
=== stew is now known as paella
FlannelHowdy th0r, how can we help you today?01:50
th0rdo you guys need someone to complain about MyNameIsLuca?01:51
FlannelWe don't need a complaint, but a headsup if no one's caught it is alway... I suppose I won't finish that01:51
FlannelAnyone ever heard anything about #ubuntu-signpost?02:37
nhandlerFlannel: That is a project to help point people in the right direction to find answers to their questions02:39
nhandlerThere was discussion about it on the ubuntu-doc list02:39
FlannelThe channel doesn't seem to exist yet, but there's a wikipage directing people there02:39
nhandlerThe signpost is still being developed. However, it does look like #ubuntu-signpost is the correct channel. You can try talking to Andrew Sayers about getting it properly registered and setup02:48
FlannelOh, I'm not too worried about it, just noticed that alis and chanserv know nothing of it02:50
nhandlerFlannel: That is because it isn't registered ;)02:55
naliothstrange that it is not found - there's poeple in it03:38
naliothand people, too03:38
innocivI was sent to #ubuntu-read-topic after I already changed my port and wasn't having problems03:40
innocivthe test me fails03:40
ubottuIn #ubuntu, beatbreaker said: !foo is foo06:15
ubottuIn #ubuntu, beatbreaker said: !foo is also bar06:15
Flannel"everything looks garbled" right.09:27
BactaHi I would like to discuss my ban in #ubuntu-social14:09
elkythere is no such channel.14:10
Bactasorry, #ubuntu-offtopic rather14:10
elkywhat aspect of the ban would you like to discuss?14:11
Bactafirstly I can't remember how I got it14:11
BactaCan you please refresh my memory?14:12
elkyBacta, you decided it was funny to join with the nick "Abortionist" and offer "free abortions"14:14
BactaOh that14:14
elkyyes. that.14:15
BactaThat was pretty dumb of me14:15
elkyit was, yes.14:15
elkyYou have a history of that kind of behaviour.14:16
BactaI actually quit trolling last weekend14:16
elkyYou've promised this so many times in the past.14:17
BactaWe might oneday be friends if I stop trolling :)14:19
elkyBacta, why "if"?14:20
BactaSorry, should be "now i have"14:21
elkyBacta, what is there to make us believe that you really have quit this time?14:21
BactaDo you have anything to do with linuxchix?14:21
BactaI try elky, problem is I suffer from adhd14:21
BactaI do stupid things when I'm not on the meds14:22
elkyBacta, so do i.14:22
elkyminus the hyperactivity.14:22
MamarokBacta: this is the oldest bad excuse we know of, I have ADS too, so...14:23
BactaWhole different illness with the hyperactivity14:23
elkyBacta, actually, it's not.14:23
BactaAre you constantly in motion?14:23
elkyBacta, my brain is, my body isnt.14:24
Mamaroknot at all, the hiperactivity just becomes less prominent in adults14:24
elkyBacta, ADD/ADHD do not impair your ability to separate right from wrong.14:24
BactaMamarok: Not for me14:25
Bactaelky: I wouldn't go out and kill someone14:25
BactaAs an example14:25
MamarokBacta: well, then you should get correct treatment first14:25
BactaI'm on concerta14:26
BactaBut it doesn't work very well :(14:26
elkyBacta, we cannot grant exceptions for bad behaviour for any reason. if we grant it for one, we have to grant it for all reasons. I don't think you want to see what that would be like.14:26
elkypmatulis, hi, we'll be with you soon, ok?14:27
BactaYeah I'm not expecting you to unban me14:27
BactaJust trying to explain why I'm like this sometimes14:27
elkyBacta, ok then. is there anything else then?14:28
BactaI'm really trying hard14:28
pmatuliselky: i'm all good14:28
BactaYes do you have anything to do with linuxchix?14:28
BactaEverytime I logon to their server I get reported to my ISP14:28
elkyBacta, i realise that, but you need to get yourself a proper management plan.14:28
jussi01!idle | pmatulis14:28
ubottupmatulis: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only; we ask you to part when you have no further business here in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.14:28
elkyBacta, there is no connection between Ubuntu channels on Freenode, and the linuxchix server.14:29
pmatulisjussi01: good to know14:29
BactaI found a log of you talking about me14:29
elkyBacta, i'm sure you did. this channel, however, has no influence over that server.14:30
BactaSo are you able to give me a timeline on this ban or will I just have to wait it out?14:30
elkyBacta, you'll just have to wait until we see a drastic improvement in your behaviour. We see you in other places on the network, and we use that to judge whether you have really stopped trolling.14:31
elkythis includes in #ubuntu-artwork.14:32
Bactaoh snap14:33
elkyBacta, your local community health center should have information on managing ADD-related conditions, and maybe even support groups. Also consider seeing a nutritionist. Avoiding caffeine and excess sugar will also help.14:35
BactaOh the sugar and caffeine is all that gets me through my days :)14:36
elkyIt is probably what is getting you in trouble, too.14:36
Bactahealth advice on an ubuntu chan :) full service ftw!14:36
elkyno, this isn't health advice. this is 'where to find health advice' advice14:37
elkyyou're not the first geek in history to have an imbalance, some of us have been there, done that.14:38
Bactaan imbalance?14:38
elkyyour brain is one big chemical reaction.14:38
BactaHanz Reiser had a big one :P14:39
elkythat is not really an appropriate comparison14:41
elkyBacta, is there anything further you want to discuss in here?14:42
BactaNot really14:42
BactaBetter go before I get kicked14:42
elkyok then, you know the drill.14:42
bazhangcrosspost ftl14:47
=== paella is now known as stew
elkywas avoiding that particular situation. only had enough sanity points for one troll tonight14:51
jussi01elky: bed for you!14:51
elkyyes, i know14:52
PiciAnd you certainly went thorugh them all...14:52
elkyi really should go get myself properly diagnosed one day :P14:53
Picihrm @ -offtopic16:58
stewbazhang: where is he crossposting?17:04
Picistew: was to #freenode, #kubuntu, and #ubuntu at least.17:04
stewis this about grub options and runlevels?17:05
PiciIt was.17:05
PiciBut that was nearly 2 hours ago17:06
* stew msgs17:08
Flannelikonia: That's not him?18:28
PiciWho was that?18:28
Flannelthat's root, he was .au18:28
Flanneler, sorry18:28
Flannelyou banned someone who wasn't the guy you kicked18:28
ikoniahe's unmuted18:28
ikoniathe correct guy was kicked18:28
ikoniaauto-bleh lagged for some reason18:28
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, imran said: !foo is foo19:51
FlannelThe FF thing just got to /., so stay aware of trolls/whatevers21:03
ikoniawhich FF thing ?21:21
* ikonia is out of the loop21:21
popeyikonia: bug 40276721:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 402767 in firefox-3.5 "multisearch add on blocks the functionality of firefox location bar" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40276721:30
Nafallobah. everyone should be using vimperator anyway.21:32
ubottuprince_jammys called the ops in #ubuntu (YDB)23:58

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