
QuintasanDo I have to pull *.udeb from launchpad if I want to install karmics kernel under jaunty?00:01
jiriHi, how to add this key - http://ppa.launchpad.net/xorg-edgers/ppa/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/Release.gpg00:17
jirihm, problem solved :)00:18
peijHi. I can't have sound on flash videos while amarok is opened. I heard that this is a pulseaudio/alsa conflic. How can I make them work together ?00:22
yeoj I just plugged in a USB mass storage device, and is shows up in dmesg, how can i tell what sd device it is?00:41
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BluesKajyeoj, lsusb00:51
yeojBluesKaj: but that doesn't have a /dev/??? that i can mount?00:52
yeojBluesKaj: i see my device00:52
yeojBluesKaj: i can see its on bus 001 device 00600:53
raindogCan you add a network folder to the places sidebar in Dolphin?00:59
BluesKajyeoj, just try : mount it might show up01:00
BluesKajraindog, yes i think so , altho i havent tried01:01
BluesKajraindog, i just open the the network place01:04
BiGDaDDy84Hello. I have two 120 GB SATA drives on RAID 0 with Win XP and a separate 30 GB HDD with Kubuntu. Can someone help me mount the RAID so I can access Windows files from Linux?01:07
BluesKaj!raid | BiGDaDDy8401:09
ubottuBiGDaDDy84: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto01:09
* BiGDaDDy84 is a linux newbie01:11
BiGDaDDy84I don't see anything there that could help01:11
roffe_does anyone know how to install nouveau?01:12
BluesKajBiGDaDDy84, my raid chops are pretty slim , but just try the ' mount ' command in the terminal , then may be I might be able to help01:13
BiGDaDDy84BluesKaj: so just type mount? no flags no parameters?01:14
BluesKajroffe_, what's nouveau01:15
BluesKajBiGDaDDy84, just mount01:15
BiGDaDDy84ok 1 sec01:15
BluesKajBiGDaDDy84, then pastebin the output01:16
BiGDaDDy84BluesKaj: http://pastebin.com/d2008879501:16
roffe_BluesKaj: Nouveau is an open-source driver for Nvidia cards01:16
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BluesKajBiGDaDDy84, does raid0 look at both drives as one ?01:18
BiGDaDDy84BluesKaj: yes.01:18
BluesKajroffe_, which nvidia card ?01:18
BluesKajBiGDaDDy84, ok install ntfs-3g01:19
ubottuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions01:19
roffe_BluesKaj: All Nvidia cards... but my particular card is a 8400m gs01:19
BiGDaDDy84BluesKaj: ok one minute01:20
BiGDaDDy84BluesKaj: i already have ntfs-3g01:20
BluesKajroffe_, your card is supported by the nvidia-glx-180 driver which was recently upgraded , have you done any apt upgrades lately ?01:22
roffe_BluesKaj: I doesn't work for anyone with this card01:22
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darthanubisroffe_: same card I have. Works wonderfully01:25
BluesKajroffe_, do you use a package manager or apt in the cli ?01:25
BluesKajdarthanubis, what works wonderfully ?01:25
darthanubis[20:12] <roffe_> does anyone know how to install nouveau?01:26
darthanubisI have not tried nouveau though01:26
roffe_darthanubis: There's a huge amount of people that can't get that card working well with the blob. Perhaps there's some difference with some cards01:26
BluesKajBiGDaDDy84, have you run the ntfs configuration tool ?01:26
roffe_Nouveau, however, is at least a bit faster01:27
BiGDaDDy84BluesKaj: where is that located? what command?01:28
alidCan anybody please help me set a global keyboard shortcut to launch konsole from anywhere (kubuntu 9.04)?01:29
zuzhey, you guys know how to play flash in opera?01:29
BluesKajBiGDaDDy84, kmenu/applications/system/ntfs configuration tool01:29
zuzalid is making it a widget in your taskbar an option?01:30
zuzfor you i mean01:30
alidzuz: Unfortunately, I don't have much space in my taskbar. Actually, I want to set the key 'F12' to launch konsole for me from anywhere.01:31
rafaelhey guys I got a question about smb. I'm trying to reach my windows files from ubuntu and I types windows IP address and I get prompt with user name, domain and password, I put the name and password correctly but i'm not sure about domain01:31
BluesKajroffe_, then you have to uninstall the present driver and intstall the nouveau driver , in the terminal: sudo aptitude remove nvidi-glx-180 && sudo install xserver-xorg-video-nouveau01:31
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BluesKajoops lemme fix that roffe_01:31
zuzalid system settings/ keyboad and mouse global shortcut might help01:31
rafaeli got my windows pc configure as a workgroup, I put the workgroup name in the domain space, but still didn't work01:32
roffe_BluesKaj: Is it sudo in kubuntu?01:32
zuzim not an expert but seems like thats a place01:32
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BluesKajroffe_, in the terminal : sudo aptitude remove nvidia-glx-180 && sudo install xserver-xorg-video-nouveau01:32
BluesKajsudo is root permission01:32
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)01:32
alidzuz: I tried that, though I failed to find it. It was a pretty much straightforward action in older versions of KDE. I'm not sure where is the exact place in KDE 4.01:33
roffe_BluesKaj: thanks! How can I tell what driver I'm running now?(I've only used kde for about an hour)01:33
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BiGDaDDy84BluesKaj: ok i ran the program01:33
BluesKajroffe_, were you a gnome user before kde ?01:33
BluesKajsame driver , roffe_01:34
zuzalid try this then http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7956001:34
roffe_sure but I don't know what driver was installed when I started running kubuntu01:34
BluesKajroffe. look in synaptic to see which nvidia driver is installed if you are worried , but almost 100% sure it's the 18001:35
zuzmaybe that can help you01:35
alidzuz: Looks promising. Thank you! :)01:36
rafaelcan somebody help me with smb?01:36
manikonyes what's your problem ?01:37
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rafaelI'm trying to reach my windows files from ubuntu and I types windows IP address and I get prompt with user name, domain and password, I put the name and password correctly but i'm not sure about domain01:37
rafaeli got my windows pc configure as a workgroup, I put the workgroup name in the domain space, but still didn't work01:37
BluesKajroffe or you can do alt+f2 then type jockey-kde01:37
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rafaelit seems that i'm having problems with authentication01:38
roffe_BluesKaj: When i wrote sudo install xserver-xorg-video-nouveau it just gave me an error: install: missing destination file operand after `xserver-xorg-video-nouveau'01:39
BluesKajrafael, the domain is the IP address of the pc you are trying to access01:39
BluesKajroffe , do alt+f2 then type jockey-kde01:39
dbc254can't get a clear answer, what should my modem init string be?01:40
roffe_BluesKaj: yeah, I did that too, but it didn't offer me any drivers01:40
BluesKajroffe_, what driver has the green dor beside it ?01:41
roffe_there were no drivers01:41
BiGDaDDy84BluesKaj: I'll wait till you're done with roffe_01:41
BluesKajroffe_, do you still have synaptic installed ?01:41
roffe_no, how do I find it?01:42
juliosomeone can tell me if is there a kmess channel?01:42
BluesKajBiGDaDDy84, open dolphin and take alook at the "places" list on the left , there might be a ntfs drive listed there01:43
BluesKaj!pm | rafael01:43
ubotturafael: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.01:43
BiGDaDDy84BluesKaj: negative.01:44
rafaelohh ok01:44
rafaelyes i'm just trying to connect to my files on a windows xp using smb01:44
rafaelit seems that i connect to the computer since it prompts me for username, domain and password01:45
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BluesKajBiGDaDDy84, do a : df -h in the terminal , pastebin the output01:45
rafaelnow, my pc is set in a workgroup so i though that instead of the domain name workgroup that it has by default, i should change it for my real workgroup name, so i did01:46
rafaelbut still is giving me the same authentication window01:46
BluesKajrafael, , you have to have the files on windows "shared" in order to access them01:46
roffe_I didn't even know synaptic was on kubuntu.. how do I find it?01:46
BluesKajroffe_, sudo aptitude install synaptic01:46
rafaelso i'm wondering what should i put in the domain field, cause I checked and recreated the username and password in the PC01:47
BiGDaDDy84BluesKaj: http://pastebin.com/m57e1b1b301:47
roffe_thanks BluesKaj01:48
rafaeli do, well at least windows xp comes with a predifined shared folders01:49
BluesKajBiGDaDDy84, try : sudo fdisk -l and pastebin that too01:49
BiGDaDDy84BluesKaj: http://pastebin.com/m608603a801:50
roffe_trying to run synaptic, it says it's not installed... but i just did01:51
BluesKajBiGDaDDy84, do you see the windows partition in the boot menu (grub) at startup ?01:52
BiGDaDDy84BluesKaj: yes, because I edited GRUB to include it01:52
BluesKajroffe_, alt+f2 type synaptic01:53
roffe_nothing happens when I press enter01:53
BluesKajBiGDaDDy84, can you access windows ?01:53
BluesKajfrom the grub menu i mean01:53
BiGDaDDy84BluesKaj: yes.01:54
roffe_perhaps a restart would do the trick?01:54
BluesKajok, sounds like an fstab problem ...Anyone ??01:54
BluesKajI'm not very good at fstab and mtab01:55
BiGDaDDy84BluesKaj:  if it helps here's my /boot/grub/menu.lst01:55
BluesKajroffe_, it's in the applications list , under system01:56
BluesKajBiGDaDDy84, yeah that looks fine ,,,it's the ntfs-3g thatshoul help you access the windows drive but this raid stuff is a bit my scope, sinc eI don't have any experienc ewith it01:58
BluesKajbeyond my scope01:58
BiGDaDDy84BluesKaj: oh ok, I understand. Thanks though01:58
BiGDaDDy84BluesKaj: I think my Nvidia Nforce 4 RAID controller is not installed01:58
roffesynaptic doesn't work02:01
darthanubisuh boy02:02
roffeIt says synaptic is not installed, so when I try to install it, it gives me:02:04
roffePackage synaptic is not available, but is referred to by another package.02:04
roffeThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or02:04
roffeis only available from another source02:04
roffeE: Package synaptic has no installation candidate02:04
FloodBotK2roffe: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:04
BluesKajroffe, look for a package manager in the   kmenu/ applications /system02:05
roffeSoftware management?02:05
roffeor I mean kpackagekit?02:06
BluesKajsoftware management ...kpackagekit is flaky02:08
roffewhat shall i do there?02:09
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit02:09
roffeany easy way to install ff 3.5?02:15
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david_hi there02:50
david_look this may sound like a stupid question. i have courier and postfix installed. im trying to work out how if i get an email for say info@blah.com it gets forwarded to another user email?02:51
david_hi hackerx02:51
cwraighi all, i just installed kubuntu and overnight it is copying my data to itself. It was all ok until the screen went blank and i pressed the keyboard to wake it back up and i got a mouse and a firefox window that i had open before but that is all thats on the screen, when i right clicked on the firefox window i was able to send it to "desktop 1" and it disappaered, how do i switch my screen back to desktop 1 cause there are no buttons sh02:51
cwraigown on desktop 2 for some reason?02:51
hackerxso firefox froze?02:52
cwraighackerx, so it worked fine until i sent it to desktop 102:53
cwraigand then it went like it should and i can only assume that i am looking at desktop 202:53
coreymon77hi guys02:54
cwraigbut when i right click on the blackness nothing happens but i can move the mouse around fine02:54
coreymon77i want to put a video on my ipod touch but dont have access to my mac laptop (meaning, no access to itunes), so, how would i go about doing this on my kubuntu box02:54
hackerxdid you try to restart the x window system02:54
cwraighackerx, is there a keyboard shortcut to switch between desktops?02:54
cwraighackerx, ive got some big file copies going that i do not want to pause so i was trying to get out of doing that02:54
hackerxyou can switch to another terminal and restart x window system02:54
david_wow vim /etc/alias02:55
cwraighackerx, will that halt the copies that i have going through konquorer02:55
david_who would have thought it would be that easy02:55
david_thanks folks02:55
coreymon77any ideas?02:56
hackerxor you can open another terminal window with alt ctrl f1 and manually shut down that operation02:56
cwraighackerx, which operation should i be stopping?02:56
cwraighackerx, i can get in via ssh02:57
hackerxif you can stop firefox and data transfer is occuring on konquerer than you should be cool02:57
hackerxother wise you need to reboot the x window system and find out why its causing the system to hang..02:58
cwraighackerx, ok thanks02:58
hackerxsorry if im not more help02:58
cwraighackerx, thats fine, ill kill firefox and see if that helps otherwise ill just wait till the network traffic dies down and then restart xorg02:59
cwraighackerx, killing firefox didnt help ill just wait a few hours and then restart X03:02
cwraigis there any way that i can view network traffic on the command line like "top"03:02
hackerxnot sure..let me do some looking..if your still on in a few i'll tell ya what i find03:03
hackerxtry the manual pages for netstat03:06
hackerxgo to the terminal and type man netstat03:06
cwraighackerx, ok03:06
cwraighackerx, by usign netstat --tcp --numeric i can see the connection to my samba server, when this connection disappears i will restart xorg. Is there anything i can do to debug this?03:12
hackerxgot a brain fart..03:15
hackerxif you restart dont think so..03:15
cwraighackerx, thats ok ill ask in #kde about bug reporting thankyou for all your help03:15
hackerxya sure03:15
tony__Hi, I am new to this irc thing, and have a question about the 7.10 updates that dont seem to be available any more. Is 7.10 still able to be updated using sapt-get update and apt-get dist_upgrade?03:27
myselfcan you customize the live preview thing in KDE?03:29
myselfmake the window bigger and nicer looking (the preview window)?03:29
tony__will 7.10 still update?03:29
BluesKajtony__, https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ03:30
BluesKajtony__, it ooks like it's past the end of life03:31
BluesKajerr looks03:31
DragnslcrI don't think 7.10 is still supported03:31
Dragnslcr18 months would have been this past April03:32
ubottuUbuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 18th, 2009. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.03:33
BluesKajbut you can upgrade to 8.04 cuz it's still supported03:33
myselfhey is there a way to customize the preview windows in the taskbar????03:33
myselfthe "live preview" thing, i want to make it bigger03:33
tony__ouch, I have a major issue with elo serail touchscreens not working in 8.04 or later03:33
myselfwhen you put your mouse on the window and it gives you a little preview03:33
Dragnslcrmyself- not that I can find03:34
myselfalso i have a question03:35
myselfwhats this called03:36
DragnslcrI just call it the settings button03:37
DragnslcrI've also seen it called the "cashew"03:37
myselfthank you dragnslcr03:41
DragnslcrNo problem03:41
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myselfhey my "cashew" http://i28.tinypic.com/16k1ceu.png is acting up, it wont show a menu in front of all the other stuff on the desktop, so i have to minimize everything to see a menu w/ it03:51
myselflemme re log in03:51
KittyBootsI have never found the cashew to have any value03:53
KittyBootsI am trying to use wammu but I dont have a cellphone adaptor03:53
myselfso yeah my "casew" http://i28.tinypic.com/16k1ceu.png wont show a menu in fornt of other stufff, not even a little toolbar i made,03:54
myselfits all in the background03:55
davidjheinrichhi all...does anyone here know if there is a simple way for me to generate a SIMPLE table (just table, tr, td, th tags, no style, nothing else)? I have an OpenOffice.org table, but it generates awful code, even with export > XHTML03:55
myselfsomeone tell me please how to fix this, thank you03:56
KittyBootsMy only advice is to use gnome03:56
KittyBootsI dont use kde because I dont like the cashew03:56
BluesKajthat's for opening the widgets option03:58
BluesKajthere's nothing evil about it ;)03:58
KittyBootsKDE is awesome, but it dosen't need the cashew03:59
KittyBootsif it was just a little bit more useful03:59
BluesKajwell, sacktime for me04:00
noquinhoplease let me know, where i find compiz fusion executable04:04
noquinhobin? boot?04:05
Dragnslcrnoquinho- probably either /usr/bin or /usr/sbin04:06
noquinhowhere i put in pastebin?04:10
noquinhoi think i am having problems with compiz04:11
noquinhoi appreciate if u can analize this for me04:14
noquinhoi am trying to set compiz on boot04:15
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myselfso is there a way to make the cashew not appear in the background of everything making it useless04:24
myselfthe cashew menu04:24
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corigoTrying to update to KDE 4.3... but I'm stuck with 4 packages not yet loaded. It keeps complaining "gzip: stdout: No Space left on device" and "No apport report written because MaxReports is reached already" and finally E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)04:31
corigoI have tried to sudo apt-get -f install and sudo apt-get -f dist-upgrade and also sudo dpkg --force-overwrite --install but still getting errors on the last 4 packages04:31
Dragnslcrcorigo- you sure that you aren't out of disk space?04:32
Dragnslcrmyself- I've always wondered that myself, and I don't think there is. There should be a panel widget to minimize all windows, which would kinda help04:33
Dragnslcrmyself- I would guess that the reasoning is that once you have your desktop and panels set, you don't need the settings menu very often04:33
noquinhohow can i set screenlets to run when i log on ?04:33
corigoThe only partition that is out of space is boot all other partitions have space04:33
Dragnslcrcorigo- well, are the packages that you're trying to update the kernel packages?04:34
corigoThe listed items are: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.28-14-generic04:34
corigo linux-restricted-modules-2.6.28-15-generic04:34
corigo linux-restricted-modules-generic04:34
corigo linux-generic04:34
FloodBotK1corigo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:34
DragnslcrThere you go then04:35
corigoDragnslcr: meaning?04:35
DragnslcrIf there's no space left on /boot, you can't install a new kernel04:35
corigoI see.04:35
DragnslcrYou can either resize the partition or uninstall a couple old kernels04:36
myselfdragnslcr alright, thank you04:36
corigoCan I clean up boot? There seems to be half a dozen each of all the same files... ?04:36
DragnslcrHow big is the partition?04:36
noquinhowhen u turn on your computer your screenlets are on desktop ? how do i set it ?04:36
corigoHow do I uninstall old kernels?04:37
DragnslcrMy /boot directory is only taking up about 50 MB, so I would guess you have a lot of kernel images there04:37
DragnslcrThe package names are linux-image-[version]04:38
DragnslcrYou should probably leave the 3 most recent, just in case04:38
corigoI don't see any "linux-image-x" I have a bunch of: abi-2.6, config-2.6, initrd.img-2.6, System.map-2.6, vmcoreinfo-2.6, and vmlinuz-2.6.... (10 of each)04:41
DragnslcrThose are files04:43
DragnslcrI meant packages, as in using KPackageKit or apt-get to remove them04:43
DarthPuffhow do i install a new compiz theme?04:44
karanhow do i see the actual name of my computer?04:45
karanim trying to do remote desktop04:46
corigoDragnslcr: thanks04:46
karansomeone please04:47
karanits 12 in canada04:48
karanand im tired04:48
glidei am having trouble installing kubuntu, it hangs when it tries to start xorg05:05
kubuntuboywhere can i get kubuntu ?05:05
glideubiquity hangs05:15
davidjheinrichwhen writing websites to be future-proof and best separate design & content, what should I refer to? XHTML or HTML 4.01?05:25
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Guest55157привет юные пользователи кубунты! :)05:34
glidebad video card05:52
glidego figure05:52
jjarahello glide05:53
glidehi jjara05:53
jjarai have a problem in ubuntu 9.04 server05:54
jjaraif iam connecting in remote like ssh or telnet or http the server always disconnecting05:54
glidego ahead, i'll do my best to help05:54
glideyou connect, then disconnect, or you never connect?05:55
jjaraif i issue netstat -atno ill see a timer counting05:55
glidei've never seen that before05:56
glidesounds like a session limit is set somewhere05:56
glideman ssh_config05:57
SecMonkjjara: is it an immediate disconnect or after X seconds?05:57
glideman sshd_config05:57
glidedo you have a TMOUT variable set in /etc/bashrc?05:58
SecMonkjjara: curious if it's isolated to one user account or several (all)?05:58
jjaranot isolated05:59
jjarai configure already the ssh_config and set the serveraliveinternal but still the same05:59
SecMonkjjara: wait, it behaves that way no matter the connection protocol?  ssh? telnet? rsh? etc?06:00
jjarai configure this as a web server but even http is disconnectin06:03
glideyikes, kubuntu 10 does ext4 by default06:06
jjaraany solution how to configure this06:08
jjaraSecMock: any connection ssh or telnet even http as a web server06:14
davidjheinrichdoes anyone know of a screen reader plugin for firefox? or of a good screen reader I can use? I want to see how web-pages are in screen-readers06:15
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skierpageI "print" to myfile.pdf in Documents.  Now I want to view it in Okular. Kicker doesn't do filename completion, Krunner only does directory completion.  And neither will open ~/Documents/myfile.pdf What am I missing?!06:47
skierpageHmm, Krunner does do the right thing so long as I type the filename myself, so it's just Kickoff.  Is there an "open /path/to" that does the right thing?06:49
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eatThisAndDieanyone with jaunty have any success isntalling grub2?06:59
eatThisAndDiei can't seem to upgrade it, the first boot after installation (which goes to grub to confirm ) seems to wreck it.07:00
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knicI am running 8.04 and I just updated to the latest 8.04 packages and when I log into KDM for my account kdm just resets07:28
knicI am running an nvidia graphics card and was wondering how should I fix07:29
danaldops ha07:38
danaldhey can someone help me07:38
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zoisshey guys. my edit software sources window doesnt pop up any more. does anyone know how to fix that?07:54
ubuntu_Hi eveybody07:58
Mamarok!ask | danald07:58
ubottudanald: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:58
Mamarokzoiss: what exact window do you mean?07:59
danaldha sorry man im too tired for this ill come back tommorow07:59
zoissin kpackagekit. the window to set sources for downloading packages08:00
ubuntu_I am trying to install Kubuntu on my Vista machine ( I am currently up on CD live bcause I couldnt install) after asking language setting and time zone,nothing happens and Next button goes in active.The only thing I can do is Quit the installation.08:00
ubuntu_can anybody help me whats the problem?08:00
Mamarokzoiss: maybe it is behind the other one? try Alt + Tab08:00
ubuntu_no there is only one window.08:01
Mamarokubuntu_: can you run the live CD on your system?08:01
zoissMamarok: no sir. its not :]08:01
ubuntu_burn into harddisk you mean ? how boot from that then?08:01
Mamarokzoiss: restart the application and try again?08:02
zoissit was asking me for password, but the window didnt show up then. restart doestn work, too08:02
Mamarokubuntu_: no, I mean can you run the live CD on that system?08:02
zoisseven with adept installer it doesnt show up08:02
Mamarokzoiss: which KDE version do you have?08:02
Mamarokthat is more than strange08:02
ubuntu_yes I can.I am currently on Live CD . I just cant install from the live cd.it doest proceed after asking time zone.08:03
Mamarokzoiss: try restarting KDE08:03
Mamarokubuntu_: then I don't known, maybe your CD is defective? Did you burn it yourself?08:03
zoissreboot doesnt help Mamarok08:03
ubuntu_yes I burn myself.If its defective how comes that it can run the live cd?08:04
Mamarokzoiss: I didn't say reboot, I said restart KDE only08:04
Mamarokubuntu_: well, the installer can still be defective08:04
zoissok, how to restart kde only?08:04
Mamarokzoiss: log out and then log in again08:04
ubuntu_So you suggest I try to burn once more ?08:04
zoissok brb08:05
Mamarokubuntu_: that would be an option, make sure it is not a cheap media CD, those often have very poor results08:05
myselfi burned an ubuntu_                                   cd08:05
ubuntu_Mamarok: is there any other option08:06
Mamarokubuntu_: test your disk? There is an option at the beginning, before you start the installation process08:06
ubuntu_I tried that.It told the disk is OK.08:07
Mamarokmyself: and how would that help? It's the same underlying application08:07
ubuntu_thats why i am confused :-/08:07
myselfmy thing just blinked cause someone said "myself"08:07
zoissMamarok: now i have another try or do i have to change anything first?08:07
myselfanyawy im sorry08:07
Mamarokubuntu_: then I really don't know, maybe ask in #ubuntu, there are more eyes08:07
ubuntu_thanks for your time man..08:08
myselfu know08:08
Mamarokmyself: well, that's the downside of your nick then :)08:08
myselfu can install ubuntu first08:08
myselfthen download kde08:08
haf1z hello08:08
Mamarokubuntu_: you are welcome :)08:08
myselfsudo apt get-install kdepackage08:08
myselfwhatever the package name is08:08
myselfthats what i did08:08
myselfit works great08:08
haf1zanyone can help me with install flash player?08:08
ubuntu_I am new to IRC...08:08
FloodBotK1myself: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:08
Mamarokmyself: ha can't install at all08:08
myselfand u can hop on gnome whenever you want08:08
myselfoh whats the problem ? :/08:08
ubuntu_how can I switch to that ubuntu that you just mention?08:08
haf1zi want to watch utube vids08:08
Mamarokmyself: well, then read the question above,08:09
haf1zbut i need to install the plugins08:09
Mamarokubuntu_: that will not solve any of your problems08:09
myselfre-download a live cd ubuntu_08:09
myselfor re-burn it maybe08:09
Mamarokhaf1z: you need to install the flashplugin-nonfree package08:09
myselfbut i'd say your burn/image is messed up08:09
myselfkubuntu should install fine, but, if it doesn't, download the Ubuntu live CD08:10
Mamarokmyself: again, this is *not* dependent of wether he as a Gnome or a KDE CD, they use the same installation procedure!08:10
haf1zMamarok: i already dload d flash player but got this msg error [ Wrong Architecture i38608:10
myselfhis cd image is probably messed up08:10
myselfi doubt he has some serious hardware issue that wouldn't let him install it08:10
ubuntu_can I make mahine boot from the .iso file  downloaded?08:10
myselfits probably the image08:10
Mamarokubuntu_: you will be fine with the Kubuntu one, just make sure you check the md5sum before burning08:10
myselfwhast the name of your .iso image08:10
myselfubuntu_, you can make it boot from the CD, have you tried that?08:11
Mamarokhaf1z: where did you download it from?08:11
haf1zMamarok: adobe website08:11
ubuntu_Mamarok :what is md5sum? Yes I tried live CD!08:11
Mamarokhaf1z: you should use the package from the repositories, the one from the adobe website will not work as it seems08:11
igor_Hi, does anybodu know how to adjust vim, so that % will skip commented lines?08:11
myselfubuntu_ maybe you should burn it again08:11
Mamarok!md5 | ubuntu_08:12
ubottuubuntu_: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows08:12
myselfpaste the name of the live cd08:12
myselfthat you have08:12
haf1zMamarok: how to use the package repositories?08:12
Mamarokmyself: very helpful, guess what I told him 10 minutes ago...08:12
haf1zMamarok: Im quite new to ubutnu08:12
Mamarokhaf1z: well, use the package manager on your system, which Kubuntu do you use?08:12
haf1zUbuntu 8.04 LTS08:13
Mamarokhaf1z: the tha package manager is called adept08:13
haf1zMamarok: isit Synaptic Package Manager?08:13
Mamarokhaf1z: oh, wait, did you say Ubuntu? Do you use Gnome?08:13
ubuntu_myself : Kubuntu 9.04 i38608:14
Mamarokthen it is synaptic, yes, but then you are in the wrong channel too :)08:14
ubuntu_ubottu: thanks man..08:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about thanks man..08:14
haf1zi already open my package manager? then08:14
Mamarokubuntu_: that is a bot08:14
Mamarokhaf1z: yes, open synaptic, then search for the package called flashplugin-nonfree, maybe in your version it is flashplayer-nonfree08:15
myselfubuntu_ reburn the image, if it doesn't work, download the image for Ubuntu 9.04 i386 and try that08:15
ubuntu_I already found that ! it is sensitive to some keywords like md5sum so it post reply?08:15
haf1zMamarok: not result found08:15
ubuntu_thanks guys.good experience for a first time linux and irc user08:16
Mamarokubuntu_: well, you should read those link I gave you first, you need to check if the output of 'md5sum yourpackage.iso is the same than the one on the hashes website08:16
Mamaroktoo late :(08:16
Mamarokhaf1z: then maybe ask in #ubuntu? I don't know how it was called back in 8.04, there are more eyes, and as you are using Gnome anyway it is the channel for you :)08:17
zoissMamarok: the KDE restart didn't help, do you have any more ideas?08:17
haf1zo ok08:17
haf1zthx for ur help Mamarok08:17
Mamarokzoiss: yes, move your ~/.kde/ to  ^/.kde_backup/ and restart KDE again08:17
AdolaHi!  After I activate a colour scheme, how do I "Activate" it (short of restarting?)08:17
Mamarokthis will move all your settings, but should also get you rid of some config files that are likely to block your system08:18
MamarokAdola: it should apply immediately08:18
zoissok thank you08:19
AdolaMamarok: No, it didn't, for example, the Pidgin conversation window remains a VERY hard to read colour.08:19
MamarokAdola: because Pidgin is not a KDE application, this is a known bug for gtk apps, did you activate the Qt4 style for gtk apps?08:21
AdolaMamarok: I believe I did.08:21
AdolaBut, how do I? (Just in case I didn't)08:21
MamarokAdola: the same way you changed the color scheme, check the "GTK Style and fonts" part in systemsettings -> Apperance08:22
Mamarokalso, there is a package you might need, moment...08:22
AdolaThere is no "GTK Style" There is a "Fonts"08:22
AdolaBTW, Kubuntu 9.04 if that helps.08:22
Mamarokinstall kde-style-qtcurve then08:23
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AdolaMamarok: Well, it's allready installed, I changed manually the GTK settings to use default desktop settings, and it worked.08:25
Mamaroknice :)08:25
AdolaMamarok: So, thank ya!08:25
MamarokAdola: you are welcome :)08:26
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silv3r_m00nhi there , me on 9.04 kde and my keyboard suddenly stopped working and isn't working any more ..... works fine in gnome08:32
silv3r_m00nHOW DO I FIX IT08:33
zoissMamarok: sorry for bothering you again. even a new kde profile didnt fix that problem08:34
Mamarokzoiss: then you should report a bug to https://bugs.launchpad.net08:36
Mamarokzoiss: in the mean time, you can add the sources manually by editing the /etc/apt/sources.list08:36
zoisshm ok. thank you very much08:36
Mamarokzoiss: you need to have sudo rights, so 'kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list' is the command to use :)08:37
zoissyep i already tried that because i thought i was adding a broken source. so i removed it with kate but it didnt help08:38
Mamarokzoiss: what didn't help?08:42
Mamarokor better, what didn't it help to do?08:42
zoissremoving the line i added at last08:42
zoissthe one source i thought to be broken08:42
Mamarokzoiss: still, what is your problem then, if you think xou have a broken source lien?08:43
Mamarokline even08:43
zoissi had some time ago i problem with the "edit software sources" window when i added a software source incorrectly08:44
Mamarokzoiss: care pasting your sources.list to http://paste.ubuntu.com and give the URL here?08:44
gaelfxI'm running the alpha of Karmic Netbook version and i can't get my wireless to connect, can someone help me figure out why or direct me to a more appropriate venue to ask for help with this?08:45
Mamarokzoiss: but you still didn't tell me why you think you have a broken source line08:45
gaelfxis there a kubuntu+1 channel?08:45
Mamarokgaelfx: please ask in #ubuntu+1 for Karmic support08:45
zoissso i just was trying to exclude that problem by removing the last line08:45
Mamarokzoiss: please answer my question08:45
zoiss[09:44:03] <zoiss> i had some time ago i problem with the "edit software sources" window when i added a software source incorrectly08:46
zoissthats why i was trying first to remove the last line08:46
zoissjust to know this is not the problem08:46
Mamarokzoiss: I still don't understand what is the problem, can't you update somthing, or do you get error messages?08:46
zoissi can update and everything is fine. but the "edit software sources" window doesnt show up any more08:47
zoissneither in kpackagekit nor in adept08:47
Mamarokzoiss: ok, the it's a problem with kpackagekit you should report as a bug, that has nothing to do with broken sources or such08:48
Mamarok!hi | pournak08:48
ubottupournak: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!08:48
pournaktank you08:48
pournakcan you help me abuot kubunu08:49
zoissMamarok: even if the problem is regarding Adept Installer, too?08:49
Mamarok!ask | pournak08:49
ubottupournak: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:49
Mamarokzoiss: because you are using Adept in 9.04?08:49
pournaki can not install kde 4.3.0 in ubuntu08:50
Mamarokzoiss: you should use kpackagekit, the one in the system settings, Adept is deprecated08:50
zoissMamarok: ok08:50
Mamarokpournak: you need to install the PPA repository, see the topic of this channel08:50
Mamarokand, of course, you need to have kubuntu-desktop installed first :)08:50
Mamarokand what?08:51
pournaki can not install beylux messenger in kubuntu08:51
Mamarokpournak: what is beylux? never heard of that08:52
pournakit a messenger in windows08:53
Mamarokpournak: well, ther is kopete in Kubuntu, you can't install Windows applications in Linux :)08:53
pournakand i can not install it by wine08:53
Mamarokbecause wine works for some applications, but not for all, did you try kopete or pidgin?08:54
ubottuInstant Messenger Client Kopete (http://kopete.kde.org) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, YIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and, in KDE 3, IRC. See also !Pidgin08:54
pournaktank you very much08:54
pournaksee you latter08:54
Mamarokpournak: you are welcome :)08:55
gaelfxhow can I check which driver my system is using for my wireless card?08:56
* Mamarok has to work now08:56
Mamarokgaelfx: lspci on a command line08:56
gaelfxI need to know the driver, not the hardware08:57
gaelfxgot it, need to add -v to lspci to display driver info09:00
gaelfxI'm trying to connect to my wireles network with my Atheros 928x card, the driver is ATH9K, the security is WEP, and yet I cannot connect to the network ever, it seems to think that the password is wrong, though i've doublechecked the password set on the router and I'm sure the password is correct, does someone have any ideas about what might be going wrong?09:04
mtuxHi there, After installing Amarok and KDE 4.3 from Kubuntu repository, I'v got this on running it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/249059/ What's the missing pkg!?09:07
mtuxIt's an error message09:07
eggy_Hello, how do I disable this akonadi server which keeps failing to start?09:19
gaelfxwhat are the commands for updating grub so it displays my windows partition as well?09:20
muczyi've added system monitoring plasmoid to my desktop (cpu, memory, temperature), but nothing shows up in the windows09:22
muczyin the configure dialog there isn't any sensors/cpus09:22
muczycan someone help me to debug this?09:22
muczyrunning "plasmoidviewer sm_cpu" says: findServiceByDesktopPath:  not found09:26
muczy(sensors command shows up available sensors, so kernel module is loaded)09:29
muczyah, cpu and memory plasmoids need ksysguardd running...09:32
muczybut temperature applet is still empty09:32
andreas_hi all09:46
andreas_anyone here to help me with an ubuntu problem?09:48
blaamannkde4andreas_: Do no ask to ask. Describe your problem the best you can and we will try to help you.10:00
andreas_ok, I will try10:00
andreas_sorry, I was on the phone ... ok, here my problem:10:14
andreas_I am very new to ubuntu and I have some strange effects ... graphics problems I think10:15
andreas_for example: when I play a game with cards and I start new, then it dosn't clear the area, where you play10:15
andreas_or I play a game battleship, and I played one round and start new, then it doesn't clear the area, where I place my ships ...10:15
andreas_it leaves fragments of the game before10:15
andreas_another effect: when I play a game (like openttd) in fullscreen mode, it sometimes switches back to windowed mode, without me doing anything10:15
andreas_could it be that I have the wrong hardware driver for my nvidia card?10:15
driftwoodjust checked out of intreast 2 nvidia drivers are available under ubuntu.  btw are u aware by default nvida drivers being proprietry are not activated by default - u have to do that10:26
andreas_it installed a nvidia driver, when I first started a game10:27
driftwoodwhat i meant to say is u do a normal install of ubuntu and u have anvidia graphics u have to activate the driver yourself. guess u have done this10:28
driftwoodah ok10:28
andreas_but I don't know, if it was the right driver, because in "add/remove programs" there are other ones as well10:29
andreas_but I can't install them10:29
andreas_it says "conflict with existing software"10:29
driftwoodnot sure u can use add/remove directly to change hardware drivers. on my list u can use it to install and uninstall the software that controls the drivers ( its called "hardware drivers" appropriatly . and i have 2 versions installed one for use in kde and another for use in gnome) . maybe i got it wrong tho.10:39
driftwoodso u got to run again "hardware drivers" application instead. may be u done that10:40
andreas_I have only installed one of the "hardware drivers" application. How do I know, if I have KDE or gnome??? (sorry, but I warned you - im new to this) ;-)10:41
driftwoodi only knew because i read the discription it provides within add/remove against each. :) . i too was bit suprised to have 210:42
andreas_ok, in this application it says "nvidia driver version 180 (recommended)"10:42
driftwoodbut i guess if u can run it ok on your desktop u must have the correct version!10:43
driftwoodok so i guess u selected that but u where not happy with results10:43
driftwood#what happens if u select now the other one and hit apply10:44
andreas_I don't know, if the problems are a result of that driver ... that was only a guess :)10:44
ale_mwxhey guys. currently im runnning kde-desktop on my ubuntu machine to test kde. i have a small proplem: partly fonts or window position stick on their place and dont change immediatly. where is the problem and how can i solve it?10:44
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driftwoodapart from the automatic resizing of window which does not sound like a driver problem , the other one as u say is q likley to be10:46
driftwoodor maybe your computer is being overworked and does not have time to refresh the screen . just a pure guess. as going from my experence of windows if u run too many things there the graphics do go funny like u say. not sure10:47
ale_mwxalso when i open a new window, new buttons are not visible. they bevome visible when i do an hover with my mouse...10:48
driftwoodbut linux runs v efficently however!!10:48
andreas_ok, I installed the other one, but it doesn't show up10:49
driftwoodis it an oldish computer?10:49
andreas_no, a quite new one10:49
andreas_I don't think my computer is overworked ... i rather think it is bored ;-)10:50
driftwoodno real idea then!! have u got any special effects like compiz turned on?10:50
driftwoodprobably not then10:51
driftwoodits a bit like aero in windows , just fancy dressing of your desktop10:51
andreas_ah ok, yes, I have activated that ... should I try to deactivate it?10:51
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driftwoodworth a try10:52
andreas_ok, just trying10:53
andreas_ok, it seems to work better ... on first sight10:57
andreas_maybe that solved my problem ... I think I have to try a bit longer ... but thanks for now :-)10:58
driftwoodok   . thats good :)10:58
driftwoodtime 4 bed now , i think. going to do a night shift10:58
horusComo hago para reestablecer la configuración por defecto del panel de KDE?11:00
horusComo hago para reestablecer la configuración por defecto del panel de KDE?11:04
horusComo hago para reestablecer la configuración por defecto del panel de KDE?11:08
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orionhelp>>> Could not install Air  final update (plasma theme)11:32
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ZehleIs there an ubuntu site on swedish?11:35
simonb1hi all!11:41
simonb1i'm using kubuntu 8.10 with evdev controlled touchpad... how can i swap X and Y it?11:42
simonb1no clues?11:42
HenkdeVriesIs anyone else having mayor issues installing software on a hardy 64 bits system? With the nl.archive repo I get all kinds of sum mismatches and if I try a different repo (like us.archive) I get lots of bzip2 errors11:42
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=== pvandewyngaerde is now known as Guest918
Guest918this opendesktop plasmoid keeps on asking for a username and pw,  but i use openid to login, how can i enter this ?12:08
MamarokGuest918: you need an account on opendesktop.org :)12:09
wershow come, whenever i set compiz to use the kwin decorator, i get no window border at all? i have the compiz-kde package12:09
Mamarokwers: you can't use both, either you use kwin or you use compiz12:10
ghostcubehe means kde4-window-decorator12:10
ghostcubeafaik the 8.8.2 doesnt support kde4-window-decorator12:10
werswhat 8.8.2? which package is hat?12:11
wersthat's what i'm referring to ghostcube12:11
Mamarokand what would 8.8.2 be the version of?12:11
ghostcubetypo -_-12:11
Mamarokghostcube: what package are you talking about?12:11
Mamarokwers: if you are using kde4, then you have to choose, either Kwin or Compiz, both together will not work12:12
ghostcubeMamarok: thats not the problem12:12
wersMamarok: there's an option for compiz to use the kde window decorator12:12
wersit should work. there's just a bug12:12
ghostcubewers it doesnt work12:12
ghostcubejust try emerald12:12
Mamarokwhy don't you just use kwin desktop effects?12:13
ghostcubecause they suck12:13
Mamarokghostcube: they don't for me, and watch your language :)12:13
ghostcubesorry ut iam tired of this discussion12:13
ghostcubenot against you12:13
wersMamarok: it's either compiz is just better or it just works better on my hardware12:13
ghostcubebut i dont can work with the kde4 effects12:13
ghostcubedont can oha i need coffee12:14
Mamarokwers: if you want to use compiz, you need to use another window manager than kwin, else it will not work12:14
werscompiz is much smoother here for some reason. the difference is significant12:14
ghostcubeMamarok: kwin has a decorator12:14
ghostcubekwin is not the decorator12:15
ghostcubekwin is the WM12:15
ghostcubeso he can use kwin decorator in compiz12:15
wersMamarok: ghostcube got it right12:15
ghostcubebut its buggy12:15
Mamarokwell, then you go explain that :)12:15
wersMamarok: install fusion-icon and see it for yourself12:15
Mamarokbecause the only working solution I have seen so far is to use another WM12:15
ghostcubesorry its to early for me12:15
wersit works on fedora (because of the compiz version issue)12:16
ghostcubewers: just install emerald12:16
Mamarokwers: I don't use effects, besides some transparency, this is a working PC :)12:16
ghostcubei like the themes more than the kde4 themes12:16
ghostcubeMamarok: i use the screen edges for some things in compiz12:16
ghostcubeand iam used to from macosx12:16
ghostcubeand in kde4 you cn forget the edges handling12:17
wersghostcube: i customized the color scheme. i suppose,emerald wont follow. i will have to find an emerald theme that would work perfectly12:17
ghostcubeit will follow12:17
Mamarokghostcube: all well, but this is not support related, that bvelongs to -offtopic12:17
ghostcubenah he needs to go here #compiz12:17
Mamarokghostcube: I talk about your rambling :)12:17
wersyeah. haha. i will12:17
ghostcubeoh ;)12:17
* Mamarok goes back to paid work12:17
Guest918how can i open the desktop effects from the system-settings ?12:18
wersMamarok: chill12:18
wersGuest918: for kwin?12:18
Mamarokwers: there are rules for the channel, as simple as that12:18
Guest918i dont see the effecst settings there12:19
wersGuest918: desktop12:19
wersthen enable desktop effects12:19
yusufI have installed kde 9.0412:55
anayathrisHi all.12:56
yusufI added the kde 4.3 ppa refreshed and did a full upgrade12:56
yusufIfter loging in I get the splash screeen and then a plasma crash report12:56
yusufand then stuck12:57
yusufanyone can help me?12:57
Philip5Just made a little Kubuntu Twibbon for Twitter users to show that we kubuntu users are out there or/and just to show that you are a proud Kubuntu user... :) http://twibbon.com/join/Kubuntu13:01
Philip5Hope it's of any use13:02
Philip5Ubuntu users have a bunch of twibbons but kubuntu users had none :(13:02
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MamarokPhilip5: this might be related to the fact that most people in KDE use identi.ca instead of twitter13:16
Philip5Mamarok: might be so... and identi.ca is open source so it figures... but still... there should been at least one twibbon for kubuntu when ubuntu have several and they might also use identi.ca13:24
MamarokPhilip5: ok, thanks anyway :)13:31
sil3nt|warri0rplz tell me which one i can remove safely13:32
sil3nt|warri0ri need to make work the wifi with 3rd party drivers13:32
sil3nt|warri0rplz help13:32
Philip5Mamarok: well, i'm not sure that it will be the top news on digg but fair is fair... :)13:36
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Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: this depends on which kernel you are running13:38
Mamarokif the latest kernel runs fine, you can remove the previous one13:38
Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: are you still running Intrepid?13:38
sil3nt|warri0rno way13:39
sil3nt|warri0rits jaunty13:39
Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: as the latest kernel would be 2.6.28-14 IIRCO13:39
* Mamarok checks her kernel13:39
H2OyJaBoNhi all!13:40
H2OyJaBoNI dont have enough space on a partition, is posible to resize it?13:40
sil3nt|warri0rMamarok: now, thats the prob, let me show u13:40
MamarokH2OyJaBoN: yes, make a backup first, though13:41
MamarokH2OyJaBoN: use one of the partition managers:13:41
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap13:41
Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: the latest kernel is indeed 2.6.28-14, you should upgrade ASAP13:41
sil3nt|warri0rbut its not showing in my updates13:42
Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: you need to run from konsole: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade13:42
Mamarokafter having run sudo apt-get update, of course13:42
sil3nt|warri0rbut that will upgrade other things too along with kernel13:43
H2OyJaBoNMamarok: thanks :)!! how size should i make fo "/"( i use /, /home, /boot, /usr)?13:43
sil3nt|warri0ri just want to upgrade the kernel only now13:43
Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: that is exactly what dist-upgrade will do in that case13:44
Mamarokbut run a sudo apt-get update before13:44
sil3nt|warri0rk, trying..........13:44
MamarokH2OyJaBoN: this depends on the overal size of your HD, and what you are going to install, and how much Ram you have13:44
MamarokH2OyJaBoN: also, it doesn't make sense to have different partitions for / /boot/ and /usr13:45
Mamarokand /home is enough13:45
Mamarok / I mean and /home13:45
Mamarokas /boot and /usr are system partitions anyway, leave those in /13:45
sil3nt|warri0rMamarok: two gpg error, can i ignore it ?13:46
MamarokH2OyJaBoN: what's the size of your HD?13:47
H2OyJaBoNMamarok: only make two partition "/home" and "/"?13:47
Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: well, you seem to have added PPAs, so if you want to install the applications from these PPAs, you need to install the keys13:47
MamarokH2OyJaBoN: exactly, but as you already have a system, this can only been done by reinstalling it13:48
MamarokH2OyJaBoN: what is the size of your HD?13:48
H2OyJaBoNMamarok:  the HD is 160Gb13:48
H2OyJaBoNMamarok:  yes , i know , i wnat to reinstall it13:48
MamarokH2OyJaBoN: same as here, I did the following:13:48
Mamarok30 Gb for /, double the RAM size for /swap, the rest for /home13:49
Mamarokthis leaves enough space for the sytem and plenty of space for your user files13:49
H2OyJaBoNMamarok: okey, is enought 30GB for /? thanks!! :)13:51
MamarokH2OyJaBoN: that is very little, but if you have no images, music or movies it will be enough13:51
Mamarokoh, sorry, yes, 20 Gb is enough for /, everything else would be for /home13:52
H2OyJaBoNMamarok: okeys!! thanks i'll go to re-install later my system ;)13:52
H2OyJaBoNMamarok: is necesary the make a swap if i have 2GB RAM ?13:53
MamarokH2OyJaBoN: I made a typo, 30 GB should be fine13:53
Mamarokthat's what I have here13:53
H2OyJaBoNMamarok:  whats?13:54
MamarokI wrote 20 Gb, and meant 30 Gb13:54
H2OyJaBoNMamarok:  ahh oks ;)13:54
H2OyJaBoNMamarok: is necesary the make a swap if i have 2GB RAM ?13:55
orionhelp>>> Could not install Air  final update (plasma theme)13:55
werswhat config files can affect fonts? for some reason, fonts on firefox and kde apps stopped rendering properly13:58
ahoxHi, akonadi won't start up with kde4.3, the tests 10, 12 and 16 return an error14:02
ahoxany ideas what may help?14:02
H2OyJaBoNMamarok: are you there?14:02
sil3nt|warri0rMamarok: its upgrading to 14, thx14:02
sil3nt|warri0rlets see wat happend after reboot14:02
MamarokH2OyJaBoN: yes14:04
MamarokH2OyJaBoN: yes, you should make a swap space double the size of your ram, so if it's 2 Gb Ram, make a swap space of 4 Gb14:05
H2OyJaBoNMamarok:  oks, thanks :)14:06
MamarokH2OyJaBoN: you are welcome :)14:07
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H2OyJaBoNMamarok: :)14:08
simonb2hi all14:09
simonb2need help with 8.10 and touch pad swapping... someone here to help?14:10
Mamarok!ask | simonb214:10
ubottusimonb2: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:10
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simonb2sorry Mamarok and ubottu... i'm using ubuntu 8.10 and ELO touchscreen.. out-of-the-box everything seems to work ok, only te X and Y are swapped...14:13
simonb2i know the touchpad is controlled by evdev14:13
Nuladorcan anybody help geting read of gnome... after i installed kde ... i dont whant to have 2 desktop managers...14:14
Mamaroksimonb2: there is a meta bug in Launchpad for this with a lot of solutions, let me tell you the link:14:14
Nuladorand i cant purge it14:14
simonb2please Mamarok...14:14
Mamaroksimonb2: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/31709414:14
Mamarokyou should check there14:14
simonb2Mamarok - thanks - i will14:15
zhxk`folks, i need enable runlevel at menu.lst, advice me14:15
Mamaroksimonb2: you are welcome :)14:15
senaNulador: http://forum.ubuntuusers.de/topic/gnome-deinstallation/14:17
Nuladorthanks sena :)14:18
senaNulador: try it firts, but it should work14:18
Nuladori am doing that right now... it should work...14:19
Nuladorit`s cleaning pakeges right now14:20
wersi want to remove all kubuntu kde 4.3 packages. is there a metapackage that would uninstall all of them? :)14:22
Mamarokwers: no, but why would you want to remove it?14:23
wersMamarok, i want a fresh install14:24
wersi want to install only the packages kde-full contains14:24
Mamarokwers: well, then you need to do a fresh install, just keep your /home and move the ~/.kde/14:24
Mamarokbut you should try with a blank ~/.kde/ first, that usually solves a lot of problems14:25
wersyep. i did that twice since i installed 4.3. i really want to remove all the packages kubuntu-desktop installed that are not in kde-full14:25
werskde-full is the kde-core of 4.3 right?14:26
Mamarokno, that is just another meta-package14:26
sil3nt|warri0rMamarok: thx a lot, the -14 kernel is installed properly, and also the wifi driver works ok14:27
mesena it worked... :) but i still have to do one more step to complete but when i switched from gdm to kdm x whent down14:27
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Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: nice :)14:27
wersMamarok, that's not what i meant. i meant, kde-full is the counterpart of kde-core (in kde 3), right?14:27
Guest48576could you pls give me the link one more time14:27
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Mamarokwers: no, not at all, that would be kdebase-*14:27
sil3nt|warri0rMamarok: now, as the 4.3 is released, is it safe to upgrade to it from jaunty ?14:28
MamarokNulador: http://forum.ubuntuusers.de/topic/gnome-deinstallation/14:28
sil3nt|warri0rfrom ppa-backports14:28
Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: it is still without support, read the release announcements given in the topic14:28
wersMamarok, oooh. so what metapackage do i install for the most bare kde 4.3 like kde-core in older versions?14:29
Mamarokwers: that would be kde-minimal I guess, but that comes with no bling at all14:29
shadeslayerMamarok: i still have the problem with kdm :(14:30
wersso you think, kde-full is the way to go?14:30
senaNulador: you can start the console with ctrl alt f114:30
Mamarokshadeslayer: reinstall it, it will ask you if you want to make it default14:30
Mamarokwers: the best KDE 4.3 experience is with everything installed, indeed14:31
senaNulador: then stop kdm with /etc/X11/kdm stop14:31
shadeslayerwers: +114:31
sil3nt|warri0rMamarok: u mean this http://kde.org/announcements/4.3/14:31
shadeslayerMamarok: its asking me to terminate X...brb14:31
senaif it stucks do ctrl c to get back the konsole14:32
senaNulador: then you can try to start kdm again14:32
senawith startx14:32
wershmm. what's the package name of the network manager plasmoid on kubuntu kde 4.3?14:33
wersi didnt get that on kde-full14:34
ArpharazonHello, I'm installing kubuntu 9.04 on a winxp machine with the intention of dual booting. I had a primary part. C: and a logical D:, I shrank D: to free up 20 GB for kubuntu. How should I set up my partitions?14:34
senaif it doesnt start you can look in the logs /var/log/messages or kernel or dmesg ..14:34
Arpharazon 14:35
senasometimes the configuration file in /etc/X11/xorg.conf is a problem so you might try to find config file for your video card14:35
MamarokArpharazon: 20 GB, that's not exactly much for a full insnallation14:35
MamarokArpharazon: no way to gain more space?14:35
lancerockehi all. i was messing with the wobbly windows settings and must have turned something up too high because all windows are going crazy. they are moving uncontrollably by themselves now. i cant do anything14:35
ArpharazonMamarok: Back in 7.10 I was perfectly fine with 10. What takes up so much space? And no, not in the near future.14:36
ArpharazonMamarok: Well if it's gonna crash and burn I *could* make it 30, maybe 40 GB but that would represent an enormous inconvenience to me.14:37
MamarokArpharazon: then split those up in half, 10 Gb for /, 10 Gb for /home, and of course you will need some swap space, too, double the RAM size is recommended14:37
MamarokArpharazon: get an external HD, those are really cheap nowadays, so you can put the D: on the external one a free that partition14:38
Arpharazonmagical: Well, I'm a college student. Those are really cheap nowadays, too. =p14:38
Mamarokok, folks, I have to run, work calls14:38
ArpharazonMamarok: Anyway, does swap or /. need to go anywhere in particular on the disk, and do any need to be primary?14:39
MamarokArpharazon: no, that doesn't matter where those are :)14:40
Mamarokok, I'm off, later14:40
Arpharazonmagical: excellent, tahnks14:40
ArpharazonMamarok. I meant Mamarok.14:40
Arpharazonalso, any reason not to use ext4?14:41
zhxk`folks, i need enable runlevel at menu.lst so that have oppertunity choose to boot into cli or gdm, i've tried add a number at the end of paratmeters to kernel but it wont work, advice me, thank you!14:44
Arpharazonwell, is there?14:45
zhxk`it wont wrk14:45
zhxk`it wont work14:45
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mitshi... does anyone know if fglrx works in karmic? or if there's a patch to make it work14:48
Picimits: Karmic support is in #ubuntu+114:48
mitsoops, thanx :)14:48
zhxk`folks, i need enable runlevel at menu.lst so that have oppertunity choose to boot into cli or gdm, i've tried add a number at the end of paratmeters to kernel but it wont work, advice me, thank you!14:49
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simonb2Mamarok - I'm sorry for being stupid... but.. since i'm a newbie in these things, i found that lounchpad and some "xf86-input-evtouch_0.8.8.orig.tar.gz" file to download...14:59
simonb2so now, how to "update" the driver that is used from evdev?14:59
shadeslayerMamarok: no go with the reinstall :(15:04
marekthi, can you tell me what should i do to have two kubuntu installations at once (one 9.04 witouh expreiments, other - 9.10 alfa with latest everything just for filling bug reports), i have created 3 partitions one with 9.04 that is already installed, /home and third - for 9.10,15:19
marektwill this be enough if i put installation disc (9.10) and do the installations and i will see in grub system select?15:19
martijnhi, i updated my 9.04 to the latest kde4, but now plasma workpace does crach. What todo here?15:20
karani need help....15:26
karani pluged in an extternal hard drive into kubuntu...15:26
karanbut it is not regonizing it15:26
karanany help?15:27
karansomone help?15:28
cF`Zuz|Wise-Assiweird, knetworkmanager is catching every network around me but mine15:39
zuzbut knetworkmanager "was" my most reliable one15:41
corhi. so I upgraded a KDE3.5 distro, to KDE4. Now I got both running! It's kinda cool, but I'd like to stop KDE3.5 launching altogether. How?15:52
corsorry about the but, you know..15:53
corMy auto-updater thing says, "would you like to upgrade to the full kubuntu dekstop", I said Hell yes. So now I have 3.5 and 4 running together. Surely that isn't supposed to happen.15:54
panguinwhats up kids.15:57
panguinjoin #girls16:00
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somekoolkubuntu is offering me a "partial upgrade" is this for 9.10 ???16:07
somekoolcor: make sure you run KDE 4.316:07
somekoolthat'd be kind of nice if the update manager could specify which version will be updated to what version for each updates .... just showing package name is not quite enoguh ...16:09
corafter all these years, package management still sucks16:12
martijn81cor: you do not think apt-get is fun?16:13
corheh, I love it!16:14
martijn81then i do not know where you are complaining about16:14
corI only just got used to the idea of using slackpkg in the last few years, so it's all kinda new to me. but I do imagine how it *could* be, and see the gap between that and the current reality of things16:15
corthe apt-family are pretty neat, but could still be miles better16:15
cF`Zuz|Wise-Assii wish i could help cor, im not that far up in tech yet, just learning it16:21
nidalhi all,  after upgrading to kde 4.3(from rc3) in kubuntu 9.04,  by deault its booting in to console . But I can use startx to get GUI . Is there any way to change it to boot in to GUI by default ?16:24
nidalI googled and found some way by editing some rc files and all, but was wondering whether there is any simple way for the same.16:25
corsudo aptitude reinstall kdm perhaps16:28
corexcept without the "perhaps", of course16:28
theadminHelp me... Not sure if this is the right place... but... Well, the problem: I've installed Firefox on my Kubuntu machine and i have NO idea where it saves downloaded files. WTF.16:28
Picinidal: This should work: sudo update-rc.d kdm defaults16:29
theadminIt never asks, either16:29
rohanrhuhow to remove gnome in kubuntu16:30
nidalthakns a lot Pici , but I had done that ; but it said  System startup links for /etc/init.d/kdm already exist.16:30
Dragnslcrtheadmin- should be in Preferences -> Downloads16:30
Dragnslcr!purekde | rohanrhu16:30
ubotturohanrhu: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »16:30
rohanrhuit's running in background always16:30
cori gotta figure out how to disable join/part messages in this client, it's crazy!16:30
cF`Zuz|Wise-Assicor did you figure out how to remove it?16:31
theadminDragnslcr: I think somethings a bit wrong here, cause i could not find "Preferences" anywhere. I thought so too at first16:31
Dragnslcrtheadmin- it's under the Edit menu (I wish they would fix that)16:32
theadminOh... ROFL... weird.16:32
corremove KDE3.5? no.16:32
corIt's a linux thing16:32
DragnslcrIt's an interface convention from 10 years ago, but for whatever reason they haven't fixed it in the Linux version. The Windows version has it under Tools16:33
nidalcor, thanks, I have done that (aptitude reinstall kdm) just now; let me try rebooting16:33
corlots of Linux GUI stuff is insane16:33
corgood luck!16:33
corbut I would have went with the other suggestion, I think16:33
corheh too late16:34
theadminOkay, thank you a lot, Dragnslcr.16:34
corI have this feeling that is I comment out one single line *somewhere*, then I will be gree of KDE3.5, but that's just a hunch16:34
cF`Zuz|Wise-Assicor did you get my message?16:44
nidalcor that( aptitude reinstall kdm) too is not working ! any other suggestion ?16:44
cF`Zuz|Wise-Assicor: this page might help http://www.larsen-b.com/Article/281.html16:45
corsoz, got a visitor, back in a bit16:46
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* the_madman waves16:49
the_madmanSo I wanted to know, I'm using Gentoo with KDE 4 and the latest (working) nvidia proprietary drivers, but occasionally when I open a window it opens entirely black.16:50
actarusparla italiano16:50
the_madmanI've never experienced this in Kubuntu, though, so I wondered if it's a driver/X configuration problem?16:50
BluesKajthe_madman, that question is best asked in #gentoo or #kde16:51
the_madmanOK, thanks. I'll do that.16:52
corF`Zuz|Wise-Assi, thanks for the link, gonna check it out16:55
cF`Zuz|Wise-Assicor: let me know if it works please  ;)16:57
tommy_the-dragonanyone know how to get KMouth working?17:03
Kingfishanyone know if there is a mythbuntu channel on irc?17:05
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martijn81i have dist-upgraded my 9.04 installation to the latest kde4 but now my soundkart does not work anymore... any help?17:07
martijn81KingOfDos: try /list17:08
KingOfDosmartijn81: wrong tabcompletion ;)17:08
martijn81hehe, oops17:08
martijn81i am sorry17:09
KingOfDoshe quitted17:09
KingOfDosno problem ;)17:09
KingOfDosi'm just waiting till the trafic moves a bit17:09
martijn81yeah :)17:09
corholy sheeeet!17:11
corthe following packages will be removed.. then it scrolls for a few pages17:12
corI have this sinking feeling that I'm about to make the system unusable.heh, och well, I have backups.17:12
coractually, no. looking at the list, I see that pretty much the entire BackTrack functionality is included. however, it's a nice list to pick packages *from*. thanks.#17:13
cF`Zuz|Wise-Assiso it worked?17:14
simonb1why could be, that X says: Option "Rotate" will not be used...?17:15
simonb1i try to rotate my touchscreen17:16
corwell, no, but only because I didn't go ahead. as well as KDE3.5, it would have removed Backtrack altogether, and then it ceases to be a Backtrack system :/17:19
corIt works fine with KDE3.5 AND 4.2 together, actually, it works amazingly well. It's just that I've got to fight to get any desktop preferences to stick17:19
cornothing major.17:20
aftertafhello. i think i need to play around with my keyboard settings . . . .  can anyone help ?17:30
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aftertafI have just bought a luminous keyboard for night time IRCing and it is turned on/off by Scroll Lock button, which does nothing in X :( I tested that its not busted on a XP box . . .17:31
corprobably something in /dev/input/event*17:37
aftertafthx cor ill look17:37
corthere are quite a few packages available for special keyboard events and such - you might want to rake around your package manager before you dive in with bash17:38
corof course, you may simply need to add something to your xorg.conf or similar17:39
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sergiomhey there17:41
sergiomquick question17:41
sergiomhow can I change KDE4 sound theme?17:41
sergiomno theme options in systemsettings17:46
cornot a "theme", no, but you can change the individual sounds.17:47
corpost a bug ;o)17:47
sergiombut the app I need to add a sound for, does not appear17:48
aftertafcor seemes to be 'add mod3 = Scroll_Lock ' to Xmodmap the trick. will test on reboot :)17:48
corsergiom, my next move wopuld probably be to look for the pref file and add a section for it17:50
sergiomany hint17:50
apparlehi guys17:52
mirashi need to setup internet in my kubuntu17:53
wang_what are you  doning17:53
mirashneed some assistance17:53
wang_what do you need17:53
mirashi hav connected the ethernet17:54
corthat was the hint17:54
mirashi need a pppoe login17:54
mirashhow can i ?17:54
wang_network connect17:55
apparlewhich type of connection is it17:55
wang_DSL  tab17:55
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wang_then enter user name and psw17:56
mirashhow can I install pppoe?17:59
apparlemirash: you don't need to install anything........just onnect your modem and do what wang_ said18:00
mirashits not working18:00
mirashnetwork: command not found18:00
apparlegoto network connections not the command18:01
apparleright click on the network manager beside the clock18:01
apparlegoto DSL tab18:02
mirashDSL tab not active18:02
apparlesend me a screenshot18:02
mirashI cant, now I am in mandriva18:03
corDon't ask me networking questions. my first response will always be: uninstall Network Manager18:03
apparlethen I can't help.........coz I myself don't have pppoe and now I am on a friends comp18:04
mirashis there any way I can connect to the internet?18:04
corput IPCop on an old laptop18:04
corppp is too lowly a taks for your personal computer18:05
apparlecor: If you are able to get it working fine then why to uninstall it??18:05
corsee, that's the answer right there!18:05
corso long as you don't want to *DO ANYTHING* then network manager isa perfect18:05
mirashwhere can I get suppport?18:05
corbut if you have any non-standard, non-dhcp network needs, pfff...18:06
BluesKajcor , my answer for jaunty users is install wicd network manager18:06
apparleGuys anyone tried 4.318:07
mirashcan I connect through pppoe?18:07
BluesKajapparle, I'm using it now18:07
apparleBluesKaj: how is it18:07
BluesKajmirash, try support at #mandriva18:08
BluesKajapparle, seems fine , altho I'm running karmic , there a few plasma blackouts , but not serious18:09
BluesKajyou're in mandriva , this si kubuntu , totally diff OS18:10
BluesKajerr is18:10
apparleBluesKaj: what all important features you think are upgraded. Your opinion18:10
BluesKajyes , quite stable now apparle18:11
apparleBluesKaj: waht all new features have been added, ( which you think are important)18:11
mirashhey man, I need to first connect to web in order to come here using kubuntu18:12
BluesKajmirash, you said earlier that you're on mandriva...why are you asking for help in here ?18:13
mirashi hav two PCs18:13
apparleGuys mirash is trying to get help for kubuntu  but as he can't connect to net from there, so he is using madriva18:13
apparlemirash: do you have kubutnu started on other PC18:14
BluesKajok mirash , thanks for clarifying that18:14
BluesKajor apparle I mean :)18:15
mirashAny idea?18:15
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BluesKajmirash, still think wicd network manager is the way to go , download the app in mandriva and put it on a usb stick and copy it to kubuntu18:16
apparlemaybe DSL tab is greyed because you have not connected the modem................... I can't help as I don't have PPPOE18:17
mirash1no way18:22
mirash1where canI get wicd?18:23
BluesKajit's prolly in your mandriva sources package manager18:24
BluesKajor get it with rather18:24
mirash1oh my god18:25
mirash1if i where in windows18:25
BluesKajmirash, you couls always download it in windows and copy it like aI said18:29
BluesKajI have to go , I'll hand this off to you Pici , if you don't mind18:30
PiciHe left anyway..18:32
apparlemirash: problem solved or not yet18:34
corI tried wicd, but only after I uninstalled all those so-called user-friendly systems and interacted with the raw files, did it start to do what I wanted. ymmv18:35
apparlesometimes my ATI Radeon Xpress 200 works fine with the open source drivers.......but sometimes it doesn't enable compositing and hence the desktop effects are disabled........why is this happening18:44
apparlea restart fixes it but is again disabled after restarting 2-3 times18:44
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:45
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apparlewho all have installed 4.3?18:50
apparleshadeslayer: how is it18:56
shadeslayerapparle: awesomely broken18:56
shadeslayerapparle: on login plasma-desktop wont start...so basically you have no desktop18:57
kaddihi, i just updated to firefox3.5.2 and now FF doesn't find the java plugin anymore.. anyone had this issue and knows how to resolve it?18:57
shadeslayerapparle: use it only if you desprately want it and can fix minor problems....rest of KDE 4.3 is stable18:58
apparledid you try seperately install kde-window-manager I read it on a forum that it will fix it19:01
shadeslayerapparle: nope19:02
apparlethen try it.............wait I'll snd you the exact link19:02
shadeslayerapparle: its already installed19:03
apparlethen update it19:03
mithow do I add a user?19:03
mitdid useradd19:03
shadeslayermit: sudo adduser19:03
mitdid, kde won't let me sign in19:03
shadeslayerapparle: do you have a fix for my kdm? i loads up pretty late19:04
mithttp://pastebin.com/m25ef052f <- any idea why my plasma crashes on startup?19:04
shadeslayerapparle: nothing in updates19:04
apparleshadeslayer: see this.....maybe it will help http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3105512.019:05
shadeslayerapparle: no you didnt understand.... anyways im pretty happy with KDE right now :)19:06
apparlewhy is KDE4.3 packages put into PPA and not the main repo??19:16
tyronehello i am using ubuntu 9.04 and I just installed kde 4.3 is there a way to have different startup programs for gnome and kde ?19:17
tyroneand is it possible to have like a gnome tab on the menu? because i have twice as many applications on the menu as i need19:20
Dragnslcrapparle- because KDE 4.3 isn't officially supported on Kubuntu 9.0419:20
apparleDragnslcr: why is it not supported19:21
Dragnslcrtyrone- if you click the Advanced button in the Autostart settings, there's an option to only start in KDE19:21
Dragnslcrapparle- because it wasn't available when 9.04 was released, and therefore hasn't been fully tested19:21
tyroneDragnslcr: thanks do i do that on kde or gnome19:21
DragnslcrIn KDE19:22
DragnslcrI haven't used Gnome in years, so I can't really help you on that side19:22
HailandKillI've added the medibuntu repo to hardy but can't find the acroread package... is it still in medibuntu?19:22
apparlewhy is a new version of kubutnu released when KDE releases a new version19:24
apparleDragnslcr: why is a new version of kubutnu released when KDE releases a new version19:25
DragnslcrThere isn't19:25
DragnslcrUbuntu has its own release schedule, independent of any other project19:26
apparlebut it seems that it releases quite in a sync with GNOME releases19:26
DragnslcrI don't pay attention to Gnome releases, so I wouldn't really know if Gnome just happens to have a release every 6 months19:29
tyroneDragnslcr: Do you know what akonadi does19:32
Dragnslcrapparle- well, if Wikipedia's list is correct, Gnome is on a six-month release schedule. Ubuntu may have purposely lined up with that schedule, but I couldn't tell you for sure19:33
apparleSo I was wondering why linup with Ubuntu schedule rather than KDE schedule19:34
afeijowhy are blocked the kernel updates?19:34
Dragnslcrapparle- because Ubuntu is a Gnome-focused distribution19:34
Dragnslcrafeijo- KPackageKit does an apt upgrade instead of a dist-upgrade, so it doesn't do updates that require new packages (such as new kernels)19:35
Dragnslcrafeijo- you can do a dist-upgrade normally from Konsole to get them19:35
afeijoI only use console, I will try dist-upgrade thanks19:36
Brian_what do you guys think of kde 4.319:36
cF`Zuz|Wise-Assiseems faster so far19:38
Dragnslcrapparle- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases seems to say that the release schedule is primarily because of Gnome's schedule19:39
cF`Zuz|Wise-Assiit just seems like the graphics performance isnt as good as when I had windows on, something must be wrong because with 512MB DDR2 ram, the games and video/movies played better in windows then in kubuntu even after i added an extra 1 gb ram19:40
cF`Zuz|Wise-Assibrowsing with Opera is ridiculously faster then firefox but i cant get flash to work on Opera (latest version)19:41
cF`Zuz|Wise-Assieven after doing the firefox tweaks to make it faster (turning network.http.pipelining on, etc...)19:42
Aulehow last version amarok?19:54
=== yaa_ is now known as anonymus
cF`Zuz|Wise-Assiwhen was amarok last updated?20:09
Aule2.0.2 how update to last version20:10
Freddy2the whole 4.2.x series is officially supported by jaunty?20:12
Freddy2i mean, incoming updates should be also updated in repos?20:12
Auleabout amarok20:13
xircxhmm elite i have like 3 irc clients on my pc20:28
oemi my name is ric20:33
nacho_i have a problem with my laptop, it shuts down when i open flash video, and i think its getting hot, maybe some app is getting it hot20:33
oemi finish to install kubuntu kde 4.1 my problem is this20:33
oemSysinfo for 'ubuntu': Linux 2.6.27-7-generic running KDE 4.1.2 (KDE 4.1.2), CPU: PentiumIII(Coppermine) at 801 MHz (1603 bogomips), HD: 1/4GB, RAM: 104/106MB, 103 proc's, 17.45min up20:33
oemthen my system run very low,20:34
oemhow i can solve this problem20:34
what_ifoem: way more ram. 512MB would be reasonable20:35
DaskreechOh wait that's 1/4 GB ? I was reading it as 4 GB20:36
DaskreechOh wait that's his HDD >_>20:36
what_if250mb hd20:36
oemi could xubuntu desktop, o what desktop u recommende to my system??20:36
Daskreechoem: You wil have issues with KDe and Gnome with those specs20:36
DaskreechXubuntu LXDE Fluxbox20:37
what_ifoem: Puppy linux, DSL Linux... etc20:37
oemwhat is the better of this desktop??20:37
Daskreechhe can run ubuntu style Distros just not teh DEs20:37
tommy_the-dragonwhen my friend was first learning ubuntu he typed sudo apt-get uninstall instead of remove. it responded with apt-get does not have magic cow power rather than with the usual invalid operation20:37
Daskreechoem: The one that you like.20:37
tommy_the-dragonwhy? how? who? wtf?20:37
oemxubuntu = xfce????20:38
Daskreechoem: Yes20:38
what_iftommy_the-dragon: do: "apt-get moo"20:38
Daskreechfor the most part it's heavier than Xfce since they have madness like firefox20:38
oemwhat is the desktop more eay to locate the things wich u need??20:39
Daskreechtommy_the-dragon: Please stop that20:39
Daskreechoem: What is it that you need?20:40
nacho_i have a problem with my laptop, it shuts down when i open flash video fullscreen, and i think its getting hot, maybe some app is getting it hot20:40
tommy_the-dragonwhats it all about?20:40
tommy_the-dragonstop what? swearing?20:40
epqri just updated to KDE 2.3 It works fine execpt amarok always stoppes after one song.20:40
epqrLike it doesn't continue the playlist20:41
what_ifnacho_: AFAIK flash on linux fullscreen is broken... since it it closed source no way to fix. Can anyone second that ?20:41
Daskreechtommy_the-dragon: Yes20:41
tommy_the-dragonok sorry20:41
Daskreechtommy_the-dragon: What is what about?20:41
oemthanks daskreech20:41
Daskreechepqr: Strange do you have repeat one song on?20:41
tommy_the-dragonwell searching in google for "magic cow power" comes up with no results and if i type sudo apt-get uninstall the message doesnt come up anymore20:42
tommy_the-dragonand were both sitting here very confuddled :p20:42
epqrDaskreech no20:42
tommy_the-dragonand amused lol20:42
Daskreechepqr: Hmm jump into #amarok and see if they have heard of it20:42
epqrwill do20:43
tsimpsontommy_the-dragon: try "aptitude moo", then "aptitude -v moo", then "aptitude -vv moo", then keep adding one 'v'20:43
xircxwow linux has become way better20:44
xircxwine now suports alot of apps for windows cross over20:44
xircxamsn is alot better then normal windows live messenger20:45
tommy_the-dragonnice easter eggs20:45
Freddy2xircx: need windows? then launch it in virtualbox.. that's easy20:45
xircxfor real though i have kubuntu, win vista, and win7 installed on my pc and i only use kubuntu now20:45
xircxi dont need windows :P its usless now20:46
xircxand i have virbox installed already :P20:46
Ahmuck-Jrwhere can i find cd art?20:48
DaskreechAhmuck-Jr: to print on the CD ?20:49
Daskreechoem: What do you need to find?20:49
oemall programs and configurations20:50
* KiRiLoS Heya20:50
Ahmuck-Jryes to print on the cd20:50
Daskreechoem: tried alt+f2?20:51
oemthanks daskreech20:51
DaskreechAhmuck-Jr: I would expect some community on the net20:51
Daskreech!hi | KiRiLoS20:51
ubottuKiRiLoS: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!20:51
xircxare you looking for a free software for light scribe>20:52
Ahmuck-Jrno, i'm looking for a jpg i can print on a cd label20:52
Ahmuck-Jrfor giving away cd's at out county fair this evening20:52
DaskreechAhmuck-Jr: Oh! for kubuntu?20:52
Daskreechgood question20:54
Ahmuck-Jrwell, i leave in an hour, and whatever cd labels i can find to print on will be those that are going to the fair20:54
DaskreechAhmuck-Jr: http://www.kubuntu-art.org20:54
xircx^^ good ones20:55
xircxyour giving away kubunu distros :|20:55
YukiThis is weird. I used the hardware rfkill switch to turn off the wifi card, now networkmanager refuses to deal with it? :/20:55
Yukiit's configured and enabled according to knetworkmanager20:56
Ahmuck-Jrsome distros provide a "press kit" or a "advocacy, distrobution kit"20:56
Ahmuck-Jri assume that kubuntu doesn't really provide this20:56
DaskreechRiddell: ping20:56
Ahmuck-Jrxircx: sure20:56
Ahmuck-Jrwe give away whole computers too20:56
xircxgive me a computer :|20:57
YukiWhy has there been such a massive shunning of gnome in the linux-sphere in regards to major/commercial distros? :(20:57
xircxi wont a amd quade core if you have one20:57
YukiSuSE used to be so wonderful... and now they default to gnome....20:57
Ahmuck-Jrxircx: lol, we give away 800mhz, 256mb ram with xubuntu20:57
epqrIf xine is the only backend listed in "Sound and Video Configuration" does that mean it is the preffered one ?20:57
tommy_the-dragonme too please :)20:57
xircxoh forget that lol20:57
* Yuki reminisces of when he walked into best buy and bought a copy of SuSE 7.2 Pro with support and manuals and everything20:58
xircx800mhz :P20:58
YukiI wonder why best buy stopped selling linux :)20:58
xircxbestbuy only had linspire last them i seen linux there20:58
xircxand linspire sucks20:58
Ahmuck-Jrwell, thx anyway20:59
Daskreechnixternal: ping too20:59
YukiMine used to have a whole shelving unit just for linux distros20:59
* Ahmuck-Jr goes off to find more distros20:59
xircxi only have the ubuntu distros20:59
Yukifrom redhat to suse to xandros20:59
xircxthey have been the best to install21:00
Yukiyou could literally walk in and buy a box copy with full set of CDs or DVDs (suse had both in a big folder, 7 cds and 1 dvd)21:00
Yukiwith manuals and pre-paid installation support21:00
xircxi was thinking about going to suse to give it a try but im more in favor of the KDE desktop now21:01
xircxKDE and Xfce are my faves21:01
DaskreechYuki: Shunning of Gnome?21:01
xircxbrb going to the store21:02
peterzDaskreech: gnome is like the iphone, only their world view counts21:02
Brian_i need some help i just updated to kde 4.3 and after i did a restart my desktop background was gone and in its place was just a checker board pattern. also the cashew in the corner was gone21:02
DaskreechBrian_: you have a new activity it looks like21:03
Brian_but why would the plasma cashew be gone if that was the case21:04
=== Hunterkll is now known as Yuki
Freddy2why panels appear on all activities? can't this be changed? (even using another panel-like plasmoid)21:04
DaskreechBrian_: click on the desktop and press alt+D alt+S21:05
Daskreechsee what happens21:05
Brian_nothing happened21:05
JuJuBeeI use 64 bit kubuntu. What can I use as a pdf viewer besides okular?21:05
Brian_i cant even right click on the desktop21:05
Yukidoes ubuntu have a 'kde-games' style package?21:06
RiddellDaskreech: hi21:06
latemarahow can i connect to IRCNET?21:06
DaskreechRiddell: Someone was in here asking about an advocacy kit for Kubuntu21:06
Brian_when i add a new panel the cashew isnt their21:06
nacho_yuki: yeah21:06
Yukiapt-get install kde-games didn't work. :P21:06
DaskreechDo we have things like an about Kubuntu PDf and a Cd art kit to print on to CDs ?21:07
latemarahow can  connect to ircnet, can someone help me21:07
nacho_yuki: apt-cache search games kde21:07
Yukiheh. kde-amusements, okay. ;)21:08
DaskreechRiddell: I'm actually not even sure if Ubuntu has a kit like that21:09
nacho_yuki: apt-cache search kdegames21:10
DaskreechBrian_: can you press alt=F2 ?21:10
twoadaylatemara: try this URL might be what u are looking for http://webchat.xs4all.nl/index.php21:10
twoadayis for ircnet21:10
Yukioh, just kdegames and not kde-games21:10
Yukii'm stupid21:10
Brian_ya and a search window pops up21:10
RiddellDaskreech: not really, Loco teams get stickers, CDs and some promo leaflets21:10
Daskreech!info kdegames21:10
ubottukdegames (source: kdegames): games from the official KDE 4 release. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 20 kB, installed size 60 kB21:10
Riddell(for Ubuntu Desktop mostly)21:10
Yukiwow, i already got it figured out! :P21:10
DaskreechRiddell: But there is none of the project in general?21:10
latemarai mean, how can i connect to ircnet with konversation21:11
DaskreechYuki: Sorry :)21:11
Brian_i hit alt s and krunner settings opened21:11
Yukiis kdegames a metapackage or a package group ? :/21:11
Brian_Daskreech: will this help21:11
DaskreechBrian_: type plasma-desktop in the krunner21:11
DaskreechRiddell: Should we have one for Kubuntu?21:12
YukiI don't know if my laptop could handle KDE4, heh21:12
RiddellDaskreech: what would be included?21:12
DaskreechEssentially 4-5 bits of material that would make it more presentable to show the distro at say a convention21:13
DaskreechCD art. A poster, About Kubuntu PDF etc21:13
Daskreech printed out and taken care of by the downloader21:14
Brian_so did kde 4.3 just screw up my desktop21:14
DaskreechBrian_: open konsole and check if plasma-desktop is running21:14
Brian_just type  "plasma-desktop"21:15
Daskreechps aux | grep plasma21:16
DaskreechYuki: what's the difference between a metapackage and a packagegroup?21:16
YukiDaskreech: meta-packages show up as packages in the package manager, package groups allow me to browse say 'KDE' specific packages in the package manager21:17
AluminSo I just went to try restarting my network interface with "sudo ifdown eth0 ; sudo ifup eth0" and it says the interface isn't recognized...and sure enough there's nothing for eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces21:17
Aluminis there some new way to manage interfaces now?21:17
Yukiunlike how this KDE front-end to apt here works.. adept... just 'games' 'office' etc21:17
Yukinothing i'm used to >:321:17
Brian_i get  3135 2.2 4.4 296552 4580 ?   sl kdeinit421:18
Brian_bunch of numbers21:18
trampelapologies if this has already been covered.  but does anything else see "Network Management is changing!" when hovering over a (new) wireless icon?21:18
Brian_Daskreech: should i just reinstall kde21:20
DaskreechYuki: It's a metapackage21:20
DaskreechBrian_: You get kdeinit4 when you grep for plasma21:20
DaskreechCan you pastebin that?21:22
Brian_the whole thing?21:22
DaskreechYes please21:22
Brian_brian@netbook ~/Documents $ ps aux | grep plasma
brian     3135  2.2  4.4 296552 45080 ?        Sl   13:02   0:18 kdeinit4: plasma [kdeinit]
brian     3535  0.0  0.0   3336   800 pts/2    S+   13:16   0:00 grep --colour=auto plasma21:24
FloodBotK1Brian_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:24
Brian_i just did the update the kde 4.321:26
ilyaBrian_: how is kde 4.3?21:27
Brian_well it messed up my desktop so far21:27
Romanticorpwho speaks spanish?21:28
Brian_Daskreech is helping me figure out21:28
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:28
Daskreech!paste | Brian_21:28
ubottuBrian_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic21:28
Romanticorpthank you21:29
rdI installed kde on ubuntu and when I chenged my session setting my wifi no longer works21:29
rdI also no longer see the network manager icon in tray21:29
Brian_what do you want me to do21:29
Romanticorpme too21:29
rdany suggestions21:29
DaskreechBrian_: ok type kquitapp plasma ; kquitapp plasma-desktop21:30
Romanticorpi want the samen21:30
Daskreechrd: Add it back?21:30
rdI reinstalled knetwrokmanager and network manager21:31
rdand it doesn't seem to recognize it21:31
Brian_kquitapp plasma ; kquitapp plasma-desktop
<unknown program name>(4137)/: "Application plasma-desktop could not be found using service org.kde.plasma-desktop and path /MainApplication." 21:32
Brian_and my desktop turned black21:32
rdis there a known issue for this?21:32
RomanticorpBrian: is it the same in the install when the monitor is off?21:33
Brian_Romanticorp: i dont know what you mean21:34
Romanticorp:-) I wanted install kubuntu in my computer21:34
Romanticorpbut the monitor...21:34
Romanticorpwill off21:34
Aluminwow, "invoke-rc.d networking restart" doesn't seem to actually restart the network21:35
juggzdamn ir lmao21:35
AluminI must be missing something here21:35
Brian_im about to just log into gnome and uninstall kubuntu desktop then reinstall it21:35
DaskreechBrian_: ok type mv ~/.kde/share/config/plasm* ~21:35
DaskreechBrian_: Then run plasma-desktop21:35
juggzi got a Emulation off the add or remove   but i dont know what to get the games to put on it?21:36
DaskreechRomanticorp: can You get to the command line?21:37
Daskreechnot even a TTY?21:38
Romanticorpi have a plasma monitor21:38
Daskreech!tty | Romanticorp21:38
ubottuRomanticorp: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution.21:38
rdis there a way to reset the network manager?21:38
Brian_kquitapp plasma ; kquitapp plasma-desktop
<unknown program name>(4137)/: "Application plasma-desktop could not be found using service org.kde.plasma-desktop and path /MainApplication." 21:39
Romanticorpo, ok21:39
DaskreechBrian_: what does plasma-desktop do ?21:39
Brian_bash: plasma-desktop: command not found21:40
Brian_should i apt-get plasma-desktop21:40
DaskreechRomanticorp: you can press alt+ctrl+F1 and then login and run the command sudo apt-get dist-upgrade21:40
DaskreechBrian_: you had KDE 4.2 ?21:41
rodrigoalguien habla español?21:41
DaskreechBrian_: ah then you have not finished the upgrade run sudp apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade21:43
Daskreech!es | rodrigo21:43
ubotturodrigo: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:43
Daskreechrd: remove the config file for it?21:44
Brian_ok now restart?21:44
DaskreechBrian_: sure21:44
Brian_Daskreech:  sure ???21:45
RomanticorpThe romantic cat says: bye, bye21:45
rdDaskreech: where is that?21:46
Brian_ok now i have a new problem21:48
Brian_the panel at the top of the screen is half above the screen and there is a big black spot in the screen21:49
DaskreechBrian_: can You add a plasmoid?21:50
Daskreechrd: I would guess in the plasmoid settings in ~/.kde/share/config but I'm not fully certain21:50
zuzhey guys21:51
Daskreechrd:can you jump into #plasma and ask sebas?21:51
Daskreech!hi | zuz21:51
ubottuzuz: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!21:51
Brian_oh oko for some reason i have the bottem of the screen wrapping around to the top21:52
zuzI was thinking, when I play a movie or a game, for example Lincity, my screen gets choppy, with windows it didnt before, and I had 1GB ram less then I have now (its not a ram problem btw)21:53
Brian_how do i turn off compis i think that is whats messing up my desktop21:55
DaskreechBrian_: open a konsole and type kwin --replace21:56
surfer27hi guys.. anyone knows how to fix my parallel port on debian 5.02? I get following problem: "dmesg|grep par" : "parport_pc 00:05: disabled", "parport_pc: probe of 00:05 failed with error -22".21:58
Brian_no that didnt work   i still have the bottem panel showing up a little bit on the top of the screen . like its wrapping around to the top21:58
zuzDaskreech: Im trying to learn as much as possible and trying to research it before asking 90% of the questions, but sometimes i need to hear some help hehehe21:58
zuzare bin files like exe in windows?21:58
zuzas in I can use terminal and point to a bin file for installation for example, and it will install?21:58
Dragnslcrsurfer27- pretty sure you're in the wrong channel21:59
surfer27ah, I should say I have the same problem on ubuntu 9.04, 8.1 and 8.0422:00
DaskreechBrian_: try kquitapp plasma-desktop ; sleep 10 ; plasma-desktop22:00
Daskreechzuz: Yes for all intents and purplses22:01
Brian_Daskreech:  is that all one command22:03
DaskreechBrian_: yes with the ;22:03
Daskreechthe ; seperates them (it's really 3 commands just done as one)22:03
Daskreechsurfer27: The parallel port shouldn't be disabled I think22:04
Brian_it says pplication plasma-desktop could not be found using service org.kde.plasma-desktop and path /mainapplication22:04
Daskreechdid it kill your desktop?22:05
surfer27Daskreech: how do I enable the parallel port?22:07
DaskreechBrian_: hmm kquitapp22:08
Brian_the screen is stil wrapping22:08
surfer27Daskreech: it's a fresh installed debian...22:08
Brian_this is getting really old22:10
Brian_the login window is fine it just when i login  then at the top  of my screen i can see the bottem of the bottem panel22:11
Daskreechsurfer27: MIght be kernel issue check in launcpad and bugs.debian.org22:12
Brian_lol ok now i did a restart the screen is not wrapping around anymore but the background is checkardboard again22:13
DaskreechBrian_: with no settings for it?22:13
Brian_no settings for what22:14
zuzis it normal to get a fuzzy looking screen right before logging in?22:15
zuzlike a distortion22:15
DaskreechBrian_: If you right click on it can you get settigns?22:15
DevilChaoshi guys just started using kubuntu and have a few newbie questrions22:15
Brian_oh ya  no settings22:15
DevilChaoswhy cant i login to terminal as root?22:16
Brian_sudo su22:16
Daskreech!hi | slow-motion22:17
ubottuslow-motion: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!22:17
slow-motionhi Daskreech22:17
DaskreechBrian_: and no cashew ?22:17
zuzso is it normal for that to happen to our screen?22:17
Brian_back to where we started22:17
DevilChaossweet thanks next question im trying to look at softare to install and i keep getting an error message which is A problem that we were not expecting has occurred.22:17
DevilChaosPlease report this bug with the error description.22:17
DevilChaosand the details are22:17
DaskreechBrian_: Pop with me into #plasma ?22:17
DevilChaosMessage did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)22:18
DaskreechDevilChaos: What is throwing that error?22:18
DevilChaossystem settings add remove sofetware window22:18
DevilChaossorry my typing leaves much to be desired22:19
DaskreechBrian_: What happens when you tpe plasma-desktop in konsole ?22:19
Brian_bash: plasma-desktop command not found22:21
DaskreechBrian_: do  you have a plasma command?22:21
Brian_i dont think so22:22
Daskreechtype which plasma22:22
Parfetis there a known compatablilty issue with the broadcom 4306 wireless chipset? i just installed kubuntu 9.04 and updated everything, but it still won't work, just says wlan : unavailable... i'm kinda new to linux, so be gentle ;)22:22
zuzDaskreech: is it normal to get a fuzzy looking screen right before logging in? like a distortion?22:23
Brian_i dont understand22:23
Daskreechzuz: what video card22:23
DevilChaosdaskreech:manual conf of driver for the broadcom wireless?22:24
Brian_ok i got  /usr/bin/plasma22:24
DaskreechBrian_: there is a command called which22:24
DaskreechBrian_: ok type which plasma-desktop22:24
Parfetthat's me, how do i configure it manually?22:24
DevilChaosso what is an internal system error?22:25
DevilChaosyou need to install moduleassistant22:26
simonb1guys, relating to my usbtouchscreen problem (swapped x and y)... how to add that swap_xy=1 parameter to it?!22:26
simonb1where to insert that line?22:26
Parfet@devil; i'm not sure, it recognizes it as a wireless lan, and my belkin usb works fine... module assistant you say?22:27
DevilChaosyes you should get it through add remove programs22:27
zuzDaskreech: i cant even find what kind of video card i got22:27
DevilChaoszuz: do lspci in console please?22:28
Daskreechzuz: sudo lshw -C video22:28
DaskreechBrian_: >_<22:28
DaskreechBrian_: You don't have kDE4.3 then22:28
zuzRS482 [Radeon Xpress 200M]22:29
zuzdo you have all that memorized? or do you have somewhere where you can see all those commands easy?22:29
zuzlike a really good database with commands and description... lol22:29
Brian_in konqueror it says i have version 4.3.00 (kde 4.3.0)22:30
zuzclock 66MHz omg22:30
DaskreechBrian_: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade says you have no upgrades available ?22:30
DevilChaosdaskreech:what is the command for sofetware removale so that i can stop a dependancy conflict in progress?22:32
DevilChaostrying to install jajuk but need to stop it think thats causing my problem22:32
Brian_itlibkabcommon4: Depends: kdepimlibs5 (>= 4:4.3.0) but 4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1 is installed
                Depends: libkdepim4  4:4.3.0-0ubuntu1~jaunty1~ppa1) but 4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1 is installed
E: Unmet dependencies. Try using -f.22:33
DaskreechDevilChaos: sudo apt-get remove jajuk22:33
DevilChaoscheers dude22:34
DaskreechBrian_: try sudo apt-get -f install22:34
DevilChaoskubuntu kicks ass22:34
DevilChaosbest debian dir that i have used hated ubuntu for so long its unreal22:34
Brian_Daskreech: its installing somthing22:35
DaskreechBrian_: ^_^22:35
Brian_which is also in package ktimetracker22:36
Brian_dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)22:36
Brian_Errors were encountered while processing:22:36
Brian_E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)22:36
FloodBotK1Brian_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:36
DaskreechDevilChaos: Umm debian is basically debian for installing and removing it's the same across all the distros22:36
DaskreechBrian_: use paste.ubuntu.com22:36
DevilChaosyup yup22:36
Brian_the problem with that is im talkibn to you on a differant computer than im trying to fix22:37
DevilChaoshavent been this exited since i was nine lol22:37
surfer27Does anyone know where shared libraries must reside? I get the following problem now: "proggy: error while loading shared libraries: libblah.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" ... but the lib is in /usr/local/lib ..22:37
Brian_do you have msn messanger i can past on their22:38
DevilChaoscheers for the help :)22:38
DaskreechBrian_: I know what the error is I'm just trying to say that's how you stop the floodbot smacking you22:39
simonb1i am looking for "/etc/modprobe.conf" in my 8.10.... isn't there any?22:39
DaskreechBrian_: hmm might have to dial back some depends. Try sudo apt-get remove ktimetracker22:40
Brian_ok it said try to apt-get -f  install22:41
Parfeti'll have to ask again later, the library is closing22:43
Brian_Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)22:43
Brian_would it be easyer to just log into gnome then uninstall kubuntu and start fresh22:43
dajomuI have asked this once before but I had to leave the computer and any reply, if any, is lost. I am using a 24-hour clock in tray kde4.3 and like now it says 11:43 pm. how do I remove the am/pm thing. don't really need that22:44
DaskreechBrian_: same issues22:45
=== desudesudesu is now known as desu
DaskreechBrian_: Just have to sort out what is causing the issue and work around it22:47
Brian_they all say error were encountered while processing var/cache/apt/archives/kontact ubuntu=jaunty1-ppal_i386.deb22:49
DaskreechBrian_: sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/kontact*22:52
Daskreechsudo apt-get remove kontact22:54
DaskreechBrian_: That went well?22:56
Daskreechthen try sudo apt-get autoremove22:56
Brian_                Depends: libkdepim4  4:4.3.0-0ubuntu1~jaunty1~ppa1) but 4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1 is to be installed
E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).22:56
Brian_same thing    e:umet dep try using -f22:57
Brian_depends kdepin groupware, libkdepim4, kdepim4,kdepimlib5, and libkdepim422:59
Daskreech_When you try -f install it still doesn't work?23:00
Brian_sudo apt-get -f install?23:01
Daskreech_Yeah -f means fix by the way :)23:02
Brian_error were encountered while processing /var/cache/apt/archives/kontact23:03
Brian_sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned and error code 123:03
hatchmtSo for some reason, I can no longer use alt-f4 to close a window.  If I have konsole open and hit alt-f4, it types an S.  Ctrl-F4 does the same thing.  F1-F3 do P, Q, and R.  Anything above F4 (ctrl or alt) gives gibberish like ;3~23:05
hatchmtI'm on 9.0423:05
hatchmtpretty much a fresh install23:05
Brian_Daskreech: could it be the ubuntu-ppa1.deb23:06
hatchmtI've seen other instances of this on Google, but no solutions.  Has anyone run into this before?23:07
bbeckhatchmt: Have you checked System Settings -> Keyboard & Mouse -> Global Keyboard Shortcuts?23:08
bbeckhatchmt: KDE Component should be KWin, then search for close23:09
hatchmtbbeck: I had not checked there, but something's wrong with it -- "Failed to contact the KDE global shortcuts daemon.  Message: Could not get owner of name 'org.kde.kded': no such name.  Error: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner"23:09
hatchmtThat explains the one problem, but now I have another.  :)23:09
bbeckhatchmt: When you say pretty much a fresh install, what do you mean?23:10
hatchmtLike I installed it about four hours ago and did an update.23:10
hatchmtThis is a reinstall from the same media (worked fine the first go-round).  Not sure what I did to goof it up, but I'll try again, I suppose.23:11
bbeckhatchmt: sorry I couldn't be more help23:12
hatchmtah, but you did -- you pointed me to this other issue, which I think leads me toward a possible dbus issue.  So, no worries.23:13
Brian_Daskreech: you still here23:13
Daskreech_Brian_: Yes23:16
Daskreech_Brian_: What deb?23:16
=== Daskreech_ is now known as Daskreech
Brian_im just going to uninstall kubuntu23:17
Brian_i have gnome installed so ill just reinstall kubuntu later23:17
DaskreechBrian_: ok that might work23:17
DaskreechMight not as well23:17
Daskreechlets see what dpkg says23:18
dajomucan anyone tell me why the latest opened window place itself on the left side for tasbar?23:18
Daskreechdajomu: I'm not sure either I thought that it was grouped by desktop23:18
dajomuI am using kde4.323:18
dajomuHow do I turn that feature/bug  off?23:18
Brian_ok good gnome at least isnt messed up23:19
Brian_its nice to see somthing workin23:19
DaskreechBrian_: ok try remove KDE23:21
Daskreechsudo apt-get remove kdelibs523:21
Brian_Daskreech:  in gnome synaptic says i have 2 broken packages,,  kdepim-wiard and libkabcommon423:22
Daskreechlibkabcommon4 Hmm  can you remove it?23:22
Brian_should i remove both broken packages23:23
DaskreechThat's what is causing the problem23:23
Brian_ok they are gone23:23
Daskreechsudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop23:24
Brian_so do you think if i were to log back into kde it would work23:24
DaskreechNo You need to upgrade first :)23:24
Brian_i already have kubuntu-desktop installed    should i remove it first23:26
Daskreechno run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade23:26
hatchmtbbeck: figured it out...  It worked fine when logged in as root, so I just deleted all the KDE stuff from my home directory and let it recreate it all from scratch.  Works now.  No idea what goofed in the first place, but thanks for taking a stab at it!23:26
Daskreechhatchmt: don't do that next time23:26
Daskreechhi oem23:26
oemi install fluxbox23:27
oemSysinfo for 'ubuntu': Linux 2.6.27-7-generic running , CPU: PentiumIII(Coppermine) at 801 MHz (1603 bogomips), HD: 2/4GB, RAM: 96/106MB, 77 proc's, 7.26min up23:27
Daskreechhatchmt: There is a a lot of useful data in there like your mail for instance23:27
Daskreechhatchmt: rename the directory will accomplish the same thing without the risk of you losing all yourdata logs settings23:27
Brian_i still get the error was encountered while processing var/cache/apt/archives/kontact23:27
hatchmti know.  This was a newish install and I didn't care.23:27
Daskreechhatchmt: ok23:28
DaskreechBrian_: try run sudo apt-get clean then the dist-upgrade again23:28
Brian_ok it seems to be doing it thing23:29
Brian_yep its installin23:29
Brian_what did apt-get clean do23:29
Daskreechit got rid of the old packages that might be confusing it23:30
Brian_Daskreech: ok cool so.. now after this what shall i do23:30
DaskreechBrian_: log out and login to KDE if you like23:31
Brian_was it the broken packages messing it all up23:31
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oembut i cant not open the terminal on fluxbox, howto23:32
Brian_if this works and even if it doesnt i gotta say thanks for stickin threw this with me , i know you got other stuff you could be doin than helping a noob23:32
DaskreechBrian_: Yes. That's why you had no plasma-desktop and no actual desktop etc23:33
DaskreechThey weren't installed because they couldn't get upgraded cause that package was blocking the update23:33
Brian_ok hold on  i got the var/cache/apt/archives/kontact  error again23:33
Daskreechoem: join #fluxbuntu23:34
Daskreechha ha :) Ok23:34
Brian_no i did23:34
Brian_it was installin and then out of nowhere it gave me the error23:35
DaskreechBrian_: ok that's fine. might need to drop to a lower level try sudo dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/kontact*deb23:35
SerraphynCan anyone help me with 9.04 and setting up wifi? I can't figure out how to do WPA passphrase send to router23:38
Brian_that didnt do much23:38
Brian_im confused23:39
DaskreechI forget what happens when you sudo apt-get remove kontact ?23:39
Brian_ok it  removing kontact, processing triggers for lib623:41
Brian_ldconfig deferred processing now taking place23:41
Brian_Daskreech: should i try the sudo apt dist update23:43
DaskreechBrian_: Yes! :-)23:46
Brian_now that kontact thing is gone i hope it works23:46
Brian_ok going again23:47
Brian_where it stops no one knows23:48
Brian_Daskreech:  ok its done  no error this time23:49
Daskreechtype which plasma-desktop23:49
Brian_ok no error23:50
Daskreechit should give you a path23:50
Brian_it didnt do anything23:50
Daskreechtype which plasma23:51
Brian_im in gnome23:51
Daskreechshouldn't matter23:51
DaskreechIt's just reporting where the file is23:51
Brian_it doesnt do anything23:52
Daskreechtype which gedit23:52
Daskreechwhich kate23:54
DaskreechHmm sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop23:54
Daskreechthen reinstall it23:54
Brian_its not installed23:55
Daskreechinstall that23:56
Brian_im doing apt get install kubuntu desktop23:56
Daskreechwith a dash? :)23:56
Brian_e:package kubuntu-desktop has no installation canidate23:57
Brian_ill try threw synaptic23:57
Brian_i get w:gpg error  the following signature could not be verified because the public key is not available23:59

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