
planetarywhy does listen music player not find or play .wav files? flac does fine.02:38
mac9416Hello, where can I get a /var/dpkg/status file from a fresh install of Xubuntu?02:46
Ahmuck-Jrgot a problem.  for some reason xubuntu has "locked" my usb key to read only and root03:07
Ahmuck-Jri've tried "sudo chown user UDISK" and it doesn't work03:08
Ahmuck-Jrthere is a .hal-mtab and a .hal-mtab-lock in the /media directory03:08
Ahmuck-Jrthis happened in a delete process03:09
geniiDoes man:// work in Thunar, as like in Konq?03:47
cody-somervilleno, not in the current version of Thunar03:50
geniiOK, thanks03:52
jacko7723anyone use the awesome window manager?05:20
ramontayaghey all. howcome some packages don't come out in the GUI synaptic package manager (eg filezilla) but can be installed via apt-get (install filezilla)?06:13
tdnI would like to install Ubuntu on a machine with no CDROM drive. How do I do this? Can I put the hard disk in my other computer and copy the files and GRUB to the harddisk somehow and then boot put it back in the old computer and boot it? If so, how?10:39
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent10:40
tdnI don't think it can boot from USB.10:42
tdnIt is an old VIA EPIA mini-itx computer with a 800MHz CPU and 256MB RAM.10:42
tdnI'm pretty sure it can boot from network somehow. Although, I have not tried it.10:43
tdnknome, I just checked the BIOS. There are two USB related options: USB-FDD and USB-ZIP.10:49
knometdn, usb-fdd should work, i suppose.10:50
tdnOk. I will try.10:50
tdnI cannot find minimum requirements on Xubuntu on the page.10:52
ubottuHardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Xubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingXubuntu10:52
knometdn, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements for "exact"hardware requirements10:53
knometdn, you should be able to run it easily.10:53
knometdn, it might not be fast, though.10:53
tdnI found this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements10:53
tdnMaybe ubottu should be updated?10:53
tdnTo include that url.10:53
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection10:54
knomei'm sure you can get that link somehow. :P10:54
knometdn, anyway, if you can upgrade your ram, it of course would be a lot faster. 256 can run about one app at a time to stay ~fastish10:55
tdnYes, I know. I'm not sure I can find any RAM for this old thing though.10:56
knometdn, i'm sure you can.10:57
tdnI just want to make a usable computer out of it and then give it away to charity. Instead of just trashing the working hardware.10:57
knomethat's fair.10:57
knomebbl ->11:00
tdnknome, I have tried both USB-FDD and USB-ZIP in BIOS Boot options. But none boots my USB drive.11:14
tdnknome, I have a 4GB usb drive on which I made a bootable device with the xubuntu iso with ubuntu-usb.11:14
EiPottHi. Anybody know why my xfdesktop starts that often? http://picfront.org/d/hadoU4dmSwl/Bildschirmfoto.png12:03
Raggshi all13:06
o123halloi use pyneighborhood for my lan folders etc13:28
o123hallobut to mount one, i have to start pyneighborhood as root13:28
o123halloand i have to do it every time i start my pc13:28
o123hallohow can this be done automatically?13:29
o123halloor is there an even better way to do it?13:29
o123hallocome on13:30
th0ro123hallo: I haven't gotten a chance to try it out, so don't know if it even works, but you might take a look at gigolo on the xfce homepage13:30
th0rand if you start whining I am going to leave13:31
o123halloi think i already tried that13:32
o123hallohand on13:32
spazloncan i install the same apps on xubuntu as in ubuntu?14:54
cody-somervillespazlon, yes14:55
spazloncody-somerville, i just installed xubuntu on a very old laptop i have14:56
spazloncody-somerville, i want to make it a very basic media player. the media is on my server so this computer should only have to play the video14:56
spazloncody-somerville, i cant get my sound to work though... it worked on ubuntu... what should i do to troubleshoot?14:57
hagisbasheruki just installed it on RM Tablet PC RTAB912-T01 (tatung rebadged) all is well :)14:57
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o123halloguys, how do i get our home network well integrated in my system?15:03
o123halloi was here some time ago, but then my maschine crashed and i had no time to come back earlier15:03
o123hallowhat i want is, that lan pcs are shown somewhere. best would be if they would be found automatically, but it would also be alright to click on a "refresh" button15:05
o123hallothen i want to integrate a folder (removable hard drive) in my system (the removable hard drive is connected to another pc, which is always online)15:06
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o123halloi got giglo to work16:44
o123halloi was able to open the remoable hard drive16:44
o123halloon the left hand side is only "no workgroups found" written, but i want all pcs in our network displayed16:45
o123halloalso i would like to change my workgroup, but i dunno how16:45
o123hallono one?16:53
Raggso123hallo, i can try to help you if ya have some time16:54
o123halloit is just hard to change an os ..... so i get a litle bit unpatient16:55
Raggsno worries16:55
Raggso123hallo, i am kinda new to xubuntu16:56
Raggsso i am googling at the moment16:56
Raggso123hallo, do you know if samba is installed?16:57
o123hallosamba4 is installed16:59
Raggsok, thats a start16:59
Raggsi found a how to that my help you, i would like you to look at it17:02
o123hallobut ... sry mate... i gotta go for tea17:03
o123hallocomin back soon17:03
Raggso123hallo, hi17:44
o123hallohttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=304131 <- what advantages would that have17:45
o123halloraggs, do you understand, or rather not?17:47
Raggsnot sure what you are asking17:47
louischarlesd_I have problem with skype17:47
o123halloi dont see what doing it like the guy explaned it there would improve my situation17:48
o123halloopen netzwork folders worked alright (gigolo)17:49
o123halloi am not sure how it is with sharing my folders17:50
o123hallothe problem what i have is, that there arent any pcs displayed (i dont wanna add them myself)17:50
Raggsi doubt i can help ya, but i am sure that the folks in this channel will be able to help, or try the ubuntu channel17:52
o123hallocheers anyway mate17:53
o123halloi did it like discripted here: http://www.uvena.de/gigolo/help.html#open-resources-in-thunar-on-xfce-4-4-and-4-617:56
mikubuntui completed an update a little while ago that included firefox updates to 3.0 (even tho i'm pretty sure i was already running 3.5)... anyways, before even restarting firefox i began to have problems.  first the search bar wouldn't work.  see: http://imagebin.org/5859618:01
mikubuntuthen when i did try to restart firefox, got this message: http://imagebin.org/5859718:02
mikubuntuso i'm on chrome now, wondering whats wrong w my firefox18:02
mikubuntuanybody else having this issue?18:03
mikubuntui completed an update a little while ago that included firefox updates to 3.0 (even tho i'm pretty sure i was already running 3.5)... anyways, before even restarting firefox i began to have problems.  first the search bar wouldn't work.  see: http://imagebin.org/5859618:21
mikubuntuthen when i did try to restart firefox, got this message: http://imagebin.org/5859718:21
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o123hallodoes anyone know how to start gigolo with the terminal=18:53
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N-SGood evening.20:51
N-SWhat's the best/easiest way to share a dir with SMB? I don't mind (actually I'd prefer) if it requires a login/pass to access it.20:53
N-SShould I use a tool, like Swat, to set it up, or can it be done in an easier way?20:53
hagisbasheruki have no experience with that but going to the menu and selecting applications > system > share folder installs whats needed i guess20:58
hagisbasherukNSF and SMB20:59
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.21:02
N-Shagisbasheruk I actually just found that menu.21:02
N-Sforces thank you21:02
N-Somg, that was easy21:04
N-SOne slight possible issue. I didn't have to give any l/p. Does this mean that anyone on my LAN can access it with read/write access? :-/21:05
hagisbasherukis there an auto menu updater for xfce ?21:05
N-Ssecurity = user21:07
N-Sperhaps I need to enable that21:07
N-Soh, it was set as public21:11
N-Spulic = no, guest ok = no21:14
N-Snow, let's see what happens21:14
hagisbasheruk /join #samba :)21:16
N-Shehe, will do21:17
hagisbasheruki didn't mean for him to leave21:17
Ahmuck-Jri was adding info to a usb thumb drive and deleting about the same time21:43
Ahmuck-Jrthe drive is now locked and i can't delete, add, or anything but read from the drive21:43
Ahmuck-Jrhow do i fix this?21:44
RaggsAhmuck-Jr, try unmounting and remounting it21:46
Ahmuck-Jrtried that21:46
Ahmuck-Jrlet me try again21:46
Ahmuck-Jrk, umounted it, i'll have to plug it in to mount it again?21:47
Ahmuck-Jri notice there is two files a .hal-mtab and a .hal-mtab-lock21:47
Raggsremove it totally21:47
Ahmuck-Jrstill there21:47
Ahmuck-Jrwow, who woulda thought.21:50
Ahmuck-Jri rebooted, changed permissions, changed owner, etc.21:50
Ahmuck-Jrsome reason it thought it was still mounted.  why did it do this after a reboot?21:50
RaggsAhmuck-Jr, not sure21:53
Raggsdont know22:08
Raggshow are you liking xubuntu otherwise?22:08
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likemindeadHow goes it?22:22
brad_I had a question about XP and Ubuntu dual-boot: I set up each of the drives independently, so they each have their own bootloader. However, I can't seem to get Linux to chainload correctly to Windows. When I use the grub "map" windows says that hal.dll is corrupt or missing. When I boot windows using windows, it works fine. I assume that this is because Windows wants to be first, so do I install grub to the MBR of windows, and hope that 23:47
brad_ Linux? Also, the windows partition type is W95 FAT32 (LBA)23:47
brad_any ideas?23:54

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