
DanaGOh hey, what do I have to do to get avahi and CUPS to automatically recognize a printer attached to an AirPort Express?00:03
DanaGIt'll recognize other CUPS printers / hosts automatically.... but it doesn't show the AE-connected printer.00:04
bjsnideris it not a samba share?00:04
DanaGIt shows up as "PDL Printer" in service-discovery-applet.00:04
bjsniderthen how does the apple computer see it?00:04
DanaG+ wlan0 IPv4 Samsung ML-1210                               _riousbprint._tcp    local00:05
DanaG+ wlan0 IPv4 Samsung ML-1210                               _pdl-datastream._tcp local00:05
bjsnideryou must have a mac there somewhere to configure the AE00:05
DanaGThere's a Windows utility, too.00:05
DanaGApple really IS damn annoying... I mean, is it too much to ask for a danged WEB INTERFACE?00:06
penguin42DanaG: If you go to add a printer and tell it to look at that host does it work?00:06
DanaGYeah, works just fine -- airportexpress.local00:06
DanaGI just wanted it to be automatic -- that is, only show up when I'm at home.00:07
bjsniderbuy a real router?00:07
DanaGI have one; the AE is a client.00:08
DanaGHmm, I wonder what we could get on ebay for the AE.  (It's wireless-G, not N).00:08
penguin42bjsnider: I think it is doing stuff using standard protocols - I think it's all the avahi stuff (what Apple call Bonjour?)00:08
DanaGIPP printers (_ipp._tcp) work fine, and show up in CUPS.  Only the AE one doesn't show up.00:09
DanaGs/doesn't/fails to /00:09
DanaGhmm, anyone else have issues with being unable to click the controls in Flash objects, such as YouTube videos?00:23
penguin42someone else asked that before - but I was OK doing some flash clicks - although that was in a game rather than actual controls00:24
DanaGhmm, how do I get the 64-bit Flash?00:24
bjsnidertry wiping out every flash-related package on your system. download the plugin from adobe, drop the file in /usr/lib/xulrunner-addons/plugins00:29
bjsnideri should keep that in glipper all the time and just paste it in whenever someone asks that00:29
penguin42bjsnider: Is there a reason flashplayer-installer doesn't do that00:30
* penguin42 wonders if it actually does00:31
bjsnidermaybe it does00:31
bjsnideri just find it easier to do it th is way00:31
DanaGugh, screen blanked.00:32
DanaGwow, actually, it seems to be 1 hour after I log in.00:32
bjsnideradobe doesn't rev the thing very often, like every six months or whatever00:33
penguin42ah that one again ...00:33
penguin42bjsnider: Yeh but when it does it's often a security thing00:33
bjsniderso i just keep it in the home directory whenever i reinstall00:33
penguin42bjsnider: actually there's a bug requesting packaging of it - bug 32655500:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 326555 in flashplugin-nonfree "Please package flashplugin 64bit" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32655500:35
penguin42bjsnider: It looks like there's something that means that the ubuntu.com archives only hold stables and since the 64bit is officially still alpha then it can't go on00:36
bjsnideryeah, whatever. ican't keep track of it. there are 3 or 4 different ways of doing it including some half-realized open-source knock-off00:36
bjsnideroh, that's stupid00:37
* penguin42 thought he remembered that from somewhere - I'd commented on it 6 months ago :-)00:38
dtchenbjsnider: it's indeed a licensing agreement. canonical cannot redistribute a non-release version.00:50
bjsniderif you say so, sir00:53
dtcheni was the motu who asked for it back in the day, and that's what adobe told me.00:56
bjsniderby the time it gets sorted out, flash will have gone the way of realplayer00:58
dtchenthat's doubtful01:01
bjsniderdtchen, is there any way in a control file to establish a dependency on either one package or another, not at build-time but at install time?01:24
derekShey guys, does anyone know about the karmic moblin port?01:25
richardcavellHow do I download wine from Karmic repos so I can build it from source?01:25
richardcavellI mean, download the source code?01:25
dtchenderekS: there was a mobile irc channel for ubuntu last i remember01:25
derekSdtchen: i have looked fori t, do you know it?01:25
DanaGOh yeah, what ever did happen to the ARM Netbook idea Canonical had?01:25
dtchenrichardcavell: presuming you have an active universe deb-src line, apt-get source wine01:26
dtchenDanaG: it's in progress01:26
DanaGHmm, I haven't heard any news about it in quite a while.  Are there any articles anywhere?01:26
richardcavelldtchen: okay.  Where will it install the source code in my filesystem?01:26
dtchenthere have been a shedload of patches flying past01:26
derekSpersonally, i have never been impressed with an OS like I have been with moblin01:26
dtchenrichardcavell: .01:26
derekSits the first that I have seen as revolutionary (well for netbook type tasks)01:26
DanaGI mean, I see the software side... but what hardware will it be on?01:26
richardcavellI'll make a directory for it then01:27
dtchenbjsnider: sure, use '|'01:27
dtchenbjsnider: e.g., if you want foo to depend on bar or baz (but prefer bar), then use: Depends: bar | baz01:28
DanaG!info dtrx01:28
DanaGvery very handy tool.01:28
ubottudtrx (source: dtrx): intelligently extract multiple archive types. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.4-1ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 19 kB, installed size 132 kB01:28
DanaGIt makes sure things won't go trampling all over the current directory.01:28
bjsniderdtchen, i know but, the problem is i'm linking to dynamic libs that can be provided by two different packages, and after build is done, the resulting package asks for the one it chose during the build process and refuses the other choice01:29
bjsnideri think it's impossible01:29
derekSdtchen: do you know the ubuntu mobile channel01:29
DanaGdang thingy asks for authentication for mounting my eSATA drive.01:30
dtchenderekS: i think ubuntu-mobile, but i could be mistaken01:30
derekSdtchen: thanks :) i forgot the E :)01:31
DanaGAnd it gives "not permitted" for the other partition on that drive, because it can't queue two authentications at once.01:31
dtchenbjsnider: look at how ffmpeg dlopens one or the other of (un)stripped libs01:32
bjsniderdtchen, i'll do that, but i'm not sure with my last question that i made clear what the problem is. using your example, what if i put the pipe in the control file and the build system picks bar at build time. now the resulting foo package depends on bar when installed, even if the user want to install baz instead. is there a way to give the user the choice?01:34
richardcavelldtchen: when I've downloaded the source, if the repo version of the source is updated, can I update it within Update Manager like normal?01:35
richardcavelldtchen: ie does it operate like a binary package?01:35
bjsniderrichardcavell, the minor updates don't chage the source tarball but change the other two01:36
bjsnidermajor updates are new source tarballs01:36
richardcavellbjsnider: at the moment the repo version of wine is 1.1.26.  Presumably the maintainer will get around to updating the binary package to 1.1.2701:37
richardcavellWhen he does, if I want to upgrade my source code to version 1.1.27, what do I do?01:37
bjsniderthat would be a minor update01:37
bjsniderjust repeat the command01:37
bjsniderit will download the new source files01:38
dtchenbjsnider: err, you would build-dep both and generate two separate binary packages.01:38
richardcavellyou mean just repeat apt-get source wine?01:38
dtchenbjsnider: again, see what the ffmpeg source does01:38
bjsniderbecause now the source is updated01:38
bjsniderdtchen, that's what i thought. thanks01:38
richardcavellbjsnider: is there a way to update the source instead of downloading all over again?01:38
richardcavell(It's 18 megs)01:38
bjsniderthe tarball is the big object and it won't change on a small update01:39
bjsnideroris this a release coming from wine?01:39
richardcavellI just downloaded it and now I realise that it's the wrong source code.  I should have said apt-get source wine1.201:39
bjsnideryou meant he ubuntu version is called 1.1.26?01:40
bjsnideror the wine version?01:40
richardcavellbjsnider: the ubuntu karmic repo currently has 1.1.2601:40
richardcavellOn 4 August, version 1.1.27 was released01:40
richardcavellbut it's not in Ubuntu repo01:40
bjsniderok, that would be a new tarball then01:40
bjsniderubuntu point releases wouldn't. if it's a bug in the ubuntu package it would not be a new tarball01:41
richardcavellPresumably the maintainer (Scott Ritchie) will get around to updating the repos01:41
richardcavellNow, I can download the new version of wine within update manager.  But to update the source I'll have to rm -rf the directory and then apt-get source wine1.2 all over again, right?01:41
bjsniderwhy did you want the source?01:41
richardcavellI'm trying to profile some code to find a bug and I need debug symbols01:42
kklimondarichardcavell: there are debug symbols for every binary (and probably library) present in supported repositories01:43
bjsnideri thought you were just trying to build your own version in pbuilder or something01:43
richardcavellkklimonda: so how do I get them?01:43
kklimonda(unless we are talking about ppas.. yawn)01:43
kklimondarichardcavell: you should add repositories listed on this page: https://wiki.edubuntu.org/DebuggingProgramCrash01:44
kklimondarichardcavell: and then install <packagename>-dbgsym package01:44
bjsniderrichardcavell, if the bug you're talking about is fixed in the new version, what's the point of debugging the current one?01:45
richardcavellthe fact that it's edubuntu instead of ubuntu - does that make any difference?01:45
richardcavellbjsnider: it's not fixed in the new version - I'm just saying that 1.1.27 wine is not in the repos.  To get that I'd have to compile from source01:45
richardcavell(or wait a week)01:45
bjsniderhow do you know it's not fixed?01:46
DanaGoh yeah, so how do I get the 32-bit pulse-alsa  thingy back?01:47
richardcavellbjsnider: I don't, but it's not in the changelogs01:48
richardcavellI only just reported the bug01:48
richardcavellI'm back now.  My net connection dropped for a second01:48
DanaGinteresting.... the volume slider for my USB sound card in PulseAudio... has no effect!01:49
Tamagotonoanyone know how to restart the x-server in karmic?  Used to be ctrl-alt-bkspc but that doesn't work now.01:51
derekSTamagotono: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart should doo the trick01:52
* richardcavell is back again01:52
bjsnideror log out and log back in01:53
TamagotonoderekS: Thanks, unfortunatly I have to switch to a standard terminal for that to work, else it does not re-start x.  There used to be an option to disable NoZap in xorg.conf, but I don01:54
Tamagotonooops... dont even see that file.01:54
derekSTamagotono: sorry, i dunno, thats how i do it01:55
TamagotonoI appreciate your help.  :)01:55
richardcavelldtchen: okay I've downloaded the source01:57
richardcavelldtchen: now can I go ./configure, make, make install to get my debug symbols installed?01:57
DanaGodd... is the font rendering in Karmic supposed to be any different from the font rendering in Jaunty?02:03
kklimondaI dont think so02:05
bjsniderrichardcavell, having some internet problems are we?02:16
richardcavellbjsnider: lol, you noticed02:17
DanaGWhen I booted Jaunty to print something, I noticed that the fonts seemed slightly nicer there, somehow.02:19
DanaGargh... wtf... now Totem's app-volume slider controls the whole sound card.02:29
DanaGI just accidentally blasted myself by turning up the volume -- the thing was muted, so I figured I'd unmute the app and move it to max volume... and BAM!, it put the sound card at max volume, too.02:29
DanaGThat flat-volumes interface strikes me as a really bad idea.02:30
DanaGIt may make sense technically... but to the user, it's just plain screwed up.'02:30
DanaGWhen you control Windows Media Player's volume, it doesn't touch the sound card volume.... so why is it different here?  It totally breaks my expectations for what volume controls should do.02:31
SeveredCrossDanaG: Flat volumes is terrible.02:33
SeveredCrossI actually nuked PulseAudio earlier today, and just rebound my multimedia keys to use amixer and bash scripts to change my ALSA volume.02:33
SeveredCrossI'm so sick of PulseAudio.02:34
SeveredCrossI don't care if I can't get multiple application sound mixing, I don't ever use more than one sound-producing app anyway.02:34
bjsniderSeveredCross, why not try OSS4?02:46
richardcavellOkay, I'm trying to install package wine1.2-dev but it depends on wine (=1.1.26).  Now, I know that that dependency is wrong.  It should depend on wine1.2 (=1.1.26), and I have that package installed.  I've filed a bug report about the incorrect depends.  Can I use apt-get to forcibly install the wine1.2-dev anyway?02:51
* richardcavell watches the tumbleweed roll through in response to his question02:54
bjsniderrichardcavell, i don't understand the problem. did you make a typo in there?02:58
richardcavellbjsnider: No02:58
richardcavellsudo apt-get install wine1.2-dev fails02:59
richardcavellit says unresolved dependency: wine (=1.1.26)02:59
ScislaCIs anyone aware of a way to bypass the physical wireless switch on a laptop to enable wireless? (pretty sure the switch is outright broken/non-functional... doesn't work in Ubuntu or XP)02:59
richardcavellBut on Ubuntu, package wine only goes up to
richardcavellThe unstable version of wine (1.1.26) is in package wine1.202:59
bjsnideroh, i see02:59
richardcavellSo the guy has listed the wrong package name in the dependencies02:59
richardcavellIt should depend on wine1.2 (=1.1.26)03:00
bjsnideryes, i see03:00
richardcavellBut I'm asking - if I forcibly install the package anyway, am I going to bork my computer?03:00
ScislaCyou could get 1.1.27 from the winehq jaunty repo...03:00
bjsnideractually, the package shouldn't have been renamed like that, or the control file should have been scrubbed more thoroughly before it was sent in to build03:01
richardcavellScislaC: Will it work on Karmic without modification?03:01
ScislaCdoes here03:01
richardcavellScislaC: I'm a little bit reluctant to add the winehq repo to Software Sources.03:01
richardcavellScislaC: Also, I want debug symbols cos I'm doing some profiling to track down a bug.  What does the winehq repo give you?  Just the binaries, or can you install debug symbols?03:02
ScislaCwell, for the record, I almost always am running a +1 of ubuntu with the stable winehq's repo... 4 ubuntu releases now with no problems03:02
ScislaC1 sec03:02
ScislaCit has wine-dev as well03:03
richardcavellOkay, how big is it?03:03
richardcavellHas it got all the source?  The dependencies for wine1.2-dev are 181 megs of downloads03:03
SeveredCrossbjsnider: Most apps don't support OSS these days, at least I think.03:04
SeveredCrossThough, OTOH, most of the apps I use are GStreamer, and GStreamer should support oSS.03:04
ScislaCrichardcavell: It has all the same packages that ubuntu provides... however, I have a pretty -dev'd out system, so when I go to add the wine-dev package that's all it wants to add03:04
richardcavellScislaC: ok03:05
richardcavellI just want all my dependencies to work nicely with each other03:05
ScislaCrichardcavell: you could try it without pain though since ubuntu does the 1.2 naming and winehq still isn't adding the numbers in the name (just wine, as opposed to wine1.2)03:06
richardcavellWon't I have to uninstall package wine1.2 (from Ubuntu universe repo) and then install wine from winehq repo?03:06
ScislaCrichardcavell: ahhh... yes you do (just tried to tag the other for install)03:07
ScislaCbut it won't kill your current config if you don't tell it to :)03:07
richardcavellSo remove rather than purge, you mean?03:08
richardcavellScislaC: I think that will still result in downloading 181 megs of -dev files03:12
ScislaCrichardcavell: hmmm... dunno what to tell you if that's the concerning part for you (slow connection?)03:13
richardcavellScislaC: I just want the debug symbols03:13
richardcavellScislaC: If I compile my wine from source, I may end up conflicting with my package manager03:14
ScislaCrichardcavell: gotcha03:14
richardcavellIf I download it from the Ubuntu repos, there's a bug in the dependencies03:14
richardcavellSo I'm a bit stuck03:14
richardcavellI think the best idea is: I emailed the maintainer of the Ubuntu repo version of wine, and I'll get him to fix the dependencies03:15
* ScislaC nods03:15
ScislaCthe maintainer may also have a ppa, so that may be worth looking for03:16
richardcavellThen if I compile from source, my package manager will not regard it as foreign03:16
richardcavellOn another issue, is anyone able to get package dontzap to work?  On my MacBook, I can't get X to restart by doing Ctrl-Alt-backspace03:16
ScislaCI seem to recall reading on the ubuntu-devel list that it's currently broken03:17
Sarvattdontzap does what it says now, it doesnt allow zapping if its enabled :D you change it in keyboard layout options now03:18
ScislaCIt seems like they're not terribly concerned atm since the goal is to get X so rock solid that you'd never need to use it... they feel switching ttys should be sufficient.03:18
ScislaCthat's where it is03:18
richardcavellWell, on my MacBook I try to run games under wine.03:19
richardcavellAnd sometimes it's impossible to get my mouse pointer or keyboard focus out of the game, so I have to log out to get control of my computer again03:20
richardcavellI can sometimes Ctrl-Alt-Esc and get my mouse pointer to the System-> Log Out menu item03:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about libatasmart003:21
richardcavelllibatasmart0 was just installed as a new install under Update Manager.  Now Computer Janitor is saying it's no longer in the repository.03:22
spOdpkg -i newcustomkernel.deb  is not updating my menu.lst file ,  is there an alternative program and command that does this besides manual way?03:30
drs305spO: Are you using grub2?03:36
* richardcavell is going to play Half-Life to cure his dependencies-induced headache.03:36
spOin my fstab it has a incorrect entry, how can i find the correct UUID ?  it says the following:  # Entry for /dev/ !! UNKNOW DEVICE !! :     UUID=8810c2d8-da34-4513-973b-aff3d295ee9f / ext3 relatime,errors=remount-ro 0 1      # Entry for /dev/sda5 :   UUID=637c37bb-1c11-4507-ace7-a31180fbb8a1 none swap sw 0 003:50
spOoh wrong channel03:51
bjsniderspO, ls /dev/disk/by-uuid/04:26
bjsniderwell, ls /dev/disk/by-uuid/ -l would be better i suppose04:27
bjsnidersomething about URW Chancery L borks firefox04:33
bjsnidersomebody who has ff 3.5 look at this page and then compare it to another browser: http://www.codestyle.org/servlets/FontSampler?class=URWChanceryL&font=URW%20Chancery%20L&compare=normal04:45
mac__vbjsnider: ??? midori displays the font as italic , and firefox doesnt!04:50
bjsniderno, it's not italic04:51
bjsniderthe font is cursive to begin with04:51
bjsniderlook at it in ff 3.004:51
bjsniderff 3.5 is not displaying URW Chancery L at all04:51
mac__voh yeah , cursive... midori and firefox 3.0  are same04:52
bjsniderit's dummying out and displaying the default system font04:52
odinsbaneCan I put karmic koala on a partition of a usb hard drive and boot from that to see how it works?04:52
=== mac__v is now known as mac_v
DanaGI actually DO use the multi-device features of PulseAudio.05:06
spO JFS was not made for being a OS fs , why is it being used for that now... people cannot create something that is more effective or efficent?05:10
bjsniderext4 is05:10
bjsniderutilifate that one05:10
geniiI'm leaning to xfs05:10
bjsniderxfs has problems dealing with extremely large files05:11
geniibjsnider: Interesting. I stream dual-layer DVD isos off it without hiccups. ( ~9Gb)05:12
bjsnidertry deleting them05:12
jhannaninteresting: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Btrfs05:13
bjsniderbtrfs is awesome, but not ready05:13
bjsnideranother year at least05:13
SeveredCrossDeletes are slow on XFS, that's a known fact.05:13
SeveredCrossBut reads and writes are fast.05:13
bjsnideri don't think it does reliable fsck recoveries either05:14
geniiSeveredCross: I used to get "hiccups" on data stream every 4G with ext2/305:14
SeveredCrossgenii: Interesting.;05:14
SeveredCrossOpenSolaris uses ZFS right?05:15
jhannani remember hearing the guy that wrote reiser was going to jail?05:15
bjsnidertheir own fs05:15
bjsniderhe is in jail\05:15
DanaG<rant> http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/archives/000886.html </rant>05:15
bjsniderhe killed his wife05:15
jhannanguess no more reiser05:15
bjsniderthe law carries penalties for that kind of on the stiff side05:16
SwedeMikeDanaG: really hope we'll see more 200dpi screens, I really want one anyway. 2560x1600 at like 22" would be nice05:18
DanaGMy laptop is 147 DPI.05:18
SwedeMikebut people generally dont have good eyevision enough, I think that's why05:18
DanaGGood thing Linux rocks at DPI scaling.05:18
SwedeMike... and the OSes have historically been bad at resizing stuff, but that changed with vista05:18
DanaGOh, and by default, Win7 actually sets DPI to the actual DPI of the display!05:19
SwedeMikeso if we can just get XP out of corporate, things might improve05:19
bjsniderDanaG, i don't know that we have the computing power to use a monitor with, for instance, 300dpi05:19
DanaGThere is literally NO monitor I can buy, that would work as a secondary monitor, without having things 1.5 times as large when on the secondary display.05:19
bjsnidereven if it was economical to manufacture at an affordable price05:19
DanaGIt sucks -- I simply CAN'T use dual monitors -- none matches my internal!05:19
DanaGIf I wanted to match my internal... I'd have to buy a laptop LCD and an LCD controller.  Total price: 700 bucks, or so.05:20
jhannanah hans reiser left two books on police murder investigations inside his car, woops05:20
richardcavellwho is he?05:21
geniirichardcavell: Brilliant programmer that snapped and killed his wife05:21
bjsnideri don't think he snapped05:21
mac_vrichardcavell: the developer of reiserFS05:21
bjsniderhe was always a nut05:21
* mac_v awaiting BtrFS05:23
SwedeMikeDanaG: well, let's hope the future brings nice things now, seems most of the elements are starting to fall in place, there are screens, there are OSes that can do this nicely, so the entry point for actually putting this screen into production seems to be less and less05:23
DanaGOh yeah, and nifty thing: the HD3650 can handle HL2DM at 1920x1200 with good texture filtering and vsync on.05:23
DanaGI just have to have AA off -- and at 147 DPI, I really mostly don't need AA.05:24
SwedeMikebut we're hampered by the people who think that running 1024x768 on a 1280x1024 19" screen is good...05:24
bjsniderbutnot on linux i'm sure05:24
geniiDanaG: Thats the same card I have, it's nice05:24
DanaGYeah, that's on Windows.  I boot native when I want to play.05:24
DanaGMine's a Mobility, rather.05:24
DanaGAs long as I can't get this high DPI in a desktop... I will not buy any desktop.05:24
bjsnideroh, i thought i was taking a gratuitous dig at fglrx, but i guess i was right anyway05:24
DanaGActually, a bigger blocker is Wine's audio suckage.05:25
DanaGIt doesn't do surround sound, and it deals very badly with PulseAudio -- and yes, I do want to route it through PulseAudio.05:25
bjsnideri've got antialiasing and anisotropic filtering both on full blast (16x)05:25
DanaG1920x1200 is my native resolution.05:26
DanaGsO IT looks really nice.05:26
bjsniderstill get >8000fps in glxgears05:27
DanaGoh yeah, something odd: my laptop screen seems to have a "smudge" that's somehow permanent.05:27
DanaGTry nexuiz.05:27
bjsniderhow about what's that game?05:27
DanaGhmm, haven't used it.05:28
DanaGI was thinking you were thinking of that "sausage" -- sauerbraten05:29
mac_vbjsnider: where do you set those filtering?05:29
bjsnideri can run that at 1680x1050 graphics at maximum settings with AA and anisotrpic at 16x05:29
bjsnidermac_v, nvidia-settings05:29
mac_vah! stupid ATI05:29
bjsnidermove to nvidia05:30
mac_vhehe... this is a laptop :(05:30
DanaGMy laptop offered a choice of either... it's a discrete card.05:30
mac_vhuh... never tried that05:30
odinsbanewhats with the alpha 1/ alpha 2, will keeping upgraded with packages keep me upgraded on the karmic release?05:30
SwedeMikenewuiz has a benchmark mode?05:30
SwedeMikeodinsbane: yes.05:31
DanaGYeah, in the multiplayer "demos" section.05:31
odinsbanewhoa 1009 packages to be upgraded05:31
bjsnideri don't see that section05:35
bjsnideri have a multiplayer section05:35
DanaGdemos is a tab in the 2.5 version.05:35
DanaGI got it from getdeb.05:35
=== ripps_ is now known as ripps
bjsnideri'll runt he benchmark out of phoronix-test-suite05:48
DanaGhmm, what benchmark do they have?05:53
DanaGI haven't tried that test suite.05:53
bjsniderthey have all of them05:55
SwedeMikeyeah, it seems very comprehensive05:57
bjsnideris there a php-gtk package in karmic?05:57
crdlbheh, I still can't believe he used php-gtk ...06:00
bjsnidermaybe he's a web guy and he only knows php06:00
crdlbthat would simply be an opportunity to learn06:01
bjsnideryes but gee whiz06:02
DanaG"all of them" -- hah, odd answer.06:02
pktis cups universally broken right now in karmic?06:25
pktafter the last update I can't print anything any more and cups prints "Weird page contents" in the error_log06:25
andresmhI keep getting this error when doing apt-get update: W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net karmic Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 248DD1EEBC8EBFE806:36
andresmhnot sure what i messed up but how can i fix it?06:36
SeveredCrossandresmh: You're using a PPA whose signature you didn't add to your keyring.06:36
SeveredCrossandresmh: Try this: gpg --recv-keys 248DD1EEBC8EBFE8 && gpg --export --armor 248DD1EEBC8EBFE8 | sudo apt-key add -06:36
SeveredCrossThat will add that key to your apt keyring.06:36
andresmhis there a way to know which PPA is the problematic one? perhaps i should get rid of it instead06:37
SeveredCrossandresmh: It's the Network-manager PPA, and it's not really being problematic.06:37
SeveredCrossThe packages are signed, you just don't have the key.06:37
SeveredCross(I only know it's the N-M PPA because I fetched the key).06:37
andresmhah :) wow, good memory with those hexadecimal numbers06:38
SeveredCrossNah, I copy-pasted the line I typed above. :)06:38
andresmhanother question about apt-get. I'm trying to revert a bunch of updates I did to pulseaudio but for some reason is not letting me force a specific version.06:39
andresmhThis is the problem: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/40981906:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 409819 in ubuntu "[regression] Microphone not working after pulse updates on Karmic" [Undecided,New]06:40
andresmhwhile it gets fixed I'd like to revert back06:40
SeveredCrossNo idea, not an apt wizard.06:43
mac_vandresmh: isnt that a pulse audio error , why is it filed in ubuntu?06:44
mac_vin general i mean06:45
andresmhmac_v, ah good point. You know, sometimes I don't know where to file bugs. Sometimes is obvious what the package is but other times I have no idea.06:45
andresmhI'd be happy to submit the bugs to the appropriate place I  just find the process a bit daunting.06:45
andresmhlike in this case, there were a bunch of pulse packages that were upgraded. Do each one of them have their separate launchpad space?06:46
andresmhIs there a Pulse Audio repo for Karmic? I could only find the source repo06:50
DanaGoh yeah, is it a known issue that the RAOP is broken in PA 0.9.16?06:58
andresmhwhat is RAOP?07:00
DanaGRemote Audio Output Protocol.07:01
DanaGThe AirPort Express thingy.07:01
andresmhis that why I am not able to record sound DanaG ?07:01
DanaGGeez, Apple really does name things rather annoyingly. I don't want a runway anywhere near my computer... would be too noisy.07:01
rippsPulseaudio is suddenly ramping my volume up too high. It was working great the yesterday, but there appears to have a been a change recently that makes it too loud07:08
DanaGhandy hint for mic issues: install gamix.  It's a bare-ALSA volume control app.07:09
rippsListening to music on my headphones was perfect at about 30-40% yesterday, but today, It's been ramped up so high that I have to keep around 5-10% to keep it from being too loud, but that doesn't give me alot of range to fine tune the volume07:10
DanaGah, probably the new "use multiple volume sliders" feature.07:10
DanaGOpen alsamixer on the device, and watch as you change the volume in pulseaudio.07:11
maxirasHow to change the link to the chat room in Spanish07:11
x1250_one of my cores is running at full speed but the other one is not. /proc/cpuinfo reports one at 1667Mhz, but the second one only at 1000Mhz. I tried $ cpufreq-selector -g performance but it doesn't help. I guess I'm kinda clueless. This is a T2300 Core Duo, on a DELL Inspiron 9400.07:11
DanaGalsamixer -c0   in console -- 0 is sound card number.  may be 1 or 2 or such.07:11
DanaGI don't know that there even are language-specific +1 channels.07:12
maxiras maxiras: click on "join"07:12
maxiras[03:04] <mostafa_> maxiras: then in add channel for example type "#ubuntu+1"07:12
maxiras[03:04] --> prasad has joined this channel (n=quassel@
maxiras[03:06] <mostafa_> maxiras: wish you help07:12
maxiras[03:06] <prasad> Hey can anyone tell me how to change mouse setting on Kubuntu 9.04. I want to check the click properties. iwant my folder to open on double click and not single click which is default07:12
rippsDanaG: I know, it seems to primarily move master but it seems to move around several sliders. I think the issue is that It moves the pcm slider too high07:12
maxirasHow to change the link to the chat room in Spanish07:12
=== x1250_ is now known as x1250
rippspcm is either 0 or 80, but it would probably be best at 50 or if it would move slowly as I ramp up the volume. 0 or 80 with nothing in between is too strong07:13
andresmhI don't want the latest Pulse Audio so I downloaded a bunch of .deb's of the previous version. But when trying to install them I get: Error: A later version is already installed. I am afraid of uninstalling pulseaudio because it wants to uninstall ubuntu-desktop07:41
mac_vandresmh: i think its better to report the problems and get it fixed than to roll back... else the problems ith your setup *might* never get solved07:44
andresmhmac_v, i did report the problem :) i just want to roll back while it's fixed07:46
mac_vhehe... crappy PA updates messed up everything in my system too!07:47
rippsMan my PA was perfect yesterday... Now it's terrible07:47
mac_vi'd love to roll back too while things get fixed ;p07:47
mac_vripps: same here, *everything* is messed up... all regressions!07:48
mac_vandresmh: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DowngradeHowto07:50
rippsI"m using a workaround by using software mixer in my mpd and having the client ramp the volume low in the application so it doesn't sound so loud.07:51
mac_vandresmh: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32115607:52
rippsBut I shouldn't have to manually lower the volume on each individual app because PA can't remember how to gradually increase volume07:52
supremei have a pretty weird problem08:17
supremei cannot activate the wireless network08:17
supremethe adapter is recognized automatically08:17
supremebut when i do right click in network manager the option "activate wireless" appeared gray and i cannot use it08:18
supremeis karmik alpha3 fresh install and then i updated like 1 hour ago08:18
mac_vsupreme: which kernel?08:23
supreme2.6.31-5-generic #24-Ubuntu SMP Sat Aug 1 12:48:18 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux08:26
mac_vhuh weird , i had problems with 31-4 and they were all fixed in 31-5!08:26
supremeand i do iwconfig and the hardware is there08:27
supremei even try with an usb wifi adapter and it was detected, but the same, cannot activate wireless network08:28
mzuverinkwill there be support for the Itouch in the next version?08:42
mzuverinkI hope so, I bought one and cant put music or anything on it08:43
mzuverinkPlease include it if possible, thanks much08:44
spOIf i make a custom kernel, such as kernel 2.6.30-4   , how do i install ATI drivers for that kernel? they are not working right for me08:45
suprememac_v, you say that you had problems related to wireless in the 31-4 kernel?08:49
coordinadormac_v, i rebooted and everything works fine :S08:59
coordinadori dont know if it is related to karmic09:01
coordinadorwhen i add an msn account in empathy, i cannot activate, unless i put my password, it is normal? i cannot just add an account without store my password in the system?09:01
mac_vcoordinador: yeah empathy keeps asking for keyring password.09:07
coordinadoroh.. i see09:08
coordinadori dont like that.. is there something to do related to? like a suggestions forum or some?09:09
coordinadormaybe reporting as a bug could not be correct.. i think.09:09
coordinadorwhat about if im in a computer that is not mine?09:10
coordinadori dont want my password stored there09:10
mzuverinkipod itouch next release, support for it would be banner!09:17
mac_vcoordinador: i'd say filing a bug is the best09:20
coordinadoroh, ok09:21
mac_vcoordinador: after you file a bug could you pls , post the bug # here09:22
coordinadorof course09:23
coordinadorthe "bug" was already sent :o09:23
coordinadorBinary package hint: empathy09:24
coordinadorPassword-protected rooms aren't supported, limiting Empathy's use in common group chat situations where there are (more or less) private rooms. Currently targetted after GNOME 2.26, maybe 2.28?09:24
coordinadorConfirmed for future: http://live.gnome.org/Empathy/Roadmap09:24
coordinadorI am affected by this bug09:24
coordinador#256477 "Add support for password-protected ..."09:24
coordinadorJust mark the bug as affecting me09:24
coordinadorSubscribe me as well09:24
coordinador#391659 Cannot setup an account without saving the password09:24
coordinadorOH im so sorry!!! i swear only copy one line!!!! :O09:24
coordinadormac_v, is there a way to erase the last conversations in empathy?09:38
mac_vcoordinador: i dont know , i dont use empathy09:38
coordinadorok, thanks09:40
nacho_anybody has the problem that to increase the volume you have to open the alsamixer and incresease the headphone instead of the pcm or the normal volume control?09:44
Bert_2Hi, is it me or ain't it possible to get vmware-tools build on karmic yet ?11:37
odinsbanemorning, I installed karmic koala and now metacity / gnome won't display.  I think it is because I am using an ati card.11:56
odinsbaneI used a different tty (ctr-alt f6) and everything seems to be running ok.11:57
odinsbanewell I suppose Ill try rebooting to an older kernel to see if I can fix it.11:58
Bert_2Hi, is it me or ain't it possible to get vmware-tools build on karmic ?12:11
BUGabundobom dia12:24
alteregoasomeone tell me where the samba files are stored?12:25
alteregoathe config?12:25
BUGabundoalteregoa: /etc/smb/ ?12:26
BUGabundoalteregoa: $ sudo updatedb && mlocate smb.cnf12:28
odinsbaneanybody have any luck with fglrx drivers for ati cards?  I can boot up using the old kernel, but then no 3d.12:28
alteregoaok i hope i find that12:28
BUGabundoNM broke for anyone else??12:28
odinsbanesomebody said the kernel I a using doesn't support fglrx, so maybe I need to upgrade that but ...12:28
alteregoaits messed up after samba 4 install and uninstall12:28
jonathonfBUGabundo: did you upgrade to 0.8 ?12:29
BUGabundoI'm running ppa trunk, yes12:30
BUGabundoand since asac now is away everyday12:30
BUGabundoI can't slap him12:30
jonathonfare there any packages for pptp and openvpn yet?12:30
mzuverinkno ipod touch sopprt in karmin?12:30
alteregoai cannot see any shares in those file? is there a config file made by nautilus for samba shares?12:31
mzuverinkSupoort(too early in EST)12:31
Bert_2Hi, is it me or ain't it possible to get vmware-tools build on karmic ?12:33
mzuverinkIguess my iyouch topic is mute12:34
mzuverinkI guess my ipod itouch question is mute12:34
mzuverinkin karmic12:35
mzuverinkI have not had window installed in 5 years, it is a shame and a sham to have to do it now12:36
BUGabundojonathonf: where pptp missing ?12:36
* cwillu bounces on BUGabundo 12:36
BUGabundohey cwillu12:37
BUGabundoI seem to have pptp, not sure its working though jonathonf12:37
jonathonfthere's no network-manager-pptp version 0.8, though i haven't tried nm 0.8 with nm-pptp 0.7.112:37
BUGabundomzuverink: exaile, rytombox12:37
BUGabundoboth support ipod12:37
mzuverinknot the touch12:38
BUGabundoask on #exaile for support and test the devel version12:38
cwilluBUGabundo, ipod touch isn't supported yet afaik12:38
BUGabundoask their12:38
BUGabundomaybe they can add it for you12:38
cwilluunless its jailbroken12:38
BUGabundo$ apt-cache policy network-manager-pptp  Installed: 0.7.1-0ubuntu212:38
BUGabundoits old, but seems to be supported12:38
* BUGabundo hands mzuverink a '/join ?12:38
* BUGabundo hands mzuverink a '/join '12:38
mzuverinkyeah, forgot, sorry12:39
* BUGabundo picks up Twigathy tool to edit irc mistakes12:40
alteregoawhats the difference btw a lidless and a lidded cpu?12:59
jonathonfone has a silver metal bit on top, the other doesn't ?13:00
mac_vdoes anyone have an idea where the rfkill switch settings are set? Bug #40606013:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 406060 in linux "[iwl3945] Wifi doesnt remember previous session state" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40606013:04
BUGabundothat's still going??13:05
BUGabundoI suffered for 3 months wit that bug13:05
BUGabundofinally it got fixed for me13:06
richardcavellIn system monitor, I have about 20 processes all sleeping.  All are called 'aplay'.  Where did they come from?13:06
richardcavellHi Bug man13:06
* BUGabundo lends richardcavell a TAB13:07
* richardcavell thanks BUGabundo, since they're no longer sold in his country13:07
mac_vrichardcavell: i think those are from PA not able to play sounds is rapid succession13:08
richardcavellmac_v: yeah.  Since updating all my audio drivers my audio is worse than ever13:09
mac_vrichardcavell: Bug #41057813:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 410578 in pulseaudio "Pulse audio freezes other applications [which trigger rapid button sounds]" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41057813:11
richardcavellmac_v: I don't miss the sounds but I hope they get it sorted out13:11
richardcavellI have about 20 processes each using 800 kilobytes13:11
richardcavelljust sitting there13:11
* mac_v really feels like kicking the guy who pushed the latest PA updates !13:12
* BUGabundo kills PA again13:13
BUGabundodarn thing auto spawns toooo fast13:14
mac_vBUGabundo: the PA updates are labelled ~test1/2/3! is that normal?13:14
mac_vare we guniea pigs? ;p13:14
jonathonflol, running a pre-release OS?13:15
jonathonfi think we are more like lab rats ;)13:15
BUGabundoto what version set is our ARM compiled?13:15
mac_vhehe... that was wierd seeing th labels , other have rc1/2 , which sounds better13:15
BUGabundomac_v: aren't we always?13:15
* mac_v misses the xchat pings... stupid PA!13:17
BUGabundome too13:18
mac_v\o/ finally BUGabundo has the same problem as moi !13:18
richardcavell_I've decided that i'm going to settle on 10.0413:19
richardcavell_the next LTS version13:19
mac_vrichardcavell_: no way.. 10.04 is going to be LTS ;p13:19
mac_vrichardcavell_: LTS will most probably be with gnome 3.0 , which by 10.04 wont be stable13:20
richardcavell_mac_v: It seems to me as though computer users have just come to accept buggy hardware and buggy code13:21
richardcavell_during the life cycle the bugs get ironed out and then new features come along with more bugs13:21
richardcavell_I want an OS with no bugs13:22
richardcavell_It seems to me that if they support 10.04 for 3 years they ought to find them all by the end of the 3 years13:22
mac_vrichardcavell_: thats why LTS is going to be only when gnome 3.0 is stable enough for the masses13:22
richardcavell_GNOME 3.0 will eventually be stable13:23
mac_vsurely but no one expects it to be stable by 10.04... BTW has anyone tried it?13:23
mac_vkarmic has bored me ;p  i want gnome 3.013:24
mac_vrichardcavell_: http://derstandard.at/fs/1246541995003/Interview-Shuttleworth-about-GNOME-30---Whats-good-whats-missing-what-needs-work13:24
BUGabundomac_v: there's a PPA with it!13:24
mac_vBUGabundo: \o/ link pls13:24
richardcavell_mac_v: you want the bleeding edge of the bleeding edge?13:24
richardcavell_mac_v: An OS with dozens of bugs isn't edgy enough for you?13:25
* BUGabundo doesn't get what richardcavell_ is doing here13:25
mac_vhehe... just curious to test 3.013:25
* BUGabundo point mac_v to google and to ppa search engine13:26
richardcavell_I need the Intel 2.8.0 drivers13:26
richardcavell_that's why I'm on Karmic13:26
mac_v;p ah has to move his lazy ass again ;p13:26
BUGabundorichardcavell_: running a devel version is NOT the way to have apps bleading edge13:26
BUGabundoecho /google ppa gnome 3.013:27
richardcavell_Well I was on Jaunty and Karmic works heaps better on my machine (MacBook)13:28
oldude67jaunty is  like boy george, it has issues..:d13:29
richardcavell_My Jaunty partition tied up a male escort last week and was made to collect garbage around the city in front of the paparazzi.  That explains it.13:31
Bert_2Hi, is it me or ain't it possible to get vmware-tools build on karmic ?13:32
BUGabundolunch. bbl13:42
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BluesKajhey folks15:23
BUGabundohey BluesKaj15:33
BUGabundothis is calm today15:33
BUGabundoeveryone at the beach I guess15:33
BluesKajraining here, again15:33
BUGabundoI have to have the AC on15:34
BUGabundoBluesKaj: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/112892/BUGabundo-QRCode.png15:34
BluesKajBUGabundo, what's that ?15:36
=== Testing is now known as Guest89567
BUGabundoa qrcode15:37
BUGabundoyou can read it with a bar code15:37
Guest89567hi.. just curious why there are no cd images, everything is DVD size for Karmic?15:37
BUGabundoinside that there's my email LOL15:37
BUGabundoGuest89567: no. pleanty of cd ISOs15:37
jonathonfthere are cd images for kubuntu15:37
BUGabundojusts a bit too big right now15:38
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/15:38
Guest89567Thanks BUGabundo found the daily build.15:39
BUGabundoGuest89567: I think you want the daily-live15:39
Guest89567BUGabundo: Usually. But in this case I'm building up from a command line system. Want to see how well it can be put together.15:39
BUGabundoGuest89567: then go with minimal15:40
jonathonfBUGabundo: that might not work for kubuntu15:40
jonathonfoh wait15:40
Guest89567Yeah. Read the release notes on Alpha 3 and it didn't seem too bad. Any showstoppers lately?15:40
BUGabundowhy not?15:40
jonathonfnever mind15:40
BUGabundojonathonf: its minimal15:41
jonathonfthinking of something else15:41
BUGabundoits a sub set equal to ALL *bugtus15:41
nnutterWhere would I add (roughly) 'echo "4500" | sudo tee /sys/devices/platform/applesmc.768/fan1_min' so that it ran after the laptop resumes?15:55
BUGabundoexactly where you said15:56
BUGabundoon /sys/devices/platform/applesmc.768/fan1_min15:56
nnutterBUGabundo, it loses the setting after a reboot or resume.15:58
BUGabundoof course16:00
BUGabundoits a device16:00
BUGabundoits created on boot16:00
nnutterWhy did you even bother to respond?16:00
BUGabundoso you could get extra info16:00
BUGabundoif you need to set it on every boot16:01
BUGabundojust right a bash script16:01
BUGabundoand put it on /etc/rc.S16:01
BUGabundothen link it to rs516:01
BUGabundoif you don't know how to do that, then maybe you should file a bug with the kernel, and hope it gets fixed soon16:01
BUGabundoor try a vanila kernel to see if htose have your fix16:02
nnutterThank you, I'll look into it.16:02
nnutterBUGabundo, my original question was how to execute that after the laptop resumes. Your solution would only work at boot.16:07
BUGabundofind the resume script16:08
BUGabundoand add it there too16:08
bjsnideris fernando back here yet?16:13
bjsniderBUGabundo, ping16:14
BUGabundobjsnider: pong16:16
bjsnideri have a bug for you to report16:16
bjsniderfirefox 3.5 cannot display the URW Chancery L font http://www.codestyle.org/servlets/FontSampler?class=URWChanceryL&font=URW%20Chancery%20L&compare=normal16:16
bjsnidercompare it with firefox 3 or any other browser16:17
BUGabundowhy me?16:18
BluesKajff also doesn't render captioned images on some pages16:18
bjsniderbecause you dig reporting bugs16:18
BUGabundoand why are you calling me by my first name????16:18
BUGabundoits weekend16:18
BUGabundoI'm relaxing16:18
BUGabundoand catching up on stuff about android16:18
bjsniderwell, there's no rush16:18
BUGabundotoo much info, too little time16:19
BUGabundobjsnider: just the the guys at #ubuntu-mozillateam know16:19
BUGabundofta is active16:19
BluesKajBUGabundo, > namedropper :)16:19
bjsniderdidn't know there was an irc channel for that16:20
bjsniderbut if i told them there they'd tell me to report a bug16:20
BUGabundoor tell you its known16:20
BUGabundoBluesKaj: ?16:20
nnutterFound the resume script. /usr/lib/pm-utils/sleep.d/*. Apparently Karmic is moving from acpi-support to pm-utils.16:21
BluesKajBUGabundo, > android16:21
BUGabundoBluesKaj: let me say it again :D16:27
BUGabundoBluesKaj: ???16:27
kklimondanice, flash has started working with PA for me16:28
BUGabundoI have no sound today :(16:29
BUGabundonot even kiling it fixes it16:30
bjsniderthe flash alpha from adobe has used pulse for, what, 2 years now?16:30
bjsniderever since it was released anyway16:30
kklimondawell, isn't it obvious? if you treat your sound like that it's no wonder it's gone16:31
kklimondabjsnider: no - it uses pulse though alsa plugin16:31
BUGabundo$ sudo killall -9 pulseaudio16:31
BUGabundo$ sudo killall -9 pulseaudio16:31
BUGabundo$ sudo killall -9 pulseaudio16:31
BUGabundopulseaudio: no process found16:31
BUGabundo$ sudo killall -9 pulseaudio16:31
BUGabundopulseaudio: no process found16:31
BUGabundofinally the bastard died16:31
BUGabundosudo helped :)16:31
kklimondaBUGabundo: wouldn't it be easier to do echo "autospawn = no" >> ~/.pulse/client.conf ?16:32
bjsniderkklimonda, are you talking about npviewer.bin or libflashplugin.so?16:32
BUGabundoI want it to start16:33
kklimondabjsnider: neither - it should use alsa module directly now16:33
BluesKajBUGabundo, I was just teasing about the "android" , that's all :)16:35
kklimondalol, building emacs on tmpfs failed..16:36
BluesKajlost in translation16:36
bjsnideri'm always befuddl;ed when i hear people talk about flash problems16:37
BluesKajbjsnider, what sources server do you use , main or canada or... ?16:38
bjsniderthe canadian server is too slow to refresh updates16:38
BluesKajdo you have the medibuntu repos ?16:38
bjsnideri don't think i use it for much though16:39
BluesKajthe medibuntu repos I have isn't connecting16:39
bjsniderdo they have karmic packages yet?16:40
BluesKajyes, well they did16:40
BUGabundobjsnider: yes16:41
bjsniderpaste your apt line16:42
BluesKajhttp://packages.medibuntu.org karmic/non-free Packages ... http://packages.medibuntu.org karmic/free Packages...16:42
BluesKajCannot initiate the connection to packages.medibuntu.org:80 (2a01:e0b:1:82:21c:c0ff:fe27:9561). - connect (101 Network is unreachable)16:42
bjsniderthe whole deb line16:43
bjsnideruh oh, i've got that network problem from yesterday. what was the fix for that?16:43
BUGabundoguys how to restore  xfce settings?16:43
BluesKajdeb http://packages.medibuntu.org/ karmic free non-free16:43
BUGabundois it like on gnome? mv .gconf ?16:43
penguin42BUGabundo: I haven't quite figured it out - I reckon it shares some stuff with gnome16:45
BUGabundopenguin42: need quick help. a girl in destreess16:45
BUGabundoneed to impress :D16:45
penguin42BUGabundo: certainly when I started xfce it ran some stuff from my gnome session and when I went back to gnome it ran some xfce stuff16:45
BluesKajbjsnider, I showed you mine , now show me your's ..deb that is :)16:45
BUGabundotips, advice welcome16:45
penguin42hehe - I don't know xfce well, I only used it for a day - what's broken?16:45
BUGabundoBluesKaj: ahahahahaahahahah16:45
kklimondaBUGabundo: most likely it's stored in ~/.config/16:46
BUGabundoBluesKaj: I have the same and it works.16:46
bjsniderBluesKaj, i've lo;st the lan connection because of that problem yesterday, or the day before16:46
kklimondaBUGabundo: at least most of it16:46
kklimondaBUGabundo: if not check for ~/.xf*16:46
BUGabundokklimonda: .config is too big to rename16:46
BluesKajyour medibuntu source , bjsnider16:46
BUGabundoBluesKaj: wfm for me16:46
BUGabundonot sure it was you, or bjsnider, I told yesterday that their server is balanced16:46
BUGabundoso you get a closer to you, even using the same URL16:47
BluesKajBUGabundo, that was me , but what does that mean ?16:47
bjsniderthey've brought balance to the force?16:47
* BUGabundo distributes slaps all around16:47
BUGabundoBluesKaj: means you hit a proxy server, that then redirects to a server closer to you16:48
BluesKajbummer, I don't want no friggin proxy servers :)16:48
BUGabundodig it16:49
BUGabundoand see the IPs16:49
BluesKajBUGabundo, anysuggestions ?16:49
BUGabundothen reverse dns those16:49
bjsniderBluesKaj, are you in the people's republic of toronto?16:49
BluesKajnope, bjsnider I'm in rainbow country16:49
BluesKajwest of sudbury16:50
penguin42BluesKaj: You running this IPv6 stuff?16:50
penguin42BluesKaj: You run inside the mound?16:50
BluesKaji haven't got IPv6 disabled if that's what you mean penguin4216:51
kklimondaBluesKaj: then do it16:51
penguin42BluesKaj: It's just your error before showed it trying to connect to an IPV6 address16:51
BluesKajkklimonda, I tried the blacklist route but it doesn't take16:51
kklimondaBluesKaj: from logs you have pasted yesterday I'd say that you have some problem with ipv616:51
bjsniderBluesKaj, who's your isp?16:52
BluesKajI had it disabled in Intrepid but since upgrading the blacklist procedure isn't working16:52
BluesKajkklimonda, sympatico16:53
bjsnidersympatico?? hahahhaaa16:53
kklimondaBluesKaj: huh? was it to bjsnider ?16:53
bjsnideri thought all of their customers had hung themselves long ago16:53
BluesKajwell , they're more relaible than than the local cable outfit ...and I'm sort of in the boonies here , altho we love it16:54
bjsniderBluesKaj, the local cable outfit is?16:54
BluesKajeastlink formerly personna16:55
bjsniderthat's my isp16:55
bjsnideryou're wrong about the reliability16:55
bjsniderhasn't been true for years16:55
BluesKajeasdtlink hasn't had a chnce to fix the probs here yet , they just bought it in march16:56
bjsniderpersona fixed their problems about 3 years ago16:56
BluesKajmeanwhile we're sticking with bell,. We have belltv and phone so we're "bundled"16:57
BluesKajkklimonda, so what's the procedure to turn off IPv6 again?16:57
jonathonfto grub option16:58
kklimondaBluesKaj: you can't just blacklist ipv6 module?16:58
kklimondawell, not16:58
jonathonfnot any more16:58
kklimondaso you have to set it in grub as jonathonf said16:58
shaprGreetings, I use debian/unstable as my everyday server & desktop distro. I've been using ubuntu 9.04 on one of my servers, but now I'd like to switch it to 9.10 server.16:59
BluesKajI tried that kklimonda , it doesn't work any more16:59
shaprCan I just change my /etc/apt/sources.list to karmic and do a dist-upgrade?16:59
bjsniderwhy can't you blacklist modules?16:59
jonathonfshapr: easiest way is to run ' update-manager -d '16:59
kklimondabjsnider: ipv6 was compiled into kernel16:59
shaprjonathonf: Thanks! I'll try that.17:00
kklimondaBluesKaj: have you tried doing ipv6.disable in karmic?17:00
BUGabundoshapr: are this PRODUCTION servers?17:00
shaprNot exactly, no.17:00
kklimondaBluesKaj: from quick glance at bug 351656 it should work in KK (it didn't in JJ)17:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 351656 in linux "IPv6 cannot be disabled on Jaunty" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35165617:00
shaprBUGabundo: As in, I'm not trying to make money with them, and neither is anyone else.17:00
BUGabundoshapr: for upgrade on a server you run the cli version of UM: $ sudo do-release-upgrade -d17:00
BUGabundonot sure the sudo is required17:00
BluesKajno kklimonda , I assumed after it didn't work in jaunty that ipv6 was becoming the default17:00
bjsniderBluesKaj, your medibuntu apt line works here17:04
shaprBUGabundo: Spiffy, I'll try it.17:04
BUGabundobjsnider: I just said you guys are hiting diff servers17:04
BUGabundochange hosts to each one add see what happens BluesKaj17:05
bjsniderwhat theme are they looking at for karmic?17:16
jonathonfa brown one?17:18
geniiHopefully something psychedelic17:18
shaprBUGabundo: Seems to be working, thanks!17:19
BUGabundomine changes every 5 min17:19
BUGabundoshapr: np17:19
BUGabundoshapr: with or without sudo?17:19
shaprI was already sudo'd into zsh, so I just ran it.17:19
BluesKajthis ipv6 stuff seems a bit beyond me and BUGabundo I don't know wht you mean by reverse dns as it applies to my sources.list17:31
shaprWhat's up with ipv6?17:32
BUGabundowhat sources?17:35
BUGabundoI said HOST17:35
BUGabundoI said HOSTS17:35
BluesKajsource.list - repos17:35
odinsbaneI want to disable the fglrx driver so that I can boot with the karmic kernel any hints or pages?.17:35
bjsniderodinsbane, use jockey17:36
BUGabundoBluesKaj: if it is one of their servers just use another17:36
BUGabundoyou can force it by changing the IP17:37
bjsnideror just manually edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file17:37
BluesKajhosts , how do i test that ?17:37
BUGabundoBluesKaj: $ dig packages.medibuntu.org17:37
BUGabundopastebin that17:37
bjsniderwhy should the user have to do this?17:37
BUGabundoso those are IPv417:39
BUGabundonot 617:39
penguin42BUGabundo: But if you add 'any' to the end of the dig line it shows the IPv6 as well17:40
BUGabundoBluesKaj: so if you ping packages.medibuntu.org you will see diff ips every time17:40
BUGabundoBluesKaj: what penguin42 said :D17:40
geniiCan I use in /etc/apt/preferences two "Pin:"  directives for a single package?17:40
penguin42BUGabundo: Oops yes17:41
odinsbanebjsnider: Can I just comment out the "Device",'fglrx' section?17:41
bjsniderchange fglrx to radeon17:41
odinsbanek Ill give it a boot.17:42
BluesKajok I added any to the dig : http://www.pastebin.ca/152306717:43
spOIf i make a custom kernel, such as kernel 2.6.30-4   , how do i install ATI drivers for that kernel? they are not working right for me17:43
bjsnideror swap out your Alternating Technological Inconsistencies card for an nvidia card.17:43
spOwhat do you have against ati?17:46
bjsnidernothing, sir. nothing at all.17:47
penguin42spO: On your new kernel you installed the kernel and the modules? And you now have a /lib/modules/yourkernel ?17:47
BUGabundoBluesKaj: still ipv417:47
BluesKajhow can you tell ?17:48
penguin42odd, I get an IPv6 as well as IPv617:48
BUGabundoI know who an IPv4 lloks17:48
BUGabundoand that's NOT an ipv617:48
BUGabundopenguin42: ahaah17:48
BUGabundoBluesKaj: nvm. just change /etc/hosts17:49
BUGabundoto have ONLY one IP17:49
BUGabundoand find out which is down17:49
penguin42http://www.pastebin.ca/1523075 is what I see for that dig17:49
EagleScreenspO: just install the kernel-module-source for fglrx and dksm will build it for you17:49
BUGabundograbbing food17:49
spOegle, but fglrx is binary format17:50
tgpraveenanybody knwo how the support is for the blackberry pearl with rhythmbox or banshee?17:51
penguin42spO: Although it's a long time since I did it, I remember there was a binary bit to fglrx and a compiled bit17:51
tgpraveendo either of them recognize it as a music player device?17:51
BluesKajpenguin42, so what are you saying ?17:52
penguin42tgpraveen: Google says: http://www.nabble.com/Blackberry-Multimedia-Sync.-td22441799.html17:52
penguin42BluesKaj: I'm not sure :-) For me I see an IPv6 and an IPv4 address for that17:52
EagleScreenspO: there are two packages, one is the driver for X server (fglrx-xorg or similar) and the other one is the kernel module (fglrx-kernel-src or similar), I mean about installing it from Ubuntu repositories17:52
EagleScreenspO: fglrx-kernel-source and xorg-driver-fglrx17:54
BluesKajwell penguin42 , i'm behind a 2Wire router which is prolly configged for both , but I'm prtetty sure muy ISP is still defaulted to IPv6 , sinc e that's wht most browsers work best on ...vicious circle17:55
BluesKajerr i meant IPV417:55
* BluesKaj takes a break17:55
bjsnideri don't know why a user would have to go through this kind of brutal punishment just to get the friggin' medibuntu repo17:56
BluesKajbjsnider, strange thing is that it was fine up until a few days ago17:57
tgpraveenpenguin42: thx17:58
BluesKaji know this is all in anticipation of the adoption of IPv6 as the next new std for browsing and internet communication , but why impose it into the kernel before anything is ready18:01
bjsniderit's been there a long time18:01
bjsnidervista has it by default too18:01
EagleScreenbecause it has to be in kernel before something can use it18:03
odinsbanebjsnider: I replace flgrx with raedon, but it cannot find the raedon module.18:04
BluesKajeverything appears to be IPv6 or IP6 in my etc/hosts file18:04
BluesKajradeon , odinsbane18:04
spOeagle, i found the kernel source now18:04
bjsniderodinsbane, make sure it's installed. i'm not sure the package name but it would be something like xserver-xorg-video-radeon18:04
EagleScreenodinsbane: why do you think you haven't got radeon module?18:04
BluesKajbjsnider, that's the right one : xserver-xorg-video-radeon18:05
odinsbanewhen I try to start x, but I did have it misspelled.18:05
bjsnideroh hahahaa18:05
geniiAsked in -devel, referred me back #ubuntu for this Q, maybe someone here can help:18:05
geniiTrying to pin the kernel here on a 9.04 box with an /etc/apt preferences file like here: http://pastebin.com/m5a450885   The 3rd stanza would be to prevent the kernel being downgraded to packages with names like linux-image-2.6.28-6-386 ... however wildcards seem not to work here. Is there another way?18:05
EagleScreengenii: i didn't understand what you want to do18:08
geniiEagleScreen: I want to lock in kernel version of (but all sub-revisions like thru
geniiSorry, 2.6.2818:10
geniiBut same principle18:11
geniiWe have proprietary drivers which fail after a kernel gets upgraded/downgraded18:11
diverse_izzueSarvatt, you have been commenting on my bug about KMS (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-driver-ati/+bug/410058). I still end up with a black screen. Any ideas what I could try/how do debug?18:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 410058 in xserver-xorg-driver-ati "Black screen with radeon KMS" [Undecided,New]18:12
Sarvattdiverse_izzue: you're describing at least 2 different problems in that bug.. the last comment you are using the ubuntu kernel without radeon.modeset=1, need full logs of it tryingto boot with KMS to see whats happening18:16
diverse_izzueSarvatt: no, it says that in the log when I boot with radeon.modeset=118:17
odinsbaneThat left me pretty bad.18:18
Sarvattit isnt getting passed then, where are you adding it?18:18
Sarvattright after quiet splash?18:18
spOeaglescreeen, so i take it you have actually successfully compiled a fglgrx driver for a custom kernel i guess, huh18:18
Sarvattare you editing the line in the grub boot menu or adding it to /etc/default/grub and running update-grub2 after?18:18
diverse_izzueSarvatt, correct, that's how i do it18:18
diverse_izzue'm adding the line in grub18:18
Sarvattwhen it boots? not grub.cfg or menu.lst right?18:19
odinsbaneI confirmed that I had the x-org-video-radeon installed and I changed my xorg.conf to have "radeon" instead of "fglrx" which left me without any keyboard.18:19
odinsbaneor visual display18:19
diverse_izzueSarvatt, yes, when it boots18:19
Sarvattcan you try the kernel in the PPA?18:19
Sarvattit doesnt need the boot parameter18:19
diverse_izzueok, i will do that18:19
EagleScreenspO: if you install the module in repository, you haven't to compile nothing, DKMS service will auto-compile and install for you18:19
Sarvattif it gives the KMS is not supported message again, try booting with something like radeon.agpmode=-118:20
spOeagle, yeah, but you have nto done this ?   one website says that the abi version has to make for this to work18:21
bjsniderodinsbane, other than that, it's perfect18:21
odinsbaneEagleScreen: I'm getting a [fail] when I try to boot up from that line... DKMS...fglrx(8.632) .... [fail]18:21
bjsniderodinsbane, what card do you have?18:21
odinsbanebjsnider: well with the 'fglrx' in the keyboard works and I can log in or change tty's18:21
odinsbanebjsnider: radeon 365018:21
bjsniderfglrx supports that]18:22
bjsniderradeon probably doesn't18:22
bjsniderradeonhd might18:22
Sarvattradeon and radeonhd do, but with no 3d acceleration and you cant have fglrx installed at the same time to use it (fglrx diverts most of the core packages)18:22
EagleScreenodinsbane: try to get more information about the error, and if you consider, file  a bug against fglrx-kernel-source18:23
odinsbanebjsnider: from lspci it is Mobility Radeon HD 365018:23
odinsbaneAlso it worked in jaunty18:23
EagleScreenodinsbane: sometimes DKMS cannot build a module becouse you have kernel headers or linux-kbuild not installed18:23
diverse_izzuesarvatt, which package do i want to install to get the kernel from the ppa? linux-image-2.6.31-6-generic?18:24
bjsniderodinsbane, what does dkms status reveal?18:24
Sarvattyeah and linux-headers-2.6.31-6 linux-headers-2.6.31-6-generic probably18:25
odinsbanebjsnider: its blank18:25
Sarvattdid they ever get fglrx working on 2.6.31 kernels even? it needed changes last i checked and didnt work18:25
bjsniderthat command produces nothing?18:25
spOeaglescreen, so the information on this page is wrong, right?   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomRestrictedModules18:26
Sarvattalot of people had to go back and use 2.6.30-1218:26
spOsarvatt, you simply run the command/script that you got from amd.com  website?18:26
Sarvattthat wont even work on anything newer than 2.6.28...18:27
Sarvattubuntu has patches to make it work up to 2.6.30, not sure they ever patched it for 2.6.31 yet18:27
bjsniderwho was it that asked me what problem i had with ati?18:27
EagleScreenspO: that information is obsolete for karmic, linux-restricted-modules is deprecated in flavour of separed modules18:27
odinsbanebjsnider: I just uninstalled the fglrx-kernel-source though18:28
bjsniderapparently it doesn't matter much18:28
spOsarvatt, the amd.com script/program won't work on anything newer than 2.6.28?18:28
spOsarvatt, where are the patches?18:29
BUGabundohey Sarvatt welcome back18:29
Sarvattyou got it, thats the highest it supports18:29
BUGabundoenjoying the weekend?18:29
BUGabundosee you already set the cloak! LOL18:29
spOsarvatt, or rather, what do you do instead, if you want ati support18:29
BUGabundodidn't loose any time18:29
Sarvattinstall the 2.6.30-12 karmic kernel would be my recommendation18:29
odinsbanehow do I reconfigure xorg,18:29
SeveredCrosssudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg18:30
Sarvattreconfigure it for what? if radeon you can just delete xorg.conf18:30
EagleScreenodinsbane: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phight xserver-xorg" this will set it as a default installation18:30
odinsbaneSarvatt: I tried that that left me with a blank screen in either kernel18:32
odinsbanehow about fglrx 8.7 does that work with the .31 kernels?18:33
Sarvattnope ati still only officially supports 2.6.2818:33
Sarvattdid you purge fglrx before you did it odinsbane?18:33
Sarvattbecause if any of fglrx is still installed its diverting stuff18:33
diverse_izzueSarvatt, indeed it boots with the kernel from the ppa18:33
diverse_izzueis this the new stack with DRI2 support?18:34
Sarvattthats good to hear, i wonder why radeon.modeset=1 isnt getting passed for you18:34
* BUGabundo points Sarvatt to email inbox18:34
Sarvatti told ya the site to get the stuff BUGabundo! :D18:34
diverse_izzuei cannot playback movies anymore. is that a problem with Xv?18:34
odinsbaneSavart I just purged fglrx I haven't done anything after that.18:34
BUGabundobad memory18:34
BUGabundoplus a crashing pidgin18:34
BUGabundono help :(18:34
Sarvattdiverse_izzue: sorry, that yeah was in response to you18:35
diverse_izzueSarvatt, no problem, i figured. What's the problem with video playback?18:36
Sarvattdiverse_izzue: is it possible you're hitting escape after editing the grub command line in the menu instead of the boot button? its different in grub2, took me awhile to figure that out18:37
Sarvatti have no idea about that18:37
Sarvatthavent heard any issues with it18:37
diverse_izzueSarvatt, i was editing the line and then pressing Ctrl-X to boot18:37
Sarvattits probably people expecting overlay video to be there when theres only textured video support in dri218:37
Sarvattcontrol-x? i just press x here18:37
diverse_izzueit says control-x for me, and it indeed boots if i press that...18:38
Sarvattah i could be remembering wrong i guess18:38
diverse_izzueSarvatt, Video playback not working might be a pulseaudio issue - i cannot play music either18:39
Sarvattif anything add something like enable_mtrr_cleanup then cat /proc/cmdline after it boots to see if it really picked it up18:39
Sarvattor add it to /etc/default/grub then sudo update-grub2 and see if that works with radeon.modeset=118:40
spOsarvatt, where are the patches so you can install fglrx on kernels greater than 2.6.2818:40
spOsuch as kernel 2.6.3018:40
Sarvattapt-get source fglrx-installer18:40
Sarvattmight be in a bzr branch somewhere, i dunno18:41
Sarvattthe fglrx-installer package should work fine if you install a 2.6.30 kernel though18:42
diverse_izzueSarvatt, when adding to /etc/default/grub, then it's GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT that i have to adapt i reckon?18:42
SarvattGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash radeon.modeset=1"18:42
Sarvattgotta disappear again, hope ya get it all worked out18:43
Sarvattoh spO: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fglrx-installer18:44
Sarvatttheres a ppa with a patch to make fglrx work on 2.6.31, but the reason the patch didnt get added is bacause it basically makes the entire i2c code path not work because its not correct18:45
odinsbaneOkay I think I got the radeon drivers up and running18:47
odinsbaneso now what should I do to get fglrx to work again? ... it sounds like I should get a different kernel?  Or install fglrx 8.632 or ...just wait?18:53
EagleScreenodinsbane: do you think that DKMS fail to build because that version is not compatible with your kernel?18:55
odinsbaneEagleScreen: I"ve got no clue, maybe the error is still in my logs somewhere?18:57
EagleScreeni dont know..18:57
EagleScreenodinsbane: install module-assistant package, and later run "sudo m-a prepare,update", it will prepare your system for build kernel modules18:58
EagleScreenand close package manager before running "sudo m-a prepare,update"18:59
odinsbaneEagleScreen: then go ahead and install the xorg-video-fglrx?19:04
EagleScreenafter that install the two packages: xorg-driver-fglrx and fglrx-kernel-source19:05
EagleScreeni think fglrx-kernel-source only provides 3D accel19:06
ellarhello, there is a live cd image at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook-remix/daily-live/current/, but how shall i burn this 714M file to CD?19:07
EagleScreentry overburnings, or try to burn in a DVD19:08
odinsbaneok, where should I paste the errors?19:09
ellarhmm ok looking for overburn. But for the next released it would be better if it was <700M19:09
EagleScreenodinsbane: in pastebin19:10
arandellar: dailies do get oversized every now and then, I tend to always use DVD-RW19:11
bjsniderthe kernel-source package is automatically installed with fglrx and is necessary to build the module into the kernel19:12
odinsbaneIt looks like a bug, it could be because of the new gcc?19:15
bjsniderlok at the make log19:15
odinsbanebjsnider: I included it in the paste19:16
bjsniderdoes it build on an earlier kernel?19:18
odinsbanebjsnider: it used to build with jaunty19:18
lfaraoneHey, can someone assist me in debugging bug 409001? I don't think this is a problem in the package. as xcb_io.c isn't part of python-gasp.19:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 409001 in python-gasp "begin_graphics crashes python shell" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40900119:18
odinsbaneso I suppose it was .2819:18
bjsnidertry installing the 2.6.28 kernel with the headers package and see if dkms can build it19:18
bjsnideryou mean in karmic?19:19
EagleScreenthis module can be uncompatible with 2.6.3119:19
bjsnideryou installed it in karmic with 2.6.28?19:19
odinsbanebjsnider: I installed it in jaunty with 2.6.2819:19
odinsbanebjsnider: I thought maybe it was an older kernel.19:19
EagleScreenodinsbane: try using another older kernel19:20
bjsnideralright, manually install an older kernel with the headers package19:20
odinsbanebjsnider: karmic left me with two kernals .28 and .3119:20
bjsnideri'm 99% certain that this thing isn't compatible with the new kernel19:20
bjsnideryes but do you still havet he kernel-headers for the .28 kernel?19:21
odinsbaneso how do I build this against .28, just reboot into .2819:21
bjsniderdkms will built for all installed kernels as long as the headers package is installed19:21
EagleScreenthere is a ppa with 2.6.30 and also 2.6.28 i jaunty (i think it is instalable in karmic)19:23
odinsbaneI can't get the headers for 2.6.28-13 from karmic19:26
bjsniderodinsbane, i386 or amd64?19:29
EagleScreenodinsbane: enable a moment jaunty repository, install 2.6.28 version, reboot in that kernel, run "sudo m-a prepare,update" and disable jaunty repository19:30
odinsbaneso after I install these headers should I reboo to tha kernel?19:33
bjsniderreinstall fglrx and see if it builds first19:33
bjsnideralthough dkms may try to build it as soon as the headers package goes in19:34
odinsbaneokay I tried uninstalling xorg-driver-fglrx and reinstalling it,and I dn't get any errors.  but it also didn't mntion and building.19:35
bjsnidertry running dkms status19:35
odinsbaneit says fglrx 8.632 added19:36
bjsniderto which kernel?19:36
odinsbanejust says added doesn't mention a kernel19:36
EagleScreenadded is not the same than installed, right?19:37
bjsniderinstall that one too19:37
bjsniderthere's added, then built, then installed19:37
bjsniderinstalled is what you want to see19:37
odinsbaneokay now it is trying to install it for the new kernel headers19:39
odinsbanelooks good for the .28 kernel, claims to be installed19:40
bjsniderthen i guess it isn't compatible with .3119:40
bjsniderthat's pretty much objectively proven at this point19:40
bjsnideryou'll have to make sure fglrx is in xorg.conf before you reboot19:41
EagleScreenATI will release a new version compatible wuth 2.6.31 some day, or any patch19:41
bjsnideryeah, the day before karmic is released19:41
odinsbaneThere is a new fglrx 8.719:41
odinsbaneI suppose it looks like 9.7 is the lastest fglrx driver19:49
oOarthurOoAnyone else in here using Empathy for the chatting?19:49
DanaGoh yeah, somebody has a PPA with 9.7 patched for
LaneyDoes anyone have a working PTP device and want to test something in f-spot 0.6.0 for me?20:09
Laneypreview debs available for the brave20:09
BUGabundohey coordinador20:22
coordinadorsometimes my sistem goes to blank screen and i have to move the mouse or press a key to back to normal, this happen even when im typing20:22
bjsnidersounds like a screensaver to me20:23
BUGabundoknown bug20:23
BUGabundoyofel usually has that on hand20:23
coordinadoris there any solution? my system is alpha3 updated yesterday at night20:23
BUGabundobug still opened20:24
coordinadorhum i see, ok, thanks20:25
diverse_izzueBUGabundo, what's the bug #? i experience it also20:25
BUGabundono idea20:25
BUGabundocheck LP20:25
coordinadorBUGabundo,  which is your main language?20:25
BUGabundodon't have it here with me20:25
coordinadorhumm i imagined20:25
BUGabundobug 40144120:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 401441 in gnome-power-manager "Screenblanks while in use (dup-of: 397839)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40144120:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 397839 in gnome-power-manager "Screen randomly goes off in karmic" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39783920:26
BUGabundocoordinador: why?20:26
BUGabundodiverse_izzue: coordinador ^^^^^20:27
coordinadorbecause your nick20:27
BUGabundook I'll say it again: WHY?20:28
coordinadoris not an english word20:28
coordinadormay be spanish or portugues20:28
BUGabundonot even related20:31
EagleScreenvagabundo is spanish20:32
connexHi, I have sound issues.20:33
BUGabundoconnex: hi20:35
BUGabundoconnex: who hasn't ?20:35
EagleScreeni haven't sound issues20:36
connexMe, one boot earlier :)20:36
BluesKajok, BUGabundo, I'm piggy backing on a neighbour's unsecured wifi network .. ( bjsnider , btw it's an eastlink connection )..no longer getting any medibunti connect errors20:37
BluesKajso I'm bypassing my router20:38
bjsnideri'll be laughing about that for the next few days20:38
bjsniderwhat kind of router is that again?20:38
bjsnideri don't recall if you said earlier20:38
BluesKajit's only the medibuntu repos that doesn't connect when I use my router , all the others are fine20:39
BluesKaj2Wire router20:39
crashsystemsI have sound on my laptop, but not through headphones (I've checked the headphone volume level), and my speakers randomly make popping sounds. Anyone know which bug number(s) this might be?20:39
BluesKajoh cmon bjsnider , the speed streams were worse20:39
debfxsomething broke the auto-detection of the virtualbox video driver :(20:41
bjsniderBluesKaj, using the opendns servers?20:41
debfxis there an easy way to debug the xserver driver detection?20:42
BUGabundoBluesKaj: I have trouble reaching an IRC server on a neighbours wifi20:42
BUGabundothe entire ISP has trouble with it20:42
BUGabundoso my bet, its not your router, but your ISP with a bad routing20:42
BluesKaji have np with irc on my router , np on this guy wifi either20:42
BUGabundocrashsystems: right you have your gain above 100%20:43
bjsnidersympatico roolz though20:43
connexWill anyone help me with the sound?20:43
BUGabundoinstall pavucontrol and fix those levels crashsystems20:43
BluesKajbjsnider, what open dns servers ?20:43
BUGabundoconnex: if you tells what it is, maybe20:43
connexWhen I try to run alsamixer i get : alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory20:44
connexI'll update + upgrade and see if it is still troublesome20:45
crashsystemsBUGabundo: I installed pavucontrol and have it open, but I'm not seeing anything above 100%20:46
bjsniderBluesKaj, you can bypass bell's dns server and use opendns instead in your router settings20:46
bjsniderBluesKaj, they're superior servers. perhaps that might fix the problem20:47
BUGabundocrashsystems: is the app that causes clicks playing?20:47
crashsystemsIt's Pidgin that does that, whenever someone logs on/off20:48
BUGabundoconnex: $ sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade20:48
crashsystemsIf I set Output Devices to "Analog Headphones," I get audio output to my headphones20:48
BUGabundodinner bbl20:48
connexBUGabundo, what's safe-upgrade different from upgrade?20:49
BluesKajok bjsnider , I'll look into that ...bbl20:50
crashsystemsso with pavucontrol it seems that I can manually switch between speakers and headphones, but it will not do it automatically20:50
mnemoanyone else seeing weird keyboard bygs in karmic since the last week or so?  my keyboard seems to be randomly typing BACKSPACE, PAGEDOWN and other keys every now and then in all apps...  can CAPS turns on itself randomly20:52
creative1412Peace , guys is there a way to downgrade to 9.04 cuz some of my apps is not prepred for karamic21:01
coz_is the intel 82865g  not supported in karmic?  just install karmic on an old dell to test the system for someone21:02
creative1412 guys is there a way to downgrade to 9.04 cuz some of my apps is not prepred for karamic21:03
BluesKajok , bjsnider the opendns seems to be working , i followed the instructions for setting up opendns on my router and it seems to be fine. I wonder if it will hold at the next reboot21:04
EagleScreencreative1412: reinstalling kubuntu 9.04 is the most effective21:04
creative1412EagleScreen: i am from egypt an the internet here NASTY21:05
BluesKajwell, I'm gonna check21:05
EagleScreencreative1412: it is impossible to downgrade without downloading the old system, unless you already have Kubuntu 9.04 CD21:07
creative1412EagleScreen: i have the iso21:07
EagleScreenyour best choice is to burn the iso and do a clean install of 9.04, if you keep your /home partition, you won't loose your personal files or settings21:08
creative1412EagleScreen: Aegisub is making me to return to my old micro$oftian habits !21:09
=== Zorael^2 is now known as Zorael
creative1412EagleScreen: Aegisub21:11
creative1412EagleScreen: http://www.malakith.net/aegiwiki/Main_Page21:12
EagleScreeni read that it can be used in ubuntu21:13
creative1412EagleScreen: yes but in 9.04 not 9.1021:13
creative1412EagleScreen: it has his own issus with linux :D21:14
creative1412EagleScreen: it was orignally for OSX and Windows and you can find the exe and the dmg21:14
creative1412some how for one year they mintaind linux21:14
creative1412but with no $$ support they discontaind the ubuntu repo21:15
creative1412and the build option is available21:15
EagleScreenthere must be packages for Debian or Ubuntu21:15
creative1412there was one mouth ago21:16
creative1412but you can say it disapperd :D21:16
creative1412it's all about $$21:16
ethana2I'm trying to install 9.10 on a 4 GB flash drive, but every time I run out of room and it becomes useless21:17
ethana2If I want the most room for installing system files, what should I tell USB creator?21:17
connexStill the sound doesn't work21:17
creative1412EagleScreen: the proplem is i did compiled it and installed it but it has ffmpeg issus21:18
ethana2store documents and settings in extra space?21:18
ethana2if so, how much?  does it matter?21:18
creative1412EagleScreen: i did used the svn for it but no way21:18
DanaGHmm, if you want to install on a USB flash drive, boot the livecd and just plain install it -- that should work better.21:18
creative1412EagleScreen: sorry for the bad English :D21:19
EagleScreencreative1412: look for  Aegisub ppa's in Launchpad21:19
creative1412EagleScreen: Empty21:19
ethana2DanaG: really?21:20
ethana2that would make sense I guess21:20
DanaGyeah.  just make sure to tell it to put the boot loader on the MBR of that drive.21:20
BUGabundoconnex: well its "safer" LOL21:20
DanaGI just wish Ubuntu would put the ricoh_mmc, sdhci, and sdhci-pci drivers in ithe initramfs by default.21:20
BUGabundobasicly it deals with dependency instead of just forcing the upgrade21:21
connexBUGabundo, Sound isn't working yet.21:21
DanaGThen I could use a spare 4-gig SDHC card I have, for that.21:21
ethana2DanaG: ohhh21:21
ethana2you're saying you can't boot off an SD card21:21
ethana2because it doesn't include SD card reader drivers in the kernel?21:21
DanaGNot with a mere usb-creator.21:21
ethana2DanaG: interesting.21:21
DanaGYeah.  I have to install, chroot, and rebuild initramfs with the names added to modules.21:21
ethana2a bootable SD card would be pretty awesome.21:22
DanaGOh yeah, I tried installing ubiquity on an already-installed system.... didn't work.  Just crashed, mysteriously.21:22
BUGabundoEagleScreen: there is no need to have /home on a diff partition since HARDY21:22
EagleScreencreative1412: look for here https://launchpad.net/~skoruppa/+archive/ppa21:22
EagleScreenwhat do u mean BUGabundo?21:22
BUGabundoEagleScreen: the installer can remove old system and install the new one21:22
BUGabundowithout touching the user files21:23
BUGabundoIF the user doesn't select to FORMAT the disc21:23
BUGabundoso you  have a single volume21:23
creative1412EagleScreen: if you have windows try the program it's very cool for fansupping am using it for 2 years21:23
creative1412EagleScreen: the ppa has the libass but not aegisub21:24
creative1412EagleScreen: it's too old version of libass too21:24
EagleScreenuse win version under wine doesnt work?21:25
creative1412EagleScreen: i use arabic and wine doesn't support BIDI languges :D21:25
shaprDanaG: Build your own?21:25
DanaGBasically, I'll have to boot the livecd to install to the SDHC card.21:26
creative1412EagleScreen: am rebooting for 9.0421:27
DanaGThough, frankly, my sdhc reader is dog-slow -- 10 to 15 megabytes per second, on a card that can do 25 in a different reader.21:27
shaprclass 6 card?21:27
DanaGit's a card that does 15... the reader does more like 8.21:28
DanaGI'm misremembering.21:28
DanaGOh, I see... I'm remembering a different card I had, that I accidentally broke: it had the fold-out USB plug, where it'd do 25.21:28
DanaGOh, and my reader defaults to PIO mode.  ugh.21:28
BluesKajbjsnider, are there any disadvantages to opendns ?21:36
bjsniderBluesKaj, it slowly kills you, like alcohol abuse21:37
bjsniderare you able to get to medibuntu now?21:37
bjsniderso bell's DNS servers are, what's the word?21:37
BluesKajcan't reapeat that here :)21:38
dupondjehellow :)21:40
BluesKajso I am being rediredted to opendns from their ISP server and bypassing their dns server ...is that correct ?21:41
BluesKajcorrection : my ISP server21:41
bjsniderwhenever you do a dns lookup, you go there instead of bell's excellent servers21:41
BUGabundoBluesKaj: no disavanges that I know except the capturing the quick search on google21:42
BluesKajhow do they manage to keep it free for users ?21:42
bjsnideri'm not their FAQ21:42
BUGabundoBluesKaj: strange that you can dig the address21:43
bjsniderno, it's very simple. most ISP DNS servers are <insert unmentionable word>21:43
* BluesKaj wonders if the ISP dns is blocking medibuntu21:43
bjsniderthere's a reason opendns is so popular21:44
BluesKajwell bjsnider , thx for the tip , setting it up was relatively painless too21:44
bjsnidermost ISP mail is garbage too21:45
BluesKajyeah bell is trying to fool their customers who still use sympatico/bell mail that they are actually hosting the service when it's actually hotmail that hosts the servers (pophm) I'm still on pop1 and pop321:48
bjsniderit would be better if hotmail did host it21:49
bjsniderhotmail is at least reliable21:49
BluesKajaltho i suspect due to the speed that HM is prolly hosting all of it now21:49
BluesKajbell finally stopped asking users to use IE on their site21:51
bjsnideroh, at least there's that21:51
BluesKajuhoh, opendns is also not connecting to medibuntu  ...just checked21:57
BluesKajhmm aptitude wont connect , but apt-get does ...been trying keep to aptitude due to it's reputation for superior dependency performance22:00
BluesKajseems intermittent for both aptitude and apt-get22:01
aboSamoorubuntu-bug gnome-power-manager "The problem cannot be reported: This is not a genuine Ubuntu package" is not this weird ?22:02
BUGabundono one to help with chromium :(22:03
BUGabundoaboSamoor: not weird22:03
BUGabundoyou have a PPA22:03
BUGabundoaboSamoor: apt-cache policy gnome-power-manager | pastebinit22:04
jdobrienI can't remember the command to upgrade to karmic, it's pretty sad seing that I already upgraded one of my computers22:04
coz_hey guys just downloaded karmic daily build and it is  711.9 megs   need overburn!   this isnt going to be the norm right?22:04
BUGabundojdobrien: update-manager -d22:04
jdobrienBUGabundo: thanks22:04
jonathonfcoz_: just burn it to a dvd+r22:04
BUGabundocoz_: no one is looking at daily images size22:05
BUGabundoburn a dvd or better yet put it on an USB Key22:05
coz_BUGabundo,  ok  no biggie  just surprised22:05
coz_I will try the overburn first22:05
BUGabundocoz_: can you imagine how much work goes to get an image to fill just the CD size?22:05
BUGabundodon't risk it22:05
coz_BUGabundo,  honest no big deal I am just testing out a machine here  its not for anything permanent installation or testing of karmic :)22:06
spOhow do i install fglrx-installer  ?22:06
* aboSamoor BUGabundo is always teaching aboSamoor nice tricks, thanks for the pastebinit ;)22:07
BUGabundocoz_: at least test both ISO and burned image22:07
aboSamoorBUGabundo, http://pastebin.com/f3462fee722:07
spOi mean i can use apt-get , but that tries to get an outdated driver22:07
BUGabundoaboSamoor: :)22:07
spOcan you use apt-get with a local tar.gz file?22:07
coz_BUGabundo,  I will on my system ehwn I have the time  ...as I said this is just to test out a machine    its nothing permanent22:07
BUGabundo        500 http://ppa.launchpad.net karmic/main Packages22:07
coz_BUGabundo,  thanks22:07
BUGabundoaboSamoor: ^^^^^22:07
=== yacc__ is now known as yacc
BUGabundoaboSamoor: downgrade to system version, reboot, try to reproduce, file a bug and inform mvo or pitty of it22:08
BUGabundoFYI we are now going with gnome-bluetooth. please spread the word. thanks. EOF22:10
spOsome karmic packages like ati/fglrx installer , i cannot install via apt-get source fglrx-installer  because it gets the current/stable version rather than the karmic version22:12
BUGabundo https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-karmic-bluetooth-stack22:13
dupondjehmzzzzzzzzzz :)22:15
dupondjewas watching youtube movie22:16
spOi have fglrx installer source, but i don't knwo what to do with it22:16
dupondjesuddenly everything locked :s22:16
BluesKajBUGabundo, are you trying chromium ?22:16
spOi want to cry because i am so frustrated22:16
BUGabundoBluesKaj: let me phrase it like this: is there anything I'm not testing?22:17
bjsniderwhat locked?22:17
BUGabundobjsnider: prob X22:17
BluesKajBUGabundo, dunno , is there ? :)22:17
aboSamoorBUGabundo, this gpm package was slipped by ubuntu-desktop ppa, I think I have to be more careful next time.22:18
* aboSamoor does not like restarting :'(22:18
dupondjepulseaudio is kinda broken imo :s22:20
spOwhat is a .dsc file?22:24
bjsniderspO, what the bleep are you trying to do?22:25
spOi am trying to install ati drivers on a custom kernel22:26
spOi found a page to help me, http://www.stanchina.net/~flavio/debian/fglrx-installer.html#src  ,  i just want to know what dsc is22:27
bjsniderit sounds to me like you're in over your head22:27
spOare you trying to insult me?22:27
BUGabundoguys calm down22:28
BUGabundoplease observe the CoC22:28
bjsniderno, but you can't go from 0 to 100 without hitting 50 first22:28
ikoniagents, custom kernels are not supported22:30
ikoniathis channel is for karmic discussion/development only, custom kernels are your own project22:31
bjsnideri think the supplied kernels are pretty good22:33
kklimondahda_intel: azx_get_response timeout, switching to single_cmd mode: <- huh..22:36
spOwhat is bazaar ?22:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bazaar22:38
ubottubzr is Bazaar-NG, a decentralized revision control system designed to be easy for developers and end users alike. Decentralized revision control systems give people the ability to work over the internet using the bazaar development model.  See http://bazaar-vcs.org/QuickHackingWithBzr for a quickstart guide.22:38
andresmujicabugabundo: hey ya!22:38
BUGabundosp0 there you go22:38
BUGabundohey andresmujica. missing are we ?22:38
dupondjeSoft CPU time limit exhausted, terminating.22:38
dupondjeHard CPU time limit exhausted, terminating forcibly.22:38
dupondjeAfgebroken (core dumped)22:38
dupondjepulseaudio ?... ;)22:38
andresmujicayou'll love this bug (or whatever it is called)...  have you noticed the multiple ways of volume control that are available in Ubuntu (not just Karmic) with pulseaudio and companions ?22:39
spObazaar is similar to apt-get i guess22:39
andresmujicayesterday my laptop's left speaker exploded....22:39
bjsnideryou cannot be serious22:40
andresmujicaone mute over there, rhythmbox with high volume, pavucontrol at 70%.. without noticing it22:40
andresmujicatry to mute all over...22:40
andresmujicaand after that the left channel  sounded awful...22:40
BUGabundoa andresmujica are you sure pavu had all sources at 70?22:41
andresmujicadisassembled.. tested.. no choice.  left speaker died..22:41
BUGabundoI got mine once at 200%22:41
andresmujicabugabundo: that's the thing.  there're sooo many ways to control volume.. one colliding with another..22:41
andresmujicai cannot tell if it was at 70%.. the fact is that my left speaker died.. :(22:42
BUGabundoyeah mine also came close to that22:42
BUGabundonow I keep them below 90%22:42
BUGabundoandresmujica: also see paman22:43
andresmujicaobviously my hands were involved (i was the one who changed sound volume).   but i'm not happy at all..22:43
BUGabundocheck properties22:43
BUGabundoto see if any gain is above 100%22:43
bjsnideri think mr. chen might be interested to know that22:43
BUGabundoone source was at 99999%22:43
BUGabundothere's a reason why we have a disclaimer :)22:43
andresmujicayeap, i'd played with it...    it's potentially dangerous...22:44
BUGabundoit is22:45
dupondjebug reported on crashing pulseaudio ?22:45
BUGabundohow *very* low dbs sources I increase them there22:45
BUGabundobut I have to make sure nothing else is or will be playing22:45
BUGabundorisking me getting death22:45
andresmujicai use paman for mic gain... but.. oh boy i don't want to kill the other speaker... i'm thinking about the bug report.. but it's really a mess i don't know where to start...22:47
andresmujicait's kinda gui thing.. too many volume controls can lead to potentially dangerous settings22:47
BUGabundothat's overkill22:47
BUGabundopavu does it good enough22:47
dtchenpavucontrol and the gnome control center applet do the same22:48
BUGabundohey dtchen22:49
dtchenthey're sufficiently equal in functionality that pavucontrol will go away by karmic+122:49
andresmujicabugabundo: not with Jaunty.  but to be honest my speaker dying wasn't caused by paman.  .. it was the multiple settings available22:49
BUGabundojust upside down one of the other dtchen22:49
andresmujicahi daniel22:49
dtchendupondje: current karmic? (meaning, updated today)22:49
BUGabundodtchen: I never got why pavu lists devices in a sort inverted from the one from gnome22:50
andresmujicathere's one thing missing with gnome volume control, the ability to redirect audio output/input from applications to different devices.22:50
dupondjedtchen: yep22:50
dupondjeit started with latest pulseaudio update22:50
dupondjecrashes like every 3 minutes :s22:50
dtchendupondje: try appending the following to /etc/security/limits.conf, and killall pulseaudio22:52
dtchen@audio           -       rtprio          9922:52
dtchen@audio           -       nice            -1922:52
dtchen@audio           -       memlock         unlimited22:52
dupondjeok done, running pulse with debug ;)22:54
dupondjelets see22:54
dupondjeits still alive :)22:56
BUGabundomurphy law22:57
BUGabundoit only happens when you are not looking for it22:57
dupondjehéhé :)22:57
dupondjeor the changed in limits.conf worked ... ;)22:57
* aboSamoor is harvesting bugs22:58
dupondjeaboSamoor: kill them !22:58
aboSamoordupondje, I think who created them are more efficient ;)22:59
dupondjestill not crashed ;)22:59
andresmujicaput some pressure on it.  load your system.23:00
dupondjeok dtchen think it works smooth now :p23:01
dtchenright, it should.23:02
dtchenit's running as SCHED_RR23:02
dtchenthose changes are similar to what rtkit will do once we merge the linux patch23:03
dupondjeanyway cool it works now :D23:03
dupondjehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/aptitude/+bug/391035 <- somebody want to kill this bug ? ;)23:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 391035 in aptitude "aptitude stops displaying downloads" [Undecided,New]23:04
aboSamoordtchen, totem can not play audio after PA, while VLC does not have any problem to play audio23:08
aboSamoorafter killing PA*23:08
micahghas anyone tried the karmic intel drivers with jaunty?23:13
dupondjedtchen:  :p23:14
dupondjeD: protocol-native.c: Underrun on 'ALSA Playback', 0 bytes in queue.23:14
dupondjeD: alsa-sink.c: Wakeup from ALSA!23:14
dupondjeSoft CPU time limit exhausted, terminating.23:14
dupondjeHard CPU time limit exhausted, terminating forcibly.23:14
dupondjeAfgebroken (core dumped)23:14
BUGabundomicahg: why would you do that?23:14
BUGabundothey are tied to kernel23:14
BUGabundodupondje: ahahahaha23:15
micahgwell, I can't get > 2048x2048 on Jaunty23:15
BUGabundoloved the sound effects too23:15
micahgI was hoping newer drivers might help23:15
BUGabundomicahg: then try the X ppa23:15
dtchendupondje: you can disable the cpu limit check23:17
dupondjehow sweethart :)23:17
dtchendupondje: which audio driver are you using? whatever it is, your sound hardware blows23:17
dupondjeKernel driver in use: HDA Intel23:18
dupondjeKernel modules: snd-hda-intel23:18
dtchendupondje: edit /etc/pulse/daemon.conf23:18
dupondje00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01)23:18
bjsniderdelightful audio chip23:19
bjsnideri think i prefer my audigy223:21
dupondjewell its laptop ... :D23:21
dtchenthat's totally not useful. you want to provide _at least_ lspci -nv|grep -A1 040[13] ; cat /proc/asound/card*/codec*23:21
dtchenalternately, use the script we created (http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh) or ubuntu-bug alsa-base23:22
BUGabundodtchen: are we going to have apport alias? aka $ ubuntu-bug audio ?23:22
dupondjei'll be happy to help :)23:22
dtchenBUGabundo: i thought pitti was working on that (because i certainly haven't been)23:23
BUGabundoI still doesn't work AFAIK23:23
BUGabundobut dupondje can test it for us :)23:24
Twigathy23:21 < bjsnider> i think i prefer my audigy2 <-- ditto, it works nicely. Even passes through DTS/Dolby to my amp nicely in linux ;)23:24
dupondjeYour ALSA information is located at23:24
dupondjelol :p23:24
bjsnideryeah, it does here too23:24
dtchenbjsnider: the audigy2 is a POS, too. its only redeeming factor is that it isn't HDA.23:25
BUGabundoPOS ???23:25
bjsniderdtchen, elighten me, sir. what is not a POS?23:25
dupondjedtchen: what do I need to use as bug title for the ubuntu-bug ?23:25
dtchenand yes, i'm referring to the audigy2 as a family despite it not being one; it's really poor marketing on the part of Creative, because there's a wide range of hardware badged under "audigy 2"23:25
dtchenbjsnider: anything professional-grade, e.g., M-Audio23:26
bjsnidergood linux drivers?23:26
dtchenanything driven by ice1712 and ice1724 doesn't suck23:26
dtchenanything driven by ca0106 and emu10k1 does23:26
bjsnideri dunno, this card works very well23:27
dtchenanything driven by intel8x0, via82xx, or hda-intel sucks23:27
bjsnideri have bass/treble, 3d control, passthrough23:27
bjsnidersounds great compared to the onboard chip23:27
* Twigathy doesn't fiddle with bass/treble ever :o23:27
dtchenyour audigy2 forcibly resamples everything to 48000 hZ23:27
dtchenHz, even23:27
bjsniderin linux?23:28
Twigathyin *23:28
BluesKajCreative makes nice desktop speakers , I have a pr of the Gigaworks T-40s ...very nice as far as pc spkrs go23:28
dtchenno, it's done by the hardware itself. it doesn't matter if it was 44.1 KHz or 96 KHz, too bad23:28
bjsnideri don't think so23:28
bjsnidernot on passthrough it doesn't23:28
bjsnidermaybe analog23:29
dtchenbjsnider: on passthrough it does not, no23:29
dtchenon passthrough you only have to worry about shielding and other signal degradation23:29
dupondjedtchen: what do I need to report now ? the alsa-info.sh doesn't work it seems23:29
bjsniderif it degrades it won;'t work23:29
bjsniderif it's working, it hasn't degraded23:29
dtchenbjsnider: why do you think we (as driver people) hate Creative products?23:30
bjsnideri don't know23:30
bjsniderit's an impossible question to answer, since i never knew you hated creative products23:30
dtchenCreative has a storied history of selling shite hardware under obfuscated names23:30
bjsnideryes but the x-fi chip isn't shite23:31
dtchenthe Audigy 2 family includes several cards that are severely crippled to the point of being useless23:31
bjsniderotherwise auzentech wouldn't be using it23:31
dtchenX-Fi is a badge, just like Audigy 223:31
bjsniderthis is a zs23:31
dtchenthere are two X-Fis driven by ca010623:31
dtchenthey are no less crappy than the Audigy LS or Audigy 2 using the same driver23:31
bjsniderno, i'm talking about the x-fi chip itself, not the card23:31
dtchenthe EMU is a good chip23:32
bjsniderthat runs the old sblive card, right?23:32
BUGabundodupondje: did you chmod it to 777»23:32
Trewaslast time I had nicely working audio in linux was sblive (emu10k1) with OSS; everything worked from hw mixing to passthrough... since then audio in linux has been steadily going worse and worse :/23:32
dtchenthe EMU10k1, EMU10k1x, and EMU10k2 are utter crap23:32
bjsniderwell, if you say so. they were well here23:33
dtchenall of those chips forcibly resample to 48 KHz whether you want it to23:33
bjsniderwhy is that a bad thing?23:33
dtchendupondje: just use ubuntu-bug alsa-base, please23:33
dtchenbjsnider: do you like audio artifacts?23:33
bjsniderno, i do not23:33
dtchenthen it should be straightforward why resampling 44.1 KHz source at 48 KHz is bad23:34
bjsniderdtchen, what card are you using right now?23:34
dtchenM-Audio Transit23:34
Trewasdtchen: at least they can play several sounds at the same time (without easily heard artifacts), unlike HDA I currently have23:35
dupondjedtchen: and what as bug title ?23:35
bjsnideri'm scared to death of buying any new audio cards23:35
dtchenbjsnider: then don't buy any new cards; they're all shite23:35
dtchendupondje: doesn't matter23:35
bjsniderfor fear that i'll  get it back here and it will be driverless on linux23:35
dtchendupondje: just tell me the bug report #23:35
dtchenTrewas: that's not exactly a positive thing23:35
bjsniderthey're _all_ shite23:35
Trewasdtchen: no? isn't software mixing a major point behind pulseaudio etc (why do it if most of the hardware supported it)?23:37
dupondjedtchen: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/41118323:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 411183 in alsa-driver "Crashing pulseaudio" [Undecided,New]23:37
dtchenTrewas: no, that's _not_ the point of PA23:37
Trewasdtchen: I said _a_ point :)23:37
dtchenTrewas: the point of PA is to be able to easily control every single audio stream23:37
dtchenTrewas: no, it's not even a selling point of PA23:37
dtchen(ALSA itself already does that)23:38
bjsniderdtchen, you're using a USB audio device?23:38
dtchenbjsnider: yes23:39
* Twigathy wonders how that works nicely...23:39
dtchenit works fine23:39
bjsnideri'm speechless23:39
TwigathySurely some compression has to happen to squeeze music down a piddly little USB cable!?23:39
Trewasdtchen: at least emu10k1 did very high hw mixing compared to alsa's dmix23:39
bjsniderafter your talk of "professional grade"23:39
BluesKajhmm 30 bucks for a CMedia Diamond CM18738 (with 5.1 surround options) sound card isn't too much IMO , works right out of the box on linux23:40
Trewasdtchen: +quality23:40
dtchenTrewas: heck no23:40
dtchenTrewas: it was _marginally_ better than the default plugin resampler, yes.23:40
dtchenhowever, there were always speex resamplers that blew the emu10k1 out of the water23:41
dtchendupondje: my condolences. the 9200 family really leaves something to be desired.23:42
BluesKajTwigathy, line level audio under 1 volt is fine on a usb cable , there won't be any compression despite the BS out there about signals and cable23:42
Twigathyah, cool :)23:42
Twigathyyeah, I just realised CD audio itself is ~1400kbit (USB @ many megabits)23:43
TwigathyJitter might be a bit of a problem though, especially if you had other things on the USB bus... guess it must do some fancy buffering :o23:43
Trewasdtchen: I wouldn't say marginally, but it has been some time since I tried dmix so maybe it has gotten better... and pulseaudio should make very very good job of software mixing given that it takes tens of percents of cpu when playing anything :P23:44
BluesKajTwigathy, don't get sucked in by thew audiophile BS talk on the forums about expensive audio and vide cable , it's nothing but snobbery and snake oil23:44
Twigathyyes, I agree totally23:44
dtchenTrewas: we enable an extremely good speex resampler in PA23:44
TwigathyExpence HDMI cables make me laugh23:44
Twigathyditto people that pay £fail/meter for speaker cable23:44
dtchendupondje: bug updated23:44
BluesKajyup 12 bucks is enuff for hdmi cable :)23:44
bjsniderdtchen, what do you think of the asus xonar cards?23:46
dupondjedtchen: and keep the limits.conf settings ?23:46
dtchenbjsnider: they're fine23:47
dtchendupondje: yes23:47
dupondjeok testing it out now :)23:48
dupondjeseem to work, but going to sleep now, will test more tomorrow & update bugreport23:52
dupondjeanyway thx for assitance dtchen  :)23:53

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