
=== asac_ is now known as asac
ftadtchen, my sound is slightly jerkier while playing a movie now (was fine before). and a lot jerky in openarena, like 1/2 sec of sound, 1/2 sec of silence, that's painful for the brain :P01:21
dtchentry appending the following to /etc/security/limits.conf:01:22
dtchen@audio           -       rtprio          9901:22
dtchen@audio           -       nice            -1901:22
dtchen@audio           -       memlock         unlimited01:22
dtchenthen, killall pulseaudio and let it autospawn01:23
dtchenthat mimics what rtkit will do01:24
dtchen(however, rtkit is blocked on some linux patches that aren't in karmic's linux)01:24
ftadtchen, slightly better, but not much01:39
dtchenfta: does disabling glitch-free help?01:40
ftadtchen, where is that?01:40
dtchenyou'll have to modify /etc/pulse/default.pa01:40
dtchenugh, i need to patch this messy conffile01:42
dtchenanyhow, comment out the udev stuff01:42
dtchenyou'll want module-alsa-sink tsched=001:43
ftaok, retrying01:44
dtchenback in a few hours01:49
ftait seems better but it's difficult to say, all the players are gone01:57
ftawell, no. mplayer has no more sound02:01
ftaAO: [pulse] Init failed: Connection refused02:01
ftaFailed to initialize audio driver 'pulse'02:01
ftaCould not open/initialize audio device -> no sound.02:01
ftaAudio: no sound02:01
=== ripps_ is now known as ripps
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
sladenmicahg: righto11:02
micahgI was wondering if you discussing duping of the metasearch bugs with asac11:02
sladenmicahg: nope, I combined the "lack of trust" bugs, because AFAICT the only realistic outcome that would solve the "lack of trust" is revision of the statistics gathering code11:03
micahgwhat about the others?  generally, we try to keep 1 issue per bug11:04
sladenmicahg: The "lack of trust" bug can be closed one of three ways  (a) Invalid  (b) Won't Fix  (c) Fix Released---all of which would be untrue11:04
micahgalthough having a separate "lack of trust" bug was more of let's have a rant bug vs a feature bug11:05
sladenmicahg: because it's clearly not invalid (it has happened),  it's rude to say soething can't be fixed, and it is a lie to say that (something that has already happened, in the past) is undoable/fixable11:06
micahgok, but you merged in the language funcationality as well + the cache links11:06
sladenmicahg: the rest of the bug all related (AFAICT) to reduced functionality on the CSE results page11:06
sladenmicahg: the only way to restore that functionality is to not use CSE11:07
micahgyes, but asac wanted one bug per issue so that they can all be fixed11:07
micahgcan't CSE be enhanced?11:07
sladenmicahg: think about who is inserting the cache links11:07
micahgso, can't we pull the same links from google when we pull the results?11:08
sladenso it is not soething that "we" can fix in an enhanced CSE teplate11:08
sladenmicahg: you could have a   cse.ubuntu.com  hosted on ubuntu's servers that wget'ed the real result, added some adverts and returned that page11:08
micahgwell, I can't argue as I don't know, but I think you should check with asac as to how the bugs should be duped, I'm just going based on what he told me when this mess started11:09
micahgthat's all, I can't say right or wrong11:09
sladenmicahg: however (a) that violates Google's T&C (IIRC)  (b) it then has avoided passing the partner-ID (which defaults the whole point of the exercise)11:10
micahgI hear ya11:10
micahgI'm still shocked at the backlash for an alpha release11:11
sladenmicahg: I have written to the Technical Board, requesting that they find a way of passing the partner ID through the User Agent, or another parameter (as Mozilla Corp do) such that CSE is not used as  poor-man's and technically inferior method merely to attempt to gain revenue-share/statistics11:12
sladenmicahg: not really, I say it go past when it was first filed and throught ("...that might blow up")11:12
micahgIt was more than just revenue though11:13
sladenmicahg: attepting to gather statistics whilst breaking functionality such that people have to adapt and change their behaviour is self-defeating---we have a model for how to do such data collection *right* and it's called popcon11:14
micahgok, well, I just triage bugs...11:15
sladenmicahg: the data-set that is being collective will be useless, if little more than identicative because everyone is going to end up doing a search twice, or changing their front page, or disabling it11:15
* micahg is not the one to have this discussion with11:15
sladenmicahg: sorry, should have prefixed that with (IMHO)11:15
sladenmicahg: if there were any bugs that weren't only-solvable-by-reversion, I will have left those as separate11:17
sladenit's a pity this didn't break 24 hours earlier when they were all still at the sprint11:17
micahgwhat didn't break?11:18
micahgthe lwn article?11:18
sladens/break/the story hitting the frontpages/11:18
micahgok, it's after 5AM11:19
micahgI must get some sleep11:19
sladenmicahg: sleep well!11:19
micahgthanks and nice to meet you11:19
micahgand if you want to discuss specifics, you can chat with asac Mon morning European time11:20
BUGabundobom dia12:24
BUGabundoasac: YOU BROKE NM12:30
BUGabundonow more 3G for me with ppa trunk12:30
BUGabundonetwork-manager:  Installed: 0.8~a~git.20090804t185522.4bab334-0ubuntu112:31
BUGabundomodemmanager:  Installed: 0.2.git.20090806t105932.354a4cb-0ubuntu212:31
asachmmm ... multisearch got on slashdot ;) http://yro.slashdot.org/story/09/08/07/1521208/Ubuntus-New-Firefox-Is-Watching-You14:09
asacok i will be back in 4 hours ... getting some rest too now14:20
asacfta: thx for the default transition ... just got asked for migrating my profile ;)14:35
asacok now out14:35
BUGabundohey asac14:40
BUGabundomissed him14:40
BUGabundodon't lauh15:11
BUGabundoyou chromium is having trouble restarting15:11
BUGabundoI just lost an entire session15:11
ftafile a bug15:12
BUGabundosure it works for me too15:13
BUGabundobut at least once it failed , closed on it self after start up15:13
asacok back for a bit15:34
asacthen dinner ;)15:34
BUGabundodinner already asac?15:35
BUGabundoits like 3pm15:35
asacfta: seems jamie updated ia32libs ... and with the nspluginwrapper system lib flash seems to work15:35
asacBUGabundo: well i had no lunch and breakfast ;)15:35
asaci am down to one meal a day now15:35
asacfta: we just need to drop atk-bridge15:35
asacfta: if you wanted to add more stuff, try again15:35
asacits odd. i had the same fix on your ia32libs and that didnt work.15:36
ftai'll have a look15:36
ftawhat did he do?? just run the update script?15:36
asacit was just broken similar to before15:37
asac* SECURITY UPDATE: Refresh packages which pulls in recent NSS fixes15:37
asaci would think he ran that script15:37
asacfta: he says he run update script. so it was really me messing up my system libs approach i guess15:50
asacfor nspluginwrapper15:50
asac[jdstrand_(jamie@canonical-cloaked-98845F8F.austtx.dsl-w.verizon.net)] with ia32-libs-- yes. checked that the sources file in  the script was right, ran the update, built it, tested it15:51
ftawell, nspluginwrapper was broken for me too15:52
asacok out now ... taking a walk in the heat and getting lunch/dinner15:52
asacfta: yes.15:52
asacfta: but i had the system libs fix15:52
asacits even committed what i had before15:52
asacbut not uploaded15:52
asacas it didnt work for me15:52
ftai don't understand then15:52
asactoday i redid it15:52
asacthats why i say that apparently the nspluginwrapper system lib fix i previously made must have have a bug15:53
asacso what we should do now is add the plugins link and remove atk-bridge from the ia32-libs15:53
asacerr gtk-20 plugins link i mean15:54
asacok bbi an hour15:55
cwilluis it just me, or has firefox gotten dramatically slower with very large numbers of tabs open in the last couple releases?16:35
BUGabundocwillu: not that I know, but I have some script killing gmail and some input forms16:42
BUGabundocan't seem to find what it is. though it was a addon but even with all disable it happens16:42
cwillureally, setinterval and settimeout need to die and be replaced by something that doesn't allow a activity while the tab isn't displayed.  And comet needs to be nerfed in a similar fashion16:46
asacBUGabundo: we have NM trunk now in archive16:56
BUGabundoasac: ok16:56
asacso no need to run ppa for now16:56
BUGabundo *** 0.8~a~git.20090804t185522.4bab334-0ubuntu1 016:56
BUGabundo     0.8~a~git.20090804t185522.4bab334-0ubuntu1~nmt1 016:56
BUGabundoits using archive16:56
BUGabundo *** 0.2.git.20090806t105932.354a4cb-0ubuntu2 016:57
BUGabundo     0.2.git.20090806t105932.354a4cb-0ubuntu1~mm1 016:57
BUGabundoMM too16:57
asacBUGabundo: downgrading modemmanager version to previous works?16:57
BUGabundobut it broke 3G16:57
BUGabundocan't connect16:57
BUGabundono idea16:57
BUGabundolet me try16:57
asacyeah check whether its NM or mm update that broke it16:57
ftachromium-browser_3.0.198.0~svn20090809r22886.orig.tar.gz  (146 bytes)16:59
ftaquantum compression ;)17:00
ftasvn: Server sent unexpected return value (502 Bad Gateway) in response to OPTIONS request for 'http://src.chromium.org/svn/trunk/src'17:01
asachmm ... transparent proxy`17:01
asacor just broken17:01
BUGabundodpkg: warning: downgrading modemmanager from 0.2.git.20090806t105932.354a4cb-0ubuntu2 to 0.2.git.20090806t105932.354a4cb-0ubuntu1~mm1.17:02
asactthe last version was far before17:03
asaccheck for superseded builds in ppa17:03
asac20090806 -> same as in archive17:03
BUGabundohey you broke skype ?17:03
BUGabundo$ skype17:03
BUGabundoALSA lib ../../src/conf.c:2700:(snd_config_hooks_call) Cannot open shared library libasound_module_conf_pulse.so17:03
BUGabundoALSA lib ../../../src/control/control.c:909:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL hw:017:03
BUGabundoAborted (core dumped)17:03
ftaasac, it's one of the european cache17:04
asacBUGabundo: try to downgrade ia32-libs please17:04
BUGabundoone thing at a time17:05
BUGabundonow MM17:05
BUGabundochecking my cache for old packages17:05
asacBUGabundo: go to ppa ... select superseded (or obsolete not sure) builds and you can grab the .deb17:08
BUGabundogot to use PPA17:12
BUGabundocache only has the two last deb s:(17:12
ftaasac, so, ff 3.5, good enough to go to karmic?17:26
asacfta: havent verified it yet in depth17:30
asacjust noticed that it got migrated ;)17:30
asacfta: did you check what happens with the firefox link if we upgrade/reinstall ffox 3.0 ?17:33
ftahm, no17:33
asacfta: why do you replace firefox-3.0-branding?17:33
asachmm ok the .desktop file17:34
fta[Fri 07 19:50] <fta>  trying to overwrite `/usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop', which is also in package firefox-3.0-branding17:34
asachmm. thats a problem for daily/backports17:34
asacas it will just replace the 3.0 one and we cannot rename it in 3.0 to -3.017:35
asacfta: firefox-3.0 ships /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop17:35
asacin karmic we can rename it to firefox-3.5 ... thats okj17:36
mac_vasac: if firefox-3.5 replaces firefox , will version3.0 exist or be removed?17:38
asacin the end it will be removed. but it shouldnt be necessarily be required17:38
asacespecially since we want to use the same packaging if possible in backports17:38
asaclike in our dailies: we just build .head17:38
mac_vasac: apport bugs dont go through... :( sometimes even when firefox3.5 is open17:39
asacyeah. i will add the band-aid soon17:39
mac_vi temporarily make v3.0 the default and send the bugs17:39
asacmac_v: it should always work if its open17:39
asaci haven never seen the X bug at least17:39
asac!info telepathy-butterfly17:40
ubottutelepathy-butterfly (source: telepathy-butterfly): MSN connection manager for telepathy. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.0-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 20 kB, installed size 228 kB17:40
mac_vasac:  does work sometimes , but several times it doesnt17:40
asacfeels odd17:41
asacbut opening links always works ... e.g. from terminal with right click`17:41
asac(if already open that is)17:41
mac_vyeah... all those work, with no problem , only apport has problems17:41
mac_vasac: Bug #403581 , is partly fixed , when can we expect the button to be fixed?17:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 403581 in ubufox "restart required notification and button not shown in ffox 3.5" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40358117:44
asacmac_v: its not fixed at all. the restart required notification would be in firefox and always would have a restart button17:44
asaci hink you confuses it with the old update-notifier notification you get in tray17:45
asacwhich is only there because of kde folks that dont have ubufox17:45
mac_vasac: nope... fta fixed it17:45
mac_vi got the prompt this time17:45
asacfta uploaded ubufox? feels unlikely given that he doesnt use it ;)17:46
mac_vnot ubufox , firefox17:46
asacmac_v: the notification the bug is about has nothing to do with firefox17:46
ftai don't touch ubufox at all, i'm not even using it17:46
asacmac_v: where did you see the notification. how did it look like?17:46
asacwas it a notificaiton in the system tray?17:47
asacand a dialog that told you to restart?17:47
ftai fixed the update-notifier thing17:47
asacthats not a bug17:47
asacerr it is ;)17:47
asacbut not the bug from above ;)17:47
mac_vasac: my bug got unnecessarily marked as a dup of yours then!17:47
asacfta: you think we can make the notification not display if ubufox is installed?17:48
asacthough to be proper it should only not happen if all users havent disabled it ;)17:48
asacactually all user profiles currently active17:48
ftaasac, tough, in my case, it's installed, but disabled17:48
ftai can't remove it because of ubuntu-desktop (iirc)17:48
asacyeah. but do you care about that notification?17:48
mac_vasac: your bug is about the tray notification?17:48
asacmac_v: read what i wrote ;)=17:49
asacits about ubufox notification that gets displayed in firefox itself17:49
asacand has a restart button17:49
ftaasac, it's not that i care about it, it was there but broken. i fixed it. if it's no longer useful, it should be removed but that's another topic17:50
mac_voh... i never used ubufox.. i'm not even sure how that notification looks :(17:50
asacfta: sure. just aking you if you think its ok to be removed17:50
asacmac_v: then you cannot have a restart button17:50
asace.g. your bug is fixed17:50
ftaasac, ihmo, it's useful for the dailies, as you end-up with broken menus, xul/xml errors, and other bad things if you don't restart17:51
cwillusilly question:  what does ubufox actually provide?17:52
asacwell. its useful for all ... problem is that its usually far to late to properly restart if you see it17:52
asacwhich is why we do the ubufox restart17:52
mac_vasac:  i'm confused... the update notifier did display a dialogue after update ,17:52
mac_vbut with only an OK button!17:52
asaccwillu: ubuntu integration stuff:17:52
asac1. restart notification with button to restart firefox if you upgrade firefox17:52
asac2. ubuntu plugin finder database with all plugins available in ubuntu properly integrated17:52
asac3. plugin alternative selector that allows you to switch plugins if you have more than one installed for a mime-type ..17:53
asac4. plugin alternative selector also allows you to search for more plugins even if you already have one installed17:53
cwilluah, k17:53
asac5. extension integration -> a link in addons -> get extensions that opens a special ubuntu app-install window with all (or almost all) extensions in teh archive17:54
asacubuntu homepage by default17:54
asacis 617:54
asac7. also the report a bug and translation menu as well as release notes menu entry is hosted there17:54
asaci think thats the main features ... could have missed one or another17:55
asac1. is certainly most important because otherwise upgrades bust your running firefox instances with you thinking firefox is broken17:56
mac_vasac: i thought firefox does that on its own,17:57
cwillumac_v, unless you mean firefox's internal updater, which we don't use afaik17:58
asacwhich we cannot use17:58
asaci would love to integrate that with our packing system17:58
asacbut would require policykit integration and some work17:58
asacalso its non-trivial if you think about linux as a multi user system where the admin upgrades the packages17:58
asacand you have multiple versions running for lots of userse17:58
asacthink about it17:58
asace.g. their updater is only working for single users installs17:59
asacwhat you basically would need is that apt calls all firefox instances _before_ the upgrade ... and then firefox locks all UI that wasnt open yet18:00
asacuntil you restart18:00
asaconce apt gets feedback that all UIs are locked you would continue with unpack etc.18:00
mac_vasac: why not run the updates after firefox closes?18:00
asacmac_v: think about it. you run apt-get dist-upgrade ... you cannot wait till all firefox instances are closed18:00
asac1st. users wont understand that18:00
asac2nd. if you have multi users systems admin would need to killall firefox18:01
asacin order to install security issues18:01
cwillukillall is scary18:01
asacwe really put a lot of thoughts into this one.18:01
mac_vasac: just an idea > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Ayatana/UpdateIssues#Firefox%20Updates: , is this feasible?18:01
asacso ubufox solution is best available for now18:01
micahgah, so should I undup mac_v's bug?18:01
asaceverything else would require serious upstream codes18:01
micahgand leave a feature request for the tray?18:01
asacmicahg: yes. his bug is fixed18:02
asacmicahg: but soon we will remove that feature completely18:02
mac_vmicahg: mine is *not* for the tray..18:02
micahgit's for inside FF18:02
micahgthen it's fixed like asac said :)18:02
asacmicahg: the ubufox is the one inside firefox18:02
mac_vmaybe it is a dup... i'm confused ... i have too many extensions everythins behaves different!18:03
asac(my bug)18:03
asacthe tray notification never had a feature for restart18:03
micahgasac: I just subscribe to ubufox bugs18:03
asacit wasnt displayed until fta fixed it18:03
asac(not in the archive yet)18:03
micahgI noticed one about flashblock that could be causing most of the issues with flash18:03
asacmicahg: the flashblock bug is just that ubufox plugin finder alternative stays disabled if flashblock is used18:03
asacshouldnt hurt anyone18:04
micahgyes, but then if you have 2 flash plugins, flash borks18:04
asacjust no plugin finder for that ;)18:04
asacmicahg: yeah ... that could cause confusion. but in fact i think we should change the icon color18:04
asacso people actually see it18:04
asaci made a quick survey during sprint and most folks there didnt know the switcher existed18:04
Nafallowhat switcher?18:05
asacsince the icon is displayed when you are on a side with content i am sure that the switcher is just never seen ;)18:05
mac_vasac: about the wiki idea , is it not feasible even with upstream work ?18:05
asacNafallo: go to a video.google.com thing18:05
Nafalloasac: no. stop it. it was a troll :-)18:05
asacNafallo: with flashblock disabled and see the plugin icon at the lower right button in status bar18:05
asacNafallo: haha18:05
NafalloI use it extensively :-)18:06
asacmac_v: even not with upstream work. upgrades must not hold because user does not confirm a dialog18:06
asacmac_v: requirement is that users are safe even without running update on their own18:06
asacand upgrades not run by the user itself must never wait for a user18:06
mac_voh... ok...18:06
asacmac_v: one could make the dialog display and count down for 10 seconds. but that wouldnt help users that dont look at the screen at that point etc.,18:07
micahgasac: I'm thinking bug 402796 might be an ubufox flashblock conflict18:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 402796 in firefox-3.0 "flash player not installing, utube and other video not playing" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40279618:07
micahgmac_v: if people are on slower connections, they might start and upgrade and go get lunch18:08
asacreally. we thought quite a lot of it and the behaviour i described hopefully will get implemented at some point ;)18:08
mac_vmy suggestion was because upgrades installing while FF was running just borks FF18:08
asacbut it requires a good amount of coding ... i hope karmic+1 can fix this issue for real :)18:09
mac_vwell something better needs to be done though18:09
cwilluif people aren't slaves to their computers, if you're lucky they might start the upgrade and do something else.  Odds are they'll just do something else and skip that annoying "start the upgrade" bit :p18:09
mac_vbtw , why is everyone on Bug #402767  out for your blood specifically? AFAIK its not your decision alone18:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 402767 in firefox-3.5 "multisearch CSE breaks l18n+setfocus+images+cached+I'm feeling lucky functionality and "violates user trust"" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40276718:09
asacmac_v: people just rant. most people ranting most loud i am sure are not even running karmic yet18:10
micahgoh asac, I wanted to ask you about the dups for that bug18:10
micahgdid you want the cache links and i18n issues separate18:11
asaci didnt want anything to get duped together18:11
micahgthought so...18:11
asacso those bugs dont get a huge amount of CCs18:11
micahgI'll fix18:11
asacbut now its lost i think18:11
mac_vhehe... i was just surprised it existed ,realized that it was there and just disabled it... i dont get the big fuss at all18:11
micahgnah, it was 1 guy18:11
asacmicahg: its too late. all the dupes already brought the subscribers18:11
asacso keep them18:11
asacyeah. i think that had to come. so not a big deal18:11
asacas long as we didnt do it, there is not much we can do :)18:11
asacnow they can talk to death there18:11
micahgcan we get back to other bugs now?18:12
asaci will close it when we start to address things18:12
asacand if people are unhappy that their aspect isnt fixed they need to open a new bug18:12
asacthats how it is ;)18:12
micahgdo you think bug 402796 can be a flashblock -> ubufox conflict?18:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 402796 in firefox-3.0 "flash player not installing, utube and other video not playing" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40279618:12
asacmicahg: what is the problem? i see he has all plugins installed18:13
asacand uses seamonkey?18:13
asacfor seamonkey he has to use the mozilla-flashplugin alternative18:13
asacthere is no ubufox18:13
micahgI think he was just trying to get something that works18:14
micahgoriginal report was firefox18:14
asacwhat has that thing todo with it?18:14
asacmaybe its the gnash automatic codec dialog18:14
asacfeels like a gst bug18:14
micahggnash isn't installed, swfdec-mozilla is18:14
asacplease subscribe mvo18:14
asacand point him to the screenshot18:14
micahgshould I just commnet in the bug or tell him on irc?18:15
asacmaybe swfdec mozilla triggers that codec auto install thing now too18:16
asaci think its a datapackage that probably doesnt point to the right gst code version18:17
asaclike app-install-data maybe18:17
asaclet me check18:17
micahgfor fear of returning to the forgotton subject: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugReportersStrike18:17
asaci dont see anyone having signed that18:19
asaci dont think its ok to create such a page on behalf of other community members18:19
asacwe should rename it to Vincenzo CianciasStrike18:19
micahgSHould I do it?18:20
micahgwho's in charge of the wiki?18:20
asaconly if you want. i cannot change it because they will claim me acting against free speech or something18:20
micahgwell, let's let the wiki owner do it18:21
micahgwho would that be?18:21
asacgood question18:21
asacnoone owns the wiki afaik18:21
asacits completely community driven18:21
asacwell. admins like in server admins technically own it, but not political. not sure if there is18:21
asaca ubuntu team that officially owns it18:22
asacmost likeyl ubuntu-doc18:22
asacbut i think anyone can do that18:22
asacone could also send him a mail and ask him to do that ;)18:22
fta$ xpath -q -e '//RDF:Description[@RDF:about="urn:mozilla:item:ubufox@ubuntu.com"]/@NS1:userDisabled'  ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/extensions.rdf18:23
fta NS1:userDisabled="true"18:23
ftahm, doesn't work on my other boxes.18:23
asacfta: that could work. but we also should check if the profile has a lock file18:23
asace.g. that means that its running18:23
ftaand it's tough to locate the right profile18:23
asacfta: rdf has two variants18:24
ftamigrated or not, etc..18:24
asaccheckout the expressions i have in xpi.mk18:24
asacfta: maybe there is the current version somewhere in the profile?18:24
asacfta: otherwise i guess itw ould be ok to show it regardless of what version is running18:24
asacfta: for the variants: simply speaking in rdf you can have attributes or subelements18:25
asacso it could be18:25
asac<RDF:Description RDF:about="...">18:25
asacor <RDF:Description>18:25
asac  <RDF:about>18:25
asacsame for the user Disabled18:25
asacalso xpath sucks at namespaces18:25
micahgasac: what do you think of comments 10-13 in bug 33878518:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 338785 in firefox-3.0 "[MASTER] Update to Firefox causes errors" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33878518:26
asaci would hope @about should work regardless of the namespace18:26
ftaDisplayIf is a one line shell command :P18:26
asacfta: yes ;)18:26
asacfta: we need a helper i guess :)18:26
ftai guess it means a wrapper18:26
asacand do a if [... ] ...18:26
asacor the helper would need to be shipped in update-notifier18:27
asacwhich would be ok i guess18:27
asacforget it18:27
asacstupid thought ;)18:27
asaci thought it was needed during pre... stuff18:27
micahgasac: ^^^ re bug18:33
asacmicahg: yes. thats because they didnt restart18:34
micahgbut he said he restarted with no effect18:34
asacmicahg: he said rebooting helped18:34
micahgcould that just be all the processes didn't end?18:34
asacmicahg: ususally users dont know that they didnt restart18:34
micahgthat's what I thought18:34
asacthey close it using the windo w borders18:34
micahgjust wanted to make sure it wasn't a new bug18:34
asacand firefox window goes away18:34
asacbut firefox process still running18:35
asacthats one main symptom of this painful issue18:35
micahgshould I reply?18:35
asacso i always ask when such a bug happens: "relogin to X"18:35
asacthis means: -> not restarted18:35
asacyou cannot help all18:36
asacyou could confirm that he is seeing this issue and that its known if you want18:36
asacmicahg: i added workaround information now18:38
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
asacalso updated upstream bug18:45
asacmozilla bug 42702818:45
ubottuMozilla bug 427028 in Application Update "firefox lacks hooks to properly upgrade through packging system (Was: After upgrade in ubuntu address bar sometimes triggers "ASSERT: *** Search: _installLocation: engine has no file!" instead of loading URL)" [Major,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=42702818:45
micahghave you seen bug 39770718:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 397707 in alien "Please sync alien 8.78 (main) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39770718:47
micahgbug 39790718:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 397907 in firefox-3.5 "Something wrong with the security function in Shiretoko (Firefox 3.5). (dup-of: 404827)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39790718:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 404827 in firefox-3.5 "Firefox doesn't warn about Attack Sites!?" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40482718:47
micahgis there a special section of bmo for web page issues?18:48
mac_vasac: micahg hehe... > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugReportersStrike18:50
micahgmac_v: I posted it an hour ago here and it's not really funny, sad, that's what it is18:50
mac_vi dont get it why he's sooooo pissed off!18:51
micahgoh, asac, where do translation requests go?18:54
micahgbug 33932618:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 339326 in firefox-3.0 "some parts of Firefox are not localized" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33932618:54
BUGabundoI'm lost18:55
BUGabundoasac: where do I find the superseed packages of MM?18:55
asacmicahg: thats an upstream bug18:55
asacmicahg: the dialogs do not honour system LANG unfortunately18:55
micahgok, upstream produces the language packs and we import them?18:56
asacmicahg: its not an u0pstream language pack bug18:56
micahgoh, it's just an upstream bug18:56
asacits a upstream bug that those dialogs are not translated if your use matchOS preference18:56
asaclike we do18:56
asacupstream builds only work for the "language" builds18:57
asacbut not if you install xpi and export LANG=lang18:57
asacmicahg: there is one ... search for matchOS18:57
BUGabundoasac: where do I find the superseed packages of MM?18:57
asacthere should be a bug upstream already18:57
asacBUGabundo: there is a drop down choice thing ... that says "current"18:57
micahgok, in general though, what do I do with translation requests?18:57
asacmicahg: if its about new translations from upstream that we dont have yet, assign to langpack-o-matic18:58
asacthats a project though18:58
asacmicahg: so better add a lgnpack-o-matic task18:58
micahgasac: mozilla bug 331779?18:59
ubottuMozilla bug 331779 in Internationalization "Please enable intl.locale.matchOS by default" [Enhancement,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=33177918:59
asacmicahg: if its a general translation bug for translations imported from rosetta, i am not sure.18:59
asacmicahg: that probably touches the bug18:59
asacbut isnt the bug itswewlf18:59
asacmicahg: there should be others18:59
asacmozilla bug 20303519:00
ubottuMozilla bug 203035 in pt-BR / Brazilian "Using translation XPI cause some problems (Keys, functionality...)" [Critical,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20303519:00
asacseems its not the same19:00
micahgthe one I found was accepted19:01
asacthats a general bug19:01
asacwhich probably got denied landing because of the bug we talk about19:02
micahgThis is all I saw by searching for matchOS https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?query_format=specific&order=relevance+desc&bug_status=__open__&content=matchOS19:02
asacyes. so it probably doesnt have that in summary ;)19:02
asacor there is no bug19:02
asaclet me check if we can use that one for our bug19:02
asacmicahg: i think its ok to link the bugs19:04
asacmaybe searching for "system locale" gives better buts19:05
BUGabundoI'm blind. I don't see it asac19:06
asacmozilla bug 50361119:06
ubottuMozilla bug 503611 in General "Allow run-time locale switching (to the system locale)" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=50361119:06
asacBUGabundo: Package name contains:19:06
asacsearch for that19:06
asacthere is published19:06
asac(last is 32-bit)19:07
asacmozilla bug 50361119:08
ubottuMozilla bug 503611 in General "Allow run-time locale switching (to the system locale)" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=50361119:08
asacmozilla bug 9779119:08
ubottuMozilla bug 97791 in General "[deployment]Use system/desktop locale as default for langpack selection" [Normal,Resolved: duplicate] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9779119:08
asacok thats mozilla  Bug 4407019:08
asacand its fixed19:08
ubottuMozilla bug 44070 in Internationalization "[deployment]Match browser's default locale/region to OS's default" [Major,Verified: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4407019:08
asacseems thats the one that brought us matchOS19:09
asacmicahg: so i think mozilla bug 503611 is the right one19:09
ubottuMozilla bug 503611 in General "Allow run-time locale switching (to the system locale)" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=50361119:09
asacwhich is fennec19:09
asacdarn ;)19:09
BUGabundoasac: dpkg: warning: downgrading modemmanager from 0.2.git.20090806t105932.354a4cb-0ubuntu1~mm1 to 0.2.git6.869c69e22-0ubuntu~mm1~jaunty.19:09
* BUGabundo wonders if fennec runs on Android19:09
BUGabundoasac: jaunty????19:10
BUGabundoI'm KARMIC19:10
asacBUGabundo: https://edge.launchpad.net/~network-manager/+archive/trunk?field.name_filter=modem&field.status_filter=superseded&field.series_filter=karmic19:12
asaci think the jaunty one should work on karmic too ;)19:12
BUGabundodokg did not complain19:13
BUGabundoasac:        modemmanager_0.2.git.20090805t170359.2d194a5-0ubuntu1~mm1_amd64.deb          (159.7 KiB)19:14
BUGabundothis one?19:14
asacBUGabundo: please read what i wrote19:14
asac20:12 < asac> 0.2.git6.869c69e22-0ubuntu~mm119:15
* BUGabundo mentalnote: over sleeping is bad19:15
BUGabundowill test latter19:17
BUGabundoasac: yesterday I slep 4h19:17
BUGabundotonigh I did 11h19:17
BUGabundomy brain is all mess up19:17
BUGabundoI blame the android19:17
asac"At Wednesday’s Delivery Meeting we talked about how the mozilla-1.9.2 branch would likely be cut early next week, and how we could help users running older, insecure versions of Adobe Flash update themselves to the latest version."19:23
asacfta: ^^ ;)19:23
asaci think i already talked about that a few days ago19:23
asacmozilla  Bug 50612519:27
asacmozilla Bug 50612519:27
ubottuMozilla bug 506125 in JavaScript Engine "Experiment with memory-pressure-based GC scheduler" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=50612519:27
BUGabundo$ chromium-browser19:28
BUGabundo/usr/lib/gio/modules/libgioremote-volume-monitor.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS6419:28
BUGabundoFailed to load module: /usr/lib/gio/modules/libgioremote-volume-monitor.so19:28
BUGabundo/usr/lib/gio/modules/libgiogconf.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS6419:28
BUGabundoFailed to load module: /usr/lib/gio/modules/libgiogconf.so19:28
BUGabundo/usr/lib/gio/modules/libgvfsdbus.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS6419:28
BUGabundoFailed to load module: /usr/lib/gio/modules/libgvfsdbus.so19:28
BUGabundoSegmentation fault (core dumped)19:28
BUGabundofta ^^^^^^19:28
BUGabundoseems I'm toooooo fast for chromium19:28
BUGabundoit can't take some one who opens 10 tabs <1s19:29
asacthose shouldnt be a problem for chromium iself19:29
asacBUGabundo: try disabling plugins19:29
* BUGabundo goes to BTS19:29
BUGabundowhat plugins?19:29
BUGabundoi never enabled any on chromium19:29
BUGabundounless it now also does stuff on it own19:29
asacBUGabundo: /etc/chromium-browser/default ?19:29
asacnothing set there?19:30
* BUGabundo checks19:30
ftaasac, -g dumps the env so it's in the bug report ;)19:30
BUGabundo# /usr/bin/chromium-browser19:30
BUGabundonohting else19:30
BUGabundoisntalling dgb packages19:31
asacfta: how would enabling plugins work?19:31
BUGabundoAfter this operation, 314MB of additional disk space will be used.19:31
BUGabundona na na19:31
BUGabundotoooo heavy19:31
asacthere were a few at sprint that had random crashes on startup with plugins and i told them to disable plugins and it helped19:31
asac(remembered that you said its stil unstable)19:32
ftathat's why you need to file bugs, or star existing bugs to raise their priorities19:32
asacyou said it was known and worked on19:36
asaci dont even know how to enable plugins19:36
ftait's in the startup page19:37
asacyou should add a comment to default ;)19:38
asacaka example19:38
asacfta: so i think we need to dpkg-divert the firefox.desktop thing19:40
asacwith that things look good19:40
ftawell, no. upstream will make it default and drop the flag once it's ready. so users who *really* want it have to add it manually.. and think about the side effects19:41
asaci reinstalled 3.0 and it didnt replace the thing at least19:41
ftathere are tons of similar flags to enough unfinished stuff19:41
asacfta: i think most users that look in default match that description ;)19:41
asacbut ok19:41
asacso i guess filing bugs on not enabled/finished features is actually the wrong thing19:42
BUGabundoI like those tabs that just say "TODO"19:49
BUGabundovery helpful19:49
ftamy -testsuite is unusable in its current form, too many crashes in fakeroot lib, maybe i should just give up and drop it19:57
BUGabundo[61:62:32830675009:ERROR:/build/buildd/chromium-browser-] pipe error on 9: Broken pipe19:58
BUGabundo[9119:9124:33048622077:ERROR:/build/buildd/chromium-browser-] handshake failed; NSS error code -5938, net_error -10719:58
BUGabundo(no debugging symbols found)19:58
BUGabundoshould I worriy?19:58
BUGabundo[9119:9119:31942600122:ERROR:/build/buildd/chromium-browser-] Not implemented reached in void ProfileImpl::CreatePasswordStore()19:58
BUGabundo/usr/lib/gio/modules/libgioremote-volume-monitor.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS6419:58
BUGabundoFailed to load module: /usr/lib/gio/modules/libgioremote-volume-monitor.so19:58
BUGabundo/usr/lib/gio/modules/libgiogconf.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS6419:58
BUGabundoFailed to load module: /usr/lib/gio/modules/libgiogconf.so19:58
BUGabundo/usr/lib/gio/modules/libgvfsdbus.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS6419:58
BUGabundoFailed to load module: /usr/lib/gio/modules/libgvfsdbus.so19:58
ftadebugging ia32 nss on amd64 is a pain19:59
ftai hope to shift to real x64 chromium in a few days19:59
asacfta: the crashes dont happen without fakeroot?19:59
asacthen its a valid testcase crash i would think20:00
ftadebian 53345620:01
ubottuDebian bug 533456 in fakeroot "fakeroot crashes in fts_read()" [Unknown,Closed] http://bugs.debian.org/53345620:01
asacfta: are you building with symbolic-functions?20:02
asacnot that it matters much20:02
asac... just curious for now20:02
ftahm, oh, it stopped crashing20:04
asacwell. it could be thgat you are lucky and the pointer is defaulted to 020:04
asacand not the 0x2fd thing you saw20:04
asac(sorry if the number was wrong)20:05
ftaright i remember, they dropped fts_*() because it doesn't support large files20:05
ftabut there are many failing tests http://launchpadlibrarian.net/30059384/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-i386.chromium-browser_3.0.198.0~svn20090808r22864-0ubuntu1~ucd1_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz20:06
ftasome i should disable20:06
asacfta: what does upstream say about hose failing?20:06
asacare they ok? or doesnt that happen for them?20:07
ftawell, some tests fail for me because of the jailed builders, or missing fonts20:09
asacfta: did you nail down what features you would need from builders?20:11
asacoften builders can get those20:11
asacits just that first everything that isnt obvious gets disabled20:11
ftashared mem, for the StatTable:: tests20:12
asachmm. not sure if there would be secuirty implications20:12
asacmaybe file a bug.20:12
BUGabundoso no reply to me?20:20
BUGabundoguess it doesn't mind then20:20
asacabout what?20:20
BUGabundoasac: scroll back to (07:58:01 PM)20:22
BUGabundonow its (08:22:06 PM)20:22
asacBUGabundo: fta said you are supposed to file a bug iirc20:24
ftaor look for an existing one20:28
rippsfta: I'm creating a metapackage to built with the ppascript, how do I specify what the version is on the archive if there is no orig.tar.gz?20:58
rippsShould I even have an get-orig-source in the rules, or what?21:01
rippsI want to the bzr revison of the debian packaging to be in the packages version string.21:15
ftaripps, i don't understand. is that meta package alone? why not put it in one of your existing source package?21:24
ftaasac, -rw-r--r-- 1 fta fta  79197706 2009-08-09 20:01 chromium-browser_3.0.198.0~svn20090809r22886.orig.tar.gz21:30
rippsfta: hmm.... I suppose I could.21:30
BUGabundoasac: are we going with gnome-bluetooth????21:33
BUGabundofta gdb of chromium just bafled22:00
BUGabundonow what?22:00
BUGabundobt full does nothing22:00
BUGabundo[8:9:40907950730:ERROR:/build/buildd/chromium-browser-] pipe error (9): Connection reset by peer22:06
asacfta: what did you drop?22:09
asacBUGabundo: yes22:09
BUGabundoasac: yes to what? marry me ?22:09
BUGabundooh bt22:10
BUGabundowere we going with blueman 3 weeks ago???22:10
BUGabundoand now its broken too .((22:10
BUGabundolet me change it then22:10
asacyeah bt22:10
BUGabundojust spammed it to the µblog world22:13
BUGabundoand on +122:13
ftaasac, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~chromium-team/chromium-browser/chromium-browser.head/revision/27322:15
BUGabundoasac: so what packages do I need to change?? #bt22:15
BUGabundofta: for future record : how do I debug chromium crashs?22:15
BUGabundoasac: gnome-bluetooth enough ?22:16
ftaBUGabundo, try with --single-process22:17
BUGabundonow I have it running again :(22:19
ftaasac, o3d and native_client will come back at some point, as they want them native (i.e. not as plugins)22:20
fta-rw-r--r-- 1 fta fta 162M 2009-08-09 17:35 o3d_0.1.41.0~svn20090808r22872.orig.tar.gz22:20
fta-rw-r--r-- 1 fta fta  76M 2009-08-09 20:01 chromium-browser_3.0.198.0~svn20090809r22886.orig.tar.gz22:20
asacBUGabundo: install gnome-bluetooth22:26
asacthats it22:26
asacit will remove blueman etc.22:26
BUGabundoI know22:26
BUGabundoalready did22:26
BUGabundobut sometimes some applets are forgoton22:27
asachmm. not sure22:29
asaci guess restarting X would start it22:29
BUGabundoif you aren't, I most sure aint22:29
BUGabundoI'll try that tomorrow22:29
BUGabundodotn want to log out now22:30
ftaBUGabundo, did it work?22:30
BUGabundofta: after the trace, I just quited it and restart the browser22:32
BUGabundonext time I'll run it on single process fta22:33
ftai've updated the debug page23:03
BUGabundofta: link?23:08
BUGabundo(gdb) backtrace23:11
BUGabundobt full didn't work23:11
ftabt f ?23:18
BUGabundowell that's what I usually use to get the trace23:18
BUGabundobacktrace full23:18
BUGabundoshorthand. gotta love lazy devs and their shortcuts23:19
ftaasac, http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/firefox-jerky-scrollbar.ogv23:22
asacregression window?`23:23
ftait's not new23:24
asacguess have to wait for next daily23:27
asachmm. did i drop the autoreg patch?23:27
asacseems it was dropped after upstream applied something23:29
dolskeis there a launchpad (or other web link) to the source for this multisearch thing that was on Slashdot?23:37
* dolske is just curious23:37
asacdolske: there is this: http://www.asoftsite.org/s9y/archives/162-What-is-this-Multisearch-thing-in-my-Firefox-about.html23:38
dolskeyeah, I just wanted to see the actual source. sounds like some fud going around.23:39
asaclet me pack it23:39
asacdolske: i guess folks complained to you?23:40
fta!info harfbuzz23:40
ubottuPackage harfbuzz does not exist in karmic23:40
dolskenope, just saw a link to Slashdot and was curious what it actaually did.23:41
asacdolske: http://people.canonical.com/~asac/tmp/multisearch.tgz23:41
asacdolske: just adds google custom search to all four places ... as we wanted to know how many searches are run from where23:42
asacalso we wanted to know about missing features in custom search in general23:42
* BUGabundo is free. 50% searchs are ran inside pidgin LOL23:43
ftahttp://twitter.com/marcusvbp/statuses/3191495964 grrr23:54

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