
Flare183How do I enable sounds for certain events like in GNOME/Ubuntu?00:28
planetaryanyone know why slackerradio wont play? i another xubuntu system and it does. both have restricted extras installed00:55
MikessCan I get video preview icons in xfce like ubuntu ?01:45
th0rMikess: yess, but I am not sure how I arranged it.01:46
RaggsMikess, i believe so01:46
Mikessok tell me more :)01:46
MikessI have pic preview01:46
MikessI am new to xfce,,from fat kde 4,,, ;)01:46
Raggsi am looking01:47
Raggsin avi i have preview icon01:47
Raggsnot in avi, i have a preview of an ivi file01:49
Mikessivi ?01:51
Raggsavi, type of video01:51
Mikessyes avi ,mpeg,,mpg etc01:52
RaggsMikess, from what i am learning from Google Nautilus makes that happen01:53
Mikesshmm though so01:54
Mikesscan be installed on xfce as well I guess01:54
MikessWould replace thunar though ?01:55
RaggsMikess, i woudnt, but i dont mind not having the previews01:55
MikessYes no big issue :)01:56
MikessVery impressed with xfce :)01:56
Raggsit is nice01:56
Raggssmaller than gnome, but useable01:57
th0rMikess: I think the previews are a thunar plugin....I think they come from thunar-thumbnailers01:57
Mikesscheers will check ;)01:57
Raggsth0r, i think that is installed by default as well01:58
Mikess ffmpegthumbnailer as well :)01:59
Mikesstell you if it works 1 min02:00
th0rRaggs: might be. I installed generic ubuntu first, then added xfce afterwards, but I know I am not running anything gnome related now and I have the video previews02:01
th0rRaggs: I did have to install most of the plugins afterwards....didn't install xubuntu-desktop and found that a lot of such things were omitted because of my error02:01
th0rMikess: missed that one...thanks02:01
Raggsth0r, i am running xubuntu, it is there02:02
th0rRaggs: yeah, now, after the fact, I wish I had opted for xubuntu. But I had an ubuntu live cd so figured I could just add after.....missed a lot of little things by doing that02:02
Raggsi am sure, xubuntu still has quite a bit of gnome in it02:03
Mikessyes many libs.,.,,02:03
MikessNo preview yet02:04
Raggsthe games are all gnome as well02:04
Mikesswill log out/in brb02:04
th0rI have turned off most of the gnome stuff. Moved to wicd instead of network mangler, installed non-gnome solitaire and the like, dumped the gnome power management....ps doesn't show much gnome anymore02:04
Mikesshmm still none02:05
Raggsi do know that Debian with xfce4 installed as default is a bit quicker and smaller02:05
th0rMikess: installing ffmpegthumbnailer actually gave me the last few missing video thumbnails I was missing...always wondered why they weren t there02:07
Mikesshe he and I have none ,, hmm sounds not fair ;)02:07
th0rjust looked through ps and the only thing I have even beginning with g is gdm. I am pretty sure the video thumbnails is an xfce thing...just need to figure out what you are missing02:08
Mikessyes true02:09
Mikessmust be in thunar settings ?02:09
th0rMikess: according to synaptic the package thunar-thumbnailers provides thumbnails for video files02:10
th0rit does mention needing ffmpegthumbnailer for that...so I am surprised it wasn't a dep02:11
Mikessyes i have installed them ,,Does it give you the option in thunar settings ?02:11
th0rI see no option in thunar....just set it to View as icons02:12
MikessI have it ,,"show hidden files " :)02:13
th0rno...I have that turned off02:13
th0rdid that solve it for you?02:13
Raggsth0r, how long have you been using buntu?02:16
MikessIt did but not ideal,,better I simply unchecked all emblems02:16
th0rhad dapper installed for a long time, but had to replace the computer last year and only got jaunty installed about two months ago02:16
Mikessso in thumbnails no icons are selected :)02:17
th0rI was going to ask about the emblems...I noticed that all mine werre unchecked02:17
MikessBetter than kde 4.2 :)02:17
th0rI used xfce for years....was originally a redhat user, then suse, then ubuntu...so I have developed a long term relationship with xfce.02:18
th0rwent to xfce when the dev team moved from e16 to e17...I loved e1602:18
MikessThought I had seen your nick before :)02:19
MikessI tried them both02:19
Mikesstotem is not working missing codecs02:24
Raggsadd em :D02:24
MikessGStreamer is installed02:24
Mikessthought that took care of most ?02:24
th0rdump totem...use vlc02:25
th0rI have never successfully config'd totem....never got it to work right02:28
Mikessme either02:29
Raggsmine works i think02:30
Mikessvlc installed and playing :)02:30
th0rI use vlc for everything nowadays. Since they abandoned xmms vlc is the only dependable player for audio or video I have found (well...mplayer is still there for video)02:31
MikessHell forgot about it,,has always been a hell good player02:31
Mikesscpu friendly as well02:31
th0rMikess: that is what I like about it...I am anal about system resources02:31
Mikessvideo going cpu = 3 % :)02:32
MikessI have tried many and xfce is the best so far02:34
=== osiris__ is now known as osiris
MTeckYou guys have any idea what I could use other than network-manager that can handle openvpn?04:10
Raggsdoes wicd handle it?04:11
th0rI think wicd does not, you have to handle the vpn separately when using wicd04:12
th0rthere is some decent info on the web about it, just happened on it the other day04:13
osx5hello all04:13
osx5I just got an acer aspire one netbook and put xubuntu on it, I have a 1366 resolution but its only allowing 1024 , does anyone know if I can fix this?04:13
MTeckRaggs: doesn't look like that - i like this aside from that fact04:17
MTeckI suppose I could do openvpn from cli04:17
MT-ok - awesome thing about wicd - client doesn't need to keep running to keep internet04:32
MT-I killed that other system - thanks to who suggested it04:33
jjaraneed help in configuration of ubuntu 9.04 server06:08
DiecastMessiahcan someone give me idea what i need to do about this error06:14
DiecastMessiahsymbol lookup error: slitechat: undefined symbol: _ZN10QTabWidget15setTabsClosableEb06:14
LierXAgerateis anyone here?06:14
LierXAgerateIs this where I can ask tech support questions?06:15
LierXAgerateOk thanks06:15
LierXAgerateI have an old IBM thinkpad that I am trying to install xubuntu on, it only has 256mb ram, a 5 gig hard drive, and a pentium 3 processor06:16
DiecastMessiahnormaller better to just ask the question here to..06:16
jjaracan any body help me in the configuration of ubuntu server 9.0406:16
LierXAgerateI burnt a cd with xubuntu on it and I am trying to boot it from that06:16
_Pete_jjara_ http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-ubuntu-9.04-ispconfig-206:16
LierXAgeratebut when I go to "install xubuntu" I keep getting an error saying "Error reading from boot cd"06:17
LierXAgeratethe cd works fine on my good computer though06:17
LierXAgeratewhen I go into f1 help it says this distribution of ubuntu requires 384 mb ram06:17
DiecastMessiahmaybe the rom is dead or something on the laptop06:18
LierXAgeratebut I thought 256 was enough06:18
jjaraPete: my problem is the remote connection ssh or telnet it keeps disconnecting  in a period or time even http06:18
DiecastMessiahyeah that should be lots for xubuntu06:18
LierXAgerateis there any way to boot xubuntu from a floppy?06:18
DiecastMessiahnot sure06:19
LierXAgerateis there a linux distro with even lower requirements ?06:19
DiecastMessiahwell from the error it sound like you cdrom in the machine is no longer good06:19
_Pete_LierXAgerate: yes, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy06:19
DiecastMessiahthey only last so long06:20
DiecastMessiahhave you ever had problem with loading or copy cd's?06:20
LierXAgeratehmm ok06:20
LierXAgerateI just got this old laptop today06:20
LierXAgerateI just wanted to use it to teach myself the ins and outs of linux06:20
LierXAgerateit runs windows 98 poorly06:21
DiecastMessiahok well i would say try to burn the cd.. on a different machine.. but as slow of a burn as you can about 2 or 4x burn06:21
DiecastMessiahand see if that will load.. and if getting the same error.. then it the rom06:21
LierXAgerateyeah I burtn this one on 24x burn06:22
DiecastMessiahoh yeah maybe that will help.. the slower the burn the better it burns06:22
LierXAgerateWhen I pop the cd into the machine it won't load, but when I put it into the machine I burnt it on it loads right away06:23
DiecastMessiah4x will only take 20min or less06:23
LierXAgerateis it just because the older machine has an older cd drive?06:23
LierXAgerateso it needs a slower burn?06:23
LierXAgeratei'm not sure if that makes sense06:24
DiecastMessiahwell cd roms only last so long..06:24
LierXAgerateOkay well I will go buy some cds tommorow and try again06:24
LierXAgerateThank you very much for your help06:24
DiecastMessiahit getting old... doesn't mean it needs a slow burn... but i find it make better cd's06:24
DiecastMessiahand maybe easier for that old rom to read it06:24
DiecastMessiahno problem06:24
LierXAgerateif not I will try the floppy method06:25
LierXAgerategood night06:25
DiecastMessiahsymbol lookup error ?? what may that be... just need a point in the right direction06:29
jjarahi guys06:29
jjaraany solution to my problem06:30
DiecastMessiahi have no idea sorry06:31
DiecastMessiahlooking around seem like a link problem of sometype but cannot find a good answer on on the web06:59
nikolampackages.ubuntu.com, down again..08:06
turtle_hi! I'm after some help10:29
turtle_I think something has seriously gone wrong with my install10:29
jdbexplain your problem please :)10:31
turtle_ok I'll do my best10:32
turtle_I was surfing the web with transmission and rhythmbox running in the background10:32
turtle_transmission froze so I did a force close10:32
turtle_then when I ran synaptic it said "fail to load as root"10:33
turtle_so I did a restart10:33
turtle_when it reloaded all my panels have been scrapped10:33
turtle_and I now cannot open ISO filed10:33
turtle_I think something might be corrupt somehow10:33
turtle_I'm a recent windoze convert so I'm still getting grips with everything, which is why I'm stuck :/10:34
jdbdid you check your harddisk with fsck ?10:35
turtle_just punched it in to a terminal and it says running it on a mounted filesystem may cause severe damage10:37
turtle_should I continue?10:39
jdbboot in rescue mode, or try booting from a livecd10:41
turtle_am I correct in presuming that fsck is similar to windoze's fdisk?10:41
LaibschHow do I found out the exact command that is run when I click on a menu entry?10:43
turtle_jdb: now the update manager is telling me i have unmet dependancies, does this confirm a corrupt file system?10:46
jdbturtle_: possible, but difficult to say10:47
jdbfsck is more the equivalent of checkdisk10:48
turtle_will slackware have fsck? I think I put puppylinux on a usb stick a while back10:50
jdbi guess every distro has that10:55
jdbi dont know slackware that well :)10:55
turtle_me neither but I'll have to take what I can get :P10:57
th0rLaibsch: you can see it in the process list in a terminal (ps ax)11:01
Laibschwell, there's got to be a better11:02
th0rLaibsch: you can also see it in the .desktop file11:02
LaibschFor example, right now I'm trying to find out why "System - New Login in a Window" does not work11:03
Laibschthat one will never show up in the process list11:03
Laibschexcept for a split second11:03
th0rLaibsch: actually, it should show up until you have completed the login11:03
th0rbut it is probably just a terminal session11:04
Laibschth0r, read again what I wrote11:05
Laibschthe process never really starts11:05
th0rLaibsch: never mind...sorry I said anything11:05
Laibschthanks for giving it a shot11:06
jdbgnomefreak has joined #xubuntu ^^11:54
gnomefreakjdb: i know i joined the channel :)12:00
jdbkind of strange with such a nick :)12:02
gnomefreakjdb: im strange but im also in kubuntu* alot of ubuntu channels (~35 channels in all some non ubuntu related)12:13
jdbi dont like kde, so i'm not in kubuntu :)12:18
Mikexfceallll good :)12:21
=== Raggs is now known as Darth_Tux
zhxk`folks, i need enable runlevel at menu.lst, advice me14:15
zhxk`folks, i need enable runlevel at menu.lst so that have oppertunity choose to boot into cli or gdm, i've tried add a number at the end of paratmeters to kernel but it wont work, advice me, thank you!14:44
=== fran is now known as Guest36337
jdbjust start in recovery mode?14:57
jdbadd single to the kernel in menu.lst14:59
=== TuxPurple_ is now known as TuxPurple
proqthat topic is a bit old.  xubuntu 9.10 is out (in alpha)17:20
proqanyhow.  I created a usplash on ubuntu and then switched to xubuntu and my usplash does not load.  is there a reason for this?17:21
GamoidHi. I'm trying to help a friend install Xubuntu on a (comparatively) ancient laptop, but I'm getting all sorts of weird I/O errors on install. Would anyone be willing to spare a couple minutes and help me out?19:08
forcesGamoid, what kind of problem do you have?19:28
GamoidWell, the computer boots from the CD just fine. Then, whether I select Use Xubuntu Without Making Changes or Install, it goes for a minute then starts endlessly returning errors, like "I/O error drive sector <blahblahblah>"19:30
GamoidAh, here it is. "Buffer I/O error on device sr0"19:32
GamoidOver and over again.19:32
proqthat usually indicates it can't read the CD19:32
GamoidI think there was an error in burning the disc, actually.19:33
SiDiGamoid: if it didnt burn well then it may be unreadable ;)19:34
GamoidWell, yeah. :-p I only realized after I made my initial query.19:35
SiDiYou should use the "check CD integrity" option on the CD19:36
GamoidI just did, it returned an error.19:36
SiDiand if it fails to perform the burning very likely failed19:36
* SiDi wishes all i/o errors on sr0 were so simple :P19:36
GamoidI'm actually about to try a different distro, just to test if it's my burner or his drive or the alignment of Jupiter with Venus in the fifth parallel or what.19:37
SiDi9th parallel *19:37
* SiDi hides19:37
Ahmuck-Jrwhere can i find cd art?20:48
taiyedbrodelI don't know why firefox is so awfully slow when searching for a file to upload or a dir for downloading an image, is this firefox fault? or xubuntu's fault?22:28

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