
=== uBOTu-fr is now known as Dave
=== Dave is now known as uBOTu-fr
bazhangA4Tech, hi01:06
bazhangTenebrus> whom can i talk with about #ubuntu-ru operators?01:06
bazhangI responded but he never answered me01:06
A4TechTenebrus is sh%t01:07
bazhangA4Tech, this was the guy ban-dodging like 10 times the other day?01:07
A4TechI never unban Tenebrus01:07
bazhangwell if he ever responds to me, I will chat with him.01:08
A4TechI do not know what he did today, but the last time he had enough problems, I delivered01:08
bazhangA4Tech, okay, just wanted to let you know I will chat with him ( Tenebrus ) if he ever responds here01:09
A4Techbazhang Give that he has no chance in the channel #ubuntu-ru01:09
nikohi there01:10
A4Techniko hi01:10
nikowhat's up ?01:11
bazhangniko, congrats on being made freenode staff :)01:11
nikothanks :)01:11
A4Techo, good01:11
bazhangniko, just discussing Tenebrus ' case (ban-dodging multiple times) from #ubuntu-ru01:11
nikoban reason is ?01:12
bazhanghe came here to discuss it, and has yet to respond to my multiple pings01:12
A4Techniko: Math, insults. Threats to Private01:12
A4TechMath == ... bad words01:13
nikohave you always issue with ban list length ?01:14
A4Techmmm... yes.01:15
nikodid you try use of akick list on cleanup ban list ?01:16
A4Techniko akick This in my opinion not convenient.01:17
nikowhy ?01:18
nikowe have the same issue on #ubuntu-fr for a long time01:18
nikoafter we use bot temp ban and akick list, all come fine01:18
A4TechIn Russia, these things we call - "spike"01:18
nikoah like mass attack ?01:19
nikoyou tell spike, it's like a big attack under your channel ?01:22
A4Techniko: http://www.armed.ru/images/IMPORT_med/kolaski/crutchwood.jpg (spike) This means a thing, or the possibility that partially solves the problem, but not her.01:25
nikoA4Tech: ok01:25
A4TechAnd this I do not like it, better let alone be it.01:26
nikoyou have only 60~ guy on your channel01:26
nikodo you really needs more than 50 ban ?01:27
A4Techyes, and ~80 needs ban01:27
A4Tech~10 Use proxy01:27
A4Techand etc01:27
A4TechForced to block the whole subnet01:28
nikoyou have +R01:28
A4TechAs practice showed, and it does not help01:28
nikoand +r ?01:29
A4TechI would not apply to you once again. If this is really not needed.01:29
A4Tech(04:29:37) mode for #ubuntu-ru: +stncR01:29
A4TechWhile these are all at your discretion, you'll want to know. I do not want to annoy you, too01:30
nikoi will stay a moment on u-ru01:31
nikojust to have an idea of your problem01:31
A4TechBut keep in mind, it is not every day, such a problem. But sometimes as a bulk - the horror.01:32
bazhangniko, you read Russian?01:32
A4TechWhat are those ~20 bots to send lyrics to channel and perepodklyuchalis proxy01:33
A4Tech(A bit of history)01:33
A4Techperepodklyuchalis == reconnect01:34
jussi01Remider Everyone! IRCC meeting in ~50mins in #ubuntu-meeting! | Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam/IrcCouncil/MeetingAgenda | Issues Wiki Page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam/IrcCouncil/IRCteamproposal07:12
nikojussi01: i just finish read log of -meeting, finaly no question about #ubuntu-es ?11:20
jussi01niko: nobody put anything on the agenda...11:21
niko2009/08/06 15:21:49 <*Pici> erUSUL: Okay. niko yes I think we should discuss it at the next IRCC meeting then.11:22
Priceyniko: What is this?11:23
nikoabout the u-es founder issue11:23
elkyniko, what is the loco council's stance on it?12:04
nikou-es is not affliated with the es loco i think12:05
nikobut you should wait for erUSUL to have a true answer12:05
jpdsIt isn't.12:21
DJonesPing popey Seeker` Daviey17:34
popeyDJones: wassup?17:34
DJonespopey: Possible ban evader in -uk username xsdfgh17:35
DJonesthe ip address looks very similar to one on the bans list, wondered if it was the samual-afk etc renamed17:36
jMylesIs this a channel about ubuntu-irc?  Or the channel strictly to report issues?  Or is that #ubuntu-ops?17:36
popeyit is/was17:36
DJonesthought it looked suspicious17:37
DJonesjMyles: Its more for discussing channel issues/problems for the loco teams17:37
popeybasically all non-core channels17:38
jMylesIs there a different place where Ubuntu's IRC presence is discussed / brainstormed?17:38
jpdsjMyles: Not that I know of, except for maybe the ubuntu-irc mailing list.19:16
jMylesjpds: Thanks.  I've been meaning to join that anyway.19:17
=== tenach1 is now known as tenach

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