
doctormoBuuntu: Volunteers can only do so much and most of the people here already bare responsibilities with other groups. We've been trying to build structure and people slowly so we can grow.00:57
doctormoBuuntu: Would you like to help get the desktop course put together?00:57
Buuntui'm not even on the team yet00:58
Buuntui'm just eager to learn :)00:58
Buuntudoctormo: and what are the server courses?00:58
Buuntudoctormo: could i see some?  they might be useful to me00:59
doctormoBuuntu: Contributors need not be blessed or onointed, We're a pretty open group and if you want to learn you first have to decide which.00:59
Buuntudoctormo: which what?  group?00:59
doctormopleia2: btw the full desktop plan is here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning/UbuntuDesktopTopics00:59
Buuntudoctormo: could i see the link to the server courses?01:01
Buuntudoctormo: or are they not ready?01:01
Buuntudoctormo: i could probably use some of that info.01:01
doctormoBuuntu: Sure, I've made 4 out of 10 of the classes so far.01:03
Buuntudoctormo: cool, are there any like advanced/intermediate level?01:04
Buuntuor are all of them mostly beginner01:04
doctormohttp://doctormo.wordpress.com/2009/07/15/ubuntu-system-admin-class-command-line-basics/ http://doctormo.wordpress.com/2009/07/22/ubuntu-system-admin-class-local-computer/ http://doctormo.wordpress.com/2009/07/27/systems-administration-networking/ http://doctormo.wordpress.com/2009/08/06/systems-administration-package-management/01:04
doctormoBuuntu: So far, the first three are background material, but I don't skimp on details, so I push my student pretty hard with learning everything.01:05
Buuntuare they only supposed to be one page?01:07
doctormoBuuntu: No, their each an entire teaching resource.01:08
Buuntudoctormo: ah so they're for teaching, not learning?01:08
doctormoBuuntu: Well, technially they're for both. But providing resource for teachers is what each of those pages do, you _can_ learn from them too by following along the overview and then moving onto the practical.01:10
doctormohttp://doctormo.wordpress.com/2009/07/07/ubuntu-loco-systems-admin-lessons-in-massachusetts/ <- I decided to add all the links to one page01:11
pleia2oh yeah, our meeting is in ~3 hours21:50
Vantraxhi all23:23

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