
=== Edwin is now known as Guest15283
=== Edwin is now known as Guest23072
=== Edwin is now known as Guest40043
=== Edwin is now known as Guest55748
=== Edwin is now known as Guest93200
=== abentley1 is now known as abentley
=== abentley1 is now known as abentley
dobeyhow do i make launchpad not mail me about bugs/branches/etc... that i am subscribed to?20:47
beunodobey, you can't20:57
=== _thumper_ is now known as thumper
cszikszoyIs this the right channel to ask a question about building and running LP?22:13
cszikszoyI've followed the guide, but am getting stuck at $ make schema22:15
cszikszoyIt asks me to run utilities/link-external-sourcecode, but that errors saying the parent branch wasn't specified and couldn't be discovered22:15
thumperI've not read our new guide22:16
thumpercan you point me to the page you've been following22:16
cszikszoyI'm doing this on a clean VM of jaunty, fully updated, so I don't think there should be any sort of conflicting configuration issues.22:18
thumpercan you pastebin the following: du -h --max-depth=2 ~/launchpad22:21
cszikszoysure, http://paste.pocoo.org/show/133342/22:21
thumpercszikszoy: which directory are you running make schema in?22:23
thumpercszikszoy: which directory were you running link-external-sourcecode from?22:24
cszikszoysame dir22:24
* thumper looks at the script22:24
thumpercszikszoy: try this: ./utilities/link-external-sourcecode ../../lp-sourcedeps22:26
cszikszoy  Wanted to link ../../lp-sourcedeps/download-cache to ./download-cache but source does not exist22:27
cszikszoyI tried giving a couple of different paths to link-external-sourcecode, but still no luck22:28
* thumper thinks some more22:28
thumperbtw, I don't actually use any of these scripts22:28
thumpertoo set in my old ways22:28
thumperyou are missing the download cache in the lp-sourcedeps22:30
thumperbut the rocketfuel-get script puts it there22:30
thumper./utilities/rocketfuel-get - from the devel directory22:30
cszikszoyI get a permission denied (publickey) error, but I think I remember reading in the script that that was OK22:32
thumperdoes lp have your public ssh key?22:33
thumperit needs to22:34
thumperyou should care if you get  permission denied (publickey)22:34
cszikszoyhm, I figured I didn't need it because I wasn't writing anything to LP, just branching, and I saw this: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/133347/22:37
beunohi thumper22:39
thumperhi beuno22:40
thumpercszikszoy: hmm22:40
thumpercszikszoy: have you done a bzr launchpad-login before?22:40
cszikszoythumper, no, but rocketfuel-setup asks for it22:44
thumpercszikszoy: if you run `bzr launchpad-login`, what does it say?22:45
cszikszoyjust tried, it shows my lp name, same one I gave to rocketfule-setup22:45
thumperthis is why it is complaining22:47
thumperif you've told bzr your launchpad login, it tries to get things over bzr+ssh22:47
thumperand since it doesn't know your ssh public key it fails22:47
thumperyou have to either:22:47
thumper * tell LP your ssh public key22:47
thumper * tell bzr to forget your launchpad-login22:48
cszikszoyI see.  Well, I've made a ssh key for this vm, and given LP this pub key for my lp-login22:48
cszikszoyRerunning rocketfuel-get right now, and it looks like it's branching something22:48
cszikszoygreat.  Looks like it's creating the "download-cache" directory in lp-sourcedeps.22:50
cszikszoythumper, thanks for the help.  It appears to be downloading the sourcedeps right now, so hopefully everything will work this time.22:55
thumperspm: ping23:25
spmthumper: heyo23:25
thumperspm: what's the status of the svn patch for the imports?23:25
wgrantI wondered why the import machines were gone.23:26
thumperspm: we have halted the git imports for no reason that makes sense to them23:26
wgrantI should have realised.23:26
thumperwgrant: :)23:26
thumperspm: you looking or ignoring?23:29
elmothumper: he's hating23:29
elmothumper: on you23:29
thumperelmo: :)23:29
thumperelmo: how you doin?23:29
elmothumper: frazzled23:30
spmthumper: was looking :-) am starting up the importds now23:30
thumperspm: fantastic23:30
spmtho... code.aundpad is a nice fail...23:30
thumperok, with that, I'm taking the car to get a warrent#23:31
spmthumper: should be all systems go; am logging in to same to verify23:31
thumperspm: cool23:32
spmthumper: all looks green23:35

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