
=== Edwin is now known as Guest15283
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SamBhow does one delete files using sftp?01:00
wgrantSamB: Which client? I use lftp, which works fine.01:06
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SamBwell, I'd really like a one-liner to do it from the shell ...01:06
wgrantYou could probably do that with lftp, but there's also probably a better way.01:07
SamBhmm, pushing to 2a over smart-server involves an awful lot of Repository.get_parent_map calls ...01:34
SamBat least, it does when you have thousands of revs to push01:35
* SamB tries again with trunk ...01:38
SamBwow, 2a repacks are amazingly stupid when done remotely ...01:56
SamBfirst, it evidently readv's each revision one-by-one01:58
SamBthen (at the same time?) it does the repack locally ...02:06
lifelessSamB: smart server should repack remotely03:11
lifelessSamB: unless you ran 'bzr pack url' - don't do that.03:11
SamBlifeless: I don't!03:20
SamBlifeless: so, either launchpad's bzr is dumb, or bzr.dev is ...03:20
lifelessSamB: file a bug with what happened then03:22
lifelessinclude your .bzr.log contents for the event03:22
SamBlifeless: duh03:22
SamBthat's the only place I can see the issue ;-)03:22
* SamB makes sure nobody else has reported one like that ...03:23
SamBlifeless: are we still tagging these brisbane-core ?03:29
lifelessdoesn't matter03:34
lifelessI'll look at it on monday :)03:34
* lifeless is gone03:34
SamBhttps://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/410917 if anyone cares04:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 410917 in bzr "inter-format push to remote 2a branch does packing on local end" [Undecided,New]04:02
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bialixgaryvdm :-)07:58
garyvdmHi bialix07:59
bialixhi Gary08:00
* bialix reviews qexport08:00
bialixgaryvdm: nice exception reporter for validate method08:27
* bialix reviews qunbind08:34
bialixgaryvdm: do you know what's jam want to achieve in his branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~jameinel/qbzr/progress ?08:46
garyvdmbialix: If we call methods that provide progress information, it displays it.08:48
garyvdmE.g. Annotate08:49
bialixah, ok08:49
bialixit's not finished yet?08:49
garyvdmIt works - but I think we need to try do some formatting on the messages that it prints.08:50
garyvdmmay be "Loading: %s" % message08:51
bialixok, so when jam will be ready (after bzr release) we can ping it08:51
bialixgaryvdm: what you think about https://bugs.launchpad.net/qbzr/+bug/40679408:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 406794 in qbzr "qlog shows error dialog when using * in search dialog when filtering on "Bugs"" [High,Confirmed]08:51
bialixit looks easy to fix08:51
garyvdmAnd I need to get qlog to show progress information like viz :-)08:52
bialixGary, I don't know how viz works08:52
bialixnever saw it in action08:52
garyvdmre: 406794 - I'll have to look at it.08:54
bialixwhat if we using fnmatch here instead of regexp?08:54
bialixso * will work08:54
bialixand something like 410??? will work too08:54
bialixor 410*08:55
garyvdmI don't know  - never used fnmatch.08:55
bialixit can translate glob wildcards into regexp08:56
bialixso you can write *.png to match filenames08:57
bialixdo you get the idea?08:57
bialixshell patterns08:57
bialixtry: python -c "import fnmatch; help(fnmatch)"08:58
garyvdmOk - That sound cool08:58
bialixI'll fix it then08:58
garyvdmErrors from qbzr now point to https://bugs.launchpad.net/qbzr/+filebug and errors from bzr-explorer now point to https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-explorer/+filebug :-)09:05
bialixgaryvdm: look at http://paste.ubuntu.com/250209/09:14
bialixI wrote docstring. Is everything correct here?09:14
garyvdmLooks - good. You just missed how it searches for tags.09:14
bialixFor message, author and tag it's used as regexp to search in corresponding metadata09:15
bialixit's not very clear?09:15
garyvdmOh - sorry - my mistake09:16
garyvdmI think that we should also use glob wildcards for every thing.09:16
bialixI don't use it very often09:17
bialixI have no opinion here09:17
bialixbut it's possible09:17
bialixyou want this?09:17
garyvdmI've never used re's when searching. And I think that glob wildcards will make it more accessible.09:17
bialixwhat syntax bzr-search used?09:19
garyvdmbialix: No wild cards09:21
bialixso, I need to use fnmatch for everything except index, rigt?09:22
garyvdmI've allways wanted to add the ability to use wild cards when using bzr-search  in qlog09:22
bialixand if people start whine about regex we get them back09:23
bialixI'll update docstring accordingly09:23
bialixhai lifeless09:23
lifelessyou can lookup all possible matches for the wildcard in the index metadata09:23
lifelessand then search for all of the resulting things09:23
garyvdmlifeless: Yes - thats what I planed to do.09:24
garyvdmlifeless - I can also make it not case sensitive that way.09:24
bialixgaryvdm: new version of docstring: http://paste.ubuntu.com/250216/09:26
garyvdmbialix: great!09:27
bialixit works09:29
bialixwow! we have a lot of bugs attached to revisions in qbzr09:30
bialixwe finally have equivalent to tags command09:31
bialixrun qlog,select tag in search type, enter *09:31
* bialix commiting09:31
senderanyone experience with the illustrious error: "pack-names is not an index of type <class 'bzrlib.index.GraphIndex'>." after bzr status, bzr log, etc..?11:42
ronnyjelmer: i just got started with playing with the subvertpy wc stuff, got pointers to different usages of it15:07
ronnyhmm, guess i'll make a own example15:18
ronnyjelmer: can you point me to the code thats usefull for doing checkouts? im a bit lost in the c code15:22
LarstiQronny: jelmer is at a festival today15:22
ronnyoh, i see15:23
ronnyhmm, i think i just found the code i was searching for15:23
ronny(it was in client, i digged around in wc15:23
LarstiQright, wc I think would be operations on an existing wc15:24
LarstiQwhereas checkout would be a network operation15:24
Noldorincould someone please help me figure out why i can't pull from this repo via HTTP? http://noldorin.com/repos/olivaw-bot/17:10
Noldorinpulling via FTP is no problem.17:10
Noldorini get "bzr: ERROR: Not a branch"17:11
LarstiQNoldorin: looking at the page in a browser mentions we don't have access17:12
NoldorinLarstiQ: that's just denying the directory listing though17:12
Noldorinisn't it?17:12
Noldorindoes bzr actually need that?17:12
LarstiQNoldorin: it also denies access to .bzr/17:13
LarstiQNoldorin: (and .bzr/format so it is more than just denying directory listing)17:13
Noldorinlet me check17:14
NoldorinLarstiQ: i've checked permissions. they're frine17:20
NoldorinLarstiQ: any ideas?17:27
LarstiQNoldorin: neither .bzr/branch/format or .bzr/repository/format seem to exist, what kind of object is it supposed to be?17:28
LarstiQNoldorin: could your server be filtering out files starting with a .?17:28
NoldorinLarstiQ: it's possible17:28
NoldorinLarstiQ: what do you mean by object?17:29
LarstiQNoldorin: is it a branch, a repository, a working tree?17:30
NoldorinLarstiQ: it's a repository i believe17:30
Noldorinsince i just did bzr push17:31
NoldorinLarstiQ: server seems to havbe no problems recognising files starting with .17:32
LarstiQNoldorin: I get: File Not Found17:33
NoldorinLarstiQ: sorry, i just deleted it17:34
LarstiQah ok, good17:35
LarstiQstill not finding a format file though17:35
LarstiQNoldorin: could you temporarily disable the denying of directory listing? It is making debugging guessing in the dark17:36
NoldorinLarstiQ: seems like extensionless files don't get recognised :S17:36
LarstiQNoldorin: oh &@#^17:37
NoldorinLarstiQ: hrmm...unregistered mime type?17:41
Noldorinregistered the mime type, and no problem now :)17:42
NoldorinLarstiQ: should it be text/plain or something else?17:43
LarstiQNoldorin: the mime-type of what exactly?17:43
Noldorinfiles with no extension17:43
LarstiQNoldorin: they can be anything17:44
LarstiQNoldorin: so I'd go with octet-stream17:44
Noldorinwill do17:45
LarstiQwonder why your server doesn't do that by default17:45
Noldorinwho knows17:45
NoldorinLarstiQ: what's the prefix?17:46
LarstiQNoldorin: application/octet-stream17:46
Noldorinthought so.17:46
LarstiQNoldorin: basically "we don't know what this is, treat it as binary"17:47
Noldorinyeah, makes sense really17:47
Noldorinthanks for the help :)17:47
Noldorinafter all these FTP issues (no chmod) and now this, i should probably just change server17:47
Noldorinbut oh well17:47
LarstiQwhat's life without a bit of a challenge :)17:48
Noldorinheh, quite17:48
Noldorinas long as there's not *too* many :)17:48
LarstiQNoldorin: and be sure to quit if your blood pressure is rising too much17:48
Noldorinlol, yep.17:50
Noldorini just want to figure why dir listing isn't working now17:50
Noldorinthen it's all sorted i believe17:50
mxpxpodcan I push a brand new branch to subversion using bzr-svn?18:18
LarstiQlifeless: is http://bazaar-vcs.org/bzr/bzr.1.17/ the right submit location for 1.17.1 pqm?18:26
LarstiQmxpxpod: I think so18:26
mxpxpodalso, the first time I push a branch, I have to supply the place I want to push it.. is there a way to set that up so I never have to supply it?18:26
LarstiQmxpxpod: you can have a push_location = foo and push_location:policy  = appendpath for example18:27
mxpxpodLarstiQ: what's that do?18:27
mxpxpodI just want the push location to be set to where I branched from by default18:27
LarstiQmxpxpod: hmm, I don't think you can configure that18:28
LarstiQmxpxpod: do have a look at `bzr help configuration` though18:28
mxpxpodLarstiQ: thanks18:29
LarstiQmxpxpod: could you check if there is a bug filed on something like 'locations.conf should be able to work with push_location = :parent'?18:29
mxpxpodLarstiQ: yeah, I'll check18:29
mxpxpodoh, one last thing... let's say I make a branch of a subversion repo, then make a private branch from that branch18:31
mxpxpodto keep the private branch up to date with trunk, I'd just do a pull of the initial branch I made, right?18:32
mxpxpodand then do a bzr merge ../private within the initial branch to merge the changes from the private branch18:33
mxpxpodand then once I do a push in the initial branch, it will create a check-in in the svn repo for each commit I did in the private branch, correct?18:34
LarstiQmxpxpod: that is the workflow I would use18:35
mxpxpodLarstiQ: right, I'm just making sure I got my commands right18:35
mxpxpodthe commands would be different for a public branch, IIRC18:36
LarstiQmxpxpod: you need an additional setting for the individual bzr commits to be svn commits I think, let me check18:36
mxpxpodsince you'd have to merge from trunk instead of pulling from it18:37
LarstiQmxpxpod: NEWS mentions push_merged_revisions = True18:37
mxpxpodlike, if you had bzr branch trunk; bzr branch branches/someFeatureBranch18:37
mxpxpodinstead of pulling from the branched trunk, you'd have to merge from the branched trunk, right?18:39
LarstiQmxpxpod: unless you have no local commits, yes18:48
mxpxpodright, ok, thanks18:48
mxpxpodnow, if I merge from a private branch, I'll probably want to rebase, right?18:55
LarstiQmxpxpod: the situation isn't clear to me, merge from the private branch into trunk?18:56
mxpxpodLarstiQ: oh, I figured out how to make each change a changeset... use bzr merge --pull ../private; bzr push;18:57
LarstiQmxpxpod: that only works if trunk has not diverged from ../private18:57
LarstiQmxpxpod: (in which case you could also just `bzr pull ../private`)18:57
mxpxpodLarstiQ: right, but if you're constantly pulling from trunk and resolving, won't that keep it from diverging?18:58
LarstiQmxpxpod: right, but you will change the mainline, which svn might not lie18:59
mxpxpodLarstiQ: ah, ok18:59
LarstiQmxpxpod: afaik you can't reorder the mainline on / for example19:00
mxpxpodah, gotcha19:00
LarstiQmxpxpod: but more recent svns have gotten better merge support19:00
LarstiQso maybe it is possible now19:00
mxpxpodcould be19:03
mxpxpodIIRC, anything 1.5 or greater handles merges well19:03
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Noldorinlifeless: hey, you there?21:25
lifelessNoldorin: hi?21:54
=== _thumper_ is now known as thumper
Noldorinlifeless: hi there22:13
Noldorinlifeless: i've done a few more tests with my ftp server22:13
Noldorinit seems that the problem is indeed nothing to do with CHMOD22:13
lifelessNoldorin: go on22:16
Noldorinsorry, multitasking too much here :)22:18
Noldorini'm getting the problem with locking again22:18
Noldorinit seemed it was a rare occasion when it actually didn't lock..22:19
Noldorincan't think what we did differently last time anyway22:19
Noldorinlifeless: i'd be glad to set up a temporary FTP account for you, if it might help22:24
Noldorinlifeless: ping?22:35
lifelessNoldorin: hi22:53
lifelessNoldorin: did you file a bug about this?22:53
lifelessI think getting a failed run with -Dtransport is probably the most useful thing.22:53
Noldorinlifeless: not yetr22:59
Noldorini will do though22:59
Noldorinlifeless: will do that right now22:59
ronnywhat does bzr expect for commit timestamps and timezones? same as git?23:26
lifelessronny: ?23:33
ronnylifeless: trying to figure what to pass to mutabletree.commit for timestamp and timezone23:40
jelmer'moin ronny, lifeless23:40
ronnysup jelmer23:42
lifelessronny: unless you need to control it, nothing23:44
Noldorinlifeless: this is my log with Dtransport turned on: http://pastebin.ca/152336323:44
ronnylifeless: i need to controll it23:44
lifelessronny: then its a float and an int23:44
lifelessseconds since epoch and tz in seconds23:44
lifelessNoldorin: and this was of a run that left it locked incorrectly?23:45
Noldorinlifeless: yep23:46
ronnyhmm, meh, for now i'll set tz to 0 for all commits23:46
lifelessronny: please don't do that; its easy to get the local tz23:46
lifelessNoldorin: your ftp server is broken23:48
lifelessbroken broken broken :(23:48
Noldorinlifeless: in what way, exactly?23:48
lifelessNoldorin: can you get a listing of the contents of .bzr/repository/lock ?23:48
Noldorinyeah one sec23:48
lifelessNoldorin: if you look at the log, search for repository/lock/held23:48
ronnylifeless: ok, time to play figuring stuff23:49
lifelessthats just the held actions23:50
lifelesssorry, lock actions :)23:50
lifelessthe make, put, rename sequence is how we take a lock out23:50
Noldorinlifeless: just /held/info23:51
Noldorini see23:51
lifelessrename remove remove-directory is how we release a lock23:51
lifelesslock/held is the path of the directory that makes up a lock23:51
ronnylifeless: aware of good docs for datetime+timezones?23:52
lifelesslock/held/info is the metadata about the lock - when, who, and a nonce to allow identification of 'my lock'23:52
lifelessronny: the python date and datetime module docs are quite good23:52
lifelesstheres also things like bzrlib.osutils.local_time_offset()23:52
lifelessNoldorin: so looking in the abridged log I uploaded:23:53
lifelessstep 17,19,20 releases a lock23:53
lifelessheld -> releasing.gzbwa6x1m3udf9nugpdm.tmp23:54
lifelessrm releasing.gzbwa6x1m3udf9nugpdm.tmp/info, rmd releasing.gzbwa6x1m3udf9nugpdm.tmp23:54
lifeless23, 25, 27 make a new lock and put it into place23:54
lifelessexcept it fails23:54
lifelesscan you cat /held/info ?23:55
lifeless.bzr/repository/lock/held/info, that is23:55
ronnylifeless: is it reasonable to expect timezone infos on a datetime object insted of a separate offset23:55
Noldorinlifeless: erm, i'm on windows, so i guess not23:55
lifelessNoldorin: well, show me the contents of the file :)23:56
Noldorinsorry, not at all familiar with the unix tools like cat23:57
lifelessronny: the datetime module does that; though its a nuisance to work with - you have to subclass stuff yourself, all the time23:57
lifelessNoldorin: no problem; I forgot myself is al23:57
Noldorinhostname: Alex-Laptop-PC23:57
Noldorinnonce: 40qh66wqvotaj97h8gxa23:57
Noldorinpid: 732823:57
Noldorinstart_time: 124985821023:57
Noldorinuser: alexreg@gmail.com23:57
ronnylifeless: yes, seems broken23:59

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