
mdkeGwaihir: ciao10:55
Gwaihirmdke: ciao!10:55
mdkeGwaihir: could you do me a favour and download the translations for intrepid/ubuntu-docs - not sure if you saw my email to -translations-coordinators through Launchpad about that10:56
Gwaihirhmm... nope... didn't see that mail...10:56
mdkedamn, maybe Launchpad let me down10:57
mdkeI sent it through the "Contact a team" interface10:57
Gwaihirwhen did you send it?10:57
mdkemaybe thursday morning? Not 100% sure10:57
mdkeanyway it's the translations from here I'm after - http://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/ubuntu-docs10:58
mdkeI can't download them since I left the coordinators team10:58
Gwaihirsure, not a problem10:59
mdkemany thanks10:59
mdkeyou're not still on dialup right?10:59
Gwaihirluckily not!11:00
Gwaihiranyway I'll send you the link...11:00
mdkeactually you don't need to download the translations yourself, if you can send me the LP link11:00
mdkethanks again11:00
Gwaihirno problem at all11:01
Gwaihiras soon as I get the link I'll forward it to you11:01
mdkegrazie mille11:02
mdkebuona domenica :)11:02
Gwaihirsent it!11:07
Gwaihirbuona domenica to you too! :)11:07
philbullhi guys19:59
philbullWho's here for the installation guide meeting?20:01
missaugustinaI am :)20:01
Rocket2DMni had no idea there was one20:01
philbulloops, I didn't send an email to the list20:02
j1mcRocket2DMn: i had no idea, either20:02
philbullnot to worry, I was just hoping for a bit of a status update, nothing too serious20:02
j1mcthere's also a gnome-doc meeting right now. :)20:03
philbullI'll post the logs to the ubuntu-doc list20:03
KelvinGardinerI'm here for the install guide meeting.20:03
avi1I'm here20:03
Rocket2DMnok, well i won't be participating in your meeting, I'll read the log though20:03
philbullj1mc: I know, I'm in it...20:03
philbullOK, would everyone who's here like to give a brief overview of what they've been working on?20:05
missaugustinaAwhile back I committed to doing the usb creator docs, so I submitted a draft of that.20:06
avi1I've started drafting the installation and looking at virtualization option.20:07
missaugustinaThere has been discussion on ubuntu-doc about what to include in the installation guide.20:07
missaugustinaI can create a different version of those docs for the installation guide or they can be used as is, whatever works.20:07
missaugustinaAnd I've started working on the Alternate CD installation instructions by researching Alternate CD use in the forums etc20:08
KelvinGardinerI've written a draft of the "What's Next" section I'll email it this week. I'm going to create a page on the wiki with the a list of common problems and links to solutions.20:08
philbullmissaugustina: are you intending to put the Alternate CD stuff in the IG?20:08
philbullit's already covered by the installation-guide20:08
missaugustinaThere was a section for it in the outline20:09
missaugustinaWhen we last met, I said I would work on that section.20:09
missaugustinaI might be confused though, what was the link to the outline again?20:09
missaugustinaGetting the Alternate CD / Why would I need the Alternate CD?20:10
philbullI think I intended that as a brief link out to the Alternate CD stuff, just to let people know that it exists20:10
philbullIt's far too much to cover in the current guide, I think20:10
missaugustinaI agree. I wanted to see what questions people had in the forums and what people were using it for.20:11
philbull(as far as actually describing the alternate installation procedure goes)20:11
philbullmissaugustina: aha, I'm with you now20:11
philbullavi1: what's the virtualisation stuff you've been looking at?20:12
avi1oh, just looking at virtualizing Win 7 for the WUbi install20:12
avi1instead of showing Wubi with Win XP20:12
avi1so that it's a bit more up to date. For WUBI20:12
philbullwhich version of Windows should we be targeting?20:12
philbullXP is still the most common20:13
avi1My guess is Vista and Win 720:13
KelvinGardinerI would say Xp, vista and win 720:13
missaugustinaI would search the forums and find out where people have the most questions20:13
missaugustinaIf a lot of current posts are using XP then it should be targeted.20:13
avi1yeah, I think XP, Vista and 7 make sense20:14
philbullKelvinGardiner: when we have too many options to cover, I think that we should think about covering the less popular options on the wiki20:14
avi17 isn't out yet but will be out around the same time ... The installation for 7 and Vista should be about the same20:14
philbullI don't think that covering all 3 makes sense, unless we can do it in an unconfusing and compact way20:14
philbullwhat do you think avi1?20:14
avi1I don't think it's going to take a long time20:15
avi1but someone probably will need to verify the Vista, I have XP and 7 RC20:15
avi1but Wubi isn't hard to do20:15
KelvinGardinerok, I was thinking if I had an old machine that couldn't upgrade to  win 7, it would probably be an xp machine, I may wish to use wubi to try ubuntu.20:16
KelvinGardinerI've got a vista install I give wubi a try.20:16
avi1I ran Wubi before on the Win 7 beta20:16
philbullok, thanks guys20:19
philbullKelvinGardiner: regarding common problems; what sort of things are you turning up?20:19
KelvinGardinerI found type categories of common problems.20:20
KelvinGardinerThe first are general issues which I think you listed most of on the wiki.20:20
dhillon-v10j1mc: Are you there?? ;)20:21
KelvinGardinerThe second are hardware specific issues. For example every ubuntu install on my macbook breaks the headphone sound, which is fixed by turning on the surround sound channel.20:21
j1mcphilbull: dhillon-v10 is interested in contributing to ubuntu docs20:22
philbullKelvinGardiner: maybe we should cover hardware-specifics on the wiki and just link to them?20:22
j1mcjust missed him20:22
KelvinGardinerMost of these issues are covered by the community help page and forums. I think we should point at these pages in the install guide and cover the common ones in detail.20:22
philbullj1mc: thanks, could you pass his email address on to me, maybe?20:22
j1mcphilbull: sure20:23
avi1That probably makes sense. I've noticed a lot of WiFi issues. They need to be dealt with but using the Wiki is probably the best bet at this stage.20:23
philbullOK, so hardware issues are probably a wiki thing.20:24
philbullMore generic hardware issues (maybe some graphics or hard disk issues?) we should probably cover in the guide20:24
philbullKelvinGardiner: did you see my IRC script that I posted on the ubuntu-doc list?20:24
philbullit might help in rooting out some common problems20:25
KelvinGardineryeah, I've not had chance to try it yet. I try it this week.20:25
philbullcool, let me know if you have any problems with it20:25
philbullOK, sounds like we're progressing well with the writing20:25
KelvinGardinerAre we going to cover installing restricted graphics drivers?20:26
philbullI haven't heard from nhandler in a while20:26
philbullKelvinGardiner: that's covered directly by the system docs, so we should just point there if it's a major problem.20:26
dhillon-v10hi everyone20:28
philbullhi dhillon-v1020:28
dhillon-v10 philbull: I have a question for you20:29
philbulldhillon-v10: sure, shoot20:29
philbull(IG team guys: anything else you'd like to discuss?)20:29
dhillon-v10 philbull: When I get into a room and want help who should I ask20:29
KelvinGardinerIf this is going on to the karmic cd, when do we need to be done for?20:30
philbulldhillon-v10: on IRC? it's normally best to ask a question to the whole channel20:31
philbulldhillon-v10: though it can take a long time for someone to reply20:31
philbullKelvinGardiner: I think we need to be done by Feature Freeze20:31
dhillon-v10philbull: so just shoot it out...20:31
philbullKelvinGardiner: 27th August, hmm20:32
philbullSo I think we need *something* by then20:32
dhillon-v10philbull: Can I help20:32
philbullWe need to finish the guide by Doc String Freeze20:32
avi1Oh, question, how are we dealing with screen shots?20:32
philbulldhillon-v10: sure, what would you like to help out with?20:33
avi1Are we going to have a significant amount of screen shots or totally ignore them? Or does that depend.20:33
dhillon-v10philbull: something you guys were talking about just now20:33
KelvinGardinerok, who is sorting out the layout? I think a clear simple layout is needed for the common problems section.20:33
philbullavi1: they should be used reasonably sparingly20:33
philbullavi1: they're awkward for translators, but we can figure something out.20:34
philbullKelvinGardiner: I think that was DB's job20:34
philbulldhillon-v10: we're talking about the installation guide at the moment20:36
dhillon-v10philbull: Alright go on20:37
philbullwould you be interested in helping out with the wiki side of the installation docs?20:37
dhillon-v10 philbull: ya sure20:37
philbullonce the installation guide is finished, we'll need to look at the wiki pages and see what should be reorganised20:40
dhillon-v10philbull: Alright20:41
philbulldhillon-v10: would you like to email me and I can send through some details?20:41
philbullit's philbull AT gmail DOT com20:41
philbullOK installation guide guys, it seems like everyone is making pretty good progress so far20:42
philbullany grievances? Questions?20:43
philbullI'd like to apologise for missing the last meeting.20:43
dhillon-v10philbull: Alright I just send you an email20:43
philbulldhillon-v10: thanks, I'll get back to you ASAP20:43
dhillon-v10philbull: np :)20:43
philbullOK, if no-one has anything more to discuss about the IG, then we should end the meeting20:44
philbullI'm pretty pleased so far20:44
philbullthanks for coming guys :)20:45
KelvinGardinerno problem20:46
dhillon-v10philbull: yah, nice talking to you20:46
Rocket2DMnOk guys, let's get started with the BT Wiki FG meeting22:02
Rocket2DMnjust FYI guys, the doc-team had a meeting last weekend22:02
Rocket2DMnYou can find the summary and log here - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/DocTeam22:02
Rocket2DMnBefore we start with the wiki stuff - is anybody also interested in working on system docs?22:02
starcraftmannot really, I'm pretty happy sticking to wiki atm. Maybe further down the road.22:03
Rocket2DMnok then, let me know in the future if you are22:03
Rocket2DMnMoving on - Summer of Documentation22:03
starcraftmanRocket2DMn: will do.22:04
Rocket2DMnThank you all for your hard work this summer, a lot of great stuff has been done22:04
Silver_Fox_thank you too Rocket2DMn22:04
Rocket2DMnOf course, you can work on any page on the wiki, even if it isn't listed there22:04
Rocket2DMnalso, you can add any pages to the Available section if you run across a page you think BT members might be able to handle22:05
starcraftmanYup, congrats to all, think we covered quite a bit of articles I'll get some more in before I go back in mid September.22:05
Silver_Fox_i am still beavering away at the list :)22:05
Rocket2DMnYeah, we'll wind down the SoD in September22:05
Rocket2DMnperhaps around Sept 22, that is the weekend at the end of the Summer season22:05
Rocket2DMnAlthough, I fully expect some drop off around Labor day since people will be going back to school22:06
Silver_Fox_why do we want to wind it down?22:06
Rocket2DMnI recognize that this is all volunteer time, so don't stress yourselves22:06
Rocket2DMnwell Silver_Fox_ , we can't maintain the Summer of Documentation all year round :)22:06
starcraftmanSilver_Fox_: summer holiday doesn't last forever, even if some wish it did ^^22:06
Rocket2DMnthat's not to say you can't do work, it's just not part of this little project22:07
Silver_Fox_okay,  just clarifying :)22:07
Rocket2DMnwe do maintain the community docs all year round :)22:07
Rocket2DMnthe SoD is really just a way to get people from the BT involved in the wiki22:07
Silver_Fox_hey,  might even finish the glossary,  haha22:07
Rocket2DMnDoes anybody have any questions?22:08
Silver_Fox_i think that is a no22:09
Rocket2DMnOk then, please feel free to interrupt me at any time, but I'll move on22:09
starcraftmanNot really, I think someone wanted to know what to do with orphans....22:09
Rocket2DMnA page that I've thrown at a couple of you guys is exactly what starcraftman is now mentioning22:09
Rocket2DMnthose are pages that aren't linked from anywhere else on the community docs22:09
Rocket2DMna lot of the pages listed there are redirects, so you can ignore those22:09
Silver_Fox_i have a question regarding that page22:10
Rocket2DMnHowever, many of those pages need homes, and pages that arent linked from elsewhere arent very useful unless somebody grabs it from google22:10
Rocket2DMngo for it Silver_Fox_22:10
Silver_Fox_is it generated by a bot or human? reason i ask is i can see where some of the links could be referenced22:10
Rocket2DMnSilver_Fox_, it should be autogenerated22:10
Silver_Fox_okay,  thank you Rocket2DMn.22:11
Rocket2DMnstarcraftman asked me to give an example22:11
starcraftmanI did? Don't think so ><.22:11
Rocket2DMnno, maybe it was somebody else22:11
Rocket2DMnanyway, let's take https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WineServer22:12
Rocket2DMnif you look at the page history, you will notice that it was only created a year ago, which meant somebody started an independent page22:12
Rocket2DMnthe main Wine page is here - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine22:12
Rocket2DMnSo what do we do with the WineServer page?22:13
Rocket2DMnwhy dont' you guys tell me what you would do :)22:13
starcraftmanLink from WINE > WineServer.22:13
starcraftmanThe exact nature of how ya link it about though depends on the pages, the WINE page a bit of a mess as it is.22:14
Silver_Fox_check content of wine page first to see if wine server covered22:14
Rocket2DMnYes, there could be content on the WineServer page that isn't covered on the Wine page22:14
Rocket2DMnI'm not a Wine expert, but it should be noted that Wine and WineServer are two components of what is generally just viewed as Wine22:15
Rocket2DMnperhaps there is content that should specifically remain on the WineServer page, or be moved there from the Wine page22:15
Rocket2DMnif somebody were to take on that page, they would need to do some research or already know more about wine than i do :)22:16
starcraftmanWineserver page definitely needs to be updated if it's to be linked, last tested on 606 it says.22:16
starcraftmanI'm more of a VM user tbh.22:17
Rocket2DMnyeah starcraftman , after cleanup the links can be added22:17
starcraftmanThough I have been trying desperately hard to get WINE to make my folding GPU windows client work, no luck though.22:17
Rocket2DMnwell, there are other pages like this on the wiki that show us interesting things about what's happening with the wiki22:18
starcraftmanhehe, I'm listed a lot on the recent changes one. :)22:18
Rocket2DMnThere are a couple more i believe, but i dont recall them off the top of my head22:18
Rocket2DMnAny questions?22:19
Rocket2DMnok then22:19
starcraftmannope, simple enough concept, already linked about 20 or so orphans I thought were worth saving.22:19
Rocket2DMnI'm not sure if you are already doing this, but it would be good if you all subscribed to pages that you did serious work on22:20
Rocket2DMnthen you can act as a maintainer of the page, and see what changes other people make later22:20
Silver_Fox_good idea22:20
starcraftmanYup, I do that for the ones I rewrite like my backup and the ISO pages.22:21
Silver_Fox_are only 3 people here?22:21
Rocket2DMnI also want to note that if you work on pages that are important, popular, or probably/might have experts in the subject, you should seek those people out if appropriate to ask for advice about a page, or to let them know that you are working on it22:21
dsasSilver_Fox_: no22:21
starcraftmanSilver_Fox_: Only 3 wiki fg members, yup, I think so. Rest are regular doc members.22:22
Rocket2DMnremember that this is a community effort and we are working with others to keep documentation up to date22:22
Rocket2DMnit is respectful and helpful to talk to others - you can always check to see who has contributed to pages by looking at the Page History22:22
starcraftmanRocket2DMn: Right, can always send a post to doc mail list to ask..22:23
Rocket2DMnif you have questions or concerns, you can always take them to the doc-team mailing list, or other lists if appropriate22:23
Rocket2DMnexactly starcraftman22:23
pleia2some pages also instruct you not to edit them, so it's good to read them thoroughly too22:23
Rocket2DMnyes, those are ones that should be taken to mailing lists.  there are only a handful of pages like that though, and are often ones linked from the main ubuntu site or are maintained by project owners22:24
pleia2yeah, I'm thinking council ones mostly (irc council's irc rules, loco council's loco team list)22:25
Rocket2DMnthose are mostly on wiki.ubuntu.com, which we don't typically deal with22:25
pleia2ah, ok22:25
Rocket2DMndoes anybody have any questions at all?  I am basically out of material.  I like to keep these meetings short22:26
starcraftmannot really, I usually ask ya a question in the bt channel when it comes to me.22:27
Silver_Fox_I don't have any questions22:27
Rocket2DMnokie dokie then.  Of course you can always ask questions later22:27
Rocket2DMnThanks for attending, meeting adjourned!22:28
starcraftmanno problem22:28
Silver_Fox_a pleasure22:28
Silver_Fox_now if only bt meetings were at this time :)22:28
Silver_Fox_it would be a lot easier for me and means i get to bed before 2am22:29
Silver_Fox_but yeah...22:29
SnovaWhere would I report an... odd, page?22:33
starcraftmanSnova: odd page?22:35
starcraftmanSnova: linky?22:35
SnovaI found it linked off of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Git22:35
starcraftmanSnova: I see what ya mean, originator posted the CoC signed, the next guy was trying to get help... either pranksters or very very lost people.22:37
Silver_Fox_hmm i suspect lost22:37
Silver_Fox_created back in may i see.  does not belong in wiki though22:38
starcraftmanSilver_Fox_: guess not, I'll mark it for deletion. Covering lp isn't in scope of the wiki.22:39

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