=== asac_ is now known as asac [10:22] asac, see ya [10:22] good holidays [10:24] gonna ping u when back cya [10:24] have fun :) [12:01] guud morning [14:16] hi [14:35] hey [14:51] BUGabundo, makes me sad to see many people retweet the chrome debs while the ppa is 2 weeks ahead :P [14:51] ahahaahahhaha [14:51] who is doing so? [14:52] http://identi.ca/notice/7757150 http://identi.ca/notice/7757160 http://identi.ca/notice/7757226 http://identi.ca/notice/7762507 [14:55] always the same guy [14:55] plus a few redents [14:55] asac, http://paste.ubuntu.com/249376/ seems good enough for me [14:56] asac, 1h before the bot kicks in.. [14:57] $ grep part /etc/apt/sources.list [14:57] # deb ftp://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu kermic partner [14:57] ooops [14:57] kermic? lol [15:00] yep [15:00] typo [15:12] http://www.google.com/support/chrome/bin/answer.py?answer=107684 [15:14] already read that [15:19] yep, more people should read it [15:20] why? [15:20] are they afraid? [15:26] i wouldn't want to knowingly run a browser doing that [15:27] i'm not using the ubufox/multisearch, and i block as many trackers as possible [15:31] Estimated repository size: 16.8 GiB (100.00%) of 10.0 GiB [15:31] pfff [15:34] eheh [16:08] BUGabundo, http://identi.ca/notice/7773322 [16:08] W00t [16:08] redenting [16:08] LOL [16:09] BUGabundo: it will start to spread through the daily ppa, in ~2h, if you see people complaining about breakage, please bring them here, or ask them to file bugs [16:09] sent to 8 sn and blogs [16:09] ok [16:09] I'll post to foruns and p1 [16:10] BUGabundo, it's not in karmic yet, i want feedbacks from the ppa users 1st. [16:11] if it's good enough, i just need to push to karmic [16:12] ill get a few testers [16:12] me included [16:12] LOL [16:20] fta: STOP [16:20] don't leave us without any working browser [16:20] LOL [16:20] eheh [16:20] that's the idea, report bugs asap ;) [16:26] once they are there let me know [16:26] I'm running all 3 riggt now [16:26] need to restart them [16:29] fta why head 3.1??? [16:30] old name of the branch, we need to synchronize to rename it, just didn't happen yet [16:34] ok [16:59] lol, https://edge.launchpad.net/builders/ [17:17] checks [17:17] doh [17:17] you used it all [18:26] BUGabundo, i386's ready [18:26] 64 bits here [18:33] so wait ;) [18:36] with a hundred more builders, and distcc, it would be faster ;) [18:41] ahah [18:43] hm, "ia32-libs-chromium-browser [amd64] (>= 0.01~ucd7~)" or "ia32-libs-chromium-browser (>= 0.01~ucd7~) [amd64]" [18:43] that's me [18:45] http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html [18:45] "This is indicated in brackets after each individual package name and the optional version specification. " [18:45] i guess it's "ia32-libs-chromium-browser (>= 0.01~ucd7~) [amd64]" then.. [18:46] * fta likes to speak to himself === ripps_ is now known as ripps [18:53] fta: http://Miuler.jaiku.com/presence/4980a29cb7f94aebbbc5c040928b5410 [18:53] translation? [18:55] i guess i figured it out, no complains there ;) [18:56] no [18:56] none [18:56] just saying there's video suport [18:56] and even a closed codec [18:57] and it's working fine for me [18:58] still need work though.. [19:14] asac, firefox 3.5 transition today? [19:16] LLStarks, in the PPA yes: http://identi.ca/notice/7773322, if there's no problem, karmic is next [19:17] timeframe? [19:17] depends on the feedbacks [19:18] the daily PPA will do that for all distros, from hardy to karmic (except the branding as explained in the commit logs) [19:19] BUGabundo, ready [19:20] ready [19:21] asac, cn you make autoscroll default? [19:21] or do i need to file a bug against 3.0, 3.5, and the non-existent 3.6 packages? [19:23] middle click does crazy things like pasting text or closing tabs unless its enabled [19:24] you mean when it pastes what's in the buffer? [19:24] I just disable that [19:24] sucks [19:24] don't see any use for it [19:24] LLStarks, no way it becomes the default. if anything, it's for ubufox, not firefox-* [19:25] can you make it happen? [19:26] no, i don't touch ubufox [19:28] oh okay [19:28] different question. is it so hard to cave and make multisearch a deb? [19:31] bbl [19:40] LLStarks, not my choice, i'm not involved in multisearch, ask asac [19:40] BUGabundo, did it work? [20:08] LLStarks: middleclick paste is the default *nix operation. All other applications use it, so does firefox. Autoscroll can be enabled if you don't want it do so. [20:10] ripps, but it isn't [20:10] my tabs get closed instead. [20:10] and no history is left [20:12] Him middleclicking on the tab is supposed to close a tab, with or without autoscroll. Tab on the page or other fields is suppose to paste [20:13] s/Tab/Middleclick/ don't know what was going on in my head === ripps_ is now known as ripps [20:35] fta: back [20:35] cheking for updates and restarting broswers [20:35] forgot to hit ENTER after passw [20:35] doh [20:37] BUGabundo, ?? [20:37] Do you want to continue? [Y/n/?] [20:40] BUGabundo, ?? [20:40] nvm [20:40] nvm [20:40] you are slow today [20:40] guess you are tired from all that packageing [20:41] eh? [20:41] ahahahaha [20:41] ok restartin 3.5 and 3.6 [20:42] gettign the warning about importing [20:42] set keep 3.5 [20:42] Trace/breakpoint trap (core dumped) [20:42] not cool [20:42] it's not a warning, it's a question [20:42] eh? [20:43] grease monkey system wide [20:43] disabling and restarting [20:43] dpkg -l | grep -E 'firefox|xulrunner' | pastebinit [20:44] ok so far so good [20:44] i have greasemonkey, no problem here [20:44] fta: $ dpkg -l | grep -E 'firefox|xulrunner' | pastebinit http://paste.ubuntu.com/249945/ [20:44] ii greasemonkey 0.8.20090123.1-0ubuntu2 firefox extension that enables customization [20:45] same [20:45] strange then [20:46] I manage to debug and track down my crashs to it [20:46] both here and on debian [20:46] maybe your scripts [20:46] on 3.5 and 3.6 [20:46] none on this install [20:46] I don't use 3.5 [20:46] unless for testing [20:46] hm [20:46] all scripts are on 3.0 and 3.6 [20:47] i guess i'll wait for asac before pushing that to karmic [20:47] let me checkit may have imported from 3.0 [20:47] duh [20:47] i just have your feedback, noone else reported anything [20:47] right [20:47] I had 3 tehre [20:49] fta: here it says its not compatible with shireoko [20:49] didn't the brand changed on ppa? [20:51] you didn't read my dent properly [20:51] BUGabundo, read the changelog: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-3.1.head [20:53] ah? [20:53] ok [20:54] hi [20:54] :O only 30 users :S [20:54] that's a lot [20:55] couf [20:55] no one talks LOL [20:55] :P [20:55] PEOPLE [20:55] CAN ANYONE HELP ME? [20:55] I have a problem migrating rom 3.0 to 3.5 [20:56] and actually.. i feel that my firefox on ubuntu is much slower than my firefox on windows vista :S [20:56] jad using the version on the daily ppa? [20:56] it is [20:56] hey maco [20:56] mozilla does lots of profiling to optimize firefox on windows [20:56] :O [20:56] it should be the same for ubuntu.. [20:56] :S [20:56] hello [20:56] it require a LONG time spent compiling [20:57] i'm preferring now chrome UNSTABLE to firefox... :S [20:57] ah [20:57] compile once for profiling, have it run a bit, then compile a second time [20:57] ok now can i tell u my problem with 3.5? [20:57] aye [20:57] Jad, what is the problem? [20:57] I downloaded firefox from the official website [20:57] when it was RC3 [20:57] release candidate 3 [20:57] bad [20:57] :O [20:58] Jad: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa [20:58] and i tried to install it.. [20:58] using [20:58] BUGabundo? [20:58] there's a firefox-3.5 package... [20:58] jad use this ppa [20:58] i know i have it.. [20:58] Jad, continue.. [20:58] WHAT'S PPA? [20:58] been telling you that for 15 min [20:58] !ppa > Jad [20:58] Jad, please see my private message [20:58] :P [20:58] ah ok [20:58] fta : thanks ill continue [20:59] i installed it using: [20:59] ./configure [20:59] make [20:59] make install [20:59] it worked.. [20:59] i go to about>> i see firefox 3.5 [20:59] then/. [20:59] when I close the terminal.. [20:59] firefox would close :/ [20:59] and then when i repoen it (from the icon... and also if i write from the terminal: firefox-3.5) [20:59] it will open firefox 3.0.X [20:59] :S [20:59] DUH [20:59] you can't close a terminal where you lunch an app [20:59] well it closed because it hung up [20:59] if you don't nohup it [21:00] you can run "nohup ./firefox-3.5 &" [21:00] and sudo apt-get install firefox-3.5 will tell me that it is installed.. [21:00] what's nohup? [21:00] no hang up [21:00] like when you hang up a phone and your call ends [21:00] ah [21:00] ok [21:00] so know what should I do...? [21:01] omg [21:01] it just worked :/ [21:01] where is the one you built yourself? in /usr/local ? [21:01] i was opening firefox.. and not shirotoko.. [21:01] no one told me:S [21:01] now [21:01] I told you [21:01] josephMArc tol dme [21:01] yeah :P [21:01] you won't listen to me [21:02] but shouldn't shirotoko overwrite firefox? [21:02] Jad: what are you doing running karmic if you have no knowledge about OS testing? [21:02] -_- [21:02] tijj [21:02] he is not [21:02] im not running karmic [21:02] JosephMArc: seem he doesn't listen to noone :( [21:02] and this doesn't depend on OS testing! :P [21:02] Jad, what does "which firefox" give you? [21:02] /usr/bin/firefox [21:03] ls -l /usr/bin/firefox ? [21:03] lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 11 2009-08-06 11:08 /usr/bin/firefox -> firefox-3.0 [21:04] Jad, dpkg -l | grep -E 'firefox|xulrunner' (please pastebin that to http://paste.ubuntu.com/) [21:05] ok [21:05] and give us the url [21:05] http://paste.ubuntu.com/249957/ [21:06] fta why are you doing all this.. it worked.. [21:07] ok, so with what you have, firefox is 3.0 (that's expected) and to run 3.5, you need to run firefox-3.5 [21:07] now it worked.. [21:07] but before it didn't.. [21:07] you may want to install firefox-3.5-gnome-support too [21:07] hmm it's beeing downloaded and updated with the updates right? [21:07] oh, then nm, i read it didn't work [21:07] right [21:08] yeah [21:08] thanks :) [21:08] i was expecting a problem with the transition to 3.5 i just pushed to the PPA, but it's not your case obviously [21:08] good [21:09] BUGhando TIJJ [21:20] BUGabundo, i'm away now. wake me up if there's a problem with my 3.5 transition thingy [21:25] k