
qman__I don't know about 9.04, but in 8.04, I simply installed the program cmus on server, and it installed all the dependencies necessary to play sound01:13
qman__using an onboard AC'97 card01:14
marshallhey #ubuntu-server04:02
marshallI've setup an ubuntu server, how do i hook it up with my domain name/04:02
nick125marshall: You need to have your DNS provider point the A record(s) to your server.04:07
marshalldo i need to install bind or any of that nonsense?04:07
nick125marshall: It depends. If you have an external DNS provider (your domain provider might offer DNS, or you can use another service), then no. If you don't have a DNS provider, then you will need to either find one or get two IPs to your server and setup bind.04:08
marshallok, ill give it a try04:09
nick125No problem.04:10
nick125Where is your server running? If it isn't in a decent datacenter with a reliable connection, I'd recommend a third-party DNS provider.04:10
nick125You definitely don't want your connection to go down, or have your IPs change for some reason and have your site down for 24-48 hours while the DNS server changes propagate.04:11
marshalli have cloud hosting with rackspace04:12
marshallmy domain is with sibername.com04:12
marshalli have an existing site with another host hooked up to the domain04:12
marshalli want to switch it to my new custom server04:13
nick125marshall: Does your domain provider offer DNS?04:13
marshalli believe so04:13
nick125What's the domain?04:13
nick125Ah, your nickname seems fitting :)04:14
nick125Yeah, you're using sibername DNS servers. It shouldn't be an issue to have them setup the proper A records. They probably have an interface to do it without having to contact them.04:15
marshallA records eh04:16
marshalllol thanks, ill look into it04:16
nick125marshall: Let me know if you have any issues getting it done.04:20
marshallnick125: ok, thanks04:37
marshalli feel i may be in way over my head04:37
nick125marshall: It's not impossible....04:40
marshallnick125: lol yeah, im sure its all pretty straightforward04:41
marshalli setup my website with a prepackaged hosting provider, then pointed it to my nameservers at sibername for my domain04:41
android6011I am building a home server, what filesystem would be best for my audio and video etc. It will be accessed via samba and other methods as well as streamed across a network04:41
marshallim now trying to setup a server from scratch and assign a domain name to it04:42
nick125android6011: personally, I'd go with ext3 optimizied for larger files04:42
android6011so not ext4?04:42
nick125android6011: You can do ext4 as well...but I just don't feel confident about using it on a server yet.04:43
android6011ok ill keep that in mind04:44
marshallnick125: im also trying to setup svn for web development, i want to have svn.iamjeffmarshall.ca point to my svn server04:45
nick125Just curious..why SVN?04:46
marshalli dont know any particular reason to use it, as far as i can see its the most cohesive version control04:48
nick125Ever look into bzr or git?04:48
marshalli havent04:50
marshallalso, i have this spiffy mac app called versions04:50
nick125Ah. For SVN, are you using SSH or WebDAV?04:50
marshallbut what advantages or disadvantages are there to using svn?04:50
marshalli feel like ssh would be better, but ive got it setup through webDAV i think04:51
marshalli followed this how to04:51
nick125SVN seems to have the GUI clients while distributed VCSes have benefits resulting from its distributed nature (work offline, etc)04:51
nick125Yeah, that's WebDAV. SSH is easier imho.04:52
nick125marshall: Are you the only one that will need to access the SVN repos?04:53
marshallill have to set up an svn for others too04:53
marshallim doing this on my own server so i can get comfortable with using it for web dev04:54
marshallbefore i use it with my team04:54
nick125Okay, then you might want to stick with WebDAV unless you feel comfortable giving SSH access to those people.04:54
marshalli could give them ssh with only certain privs right?04:54
nick125Well, you could give them a normal user SSH account...I know with Git, there is a special "shell" that only allows them to use git and nothing else.04:55
nick125Infact, Git has a real nice package called gitosis that handles all of that for you. The only caveat is that you can only use SSH and only use SSH keys.04:56
nick125IF that isn't an issue, it's a really nice package that automates a lot of the processes of managing Git.05:00
marshallmy main concern is that the trunk of my repos be live on the web05:01
marshallas in served by apache05:01
nick125marshall: On your server, what do you have setup so far?05:02
marshalli just wiped it, lol05:03
marshallim going to setup apache205:03
marshallalso, i dont want to do all this as root, it just feels wrong05:04
marshallcan i setup a user account with my own name that has all the privs of root?05:04
nick125yeah, I always keep the root accounts on my server disabled05:04
nick125You can use sudo...05:04
marshallok, but i dont want to have to sudo everything i do on my webserver05:05
ipsemetwhere can i find a list of packages that have been updated in Ubuntu 8.04.3 in the past week05:06
nick125marshall: If, for some reason, you need a root shell, you can always do sudo bash05:06
newz2000hi, is this an ok place to ask about configuring xen on ubuntu? I'm having trouble w/ networking and am not finding much help on the net.05:07
nick125newz2000: I don't see anything wrong with asking, but #ubuntu-virt might be better if you don't get any answers here.05:09
marshallnick125: yeah, but if im going to upload files through sftp, i want to be able to access /var/www with my user account05:09
nick125marshall: I think you can add your user to the www-data group and have access to /var/www05:10
marshallnick125: hmm05:11
marshallnick125: how can i see a listing of available groups on my system? lsgroup or something?05:12
nick125marshall: I usually just do cat /etc/groups05:13
nick125er, /etc/group05:13
marshallhow do i add my new user account to the sudoers file?05:16
ScottKmarshall: Add them to the admin group.05:18
nick125usermod -a -G admin <user>, I think.05:19
marshallit says the admin group doesnt exist when i do adduser jeff admin05:19
marshallmaybe i can add jeff to the 'sudo' group?05:20
nick125Check /etc/sudoers05:21
nick125It should have something like "%<SOMETHING> ALL=(ALL) ALL"05:21
marshallroot   ALL=(ALL) ALL05:22
ScottKYou get edit /etc/group and it's enough.05:23
BoohbahVERY BAD IDEA to give www-data user and additional access05:34
nick125Boohbah has a point.05:35
nick125www-data is the user used by Apache, so, for example, a malicious PHP application would be able to modify and delete files...which is a bad idea imho.05:36
marshallok, i want jeff to be able to read and write files in /var/www05:36
marshalland to be able to sudo and do commands as root when necessary05:36
nick125Maybe a POSIX ACL would work better05:36
marshalli just added jeff to 'sudo' group, doesnt seem to have given him sudo power though05:37
marshallnow im looking up how to remove him from sudo group05:37
marshallwhat is posix acl?05:37
nick125It's a finer-grain permissions system05:40
ipsemetwhen i do a ls -l the dates listed are the last modified dates of the files correct?05:44
marshalli've added 'jeff' to 'www-data' but it doesnt seem that im able to change anything in my /var/www as jeff05:51
nick125yeah, I was incorrect and wrong - www-data doesn't have write access into /var/www.06:03
marshallnick125: how should I go about letting jeff read and write to /var/www?06:42
nick125marshall: my suggestion would be to create a www-pub group, chown jeff:www-pub -R /var/www06:45
kyanardag_hi, i'm trying to run two websites from single server and i couldn't figure out how to do it. I followed the instructions given at http://www.debianadmin.com/creating-name-based-and-ip-based-virtual-hosts-in-apache.html09:54
kyanardag_the "default" website is working fine, but other one is not09:54
kyanardag_i'll be glad if someone can assist me09:59
kyanardag_there's something wrong in my /etc/apache2/sites-available/secondsite.com file10:00
RoyKtry #httpd10:06
kyanardag_RoyK: thanks10:09
uvirtbot`New bug: #410628 in lsb (main) "lsb_release crashed with ImportError in <module>() (dup-of: 383697)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41062810:26
=== twb` is now known as twb
ichatanyone able to tell me if the  promise TX2 is able to work on ubuntu server (even if its just as a simple pata controler13:32
twbichat: first of all,13:33
twbichat: first of all, "hardware raid" on a $20 card is fakeraid, and should be avoided13:33
ichattwb i know,13:33
ichatits just that i need more pata channels13:33
twbAs to support, if you have the card already you can ask lspci for a model string, and google for that13:33
zroyschis there an easy way to test sound from command line on server 9.0414:45
uvirtbot`New bug: #410669 in hundredpapercuts "Files incoming through nautilus-share should be created with user ownership, instead of "nobody" (dup-of: 268663)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41066917:41
uvirtbot`New bug: #410771 in samba (main) "package swat 2:3.3.2-1ubuntu3.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41077118:20
relegatedI am having some trouble getting a Wordpress plugin called Subscribe2 to send Email successfully. I am running Debian Lenny, Apache2, and PHP5, and exim4. I am able to send Email from the console using exim but am unable to through the plugin which uses the PHP mail function which I was told uses senndmail. I have a symbolic link setup so that sendmail works using exim. Can anyone help me,...18:35
relegated...I'm not sure where the problem lies, I have full server access.18:35
giovanirelegated: presuming exim has been configured properly ... you're done18:39
giovanithe symbolic link is simple -- and will work as expected18:39
relegatedRight, which is why I am very frustrated because it won't work through Wordpress18:40
relegatedI can send outgoing Email fine from the command line to Gmail but not through wordpress18:40
giovani"won't work" unfortunately, isn't anything we can troubleshoot with18:40
giovanihave you tried sending mail using the symlink you created?18:41
giovaniif it works -- this is a php issue18:41
giovaniif not -- then it's an exim/symlink issue18:41
relegatedya I can send using the symlink also18:42
giovanithen php may be misconfigured, or confused18:42
giovanior maybe wordpress checked to see if it could send mail when you installed it -- and this wasn't set up then18:42
giovaniand it's disabled that functionality18:42
giovaniyou might want to try getting assistance from wordpress18:43
relegatedBeen trying that also18:43
giovanisince exim and ubuntu seem to be functioning just fine18:43
giovaniand wordpress isn't exactly a key part of ubuntu18:43
giovanialso, it would be wise to check exim logs18:45
giovanito see if there's any record of mail attempts from php/wordpress18:46
ArchTypeHello there.19:01
ArchTypeI just started the chkrootkit and I got: INFECTED (PORTS:  60001)19:02
ArchTypeThis isn't good right?19:02
ArchTypeo_O anyone here?19:02
giovaniArchType: ... waiting more than 60 seconds for a response before asking if anyone's here is a good idea19:03
giovaniit may or may not be a problem -- chkrootkit is just checking a list of things it thinks represent a hacked server -- sometimes they're false positives19:03
ArchTypewell rtorrent uses this port19:04
giovanianything can use that port19:04
giovanihence why chkrootkit is doing nothing but guessing19:04
giovanitry running "sudo netstat -anp | grep :60001"19:05
giovaniany results?19:05
ArchTypegiovani: yes19:10
ArchTypeas I said, only rtorrent: tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN      5137/rtorrent19:10
giovaniwell if you knew that -- then you probably knew this wasn't an issue, and you didn't need to demand an answer within 60 seconds on irc on a saturday19:11
ArchTypeit's saturday already :S19:11
ArchTypegiovani: well I've learned something new19:12
ArchTypeAlso what firewall do u suggest for beginners19:13
ArchTypeI know iptables are the best19:13
ArchTypebut what about guarddog and why not?19:13
giovaniguarddog isn't a firewall19:13
giovaniit's an iptables configuration tool19:13
ArchTypeI see19:16
giovaniiptables (or more accurately, netfilter) is the only linux firewall19:18
giovaniall of the "firewall tools" you find are just front-ends for configuring netfilter/iptables19:19
relegatedgiovani: I got it, my misconfiguration and I ended up reconfiguring Exim to use a smart host since i have a dynamic IP and was getting flagged as spam because I dont have a rDNS record19:23
giovanirelegated: alright ... so then this was totally unrelated to php/wordpress -- and worked the same whether you used the command line sendmail replacement or php's function19:25
relegatedI did have the sendmail_path in php.ini set to /usr/bin instead of sbin so it might have been a combination of the two19:25
nick125Anyone here familar with POSIX ACLs? I'm wondering if new child objects (i.e., files and subdirectories) can "inherit" the ACL from the parent directory.21:28
nick125Ah, it looks like if you create a default POSIX ACL on that directory, the children will inherit the ACL. Sweeeet.21:51
addisonjanyone around to look at a vhost file for me and give me clues as to why my apache will not start with it?21:52
addisonjmaybe i am blind and need fresh eyes21:52
nick125What error are you getting?21:52
addisonjnone, that is the weird part, just says fail21:53
nick125Anything in the logs?21:54
addisonjnot in the error log21:54
addisonjat least, nothing that points to failure21:54
nick125Mind pastebinning the last....150 lines of the error log?21:55
addisonjso, just to make sure, do you mean the log for that particular vhost?21:55
Falchow about running apachectl configtest?21:56
nick125Have you checked your overall error log file? If there's an error in one of your declarations, it might not go into the vhost's log21:56
geniiWill there be a ksplice backport to 8.04?21:56
nick125addisonj: Find it?21:57
addisonjsorry, on phone one sec21:57
nick125Phones suck.21:58
addisonjyeah they do, which log do you want /var/log/messages? or another?22:02
nick125Something like /var/log/httpd/error.log or whatever it might be on your system.22:02
addisonjbah! found it,22:03
addisonjdidn't knwo there were apache logs here too :P22:03
addisonjno wait, i did, i just need eat lunch and get away for a bit22:05
addisonjodd though, wrong path name pointing to my log files killed the server with no output in console22:05
giovaniit didn't "kill" the server -- it just prevented it from starting22:05
giovaniaddisonj: and, as a note, if you used /etc/init.d/apache2 restart|start -- it would've printed that to console (STDERR, more precisely)22:13
addisonji did use that, i had another error in filename that did print, but the logfile one did not22:15
giovanithat's because it probably only evaluated the first fatal error ... and stoped ... it shouldn't continue22:16
giovaniso then you should've fixed that, and run it again, and seen the error you wanted22:16
IRConanif a process has nice value of 19 will other processes be allowed to saturate the CPU and it get no time at all...23:04
IRConanother processes all have 0 or lower nice values23:05
guntbertIRConan: were you hansderagon?23:10
IRConanguntbert: what?23:11
guntbertI read exactly the same question two days ago but the nick was different23:12
IRConanoh... fair enough23:12
IRConanany idea? I thought that a process with a nice that high wouldn't impact performance of others at all really but it seems to use about 70% processor even when another is running23:13
guntbertIRConan: are you sure that the nice value is correct?23:13
IRConanshows in htop as 1923:14
guntbertIRConan: and it still hogs the cpu?, what is the system load?23:15
IRConanthe "background" process is intended to use all spare cycles so it's at 100% all the time really23:16
guntbertIRConan: what background process?23:17
IRConanthis is where you'll laugh :P23:17
IRConanI guess I might just have to stop it...23:17
IRConanhaving the server responsive is far more important23:17
IRConanI have a few php applications which use lots of processor (generating graphs mainly)23:17
guntbertIRConan: why should I laugh? but once again: what is the system load (in htop upper right corner)23:18
IRConanthe "Load average" ?23:18
IRConanpeaked at 0.84 when running one of the PHP apps just then23:19
IRConanoh... it's much higher now... I guess it might be distorted from my messing23:20
guntbert0.77 is fairly low, everey other process should get all it needs - 2 or 3 is another thing - your machine "has all the time" - I wouldn't worry23:20
IRConanthing is... if I run a php request with F@H running php uses 30%, if I run it without F@H it uses 70-100%23:21
IRConanmaybe those figures aren't very accurate... if php isn't sleeping when it could it would show high usage anyway23:22
guntbertIRConan: I wouldn't worry too much about %23:23
IRConanok then... thanks for the advice23:23
IRConanI'm hoping to implement caching on the graph generation anyway23:23
IRConanit's impractical to have them generated for every request!23:23
guntbertIRConan: right now I have a load of 1.8 on my notebook and I don't notice any sluggishness at all23:24
IRConanwhat do those load figures actually reperesent?23:24
guntbertI never figured that out "exactly" - just lower is better :-) and the % don't have the same weight as in windows23:26
IRConannever looked at windows loading really23:26
IRConanoccasionally 100% when I'm running prime95 on my gaming rig but that's it23:26
guntbertyou can make a test though: run some benchmark with and without F@H and see what difference it makes - I guess nearly none23:27
guntbertor compile a kernel (just for fun)23:28
guntbertand time that23:28
addisonjanother question, how do i redirect a folder to a file, for example www.mydomain.com/sales to www.mydomain.com/sales/index.php23:34
nick125addisonj: setup a default index file23:35
nick125so when someone goes to mydomain.com/sales/, it will look for index.html, then index.php, etc.23:35
addisonjaha, so i just need to add that to my vhost then in DocumentIndex?23:36
guntbertaddisonj: apache should do this by default, but you can always ask in #httpd23:36
nick125addisonj: I believe so.23:36
addisonjthink i got it, just needed a little push in the right direction, thanks23:37

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