
raphadid i say something wrong?00:04
verterokrapha: could you check the log file, please pastebin the output of: tail -n 100 ~/.cache/ubuntuone/syncdaemon.log00:11
verteroksladen: done, #40726800:12
verteroksladen: ^ that's a dupe of #35450200:13
verterokubottu: bug #35450200:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 354502 in ubunet "overview pane in web ui handles long folder/file names incorrectly" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35450200:15
sladenverterok et al: can you unhide bug #357575  and then combine the dups to  bug #371674  (#friendlymachinenames)00:34
ubottuBug 357575 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/357575 is private00:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 371674 in ubunet "/account/machines/ should show friendly machine names (instead of hashes)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37167400:34
verteroksladen: let me check the contents of it first ;)00:35
verteroksladen: done, #357575 is "unhided"00:35
verteroksladen: done, now all are dups of #37167400:37
=== facundobatista_ is now known as facundobatista
raphaverterok: it's .cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log for me01:33
raphaverterok: and it only says http://pastie.org/57489301:34
verterokrapha: so, looks like it's connected and uploading files02:24
verterokrapha: please check this with: u1sdtool --current-transfers02:24
dobeyhaha, awesome. i just found a not very scientific article about photovoltaic ink, and it uses the term "buckyballs"02:39
tcole1buckyballs is a perfectly scientific name for spherical fullerenes03:34
=== tcole1 is now known as tcole
eekfonkywhat dependencies should I have installed in synaptic? there are python and non-python packages, my ubuntuone daemon just keeps spinning06:42
eekfonkyWhat packages should I have installed in synaptic for ubuntuone?07:00
raphaverterok: u1sdtool says it's not up- or downloading anything, yet the icon never stops spinning.11:09
Chipacagood morning, all13:00
Chipacatcole: ping13:12
joshuahoovergood morning Chipaca13:12
tcolegood morning13:39
tcoleChipaca: pong13:39
Chipacadamn, I forgot13:41
Chipacatcole: something about a bug assigned to you not being up to par, I'm sure13:41
tcoleah well13:42
tcolestandup tiem?13:46
tcoleoh, wrong channel13:47
=== Chipaca is now known as ChipAway
=== facundobatista_ is now known as facundobatista
dobeylooks like i will be getting this house, unless there is some issue with an appraisal or inspection14:02
jblountdobey: Nice, congratulations! Time for a house party.14:03
jblountAlthough, I guess we should wait until you move in.14:04
dobeyyeah, in like 2 months after closing is done and i can actually move in14:04
jblountBleh, don't remind me. That waiting period seems like forever.14:05
jblountI moved everything myself because I didn't want to wait a week for friends to be available to help.14:06
dobeyi've mostly done that when moving14:06
dobeymy tv was always the thing that needed help to move14:07
dobeysince it was a 350lb crt thing14:07
dobeybut last time i moved, i got rid of it, and got an lcd14:07
dobeybut i'm on the 4th floor, so i need help with the couches and my mattress, but other than that, i can pretty much move everything myself14:07
dobeywell, the seller counteroffered, but i think it's safe to assume that it's the least amount their bank is willing to accept14:10
jblountThat's possible. I still think we could have driven our price down a bit, but was anxious to be done dealing with the realtors.14:11
urbanapecongrats, dobey14:11
urbanapemorning, everyone14:11
dobeyjblount: yeah. this is a short sell. they've already dropped the price like $50k from the initial listing date14:12
jblountRight on.14:12
* jblount hugs lp:lptools14:30
urbanapeeasy there, tiger. Not sure that's entirely legal in the great state of Florida.14:31
urbanapecrap, now I have to reinstall the vmware tools in my ubuntu instance14:32
dobeyflorida? the great home of The Birdcage ?14:32
dobeyi think it's probably legal in florida... :P14:32
=== ink_away is now known as inkvizitor68sl
dobeylet's have an early standup, and have it last only 30 seconds!14:44
dobeyi /might/ miss the stand-up but should be back just in time for it14:51
dobeyif i do miss it though...14:52
dobey☭ DONE: Chatted with Joshua and Martin about Karmic blockers/UI, Lots of bug triage,14:52
dobey☭ TODO: Reviews, Triage, #376687, Tarmac AMI14:52
dobey☭ BLCK: 1.0a on server side (pending oauth.py upstream 1.0a patch approval)14:52
CardinalFangMEETING BEGINS14:59
CardinalFangSay "me" to claim a slot on today's stand-up meeting.  DONE/TODO/BLOCKED.15:00
CardinalFangdobey has already dumped his on us.  Anyone else?15:01
CardinalFangstatik, ?15:01
jblountCardinalFang: I think he's in transit, and the others are on holiday or similar.15:02
* jblount tags urbanape 15:03
urbanapeDONE: Getting reacquainted with bindwood, running into weird problems updating my system.15:03
urbanapeTODO: Try to tackle the bugs with improperly fleshed out bookmarks in couch. Start in on folders and ordering.15:03
urbanapeBLOCK: None15:03
urbanapeaquarius: pour it on15:03
aquarius⚀ DONE: talk to thisfred about replication trigger; branch to load design docs into desktop couch on startup15:03
aquarius⚁ TODO: piston oauth in snowy; learn about process groups; go away for a week, back Tuesday 18th15:03
aquarius⚂ BLOCKED: none15:03
aquariusThe power to destroy a planet is insignificant compared to the power of vds15:03
vdsDONE: testing FX deploymnet, proposed branch for snapshot, discussed about deployment with mark and herb15:03
vdsTODO: hopefully land branch for snapshot,  continue with the FX deployment of fx15:03
vdsBLOCKED: nope15:03
vdsjblount :)15:03
jblountDONE: got a couple branches of bug fixes landed, started figuring out how to solve things or move them to the next milestone15:03
jblountTODO: reviews, sort a few more bugs before W15 closes15:03
jblountCardinalFang: Go time!15:03
jblountBLOCKED: Rollout15:03
CardinalFangDONE: Pushed updated Spawning tree for reviews.  Elucidated problem with non-daemon/development usage.15:03
CardinalFangTODO: Make Gwibber speak to desktopcouch.  See what couchdb auth looks like; it's not in Karmic yet; must find it and plan pairing tool.15:03
CardinalFangBLOCKED: Nope.15:03
CardinalFangIndexError: pop from empty list15:03
CardinalFangMEETING ENDS15:04
jblountCardinalFang: cheers/thanks15:04
urbanapethanks, CardinalFang15:04
aquariusCardinalFang, I shall forward you a couple of emails that I sent to Eric about couchdb oauth15:04
CardinalFangaquarius, Please do!15:04
urbanapeaquarius: you gonna have any time today to chat about bindwood? I've been out of it for a couple weeks.15:04
aquariusCardinalFang, done15:05
thisfredCardinalFang: it would be great if we could work on that together the coming week, since it's a big and important piece of the puzzle15:05
aquariusurbanape, yep, go fo rit15:05
urbanapekeen, so apart from the deb building and relocation of the trunk, has anything else happened with it?15:06
urbanapeany outstanding branches that need merging?15:06
aquariusas far as I'm aware, nothing else has happened with it. I've been caught up entirely on desktopcouch, so I haven't hacked on bindwood15:08
urbanapecool, no worries.15:09
urbanapejust wanted to survey the state of it15:09
urbanapethat's better (vmware tools reinstalled)15:10
CardinalFangthisfred, Agreed.  I won't set anythign in stone today.  Monday?15:17
thisfredCardinalFang: sure, let's just at least coordinate, so we don't step on eachother15:18
thisfredCardinalFang: and do more involved discussion/pairing where appropriate15:18
urbanapekenvandine: if there's nothing personal in it, can you get me a backup of your bookmarks? I've just started from scratch, using desktop couch and all my bookmarks are present. Granted, there's a lot of test/dumb data in them.15:24
=== ChipAway is now known as Chipaca
=== Chipaca_ is now known as Chipaca
* jblount stabs firefox with a rusty fork19:42
jblountdobey: Good point.19:46
thisfredrusty spork?19:50
* thisfred is a builder of bridges19:50
pfibigerthisfred: it's like we're opened up to a whole new world of thisfred, with you in the eastern timezone.19:50
thisfredpfibiger: yeah, but the extra bit you get is mornings, which may not be that much additional value ;)19:51
jblountthisfred: I always felt guilty because you would be on much later than seemed reasonable for your tz. EST FTW.19:57
thisfredso far the switch has served me well: I've sort of hung on to my jet-lag, and get up and go to bed much earlier than I used to19:58
thisfredalso it gets dark here much earlier19:58
thisfredthere is no spoon20:00
jblountdobey: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWkbFKJZB0k20:00
jblountor http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spoonman20:00
Chipacastatik: mattgriffin: any of you want to take on #401712 ?20:00
dobeyjblount: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcm-J7lQT3w20:00
jblountdobey: Oh wow, I had forgotten about that.20:01
Chipacastatik: mattgriffin: that's https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubunet/+bug/401712 (if both mup and hal won't cooperate)20:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 401712 in ubunet "Sharing Photos" [Undecided,New]20:01
Chipacaooooh, wrong channel :)20:01
Chipacawrong channel for mup or hal, that is20:01
* Chipaca is mixing his any/either/both/neither today :(20:02
mattgriffinChipaca: i'll take it20:02
Chipacamattgriffin: now? (i.e. I leave you to it), or later (i.e. I assign it to you)20:02
mattgriffinChipaca: i'll assign it to myself. it's dependent on public sharing so i'll add it to wishlist.20:03
Chipacamattgriffin: also please thank the guy and set it to triaged20:04
* Chipaca wonders why he's found it easier to use launchpadlib than the search page on launchpad20:07
dobeysearch for what?20:08
Chipacadobey: bugs that are New and not owned by a member of the team20:09
Chipacasee? if I can say it in less than 80 cols, you aught to be able to search for it through the web :)20:10
dobeyoh, yeah, the web ui is a bit lacking for bugs20:10
jblountChipaca: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone/+bugs?field.searchtext=&orderby=-importance&field.status:list=NEW&assignee_option=none&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.bug_supervisor=&field.bug_commenter=&field.subscriber=&field.omit_dupes.used=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.has_patch.used=&field.has_cve.used=&field.tag=&field.tags_combinator=ANY&search=Search20:15
jblountChipaca: That's "new, and not owned by someone"20:15
Chipacajblount: you mean "new, and not assigned to someone"?20:15
jblountChipaca: yes20:15
dobeythat search is doable, but unobvious and annoying20:16
Chipacabut I wanted the ones that weren't created by our team, so I could get back to the users20:16
dobeyalso, it's hard to search for bugs which don't have a milestone assigned20:16
jblountI see, forgive me, I thought it sounded too easy :)20:16
Chipacajblount: I'll think about it20:16
Chipacaforgiving you, I mean20:16
Chipacamattgriffin: re bug #402853, would "Won't fix" be an appropriate response? Or would it be "Invalid"?20:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 402853 in ubuntuone-client "I had a problem with... language ! Do you speak French ?" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40285320:17
dobeyChipaca: assign to thisfred since he apparently speaks french? :)20:18
mattgriffinChipaca: i can't understand eric's response.  it looks like it refers astre to Translations to complete the French translation.20:19
thisfredlemme check20:20
mattgriffinthisfred: Google things your french is quite good :)20:21
thisfredI thought they asked whether there was a french translation, so I pointed them to that, and for questions to the french forum20:21
mattgriffinthisfred, Chipaca: ok. so you can probably close this bug as invalid.20:21
Chipacaah, you don't read french :) ok, the user says "I hate English, and would really like a French translation. Is there a french-speaking forum for me to rant and rave about Ubuntu One?", and this fred said "the client is translated, but I don't know of any french-speaking ubuntu one forum, no. But maybe you can ask un ubuntu-fr! Also, my French sucks"20:21
Chipacayou should *always* end your conversations like that20:22
thisfredand I frequently do, although sometimes I say my German sucks, for a little variety20:22
dobeythisfred: you should say your dutch sucks.20:23
thisfredI could, but that would be a lie, my dutch is damn near impeccable. At least it was until a few spelling changes ago20:24
thisfredthey like to mess with your head20:24
* jblount marvels at his now working client20:25
thisfredanyway, spelling, like irony, has gone the way of the dodo, thanks to the internets. Can't say I'll miss them much.20:25
jblountI'm really glad we got that rollout done.20:25
Chipacathisfred: I meant when speaking in French to a Frenchman :)20:30
thisfredChipaca: oh, I thought as sort of a "Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam" ;)20:32
Chipacait didn't do him much good, did it20:32
thisfredwell, it *was* destroyed20:33
Chipacayeah, but no thanks to him20:33
Chipacathey kicked his butt every time, or something like that20:33
thisfredwhich goes to show, an elephant is a good thing to have on your side20:34
dobeythisfred: was it a white elephant?20:38
thisfredpink, officer, it was decidedly pink20:38
dobeythanks for making my browser go crazy :(20:46
thisfreddobey: me? sorry, it's a sucky flash site, but not malicious I'm sure....20:59
Chipacawhat is an appropriate response to "what about more storage capacity for free?"? dupe it to the "we're not actually checking the quota" bug?21:01
dobeythisfred: well it caused firefox to crash, and it loaded fast enough that closing only that window when restarting was difficult :(21:02
dobeyuh, yeah, no21:02
thisfreddobey: ah. I have flashblocker enabled, so that I only enable flash movies that I want, and that worked fine. I apologize21:04
Chipacaflashblock ftw21:04
ChipacaI think my battery would last 50% less if I browsed without it21:05
dobeyyeah, see, flashblocker doesn't tell you that a piece of flash is going to crash your browser21:05
dobeybut whatever21:05
thisfreddobey: I did enable the flash movie, and then it worked, is what I mean, but yeah, I won't link flash sites anymore. lesson learned21:08
dobeyflash is ok21:08
* thisfred hits self with rolled up newspaper21:08
dobeyi don't know why the hell it's so crashy in karmic21:08
thisfredit has never worked without problems for me in linux/FF, that's my main reason for flashblock21:09
dobeyit worked pretty much flawlessly for me on jaunty21:11
Chipacajblount: ping?21:16
Chipacajblount: are you, or is it jdo, I should assign to bugs re /files/ ?21:17
* Chipaca throws a who at that sentence to see if it'll stick21:17
* Chipaca catches the who, and tries again with a whom21:18
jblountChipaca: I'm the go to, although I'll probably push hard problems at urbanape :)21:18
jdowho huh what?21:20
jblountjdo: Chipaca wanted you to write more javascript, I told him no.21:23
jdojblount, thank you for protecting me21:24
jblountChipaca: I'm going to stop triaging now, because we have finally run into each other.21:30
Chipacawe have?21:30
ChipacaI was so concentrated in what I was doing that I didn't check21:31
Chipacawe didn't overlap, did we?21:31
jblountChipaca: Just on the last bug I touched (the business model one) but my comments are still valid, and I reassigned to mattgriffin.21:32
Chipaca"Pricey service"?21:33
Chipacaheh, I meant to mark it "Triaged", not "In progress"21:34
* dobey has enough bugs already, kthx21:39
jblountdobey: :(, sorry! We could assign some to rodrigo, he does gnome desktop stuff too :)21:41
dobeythey're mostly duplicates anyway21:45
Chipacajblount: could you do one more? https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubunet/+bug/40685921:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 406859 in ubunet "Not possible to delete/close Ubuntu One account" [Undecided,New]21:47
dobeyok, my brain is about fried crispy, like some original recipe chicken21:47
jblountdobey: Have a good weekend21:48
jblountChipaca: Sure thing!21:48
* jblount tries to delete his account to remind himself if it is possible yet.21:48
Chipacajblount: also: re https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubunet/+bug/407014, is marking as a duplicate with no "thank you" the usual way?21:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 407014 in ubunet "Firefox does not show the last row of the uploaded files (dup-of: 391113)" [Undecided,New]21:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 391113 in ubunet "Upload button in Web page in way of last file" [Medium,Triaged]21:50
jblountI think so.21:52
jblountChipaca: ^^21:52
jblountI'm having some trouble with the duplicates, because they still show up in a list of "bugs marked as new and not assigned to someone"21:52
jblountI really, really wish thunderbird would respect my browser settings. Really.21:56
joshuahoover1jblount: that's asking a lot21:56
jblountjoshuahoover1: Heh, it's like a browser monopoly in the making.21:57
urbanapefork it22:15
ChipacaI need to stop triaging for a while22:16
Chipacaanybody want to pick up https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/408581 ?22:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 408581 in ubuntuone-client "Resetting the ubuntu-one software after deleting an account, in order to use an another account is not possible" [Undecided,New]22:16
=== inkvizitor68sl is now known as ink_away
jblountChipaca: I'm on it, take a break!22:19
Chipacache, you know what would be awesome? throwing a .torrent at UbuntuOne/MyTorrents, and having it fetch22:22
* Chipaca goes for some coffee22:22
CardinalFangChipaca, No, you know what would be awesome?  Using bittorrent as our data stream protocol.  Got two boxes connected to U1?  Putting something in your share causes you to serve a torrent, so your local box connects to your local box, in addition to U1 data-center.22:32
ChipacaCardinalFang: that would be awesome too, but I think there's already a bug for it :)22:38
CardinalFangI'm learning that not is there nothing new under the sun, there's also probably a bug filed for it already.22:39
ChipacaCardinalFang: #37530222:45
ChipacaCardinalFang: bug #37530222:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 375302 in ubuntuone-client "Should support syncing on a local network" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37530222:45
Chipacathank you, ubottu22:45
CardinalFangEr, yeah.  Scatter/Gather can help with nonlocal, too.22:46
* CardinalFang goes offline. "Nice weekend, all.22:55
Chipacastatik: bug #410404 needs your Special Touch22:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 410404 in ubuntuone-client "I have problem witch camera in asus x71sl picture is turned upside down my id camera is 04f2:b012" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41040422:58
tcoledoesn't that just need to be assigned to the right package?23:42

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