
=== asac_ is now known as asac
shtylmanRiddell: I am looking at the printer mockups..and it seems that the only thing really todo is make an icon list instead of a tree view... is that right? or am I missing what else should be done?00:49
ryanakcaHurray, Frescobaldi and Kobby are now in Debian NEW, sync time :)01:05
JontheEchidnaRiddell: it's in kubuntu-ppa/experimental for karmic if you wish to test02:02
JontheEchidnayay, latest langpack update makes everything look splendid in Spanish02:55
JontheEchidnayo quiero taco bell02:57
JontheEchidnahmm.... in application menus, the keyboard shortcut designations aren't translated02:59
voriantaco bell killed that poor dog a week or so ago03:00
JontheEchidnaa true symbol of the 90s03:03
nixternalhaha, yo quiero taco bell!!!! \o/ ROFL@!)***~*#@!@# that poor dog died last week :(03:18
vorianyo nixternal!03:20
macovorian: no you're steve. rich is nixternal03:21
vorianmaco: why the hate from OLF?03:21
vorianthey must really hate me or something :P03:21
macovorian: nothing personal. we were told to each pick out the 5 "omg must have" beginner and 5-7 "omg must have" intermediate/advanced talks (+a few "um...no." talks) and i get the impression im not the only one who went "5? you want me to pick only 5???"03:22
vorianah, well03:22
vorianit's ok03:23
maco4 or 5 people submitted the same thing, so all but one of them were rejected03:23
macoi think jorge was the one accepted03:23
vorian5 talks on Kubuntu!03:23
vorianthat's awesome03:23
macoit was about how to build a community around your project03:23
vorianhow silly03:23
macohehe i dont mean 4 or 5 submitted same as you :P just that there were 4 or 5 people who all somehow ended up on the same wavelength03:24
vorianI was being a tad sarcastic03:24
voriani may be the only person living in ohio that usues Kubuntu03:25
vorianI have a feeling that will change starting in October03:26
macoyou were the only kubuntu proposal03:26
vorianI figured it was a long shot :)03:26
maco...wait what the heck in the beginner list was more interesting than you?03:26
vorianit's really ok maco, i'm moving next friday03:27
macowell im pretty sure i voted for you03:27
* vorian hugs maco 03:28
vorianare you doing a talk this year?03:28
macoyes i did vote for you. and yes i am.03:28
macodan was waitlisted03:29
vorianthat's crazy03:30
macohis was on how to be a good/useful beta tester03:30
vorianthat's a great topic03:31
macoand his cat just bit me03:31
macoshe didnt bite hard. it was a warning bite03:32
maco"stop petting RIGHT THIS INSTANT...OR ELSE"03:32
dtchenit was quite a bit more specific than "how to be a good/useful beta tester"03:32
macoi know but i didnt want to paste 6 lines of proposal into the channel03:32
dtchenthat's ok. it's olf's loss ;-)03:32
macoif youre offered the friday thing will you take it?03:33
dtchenfwiw, if i speak, i will be covering kubuntu use cases specifically03:33
dtchen(though not exclusively)03:33
dtchenuh, no. i'm in charge of the hackathon.03:33
macoforgot that03:36
macohey vorian youre still coming right?03:36
voriani've noticed dtchen has yet to sign my key03:36
macoand nixternal?03:36
macovorian: he hasnt signed MY key yet03:36
vorianmaco: i'll be living in Idaho03:36
nixternalI don't sign keys, I eat them!03:36
macovorian: eek03:36
vorianI da pimp03:37
vorianyeah, i'm pumped!03:37
macook then... hey nixternal03:37
nixternalno, you said "Idaho"03:37
maconixternal: what dan said about hackathon...03:37
nixternalsounds like a bad jerry lewis dream03:37
voriannixternal: mind if I use you as a referral?  (new resume and all)03:37
nixternalgo for it!03:37
vorianschweet, thanks03:37
macowe want the hackathon to not be "The AFS Hackathon" instead be "The Hackathon" and then people all in one room at a bunch of tables hacking on their respective projects. wanna put Kubuntu as one of the projects?03:37
nixternalI will tell them all about what you do to sheep!03:37
dtchennixternal: what you don't know is that you're starring!03:38
nixternalnot at OLF, I probably won't be going, 99.9% sure I won't be going03:38
maco'm i gonna be the only kubuntu user?03:39
nixternalmaybe I should say 95% sure03:39
dtchenuh,, no?03:39
macodtchen: oh duh. youll be there :P03:39
vorianjust wait until OLF 2010, most people will be using Kubuntu03:40
vorianor More than 303:40
dtchenwell, once Kubuntu Netbook is released, i think there will be considerably expanded recognition03:41
vorianyes - and once 10.04 comes out - people will be flocking to a non-gnome alternative :)03:42
dtchenJontheEchidna: so, have you considered daily builds of networkmanagement?03:42
JontheEchidnaI don't have the script-fu necessary to automate things like that :(03:43
dtchenJontheEchidna: talk to fta, who does the black magic for all the mozilla stuff.03:44
dtchenif it were git, it'd be considerably easier, since you could snarf apw's kernel scripts03:44
dtchenspeaking of which, maybe you can just look at those: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/buildscripts.git;a=summary03:45
dtchenit's likely not all that useful without major modification, but you can at least get some idea03:46
dtchenbarring that, i have some _extremely_ hacky junk that i use at work that i can pass you03:46
dtchenit's really the last resort, however03:46
vorianJontheEchidna: got time to look at http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/scantailor ?03:59
JontheEchidnavorian: sure03:59
* vorian is reviewing too03:59
JontheEchidnawhoa, apparently I dl'd the old revu package before, but I don't ever recall doign that04:01
vorianit was rejected via queue admin04:05
JontheEchidnaby our very on Jonathan who is not me (tm)04:05
vorianJontheEchidna: i'm having him bump boost to 1.3804:10
JontheEchidnagetting a bit late, but the packaging looks sound fwiw. Other than that boost thing I'd upload if it builds04:15
JontheEchidnaI guess I'll do the second revu tomorrow unless it's been done already04:19
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micmordA silly question. In my old karmic installation i got phon as audio backend. I reinstalled from karmic-alpha3 cd and now I have pulseaudio instead of phonon. What is the default kubuntu audio backend?07:14
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz
jussi01Curious to know if this is a bug, but with the new knetwork manager, when Im connected to ethernet, it shows a disconnected cord... is that correct? (it is connected though)07:33
micmordjussi01: bug 404309 ?07:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 404309 in knetworkmanager "network manager plasmoid connects but shows "disconnected" icon" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40430907:40
jussi01micmord: ahh, thanks :D07:40
micmordAt all konversation users - I got this: bug 41016408:35
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 410164 could not be found08:35
micmordops: bug 41016308:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 410163 in konversation "[karmic] wrong parsing $HOME in log path " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41016308:35
apacheloggerI was wondering ... to alternate synaptics touchpad settings one needs to enable SHM, however, would that work just as well without SHM but sudo?08:39
apacheloggerif so, wouldn't it be desirable to use policykit?08:39
apacheloggermicmord: is that $HOME pre-defined?08:41
apacheloggerif so, it probably should be changed to not be pre-defined, other than that I do not see why $HOME should expand considering that konvi assumes the path is always in $HOME08:42
micmordapachelogger: I think so08:44
apacheloggerthat is not very convincing ;-)08:45
micmordapachelogger: i got that problem also with konvertation alpha408:45
apacheloggeryep yep08:46
micmordstarting the 6 august... maybe kde 4.308:47
apacheloggersrc/viewer/chatwindow.cpp ChatWindow::cdIntoLogPath08:54
apacheloggercds into $HOME08:55
apacheloggerthen adds the configured file path and tries to cd/create that new path08:55
micmordapachelogger: I have $HOME/.kde/... in three pc, so I am sure i didn't change the default path08:56
apacheloggerbut then there is ... ./src/config/konversation.kcfg:      <default code="true">QDir::homePath()+"/logs"</default>08:56
apacheloggerthe thing is... that does not fit our settings ;-)08:57
apacheloggersince konvi on karmic goes to $HOME/.kde.... while upstream would be $HOME/logs/08:57
apacheloggermicmord: I recommend you talk to someone in #konversation09:01
apacheloggeror wait for JontheEchidna to show up09:01
apacheloggerI find that issue quite strange09:01
micmordapachelogger: copy that09:02
Riddellneversfelde: bug 404839 uploaded09:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 404839 in plasma-widget-windowlist "transitional package plasma-widget-windowslist not installable" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40483909:13
Riddellneversfelde: debdiffs are generally better than uploading the .diff.gz09:14
davmor2Riddell: I want to file a bug again folderview and ublog but I can't find a package name what are they under please.09:16
apacheloggerdavmor2: folderview is kdebase09:20
davmor2apachelogger: is ublog the same?09:20
davmor2apachelogger: ta :)09:21
apacheloggerScottK: for mime to work in firefox libgnomevfs is needed it appears09:27
apacheloggerwe can't pipe printing through the qt print dialog since there is no binary that could be called like kdeprint09:28
apacheloggerhuh, the font size is ridiculously big here :D09:29
davmor2apachelogger: do you think I need to write a separate bug for ublog or is it okay to keep the 2 appa that disappear lumped together bug 41017909:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 410179 in kdebase "Folderview and ublog disappear from my screen after reboot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41017909:30
apacheloggerdavmor2: make it affect kdeplasma-addons09:31
apacheloggerthe thing is... since both are affected it might very well be unrelated to the widgets themselfs but a bug in the plasma lib09:31
apacheloggerbut since both are patched by us (I think), it might also be a patch problem09:32
neversfeldeRiddell: k, thank you. Will upload them in future09:33
davmor2don't know what happen then09:35
davmor2apachelogger: sorry you were say it might be lib plasma09:36
Riddellapachelogger: shall I upload plasma-netbook?09:41
apacheloggerRiddell: if the packaging is fine :)09:41
apacheloggerRiddell: btw, kontrolpack's binaries in karmic are waiting in new *hint* *hint* :)09:42
Riddellare they now, if only it was my archive day I'd approve them.  of course I can always be bribed with hugs09:47
Riddell"Description: blah"  that may need expanding :)09:49
apacheloggerhugs? hmmm....09:49
* apachelogger cuddles the Riddell09:49
apacheloggerRiddell: I knew there was something about the packaging that needed a second opinion ;-)09:50
apacheloggerRiddell: about that arora-bookmarks patch: I think we should hide the toolbar by default... I am probably not much of an example to go by, but I got quite disturbed by the fact that unused space between menu and toolbar was bigger than between toolbar and tabs09:54
apacheloggerwhereas the latter would be the emptied bookmarks bar09:54
apacheloggerneversfelde: why does choqok have a LTR RTL setting?09:57
* apachelogger would think that this stuff is done via the desktop settings09:57
neversfeldeapachelogger: what is a LTR RTL setting?10:01
apacheloggerwell, text direction10:01
apacheloggerleft to right or right to left10:01
neversfeldeapachelogger: uptream is persian10:01
neversfeldeseems to be important for him10:02
apacheloggerstill the setting is probably somewhere to be found in the KDE-wide settings stuff10:02
Riddellapachelogger: yes I agree on toolbar hiding10:03
apacheloggermaybe ... like when you have an account for english postings and one for persian or something, so you can get it viewed properly10:03
apacheloggerneversfelde: if that is the reason I think the setting should not be shown in the dialog for initial account setup10:03
neversfeldeapachelogger: I guess he has an egnlish system and some apps where he writes farsi instead of english are ready for writing right to left10:03
apacheloggerit is a rather limited usecase, since most people only use native anyway\10:03
apacheloggerneversfelde: well, I am not generally saying the feature should go, I just think it is too visible upon first start10:04
neversfeldeapachelogger: I will talk to him about that. Anyway 0.6.5 is ready to release afaik, so it is not urgent10:04
apacheloggerand you know how it is, the more stuff you ask the user the less likely he will finish the initial setup ;-)10:04
neversfeldeand I am on the road for the next 2 and a half week :)10:05
apacheloggerRiddell: how about this: fill the toobar with Kubuntu/Ubuntu/KDE content but hide it, so if someone chooses to activate it, they will still get a good amount of branding and direction towards system information10:06
apacheloggerneversfelde: so who is going to do the package update? :P10:06
Riddellapachelogger: I'm not terribly keen on default bookmarks, most of our users shouldn't have their lives orientated around their operating system, but if you think of useful bookmarks that's should be ok10:07
Riddellninjas: new KOffice if anyone wants to take it10:08
neversfeldeapachelogger: I have send some changes to bzr, yet. Probably I can complete it when I arrive at my parents house and I can find a computer without windows :)10:10
apacheloggerRiddell: Well, either we fill it with branding content or useful content10:10
apacheloggeri.e. the beloved socialnetwork stuff10:11
apacheloggerneversfelde: bzr also works on windows :P10:11
neversfeldeapachelogger: really? haha, I guess I will need one week to find out how to install10:11
apacheloggeractually there is an installer thingy and integration like for svn10:12
apacheloggerif you ever used svn on windows ;)10:12
apacheloggerwell, ask the google, it probably got screenies10:13
Riddellapachelogger: or just leave it empty?10:13
apacheloggerneversfelde: basically it will integrate in explorer and provide a tray icon (i think)10:13
apacheloggerRiddell: well, at least one item would be appropriate10:13
apacheloggerRiddell: otherwise the bar is, well, kind of invisible even if the hide setting is unset10:14
apacheloggerso I'd at least add kubuntu.org10:15
RiddellI don't see what's wrong with it being invisible, it's perfectly easy to find when you're adding bookmarks10:16
apacheloggerwell, it _might_ be confusing10:16
apacheloggerreally, I never got the point of bookmarks anyway, much less of a bar just to display them10:17
Riddellapachelogger: sounds like you're just the sort of person who wants to leave it empty :)10:18
apacheloggerI would remove it completely10:18
apacheloggerjust wastes my poor memory :P10:19
apacheloggerhm, you know, I find it incredibly funny that ruby1.8 got performance issues due to tcltk crap, but still batpull feels faster than pull-lp-source :P10:25
davmor2guys I just saw that there were some updates for today (nice little notification) I clicked on select all updates and apply shouldn't it ask for the admin password at that point?10:49
Riddellagateau: pingping10:53
* apachelogger slips of chair11:09
=== riddell__ is now known as Riddelll
RiddellRiddelll: ping11:22
RiddellRiddelll: ping11:23
RiddellRiddelll: ping ping11:23
RiddellRiddelll: ooh11:24
davmor2Riddell: Have you gone test crazy on two systems by any chance?11:24
Riddellldavmor2: message indicator is working11:26
Riddelllagateau is rocking11:26
davmor2Riddelll: Oh now it all make sense :)11:26
Riddellldavmor2: ping me baby11:27
davmor2Riddelll: ping11:27
davmor2Riddelll: it's saddly worrying that your getting so excited about this ;)11:28
apacheloggerpatchy patchy patch patch11:46
Riddellagateau: bug 41022811:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 410228 in plasma-widget-indicatordisplay "main inclusion report plasma-widget-indicatordisplay" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41022811:58
agateauRiddell: yeah!11:59
Riddellagateau: now we just have to poke someone into doing the MIR12:00
apacheloggerRiddell: so, should I add an entry to the bookmarkstoolbar?12:01
apacheloggeralready made it hidden by default12:01
Riddellapachelogger: I vote for hidden and empty12:01
* apachelogger uploads12:01
ghostcubeok, i dont get my systemsettings bug fixed i just copied an sh script to kde autostart12:03
ghostcubehi peoples12:04
agateauRiddell: ok12:05
* agateau assumes MIR stands for "Main Inclusion Request" or something like this12:05
Riddellor Review12:05
Riddellasac and lool can do them12:06
ubottumir is Main Inclusion Report - see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionProcess for more information.12:06
apacheloggeror report :P12:06
RiddellI note asac just left the room12:06
agateauapachelogger: nice, my guess was not too far12:06
asacRiddell: i am still here ;)12:15
asacoh you mean this romm her ;)12:15
micmordapachelogger: about OO.org icons. With default openoffice.org-style-human i don't see any icons. After installing openoffice.org-style-crystal they appear.12:20
micmordapachelogger: with fresh kubuntu-alpha3 installation, I haven't any icons on oo.org12:22
apacheloggersound like fun12:22
apacheloggerooo should die anyway :P12:22
micmordtaht's true12:22
ghostcubeoo is die hygiene fürs ....12:22
apacheloggermicmord: I suppose we are waiting for oxygen to arrive12:23
Riddellmicmord: that's known, we're waiting on the new release for kde 4 integration12:23
ghostcubebtw Riddell thx for the mainline link i installed but sensors still doesnt work lol12:24
ghostcubeonly thing i needed was an newer nvidia glx and i need my lan drivers12:24
apacheloggercan one create and install a nilfs partition using the live-cd?12:25
micmordHere the bug 39035512:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 390355 in openoffice.org "[kubuntu] no icons in openoffice on kde" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39035512:33
ghostcubebut one thing i dont get why is the atl1 chipset for the asus-p5q-pro maiboard ethernet adapter not in the mainline kernels12:33
mornfallJontheEchidna: Hi! If you still care, you could adapt beta6 to kubuntu (unless it was kicked out of the archive while I wasn't looking)...12:42
ghostcubeis there an irc channel for the mainline kernels12:47
dpmJontheEchidna: thanks a lot for locating all those untranslated strings! Just one thing: it's better to file them against the kubuntu source package (and perhaps mentioning the kde module) rather than against the language-pack-kde-xx package, since there are lots of them. Usually I think it might be best to assign only l10n bugs to the language-pack-kde-xx package (or more critical i18n bugs affecting a particular language)12:55
JontheEchidnamornfall: sure13:10
JontheEchidnadpm: the thing about that Open Terminal string in dolphin, it is properly l10n'd. Maybe it's a rosetta bug?13:10
JontheEchidnaaction->setText(i18nc("@action:inmenu Tools", "Open &Terminal"));13:11
ryanakcaCan someone take care of bug 410257 please?13:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 410257 in kobby "Sync kobby 1.0~beta3-1 (universe) from Debian experimental (main)." [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41025713:20
mornfallJontheEchidna: Thanks!13:20
mornfallSee ya.13:20
JontheEchidnaryanakca: acking13:22
ryanakcaJontheEchidna: thanks13:32
JontheEchidnabug 41027313:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 410273 in adept "Sync adept 3.0~beta6 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41027313:42
* apachelogger pokes JontheEchidna in the eye13:58
apacheloggersee my earlier monologue about the $HOME issue in konvi13:58
apacheloggerpatching is not indicated at all13:59
apacheloggerjust make the defaults fit the new code13:59
JontheEchidnaaah, ok14:01
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: we need to give kubuntu-bugs some more appeal14:07
ryanakcaDoes anybody have the time / interest in helping me figure out why http://packages.debian.org/sid/frescobaldi builds in jaunty but not karmic?14:17
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: mind sponsoring k-d-s bzr?14:25
JontheEchidnaoh, but first I should test the fix14:25
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: yay, it works14:29
apacheloggershm hates me14:30
macoapachelogger: why are you using shm?14:42
macodidnt i see something recently about current -synaptics not having it?14:43
sebasRiddell: have you patched kickoff to change the names of suspend and hibernate actions?14:45
sebasI'm noticiing (after someone emails me) that it's different between my kubuntu and my trunk install14:45
sebasIf so, is that planned for ksmserver as well?14:46
sebasAnd could you pass that upstream, I'd be in favor of merging it, if I didn't miss anything crucial14:46
Riddellsebas: yes I patched something, I think it was kickoff and powerdevil which I thought I'd put upstream, I may well have missed ksmserver though14:51
sebasRiddell: ksmserver seems to be inconsistent with kickoff and powerdevil/plasma in kubuntu14:52
sebaskickoff is different from upstream at least14:52
allee-msebas: about susp. and hiber.:   With alt-ctrl-del can access susp and hiber only as submenues of shutdown'.  Will this (should I) fix it?14:52
sebasIf you have that patch handy ... :)14:52
sebasallee-m: hmm, dunno ... it would make sense to have a "default switch computer off action" IMO14:53
sebasSo you go "off means always suspend"14:53
sebasSo the main button in ksmserver should IMO reflect that14:53
sebasWho maintains ksmserver? Is that ossi?14:54
JontheEchidnaEither ossi or seli14:57
RiddellJontheEchidna: nm plasmoid in experimental had the same problem for me as the other day, it doesn't do anything with wireless15:12
RiddellJontheEchidna: but also, cry https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/network-manager/0.8~a~git.20090804t185522.4bab334-0ubuntu115:12
Riddellso it'll be entirely broken now anyway15:12
JontheEchidnawe are sooo royally screwed15:12
Riddellmm hmm15:12
Riddellapachelogger: ok if I upload kdebase-workspace?15:15
JontheEchidnaIf they feel like shoving experimental crap like that down our throats then at the least they should make a Solid backend for 0.8, or revert the new version.15:15
apacheloggerRiddell: if it builds :)15:16
JontheEchidnabecause I can't imagine that KDE'll want to make a 0.8 backend anytime soon15:16
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: what is the fuzz about?15:17
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: nm team uploaded NM 0.8, we are screwed15:17
Riddelltheir argument is that 0.7 is abandoned upstream15:17
allee-kJontheEchidna: _if_ gnome would use the new systray protocol, then AFAIU KDE would have to do nothing ;)15:18
apacheloggeryou know15:18
apacheloggerI am sick of it15:18
apacheloggerI have a feeling that some kubuntu dev will go wild and revert back to 0.715:19
* JontheEchidna doesn't see what systrays have to do with it15:19
* JontheEchidna would be in support of a revert15:19
Riddellnot that the 0.7 version worked very well anyway15:19
apacheloggerbetter than not working at all15:20
apacheloggernot working will be super useless once beta goes out15:20
apacheloggerI am wondering what sebas thinks we should do15:20
apacheloggermaybe bitching, moaning and switching to mandriva is the ultimate solution15:21
Riddellhe thinks we should use nm-applet15:21
Riddelland currently I think it's the only option, although it goes against everything Kubuntu is for15:22
apacheloggerscrew that15:22
apacheloggerwhat is kubuntu worth if it doesnt work15:22
apacheloggerjust my opinion15:22
Riddellmind that this isn't a kubuntu problem, it's a KDE problem, we can only do what KDE offers15:23
sebasapachelogger: I haven't looked at NM 0.8 at all15:23
sebasWill said, I think "I'll wait until release, they're not even feature frozen atm"15:24
apacheloggerwell, from my point of view upstream nor kubuntu should be using nm to begin with15:24
apacheloggerone way or another we will always be one step behind nm-applet15:24
sebasWhy not?15:24
apacheloggerand I don't see how that is changing any time soon15:25
sebasWell, the UI bits we have now don't depend on NM anyway15:25
sebasThe NM specific part is a kded module that offers a dbus interface15:25
sebasthe UI uses a client lib to interact with that, the kded module is interchangeable (wicd, NM, connman at some point)15:25
apacheloggeryeah, a step in the right direction really15:25
sebasIndeed, it's got two advantages: NM internals are really complex, we want to hide that15:26
sebasand we don't depend on NM itself15:26
yuriysebas: maybe Will can take a look at 0.8 and give us an idea of how much work it would be to port?15:26
sebasyuriy: if it's not feature-frozen, it doesn't make a lot of sense IMO15:27
sebasif nm0.8 scheduled for karmic?15:27
sebasand replacing nm 0.7?15:27
apacheloggersebas: a git snapshot currently _is_ in karmic15:27
sebasah, wow.15:27
sebasThat's ... not exactly handy15:27
allee-kJontheEchidna: do you plan to work again on bug 389744 anytime soon?   I ponder if I give aseigos suggestion a try ...15:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 389744 in kdebase-workspace "Fix avatar in KDE menu to be next to username" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38974415:29
Riddellguys: I chatted to ubuntu nm folks and they're saying they will look at it15:29
allee-kkubntu ninjas: is there a command like apt-get source that  download source + bzr co lp: instead of diff.gz ?15:31
Riddellalso suse will be switching to 0.8 so knetworkmanager should switch too15:31
apacheloggerallee-k: gypsy form kde-dev-tools15:31
Riddellallee-k: most packages now have bzr imports in launchpad actually15:32
apacheloggerthough, I think gypsy is missing some branch locations :P15:32
Riddellbzr co lp:ubuntu/<package>15:32
allee-kRiddell, apachelogger:  ahh, so much changed in the last year to the better (beside nm ;)  thx15:33
JontheEchidnaallee-k: feel free to take over, I've not had time15:41
allee-kJontheEchidna: ok.  In case I'm manage to enhance the patch  I'll reassign15:43
ryanakcaRiddell: What needs to be done for the settings for the two plasmoids under "Social from the Start" on https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo/Karmic ?15:45
Riddellryanakca: microblog is fine I think, opendesktop needs code changes to make it not try to connect before it has an account but to show the "users near me" without an account15:48
ryanakcaRiddell: OK15:49
Riddellalso to work out why it doesn't respect its minimum size15:50
JontheEchidnaRiddell: could I trouble you with bug 410273?15:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 410273 in adept "Sync adept 3.0~beta6 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41027315:50
JontheEchidnahuh, wonder why requestsync let me confirm that/subscribe the archive admins, I'm no core-dev15:51
jjessemaybe you just got promoted :)15:52
JontheEchidnahaha, yeah15:52
JontheEchidnathat'd be funny15:53
ryanakcaRiddell: what package is it in?15:53
Riddellryanakca: kdeplasma-addons15:53
apacheloggerRiddell: for some reason the installer needed >1 minute to switch from timezone to keyboard16:04
=== ejat is now known as e-jat
apacheloggerRiddell: also he new UI is somewhat sluggish on my dell mini16:19
nixternalRiddell: feel like re-enabling my Kubuntu Membership? seems to have expired last month without letting me know16:30
ryanakcaRiddell: OK. At the moment, it shows the "Users near me" without an account, the only difference is that is is slightly grayed and there's a "Configure" button over top of it, but clicking / etc. Maybe modify k-d-s to have it display the "Users near me" by default?16:31
Riddellnixternal: you usually get four days notice, if you're not paying attention then you get kicked out16:31
Riddellwhat do we think, should we let nixternal back in?16:31
nixternalhah, but I do pay attention16:31
jjessehrmm he will have to buy me dinner16:32
Riddellryanakca: does it actually show any nearby users?16:32
nixternalI am broke16:32
ryanakcaRiddell: Yes16:32
ryanakcaRiddell: I can try it in a VM, but after deleting my account from the applet, in still does16:32
Riddellryanakca: it wasn't doing that for me until after I configured a user account16:32
Riddellok good16:32
Riddellnixternal: you're back in!16:33
nixternalthank you sir :)16:34
Riddellanyone on jaunty with 4.3?16:35
nixternalahh, I see why I didn't get it...seems LP messages are going to the trash bin16:35
ryanakcaRiddell: Yes16:36
Riddellryanakca: now try it with an updated system and killall plasma-desktop; rm ~/.kde/share/config/plasma*; plasma-desktop16:40
nixternalhrmm, I am still not getting any of my KDE mailing list emails16:45
nixternalmy kde.org email addy is working, and I have gone through and tried to wake up the mailing lists to me without any luck16:45
nixternalsebas: you know of anything going on that may be causing this ^^ you should be getting an email from me since you are in some of the -owner addresses :)16:46
sebasnixternal: dunno, maybe you're on vacation globally?16:47
nixternalI disabled globally and then re-enabled globally to see if that was it and it wasn'16:47
nixternalI never set it to disabled/vacation globally16:47
sebasHm, then I don't know16:47
sebasask one of the sysadmins16:47
nixternalWHAT? I can't believe that dude, you know everything KDE :)16:47
sebasyeah, but I'm too lazy to help you ;-)16:48
nixternalooh nice, Camp KDE 2010 in La Jolla!!! See you there!16:48
ubottuError: KDE bug 2010 could not be found16:48
nixternalstupid bot16:48
Riddellryanakca: did rgreening look at your plasma facebook package?16:49
* nixternal loves San Dog and La Jolla16:49
sebasnixternal: yeah, it should be "KDE bug 2010 could not be found *yet*"16:49
ubottuError: KDE bug 2010 could not be found16:49
nixternalsebas: we will have to go to Pacific Beach Bar and Grill.... Pacific Beach, Mission Beach, and La Jolla Beach, in that order as the best beaches out there :)16:50
nixternaland we can go to Lego Land :)16:50
sebasHow about "we can hack"? :)16:51
nixternalwe can do that too of course16:51
sebasyeah, if the weather turns out to be bad (riiiiiiiiiiiiight)16:51
nixternalerr, ya january, so no ocean for sure there, but it is still a blast out there16:51
ryanakcaRiddell: Yes... I'm still not much further off that I was though.16:53
Riddellryanakca: further off what?16:54
ryanakcaRiddell: It builds / what not fine, I can import the plasma applet from python, but Plasma complains that it can't find the python package.16:55
apacheloggertoday's netbook image is in to too good state16:56
apacheloggerplasma-desktop didn't wanna start and now kdeinit4 crashed without me doing anything at all16:56
Riddellapachelogger: meh, it shouldn't be any different than the desktop16:59
apacheloggerso the desktop got those problems too? :P16:59
Riddellapachelogger: not that I know of17:04
ryanakcaRiddell: It must be because I still had my credentials hidden away in some config file. I don't think it's possible to display "Users near me" since it processess the page https://api.opendesktop.org/v1/person/data?latitude=44&longitude=-76&distance=5&page=0&pagesize=64 (insert your lat/long), which requires you to log in to view...17:04
ryanakca(the openDesktop plugin that is)17:04
JontheEchidna^in that case it might be just better to not include the openDesktop widget at all, since the default desktop does seem a bit cramped on smaller screens17:05
Riddellryanakca: hmm, fooey17:06
RiddellJontheEchidna: yeah maybe17:07
Riddelllet's remove it for now and I'll e-mail Frank suggesting he make that not need configuration17:07
ryanakcaRiddell: the spec http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/open-collaboration-services strongly recommends authentication, "most services require a authenticated user. this is important for legal reasons. and to prevent DOS attacks. At the moment we support autentification via login/password or an API key."17:08
* ryanakca wishes people would learn to capitalize17:08
apacheloggerRiddell: very weird17:10
apacheloggerRiddell: what do we do about blocked updates?17:10
apacheloggerRiddell: why does the software sources dialog instantly apply changes? that is rather un-kdeish, isn't it?17:11
Riddellryanakca: hmm right, that means a fail for my "do something interesting without config" plan17:12
Riddellapachelogger: blocked updates?  in kpackagekit?17:12
apacheloggerbug 34267117:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 342671 in packagekit "Doesn't support installations which require a removal or updates which require additional software" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34267117:12
macoso it cant do full-upgrade?17:13
apacheloggerit's like apt-get only supported upgrade but not dist-upgrade17:13
macook so i used aptitude phrasing :P17:14
Riddellpoke glatzor?17:14
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: the software sources tool is pretty much a straight-up port of the PyGTK one. It'd be nice to see that rewritten as a KCM17:14
glatzorRiddell, hello.17:14
ryanakcaRiddell: Bummer17:14
Riddellglatzor: packagekit and dist-upgrade vs upgrade, what's the status again?17:15
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: more importantly get an apply button :P17:15
Riddellryanakca: how does this work for you?  http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/plasma-widget-facebook17:15
glatzorRiddell, in the end it is a policy decision.17:17
glatzorI was quite busy working on aptdaemon the last weeks. But I plan to donate some time to packagekit the next week.17:17
glatzorRiddell, will we see kde/qt policykit-1 support in karmic?17:18
ryanakcaRiddell: checking :)17:18
Riddellglatzor: I've never seen a point in apt-get upgrade, dist-upgrade seems to do what actually wants to be done17:18
Riddellglatzor: I've not heard anything about policykit-1, want me to ask the policykit-qt authors?17:18
apacheloggerRiddell: I suppose asking is necessary17:20
apacheloggerhm, I don't like how the kpackagekit's installing dialog constantly switches size17:20
glatzorRiddell, I will discuss the dist upgrade issue with dantti.17:20
* apachelogger pokes the hide button :P17:21
apacheloggerRiddell: I think we should drop the quickaccess plasmoid from the netbook setup to increase taskbar space17:22
ryanakcaRiddell: "This object could not be created for the following reason: Could not find requested component: facebook"17:22
ryanakcaRiddell: Actually, that's probably because plasmoidviewer can't find the applet. It doesn't appear in the "Add widget..." window either...17:23
Riddellapachelogger: well we're changing it to plasma-netbook17:24
apacheloggerthat is premature IMHO17:24
Riddellwhy?  there's no point in just having a clone of the normal Kubuntu CD17:24
apacheloggerif, at all, they should be both installed, both polished,17:24
apacheloggerRiddell: there is also no point in deploying broken software17:25
allee-kRiddell: Is there an overview/searchform what is available as lp:ubuntu/<srcpkg>.  kdebase(-workspace), digikam all fail  :(17:25
apacheloggerif the netbook shell should, for whatever reason, not be ready for primetime by karmic release we have to have a fallback that is as suited for the usecase as possible17:26
Riddellapachelogger: launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/<package>  and click on code17:26
Riddellallee-k: rather ^^17:27
Riddellapachelogger: then there's no point in releasing a netbook image at all, people can just use the normal CD image17:27
Riddellallee-k: only about half the packages are imported so far17:27
apacheloggerRiddell: just that they won't get the apps and settings17:28
Riddellapachelogger: what apps?17:29
apacheloggerthose that have not be added yet17:30
apacheloggerRiddell: if we go with either plasma-netbook or no release, then we won't get the additional buzz17:31
Riddellthere's no buzz to be had from something that's no different from the desktop CD17:32
apacheloggera) it is different b) you will even get buzz if you tell people that Kubuntu now supports more than one CPU core for various apps17:33
macoRiddell: the default settings and apps are different17:34
apacheloggerwe need to start somewhere, and I rather have people test an image that is pretty similar to the desktop image, so they at least report hardware issues, than do no release17:35
sebasnixternal: an email to sysadmin@ would've been fine :D17:36
ryanakcaWhat's our $KDEDIR ?17:36
apacheloggerit shows that kubuntu is dedicated to creating a good netbook image, and eventually will get contributors on board17:36
apacheloggerryanakca: I don't think we set that17:37
apacheloggerbut if we did it was /usr17:38
apacheloggerI suppose at least ;-)17:38
ryanakcaapachelogger: *nod*...17:39
ryanakcaThe facebook applet is simple enough that imho, it might be quicker / easier just to rewrite it in C++ than keep stabbing in the dark and trying to figure out where the python plasmoids should go for a system install...17:41
Riddellapachelogger: more than one CPU core?17:42
apacheloggerRiddell: multiprocessor threading17:45
Riddellapachelogger: how does it support that?17:45
apacheloggervia the kernel17:45
Riddellthe kernel is the same surely17:46
apacheloggerwell, my point is that people usually wanna try new/fancy stuff and be it only for the sake of proofing it old/unfancy17:46
apacheloggerso there will be buzz, unless we don't manage to bring the word of greatness and fancyness out to the world17:47
apacheloggerso in case the netbook shell is not stable enough for karmic, we should release with plasma-desktop, but make it clear that we are dedicated to ship karmic+1 with a lot more improved shell ... blah blah [insert promo talk]17:48
apacheloggereventually that way the netbook image of karmic+1 will receive even more attention from the more advanced users, since they might wanna know what progress we made etc.17:49
RiddellI don't see what the new/fancy stuff is, as far as I can see the main feature is the new plasma-netbook UI17:52
apacheloggerthere doesn't need to be any, the font size is more suited for netbooking and ScottK and I agree that we probably should be shipping Arora or Firefox, since the netbook is not affected by upgrade scenarios (and thus migration) and got an even greater usecase for a working browser17:54
apacheloggeralso it got more lang packs according to ScottK17:54
Riddelldoesn't sound terribly compelling, plus this is alpha time it's ok to ship alpha quality software17:56
apacheloggeryeah, I am all for getting plasma-netbook in and default17:56
apacheloggerbut we need to make sure that plasma-desktop is also suited, so it can jump in as fallback if necessary17:57
_Simesebas: you there?18:00
_Simesebas: ping18:00
Riddellapachelogger: so can I add plasma-netbook to the seed?  pweese?18:01
apacheloggerRiddell: yes, what I meant to state in my original statement is to keep plasma-desktop on as well18:08
apacheloggernext step would be to add a switcher plasmoid to both of them, so both can be tested on the fly18:08
nixternalsebas: phil rodriguez figured it out :)  rjohnson@kde.org -> nixternal@ubuntu.com which is bouncing it :)18:15
* nixternal has to fix that now18:15
* apachelogger should also get an kde.org addy :P18:16
nixternaldon't forward it to @ubuntu.com :p18:17
apacheloggerwould never do :P18:18
ryanakcaDoes anybody have the time / interest in helping me figure out why http://packages.debian.org/sid/frescobaldi builds in jaunty but not karmic?18:26
apacheloggergot a logged build?18:27
ryanakcaapachelogger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/249345/ ... I've compared the versions to those on packages.ubuntu.com, they all should work...18:33
ryanakcaapachelogger: Nevermind. It's a local issue. I must have messed something up when creating my chroot, my karmic chroot is hardy...18:35
glatzorRiddell, I changed upgrade to dist-upgrade18:38
glatzorRiddell, only packages kept back by dist-upgrade will be shown as blocked18:38
glatzorRiddell, there is currently now way to show an available update and suggest to not install it18:39
ryanakcaCan someone ack https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/410400 please?19:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 410400 in ubuntu "Sync frescobaldi 0.7.11-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,New]19:11
ghostcubecool new kernel and new nvidia drivers :)19:12
ghostcubehmm is 2.6.31rc5 ok to test19:12
ghostcubeworks now with sensors19:13
ghostcubesudo modprobe w83627ehf19:13
ghostcubevery cool19:14
JontheEchidnaScottK: ping19:39
seeleargh.. cannot recover my opendesktop.org password19:42
markeyhey all19:44
* seele waves19:44
markeyhaving some issues with installing kde-devel on karmic19:44
markeyany ideas? :)19:44
apacheloggerhum hum19:57
slacker_nlwhat is funny?19:57
apacheloggerhow broken packages can get from merging :P19:58
JontheEchidnaneversfelde had a fix for that iirc19:58
* apachelogger uploads fix :P19:58
apacheloggermarkey: fix should be arriving soonish20:00
markeyyou're the best *smooooch*20:00
apacheloggerRiddell: do you have to remove the kde-core binary manually or will some archive cleaning script do that? ... was renamed to kde-minimal months ago20:00
Riddellapachelogger: it'll show up in NBS, but a removal bug with ubuntu-archive subscribed wouldn't hurt21:03
sebasIs karmic shipped with some snapshot of the NM plasmoid?21:04
sebasI'm seeing quite some crash reports...21:05
JontheEchidnasebas: currently it's using the new KNM21:05
sebasAh, good21:05
Riddellalso bug reports use apport so go to us21:05
JontheEchidnathe plasmoid is the nice picture of the cellphone at the moment21:05
sebasI still can't care about all those crash reports, just seeing that our good bugsquad has tons of work with it21:05
sebasApparently not all21:06
sebasBasically, I've no idea what exactly those people are using, I don't care why it crashes (the code has been refactored lately)21:06
sebasSo all those bugreports are useless and cause work :/21:07
Riddellcould be the jaunty one21:07
sebasHm, maybe21:07
sebasThat's the deprecated one21:07
sebasI just wanted to make sure you're not shipping the current one, because I *know* that it's crashy21:07
Riddellkarmic currenly has svn1002781 from Thu, 30 Jul 200921:10
Riddellso does Kubuntu backports for jaunty21:10
seelewow.. my opendesktop.org account is from 200221:10
seelethat's before i started contributing to kde21:10
sebasRiddell: Let me check which one that is21:10
sebasIt'd be good if that was removed, because the bugreports are killing time21:10
sebasI won't support that version also21:11
Riddellseele: it sucked you in!21:11
JontheEchidnasebas: that's a KNM snapshot21:11
seeleRiddell: the only comments registered are about a KDE background i made and uploaded, hehe21:11
sebasAh, I thought the plasmoid21:11
sebasKNM should be fine21:12
sebasseele: make me a friend!21:12
RiddellI wasn't clear, it's the same package name but now contain s the knetworkmanager binary21:12
Riddellseele the artist!21:12
seelesebas: done21:15
seele(i think)21:15
sebasseele: yay :)21:15
Riddellseele: ooh ooh, me too21:16
seelehmm.. changed my password but i still can't seem to login to the plasma widget thingy21:16
* sebas notes that a good way to make friends is writing a social desktop plasmoid21:16
sebasWorks for me :)21:16
seeleRiddell: whats your nick? searching for your name didnt work21:16
Riddelljriddell I think21:17
* Nightrose too21:17
macoseele: youre not on my friends list, so im guessing searching for yours didnt work for me either21:17
macoeither that or you ignored my friend request21:17
seelemaco: i havent logged into my account since june 200221:17
seelethe only thing i had was a nick name and an address21:18
seelei'm lucky i still had access to my college email account.. apparently that is what i used21:18
seeleok people21:18
macoso did i21:18
seelemy nick i seele on opendesktop.org21:18
seeleYOU add me21:18
Nightrosebut but but21:18
Nightrosewe're lazy! :D21:19
Riddellwhat?  now we have to work for your friendship?21:19
seeleRiddell: omg you know i found your nick but now i think i wont add you21:19
macosearching username seele gets me: seele varcuzzo, Jacques Bourquin, and MS ... which are you?21:21
seelewow lag21:21
seeleseele varcuzzo.. wonder why it's still using my video game name21:22
seelei change that to celeste like 20 minutes ago21:22
seelemaybe that's why i can't login to the widget after changing my password21:22
Riddellleft over from a previous marrage? :)21:23
macorequest sent21:23
macoafter i click you it says your name21:23
macobut the search page shows that varczzo one21:23
seeleno i've not been married before. although funny you should say that21:25
seelei'm off to vermont in a few hours to witness my little sister's second21:25
seeleargh.. i reset my password, but apparently not21:27
ScottKneversfelde: Did your backport thing get sorted out while I was gone?21:27
ghostcubehi :)21:31
ghostcubeapachelogger: http://pastie.org/575965 can you tell me if this is normal :)21:31
ScottKJontheEchidna: What's the plan for kgraphviewer?22:06
RiddellScottK: helio says that compiled for him so it could be our gcc being strict22:07
Riddellwhich typically is NCommander's forte22:07
ScottKOK.  Well it's one of 2 boost1.35 r-build-depends left, so it'd be really nice to see it go.22:08
seelehmm.. when did i drop?22:10
JontheEchidna[16:59:02] <-- seele has left this server (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).22:10
Riddellyou didn't miss much here22:10
seelewhat happened to friday nights being *busy* on irc22:11
seeleah shit.. server is down22:11
seeleor died22:12
Riddelltoo many people with social lives?22:12
seelesocial lives.. what's that22:12
seelethey should be working on free software!22:13
ScottKMy impression is that activity on Ubuntu IRC channels is down significantly from a year or two ago pretty much accross the board.22:13
macoseele: please explain this to the linuxchix!22:13
Riddellplasma-widget-indicatordisplay is in universe now, you can test it with konversation22:13
seelemaco: dead in there too?22:13
macoseele: no no the irc is fine. i mean the working on free software part22:13
Riddellmaco: I hear they just talk about cute geek guys in there :)22:14
macoremember at the meeting ScottK came to, everyone said theyd never considered actually giving back to the projects they use22:14
seelelinux chix who dont want to work on free software?22:14
seelemaco: add this to your list of reasons why i dont like linuxchix :P22:14
JontheEchidnaRiddell: that konvi upload ftbfs22:14
macoRiddell: not often. that was just in response to Spike's "hottest geek girls" list ...which didnt really have any geeks on it22:14
RiddellJontheEchidna: waa22:15
JontheEchidnaRiddell: cmake didn't find libindicate-qt22:15
macoseele: the people on irc do contribute, i think... but the people in dc chapter? they all went "you're contributing? but youre so young" (which haha right..umm..im older than a handful of motu) and i said "er...almost 3 years of using, dont wanna just be a leech" and they were like "er..ive been..umm...7 years...never really thought about..."22:16
RiddellJontheEchidna: you know it you help if I build-deped on the -dev package wouldn't it22:16
JontheEchidnaheh, I guess22:17
macoseele: thats why i wanted to do a "how to contribute" thing with linuxchix instead of the usual "lets eat!"22:17
ScottKRiddell: I thought the deal we had with Ayatana was that we'd provide the indicator for non-Kubuntu stuff that used it, but that our default desktop stuff would only use it if a user had optionally enabled it?22:19
macothat sounds right22:19
JontheEchidnaLooking at the implementation, it looks like the user would not notice any change at all unless they explicitly had the indicator widget thre22:21
JontheEchidnathre-> there22:21
JontheEchidnaotherwise you get that crappy amarok osd, if you have notifications enabled at all22:21
dajomuI've read several places that jaunty gives a horrible KDE experience. unstable and not well implemented. Why is that and what is done for the next release to fix that?22:46
seeledajomu: if you havent actually used it how do you know what you read is true?22:47
dajomuI've used it :)22:47
bobesponjaI get this error trying to compile a plasmoid http://pastebin.com/m60f33214  even though I have qt libs headers installed and can compile choqok and others22:48
dajomuseele: are you saying they are lying?22:48
seeledajomu: then you should have said "I think that jaunty..." not that youve read22:48
bobesponjahow do I tell it where are the qtlibs? I'm not sure where they are in kubuntu22:48
seeledajomu: i think people are entitled to their own opinion and we've also had excellent reviews written about jaunty22:49
dajomuseele: thats true. there were some issues that affected me, but maybe not everybody.22:59
=== nellery_ is now known as nellery
Monika|KNot sure why they say Jaunty gives a bad KDE experience ... the first KDE 4 release that is usable for me. I had a problem with plasma not starting at first, though - this was remedied by upgrading to 4.2.4 from a ppa23:06
QuintasanAnd to think that I was so close23:08
dajomuMonika|K: upgrading to 4.2.something gave me a black-screen and I "had to" reinstall23:10
dajomuseveral times23:10
ghostcubehmmm if i pull the plasma network manager applet it want to remove network manager23:10
Monika|KWhat was the cause and what was the solution?23:10
ghostcubewhats the difference peoples23:10
Monika|KWas ist der Unterschied Völker?!23:11
dajomuI didn't pursue the problem. Installed linuxmint which worked fine23:11
ghostcubehmm als ich auf 4.3.0 gegangen bin musste ich den .kde moven wollt ich erst nich aber Quintasanhatte recht23:11
ghostcubeso anyone can tell me the difference between the plasma widget and the kde network manager and what i should keep23:12
Monika|Kon the list it was set that the network manager is newer than the widget and more stable (or intended to be)23:13
Monika|Kand everyone was asked to test the stand-alone network manager23:13
Monika|Kor written ;)23:13
seeleok.. off to the airport, back in a few hours23:16
ghostcubesee what i mean23:16
ghostcubeis there anything that gets not redone if you move .kde to .kde-old and make a new login23:17
ghostcubei need to copy over ?23:18
Monika|Kkeep network-manager-kde23:18
ghostcubeMonika|K: in my post ?23:18
ghostcubewhy are all the dev packages on remove23:18
neversfeldeScottK: afaik not23:19
nixternal8.04 - are we really worried about fixing minor bugs? ie. kubuntu-docs install issue? seeing as we are only 2 months away until EOL23:24

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