepperjackchillitom: is that with the 64 bit or 32 bit kernel?17:37
natewiebe13anyone know how to reset the nvidia drivers?17:37
dumontkad HEY! damn you, you changed filesize to 1024, not open file #17:38
chillitompepperjack, 64 bit17:38
pepperjackchillitom: cat /proc/cpuinfo just shows the one?17:38
dumonthow do I hcange it back to unlimited?17:38
ctmjrJonathanEllis: if your system is unrecoverable reboot and run this in a terminal sudo apt-get -f install it will try to fix any broken packages17:38
chillitompepperjack, yeah17:38
joeyeyeuserone: are you using gnome ?17:38
useroneedbian: the hdd icon is on the desktop. i just right click>properties>Permissions tab>'The permissions of disk cannot be detrmined'17:38
edbianJonathanEllis: You should be alright :)..17:38
=== suporte is now known as DemoM
edbianuserone: Can you write files in it?17:39
useronejoeyeye: yes17:39
useroneedbian: no17:39
JonathanEllisctmjr: edbian: Phew! Thanks.17:39
edbianuserone: There is no entry in it for fstab?  What format is the drive?17:39
edbianJonathanEllis: NP17:39
edbian*no entry in fstab for it*17:40
pepperjackchillitom: odd. sorry man not sure why that is17:40
pepperjackchillitom: are you dual booting? does windows see it correctly?17:40
chillitompepperjack, yuck no.17:41
joeyeyeuserone: try this: start gconf-editor and go to /syste/storage/volumes/<your device>/mount_options and add uid=<your uid>, gid=<your gid>, then unmount and remount the volume17:41
chillitompepperjack, cheers for listening17:41
edbianchillitom: Does the very though of dual-booting gross you out? ha ha ha17:41
pepperjackchillitom: heh. maybe try a couple livecds. the arch livecd or something :(17:41
chillitomedbian, indeed it does17:41
useroneedbian: when i formatted the hdd to ext3 there was a file 'lost+found' created automatically, which I have not seen on the external hdd before. it has a padlock (locked) top right hand corner and a box with an 'X' in it on the bottom right hand corner. no entry in fstab. the drive is ext317:41
useronejoeyeye: let me try....17:42
RolandWhich virtual machine to use for running windowsXp under ubuntu?17:42
JonathanEllisRoland: I use virtualbox17:43
edbianuserone: That "lost+found" file is on all ext3 volumes.  It is used by the system for recovery from power outages and such.  It is owner by root and you don't have permissions to write it which is why those icons are on it.  That is fine.  Try what joeyeye said ^ ^17:43
lstarnesRoland: virtualbox is one of the most popular virtual machines, but there are also others such as kvm, qemu, and xen17:43
lstarnesRoland: also, many windows programs can be run using wine17:43
useronejoeyeye: there is no folder 'volumes' only deafult_options17:44
Rolandlstarnes, I tried wine, no luck17:44
joeyeyeuserone: is this external hdd  ?17:44
JonathanEllisRoland: Although I have found most of the windows programmes I want to run dont run in Wine! :-(17:44
edbianjoeyeye: It is17:44
joeyeyeuserone: usb ?17:44
useronejoeyeye: yes..a freecom 120gb hdd used to be formatted to ntfs17:44
perturbedcan i open an image file in terminal ?17:45
edbianperturbed: You can open an image file with an image view "from" a terminal but you cannot use the terminal to view images.17:45
joeyeyeuserone: if it automounts, there s/b an entry there below default_options17:45
RolandJonathanEllis, does virtualbox work ok? printers, internet, have access to other folders in ubuntu host?17:45
useronejoeyeye: yes..usb mounted automativally after formatting but with no permissions. have been stuck ever since!17:45
edbianimage viewer* "from" a terminal17:45
perturbededbian: how do i ?17:45
perturbedi get into the directory of the pictures17:45
perturbedand then17:46
edbianperturbed: I forget the name of the programs but it's just "image-viewer /path/to/file"17:46
useronejoeyeye: i have hfs...iso9660..ntfs...ntfs-3g..udf...vfat17:46
prince_jammysperturbed: name_of_prog filename, eg 'display kitties.jpg', if you have imagemagick installed.17:46
perturbedok ok17:46
edbianperturbed: Or use relative paths: "image-viewer picture.jpg"17:46
joeyeyeuserone: what is it mount as (filesystem)17:46
perturbedi'll try17:46
mib_mibCan someone suggest a mail program to use? All i want is so that the MAILTO in the crontab will send me a message, what mail program can I Apt-Get?17:46
edbianperturbed: [tab] is a handy feature :)17:46
perturbededbian: i know17:47
Xerran2How do you found out if your Ubuntu installation is x86 or x64?17:47
edbianXerran2: "uname -a" and look at your kernel17:47
useronejoeyeye: under the 'volume' tab it says mount point /media/disk filesystem ext317:47
JonathanEllisRoland: I like it. Internet is fine, provided you install Guest Additions. I haven't tried printing from it but I understand Guest Additions maps the to CUPS (the linux printing system) so that should be OK. You can control what linux folders are visible to your guest OS. I have a single shared folder17:47
lstarnesXerran2: or uname -m17:48
Xerran2edbian, is there a command to get there?17:48
edbianXerran2: That is the command: "uname -a"17:48
Xerran2ahh ok17:48
RolandJonathanEllis, ok, thanks for your help17:48
Xerran2thank you very much17:48
edbianXerran2: NP17:48
DarxusWhat file stores evoloution account preferences?  rm -r ~/.evolution and rm -r ~/.gconf/apps/evolution didn't do it.17:48
joeyeyeuserone: nothing in fstab for that disk ?17:48
useronejoeyeye: mount options...rw nosuid nodev errors=continue data=ordered17:49
edbianuserone: the "nosuid" is the issue ;)17:49
joeyeyeuserone: comment out everything related to that disk in fstab, save, exit, unmount then physically disconnect and reconnect the usb drive17:50
perturbedcrap .. not working17:50
JonathanEllisXerran2: Try this http://www.tech-recipes.com/rx/2768/ubuntu_what_version_am_i_running/17:50
prince_jammysDarxus: try 'man evolution' and see if at the bottom there's a FILES section.17:50
Darxusprince_jammys: Already did, thanks.17:50
QOOKI'm trying to multi-boot, how am I supposed to write menu.lst? http://paste.ubuntu.com/248736 , http://paste.ubuntu.com/24873917:50
edbianperturbed: You just have to figure out the name of an image viewer17:50
useronejoeyeye: let me try..17:50
perturbedits not image viewer itself  :O17:51
joeyeyeuserone: it should automount automagically17:51
HelpMe2using rdesktop with keyboard mapped to us-en and is not recognizing the CAP-LOCK17:51
perturbedi am so stupid17:51
HelpMe2anyone come across this problem ?17:51
napzterhi guys........ do u have any idea? why i can't log-in in my yahoo messenger in my pidgin,?17:51
useronejoeyeye: automagically! wow...now thats a word :-)17:51
prince_jammysperturbed: try for example: 'eog somefile.jpg'17:51
Gc85i need a problem with ubuntu server17:52
joeyeyeuserone: haha yes!17:52
JonathanEllisctmjr: Damn! It hung again. This time while doing dpkg configure -a       At least, I think that was what I did17:52
perturbedprince_jammys: okay ..17:52
prince_jammysperturbed: that's if you have "eye of gnome". try it17:52
Gc85somebody help me17:52
Xerran2edbian, this is pure jokes...."i686", i thought they would list it as i386   LOL17:52
perturbedprince_jammys: lxde17:52
JonathanEllis!ask @ Gc8517:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ask @ Gc8517:52
prince_jammysperturbed: ah. what program do you normally use to view images?17:52
xamoxanyone know why I can't play music over samba?  I have my server setup, shares are fine, I can't seem to mount a share over the network and play stuff. I'm on 9.04 and have always been able to before. Doesn't matter what player, banshee,amaork, or vlc.17:52
perturbedprince_jammys: getting into the directory necessary ?17:53
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:53
ctmjrJonathanEllis: what happened when you ran sudo apt-get -f install?17:53
edbianXerran2: I don't understand the joke?  You probably have a 686 processor17:53
prince_jammysperturbed: either that, or use the full pathname of the file.17:53
Gc85after i reboot17:53
JonathanEllis!ask > Gc8517:53
ubottuGc85, please see my private message17:53
Gc85i receieve this legend17:53
Gc85Reboot and Select proper Boot device or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device and press a key17:53
Mr_hidehey all, im new to the whole IRC thing. if i had a specific compiz question is there a sub compiz room here?17:53
useronejoeyeye: no entry in fstab...is there a 'howto' to modify the fstab? # Entry for /dev/sda3 :17:53
useroneUUID=bf59a395-4174-4caf-9251-b80d2426801f / ext3 relatime,errors=remount-ro 0 117:53
userone# Entry for /dev/sda2 :17:53
useroneUUID=e328c556-16f9-4bae-8b9a-978f6289cd88 none swap sw 0 017:53
userone/dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0 017:53
FloodBot1userone: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:53
linuxdudei love ubuntu so much!17:54
ctmjrMr_hide: #compiz17:54
prince_jammysperturbed: but you might not have eog installed. you can try also 'display yourfile.jpg' , for example. "display" is part of the imagemagick package, which you might have installed.17:54
xamoxhrm, video will work though.17:54
perturbedi'll try display prince_jammys17:54
edbianuserone: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab17:54
mazda01anyone help with me with a ntfs smb share problem. i can't get write access to the share? here's my forum post. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7742764#post774276417:54
Gc85Reboot and Select proper Boot device or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device and press a key17:54
joeyeyeuserone: you're gonna get in trouble ... pastebin your /etc/fstab and let me have a look17:54
perturbednope not installed prince_jammys17:54
JonathanEllisctmjr: It told me to sudo dpkg --configure -a   Then it hung while adding one of the packages17:55
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions17:55
perturbedeog says file not found ..but the file is very much there17:55
perturbedi did dir and it shows17:55
useronejoeyeye: let me physically remove and attach the usb.17:55
useroneedbian: thanks..17:55
ctmjrMr_hide:sorry should be more helpful type this /join  #compiz17:55
prince_jammysperturbed: what is the exact error message? does it begin with 'bash:' ?17:55
perturbedwait prince_jammys17:55
Gc85Reboot and Select proper Boot device or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device and press a key17:55
xamoxHrm, it's working, it just doesn't like drag and drop. Must be a bug.17:56
JonathanEllis!fstab @ userone17:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fstab @ userone17:56
perturbedits working prince_jammys17:56
perturbedprince_jammys: eog works17:56
prince_jammysperturbed: ah, good.17:56
perturbedprince_jammys: thanks17:56
JonathanEllis!fstab :userone17:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fstab :userone17:56
prince_jammysperturbed: that's one of many image viewers. you probably have some others installed. i don't know what they install by default these days.17:57
Mr_hidectmjr: ah, ty. sadly no one there17:57
perturbedprince_jammys: same for music files ..exaile filename ?17:57
Gc85Reboot and Select proper Boot device or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device and press a key17:57
prince_jammysperturbed: sure17:57
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »17:57
joeyeyeuserone: also do a sudo fdisk -l when it's connected and let's identify which device the usb is17:57
einbuserone: I believe you can simply replace the UUID=bf59a395-4174-4caf-9251-b80d2426801f and UUID=e328c556-16f9-4bae-8b9a-978f6289cd88 with /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda2 respectively.17:57
DarxusI needed to do evolution --force-shutdown and gconftool-2 --shutdown17:58
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »17:58
Mr_hideanyone know how to install a compiz plugin that has a CMakeList.txt file? running into many problems with this. using jaunty and latest copmiz17:58
prince_jammysperturbed: each command dictates how it's supposed to be invoked, so you can't assume  'progname filename' is going to always do what you want. but most gui programs accept the filename to view/modify as a single argument.17:58
einbuserone: If your using grub (probably) I'd double-check the menu.lst file. That's the only other place I've seen the UUID info referenced.17:59
FirstSgti'm fairly new to linux and I am just wondering the best application to take a home-made dvd (mpeg4 - no regions/encryption/etc) and rip to a format I can place on youtube?17:59
JonathanEllis!fstab userone17:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fstab userone17:59
perturbedokay prince_jammys ..so i am still a noob17:59
prince_jammysFirstSgt: avidemux, probably.17:59
JonathanEllis!fstab | userone18:00
ubottuuserone: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions18:00
perturbedexaile is working prince_jammys18:00
prince_jammysFirstSgt: unless you want a commandline app, in which case mencoder or ffmpeg will do.18:00
FirstSgtprince_jammys: thanks18:00
FirstSgtprince_jammys: I would only do command line if I intended on automating it with a script :)18:00
prince_jammysFirstSgt: then check out avidemux and see if it does what you want. i don't know what youtube expects.18:01
niftyhow can i use the shred command to secure erase all the files in a folder?18:01
FirstSgtwhat is the difference between add/remove... and the package manager?18:01
joeyeyeuserone: you there ?18:01
perturbedi'll be back i have to try the auto start terminal thing18:01
masteris here anybody from Ukraine18:01
ctmjrJonathanEllis: try sudo apt-get --purge remove "package" and see if it gets rid of it then try to install18:01
FirstSgtprince_jammys: youtube is pretty nice.  it'll take divx/xvid etc.18:01
ChousukeFirstSgt: the add/remove thing is a simpler frontend to the package manager.18:02
JonathanEllisctmjr: Thanks. Will do18:02
niftyplease help :(18:02
FirstSgtChousuke: I can never find software with that that i can find with command line aptitude18:02
JonathanEllis!ask | nifty18:02
ubottunifty: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:02
mastermene xtoc6 4ye18:02
hajarplease tell me what can I do >>> my computer hang and display black screen with message " setting advanced power managment to 0xfe (254)18:02
joeyeye!shred | nifty18:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about shred18:03
joeyeyenifty: man shred18:03
dwidmann_Hi folks. So, I found this old usplash theme, but it only has packages for Intrepid. If I were to recompile it or whatnot, would it work with Jaunty? (just installing the Intrepid packages didn't work, and yes I did update-alternatives)18:03
ChousukeFirstSgt: yeah, it contains only a subset of the packages.18:03
perturbedits working ..18:03
masterhow to install emerald themes18:03
perturbedand i am delighted18:03
Kingsy101hey guys, I have got 8.10 installed and for some reason on my firefox everytime I get to a flash video or something like that (for example youtube) there is a big play sign where the video should be  (grey) and when you click it, it plays the video, is that cause I don't have something installed?18:03
perturbedlove linux18:03
masterhow to install emerald themes18:03
JonathanEllisnifty: Use man shred to get more info about that command. I havent used shred myself18:04
masterhelp me please18:04
Kingsy101it doesnt look right either once you have clicked through to it18:04
prince_jammysFirstSgt: it's one of those user-friendlier apps that ends up confusing the user ;)18:04
Kingsy101it doesnt seem to be transferring from youtube either18:04
Nyquist333I have 1 GB harddrive that is connected by eSATA. I've formatted it with ext2. I'm using "storage device manager" to mount it. What should I make the root permissions and owner if I want this to be available to any linux OS? This is my offline backup.18:05
perturbedwonderful :D18:05
ctmjrmaster: download the theme open emerald theme manager import theme then go into the dir. you downloaded the theme and click it18:05
Kingsy101is there some kind of all in one web package you can download for linux ?18:05
dwidmann_Kingsy101: do you have the flashblock extension installed?18:05
Kingsy101dwidmann_ - how do I check ?18:05
niftyJonathanEllis: thanks18:05
perturbedprince_jammys: how do i kill eog ..from terminal once the pic is opened18:06
JonathanEllisnifty: pleasure18:06
dwidmann_tools -> addons -> extensions18:06
prince_jammysperturbed: are you getting a prompt in the terminal or not?18:06
perturbedi added & now .. ok its solved18:06
perturbedadded & to the file name18:07
perturbedusing the terminal is so much fun18:07
Kingsy101dwidmann_ - no I only have firebug and ubuntu firefox mods18:07
perturbedhate mouse :D18:07
userone1joeyeye: so do i add this line to fstab? /dev/sdb1 /media/disk ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro,noatime 0 118:07
joeyeyeuserone: no18:07
prince_jammysperturbed: eog somefile.jpg & disown    will make it so that eog is not attached to the invoking terminal, allowing you to close the term without closing eog.18:07
dwidmann_Kingsy101: maybe it's just certain flash videos then?18:08
userone1joeyeye: i was trying to follow the link sent by edbian18:08
Kingsy101naa pretty much everything, including an advert on the yahoo.com homepage comes out with a big play sign18:08
joeyeyeuserone: external drives do not need to be in /etc/fstab18:08
niftyJonathanEllis: thanks! i got it to work! :)18:09
joeyeyeuserone: they will be automounted to /media/<disk volume name>18:09
Nyquist333If I have folders with owners mike:mike, and I move that harddrive to another linux box with no user mike, can I read/write the folder?18:09
joeyeyeuserone: can you pastebin your /etc/fstab and also results of sudo fdisk -l18:09
userone1joeyeye:  the physical disconnect and reconnect changed the permissions to drwx------ 3 userone root 4096 2009-08-06 14:33 disk from drwxr-xr-x18:10
=== kb is now known as Guest13440
niftygoing to overwrite the files 501 times :D18:10
einbnifty: You might also find "scrub" useful.18:10
userone1joeyeye: sudo fdisk -l gives /dev/sdb1               1       14593   117218241   83  Linux18:11
JonathanEllisnifty: What do you have to get rid of that's so sensitive? Been downloading porn or is it official secrets?18:11
Kingsy101ok I have it half fixed now, what plugins do you need to listen to the music on mysapce? cos thats the only thing that doesnt work now18:11
joeyeyeuserone: ok - and pastebin your /etc/fstab (don't paste it in here)18:11
userone1joeyeye: tried sudo chown userone /media/disk followed by sudo chmod 700 /media/disk, still no change18:12
joeyeyeuserone: userone - that's correct you can not change the ownership and permissions of a mount point18:12
joeyeyeuserone1: please post your /etc/fstab ... dude I'm trying to help here!18:13
userone1joeyeye: ok..i had to reconnect to the channel..where do i paste the fstab output again?18:13
niftyJonathanEllis: im a photographer and i want to shred a copy of photographs to make sure no one steals them again :(18:13
joeyeyeuserone1: http://pastebin.com18:13
mazda01anyone help with me with a ntfs smb share problem. i can't get write access to the share? here's my forum post. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7742764#post774276418:14
userone1joeyeye: sorry..sorry..i do appreaciate your help I am just a bit slow! :-)18:14
=== Julian-off is now known as Julian-de
Kingsy101can anyone tell me what plugin you need to listen to music on myspace ?18:15
joeyeyeuserone1: copy the pastebin url in to the channel when done18:15
michelkoganHI THERE18:15
michelkogananybody hear me ?18:15
nick125michelkogan: Nope.18:15
=== john is now known as Guest79738
burkmatmichelkogan: We can see you, not hear. :P18:16
userone1joeyeye: http://pastebin.com/d239b079618:16
michelkoganno you can see my messages , cant see me :p18:16
Jarity Flannel :)18:17
scuniziIn Network Tools --> Netstat --> Routing Table Information I see under destination, no gateway and a netmask of on eth0..  Is this something in my system? and if so what/why is it there?18:17
joeyeyeuserone1: now pastebin the output of ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid18:18
burkmatscunizi: 169.254 is assigned when DHCP can't get an addr, to allow computers to communicate over LAN without a DHCP server.18:18
scuniziburkmat: ok.. so this is a backup address "just in case"?18:19
stephansDoes anyone know hos to get X to properly see the resolution of an attached monitor (Dell 24in)18:19
burkmatscunizi: Well, sort of, yes. In a way.18:19
sphenxesI have more than 300 photos which i would like to change to thumbnail photos. what program can do it for me?18:19
scuniziburkmat: there is another address listed and it's a valid address from the dhcp server18:19
imranhow do I configure hardware acceleration with S3 Savage video card???18:20
userone1joeyeye: http://pastebin.com/d43ae8b9318:20
scunizisphenxes: imagemagick.. it's command line but will handle 300 at one time18:20
JonathanEllisctmjr: Unfortunately I cant run sudo apt-get purge <package> as it tells me dpkg was interrupted and I must run sudo dpkg --configure -a to correct the problem. When I do that it hangs at Adding extension /usr/lib/openoffice/basis3.0/program/mailmerge.py  This happens every time I reboot and try this.18:20
sphenxesscunizi, thanks18:21
scunizisphenxes: and it's in the repos18:21
joeyeyeuserone1: ok cool. now pastebin ls -l /media18:21
stephansxrandr gets: 1280x1024      75.0     60.018:21
burkmatscunizi: well you were looking at routing tables, right? so basically the 169.254 line says that "if someone on your network has a 169.254 address and you need to talk to them, there's no gateway since it's local".18:21
stephanswith is not right18:21
imranhow do I configure hardware acceleration with S3 Savage video card????18:21
stephanssit should be 192018:21
userone1joeyeye: http://pastebin.com/d635bb0fa18:22
GPLhow to switch to ubuntu , from windows, without a Blank CD, is there any way or Hope through USB drive ?18:22
=== argohost is now known as samuel-cirilo
Yanick_hi, is the tsclient broken? I recentrly moved back from Kubuntu to Ubuntu and I'm trying to connect to a remote WIndows server machine with the tsclient package, but after I click on "connect" nothing happens. The program is still running, but no window opens, like if it was waiting for something, but there's nothing to see18:22
scuniziburkmat: ok.. that makes sense.. then the person with 169.254 would possibly have had an issue getting an IP from the DHCP server and they defaulted to that as a backup?18:23
burkmatscunizi: Precisely. :)18:23
scuniziburkmat: the fog is lifting :)  thanks!18:23
joeyeyeuserone1: cd /media/disk and then echo "test" > test.txt18:23
Brazzimran: have you seen http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7539318:23
burkmatscunizi: No problemo :)18:23
imranBrazz, thanks a lot for that - but how do i know which command is the one i need?18:24
stanworldhi, is there any user / dev  of Ogre3d  ?18:24
stanworldi am installing a package libogre-dev but i miss some files of configuration... like 'ressources.cfg' any idea of where i can find ?18:25
userone1joeyeye: the file text.txt contains the word 'text'...does that mean i can write to the disk now? :-)18:25
JonathanEllissudo dpkg --configure -a crashes my machine. Is there any way I can delete the broken packages or clear this error?18:26
burkmat!hi | Deiu18:26
ubottuDeiu: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!18:26
DeiuCan someone point me in the right direction please? I can't seem to be able to config xorg to use my GeForce GT 200 card.18:26
Brazzimran: is it an old card mate?18:26
joeyeyeuserone1: yes it does ... you s/b able to see it on your desktop, or in the Places menu too18:26
yihao_Hi. My NetworkManager Applet isn't showing any Wireless connection, but I am connected right now to a wireless connection. What's going on? Do I need to configure it somehow to identify my devices? This is not made by default? I really want it to work, thanks.18:26
GPLis there a way around, i am really curious to know..18:26
DeiuI'm not even sure which glx package to use.18:26
JonathanEllisDeiu: What are you trying to config it to do? Anything fancy?18:26
ctmjrJonathanEllis: well lets see if synaptic-package-manager can fix it open it up on the bottom it has package info do you see anything for broken?18:26
Brazzimran: for what I have read it mentions that old S3 graphic cards have no hardware acceleration18:26
imranbrazz, I found one - it says for AMD chipsets, which is what im using, but when i run the 1st command it says "E: Couldn't find package linux-image-2.6.12-10-k7"18:27
DeiuJonathanEllis, Nope, just have the acceleration work.18:27
Brazzimran: but that you can fake it18:27
JonathanEllisctmjr: Synaptic wont run. It tells me to do sudo dpkg --configure18:27
DeiuJonathanEllis, nvidia-xconf fails18:27
imranbrazz how?18:27
ltcabralhow do i assassinate a TIME_WAIT in port 749??18:28
userone1joeyeye: yes..i can see it on the hdd. however, the permissions tab still says 'permissions cannot be determined'. thats just a minor bug now, right?18:28
JonathanEllisDeiu: Sorry, I cant help you with that18:28
ctmjrJonathanEllis: you cannot even open synaptic?18:29
JonathanEllisctmjr: As soon as I open synaptic it tells me to manually do sudo dpkg --configure -a18:29
Brazzimran: I dont know18:29
Brazzimran: gonna check18:29
joeyeyeuserone1: check the path in gconf-editor again /system/storage/volumes/<your device>/mount_options18:29
imranbrazz thanks so much ")18:30
joeyeyeuserone1: my usb drives say that too in the permissions tab - had never notice tha before...18:30
userone1joeyeye: nothing has changed in the gcong-editor path, still no 'volumes' but i think your simple solution of physically disconnecting and reconnecting must have done something18:31
dwidmann_Ooooh, I fixed one of my problems. ... Downgraded dbus & hal to jaunty release :) Now the Keyboard & Mouse work again! Yay!18:31
joeyeyeuserone1: and so does my nas samba mount point18:31
=== Odin is now known as Guest31471
Brazzimran: I'm reading http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=654771 but it might interest you more18:31
JimmioHey all. How do I download packages and their dependencies for use later on an offline system? apt-get has -d but it doesn't work without a command. Any ideas?18:31
RyanT50002I'm running Hardy Heron x64 with compiz enabled; when I run glxgears, it works but bars of transparency flash madly across the window.  Is there a way to get GL programs working properly in Hardy Heron + Compiz?18:32
jophishHow would one configure grub2 to be like this: http://sidux.com/mediashare/ou/kj6zdfm58ho5mh9k8ldbpp4u3vf4s1-pre.png18:33
metalfan_https://launchpad.net/~fitpc2/+archive/ppa          can anybody tell me if mplayer-vaapi from this site is available for lpia or not available?18:33
joeyeyeuserone1: i know why the volume does not appear in gconf-editor ... it's because everything is default. Is there any reason for you to still need/want to change anything for that drive ?18:33
joeyeyeuserone1: or are you all set ?18:33
imranbrazz still not really helping me :(18:33
uhokI cannot restart with the command: sudo restart. (command not found)18:34
burkmatuhok: Rebooting? Try `reboot` :)18:34
Keifferwhat command d u use to see the login time? activity at pc?18:34
=== Iknownothing is now known as Guest1055
JonathanEllisctmjr: Thanks for you help so far but unfortunately I have to go to work now. I will ask again later.18:34
Brazzimran: well I googled it mate, and for a lot of troubles with ubuntu that I had lately I also used google, usually people help you fast when you know what you're looking for18:34
mazda01anyone help with me with a ntfs smb share problem. i can't get write access to the share? here's my forum post. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7742764#post774276418:34
userone1joeyeye: no...thanks for  at least getting the hdd to read/write. just so long as the 'permissions' never lock me out, it works just fine now18:34
uhokty burkmat18:35
Brazzimran: I'm not criticizing, don get me wrong. I'm just saying that perhaps if your question was more specific you'd get help faster.18:35
burkmatuhok: np :)18:35
userone1joeyeye: all set now...thanks alot for your time and your elp, and apologies again for irritating you with my slowness! :-)18:36
hell_server irc.ownz-irc.com18:36
B4ckBOneare there alternative drivers for nvidia 6600 than the nvidia one?18:37
userone1joeyeye: i will delete my posts in pastebin (just wasting space otherwise!)18:37
yihao_Hi. My NetworkManager Applet isn't showing any Wireless connection, but I am connected right now to a wireless connection. What's going on? Do I need to configure it somehow to identify my devices? This is not made by default? I really want it to work, thanks.18:38
imranWell. ANYWAYS,how do I configure hardware acceleration with S3 Savage video card???18:38
SD39 anyone hear of a boot error "Cannot Initialize etc/mtab" followed by a bunch of permissions errors?18:39
SD39started after I added a boot line to fstab, and installed hfsprog. Now i removed the added boot line in fstab. and it's still hanging there.18:39
lollanhi, I wanted to try out xirssi or rirc but I can't find it with apt-get, somebody knows where i can get the source or a .deb ?18:39
c3obrother... any ubuntu server for free18:40
userone1i think momo has left now, but for anyone else who is interested, her a link to an article by IBM on Ext4: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-ext4/18:40
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imranyihao, I had that problem the first time... Try right click / edit connections, add a connection, enable and then disable the 2 check boxes on the 1st page, apply, and delete the connection.18:40
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imranyihao_, if that doesnt help i dont know what to do18:40
imranWell. ANYWAYS,how do I configure hardware acceleration with S3 Savage video card?18:40
userone1and the history of it: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-anatomy-ext4/index.html?ca=dgr-lnxw07Anatomy-of-ext4&S_TACT=105AGX59&S_CMP=grsitelnxw0718:41
yihao_imran, the interesting point is: when I left-click the networkmanager system tray icon, it shows me in wireless connections: device not managed. actually this appears on wired connections as well.18:42
c3oneed configuration server for ubuntu 8.1018:42
yihao_that's why I think it's a problem of configuring somehow to detect and manage my wireless device. which I don't know how to do.18:43
userone1ok....now that joeyeye has got me all up and running again...i have 120gb of files to back up! have fun! bye18:43
MarkGHi, how do I get transmission BitTorrent client, without it wanting to install XWindows?18:43
SD39anyone know if it's possible to backup my wireless drivers from my broken install and move then to my reinstall? I can access the broken install still.18:43
andresjhello, I have a virtual machine (kvm via libvirt) with Windows XP. It is configured to make use of my two processors, but when I start i up both processor's usage go to 100%. I am assuming it is a bug, since when I configure it to use only one, CPU usage is barely 40% on one core, and 20% (Firefox, etc) on the other.18:44
andresjanyone know a workaround or fix?18:44
usr13haha, that's pretty good from JumboJellyfish.  Was he a troll?18:45
imranyihao_, type iwconfig in terminal and if there is like 8 lines after "wlan0" it is detectinf your wifi driver18:45
andresjMarkG: transmission is probably only Graphical—that is, it needs X Windows to run. There is, however, a good probability of a console-only program existing.18:45
usr13("two major products that come out of Berkeley")18:46
losherMarkG: have you tried just installing transmission-cli ?18:46
andresjMarkG: oh, apparently transmission-cli would do the job18:46
andresjlosher: beat me to it :P18:46
GPLi am trying to install Ubuntu through a USB , Extracting Ubuntu files on the USB , will do ? what shud be the root folder on USB ?18:46
omahais anyone familiar with calibrating touchscreens driven by evdev?18:47
usr13GPL: Follow the instructions.18:47
usr13!usb | GPL18:47
ubottuGPL: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent18:47
losherandresj: I like to think of it as irc network latency roulette...18:47
yihao_imran, actually i'm connected to my wireless connection right now, so when i type iwconfig it shows as connected. the point is the networkmanager applet not recognizing it.18:47
GPLusr13 : thx.18:47
Bryantosyihao_, try sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart18:48
andresjlosher: lol, very true ;P18:48
imranOooooh... So whats the matter? long as it's connected, why do you need anything more, yihao_?18:49
yihao_Bryantos, did it, but the applet still doesn't work. Still saying that the devices are not managed.18:49
yihao_imran, I want to know the signal strenght and easily left-click the applet to see my my other wireless connections.18:50
MarkGThanks, transmission-cli is just the ticket, it's even got a nice web interface :-)18:50
Bryantoswell, just for future refrence yahio_, that restarts your network service. thought it would get the network manager to recognize it18:51
o123hallohow do i start gigolo with the terminal?18:52
yihao_Bryantos, I know... because I tried to restart my entire system and it didn't work anyway. I think something else is managing my devices so the applet is unable to recognize it. Any ideas?18:52
vibeckeCan anyone tell me the easyest way to get kde 4.3.0? At the kde.org page, all it says is Kubuntu, will this work with ubuntu 9.4?18:53
Picivibecke: Check out http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.3 and #kubuntu for further help18:53
Arabuso123hallo: if you have a gui like gnome, just look in the preferences of the start menu entry what command is used18:54
vibeckePici, I run Ubuntu 9.418:54
o123halloArabus: I got xfce... but even i had gnome, i would know how to do it18:55
o123hallowouldnt :-D18:55
Arabuso123hallo: you might try writing gigolo in the command line and then press the tab-key to see if the tab completion of the bash shows you the right command18:56
Bryantoso123hallo, if that doesn't work, try 'apropos giggolo' and see what you can find18:57
=== tinivole is now known as ibuclaw
dsdeizhow to reinstall package using apt-get?18:58
Morteza_Khi ,i missed indicator applet in gnome anyone can help me?18:58
usr13dsdeiz: What seems to be the problem?18:59
usr13dsdeiz: (Might be better to just fix what's wrong.)18:59
Arabusdsdeiz: try apt-get --reinstall <package-name>18:59
Arabusdsdeiz: man apt-get might help in the future19:00
minimecdsdeiz: If you want to reconfigure the package to its 'default' settings, 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure <packagename>' might be better.19:01
usr13Good advise from Arabus :)19:01
LolikonSaying "don't login as root" is bollocks. It stems from the days when people sniffed the first packets of sessions so logging in as yourself and su-ing decreased the chance an attacker would see the root pw, and decreast the chance you got spoofed as to your telnet host target, You'd get your password spoofed but not root's pw. Gimme a break. this is 2009 - We have ssh, used properly it's secure. used improperly none of this 1989 will19:01
Lolikonmake a bit of difference.19:01
usr13maybe even better advice from minimec19:01
strebloi have a python script that's being run every night by cron. is there a way to see the error log or traceback if the script dies?19:02
icerootLolikon: that is not the reason for "dont login as root"19:02
Lolikonwhy then?19:02
icerootLolikon: the reason is, you need normally only for one command the user root. so it is not safe to be root all the time, because it is easy to kill the system with a wrong command19:03
ArabusLolikon: one of the main reasons not to work as root all the time, ist plain simple that you have more troubles breaking things when you lack the rights to do so19:03
Lolikonpost people who `su' just say as root.19:03
Lolikonthey might as well ssh in as such19:03
danlout of curiosity, can someone tell me why there are packages in apt for javascript frameworks?19:03
GFH[Work]Is there a way to carry over group permission bits for g+s directories? when people create files it makes them read only for the group which makes me sad :(19:03
iceroot!sudo | Lolikon19:03
ubottuLolikon: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)19:03
spOwhat files does ubuntu load at boot?19:03
stephansxrandr gets: 1280x1024      75.0     60.019:03
stephansxrandr gets: 1280x1024      75.0     60.019:03
stephanssit should be 192019:03
stephansDoes anyone know hos to get X to properly see the resolution of an attached monitor (Dell 24in)19:03
stephansanother ubuntu connected to the DVI works19:04
stephanslaptop via vga no19:04
stephanshow can I fix this?19:04
momo!wiki network19:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wiki network19:04
stephansThe behavior is inconsistent19:04
danlstephans: any time I have resolution issues, I just fall back to editing the xorg.conf file19:05
usr13LordKow: Basically, you only want to invoke admin rights when necessary.19:05
RavenkinJust a general question with permissions I know there's read, write, and execute, but can you ever set permissions to just execute something no reading or writing or just write only?19:05
stephansdanl: really? ouch!19:05
usr13Ravenkin: Yes19:05
danlRavenkin: yes19:05
vigostephans: xorg.conf or fglrx, I would browse the forums and make sure it is not a proprietary driver or something goofy that really is not needed.19:06
danlRavenkin: it would be perms 111 if you want everyone to be able to execute and no one to read or write19:06
ArabusRavenkin: chmod +x <filename> should do the trick19:06
Ravenkinit'd just be 0001 for everyone else to execute but not read or write correct?19:06
Ravenkinoh right19:06
iPoRnhy, i'm trying to run an eggdrop on my ubuntu server, but i have this error: ./eggdrop: error while loading shared libraries: libtcl8.4.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory19:06
RavenkinJust wondering for myself, thanks guys danl, usr13 and arabus19:07
icerootlosher: for e.g. you want to delete a config in /something/  with root you type rm -rf /something/<tab> you have not seen that there are more files, so tab will not write something. very bad if /something/ = /etc/ or so19:07
danlRavenkin: you probably want 71119:07
dsdeizi'm getting this error when running epiphany-browser.. http://pastebin.com/m591c6c57 :(19:07
icerootlosher: sorry wrong nick19:07
stephansI swithed back to the integrated driver... (lenovo had 2 video cards and a switchable graphics.. so I turned the the switchable off and set it to intel only)19:07
Ravenkindanl right thanks, like I said just my own curiousity.19:07
toniiiPoRn: either you don't have tcl8.4 installed, or the eggdrop use the wrong path to it.19:07
stephanswich has OSS drivers19:07
danlowner can read,write and execute, group can only execute and others can only execute19:07
stephanswith 3d19:07
danlRavenkin: yw19:07
loshericeroot: :-)19:08
danlRavenkin: in the future this might be of help: http://www.onlineconversion.com/html_chmod_calculator.htm19:08
Ravenkindanl I know how to figure it out, but thanks :-)19:08
fophillipslibsensors3 seems to make dpkg segfault19:08
o123hallothank you Bryantos and Arabus19:08
danlok, just making sure :-)19:08
o123hallothank you Bryantos and Arabus19:09
usr13Ravenkin: r-1 w-2 x-4, 1=1 1+2=3 1+4=5, 2+4=6, 1+2+4=719:09
Arabuso123hallo: np :)19:09
o123hallois there a way to start a application to the tray?19:09
Ravenkinusr13 other way around isn't it?19:09
minimecdsdeiz: Try to delete (& maybe backup the .epiphany or .config/epiphany and start the software again.19:09
o123hallomaybe with a parameter?19:10
usr13Ravenkin: What?19:10
usr13Did I get it wrong?19:10
minimecdsdeiz: ... directory ;)19:10
vigodsdiez: I agree with minimec. that looks like it is bad code.19:10
aksciis it possible to start xampp server without being root? i've been givin a user account on a server but i'm not in the sudoers' list!19:11
MarkGCan anyone recommend a console application to manage startup services, show what is set to autostart and what is not...19:11
spOdo any of you know files are primary used during loading of ubuntu system at boot?19:11
Arabuso123hallo: I think that depends on the program. If it supports being sent to the tray.  Try looking for an option in the configuration of the application19:11
agent_jdsdeiz: what version number of epiphany are you using, and has it worked previously?19:11
MarkGI go on the Unbuntu forums, and 99% of stuff is X applications :-(19:11
dsdeizagent_j: 2.24.1.. and yes it worked before.. just after doing an upgrade a while ago, it gave me this error message19:13
dsdeizminimec: i can't seem to locate the directories you've mentioned :(19:13
=== aaron is now known as TiMiDo
mizipzoris there an easy console way of replacing all spaces in the filename of all files in a certain folder?19:13
usr13Ravenkin: Yea, that was wrong... r-4 w-2 x-119:13
Kottizenubottu: Hello :)19:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Hello :)19:14
armenceAnyone here wants to help me make ubuntu work?19:14
burkmatMarkG: Still hunting a CLI boot tool? Cause I have one, just give me a minute to find it (and remember the name :p)19:14
agent_jdsdeiz: ok, just to let you know i'm running ubuntu 9.04 with epiphany 2.26.1 and it works great. you might want to upgrade epiphany. i think i know the command...19:14
usr13armence: Yes, (we all do).19:15
minimecdsdeiz: I don't use epiphany, but normally each user should have a .epiphany or .config/epiphany directory in the /home/<yourname> directory. Your personal software settings for epiphany are saved there.19:15
Kottizenburkmat: hej :D kul med svenskar19:15
MarkGburkmat: Still looking19:15
vigodsdiez: Or maybe try the update&upgarde thing. as sudo, maybe that would help.19:15
Kottizenarmence: Check the private chat.19:16
o123hallothank you for your help! you / we fuck ms!19:16
o123hallocheers cya19:16
agent_jhey all, if dsdeiz wants to upgrade epiphany then what apt-get variation does that?19:17
dsdeizi think it's apt-get upgrade epiphany-browser?19:17
jribagent_j: apt-get install epiphany-browser19:17
jribdsdeiz: that won't work19:17
agent_jjrib: and that would grab from the updates repo?19:17
jribdsdeiz: well it will upgrade everything, not just epiphany19:17
JuanJOBCHI all19:17
jribagent_j: yes19:18
dsdeizoh ok19:18
agent_jdsdeiz: i wouldn't do upgrade. you may want to get the deb from gnome.org19:18
JuanJOBCI need to print several jpg pictures into the same pdf file, is there any tool for that? thanks19:18
jribagent_j: it grabs whatever the latest version in the configured repositories is19:18
agent_jdsdeiz: ok so it depends on what repo you have.....19:18
MarkGrcconf is just the job19:19
burkmatMarkG: Check out sysv-rc-conf19:19
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burkmatMarkG: You don't mean editing runlevel services, etc?19:20
agent_jdsdeiz: the hardy repo has an old version of epiphany. you may want to get the deb. http://projects.gnome.org/epiphany/19:20
jiohdimy konversation was hi-jacked by root... now fixed... but any idea why that would happen?19:21
fosa_got it, need a $form['name']19:21
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MarkGna, just switching them on/off   I have no idea what al that Kxx and Sxxx nonsense is..   Talk about making something simple complicated.19:22
burkmatMarkG: Hehe, well... Manually editing; I can agree with. but sysv-rc-conf makes it a lot easier. :)19:23
bankixMarkG: Yeah, just delete everything Kxx and Sxx in /etc19:23
Entelinwhat package is libXxf86vm in ?19:23
Entelini'm not finding it anywhere19:23
MarkGI looked at the screenshot for sysv-rc-conf and saw all the numbers, and figured it was best avoided.  rcconf just lets me turn them on or off, i'll let Ubuntu deal with dependancies and ordering :-)19:24
bankixEntelin: Probably in libxxf86vm119:24
dsdeizi believe it's xulrunner that's causing my problem19:24
bossdave bossdave: I don't know if this is the right place to be, but I am looking for help with a user keyboard preference.  The keyboard does not respond to any key strokes for this user (me).  I works well when signed on as guest, as I am now doing.  Any ideas?  Where can I set the user config for the keyboard?19:25
Entelinbankix, ah you know it looks like synaptic is case sensitive, so I was using it with case and it had it listed without19:25
commander_i installed the latest globalmenu to my top bar look like Manc Leopard but don't see the change19:25
bankixEntelin: Just use "apt-cache search", and search for part of it -- I used xf86vm as search pattern.19:26
user10does ubuntu have a player which can play flash streaming data19:26
bankixuser10: Maybe the flashplayer from Adobe will do?19:26
user10bankix: but it's not a swf file. its a streaming data19:27
xanguamplayer, totem, vlc ¿¿19:27
bankixuser10: What does the URL look like?19:28
user10bankix: http://localhost:9999/test.swf19:28
user10but its not a swf19:28
user10streaming one19:29
bankixuser10: Why does the name say .swf then?19:29
jiohdiuser10, the adobe flashplayer plugin for firefox should have no problem19:29
Slartuser10: if you want to try a media player go with vlc.. if that doesn't play it I doubt mplayer and the others will19:30
danljiohdi: other than being a cpu hog :-P19:30
jiohdidanl, there are always trade offs :)19:30
user10Slart: Tried it, but it's needs a real time plugin19:31
sorrelВсем привет, есть кто нибудь кто общаеться на старом и добром русском языке?19:31
danljiohdi: only because adobe's programmers are lazy, because flash doesn't lag and eat my processor on my Windows install like it does on my Ubuntu and OS X boxes19:31
Slartuser10: realtime? as in Real Media?19:31
user10Slart: correct19:31
jiohdidanl, what do you want for nothing :)19:31
Slartuser10: you can get the real player for linux.. it's actually not that horrible in linux19:32
bankixuser10: If it's shockwave and not flash, I don't think you'll get it running under Linux.19:32
danljiohdi: the web to start using html5 with it's nice video tag :-P19:32
agent_j!ru | sorrel19:32
ubottusorrel: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:32
treadSlart: Actually, I'd always loved VLC in Windows, but for some reason, ever since I switched to Ubuntu, VLC will hardly play anything, whereas mplayer (and its derivatives) work great once I got the right codec packs installed.19:32
danltread, I've I have only ever had one file VLC wouldn't play in ubuntu, and it was encrypted itunes movie from my mac19:33
PSPUbuntuwhat can i use rather than adobe after efects19:33
jiohdiany idea how or why root would steal control over konversation program?19:33
Slarttread: oh? vlc has played everything I've thrown at it.. to be honest though I don't throw that much strange stuff at it.. mostly mkv's19:33
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KjakanI need some help with filing a bug report.19:33
fosa_i'm trying to have a form submission which sends an email, does anyone know of an example module which does this?19:33
iceroot!bug | Kjakan19:33
ubottuKjakan: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots19:33
Slartjiohdi: root stealing control? I think you need to explain a bit more19:34
mib_mibI'm trying to set the pythonpath in a CRON script; what do I need to set the python path to exactly?19:34
KjakanI would like to change the default Visual Effects to None in Ubuntu 10.19:34
KjakanChange Desktop Background - Appearance Preferences - Visual Effects - None19:34
bossdave  I don't know if this is the right place to be, but I am looking for help with a user keyboard preference.  The keyboard does not respond to any key strokes for this user (me).  I works well when signed on as guest, as I am now doing.  Any ideas??19:34
KjakanI mean, for the entire distro.19:34
SlartKjakan: ask in #ubuntu+1  and it's 9.1019:34
KjakanIt would improve the speed on older machines.19:34
harry__hello and good bye :)19:34
Kjakanty Slart19:34
danlfosa_: you have to be sure you have sendmail setup correctly on the server19:34
jiohdislart, this morning, I could not start konversation... it said that my user could not r/w to .ICExxx whatever... and I learned that it was under ROOT control19:34
danlbut I can get you an example hold on19:34
Slartjiohdi: have you been running gui programs with sudo?19:35
jiohdislart, I was shown how to give it back to my user acct, but I am interested to know why it happened19:35
danlfosa_: http://www.thesitewizard.com/archive/feedbackphp.shtml19:35
fosa_danl, yes sendmail setup will come soon ^^;  Do you know which module handles user registration?  I'd like to see the example code19:35
fosa_sweet :)19:35
Slart!gksudo | jiohdi, check the link19:35
ubottujiohdi, check the link: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)19:35
treadSlart: I don't throw strange stuff at it either.  Only stuff that it was able to play fine in Windows, and which it says it can play on its website.  I think it might have to do with the fact that I installed VLC under KDE and am now trying to run it under gnome.. depending on the file type, sometimes it plays, sometimes VLC just doesn't open at all (even though it used to on KDE).  Haven't tried a reinstall though.19:35
Slartjiohdi: you now know why you're not supposed to do that..19:35
fosa_danl, thanks19:35
jiohdislart, that makes some sense... I dont know enough about linux to understand all that yet... but I am learning19:36
Slarttread: ah.. whenever vlc decides not to play something for me I get a nice little dialog explaining that I can shout,scream and hold my breath all I want.. this file won't play anyway =)19:37
toniitread: KDE and Gnome use different filemanagers, which have different "preferred applications" settings.19:37
Slartjiohdi: always use gksudo for gui stuff.. sudo for command line stuff only19:37
innomenVirtualbox keeps making me type "/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup" Any idea how to make it happy permanently?19:38
jiohdislart, I will stick that in my memory file :)19:38
zenwrylyIs there a way to "boot" into a chroot?  IOW, to get init to run from a debootrstap on startup?19:38
jiohdislart, what is ksudo for?19:38
Slartinnomen: it should stick after you do it once... not sure why it isn't working for you19:39
Slartjiohdi: it's the same thing as gksudo..but for KDE19:39
innomenslart: hmm, oky, thanks19:39
armenceHey all, so when I try to start Songbird, it starts 2 songbird processes and 2 songbird-bin processes displays "Starting Songbird" for a little bit and then does nothing...19:39
armenceCan anyone help me with that?19:39
jiohdislart, so if the program is konversation I should use ksudo?19:39
Slartinnomen: I think it builds and installs the virtualbox kernel module19:39
Slartjiohdi: yes.. but you shouldn't run konversation as root19:39
jiohdislart, gotcha19:40
mizipzori want to take two images and place them side by side in a new image... which would then be twice as wide but have the same height... the images themselves are of the same size... whats the best tool to do this? i tried gimp but i simply cant wrap my head around its bloat19:40
innomenyea it does it and says everything is peachy and tehn it works but later on when i try to lauch the same guest os it complains again19:40
innomenmizipzor, god tell me about it, i think photoshop made gimp just to make photoshop look good19:40
smxyIs there something wrong/different about netfilter/iptables on the latest Ubuntu? I'm trying to allow intenet access to an internal webserver. I am using the same two commands to do this that work on a different distro, but they aren't working here. There is the DNAT rule to DNAT it from the firewall's external IP address to the interna server's address and there is the forward rule that allows that traffic to be forwarded19:40
bankixmizipzor: Imagemagick, or even gimp.19:40
Slartmizipzor: you could use imagemagick.. but I would say that gimp is easier19:41
smxyThe DNAT rule never sees any packets thoough and so none get through19:41
innomengimp=rocket surgery19:41
caesar_can somebody help me?19:41
mizipzorinnomen: funny thing this... if i dont find the program soon, it would probably have gone faster if i would have wrote in python/PIL :p19:41
bankixcaesar_: No, because you gave no informations about the topic or problem.19:42
caesar_im looking for my external inside of utorrent19:42
caesar_using wine19:42
Slartcaesar_: your "external"? your external ip?19:42
mizipzorSlart: i tried to paste the images into a new image, once both were there i lost the selection... started over... once i managed to place them side by side (with a few pixels difference) i hade to figure out how to manipulate the layers... then i gave up... you say there are tools that are harder to use than gimp?19:42
caesar_no EHDD19:42
spOubuntu loads everything in /etc/init.d/ directory at start?  what else does it load?19:43
smxyAnyone? I have been beating my head against this for two days. It "just works" on my CentOS box, but simply doesn't on my Ubuntu box.19:43
igneousquillI have a Dell Inspiron laptop I bought new a couple of months ago.  I run Ubuntu 9.04 on it.  I've never had a problem with the wireless connection, but this afternoon it kicked me off.  I tried reconnecting but I just get the monitors icon with a red x.  Wired connection works fine though.  I tried rebooting.  I verified wireless is set to "on."  I even tried running a live Xubuntu CD.  In all cases the wireless didn't work.  Sug19:43
innomenmizipzor, i suppose trying to do it in notepad would be harder than gimp... maybe19:43
bankixmizipzor: For a few photos, gimp is the right tool for you. Althoug you'll have to learn the basics....19:43
th0rspO: no...you need to read up on runlevels19:43
Slartmizipzor: oh my.. I don't know if this will help you.. but here it is http://www.imagemagick.org/19:44
Slartmizipzor: command line ftw =)19:44
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto19:44
mizipzorSlart: command line! thats something to depend on19:44
spOth0r, what files are used for runlevels,  what files are ran at boot time?19:44
ubottuIn Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.19:44
innomenl8r guys :)19:45
smxyAnyone? I have been beating my head against this for two days. It "just works" on my CentOS box, but simply doesn't on my Ubuntu box.19:45
spOi don't understand what that means,  what files are used at boot?19:45
mizipzorbankix: the problem is that i dont want to manipulate any images... i want to concatenate them... placing them side by side but keeping the images themselves exactly intact, and place them with pixel perfect alignment... gimp seems much more geared towards... you know, actual drawing19:45
bankixspO: The scripts from the initrd, then upstart, and then the init scripts in /etc/init.d and /etc/rc*.d19:45
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/19:45
Slartmizipzor: I think you want to use the "montage" command19:45
th0rspO: http://www.debianadmin.com/debian-and-ubuntu-linux-run-levels.html19:45
EDinNYHow do I set up mulitple nics?19:45
mizipzorSlart: seems to do exactly what i want :p19:45
bankixmizipzor: How many images are you talking of?19:45
openselcshow do you access your folders in samba? when i am given the username-domain-password dialogue window and enter my information it keeps locking me out. what's wrong?19:46
mizipzorbankix: two19:46
smxyEDinNY: /etc/network/interfaces19:46
bankixmizipzor: Use gimp, learning how to do this with imagemagick will take you more time.19:46
smxyCan anyone please help me with my firewall problem?19:46
caesar_i am trying to make my external hard drive my download folder in uTorrent.. what path would it be under?19:46
EDinNYsmxy: I seem to have problems telling it to start 2 nics and telling it which nic is which...it chooses the wrong eth0 by default19:46
mizipzorbankix: hold on, i think ive found a cli here that does the trick... its personal now, i dont want to use gimp and i will be a little more happy if i can solve this without bloatware...19:47
mizipzorsorry about the rage btw :p19:47
smxylock the mac addresses n /etc/iftab19:47
deanycaesar_, /media  (why not use transmission)19:47
caesar_transmission greys out on me19:47
bankixmizipzor: If time doesn't matter for you... at least, it matters for me.19:47
bankixIm off then for a while...19:47
caesar_im using wubi.. maybe this is why19:48
spOwhat user does Ubuntu run rc2.d scripts ?  ie, what user does it use to run boot time scripts?19:48
ubuntuhi i was going to install ubuntu on my laptop which file system is preferred is it ext3 or ext 4?19:48
openselcshow do you access your folders in samba? when i am given the username-domain-password dialogue window and enter my information it keeps locking me out. what's wrong?19:48
smxyIs there no one in here who can help with an Ubuntu firewall problem?19:48
deanycaesar_, try enabling the web interface then19:48
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igneousquillAgain, I am suddenly unable to connect to wireless on my laptop running 9.04.  No wireless connections display, even though I know there are there.  Everyone else in the office is able to get on.19:48
SlartspO: afaik it's root.. but.. now when you ask I get unsure..19:48
caesar_ok lemme try that19:48
rootlinuxusrext4 is the newest with more features, but untested - I prefer ext3...for now19:48
ubuntu_904hi i was going to install ubuntu on my laptop which file system is preferred is it ext3 or ext 4?19:48
sammyanyone ever lost all their open tabs during a firefox update? session restore works just fine except when I get a 'you need to restart firefox because it updated' message19:48
ubuntu_904more featres ?19:48
Slartubuntu_904: I would go with ext319:48
deanycaesar_, theres always azureus too.19:48
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions19:49
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP319:49
caesar_i need something lightweight19:49
DarxusHow do I update /etc/lsb-release?  Downloading and dpkg -i'ing http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/main/b/base-files/base-files_5ubuntu4_i386.deb didn't do it.19:49
spOis there any  other scripts besides runlevel scripts , such as rc2.d  , that are ran at boot time?19:49
ubuntu_904ok so a ext3 is more preferred choice19:49
caesar_vuze always been too bloated for me19:49
EDinNYsmxy: /etc/iftab does not exist.  I need to create it, right?19:49
ubuntu_904what about swap memory i got a 1 gb memory and am running an atom processor19:49
th0rspO: very often an init script calls something else19:49
smxyjust a sec19:49
Slartubuntu_904: ext3 is the stable choice.. I would only use ext4 for experimenting, so far19:50
icerootubuntu_904: is it a ssd?19:50
rootlinuxusrHow much drive space - I've always allotted 1GB....19:50
Slart!swap | ubuntu_90419:50
ubottuubuntu_904: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info19:50
smxyEDinNY: etries look like:19:50
smxyeth0 mac 00:c0:4f:19:9a:e719:50
smxyeth1 mac 00:60:08:3e:5c:2119:50
rootlinuxusrsolid state drive.19:50
openselcshow do you access your folders in samba? when i am given the username-domain-password dialogue window and enter my information it keeps locking me out. what's wrong?19:50
icerootubuntu_904: like in the netbooks19:50
mib_mibOMG are there any gurus in here?19:50
icerootask | mib_mib19:51
smxyNo, there are not or they'd probably help me.19:51
rootlinuxusrDo you have the proper ports open 137-139, 445 | openselcs19:51
th0rthere are...but we avoid whiners19:51
mizipzorSlart: montage was _exactly_ what i was looking for... thank you19:51
smxyI'm not hining. I'm simply asking for help and no one has respond at all.19:51
openselcsrootlinuxusr, no. thank you for that.19:52
Slartmizipzor: great.. you're welcome19:52
deanycaesar_, install transmission-cli  to use web interface without gui19:52
th0rsmxy: probably because no one has an easy answer19:52
rootlinuxusrI had the same issue =]19:52
smxyI don;t mind if it's a hard answer :)19:52
ubuntu_904no my question was how much memory should i allocate as swap memory19:52
mizipzorSlart: but the images are written with a wide white border around them... you dont happen to know how to remove it?19:53
rootlinuxusrHow much space do you have?19:53
Slartubuntu_904: if you will be using hibernation.. at least as much as you have memory19:53
th0rubuntu_904: usually about 1.5 times the amount of ram in your computer19:53
smxyBut this firewall is pretty much DOA without DNAT working.19:53
user10my firefox on ubuntu is kind of stuck19:53
Slartmizipzor: not by heart.. did you check the examples page?19:53
ubuntusorry i lost out on connection19:54
mib_mibiceroot: ok here goes -  i've been trying to simply create a cron job that runs a python script for about 3 hours now, here is the script and the crontab http://pastebin.com/d7285d23519:54
user10it shows deactivated back buttons , no history19:54
ubuntuso how much swap did u say i have an atom processor and 1 gb ram n will virtual box run smooth on my system19:54
user10i tried to reinstall but in vain19:54
leifdk1978? is there a software on linux that work like corel painter19:54
Slartmizipzor: hang on.. let me try with two pictures here.. see if I get a border too19:54
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mib_mibiceroot: i set the permissions of /tmp to 777, and also of myscript.py to 77719:54
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mizipzorSlart: i read the man page, but havent found any examples19:55
icerootmib_mib: why?19:55
rootlinuxusrat the very minimum 1:1, 1.5 is better.19:55
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Slartmizipzor: not the man page.. the web site..19:55
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info19:55
=== Hamlin_ is now known as BlueRay
mizipzorSlart: just did montage img1.jpg img2.jpg out.jpg, gives border19:55
Slartmizipzor: http://www.imagemagick.org/script/montage.php19:55
mib_mibiceroot: why what19:55
icerootmib_mib: 77719:55
Slartmizipzor: but I'll give it a try.. see what happens.. hang on19:55
mazda01anyone help with me with a ntfs smb share problem. i can't get write access to the share? here's my forum post. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7742764#post774276419:55
icerootmib_mib: and what is the error?19:55
chris_what up19:55
mib_mibiceroot: because i wanted to rule out the fact that it wouldn't be able to write to that dierctory or access it19:55
=== BlueRay is now known as Hamlin_
ubuntu_904so whats the enough memory for running ubuntu 9.04 network remix edition on an atom proc with 1 gb ram19:56
mizipzorSlart: seems like the examples page shows that there is a border by default19:56
mib_mibiceroot: there is no error, i don't have mail set up so i can't use the MAILTO directive in cron either19:56
spy6hi there19:56
davekong_I started installing drupal6 then canceled before the mysql database was set up and now every time I run a package manager it tries to install drupal and I can't remove it because I get a mysql database error, what do I do19:56
mib_mibiceroot: the problem is that it does not create the file19:56
ubuntu_904enough memory = swap19:56
icerootmib_mib: look at the log-file from cron19:56
spy6is there any NEW queue in ubuntu like in debian?19:56
icerootmib_mib: something in /var/log/19:56
mib_mibiceroot: okay! good idea, i didn't know that existed19:56
deanyubuntu_904, I run a dell mini 9 with 1gb ram and no swap, tho I dont do a whole lot on it.. anything but running a vm wont really need swap.19:57
edbian!swap | ubuntu_90419:57
ubottuubuntu_904: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info19:57
Slartmizipzor: ok.. I get a border too.. let's check the good manual.. see what they say19:57
signpostCould anyone help me get openldap authentication going?19:57
mib_mibiceroot: okay, i guess i will have to enable that19:58
mizipzorSlart: check the -append option... seems to be what i want19:58
edbianubuntu_904: Look at that page.  It's a great reference for swap :)19:58
signpostI've got it as far as being able to "su ldapuser", but can't log in with those accounts19:58
deanyubuntu_904, sidenote, its generally best to not use a swap on a netbook with it having a flash drive19:58
signpostsyslog says "pam_ldap: ldap_initialize Bad parameter to an ldap routine"19:58
rootlinuxusrhas anyone used tircd?19:58
ubuntu_904y so deany?19:58
commander_how do i get to the programs on globalmenu?19:59
deanyubuntu_904, they have a finite number of writes19:59
edbianubuntu_904: SSD wear out faster with reads and writes than the usual harddrives.  Swap gets written to and read from a lot and it will wear out your SSD19:59
gheehi folks having problems setting the right permissions on an local vfat partition -- it's root though fstab has the "user" option.  any ideas?20:00
Slartmizipzor: montage -mode Concatenate works too20:00
burkmatghee: could mount with specific umask?20:00
deanyubuntu_904,   it will take a long time still to wear it out, but  minimise the writes with no swap and no journal (I keep the journal)20:00
om26ercan any1 tell me a way to strip ubuntu jaunty to just base system20:00
deanyubuntu_904, http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2008/09/04/four-tweaks-for-using-linux-with-solid-state-drives/20:00
pavelzhi... apparently I have se linux, how do I deal with it?20:01
gheetell burkmat yeah i think i tried that (007), do i have that wrong for read write exec?20:01
spOwhat program do you guys use for torrents, do you guys use ktorrent or rtorrent  ?    if you want a program to run in a background without a user logged in, then you can use rtorrent, right?20:01
pavelzi need to disable it20:01
rootlinuxusrutorrent via wine?20:01
om26erubuntu_904: http://om26er.blogspot.com/2009/08/install-ubuntu-on-acer-aspire-one-sd.html20:01
einbsp0: screen + rtorrent play nicely20:01
KottizenspO: The wonderful web broswer Opera have bittorrent inbuild :D20:01
mizipzorSlart: yea, that did the trick20:01
mizipzorSlart: thank you :) you saved the day20:01
Kai`sp0, Deluge -- just like uTorrent for Win3220:02
om26erubuntu_904: this will make ur netbook speedy20:02
Slartmizipzor: yay.. the world can breathe easily once again.. little children playing in the sunset.. everyone gets cake :D20:02
gheetell burkmat actually scratch that, the fs is ext320:02
burkmatghee: Well, umasks are a bit... funny. 007 would result in 770 permission iirc... I'm not great at it. :p could google it? and check man mount, i'm not 100% sure about umasks and vfat.20:02
ubuntu_904i will read it up20:02
user10The file was RTSP version20:02
ubuntu_904tanks omar20:02
burkmatghee: oh... well, could just chmod/chown then?20:03
kjsvmware server on latest ubuntu ?20:03
user10is there any player for rtsp://20:03
gheetell burkmat really? even if it's a separate partition?20:03
icerootuser10: vlc imo20:03
spOktorrent is like utorrent too, but i am looking for something that will run in the background , like a deamon,   i think rtorrent is the only one that supports that because you can run it in screen20:03
user10iceroot: does not play20:04
deanyspO, transmission-cli20:04
mizipzorSlart: ... and dont forget; there was no need for gimp ;)20:04
kjsvmware server on latest ubuntu ? wont compile is there an anyany script for it?20:04
burkmatghee: Afaik it should work perfectly smooth... I used to do it all the time, atm don't have any ext3s mounted though, so can't try ;)20:04
deanyspO, installs transmission-daemon too20:04
icerootkjs: not in the repos. try virtualbox20:04
gheetell burkmat cool!  will give it a try20:04
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kjsiceroot: no good...20:05
Slartmizipzor: hehe20:05
icerootkjs: but you can download it from the website20:06
mib_mibiceroot: I got the logging to work, however, I dont' see anything useful in the logs http://pastebin.com/d131bdf9820:06
felix_could anyone try ?20:06
felix_please is to check my xampp20:06
Slartfelix_: forbidden.. erro 40320:06
dareYou don't have permission to access /xampp/ on this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.20:06
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rootlinuxusr      20:07
rootlinuxusr      20:07
rootlinuxusr      20:07
rootlinuxusr      20:07
rootlinuxusr      20:07
FloodBot1rootlinuxusr: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:07
momo403 & 40420:07
BellinXFelonhow can i install a canon pixma mx31020:07
icerootuser10: google is saying vlc can play it20:07
spOoh, i guess deluge has a deamon mode20:08
mib_mibiceroot: although, of note is the fact that instead of runnig /usr/sbin/cron , it is has crontab[4113] -- what does that mean?20:08
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=== ethi is now known as ethica
KeifferDo you use OpenDNS? Do you suggest to be used?20:08
user10iceroot: well , when i do vlc rtsp://...... it says only real/helix rtsp servers supported for now20:09
KottizenKeiffer: It's good, use it!20:09
burkmatOpenDNS hijacks NXDOMAINs, so if your ISP DNS isn't screwed up even worse, I wouldn't recommend OpenDNS Keiffer.20:09
mizipzorKeiffer: i use it at times when my ISP's dns is a bit cranky20:09
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mib_mibiceroot: holy shit i figured it out - i needed a 'newline' at the end of the second statement.... thanks for your help, wouldn't have figured it out without the logs.20:09
KeifferKottizen, what about traffic snooping? won't they snoop on me?20:09
KottizenIt's free, fast and just works :D20:10
EDinNYkubuntu seems to ignore /etc/iftab ...any suggestions?20:10
SlartKeiffer: opendns only hijacks nxdomains if you don't have an account with them.. which I think is free20:10
icerootmib_mib: :)20:10
andffbrwanna fuck?20:10
icerootandffbr: cu20:10
codeshahhey guys, my ubuntu server stalled for some reason overnight - how can I check what may have happened?20:10
codeshahI had to reboot it this morning20:10
burkmatcodeshah: Logs?20:10
Kottizenjussi01: ?20:10
KeifferSlart, so? it's safe?20:10
unniwhich is the best messenger for ubuntu20:10
icerootunni: for what?20:11
codeshahburkmat, in particular, which ones should I be looking at?20:11
burkmat!best | unni20:11
ubottuunni: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.20:11
jussi01tab fail.20:11
mrwesI'm using Purrr to rename some files on a cifs mount from my server. Purrr renames the files fine, but cifs creates a zero byte text file for each rename function. anyone know what causes this?20:11
unnilike yahoo gtalk20:11
EDinNY...or my entries in iftab are broken.  Is this a resonable line in the file? "eth1    mac 00:13:F7:D1:47:Bf"20:11
burkmatcodeshah: syslog , dmesg , messages are usually helpful20:11
unniits not a poll20:11
burkmatunni: I recommend Pidgin.20:11
SlartKeiffer: I don't really know.. I would trust it for a home system ... until I hear of them doing something bad20:11
unnii need one20:11
unnipidgin dosent have video and voice20:12
MartasticAnybody feel like answering a question?20:12
Hellmark[S10e]quick question. I'm a debian user normally, and huge fan of midnight commander. My normal setup is to have it sort by name, but case insensitive. Doing this on ubuntu systems mixes in the hidden files with the non hidden files, just totally ignoring the period at the start of the name. Is there anyway to have it sort hidden, then normal, with case insensitive name as the order?20:12
EDinNYcan anyone give help with iftab?20:12
* dare agrees with burkmat. there is no best linux distro or best linux image editing tool!20:12
iceroot!ask | Martastic20:12
ubottuMartastic: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:12
icerootEDinNY: same for you20:12
th0runni: now you are changing the questioin20:12
unnipidgin dosent support video or audio20:13
SlartEDinNY: iftab as in file where you configure the network interfaces?20:13
spOi guess Transmission and Deluge are currently the best torreent clients because they allow daemon mode20:13
MartasticI am attempting to remove my Ubuntu partition.  I got GRUB worked out, but I don't know which partition Ubuntu is on.20:13
millertimek1a2m3can anyone help me set up my box to work with two monitors?20:13
millertimek1a2m3i have my original monitor  which is a 15.4 and a 22"20:13
syuusukeMartastic: use df -h20:13
edbianMartastic: Download "gparted" it's a great graphical tool for looking at your partitions.20:13
mrwesspO, rtorrent is pretty darn good too, light, small foot-print and fast :)20:13
davekong_is there a way to purge mysql databases with sudo privledges and not knowing the mysql admin password?20:13
EDinNYslart is iftab used on 9.04?20:13
iceroot!details | millertimek1a2m320:13
ubottumillertimek1a2m3: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:13
unnido u have another os in ur system20:13
edbianMartastic: Otherwise "sudo fdisk -l" might help20:13
SlartEDinNY: I don't think so.. I don't have it on my system at least20:14
dsdeizunni: GyachI has support for video.. Would that work?20:14
SlartEDinNY: network interfaces are configured by the network manager (in gnome) or in /etc/network/interfaces20:14
EDinNYwhat method of identifying NICs is used in 9.04?20:14
unniik ill try that20:14
syuusukeEDinNY: use ifconfig and determine by MAC addr?20:14
SlartEDinNY: you want to decide which nic becomes eth0 and so on?20:14
SlartEDinNY: you can probably do that somewhere in the udev rules.. /etc/udev or somethnig like that20:15
EDinNYifconfig lists wrong eth0 and eth1.  I want to swap them20:15
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EDinNYhow do I set udev rules?20:15
gheetell burkmat seems not to have worked. chowned/chmoded both the partition and its mount point and gave it permissions of 755. but under properties, nautilus can't determine owner...still root20:15
syuusukeEDinNY: you config that in iftab20:15
SlartEDinNY: that's in the udev rules.. I think it gets decided the first time the system sees them.. then it's saved somewhere in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules20:16
gheeburkmat sorry for the "tell" -- my eboard chess command!20:16
burkmatghee: unmount - then chmod mountpoint - try again ;)20:16
burkmatghee: it's alright :p20:16
gheeburkmat sorry yeah, unmounted before all that20:16
millertimek1a2m3can anyone help me set up my box to work with two monitors?20:16
icerootmillertimek1a2m3: as i told you, give some details what you have done, which card and so on (to the channel, i a off for lunch)20:17
burkmatghee: Hm... Strange. Is the mountpoint the problem or are you trying to modify files on the partition?20:17
ttt--hi, i cant get my wireless to work. i got it to work once a year ago but i dont remember how. If i add an entry in the "wireless connections" tab, it just does nothing20:17
millertimek1a2m3iceroot: it's just a laptop and a 22" that i want to run at the same time. the laptop has a intel 965 chipset20:18
spOdeluge does look exactly like utorrent, it looks like it is pretty amazing20:18
ttt--Also, the wireless connection entry in the networkmanager tool just disappears when i apply it20:18
millertimek1a2m3iceroot: i've gotten it to work right, but i have a problem where if i try to hook it up and set output to it through sys>pref>display20:18
gheeburkmat mountpoint seems fine -- partition is mounted there alright, but only for root; ownership problem, but apart from the "user" option in fstab, don't know how to make ext3 owned by user20:19
gheeburkmat can users not own ext3?20:19
innomenAMR convert or play?20:19
millertimek1a2m3iceroot: part of the wallpaper on my laptop monitor gets extended to the 22"20:19
ttt--any ideas?20:19
unnittt bout what20:20
_KubaI'm looking for something like https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/5641 but avaialable globally for entire ubuntu system :D20:20
burkmatghee: Well... I've never had any issue with ownership at all, just treated it as an extended root, so to speak... chmod/chown as usual, mounted as default.20:20
millertimek1a2m3iceroot: i want the 22" to work like a virtual space, and allow me to simply move windows to it and i want the laptop monitor to display the original box, like the panels and the wallpaper and icons20:20
_KubaIe. dictionary tooltip with definition of the world20:20
=== ubuntu is now known as ubuntu_904
=== Kottizen is now known as Ubuntu
ubuntu_904how to figure out whether ur acer has an ssd or a normal hdd20:21
UbuntuIt's that nick FREE? :D20:21
=== Ubuntu is now known as Kottizen
KottizenRegistred :/20:21
edbianubuntu_904: How big is your HDD?20:21
Slartubuntu_904: I think you would have felt a stinging sensation in your wallet had it been a ssd20:22
ubuntu_904hmm well i got this one as a gift :P20:22
edbianubuntu_904: I suspect you have a normal harddrive.  I don't think they make SSD that big.20:22
styolthey have 160gig ssd's?20:22
styoli think i agree with edbian lol20:22
momoeven 250 GB20:23
innomeni was kinda of lagging out there so i dont know if this got through, but does anyone know hwo to get amrs to play or convert them?20:23
styolmomo how much are they? 3k?20:23
innomenthey make 160 gig usb sticks20:23
imranAny help? Im trying to install Unreal Tournament and the guide says to type "$sh ut-install-436.run" but I get "command not found"20:23
ubuntu_904momo 250 gb ssd?20:23
edbianinnomen: I'd like to see a link to that!20:23
momostyol, expensive20:23
innomenkingston just released it20:23
innomenedbian: one moment20:23
ubuntu_904but this one is standard one i doubt its costing that much20:23
edbianinnomen: ! :)20:23
Slartinnomen: mm.. it can be done.. I converted some movies from a mobile phone.. but I had to compile codecs and what not.. I think it took me a couple of days all in all20:23
ubuntu_904its at a normal price20:23
innomen256 gig excuse me20:23
prince_jammysimran: don't type the leading dollar sign20:24
millertimek1a2m3iceroot: hello?20:24
ubuntu_904well in that case should i use swap at all20:24
imranprince_jammys, k, will try thanks20:24
prince_jammysimran: that represents the shell prompt.20:24
unni hello20:24
innomenedbian, did ya catch that?20:24
momoubuntu_904, 700 $ for 250 GB ssd20:24
felix_could anyone try ?20:24
felix_please is to check my xampp20:24
edbianinnomen: TOTALLY AWESOME20:24
unnihow can i change my font colour20:24
styollol innomen this came out like... last week20:24
edbianinnomen: I thought they were stuck at like 32Gb20:25
Slartfelix_: no response yet... seems to be timing out20:25
ubuntu_904when i installed ubuntu 8.10 on my desktop i used a 1 gb swap should i use here 220:25
imranprince_jammys, i know you prob. cant help directly with this, but i got an error "Verifying archive integrity...tail: cannot open `+6' for reading: No such file or directory20:25
imranError in check sums 889744922 2341625838"20:25
unnihow can i change my font color20:25
ubuntu_904is it required on a net book also i was keep on running a virtual box20:25
innomenstyol, it seemed relevant :P20:25
ubuntu_904wih windoze in it :P20:25
Slartunni: which font?.. where?20:25
edbianubuntu_904:  It's personal preference.  If your computer seems fast you have enough swap20:25
innomenedbian, its pretty shocking to me20:25
unnislart in x chat20:25
styolinnomen: oh no absolutely its just super new and super awesome for sure :) i also thought it was stuck at a lower size20:25
unnislart now20:25
innomenedbian, i feeel all hardcore for owning a 16gb stick20:25
styollets just say a 160gb ssd is not very common yet lol20:26
innomenedbian, so like 256 is startrek land20:26
unnislart i tried preferences but my font always is dull grey20:26
cF`Zuz|Workanyone know if i need extra configurations to install BT3 on the same machine that Ubuntu is on?  or can i just install it on a different partition and i will get the option to boot?20:26
Slartunni: it's probably somewhere in xchat's menus.. preferences or such20:26
edbianinnomen: lol  startrek land = space ?20:26
momofelix_, timeout20:26
ubuntu_904ah well i will go in for 1gb swap better :)20:26
syuusukeinnomen: you know they have enclosures where you add your own CF cards to make 1 drive as SSD20:26
innomenedbian,space plus alien hotties omg pew pew and replicators20:27
unnislart i saw preferences tried changing everything but my font color is the same20:27
linxehyou can just connect a compact flash card directly to the IDE bus :)20:27
ubuntu_904thanks guys20:27
Slartunni: did you try restarting?20:27
innomensyuusuke, link me?20:27
Slartunni: restarting xchat, that is20:27
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:27
libtechlinxeh: srsly?20:27
innomenSlart, thats for helping me btw, stupid amr :(20:27
unniits the same since yesterday20:27
linxehlibtech: yup, its part of the spec - adapters are well cheap (obviously PATA though)20:27
unnislart: i tried everything20:27
innomenpici, i remember you20:28
cipher42does anyone know if ubuntu's network manager can handle RSA securID20:28
syuusukeinnomen: http://www.engadget.com/2008/08/11/diy-ssd-adapter-takes-6-sdhc-cards-the-cake/20:28
linxehlibtech: http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.1031020:28
unnislart:can u jst change ur font color now and tell me how you did it20:28
innomensyuusuke, thanks :)20:28
Slartinnomen: yup.. it's very annoying..20:28
imranGot error while installing Unreal Tournament, any help? "Verifying archive integrity...tail: cannot open `+6' for reading: No such file or directory20:28
libtechlinxeh: what are the uses for that?20:28
syuusukeinnomen: thats for SDHC cards, there are CF versions for it20:28
Slartunni: I'm not using xchat.. I use irssi.. by the way.. are you using xchat-gnome or regular xchat?20:28
gheeburkmat solved!  through the chowning and chmoding i found that i was actually listed as owner via "ls -l /media/" but had to change fstab to defaults 1 2. now i can write to it! thanks for the help20:28
unnint sure20:29
linxehlibtech: thin clients, silent PCs, kiosk pcs etc20:29
cipher42does anyone know if ubuntu's cisco-vpn network manager can handle RSA securID?20:29
libtechlinxeh: is it faster than a sata hdd?20:29
unnii used synaptic to download and install it20:29
KeifferHow can I stop mozzila sending my OS info?20:29
linxehlibtech: depends on the hdd and the card I guess, for some things yes because random access is fast20:29
unnihow can i know whioch version i am using20:29
BellinXFeloncan someone help me configure my canon pixma mx310 on kubuntu20:29
Slartunni: well..one is shiny and looks very ... "gnome".. the other looks more jagged and .. older20:30
unniit looks more kinda stylish20:30
Slartunni: also check the Help, About20:30
syuusukelinxeh: I believe some 10000 rpm drives are almost just as speedy as SSD in R/W20:30
cipher42does anyone know if ubuntu's network manager can handle RSA securID?20:31
unnislart:which factor determines MY font color20:31
Slartunni: ok, in Edit, Preferences you've got a section called Colours.. right?20:31
buckyBellinXFelon: apt-get install gthumb it should automagickally detect your camera when you plug it in20:31
burkmatghee: Good to hear, and no problems. :)20:32
unniyes im there20:32
unnislart im there20:32
rootlinuxusrright-click on desktop - background options - themes - customize - colors.20:32
riteshHello, I tried ubuntu with intel chipset and it doesn't work20:32
Slartunni: huh?.. mirc?20:32
riteshcan u recommend any other linux OS which can work?20:32
smxy1I'm making progress on my firewall issues. Question: is there a way I can change the mac address of my external nic to a different one?20:33
Kottizenritesh: Foresight, www.foresightlinux.org20:33
Slartunni: you said "mirc/local/foreground"20:33
unniyes its shown like that in here20:33
pepperjacksmxy1: sudo ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:00:00:00:00  <-- or somesuch20:33
unnictcp version20:33
unniwhat is it20:33
syuusukesmxy1: yes use ifconfig hw ether20:33
riteshKottizen pls. suggest me which easy and has lesser bugs20:33
unnislart what is ctcp version20:34
Slartunni: I just asked your irc-client to tell me what it's called20:34
Kottizenritesh: hm?20:34
LillymonI like to re-enable Scroll Lock on my keyboard (it's not a proper keyboard otherwise!) and I can do this manually via the xmodmap command, but how do I make such changes permanent?20:34
Slartunni: you write "/ctcp <nickname> version" and the persons client might tell you what it's called20:34
smxy1pepperjack: got it - tyvm20:34
MacGyverNLOr not, in the case of mine.20:35
frommhi there20:35
meditatingfrogritesh: I have an intel chipset and I use Ubuntu.  It works for me.20:35
Slartunni: ok.. you're using the regular x-chat.. let me see if I can figure out where the text color is in this.. give me a minute20:35
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riteshmeditatingfrog, for me graphics interface doesn't work20:36
riteshonly command prompt20:36
riteshhow u resolved it?20:36
unniversion xchat 2.8620:36
meditatingfrogunni, Slart:  I use xchat and my text color is determine by pref -> appearance20:36
BellinXFelonbucky : its a printer not a camera20:36
riteshI installed several times20:36
meditatingfrogritesh: at all?20:36
Slartunni: ok.. it's in "Text Colors".. called Foreground.. there are two colors  next to each other.. Foreground and Background20:36
th0rLillymon: just a sec20:36
Slartunni: never mind the mIRC colors or Local colors20:36
Slartunni: change the foreground color20:36
imranWhen installing a game, i am getting "No write permission to ____________"20:36
riteshmeditatingfrog, I tried ubuntu 9.0420:36
Slartunni: then press ok and you should be done20:37
imranHow do I add write permision,?20:37
frommimran: try doing it with sudo20:37
Slartmeditatingfrog: thanks =)20:37
meditatingfrogritesh: have you tried Hardy Heron?  I think it's 8.04, it is long term support20:37
unnii changed it to dark blue20:37
riteshmind is intel chipset 84520:37
unninothing happens20:37
th0rLillymon: my notes on disabling capslock....should help you with scroll lock....http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/248820/20:37
riteshAT3D graphic on board card20:37
Slartunni: hmm.. it works for me.. odd20:37
imranfromm, Its repeatedly asking for install path, it takes sudo as a place I want to install - should I cancel the install and do something?20:37
meditatingfrogSlart: wish I was faster, save you some time20:37
unnislart it the same20:38
=== baskingshark is now known as paul68
unnianyway thnx for trying to help me20:38
kansani have a process running under a user foo on ubuntu jaunty;  i want to SWITCH users and make sure the process under foo continues.  can i do this with a simple => Switch Users?20:38
frommimran can out paste output anywhere ?20:38
unniill try every possible thing i could do20:38
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic20:38
imranfromm Yeah ill pastebin it20:38
unnislart thanx for that command to know the version20:39
codeshahhow do I get the current server time hrrmpf20:39
frommimran: ok, thanks, let me know when it's ready20:39
unnislart: atleast i studied something20:39
kjshow can i find out what is using a mount point?20:39
Slartunni: here's my preferences window.. http://imagebin.org/5862120:39
pepperjackkansan: you can launch it like su - username -c "gedit" or whatever if i understand correctly20:39
Guest81849is there anyone can play with 3D games like tuxracer with Intel 965?20:39
meditatingfrogunni: in xchat preferences, there is a section for colors.  What do you have under "built-in shcemes"?20:39
Slartunni: the mouse pointer is pointing at the foreground color changer.. that's the one I changed20:39
kansanpepperjack, but if i do the switch user thing will that be ok? via the UI20:39
paul68what is the best way to make sure that I surf untraceble on the net? a proxy server or  a vpn connection20:39
riteshhow can i boot ubuntu to GUI? to show the desktop instead of terminal20:39
imranfromm, http://pastebin.com/m3319429120:40
deanyGuest81849, there is a newer driver for intel supposedly speeds it up, google it  tho I dont have intel..20:40
pepperjackkansan: you mean will the app show up on that display?20:40
Guest81849I have direct rendering but 3D games runs with slow FPS20:40
kansanpepperjack, yes20:40
kansanwhen you switch20:40
klownI am trying to mount a usb harddrive, and when I looked through dmesg, it claims the partition table is unknown, how can i fix this?20:40
unnictcp deany version20:40
frommimran: can you show me what you entered ?20:41
riteshhow can i boot ubuntu to GUI? to show the desktop instead of terminal20:41
deanyunni,  you wanna know my version just ask me :)20:41
pepperjackkansan: yeah it should though im not sure i understand why it does20:41
unnijust trying to learn that command20:41
unniim new to all this20:41
=== Guest81849 is now known as phoenix
Slartunni: just to make sure.... you did press "ok" after changing the color, right?20:42
pepperjackkansan: wait you want to logout back in as a diff user?20:42
buckyklown: sudo modprobe vfat and re plug in the usb hard drive20:42
=== phoenix is now known as Guest99936
unnislart :yes i did that20:42
meditatingfrogunni, Slart:  here is my http://imagebin.org/58622, I use xchat20:42
frommimran: for example if you are entering "echo asdasd"20:42
imranfromm, getting it hold on....20:42
frommimran: try "sudo echo asdasd"20:43
spOis pulseaudio sound server needed software, ie is it useful?20:43
klownbucky: still telling me "cannot mount file"20:43
Slartunni: ok.. then I give up... on my system that button changes the text color in the chat window.. I have no idea why it doesn't work on your machine20:43
Guest99936but I can't find the best answer with google20:43
openselcsrootlinuxusr, what ports were those? and what were they on, tcp, udp?20:43
meditatingfrogsp0 I think without it I wouldn't have sound20:43
imranfromm, http://pastebin.com/m759aa30920:43
unnislart:its ok20:43
=== Guest99936 is now known as mrphoenix
unniill keep on trying20:43
imranfromm, when i echoed it came back like it should20:43
Slartmeditatingfrog: much appreciated.. you're running xchat-gnome though.. but it's basically the same thing.. only with extra shine and lens-flares =)20:43
cF`Zuz|Wise-Assianyone know if i need extra configurations to install BT3 on the same machine that Ubuntu is on?  or can i just install it on a different partition and i will get the option to boot?20:44
mrphoenix glxinfo |grep render20:44
mrphoenixdo_wait: drmWaitVBlank returned -1, IRQs don't seem to be working correctly.20:44
mrphoenixTry running with LIBGL_THROTTLE_REFRESH and LIBL_SYNC_REFRESH unset.20:44
mrphoenixdirect rendering: Yes20:44
mrphoenixOpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) 965GM 4.1.300220:44
FloodBot1mrphoenix: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:44
frommimran "bash ut-install-436.run"20:44
momospO, pulseaudio is the default sound server, you can remove it if you use another sound server, but i think it has dependencies with ubuntu-desktop package20:44
meditatingfrogSlart: ah, didn't know you were running something different20:44
frommimran: try "sudo bash ut-install-436.run"20:44
riteshany ubuntu staff here?20:44
Slartmeditatingfrog: unni is running the regular xchat.. xchat has a different gui, adapted to gnome, I think20:45
meditatingfrogsp0 you can type pkill -STOP pulseaudio20:45
maxiei try running cabos on 9.04 but it just say "the java software can not be loaded"anyone that know how 2 fix this???20:45
unnislart now my name appears in red20:45
mrphoenixwhat is the first 2 line after glxinfo?20:45
Slartmeditatingfrog: I meant.. xchat-gnome is adapted to gnome.. . xchat is the regular one20:45
unnii dont know what i did20:45
mrphoenixhow can I fix it?20:45
imranfromm nope20:45
Slartunni: that's called highlighting.. when someone mentions your name it will show up in a different color20:45
openselcswhat ports must you open on samba?20:46
unnino n o20:46
frommimran output is the same ?20:46
unnimy name on the left side appaears red20:46
meditatingfrogSpO you can use type pkill -CONT pulseaudio when you want the process to continue to run20:46
buckyBellinXFelon: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=82375320:46
imranfromm i get an error which is fixed by doing another command20:47
edbian!ff3.5 > edbian20:47
meditatingfrogwhat language was xchat written in?20:47
ubottuedbian, please see my private message20:47
millertimek1a2m3can someone help me set up extended monitors in ubuntu? i want to be able to output to two20:47
Slartunni: in applications, accessories there might be a program called "Take screenshot".. take a screenshot of your xchat window and paste it to imagebin... that way we can see what it looks like20:47
theTroyHelp. Mount.ntfs-3g is stuck on iowait and cannot be sudo kill -9. I was playing music with songbird, then disconnected portable drive (accidentally plugged off) and when trying to connect back, it does not mount, and adds another mount.ntfs-3g process on iowait, after system restart it works fine.20:47
imranfromm, But when I use sudo the other command doesnt fix it20:47
millertimek1a2m3ubottu: !extended monitors20:47
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:47
millertimek1a2m3ubottu: !dual monitors20:47
ubottuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama20:47
Slart!pastebin | unni20:48
ubottuunni: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic20:48
w_a_n_dHey all, I just bought and I edited /etc/hosts.allow to only say "sshd: x.x.x.x and y.y.y.y" and put /etc/hosts.deny to "ALL: ALL" but it doesn't seem to be working.  What am I doing wrong?  What do I need to do to make it take effect?  I should note these files didn't exist until I made them20:48
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.20:48
w_a_n_dbought a VPS*20:48
w_a_n_dit should read20:48
openselcswhat ports should you open on samba?20:48
strebloSlart, what happens if your keyboard doesnt have a prtscr button20:48
felix_can anyione try this url please?20:49
spOis there a way to change it so that every directory created in   tmp2  inherits that parent directory's permission and ownership properties?20:49
ecolitanstreblo draw a picture and sent it?20:49
meditatingfrogfelix_ trying it now20:49
Jakegissingfelix: doesn't load20:49
stonefelix_, i get nothing20:49
klownI am trying to mount a usb harddrive, and when I looked through dmesg, it claims the partition table is unknown, how can i fix this?20:50
meditatingfrogfelix_ I get nothing too.20:50
* felix_ i love you all20:50
th0rfelix_: can you load localhost/wordpress/index.php ?20:50
riteshstrange no one responding20:50
buckyfelix_  forward port 8083 from your dsl to your computer20:50
ecolitanklown is there already a filesystem and data on the drive?20:50
th0rfelix_:  that should be localhost:8083/wordpress/index.php20:50
unopsp0, ownership yes, permissions no - the best way to get both is to use POSIX ACLs20:51
peijHi everyone20:51
klownecolitan: no, brand new harddrive.20:51
openselcs*what ports should you open on samba*?20:51
burkmat!hi | peij20:51
ubottupeij: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!20:51
Slartstreblo: what happens? well.. the black helicopters come and take you away? either that or "nothing"..20:51
imranhow can i set permissions on a folder in terminal?20:51
Slartimran: chmod20:51
ecolitanklown can you put the dmesg into a pastebin20:51
maxiei try running cabos on 9.04 but it just say "the java software can not be loaded"anyone that know how 2 fix this???20:51
Slartimran: it's no different than setting permissions on a file20:51
klownecolitan: sure, gemme a sec.20:52
buckyopenselcs: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/what-ports-need-to-be-open-for-samba-to-communicate-with-other-windowslinux-systems/20:52
peijI've got a little sound issue. When I watch a video in firefox, i've got no sound. Everything else is working fine, unless the fact I had to change mmy sound output into smplayer. Any idea ?20:52
imranslart Huh... Im trying to install this game to the folder and I chmod-ed it (chmod -x, right?) and still says perm. denied...20:52
felix_sorry, now its without :808320:52
felix_just :8020:52
felix_or nothing20:52
Slartimran: chmod -x on a folder means.. ehm.. I've forgotten what that means.. but I don't think it changes any read/write permissions..20:53
buckyfelix_  works20:53
klownecolitan: http://paste.ubuntu.com/248826/20:53
ecolitanimran chmod a+x20:53
felix_thanks for confirm it20:53
imranslart do you know the command?20:53
Slartimran: use chmod a+rw to set read and write permissions for everyone (all=20:53
darecomments do not work :(20:53
riteshwhere is ubuntu staff busy?20:53
meditatingfrogimran: I think chmod -x on a file makes it executeable, not sure about a folder20:53
unopSlart, -x on a dir means the directory cannot be entered by a process20:53
dareoh, you have not set the correct path in your workpress settings20:53
Slartritesh: ubuntu staff? you mean the operators of the channel?20:54
riteshSlart, yes who can help me20:54
Slartunop: ah..thanks.. I was on my way to manpage-land =)20:54
bucky!ask | ritesh20:54
ubotturitesh: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:54
Slartritesh: this channel is for users helping other users... there might be some people here that works for canonical but mostly is users helping users20:55
peijNo idea about my sound issue ? :/20:55
theTroyHelp. Mount.ntfs-3g is stuck on iowait and cannot be sudo kill -9. I was playing music with songbird, then disconnected portable drive (accidentally plugged off) and when trying to connect back, it does not mount, and adds another mount.ntfs-3g process on iowait, after system restart it works fine.20:55
meditatingfroganybody know how to remove executeable permission on a file?20:55
millertimek1a2m3can anyone help me set up virtual screens? i want to use two monitors, my laptop and my 22" monitor, and i want the laptop monitor to work normally with the 22" as an extension, where I can place windows20:55
boss_mcmeditatingfrog: chmod -x <filename>20:56
ecolitanklown you tried mounting with the mount command already?20:56
andresjmeditatingfrog: `chmod -x <filename`20:56
meditatingfrogboss_mc: thank you20:56
meditatingfrogandresj:  thank you20:56
buckymeditatingfrog: remove?20:56
momomeditatingfrog, chmod ugo-x my_file20:56
riteshubottu r u a bot?20:56
imranOh well.20:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about r u a bot?20:56
jjgi'm installing ubuntu on a laptop and am seeing some I/O errors ( fsck ) and others ... ..also looks like /lib/libpam.so.0 isn't able to be read when /bin/login is being called ... something strange going on methinks20:56
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots20:56
klownecolitan: yes, it tells me to specify filesystem, but there is no filesystem.20:56
imranI made 3 different folders and put files in each one and chmod rw all of em and it worked20:56
boss_mcmeditatingfrog: or chmod XXX filename where XXX is the old permission string minus 11120:56
meditatingfrogbucky: I added it with chmod -x then removed it with chmod -x.  Perhaps remove isn't the right word20:56
narendra3dear all, I was having fedora on om system and then in tried to install ubuntu . while installation i made correct mount mounts and then i tick / , boot and swap for formatting and untick /home to leave as it is. but after installation i found that it just fucked up my /home and i lost my data ,,,, I have a very bad experience with ubuntu :( :( :(20:56
narendra3sorry for interuption in conversion20:57
Slartmeditatingfrog: chmod +x  would add it20:57
bazhang!language | narendra320:57
ubottunarendra3: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:57
meditatingfrogSlart:  thank you, didn't notice the minus in -x20:57
theTroyHelp. Mount.ntfs-3g is stuck on iowait and cannot be sudo kill -9. I was playing music with songbird, then disconnected portable drive (accidentally plugged off) and when trying to connect back, it does not mount, and adds another mount.ntfs-3g process on iowait, after system restart it works fine. ++ Have to make hard turn-off since otherwise it doesnt even want to turn off properly.20:57
Slartunni: yes?20:58
ecolitanklown: vfat usually works20:58
klownecolitan: ill try again20:58
riteshwhich r other OS of linux?20:58
=== argohost is now known as samuel-cirilo
burkmatnarendra3: Backup before doing anything that might screw up, just a tip. Also, I'm not sure how you want us to help you?20:58
unnislart : im just trying to change the color20:58
boss_mcritesh: there are many, look at www.linux.com for a (partial) list20:58
jjgwhen i choose "Install Ubuntu" ... am I provided an anaconda-type installation process where I can choose packages/set root pw etc?20:58
millertimek1a2m3bazhang: do you know anything about using multiple monitors?20:59
narendra3burkmat:  i just want to know that is it a bug??20:59
burkmatritesh: Other OSes using the Linux kernel? Ubuntu, ArchLinux, Gentoo, Slackware... Off the top of my head.20:59
bazhangmillertimek1a2m3, using xrandr ?20:59
Slartjjg: I don't think so.. the minimal install will let you choose packages during the install but the regular install just installs a base set of packages20:59
Slart!minimal | jjg20:59
ubottujjg: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD20:59
klownecolitan: did not work, told me wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdh20:59
millertimek1a2m3bazhang: i don't know how to use xrandr.20:59
bazhangritesh, check distrowatch.com and discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic please20:59
millertimek1a2m3bazhang: do you want me to explain my situation?21:00
burkmatnarendra3: I have never heard of such a thing happening before, so if it is it's probably not a very well known one. I'd probably guess it was a user error.21:00
bazhang!xrandr | millertimek1a2m3 please read this21:00
ubottumillertimek1a2m3 please read this: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1221:00
narendra3burkmat: I am damm sure,, I did not made any error, it was installer who formatted my /home21:01
theTroyHelp. Mount.ntfs-3g is stuck on iowait and cannot be sudo kill -9. I was playing music with songbird, then disconnected portable drive (accidentally plugged off) and when trying to connect back, it does not mount, and adds another mount.ntfs-3g process on iowait, after system restart it works fine. ++ Have to make hard turn-off since otherwise it doesnt even want to turn off properly.21:01
Slartjjg: one other thing.. ubuntu doesn't use a root password.. you use your regular user and sudo.. the user password will work for sudo21:01
IledenHi! I have a question about ubuntu netbook remix, hope it's ok for this channel. I cannot get bluetooth to work. I have succesfully paired the device, but when I try to browse files I get an error "Could not display "obex://[00:23:B4:F5:42:46]/"."21:01
burkmatnarendra3: Then I suggest you file a bug report with steps to reproduce it.21:01
BookmanIs there a step by step installation guide for Jabber server on Ubuntu 9.04?21:01
ecolitanklown maybe have to make a fs on it with mkfs, but i dont know how to talk you through doing that21:02
Iledencontinued with "Error: DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)"21:02
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpJabberServer Bookman21:02
millertimek1a2m3bazhang: i've been directed to this before and it either doesn't  seem to work or i don't understand it21:02
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klownecolitan: ill google mkfs, thanks for your help.21:02
ecolitanklown not confortably if anything doesnt work :)21:02
bazhangmillertimek1a2m3, well you need to tell the channel what you have tried, and what you do not understand21:02
w_a_n_dWhy wont my hosts.deny and hosts.allow work21:03
w_a_n_dwhat do i need to install21:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sopcast21:03
theTroyAm I asking something  incorrectly or is it just an unkown issue?21:03
theTroyHelp. Mount.ntfs-3g is stuck on iowait and cannot be sudo kill -9. I was playing music with songbird, then disconnected portable drive (accidentally plugged off) and when trying to connect back, it does not mount, and adds another mount.ntfs-3g process on iowait, after system restart it works fine. ++ Have to make hard turn-off since otherwise it doesnt even want to turn off properly.21:03
klownecolitan: i got more information than i started with :P21:03
unniwhatis sopcast21:03
millertimek1a2m3bazhang: channel? as in the website or this right here that i'm on...21:03
unnibranko:pls tell me what sopcast is bout21:03
burkmattheTroy: I'd guess nobody here knows how to solve your problem. Sorry.21:03
Nyquist333I have 1 GB harddrive that is connected by eSATA. I've formatted it with ext2. I'm using "storage device manager" to mount it. What should I make the root permissions and owner if I want this to be available to any linux OS? This is my offline backup.21:03
edbiantheTroy: Are you running "sudo umount /dev/<yourHDD>? and then it hangs?21:04
bazhangmillertimek1a2m3, explain to the folks here in this channel what you have tried and what you dont understand21:04
Manaanhow do you format a usb stick21:04
DeevzI'm learning CLI and ive got a problem here... the line header no longer shows username@host, now its just ">"21:04
theTroyedbian: as I mentioned before, I do not run umount, I hard-unplug it21:04
Deevzand I cant seem to be able to enter commands anymore21:04
burkmatManaan: You can probably do that using gparted, or, if you are more comfortable with a command line, cfdisk or fdisk.21:04
ecolitanNyquist333 where the heck you get a 1 GB HDD?21:04
unopNyquist333,  sudo chown root.root /media/your_drive21:04
SlartDeevz: ctrl+c21:04
theTroyedbian: and with then re-mount does not work21:04
Nyquist333Sorry... 1TB21:04
edbiantheTroy: You need to run umount.  You can't just hard unplug drives.  Is this ext3?21:05
erUSULDeevz: > is the secondary proomt your command is not complete21:05
SlartDeevz: you probably wrote a ' somewhere21:05
DeevzSlart: that works, can you explain what happened?21:05
burkmatManaan: Or to create a filesystem, mkfs.21:05
brankounni: to watch live stream from: http://www.exodus.si/vzivo.php21:05
theTroyedbian: ntfs its external drive, and I could do so before.21:05
joeyeyeNyquist333: just make it world writeable, why not ? 777 ?21:05
erUSULDeevz: you have a " or ' or { or ( not closed21:05
Manaanburkmat:  righ21:05
brankounni: u need sopcast p2p program...21:05
Manaani found out21:05
Manaanmkfs is the key here21:05
SlartDeevz: you can write multiline commands by not ending a ', I think.. it then waits for you to write the second ' .. that's when you get the > prompt21:05
DeevzerUSUL: not sure what that implies21:05
Bookmanbazhang: Wow, that is really old.  Back to Hoary21:05
burkmatManaan: Alright. What is the problem?21:05
Manaanoddly enough, i built a usb stick using the ubuntu usb maker21:06
Manaanit wouldnt boot for some reason21:06
Deevzso I could write for example sudo shutdown '21:06
Nyquist333What about owners? So, if I have dirs for a user mike:mike and I take it to another linux machine can a user update the folder? Or do I need to make others write/create as well?21:06
millertimek1a2m3k i've tried to run xrandr to set up output to multiple monitors. one is my laptop monitor, a 15.4 inch and the other is a 22" monitor. i used xrandr --auto and the new settings look like this: http://pastebin.com/m200aac39 but in the real world, when the laptop monitor is working fine, the output to 22" is wrong21:06
Deevzthen " '-r now"?21:06
edbiantheTroy: It's bad practice.  You have to unmount one way or another before you physically remove.21:06
burkmatManaan: Are you sure the computer supports booting from a USB Device?21:06
Manaanburkmat:  positive21:06
ecolitanNyquist333 what if you use user nobody to make the updates?21:07
joeyeyeNyquist333: well, mike:mike is really just uid:gid so if the other system has a user:group that matches they will be able to access21:07
SlartDeevz: say you write something like       echo 'Hello everyone  <press enter>   now bash knows you haven't finished the string so it expects you to type more.. so on the next line you can type    in the room'  <enter> now you have two '' and the command is finished21:07
millertimek1a2m3and by the way, I'm trying to set it up so that the 22" is a virtual screen, like with the laptop screen operating as if there isn't any 22" and the 22" being simply an extra output21:07
jjgSlart .. ok, thanks.  If I'm getting IO errors during install process and then it hangs inthe console showing "/bin/login: error while loading shared libraries: /lib/libpam.so.0: cannot read file data: Input/output error" ... AND I saw the same problems when fsck tried to run, would you think there is a problem?21:07
burkmatManaan: Well, I'm sorry, not sure what the issue could be then. Personally I used unetbootin to create all my USB boot sticks, and that's worked flawlessly.21:07
thiebaudeburkmat, i've used it too with no problems21:08
Slartjjg: hard to tell from those errors... have you checked the install cd for defects?21:08
joeyeyeNyquist333: do you want to prevent access on other systems, or enable  ?21:08
thiebaudemany times21:08
jjgSlart, doing that now21:08
Nyquist333joeyeye: Thanks... So, if I setup a new system and I have a group called mike and a user called mike, it will be able to access this drive even though the original mike user and group was on another machine?21:08
unopecolitan, the user 'nobody' is a unique user in itself, the UID of this user is not guaranteed to be consistent across machines/distros,etc21:08
Nyquist333I want to enable access. This is a backup.21:08
burkmatNyquist333: Doubt it, uid and gid may change. But root should be able to alter it.21:08
DeevzI get it Slart, thx21:08
unopNyquist333, that's not guaranteed to work - the UIDs must match up21:08
joeyeyeNyquist333: it depends on the numbers associated to mike:mike - cat /etc/passwd | grep mike on the system and you'll see what I mean21:09
Nyquist333ok, so what if I don't want an owner or care for a back up. Can I do that?21:09
arthurhis anyone using an intel wifilink 5300 wireless card and getting n speeds under ubuntu?21:09
riteshwhich is best among fedora,debian,ubuntu,mandriva,foresight?21:09
ecolitanisnt nobody always the same uid?21:09
Slart!best | ritesh21:09
ubotturitesh: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.21:09
joeyeyeNyquist333: set the owner to nobody21:09
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burkmatNyquist333: You want to write data without an owner? Why not just set it 777?21:10
nick125ritesh: I think you're going to get a biased answer here.21:10
Slartritesh: it's basically down to individual taste21:10
unopecolitan, on ubuntu and debian perhaps - but not guaranteed so on other distros21:10
Keifferif i have ubuntu on 32bit and i tar all the system, can I port it to 64bit machines?21:10
Nyquist333I will make it 777. That I understand. I was just wonder what people do for owners with Backup volumes?21:10
thiebauderitesh, use what you think is the best21:10
riteshI need internet and access my 3-4 computers on LAN21:10
Nyquist333I'll check for a nobody option, thanks.21:10
burkmat!hi | gescape21:10
ubottugescape: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!21:10
KeifferOr is there a way to have a clone of my actual system, on 64bit? now using 3221:11
ecolitanunop:ok i see21:11
unopKeiffer, no21:11
joeyeyeNyquist333: usually ad administrator would set the owner to a backup group, and the user to be a backup user...21:11
Slartritesh: all those distros will do that21:11
riteshthiebaude: I thought ubuntu was best but it didn't work for me21:11
unop!clone | Keiffer21:11
ubottuKeiffer: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate21:11
deanyKeiffer, could get the list of packages installed, and backup your home folder, and install 64bit, and, well the rest.21:11
deanyor what he said21:11
riteshSlart: ubuntu didn't work for me21:11
thiebauderitesh, i would agree, but i;am biased21:12
gescapecan anyone explain why there are both versions of firefox available in repo, 3.1 & 3.5? Is 3.5 still treated as unstable?21:12
joeyeyeNyquist333: i.e. define a grp called "backupops" and a user "backupuser" ...21:12
Nyquist333joeyeye: So, how can I move the harddisk, to another machine where the groups and users are different?21:12
riteshthiebaude: whats ur biased answer?21:12
Slartritesh: so try one of the others.. repeat until you're happy21:12
joeyeyeNyquist333: you would then define those groups/users on the other machine - you're thinking too hard.21:12
riteshnono slart21:12
Nyquist333I'm thinking that the groups would be different on another machine even with the same name.21:12
unopNyquist333, best to use a filesystem that doesn't use permissions/ownership - FAT32 for e.g21:12
deanyritesh, its like shampoo, whatever works.21:12
Keifferdeany, what about the software i've compiled myself?21:12
vikashi installed JBoss on ubuntu 9.. now i have to give installed location in netbeans.. where is it21:13
gescapeI just would like to upgrade my 3.0x version to 3.5 without loosing bookmarks and so on...21:13
thiebauderitesh, what slart says21:13
riteshguys pls. help me21:13
bazhangritesh, with what21:13
vikashwhere is JBoss installation directory21:13
riteshto choose an OS to replce my WinXP21:13
bazhanggescape, install 3.5 it will get your bookmarks etc21:13
vikashinstalled it with synaptic21:13
Nyquist333unop: I've sonsidered that, just wanted to know what linux people do. I'm trying to get away from microsoft.21:14
Keifferwhat about using this 32bit on a 64bit machine? I see that the difference is neglijible21:14
ecolitanNyquist333 or maybe make the backups as root?21:14
burkmatritesh: Start with Ubuntu and see if you're satisfied.21:14
bazhangritesh, discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic ; this is for Ubuntu support ONLY21:14
Nyquist333If I make the backups as root, can I access them as root from another machine?21:14
burkmatecolitan, Nyquist333: Not a bad idea, root will always be UID 0.21:14
osx5hello nubuntu's21:14
gescapebazhang, thx :)21:14
BellinXFeloni keep trying to install my canon mx310 with kubuntu printing configuration, and it keeps freezing up, is there a way to do it through terminal?21:14
gescapethat's what I wanted to know :)21:14
vikashbazhang, i installed jbos .. where is its installation directory21:14
riteshbazhang: ok but i couldn't find solution to my ubuntu problem21:14
nick125Keiffer: If you have less than 4GB of RAM, the differences are very negliable21:14
unopNyquist333, well, that's what I have to do unfortunately with my portable disk - not every machine I access allows me to become root, etc to change permissions/ownership etc21:14
burkmatNyquist333: Truth is, it doesn't matter much who owns it. As long as you have root on the new machine you can read whatever you want.21:15
Nyquist333Has anyone ever formatted a thumb drive as ext2? What would you use for permissions and owners?21:15
thiebaudevikash, you try usr/bin?21:15
riteshcan't boot to desktop GUI21:15
riteshonly command prompt21:15
bazhangritesh, you have mentioned no problems here; just that it 'didnt work'21:15
gescapebazhang, would you uninstall 3.0 after installing 3.5 or is it still unstable?21:15
ubottuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.21:15
osx5question: how do I install ubuntu as CLI only? I want to use ICEwm or another manager instead of a DE21:15
vikashthiebaude, its not21:15
Slart!minimal | osx521:15
ubottuosx5: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD21:15
riteshhey I m telling its not booting to desktop21:15
bazhanggescape, need to keep both installed; it is stable but unofficial until next release of Ubuntu21:15
Nyquist333burkmat: I think I'm going to test that first with a liveCD. Worst case, I can just change all the owners when I'm root.21:16
riteshbazhang: only dos mode is I get21:16
Keiffernick, I have 512 MB! I kinda don't need a better computer but... it got old, the case isnt shiny and it makes noise21:16
Slartosx5: if you start with that you can add whatever you need.. and leave out the stuff you don't want21:16
riteshgraphics won't load21:16
gescapebazhang, ic.. thank you21:16
buckyvikash: cat /usr/share/netbeans/java2/sources/readme.txt  ?21:16
thiebaudevikash, programs are usally there21:16
erUSULNyquist333: 777 for all the drive... the user and group is useless. the same uid/gid will map to different user/group (if any) of different systems21:16
riteshbecause of intel on board graphics21:16
vikashthiebaude, i installed it from synaptic ,now i have to give path in netbeans21:16
riteshu got a solution?21:16
osx5Slart: ty21:16
bazhangritesh, sounds like a corrupt iso or bad burn md5 the iso and burn very slowly, then do the disk integrity check21:16
bazhang!md5 | ritesh21:16
ubotturitesh: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows21:16
burkmatNyquist333: Well I can guarantee root will be UID 0, it's quite fundamental... But testing is always good, hope you get it working good. :)21:17
Keifferritesh, romania?21:17
fantasticuloushi i hear horrible cracks with pidgin message sounds (music is also playing)21:17
Nyquist333erUSUL: Can root on one machine change the permissions to 777 if root is not the owner?21:17
bazhang!intel | ritesh check this21:17
ubotturitesh check this: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.21:17
vikashbucky, do u know21:17
buckyvikash: cat /usr/share/netbeans/java2/sources/readme.txt  ?21:17
erUSULNyquist333: yes: roo can do everything21:17
ecolitanNyquist333 root can always change the perms21:17
riteshbazhang: i already tried commands on this page didn't work21:18
buckyvikash: did you install netbeans with synaptics / aptitiude / apt-get  ?21:18
Nyquist333I'll test this first, thanks all. New qyestion: Is the only way to do full disk encryption is with the altnernate CD install?21:18
phar0zI've reverted the Jaunty xorg intel driver to 2.4 for the sake of performance issue, and now my kde doesn' show up anymore :(21:18
osx5slart: what are the essentials for a minimal install once I get it on? like should I get GNU compiler, python, ruby, etc?21:18
riteshcouldn't start graphics21:18
thiebauderitesh, does X freeze?21:18
vikashbucky, synaptic21:18
bazhangritesh, need more details then 'didnt work'21:18
buckyvikash: you prolly need libnb-java2-java21:18
riteshya X server problem21:18
buckyvikash: apt-cache show  libnb-java2-java21:18
john-buerwhat is the difference between apt-get and aptitude?21:18
buckyjohn-buer: one is gui21:19
thiebauderitesh, edit you xorg.conf21:19
burkmatapt-get has super cow powers.21:19
icerootjohn-buer: apt-get hase supercow-power, aptitude not21:19
Slartosx5: hmm.. I don't really know... never used it myself.. but I think you'll get a base system.. without X/gnome/kde and such.. if you install "build-essential" it will pull in the compiler, linker and so on..21:19
icerootburkmat: to slow :(21:19
vikashbucky, readme - This folder contains the source code for AbsoluteLayout.21:19
riteshthiebaude:  what to edit in there?21:19
riteshi tried that too.21:19
buckyjohn-buer: take that back.. there's about 20 different front ends for dpkg21:19
osx5Slart: k I just want to be able to have wifi and all that stuff working ahead of time if i can21:19
icerootburkmat: aptitude is also a cli-version21:19
sigmonsaysanyone know why hardy mirror is giving me 403?21:19
beconasewhy do some people have their IP shown and other just say unaffiliated?21:19
burkmaticeroot:  ;)21:19
icerootsigmonsays: the repo?21:19
osx5beconase: for privacy21:19
sigmonsaysI think I have to hunt down another mirror...21:19
bazhang!cloak > beconase21:20
ubottubeconase, please see my private message21:20
erUSULbeconase: the later got a free cloak21:20
vikashbucky, i run apt-cache21:20
Slartosx5: oh.. I have no idea what you'd need for that.. wifi is black magic to me..I'm just happy it works on my laptop21:20
icerootsigmonsays: gives "sud0 apt-get update" any errors?21:20
bazhangbeconase, ask in #freenode for a cloak21:20
icerootsigmonsays: gives "sudo apt-get update" any errors?21:20
beconasecool cheers21:20
osx5Slart: Im guessing some sort of driver set21:20
john-bueromg i've never used aptitude, cuz i belived it was the same as apt-get, but aptitude was great.. lol21:21
sigmonsaysyah 403 Forbidden. pretty jank. i'll just switch mirrors.21:21
sigmonsaysis there a way to pick a mirror easily from cli?21:21
thiebauderitesh, what i did to fix my X on my i815 might not work for everyone21:21
iceroot!who | sigmonsays21:21
ubottusigmonsays: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:21
osx5Slart: You think i'd be better off just get xubuntu and installing icewm or another WM on that?21:21
riteshthiebaude: tell me21:21
Nyquist333thanks, again.21:21
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Slartosx5: I think it would be less work for you, yes =)21:22
thiebauderitesh, gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:22
sigmonsaysiceroot, sorry. is there a cli way to pick a mirror, like yum installl fastest-mirror ?21:22
thiebaudestep by step21:22
osx5Slart: I'll probably do that then21:22
icerootsigmonsays: hm, only know the way with /etc/apt/sources.list21:23
buckythere should be a disclaimer.. there's three things really screwed on jaunty21:23
thiebauderitesh, is it opened?21:23
osx5bucky: it is basically a beta OS still21:23
riteshbut bouncing21:23
thiebauderitesh, add this to the Device: section21:23
daredoes ext3 store file creation date? i do not see this in gnome21:24
buckysound - no alsaconf and pulseaudio is another layer of complexity, Xorg - no xorg.conf and wireless21:24
riteshdevice section where?21:24
thiebauderitesh,  Option  "DRI" "off"     then save21:24
EvetWhich program do you suggest to set up VPSs?21:24
thiebauderitesh, under video21:24
Slartdare: yes it does.. use "stat" in a terminal.. or check the properties page21:24
riteshnono pls. give me complete command21:25
riteshto be written in terminal21:25
spOis user2 implicity part of group user2 or do they have to be listed in /etc/group user2  via   user2:user221:25
thiebauderitesh, gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:25
thiebaudein the terminal21:25
riteshthis command i used21:26
riteshlike this sudo nano /etc/X11xorg.conf21:26
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=== stalin is now known as marko-_-
riteshadded 2 commands21:26
buckyoh and i forgot the mysql upgrade debacle... 4 things really screwed21:26
riteshstarting deb & deb-src21:27
icerootcan virtualbx on a 64bit system, host 32bit systems?21:27
riteshbut update didn't work21:27
riteshit said already latest version21:27
bazhangritesh, that is something completely unrelated21:27
riteshfor intel21:27
thiebauderitesh, gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:27
Bodsdaiceroot, dont see why not21:27
mihahey guys does any1 else get choppy flash playback in fullscreen ?21:27
jribiceroot: yes21:27
harry__hello  all21:27
Slarticeroot: yes.. it can..21:27
Bodsdamiha, yes21:27
icerootBodsda: jrib Slart thx21:28
riteshthiebaude: ok after that?21:28
mihaBodsda: is there any solution for this ?21:28
harry__i'm new to ubuntu and i've found out that i have a very strange port opened,21:28
thiebauderitesh, under video in the device section21:28
Bodsdamiha, not that I am aware of21:28
IledenI'd like to enable circular scrolling on my ubuntu netbook remix. gsynaptics doesn't work (and website says it's obsolete anyway) how do I process?21:28
icerootharry__: which?21:28
Uyuarasyhello, somebody can help me?21:29
riteshthiebaude:  umena when the xorg.conf file opens?21:29
thiebauderitesh, Option     "DRI"    "off"    and then save21:29
thiebauderitesh, yes21:29
harry__could somebody nmap me or something like that?21:29
thiebauderitesh, remember i said this might not work for everyone21:29
icerootharry__: ip?21:29
riteshis that all or more commands needed?21:30
beconasewhois beconase21:30
riteshwhat after saving xorg.conf?21:30
Bodsdabeconase, you are21:30
thiebauderitesh, yes thats what i did21:30
thiebauderitesh, save it21:30
riteshthen reboot?21:30
helper!ask | Ububegin21:30
ubottuUbubegin: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:30
Uyuarasysomeone can help me in wol?21:30
thiebauderitesh, yes21:30
Rolandanyone got canon LBP2900 printer working under 9.04?21:31
riteshok I shall try this21:31
riteshthiebaude: thankyou21:31
thiebauderitesh, tell me if it works for you21:31
thiebauderitesh, np21:31
peijI try again. Could someone help me with a sound issue in firefox ? I've got no sound in flash videos21:31
riteshwill u be here tomorrow same time?21:31
thiebauderitesh, im not sure about my schedule21:32
thiebauderitesh, can you reboot and login and tell me if it goes well21:32
mihaBodsda: tried this yet ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/34628921:32
Uyuarasysomeon can help in WakeOnLan??:)21:33
riteshactually the system is at office21:33
riteshi am at home right now21:33
wubbbiHello :) I get an error on wine 1.1.26 on ubuntu jaunty. When I want to run Guildwars this error comes " err:seh:raise_exception Exception frame is not in stack limits => unable to dispatch exception. " What does that mean?21:33
iceroot!ask | Uyuarasy21:33
ubottuUyuarasy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:33
mihasome people obviously got it working21:33
riteshthiebaude:  u said CD burned should also be checked21:33
riteshhow to check it?21:33
phar0z I've reverted the Jaunty xorg intel driver to 2.4 for the sake of performance issues, and now my kde doesn' show up anymore :(21:34
thiebauderitesh, i never said anything about CD burner21:34
riteshTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows21:34
riteshthis someone suggested to check it.21:34
thiebauderitesh, hmm21:35
=== talntid2 is now known as talntid
thiebauderitesh, i'll be here 9am eastern time21:36
Uyuarasyiceroot: I see it, but nobody reply..:) So I can't wol after shutdown ubuntu, because it'll give back the power from the lan-card...so somebody can help how can I enabled in the acpi wakeup that, the lan card have got power after shutdown?21:36
riteshok whats time now?21:36
Uyuarasyunder windows it works21:36
Uyuarasysorry for my bad english21:36
cdennyi cant seem to join offtopic21:36
Joe_what are the odds of lm-sensors misreading voltages?21:36
thiebauderitesh, join me in #ubuntu-offtopic21:36
=== ubuntu is now known as CaRSi
=== lepor is now known as leafy
=== leafy is now known as veryleafy
veryleafyHey guys, I need some video-driver help21:37
cdennywhy do people use linux?21:37
veryleafyNewbie here21:37
ubottuWow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!21:37
edbiancdenny: Cause it's free and open :)21:37
riteshthiebaude:  come to offtopic21:37
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga21:37
bazhangcdenny, please /join #ubuntu-offtopic to discuss; this is support ONLY21:38
SlartJoe_: if the sensors used to work I would say the chances are.. small but not "very small".. if you're just wondering if the reading from lm_sensors is correct I would say.. perhaps21:38
cdennyedbian: so is windows if you know where to look :)21:38
helperveryleafy which driver?21:38
veryleafyAnyhow, I'm using a new install of the latest version of Linux Mint, it's based on ubuntu 9.04 i think21:38
edbiancdenny: Windows XP is not free or open at all.  Some apps that run on it might be.21:38
cdennybazhang: thanks for the room, i tried getting there but I didnt know the exact name21:38
veryleafythe computer is an hp a1010n21:38
ericdbWhere can I change the behavior of Unbuntu with regard to deleting stuff in /tmp?21:38
veryleafysome onboard intel thing i think21:38
helperericdb you mean permissions ?21:39
edbianveryleafy: Mint is based on ubuntu :)21:39
Joe_Start it's showing 12V as 6.41, -12V at -4.42 and -5V at -2.76 but system is stable (all my other machines, voltages like that would have caused some serious problems)21:39
thiebaude__ritesh, yes21:39
edbiancdenny: Let's talk in #ubuntu-offtopic21:39
veryleafyedbian: that's why i'm here21:39
veryleafyI had an older version of linux mint before and I got it working a while ago, but i don't now how21:39
veryleafy*i don't know how21:39
thiebaude__ritesh, im going there now21:39
ericdbhelper: I mean, right now, it seems like stuff in /tmp goes away on reboot.  I'd like to do a rotation scheme, where if something I was using is now gone, I can have a second chance to go get it and put it somewhere permanent.21:39
bazhangveryleafy, mint is not supported here21:39
SlartJoe_: I think we can safely assume that the sensors are wrong21:39
bazhang!mintsupport > veryleafy21:39
ubottuveryleafy, please see my private message21:39
veryleafybasic ubuntu thing tho21:39
kerm|tmetacity says its composting but it doesnt seem to have the desktops pre-rendered, they render when i switch...  do i need compiz for that?21:40
ericdbhelper: I'd like to move everything in /tmp to /tmp_2 (or something), and delete everything out of /tmp_2 that's older than a week.21:40
Joe_Start I hope so, scared the crap out of me though21:40
unni84kollammush its me21:40
EvetWhich program do you suggest to set up VPSs?21:40
veryleafybut there's nobody really to help at linuxmint's irc and it's really an issue with core technologies not the surfacy stuff i think21:41
unni84kollamdid u get this message21:41
helperericdb ok but why it will remove on delete?21:41
BellinXFelonhow can i install a printer driver in terminal?21:41
bazhangveryleafy, then install Ubuntu21:41
buckyericdb: just reboot your computer and it will clean out all the non essential crap in /tmp21:41
unni84kollammush mush mush21:41
Slartericdb: "find" would be useful.. find -mtime +10  would find files that were last accessed more than 10 hours ago..21:41
veryleafyoh come on21:41
unni84kollammush are u here21:41
codeshahwhat version of apache is installed by default in ubuntu?21:41
veryleafyit wouldn't make a difference21:41
frommunni84kollam: hey21:41
SlartJoe_: hehe.. I don't think there is any reason to worry..if the computer is working the voltages are probably not very far off21:41
unni84kollamnow lets go back21:42
Slart!info apache221:42
veryleafylisten, in the visual effects tab of the preferences, it won't let me set anything other than "none"21:42
ubottuapache2 (source: apache2): Apache HTTP Server metapackage. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2.11-2ubuntu2.2 (jaunty), package size 45 kB, installed size 100 kB21:42
wubbbitruegeek: I have checkted some websides and google but I did not found anything21:42
wubbbiHello :) I get an error on wine 1.1.26 on ubuntu jaunty. When I want to run Guildwars this error comes " err:seh:raise_exception Exception frame is not in stack limits => unable to dispatch exception. " What does that mean?21:42
veryleafyis there some kind of thing I have to modify in X config or something?21:42
codeshahSlart, thanks21:42
Slartcodeshah: you're welcome21:42
codeshah!info ruby21:42
ubotturuby (source: ruby-defaults): An interpreter of object-oriented scripting language Ruby. In component main, is optional. Version 4.2 (jaunty), package size 20 kB, installed size 100 kB21:42
Joe_Start it's a brand new PSU, and not a cheap one... but I swear the voltage readings were normal last time I looked21:42
ericdbI'm sorry helper, bucky, Slart...I think I'm not asking very clearly.  Let me try again: I want to change what Ubuntu does automatically with stuff in /tmp.  Right now, it just deletes the stuff.  I want to know where that behavior is specified, so I can replace it with my own script.21:42
IledenHow do I enable circular scrolling on ubuntu netbook remix?21:42
codeshahok, another stupid question - what version is what? Jaunty is 9.04 what is hardy and all these other things21:43
Slartericdb: ahh.. my bad.. I have no idea what is responsible for clearing up /tmp .. don't think I've seen anything in the crontab at least21:43
codeshahintrpeid is 8.10 i see21:43
buckyericdb: you might as well start with re writting 40 years of unix history before you do that21:43
ubottuUbuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) was the ninth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ - Release Notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/81021:43
bazhanghttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DevelopmentCodeNames codeshah21:44
ericdbbucky: I'm open to the possibility that it's my habits that need to change rather than Ubuntu's behavior.  That said, I can't really believe it's impossible to do.21:44
buckyericdb: what do you want to do save all your porn flv's before you shutdown?21:44
IledenHow do I determine what touchpad driver my ubuntu netbook remix is using?21:44
=== veryleafy is now known as ggeder
edbianericdb: I am afraid I can't help you as I don't know what program / system (probably the kernel) it is that clears out /tmp but I am curious.  What are you going to do with those files?21:44
bazhangbucky, please keep it family friendly21:44
ericdbbucky: I do lots of work in /tmp, stuff that I don't want to remember to delete later.  Once in a while, though, I forget to copy it to a permanent place, then I reboot, and it's gone.21:44
ericdbNot really work, but unzipping stuff, etc.21:45
buckyericdb: mkdir ~/tmp  cd tmp21:45
Tjololo_Can anyone help me get my wireless card working?21:45
buckyericdb: problem solved21:45
=== ggeder is now known as nectcon
linny1we could try what sort is it21:45
Ahmuck-Jri need help with a usb thumb drive problem21:45
ericdbedbian: I just want to make a /tmp_2 folder, so that instead of deleting stuff out of /tmp, it goes to /tmp_2 for a while, then eventually gets deleted from there.  That way, when I say, "oh, shit, I left that in /tmp", I can go get it from /tmp_2.21:45
Tjololo_Intel 5100AGN21:45
linny1btw hello fellow crunchbangers21:45
=== BoxxyPenrNose is now known as MidsummerDawn
bazhanglinny1, ?21:46
edbianericdb: You save things in /tmp?21:46
RampagePSanyone know how to mount ps3 blu-ray drive in ubuntu 9.04?21:46
=== MidsummerDawn is now known as BoxxyPenrNose
ericdbedbian: No, but that's usually where I unarchive things, for instance.21:46
helperericdb no one save things in /tmp @ least rare the one who save things there21:46
Slartericdb: why not do your work related stuff in /tmp2 right away.. delete it yourself.. or don't.. no need to rewrite kernel stuff =)21:47
Tjololo_it's showing up as wlan0 when I do an iwconfig, but it's not working. I tried using windows drivers, and some other .ucode file, but no luck.21:47
ericdbin case they didn't package it all in a top directory or something.21:47
linny1lmao I entered two rooms at once21:47
helperericdb why you don21:47
linny1I thought I was in the other but nvrmind21:47
helperericdb why you don't save things in Home Directory?21:47
Slartericdb: as you yourself say.. saving stuff in /tmp is not very reliable21:47
ericdbI guess bucky's suggestion is the best.  ~/tmp21:47
ericdbThen delete it myself when I think about it.21:47
ericdbSo that's in the kernel, huh?21:48
buckyericdb: if you unarchive something to temp to build it and install it then you don't need it anymore anyway21:48
edbianericdb: I think you'd have to customize a kernel of your own to get the sort of behavior you're talking about.  or you could write a cron tab that could copy /tmp into /tmp_2 every hour or something21:48
linny1Tjololo_: have a look at this its reported to work for your card http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=5754065&postcount=6221:48
IledenHow do I know what touchpad driver my system is using? xorg.conf does not refer to any input device.21:48
ericdbOkay.  Thanks for the help everyone.21:49
Tjololo_linnyl: I'll try that, thanks.21:49
helperIleden lsmod21:49
SerraphynHi guys, I'm trying to install ubuntu 8.10 on my Dell Latitude C600 (850Mhz/256MB ram/ATI Rage M3 8M video)  Problem I am having is when I start the install(live cd version) it shows video mode as max 800x600.  I can do 1024/768 in windows on the machine but they guy I got it from had an illegal version of window so I removed it.  Is there anyways to fix the resolution? should I continue install or should I use a newer version? I have 9.04 on CD also bu21:49
lagrandeI'm trying to build an app from source (midimon)... after finding the dependencies manually (from the make logs), it begins to compile but returns this error: http://snipt.org/lklk any ideas?21:49
Tjololo_serraphyn: do you have an nvidia graphics card?21:50
KCM|PoireSergeant_Pony, try with the 9.04 CD, but at least, it must works on the 8.10 with some configuration21:50
SerraphynTjololo_: its an ati card(laptop)21:51
brankoHello there. My uncle desperetaley needs to watch live stream from: http://www.exodus.si/vzivo.php For watching this you need firefox, sopcast (already installed) amd IE tab addon for firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1419 but since this add-on for linux doesn't exist I'm lost here. Can somepne (PLESE) help me out how can I watch live stream from this page with sopcast since I can't installe IE tab on ubuntu? I woul21:51
helperlagrande u execute make using: sudo make ?21:51
brankoI found the help for installing sopcast on this page: http://www.blog.hyperend.info/installing-sopcast-on-ubuntu/21:52
Tjololo_Serraphyn: I had the same problem with my nvidia, I had to install a proprietary driver system>administration>hardware drivers and it was in there21:52
kallaanyone who can help me with hostfile install in ubuntu?21:52
Iledenhelper: thanks. unfortunately i don't understand which part of the output is relevant21:52
linny1Serraphyn: I also have an ati card I install the minimal iso then get a shell to apt-get xorg-driver-fglrx then install ubuntu-desktop21:52
xzachtmx_Does anyone know where i can find the "linux distro repositories" so i can install somethign?21:53
SerraphynI'll try to install those linny121:53
helper<Ileden>  what are you trying to search exactly , driver for what ?21:53
guntbert!repositories | xzachtmx_21:53
ubottuxzachtmx_: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories21:53
GPLwhat are the few and recommended anti-virus/spyware/adware/worm/rootkit etc. open-source softwares made for Linux kernel ? Add. Info : i am currently on Ubuntu 9.04.21:53
lagrandehelper: sudo or not, hasn't made a difference21:53
nodsagI have integrated graphics on a new install of Jaunty dual booted with XP. Video is very choppy compared to in XP and the visual effects appearance editor won't let me set anything other than None. The vid is integrated, intel I think, but I don't know what I'm supposed to do to get it working21:53
neko__anyone mind explaining the benifits of using 'sudo -i' vs 'sudo su -' ?21:53
xzachtmx_ok thank you21:53
heheho0nodsag: first check, if it's intel21:54
netsurf3Hi all getting some horrible distortion with my bluetooth headset. either its not being converted correctly or it has a analoge modem style scream quite painful to the ears. apparently this seems to be only HSP/Voice and not A2DP is there a bug report/workaround/ version of alsa or bluez to update to?21:54
Deevzwhen trying to install something, I get "Package openssh-server has no installation canditate"21:54
Deevzwhy do I get that?21:54
heheho0nodsag: in console: dmesg | grep -i intel21:54
Iledenhelper: i'm trying to find out whether i'm using the synaptics driver, which I understand is required to activate cirular scrolling on touchpad. So in the end, I'm trying to activate circular scrolling.21:54
netsurf3Deevz, try running apt-get update21:54
qcjnsomeone would give me a hand with grub please21:54
boss_mcDeevz: have you updated your apt list (sudo apt-get update)?21:54
qcjni've installed a second hd with ubuntu on it21:55
DeevzI havent21:55
qcjnnow wan t to make dual boot with xp21:55
meditatingfrognodsag: I have intel integrated graphics.  G960/G965.  It's the graphics driver.  You can add "AccelMethod" "UXA" to xorg.conf21:55
nodsagheheho0: It says Intel 830M Chipset21:55
GPLanybody please ? i am a newbie in Linux/Ubuntu.21:55
boss_mc!ask | GPL21:55
ubottuGPL: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:55
nodsagmeditatingfrog how do I add that21:55
GPLi already did  , boss_mc .21:55
helperqcjn what you want to do exactly ?21:56
boss_mcGPL: ah, sorry.21:56
lagrandehelper: any other ideas?21:56
bazhangGPL, clamav21:56
kallai need to write a file to etc/host but i have no write permission, please help.21:56
IledenGPL: well, I find it's good to just repeat the question21:56
meditatingfrognodsag: /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:56
Deevzapt-get update did work, thx21:56
goldinsHello, where do I register my opposition to multisearch being enabled by default in firefox 3.5?21:56
qcjnhelper i ve added a second hd with ubuntu already on it21:56
meditatingfrognodsag:  you need to edit this file21:56
boss_mcGPL: anti-virus is not very important on linux (unless you are sharing files with windows machines)21:56
erUSUL!sudo | kalla21:56
ubottukalla: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)21:56
qcjnhelper there is already xp on first hd21:56
boss_mcGPL: the kernel already contains a firewall (see !ufw for details)21:56
goldinsboss_mc: why would that matter?21:56
ChowzzfI'm accessing my SVN for the first time via svn:// and I can log in fine, but when I try to committ I get "Can't create directory '/home/svn/clients/db/transactions/0-1.txn': Permission denied".21:57
qcjnjust made a fdisk -l and it sees it21:57
boss_mcgoldins: for the benefit of the machines you are sharing with, not your own benefit21:57
goldinsboss_mc: if the windows machines are yours, they should be running their own anti-virus21:57
GPL:P thanks Ileden and boss_mc ! :) thanks for your responses.21:57
helperlagrande actually i got like this problem from 5 days ago and someone give me packages to install for compile and it work ! but sorry i 4got them badly i didn't save them! re-ask your question maybe i'm wrong with this too , sorry :)21:57
goldinsif they're not yours, it's somebody elses problem21:57
iPoRnhello, i have the following errors when trying to run eggdrop and/or psybnc: ./psybnc: error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory and ./eggdrop: error while loading shared libraries: libtcl8.4.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory21:57
meditatingfrognodsag: you can find something online if you search "AccelMethod" "UXA"21:57
heheho0nodsag: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel21:57
heheho0nodsag: try this first21:57
qcjnhelper but iwouldn't know how to or what to in menu.lst21:57
boss_mcgoldins: unless you are a server, you don't want to get a reputation for distributing infected files21:57
helperqcjn ok now you are booting to xp or ubuntu ?21:57
=== iPoRn is now known as o_portista17
qcjnhelper want to see the result of fdisk -l21:58
IsmAvatarhey, I'm on a liveCD, is there any way for me to turn my modifications into an iso or new live cd?21:58
lagrandehelper: no worries21:58
qcjnhelper it s booting to xp21:58
boss_mcGPL: if you want an antivirus, clamav is the current way to go21:58
lagrandeI'm trying to build an app from source (midimon)... after finding the dependencies manually (from the make logs), it begins to compile but returns this error: http://snipt.org/lklk any ideas?21:58
nodsagheheho0: it says it's ready the newest version21:58
heheho0nodsag: yep, also google for UXA and EXA in xorg.conf21:58
helperqcjn sudo fdisk -l ( where is the Condidate "*" set to which device) ?21:58
heheho0nodsag: also -- I'm having intel at laptop (x3100)21:58
bazhang!remaster | IsmAvatar21:58
ubottuIsmAvatar: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility21:58
nodsagI'm in xorg editing it... so i should just google to find what to write21:58
netsurf3GPL there is an AVG antivirus but its closed source (free i think though)21:58
heheho0nodsag: driver is really crappy :-(21:58
heheho0nodsag: some try to install custom stuff from ppas21:59
qcjnhttp://pastebin.com/m644273aa  <-- helper i m in puppylinux live cd21:59
BslBryanIsmAvatar: No, but at least you know that modifying it in the way that you'd like or need is possibl eon your system.21:59
IledenGPL: F-Secure has some stuff for linux. closed source, but if I remember correctly without cost.21:59
helperqcjn ok you are on LIVE CD now ?21:59
qcjnhelper yeah21:59
AnnathI have an odd problem. Ubuntu 9.04. The sound mixer isn't showing up in the tray. I can tell that it's running because the audio controls still work and show it's volume slider when I use them, and the audio still works, it's just not showing up in a fashion that lets me access it. Does anyone know how I can at least get the window to show uP? :/21:59
qcjnhelper cause i knew puppy would see the hd22:00
qcjnhelper and it s the only live cd i have here22:00
heheho0Annath: may be you should simply add an applet to gnome-panel?22:00
IsmAvatarBslBryan: yes, but I'd like to make a customized liveCD because I use a bunch of different computers, without having to install.22:00
decaI'm trying to auto-mount my Win7 partition on boot, so I added the following line to my fstab: /dev/sda2/mnt/Win7 -t ntfs -L Win7. When I "sudo mount -a" it returns "line 15 in /etc/fstab is bad" (which is the line I just pasted).22:00
bazhangIsmAvatar, then check the link I gave you22:00
IsmAvataryes, I am, thanks22:01
bazhanguck is very easy to use22:01
guntbertneko__: have a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=6188826&postcount=422:01
BslBryanIsmAvatar: You can install on one master system and then use the Remastersys application.22:01
=== Iknownothing is now known as Guest3388
heheho0deca: try mount it manually : mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/Win7 -t ntfs -L win7 -- and see errors output. Yea, do you have this comma in the end of fstab?22:02
AnnathhehehoG: thanks. I thought it was running as part of the tray next to the clock before now. XD22:02
brankoHello there. My uncle desperetaley needs to watch live stream from: http://www.exodus.si/vzivo.php For watching this you need firefox, sopcast (already installed) amd IE tab addon for firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1419 but since this add-on for linux doesn't exist I'm lost here. Can somepne (PLESE) help me out how can I watch live stream from this page with sopcast since I can't installe IE tab on ubuntu? I woul22:02
brankoI found the help for installing sopcast on this page: http://www.blog.hyperend.info/installing-sopcast-on-ubuntu/22:02
heheho0Annath: np =)22:02
decaheheho0: no comma at the end of fstab. Trying to manually mount now.22:02
nodsagok so do I add Option AccelMethod “UXA”  under the section device22:02
AnnathI am rather new to linux and had to do a bit of fidgeting to get the sound to work on this laptop. :p22:02
nodsagor do I replace the 'identifier' part22:03
bazhangbranko, I tried that page, led to links of flv which movieplayer then played22:03
heheho0branko: I'm not sure, but may be vlc will help?22:03
edbiandeca: heheho0 Even when manually mounting the system will apply all of the options from fstab unless you comment out that line.22:03
heheho0branko: vlc player + vlc plugin22:03
=== scott_ is now known as Tjololo_
nodsagand this won't make ubuntu explode will it?22:03
Tjololo_I don't remember who was helping me, but it didn't work.22:03
meditatingfrognodsag: use medi <tab> before typing to me in channel so that I notice your message22:03
Entelinanyone use evolution with exchange 2003 ?22:03
helperqcjn sorry got dc22:04
meditatingfrognodsag: it might make things unstable.  It allowed me to turn on desktop effects, but desktop effects for me still cause lock ups22:04
nodsagmeditatingfrong: oops22:04
qcjnhelper someone is helping on other chat22:04
qcjnhelper thatnks , helping on #puppylinux22:04
decaedbian: commenting out line, thanks.22:04
nodsagmeditatingfrong: well I had an older install of ubuntu that worked with better desktop graphics22:04
helperqcjn np22:04
ChowzzfI'm accessing my SVN  via svn:// and I can log in fine, but when I try to committ I get "Can't create directory '/home/svn/clients/db/transactions/0-1.txn': Permission denied". How do I get the right permissions?22:04
heheho0nodsag: be prepared -- as I said intel video is a nightmare now at linux :-(22:04
qcjnhelper thanks a lot22:05
heheho0Chowzzf: hmm use chmod, chown22:05
nodsagheheho0: i made a backup of xorg... if i can only use some kind of command line after i try this, will there be a simple command to restore it?22:05
nodsagor edit xorg?22:05
Tjololo_can someone else help me with my wireless card? I tried http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=5754065&postcount=62 but it didn't work22:06
Chowzzfheheho0: for the user and group being www-data:subversion?22:06
signpostdoes anyone know how I add an index to slapd on jaunty, since slapd.conf is gone?22:06
brankoheheho0: vlc plugin for ff right?22:06
edbiannodsag: If you back it up you can restore it :)22:06
=== _MrsApple_ is now known as _MrApple_
heheho0nodsag: xorg.conf? it's simple -- just save -- mv -v /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.old, then, after restoring do vice versa22:06
GPLis there any program like VM to run windows on ubuntu ? and i am also looking for help on Wine, as i do have a project running in .psd extension, and that i dont want to lose it.22:06
edbianGPL: virtualbox22:06
bazhangvirtualbox gpl22:07
decaheheho0: manually inputing the line returns Usage verbiage.22:07
Chowzzfheheho0: I used sudo chown -R www-data:subversion clients. That's it so far and it didn't work22:07
edbianGPL: What is .psd??22:07
heheho0Chowzzf: ok, then add user to subversion groupt? sudo gpasswd -a <yourselfe> subversion -- then log out and log in again22:07
nodsagthanks everyone wish me luck22:07
GPL.psd is the default extension for Adobe Photoshop files22:07
edbianGPL: Can gimp open them?22:07
heheho0deca: hmm wait a sec...22:08
GPLedbian : that's what i want help on22:08
GPLand thanks, for recommending VirtualBox22:08
edbianGPL: Have you tried to open it in gimp?  Right click the file -> Open with...22:08
GPLedbian : okay , i ll try and then be back :) . thanks22:09
heheho0deca -- try without -L win722:09
Tjololo_anyone able to help me with my wireless problem?22:09
helperTjololo_ which is ?22:09
edbianGPL: wiat!!!22:09
Tjololo_helper: I can see it with iwconfig, I tried http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=5754065&postcount=62 but still nothing.22:10
GPLedbian : yes.22:10
edbianGPL: Why don't you just install an IRC client on ubuntu and talk to us while you work?22:10
Tjololo_helper: intel 5100 AGN card on the heron.22:10
edbianGPL: didn't mean to yell. I just had to get your attention :P22:10
Chowzzfheheho0: am I adding my ubuntu login, or am I adding my SVN login when you said "sudo gpasswd -a <yourselfe> subversion"22:10
peijHi, could someone help me with a sound issue in firefox ? I don't have any sound when playing flash videos22:11
GPLedbian : i'm on Konversation [an IRC Client for Ubuntu] , i just am updating some files, so i need to restart and plug my hard disk after a few minutes, and then open my project from there.22:11
Tjololo_GPL: I think you type sudo apt-get install xchat for an irc client22:11
edbianGPL: Ok.  SEe you soon! :)22:11
helperTjololo_ you mean you can't connect ?22:11
GPLedbian : yea sure :)22:11
Tjololo_helper: Yeah, it's like it's there, but not transmitting.22:11
heheho0Chowzzf: you just add yourselfe to group subversion, which has some rights or does not -- show ls -l <path to your file>22:11
GPLTjololo, i tested all IRC Clients , and found Xchat and Konversation to be the best ones, i personally like Konversation more, :) because of nicer graphics.22:12
heheho0Tjololo_: is your wifi lamp on? is it laptop?22:12
helperTjololo_ what are you trying to connect? a Secure Wireless?22:12
nodsagheheho0: didn't work, and xorg is restored...22:12
Tjololo_heheho0 It's on a laptop, but the little touch thing that my wifi is connected to doesn't light up the light, but it works.22:12
Tjololo_helper: I have a WPA-PSK network set up at my house22:12
Tjololo_GPL: Ok, good luck to ya22:13
GPLTjololo_: Thanks.22:13
heheho0Tjololo_: ok. as for me -- you need the specific firmware to be loaded, if it's loaded -- ONLY after that you may use your wifi, I used to have problems like that22:13
BookmanDoes anyone have a jabber server installed that would be able to assist me in getting mine to run?22:13
heheho0nodsag: you played with exa?22:13
the_fronnyI'm trying to do ltsp-build-client on a 7.10 machine but whwn I issue the command I get22:13
the_fronnyE: Failed getting release file http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/Release22:14
stroyanericdb:  /tmp is actually cleaned out by /etc/init.d/mountall-bootclean.sh running /lib/init/bootclean.sh.  You could modify that.  But it may not be worth the trouble.22:14
Tjololo_heheho0: Is the firmware different than the driver?22:14
the_fronnyI've changed all the adresses in sources.lst to old-releases22:14
nodsagheheho0: I'm not sure, i don't know about this stuff... i just added Option AccelMethod “UXA”  under the device section22:14
the_fronnywhere is this request for "archive" coming from?22:14
GPLi downloaded Clam Antivirus, so what i need to do, what is the .extension of executable or packaged files in Linux/Ubuntu.22:14
helperTjololo_ Actually, i don't know but did you config your Wireless Settings and select WPA-PSK with the SSID?22:15
the_fronnyI don't see it in the ltsp-build-script script22:15
heheho0Tjololo_: read this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=87913422:15
decaheheho0: it mounted w/o the -L option, thanks. The filesystem doesn't show up through gnome though22:16
heheho0nodsag: sounds like that...22:16
SlartGPL: linux doesn't use extensions other than for visual purposes.. magic bytes are where it is22:16
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Tjololo_helper: it's not even showing the SSID in roaming mode22:16
heheho0deca: hmm you mean through nautilus?22:16
decaheheho0: yes, sry.22:16
GPLbut Slart : how can i install this particular installation, is MagicBytes the installer ?22:17
deanyGPL, its in the repos22:17
heheho0nodsag: and what are your symptoms? your affects are slow?22:17
heheho0deca: hmm sounds strange... but you still can cd to it via console?22:17
decaheheho0: sure can!22:18
SlartGPL: no.. you misunderstand.. a magic number means that an executable starts in a special way.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_number_(programming)22:18
nodsagheheho0:it just said it was in low graphics mode and let me revert to the way it was before22:18
GPLoh, Slart.22:18
deanyGPL, install clamtk22:18
nodsagheheho0: some parsing error or something i think22:18
GPLSlart : dont take me as dumb, but i am not getting it, i am an advanced windows user, but this is something really different, can you give me some link, i can visit to get a basic understanding, and how to install.22:18
nodsagforgot what it said22:18
deanyGPL, or get newer version from getdeb.net22:18
sphax3dDoes anybody use alt+tab? Why do minimized windows go at the end of the alt+tab list? Is it a recent change in behavior?22:18
SlartGPL: you can use the command "file" to check what a certain file is22:19
=== tinivole is now known as ibuclaw
Tjololo_heheho0: Firmware is already in the /lib/firmware/ and the /lib/firmware/2.6.24-24-generic folder22:19
heheho0nodsag: this EXA and UXA modes are pain in ass :) you should carefully google for them, search from which versions of *kernel* and *intel-drivers* some modes are supported and some not22:19
SlartGPL: I don't really know of any good links to information about this.. windows does it too.. to some extent.. that's why renaming executable files to runme.exe.jpg fools some stuff22:20
nodsagok... but i know i had reasonable 3d and 2d opengl working on an older install22:20
codeshah!help nginx22:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about help nginx22:20
nemanja1i have problem from internet22:20
nemanja1zmc-vivo:subprocess post-instalation script returned error exit satus 12722:20
codeshah!info nginx22:20
Tjololo_heheho0: Nevermind, the one I downloaded is iwlwifi-5000-2, and I have -1, but when I try to move it it says access denied22:20
ubottunginx (source: nginx): small, but very powerful and efficient web server. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.35-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 235 kB, installed size 604 kB22:20
nemanja1i hve modem zte mf62622:20
guntbert!askthebot | codeshah22:21
ubottucodeshah: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".22:21
codeshahok thanks22:21
SlartGPL: if you ask me.. clam is mostly designed to look for windows viruses in windows files.. for example on a file server running samba.. sharing files for windows users22:21
James-Chiya.  Doing Dapper LTS -> Hardy LTS upgrade and it finished with lots of "dependency problems -- leaving unconfigured" including hal, kernel, and loads of other packages.  How do I find which package is at root of dependency problems?22:21
heheho0Tjololo_: I dont own this card myselfe (also intel, but other version), but some guy at last page says:22:21
heheho0Tjololo_: ntrepid only has problems because of the 2.6.27 kernel. It doesn't involve the wifi chip at all. I think the bug you are referring to is this one. http://blogs.computerworld.com/when_...e_ethernet_bug. Read about it.22:21
heheho0On another note, I have heard of some people having success with the new kernel and the 5100 agn, however I am not one of them. I just patched the kernel from Hardy to 2.6.27 and I'm still having no luck with my wifi. The driver is working and networks are detected, but it won't connect to any of them. Secured or unsecured.22:21
eimann_anyone here who knows why dvb/webcam modules are missing in 2.6.31-rc5 mainline kernels from ppa repository?22:22
nemanja1for me ???22:22
GPLClam and Slart : i am understanding it a bit. :) thanks. like ./configure ./make and ./make install and that how Linux doesnt uses a lot of extensions to identify file types however it does recognises generic file types.22:22
richardcavellIn the Notification area at the top right of GNOME, it says "No Inidcators" for me right now.  Is this the correct behaviou?22:23
nemanja1zmc-vivo:subprocess post-instalation script returned error exit satus 127   modem is MF626 and aplication is ZMC-vivo22:23
Tjololo_anyone know the terminal command to copy/move?22:24
th0rTjololo_: cp and mv22:25
minimecTjololo_: cp for copy; mvfor move22:25
erUSUL!cli | Tjololo_22:25
ubottuTjololo_: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal22:25
sphax3dPlease... does anybody use alt+tab? Why do minimized windows go at the end of the alt+tab list? Is it a recent change in behavior?22:27
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!22:27
MansoorShey, guys, I need some help with something22:27
James-Cno suggestions for determining source of dependency problems?22:27
erUSUL!ask | MansoorS22:28
ubottuMansoorS: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:28
buckyJames-C: did you try sudo apt-get -f install ?22:28
fingahi, i have ubuntu jaunty and my alsa driver is broken, is there a way to reinstall it easy?22:28
bankixfinga: apt-get install --reinstall alsa22:29
bucky!ask | MansoorS22:29
ubottuMansoorS: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:29
fingathx bankix i will try it22:29
James-Cbucky: yup, says to do dpkg --configure -a which then just gives a list of the first so many dependency problems.22:29
Slartsphax3d: hmm.. haven't noticed that before.. it isn't a compiz setting?22:29
Chowzzfheheho0: Here's the ls of my SVN directory "myproject"22:29
bankixfinga: Look with "dpkg -l alsa*" first which of the packages are installed, then reinstall them.22:30
Chowzzfdrwxr-sr-x 2 root subversion 4096 2009-08-06 14:28 conf22:30
Chowzzfdrwxr-sr-x 2 root subversion 4096 2009-08-06 14:28 dav22:30
Chowzzfdrwxr-sr-x 5 root subversion 4096 2009-08-06 14:28 db22:30
Chowzzf-r--r--r-- 1 root subversion    2 2009-08-06 14:28 format22:30
FloodBot1Chowzzf: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:30
Chowzzfdrwxr-sr-x 2 root subversion 4096 2009-08-06 14:28 hooks22:30
buckyJames-C: you may have to check your souces.list / repos to make sure the URL's are still valid22:30
jrlaughlinAll, I'm trying to configure virtual hosts in Apache on Jaunty Jackalope and it's not working.  Is anyone up for a little troubleshooting?22:30
buckyJames-C: and apt-get update as usual22:30
MansoorSbasically, I mounted the 'iso' file for the Ubuntu LiveCD installation, and installed it to a partition on my external hard drive. my main hard drive is windows, and I usually use that, but I installed Ubuntu and I played around with it for a while. Whenever my computer starts up, I can choose between Ubuntu and Windows... but now I'm done with Ubuntu. I tried uninstalling it from windows because that's where I installed it from, but22:30
sphax3dSlart: I use Xubuntu and Ubuntu 9.04 and the both have this behavior.22:31
maxiehow do i install java on jaunty so i can get software like cabos(that is a p2p file software)i have heard it can be a hard work 2 do, so anyone that may tell me how???22:31
bazhangMansoorS, wubi?22:31
erUSUL!java | maxie22:31
ubottumaxie: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository22:31
MansoorSI don't think it's wubi, not sure, I just downloaded the Ubuntu Live CD iso file, and from there I chose to install it onto a partition on my external harddrive22:31
dragonhow can i prevent users from suspending or shutting down a box?22:31
erUSULmaxie: it is just one command «sudo aptitude install sun-java6-jre» i would not call that too complex22:32
James-Cbucky: has all standard hardy repos.  at the end it says dpkg was interrupted, manually run dpkg --configure -a which again justs lists first several dependency problems.22:32
sphax3dSlart: i don't use compiz at all, so it's a default behavior I think. no ?22:32
buckyMansoorS: so you want to have windows handle the booting menu instead of grub now22:32
James-Cbucky: (i.e. when I do apt-get update then dpkg)22:32
buckyJames-C: are the URL's valid in your repos?22:33
buckyJames-C: can you ping them?22:33
MansoorSbucky: I just want to get rid of ubuntu and keep windows, so I don't have that menu show up every time i start up my computer where I have to choose between windows and ubuntu22:33
Slartsphax3d: hmm.. compiz only allows you to configure if you want to minimized windows to show up or not.. it doesn't mention the order.. well.. I guess someone decided that this way was better22:33
buckyMansoorS: you want widows to reinstall it's mbr22:33
James-Cbucky: yes, no network problems, they are just things like ftp://archive.ubuntu.com/22:34
MansoorSbucky: how would I reinstall the mbr through windows?22:35
=== smxy1 is now known as smxy
erUSULMansoorS: boot into the recovery console with a windows installcd and run «fixmbr»22:36
sphax3dSlart: ok thank you. I just feel it's bad that the behavior changed without adding a setting to come back22:36
dragonis there a way of removing Shutdown, Suspend etc. from the Gnome interface for certain users?22:36
buckyJames-C: check this and see if you got all this so far https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades#Upgrade from 6.06 LTS to 8.04 LTS22:37
GPLwhat is the shortcut to "Show Desktop" | In windows : It's 'Windows Key + D' , but In Ubuntu ?22:37
atihey can someone help me set up hydra22:38
smxyI finally got my firewall/router working. It wasn't the iptables rules at all. My ISP gave my commercial router an address on one net, where everything worked and my linux router an address n a different net, where lots of stuff didn;t work. So I spoofed the commercial router's MAC address to get back on the 'good' net. Now all is well.22:38
MansoorSerUSUL: ubuntu is installed on an external hard drive... would running 'fixmbr' fix the mbr for the partition on the hard drive?22:38
sphax3dGPL: ctrl+alt+d with Xfce :-°22:38
moymoyGPL: i wasn't aware there was a keyboard shortcut for that.. but you can look inside system -> preferences -> keyboard shortcuts22:38
decaI have free space on /dev/sda4. My Ubuntu installation is on /dev/sda3(extended), /dev/sda5(/), and /dev/sda6(swap). If I wanted to "merge" the space on /dev/sda4 with /dev/sda5, would the command: "mount --rbind / /dev/sda4" do the trick?22:38
James-Cbucky: yup  that is what I did, it did the upgrade but kept saying it couldn't configure *packagename* because of dependency problems, where packagename was anything from hal to the linux kernel, to cups, to module-tools, etc.22:38
felix_please, can anyone enter www.hacktivista.tk ?22:39
GPLsphax3d:  Nice ;)22:39
erUSULMansoorS: ask details in windows... i dunno how the windows installcd determines on what disk to apply the fix. probably in the one that has windows installed22:39
guntbertfelix_: not here please22:39
sphax3dGPL: yes nice :)22:39
=== Julian-de is now known as Julian-off
icarushow do i make it so that i have multable desktop wallpapers in compilz fuzion22:39
felix_guntbert, just to chek if XAMPP works22:39
fingai've reinstalled alsa, alsa-base and alsa-utils, i've reloaded alsa, before a hangup while restart, the sound crackles now very strong what can i do?22:39
felix_with that redirect too22:39
ati-problem installing hydra22:40
=== Floops[w] is now known as Fringe
atii get a error when i make install22:40
guntbertfelix_: there are free proxies on the internet for such tests22:40
=== Fringe is now known as Floops[w]
buckyJames-C: so you added dapper-updates to the end of deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hardy main restricted22:41
MansoorSerUSUL: sorry to ask so much, but I dont understand what fixing the mbr would do... is that the reason that Ubuntu won't uninstall? if I fix the mbr and go on windows, find the file 'uninstall ubuntu' on the harddrive where it is installed, and run it... will it actually work? if that's the case, then you're telling me that the uninstall file isn't working simply because the partition's mbr needs to be fixed. if you can confirm this,22:41
guntbertfelix_: for instance http://www.hidemyass.com/22:41
nemanja1zmc-vivo:subprocess post-instalation script returned error exit satus 127   modem is MF626 and aplication is ZMC-vivo22:42
nemanja1any answer22:42
=== Julian-off is now known as Julian-de
erUSULMansoorS: you used wubi ?22:42
buckyMansoorS: you had ubuntu install on a removable drive right?22:42
MansoorSbucky: yes, removable drive22:42
buckyerUSUL: removable drive ^^22:42
felix_thanks a lot guntbert22:42
dragonMansoorS: did you install Ubuntu through Wubi?22:42
guntbertfelix_: have fun :-)22:43
Newfoundlanderanyone good with solving dns-related problems?22:43
James-Cbucky: erm, I *thought* that was selected in software sources before I clicked the button to upgrade, yes.  But if not, is there a way to recover?22:43
fingathx bankix i will try it22:43
guntbert!ask | Newfoundlander22:43
ubottuNewfoundlander: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:43
MansoorSALL: I downloaded the desktop edition, version 8 something... from here http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download.... so I do not think that's wubi22:43
erUSULMansoorS: then to unistall ubuntu ou have to 1) fix the mbr as explained before. 2) reformat the partitions used by ubuntu as somthing that windows can use22:43
fingai've reinstalled alsa, alsa-base and alsa-utils, i've reloaded alsa, before a hangup while restart, the sound crackles now very strong what can i do?22:43
dragonMansoorS: how did you install it?22:44
Exilanthi, i'm using 9.04 with kde4.3 from the ppas, since today, network-manager-plasmoid got rather weird, and knetworkmanager returned. is it here to stay?22:44
meditatingfrogdoes anybody know if there are any applications in Ubuntu written in python?22:44
maxiesorry people my head is really slow today due 2 lack of sleep, so i don't understand that site the chat bot here pointed me 2 a shit,sooo could anyone just trow me the terminal codes i need to install ubuntu so i can just copy-past and install -_-22:44
buckyNewfoundlander: i'm real good at it.. i just uncomment prepend domain-name-servers; in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf and add my own nameserver instead of the crap one my isp has22:44
maxieoh i mean java22:44
maxiethe codes i need 2 java22:45
guntbert!ohmy | maxie (tired or not)22:45
ubottumaxie (tired or not): Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.22:45
Bradj47how do I open sun download manager with ubuntu, is there a command? i tried sundownloadmanager22:45
MansoorSdragon: I explained how I installed Ubuntu above your post22:45
jrlaughlinAll, I'm trying to configure virtual hosts in Apache on Jaunty Jackalope and it's not working.  Is anyone up for a little troubleshooting?22:45
buckydragon: i gave him the link to fix it http://www.arsgeek.com/2008/01/15/how-to-fix-your-windows-mbr-with-an-ubuntu-livecd/22:45
MansoorSbucky: thanks, I'll try that22:46
dio_helo peole22:47
NewfoundlanderBucky: i already added opendns servers to dhclient.conf but luck in connecting22:47
TheSimkinhey guys22:47
Bradj47how do I open sun download manager with ubuntu, is there a command? i tried sundownloadmanager22:47
dragonbucky: that should help. I still don't understand HOW he installed Ubuntu, that is, through an installer or directly by booting from the CD, but it doesn't matter :P22:47
TheSimkini usually use the cli for everything22:47
TheSimkinbut i am trying to get used to the gui22:47
dragonBradj47: what are you trying to install?22:48
TheSimkinwhat is the replacement for cfdisk ?22:48
Newfoundlander* no luck in connecting22:48
starwindhi, what would the path be if I wanted to shred a folder in home/documents/<folder in question>?22:48
dragon!enter | TheSimkin22:48
ubottuTheSimkin: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:48
buckyNewfoundlander: then this is an opendns question22:48
Bradj47dragon, trying to download solaris 10 for CD22:48
BodsdaTheSimkin, gparted?22:48
Bodsdastarwind, ~/documents/file22:49
aaroninfidelanyone know of a good video converting tool for ubuntu?22:49
Bodsdaaaroninfidel, ffmpeg?22:49
aaroninfidelBodsda: have a script for iPhone converting?22:50
buckyjrlaughlin: did you edit /etc/apache2/sites-available/default and comment out RedirectMatch ^/$ /apache2-default/  ?22:50
dragonBradj47: Sun Download manager is for windows IIRC, and it wouldn't be required to download from their website..22:50
TheSimkinBodsda: where would i find that in the menus?22:50
Bodsdaaaroninfidel, no idea, sorry. Try googling it22:50
BodsdaTheSimkin, No idea, I dont use gnome, but probably system>administration or something like that22:50
starwindBodsda, says failed to open for writing no such file or directory22:50
Bradj47dragon, Sun Download Manger came preinstalled with Ubuntu. if it isn't on your copy its under Add/Remove -> Java 6 Web Start or something like that22:51
ravingGreetings. I have a situation where bash claims that a file I'm trying to execute cannot be found, even though the file: a) Exists, and can even be resolved through tab completion, and b) is set to mode 755. I'm using bash 3.2.39, and was wondering if there was a fix for this.22:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hamachi22:51
Bodsdastarwind, ~/ is the path to your home directory, I dont know where your file is kept though22:51
NewfoundlanderBucky: an update keeps breaking my connection; i cannot ping by domain, only ip22:51
test_about hamachi?22:52
starwindis ~/ the exactly what I type in or is it suppose to be like "shred /home/starwind/documents/folder22:52
dragonBradj47: i doubt that, since Java 6 Web Start isn't a download manager. I'll check though22:52
Bodsdatest_, http://www.2nrds.com/using-hamachi-in-linux22:52
daroluI just installed a PCI-Paralell port card, does anyone know how to configure it? (using Jaunty)22:53
Bodsdastarwind, you need the full file path   ~/path/to/the/file22:53
buckyNewfoundlander: did you make a file called /usr/bin/dnsrenew like here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=87250022:53
test_Bodsda: I'd like a Ubuntu (Doc. or Wiki) link!22:53
Bradj47dragon, i thought i didn't have download manager installed but when solaris asked me if i wanted to open it with sdm i tried anyway and it opened. now i've accidentally closed it and now i'm trying to figure out the command to open it again.22:53
Bradj47dragon, perhaps Java 6 Web Start is a package that includes download manager?22:54
Bodsdatest_, google is a wonderful tool http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13503622:54
starwinddoes it matter if im trying to shred a whole folder plus documents inside it, or do I have to do each individualy22:54
TheSimkinBodsda: gparted will work. but isn't there anything that's installed by default?22:54
kerm|ti've installed every package with the word 'theme' in it, and i still have no more options under system/appearance22:54
James-Cbucky: http://paste.ubuntu.com/248891/22:54
Bodsdastarwind, you would need to check the man page for recursive deletion i think, probably a -r switch22:54
kerm|ti just want an ordinary white on black theme22:55
dragonBradj47: Java Web Start is a platform that allows your to run applications remotely. The download manager application is at Sun's website and there isn't a command line tool to invoke that. Best would be to navigate to the page that launched the download manager.22:55
starwindok, thanks22:55
BodsdaTheSimkin, I thought it was... but gparted is the only gui tool I am aware of22:55
wiretappedhow do I make a deb build for the "any" arch instead of the one i'm building on?22:55
* wiretapped is building a simple deb for internal use22:55
wiretappedIt says "Architecture: any" in the control file22:55
wiretappedbut when i build it it is amd6422:56
buckyJames-C: this is where all your problems start "dpkg-divert: rename involves overwriting `/sbin/update-modules' with  different file `/sbin/update-modules.modutils', not allowed"22:56
daroluAnyone knows how to install new Hardware on Jaunty?22:56
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buckyJames-C: what kind of a machine is this.. a production machine or your personal?22:57
Bodsdawiretapped, you may want to read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete22:57
maxiei have look on ubuntuforums about how to install java but the same line goes agian and again"you will need to add all the extra repositories for Ubuntu. (ie Multiverse, Universe...)" but i dunno how 2 install it since i don't find it where i look, someone that know the terminal-command 2 install it or something??22:57
minimecwiretapped: You probably have to do a static build, means you would have to add the libraries you want to use in the deb file and save them  in /usr/lib/<yoursoftware>22:57
James-Cbucky: a server I'm trying to repurpose to replace one that has been damaged.  So yes, will be production.22:57
dragon!medibuntu | maxie22:57
ubottumaxie: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org22:57
guntbert!java | maxie22:57
ubottumaxie: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository22:57
Bradj47dragon: http://bradj47.k-disk.net/Screenshot-Opening1249595731788-integrated.jnlp.png <-- then that opens sun download manager22:57
Bodsda!repositories | maxi22:58
ubottumaxi: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories22:58
buckyJames-C: so do you have any data on it that's not backed up?22:58
dragonmaxie: you'll be able to add Medibuntu repositories easily if you follow that link. Java installation is easy. Please let me know if you get stuck on a particular step.22:58
James-Cbucky:  there might be some... but I could do that tomorrow.  You suggestion a complete reinstall?22:58
fingai've reinstalled alsa, alsa-base and alsa-utils, i've reloaded alsa, before a hangup while restart, the sound crackles now very strong what can i do?22:58
maxieok dragon22:59
nspyrcan i get ubuntu onto a usb stick with less then 512k some how?22:59
dragon Bradj47: JNLP means "java application", so it makes sense.22:59
dragonnspyr: did you mean 512 MB?23:00
nspyrdragon: ya23:00
Newfoundlanderbucky: apt-get does not work23:00
wiretappedBodsda: thanks! turns out I needed arch "all", not "any"23:00
Bradj47dragon: ah ok. thanks.23:00
Bodsdawiretapped, your welcome, glad you got it sorted23:00
nspyri only have a 512mb usb stick23:00
buckyJames-C: long story short.. something went wrong in the upgrade.. usually there's a smooth upgrade path when done as suggested to the letter. I'd back up anything off the machine that you need and try an apt-get dist-upgrade first if that doen'st work then an apt-get upgrade --force-all and that could either fix it or render it useless23:00
twig11How long should it take to format a 500GB USB FAT hard drive to EXT3? I used gparted to create an ext3 filesystem and it's been sitting here for about an hour, hogging cpu like crazy. Is that normal?23:00
Bodsdanspyr, 512 meg should be enough for a minimal install i think23:01
James-Cbucky: and if rendered useless, then complete wipe and reinstall.23:01
dragonnspyr: check xubuntu23:01
dragon!xubuntu | nspyr23:01
ubottunspyr: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels23:01
buckyJames-C: sure.. but i think you can save the install that you have now23:02
decaI read the man on mount, but can't decipher what --rbind actually does. May someone w/ a decent understanding please tell me, thanks.23:02
James-Cbucky: thanks for the suggestions.  I'll try the force, already tried dist-upgrade23:02
twig11Is it normal for it to take an hour to format a 500GB USB FAT formatted HD to ext3?23:03
buckytwig11: yes23:03
Bradj47twig11: for me it took longer23:03
twig11bucky: and hog resources like crazy the whole time?23:03
buckyusb is slow23:03
dragonI am looking for a command-line method of setting Authorizations listed under "System > Administration > Authorizations". Ideas?23:04
Bradj47and it was only 25023:04
nspyreverything is bigger thenm 512mb it seems23:04
Bodsdadragon, not sure what that gui does, but     chmod    can be used to set permissions on files/folders23:04
Bodsdanspyr, dont limit yourself to ubuntu, try puppy linux or DSL23:04
buckyjrlaughlin: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/httpd.html23:04
twig11bucky: would it have made a big difference if I had deleted the data on the drive first?23:05
James-Cbucky: you sure you mean --force-all ? doesn't seem to exist in apt 0.7.9ubuntu17.223:05
buckytwig11 nope23:05
Bodsdatwig11, not really, the files are still there, just marked for overwriting23:05
sambagirlcan ubuntu run on this? http://cgi.ebay.com/ASRock-Netop-ION-330-Dual-Core-Atom-1-6GHz-2GB-320GB_W0QQitemZ190326907488QQcmdZViewItemQQptZDesktop_PCs?hash=item2c505e2260&_trksid=p3286.c0.m1423:05
dragonBodsda: It's not a good idea to redirect new Ubuntu users to Puppy Linux etc.23:06
twig11bucky:  you say it took longer for you; longer as in 2 hours or longer as in 10?23:06
Bodsdadragon, why not23:06
twig11Bodsda: That's what I thought, but I'm new to linux23:06
hazzySometimes, when I play a song from a certain band, the output gets louder (at times variable per song) multiple times during playback. I ran mp3gain on these songs, is there something that mp3gain could have done to these mp3s?23:06
minimecsambagirl: I see a problem with the GPU. nVidia ION graphics is a rather new one ;)23:06
Bodsdatwig11, no worries dude. Formatting can take a while, and even by todays capacity, 500GB is still big23:07
sambagirlwell minimec i plan on using it as an email server exclusively.23:07
sambagirli could probalby disable the video from bios and put in another graphic card yes?23:07
Bodsdasambagirl, the OS install should be fine, and if your using as a server you should have fairly few issues, as long as you can get it netowrked23:08
buckyJames-C: apt-get -f install --force-yes23:08
twig11Bodsda: okay I'll go on waiting. Any idea what kind of "awhile" I should expect?23:08
dragonBodsda: Ubuntu provides several features that other distributions don't.23:08
dragonBodsda: do you realize that?23:09
Bodsdatwig11, After 2 hours, start getting worried :)23:09
minimecsambagirl: You can always use the vesa driver with it. I just wanted to point out, that the GPU may not be well supported yet.23:09
Bodsdadragon, no, ubuntu offers nothing else, just pre packaged software. I see no benefit in shielding new users form other linux distrobutions23:09
James-Cbucky: still says: dpkg-divert: rename involves overwriting `/sbin/update-modules' with file `/sbin/update-modules.modutils', not allowed ... then rest of dependency errors23:09
twig11Bodsda: Thanks!23:10
Bodsdatwig11, your welcome23:10
Acidohey I had an ubuntu box setup in a cooporate enviroment behind a squid proxy. now i have taken it home and i can't disable the proxy configuration it still tries to connect o via the proxy when doing apt-get even though i've disable all references to the proxy settings.23:10
dragonBodsda: Ubuntu provides the newbies with pre-packaged software and a friendly user interface, so it's better to not tell them to mess with other distros until they're comfortable with Linux. No one is shielding them.23:11
Acidoetc/bash.bashrc file23:11
James-Cbucky: aha!  mv /sbin/update-modules somewhere ... then do dpkg --configure -a  .... seems to be sorting itself.!!23:12
guntbertAcido: thats theft prevention - just kidding - couldn't resist :-)23:12
buckyJames-C: if you do a google search for dpkg-divert: rename involves overwriting `/sbin/update-modules' with  different file `/sbin/update-modules.modutils', not allowed  you'll find a ton of responses on this23:12
Bodsdadragon, If by friendly you mean obtrusive and unintuitive then yeah.23:12
Acidoits my box! lol23:12
buckyJames-C: good job!23:12
lbray785can anyone help me remove the python files that i have downloaded23:12
bazhangBodsda, please try to recommend Ubuntu solutions here23:12
buckyJames-C: i was going to suggest rm `/sbin/update-modules'23:12
AcidoHelp!! i need to update this ubuntu box on an adsl connection but it still refers to the proxy server!!! how toget rid of!23:13
mazda01anyone help with me with a ntfs smb share problem. i can't get write access to the share? here's my forum post. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7742764#post774276423:13
James-Cbucky: well mv is a bit safer ;-) I can put it back if need be.23:13
Bodsdabazhang, When someone asks how to get a Linux install on a half gig USB stick and I tell them to try a minimal install or Puppy/DSL whats wrong with that?23:13
Acidosomeone help me!!!23:13
Bodsda!helpme | Acido23:13
ubottuAcido: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience23:14
bazhangBodsda, minimal is fine; puppy recommend is better suited for #ubuntu-offtopic or ##linux23:14
guntbertAcido: in synaptic: settings/preferences/network23:14
Bodsdabazhang, so now #ubuntu is discouraging the use of other distributions. Interesting23:14
signpostanybody around with LDAP experience on 9.04?23:15
signpostI'm having a hell of a time getting it going all the way23:15
FrostPythonWhich version of Ubuntu should I install on a laptop?23:15
guntbertAcido: its got nothing to do with the settings in bashrc (I suppose)23:15
guntbert!ot | Bodsda23:15
ubottuBodsda: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:15
nemanja1E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)23:16
Bodsdaguntbert, please dont factoid me if you havent been keeping track of my conversation. I have been responding not initiating this topic of conversation23:16
bazhangnemanja1, using sudo?23:16
nemanja1E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?23:16
* signpost whimpers about LDAP to himself23:16
lbray785Can anyone help, i have multiple versions of python installed and i would like to get rid of them to clear up some space23:16
moymoynemanja1: you have to use sudo.. if you already are, that means another package manager/installer is open at the time23:16
scott_anyone here who can help me with my wireless? I almost have it23:16
=== scott_ is now known as Tjololo_
Acidoguntbert: in the network settings its set to direct connection to internet23:17
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nemanja1zcm-vivo making problem on my ubuntu23:18
Newfoundlanderon-going connection problem if anyone can help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7743550#post774355023:18
nemanja1how to delete or ??23:18
guntbertBodsda: cool down please, I didn't mean to offend23:18
RHNHello, Im running vbox on windows xp with ubuntu guest. I installed guest additions but after an update of ubuntu i cant get full screen anymore. Can anyone help ?23:18
sambagirlwill ubuntu run on this???? http://cgi.ebay.com/NEW-Asus-EeeTop-PC-ET1602-15-6-16-9-Wide-Touch-Screen_W0QQitemZ190322260109QQcmdZViewItemQQptZDesktop_PCs?hash=item2c5017388d&_trksid=p4634.c0.m14.l126223:18
dragon!gnutella | maxie23:18
ubottumaxie: Gnutella clients: GTK-Gnutella (GTK, stand-alone), gifTui, giFToxic (GTK, based on giFT), Apollon (KDE, based on giFT), mldonkey-gui (GTK, based on MLDonkey), KMLDonkey (KDE, based on MLDonkey), !Limewire, !Frostwire (Java, not in the !repositories) - See also !P2P23:18
dragon!gnutella > maxie23:19
ubottumaxie, please see my private message23:19
bazhang!br | junior_23:19
ubottujunior_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.23:19
Bodsdaguntbert, sorry, just getting a bit frustrated. Apologies.23:19
sambagirlthanks bodsda23:19
Tjololo_still need help with my wireless connection, any takers?23:19
Bodsdasambagirl, your welcome, but what for?23:19
hwildehow do I put mp3s on my iphone without breaking it?23:19
guntbertAcido: in synaptic? what happens when you reload package information?23:19
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buckyNewfoundlander: did you restart opendns and dhclient eth023:20
lbray785need help removing multiple versions of python can anyone help23:20
guntbertBodsda: don't worry :-) I *do* see that you are trying to help :-)23:20
Newfoundlanderbucky: i restarted but cannot install scite, still no internet access23:20
FrostPythonWhich version of Ubuntu should I install on a laptop?23:20
icerootFrostPython: 9.0423:21
Acidoguntbert: all the packages come up then when i try and install it still referes to this bloody proxy! have no idea where its referecing it from23:21
FrostPythonDesktop or Netbook?23:21
buckyNewfoundlander: you don't need scite.. what kind of editor do you normally use?23:21
mazda01anyone help with me with a ntfs smb share problem. i can't get write access to the share? here's my forum post. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7742764#post774276423:21
guntbertFrostPython: try with a live CD first, to see if things run smoothly23:21
lbray785frostpython i used desktop on my laptop23:21
Bodsdaguntbert, cheers :)23:21
Newfoundlanderbucky: gedit works for me23:21
icerootFrostPython: 9.04 desktp edition, if you are using an eeepc you can use a eeepc kernel but 9.04 is fine23:21
buckyNewfoundlander: when you make changes in config files in linux you have to restart the daemon to have the changes take effect23:22
buckydid you do that23:22
guntbertAcido: does that happen with apt-get *and* with synaptic *and* with aptitude?23:23
fingacan you help me with an alsa sound / driver problem?23:23
codeshahhey guys why are there so many apache instances urnning ?23:23
codeshahI have a bunch of /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start23:23
lbray785Can anyone help me remove multiple versions of python and reinstall the latest version to my applications23:23
buckycodeshah: that the way it's supposed to be23:24
dragonanyone aware of a command-line method to set authorizations listed under "System > Administration > Authorizations"?23:24
icerootcodeshah: its normal, every apache-handler is running as a process23:25
guntbertcodeshah: it has usually ~5 processes running "just in case", but that is configurable23:25
loshercodeshah: I think it's normal. A few instances sit around waiting so that if there's a burst of requests, the response will be fast. I expect the number is configurable...23:25
icerootcodeshah: look here, my apache has 60 processes http://alpha-unix.de/status23:26
wahbenhi all... here's a challenging question: What is the name of the font used in the basic linux terminal (non-x)?23:26
KidneyBeanstalkIs ubuntu always going to be based on debian, or become a true dist ?23:26
buckyiceroot: my apache is bigger than your apache23:26
icerootwahben: you can look up in the profile23:26
icerootbucky: gratz23:26
buckylol@ bucky23:27
geophysicshi, using gimp, how can I create a png picture that is 800x600 and also 256 colours  ??23:27
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wahbeniceroot, It doesn't show the font name23:27
buckylbray785: what does python --version say?23:27
icerootgeophysics: file-new  set size and color and when saving, choose png23:27
Guest77335I have the new amarok player installed but cant hear anything.. I like to listen to internet radio... I DO have sound on my system23:27
dragonKidneyBeanstalk: what ubuntu is "based on" cannot be changed by definition, but what makes you think ubuntu isn't a true distro?23:27
Redeuxxhi, i have rake installed using apt. it is also installed via gems. how do I delete the package with apt without removing any other packages that I need?23:27
unopKidneyBeanstalk, there is a periodic merge between ubuntu and debian - they complement each other23:28
wahbeniceroot, I am basically looking for the font used by default, in a basic non-x linux system.23:28
Tjololo_anyone here who can help me out with my wireless card? (5100agn on the heron)? I've manually configured it and it shows at least that I have good signal strength, but it won't connect.23:28
Tjololo_*intel 510023:28
icerootwahben: my is telling me, monospace with 12pt23:28
lbray785bucky: python 2.6.223:28
losherKidneyBeanstalk: dunno. It saves a vast amount of work to be able to base your distro off something. Doesn't mean it isn't a 'true' distro...23:28
MindVirus1Xorg is eating my CPU.23:28
SpaceKim1hihello, I have a python script I want to run that uses a network connection, however I need it to go to eth0:1 instead of eth0 so it runs on a different IP address, anyone know if there's a way to do this? I can't just change default routes or anything because I have other scripts going to the same place that need to go over eth023:28
buckylbray785: that's not the one you want?23:28
dragon!xorg | MindVirus123:28
ubottuMindVirus1: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution23:28
MindVirus1dragon: ...23:28
wahbeniceroot, that is correct, but under X, not under a terminal, non-framebuffer23:28
MindVirus1My CPU usage is constantly 100% on one of my cores.23:29
icerootwahben: ah, you mean ctrl + alt + f1. sorry dont know23:29
MindVirus1Because of the Xorg process.23:29
ravingI have run into an issue where I can't execute files because the "file is not found", but I can stat and even objdump these files with no problem. I have tried using bash 3.2.29 and ksh 4.3.6, both with the same effect. I was wondering if anybody has experienced this and has a solution.23:29
lbray785bucky: yes but i would like to move it to my applications bar and run it from there i don't know how to relocate it23:29
GPLany Tweaks or additional software to change the lower panel, of Ubuntu, i want something like, Thumbnails but not the text , which is easier , and does not take a lot of space, like in Windows 7 and MAC23:29
dragonMindVirus1: is compiz enabled?23:29
wahbeniceroot, alright.. well thanks anyways23:29
MindVirus1dragon: disabling it changes nothing.23:29
buckylbray785: type python in a term23:29
ravingAlso, the machine I'm using is running Intrepid (x86_64)23:29
lbray785bucky: sorry what? im kind of new to linux23:30
buckylbray785: you mean an interactive shell like that?23:30
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Guest77335I have the new amarok I think 2.0 installed today and I cant hear the radio???  I do have sound on the system.. Any help??23:30
dragonMindVirus1: start with Xorg.0.log23:31
GPLis that even possible, in Ubuntu ? i wish and Hope, yes. :)23:31
Tjololo_GPL: Get it working?23:31
barracudahi how t change the date one day bck in ubuntu23:31
kbpI have Ubuntu Server with many domains point to it. Is there a way to redirect each domain to its appropriate directory on the server?23:31
lbray785bucky: i would like to be able to access python from my applications on my panel just under accessories just like accessing the terminal23:31
MindVirus1dragon: I see nothing wrong.23:31
GPLTjololo_: Yes, Ubuntu is working properly, xcept that i want to change the lower panel23:32
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buckylbray785: Applications=>Accessories=>Terminal  type python  <enter>23:32
Tjololo_GPL: Congrats! I'm still fighting with my wireless card, but I think I've exhausted everyone here23:32
ed0n0nI have updated from 8.04 to 8.10 and then to 9.04. I have a problem with a package called 'global' when running: dpkg --configure -a. as recommended on a screen23:32
Newfoundlanderbucky: thanks for showing me the opendns thread, will wait about 10 min and see if it works23:32
buckylbray785: either that or sudo apt-get install ipython23:32
ed0n0nhow could I fix that and finish updating23:32
kingmanoris there a console command for ubuntu server to say what cpu ?23:32
buckyNewfoundlander: you might find a better one if you google23:32
minimecGPL: Delete the panel and use this http://wiki.awn-project.org/index.php?title=FAQ or gnome-do23:33
GPLTjololo_:  Hehe. I wish, someone ll surely help you, if it was about Windows, i could help you but i am a newbie in Linux.23:33
losherbarracuda: use the date command under sudo. Are you sure you want to do this? It can mess up some applications...23:33
dragonMindVirus1: there was an Xorg.conf setting called greedy heuristics something. That might help.23:33
Guest77335I have the new amarok I think 2.0 installed today and I cant hear the radio???  I do have sound on the system.. Any help??23:33
_stijn_hello, when I do 'lspci' my soundcard is printed on the screen23:33
_stijn_but I can't see it in my sound preferences :s23:33
Tjololo_GPL: Me too. I used to have vista, but I effed up my partitions and had to format into linux...I almost cried23:33
Tjololo_Anyone here who can help me figure out why my wireless card won't connect to my network?23:34
GPLTjololo_: i was excited to switch to Linux, this seems better.23:34
dragon!wifi | Tjololo_23:34
ubottuTjololo_: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:34
buckybarracuda set the date right in your bios23:34
dragonTjololo_: did you check that guide?23:34
Tjololo_GPL: I agree, I was only sad cuz I had to format everything.23:34
lbray785bucky: trying to use apt-get install ipython hang on23:34
GPLTjololo_: i 'd backup everything although i just had 10 GB space to backup into23:34
buckybarracuda dpkg-reconfigure tzdata23:35
dragonanyone aware of a command-line method to set authorizations listed under "System > Administration > Authorizations"?23:35
Tjololo_GPL: I tried, but my usb hubs weren't working so I couldn't put it on the external, and I only had 2gb to work with where I needed at least 2023:35
Tjololo_dragon: I did, but lemme double check, I've done a lot since I last was there23:35
Zabaddahow can i check which wifi drivers are in the ubuntu repos?23:36
minimecTjololo_: Open gnome-terminal and wype iwconfig in it. That will tell us, if your card/stick is recognized...23:36
Guest77335NO error messages???    I have the new amarok I think 2.0 installed today and I cant hear the radio???  I do have sound on the system.. Any help??23:36
Guest77335volume sliders are up23:37
lbray785bucky: i still am inable to access python through applications its not locating it there23:37
BodsdaZabadda, wireless driver support is done in the kernel generally, not by individual packages23:37
Zabaddai just have a dell e6400 at work and the wirfi is not picking up23:38
Zabaddai thought that maybe the card is not supported yet23:39
Tjololo_minimec: it's showing up as wlan0, lots of info, want me to paste it here?23:39
dio_problem whit firfox multi tab not working not closing.any ideas23:39
GPL i 've a microsoft lifecam, is that recognized in ubuntu ? how to check that23:39
dragonGPL: is that a webcam?23:40
philcamlinhi whats the command to veryfy my username?23:40
GPLdragon : yes.23:40
jpdsphilcamlin: whoami ?23:40
MrSteinHi! Are the changes to brasero_2.27.5-0ubuntu2_i386.deb available anywhere ? On http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/brasero I can't find it.23:40
hyperion__GPL, try installing cheese, you might get a all red picture like I did23:40
dragonGPL: try `cheese`23:40
BodsdaZabadda, this might be worth seeing http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=6647376&postcount=423:40
philcamlinwhat :P23:40
minimecTjololo_: Well I guess We don't need that info. It looks like your device is recognized by the system... What kind of encryption do you use?23:40
GPLhyperion__ + dragon : thanks, that be from Add/Remove Applications ?23:41
hyperion__GPL, i heard theres a logitech thats the choice of linux23:41
philcamlinyeah its liek /nicksrv something along those lines23:41
philcamlinveryfy <password>23:41
Tjololo_WEP PSK+TKIP....but I just found this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Intel%20WiFi%20Link%205100 that says I need the newer version of ubuntu23:41
MrSteineh, I'm blind.... It is right there on page. Sorry for noise.23:41
GPLhyperion__ : i 'had logitech headphone, that's in the trash , right now ;)23:41
hyperion__GPL, sudo apt-get install cheese23:41
Tjololo_minimec: I guess I'll switch to that one and see how it goes, thanks23:41
GPLhyperion__ : k23:41
openselcscan anyone tell me, can you play videos directly from the another computer on samba23:41
minimecTjololo_: So if you found the solution ok. Be aware, that there are different type of WEP conections available!!!23:42
Tjololo_minimec: I know, but I set this one up myself, so I should be ok...I'll be back on after I update if it didn't work, thanks everyone23:42
dragonopenselcs: yes you can.23:42
minimecTjololo_: Maybe you chose the wrong connection type. There should be ascii and HEX.23:42
dareopenselcs, all files can be viewed as if they were on your local hard drive23:43
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openselcsdare, is this something new with samba?23:43
dareno, it is the purpose of samba23:43
th0rdare: openselcs not necessarily true....network issues may introduce so much delay that the video won't play...or won't play properly23:43
xim_can ubuntu instal rpms or .bundle? im trying to install vmware player, and there is no .tar file...23:44
openselcsdare, because i couldn't view video thumbnails before23:44
jordanlit seems like my HDD is being accessed every second or so... I hear HDD seek noises every second. is there a way to find out what processes are frequently causing the HDD I/O?23:44
dareopenselcs, did you mount it to /media or access it using smb:// ?23:44
Acidoxim use alien command to conver to .deb23:44
icerootxim_: there should be a deb23:45
Redeuxxjordanl: iotop23:45
openselcsdare, no i accessed using the network icon under places23:45
icerootxim_: and yes, alien can install rpm but this is very very bad, because it can break your system, so use the deb from there website23:45
=== younes is now known as sohaib
dareopenselcs, i just checked and i do see video thumbnails23:46
xim_iceroot, http://www.vmware.com/download/player/download.html there are no debs at all, and tars only from many versions ago23:46
openselcsdare, accessing it using network under places?23:46
daremounting it with cifs in fstab23:47
darewhich is fairly easy to do23:47
icerootxim_: why not using virtualbx?23:47
dio_firefox tabs problem any ideas23:47
iceroot!details | dio_23:48
ubottudio_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:48
jordanlRedeuxx: thanks23:48
jordanlit looks like it's syslog23:48
Redeuxxjordanl: np23:48
jordanldunno why it's doing so much work23:48
philcamlinhey how do i verify my username ??23:48
icerootphilcamlin: you mean in freenode?23:49
buckyphilcamlin: in irc ??23:49
xim_iceroot, because i like vmware i just cant figure out how i got it installed before23:49
Brainhi, how do I start GNOME AFTER I install it?23:49
=== Gary is now known as evilGary
icerootxim_: sudo sh vmwareplayer.bundle23:49
buckyphilcamlin:  /msg NickServ HELP23:49
icerootxim_: should install it23:49
bonez46just outta curiosity.. anyone here a FORMER efax/j2global fax customer.. who has now found a fax solution that is better and less expensive?23:49
hyperion__Brain, change /etc/inittab23:49
BrainHyperion, how do I change it?23:50
icerootBrain: you have kde using before?23:50
minimecphilcamlin: If you registred you nick, do /nick <yournick>, then /msg Nickserv identify <yourpassword>23:50
xim_iceroot, ah thx23:50
hyperion__vi /etc/inittab23:50
BrainI don't have kda i believe23:50
icerootBrain: or another gui?23:50
xim_also how do i turn on multiverse?23:50
hyperion__or just nano /etc/inittab23:50
dio_firefox 3.5 I want to go to diferent page and opens a small tab and won`t come big window,i run Ubuntu 8.04LTC23:50
BrainNo gui23:50
openselcscan anyone tell me, whats the easiest way to setup samba? i installed the service and forwared the ports but still no go. what is the problem?23:50
buckyBrain: login and type startx23:50
iceroot!multiverse | xim_23:50
ubottuxim_: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories23:50
Brainstartx doesn't work23:50
b3rz3rk3rphilcamlin, dont do it in this window either. for security23:50
iceroot!samba | openselcs23:51
ubottuopenselcs: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.23:51
philcamlinok tjete23:51
BrainIt says X: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting.23:51
hyperion__Brain, if startx doesnt work you dont have xorg installed23:51
icerootBrain: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start23:51
=== niko is now known as evilNiko
=== evilGary is now known as Gary
Brainwhy does it say after I do sudo, david is not in the sudoers file? when it is23:52
icerootBrain: type groups23:52
brorjonasIs it possible to access other devices in a network with nautilus, as \\NAME in windows?23:52
icerootBrain: is there the adm grup listed?23:52
Braini get "david admin"23:52
hyperion__Brain, if you are installing ubuntu-desktop i think you broke something its simple as heck23:53
hwildebrorjonas, Places ->  Connect to Server23:53
Brainiceroot, i get "david admin"23:53
hyperion__i got bacon on my laptop23:53
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mdghyperion__: bacon??23:54
Brainwhy does it say david is not in sudoers file? When I type groups it shows "david admin".23:54
b3rz3rk3rcooking it over your cpu?23:54
hyperion__mdg, it slipped off my plate23:54
Brainany help here?23:54
pulgai am trying to upgrade from ubuntu 8,04 to 8,1023:56
Brainwhy does it say david is not in sudoers file? When I type groups it shows "david admin".23:56
mdgBrain: I checked my groups and I get "adm" not "admin"23:56
hyperion__Brain, sounds like something is broken, I can understand X not working because of new\unsupported hardware but you should be able to sudo23:56
pulgabut do-release-upgrade23:56
pulgais not working23:56
Brainso how do i fix the sudoers file problem?23:56
signpostdude, you guys seriously confused LDAP set-up by having two ldap.conf files with different purposes23:57
mdgBrain: maybe you should add yourself to the "adm" group as well23:57
hyperion__Brain, the point of ubuntu is to just work (i think) if you were gonna mess around with groups and stuff when X doesnt start id be running gentoo23:57
Braini get "david admin" when I type groups23:57
pulgadoes anybody known how to upgrade ubuntu 8,04 to 8,10??23:58
pulgausing terminal?23:58
mdgpulga: sudo apt-get upgrade, but do it after you update23:58
buckyBrain is this in vmware or something23:58
Brainok so I have when I type groups in terminal, "david adm admin"23:58
Brainstill not able to run the sudo command23:58
minimecBrain: Remeber... The first user added during install has sudo rights. Was 'david' the user you added during install?23:59
Brain"david is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported."23:59
Brainno but I want david to have sudo rights23:59
Brainroot is the first user23:59
th0rBrain: how did you get someone added to adm if you aren't in the sudoers file?23:59
Braini log into root user23:59
=== evilNiko is now known as niko
th0renough said guys23:59

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