
spOis some special action needed if i installed a 2.6.30 kernel on a 2.6.28 system ?00:54
dtchenno, why?00:55
spOmy system is not loading00:56
spOi guess it is because of my video card driver then00:56
spOie, it is not installed correctly00:56
spOis there a way to go into console rather than desktop mode     at booting time?00:57
dtchenit should fall back to that automagically.00:57
dtchenif it doesn't, choose the rescue option in the boot loader01:01
spOi am using my old kernel now01:04
spOi installed a new kernel 2.6.30  over a 2.6.28 system01:04
spObut it doesn't boot right01:04
spOif i use a custom kernel01:13
spOthat means my ati drivers will not work, right01:13
spObut how can i compile new ati drivers unless i run the kernel01:14
spOand how can i use the kernel if ati drivers dont work01:14
dtchenit means you likely need to recompile them, assuming you're using the dkmsized ones01:14
dtchenmake sure you have kernel headers for your new 2.6.30 installed, too01:14
dtchenanyhow, this discussion isn't kernel development-related. i'm happy to help you in another channel or private message.01:15
spOwhat channel talks about custom kernel?01:38
spO#ubuntu has people who never made a custom kernel mostly01:38
dtchenas in user-created custom kernels? none, really. some people will help in #ubuntu or #ubuntu+101:39
spOthe problem with my new kernel happens when i it tries to mount my disk drive,    the whole disk by uuid does not work well or i didn't configure something01:40
spOi will try to compile a new kernel01:40
spOwhat are headers exaclty>?01:52
spOwhat did you mean when you said  dkmsized  ?01:59
spOis there a list of information about each kernel option in detail?02:11
spOso i tried to run a kernel that does not have journal file system  support, but i guess ubuntu doesn't like that , ie it won't run.... Why does ubuntu use journal file system anyways??    I don't want to create a journal nor do i need a whole file system to do that.04:21
spO JFS was not made for being a OS fs , why is it being used for that now... people cannot create something that is more effective or efficent?05:10
spOIf i make a custom kernel, such as kernel 2.6.30-4   , how do i install ATI drivers for that kernel? they are not working right for me08:58
=== sulleymansford is now known as dashua
bjsnideri thought ben collins headed the kernel team, but on the wiki page it says someone else does19:39
ScottKbjsnider: He did, but pgraner does now.  No idea why.20:12

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